From Cape Nay. [Correspondence of the Phila. Eventhg Butletin..j CAPE ISLAND, J., May 25, 1866.--On Friday we had an impromptu celebration over the opening of railroad communication between the Cape May Depot and Cape Isl and. As your readers well know, it re quired almost as much determination to reach the Island, after arriving at the de pot, as was required to travel the whole journey, in consequence of the passengers having to seat themselves in uncomfortable hacks to reach their . hotels. The opening between the points above named will place the passengers in the centre of the Island, and within walking distance of all the lead ing hotels. The= occasion of the open ing was the result of a very happy time, enlivened with speeches and songs, and made highly attractive by the flow of champagne and other refresh ments of an enlivening character. The Su perintendent, J. Van Rensselaer, Esq., was the moving spirit, and by his tact in engi neering, the celebration was a complete success, both in a spiritual and mechanical way. In my last I promised to continue the no tices of improvements here. The Columbia Hotel, under the proprietorship of Boulton, Esq., also the popular landlord of the old Buehler House, of Harrisburg, has in a state of forwardness many new features which will be realized by his guests this season. The dining hall has received im provements which the crowded state of that popular house last season suggested. It has been artistically beautified and handsomely furnished, and for hops, as well as dining con veniences, has no equal on the Island. The ill ventilated chambers have undergone the improvements needed to make them com pare with the other perfections of the house. The other departments have been thoroughly renovated and beautified. The lawns have been enlarged, and trees of native growth andshrubbery have been artistically dis tributed, surrounding the pebbled walks, extending from the corridors to the bathing houses on the strand. The discipline of the Columbia has been modernized, and when its former patronizers again greet its palatial halls, they will be delighted, and will award merit to the enterprising proprietor for the energy and enterprise displayed in his endea vors to keep pace with• the improvements of the age, and make the comfort and pleasure of his patronizers complete. Mr. Boulton is preparing for the opening of the season on the first'of June, when the house will be ready to receive guests. Mr. Dennison, his popular assistant of last season, will again present his smiling countenance to the Columbia. The weather, with the exception of the last few days, has not offered strong induce ments to people to visit the sea shore, but to those who always seek an early bath with its invigorating influence, even the pastun favorable weather has had no unpalatable control over, for the breakers have been visited by many the past week. The other hotels will not open until about the 15th of June, which is, perhaps, as early as the people desire. Congress Hall and the Columbia House will both throw open their docaii on the first of June; and I learn that each house will have a liberal sprinkling of the early visitors. The proprietor of Con grils Hall will give a grand reception on Thursday next, when the leading spirits of the country, and the press of the various cities, are expected to be present, and a gen eral good time is anticipated. The cottages are beginning to display their internal surfaces, experiencing a ven tilation previous to the gay and merry throng inhabiting their happy halls. The prospect of a crowded and prosperous season is very promising, many apartments in the various H otels being already engaged. On Wednesday morning next we will have three trains from your city to the ia ;land, which will give the visitor an oppor tunity to arrive here early in the forenoon, secure his room in a hotel or a cottage, and return the same day; or a business man at the island a privilege to visit the city,trans act his business and return home the same day. The first train from the island will leave at 6.50 A. M., arriving in the city it 10.45 A. M.; second train will leave at 9 A, M., arriving at 12.35, noon; third train will leave at 1 P. M., and arrije in Philadelphia at 6 P. M. (For the 16vening The Late Captain WhiUdin. _During a passage to Cape May in Capt, Whilldiu's steamboat, some twenty years ago, the following scene occurred, which made such an impression on the mind o' the writer at the time, that subsequent events have scarcely been able to deepen it Among the passengers in the ladies' cabin, was a quiet, modest, comely, well dressed, well-bred young woman, with a dark complexion; about one quarter tinged with the warm blood of Africa. A swag gering, consequential, indolent man came up to the Captain and demanded that this young woman shenld be put out of the cabin, because his daughter and sister were there. The Captain, with the benignant smile and self-control that were habitual to him, said: "Come with me a few minutes my friend." He took him to a part of the boat where a newly-arrived cluster of emi grants were seated on the deck—part of them on the floor—without bonnets, with -disordered hair and soiled ..garments ; their few squalid effects tied up in ungainly bun dles, or scattered by the greasy children. whom theywere,coaxing and scolding alter nately. After scrutinizing the group a few minutes, C'aptain Whilldin said : , ‘Hadyon rather have this company sit by your sister and daughter than that nice, tidy colored - woman? for if I send her out of the cabin ' I shall take these women in, for they are . white! But I am Captain of this boat, and understand the proprieties of -distributing my passengers. You may leave the boat if you wish at the next land ing; but I shall not disturb that young woman, who has been down with me a great many times, and for whom I have a great respect." Nothing further was heard from the com plainant or his party, whose respectability depended so entirely upon external inci .dents as to be seriously affected by the com `plexions of those with whom they traveled. It would be well if there were more like minded men with Capt. Whilldin, to con trol our City Railway Cara; so that ALL re spectable and decent citizens might share the benefits of these public conveyaNces. AMUSEMENTS. At the Chestnut last evening the Webb sisters presented a spirited bill and made a very favorable impression •by their lively, animated, piquant acting, singing, dm. To night they appear in "Pocahontas" and "A Husband at Sight," and they will , have a good house. At the Arch, to the delight of everybody. Mrs. John Drew re-a,ppeared, enacting Kate Harley in "The Needful," and - being capitally ;supported by almost the entire company. Mrs. Drew. never acted with more freshness and life and her costuming was most elegant. The scenery was new and worthy of the high reputation of this fashionable theatre. "The Needful" will be repeated this evening. Mr. Edwin Booth appears to-night in "Merchant of Venice" and "Taming of the Shrew," both plays showing his versatile powers su perbly. At Assembly . Building we have the Carolina Twins, and in the same edifice Signor Blitz. We learn that in addition to the artists. already announced to appear at the Mordimit testimonial to morrow at the Academy of Music are Miss Effie Clermon t Miss Kate Palmer and Mr. S. K. Chester, who have kindly volunteered: CITY BIILLZTIN. GREAT JorarsoN MEETING. --A meeting of the unterrified Admirers of Andrew John son was held last night at the Hart Tavern, Twenty-fifth Ward, for the' purpose of or ganizing a "National Union Johnson Club." The chief organizer of the demonstration was Mr. Wm, Y. Leader, who delivered a long speech appropriate to the occasion. He then offered a long string of resolutions, which, to his infinite disgust, were almost unanimously voted down. Mr. Geo. A. Rees then offered a series of resolutions which were unanimously adopted, and the meeting adjourosd, with out forming a National Union Johnson Club in the Twenty-fifth Ward. It was un derstood that the real object of the meeting ' was to manufacture a little political capital, wherewith to operate for an appointment in the Revenue service. . The following are the resolutions that were adopted: Whereas, The people of the 'United States having just emerged from an expensive war against the: Slaveholders' Rebellion, are not , willing to lose the dear-bought re sults of a victory to the National Union party; therefore, Resolved, That the proposition of Andrew. Johnson to admit the representatives in Congress from the rebellious States before the basis of representation is fully settled, meets with our unqualified reprobation Resolved, That the conduct of certain smock-faced Republicans who would sell their birthright for a mess of pottage to ob tain a share of the public plunder and to oust men of known Republican principles, is against our idea of right and wrong. _Resolved, That in Major-General j. W. Geary we have a standard-bearer worthy to be Governor of the loyal State of Pennsyl vania, and in whom we have every confi dence. Resolved, That the conduct of Edgar Cowan, the Catalina of Pennsylvania, in voting with the Secession- Democracy, so balled,- meets with our most hearty conden2. nation. Resolved, That the course pursued by the National' Union members in Congress, in guarding against the admission of delegates from the rebellions States, meets with our hearty approbation, and that we approve of the noble stand takenby themto reconstruct the Union on correct principles. .Resolved, That the National Union Party of the Twenty-fifth Ward desire no affilia tion with any measure calculated to strengthen the Secession Democracy of Pennsylvania, and that we will use our best endeavors to crush any attempt at such a result. BROAD STREET IMPROVEHENT.—In the Sleet Council Chamber, last evening, a meeting of citizens and a Committee of City Councils was held in reference to the im provement of Broad street. The citizens' committee consisted of Messrs. Howard, Mitchell, Jayne and Kirkpatrick. The act of Assembly, providing for the improve ment, was read and approved. Several sug gestions were made as to the character of the improvement to be made, but, after some discussion, the whole subject of plans was referred to the committee of citizens, who will report at the next meeting. The Committee of Councils, it was understood, would report to Councils an ordinance to prohibit the laying of any more turn-outs on Broad street, and providing for the remo val of those already on the street as fast as they may be vacated. THE MEnc.uvrink TAXES.—AII dealers in merchandise, &c. are required to take out a license on or before the 25th of June next. The list prepared by Mr. Bumm, City Trea surer, was published in the Bur.r.nTrs, yes terday, and it embraces 12,016 names,divided among the several Wards of the city as fol lows: First Ward, 118; Second, 241; Third, 178; Fourth, 420; Fifth, 1,150; Sixth, 2,162; Seventh, 341; Eighth, 425; Ninth, 826; Tenth, 363; Eleventh, 582; Twelfth. 302; Thirteenth, 470; Fourteenth, 468; Fifteenth, 510; Six teenth, 567; Seventeenth, 592; Eighteenth, 318; 19th, 610; 20th, 552; 21st, 145 ; Twenty second, 219; Twenty-third, .2*.; Twenty fourth,2s3; Twenty-fifth,l33; Twenty-sixth, 148. There -are two dealers in the above enumeration whose sales amount to over $5,000,000 per annum. CHESTNUT. STREET BRIDGE.—It IS ex pected that the passenger railway cars will commence to cross the Chestnut Street Bridge on the 4th of July, -and that the whole structure will be completed in Sep tember next. The roadway is to be laid on three hundred and eighty-eight cast iron plates, each measuring six feet six inches, by four feet four inches. The first layer will consist of three inches of cement; over this will be spread five inches of gravel, and Belgian blocks, four inches in thick ness, will form the surface; one hundred and ninety-four plates, similarly covered, will sustain the footways for pedestrians. When all is done, about two million nine hundred thousand pounds of cast iron, and six hundred thousand pounds of wrought metal will have been used in the structure. GUARDIANS OP THE Pook. A stated meeting was held yesterday afternoon. The population of the .Almshouse was reported as 2,954—an increase of 448 over the same period last year. The House Agent reported having collected $243 50 for support cases, and $907 for emigrant tax. The Treasurer reported having paid into the City Trea sury $1,870 38. The Medical Board commu nicated appropriate resolutions upon the death of Dr. Tutt, which had been passed. Dr. James S. De Bennerith was elected to fill the vacancy caused by, the death of Dr. Charles P. Tutt. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SOLDIERS.—The committee on quarters and .subsistence from the general committee on State flags, on the Fourth of July next, have issued an appeal asking for quarters and subsistence for those soldiers who shall be in our city, attending the ceremonies on that day. They call upon the firemen to assist in the mat ter. The Good-Will Steam Fire Engine Company have made arrangements to ac commodate fifty of the soldiers, and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home will accommo date one hundred. GONE TO WASHINGTON.—GeneraIs Harry White, John R. Brooks and Hector Tyndall, Colonel Chapman Biddle and Captain A. S. Puller, the committee appointed for the purpose by the military committee on the Fourth of July reception, left for Washing ton, last evening, for the purpose of inviting the President and Cabinet and Lieutenant- General Grant to be present.. RAG RAG AND 'BONE ESTABLISHMENTS.—Gen. H. G. Bickel, the Health Officer, gives notice that all rag and bone establishments in this city are declared to be nuisancesprejudi cial to public health, and must be closed from June lst until October Ist, unless per mitted to remain open by permission of the Board of Health. etIT HIS WlTE.—john. S. Mason, residing on Lombard street, above Eighth, was ar rested last evening , upon the charge of as saulting bin wife. It is alleged that he cut her with a knife, causing serious wounds. He was locked up for a hearing at the Cen tral Station. EARLY CLOSING.—The wholesale carpet dealers in the city have agreed to close their stores at five o'clock P. M., daily, and at 3 P. M., on Saturdays, from the lst of Jane until the 31st of August. Puns Crion.—A stated meeting of the Press Club, of Philadelphia, will be held to morrow afternoon. A general attendance of members is requested. Comm:mix—The meetings at the North Presbyterian Church lecture room are to be continued, as will be seer( by an advertise ment. THEIDAILY EVENING,BULLET.IN ;,PI#LADE AGOBA.VATED'AEISAULT.—An individual named Thomas B. Lewis, was arrested yes terd4 in the Twenty-seventh Ward, for having attempted to commit an outrageous assault upon a little dumb girl, six years of age, residing on Market street, near Thirty first. Lewis , was in the habit of visiting the house, and yesterday, during the absence of the father of the child, attempted the as sault, but was discovered by a . neighbor be fore he had accomplished his purpose. The defendant was sent to prison. ANurnmu ROBBERY.--William D. Jeffer . son,'charged with robbing boarding-houses, as stated yesterday . , had another hearing before Alderman .Butler yesterday after noon. > It.was shown that he had boarded at the house of Mrs. Caldwell, No. 708 Pine street, and carried off dresses, jewelry, knives and forks, to the value of $3OO. The stolen property was all recovered by Lieut. Goldey and Officer Levitt. Jefferson was held to answer at Court. A SMALL BUSINESS. —Eugene McCarty and John Carpenter were arrested last night at Eleventh and Poplar streets for having assaulted two boys and robbed them of their bats. The prisoners were committed by Ald. Massey. McCarty has been in the bands of the police before on the charge of stealing. CAIICITS NOMINATIONS.—The Republican members of Select Council - met in -MUCUS yesterday afternoon and nominated J. E. Rhoads; Cyrus Honie, and Robert M. Foust for Directors of Girard College, and Messrs. Taylor and Wm. S. Grant for Trustees Of the City Ice Boat. esimr.issztEss.—This morning Lieut. Bowers reported to the Mayor that three stores on Delaware avenue and Water streets had been found open during last night. Pnov - nantAL.—Who till now ever saw waterfalls caught in nets+ A fish would not be an emblem of justice. He has ,unequal scaled. Scarlet and 3 allow ar‘both very good colors for dresses, but bad ones for fevers. - It is said that "a fool and his money are soon parted." Men of genius seldom part with that commodity—and for the best of reasons. A man may be said to know thoroughly only what he can correctly communicate to others, as for instance be may be said to be "posted, when he can tell the people thatthe best and cheapest Coal in the world is is sold by W. W. Alter, No. 9,'7 North Ninth street and at his branch office Sixth and Spring Garden streets. GROVER & BARER'S Highest Premium Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, no Chestnut street. COLD weather for the time of year, but ar rangements for our country trips have been made and warm daps will occur, and the ladles will need SUN DOWN I L A / S, so get them now of CHAS. OAR-FORD &SONS. Under the Continental .HoteL Cuolcr. Black and Green Tel. mrrausu, & FLETCHER, Chesthut ntreet. REIIISTRERT'S HAIR COLORING. This inimitablble article for the hair, restores gray hair to ita original color, by gradual absorption, In a most re markable mantle*, wcale it - promotes Its health and 'vigor. It is for this reason rapidly taking the place centsthe delete, ions dyes. It Thed in two 'sizes—SO and 11—by all dealers. greatest discovery or the age. FROM MR. J. R. DILLINGHAM, DENTIST, BOSTON, Mass.—• Having used, personally, and in my practi• e, for some time past, the Dentifrice called $o ZODONT, I flue it the best preparation I have yet seen for hardening the gams. and cleansing and preserving the teeth; it givee to the month a clearness, thereby correcting any disagreable odors arising from de cayed teeth, which 1 have been unable to obtain in any other preparation. It is an elegant toilet article, and well, worthy the ecomiume it has received." Beware of Imitations. FAMILIES who are going into the country will do well by milling upon Mitchell & Fletcher, dealers in Fine Groceries, Flour, ar..,ISH Cnestant etseet. Go to G. Byron Morse's new Confection ary tt store, c. Arch weal, for Fancy your Fan Cakes, Ica ereiuria, B. B. C. H.—B. S. C. H.—B. S. C. H. B. P. C. H. Gentlemen's Suits. B. B. C. H. B. S. C. H. Boys' Ctathing. B. 8. C. EL B. S. C. H. Wearing Apparel of B. B. C. H. B. B. C. H. cal Grades. B. S. C. H. B. S. C. li. Brown Stone Clothing Bali, B. S. B. H. B. S. C. H. Bocklitit 1111 s" B. B. C. H. B. S. C. EL 603 and 603 Chestnut street. B. B. 0. EL B. S. C. E.—B. S. C. EL—a. B. C.S. CABPBTS LAID, Curtains pat up and Fur niture repaired ano Metres:les made Warder's% pATTEN'is, 1103 Chestnut street. W/NDOW SHADE:3, One Dollar. Gilt bor der regular Shades only One Dolls% at PATTEEPS. - 1403 Chesnut Emmet. SPEUZNG made to order at PATTEN'S, 1403 Chestnut street. FIIILNITITIIB SLIPS cut and made to order at - PATTEN'S, 1108 Chestnut street. H. L. HALLowzra. dr. Soar, No. 534 Mar ket street, first Store below BIM. have the beet as. aortment of Boys' and Children's Clothing in the city. which they are prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Call and er.mmnine for yourselves, No clap-trap hum buging at this establishment. H. L. HALLOWELL & SON, No. 534 Market street. "lubricative steam engine Uacking.—for terms see 723 chestnutst., phila., and 25 dey at., new York.' Puss LIBERTY WEars Lmua.—Orders daily Lamas.lna. PtatE Luau= Warm LEAD.—Try it,and you will have none other. Com) weather for the time of year, but ar rangements for our country trips have been made and warm days will occur, and the ladles will need dUN DOWN HATS, so get them now of OAKFORD fi SONS, IJader the Oontinental Hotel DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— .T. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the moat re. liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 519 Pine street. The medical famlty are invited to WY company their patents, as he 'Nth had no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes Inset ed. No .charge made for examination. Purim LinaTrWirrrELPAD.—Preferred by Dealers, as it always gives satisfaction to their cuss annuls. WINE of Tar Syrup for Coughs, Colds and Affections' of the Lungs. This' mixture la entirely vegetable, and affords speedy Belief in all Pulmonary Diseasee, such ea Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Bron chitis, dm. Pi f errAPnlY 1 1F 1 113 & O LIVER. Druggists, S. B. Cor. Tenth and Cam nut atreeta.Thila = REFRIGERATORS. 90HOOLEILT9 New Patent Self-ventilating AMERIOAN REFRIGERATOR, Patented January eth, 1884, Is the BEST AND ONLY PERFECT Felf.Ventilatiug Preserver in the R orldl .~ snd will keep inch articles as Vigils• Gies, Fruits , Meats, G ame, Fish, Milk, Eggs, &c„ , LONGER, DRIER AND COLDER. WITH LESS ICI% Than any other Refrigerator now In use. E. T. FARSON & CO., Manufacturers, No. 220 Dock Street myriothstuuti tiTlara, WEAVER a co., Manufacturers of MANILA= TARRED CORDAGE, No. 23 North Water street, and Twines, t.% North Delaware ED oven . ne, , . OONB&D F. CLOTHIER. W3RAVEER" w wm.r.'S PASSAGE OFFICIO. NATIONAL STEAM. NVIGATIONCO. I=I7 . WEEKLY TO AND PEON tatiffENß. TOWN. WORK HARBOR.) AND LIVE , BFOOL, The elegant Al iron screw steamship DENMARK leaves SATURDAY, /me Bates of passage Malls In Currency: lat Catdn. .100; lidenrage, Passengers also forwarded to London, Paris, Havre. Hamburg, • Bremen, &a., at moderate rates. - Ateerage QDEENS. cill" re F ri o c r Y• thrther Information, apply at the Company's °ifiCe. W. A. RAMTIET., Agent, 210 Walnut street. SPECIAL N OTlCE,—Having bmn appointed SOLE AGENT of the above "Favorite Lille," in this city. would cam ion the public against inireistaln/1 ihW.r tickets elsewhere. 5P2.8441 IPHIA; TUESDAY, MAY 29;1.866:- - : CIARPEIPIIIGB & OIL CLOTHS CA.lctromaaiN743k. LEEDOM & SHAW Invite attention to their easortaneat at Foreign and Domestio CA. 3E" .T. N 431- NOW OPXIIING A.T No. 910 Arch Street, mourpzin rpl ABOVB CAEUP.F.TINGS, OIL. CLOTHS, MATTING-S. REEVE L. KNIGHT . fk SON, 807 CREBTNVT ST. "GLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTOWN, PA. IticC.ALLITES,CREASE & SLOAN MA1."33."11731 M grABREM iI . 4II WH°lab' CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. WAREHOUSE, NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, OPeCelte the State House. PHILADELPHIA. Retail Department, No. 4519 Chestnut St. tram.= TV ri) Ktli V : moil ALI3RIGHT & HUTTENERAUCK, Tailors, IteoreotinilY invite the public to a handsome assort mentor Spring Goods at their new Store, apt 915 915 Chestnut Street. iinznia SPRINGS. 431-COCCIDS 2 SPRING STYLES I EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 612 Chestnut St: BOOTS AND SHOES REMOVAL. BOOTS AND SHOES. C. Itenkert & Son • Have removed from their old stand, Ho, 45 South FOURTH Street,which they haveoccupled fbr nearly al years, to the large and commodious Store No. TIS CHTNIJT Street, directly opposite Masonic Hal. We take pleasure in stating to our patrons and the public generally that we are enabled In consequence of extraordinarystock Of goods now on hand to make a material reduction in our price. In connection with our regular businees we have al ways a large stock of Youth's fine Boota and Shoes, made with the same care and attention to comfort, durability and style that is bestowed on our best Men's Goods. We have also the best arrangements fbr mak- Lug to order the best and most substantial Boots and Shoes for Ladles. apleth-a,tu2ml 1 :) fi la IJ:WICP31:) : 1.1 0 vzfl B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET. MANUFACTURER OP VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. ra /ern and driest assortment In the city at lb lo Btor t eTilhadee nude and lettered. atztt • SELLERS BROTHERS , No. 18 North Sixth Street, Having added to their ibriner Mildness that of MILL AND. FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping a Intl assortment of everything in that line, which they will sell at the lowest rates, including Pare Oak . Tanned Leather Belting, Gum Belting and Steam Packing, Lace and Picker Leather, Band and Harness Leather, Boller Cloth and Omni, Card Clothing, Belt Hooks, Rivets &o. Also continue to nuunditoture as heretofore WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES,SCREENS &O I a Of which A PULL ABSONITEICITT is kept coa t antly on hand. alnrpa JOHN O. ARRISON , Mot. 1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH STRUT; Would invite the attention of gentlemen to hilt IMPROVED PATTERN' SHIRT, Made Imilaut_b_in the beet manner , and WA-Kunz/TM TO. GIVE SATISBACTTON, TO A COMPLETIL I STOOK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,' Suitable forthe Season sig-inall4 GEORGE PLOWILAN I CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 232 DARTER STREET. Ana 1 Dow. Emma. Machine Work and Mlliwriting promatl9 attended RETAIL DRYGOODS JOHN. W. THOMAS' 405 and 407 .North SOCCitte Street, Call attention tops LAIIGE AND HANDSOME STCHET OF SPRING. AND SUMMER . . .ir.)JR3O.SIS GOODS, Which will be sold at the LOWEST MARKET EAMES. .my2l-12,t rp AT RETAIL. JAB. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 Chestnut St., Have made extensive additions to their popular Stock of • • siracts AND 13 11...E5513-0013S, 'UCH THEY CX)EIMHHE TO SEM A.t Moderate Prices. Wholesale Rooms Up Stairs. my4-1m rp MEDIUI3IF/4. HIERETEp HOMEOPATH JIIPIIC SPECIPHO lls er sv k h ze s proved, from the moat ample experienoa, an an • Simple-Prompt.- Pas , lttot, and Re liable. They are the only bli.dfmnes perfectly adapted to popular tuse-eo simple that miatakee cannot be made in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render No. ta. ae 1, Caps FEVYMII,I: Congestion, Inflamma tion Cens 2, WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-C01ic..„.........25 a, CRY ING-COLIC, or Teething of inffints--25 4, " DIARRIHEA of children or adults 5, " DYSENTERY, Griping, Bilious Colic--... 25 6, " CHOLERA MORBUS, Nausea, Vomiting...2s 7, " COUGHS, Coldsßroneme. .45 8, " NEURLS., Toothache, Ftweactie.--.25 9, `l. liCEADAuktz, Sick Headache, Vertigo- XS 10, DYSPEPSIA, Billow Stomach. ----ES " SUPPREShEID, or painful Periods---......-25 12, " WHITES, too profuse Periods.- 73, " CROUP D ,, G o o difficult Breathin,g_ " SALT pass, Eiroption37....-55 15, " RElEUlSL l Z zl etunatic _..28 16, FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agotes.B 17, ft 18, " OPH . and sore or weak Eves--. 60 19. " CATA •111 , 1, acute or chronic , Intinenza..-50 Si, " WHOOPING COUGH, violent 0ragba..........59 21, " ASTHHA, oppressed .13re zi IW.ARG ez a T n earing.-50 0 SCROFULA.. da, S " GENEHAL D Y, Phyalcad'reliV-14wilt. ne, " DROPSY and scant? Secretions. ----511 SEA-SICKNESS. sick:new from riding.—,.s V. " KIDNEY DigtV •RV G rave l . __ so Rt. ITERVOCE DEBILITY. involuntary Mitt% •••• •• - go, .• SORE NOUTIL Canker it so, ", URINARY Incontinence, wetting bed___Oc 81, PAINFUL Periods. even with 83, " SUFFERINGS ,-m at cbange s. of lias_ REIWISY St. Vitas' Dance.... 1 Co 11 OO " DIPH HEHIA. ulcerated Sore TtatO ISILFAY CARES. 85 vials. =crow° case, and Cocas------510 0* in large vials, in morocco, and to in largo vials, plain case and book.---.. SSO is bone Ogos v mard book-- 013 harr Mahogany cases, /Dols] -110 CO Single - vials, with Wren 10n5..._._.. - 1 a SIT These Remedlee '3l the Can or sines box, are sent to any Part of the country, by mall or engraft, tree Of claugyj nEn it rem tattle price. Address REVS' SERUM HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE COMPANY, Mice and Depot, No. 563 Broad d a i lNew York. Dr. HtrAcrinurre is consulted at his office personally or by letter, as above, for aunms dis• ease. EDYOTT_ _CO. JOBERSON, HOLLOWAY & COW. DE, T. B cALLm DEB and ALI33BOEM MUTH, Wholinale Agents. Philadelphia. • • IRON RAILING. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK ORNA TAL IRON WORKS. The subscribers. Amadeus and maniallscturea of CAST, 'WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for tore. closing private dwellings, public squares, Gem& &v. PATENT I WIRE RAILING • WINDO\ AND DOOR GUARDS, far offices, store fronts, bulwark nett Mir s t = 'to., made under the JENKINS the only authorised manntacturers of PA Wire *ork under said patent lu the city. IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT, IRON FURNITURE, STABLE FITTMGS, of every,varlety of new and improvedMns. • SPECIAL CARE BE3TO ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY nsrearr.r.issar. MENDS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Vases, Statuary, ec., giving us superior facilities. All orders shall receive careful and promptattentiOm taffi-th,s tu.Gmrpi RoRERT WOOD di CO., office and Warerooms. 111$ RIDGE Avenue. 13 A.IKEIEL . 9 8 ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and beat assortment of Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Viotorines,Pri sons% Illusive Beams for La dies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. Exhil29-11 3 909 CHESTNUT STREET. HIESKELL'S MAGIO OIL CURIES rl'ErrirEFL HatYIiitPELAS, "mu, SCALD HEAD, AND ALL SEIN DIBEABM3 ! Warranted to cute or money ret*nded. Per sale by all Druggists. Principal Depot, N 0.53 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. 1113 - Prlce 25 cents per bottlo rik REFRIGERATORS. SMITH & BIOHARDSON, Agents Ihr the sale of the Justly Celebrated OHATI COit.L LINED REFRIGERATOR* Whole.ale and Retail. From Six to Twenty-flye Dollars. 611 MARKET STREET. rp TROCHES, , 14 v.V..33.T.,.„v 5 ,. CAMPHOR Positive Dreventive or , .... 1. mconmp.,.A.:-,1.- Dlarrhati, Dysentery, and CbeleesMorbus, l' ;,.. Sobs Factor, C. H. Needles, Druggist, u sr. 'ls. Irth & Raze BP, Ptak t vv. Ilk . i ' , 9l'ilf° -T. man ed on T ee ' 6° 7 Mat SPRING. MR WAX. D. ROGERS. . Coach and Light Carnage Builder. polo and 1011 Chestnut Streets unn44aL-nq - PHILAMILPICEit. AM ISE . See Second Page tor additionat Penna. Academy of Fine Arts. The Forty-third Annual h iblti on of PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE IS NOW OPEN, Chestnut Street, above Tenth, From A. M. to 7 P. IL, and gem 8 till 10 In the Evening. ate ., THE CAROLINA TWINS. THE MOST ASTONLSOINS FRE AX OF NA TURE EVER KNOWN. HAVING TWO HEADS AND BUT ONE BODY. (See the certificate of the medical faculty of' this city). They are not repulsive, but pleasing and intelligent. -Exhibitions from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M., and from 8 to 10 P. M. at the ASSEMBLY BUILDING, Tenth and Chestnut Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. my.stf MEE PATRONS OF THR AMATEUR DRAWING ROOM are respectfully informed that the R. JOHN - Janitor. will have a COMP NSO LIM , NTARY BENE FIT at CARN CROSS dr. Dl EY'S OPERA HOUSE= TUESDAY, May :Nth, 1866. - Doors open at 7. Commence quarter of 8. mr28.2t1 REAM ESTA GERNANTOWN.—FOR S •. EITHER furnished or unfurnished, with immediate Inm ates on, a large and coma odious Hamm, situate in one of the most desirable parts of the town, within fire minutes' walk of Railroad Depot. It contain totuteen rooms with all modern conveniences; 'hot and cold bath. gas and water in all the chamhers. first-class stable and carriage house, a good vegetahle garden abundance of frail and flowers, in fact it com bines all the advantages of a Clty and Country Resi dence. Lot 90 by 200 feet deep. Apply to C. EL MUIR REID, 205 South Sixth street. mys 9-1511 RCAPE 3SLAND Ct,TTAGRS AND- STORES TC) LET.—I will be as the MOUNT VERNON L, Second street, a Arch. on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. May 29thand 30th, between the hours of 2 and 5 P. IL, with a plot of twelve of the best located and handsomely furnished Cottages on the Island; alao, eight new Stores opposite Congress Hall and Centre Home. A. E. HUGHES, Real Rebate Agent. Cape .rand. my -2/ Ma To mcia,EiLy AND AITT Ma be sold at p.ublic sale on RUBSDA.Y. T NEXT, ia,.t inst., in the Borough of Bridgeport, opposite ICorristoWn. All the Machinery of a steam .Flour and Feed Mill, good as new. Comprising everything re quisite fora first class mill, adapted' to light power, will be sold other or sparate as may suit pur chasers. Sale alt a ge t 1 o'clock P. e M. SAMUEL BEAVER Js., Bridgeport, Montgomery county. May :nth. 1866. *q., FOR RENT.—At Germantown, a House, on : Stenton avenue, within three minutes'. walk of • er Fisher's Lane or Wayne gtadons. High, dry and healthy. Apply to W. E. WLNNER,II2O Cl:testae- street. Or, for location, at Fisher'e Lane Station. m729-31.* f-Te FtLE FOIL RENT.—A very desirable SUL BLE. near Thirteenth and Walnut streets; three awls and ample carriage room. SAMUEL T. SHA.RPT.IMR, 704 Walnut street. mytn,th,a,3t~ PTO RENT—A FURNISHED HOUSE tor one or two years In a desirable neighborhood, South th siren. House with modern improvements. and lot nearly 260 feet. Address "P." box 1(159 Post -.t's- FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT—In. SPRUCE, above BROAD street, by my2.4-20trpl C. H. ..11.UTRIECEID. k..., O :). -or .ree or our mon ~s .. - - nIshedHOUSE in We's Philadelphia . Address . . ; . •3 , : . ...., .:: , my:N.2ra FOR SALE, —A. superior RID.F.ZTGE on Vine street. opposite "Franklin square," apply at. .North Third street. my73-611p* _ - - T 0 ST a T.l S, for saddle Horses, to Rent, In private Club Stable, Apply SANSOM street, second Stable west of Bread. my 9-3 t ITACANT— SEVERAL ROOMS, WITH BOARD, V 917 hPRCCR street. my,M-tn,thaall LEGAL NOTICES. WrOTIOR—The public are Itsrtby cautioned against receiving or negotiating three PROMISSORY NOTES, drawn by PHILIP FORD & CO. in favorer tEORGR W. GRIFFIN, .or order, dated as foliewa— Feb. 13th. at 4 mos..: Feb. 11th, at 6 mos, and_Fen 13t11. at a rats, for two thousand dollars each; said notes will not be paid at maturity. the makers baying& legal defence against payment of the same myes-Sti PHILIP FORD & CO. r., -- 1 - .CEB.S TESTAMENTARY havieg been granted to the subscriber upon the estate of W. NV.II.BER. FORCE WISTAR, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to THOMAS IVISTAR,III.D ,WI. LIAM CHARLES ANDERSON. JubilLTA H. MORR.M. Executors, No. 233 North Tenth street. myrtn,fit j itTTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been .1.1 granted Mate Subscriber upon the estate of Cap tain wimakrobt winr.r.O.lN, deceased, all personale debted to the same Will make psyment, and those having claims present them to V. mr,lA.3l M. FARR. Zi Chestnut street, Administrator. or to his Attorney, SAMUEL H. PARKINS, i,.7 Walnut street. myZ-tun L„ATTARS OF .ADHINISTRApt _ granted b, ETTF.RS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the subscriber upon the Estate of FIik.DERICE StIIEfWARTZPAUM, deceased. all persons indebted to the same will make payment. and those having claims pment them to HENRY ECHWART'ZPArL, 435 HOOHE street, Adminta• firator. my Met LEWERS OF AD3ELNISTRATION having been grfatted to the subscriber upon the Esrate of MA RINA ARDIS, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to JO.IIIS. - LINDSAY, Administrator.= Crown street. mr}- ttult LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the subscriber upon the estate oIJOHN V. KOEHLER, deceased; all persons Indebted to. the same will make payment, and three having claims present them to SUSANNA C. R. WORRELL,Admin istratrix, =South Fifteenth street. tu,gt NEW PITBLICATIONb. xrusic TEACHERS, and all who me muslc find it .11L to their advantage to examine the large stock of first class music, selling at one fourth the regular price at HAMILTON'S Book, Stationery and Periodi cal store, les South Tenth street. Music and Periodi cals bound. It , . BOAJMING. GF.RMANTOWN BO ili.D.Es.:G.—First class, in • rate family: desirablepart of the town; va minutes' walk of Depot and Church Lane Station; large garden, shade trees, stabling for two horses. if desired., Addrewt "A." Gormantow - n P. O. It* . tie kw ter 7Q a ......... .1.:. 4 I---a. & in 1 El m• • 1 - :;- - liestimt street BROWN •Sc.', MAGEE: • Manuihetarers of SOLID LEATHER TRUNSS .AND VALISES, • Gems' and Ladies' SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS. Ladies Preach. Dress and Bonnet Trunks. Leather Traveling Barrs.Excuralen Bagsgourist 13ags, Morocco Reticules and Traveling Bags or Ladles, Trunk Straps. Shawl straps, Hat Oases, Dressing Cases, Flasks. Pocket Books, &c. IlarTrtu3kseultable for European Travel. 708 Chestnut Street s OPPOSITE HASONIO HALL. mjTOnza r READY MADE r' LOTHING N 2 824 CHESTNUT ST. UNDER THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL PHILADELPHIA INSTRECTIONS NEM FOR SELF.ILEASEREIEENT. I 00.8 T. Send Sire from 1 to I 2; from 2to S: and from 4t05; I I and around the most prominent part of the chest, and around ( ther stooping waist. State whether met o . 1 VEST.,Same as for coal de seam; outside seam to hips, and am PANTS. rSIURTIT OF JULY 1866 .—FIREWORKEL—Tite subscribers beg leave to announce to their Mends and the public generally, that they have fitted up their' STORE,No. 107 South WATER street, below Chestnut street, for a general FIREWORK DEPOT where they design keeping their usual extensive variety of Fire works. small works, as usual, for dealers, and every description of colored fancy works, ror private and public exhibitions. and are now prepared to receive orders for tne same, and fbrnish Works of first quality for exhibitions. Also—Firecrackers, Torpedoes, Cannon Crackers, Jostiok, Pulling Crackers, Chinese Penny Rock e t s. Bengalislights to be fired with a pistol, and new style Rockets, to be fired without a stick, and which are way oopvenlent far use on board vessels at sea. JOS. 108 So B. uth De BIISS lawa ave IBR re it 00., nue; o AO IUI: 0 • r,rl:o from one to els feet wide, oil nombern. . • . Awat t a back, Papernacelsategawink7lTlN Wl & ONDON LATER RAIBMIL—Whois and. Sin ju Imam beisA. N.malty, London _Layer Babdoe„ lbw We by T . Paw Mass meniware &venni* .11 - .41ifi " `a: I zi:a THINS trimzieeovoooor, Nods, Zolfo nod inko2giporr. con on hand and ibr sale by ZUKISERT wigyouit de30..1122 Wabzybo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers