' BUSINESS NOTIOES. A. EHBENVD SAYING. There Is:a proverb which declares 1 ; Thatiimari. who cash possessing. I :: :. Gloss all his mind to sordid cares, • !,-• And denies himself each blessing, s t s f ls lige'a donkey grave, who bears ...{ Bags of gold, in weight distressing, ,: And all thR while the hungry brute On thistles Is condemned to feed. . -"': " Bach folly shun, and buy a Emit From Tower Hall, whene'er you need. _Linen Dusters. _. .F Light Cassimere and Goth, Alpaca, Drab d'Bte, Duck cc nd Linen Cock Coats. . - '7. /Vet Cassimere, White and Cbiored Duck Skeleton l'ests. _ . 'Light Cassimere, Whits and Colored .ouve and all 12pctrds of Linen Pants. ' • AU kinds of Seasonable Clothing for Men's, Youth's wear, ~and Boys' in /arge supply, at 17w lowest prices coessifde. ti 1; IMAGINATION. .1 Imagination can do strange things, A Soaring aloft with Lincy's wings ; 7, The waking'dreamer thinks lie sees ccess In his magic reveries— Imagines. himself all right for life, " 'With boundlesi wealth and a charming wife, • Thinks thaf he owns a flowing well, /timing oat more riches than I can tell, • Chr fancies he truly can make the boast: That That amongst all trades he sells the =cat; But imagination need never go To assist the firm of PEBBY dr. Co. . ti Imagination won't help the buyer, , ho fan cies be buys the beat attire— _ But each day caa the solid fact attest The place to be suited with garments best, That the ''STAB" achieves every man's desire 4 To be niress'd in the cuecePiorr and awn attire. ADVERTISE awn ON TBB BACKS or OUR COS- • OARIEENT WE SELL IS • 3PISST ICLASS AZOOMICENDATION. Therein lies the Secret of ;the long continued and still increasing rush to. the '`'SPresi," • Our stock of Ray MAIM CIATEEIZCIG IS -na iICENES. and from it all can be accurately fitted. Piece I l lgoodu of every variety; Cutters of well-known abillty, Sr.d all who leave their measure are sure to be pleased. Tawas Tam LOWBST2N PHILADELPHIA. Call and be ~ sawsited. • STAR CLOTHING EMPORIIIH, LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 609 CHEST& BT., SIGN OF STAR. • PERRY & CO. : ;lIMII . ALBRECHT, - .Ir.s METES & SaInEEDT, lOW' Man u facturers of FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES, . • Ware Boos No. 46 North THLEID street '.., mylB-fm,w-0134 Philadelphia. 1 31EYERBNI.W LT IMPROVED CRES NT SCALE • . OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, ~ Acknowledgei to be the best. London Prize Medal ;Saul Highest Awards in America received. MELO 41DEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. r a•o26w,s,ra•am Warerooms, 722 Arch st., below Bth. 4in... 41 . STEINWAY & BONS' PIANOS ii,-Wrrn Are now acknowledged the best in- TM Illtsulnents in Europe as well as Americl. They are ',,, Used lax public and private, by the greatest artists 4 MI In Europe. by VON BILLOW D.REVSCHOOIC, , ..TAELL and others;in this country by MILLS, " 1111.4.130 N, WOLF:6O3EI:N, etc.. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., Idea Chestnut street. • EVENING BULLETIN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1866. s: JOS' Persons leaving the city for the sum 'mar, and wishing to have the EVENING # TIN sent to them, will please send eir address to the office. Price, by mail, : •• entir-five cents per month. THE COMING FOURTH O f E looke as if Philadelphia was going have a real old-fashioned celebration the Fourth of July. It has been a .neral practice to let the day go by - lhout any interesting ceremonies, and , iisequently a large portion of our peo `e-Wilit on excursions out of town, and lie day was one of the dullest of the Tear. The four years of war gave us, on bne or two occasions, some extraordinary 'excitements. What Philadelphian can ever .forget the 4th of July, 1863, when, after days of agonizing anxiety, came news of General Meade's victory at Get tysburg, and President Lincoln's an nouncement of it flashed over the wires every part of the loyal States. Then here was an impromptu celebration, in which the whole people participated. The days of battle are gone by, we ust forever; but in the celebration of next Wednesday, we shall be reminded of what the country has passed through by the presence of hundreds of the or ; ihans.of fallen heroes, whom the State f Pennsylvania is taking care of and i ucating. Our excellent, true-hearted d patriotic Governor, who organized e system of taking care of the soldiers' phans, will be here, with other State , gnitaries. General Meade will car t Inly be here; and perhaps Lieutenant eneral Grant. Thousands of the living .; -roes,of the war will be here, and the ti signs they bore through so many oody fields, will be solemnly returned the hands of the Governor; whO pre •ltted them to each regiment in the ..ars of war. There will be a good deal `sadness mingled with the ceremonial, t it will be interesting and . inspiring the highest degree. The city government has made a ibferal appropriation for the projer servance of the holiday, and for the ,Trangements for the - reception of the ligs. The money will' not be wasted, it will be returned tenfold and more the citizens by the thousands of whO will be attracted hither from all A" - arters. Our people should be prepared practice the most liberal hospitality, ,' f el as the hotels will probably be over , wded,private houses should be opened the entertainment of the visitors. t each citizen enter with his whole into this celebration, and it will 1 ., ye to be one of the most .interesting p ld memorable in the annals of Phila. phia. . : I' PENNSYLVANI Al MINH BUILDING. Yesterday, in the House ofßepresen : tives, MM. Charles O'Neill presented petition, numerously signed by mer - chants; business men and officers of the ustoms'of this city, asking that the old ' ennsylvania Bank Building, belong jog to the Government, may be altered for the accommodation of the Appraiser's 1 1 1? prime*, and also asking an appro pi: : tion for that purpose. This is a very goo I ' " ove, and it is only right that the. I fa le p .perty which, from an elegant -....lyricism •ntko- the city, was reduced to a 4 .. %wreck by tbe Government, should be zzirestored to a decent condition by the . t l same authority. The ban k property was purchased by the Government during ; *the administration of "'resident Pierce BEITHETT & 00., TOWER HALL, 518 HABKET MUM , with a view to converting it into ti, Post Office. The beautiful garden westof the building, was destroyed, the . western /portico of the structure was removed, and when the property had been pretty thoroughly wrecked, the work was dropped, a new site for the Poet Office having been chosen, and the old bank property has been a ruin and a disgraceful eye-sore ever since, a period of eight or nine years. . The Government has made several efforts to dispose of the preperty, but as the minimum price fixed, $llO,OOO, has never been offered, the property remains on hand: The present Appraiserrs stores atFront and Lombard streets, are rented at a heavy cost from private parties. They are not well adapted to the purposes •to whiCh they are applie, eing limited in extent and deficient in conveni ence. The, old bank operty would afford the requisite faci ties tor the pur pose, and the Government would do wisely to make the proposed use of it. The splendid new structure for the Corn Exchange will soon be erected upon the oppoaite side of Second street, and the citizens of Philadelphia would rejoice to see the present bank property nuisance abated, and the premises restored to de cency and' usefulness without. further delay. FIGHTING EDITORS. Something will have to be_ done with the editorial fire-eaters of Richmond. During the war, fights were common among them; since the close of the great struggle we have had to record several set-tos . among them in the absence of any Yankees to fight, and not very long ago there was a sort of a triangular row in the ancient capitol of . the Old. Dominion, in which there ,was some bad shooting, but some good dodging dor!e, and which had no more serious re sult than the infraction of the dignity of the Legislature, then and there in session, and the knocking of the marble tassel from the cane of the statue of Washington. The latest fracas took place last evening. It is thus pithily reported by the telegraph: "About 7 o'clock this (last) evening, Samuel James, whilst in the private room of H. Rives Pollard,,editor of the Examiner, made some remarks relative to Edward A. Pollard, which led to a collision between the parties. After they were separated, James left the premises,and Pollard having armed himself, went in search of James, but up to this hour has not found him. James is a brother-in-law of Pollard, the Southern hibtorian." This certainly presents a cheerful condition of things, and, the expression that "Pollard armed himself and went in search of James," looks like business. A fatal collision between men under siinilar circumstances would be called wilful murder in the unpoetleal North. In the chivalric South the deliberate killing of James by Pollard, after ample "cooling time," would , probably be deemed a trifling ebullition of warm blood, and an evidence of high-toned, gentlemanly spirit. If -the, - whole edit tonal crew of Richmond would make a Kilkenny cat business of it, and leave nothing of each other but their treason laden files, their vitriol-charged ink stands and their paste-pots, the world would be the gainer by ikalthough pub lic morals might be scandalized. If Richmond editors must fight, they_ might about as well fight each other as fight anybody else. RICH ENOUGH. Two men have been found in one year and one continent who are rich enough. Elias Howe, Jr., is the possessor of a sewing machine patent out of which he has coined a million and a half of dol lars. His patent is about to expire, and he has announced that he shall not ap ply for its renewal, as he has made money enough. The Mayor of Brook lyn, Hon. Samuel M. Booth, has a salary of $3,000, which the Brooklyn Council have just raised to $5,000, and Mayor Booth returns the bill with his veto, with his objections to an increase during his term of office. There is no reason to ap prehend that these shining examples will be very extensively followed; but in the midst of such a "heated term" as the present, it is very refreshing to leara that there are two American citizens who are content with what they have; the one with his little milliop and a half and the other with his modest and doubtless very insufficient stipend of three thousand a year. " Large Sale Beal Estate 1011* July. lfessra, Thomas &tons vial hold a. large sale on the 11th July, including a number of estates by order of Orphans' Court. See pamphlet catologue and auction column. • They have added to their private sale list a very de sirable residence, Spruce west of six teenth street. Auction Plotlee—Sale of Boots and Shoes. The early attention of the trade Is called to the large and da.irable pale of 1.100 CORP. }tont* , and Shoes, to be sold by catalogue, for cash,lo-morrow (Thursday) mornirk, June 28, commencing at 10 o'clock, by Philip Ford & Co., Auctioneers, at their store, No. Market atzr:.:t, JOHN CRUMP. BUILDER. NM CHESTNUT STREET and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for I - ousebuild• Mg and fitting promptly furnished, ja&emS RAVEI 4 I & BACON PIANOS. me i Theae Leanttful Instruments have tanked among the BEST for nearly 40 years. apes-nAm,t! J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. STATIONERY—LETTERS, OAP AND NOTE PAPEIts._ ENVELOPE% BLANK selling and every revisit* in the Stationery line, sealing at the lowestaignree at J. B. DOWNERS'S Stationery Store, rdsiZitrPi Eighth street, two doors above Walnut abSUMMER STYLE HATS.—WARBURTON, 480 OHIET.NUT Street, next door to the Post Office. N. B. Nowhere else can the.urchaser obtain greater value for hla money. mY2WY7I ___ _ M NEW STYLES OF STRAW HATS 044 ale° the Mackinaw and Panama Hate THEO. H. HOOALGA, At his old established HAT AND OAP - EMPORIUM, • • 804 Chestnut street. Jel3-lizi/ HARRY B. IicCALLA.HA.TTER, INFORMS HIS numerous friends sad customers that have not yet been deceived by the new occupants of the store he established OHEbTNIIT Street, above EIGHTH, that be Is in no way coanected with it, notwithstanding their numerous misrepresentations to that effect, to sell to his customers. but that he can be found at 0 Mc- CALLA 13 New Hat Store, No. 613 OHEsTNOT Street, third door above New BULLETIN Office. where he can offer them better bargains and larger stock to select• from. • jtSTRAW HATS AND 131:13LICER U 379.-5,000 of th t g a neickat style Rata, at prices • 25 per cent.. Suwe. 613 CR 175 e 1t174 e street, t ralja v ii t 4 BIILLITIN Office THE DAILY KVENING BULLETIN.: AerVITANANAMEM & BROWN, SirWANANASER & BROWN, agrWANAmerma & BROWN, SirIVA.NAMARER & BROWN, Hearnstana Orkwirme.liat BANDSMEN CLVEMBO.IIAII HANDSOME (hcerzase. - lEli, srar'SowEer Paicas. sorLOWNST PRIORS, .11r1rLOWEST PRICES. airLOWNST PRIOR. BUST Asscarnamarr.-al BEST At3SORT/dENT.IM BEST ASSORTMENT.Ift BEST. ASSOILTMENT.IaI BB • IINEXCEPTIONABLE PITS. JarIINEXCEITTIONAILLE FITS. /Or lIN EXCEPTION/LIME FITS. IfirMszucczeTioNeszan Fria. - Tire PEofts2 Prizeforwlill THE PEOPLE PLEASEXVIE4I TEE PEPPER PLEASED.IOII. THE PEOPLE PLEASED., a-OAK BALL. OAH Hers.. NOAH 14 . +rm. .11a - o.air HALL. • • B. H. COHNEH SIXTH AND Mum". Err B. E. cosaucauSisra ANDISARHsT 8113."Vil 8. B. COHNXB'SLXTE AND BfARIC.XT BT8:1011 S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND 1114.1tICIIT STS.IOIII 4 McCALLA'S 'NEW HAT STOBE, No. 613 CHESTNUT Street.—Every hat half the lowest price marked on stock plain figures. Call and examine the immense and get a bargain. - - .44 STRAW BATS RETAILED AT WHOLE sale prices. Biggest assortment In this town, at McCALLA'S New Bat Store, 613 DEERBTNUT street.ures Every article has price marked on in plain fig. 4 STRAW AND SIINMER HATS.—Eiggest stock, biggest variety. and lowest prides in this city, at McCA.LLA.'S New Hat Store. 613 CREST. NUT street, third door above New Boman= Office. Yon can save from 50 cents to $1 on a single article. • A :4: •:. _I f4_ :4 • z z z4i •• : :47 • THANKS to his numerous friends and cuAtomu who havefollowed him from Chestnut., above Eighth, (4 whi he had sole charge , and informs them tha he can now sell them Hats and Caps 25 per cent. le:. •j: PRICES ILEMICIED.—A rare chance; obtain at small cast pleasing and satisfactory Photographic Likenesses, at F. REIMER'S Gallery, 624 Arch at. Every variety of style made. A CARPET SWEEPING 3LAOHINE, by taking 11 nn the dust as fast as It sweetie, does not grind it Into the carpet like a broom. It therefore saves your carpet and your time. Sold by TRUM A N & SHAW, No 835 (flight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. a FOR III—CARTES DE VISITE.— Call at REX () BIER'S, Second street, above Oren , when you wish geed Pictures of yourself of tab style.. Every variety made, sure to please. THE. TIGICTEST BIND OF A SQUEEZE Is given wiiboot injury to the clothing by those labor, time and clothes -6 avir g affairs called Patent Clothes Wringing Machines. Several of the roost approved patterns are fsr sale at the Hardware Chore or TRU MAN & r HAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-IWe) Market street, below Ninth. SIIPERB STY.T.T'S PORTRAITS.—Tou must see to reelas tree wonderful accuracy of features. expret ton and coloring attained by those lite size 011-colored Pty,t( gra' hs by : 624 Arab street. TF SEVEN PERSONS sit down to shell Peas or J. Ite,ns you, with one of the Patent Shelling Ma. wines, can do as mnch and as well as all of them. 't bey cost lrom la to $6 each. A. liberal discount to dealers by the manufacturer's agents. TROMA...N & , kIAW. No. 335 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHLLADELPHIA.—Estate 01 WILLIAM T. MASON, deceased. The Auditor ap• printed by the Court to audit, settle and adJast the sc. count of Wm. H. Dickson and John Taxis, adminis trators of the estate of Wm. T. Mason, deceased, and to report diatribulon or the balance in the hands of said accountant, will bold a final meeting for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY July 9th. ISte. at is o'clock A.M.. at his office, No. = North Elfuasti in the city of Philadelphia. GEO. W, THORN, jo.7.w.fois,6t* And:tor. TO 1101:1REEP_RPERS, for cleaning silver and lailver-pliited ware, aZiEWPOLIe43ING POWDER, 'te best ever made. F- : • &RR. :g • . feta ,••• :A , . , .t IC: 4 •.- • i,i.,4+. VOIR SALE.—To Shippers, Grocers, Hotel-Reepers IP and others—A very superior lot of Champagne Cider, by the barrel or dozen. - P. J. JORDAN, - noli.rptf =Pear street. below Third and Walnut. TTCOP SKIRT IifANUFAOTORY.—Hoop 'Aids IA and Corsets ready made and made to order Inc ranted of the bat materials. Also. Skirts repaired. MR-Q. E. BAYLEY, Jen-3mm 812 Vine street, above Eighth. HAILIIIEON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM BOII,BIL—The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam Is confidently called to this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages In absolute safety from explosion. in cheapness of that cost and cost ofrepairs in economy of luel. facility of cleanicg and transportation. not possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler Is formed of a combination of cast iron hollow 'spheres, each sphere Inches external diameter, and •an inch taick. These are he'd together by wrought -iron bolts, with caps at the ends. About two hundred of these boilers are now in operation. some of them in the beat establishments in this city. For descriptive circrlars or price, apply to JOSEPH IIARBISON, Jet., Harrison Boiler Works. Gray% Ferry Road. adjoining the 11. S. Arsenal, Philadel. phi& e7-2.mrp/ FITLXR, WEAVER & CO., L:2 Manufacturers or MANILA. AID TA RR .1 1 COADAGE, Cords, Twines, &c., No, 23 North Water street, and No. 22 - North Delaware avenue, Fhßadelptila, Enwm H. Frrumt. ISLICILUCL WrAvirs. CONRAD F. Cturrarza. ISAAC NATHA2tBI, Auctioneer and Money Broker, I. N. E. corner of Third and .!pruct- streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS 13 Principal Office, established for the last forty years, Money to loan in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry. Clothing, and goods of . every description. Office bourn from 8 A.., M. till 7 P - d4.frut ARM:NO WITH INDELIBLE INK, Emit - bidet; M ing, Braiding, Stamping, ac. IL A. TORREY. lento Filbert street. TINE F.RFISCH MANTEL CLOCKI9.—dt fresh rtatKEEPE ien of beautiful WAN, Warranted correct Ihi~RS. FARR & BROTHERS, Iniporters, a 24 Chestnut street. below Fourth. PO AMATEURS OF PURE WINES -1 We offer for sale the following Clarets and Wines: ht. Christoly (Medan) Oates de Veldelals. Bordeaux. Cbateanneuf, Old Burgundi, Cotes de Rhone, Red Wines. Also the following White Wines: Graves's Superior Sauterne fin, etc. RESIIL VON & CO., - . N 9.219 North Fourth street, Corner of Branch. We do not otter lbr sale any Wine that we do not Irn. port ourselves. je9 s,w•Btd 100 DlUMenßliogingeTo.") }curet.' 100 dozen obateanneuf. 100 dozen Sauterne fin. 1 White Wince. 100 dozen Graves SupPrlor. For ettle by = REELIEGION & 00.. je9.0&w.19/ No. 219 North Fourth street. GRAY HAIR RESTORED WITHOUT DYEING.- MARAS TRH HAIR. SOFT. GLOSSY. LUXHI RIANT. GORES DANDRUFF. ITCHING, ALL SCALP. DISEASE. 1,5 A rrn-ci THE HAIR GROW. THICK AND STRONG. "London Hair Color-Restorer." The moat "London Hair-Color Restorer.". "London Hair Color Restorer." \ Reliable Hair "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." RnsToRATTvn "London Hair Color Restorer." "Londun Hair Color Restorer." Ever Introduce "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Honorer." to the "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." American "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." People, "London Hair Color Iteorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." For Restoring . "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Co'or Restorer." - Gray Hair and "London Hair Color Restorer" "London Hair Color Restorer." Preventing "London Hair Color Restorer." • "London Hair Color Restorer." Baldness. "London Hair Color Rem orer." "London Hair Color Restorer." The great "London Hair Color Restorer." <"London Hair Color Restorer." • Luxury of "London Hair Color Wsto:er." "London Hair Color Restorer." The Dressing. "London Hair Color Restorer: , - Room. "London Hair Color Restorer." No washing or preparation beibre or after its use: ap plied by the hand or soft brush. myl9 m,w,tf Only M cents a bottle. six bottles 14. Sold at Dr. WAYNE'S, No. SW North Sixth street, above Vine and all the leading Fr:waists and Fancy Goods Dealers • .::•• J. L. CAPEN, PHRENOLOGIST. Successor to Fowler, Wells & Co., gives • t written and verbal descriptions of Character l ab : with Charts, daily at ranam.w.s.smro 1 . . No. S 5 Ei. TENTH Street. WATCHEt 4 , CLOCKS AND JEWELRY re ." paired and warantattl i eratat e nee. at : _l i t- DP] P. N. cor. Arch and Tenth etieeta FMB WATT, .11DWELRY, eta., a coin 41/; PleteliallOrtment at recently reduced ri THtcx ces. ' FARB. B Importers of Watches, eta. - - Chestnut street. below lout& NEREWILT : • a tt ent i on to 0 nosaviticent assortment of =Wier PIANOS. MITII which we always have on Lnand, and oder them at very reasonable prices to psytabasers. Beet of references and TULL GUARA.NTEN Invariably Ci r t e lt i D Y MON PIANO mAzarirs • LNG 00 -pm. :a- • e : ,11 :tia; EL&T,guRN. mg see D NCiaBNorth . I. l4reet, above Mute& '‘, PHILADELPHIA, nDNESDAY, JUNE 27,1866. SABINE ; DUY & HOLLINSHEAD, AGENTS, No. 280 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION MASSASOIT I.NbURANCE CO, OF Springfield, Mass., on the let Day of jaianary, 1866, Capital Stook, 2,000 SHARES, ALL PAID IN CASH, $200,000'00., Cash on hand.— . 1941 59 Cash in Agawam Bali 6,80210 Cash In hands of agents-.......... 11,196 61 loans secured by ant mortgaxe, on which - there is less that one years' interest due and owing 45,700 00 Loans on which batereet has not beenpaid within a year.. 2,380 00 Bank. Railroad and United titatesStockir 161,642 25 Loans on collateral security...... 2,000 00 Interest accrued bat not due 3,460 90 All other property of the Company 1,341 48 LIABILITIES.CIaims f orr losses in suit or contested..—. . $1,500 CO Losses paid during the year .1.141:687 81 Losses during theyear not aettled..—.— ...... 1.4,851 88 INCOXE: Cash premiums received...---- ..... $153,996 51 Premiums *earned—. ..134 69 / 27 Interest on investment received.... . . 14 333 21 Income received from otter 11,213 SS • • - EXPENDITURES. , Losses paid during the year $145 7'M 12 Amount paid before 1,449 91 Amount of return PM:WM= 7,561 50 Dividends paid during the year.....— 16,000 00 Erpenses paid, including, commission and fees to sgentkand officers of the Company 23,637 20 Taxes pain by the company 8,533 96 All other expenses and expenditures... 11,678 94 W. CHAPIN, President. SANFORD J. HALL, Secretary. . BADINIC, BUY &HOLUM:IUD, AGKEITS, No. 230 Walnut Stralbt, 1e2531rpl PHILADELPHIA. A CARD. &a Special notice to our old friends and the public gen erall JONES'e• be One-Price Clothing House, established slxtetn years ago, Is still In successful operation at the old location, 604 MARE ET Street, one door above sixth. and has not changed Its place or manner of do ing bosinms, which is exactly the same good old plan In operation for many years, namely—"OneTPrice and no deviation." The Clothing we make is of the most Bute mullet character, both as to materials and work manship. so that our customers never can complain of either. Our stOck is large and plain or fashionable ppeeoopple can be wall suited Our customers should be rarethl to get to the right place, as there is no other establish me i mt In the city in our line of business Meetly 'one. prce." JONES' 'ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, 004 MARKET . InySta-lict ip ONE DOOR ABOVE 81X173. PATENT WIREWORK WOE P.A.MINGB. &TORE FRONTS, 0110 EDS, PARTITIONS, 460 IBON BEDSTEADS AND WIRE WORE to variety. mannilict=ed by M. WALKER & BONS, zobillm (p 1 NO. U NORTH SIXTH Street. WANTED • PIO PER MONTH paid to Agents, to introduce our new $l5. tlB and ipn Sewing Macnines, Ketcham's Pat. cut. Address, with stamp, MONALNOCK SEWING MACHINE CO., Winchandon, Masa., or Philadelphia, Pa. lea3m rn. SUITS OF ROSEWOOD PARLOR FURNITURE. GEeo. J. klenkels, jet -1 m rpf Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. DEPOT FOR WINDOW SHADES. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, WINDOW CURTAIN AND SHADE STORE, No. 1008 Chestnut Street,, Are nowprepared to put up in town or country, at the shortest notice, all the usual widths and styles of Plain, Oiled, Gilt Border or Pancy Window Shades, tZr id , "risl fl u d grolg a .r . i n n °I LI! Man- Dwellings. store:. . Churches, or other PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Telsfmw tfrp AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. AMF RICAN TEA. • COMPANY. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. IMPORTERS OF TEAS, Have taken the store • No. 932 ARCH Street, 93.? ARCH Street, 932 ARCH Street. ' Chapman's former store, Where they have opened an Immense stock of the purest TEAS, COPrnES AND SPICES, TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES, • Which they twill se) at the very lowest market prices, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WHOLESALE AN I) RETAIL, Ohly the best and purest ;mods sold. ' TA RE 'NOTICE. POSITIVELY NO MISREPRESENTATION of an article under any circumstance. ALL OUR COFFEES ROASTED without Water. lard or grease. _ The best 11 and $1 25 oblong Teas In the country- Try the 'll , a Mixture of the American Tea Company, the mostdelicions in the cotintry, at $1 95 cents. The very beat uncolored JapantseTeaa, at $1 23 and $1 50. The best and purest, roasted Rio Coffee, at 80 cents; the very best imported, 35 cents. The best and purest Laguayra, Java and Jamaica ColDe In the cour try. Orders received and sent free to all parts of the city and country. THErAMERICAI3 TEA COMPANY. je2815,m,w6t - 932 ARCH Street. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LO_ANED UPON DIAMONDS wApoEurs JuW.FAL. RY, PLATE. CLOTATINO, drn., sti • r i p o 70N MA & CO.'S L.15-ESTABLISHED LOAMOIFFION, Corner of THIRD and GAEINTLT, Streets,; .. _ Below Lombard. . • - O N. . N. B. .- Am DiAMONLI3, WATCUIES, --- ntrinatalri ! ' • ' POE siva .A.r . : . - . prat* inTt a nLT • WW PNloEra t jeaMail OF THE r 38,814 92 •16,34 83 "FIRST OF THE SEASON." New Smoked and Spiced • SALMON. DAVIS & RICHARDS, Arch and Tenth Streets ie2Nra rPi Flags! Flags!! Flags! ! ! Lanterns. s - " Lanterns. Lanterns. The best and cheapest place In the pity to get PLAGS of every deacriptlon Is at 49 Eolith Third Stieet, Je27-6t rp Second Story. • Pourt hof July 18430. THE GREAT FLAG DEPOT - M 3 AT No. 418 AII,OII.BTREET, pnThADimplim WILSON tic HUTCHINSON, to Emile, Haman & C 0.,) Jet-ImIT FIREWORKS IN GREAT VARIETY. FOR SALE AT ItANITFACTURERW PRICES. A. R. FRANCISCUS & CO., '513 MARKET STREET, AND 510 COMMERCE STREET. • GOODS ORDERED DIRECT FROM FACTORY. ,No orders accepted after July I st. n193:1 FLAGS ! FLAGS ! Plaga of all Descriptions AT lICORS'IMANN'S MILITARY DEPOT, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. Jeatiana EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut 'street, Philo,- delphia. James S. Earle & Sows, Importers, -Manufae- turers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in. Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings. Fine Engravings; Photographs, Picture Frames, Rogers' Groups. A large Free Gal lery of Oil Paintings, 816 Chestnut St i reet. jes.4p PUCE 1_,A.1=t139 Warranted Free from Water ALSO, Butter, Cheese, Pc;rk, Smoked Beef, Shouldem, FINE 11A.MIS s &c. FOR RAMC BY WILLIAM MOLAND & SON, ins lm nal CHIMTNIIT STREET WHARF. ARE YOU GOING TO NEWPORT? Are y on going to Sharon? Are you going to .tustoga? Are you going to Long Branch! Are you going to Cape May? Are you going to Atlantic City? Are you going to Europe? Are you going to is rhoaLs? Are you going to Niagara? Do you travel South? Do you travel Southwest? Do you travel Weal? Supply yourself before leaving with 'Needles' Compound Camphor Trochee." No tourist or traveler should be without theta, for they area reliable, safe and agreeable remedy for ail affect it xis of the Bowels Incident to summer prompt ly torrent disturbance caused by change of water and climate. Tbey are positively indispensab e through a Choleraic sesarn, controling 41th surpris ing certainty, the Diarrhoea cenditiorf preceding Cholera. - For sale by Druggists. 500. per Box. ~ Exclusive maker (covered by law). C. It. ED LES, Je224trp Twelfth and Race streets,' T! iladelphla, Large and Desirable Residence, IN WEST GREEN STREET, A SHOETDDRIEN . FROM BROAD fra FOR BALE WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PRICE 51.2,200. ADDRESS, S. M. R., .1e22-1m 4p* AT THIS OFFICH WALNUT CHAMBER. SUITS, IN OIL OR POLIBEIRD. G-eo. I - lextlx.elsi rp Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. JORDAN'S. CELEBRATED TONIC • AlY.....—The truly healtbibl and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invalida and others—haa established a character for quality of material and parity of mann. facture, which stands. unrivaled. It bi recommended by phypiciana of this and other places as a superior tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical (Ills great merit.: To be had, wholesale and retan,of P. J. 011 ADAN, 220 Pear street. RETAIL DRY COWDEN imrpoivrAagoirr 'TO LINEN BUYERS. THE NEW TARIFF. The NEW TARIFF will greatly increase the &at of all kinds of .Linen Goods. Linen Buyers will act , chase wisely by embracing the present opportnnit7 tts pun- Linen Goods at Old Prices, BESBESTT STITCHED S 'IRISH SWIRT HIRT BOS•TNG LTNEN OM S S. BEAT LINEN AHEETINGS. ALL WIDTHS.. PILLOW AND BOLSTER CABIN:GS, TABLE LENENA BY THE. YARD. TA RYE CLOTHS. A L SIZES. NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. Ti.WELINGs. a la, BINDS. BORDERED T WELS, GREAT VAILIET , r... ]BIRD BYE DIA PuR4. • NURSERY DI PERS. • LINEN LAWNS AND nt3II I 3RICS. LiNs N LINENSND DIRIE.4. BLOUSE AND COATINGS. BROWN Lll EN HOLLANDS. • LINEN. FT RISITI'RE HOLLANDS. • STAR CRASH S. CRrii&B CLO ill DAMASKS. LINEN OA MBRIn DRESsES. TRA VELD'. G D KESS LINEN. LADIES LINEN HAN-DE ERMINES. GENTS LINEN. HANDKE.RCIDEFEI_. BOYS'AND MISSES HANDREROEUNIPS. SH - Hotelastid steamboats supplied with linen fa IBILL-OBTEBS' PACEAGE 111.101143. MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, .S2S Arch Street. se.27thanlza aa , ~ • 46 ... A • 4 N- ~- e v . k . ~.. Fourth and Arch ARE NOW OFFERING A FULL LINE OP Bummer Shawls, Pure White Shetlands. 1 Pure White Barege. Pure White Llama. Bleck Lsee Points Grenadine Shawls. MARKET. Aft --w 419 44 NINTH. 1t y 41114 ti* NO ADVANCE As yet in our prices—a great one may soon be once sinned by th.. rise In gold and the new protective tax= buy now and save money. 37 cent Black and White Lego. 25 cent beat Wrapper Prints.. Black Alpacas, low. . Plain and Printed Percales,. 50 cent Plain NainsoOks. 75 cent Large Plaid,Nainsookr. 75 cent White Pique. $1 25 White Shirred kaolin. $2 50 .All Linea Napkini. Heaviest Linen Duck for Pants. Nen's Wear at Wholesale. SPIZMWI SHETLAND SHAWLS.. Shetland Shawls $3 50. Shetland Shawls $4. Shetland Shawls $5. Sea Side Shawls $6 to sic). J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO.. N. W. Corner Eighth and Market; leietoSysrp EDWIN HALL & CO 28 S. Second at., WILL OFFER TO-DAY,;, ONE.THOUSAND • - • SHETLAND SHAWLS , At $5 • Apiece. The same thatme have bemsellln g"at, aix.Dollarit. 8.--Tliese Shawls are the beat imitation of tke. real Shetland ehawl ever produced. ' loMmorati LINEN LAWNS. 100• Pieces Linen Lawns at 35c. 100 Pieces Organdy Lawns at 25% 50 riecesFine White Pigne at 65% 300 Pieces Plain and Plaid Muslin% , . J * . C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO, N. *._ Corner Mark ed;. Eighth and Jel6 toiYbrP AllElo GAUZE 'UNDERGARMENTS, 0/ 10 " • 1115 CARTWRIGHI'S A 'WARNER'S - 1 0. SOFEWOR MAXI/ • We have a ver lark auortment of these VERY SUP,ERiOR GOODS, • FOR LADIkS', CHILDREN'S AND GENDLEI. HEN'S WEAR. We have also a large assortment of HOSIERY, Of English aud German manufactures, in medium. and superior qualities. - OUR STOCK. IS HOSIERY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY, 7. W. HOFMANN, No. 9 Nurth Eighth street.' je27 4trpo FOURTH OF „HMV EXCITRSION EiNI!TIM TICILETs Will be sold between ell po,nie on e Phliada. liPadi up: it. 14. and Reancheit at :Reduced itaten, from Jul, Ed to 7th. tootoßive. G. A. 1.110 JECT-6t; 13uPlr
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