CITY BIILLETIR: The Philadelphia Gas Wierks.‘ The Committee of Select Council ap pointed to examine into the' affairs of the Philadelphia Gas Works, held an adjourned meeting last evening, Cola Page presiding. Col. Page stated that he had received no an ,tewer from the Trustees to the communica •.tion of the 30th of May. Mr. John Roberts, Foreman of the First 'Ward Works was present, and testified as follows: Have been foreman about six years; at the present time we have from 325 to 350 men employed at the Point Breeze Works; the "stokers" are required to • be skilled; the result of employing unskilled labor would be to injure the materials and work; in order to make ,good coke it is necessary for the coal to be fully car bonized ; _ since January, 1865, we have lied;the requisite amount of skilled "labor;"' early in 1865 we discharged with one or two exeeptions, all who were not of the same po litical party as the majority of the Trustees; this was done at the order of the Engineer.. The places were filled by taking "helpers," • .and making them "stokers," and employing new hands as "helpers;" this did not require, tie to pay men to instruct the "helpers." the _"helpers" receive $2 15 per day; , the "sto kers" receive $2 25 per day; never heard of a man receiving pay for services net fen tiered, except' when he has been injured at the works; from 4.1 to 4 cubic feet is the av erage for a pound bf coal; there can he a leak age of gas after it is put into, the holder; gas "may leak at the retort or in' the pump; we had but one "blow" of gas in 1866, and lost about 60,000 cubic feet of gas; it was con aidered to be the result of carelessness and Altman was discharged; it' was one of the eld hands; in 1864 the men at the works in the First Ward stood two-third Democrats. and one-third Rephbliaan, in 1864 Mr. Mc- CreadY efficient foreman, wasdis charged by Mr. Stewart, their Engineer, as be alleged, for political cause; Mr. Stewart was a Democrat and Mr. McCready a Re -publican. the break in the - holder occurred an 1864. I . don't know of a return of a less ;amount of coal 'than ;that actually Con _Armed in order to cover up the. deficiencies in the yield; such a thing could.have been ;done without my knowledge; the aver age, consumption of coal per day is now ; about gone hundred tons; in the winter: we use more; the exact heat _required in the manufacture of gas:is ascer tained through practice; that is the reason why skilled labor is required; iron retorts will last, on an average, seven months; we bave had some that gave out in eleven days; the worst retorts we had were received in 1864 and 1865; Stilleman it- Ellis furnished retorts in May, 1865, and they suffered the loss; I saw the Cameron coal; tested it, and its average yield was about 4.17; in combi nation with other coal the yield was 4.60; the greatest yieldwith Cameron coal alone alone was 4.38 ; the highest of Penn and Westmoreland, on section- work is 5 ; the average last month was 4.33, with a portion of Cameron coal used; would -prefer the Penn and Westmoreland to the Cameron; have had something less than 1,000 tons of the Cameron coal; so far as the works are concerned. I thi k they are as well managed as ever before; I mean the Point Breeze Works; I cannot explain how it is that there was a loss, bat getting all -our bad retorts in 1865 it shows a bad exhi bit; in 1862 the average yield was 4.39, while in 1865 it was 4.08 to the pound; I put thiti entirely upon the defective retorts; unskilled labor and want of management had nothing to do with it; the men now employed are men of experience, some of them have been engaged over six years. At the close of Mr. Roberts' examination, a sub-committee of two was appointed to examine the books. The Committee adjourned until Friday evening next. - The Reception of the State Flags. After the close of our report of the pro ceedings of the General Committee on Re ception of the State Flags yesterday, the Committee on Invitation reported that in vitations be extended to the following bodies: 1. Survivors of the war with Mexico. 2. The officers of the Christian and Sani tary Commissions. 3. Officers of railroads, which have fur nished free transportation for the Color Guards. 4. The Weccacoe Legion. A resolution was' offered by Col. Ellma lier, and adopted, stating that the resolution adopted at a previous meeting in regard to ciEcers and men appearing in uniform was of designed to be compalsotT, but intended as a request to appear in uniform as far as practicable. • The Chairman made a motion which was agreed to, that the committee telegraph to General Negley, directing him is forward • immediately to General Jordan, Harris . burg .the tickets of transportation now in his possession, and that Colonel Harrison and tgeneral Jordan be constituted a committee - to meet atHarrisburg in regard to their dis tribution. A resolution appointing a committee to proceed to Harrisburg to receive the flags and escort them .to Philadelphia on the 13d - ofJuly was agreed to. The Committee are General Jordan, Gen. - Pennypacker, General Coulter, Cal. Frank lin and Col. Henderson. On motion, 2 t ooo copies of the official pro gramme were directed to be printed for the use of the general committee. Adjourned to reassemble at the LaPierre Rowse on the evening of the 2d of July. "Rxrset.wierioN OF .A ROBBEERL—Recorder Xtten had before him, yesterday afternoon, Charles Roehl, hoop-skirt manufacturer, at Xfo. 548 North Second street, who was charged with fraudulently secreting his ..Twoperty r with intent to cheat-and defraud Moen & Co. out, of V.,700, and also by the " - Arm of Osborn 46 Cheeseman, of New York, *with defrauding them out of $2,391 53. It was in evidence that goods purchased by - defendant of the plaintiffs were sold by him at much less than he paid-for, them., •Anteil Hundermark,employed by . Mr. Roehl as a porter, testied that on Monday, 'June 4th, Roehl gave him a bogus package containing papers of no value, telling , him to put it in his pocket. Roehl then called down some girls, and their presence counted out the sum stated, 85,765, saying to witness '`Take this to. bank and get me checks on New York for it," calling atten tion of the girls to the- fact. After they had • left the room he placed the . money in his pocket and gave the bogus package to wit .. nese, who threw it into the Delaware. Wit , MESS then went back to the store, and in the presence of the girls said he had had his Pocket Picked. Hundermark, at ,the 'sug gestion of Roehl, left information at the •Mayor's office, that,he had been robbed of the money. After this Roehl took witness before a magistrate, :where he made an air]. • davit to the effect that his .pocket had been actually picked. The defendant said he had done so, but notwithstanding, he intended to pay his creditors. The case was contin • - .bed until Friday next, at three o'clock, the defendant having been committed in de fault of $5,000 bail. ; DOMESTIC MAMEETS.—Prices in market this morning were as follows : Apples, 35 to 45c. per half peck; asparagus, 10 to 20c. per, bunch; beets, 15 to 200, per henpeck; butter, 35 to 45e. per pound; carrots 20 to 25c. per henpeck; chickens, 23 to 30c. per pound; ; cherries, 30 to 40c. per pound; cran berries, 15 to goo. per guart; eggs, 26 to 30c. per dozen; gooseberries, 22 to 25c. per quart; lard, 20 to 23c." per pound; roast beef; 23 to M. per pound; sirloin steaks, 33 to 40c., per pound, mutton, 12 t 02,50. per pound; onions, 20 t0.30c. per half peck, pork;ls to 22c. per pound; peas, 45 to 55e. per half peek; pota (me, 25 to Mc. per half peek; otrawberries, 30 to 45e, per quart, and veal, 10 to 20e. per potuid, , NEW . TABLISHMENT, The westward march of improvement still progresses; banks, news paper offices and business establishments generally are being moved up Chestnutand other streets every day. One of the latest improvements of this character is, the new establishment of the well known jeweler, Mr. J. T. Gallagher, formerly of Bailey & Co.,at the corner of Chestnut and Thirteenth streets. We stepped into this beautiful store yesterday afternoon, and were most grati fied with an examination of the'- exquisite stock of jewelry, silver ware,&c., displayed. Among other articles we noticed a clock, just received from Paris, of absolutely ppr feet make, and with a_very peculiar and .uri;. teresting escapement. 4 We also saw a Seyres:ohinatable,a relic of the Frenchrevo- Intion of the last century.. Its top contains accurate portraits of the royal family gov erning Prance at that era, and, both from its beauty and historical interest, is of great value. Mr. Gallagher is prepared to :attend to watch-making and repairing, &a, and will always keep a splendid stock of the choicest and most fashionable jewelry, silver ware, watches, &c. MOUNTAIN Homan, CRESSON SPRINOS.P.A. —Now that our city residents are about se lecting a place to spend the summer months' we would direct their . attention to that de-• lightful spot • on the top of the Allegheny, mountains, known as Cresson Springs. Its elevation,its cold spring and mineral waters, its mountain scenery,and above all, its pure air, render it one of the most desirable sum mer resorts in the country. The house is kept now, and has been for several years 'past, by that experienced and gentlemanly landlord, Mr. GeorgseW. Mullin, whose at tention to the comfort of his guests is a mat ter of comment among all who have ever spent a summer at Cresson. We learn that many improvements have been made in the place since last season, thus adding to its attractions. It can be reached by all the through trains on the Pennsylvania Rail road, thus rendering it easy of access. Per sons desiring to procure accommodations at the Mountain Rimse should address the proprietor at Cresson Springs, Cambria county, Penni. SWINDLING BOARDING HOUSE KEEPERS. —Before Alderman Beitler, yesterday af ternoon,Lafayette Meyers was charged with obtaining boarding under false pretenceg. Several proprietresses of boarding houses testified that the defendant and wife had taken board with them, promising to pay their board promptly,hut had not done so. Mrs, Catharine English, with whom they hoarded for six weeks, testified that Mrs. Meyers had represented her husband to be a private secretary in the War Office, but afterwards said that he was selling cigars in Philadelphia. The case was continued for a further hearing. RELIGIOTIS.—On Sunday last there were received into the membership of the North Presbyterian Church, Sixth street, near Green, the addition of forty-eight persons, all but two recent converts. A series of very interesting meetings have been in progress for the past seven weeke, and under the ministrations of Dr. Robert W. Henry, the pastor of this congregation, it has attained a very high degree of prosperity. The Rev. George B. Ide, D.D., of Massa chusetts, will preach at the First Baptist Church, Broad and Arch streets, to-morrow morning. SEASIDE SHAWLB.—Onr lady readers will be interested in the advertisements of Edwin Hall Lt . Co., No. 28 South Second street; John W. Thomas, Nos. 405 and 407 North Second street, and Curwen Stoddart er. Brother, Nos. 450,', 452 and 454 North Second street. _Many novelties in the way of sea-side shawls are offered by these pro minent houses. The patterns are entirely new and the styles are such as to suit all tastes. Those of our readers who are going out of town should furnish themselves with bright and pretty shawls at once. AccrnmiT. Thomas Fitzgerald, aged nineteen years, a resident of Hestonville, had his left leg broken yesterday afternoon, by one of the walls of the Satterlee Hospital falling on - him.- He was taken to the Penn sylvania Hospital. Frona Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS MONROE, June 14.—The body of George S. Goodall, a young man who was drowned here several days ago, was found washed up on the beach this morning. The deceased was a native of Vermont. His body was taken charge of by the authori ties, and interred until such time as they should be made acquainted with the wishes of his relatives. The barge Wallkill, owned by the United States government, was sold at public auction here to•day by General A. P. Blunt, for the sum of one thousand dollars. The purchaser was General Mulford, who designs using it as a wood barge on the James river. The affairs of Jeff. Davis remain in statu quo. The United States receiving ship Constel lation, now stationed at Norfolk, has received orders to leave for Philadelphia, and to be convoyed by the United States steamer Miles Standish, for the purpose of re lieving the receiving ship Princeton, which is condemned to be sold. The United States sloop-of-war Savannah left the an chorage at . Norfolk on last Tuesday evening for Annapolis, Maryland. Capt. J. C. Cook, who commanded the rebel ram Albemarle in her exploits in the sounds on the coast of North Carolina during the war, and which was subse quently blown np by Lieut. - Cushing, has become exceedingly reduced in circum stances since the collapse of the Confederacy. The captain's health is said to be broken down by haxd services, and his friends are soliciting, contribptions in his behalf. Visitors to Gettysburg Battle Ground. [From the Gettysburg Stu or Jute GM.] The battle-field of Gettysburg continues to be 'visited by parties from all parts of the country. The following arrivals we copy from the Eagle Hotel register on Tuesday: Major-General Hancock and wife, Hon. Wm. B. F. Hancock, father of the General; Wm.-R. Hancock, Master Frank Hancock, Hon. John P. Kennedy and wife, General Steinard, Miss Baclitts, Col. Wm. P. Wil son, Capt. John B. Johnson, Col. Anderson, General Mitchell and four children, Major Lyster and two servantii, Col. Batchelder, Wm. Walker, Col. Fessenden, A. 3. Rankin, Capt. Gish, T. F. Rothermel, artist; Samuel Middleton, •T. 3. Brown, Jag. Gruber and wife, , Thos. Shipley, L. E. Elston, John Mickley, J. B: Paxton, Wm. H. Mull, W. H. Brunner, R. A. Belch, Theo. Heilig and M. H. Richards. , Those among the above who have come to visit the battle-field, have , been occapied in that way. Col. Batchelder is here, in com pany with other military men, to gather facts and material for his 'history of the battle:which he has-now in course of prepa ration. Mr. Rothermel, the artist, to whom has been awarded the contract for the hisito rical painting of the battle-field, is hefe for that purpose, prospecting, locating positions and taking views. On Tuesday evening the distinguished parties were serenaded by the Gettysburg , Band,. at their headquarters at the Eagle. Gen. Hancock, Hon.': ffno. iF. Kennedy, Gen. Steinard, ' Col; Batchelder and Wm. B. F. Hancock, Sr., appeared on the verandah, and acknowledged the corit• pliment in short speeches appropriate,to the occasion. They retired amid deafening cheers. The party left again on Wednesday, -ffi l joix ( Po l ne to 9.l.l l ll — be 'f rrsit ri gi t tit Awning Doak, Papermakera felting, Sail Twine. &c. JOHNRMA_N dr, CO.. , No. Wt Jonos'a LAM , . THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 16,1866. , . ISTI LA . . . ..4 S ..: . •.. • . Ay Pr 4 and Fourth Arch C. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALE_ L S AT PRICES TO MEET THE VIEWS OF HlTY.aiisca ARE OPENING TO-DAY FOR • . _ _ _ . - ST-')IZIN 43- - I*3II.IAECS, . . - PASHIONABLE NEW SILKS NOVELTIES IN - DRESS GOOk a ' • NEW - STYLES SPRING SHA NEW LING DRIEST:3 GOODS, > PINE STOCK OP NEW GOODS. MAGNIFICENT POULARDS, SPLENDID BLACK 'SILKS. ni..-Thel3 above are , all n ew goods, and at prices t. _ X•Ft•-.11::111?1 10111,114. - .111,/ ;11 pi pig 1,11 2,000 PIECES WHITE GOODS, Including all varieties Shirred, Puffed. Tacked, Plaid, Striped; Plain and Figured JIMILINES, suitable for White Bodies and Dresses. 100 pieces printed IMES LAWNS, desirable styles - fur Dresses., Cluny, Valeneienne and other Laces lased- Inge, ltdgings. Plouneinga and Bands, Hand kerchleftVeils, Collars, Sleeves,etc. The ab ove are offered for sale CUBA" and In greatVARIETY. IaDIES WO= DO WELL TO mum- OJIC is vns:ti 011 Z. h Kzi: is 47/--is)11 ETRE d .LANDELL. , FOURTH AND ARCH, ARE NOW OFFERING A FULL LINE OF SUMMER SHAWLS, • PURE WHITE SHETLANDS, PURE WHITE BARBELS, PURE WHITE LLAMA, BLACK LACE POINTS. OREN A DINE SHAWLS. SIIIDLER. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. PLAIN AND STRIPE SILKS. SUPE.RIGR PLAIN SILKS, BLACK IRON BAREGEti. SUMMER POPLINS, PONGEES FOR SIDI re, CORDED talti KS FOR s E un% c DELL. El BE HAVE THEN EL FINEST QUALITY BLACK DRAP D'ETR, CANVAS DRILLINGS, LINEN DUCKS, BAS ET DUCKS. FANGY DRILLINGS. riLOTHB CASSE!.S. — .sallM AND COAITNGS.—Iamet & iLeeinvite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted Spring Block comprising, in part,COATING GOODS, Super Black French Cloth, Colored Cloths, of all kinds, Black Tricot Coatings. Fancy French Coatings, Super Bilk Mixed C( : Tweeds. of every, I 4l t=and snail PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeskins, the finest texture, Black French Cassimeres, the haslet texixtr% New styles of Fancy Cassimeres, • Plain and neat styles Cassimeres, Mixed Doeskins and Cassimeres. Bilk Mixed and Plaid Cassimeres. Cords, Beaverteens and Velveteens. Cassimeres for Snits, all styles. • Also, a large assortment of Goode expressly JA & No.ll North Second at., sign of the Golden Lamb, EDWIN HALL & CO., 28 South Second street, bay* now open their Spring Stock of Shawl& Open Centre Broche Shawls. Open Centre Square Shawls. Billed Centre Square shawls. New Styles of Shawls. - Spun Silk Shawls. • • Llama Wool Shawls. Caslunere Wool Shawls. - Berlin Wool Shawls. Long and Square Black Tblbet Shawls, In great vs riety, wholesale and retail. LAWNS REDUCED. I,too yards Lawns, at 25 cents. I,tte yards Lawns, fast colors. 1,000 yards Lawns: at M cents. 1,000 yards Lawns, a great bargain. I,cot yards Lawns, at `Z cents. • 1,000 yards Lawns, a great sacrifice. 1,000 yards Lawns. at 25 cents. at STOKES & WOOD'S, 702 Arch street. open -ElWEN ping HAL daily new g Check Sines Colored Grounds. - Check Silks, White Grounds. Rich Moire Antiques. Rich Shades Plain Silks. Foulard Silks rich styles. Silk and Linen Poplins. -Black Silks.of all kinds.ihraleaks BILKS'AT REDUCED PRICES. HATS, - STRAW GOODS, ETO., RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Barnes, Osterhonf, Herron & Co., S. E. nor. Fourth and Chestnut St, are now closing out atretall their extensive stock of Spying. and Sumter Hats, consisting of Straw, Felt, etc., of the latest styles and improvements, At Wholesale Prices. Those want of=sfis descript i on can SAVrat tONEprpatit je6-3m rp a 323 and`33l South Street,: baa a handsome assortment of SPRING BRIL Y; Wawa' and Intim:LW Rata and 01. m Mks, Wtth .erapes, Pabons, Feathers, Flowers, laSt , , OABMIAGIE MA R . 1339 m. ,3406 MARKET Street, West Philadelphia, 3 squares west of Market street bridge. An assortment sf stages constantly on hand , my2s,ins•_ GARDNER & FLEEING, 00ACCEL ns RAKERS eI , 2i4 South Fifth street, below Ban, phia. Jar Autism:lll=lmA of NEW and EZCOND-HAND OARS AGES alvniya on hand, at REASONABLE PRICES aD24-71m SAVE TIME I SAVE MONEY !! THE EXCELSIOR CHURN Will Churn Butter in Two Minutes and a half. Call and See Timm at SMITH & RICHARDSON'S, JeP 611 EMMET STREET. it PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF PROHI RENT PLACES IN • Charleston and Savannah, Taken by a resident Artist. Also, a Photograph of the Original Ordinance offilectasion, passed in Oonven• tion at Charleston, ssi, with fac simile Signatures of 'ail the Signers. Orders received and Par sale by • PERRl";_ s _oner mVittlf . '728 Alkali siT • P.BET. rEaumpors - Excnacipurr.— , • ASTONISHING NEWS TO THE Tbe . chespest and best Spring Meek ; of. Clothing in the city will. and must be sold this day. , LOUIS BA/NS, leat Market street'Under Adams & Co.'s r eas Building. will sell this day his enormous gt°lsTiVegt, iitgliVgy roorrafeLartiriloWet Wellgvdrital sults in every variety and .style to edit aitnoet every class, and prices that , cannot be equaled in any other house / • ' ' • To satiefryourselves, please give us a call. There Is an need Sof purchasing unless you are satisfied with the truth of n* , statement as above. , Itememoer, RETAIL DRY GOODS E. L NEEDLES, 1024 OITESITIIIT Street, OFFERS AT, LOW - PItICEO, XELLEVERY GOODS. Mrs. EL. DELlork, CARRIAGES D. M. LANE, LOMB RAINS . N 0.1028 'Market street, OpPoeltothe Bull's /read Hotel. MREISNIMSM). RIW Y's 00=MENTAI, MiDNFI3ikEKORABIGH ,grifOION BEATB To all places of amusement may be had up to ex ceclock.any evening. P mhso•tf CRO/li e S alt t r, AND ADMISSION TIOXNTB THE PROGRAMME OFFICE, • Ca CHESTNUT street, site the Pont Office_, for the ARCH, CHESTNUT, " ALNUT end ACAD :MUT OF MUSIC, up to 6 o'clock every evening. 5e1.9.14 C- ymnasium, Corner of NINTH and ARCH street. OPEN ALL BUMMER. Bodily exercise is the best preventive against sick ness of the coming season. jei6-s,tn,th•st Profs. HILLEBRAND & TATAIMEIT STREIT THEATRE, N. E. corner TT NINTH and WALITIIT. Begins at Mto 8. • LAST NIGHT BUT THREE OF MR EDWINBOOTH. THIS (Saturday) EVHITINO, Jane 18, 1886, Shiers Tragedy, in five acts, of • • :THE AFOoTATE. • ' Count Pescara-- . ... . EDWIN BOOTX MONDAY-THE FOOL'o - REVENGE. - TUESDAY.-EDWIN BOOTH AS HAIII,ET. WEDNESDAY-Farewell Benefit of MR. EDWIN BOOTH, find fifty flint night of his remarkable engagement. BUY BLAB TAMENGOF THE SHREW. • EDWIN BOOTH IN BOTH FLAYS. The renoa ned Spectacle of the . • - NAIAD QuEraq • - . has been prepared on a scale of magnitude. JOHN DREW'S - NEW ARCH STREE7 .111- TiTELTRE. , ot a o'clock. - • , „ Sixth Night of the Favorite Comedienne, MISS ETTIE HENDERSON.' 'A GREAT SATURDAY NIGHT. BILL. - THIS (Saturday) EVENING. June 16,1866, Last timenf the beautiful Drama, _ RAIN I.EEN MAVOURWEEN. • -- Mies Ettia Hendertan With tlong--' Y ou'll anon Forget Kathleen." To conclude with the Maw's' Drama Of, THE' FRENCH SPY. Henri St. Aline} • Hamet J . . Ettle Henderson , Matbilde In preparation, the new Drama just-received from London, • _ - THE TEaft-OiT-OF-XMA.TFAIA.NI3 WIFE. NEW AMERICAN THEATI3Z, 1.1 WALNUT street, abcnre EIGHTH. Last week of the renowned • PIANLON BROThERS, ELLE. ZANFRETTA. the great tight rOPe artist. and the celebrated ETEGRIST rentu,v, who will perform their wondel fat feats every evening, BRILLIANT BALLET TROUPE. Popnlar Drama and laughable Farce. MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY .aETEBNOON, phIiNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT, above TEN mi. Open frem A. M. to 6P. M. Benjamin West's great Picture of OHBIST BE JECTED still on exhibition. Joitt ASSENEI3LY BLITLDINGS. SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE SPHYNX. SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE SPHYNX Ia ertEll the great attraction at Ids TEMPLE OF WON. DEER. All the beet feats, including the BORE DANCER. GRAND TURK, CANARY BIRDS and nINTRELOQUISM, are also given EVERY EVEN ING at 73i, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at a o'clock. ,A dmisslon. 25 ce nts—Children, 15 cents, Reserved I. , 4katit. BO Mitt. tatl9 p . D{}. I) I] 1e74 THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE & HARNESS Manufacturing Establishment in the Country. LACEY,MEEKER & CO No. 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFER OF THEM OWN MANETFACTM3E BUGGY IWO:MS, 00 to InG LIGHT BAISODCHE frozn----.----EO 00 to a HEAVY do do to bOO EXPBESS,BBABS MOUNTED Haarnow_Tr SO to Ss WAGON and BELY-ADJUISTMI....---15 00 to is STAGE and TEAM do ----00 10 So LADIES' SADDLE do CO to IS GENTS' do do . GO to It Bridles, Mountings, Bits, Basaltaa, HMO Covers Brushes, Combs. Soaps Blaciring, Ladles'. =daunts Traveling and Tourist Bum and Sacks. Lunch Baake:4 Thorsen and Shirt Caaes,Tzrusks and Valises, =Moms No. 1216 Chestnut Street. u 14 to ww• is :4 DitTOVII FURNITURE. Tbel!t.che be apest and best stock of Furniture!" the world, 13 to found at GOULD & CO.'S UNION FURNITURE DEPOT, Corner NINTH and AIAIIIKET Streets, and Nos. 37 and 39 North SECOND Street. Parlor Emits. in Hair. Brocade. Plush, Damask or W; Dining Boem, Chamber. Library, Kitchen and ee Furniture. at fabulously 'low prices, and the newest styles and patterns; public buildings, schools colleges and shop Furniture in endless variety. ?al kinds of Furniture wanted by housekeepers, of exceedingly low iprices, at either of their immense establishments. If you want to save money and get well served, go to GOULD at CO.'s before Purchasing elsewhere, Corner furl /II and MARKET, and Mbi;Lin Nos. 87 and 39 N. SBCC:IIID Street. BPRING MATRMS. BP= QUALITY AND STYLE, I AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, J. G. FULLER, Z9hl7-am 9 Routh SEVE,NT.O Street. tAi : tmor I Di.ra .34 A LI,EviTIS LA-DOXtrs DIAMOND DEALER & JEWELER, RATCM3I4, JEWELRY At SILVER WAILS, WATCHES and JEWELRY REPMR.D, 802 Chestntrt St., Phil& --"I1] Owing to the decline of Gold, has made a great reduction in price of his large and well 'assorted Stook of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silerware, am. The publie are respeetftaly vited to c i ii tired ez amine our stock befbre prochatlng eltew ere. Jeutf CRE.A.P.EBTCITY. I t t P Seen tU d " N d se aree 4 1 0f842 eik n p ew myl7.2m/ REMOVAL. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Stationer and Bookseller, HAS REMOVED from S. W. cor. Fourth and Baca to No. 728 Arch Street. iny2B-tr `;3 Chestnut Street BROWN & MAGEE Manullictrirers of SOLID LEATHER TRurnts AND VALTilltA i Denis' and Ladles' SOLE LEATHER THITHara Ladles French, Press and Bonnet Trunks: Leather Traveling liagsabrcursien Rags,Tourist Bags Morocco Reticules and Traveling Rags for Ladies, Trunk Straps, Shawl Straps; Hat Cas Dressing Cases, Flasks. Pocket Rooks. es, &.c. AR -Trunks suitable for European Travel • 708 Chtiisitnnt *treet, OPPOSITE MASONIC) HA-1,14 Ir) VI : kJ:Kr:UO:1:1 Itporter and Manufacturer ,of Gentlemen's Fine Fara. 'shrug Goods, JOHN C. ARRISON , Nos. I and 3 North Sixth Street, Invites attention to his "IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT," Which bas given such general satisfaction for neatness of lit, on the breast, comfort in the nick, and ease on the shoulder. it Is made in the best manner, BY HAND, and is cond.& ntly recommended as THE BEST IN THE CITY. Also, a well selected stock. of Goods, consisting of GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, (which be makes a specialty.) COLLARS OF ALL KENDS .6 ND LATEST STYLES SILK SHIR.O3, AND DRAWERS. MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS; , FLANNEL SH UM AND DRAWERS. BUCKSKIN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. TRAVELING BHIBrs. Stocks, Ties. Gloves. Handkerchlegt, Suspenders, Ho siery:and other goods appertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. _ _ PRICES MODERATE. jet-1m rp • REMOVAL Gt EOM:P.(4E, GrlEit A. 14 3 IMPORTER Aid) 2 , IANUFACTI7RER OF . Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, • n has removed from hts old Store. No. SID, to NO. 1013 CHESTNUT STREET Where he offers a large, varied and fashionable stock of SHIRTS, COLLARS, HOSIERY, NECK-TIES, and other Furnishing Goods at moderate prices, to which he invites attention THE PRIZE-MEDAL SHIRT, Invented by Mr. John F Taggartand sold by GEORGE GRANT. Is the ben titting. most comfortable and du rable garment made in the city. je-lmi SVMMER SUMMER RESORTS ON LINE OF Reading Railroad and Branches. MANSION HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON, Mrs. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P. 0., Schuy'i cc, TUSCARORA HOTEL; Mrs. Hannah 2.1111er, Tuscarora P. 0., Schuylkill co. MAHABOT CITY HOTEL. 0. W. Frost, Mabasloy City P. 0.. Sanylkil WHITE HO USE, Mrs. Susan Marsdorf, RPSUI In P. O. A.NDALUNTA, James S. Madeira, Reading F. O. LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A, Smith, Wernersvllle P. 0., Berka co. SOUTH MOUNTAIN HOUSE, H. H. Manderbach, WomebulorfP. 0., Berk! CO. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, Lebanon co., Charles Roederoael,Haresburg P.O. BOYERSTOWN SEMINARY, J. B. Henky,Boyerstown P. 0., Berlin; co. YELLOW Or CHESTER SPRINGS Hotel. S. B. Snyder, Yellow Springs P. 0., Cheaterco. LITIZ SPRINGS, Samuel Llchtenthaler. Lids P. 0., Lancaster co. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, Alex. B. Feather, Pro.. Ephrata P. 0.. Lancaster co. Aran 21st, 166 a. ap244m AMEIIIC A N HOUSE, CAPE MAY. N. 3., Long known - as a leading house for families, will be opened this season on the EIGHTH DAY OFJUNE, and will he conducted strictly, lira-class. For Booms, dc., address JOS. E. HUGHES, myrabstu2Stl Ca (formerly of the Ocean House.) pe Island. CONTINENTAL HOTEL. LONG BRA.Naff, NEW JERSEY This mammoth Hotel, fitted up with all the modern improvements, will open on or about June Ist., ltiS6'. It is seven hundred feet in length, by two hundred feet deep, with a portico twenty-fi nr feet in depth along the entire front, and contains six hundred rooms, specially arranged for families, and fitted up with vas; bells, and other conveniences not u."nally found at Seaside Hotels. The dining room is two has drtd by seventy-five feet. The surrounding grounds are spacious, neatly laid ont, and provided with Con gress Water in Artificial Fountains, transported daily trom the lemons Congress Sprints, Saratoga, New York. The Sen Bathing is unsurpassed, and perfectly safe. Guests leaving Wathington by morning train for Phitadeiphia arrive at Long Branch at 6P. Ai same day. Those desiring rooms will please apply at the Kirkwood House, this city. SPRAGUE STOKES, jek.l-tf Proprietors. - WHEAT.. MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. LA N - CASTER CO., PENN& This delightful and healthibl watering place will be siet for tlrecrtion J:gafsts on the FIRST property as been ; chas• dby the undersigned every part of it has been completely renovated and beantihed. The entire es tablithment has been repaired, papered, . and every. thing done to snake the place mere_ pleasant 'and at tractive than ever beibre. _ _ Passengers can take the Reading railroad cars Thirteenth andCallowhill streets; at 0.15 A. ?.,and sae PAL reach the Springteat 1Z.24. Or by thePennsylvanis Central railroad, Thirty-first and Market streets, at 32 M., and reach the Springs at 5.00 P. M., all rail by both routes. For terms, &G, address ALEXANDER S. FEATHER, ap2B-sa,ta, th,Smo Proprietor. era THE PUBLIC —THE EIIHSCRIREE HAS .1 fitted up atomsiderable expense, three banana for the accommodation of persona wishing to spend the summer in a pleasant, shady, cool and healthy place. . • DELAWARE FRC xr, With sail and guns, boats for convenienCe of board ers, fine drives, and within two squaree, of depot cars running every one or two hours. Also, two furnished cottages to rent for rammer, at Claymont, six miles be low Cheater. Any one 'wishing to bring horses and carriage with them can be accommodated. Apply to F, FORD, No. fei Market street - jel2-Sts Philadelphia.. • B ROAD TOP - MOUNTAIN HOME, HUNTINGDON covisTTY, PA. • This old and popular Mountain Resort will open ihr th e reception 01 - guests on JUNTO lit. The House has been thoroughly renovated, and improved. EXCURSION TICHETS,..gird. until. Oct. let will be issued. by the Pennsylvania i.iroad. • A. Back will be in readiness on. the arrival of the cars at Dudley to convey guests to the Hotel, a &Ur tar ce of two miles.. Terms moderate. Address, • • • W. T. PEARSON Ai CO., • my23,lm* ' Broad Top City, Huntingdon 00., Pa.: LONG BRANCH. - GEPTM'S BATA HOTEL, N.J.. ,IS NOW OPEN, pOE THE SEASON, This Hotel, having a central location, affords one Of the tinest views of the ocean in the United States. The greater part or the Hotel is ntihtly furnished, and will compare, in all its appointments with thelirst. class Hotels of this great watering-place. '..iel=ll HO! FOR CAPE MAT, THE REST WATERING: PLACE IN THE WORLD,—The undersigned rear ectitilly inform their friends and the public, that they have taken the filetrOnolitan (late City HoteDon Hughes street, at d will refit and open the same by,the' nth: Location one of the best on the Island.' Those wishing to engage rooms, should apply to the. Mount , Vernon House, Second above Arch street. or at Cape May. BLAIR & SHACLBELTON. , . „Proprietors. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. .; LONG BRANO3I. L Is now open for the reception ofvlsitors. This house has been enlarged, improved. at:1111011- accommodate six hundred guests. its situation, cannot be surpassed. Parties wishing -to secure rooms can• do •so by ad dressing• COOPER & jel4-ti3 ' • . Proprietors. , ilFravrreacY HOUSE ,; KENTUCKY. AYENTIE, , Atlantic City, N. J., is now open fot the reception of boarders. :Having one of theJinest lottions on the 'eland, and being nearest to tile best bathing on the beach, It offers superior Inducements to 'visitor's to Atlantic City. .• - , THANCIE QUIGLEY, ire . ls-St • , Proprietor. SlinitifEß RENORTS. - EXCITRSIONISTB, TOURISTS . AND Pleasure seekers TO NIAGARA FALLS. • Lake Ontario, The. Thousand (skalds. - Rapids of the- Elver St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec,i iviere do, Loup, Saguenay ltiver, Whi.e Mountains, Portland,. Boston Lake tieorge, Saratoga, New - York, &C., &C.,. &c., will find it to tueir advantage to procure THROUGH TIOKIIT3 Which are Bold at Reduced Rates at , the Ticket Office • - OF 'SHE - 425 CHENTNIIT STREET. Passengers have choice of several routes tolelagara. Falls. and Through Tickets are sold d, , wn Lake Onto rlo andltiver St. Lawrence. to Ogdensburg. Montreal and Quebec. via the American. and English- Line or Steamers, passing the Thousand Islands and the Ra pids or the hives St. Lawrence by day-light, retorti ng to New. York or Boston by _ Fifty . Different Routes, These routes offer to pleasure seekers scenery un surpassed in this country. -- - No.extra charge for meals or state-rooms en steam_ era between Niagara Falls, and Montreal. • - Tick, is good until November Ist, .1868, and entitlethe holders to stop over at any point on the route. .lir•For further information and Gable Books de scriptive of the Routes, apply at the Company's Office, ebestnut street; VAN HORN, j el2ti t-.Passenger agent: UNITED STATES HOTEL. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will Open for the Reception of Guest& On Wednesday, June 27,1888. Dodworth's Rand engaged for the season. Persona desiring to engage poma will address BROWN ttS WORLPPRR i PROPRIETORS, ATLANTIC CITY, OR jeB.2mt 827 RICHMOND St., Philada. FM:BATA. AND LITIZ SPRINGS. Passengers for 3:SPE:BATA and LITIZ, via Reading. and Colombia Railroads, will leave RAM log lt B. De pot. Thirteenth and Callowhill, at 815 A. M. and 3.30 , P. If., connecting through to both above plaoea. Fare to eitoer, $2 75. On Sundays, leave at 315 P. :24. Et torsion 'Tickets to either place and return, .3 65 good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, S,LI R F HOUSE., • ATLANTIC urt Y, N. J., Will be open for the coming season on the TWBII6iITY pI put ok JUNE. A NhW FRONT has been erected and the HOLISM TB OBOUti ELY REPAIisE D. , A BAND OF MUSIC has been engaged. 1 his is ore of the most pleasant locations on the At. lantic Coast.- - PRICE OF BOARD MODERATE, H. S. BENSON; jel2-3611 PROPRIETOR. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cape Island, New Jersey. We have pleasure to amacianoe to our: friends and the public, that this spacious, modern and favorites establishment, will open be BURL BATHING BEA SON of 1566, June 15th, Our long experience in..the management of first class Hotels in Baltimore;Philadelphia and this place warrants us in the belief that we can offer Inducements. of comfort and luxury not to be surpassed by any other ELM-class Betel. WEST & MILLER, mygo•Zni PROPRIETORS. PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, CAPE ; CAPE ISLAND, N. Is now open for the reception of gnens. Apartna - en , for transient and permanent boarders. ;Terms rea— sonable. jela•=l , E. GRIFFITH. HOTELREMOND .BLN 1) FRENCH RESTAURANT, Long Branch, N. J. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. This well known Hotel, kept on the European pita has added to it a Lunch Room. Being situatedbe: tween each station, visitors can have meals at the ar rival of each train. PAUL HEHOND. jen-SSti Proprietor. MOUNTAIN HOUSES, Cresson Springs, This delightful Summer Resort will be OP= he the reception of guests on SATURDAY, .111111 2d, 1868 k For farther ialtiathation address GEO. W. MULLIN, CRESSON SPRINGS, my r7-Im, CANISRLit.'OO., PA C CON GFECESS CAPE MAY, N. Will Remain Open Until Oct. Isti • There has been added to this popular House, since last season, the entire Ocean House propertvi giving; an ocean front of over 1200 feet, and _over 300 roonua fronting and In full view of the sea. perfect system of sewerage and drainage has been completed, a feature possessed by few hotels outside of large cities. . The appointmentsof the House throughouthave re— celved a most careful supervision suggested by the ex— perience of peat seasons, Itor apartments addreas J. F. Congress Hassler's Brass and String Ban& , }n,Le/Stf THE "B&BBTOW HOUSE" (opposite the 'Mansion Howe), Atlantic City, is now open for the recep. tion ofvleitors. Board 12 per week. leB-12t 4, : aM : _H: ,►PEE CLARENDON VIRGINIA AVENUE, Adam. 1 tic City, N. J.• will be opened for the reception of, guests, theist of 6th month (Tune), 1866. my24th a Mira* JOSEPH JONES. ffn -7- 77Wrc - M7T/"ViTYII B. J. WILLIAMS NO. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET i ; MANUPAIMUMWi 09• . VENITIAN BLINDS AID • WINDOW SHADES., The lamest and iinest assortment in the, city as Us lowest • ' Store Shades made , and lettered. _ _ iftild:B.E WEB, DRAM 13DI PKR- 1 _Er mu me in gratin/de to' the skill with which• you have operated on my eye. (for Cataract by extraction in removing the entire crystalline bod,y), and ite..per... feet ruccess, publicly to express my thanks and to so knowledge my indebtedness - to yoa• for the re-enjoy ment of right, which can only be appreciate:l,hp. those who have became deprived of it, • - Your obedient servant, S. RODELSELEMICEi DE..TITLIAN RO3P3BAGXEt, 1031.Wakatt at, [jell. Stir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers