uxth CONGRESS- FIRST SESSION, LOLOBE OF 'YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.] SENATE.—The reading of the Tax bill and concurrence in the amendments of the :Finance Committee having been concluded, the bill was opened to new amendments. Several amendments were concurred in. Mr. Fessenden offered an amendment that no suits shall be maintained inany court for the recovery of any tax alleged to have been erroneously or illegally assessed or -collected, until an appeal shall have been duly made to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Agreed to. Mr. Trumbull offered an amendment to - tax shoddy wool, manufactured from old •cloth, five cents per pound. The amendment was adopted. 41r. Harris (N. Y.) offered the following amendment to the section in regard to bank circulation " And provided further, That the provi sions of this act shall not apply to any bank • or banking institution, or corporation,whose nhartlar had expired, and whose affairs were in a state of liquidation at the time the act of June 30,1864, took effect." Adopted. - Mr. Sprague (R. I.) offeredan amendment to add to the free list, "Flax and the manu factures therefrom." Adopted. The bill was then taken out of Committee -of the Whole into the Senate. Mr. Shetinan moved to strike out the fal lowing provision: That section six of the act of March 3d, 1866, entitled "An sot to provide internal _revenue to support the Government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes," approved Jan. 30th, 11364, be :amended by striking out all 'Ater the enact ing clause, and inserting in lien thereof the following—That every National banking •-•ltatochition, State bank, or State banking association, shall pays tax of ten per centum on the amount of notes of any person, State bank or State banking association, used for circulation and paid nut by them after the 51;rirst day of July, 1867; and such tax shall be assessed and paid in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. ' Mr. Sherman (Ohio) subsequently modi fied his amendment so as to leave the above :section in the bill, but to substitute Ist JiAy, 1866, for Ist August; 1867. Adopted. IlEr: - Edmunds., (Vt.) moved to change the - tax on cotton from two cents to three cents per pound. Disagreed to—yeas 6, nays 20. H Messrs. Chandler, Edmunds, owe, Po-. land, Trumbull and Wade voted in the :affirmative. The bill was then read the third time and passed. The Senate, at 6 o'clock, adjourned. HOUSE.—Mr. Upson, from the Committee -on Elections, made a report in the case of 'Boyd against Kelso, from the Fourth Con gressional District of Missouri, closing with a resolution . that Mr. Kelso, the sitting _member, is entitled to retain Ins seat.. Laid -an the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hale offered a resolution in reference to the case of Dorrance Atwater, late a pri vate in the 'United States army, and pri soner at Andersonville, where he was de tained to keep the death record and secured the only complete list of the dead; who subsequently sold a copy of the same to the War Department for $3OO and a clerkship, --and who was afterwards tried by court martial, convicted, sentenced, and impri -soned en the charge of larceny for having _repossessed himself of his own property, instructing the Committee on Military Af fairs to inquire into the testimony, findings . and sentence of such court-martial: whether _injustice has been done to Atwater, which - ought to be redressed, and whether certiffn -officers of the army have been guilty of op pression,oruelty, injustice or other conduct umbeeoming officers and gentlemen—the •Committee to have power to send for per sons and papers. After a statement by Mr. Hale, reflecting severely on some army officials for their conduct in the matter, the .resolution was adopted. Mr; Hogan asked leave to offer a resolu tion requesting the President to inform the House whether any steps have been taken by the Executive Department to interpose - its good offices with the Government of -Great Britain or that of Canada, directly, for the release of those persona arrested in -Canada during the late troubles along the border. Mr. Banks stated hehad reason to believe that steps had been taken on the subject, --and he therefore thought that the inquiry eheuld be deferred a few days longer. Mr. Schenck. (Ohio) introduced a joint re .selution amendatory of that approved June 15, 1866, respecting bounties to colored sol diers, by striking out the words, •`at the time of his enlititment," referring to the =freedom of the colored soldier. He explained how these words, which got into the joint resoluti4n through mistake, defeated its ob _ ject. He also availed himself of the oppor amity to insert sections to protect the col ered soldiers from the extortions of claim -agents. The joint resolution was read three times .-and passed. The Speaker presented a message from President in answer to the House resolution •of June 18th, calling for information in rela to the arrest and imprisonment, in Ireland, -of American citizens, with a report from , 'Secretary Stanton on the same. The message and accompanying docu ments were referred to the Committee on _Foreign Affairs. Mr. Stevens (Pa.), from the Committee on Appropriation, reported back the Senate -amendments o the army appropriation bill. The first amendment reducing the appro priation for contingencies of the army from 4250,000 to $lOO,OOO, was concurred in. The second amendment, striking from the a bill the proviso that no money should be paid to the Illinois Central Railroad Com pany for transportation of troops, was non =concurred in. The third amendment, appropriating :4146,000 for the erection of fire-proof build ings at Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia, as --.-storehouses for Government property, was non-concurred in; The fourth amendment, appropriating 46,926,450 for the Freedmen's Bureau, for -next fiscal year, was concurred in, with an :amendment, adding on $lB,OOO for tele graphing- The fifth amendment, requiring the quar termaster to give preference, in contracting ;for supplies,to articles of Ameridan produc tion, melon the Pacific ooast,to articles pro -dnced tliere„ was concurred in, with an --amendment striking out that part which _requires the Quartermaster General to accept the lowest responsible bids under advertise ment. The sixth amendment,appropriating $45,- 4)00 for the purchaae of 58 acres of land near Nashvil' le.Tenn.,taken bythe government as -the site of Ft. Morton, was non-concurred in. The seventh amendment, repeating the :17th section of the aet ofJuly 17,1862,t0 define - thepay and emoluments of certain officers of - the army,and repealing a resolution of April -4,1f362, to authorize the President to assign • command of troops in the same field or de :pertinent officers of the same grade, was non-ponctuxed in. The eighth amendment.providing that the ;Superintendent of the Military Academy may be selected from any corps of the ser -vieei mat non-conctirred in. The ninth amendment, repealing the 35th 'section of the act of March 3,1863,f0r enrolling and calling out the national forces, which prohibits the payment of extra duty pay to -erdistedmen,and extending the provisions of tile original law in that respect to the navy rand marine corps, was non-concurred in. The> tenth amendment, increasing the mileage of officers, where transportation in aindis not furnished, to ten cents per tit:tile, was eon-concurred in. On matfett of Mr. Stevens (Pa.),the HOMO insisted cm its disagreement with the Sen ate,and asked for a committee of conference, ' and then, at 3 40 P. M., the House al jounied. The Meg Beeeptio9 on the Fourth or July. HARRISBURG, Pa., June 25.—From the in quiries received from all, parts of the State by the military. authorities here, for infor mation concerning the flag receptions in Philadelphia on the Fourth of July, it is in dicated that the demonstration on the occa sion will be of magnificent proportions, if not the grandest and most imposing specta cle of the kind ever witnessed in the coun try. Governor Curtin desires it to be par ticularly understood that the invitation to participate in those ceremonies. is general and cordial to all commissioned and non commissioned officers and private soldiers of Pennsylvania who participated in the war. If a single veteran soldier is debarred by any misunderstanding o' neglect of those having the details of the arrangement in charge from being present on 'the occasion, the main object of Governor Curtin in lend ing his sanction to the proceedings on the Fourth of July will be defeated. The Governor desires to meet face to face the surviving veterans of those sidendid columns which he sent from the Common wealth to defend the Union, and to repeat with the heroes of the war in the name of the Keystone State, the thanks of a grateful people for their deeds of immortal daring. Celebration of St. John's Day at Harris brg. HABRleStrit% June 25.—The colored masons celebrated St. John's day with a grand procession this afternoon. Delega tions are present from LancaSter, York, Reading and Philadelphia, the latter ac companied by a splendid band of music. BOARD OF TRADE. EDW'D LAFOURCADE, J. PRICE W .wr.IMELELL,}MoN:riu.s Oconarnia. D. C. McCAILMON, - ReporteaftheWellE C ijulthhalletin. LIVBIRPOOL—Steamship silts, Hardie-241 bigots 5 bbis tin N Trotter & Co; 816 boxes tin plates Brown, bhipley 66 Co, 829 belle slit rods A C Roberts; 186 bells steel A M F Watson; 33 ca steel 8 tyres Naylor & CO; 60 bars steel Penna. RR Co; 5 cs mdse 15 cs opium Ho aengarten dr. Sons; 15 do 121 pksts 3 casks =dna Powers & Weightman; 13110 W M Wilson ; • 12 do French MUM & ands Co. Ido G W Vogbi: Ido II Tacker; Ido Wood, Marsh & Hayward; 3 do R Parrish.: 3 pkga machinery Dolan Taylor; 1 do mdse Glenn & CA; 3 do Larourcade Bros & yin; 13'do Brown. Shipley & Co; sdoW H & W ellen; 4do Porter do Booth; 190 ingots tin 5 bbls 10 cka antimony order, 2 pkgs mese J Thompson 0111: Ido Mclistain & Son: 3do James Higgins; 7do R H Watson; 7 do Tilge & Bro; 9 do Van Dusan & Borkner: lido Bennett & Mostin: 9 do J H do W Creighton; I do Laing & Maginnls; 2do W F Read: Ido S Lippincott; 2do Homer. Collady R Co; Ido J H Orne &W: 2do Sheppard. Van Harlingen & Arrison; 1 do Jacob Thomas; 2de H C Lea; 2do H. Cohen; 4do 0 L Sharp less: Ido J S Fisher; Ido I S Williams & Co; 2do J Taylor & Co; 7 do machinery P Watson. Arriesia and m illankn a c alnr alt uemeanStevanera IMPS NEM • POI DAZE Wm. .... .--London.-New York June 6 City of Dublin ................. York June 7 City of New York...Liverp'L-New York.. ...... --Jane 13 Pennsylvanla.-...Liverpool...New York rune 13 Moravian •. ...... ......Tune 14 City ofManchester-Liverp'l...New York..-....--June 15 Bavaria. .Hamburg...Nevr York .June 16 Java .. - .....--LiverpooL-New York June 16 Bosphorus. LiverpooL-Boston&Phila....-June 16 Atalanta.....-,....-...-London...New York.. ..June 16 Ericsson __Bremen...New Y0rk.......---June 20 Bremen... ---Bouthampton...New York ' .June 20 York.-......... June 20 TO DEPART: Scotia-- ..... ---New York... Liverpool ._____Jane 27 Palmyra .New York... Liverpool ----June 27 - Columbia- —New York...Havana.:.-----june 27 Weet'n MeiropoliaN. York... Bremen ----Jane 28 Arizona.......York-Aspinwall ----June 33 City of NewYork...N York...Liverpool....-.---Jane so Lafayette. .New York...Havre.- .June 30 New York--.--New York-Ilremen June 30 Germania. New York-Hamburg. ..... .-.....June 80 Fah Bee ..... --New York-St Jag0....---.......June 80 Caledonia.--....... New York-Glasgow .--..........June 30 The Queen ..New York-LiverpooL • June 30 Moravian— ..... --Quebec—Liverpool .---.....Tune 30 Wm l'enn...--New York... London ... . .... ----July 1 Tarifa. New York.-Liverpool...-...--Jnly 4 China—..- .Boaton-Liverpool-. July 4 ....New York...Havre......___, arm... . fiLiRINE B p;i) :uM.I .) . d;l Z 1 WM RUMS. 4 31 1 Eiint 813141. 7 . 331 HIGH WAT33I, 1 3 rl{:cau:4sl Steamer Alexandria, Allen, 48 hours from Rich mond, via Norfolk, with mdse and passengers to W P Clyde & Co. steamer Mayflower,Robinson,24 hours tromN York, with mdse to WP Clyde & Co. Steamer Geo H Stout, Borden, 36 hours from Wash• Ington, with mdse to W P Clsde &Co. bteamer Black Diamond. Meredith, St hours from New York. with mdse to W 3i Baird .It. Co. Steamer S F Phelps,l3rown,24 hours from New York, with mdse to W W Baird ak Co. Steamer New York, Platt, 24 hours from New York ; with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Bark A Houghton, Barrett, 14 days from Orchilla, with guano to Baker d Folsem. Behr Alfred Hall. Wright. from Gateeville, NC. with shingles to Mershon & Cloud. Schr William. Fletcher, from New York, is ballast to Day, Huddell & Co. Behr Diary Farrow, Condon, from New Haven, in ballast to L Audenried & Co. Tug Chesapeake, Marshall, from Baltimore, with 17 barges to Wm P Clyde & Co. Mai! A 14- .11 YESTEIRDAV • Steamer Norman. Crowell. Boston, H Winsor & Co. bteamer Hay flower,.Robituaon, New York, „W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Geo H Stout, Fort N York,W P Clyde &Co. Steamer Bristol. Charles, New York. W P Clyde & Brg Tempo (Ital), Ruggiero, Cork for orders, S Erßaz- _ ley dt, Co. Brig 1.1.1 en Bernard, Collins, Boston, Rathbun. Stearns S. Co. Schr Sarah .t Matilda, Demarls, Bridgeton,N.l. Borda, Heller & Dinning. Schr William, Fletcher. Boston, Dav, Midden & Co. Schr Mary Farrow, Condon, Providence, L Andenried & Co. ichr Potomac, Conner, Washington, captain. airRIILORANDA Ship Lancaster, I ectm, from Antwerp for N York, was spoken 3d Mat. lat 49, lon 8. E hip Syren, More, cleared at New York yesterday for Honolulu via Bc ston. Steamer Emily E. Sender, Lockwood, at New York yesterday from Charleston. Steamer Westchester, Ingram at New York yester day from Wilmington, DeL Steamer Manhattan. Deaken. cleared at New York yesterday fKangor Havana oo and Vera Cruz. • Steamer ar (Br), Manning, from Liverpool June 9. via Queenstt,wn 10th, at New York yesterday, with 554 passengers. Tune 19, lat 44 40, ion 4626. saw steamer:Edinburg. from New York for LiverpooL Steamer Sheridan. Bolton, from New Orleans June 17. at New York yesterday. Brig Forest State, Shute, cleared at Bangor =tl inst. for this port. Brig Potosi, Coffill, hence at St John, NB. 20th Inst. Brig Jas Baker. Thompson, hence at Bath 22d inst. Brig Anna Wellington, Johnaon, 17 days from Cien fuegos, at New York yesterday. Brig Harry Virden, Collins, from New Orleims for this port,-was seen 20th lost. off Carysfort Reef. Brig El a, Davis, for this port, remained at St Sago de Cuba 7th inst. Bchr Elora, Hale, at Bath 22d inst. from Delaware City. Behr. Jas Neilson, Hackett, from Boston for this port at New - York yesterday. Schr W J Audenried,Hammett, hence at BoatOn 24th instant. • • •• Behr R M Price, Stevens, cleared at Boston 23d lnst.• for this port. _ San 'nos rwibell, Crawford, fbr this port, and Complete, Cornwell, for Wilmington, Del. cleared at Baltimore 23d inst.' Schr Four Sisters, Sheerer, from Fall River for this port at Newport 224 inst. Schr Ella, Richardson, hence at Bangor 22d inst. MARINE MS Bark Winslow, from Philadelphia for Portland, ashore at Muskeget Island, went on durilfg a thick fog. the aea running very heavy. She lies on a sandy bottom, and the sea was breaking over her. If the weather should be favorable ehe may be got off; other wise. she will break in two. as the sand was washing out from under her bow and stern. REFRIGERATORS. SICEICICIIABIL 7I I4 NEW PATENT SELF VENTILATING American Refrigerators. All sizes, at lowest prices. For sale at ISAAC S, WILLIAMS 86 CO 'S Home Furnishing Store, jentlistneti No. 726 MARK.s.T Street. FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, WILLIAM ELLIOTT SEVENTH WARD. lezotf _....] - ...4 ,, J. IX -& R. i l l .1 . Z\T, . Guoomar toGeo. W Gray, .7 , . is, ms, is and: 30 . 0 4.0,, Sixth St ., • 4: FuleOldfitoilinflaowsiles, ....„.. .ae 8 81.• for g: :..'i'74iridldedielf,6l%"' GENTLEMEN OR LAIHES WISHING TO hire Saddle Horses nicely and newly caparl soar and who will be carefhl of them, can be accom modal ed by FREDERICK MAHN, at No. 1132 Wood Street. .141 thstnet* ThIPBRIAL PRIINPI3.-10 easel , 7 M. Canisters, high grade, French Imperial Prunes, landin& and fur sale by JOS. B. BIISSIEB & 00„ 108 South - Delaware 11901110, DAILY E VENING BULLETIN PRILIDELPHIL..TUESDAY; JUNE 26.1866 .IPILTJEtE • LIBERTY WRITE LEAD. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. let. For WEARING and COVERING properties. 2nd. For WHITENESSThandBEADTY of finish. Brd. For UNIFORM FINENESS of grinding. 4th. Ramie Weight will do MORE and BETTER WORE at a given cost than any other. sth. Most ECONOMICAL.White Lead ever introduced. 6th. If you wish to procure as much value as possible for your money and secure handsome and dura ble work, instruct your painter to use PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it and be convinced. LEtitlefaction guaranteed by.the Manufacturers. ZIEGLER & SMITH Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, / 137 North Third• Street, PHILADELPHIA.. je1.4.3m1 COD LIVER OIL (new_madej regularly received in quantities suitable to the trade. ALCOHOL, 95 per cent,tbaest quality in best of pack• iKEINED , CAMPHOR, In Creginnl intekagEn. Ipecac Root,--ipecao powdered; Ipecac, powdered, in 31 Db. bottles; Powdered Calisaye Bark, Powdered Rhn• barb, Powdered S al m) , in bottles , for sale by. JOHN C, BAKER & CO., N0..71S Market street. - BLAIR'S PORE FRUIT SYRUPS Put fa bottles expressly for Families In the country. Otte table spoonful of any of these Syrups added to_aglsss of ice water, makes a most refreshing and della= draught —almost, if not equal to soda water. Orders by mail promptly ans wered. EX, BLAIR'S 80, Apothe caries, Eighth suad Walnut streets, PhiladelpWhia. riAIIitPHOIL—A lot of Camphor for sale by WTI: .l3l.3iiiiifx; l B dr, CIO., Druggists, Ito. 724 and= ,Idarket street. L'XTEACT OP BEEF for, beef tea or Essence of Beef In sickness or for sonps for table use. Made n Elgin, Illinois, by Gail Borden, from the Juices of choice beef and is superior in delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with full dl rections, one dollar each. Irtjumpix,„ ApOttukuiry 1410 Chestnut street. nRITEIGISTEr SUNDIUMS. Ormluatei Mutsu Pill Thes,Contte, 'Brushes, Mirrors, Tweesets,Pw. Somas, Horn Scoops, &nem] Instruments, Timm Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Osseo, elm am Kota ES'Antes, am, all at "First Hands" stem apS-tfi SNOWDEN it BR SS South Eighth Men. T 4 E4 D OBEBT BHOICILLEKR & 00. N. B. 00BNEli o t t Ll FOll7lll AND BADE B , in - W i h i g a e i t: Slaw, White Lead, and Paints of description )irer to the trade, or consumers, a complete stock o met" in their Unit the low EBT sromarkA.Mtel CO. Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. DAY RUM.—Tueli received, an Invoice of fienaln: -LP Imported Bay Rom, for We by the gallon. tu BOBEIIT SHOlrAf aIIEB & 00., Druturiat N. R. au aer Fourth and Baca stream Apy AGNEKA—jenning'a Or.lotned, In Mb. round lnand boxes, al In bottles. Jenning's Ctarbonsde Hag neslaman, In 2 oz. and dos ._ 1 envy Mein& Sfax lynding and for sale by AR.T.M: ELLIS ACal & 00., Pianists, Hanel. and Seventh street. Philadelphia. sell SPECIAL NOTICES. U'UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, (DB PARTAIKNT OF ARTS). he examination of the Junior, Sophomore and Freshman Classes, at the close of the Third Term, will be held in the following order: _ FRIDAY. 22d. From .0 to 12, Juniors, by the Provos; (Moral Philosophy). From tO 2 SlPho mores, by Prot Jackson, (Botta's Rnotish Liesrature), and Freshmen. by Prof: Kendall, (Geometry), written. MONDAY. 25th.' From 10 to 12, .humors, by Prof. Jackson, (Epistles of Horace). From 12 to 2. Sopho mores, by Prof. Frazer, (Chemistry of the Metals), and Freshrnen, by Prof. Allen, (History), written. TUESDAY. 26th. From 10 to 12, jrniors, by Prof. Frazer, (Heat and the &atm Engine). From 12 to Sophom -rex, by Prof. Kendall. (Ancuytical Geometr y ). , and Freshmen, by Prof. Allen, (Greek ,Anthology,) ton Ven. - ::11iii 7 ViEDNESDA.F,TatIa. From 10 to 12:Sophomores, by Prof. Allen. (Prometheus of ..Esabybas). From 12 to Juniors, by Prof Kendall, (Darerentfai Calculus), written. THPESDA.T, =b. From 10 to 12, Ittniors,by Prof. Allen. (Medea of Euripides). From 12 to 2 , &pito more 1,13 y Prof. Jackson. (Cklcs of Horace). FRIDAVMh. From 1010 12, Freshmen, by Prot Jackson, (Satires of Horace). GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary ca' Mc Faculty of Aria. CENTRAL HIGHMOCiL. e- —The examine- ton of applicants for ad misfiled' tnto the Central School, will begin on TBUBSDA.Y. the 28tti day ofJune at 9 A. ZS. Candidates must be residents of the city , of Phila delphia. and for at least one year they must have been pupils in the Public Schools of the city: The order of examination will be as fellows: 'IMMAMAY, Julie 28—Spelling and Grammar. FRIDAY, June 29—Mensuration and Composition. MONDAY. July 2—Parsing. DESDAY. July 13--GeograPhY and History of the United metes. THURSDAY, July s—Etymology and Constitution of the United States. 'FRIDAY, July 6—Arithmetic. N. H. MAGUIRR, jens 4t; Princlpgil. [.*TPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL EROAD COMPANY, OFFICE SOUTH Ft) TH STREET PIULADELP mu., June 111, 1866. DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Transfer - Books of this Company will be closed on Saturday, June 30th, and re opened on Friday, July 13th. 1866. A Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. has been declared on the Preferred and Common Stock, clear of Na tional and State taxes: payable in cash, on and after July 12th. to the holders thereof, as they shall stand registered on the books of the Company, on the 30th instant. All payable at this office. je2.l-im/ S. BRADFORD,Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA JUNE I, 1866.—CAIITION All persons are forbid negotiating the following Stock: Nos. tes, 1,149,1 '2Ls and 1480. of the CLINTON COAL AND IRON COMPANY; No. 244, of the VE NALIGO OIL COMPANY; Nos 537 and 743, of the t ONNECTICUT MINING CO.: Nos. 90 sad 91, of the SHERIDAN OIL CO. of CHERRY RllN,and a receipt for two hundred Shares of the COTTER FARM OIL CO. Stock, No. 598, tn my name, as the same WE* stolen from me on the evening of May 31, 186 G—re issue of the said Stock having been applied for. je2.24t• WILMIAM REUSS. fr" - & -7" r • DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE Of THE OCEAN OIL COMPANY. No. 147 South Fourth street. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER 0.13.. NT., being .tifty cents per share, on the capital stock, payable on and after the td of July next, clear of State tax. _ . Transfer books will close on the 26th, at 3 P. IIL, and reopen on July 3d ' _ • WM. IL CARTER, Treasurer. RECIEJLDA., June 24,1866. . jets 61/ R:CITY OF ALLEGHENY, TREASURER'S OFFICE, JUNE 16th, 1866. • . ice Is hereby given to the holders of the SIX PER CENT. MUNICIPAL BONDS OF ALLEGHENY, that the Coupons on said Bonds coming due July let. 1868, Rill be paid. on said day (leas the State tax), at the Ba NB OF PITTSBURGH. in the City of Pitts burgh. Pa. D. siACFERRON, jelB jyll Treasurer of Allegheuy City. THE PHTLADEDPRIA. WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROADS COMPANY, June 14,1866. • The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT.. clear of Government tax. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after td July next. th 8,tu,90 ALFRED HORNER, Sec'y. 0 CO. F, GRAY RKSERVES.—A meeting of the Company, and Co. F. :T2d Regiment, P. IL. will be held on TUESDAY Evening, June 26th, at the Ar t rnorY, Broad below Race, to complete arrangements t. , r etaradingon Fourth of J nly. All old members of F Invited to be present. , je2s,2t* WATCHES AND JEWELEI LWATI . ,V,WIS LADDrily s, DIAMOND DEALER & JEWELER, WATCHES, JEWELRY je SILVER WAIVE, ORES and JEWELRY, REPAIRED. 802 Chestnut, St.,Phila. Owing to the deoline of Gold, has mans a great reduotion in prim, of hie large and well assorted Diamonds, Watches, jewelry. Silverware, &a. The public are respfictiblly invited to mill and ex amine our stock befbre purchasing elsewhere. Ants •. Second and New eireeta, f, Fliaa myl7•2n DE,1136115. Itook of NEW PUBLICATIONS. "The Giand Addition, to the Geogra,. phy of Inner Africa made by Mr. Baker." Sir Roderick I. liarchison Bert. JUST READY, In One Vol. Bvo. Cloth, Price $6 50, • With Maps, numerous Illustrations engraved on 'Wood, by I. Coocer, from sketches by Mri Baker and and a V., romo-lithogragh Frontispiece of the Great Lake from which the 2q:lle flows; and Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Baker beautifoll,y engraved on Steel, by Jeens, after photographs: • . • • THE ALBERT NYANZA, GREAT BASIN OF THE NILE, Explorations of the mile Sources. BY Samuel White aker , 111.A.F, H.S.& And Gold Nedallhtt of the 'loyal Geographical So:UV. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Priblisherf; PHILADELPHIA. "In the history of the Nile there was 11 void; its sources were a mystery. The Ancients devoted mach attention to this problem; but in Vain. The Emperor Nero sent an expeditlon•nnder the command - of two centurions, as described by Seneca. Even Boman en ergy fatted to break the Spell that guarded these secret fountains. The expkdition sent by Mehemet All. Pasha, the celebrated Viceroy of Egypt, closed a long term of nutmccessitd search. "The work has now been accomplished. Three En gilsh - parties, and only three, have at various periods started upon this obscure mission; each has gained its en• • 'BRITCE wort_the source of the Bine Nile ; Sesure and GIUNT won the Victoria source of the Great White Nile; and Lhave been pesmitted to succeed in com pleting the Nile SCMICI3B by the discovery of the great reservoir of the equatorial waters, the Albert Nyanza, from journeye river issues as the entire White Nile. "The is long, the countries savage there are no ancient histories) to charm the present with memo ries.of the past.. all is wild and brutal, hard and un feeling, devoid of that holy instinct instil .1 by nature into the heart of man—the belief in a Supreme Being. In thatremote wilderness in Central Equatorial Africa are the Sources of the Nile."—Preface. th,f,s,tu,sst4 THE CAPE MAY •'DAILIr Published EVERY MORNING, except Sunday, from June so to September 1,1866, at CAPE ISLAND, New Jersey, is the best advertising medium on the conti nent. It is read by tte thousands who visit Cape May dnr ing the Bathing Season, and who are the largest buy ers and best payers in the country. It is read in Hotels, Steamboats, Railroads, Persi s t) Houses—Everywhere. It gives Hord Arrivals. Telegraphic News, Local Items. ACCOIIII,B of Hops, Balls, and everything occur lug at Cape May. Advertisements inserted from June SO September 1, lass, at Graz DOLLAR PER LINE OF SPACE, the lowest rate of any paper in the country. Twelve lines make an Inch. Suescription Price. r 25 for the Beason. Adoress, S. R. MAGONAGLE, PUBLISHER, jeUtl Cape Island, New Jersey HIRE. GASRTT.T2s Boog IHE GRAY WOMAN, and Other Tales. By Mrs. °stake% author of "Mary Barton," "Craford." "My Lady Ludlow, "Wives and Daughters.""Syl via Lovers," etc. One volume, octavo. Price 2.5 cents. THE ADMERALB DAUGHTER. By Mrs. Marsh. Price '25 cents. SELF -3.0 V. Or, Ttir.,AITERNOON OF 'BINDLE LIFE. A companion to "A Woman'STlv.ughts about omen." In one large duodecimo volume. Price 50 In t apen or s2ln cloth. THE "OFFICIAL REPORT" OF THE TRULL, LIFE AND FNEOuIION OF ANTON PROBST, for the It ORDER OF CHRISTOPHER DEARING. - - . AND THEr WHOLE DF A RING FAMILY. Price 50 cents. THE ORPHANS. By Mrs. Oliphant, author of "Set Sacrifice." Price 50 cents. MAD MONH.TON. By Wilkie Collins. Price 50 cents. OUR MUTUAL riumao. By Charles Dickens. With all the A uthor's Illustrations-Forty in number. Price $1 00 in Paper; or, *5 V) in Cloth; or, in two vol umes, Cloth, with tinted illustrations, $4 00; or a Cheap Railroad edition. bound In cloth. $1 50. THE GOLD BRICK. By hire. Ann 8. Stephens. Author of "Fashion and Famine." Complete in one In cloth large duodecimo volume. Price $l5O in paper, or p, Cordes of any or all of the above popular books will be seat to any one, free of postage, on receipt of prim Address all orders for any books at all, to the Fab- Ushers, Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders. retail or wholesale to T "tN.B:OT: . No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Ps. Books sent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price. ALL NEW BOOKS are at PETEELSONS% je2s NEW MEDICAL BOOKS. LINDSAY at BLAKISTON will publish RRY NOLDS on the DISEASES of the BRAIN and NER VOUS SYSTEM, In one volume octavo. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. CANNIFF'S PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY. BA_RRIS'S PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF DENTAL SURGERY Ninth Edition. TANNERS PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, Fifth Edition. CAZFAU'S OBSTETRICS. Fourth Edition. ANSTIE ON NARCOTICS AND STIMULANTS. RADCLIFF ON EPILEPSY, Ltc. RAI:n.O3I ON CHLOROFORM MEDICAL BOOKS. A full assortment always on hand and for sale at low prices. LINDSAY Lt. BLAIUSTON', Publishers and Booksellers, No. 23 South Sixth street. lUSTISSIIED.—NRW BOOKS.—OBSERVATIONS V ON RECONSTRUCTION. By Henry Flanders, author of "Must the War go on." Pamphlet. Ries HOMO, a survey of the Life and 'Work of Jesus Christ, 1 vol., 12roo. THE MASQUERAD and other Poems. By John G. Saxe. GAI HAMILTON'S NEW BOOK. "SIJMISIER REST."Author of "Country Living and Thinking, &c. 1 vol., MISS AIULOCE'S POEMS. New edition. 1 voL Blue and gold. For sale by TA:lkfrS s. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. &A. Harden, • 608 Chestnut street. A LLEN'S LIFE OF PELLIDOII.—THE LIFE OP A PEILEDOR, Musician and Chess Player. by Geo. Allen, Oreek Profeasor in the university of Pennsyl Chess with a Supplementary Essay on Phihdor, at Chess Author land Chess Player, by IThasille Von Hol debrand and dtcLasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Min later Plenipotentiary of the Bing of Prussia, at the Court of Saxe-WeLmer. • 1 voL. octavo, 5 vellum, top. Price II Si2s. Lately published by E.. - EL BUTIA:11 dc CO., JAmEs .l `,Alcr_ '9Mg`Ttk3.llTl,B4"l".er7. no. COAL. GEC). .A.. COCII4E.E, No. 1314 Washington avenue, invites the attention of the Public to Ms PRESTON COAL, which is an article that gives unbounded tatifr .faction to 'all. My customers generally are laying It in at the present prices, in preference to Tao:RAGE COAL. Egg and Stove sizes at $d 75 per ton. Also the genuine Eagle Vein Coal,. same sizes, same price. A - superior quality of LEHIGH . COAL, Egg and Stove, at $7 50 per ton. Orders received at 114 South THIRD St. -mye-3m} S. MASON MUM. roux. J. WEENL.II..I TZ UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO their ator..k of Buck Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Necf,rotion_Company's Coal, and r Locust Mountain, which they , are prepared to sell at the lowest market rates, and to deliver in the beet condition. Orders left with S. MASON EINES, Frardtlin Intl &de Buildfng, SEVENTH street, below Market, will be promptly attended to. BINEB ELECRABB_ _ sec s • . , • rub Street Wharf, Schuyllrdll. CIOAL.—SUGAB LOAF. BEAVEE MEADOW AND Spring Mountain, Lehigh Coal, and hest Dwain NormUin from Schuylkill. prepared expresely w le tarrAy use, De t, N. W. cornerMlGmum and LOW streets. Mee, No. 112 South SIIDOND street. taker Z. WALTON•.III CO. Al . At DIZ ' I'll •1 Mrs-. it. 323 and 331 South Street, • •"' has a handsome assortment of SPRING Atia, • LINERY; Mimes' and...lnfanta' Rats and Caps, , Sas, Velvets, Crapes; Ribbons, Feathers, Flo mere, Frames. de- BBONS AND TNVINN hreNUNACIIITIMI .10 , =I tor Bale TrrIam,_WEALVER a OCL, {SS North Water street, and IS North Delaware aveaai NVA.VE,'" 137 SoutJa Fourth street. AVIMOII SALES. JAMES A. FIOREMAN AUCTIONEER. Ns, * WALNII I 'I' street. TWFMITEEH SPRING SALE. MINE 27, 1860. This sale. on 'WEDNESDAY, at 19 o'clock noon. at sbe irseb OCKS, snee ill Include the following, viz -. ST LEASING CITY WHARVES, Atc. 5 shares stack Academy of Music—Executors' Sale. 25 shares tichomacker Phut() Forte IliamiLtetarlsg 1 share Mercantile Library. A judgment for seas well secured on lands in Tloga County, Pa. nap Copy orrecord at the auction store. CIT s' WHARVES. Wlll be leased from one to three years— Callowhill street wharf on the river Delaware. Poplar do do do do do - Hsnover do t do do do do Palmer do do do ' do do Walnut do do do do Schuylkill: 1275 shares Allegheny and Walnut Bend 011 Co.• 900 shares Walnut Bend and Cherry lion Oil Co. 200 shares .51C.Aboy and Cherry Run. l oll CO. 10 shares Consumers' Mutual Coal Co. Iif.A.RRIOTT ST—House Marriott at, (No. 7) Second Ward. Orphans' (hurt Sate—Bstate of Marina Ardis, deed. LAND, NEW JERSEY-80 acres of land, near Ta ben2acle Village, about 25 mallet from Camden in Bile rnong townahip, Burlington county. N. J. PROPERTY NO. 308 NEW MARKET ST-A four story brick dwelling. New Market at. above Vine at, with Mx court homes in the rear, 34 by 158 X feet. WO9 _ May remain. Clear. Assignees' &sle. GROUND RENTS-Three ground rents. of •$37 33, $3BBl and 5.36 per annum. (The last irredeemable.) Well secured and punctually paid. Lo'll3, 19TH WARD-Three lota, Cumberland and Adams sts, 19th Ward. la. See handbills. Cirphente Court bale-Estate o 7 Lioerius lose,dec'd , NO. 430 S. THIRD ST-A desirable residen ce,Tbird at, below Pine st, 19% by 64 feet toe four ibet- alley. Clear. *a. Immediate possession.. - FRONT, ABOVE AMBER:-Pronerty, Front, above Amber, 19th Ward, being 18 feet front on both streets, and extending 89 feet deep through. 540 ground rent. Orphans' (burl Hale-Estate of David S. Brown, deed. RESIDENCE; WEST PHIL'A-A new three-story 'brick and stone residence, S. W. corner of Locust and 41st ate, 35 feet on Locust st,, and in depth along 41st at /90 feet.: IS. Keys at the auction store. Immediate possession. NO. 1008 RACE ST-A deairable residence, 21 by 112 feet. Vat. This hohse is in complete order, new back buildings, t:c.c. Clear. - NO 220 N. WATER ST-Property between Race and Vine, 27 feet 4 inches by about 50 feet. .Admints ;region' Sate--Estate of Tan Boyd. deed. NO. 1818 VINE ST-A genteel dwelling corner of Vine andlliaciteon sta. 18S, by 101 feet. In _good order. Admintatrators' Sale-BrtWe of Joseph B. Willtts, decd. BENTON ST-2 dwelllngs,liros. 15 and 17 Benton at, 9th Ward. Bent for Mt each. • 42 AMES, HADDINGTON—A very valuable tract ofabont 42 acres of land. 24th Ward, on the find range of hills west of the Schuylkill. a short distance from the Passenger .11allway- station. The ground 111 very elevated, and commanding a fine prospect of the city, Delaware river and New Jersey. and affords desirab e building sites. Terms at sale. Bale by order of the Court.Of Cbmmon Pleas—Belate of Wm. M. lifaxfleid. •• NO. 933 SOUTH ST—Property 18 by lea-feet to Ben gali at, on which a house is also erected. Clear. Or panne Court Sale—Estate of Samuel Ogden.dee'd: • GROUND RENTS—Two ground rents of *lOO and 119 50 per annum respectively, each well secured and punctually paid. Same Estate. 4TH AND WHARTON STS.—Dwell ng,S. E. corner 16 by 70 feet. Clear. Orphans' Court Satz. Estate of James A. Stewart, decd. 8.2 d ST.—A. three-story brick store and dwelling. Second et., above Wharton,l2 by 65 feet. Clear. Same Estate. BYE ST.—Small dwelling in the rear of the above, on Rye st.. 12 by 35 feet Clear. &t'ne Estate. DWEDLINGS,NOS.I33O,I3I2 AND 1214 MARSHALL ST.-7 hree three-story brick dwellings, with three story back buildings and lots of ground, asmhall street, above Thompson at.. No. 1133,18 by 174 feet it inches, $lO3 ground rent per annum; Nos. = and 1334, each 18 by 14 10 inches. Clear of IncambranCe. )Sold separately. Orphans Court sale—Eatate of ;Amos a Mareerum.,_dee'd. NO. I=7 N. 7TH ST.-A three-story brick dwelling, Seventh, below Master,lB by 174 feet 10 inches. to Mar shall at. 172 ground rent per annum. Same Estates BUILDING LO'IB. 7TH ST-3 Building Lots, 7th at, above Master, the first 18 by 174 feet 10 inches, sst ground rent; the second 18 by 100 feet, 863 ground rent; the third same as second. Same Estate. tnr Handbills, Plans and any other ayarmation may be had at the anctian store. Peremptory Sale on the Premim. Holmeeb HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE AND . THREE ACRES. HOLUESEURO. ON SATURDAY APARRNOON. JUNE 30. 8t 6 o'clock. will be sold without any reserve. on the premisee,the beautiful Country Residence with three sass of land, in the square bounded by Oakland avenue, Mill, Decatur and Cambridge sta. agr The mansion is of everygh cast, 40 by Si feet, with kitchen back;' hasconvenience. On the:property are a stable, coach house, laundry, de. 'The grounds are handsomely laid out—altogether a most attractive property. , • Jar Immediate possession. Plsn at the store. air It will be sold without the slightest limit. - BANK FIREPROOF SAFE AT PRIVATE SALE At Private Sale -A troperior Bank Safe, nearly new about seven feet high inside, with combination locks g-c.. in perfect ruder, made by Farrel & Herring, at a coat of ti. 400. • TO BENT—A handsome double Mansion on Walum street, either furnished or untarnished. Apply at the Auction Store. THOMAS BIRCH & SON. AUCTIONEERS AEI CO2,IMISSION MERCHANTS, No, IUO CHESTNUT meet. Oltearentrance 1107 Seasons street) • HOI7EfvHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DE SCRIFTION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, SA I,Ets EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the most Reasonable Terms. SALE OF *Ea.x. ESTATE, STOCKS, &c., AT TEI EXCHANGE. THOMAS BIRCH & SON respectfully inform theb friends and the public that they are prepared to attend to the sale of Real Estate by ancidon and at privet. sale PUBLIC SALE OF A FEEL*I`..CLASS PHOTO. GRAPHIC ESTABLISAMENT AND STORE • FIXTURES. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. Lush. 27, At 10 o'clock at No. IMO Chestnut street,will be sold— The entire Motor aphic Establishment of J. E. Mc- Clees, compritdrg nrst-class Cameras. cf various sizes: Plates, Tub e s, Camera Boxes. Baths, Backgrounds, hareem Head-rests, Printing Frames, Also, large Copperplate Press. Negatives and Glass, STORE FIXTURKS. Also. handsome Counters, with drawers; large black walnut Show Case, two fine Counter Show Cases, Plate Glass and Silver Mounted;Show Frames,Walnnt Easles, Centre Tables; Carpets Also. balance of Stock. consisting of French and American Gilt, Rosewood arta Walnut Frames, Passe Partouts, Mats, Carte Mounts, Cases, &c. IREPROO kr CHEST. One of Herring's Superior Fireproof Chests. Sale at No. 221 South Ninth Ninth street. BOUSEHDLD FURNITURE, &c. O) LiiWaSDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock. at .No. 221 South Ninth street, will be sold the surplus parlor. chamber and kitchen furni ture of a family removing. SALE OF PAINTINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIMENS. ON THUS SDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, . At 8 o'clock, at N 0.1310 Chestnut st., will be sold— All the Specimen Pictures of Mr. McCiees' Gallery. comprising many Life•sice Portraits of distinguished characters many fine Engravings, and Photographic Reproductions, &c. .. CANAL BOAT TINTON AT AUCTION. ON SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 30. At 11 o'clock, at J. J. Kersey's wharf. Callowhill at, Schuylkill, will pe sold tls= canal boat Union, 110 tons, in first rate condition, having been recently thoroughly rebuilt. VIES & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. (Late with M. Thomas ds Sons.) Store No. 331 Chestnut street. FURNITURE SALES at the Store every. Tnesday. T,ES AT WRATT)ENCES will - eceive particular attention. Sale No. 1908 Wallace street. iv`V SUPERIOR TAPESTRY OARPErb. ON VTEMIST)3EU:AKY MORNING. At 10o'clock, by catalogue, the very superior Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, Handsome Bookcase, Pine Tapestry and English Brussels Car. pets, China and tilassware. Refrigerator, Kitchen - Utensils, Sc. Has been in usebnt a few months, and is equal to new. The House being a very neat and deal• rable reed, nce is for private sale, and may be mar mined. any - aflame - fa between 4 and 5 o'clock. Sale No. 1754 Frankford Road SUPERIOR W AL:NUT B URNITURR, FRENCH. PLATE MIRROES, ELEGANT VELVET CAR PET. ON FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 'At 10 o'clook, by catalogue at No. 1750 Frankford road, above Barriron street, the super! walnut Par lor and Chamber Fur. iture. French Plate Pier Mirror, large Oval Mirror. superior Secretary Bookcase, fine \ Blinds. elegant Medallion Velvet Carpet. Itapestry pmets. &c. Mbday be examined on the morning etude. B SCOTT, IS., AIICT/OPMEII. ' , OM . CARD.— We are prepared from now until July let tc make special sales of any description of merchandise and will use our beet endeavors to give satisfaction For terms, dic.. apply at the office. SALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 27. At 10 o'clock, at the Gallery. MO Chestnut street, a large assortment of Ready-made Clothing, comprising gent's and boys' tall suits, Melton hacks, dm. Open for examination on Tuesday afternoon. . SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO. CARPETS SEWING MACHINE, dtc. ON FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 29. At 10 o'clock, at the Gallery, 1010 Chestnut street. a superior assortment of welt kept Hosiushold Furniture, comprising—One seven . • octave Rosewood. Plano. Allen's best make; Rosewood and Walnut Parlor Fur niture, Walnut Chamber Snits, Cottage Suits, Mirrors, OD.Paintings. Engravings. Tapestry and Ingrain Car• pets, Kitchen Furniture, 'Utensils, Sc., the whole be longing to a gentleman going west, and removed to store for convenience of sale. Every lot to be disposed of without reserve. WEE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT A B. E corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally. Watches,Jewelry, Diamonda, Gold and. Silver Plate and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on., ATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Opee Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches*, 'Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Pace Le pine Wetches: Fine Geld Duplex and other Watches Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English American and Swiss Patent Lever and. Lepine Watches: Double .Case English Quart'sr and whin Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond Srea4 nines Finger Rings; Bran, fituds,lx.r Fine GioU Chains: Medallions:celets' Scarf Pinzi Pins; Finger Binge;, Pencil Oases, and Teyvoiry gene • FOR BALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Chetit4 suitable for a Jeweler, price tsSO. - Also, several Lots In Boaz Minden, Fifth ant cametunt streets. - THOMAS & sops, AUOTIO ' alse. Nab. - 189 and 141 Booth FO 1 SALES OF STOOKS AND REAL - At the Exchange, every TOESEA.Y.atigo' ,fir Handbills' of each property issued_ . and on the Saturdsty previous to each • eatis", /oval in pampbbit form, glvt.n_bAldeectlistemat,„,e4: TIMAT• •:•.TATE AT Printed •catalogness, comprising- enema thousand dollars, inc luding every descrilStitc of .- and country property; from th e '- the most elegant mansions, elegant country': ' farms, business properties, dsc.' &Jr FURSTIVRE , BALFE at the Atiettwe*ele,f , , E VERY THIIP.SDAT. 101 - Pazticular attention . given to galas at, inmost; Residences. &c. - SALE OF A LAW Lismenr.- -7 ON TUESDAY Arricssoos. • June 28. at the auction store. a valuable Law I.**„.` brary, Including the Femusylvania Reports. dcc Sale Nos. 199 and 141 South Fourth strnalos, Ftr.B.Nrruitz, FINE FBPNQf PLAM `MIRRORS, RUSEWOOD PIANO . FORTE. 1P.015P. SAFFJB. PINE VELVET. BRUSSELS and MEER, CARPETS. REPRIGER.ATORS;AA . ON TRUBADAY• IdORNING; At 9 o'clock, at the auction:more.. by eistanEtist. '- very superior • furniture, 2 elegant Preach Plate pier mirrors, rosewood piano fortes. Iron safes. handsohne , velvet, Brussels and other carpets. beds., anti'beddist&-4. , china and glassware, .rofrigerators. dc. • . Also, a anperior steam engibe. 2 horse power. • - Sale for account' of the United States. HOSPITAL - ITIB.NrntrRE, BLANKBTB,-813X&TEL. BEDDING IRON IRON' BEDSTRADS; CHAIM% TA— BLES, CONCENTRATED MILK, &c. • , • • ON THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2S. • At 1 o'clock at the auction. store, by Order ,or the 31,Ek' dies] Purveyor, a quantity of hospital' farnlttere, &e.' • A150.13.1051b8 Contentrated milk. • • .- Pull particulars In catalogges. - , , . - Exceotrix'9l3aleMo 3.2l9Cheatimit street: SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 4.lnNlt • MANTEL AND FIKB.. MIRRORS, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. FINE BRUSSELS CARPR'ql . e:4lr.. ON FRIDAY MOBBING. JUNE 29. At ID o'cleck, at No. 1318 Chestnut' etreet; bytatit— logne. by order or .33xedutaix, the superior parlor fm-. Mare excellent chamber furniture, 4:,French... plate mantel and pier mtrroza, -china and glassware ; ' cartains. fine Brussels and other carpetsoitc.' , _- • Kay be auusibied eta 0 clodron the ramming of issisri,.' Sale No. 924!pra ce street.' supERT OR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ativer..' TEL 31313110103„ FINE BRUSAELI3 CARPETS, dam . . •ON MONDAY MORNING. .TULY • I At 10 o'clock, at No. 924 Spruce street, cat . the superior parlor, chamber and dining tore, two mantle minors. fine Brussels and other-car pets, die. • _ . . . .._ _ May be ersaalled at 8 o'clock On Ihennunnng Ofamhp. VAIMABLE FARECOPPER ORE • AT PRY. VATE SAILF--Avainable Farm ing acres. • Therelat a vein of tray anipburet of copper on the place. - Fall particulars will be given on application at the =aim rooms. I • ;:I • : Z • al:.": .. is ~: _, s s' :4 4: - ...: i 6 . ..S , • • 4.. •. - : :IV '1 :. . 46 •,I . , 6 . : i L liiiri• ....,•11.1.11 . E 3 / 4 a :4 i.. 1 : •: A ' VI: . 34:V.1.1 • ,v s re '.o :•:d (s i: - cd,s), :: • • We NOII hold a Large Salifof WOreign and Don:Untie - Dry Goode, by Datalogne. on . four manila' credit ant part for crush. _ On TRUBSDAY mossrnsro, June 28, at 10 o'clock, eprbracing; about 100 w0 = ages and lots of ?pie and limey articles, in worsteds, linens, flaw and cottons. N. B.—Goods =anted for exawdrudlan and emu Inv... ready early on the morning afaoq. LA • V, FIKELEMPTORY SALE OF FOICEIGEE • AND DOMESTIC DKY GOODS._ NOTICE—/ncluded in our sale of THUBSDA.In Jane 28, will be found in Dart the following, viz— DONs - vSTIOS. bales bleach , d and brown oh eelings and shirre,, - /a 4 do bleached and colored drills. do dothet, all cvnel, Canton and Shal er flannel& cases blea and coW Corset jeans and cambrics • do blue apron checks. ticks, denims, stripes. do Kentucky Jeans, plain and fancy cotionndeet. do Manchester, Scorch and domestic engeams. do sleeve linings fancy shirting flannels. do English and domestic prints and de Mines. , do aileclas, jaconeta and paper muslin , . do cassimeres. a:ratans:Unsays, satineta,tweeds. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. pieces French and Saxony black and blue cloths do Belgian black doeskin., all wool diagonals. do Brie French velours, blk and fancy tricots. do French fancy cassizneres and coatings.' do black and fancy rrieltnng and Scotch plaids.; - do Aix la Chapelle and O crown cloths, Italians. GODS. —pieces 4-4 Irish shirting linens. Chinese grass cloth.- do 4-4 and 3E Spanish, bleu, planter.: linens. do blew and W Wicks, Russia diaper, towels. do crown ducks. cream canyad,d#Us,cre.ah.ft. pieces Paris de laines, bareges and grenadines. do plain andfancymozamblques,puremehatts. do new style Janos, poll de =ewes, alpacas. do print jaconets, organdies and 'lawns. do plain and fancy silks. shaw basques. Also toilet • quilts, hosiery. gloves, ls, balmoral hoops irts, traveling and under shirt' and dra silk tie ispoo ma l 4 cotton, imtent thread. ?swing silkaospendffis,I n ets, aospendocs,l nets, umbrelas, parasols. dm. wunt posrrrys C was: CleaßrriNee • ANTON en. ON FRIDAY NORNI.IOO, Sane 29, at U o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. • four months' credit, about NO nieces of. tea and fine ingrain, royal dantaak..Venetlan, Ust i I • hemp. cottage and rag eespetings, embracing a ch • assortment Of =parlor goods. which may be awl, on the morning or sale. - a 00., auunowEitam, ReadtWr- Csah Auction Howe, No. 230 Market street, corner ont. flash advanced on comdetunentswithontextrs chi PRBIGIPTOB,Y SA T R OF 600 LOTS ASSO • DRY GOODS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Zone 27, at 10 o'clock 200 dozen assorted Shirts, stock of Dry Goods, Roots, Shoes. Straw Hata. Sun Shades Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Notions, .ix. pump_ FORD ds CO., • AIICTIONEEBS,, No. EO6 2L4BEET street SALE OF 1X( CASES BOOTS AND SROBIL • ON THUG DRY MOBNING,TUNIC 28. -- Commencing. at 10 o'clock, we will sell by cs • for cash. 1100 cases prlmcLßoots. &toes, Browses% morals Congress GaiterCSlippers. Oxford es: comprising a general assortment of goods. to which the attention of buyers is called. T. L A . M., AIJOTIONRECRD, No. 506 MARRRTatroex. abovakinh. BOOTS, SR OES, RALMORA.LS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 2T. At 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, 600 camel Roots. Shoes. Balm:orals, Gallen, Slippers, Brogans. Oxford Ties. Congress Chillers, dc., of City and manufacture. GAS LIGHT FOR THE COUNTRY. BOOKCASE, PINE FERRIS ,CO.'S AUTOMATIC G 4 MACHINES - t FOR PRIVATE REKEDENCII23, ILLS, HOTEs CHURCHEE, ac, u , FUENISHING FROM TEN TO S 9 3L-LonsIDE.I. LIGHTS AS MAYBE E.EQuis.G. • - This machine is guaranteed: dots not get out of der, and the time to manage it is about live-minutes week. . The simplicitY Of this apparitug,- its entire: freedom from danger, the cheapness and quality of the light over all others, has gained ibr It the favorable opinion of those acquainted with its merits. The names of those having used them fo , the last three years wilt be given by waling at our OFB.IOB. - • . , No. 105 SOUTH FOURTH. STREY, - .' Where the machine can be seen in operation. ' FERRIS - a 00., Box 1491, P. Eend fbr a Pamphlet. Je • 114 ' • Chestnut Sire , . Jau BROWN & MAGEE Manufacturers of SOLID LEATHER TRUNKS AND VertstEß,' Gents' and Ladies' SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS, Ladles French, Dress and Bonnet Trunks. Leather Traveling Bags. Excursion Bags Tourist : orocco Reticules and Traveling Bags for Ladles, Trunk Straps. Shawl Straps, Hat Oases, Dressing Cases, Flasks. Pocket Books, &c. SW - Trunks suitable for sA'aropean Tr/Wel. 708 Chestnut Street, MALTSTERS, AVOTION DRPSB 600D8.6ILssand.BHAWL . OPPOSITE HAS'ONIO HALL. AND CO. `4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers