MuRifICIPAL Crags.' MUNICIPAL CLAIMS,— • SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Yl ""t PECMADICI.P.SISA. July 16th, 1886.1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN, In accordance with ' the Act of Assembly of the commonwealth of Penn ey lvania. passed luti day of March, A. D. 1846. entitled ''A e Act relative to Registered Taxes and lideniclPal Clweres in the County of Philad,lphla," that the follow- IngWrits or ecire facies sex claim have been placed In my hands for service to wit: HENRY O. HO WELL, Sheriff. . re THE DieTRICT COMM The City off hiladelphia vs Carlton R. Moore, owner,: reputed owner, or whoever may be owner; D. 0., June Term, 38t6, No. 468; for the sum of one hundred and twenty-four dollars and ninety-two: cents, for work and labor done and performed,and materials furnished to wit: for laying water pipe in trout of all that certain lot or piece of grou, d, situate on the southeasterly side of Memphis street, between Norris and Otis (late Wood) streets, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing is front or breadth on said Memphis street one hundred and sixty-six feet six and seven-eighths inches, and on the i.oothwesterly line Qf f said lot extenaing thence southeaster: y alongthe north easterly line of Norris street one hundred and one feet five and a half inches to a point, thence northeasterly at right angea to said Norris street sixty-two feet four inches to a point, thence also northeasterly in a line at right angles to said Otis (late Wood) street sixty-two feet four inches to said oils (late Weed) street, thence ,northweeterly along the southwesterly line of said ::' , -Wood (now Otis) street sixty-nine feet eight and three eighths inches to an angle in sale Otis (late Wood) • street, thence again northwesterly along said south "'`westerly line of said Otis (late Wood) street. twenty feet three and one-half inches to the said Memphis street. Same vs. John McDowell, owner, '&44 D. C. June Term. 18e6, Ao. 464, for the sum if one hundred and twenty-four dollars and fifty-six cents for,work and labor 'done and performed • and- materials furnished to wit: for laying water pipe in front of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly corner of Fourth and Norris streets in the Nineteenth Ward of the City, containing in front ter width en the said Fourth street one hundred and sixty-six feet one inch, and extending easterly length or depth, along the southerly': side of Norris street twenty-seven feet four and three quarter inches, and-on the southerly line thereof eighty feet, more or lees. Same vs. Freeman Scott, ewner &c.,D.C.altne Term, 1866, N 0 .465; for the sum of Twenty-two dollars and ninety cents, for wurk and labor done and performed and materialafarnishedeo wit: For removing a nuisance p ivy filth from. lot aof ground situate on the east side of Hutchinson street, at the distance of ninety one (91) lest northward from Poplar street, in the city of Philadelphia: con' aining in front on Sala Hutchin son street sixteen (16) feet. and extending in length or depth eaetwardly of that width at right angles with said Hutchinson street, filly (50) feet. And also—from all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of said Hutchinson street at the distance or one humored and seven (107) feet northward from Poplar street, is, the city of Philadelphia, con taining in front on said Hutchinson street sixteen (i 6) feet, and extending in length eastward of that width, at right angles to said Hetet , ' nson street fluty (50) feet. Same vs. Same, owner, &c.; D. C. Jane erm, 1866; N0..466; for the sum of ninteen dollars and ten cents. for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished, to wit; For removing a nuisance of privy filth from a lot of pound at nate on the west side of Hutchinson Street. at the distance of one hundred and thirty five feet and one eighth of an inch (135 feet % Inch) northward from the north side of Poplar street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in mint on said Hutchinson street thirty-two (32) feet, and extending In length or depth westwardly of that width, at rigb t angles to the said Hutchinson street sixty-four (64) beet, to a three fret wine alley. Same vs. Freeman Scott, ewner, &c., D. C. June Term, 1666, No. 467. for the sum of eighteen dollars and ninety-nine cents for work and labor done and performed and materials farntshed for removing a nuisance of privy filth from slot of ground situate on the north sloe ef Depot street, at the dstance of sev enty -foux Let four and one-half inches (74 ft. 4) in.) east of Ninth street, in the Thirteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Depot street fifteen (15) heel, and extending in length or depth northward y between lines parallel with Eighth street fifty -four (59) feet. Same vs. Freeman Scott, owner, &c.; D. C. June Term, leek. No. 468; for the sum of t venty-eight dollars and sixty-three cents for work and labor done tied per • fbrmed. and material furnished, to wit: far removing a nuisance ot privy filth from a lot of ground situate on the north side of Depot street, at the distance of eighty nine lest four and. one-half inches (89 feet 43, inches) east of Ninth street, in the Thirteenth Ward, of the City of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Depot street thirty (30) feet, and extending in length or depth northwardy between lines parallel -with Eigth street, fifty four (54) feet. Same vs. A. Bayee and C. Miller owners, dim e June term. D. C.,1866, et o. 469, for the sum of thirty-five dollars seventeen cents, tor work and labor done and performed:and materials furnished, to wit: for remov ing a nuisance of privy filth from a lot of ground situ ate on the east aide of Poplar Court, beginning at the distance of twenty-eight feet five inches (28 ft. 5 in.) ' southward from the south line of Miles Court, the said south line of Miles Court being one hundred and forty-three (140) feet south from thesouth line of Wal nut street, containing in front or breadth on said Pop lar Court fourteen feet and eleven inches (14 ft. 11 in.) and extending of that width, in length or depth, twenty-nine feet in tie Eighth Ward of the City ot Philadelphia. And, also, from a lot of ground situate on the west side of Currant alley, beginning at the die - lance of twenty-ore feet five inches southward from the south line of Miles court, the said south line of Miles court being one hundred and forty-three feet • south of thesouth line of Walnut street, containing in front or breadth on said Currant alley fourteen feet and eleven inches (14 ft. 11 th), and extending of that wig h in length or depth, forty-nine_ (49) beet in the Eighth,rd of-the City of Phi elPhia. Same vs. Freeman Scott, owner &c., D. C., Jane Term 1866., No. 470 ; for the sum of two. dollars and eighty cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished • to wit : For removing a nui sance of filthy Witter from a lot of groundalthate on the west side of Elder 'street. at the distance of thirty-six feet and three inches (36 feet 3 inches) north of Ser geant street, in the Tenth Ward, of the city of Phila. delphia containing in front on said Elder streetthirty . two feet and three inches, (32 ft. 3 in.) including one .. balf of a two feet and six inches wide alley on the north depth,uth side of Bald lot, and extending in length or thhty-six feet (36 ft.). Same vs. Arthur Evans. owner. &c.. D. C.. June Term, 1866, No. 471 fur the sum of fifty-two dollars and fifty cents,for work and labor done and performed, and materials ished, to wit: for removing a nuisance of afoul and filthy house, &c. A. lot of ground situate on the westerly side of Sophia, (formerly William) street at the distance of eighty-two feet, four and five eig n the inches, (82 feet,4% inches,) southwardly from Edward street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing In front or breadth on said Sophia street, fourteen feet seven and a half inches, (14 feet, 7% inches.) and extending in length or depth, westwardly eighty-two feet and six Inches, (82 feet 6 inches,) to a fifteen feet wide alley. Same vs. M. Black, owner, &c.; D. C., June Term, 1866, N0:472; for the sum of thirteen dollars and forty two cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, to wit: For removing a nuisance of a full and foul cesspool on a lot of ground with the tt ree story dwelling thereon erected. situate on the west side of.l3odine street,at the oistance of two hundred and twelve (212) feet south of Mont gomery avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on said Bodine street twelve (11) feet, and extending in leegth or depth westwardly between parallel lines parallel with said Montgomery avenue forty-five (45) feet. Same vs. Freeman Scott. owner. &'c.,D. C., June Term. 1866; No. 473, for the sum of thirtythree dollars and nine cents tor work and labor done and per formed and materials furnished, to wit: For removing a nuisance of a full and foul cesspool from a lot of ground situate on,the east side of Eleventh street, at the distance of fluty-two (52) feet north of Sergeant street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said eleventh street sixteen (16) feet, and extending in length or depth eastward ninety (9o) feet, to a ten-feet wide street_ called Elder street. In the Tenth Ward of the city.of Philadelphia. Same vs. Henry Beier. owner, &c ; D. 0 Jane Term, 1866, No. 474, for the sum of six dollars and twenty. five cents for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished to wit: for removing a nuisance of foul and stagnant water from a let of' ground, situate on the west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of thirty-four (84) fret northward from the north side of Jefferson street In the City of Philadelphia, containing front or breath on the said Twelfth street thirty three (831 feet, and extending in length or depth we,t. loudly of that width at right angles to said Twelfth street seventy. (70) feet. same vs A. C. McElroy, owner, ac., D.C., Jane Term, 1866. No. 562; for the sum of twenty - three dollars and twenty-three cents for work and labor done and perfumed, and .materisle furnished, to wit: for re moving a nuisance of a fall and foul 'cats-peel from a lot of ground. with the two brick dwellings thereon erected, situate on the southwest t other of Twelfth sheet and Pearl atreet,in the. Fourteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front on said Twelfth street twenty-eight (28) feet. and extending in length or-depth 'seaward', of that width along the south side of Mid Pearl street 1 . .7W-seven feet and six Inches (47 ft. 6 in.) to a court alley leading into Pearl street. • Same ve, -James Harper, owner. &c , D. 0., June Term, 1866, No. 563, for the Bata of Thirty dollars and Cterenty-four cents ter work and labor done and per formed and materials furnished, to-wit: for removing a nuisance of a fell and foul cesspool from a lot ot ground situate e two brick dwelling houses thereon erected, on the east of Ninth street, at the distance of one hundred and nine feet eleven and five eighths inches (109 Wed in.) north of Parrish street, in the Thirteenth of the dry of Philadelphia; containing , In front on said Ninth street twee t 3 -eight (23) feet, aed extending in length or depth eastwardly • between lines at right angles with said Ninth street fifty-seven feet and six Inches (57 ft. e in.). Same vs. Patrick - McMullan, owner &c.. D. C , June Tenn, 1866, No. 564, for the sum of seventeen dollars - fifteen cents, for work and labor done and performed,- and materials furnished, to wit: for removing a nui sance of a fall and foul cesspool from a lot of ground.' situate on the west side of Spaffordhtreet, beginning at the distance of forty-five (45) feet north from Balzer. street in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front' on said Spafford street eleven (11) feet and extending, in leilgth or depth westwardly fifty (50) feet. Same vs. Dr. Shippen, owner, &c.; D. C., Jane Term,; 1868; No 565; for the sum of finrteen dollars and twee.' ty five cents, for work and labor done andjirformed, and materials furnished, to wit: For remo a nui Bence of a full and foul cesspool from a lot o ground situate on the northwest corner ofEaktn . street and, Eagle court between Locust and Spreee and Tenth anQd-Eleventh streets,th.the Eighth Ward of the city ot Philadelphia; containing in front on said Eagle court fourtern(l4l feet, and extending in length or ••depth westward thirty, (30) feet to a four•feet wide alley. • • Same vs. John S. Hoffman. owner, &C.; D. Cl.', jtme Term, 1868, No. 566; for the sum of one hundred dollars and seventeen eerie , forWcirk andlebor done and Peri formed, and materials furnished, to wit: for laying water Pipes in.front - of all that certain lot or piece of ground eituate - en the northereterly eldaef Somerset street, extending from Oaul to Rester (or. Walker) atreet, in the Twentylifth Ward of said cite: , contain - Dig In front or breadth on said Sormereetttreet, one =.-bun.dred and-.thirty-three-feet six inches eighth inches, and extending in length or depth northeasterly of that width between the lines of said Gaul and Rester Or Walker) street eighty, feet' more or lees: Same Vs. * Leibrandt and McDowell, owners, diet a - DI C.; June Term,lB6B, No. 587: for the sum'of thtee hen dred 'and - eighty-three dollars* and twenty 'cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished. to wit: For laying water pipe, &c., in front • of all that certain lot or piece of ground (with all and singular the bulldinips theregn erected, consisting of a THE DAILY .13VENING. MUM' : PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20;1866: one story brick forindry, a fonr-atory brick 'ravenous° and three-story brick building; all adjoining, fronting on Girard' avenue; a three-story brick foundry and storehouse on Ash street, and one-story brick foundry in the rear of the 'same, a - threeatorybeck - finishing and pattern shop, and four frame buildings enclosed within said lot, situate on the grntheasteJ7 side or Girard avenue and northeasterly side of Ash street and weevilly_ aide of Aramingo canal, in the Eighteenth Ward of said city, containing in front or width on said Girard avenue five hundred and sixty feet eleven and a half inches and extending In length or cepth southeaaterly along the line of said Ash street two hundred and sixty-four (264) feet, and along the 1 ne of said Aramingo canal three hundred and forty Ma) feet more or /MB. - ' Same vs. M. Kirk, owner, &c., D. C., June Term, 1866, No. 568; for the sum of seventeen dollars sixty cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, to wit: for removing a nuisance of a full and foul cesspool from a lot of ground situate On the south sloe of Walnut street. at the distance of one hundred and thirty-eight feet and six inches (188 f et 6 inches) west of Twentieth street, in the Eighth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, containing in trout or breadth on said Walnut street thirty two (32) feet and extending in length or depth sonthwardly of that width slaty feet. , Same vs. Mr. Smith, owner, &c., D. C., June Term, 1866, No. 569; for the sum of twenty-one dollars and seventy cents for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, to wit: for removing a nui sance of a full and foal cesspool from a lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of Fulton street, at the distance of sixty -Jour feet and three inches (Si feet 3 itchee) southeasterly from Trenton avenue, in the city of Pniladelohia, conta:ning in front onsaid, Fulton street thirty-two feet and one-half of an inch (V fo inch), and extending in length or depth northeast wardly of that width, between parallel lines at right angles with said Fulton streetilfty-one feet and one in, n (51 feet 1 inch)_ . - - Same vs. - Mrs. Ash, owner, &c.,- D. C., Jane Term, 18( 6. No. 570; for the sum of twenty-three dollars, for work and labor doneand performed and materials fur rilshed. to wit: For removing a nuisance of a foal and fall cesspool from all that certain lot or piece of around situate on theeast side of Swanson. Street; at the die Mince of one hundred and forty-four (144) feet south from the south side of Almond street in the ..Fonrth Ward of the city &Philadelphia. containing in from or , breadth on said SWanson street thirty-seven feet, and in length or depth one hundred and fifty feet, Same vs. Whitaker and Stoddart, owners, &c,l D. Cl. June Term, 1866, leo 572.: for the. sum Of twenteefour dollars and eightyaix cents, lbf work and labor 'done and perfoxmeti;and materials fluni.hed, to wit: for remoyit g a nuisance of a full and foul cesspool from a lotof ground, situate on the east side of Ninth street of a distance ot fluty-severijeetsix and seven-eighth in. (57 feet 6% inches), southward from the south side of Noble street In the City of Philadelphia, containing is front on said Ninth street fifteen (15) feed, and - ex-, tending in length ordepth east wardly betweedperaller lines one hundred and seven feet three and one-quarter inches (167 feet Be,i inches) to Garden - street, upon which laid Gardeh street, the front Is also fifteen feet. Same vs:Freeman Scott, owner, D. C., June Term, 1866, No. 573; for the sum of odb hundred and fluty one dollars and thirty-se ven,pents, far week and labor done and performed, andel:m[BlM's furnished, to *it: • For remoying - si nuisance of a pond of filthy and idagnant water from a lot of ground situate on the Nv es er y side of Front street, tommencingat. the dis tance of one hundred and four (lei) feet nertberly from Norris street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Front street one hundred and four teen (114) feet. and extending in length or depth west wardly ei that width, .between lines parallel to said Norris street. one hundred anti ten (110) feet more or less to Hope street. Same vs. Freeman Scott, owner, tec., D. C.. June Term, 1066, No. 574 ; For work atd labor done and per formed, ana material furnished, to wit: For removing a nuisance of a till and foul cesspool tram Depot street, at the datance of eighty nine feet four and one half niches. (89 ft. 4)e in.) easta aid from the east side of Ninth street in the city of Philadelphia, containing In front or breath on sail Depot sn eet, thirty feet (.30) and extending in length or depth northwardly between lines parallel with said Ninth street, fifty-four feet three and one. half inches (54 ft. 334 in.) Same vs. Hannah Sowers, owner,&c., D. C., June ,Term, 1866, No. 575; for work and labor done and oar • „formed, and materials furnished, to wit: Forremov lag anuisance of a full and foul cesspool from a lot of :distance ituate on the north side of Noble street, at the ot one hundred and twelve feet and four inches (112 ft. 4 in.), eastward from the east side of ?Tenth street, in the city of Phillme phis, containing in front or breath on said Noble street nineteen (19) feet, .ano extending 111 length or denth m northwardly one hundred and sixty (160) feet to TrF , ilton street, upon which the front is also nineteen feet. Same vs. Patrick McQuillan, owner, &c., D. C„ Jane Term, 1866, No. 5.6, for the sum of twenty-seven dol lars and fifty cents for work and labor done and per ' formed, and materials furnished, to-wit For removing a nuisance of a full and foal cesspool from a lot of ground, situate on the west side of Spafford street, be . ginning at the distance of forty-five feet, (45) north nom the north side of Baker street, in the city of Phil adelphia, containing in front on said Spafford street, eleven (11) feet, and extending in lengthor depetewest wardly fluty (50) feet. Same vs. Robert alien, owner, dm., DfC., June Term, 1866, No. 577; for the sum of thirty-four dollars and eleven cents.forwork and labor done and performed,' and materials furnished, to wit: For removing a nut ; sance of a full and foal cesspool from a lot of ground, ' with the three-story ,brick dwelling house thereon.. erected, situate on the northeasterly side of William street, at the distance or three hundred (Ste) feet north-- : westerly from Brabant (fbrmerly Bath) street, in the Twenty•fifth Werd of thecity of PhiLadelphire contain ing in front or breadth on said William street twenty (20) feet, and extending In length or depth - not theast wardly of that width, between lints at right angles to said William street. one hundred and Mint (108) feet. Swamps. C. M. Morris, owner. &c.,,D. U. June Term, 1866, No 599, for the sum of four laptudred and eighty eight dollars and nine cents, for work and labor cone and performed. and. materials Tarnished. to wlt—For , paving d curbing front of all that certain kit or piece .°o l .l'Artg:ldtr,7lTarearr"tieigftt7,lxTevegit a 's•eirtexetk Ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning- at the south side of Federaland extending southward along . the west side of Sixteenth street two hundred and six - een feet one and one half inches to ground of S Hunter, thence west along the same mighty-seven feet six inches to ground (of William Bucknell. thence north parallel to sixteenth street. two hundred and eighteen (118) feet to the south aide of Federal street, thence eastward along the south side of Federal street eighty-seven (87) feet six inches to the west side of Sixteenth street and place of beginning. IN THE COURT 08' COMMON PLEAS. • The City of Philadelphia vs. Lawrence Hughes. owner. &c , C.P., June Term, 1866, No. 116; for toe sum of t hir teen dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two. story frame dwelling and stabling thereon erected. situate on the west side of Mascher street, at the dis tance of 186 feet north ofEtuntingdon st eet, inthe Nine teenth Ward of the said city, containing in front or breadth on the said Mascher street 18 feet. and extend length or depth of that width westerly between llnee parallel with the said Huntingdon street 92 feet inches to Mutter street. Same vs. John H. Hoffman. owner &a; C. P., June Term, 1866,20. 117; for the sum of fifteen dollars for work and labor done and performed, and materials firrnished, against all that certain lot er piece or ground situate on the east aide of bleacher street, at the distance of 20 feet north of York street. in the Nine- teenth Ward of the said city: containing In front or breadth on the said Marcher street 20 feet, and extend• ing in length or depth of that width easterly between lines parallel to York street 95 feet 6 inches to Water loo street. Same vs. John H. P.rinton. owner, dm., C. P., June Term, 1866, 160.116, for the sum of Thirteen dollars and fifty cents ior work and labor done and performed and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Afascher street, at the distance of 294 feet northerly from York street In the Nineteenth Ward, of raid city; contain ing In front or breadth on the said .61.ascher street. 18 feet, and extending in length or depth of that breadth 'easterly between lines parallel to said York Street 95 feet 6 inches Waterloo street. same vs H B Titter, owner, dm. 0 P, Suns Term,lB66, No. 119; for the sum of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished against all that certain lot of ground situate on the west, side of Mascber street, at tne distance of se feet south of Huntingdon street. in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city. containing In front or breadth on the said Mattetier street 1l feet. and extending in length or depth of that breadth westerly between lines parallel to the said Huntingdon street, 92 feet 6 inches to Mutter street. - Same vs. Mr. Usey, owner &e., C. P., June Term, 3866, No. 120; tor the sum of thirteen dollars and fifty cents for work and labor, done and performed; and materials furnished against, all that certain lot er piece of ground, situate on the east side of Mascher street at the distance of 386 feet north of Dauphin Street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing in front or breadth on the said Member street is feet, and ex tending in length or depth of that breadth'easterl.r. be tween line:. parallel to the said Dauphin Street 93 feet 6 inches to Waterloo street. Same vs. Eliza Shields, owner &c.; C. P., June Term, 1866, No. 121; for the sum of thirty-three dollars• and seventy live cents for, work and labor done and per formed, and materials furnished against all that cer tain lot e r piece of ground situate on the northeast corner of Thirteenth street, and a 38 feet wide street In the First Ward of the said city; beginning at the dis tance of 148 feet north of Moore street, thence extend ing northward along the east side of the said Thir, teenth street,. 45 feet to Stewardson'allne,thence north eastwardly Wong the same 91 feet, thence southward parallel to Thirteenth street one hundred and live feet to the north side of the said 86 feet wide street, thence west along the north side of the said Street 70 feet to the east side of Thirteenth street and place bftegin ulna. . _ Same vs. Eliza Shields, owner, &c.. C. P., June Term, 1868,1i0. tr.!, for the sum of one hundred and thirteen dollars and seventy-live cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials . furnished against all. that certain triangular lot or piece of ground situate on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Moore streets, In the First Ward city of Philadelphia, beginning at the north side of Moore street, thence extending north ward along the west side oflhe • said Thirteenth street,; Onti hundred and filly-one feet eight inches to Stewardaon's line, thence south westerly along the same two hundred and thirty-six feet six inches more or lees to the north side of the said Moore street,thence eastward along the same one hundred and eighty two. feet to the west side of Thirteenth street SILO place of Same vs. Eliza . Shields, owner, &c O. P., . Jane Term.lBo6, No. Ll 3; for thee= of seventy. five /foliate, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground a tuate on the west ride of Thirteenth street, In the First Ward of said ciql beginning at the distance of one hundred and fifty feet eolith' of Moore !street; con= taming in front - or breadth on the said Thirteenth street one hundred feet, and extending in length or depth westward, between lines parallel to MoOre street :seventy feet, more of less, to other mound of the same, bounded on the north and south by a thirty-Biz feet wide street. • home vsEliza Shields. owner &c., 0. P., June Term, 1866, No. 124, for the. sum-of -eighty-five dollars and fifty cents for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished against• alkthat. certainna or piece of ground situate on the. west sideof T teenth street in the 'First Ward of the Of Phitadel plda, beginning, at She-south , side of Moore. stree4 thence extending southward along the west side of the said 'llsirteenth street one hundred and fourteen feet to the north aide of a thirtf-six feet wide street , thence westward along the same 0 feet to other ground of the same, thence north parallel to. Thirteenth street, 114 feet to the south aide of Moorestreet, thence east along the same seventy het to the west aide of Thirteenth ahem. and place of beginning Same vs. William Richardson, owner, &c., 0. P. June Term,lB66, Ito. 125. for the murk of one hundred and twentydolle re,' - for work and labor done and per formed and materials' furnished, against all-that eel% airrlot or plecifof ground situate on the north aide of Federal s eet;in the First Ward, city Of Phlialelphia. beginning at Ihe distance ofone hundred and two feet east of Twenty-seventh street; containing In front or breadth on the said Federal street one hundred and sixty feet and extending in length or depth northward of that widthbetween lines parallel to thessid Twenty seventh street , sevent y aix feet tuDeshong street. •Same vs. John Brunt, owner. &c., 0. P., June. Term, 1666, No. 126 ; for the sum of thirty dollars for work and • labor • done and performed, and materials furnished against , all. that certain lot or piece of ground with a one-etory brick entirch thereon erected, situake on the north side of Federal= street in the First Ward of the city of Philadelphia beglnn ng at the distance of three hundred and ten feet (810 ft 1 eastward from the east side of Twenty-seventh - street; containing in front 'or breadth on the said Federal strei t4O It:and extending in length or depth north ward between lines para.dol to Twenty-seventh street, 76 feet to a 25 feet wide street called Deshong street. Barre vs: Lewis Beagle, owner. ctn.; C P., Jane Term, 113t6. o 127; for the sum of eighteen dollars for Work and Inbar done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or Mete of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the north side of Cabot street, at the distance hundred and one feet six inches eastward from the east aide of devent,enttt Street, in the Twentieth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taints g m trent or breadth on the said Cabot street twenty:four feet; and extending in length or depth northward of that, width at right angles to the said Cabot street one hundred and twenty feet to Thomp son street. • • • _ . . . Same vs. Peter Crane, owner, & c.; C. June Term, IE6B, NO.128; for the sum of t4,elve dollars. for work and labor done and performed, and materials fur nish Ed.,. against all that certain lot or piece of groand4 , situate on the north rice of Federal street, lathe First Ward of the City of Philadelphia, beginning , at the distance of 2.622eet east of Twenty-seventh street, con taint, gin front or breadth on the said Federiu street 16 feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width between lines parallel to Twenty-seventh street. 70 feet to Deehong street. Same vs. John H. , owner &C., C. P., Jane Term. 1866, (0.1 129; for the sum of Forty-five D liars. for work and Janos dOne and performed, and materials farnishea,againstall that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northeast • corner of Mascher and Dau phin streiFts, in thellineteenth Ward of the said:city, rontairdng in front or breadth on the said bleacher Street sixtrfeet, and extending -in length or depth of that width eastwardly along the north aide of the said Dauphin street ninety-five feet six inches to Waterloo • Same vs. Peter-Crane, owner, , 11e.: C. P. June Tenn, 1866,N0 130,f0r the sum of ninety-tlueedoilarsand My, six cents for workand labor doi.e-andperformed, and materials flirnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side or Federal gOeet,, in the Find Ward of the city .of Philadelphia. begin ning at the distance of two hued ed and fourteen (214) fret east of Twenty•sixth street; th , nce extendin eastward along the north • side, of , said - Federal stree t one hundredand twenty-four feet nine inches (324 feet 9 inches) to thesouth side at encklload; then x. north westward along the south i n c hesfe said 31 , ad one hundred and forty-twofeet eir(l42 feet a Inches) to a corner; thence southward parallel to Twenty sixth street sixty-eight feet , ( 6 lt feet) to the northeide or federal street and place of beginning. Same Flarent Schmidt, owner, dro. C. P., June Term,lB66, rro. 131; for the sum of forty' dollars and fifty tents, for at ork and labor done and performed and materials furnished, against all that certain lot or piece ot groto-d, with the three story brick dwelling and stabling thereon erected, situate on the et's% side of Mascher street, at the distance of eighty feet eolith of Lehikh avenue, In the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing In front or breadth on thestdd Mascher street fifty-lour feet, and extending In length or depth of that breadth easterly between lines parallel to the said Lehigh avenue, ninety-tive feet six inches to Waterloo street.. _ _ . . _ Same vs. John Carson, owner, &c., C. P., June Term, 1868 blo 132; for the sum Of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or Fiece of Around situate In the First Ward of tno city of Ml adelphi a, on the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of fifty four feet north from Mimi street, contair ing In iront on Thirteenth street eighteen feet, a ndin depth of that width between lines parallel with Mifflin street six fyibur feet, Same vs. Matthew lithintyM, Owner, ac.; C. P.. June Term, 1866, No. 133; for the sum of twenty -four dollars, for work and labor dove and performed, and materials furnished, 'against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on e southwest corner of Twentieth and Pine streets. in the Feventh Ward of the City of :Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on Twen tieth street eighteen (Is) feet. and extending in leng or depth westward of that width along the south side of said Pine street forty-eight (48) feet, Same vs. Windham] Stokes, owner. de , C. P., June 'lei m. 1868, No. 134; for the anm of fourteen dollars, for worm and labor done and performed,and materials fur nished against all that certain lot or .piece of ground, situated on the south side of Race street, beginning at the distance of one hundred and thirteen feet and four inches eastward from the east line of Twenty-second • street, containing in front or breadth on paid Race street, east and west, eighteen (bet and eight Inche, aid extending of that width In length or depth, north and south, one hundred feet southwaXd, to the Tenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia. Same vs. Jeremiah Nichols, owner, &c .. C, P., June Term, 1666, No. 135; for th e soma eleven dollars and sixty-two cents for work and labor done and pee formed, and Materials furnished against all that, cer. tain lot or piece of ground situated on the so forty- ei g h to Pine Street, beginning at the distance of feet westward from the west side of Twentieth street, containing in front or breadth east and west on said Pine street fifteen Met six lecher, and extending of that width In length or depth north and south ene hunart d and tour feet to a small street called Hand street, in the Seven' h Ward of the City of Philadelphia. Same vs. Peter McCallen, owner, C. P.. June Term, 1866, No. 186. for the sum of thirty dollars for work and labor done and performed, and materials tarnished against all that, certain lot or piece of ground situated on the southwest corner of 'Twenty fourth and Ashburton streets, containing in frost or breadth on Twenty-fourth street north and south eighteen feet, and extending albeit width In length or depth east and westnixty feet westward in the Seventh Ward of the City of Philadelphia. Same vs John Smith; owner. dc.. CP. June Term. 1866, No. 131: for the sum of thirty-nine dollars thirteen cents,lor work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against ell that certain lot or piece of ground situate en the northeasterly side of Memphis and Vienna streets in the Eighteenth Ward of the said city, containing In front or breadth on said Memphis street. seventy-eight feet three and one-eighth Inches. and este nding In length or depth easterly at right an- I glee with said Memphis street on the north line thereof twenty-four feet five and one fourth menet, and on the south line thereof aim g the north line of said Vienna street, seven feet eleven inches. Same vs. Thos.E.Morrisowner,ft.; C.P., Jane Term, 1866; No. 133, for the sum Of seventy dollars and thirteen cents, for work and laber done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or Piece of ground. situate on the northwesterly side of Mem phis street. from Adams to Aramingo street, in the Nineteenth Wardot the said city; containing In front or breadth on the said Memphis street one hundred and forty feet three Inches, a• - d xtending northwest erly In length or depth along the northeast side of the said Adams Street. and along the southwest side of said Aramingo street tidy-four leet Same vs. J. Evans, owner, &c.; C. P.. June T nut. 1866, No. 139, for the sum of seventy-five dollars and nineteen cents, for work sod labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northwest aide of Memphis street from Aramittgo to Cumberland streets. in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing in front or breadth on the said Memphis street one hun dred and fifty feet three inches, and extending, north westerly In length or depth along the northeast side of the said Aramingo street, and along the southwest side of the said Cumberland street sixty feet more or lees. Came vs. William C. Stiles, owner, do., C. P., Sane Term, 1666, No. 140. for the sum of sixty dollars, for work and labor done end performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northwest corner of Memphis and Tucker streets, In the Nineteenth Ward of the said city , ntaining In front or breadth on the said Mem lhis street eighty feet, and extending northwesterly in ength or depth along and parallel to the said Tucker street one hundred and five feet ten Indies to a thirty feet wide street. Same vs. James Barger, Owner, de.; C. P.. June Term, 1856, o. 141; for the sum of twenty-five dollars for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against ail that certain lotorpiece of ground situate on the northwesterly corner of Memphis and Hewson a reeta, in the E'ghteenth Ward of the city of Philacelphis; containing In front or breadth on the said Memphis street fifty (50) feet and extending in length or depth nerthwesterly 112 right angles to the said Memphis street on the northeasterly line thereof thirty two feet ten and three eighths inches (32. ft. PM; in.) more or less,and on the southwesterly line thereof along the northeaaterly line of said lieweon street thirty-three feet eight and thredforutha inches (33 ft. 8,1;, in.), _ Same vs. John M. Humes, owner, etc., C. P. June Term 1868, N 0.142. for the sum ofeighty-seven dollars, and nine cents for work and labor done and perfbrmed and materials farnished.agairuit all that, cenain 1 st or piece of ground situate on thesonthivesterly corner of Memphis street, ands thirty feet wide street lying one hundred and fifty feet south-westerly of Lehigh ave nue in the Nineteenth Warder the ,aid city, contain- ; i lag n front or breadth, on said Memphis street, one hundred and sixteen feet one and an half, inches, and extending north - westerly of that width between lines parallel to and along said thirty-feet w i de street, one hundred and five feet ten inches to a thirty feet wide a Same vs. Mr. (Levy, owner die., C. P., June Term, 1868, No. 148 ; for the sum of twentyneven dollars. for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground with the two-story frame dwelling and ene story i framekitchen thereon erected, situate en the south westerly side of Sorrel street, at thr distance of slxty- Itur feet southeastwardly from 3v elvale street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing in front; or breadth on the said Seurel street. thirtptilx feet and extending in length or depth of that breadth south. westwardly between lines parallel to the said Melvale' street, sixteen feet more or less. Same VB. Mr. Levy, owner. titc., C. P. June Term, No. 144 ,for the sum of fi fteen dollars for work arid laber done and performed, and materials famished, against all that certain lot or pee of g ronnd with the' two story frame dwelling and Evoatory frame kitchen thereon erected, situate on the southwesterly side of Sorrel street. at the distance of one hundred !bet south, easterly from Melvale street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city; containing in front or breadth on the said bon el street twenty feet and extending in length' or depth of that breath southwesterly between lines parallel to the said Melvale street one hundred and eight feat more or lees. OMB vs. Mr, Levy, Owner. die., C. P. June Term. 1866, No. 145, for the liuM' of forty-two dollars, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south Westerly side of Sorrel etreet, at the dis tance of one hundred .and ; twenty feet southeasterly from Melanie street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing in front, or breadth on the said Sorrel street, ftfty-six feet, and extending in length or depth of that breadth southwesterly between lines par+ ailed to the' said Melvale street, one hundered and eight feet, imore or leas.) _ ; S.ame pg. Mr. Levy, owner, & e., U. P. June Term; 1866, No. 146; for the sum of eighteen dolma, for work and labor done . and performed, and materials fur nished against all that certain lot or piece of ground :with the two-attry framedwelling and one-story frame kitchen thereon erected, situate on the southwesterly side of Sorrell street, at the distance of one hundred and seventynix feet southeasterly from Melva!e street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing In front or breadth on the said Sorrell Street twenty. four feet, and extendbag in length or depth of that breadth southwesterly between lines parallel to the said Melvale street one hundred and eight feet (more S.- me vs: Mr. Levy, owner, dm., C. P , June Term, 1664, N 0.147; for the sum of Three Dollars, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, Reamat all that certain lot or piece of ground used as en a ley or passage way situate - on- the. southwesterly side of Sorrel Street, at the distance of sixty feet south easter ly from Melvale street in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city containing In front or breadth on the said Eicarell street four feet, and extending in length or depth • f tout width son hwestxrly between lines parat lel to the said afelvale street one hundred and fifty three feet more or less Same vs. Mrs. Bridget Glinnan, owner &c., C. P , June Term, 1866, No 148, for the sum of fifteen dollars, for weak a nd labor. done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north-easterly side of Sorrell street, at e distance of toe hundred feet northwesterly from Bath street, in the Nineteenth Ward or the said city, col:veining in front or breadth on the said Sorrel street twenty feet. and extending in length or depth of that breadth north easterly between Imes parallel to the said Bath street, one hundred and eight feet, more or Same vs. Eliza Goldmilith, owner. &c , 0 P., June Tern,. 1866 No. 149, for e sum of thirty ,d °flan, for work and labor done and performed and mat.rials for ntshed, stiainst all that certain tot or piece of ground sltuat...on the northeast side of Sorrell street at the distant% of two hundred feet sotitheasterly rrom Mel vale street, in the „Nineteenth Warg; of the said cltr, roman:llEon front or breadth on the said Sorrell street fort, feet, and extending in length or depth of that breadth northeasterly, between lines parallel with the said e street, one hundred and eight feet, more or less. _ _ rattle vs. William Blackman, owner. sc.: C. P., June Term.lB66. No. HO, for the sum of fifteen dollars for work and labor done and performed. and materials furniah•d against alrthat certain lot of ground situate on the southwesterly aide of Sorrell street at the dis tance of one hundred and sixty feet northwesterly from Bath street in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city; containing in front or breadth on said Sorrel street. twenty feet. ar.d extending in lens th or depth of that breadth southwesterly between lines par.liel to the said Bath street, one hundred and eighty feet more or Same vs. T. S. Arthur, owiter,"&c.; C. P.', June Term, 1566, No. 151; for the sum of fifty-eight dollar's and eight .seven cents for work and labor none and per. formt d and materials furnished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground situated on the north side of Ashburton street. beginning at the distance of fifty-aix feet six inches westfroso the west line at Twenty-fourth street; containing in front or breadth east and west on said • allburton street teventy.elght feet andel.% inches, and extending of , that width in length or depth north and south flay feet northward, m the Seventh Ward of the city of Philadelphia. Same vs. Albinne Bennett, owner etc.; C. P., Jule 'Term, D 66, No 15Z for the sum of four dollars and fifty ctnts, for work and labor done and performed end materlala furnished against all that certain lot or piece 01 ground situate es the west side of Fourth street, at the distance of thirty seven feet northerly from Barks street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city; containing In front or breadth on the said,Fourth street six feet, and extending In length or depth of that wioth between lines parallel to the said Barks street forty feet, more or lees, to .7anney's lane. Same vs. Fisher , di Rh o es, owners, cec. C. P., June Term, 1868, No. 156; for the sum of forty-eight dollars and nine , cents. for work and labor done and per formed, and materials furnished against all that car. tain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Fourth strtet,at thedietauctsof one hunered and sixty eix feet, one Inch southerly from Norris street. to the Nineteenth Ward of the said c.I y, containing in front or breadth on the said Fourth street sixty-four feet one and one half inches, and extending easterly in length or depth of that width fifty-eine /bet more or less. Same ye. Henry Lawson, owner, &c., C. P., June Term. 1866, N 0.154; for the sum of forty-five cotters for work and labor doneand verformed, and Materials fur• nished against all that certain lot or piece of ground eituate on the southwesterlv corner of Ed oat sud Anthracite streets. In the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, containing in front o' breadth on said Big .moat eireet sixty feet, and extending northwesterly In length 't r depth of .that tle between line. parallel to and along said Anthracite street seventy live feet, more or lees. Same vs, Samuel Weyant, owner. sc., C. P., June Term, 1366, No. 15.5; for the sum of s•sty-three dollars d fifty cents, for work and labor done and peformed. and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the stabling thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly corner of Tulip and - Vienna streets, In the Eighteenth Ward of the said 'city, containing in front or breadth on the said Tulip street, one hundred and twenty seven feet. and ea t, tding westerly in length or depth on the north line ,thereot along the southerly side of Rawson street four- t. en feet, and on the smith line thereof along the northerly side of said Vienna street eighteen feet. Seale vs. John Smith, owner &c.. C .F., June Term. Thee, No. IBS, for the sum Of thirty-seven dollars and tiny cents for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground with a brick station house thereon erected, situate on the north aide of Fitzwater street In me First Ward of the city of Pnliadelphla beginning at the distance of ninety feet east from the vest side of Twentieth street, thence extending westward along the north aide of Fitzwater street fifty feet, thence northward parallel to Twentieth street eighty feet : thence west parallel to Fitzwater street sixty feet, thence south parallel to Twentieth street eight feet, thence east parallel to Fitzwater street ten fees, thence south parallel to Twentieth street seventy-two feet to the north aide of Fitzwater Street and place ofbegin n name vs Freeman Scott, owner,etc , C P, June Term, Ise, No . 1S: for e WILM of twenty-two dollars and filtylbur cents. for- wont and labor done and per formed and materials tarnished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and ovementa thereon erected, situate on the north side of Poplar street at the distance of forte-six feet eight inches eastward from the east aide of Eleventh street., la the Twentieth Ward of the City of Plladelphin,con taining In front Or breadth on the said Poplar street thirty reel, and extending in length or depth north a aro of that Width at right angles to the said Poplar streettatheestat line thereof tiny nine feet eleven and enehalf inches, and on the west line thereof sixty-two feet four and three— inches. Same vs. Freeman Scott, owner, &c, C. P.. June Term, No. 158: for the sum of twenty-four dollars end eighty-live cents. for work and labor cone and per formed and materials furnished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and im provements thereon erected,situate on the east side of Eleventh street at the distance of fifly-elght feet north ward from the north side of Poplar street, In the Twentieth Ward of the City of Philsdelphiss, contain ing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street six teen feet, and extending In length or depth eastward of that width at right engles to the said Ewen th street seventy-one feet ten and one half inches to a three feet w id e alley. dame vs Mr. Dowell, Owner, C P. June Term; 1866, No. lee, for the sum or tifly-one dollars and twenty.thret cents, for work and labor done and per• larmed,and materials furnished against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Im provements thereon erected, beginning at tne point of Intersection or the smith line or Columbia avenue, with the northeast line of hinge avenue in the wentieth Ward of the ity of Philadelphia, contain ing In front as breadth on said Columbia avenue slaty eight feet threofnchesand five-eighths of an inch.and en the east line of said lot, at right angles to the said Columbia avenue forty-six feet four and one eighth Inches to the northeast side of said. Ridge avenue, upon which It has a front of aglsky-two fees six inches and one-half of an inch. barns Iml-rands hfelloy, owner, sc., 4:7- P., :. - une Term, Iss6, No. ist, for the sum of thirty-six. dollars nd seventy-five cents, for work and labor arias and Performed, and materials famished, against all that certain lot or piece of groundsltuate on the south easterly aide of Edgemont street, commencing at the distance of twenty feet southwesterly from Iremont street, in the Twenty-fifth Ward, containing in front or breadth on said hdgemont street nineteen feet six inches,and extending of that width southeasterly in length or depth between parallel lines at right angles to said Rdgemont street,loB feet to Mal len street. tame vs. James Carney, owner, itc., C. ,P., June Term, 1866, N 0.165, for the sum of thirty dollars and aisty-two cents for work and labor done and per. formed, and materials furnished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground with the two-story frame dwelling thereon erected, situate on the nor, hwesterty side of daimon Street, commencing: at tee distance of Us feet 6 inches southwesterly irom Fremont street In the • Twenty fifth Ward containing in front or breadth on said Salmon street 20 feet, an extending In length or depth northwesterly betweenparallel Hues at right angles to said Salmon street 97 feet to Mullen street. same vs. Thanlas S. Nett. owner, &c., C. P., Jane 'I elm, 1560,2i0.166, for the sum dollars a. d twenty-nin e cts. for work and labor done and pertormed and materiahs furnished against all that certain lot or Diece of ground situate on the northwesterly side of lidsemont street commencing at the distance of 179 feet flinches southwesterly from 'Fremont street. in the wenry.lifth Ward, containing in front or breadth on the said Edgemont street, 20 feet, and extending north 'w'esterly of that width between parallel lines at right angles to said Edgemont street in length or depth 83 feet BX, inches. Same vs Joseph Maitland, ewner. ac., C. P., June Term.lBB6, No. 179; for the sum of ninety dollars, for work and labor dune and performed, and materials Tarnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the First Ward of the city of Pailadelphits,on the west side of Thirteenth street, commenc i ng at the distance of feet south of Snyder street; containing In flout on Thirteenth street 120 feet, and in depth, be tween lines parallel with Snyder street 200 feet, more or lees. c ame vs. E. Y. Caruthers, owner, etc., C. P., June Term, N 0.184, for the sum of thirty-maven dollars and fifty cents for work and labor done and performed, anti materials furnished,agalnat, all that certain lot or . piece of ground situate in the First Ward of the city of Philadelphia, en the west side of Thirteenth street, commencing at the distance of 110 feet south of Mc- Kean street, containing in front on Thirteenth street BO Stet and extending of that width in depth westward 280 feet to a fifty feet wide street. Same vs. Abraham. Boyer, owner, do. C. P., 'June Term,lBBS, No. 181,:for the suns of eleven • dollars and twenty-five cents, tor work and labor done and. per formed, and materials furnished, against, all that cer—' taus lot or piece of ground situate ou the aide I of,Brinton street,at the distance of seventy -flies feet south of Jefferson ' etreet, in the. Seventeenth Ward of • the City of Philadelphia, contairdirg in front or breolth on said Brinton street, tifteenfeet, and eXtendleg In length or depth of that width easterly at right angles to raid Brinson street, eighty-eight feet six Inches to Law reXiCe street. • [same vs. Jacob Beiker,:oWner, &c., C. P. „Tune Term. ! 1866, No. 182; for the sum ot fatty dollaraand flfty cents , and , labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground; elitist* on the westerly side of Brinton street, at the; alliance of one hundred feet north, of Master street, in, the Beventeenth Ward, of the city of Philadelphia„ containing in front or breadth on said Brinton street oily-lour lett; and extendinrof that width in length or depth westerly, parallel with Master street, oue dred feet to Fifth street. Eame vr. Benjamin IKOore. owner, &a., C.:P.; June Term, 1866, NO.:183 ; 'for the sum of eleven dollars and' ' twenty. ilvecents, fbr work and labor done and .per-. formed, and materials furnished against all that cer-1 skin, lot, or piece of ground, situate on the easterly side, of Billiton street, at the distance of sixty-four feet south of Jefferson street, in the fieventeenta Ward of the city orPhiladelphia, containing in front or breadth n said Brlnton street lifteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth easterly at right angles with said Brhaton street eighty-eight feet six inches to' Lawrence street. •Sainevs. Prederick Parbacker, owner, &,c ; P., June Term; DM, No. 181 , lbr the sum of thirty-flVe dol lars and thirty•seven cents for work and labor done and perlermed,ancl materials furl/bite:l against all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the northeasterly Corner Of ISt. Taut , and:Canal streets ia the etxteenth Ward. of tne city of Philadelphia, coo t, Ining in front or breadth' On said Ylt. lotunt street... - fourteen feetseven Inches, and extending in :tenth r depth easterly on the northerly line at right angles tO said r , t John street. seventy feet. and on the soutnerly line parallel with and along said Canal street seventy feet nine inches to a ten feet wide alley. San e va. Mary Shiftier, owner, SO.. C. P.,lrme Term, MSS, l&,: for the sum of Seventeen Dollars, fur work and labor d- ne and'performed and matarialt forbid hed, against all that certain lot or pleCe ofground situate on the westerly aide of St. Tohtt street, at the distence of a ixty feet south of Beaver street in the Six teeth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said St. John street twenty feet,. and extenoing of that width in length or depth west erly parallel with said Beaver street to the northeast erly aide of Canal street on ,which it has a front- of , twenty two feet eight inches. Same vs. Christian Dreby, owner, dtc.; C. P.. June era,. 1866 No. 187; for the sum of todro -two collars, f...r work and labor done and per orrned, and ma rims furnished, against all that certain lot or pitse of ground situate on the southeasterly meatier of Jefferson and Brinton streets, in the revedteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; c .staining in front or breadth on said Brintcn street sixty -four feet, and ex tending of that width In length or depth eas . erly par- . allel with and along said Jed' -Mal street eighty-eight feet six inches to Lawrence s reek • , _ . name vs. Oliver Rust, owner la P.; June Term, 1866„No. 186, for these= of Twenty-two dollars and fifty cents.- for wm k and labor done and d, furnished against all that certain lot or piece 01 ground rituate on the north side of Pat k street In the Fleet Wa; d uftbe city of Philadelphla.begihm lig at the dial ance of 31 ieet inches west from he west side of Twenty-seventh street, containing in front or breadth un the said Park large, 10 feet; and extending In length or depth ndithward of thattvidth, between lit ei parallel with Twenty-seventhatreet, 40 feet More or less to other grounds of the same, bounded on ths east by groundsof Air. .Sernen, and on the west by ground of Theresar-NOM Same vs. John Sain,.owner. &c.; O. P. Inns Term, 1E46, No. 189, - for the slim of twelve dollars add twenty. eight cents, for work and labor done. and performed and materials furnished, against all that lot or piece of - ground situate' on the north side of Park street, in the First Ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of ail feet 73i inches west of Twenty-seventh strettr containing in front or breadth on the said Park street 16 feet 4% inches, and extending in length or - depth northward of that width, between lines parallel to Twenty aevenli street. 40 feet; more or Ii as, to other ground or the same; bounded on the east by ground of A. ItenUia, on the west by ground of J. Part. Same vs. Wm. B. Matcbett. owner, tc., C. P , sane Term, 1565, No. 190: for the sum ,of ten dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certainlot or niece of. ground. situate on toe south side of Park street in the 1r list Ward of the city of Philadelphia, - beginnlng stile distance of 188 rest east of Twenty-eighth street, containing in front or breadth on depth Park street, 14 feet. and extending In length orof that width between lines parallel with the said Twenty-eighth street, 83 feet 8 inches to 'ngram street, bounded on the west by other 'ground of the same, on the east by g • onnd of P. McDevitt. Sarre vs. Witham R. Metchett, owner. &C., C. P June Term, 1666, No. 191; for the sum of Ten dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on we south side of Park street in tne First Ward of thecity of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of 172. feet east of Twenty-eighth street; containing in front or breadth on the said Park street 14 feet, and extenoine In length or depth southward lof that width, between lines parallel with the said Teen• ty-eighth street, 85 feet 8 Inches to Ingram street; hounded on the eastand west by other ground of the same. . t- ,P vs. Air. Ce.dwalader, owner, &c., C. P.. June Term. iscS, N 0.192: for the sum of stmty seven dollars and fifty tents, for w..rk and labor done and per- Ormtd. and materials fArnished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Twenty-third street and on the south side of elhars. wood street, in the Twentieth Ward of the City of Eta lad. Iphia containing In front or breadth on the said '1 wenty-third street ninety feet. and extending in length or oel lb westward of that width along the south slat- of the said -barswooct street oue hundred feet. Same vs Neil Logan, owner C, P., June Term, MS. No. ISA; for the sum of ten aoll , irs 'sod' twelve cents, tor w.,:k end labor done and perform , d. and materials ed against all that certain lot or piece et ground situate in the First Ward or the thy of "ehiladelpbia s ou the east Ade ef Anthony atre.r, com mencing at the distance of 106 feet 6 inches north from P'ci;h s. n street: containing In front on the said An thony street 13 feet 6 1.^.c.1 es, and extending eastward, parallel with Dick ins m street on the north. line 46 fest le Inches, more or less, and on the south 1 tie 59 feet. Fame v.. P. Crests, owner dm.. C. P, June Term,l666, No. 195; for the sum of twenty-nine dollars and sixty two cents, fur pork and labor done and perfortaedoMd materials furnished against all that certain tria, ar lot or piece et ground situate on the weed side of -Twen ty-seventh street. in the First Ward of the city of Phi ladelphia beginning at the north aide of Ellsworth street, thence extending northward along the west tide of Twenty-seventh street 39 feet 6 Inches to the lice of the P., W. and B IL B Co.'s ground; thence extend ir g southwester!) , along the same parallel with the Gray 'a Ferry road 53 feet to the aorta aide of Ellsworth street; thence eastward along the same absnt 35 feet to the west side of Twenty-seventh street. and p 11.0.3 of beginning. Same vs. Lawrence Wattson, owner..32c., C. P., June Term. 1166 No. 194 fbr the sum of twelve dollars, tor well: and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, against all that certain lot or pleCe of grutind ith a three story brick message or tenement thereon erected. situate on the north side of Cattualne street, in the First Ward of the pity of Philadelphia, begin ning at the distance of sixty five feet east of Seven teenth street, containing in front or breadth on the said Catharine street sixteen fbet, and extending In I egth or depth northward of that width between lines parallel with thesaid Seventeenth street sixty-six feet. tame vs. L. C. lansunds, owner. dc, C. P.. June Term,ls66, No, 197, for the sum of seventy-one dollar's and twenty-five cents for work. =disbar done and per formed, and materiels furnished against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Twenty seventh street, in the First Ward, city of Phil adelphia. beginning at the north tide of I.llsworth sp . ' et, thence extending northward along the east stile nine said Twenty-seventh street. 93 feet more or less to line of the P.and B. B. B. Co's. ground, thence northeasterly along the same ;l1 feet to a bend, tnence conth ning sortheastwardly 42 feet to a corner, thence southwiud parallel -with Twenty-seventh street, one hundred and forty two feet more or less to the north tide of.fillsworth street, thence westward along the same 54 feet to the place of beginning, bounded on the east by other ground oft. C. Edmunds. Same ye. Mx. Davis, owner &c.. C. P June Term, liteS, !so, 198; for the sum of twenty -five dollars for work and lab r uoneand performed. end materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground, with a thrtestory brick xnessuage or tenement thereon erected situate on the northwest corner of Sixteenth and Catharme streets, in the !sixteenth Ward of the City cf Philadelps la, containing in front or breadth un the said Sixteenth street 15 feet, and extending in length or Cepth westward Of that width between lines parallel with Catharine street 50 'eel to a three feet wide alley. same vs John Cornwell..Tr.. owner, cite .C P. June Term, ISM No. 199; for the sum of ten dollars and fifty ter, ts tor work and labor done and performed and ma- terials furnished, against all t hat certain lot or piece of ground. with the buildings and improvements thereon ercttkl, situate on the north side of Seybert street at t e distance of 113 feet eastward from the east side of Seventeenth street, In the Twentieth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Seybert street 14 feet, and extending in length or breadth northward of that width at right ►'lsles to the said Seybert street 66 feet to a three feet wide alley. Same VB. Mr. Quinn, owner dm • C. P., June Term, No. 2C0 3 for the sum Jt tra enty-r even dollars and ninety five cents for work and labor done and per formed,and materials !tarnished. against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Huntingdon street at the distance Irr feet southeasterly front Jasper street in said city, containing In front or In eadth on said Huntingdon street 33 feet e inches and extending of that width sbuthwesterly between par allel lines parallel to said Jasper street, 146- abet 8,4 Inches to Hazzard street. Barrie vs. Andrew D. Cash, owner, C. P. June Term, 1866,Zi0. SOL for thesum of forty dollars and fifty -cents, for work and labor done andperformed, and materials Air.. 'abed , against ail that certatn lot or piece of ground, situate in the First Ward of the City of Philadelphia. on the northeast corner of Thirteenth Idifilb streets, containing in front on Thirttenth street fifty-fbnr fbet, and in uepth eastward sixty-four ieet between limas para!lel with Dif ftin street tiamevs. S. Bunting, owner &c ., t 7. P., June Term, If 68, Nil 282; for the slim of nine dollars and thirty nine cents, for work and labor done and performed. tind materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground. situate ou the northwesterly side of Emerala street, between Albert street and Aun street, In the Nineteenth' 'Ward of said city, containing in front or breadth. on said Erne, aid street one hundred and twenty feet, and extending in lensth or depth of that width northwestern between the lines of said Albert and Ann streets one hundred and eighty-seven feet. blame vs. William H. Boyer, owner. ac., C. P. Tune Term, 1666, No. 203, Jor th e sum of nhy-live dollars thirty-aeven cents tor work and labor done and per formed. 1... d materials famished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground situate on the north-east erly aide of Huntingdon street, at the distance of two hundred and sixty met north-westerly from 'Emerald etrtet, in the Nineteenth Ward Of the said city, con taining, in f.ont or breadth, on said Huntingdon Street one hundred and fourteen feet, and extending in length or depth north-easterly of that width, between par allel lines at right angles to said Huntingdon street sixty feet. Same vs. John Brown, owner, dm; C. andune Term, 1866, No. 264; for the of ten dollars fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or pione of ground, situate on the west side of Buclanell street, at the dieter ce of 132 feet northward from the north side of Hare street, in the Fifteenth Ward or the city of containing in front or breadth on said Bucknell street 14 feet, and extending in depth west ward between lines parallel with said Hare street 40 Same vs. Henry Ravi:land, owner. &c.,• C. • P , Rine • Term. 1866, 205, for the sum of thirty dollars for work and labor done and pertbrmed, and materials furnished against all 'that certain lot or piece of ground with the brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate on , the southwest corner of Bucknell and Brown streets, in the Fifteenth Ward;of the city Of Philadelphia, containing In front unsaid Brown street 1 15 feet, and extending in depth sonthward.keeping the i same width along the west side of said Bucknell street, 60 feet to a two feet wide alley.. Same vs, Daniel Haviland, owner. ac., C. P. June Term, 1866, No. 206. for the sum of Fifty-two Dollars and Any cents,for work and labor done and performed and materials furnished, against all that certain lot or , piece Of ground with the rive brick dwelling houses thereon erected, situate en the west side of Backnell ' street at the distance of 62 feet southward from the south side of Brown street; in , the Fifteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front on said' Bracknell street seventy feet, and extending in depth westward between lines pasallel with said Brown street Same vs. TN:moo J. Thompson, owner. &c.; 0. P., June Tenn, 1846, No. 207; for the sum of nineteen dol lars and fifty cents Ibr work and labor done and per formed, end materials Mroished against ail that cer tain lot or pieces of ground situate on the west side of Bucknell street, at the distance of as feet northward from 'ho north side of liars street, in the Fifteenth Want of the said city; containing in front oa said liucknell street SO feet, and extending In depth west ward, betweeritiniSt parallel with said Rare street.4o feet. Sarno ye. Arnold Vaufeesen, ow ner, dm., C. P. Je ,, e 'Zeno, le6o, :et for the own Of twenty•eixht deli= and fifty Cents fey work and labor done and perferrad. and materials furnished rgalust all that taitain tot or piece of gratin& Situate on t est side of Backned street, at the distance of 1.14 feet northward front that north side of Hare street In the Fifteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front on said Buck hell street 38 feet, and extenolug in depth westward between lines parallel with said Hare tareet 40 feet. Same vs. Henry W. Gault, owner; &c.; C. P. Jane , Term. 1866. No. 209; for the sum of ten dollars and fifty emits, for work and labor done and performed,andina. .terials furnished age nst all that certain lot or plena el r ground. With the brick dwelling house thereon erected. situate on the east side of hucknell street• at the din lance of It? feet northward- from the north side of Hare street. In the Fifteenth Ward of the city of Phila delphia: containing in front on said Sucknell street /4 feet, and extendmg in depth eastwaro, between lines parallel a ith said Hare act eet 50 feet. . fame vit. Wllilana W. Parrish, owner. P.,Jane Term, 1866, NO. 210; for the sum of twenty. four dollars and aeveatymve cents for work and lanor done and performed, and; materials tarnished against all tnat certain lot tr piece of ground, Si nate on the south-- easterly Bide of Washington avenue, la the Twenty third Ward of the city of -Philetterphia, beginning at the distance of 82 feet 6 inches northwestward from the northwest side of emerald street, containing in front or breadth on said Washington street 3,1 feet, and In length or depth, between parallel lines, 120 feet e ante va. Mrs. Cook, owner dc., C,. P., June Term. 1866, N 0.211. for the sum of fifty dollars and thirty-five cents for work and labor done and performed and ma terials farnished against all that certain triangular lot or piece of ground situate on the soath west corner of Sixteenth and Washington avenae in the First Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said Washington avenue 71 feet and in depth on the weft aide of Sixteenth etreet 35 feet to Thomas S. ntewart'e line. thence northwesterly along the same 101 rem 5 inches to the south side of Washing ton avenue, bounded on the north by Washington avenue; east by Sixteenth street, south and west by ground of Thomas 8. Same vs:William O. Clouds, 0. P., Jane Term, 1866, No. 212, for the sum of twenty-seven dollars. for work anti Moor none and performed, and, materials fur nished, against all that certain lot or leas of ground on the easterly side of Hancock street, commencing at the distance of one hundred and sixty-two feet- south. from Norris 'street, in the Nineteenth Ward of said city, containing in front or breaoth on said - Hancook street thirty six feet, and extending in length or depth easterlyon the north line of said lot at right angles to , said Hancock street ninety feet to Mercer street, and on The - south - of said lot -so right angles to said Hancock street feet seven and three-qualm. ter inches to a point; and thence farther in a north easterly direction thirty feet two and a nalf Inches to saidlliercer street, and thence - northerly along the lino of said Mercer street twelve feet to the said northerly line of fond lot. . . Same vs J. W.15100n1, owner, &c., C. P., June Term. 1866, No. 213; for the sum of thirteen dollars and filmy cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished, against all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the westerly side of Han cock street, commencing at the diva ce of 164 .feel 6 inches southerly from Norris street, in the Nineteenth Ward of said city, containing in front or breadth oa said Haucock street 18 feet, and extending wetterly in length or depth of that width, between parallel lines. to said Norris street lip feet to Palethorp street: 'flame vs. John. Hartley. owner, &c. C. P.. Scuie Term, 18C6, No. 215, for the sum of tw. nty Ibur dollars, for work and labor done and performed and materials. tarnished, agaliart all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northwesterly aide of .Edgemont street, commencing at the distance of 243 feet 6 inches north easterly from Lehigh avenue. in the Twenty-Ants Ward of said city, containing in front or breadth on said Edgemont street 32 feet, and extending in length or depth northwesterly of that wioth, betwean parallel lines at right angles to said hdgemont stress, 90 feet to = Lewis street. tame vs. Joseph Pearson, owner, dos, C. P., June Term, 1666, No. 216; for the sum of twelve dollars, for work and labor done and performed, and materials turnisted,against all that certain lot or piece of ground with the thieestory brick dwelling thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly side 01 Edgemont street, commencing at the distance of one hunared and forty seven feet six inches northeasterly from Lehigh avenue, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of said city, con taining in front or breadth on said Edgemoat street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth north westerly between parallel lines at right angles to said Edgemoat street nicety feetto Lewis street. Seine vs. Joseph Pearson, owner, cts., C. P., June Term, 1866, No. 217; for the sum of twelve dollars, for; work and tenor cone and performed. and materials furnished against all that certa n let or piece of groand with the three story brick dwelling thereon erected situate on the northwesterly side of Edgemont street, commencing at the distance of 163 feet o inches north-, easterly from Lehigh avenue in the Twenty.fifth Ward of said city, containing in front or breadth °staid Edgemont street. 16 feet, and extending in length or Leptis northwesterly between parallel lines at rigtt angles to said Edgeusont street 90 feet to Lewis streei. t-ALME. vs Joseph Pearson owner, &r.. C. P., JURE) Term, 1866, No. 218; for the sum of twelve dothus, fur svcrk and labor done and performed, and materials funfithed against, all that certain lot or piece of ground with the three Wry brick dwelling thereon erected, stnate on the northwesterly side of Edgemoat street, commencing ar, the distance of one hundred and sev enty-nine tett six inches northeasterly from LehieJa avenue, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of said city, con tainmg in front or breadth on Said Edgemont, Street sixteen feet. aid extending in length or depth north westerly between parallel lines at right angles to said Easement street wrists. feet to Lewis street. Same vs. John brt it h, owner. ctn.: C. P. June Term. 1166, Do- 219, for the slam of fifteen dollars, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the northeasterly side of Toronto street, coma:mm.- .1r g at the distance of onehundred and forty feet south easterly from blelvale street in the Twenty-fifth Ward of said City, containing in front or breadth on said Toronto street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth, northeasterly of that width, between lines parallel to said N eivale Street 100 feet mune vs John T. Jones, owner &a, C. P.,June Term, No. 220, for the sum of forts , eight dollars and seventy ' five cents, for work and labor clone and performed,a d materials turnished,against all that *serails lot or oleos of ground with the ce.iar partywallea thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly aide of Girard avenusand southwesterly side of Norris street, in the 18th Ward of the said city, containing in front or breadth on said Girard avenue sixty-five feet and extending north westerly at right angles to said Girard avenue on southwesterly line of said lot, 40 feet 7 inches to a lona thence northeasterly at right angles tosaid Nor ris street, fortty feet seven and a halt ,incbes to said 'sortie street and thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Norris street 65 feet to the point of intersection of said Girard avenue and Norris Same vs. John T. Jones, owner, tt..c., C. P , June Term, 1868, No. tali for the sum of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performecl,and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate en the northwesterly side o. Girard avenue, commencing at the distance of 10, feet north easterly from Moreton street, in tne Eighteenth Ward of said city, containing In front or breadth on said 6I rare avenue • 8 feet, and extending in renglla or depth northwesterly, between lines pars, lel to each - other and at right angles to said Girard avenue, 49 &et 9 inches on the northeasterly line thereof, and 69 feet 9 mches on the southwesterly line of-said lot. Same vs. John 'l‘ Jones, owner &v., C. P.i cine Term 1865, Igo. for the sum of thirteen dollars and fifty rents, for work and labor dote and performed, and materials fore Isbell against all that certain lot or piece Or ground with the two-story brick dwelling thereon erect* d, situate on the northwesterly side of Girard. avenue, commencing at the distance of 72 feet north easterly from Morton street, in the Eighteenth Ward of is• id city, containing in front or breadth on said Gi rard avenue 18 leer, and extending in length or depth or that width northwester y between 11, , es at right angles to said Girard avenue, :2 feet on the north easterly line and-83 feet 3 inches on the southwesterly line of said lot. Same vs. John T. Jones. 'owner, &c.; C. P., June Term, 1866, ho. =St for the sum of thirteen dollars and tiny cents, for work and labor done and performed, eau materials fUrnished, against all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the twoetory brick building thereon erec. ed, situate on the northWestexly aide of Girard avenue, commencing at the distance of 90 feet northeasterly from Moreton street, in the kighteenth Ward of said city, o.sntaining in front or breadth on said Girard avenue 18 feet, and extending in length or depth northwesterly of that width between lines at right orgies to said Girard avenue 69 feet 9 inches on the northeasterly line, and 72 feet on the southwesterly line of said lot. Same vs. John T. Jones, owner, ,k.e.,C l', June Term , 1868,230. =4; for the sum of thirteen dollars and fifty cents :Or work and labor done and performed and ma terials furnished, against all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick dwelling and two-story back be liiings adjoining thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly side of Girard avenue and northeasterly aloe of Morton street, in the Eigh teenth Ward of said city,containing in front Or breadth on said Girard avenue 18 feet, and e &tending in length or depth northwesterly of that width between lines parallel to and along said Morton street 62 feet. Same vs. John T.Jones, owner, &c., C.P., June Term, 1868,1 o. far the stun of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against ail that certain lot orpiece of ground, with the two-story brick dw.-lUng Lhereoa erected situate on the northwesterly 'side of Girard avenue, coma wining at the distance Of 18 feet, north easterly from Morten street, in the Eighteenth . Ward of said city; containing , is front or breadth on said Gi rard avenue 18 feet, and extending in length or depth of that width northwesterly, between lines at: right angles, to said Girard avenue, n feet. Same vs. Casper Keller, owner, &C.; C. P. Jane Terxr,1866,1 4 10 226; for the sum of thirty dollars, foe cork and labor done and performed, and materials furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Somerset street and southeasterly side of Gaul street, in the Twenty fifth Ward of said city; containing in front or breadth on said Somerset street 40 feet, and extending in length or depth southwesterly of that width, between hues parallel to and along said Gaul street, 80 feet,. more or less. Sense V 13.0. H. Witte, owner, de,. C. P., June Terno,, 1858, No . 227, for the sum or thirty - five dollars and twenty-five cents tor work and labor done and per and materials furnished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground eitnateon the south-westerly side of Somerset street and norm-wasted) side of Stud street, containing, In front or breadth, on said Somer set street, forty-seven feet, in the Twenty-Fllth ward ofsaid city, andextending in length br depth south westerly,or that width, between lines parallel to sad along said Gaul street, eighty feet more or less. Same vs. Frederick Pricker. owner, fie, C. P.. June term,lBB6,No.=3; for the sum of thirty dollars, for work and labor done and peribrmed,and materials furnished againstall that certain lot or piece ofground, with the two.atory frame dwelling and two-story frame kitchen adjoining, thereon erected,sitnate on the southwestirly side of - Somerset street, and southeaster iy aide of Chatham street; in the Twenty-fifth ward of said city, containing in front or breadth on said Somers.t atreet forty feet, and extruding In length or depth southwest erly between lines parallel to and along said Chatham street eighty feet; more len. , Same vs Machette &` lteguel, awhefa June Term,, No.2= for the suur of. Seventy dol lars and two cents, for work and labor done and per andmaterials furnished, against all that cer tain lot or piece of ground situate on the nortweeterly side of Cedar street, 120 feet 11,14.1neirea southwesterly from &menet' street,- and extending thence 'north easterly hlong the line of said Cedar strestl2o feet, ItX Inches to the corner of said G der and Somersetstreets . thence northwesterly alo4 g the line of said elomersel 'street 93 feet 'pekes to the Aramingo Canal, and thence southerly along the several courses of said ar amtngo Canal 155 feet 4,?„ inches to the place of he lm:dog, - - , Same vs. Patrick Quinn, owne r , &c,,, P. s o ne Term, 1866, No. 230; for the sum of thirty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents, for work and labor done and perlbrmed, and matorials tlumislied against all that
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers