BIJSLN NOTICES. 'TRH WEST INDIA TEL E° tt.A.PH B/Lis '• What Bill Is that? pray has mid tell.' zeogb, tea, my dear, I know him well! It is a young fellow Jost e.rrived'6ein Jatualit's Isle, Wbsiellis sun, with his burning axons, Tarns folks rather Yellow. In a telegraph office clerk, - takes his "darter* from his work Ana, doubtless, likes&art fe/IoM all. He boys his' clothes from Tower Halltl W HAYS dilkiboot ihitcy Cassiniere Chats, as tow as 00 ■" " • Pants 4SO VCaid 400 Wing an etittreali-wool fancy [mit for $11 . 60 dillowoot Nock Sack Cava, curlew as 0 11 0 0 Passimere .Ponts 0 0 0 " aoth Veits 4OO %akin° an entire all-uvot biack suit for .x:0..00 , ailoqcool good sSyie Fancy CiNW/IWe Stifle,a l oMakh, PAY # l4 51'• . Omit Mg as these prices may seam, ea/wired with ' Ilheee to which we have been 0CC241 . 077K411 for aroma/ Igor.: Obey ANN NOT nel/TIOb—W.K4AVN THE 000aS DT WwNITTIES AT. TES 1.2.1a58 .ICJCNTIONIieD. We Make Ng as frasto—they are ail nridestaie goads. Advancing Ilisen'tbsse rates we hove goods Of ail grades, up to the vary 'nod faLrics, In Large taping at a proportional( tan:Le/Um from former prices; eau:prising LLY PAa to Largest and qopkt conapkSe assortment Of Nothing in Phitedephta (Bean's, Youths' and .Boys'), surpassed by mare, and squellai by Mop aa ta4ae, latare and /31,:,o1 aloes inearoassoi lower than OW Lowest elsewhere, or ;le money ref•Jaaad. Sennerturs who usually ha..b therr clothing mask to inensure,,can be a well or better fitted from our nook in garments cqual Hs every respect, &iron 95 to LO per oat. !over prices. .Those whaprear can hove their goods are ii N sicosure in the best numonr, with mine assail nnns Of prit4,l,oGdB to acted from. TO Clarsaro DEALERI3.I Vgar pwrasates for this serums Turning been dekvta ~leg the expected decline us goods, we have now On *cod the &Insert •armi teat astorted' stock of avthiripiti purchased for CASE xacrani.VOlZY, AT 1011 /A)Witter isl,ll7kB or THE StriAACS2P,soitkeh liTirater tor to reaiiiia lair pool and hit at pricer less laase the cost 4f iOO-6 900418 to .nuts other utabiumncno. We own Atirgilf aakitil doing a Ake. sing Waste with Fork adopted go Cher ears, at pries so fltrUCii Tower khan gio rag eJ atir pret t att itlf.k.l, that, by :nuking an wriircira of the whore, they wig tsemabied So dispase qt itoew mull at price.s covering I/wow-age cast, and area gerrong u prwill. 8R1C2C1717 st. 00.. surniat lI RAGS. • • 1%13 is a pretty state of things, • Seeing the price that better brings! lhough sad the fact, true to the letter, ce Putter fs ant dressed any better; Lot, worse than all, the butter sweet Is wrapped In rags iron tiluppen street.) wbole arsugeltleot[libla Slug. - • Tfe wanting cholera again, A {though with batter this It true, ' With cat ZPLB it would not do, the butter merchant 1146, nothing but butter is In race, Yer since the '•ScAe.' appeared in sight, Mankisd is seen in ba:e , rught ; a. , :flan to common touse is last, "Who can, but don't dress at smAL:.. -- . coal?, Which all can du, wh,:,e'er they' al'e, - Who wlse:y purchase at the "StAß,‘' NVebid you be attired in the beet Clothing to be et..- 11r...X.i',1 in Philadelphia? Go IR the Star.. Would you *ltte..tu the luafest peke., and the beet and Latest styles /F.. 13 !An €L2l,tatu them to that emporlun.? Do y _u riah aiaiimadetoorderY The Star has ecir - s - 'variety 7.: - iO3--.2'wfoods, and employs none but the best cuttere acv amen. We eolicit an examination of our stock. 1. B.—Clothing made to order at short notice. STAR CLO raING CO CHESTNUT STREET, EIIGN CF eTAB, P.Z.BP.Y . _ MEYER'S iIi.e.WLY IMP.ttovr.D cams , , , NT scATE ,nt ovlatsgstrna PlA__?:7oo. Acitaowledged to be the btv,t. Prize M.,,&„.2.L. 56 .3.77ardia in Amor e myeivc-1. hiI2,Xt ,AVATS A...ND 810:7OND-Et.ALNiD Pl__Alli. taael - =:, IVaDa:erans,72.: Arch st., timsw.o` NT thb, sirMarrilaY dc WNW ‘&711-tt IANOf3 • ~... , A - 11V &Es now as...volelpel the beet Is- - termentis is na wcu as America. Thor are 13,4< - 1 -..% ptibli= s private, by Ina p•_2--enn P2ttat - ; . "1!.p . ....r . ,j, In ,'.nyc.) ,by VON NO.LOW, D 7,?.,CH00K., Wiil. 3 , xne. etnina; In thl3 eta:inky by ;sat — LT. , . -K.L .7 47:14, WOLFer3Rig, eAsC, For sale mg': by - RT.' , KT, P S T.... 13, t)E , • itYLot Cb-Attant at/et. -~:_; :- ~.~~ VF,NING BULLETIN. MONDAI, MAY 7, 1866. zTi£CONS R C'e rED. some vexatious delays, the chief which wa caused by a con.tlagratier. ~ 4 6 The night of January Ist, ISC-3. the 4 , NING 1 7 1.,-.l.}i is at last &3tablisheti , 4 01 nsw and commodious quarters at No. .feffs 4 37 Chestnut street. The boil ling is in Alfas: respects sal uniln:she.l; but ino t.. axts2ients necessary for the publication newspaper are tit for Ilse, i(L t ti in a 7--ry short time the whole structure will ocmpleted. In this property. owned the present owners of t paper, it probably be printed, daring the • 7..1' ./4:1 of them. With one exbepti::.a, it now the most Western newsy ..per Ce in the city. Putare bp printed. y Itztnre (Primers for fu 'a generations of readers, West or read street,c rose the Schuyl kill, when ;be e entre of por.vair tion and cr_slness shall ha .•etravzio{t so far. But is not likely that many cf the nreAent %,••:,-, , ,,ciere will know anv ot - Lier abode of the 7- - .•:Ter than that to which v, 3 have just, I.:. , =oved. The conveuiencce, the coin the light and ventilation of the .7, , y; establishment are in such msrk.ed ti:ntrast with the place to which we have ...r.ceonths beau doomed, that it may be W , l7`3Fieted that all hands engaged on the ,'8.17 work with better spirit, and it more worthy than ever of the vir.Le favor so liberally extended to it. r,FROPEA.23 WAYL-€L01.3% • P and Prussia have very wisely not to go to war. Each power -• to disarm, and the question Duchies is to be referred to the san Diet, which will probably as fir,-,111.:le at - frankfort wlthout delay. But little -e-ar•cloud has arisen, and ' time between Austria and Italy. It Dust tbse latter power, hoping to able to take advantage of a rupture and Prussia, has been sx.4.tnetting for anfllliance with the latter and has been iner ,, -Asingits forces Lombardy, ~ vith a view to stirring up insu rrectiou in Venetia. Of cour:i , e, c.atrria at once sent r.aore 11•or-7s and adopted strict olice re ala^ i :casll along the frontier. A pretty ar. Try feelingemisted,at the last accounts, rd there ;ere some apprehensions, of But it is said that the Emperor 2‘, 7 Leon, whose views must have t •!- ~ . 7 . 331it With "Vi, terEmmanuel, nns 3.3- T; :cf•cd that he will ?sit assist 1 ,;.,.12,y in any ;Leif on Austria. 'therefore, ;t; le not Tikelithat there will be a ',3T. r, for Italy - te,raid hardly attemr,t need, with any chance of 11112C&it3, "'he pacific settlement of the ssian difficulty, at which every creature must rejoice, be foll6Wed by a like settlement rhe A c.9tre,-Th.llati cßity. Much is tin shonld - ake to see Venetia bluer -lato I.^'izdoM Or 'ltaly, THE INCOME TAX AND MOINE BENT We have received the following coin: inunication from Mr. Southworth, the ASOBBOT of Internal Revenue for the Fourth District: "You have fallen into an error In your article of Saturday about house rent, in con motion with assessment of income. Below is a correct copy of that portion of section 117, to which you refer. Yon will 'observe it has no such meaning as you give it. It prohibits an assessment of the rental value as pail of the income; but gives no authority to take the rental value out of other'ineome. Drop the word •not' and you will instantly realize the effect." "And the rental value of any homestead used or occupied by any person, or by his family, in his own right or in the right of his wife, shall not be included and assessed as part of the income of such person.". The explanation made by Mr. South worth gives a construction to this clause different from what it would receive atthe hands of most persons who would read it. He is, we believe, right,--however, and we have fallen into an error as he says. As laws are made for the govern ment of citizens, they should be written in an intelligible - form, and no law should be framed in language that is so readily susceptible of adeuble meaning. It :has long been the fashion with legisla tors to word laws so loosely and vaguely that each law requires half a dozen ex planatory enactments, until at last the title of the law stands somewhat in this wise: "An act entitled an act amenda tory of an act explanatory of an act en titled an act. to explain an act entitled an act to correct certain inaccuracies in an act entitled an aot explanatory of au act entitled an act to regulate the shad lisheries." TOWER HALL. • • : E 3 EiTRUBT, 'The ine.enie tax law is getting into such the same predieament,snd be tween lawsthat would puzzle a Phila delphia lawyer comprehend, and :printed forms for returns that are un (ierstood by nobody, the poor taxpayers arelin a had serape. self., The people are busily at work Bell i g up all the local offices, and care is aken that they shall only be tilled with ..x . .-rebels. A well-established rebel offi ,:er rinds in the fact that he fought agr.inst the Government and that he h:. - .tee the North sufficient recommenda tion to enable him to over-ride any sntagonist who dared to be loyal during the rebe,llion. Bat there must, of course, be a choice evenl,etween rebel and rebel, there are always more "pegs than to put them in k " as Mr. Lincoln cLee said of the aspirants for Brigadier ,ships. In all such matters of choice, the preference is given to the man who can 2how the bitterPst hostility to the Gov ,-rnment, or who was guilty of some particular enormity in the prosecution of the rebellion. One of the latest iilustra- tions of this fondness for making, trea non and murder fashionable and popu ar, is to Le Courid in the release on parole of a guerilla named Gurley, who was one of the murderers of Genera? Edwin 'McCook, near Murfreesboro'. Gen. McCook was captured while lying sick and helpless in an arnbulan.ce, and ter:: dered in sold blood. A gallant deed :his could ECA be allowed to go 12:Erercarded,and after undergoing a brief imprisoument,uch as might be inilietd ; :O a medera:u -larceny, Mr. Gurley is reli?fUied by the Presideni and promptly .alected Sheriff of his county. Two importan! - ..ll , _ , ,luts . sre thus gained. Trey:: .7•011. Oria. ruor "niatle odious" by Exc . cutive 4 - : . leraency; and a desperado is Secured to :Administer civil law, which cezasionally requires the destruction of human TLe policy which thus pats treason on the buck and ignores the loyal senti yaent of the country, is as popular with Eiottth aud with Southern sympathi- .zers as its author 4.. an possibly desire. :extreme specimens of its practical working ss the one we have just quoted, , - -_ierve the good purpose of conar.ming the weak faith and strengthening the feeble knees of timid though really loyal pec , ple, by showing them the results which this policy_i:i actually producing, People - who ttannot see the odiousness of treason, when it walks in high places nd distinguishes itElelf by the magni tude :and variety of. Xis crime, may be to comprehend it, when it ilisumea tie simple form of the cold-blooded a.s- EV.Zablatio7l of a sick Union officer. The g,uerilla Gurley belongs to the same class of traitors with Mudd, Spangler arid Arnold, any cue of whom could probably be elected tc,day to respectable offices at the South, if the President - f,i - ould re] ease them from the Tortugas on parole. Large Bale •8, , ..111 leatata wad Stoats. Malaria. Thomas ante to-morrow, at the change, will ir.ciole P. huge amoratt•of deotrable aad r Nahmble'property. Alpo, a rocks, ioang and pews, boo eatsLlognes. Tlao Palo or the entate of P. M. Drexel, deceased, has rop,tpookd. Ft,r fall particulars of s number of I proprkt,les aee elxth page, • An. orportivratty 4THE be edibrated o'holnan tions' sale. 10 morrow (Tuesday.) noon, of pF.chaning flnaD welling at Efomnelaurg, with a lot three -.toren, oanusomiet7 laid out; the dwelling 4iacing all the nandern canveniencat of a city reel deuce. Location superior as to health and proepect, catalogue. nesei 7,,stwto nale v.ext W.AnerAtay. 7 , ,a/par7, CENAVI . 81.1 k on Wed -144. Apst vezt ?nal; ;it; firer talcs v. at.."%tfo, G yfy gr a my t . ,,,,, Wait Batas 31egant rammillure, CarpeU. at?. The Furniture to be liO.o 0.0, r.t i M tmestant l'reet, may be examinad two hours prey:one co sale, ?aFelydues are now rawly, and may be had at the anc- VI. co store of a Thom.w. , tzons BUTT , T)K.b:: • •IT.ii CEI.II•3I"NUT RTRTZEIT iLOLIGE 6171.ZET. evtory arszehreimL-43d iltting promptly ftorished. lsta-Cms BA CON P I ANOS. I , itete bectalfu; instrtanente have * l ,, rarlzed um.OLIg the 8E&.17 for nearly r 1 J..:?...00171;13.e ? e - /entli and atirist,Uut. Ticazaauty—Llrrrim,, .A. 1 ,170 .NO'rE v.b,LOPIL-Si BQCII-8, and trvevi in thek , ..lntione.ry Line, seilling—niLa i n . 4412- 1 4/34 Ztallth, have had such horrid experience of war on this continent, that we deprecate it in all other countries. The law sites: PTIOGI-I..ESS AT TrIE SOUTH. The South is rapidlyreeoastrueting it- THE DAI Y E VENING - WI" Excuse a little inconvenience arising from alterations and improve.' ments going on in our store. It is more than compensated for by ' the EXTRA BARGAINki we give Ow customers. As we want to re duce our stock to avoid Its' removal out of the way of the worken-n, The Finest Ready-Made Clothing in the City and'the largest assortment i to select from. Piece. Goods to make np to order. WAN O AMARER . 84 BROWN', IBOVTELNAST CORNIER SIXTH and MARKET Sis. re‘. 4:?i. /‹.)4 A e tl, - % 4\ 6..., d'e-ire FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. ONE PRICE CLOTHING JONES' Old Established One -Price • CLOTHING HOLr3E, 604 MARKET ABOVE SIXTH. Prices reduced to the loweat-point. A fine assorto•ent or Beady-Redo Clothing eon itantly on hand. Custom if ()rig made to order at very short notice, In 'style and durability rumarruivned. anralm opt 441 61,111NG RTS.—WAREITEITrO.;, Etfrlc tiTYLE CT tv.reei, A next door to the Pos t N. B.—ICMx bete elle cam the immlaiiezebtain greater value for Ms money. VLEGANT BALL AND BUTTONS, Cuzy Law and Ohintz Borders aL Ms. R. WASNER'S, sad Arch etmt, above .11ghth. north side, NOTICE,—TIie Good Will abd Yixtures of Store Ibr rah!. . myirr4crpt - Dracms RF-DUCED.—Don't fall to erabroce the op & ix:triunity to have your Photographs taken in su perior mar, ner, o mi . :der/Lie prices, at B. F. M1..V.1.11'S ..V.1.11'S Gallery. e2l Arch strcei. lAID YOU EOTICF, those leArx lo year roof durhic J—r the past. wlntor? Now is the time while yeti mLo zero m her where they were, to apply fitehd'a Linnoexi Oil Cement over them. You may Quietly Co this your telt'. For gale by tho -s.lretita,TßUM&N 8 Stin.W.No. eas (Eight Tbiny. rice) bferket strewt, below Math Ili LI" 11µ FOR BTUs PHOTOGRAPHS, of naqueetioned tmthlulne , .., it Lkeness and beauty of arrangement aud speeltaeua at fiat, 2 -FICS pouWar Ust!latf, zrccrder.eet, abort) Greens, 4 - 10BNE.R., Flearoi. Drill and PAWL& Clatz_h (the latter reqntrw a o notoblac or fit Plug of tbit I,3ta - hund vam:y of into: Er-wra and of Br.lcz. for Bal e by TILUMAN & 6H4µ• No. stts (EWE. Tb irty• Cyr) _Market croet, trelore sl.—liz4nl,3lte C3zte3 tie 1, 7 14it0., every N-P excecut , kl at MR'S C•allerp, ItZ4 A rcli at ziet. Don't fail to col! sad Froure good picture,. (41 -7 0 IT PITCHER or - oraltent ak.ll wan Chief Justice Marshall. Otherthis tiedeutary OCCIIVAtikII7.I or prof'. ss lens mat hnd this pas.iiine equally bearfl^,al t. 0.. their health. our mare a: quota 1n sexy far ale by 1•Br- 4 ,,,, N . Hmkw, No, FRS . (Xi ht Thin.y..ftve) Karkl - t s;rt , 1 - 4 , !04, Nfuth. NTERN AL REVENUE SAL.E. _L of 111,3d.ay Ea 10 o'clock M the comer a ancnck. and. Sonia strt..e::,. ;$4 .llArti , ls Corn T.Pree I Batt- Br.y 1 Pena dad Wnittm, . Tis.r>e4 , 4 Seized as the v....toper:) , of Purdy-et Go., tald be sold by order of QW C.! HAI2. CGT TO PL.P....Ae.E. at KOPP'S. ETIAVING SA_LOOII. Hair tutd. 'Whisker* ayed and Chlittren'at.ttir cut. (tamer llachanze Place and Dock alccet. !It.] G. O. IKOPP. _ _ (I n tl ^i -t,o, stz.ct - 13 and ot-er tunoanta til w 71 2,vt. 1 1.5. loan on mortgage. • Apply to LEWIS H. HEDNFIH, y 7-31. ;, No. n/ South Fourth went, - noTA FOR SALE AT 'IIIE POTAI /1 A:L.I,IIOAD DE po TAI OM—/ 232 PC.IT &TOE'S— lifarizet strent. Ira EFITOT4. - .D ISPUOR, In orlgtunl packsg Atm, hnl, rwr cPut.. In !MBA() Sail: Cod Llver Oil. In Ita LO e undb„of , drlctly genie quality. 10112 , ..; C. .8.41:ER S CO., Fio. 718 Maaket atte-Et. W_kd I'l AT 41 be.—CrO. W. V00.11L., leld CH...Sc.:Tr:I72 nrecw, 1.4.1,:11 rade: Lk) meet competition and not be nude:- sold, made further reductions in tberricos of Shetland nanlity sold last week t 33 50, 19 DID V . Ork - e-tell Sr thn3lleo3 aut d P,3Shattle reduccd,totEl ;-• khawl with :`taro. noed to I-5. m7l-Ctrp, OUP EiNIRT MAN UFACTORY —Hoop %arta rea4 nude arid made to order; warranted of the ust materials. ALio,ea - lrtareparM .EIRd. R. BAYLRY. Mt Vine street. above Edahth, van. nkthlr , o.c+ not A SAr iii"P.RAM .A. 80/I,lllL—The :_ittkintleo of Menufacturere and otttere using Sthano lj c:dnidendy called to this tie..., hteiim Generntor, sr, combining PAEl.3Dlial advantages in r.bsolute sit:ety inlin explosion. in cheapinee of first cost and met at repairs in t-conomy of fuel, facility or cleaning and traa.sporteilon, etc., not possessed by any other boiler now in nse. This boiler Is formed - of ebrubination ofcast-iron hullow spheres. each sphere ri Luellen external illmneter, andof an inch thick, There are held together by n - mush(-trop bolts, with mtps at the ends. • Nearly one tiunda these Boilers are now In cpperittion, come of them no the hest estatiltahmente In thiß nity. For deer - riot:l - irchroldins or price, apply to JOSEPH DA.EDIBOI4, Jrr. DraTithn Boiler Works. Gray's Perry Bead, adjoirilng the U. B. Arsenal, Philadel phia. a1 34-2 rarloi Fryajitag, WEAVAM, ilk CEO.. of DLANICLA. AND TABBED fiX)R.DAGA CurCS, Twines, dtc., NO.= Nona Water Street, sand fro. 92 North Delay= Avanae, Philadelphi. Ntearar rms. Elioxamr. Clown P. einem-Ka. LNDELT - Ri as lb:lab:coma; 4 " . zrata • • I and ney Brok, Yr. corner of Thir d and spruce stre Mo ets, only one ton sre below the mange, NATHALITB'I3 Principal eatahlished for the last forty yams. Money to loan in large or nmrll swot n [a, at the lowest rates, on Dhuncnds, elivor Plate, Watches, Jewelry Cloth. • salltt ...wog of every description, 1 100-oehotirs fro= S 3L CA 7 P. M. dtl44tfrp, C..liti - PKTER, TAILORS,o antRD ROUSE, Take plcasuro in calling the attention of their friends and the nubile., gep.eraily, to their stock of Imported fabrics for men's n ea r , which th.t y ere prepared to nt , a up in their naval approved style. at rednoed - aps-m,w.f-Sue*rp BALIS.-1*&al:v=1,10room, Rotel-keepers vrry unptrloor let of Gum Wee, by the barred or clbben.JOED I>pAr tiniaa Tiard =I wain= F , , „ 712. LEl9.E.ViartinTEloW, ottl i gop to mr ; '' s - .v, ola sva i r have on hand , and offer the= at very atm,' ' PsdelAS9 ..,mo, Recited .. - aadmazaaa hod YO -T., CaTe-momuts Invarkdati atom bp VHS =ION pri..ABO '''a3" .11 - OHAOr I O3O3,OCk t.,-oPil U r n ir Wawa ItZONTY. ' TO TI .A_N'Y 4 , 310T1NT LOANED r.i , PUN DIAMoNDI3..V. ATOR:ER..I-2,wm, 1 l i RY, PLA O CLOTHING, ft, at ~.. , T 45 '. 0 02 S. OLD-RdTABLIB ECFM LOAN OFSToR, PX.,-ner of TITERD s_ad GA.II.ILL Eltrt...oto; :Below .Lenabszd. 3. R.— DiaLlo/.11 .1 g, WATO.Bap, ' mg,,ay, n•-'1.7112. ar-, _-__- - BULLETIN; PH NO. 720 CHESTNUT ST. WILLIAM J. W erual Collector Third Dtlirlel, l ; a. "AVRILEY, ISOCf Filbert :treat. . 0..i..X•M , • .101V.1%1V-ki, ma.jral ADELPHEA. MONDAY, MAY 7,18E6. A flew Illustrated Paper! ! The undersigned have the pleasure -of annottnokat that an the 4th of Tune they will Woe the first namber of, a Rewillustrated Journal, to be called "The Minor of tho.Tima.' se ThOugh thereereelready a large number of ration. cal Publications of the kind we propose to treme, and thereht therefore no poslti,:e neoessity for the math. Rebate= of another, atilt, we intend tip till a vacancy In Ibis cennection whlclrhtis long been felt, to the injury or many meritorious sbeete. It I- impossible at the present time to obtain any paper of toe least merit, forAese than Three Dollars per annum, and an illustrated one for_not ltms than Four Dollars. Our intention p, therefore, to tame a ' Journal ot the same size lie rpe r's " or "Frank Leslie's," the ' contents of which shall be tonal to theirs In merit, and to charge - but half o , their price, namely, Two Dollars per year. We shall aim -to present a weekly history, of passing events, illustrated by wood. cuts in the hlgher. style' of the art, and interspersed with Original Vovels, Romances, Tale, Adventures, Concise Biographies, Laughable - anecdotes, Wit, ELL, mor, Squib', lnimnable Caricatures: Literary, rat - son al and SCif wife /text's, etc., etc. In Qua charging so sm:lt a sum for their paper, the Publishers of the' 3fluror of the Times" expect to be rewarded with a Subscription List which Ethan amply remunerate them for their .necessary outlay of both 'Wind and Matter." finbseriplion Price for one yes; 12 00. for str. months, st 25. Fo Pree Copies. No Advertisementsinsarted. Address all liabseriptions and Editorial matter, to W. S. SANPOED tit CO., Publishers, m)7-2trpf • - Stteoessor So Goo. W. Gnsy, .7 . 28. and 30 South Sixth St., ' 3 1 "` Fine°ld Stork Net-Brom liks, atm - ores. f °r i ..1 • • ' •-• ** ifklb HONEST L AD, Ills not. as Untied to bel When you and I were young! When round each elm and maple tree The boney-sucklea clung; But still I love the cottage, where I passed my early years. Though not a stogie tace Is these That memory endears. It is not es !tuned Whet The moss is on the Mt dna from their nests beneath the (Ave% Te swallows keep aloof. Tt e robins—how they used to slag. When you and I were young• a A nd how would flit the wild brie's wiz*, The opening Stowers among! It la not se It Ivied to bet She voices, loved of yore, And the terms that we were wain to mei Venee r end near no morel Yet still we should not be nut down, For dbeentented be; While we ran bus of Vesta Brown, The choloest kinds of Tos I The price, at which they sell their Teeft is wondernlly low; ♦nd those. who purchase once of them, Are ears again. -to go I Tor Mire the orient leaf they let, Without &dui' eration, At such low totes, that grocers fret With 11l concealed vexation.' If you want the very best TEllEl In the market, and Hobe too, at a pece, 20 to T.) per cent. below the mama rates, all on WEST I& BROWN, 8061 Chestnut Sts inyVitt 1866. SPRING. 1866. EDMUND YARD & CO. ) 517 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets, IMPORTERS 2.10) JOBBERS OP Bilks and Famoy Dress Goode ) Linens and White Goods, Shawls and palinorals, DEALERS El AMERICAN DRESS 00 ryry 01.16. Germantown Fancy Wool Goods, A Full Line of Prints, AT THE LOWEST Icasurr RATES. 5P.431t1 rp tOOKING GLASSES. AA. 1-141.11,' AND .FINE ASSORTMENT, A.l' VERY MODERATE RATES.; EARLE'S GA.LLERIES, 8113 Chestnut Ste spleP/Ot 11)1 MlSTitßit'S HERB2ITTEES, Wholesale and Retail, GrtiEL & Bum; FERAL wir4-Im=pl Bt., Philada GERMANTOWN RES11011:3101G F.Olt 33= - I`. .Ik . —l. large house, • with :all the viodara oontrenl aces, extenalye grounds and plenty of shade; stabling tbree boraeti; Nvlthla tha ralnatee walk. of statie suwon. Will be rented oither with or without the Oat% Addxtoo Box / 21.11taairt, 2. 0, to s• UNDERVirRITERS' SALE. 213 NHL - Damaged MuseOval° Sugar. Willsell at auction, on Messrs. 8.,4t W. WELSH'S YARD, South DkLAWARM Avenue, below Almond street, on WED.WESDAX rd&RNI.VG, Ilay 9th, ir,e,e, at II o'clock, 2,1 a BHOI3. MUSCOVADO SUGAR damaged on voyage of importation per law.. Argus Eye, from ClonfaeOuba. U. WATCHES. WATCHES. WATCHES. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS, A fine Invoice just received which we offer at lowest rates. CLARK & BIDDLE, 712 Chestnut street. mr-act • • BOSTON, MASS. .HEAVY REDUCTION LS PRIOES OP FANCY SILKS. EDWIN HALL & CO., 28 South Seoul! sheet, are now *Bering the balance et thew Spring and Summer BTOC OP FANCY SILKS, At a great Reduction in Prices from former Rates. my!-99. rp REDUCTION IN PB.ICES. EDWIN HALL & CO., S. Seconc.l st. 9 HAVE OPENIT.D TWO OASES, 04.7 E IttridDßED POOES OF SUMMER POPLINS, AT ::ti CT'S. A YARD. 13elog much be:ove te ever of Importation. IL—A great varlety of DRESS GOODS, A.I3V; ; cer:tz a ysull. xoy7-2tr,"., PATENT WIREWORK VOR IL 4 / 7 TNGS, STORE FROM S, GUARDS, pA.RTrrioists, asonnmesrizAre Amp WIRE woßx baTiliety, maarat by M. WALEIE.R. at SONS, . N 0.11.1408713 SIXTH ICE ! ICE! ICE! ICE • IncerporateglElß4. TIECOS. IL CA Hll-1 , 2 .ylviclesit. JOHN GOODYEAR, Secretiu7. HENRY THOALS, EWA. • CCCILIT) -PrtlN err ICE AND COAL CO. DI ALE Dr.D BILIFPIERS OF ME and 001.1.4 't3 arelnosir prepared to farnfali BEZTQUAI,I7I., y ICZ in large or email quantities to Botela,,Steambotits ice Cream: Salorns, Fara illtNs, °Modes, &C., &Q, and a tho LOVir"l' MARKET RATES. 1016 served DAILY in all paved hafts of tho con aoltdated City, West' Philadelphia, Aramtuji, rnond and 43ennantown. Your custom and inectezzo is usgeountly soliCtied. Yon can rely on being f 4..;:. maned with a PURE, articlo and 1 0 ..ROXPTLY. Bend your order to OFFICE' , Keep Cool! BY ORDZIUNG YOUR CHARLES S. CARPENTER CO, 717 WILLOW, ABV. FRANZ - v/1R . . T wvp - prlnni Ntuasflies ealTiled aattrzfactotily endst rednc*Nl ral•:!0, WV 4 , J., .12p d Va A_ R.& ocy L'ealers raid 1 arga COMZLOZt ers furntshod orist.-.3.1040.0 T'P . P 7 ' rP-1 .. , _--, --• 1 7 .--- - -.... -.---,------,-.......---.. . t ''''.._. .. .nir.7:, vt - . 4 - x'± - 7 , :r o'S, .T . E.WkiriY. ..' 0, ..a N 7 a i 1 1Mrr , ire-1111-r-a IL(A2{7 - 7 : , : -I, :nc -, f.. ,-- z.a . --.., kfrzrzh ,-;,.. :- ,-- - -1" t , P,liltDr.lii a' , vc-ell'^ - redr, , YA.lpriir,-,: - ., 1 .:i ... trt . 4lVuz .of ik - ati.Ltal i3,--..:3 -,- ArrviaPsl - 41P. F.i .7 , u . , - llya..ezier.loi Vl'AballeAfexi. 7 - . - -3.P.11,..., rt"- - .:/'.-C3fM. 1.'• , ...g....4,11 ' vipi . L';' , 4 4,7,.‘1, Mzet:t, tiilolT Aoilite4 '' • , . .. . POWELL & WEST, AIIMO=Dw3, 0. ivAiscriT anumr. DSiPinS, S.W. earner Trreiltla and Willow Street% Forth Penna. R. R. and "asater Street, Lombard and Twenty-tlak streets, Pine Street Wharf, Schiry Keep. Cool ! K -, 171i0r.rn 1,1%70 AND RETAM %C DEALERS, CHAS. 13: CARPENTER, JOHN CiLENDKNING, JOS. IT, 'T.R,[IIIEAN„.Ir,, BARGAINS IN PRESS GOODS. ADIMISS 61-001313 Job Lots Dress Goods From Auctimi LOWEST PROMS OF THEBEABON. Black mild White Poll de Chevres at 250. • 0. " • Poll de Meares. all colors, 40 to 50c. 87,0, Fine double-width Poll de Chevres at 620. .• 7540 274 Plain Mixed Lenoe for suits. at 31.3 c. Bilk and Wort PlaM silver Cloths at EOM, Plaid Foulard (Mantes at Plalo Poll de Ch. vre at 21c., worth 2CO. Double width Glace Poplins for sults., at 580. Silk .441, ed iavellog t rasa Goods of alllcludth. Pain Dab Thread Gingham's at 37i4c. Good quality Manchester Gingham's at 26e. D:mble.v.ridt.i. Manchester Gloghams at NM Tarts'. .laid Gingham's at 50c., worth 75c. Plain Buff Pink a, d Blinn Percales. EttoVY White Corded Piques. While Plaid Organdy Lawns. 6-4 White Frei. ch Mullin at 41. V.l its e-hetland , havrts at $.l to $4 50. White Shetland Shawls at $5 to $5. bbeilano Bournoto at $2, worth $lO. Black hibet and Lama khawle. [l. *)7CIEE,I, - Br, SIOINTs; Na,,, t 713 and 715 North Tenth St. FASHIONS 1866. J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRTS Tart will not Bw.N - h 171.7..x.t.:, - . like the Bine. Sprlters, . They are ankr.owledged by all LAzrea througnout the isr,GTB and ..7.P.'-i.19.731ef the LAND yo- be the most rEarlicr and a@SYa&i i.a Eqi..LlT Innint INVENT - MI. ard t.T.N.s4rALY:n, KWH:W.IW LlEhmtre, Durablllty, Cotnfazt azd'Ecortany. THE LAST NM STYLE IS THE CELEBRATED YPR ~ E AJ , Wbtek Is the MOST Be.s.urryr - . ate, dernzeinial ERUCT RVIR WORN. being palrtio^-1-I , :iY adapte?. tg the present IlaaittoKarax style ct says dey'., Lady'. Bt - ok. X rank Lealle's Fashion Magazine Lletnarest's Monthly Mavazine of Ptienkrna, Le Boat Ton,l he Br,nloir oriTazhion the P...ehlon Aria.! cies of the dliTereat netaspaperi. Bee GPI lONS 01 t.hEf'PREA^,a d PASECION /AU' - PROCLAIMS:NG the ; - RP...1.1 . SUP/9110AT ITT of these CELEBRATE!) SKIRTSn At Wizor.zaaLr. by the Ea".7-4-7.31Vr. :44.1 , 71 - I , ACTL - 4. ! HEW and F..OLE VT:SZPIE-ti or 11 - 7.0 PASZN'T,,, MISTS, - 11`;-L LAD' WAREROOMZ AND OFFICE, Nos. 97 Clambers Et 736. SI Read-) t..treets, New York, I`OIIS.A.LE!n &LI STORES it THIS CITY. Varc:agnot.4 the-IWD STATE Jltl •, , ALSO, At Wholesale by the Leading Jobinr,z; n:),2.*,s,mAt rpf EA RT.WS GALLERIES, 8 - 1.5 Chestnut Street, ON. EXBIBITION ' FOR A 7E7/ DAYS ONLY, Tr 4. MILTON'S NIAGARAS, Comprising "THE PALLS OP NIAGAILL,:' By Moonligl - . 4 :.. "NIAGARA, SUNSET." "THE WHIRLPOOL," NIA.GAL.R...;, Also, A MOST REMARKABLE Lam. D= SCAPE BY DURAND. "TEE KAATSMLLS," 17201: HILLSDALIL AND A VIEW IN 'YO VALLEY," BY BIERSTADT, Reduction in Prices c:. SpaAng Cloaks in. Cloth jll- of our., own 3:1-anufao- Pth-is Made ,C4a=l.-,-- • 3• •3p ments, a new Opening. one half cost of imports= F Ene Llama ahavvis and Circuiartt, zt.T. at reduced Price's'. I 9o elotnlc.: At Reduced Prices. RECOMMEND Or Double spring Ira.e E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers