From our Third Edition of Yesterday From Washington. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASDINGTON, April 20.—There is good 'reason to believe that the Reconstruction Committee have at last reached a proposi tion in the shape of a Constitutional Amend ment, which will harmonize the existing difficulties between the President and Con gress, in regard to the plan for the admis sion of Representatives from the Southern States. It has been submitted to the Presi dent, and it is said he approves. It will be considered in committee to-morrow. The Senate Military Committee torday passed upon a large number of military nominations. The Brevet promotions in the Regular Army, recommended by the board recently in session at St. Louis, are hung up in the War Department, notwithstanding they have been repeatedly called for by Con gress. The House Judiciary Committee, who are investigating Jeff. Davis's connection with the Conspiracy Plot, have just dis covered'additionall evidence which will be very damaging to Jeff. • Teixible Explosion. Nmw YORK, April 20.—The steamship Arizona, from Aspinwall, has arrived. She brings $820,000 in specie. A: terrible disaster occurred at Aspinwall, on the inst. There was a fearful explo sion on board the steamship European, de stroying the ship and four hundred feet of her wharf. The cause of the explosion is supposed • to be from nitro-glycerine on board. , About fifty peisons were killed, among - them the captain and officers of the ship. The Chilean DiMeulty. NEW Yonu, April 20th.—Advices by the steamer Arizona, from Aspinwall, says the news from the Southern Coast, gives little hope of a speedy settlement of the Peruvian, Chilean, Spanish question. But little pro gress is being made by either of the bellige rentS. There is some talk of bombarding Valpa raiso, but that is hardly likely. No attempt has been made by the Spaniards to take possession of the Chinchad Islands. There is no later news from Central Ame rica. The revolution in Panama has died ou and a majority of the prisoners set a liberty. XXXIXTII CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION WASHINGTON, April 20. HOUSE.—The first business in order to day, being Friday, was the call of Commit tees for reports of a private nature. On a report by Mr. Rollins (N. H.) from the Committee on Accounts, an additional clerk was allowed to the Sergeant -at-Arms of the House, and the pay of a couple of la borersin creased. Mr. Ward (N. Y.), from the Committee on Claims, reported a bill giving to Ishmael Day, of Baltimore county, Maryland, an annuity of $421 50, as a recognition of his heroism in defending the National flag from Gilmor's rebel raiders on the 12th of July, 1864, and for his loss of property on that oc casion. According to the report, which was read, Day is a patriarchical patriot, seventy-four years of age, and when two of Gilmor's raiders attempted to haul down the National flag over his dwelling, he shot one of them dead and put the other to flight. The con sequence was that his property was de stroyed by a larger party of rebels. Mr. Ward made an appeal to the House in support of the bill. Mr. Upton (Mich.) wanted to know on what principle of law the bill could be sus tained? Mr. Ward replied—Oh, it is on the great principles that we sustain every man who sustains the flag in that way. Several members—Good! you are right. Mr. Delano (Ohio), Chairman of the com mittee, explained the question. He said the ruk of the committee was to reject all claims for damages, the result of the ravages of war. Ishmael Day was a loser to the amount of $7,000 or $8,000; but the com mittee felt it could do nothing to compen sate for that loss. Still the circumstances were so peculiar, the act so noble, that the Committee agreed to submit to the House the question of giv ing the old man, for the remaining few years of his life, in the last of which he exhibited this high degree of gallantry and patriot ism, a small pension. If $4OO a year was too much the House might reduce it. Mr. Washburne (Ill.)—We understood, from the reading of the report, that the bill was y put upon the ground of loss of pro- Mr. Delano said he knew that the ques tion had not been understood, and therefore he had made the explanation. The question on the passage of the bill was taken by yeas and nays, and resulted in a vote of 106 yeas to 13 nays. So the bill was passed. New York Stock Market. lirEw Y ORK, April 2 . o.—Tbe Stock Market is heavy; Chicago and Rock Island, I 20,• Central, U. 44, Mich. Southern, 00341 N. Y. Central92s6; Reading, 103; Can ton'o., 5z..; Mirsourl 68, 7434; T i. S. Ccupons, 1881, 11.15,'4; Ditto 1862, 104 R; Ten Forties, 9334; Treasury 7 3-10 s, .10U6 @MN,: Gold, 127©12734; Western Union Tel. C0.,513,1,i'. Sales at Philadelphia Stock Board. SALAFTER. FIRST BOARD. X2OO lls 7 3408 Au g An c 101%1100 811 Susq Canal b3O 183; SOO 15 El 10.40 93 100 ski do 16% 2210 City 58 '7l 85 100 sh Phil & Erie b3O 32% 2900 city Os new 921.;, 110 sh Sch Nay pfd WO 32% 6sh Minehillß 54% 100 sh do b 3082% 59 sh I enna R C&P 56% 100 sh do 32% 100 sh Catawissa pf c 80% SECOND BOARD. 81000 Forma 58 88% 410 sh New York & 12000 City as new 93 Middle b3O 7% 2000 Penna BR 1 mtg 100% 500 sh do 7% 400- eh ESch Nav prof 32% 100 sh Read R 51% 200 sh do 85 32% i 103 sh Pen naR due bill 56% 300 sh do • - 32%1500 sh Mingo 011 ,tc, !Coal Statements. The following is the amount of coal transported over the Schuylkill Canal, during the week ending Thursday, April 19, 1866: From Port Oarbon P0tt5vi11e._._.......„ " Schuylkill Haven. " Port Clinton.. Total for week Previously this year Total To game time last year Increase..... 67.182 00 The following is the amount of coal transported over the Pblladelphla and Reading klitallroad, during the week ending Thursday, April 19,1866: Prom St. C1air...... Port Carbon " Pottsville.. " Schuylkill Haven " Auburn " Yort Clinton " Harrisburg and Dauphin.„..... Total Anthracite Coal for week 69,561 13 Bitominotu3 coal from Harrisburg and Dau phin Total of all kinds Previously thin year.. Total.. Sametime last year Increase 1-54 ) A MD ole TRADIii. ANDREW WHELER, EDW.I4. TowrzsEND, -- } Mo wr Cro7[url9l3' THORNTON BROWN. 111 1 MP0.13,72A.1 4.)N Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. I,olgl_,N—Bark Baltosara, Wilson-100 kogabi corb soda 160 tons chalk 304 pkgs mdse 25 cks Paris white Pettitt & Seeger; 10 do lodge B & W Welsh: 135 pkgs mdse 120 tons chalk CP&TH Lennlg; 314 pkgs mass Powers & Weightman; 76 pkgs mdse Harrison & Co: 50 chests lac ore leirent & Son; 125 pkgs mdse W Wilson; 47 do Roseng erten & Sons: 5 cases phosphorus order. GllA—Schr G W Hynson, Scull-524 hhds 105 Ms sugar S & W- Welsh. DfATANZAS—Schr T Dean, Babbitt--476 hhds 50 tCS doolosses Harris & StotesburY. C,EIsIPLIEHI2S—Babr Argus Eye, Townsend—Wl bbds 45 tee sugar 1 bbl molasses 2 caSeS clgirs B & W TR.T.NIDAD—Brig Aspen, Stewart-405 hhds 60 te4 sugar 50 bbds molasses 1s W Welsh. - CARDENA&—Brig S V Merrick, Norden-558 hhds 21 Ms 2 bbls molasses HO Hnight dc Co ST JOHNS. PR.—Brig Cheviot. Cole-155 hhds 40 bbls sugar 40 hhds molasses John Mason & Co. lirrlvskl, and Salliz a t m a raean Steamers, toms PIUML 7011 DAM St. David. 'Liverpool—Portland April 5 City of Manchester-Liverp'l.-New York... • April s Matte .. Livernool—New York , April 10 Bosphorus I iverpool—Boston&Phila...—April 10 Erin Liverpool... New York April 11 Teutonia Southampton... New York April 11 Ericsson Bremen...New:York April 11 Louisiana Liverpool... New York April 11 America Southampton_New York April 11 Cityofßoston Liverpool—New York April 11 Nova Scotian Liverpool—Portland- April 12 Etna L-iverpool...New York April 19 Africa ...Liverpool—Boston...... ..—. ..... April 14 Kangaroo .Liverpool—New York" April 19 Wm Penn .Havre—New York April 15 Palmyra .Liverpool... New York April 17 Palmyra Liverpool... New York ' April .1•7 City of London...Llverpool...New York April 18 The Queen Liverpool... New York., April 18 TO DEPART. Asia • .Boston—LiverpooL April 25 Manhattan _NewYork...ltavana & V C.... April 25 Marathon New York—LiverpooL April 25 Cclumbia., ...... ....New York... Havana. April 2.5 Baltic NewYork...Bremen April 26 Evening Star .New York... New 0r1ean5......-april 28 Teutonia ...New York... Hamburg April 28 Erin .New York... Liverpool April2B St David New York—Liverpool....... ...... Aprll2B Virginia New York—LiverpooL.- April2B City of Boston..—New York... Liverpool April 28 North America... New York—Rio Janeiro,dre....April 28 Delaware .--Philadelphia...Liverpool April 28 liiii):2ol,lo4_4:l a mit) N f‘ff,rMM gtrs Bums, 51201 BUN HET% 6.40 I HIGH WAT9:B, y4l ES ED TERAY. • Steamer Delaware (Br), Y TObmpson D . from Liverpool, via Boston 48 boom, with mdse to A R McHenry & Co. Ship British Queen (Br), Hayward, from Liverpoo, Dec 19, via Stromness 85 says, with mdse to John B. Penrose. Bark Baltasara (Br), Wilson, 46 days from London, with nidse to E A Souder & Co. Brig Maria Blanca (Spa), Gelpie, 26 days from Print. dadide Cuba, with sugar and molasses tai d & W Welsh. Brig Aspen (Br). Stewart, 19 days from Trinidad de Cuba, with sugar, &c. to S & W Welsh. Brig S V Merrick, Norden, 7 days from Cardenas, with mWADr e o sßer , C H m t i cghh,t &m Boston, with mdse to Mershon & Cloud. Schr Argus Eye, Townsend, 16 days from Cienfuegos, with sugar and molasses to S & W Welsh. Schr G W'Rynson, Scull, 12 days from Sagas, with sugar is S & W Welsh. Theodore Dean. Babbitt. 12 days from Matan zas, with molasses to Mershon & Cloud. Scbr Chlet, Townsend. 2 days from Indian River, Del. with grain to Ja, L Bewley & Co. Scbr Vandalla, Morris, 1 day from Leipsic, Del with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. chr Emma Jean es, Townsend, 2 days from Indian River, Del. with grain to Jos L Bewley & Co Scht D H Merriman. Johnson, 1 day from Indian ,River, with corn to Bacon. Collins & Schr W Carroll, Grant, 4 days from New York, in ballast to J B Barley & Co. Schr H Perkins, Mayo, from Portsmouth, NH. with mdse to Potts & Co. Schr S C Tyler, Steelman, from Boston. Schr Jas A ilderdlce, Jackway, from Boston. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Bork Gertrude, Creech, Marseilles, Warren, Gregg & Morris. Brig Ortolan, Ely, Cienfuegos, do Brig Nigreta. Stowers, Humacao, E A Souder & Co. Brig Potosi. Cc frill. St John, NB. C C Van Horn. Schr E T Allen, Allen. Boston, N V and Sch Coal Co. Bahr R S Dean, Cook, Taunton, Costner, Stickney & 'Wellington, Behr Airmails°. Vincent, Salem. captain. Schr Friendship. Batten, Wilmingto.,, Day & Madden. Schr Jes Turner, Soule. Portsmouth, C Peale, Solar M E Smith, Smith. Boston, captain. Schr Jae Aliderdice, Jackway, Bolton, captain. Schr Porto Rico, Tyler, Dorchester, captain, EC:MOBANB Steamer Santiago de Cuba, Smith, cleared at New York yesterday for Grey town Steamers City of Cork. Bridgeman, and City of New York Leitch, cleared at New York yesterday for Lt verpool. Bark H Huston. for this port, sailed from Sagua about 101 h inst. Bark New York,for thiaport in 10 days, was at Sagoa 10th itiFt. Brig Albert Adams,,P yres.lo days from Wilmington, NC. at New York yesterday. Brig Lilla, Day, at Havana 14th inst chartered to load 1500 bxs sugar at $17..1 each. Brig Opzinabo, Gilmore, cleared at New York yes terday fel this port Brig Samuel Welsh. Hoecker, hence for Ponce: was • spoken 6th inst. lat 22 50 N, lon 64 30 W. Brig Perry. hiclk Bally, from Rio de Janeiro via St. Thomas, at New York yesterday. Brig Anna, BrackwoldL4s days from Rio de Unwire. at Ik ew York yesterday. with coffee, for ordem. Sob Abigail Haley, MIL 7 days from Segue, at New York yesterday. Schr Id A Gould, Trim, hence at Bangor 17th inst. Schrs R W Dillon. Lndlam, for this port, and A 11l Scull, Somers, for New York, cleared at Wilmington, NC. 17th inst. Scbr E C Knight, Taylor,hence at Portland 19th inst RICHARD PENISTAN'S Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut Street, Established for the Sale of Unadulter• ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, Flow so much reconall i nl ala p c : L the Medical Faculty $1 25 PER DOZEN. (These Bottles hold one Pint.) The above being or the very best quality, unlit Cm admitte the price Is exceedingly LW. It Is de d livered to all parts of the O city without extra charge. • Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,&o.,&o. Warranted pare, at the lowest possible rates, by the Bottle, Gallon, or Caak. CHAMPAGNES of the beat brands offered lower han by any other house. On Drasght and In Bottles, PURE GRAPE JUICE. Thle fa an excellent article for Invalids.• It 111 a anis cure for Dyepepala. OLIVE OIL, BAY RUM, SARDINES, .Scc. London and Dublin Porter and down Stoat—MO:lid and Scotch Ales. delay JUST OPENED, Penist a,n s s Branch Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and $9 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Rear Entrance on Bank street. mhl9 'HER MA JESTYI CHAMPAGNE a-. plywirow,, 151 Bolmi norm IT., SOU AGENT. Tons. Cwt. ... 9,953 00 2,304 Otl ... 21,850 10 ... 1,894 00 _ 36,004 10 136,233 00 172,287 10 105,105 10 NIMEE.—The attenti choi ce the trade is solicited te ke following very Wines, dso., for sale by JOSEPH' E. DIINTON, No. 151 South Front street, above Walnut: • .MADEIRAS—OId Inland 8 years old. SRERRIES—OmpbeII t Co., single, double and triple Grape, E. Crusoe & Sons, Rudolph, TOOL% Elea; Spanish, Crown and F. Vallette. PORTS—Vallette, Vinho Veiho Real, Danton And Rebello Valente, & Co_ Vintages teat to 1356. CLARETS , —Cruse Ereres and St. EatepheChar sea Lnimirty. . VERMOUTH—G. Jourdan, Brive & Co. MUSCAT—de Frontignan. CHAMPAGNES— Ernest army "Golden Star? . de Venoge, Her Majesty and Royal dabinet and Atka! favoritetrandai , - -- • • . . Tone.Owt. ' 26,532 15 8,234 07 426 10 21,930 19 2,366 04 10,028 10 40 10 .. 75,258 16 .- 995,313 06 WIEDEIRY.—OhoIca lota of old wheat Baal ßourbon. and Bourbon Whia,. for aide by N. P. /ODDLY:. TON. North FRONT Strom IYIS ..,1,076,602 02 -1,002,011 19 GLUE, CURLED' HAIR, &C. 250 illtegtencd'"', ageSlry NAVA& & CO., No. 900 Market Street • ap2-Ima OLUE, GLUE. GLUE, GLUE, GLUE. GLUE, 1.7 suited to each partienlar manufacturer. Cu led Hair. Crated Hair, Curled Hair, of various grades and prices. Emery Paper and Band Paper, a large quantity on hand. Neale' Foot Oil, strictly lure; Twines, Sausage Ca sings, de. CRA.WFORD & CO., sp2,ln4 No .706 Market street. NVRAISDIS.-40 b ox es Bunch and Layer Belfast ) boxes Valencia Bllißllll3, 100. mats Seedless Babies for sale by JAS. B. BUSBIES 115 Beall W street. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—StoIIy Oranges and 'Lemons, in prime, order, for sale by JOG. & CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. r ~j D Ft ' JUIL 4 IIIUOIUt. PRTT. ADELPHIA. HAVANA CIGARS. PICKLES, SA.IICEII, THE DAILY EVEIVINGTULLETRi: :PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 21,':1866 WISTAR'S BALSAM OP . WILD_ CHERRY HAS BEEN USED FOE NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, Wl= THE MOST ASTONISHING StrCOESS IN CIIIC/NO Coughs. Colds. Hoarseness, Sore Throat, influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, $ Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Diffi culty of Breathing, Asthma and every affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHESTS unicCoNSUMPTIPICOINT la a 9 which carries offmore victims than any other disease and which baffles the skill of the Physidans to greater extent than any other malady, often yrwr I'Sti TO THIS REMEDY! when all others prove ineffectual. The Rev. JACOB SECEDER, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and ranch respected among the German p t p e u men n f or n he h be ncutnyh m a k i e ct ed.he following DEAR Sras—Having realized in MY Ihrally import ant benefits from the use of your valuable prenaratioa —W ISTAB'S BALSAM OP Wino CHEILBY—It affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a de cline, and little hopes of her recovery were enter tamed, I then procured a bottle of your exc-dlent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great Improvement in her health: - -have, in my inotividnal - case - made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benefited by It, JACOB SECTHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE - FOB SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE. • Dey Street, New York. SETH VV., POWLE & SON. Proprietors, Boston AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • GRACE'S OELEBRATD SALVE CURES Llu IS, BURNS, SCALDS GRACE'S CELEBRATED HALVE' Cures Boils, Illcers. Oincers. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Chapped Hands. vhllblitios. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Beals Old Sores. Flesh W ounds, (t.z. It is prompt in action, removes pain at once, and re duces the most angry lo.king swellings add Intl amma lions, as if by magic—thus affording relief ands com. plete cure. Only 25 cents a box! (Sent by mail fdr 35 cents.) For Sale by J P. DENSMORE. 38Dey Street, New York. S. W. FOWLE dr SON, Proprietors, Boston and oy all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. ja30.31-13 CLEINSE TIP; 11L - 1013 With corrupt, disordered or v,Usted Blooi, you lure sick all It may bora out is Pimples or *'res. •.r In some active disease, or It may Men ly keep you less, deprolssed and good f r uothidg. Bat you camtet have good health white your b ood is impure, A 'l7 CiP.,S SALI B A P , RILLS purges oat the. e impurities and stimulates the organs of life into ous action, restoring tbe health and expelling diseas Bence It rapidly cures a variety of complaints which are caused by impurity ot"the blood, such as Sevrtru; or EV us' Evil, Tumors, Ulcers, Berra, Eruptions, Pi 4, Ries Blotches, Boils, Si, Anthony's Jire. Bose or grysi• reins, letter or Salt Shrum, Scald dead, Bier, Worn, °deeer or ameerons Tumors, Lore tcyur, Fannie Ins eams, such as Beteniion. .irrevidartty, Suppression, Whites, Sterility, also Syphilis or Venereal Diseases, Liver amp:Matz and React Diseases. Try AYER'S BARSAPARILIA, and see for yourself the surporiai ig activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures these disorders. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles,pretending to give a quart of Entree: of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they nit oily contain lit Us if any. Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence', bitter disappointment has followed the use of the various extracta of Sarsaparilla which Hood the market, until the name itself bas bec une synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound :`Sarsaparilla," and intend to supply inch a remedy as sitar rescue the name from the to td of obloquy which recta upon it. We think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are hie by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended cure. We can only assure the sick. that we offer them the beat alterative wh!eli we know how to produx.. and we have reason to believe, it-is by far the most effectual purifier of the blood yet discovered by say AcEll'S CHERRY PECTORAL is u aulversally known to surpass every other remedy for the care of Oiughs, aids. /ruittenaa, .tioararness, Croup. lirem chit's, _incipient roaramption and for the relief of C., (i -sumptive Patients is advanced stages of the disease, that It Ls useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues. The World knows them. Prepared by DR. J. C. AY EX. & CO., Lowell, Mae 1., and sold by J. M. MARLS & CO , Philadelphia, and 1)3; all Drogglata. _ mbl7 a,rn w,2m OPAL DENTALLINA.—A superior article fur cleaTh ing the Teeth, destroying antuaalculie which in fest them, giving tone to the gums. and leaving a feel ing of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, and will oe found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deter. siveness will recommend it to every one. Being corn. posed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician and Micro copist, it is confieently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in rogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the conatitaents of the DEN'iALLINA, advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAAIPS T. SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D L. Stackhoase, Bassard .1. Co., Robert C. Davis, G. R. Keeny, Geo. C. Bower, • Isaac H. Ray, Charles Shivers C. U. r eedles, G. J. Scattergood. T. J. Husband, J.,C. Turn penny ch. Co. Ambrose s'mlth, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks. William B. Webb, J 4 Bringburst & alt. James L. Bispham, Dyott ..k Co., Hughes .h. Coombe, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth .t.. Bro. LISTLACE'S DIPHTHERIA LOZKNOEB.—Then lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchia} affections generally. Try them. THOS. E3TLAtlit, Jr., Druggist, S. 'W. ner of Eighteenth and Markel streets. Philadelphia. fe6-Snal CAIIiPHUR —A lot of Camphor for sale by WIL LIaII ELLIS & CO., Druggists, No. 724 and 722 Market Street. DiLAIR'S CHOCOLATE FOR INVALIDS AND FAMILIES—made from the true Caraccaa Cocoa —free from all adulteration. Tne above article we can recommend as reliable for purity; exceedingly nutri ticusand acceptable to weak and delicate stomachs. for which it is especially intended; also suitable fur family use. Put up in tin cases to preserve its peculiar and delightful flavor. HENRY C. RLAIR,"S SONS, Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut. lOD LIVER OLL.—Twenty-tive barrels, new made, Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality; Cart,. Ammonia, just received, in jars also. Ault receiVed, twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted S 5 per cent., in the beet of packages, and for sale by JOHN C. BAKER & CO., No. 718 Market street. DaTßAcre OP BEEF for beef tea or Essenoe of 12.. Beef In sickness or for soups for table use. Made n Elgin. Illinois, by Gail Borden, from the Juices of choice beef and is superior in delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with fill di rections. one dollar each. HUBBELL, Apothecary, 1410 Chestnut street. • TIRUGGISTS' SIINDREBM. Graduates Mortara, Lpm Tiles, Comhs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers,Pafi Boxes, Horn -SooOps, Instrument . Trusd:a Hardund Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass and Metat Syringes, *a, all at "First Hands" pprices. !SNOWDEN dk SRO pgEg, ap6tid • • 28 South Eighth strain, 1101 °BERT SHOEMAKER & 00.. N. E. CORNER iL POURT.II AND . RACE STREETS, Wholesta Druggists, Manufacturers and Dealers in Window Glass; White Lead, and Paints of every description, offer to the trade, or consumers, a complete stock et goods in their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOMLARER dt.oo. ~.t ; . liSAGNESLA..r.leratbses Calcined, In 10Ib. round tint Oland boxee. also In bottles. .Tenning's Carbonate of hiagnesia. in 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers. Heavy Calcined Magnesia Waling and fir. sale by CHARy>3g FILLP3,I SON & CO .. Drum/on, market and Eleventh streets, Philadelphia. • sell BAT liallf..--Just received, an invoice of Gennlns finplorted finy A Ruin ; for sale by the gallon, b, ROBERT- B.llo l w NEB & 00., •Dioggist., N. B. 091 , uer FOnrth and 4aco etrente, COPARTNERSHIPB. COPARTNERSHIP V 0110 E. V OFFICE KEYSTONE KNITTING bllLLS,corner °aka d and'Hancock etreeta. - Pbdad a.. Antil 14. 1866.' Mr. JOHN TA YLOE has been admitted as a partner, in my business. THOZIAS DOLA.N. We will continue the Fancy Hosiery manufacturing at the above named works under the firm style of opl7-6t* • DOLAN dr. TAYLOR. mime FALL SESSION OF KM A.R.BOTT'S .1. SICKENADY FOB YOUNG LADLEtS coin• mence on Wednesday, Septeinher at he; residence, _corner of Poplar and Sixteenth streets, Plaladelphia. BzitscaltNaas t--)1,437. ft, :,yrden Iztatc, D.D. Rev. Themailliraizierd,'D.D;,1 0 /, H . BK. late President of Girard College.. inmy• ffiJ IfVAI.. DUIIGIS. EDUCATION, REAL ESTATE. VALUABLE STORE ON MARKET STREET. M. THOMAS & SONS . WILL SELL At noon, on the 24th inst., The large and very valuable FIVE-STORY STORES, No. 131 Market street and Nos. 120 and 122 Jones street. Making one handsome Store, well suited to a Large Grocery or Wool House, s4o,oeomay remain for a term of years, at five per cent. The property has three hatchways, and can readily be arranged to rent out the upper stories, with separate private entrances, so as to realize the interest of the mortgage. For farther...particulars see handbills. apl34Q . - -p c IXECII'I OR'S PEREBLPTORY SA_LE.-Estate of JOS. ROBERTS, s t ory ceased.SlAS tit Su S , Auctioneers.--Four brick RESIDENCE, No. 64 North SEVENTH street-On TIIESIM.Y, May Ist 1866, at 1.2 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public sale 'RANGE:erve, at the PHILADELPHIA t All that four story brick messuage,Ml lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of Delaware Seventh street, oetween Market and Arch streets, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Seventh street 19 feet 6 inches (including on the northerly side there f 1 foot 10 inches, thesontherly part of the two feet 9 Inches in the clear, hereinafter mentioned), and extending thence in depth 100 feet. Bounded south by ground of Yitshn Rowland, west by another lot belts ging to the -estate of the said Joseph Roberta_, north partly by other ground of the said Con rad Bartling. and partly by the northernmost 11 inches in breadth of the said 2 feet 9 incheneride alley, and east by Seventh street. (It being the same premise; which the aside. Battling, be Indenture dated March 21st. A. D.llBB, recorded in the proper calico at Phila.. delphla, In Deed Book A. M., No. 32, page 534, drce .-T granted and conveyed to .T. Rorts N. B. aforesaid deed fonthe premises from C. Battling to Y. Roberts conveys them to the said .1. Ro berts, his heirs am' assigns, as follows. viz: "Together with the right and privilege of theaters said 2 net 9 in. wide alley In the clear, extending thst width In length from Seventh st.westwarti on the sout t; side thereof 20 feet 6 hs., and on the north side thereof 40 h et; thence sloping from each aide to a post for hang, ing gates. in the division line at the distance of 44 fest westward from the west side of Seventh at,, for the common use convenience and accommodotion of the said .1. Roberts, his heirs and assigns, owners, tenants and eccnplers, as well of the hereby granted pmnises as of the Raid J. Roberts' messuage and lot adjahein and to the westward of the hereby granted /ot, W. • said adjoining lot of the said J. Roberts fronts on Arc. street, and of him the said C. Barging, his heirs :mi assigns, owners, tenants and occupiers of the messuage and lot of ground adjoining, and to the northward of the hereby granted lot and of a watercourse over an-1 slot the the same, and the free and common right ant prly Pete of laying pipes et' conduit in the cad alley for introoucing the Schuylkill water into the said aajoin lug lots of the said J. 'Roberts. his heirs and asskns re spectively, and of the - said C. Barging, his heirs aid assigns, and the right of repairing renewing and re sameg the same at all times forever whoneve: tho may be neca'sary, with the right and prlvllei.e to and for the said J Roberts. his heirs am, assigns. in budding over said alley to the extent of 40 feet from said Seventh street. leaving at least 6 feet 9 in., heal ' way in the clear, In building over the same, from t •.,.; surface of the ground or pavement. And together with the right and priviege of using the south wall of the messuage erected on the said adjoining pretnises t.) the northward of the hereby granted lot. belongin , to the said C. Battling as a party wall, and of Oreakl •_... boles in the same, and lay ingjoists therein, and built log on the same without paying or making any Com. pensa ion or satisfaction thereof," (together with all ar.d singular the appurtenancer,) - and under and sub ject to this express condition,:neverts eless, that he the said J. Roberts his heirs or assigns, do, and shall, at his or their own expense, within twelve months from the date hereof build and erect on the hereby granted lot of ground a brick messuage fronting on the said Seventh street at least three stories in height from toe level of said street, and not exceeding 40 feet in depth from said street. and Mat none of the back buildings which may at any time hereafter be erected on the hereby granted lot or any part of the same shall ap proach nearer the division line dividing the hereby granted lot from the said adjoining lot to the north ward, belonging to the said C. Startling than flee feet, and that such back buildings shall face towards the north. And the said J. Roberts, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators ;lath hereby covenant and agree to and with the said C. Battling his heirs and - assigus, that he. the said J. Roberta, his heirs or assigns, shall at d will within twelve months from, the date hereof, erect and build a brick mesanage on th erebygranted lot in front on the said Seven - h atree a least three stories in height, and not exceeding In d p of 40 leer, and also. that the back buildings which a 'be erected I li on the hereby granted lot ofground,sh al trot approach neater the division Hoe dividing the h by) granted lot and the said adjoining lot of the said C. Rattling than b feet and that all such back buildings that may be eret Joseph 10 the 1 1 orthward." 'I he late Roberts, in thlfillnient of his afbre. said whiched the dwelling house now heights the mantises. are now sold. with the rights and pr,vllrse And subiect to the restrictions Bet forth lathe above recited deed. The 2 feet 9 Inches wide alley above mentioned Is now extended westward over the northern portion of the 1.4 to the premises No.llo Arch Street., which now have the right of way and water course over the whole of the alley in Seventh at. Subject to the terms of the above recited deed. All the gas fixtures will paw to the purchaser with out extra charge. The house is w ell bubt and Is very suitable for the residence of a pro feelonal gentlest:la 1. It was formerly occupied as la s dwelling and office by theist° Ron. J. R. Tyson. - FRE.r. OF ALL INCUMIIRANCM, and sold hy order of the executors of the late Joseph Roberts, Esq. Enms—Two-tbirds of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage of the premises for a year with a aattsfactory on chaser. IMMEDIATE PIkitSEE.IIO.N. Key at 52N. Seventh street. VIRY VALUABLE BUSINtst LOCA.TIOK, No. 710 Arch street, west of Seventh street, 20 feet on Ar.2h street, 157 feet in depth. with an nutlet into Seventh street. all that three-story brick tuessuage and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south side of Mulberry street, between Delaware, Seventh and Eighth streets, City of Philacelphia: containing in from on Mulberry street a) feet, and lit depth 157fett • bounded on the north by Mulberry street on the eaat .pt rtly by a, lot now or formerly of Rebecca Itskestraw and partly by other ground now of toe estate of Jo seph Roberts, dec'6, on the south by ground at dt n the west by a lot of ground now or formerly belonging to Joseph Ugllby, (which said lot of ground described Dar lel Joueon and Anna, his wife, by indenture dated 12th August A. D., Isalarecortied in Dud Book E. F. No. 15, page t 7 dc_, grantid and con. ve3 ed unto the:. aid Joseph Roberts In fee.) N. B. The above pre mtsits nave now aapurieuant • o .them. and to be Kid with them, the right of way and of a water course over and along an alley 2 feet s inch es in width. leading eastward into, seventh street, as the same is now laid out partly over the other lot ofthe late.liseph Roberts, N 0.54 N Seventh street, and to be erjoyed in common therewith. and partly over ground now or late of e'. Bar Ding; and the said right of way •es to the easternmost 40 feet 6 inches depth of said alley is also held in common withlC. Beetling, his bets end assigns, owners, tenants, and occupiers of themessnage and lot of ground enjoining the said seventh street lot on the north he premises are sold subject to the unexpired term of a lease th, rest (at $6566 per month) ending on toe 25th dry of August rent This unexpired term, with the prop° , tine of rent accruing from the delivery of the deed, w,ll be assigned to the pun baser. :a- Clear of all incumbrance. t Jar The above is a very valuable business location, in one property most valuable squares on Arch street- 'The N... .St North Seventh street. be to same estate, will be sold at same time. Tue two properties would be very valuable for any exten sive - business, having the Arch street front for dhow r_-ems and the Seventh street for manufacturing Put' pmee, outlets, water-pipes, &c. It is seldom such an extensive property cats be secured in this part of the city, Terms—Two-thirds of the ptirchtese money may re main on bond and mortgage of the premises fora year, with a satisfactory purctiaser. Aiar Sale peremptory. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, apl7 21,2.5,28 ISS and 141 South Fourth street. _ — - REA - L ESTATE.-THOMAS Zs SONS' SA.L . E. --.1 TYE STORY IRON AND BRICK STORES, o 131 Menet street, and Nos. 120 and I Z2Jonesstreet, between Front and Second streets, two vAluable fronts. -On '1 ItESDAY, April 24, 1066, at 12 o'clock, Noon $ ll will be sold .t Public Sale, at the PRILADELP lIIA. EXCHANGE, all that five story iron and brick front wore as d lot of ground, situate on the north side Mar• - ket street, hem , en Front and Second streets, contain ing In front on Market street 17 feet, and extending of that width In depth 102 feet. then widening to about 27 feet, and extenging of that increased width the further depth 60 feet tones street. making the entire depth from Market street to Jones street 162 feet. The store was built in the most substantl-1 manner for the occu• par cy of the present ow) ers. It is most admirably aeapted for a large grocery or wool house. Granite paN omen's and vaults on buth streets. sfre•- Clear of all incumbrance. f"' Clear remain on mortgage at five per cent. Sir Immediate possession. tar Keys at No. 12A 'Ad arketstreet. gar The above Is a very valuable business location, with two valuable fronts. 11103:1A er, Southctioneer. ap17,19,21 tan and 141 Fourth street in FOR SALE.—TWO CONTIGUOUS COTTAGE HOUSES At Atlantic City, near the Railroad Depot, fronting, on Pennsylvania Avenue. Tye houses are modern, with PARLOR, DINING. ROOM, and KITCI4IN on the first floor, and nine Chambers above. ROBERT EVA RD. near the Preznises has charge of the houses, and will show them to anyperson wishing t purchase. LOTS 50 feet front-150 feet deep to a street. ROBERT camtoHmAN. r0b25.112.01 No. 254 South Sixteenth at., EICOUNTRY SEAT—FOR SALE.—A modern double atone residence, with stable and carriage house, ice house, and 4 acres or excellent land attached, situate six miles from Market Street bridge, and within half a mile front a station on the Pennsrl- CeLtral Railroad. Ras parlor, dining-room, kitchen and 12 chambers; is well built and in good re pair; abundance of dwarf and garden fruit. J. L. GUMILEY dt SON, f4 l B Walnut street. _fir. FOR BALE—A very desirable small DWEF,L• ING, on West Arch street, and several on West &nut street. Apply to I BAl t " ger A three d back buildings, 2011 Poplarstreet, modern convenience.. Apply . to J. H. CURTIS , SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street.: B. O. BUNTING, JR., 2116 Arch street REAL ES_T.&TE. OR. REN'II. The New Bulletin Building, No. 607 Ohestn.ut Street, WILL BE COMPLETED IN A PNWIWICEISS. The proprietors ere prepared to receive proposals for renting each rooms as they ill not use themselves. These will be ' THE SECOND STORY FRONT BOOM, 60 by 24 feet.l THEWI7 cig OF THE NORTHERN HALF OH 13 THE lIMDING, Four Stories ( h. with Entrance by a wide hall on Chestnut street, And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street Suitable for a Jobbing or Commission House, a Bank, or Insurance Office. - For Further P art i culars apply ) at the EVENING BULLETIN OFFICIO. at No. 329 Chestnut Street. 3:pl FOR RENT—FURNIBICED.—THE REST DENCE of the late A. Bidermann, situated on be Kennett Turnpike, about 5 miles from Wilming ton, Del. It contains large parlor, reception room, dining rpom and pantry and small room on first floor, five chambers, servant's rooms, dtc. Ice house filled, stabling and carriage room; It is surrounded by trees, is a cool and healthy rmi dance, and would he rented to a private family for not haf than four months. Apply to C. T. Dupont, Tr., Rokely, near Wilmington, Del. [mh29,th,831142t1 GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE.—A. handsome „Na double-pointed stone residence, with stable and carriage house; and about 2 acres of land, beautifully improved, situate on Duy's lane, within five minute.' walk trcm the railroad station. Is built and' finished throgghoutin a superior manner, with every comb t and convenience, and in perfect order. T. M. GUM MET dr, SUNS, 508 Walnut street. EFOR. RA.LE.—A. HANDSOME FOURRTORY RESIDPNCE, with three-story back buildings, No.-1519 POPLAR street, well built, tine side yard. Lot 25 by 168 feet to Cambridge street. Will be sold cheap to close an estate. Apply to JOHN C. ARP-MON, Nes. 1 and 3 North Sixth street. Immediate possession. "M. •1911 t • .! 't •• s :11:: I • • 's : OR TO RENT—Beautifully and convenlentiy situated, within two minutee walk of Church Lan Station. A commodious and e'egant 11 F , AIDMICE Lo all the modern convniences; stable, coach-ho c. Lot 180.7,213. Apply between 10 and 2, at SS Nor THIRD street. [mhl.l till W. P. WLLSTACH, • •• •• • • ie. • a • with Immediate possession. Commodious stone • ouse, nine rooms, lot 60 by =Z. to street on Nast Washington Lane, two squares from station. Terms easy. Inr AEL H. JOHIV-,ON, app 4t* 119 Market street, second story, SPRUCE STREET—FOR SALE, a Handsome re cdern Four•story Brick Residence, 22 feet fr3,lt, with three-story double back buildings, and lot 112 feet seep, to an outlet. Situated on Spruce street, near Sever teenth street. J. M. GUHMEY it SONS, 503 ainut street. ARCH ISTREET.—FOR SALE, a valuable pro; perty situated en the norta side ot Arcll street, below Sixth street. 25 feet front by feet deea, through to Cherry street. S. 3f. GUMMY & SONS Sts Walnut street. GERMANTOWN.—FOR REP: I', for the Sinn :- liter Mond's, furnished, a desirableillesidence. tal:b stable anct carriage house and 3 acres of land at ta.bed. sanatcti within 5 minutes' walk from the railroad depot. J. 21. 41111,11.11EY & SONS, 503 Wal nut Barret. TO RENT.—Fourth and Fifth stories No. w 5 apt Ekuth Second street, suitable for light in nufac turing purposes; will he rented 1 siw to a good tenant. Apply to S. H. CURTIS d. SOS, Real Estate Brokers, Os Walnut street. M. FOR SALE-An !elegant Brown Stone Red • dere e. built and finished throughout in a superior manner, and furnished with every convenience, situ ated ou LOCUST street, in the • leinity of tit. Mark's Ct. arch. 1. 31. GE:MILEY SONS, 508 Walnut street. INF._ ARCH• STREET—TO LRT.—Tbe DWELLING - E4 No. 1,530 ARCH Street. In good condition. Pos session given June lit. Apply to b ITn O g for five .—A horses, an garden: 10 minutes' walk front' Ti oga station. on the North Pent sylvania Ballrnad. Apply to DAVID J. MOTT, first toll-gate, old York road. l'apl3 12t' FOR SALE.—A. three-story la- irk dwelling, brown stone finish, 43 North Seventeenth street, Real taZ Brokers , 4 1.13k30 3 3 1: f t . s liL r RT.'S t SON, .= 0 8A : • Ji• • I :4 Ws - . try p ace o r. . n Tonne. 0 twenty-two acres, near old York Road station, on the N. P. R. R. ap 11-lot* C. H. MUIRHEID. TO lIMIT—The Handsome STORE, No. 18 South FRONT Street. rah34ll Inquire, No. 18 South Front street. FOR SALE—TO CLOSE AN ESTATE—A. beatitiftil LOC -LT s a tr t e t e h t e W h tPh i c l o ad n lph o a, F c O Io R s TE St H . Ma d . ry's Episcopal Church. Would make a fine location for a 2arge mansion, or could be divided into smaller loin, having three fronts. • C. It. S. LES LIE, apl6 717 Sacsom street. : 111 -D'zl:llE# I:3 111 D.A....Ni.rows PROCURED.— JOHN H. FRICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER FOR ALL STATE-. 111, pENcION A.N.ZD PRIZFs. AGENT, No. DOCK btreet. Acknowledgxnents, Depositions, Affidavits to Ac. Counts taken. nahl3-3m/ - - 628 HOOP SHIRTta, NEW SPRING Erry7.2s NOW READY 6 , 2B of Hopkins' "own make,' at No. 628 ARCH Street, These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace every else and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal in themarket, and warranted to give 124%1114t0n. Also, constantly on hand, a full "nor:meta of good Eastern made Skirts, from 18 to 4r springs, at very low prices. Skirts made to order altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. noll-sml C. KNIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Alf., S. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. EORGE SHARP, Patentee and manufacturer of G the BALL PATTERN SILVRR WARE, No. 41 Prune street, jatt-Irnn* JAIAB9 A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PIER. CILEMENT A GIIISCOIL THEODORE WRIGHT. PRANK L. NKALL. PETER. WRIGHTaL SONS, Importers of .Earthenware, and Bbi . pping mid Commission Merchants, N 0.115 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. IDENINSYLVANLA WORICS.—ON THE DELA WARE ricer, below PHILADELPHFA, CHESTER. Lelaware countyy. Pa. REANEY, SON & CO., Englneprs and Iron Boat builder", Blanufactuf ers of All kinds of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING EN OEcES, Ircn Vessels ofall dweription=, Boilers, Vats, Tanks, Propellers. &e., &e. T. BEANEY, W. B. REANEY, S. ARCHIROLD, ' Late of :late Reaney. Neste & Co., • Engineer in Chief, Penn Works, Phila. 11. S. Navy. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. H. 211EHRICii. .TNO. E. COPE. OUTHWARK FOI7NDRY, FIFTH AND WASH INGTON STREETS. ParLanitLena& MERmICK. & SONS ENGINEERS .AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c, Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defacators, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billeu.x's Patent Sugar Boling Apparatus, Neanyth's Patna Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. ri AB - NEEtRu ‘ L & TBACIKARA. NO. 718 CHBISKTNOT street Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c,, &c.. , would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets,' &c. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Pablo Buildings, and attend to extend. lraugnted. , _altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work ASSwar- TIif6PHILADELPHIA REDING SOROOL, DLIETH street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY. EePL nth. Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of this accomplishment will and every facility sathis school The horses are safe and w ell trained, so that the moat timid need not fear. Saddlg horses trained in the best manner. Saddle horses. horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriage: for tanal rola, to ears, steamboabi, ago. THOS. CRAIG'S & SON. p :4 • • v• t 0 " a ' ZR: • e only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and °lain. footed, at very low prices. A. PEYSSON, Manufacturer of Poudrette., Goldsmith's Hall. Lib Street rimy TNDIA RIMBER IiLACHINE BELTLNG STEAM 1 PA CHINO, HOSE, Engineers and dealers will find a FULL ASSORT MEN T OP GOODYEAR'S PATENT VULCANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, HOSE, &c., at the Manufacturer's Headquarters,GOODYEAß:B 308 Chestnut street, South side.. N. B.—We have a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE Of, GARDEN and PAVEMENT .HOSE. very inheap, to which the attention of the public is called - flOPYirdl 4 W YISI.LoW .01.1.1:ALL htEtitax.allye V Emboli Conner • Nalls. Rohs' wad Into 'Co Per.l constantly on hand and for kale by HENRY W gp dt 00.. 882 gouth Wharrea - . Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The Philadelphia and Sew York Janne/Ift steamboat Company. Steam Propellers leave DAILY from`l.'.• FIRST WHARF below ZdAitENP 8'06%r waxing 3. e run in 24 HOITB.S. This Line connects with all Northern and Eastern Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct to ail Air free of commission. t received at lowest rates. WM. P. CLYDE CO.&Agents, 14 Southharv . _ ,es Paaephia. W JAS. SAN hil D_„ Agent in Wall street. New Yore. 7 ; 808 13013T01s STEAMSHIP LINE DIRE= :xis • • .Fl2Oll &LOH POBT EVERY 1171" DAY& FROM PINE ST. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, The steamship AR LONG IE WHAS Captain F, BOSTON. , Boggs, from Philadelphia on Saturday, April 21, at 10 A. M. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Breton on Tuesday, April 24th, at 12 M. The p line between Philadelphia and Boston is MIME com_os RAB ed ON, of Ca the ptats Matthews, 1200 torus bnrthen. NORMAN, Captain Crowell, 1200 tons burthen. APSES, Captain Boggs, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctua ll y as advertised, and fret:FA I R: received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers. are requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods. For freig,ht or passage, appto RY 11101 Booth Delaware ienue.; - • :safEl. r,ylti • • • • . _ • The fine steamships of this Line insure at the ionests rates and regularly from the First Whimf above Market street, every Connecting with Bair=le from Etichmond, 2Terfall4 and City 'Point, fanning the most direct route for ths South and Southwest. • Bonsgo; freight t or ismssym with excellent aocoronciodai apy 14 Nor W th,a P d B L ea Y th E Wh Mvs NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEX. AtINDBIA, Georgetown and Wasidngten. via apeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandri Va., form the moat direct route fog Lynchburg, stol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. • Steamers leave First Wharf above Market street every Wedn esdday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight MTV to the agents, W. P. CLYDE & Ca, . . 14 North Wharves. I. B. Davidson, Agent at Getkretown; Eldridge dit Co., Agents at A 1 , 4 , 9. Ild/la• FOR I.\ - EW YORE.—Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift deityin, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving at. 12. M. and a 5 P. M., connecting with all She Northern and Eastern Lines. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating tenr,s, apply to NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAWARE and Ow/MA PJLIECA 6:12.4.a. TOW-BOAT COMP.etNY. BARGES towed to and from PEEELADELPMA4 HAVREDEGRACE, BALTIMORE, WASBING4 TON. and intermWate points. P. CLYDE & CO. A ge e N 0.14 Southt Wharvea Pb,l Captain JOHN LADGELLIN. Superintendent. FOR RAN FRANCISCX). ROBINSON'S fl a v.1 7 5 - 0101LA CLIPPER LINE. SAILING REGITLARLY AS ADVERTIRP:O„ Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. Sure Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship GRANITE STATE, Jacobs, tik Commander Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River; This beautiful vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading, and having a porticos of her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch. For ilv.ight. apply to • BISHOP, SON & CO., mh-ntt 105 Arch street. a KATHLEENHT OR CH ARTER 7 T-Al Br. bark , Williams, master, 490 tons re gister and 6 500 bbls. flour: At Br. bark JANET. Kinney, master, MO tons regis ter and 3.000 flour Al Br. bark BALTHA SARA, Wilson, master, 294 tons register and 3.500 bbis flour. 2 Br. brig IDA, Tbesing, master, 210 tons register and 2,5(0 bbla. capacity. Apply to EDMUND A. SOU DER & CO., 3 Dock street wharf. C. B. DLINISI:. V-6 Walnut Street FOR BOSTON, Masa—Express Line.—The fine sr_hooner MARY J. RUSSELL. Captain Smith,ls now loading for the above port at first wharf above Vine street, and will have prolapt despatch. Foz freight, apply to DAVID C,JOPEa. 18 North Wharves. aplA FOR LIVERPOOL.—With Quick Despatch : . The first claw packet bark COBURG, Gibson, master having a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will sail as above. balance of freight or .aaasee &WY to PETREL•,I' WIT di BONS 115 7 slant mhltf FOR REY WEEST.—The brig G. T. WARD, Captain Lindsay, will be despatched for ther above port in a few days. For freight, apply to WORE:ILAN dr CO.. 123 Walnut street. ruble WANTED.—A Vessel of 50 .000 to 110.000 feet. lumber cap& by for a Southern port. Apply tor E. A. SOUDEE & CO., No. 3 Dock street wharf. apl3-St 0. - NSI.42SEES' NOTICE—The steamer BULL- V.11.1..E,, Renew mast.r, from Boston. is now dis charging at third wharf above Market street- Con signtes 'will please attend to the reception of their goods. DAVID COOPER, 18 N. Wharves. apM-st ONSIONFRS' NOTICE.—The schooner FLIGHT, G Laptain Littlefield ' from Trovidence, is now dis charging at C.ellowhill street wharf Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. DAVID LOOPED, IS N_ Wharves. ap2o-st, CiONSIGNEES' NOTICE .— The schooner WAR • EAGLE. Captain Kelly, from Providence, is now discharging at first wharf below Race street. Con signees will please attend to the reception of their goods. DAVID COOPER, 18 N. Wharvei. I\TOTICE.—Br. Mirk LIZZIE MORROW, Frazer, mastFr, from Liverp-01, it now discharging under general order at Smith's wharf. Consignees will please atter d to the reception of their goods. PETER, WRIGHT rS. SONS. ItS Walnut street, apla-tf NTOTICE.—AII person are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark LiZZIE MORROW, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT itt lONS, 115 Walnut street. apt7-tf Dit. BARK BUN CAN, from Liverpool, is now dis -14 charging under general order at first wharf below South street. Consignees will please attend: to the reception of their goods, PETER WRIGHT (t , SONS. 115 Walnut street. SHIP BRITISH LION, from Liverpool. in now discharging nadir general order at Shippen street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods, PETER WRIGHT et BUM, 115 Walnut street. apes-t 1 fIOWSIGNEES' NOTICE.—The schooner ELIZA BETH MA HEE, Magee, master, from Boston, la• now discharging her cargo at third wharfabove Market. street: Consignees mill please attend to the reception. of their goods. DAVID COOPER, 18 North. Wharves. aplo ALL PERSpm; ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against trusting any of the crew of the shipt BM') ISH LION, from Liverpool, as nc debts of theff contraction will be paid by the captain or cotisigneee. PETER WRIGHT & SONS. Sl5 'Walnut street arat-tf ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark if0Nc.91,., from 'Liverpool. as no debts of their con traction will be paid by the captain or consignees. PETER WRlGbkr dr. SONS, 115 Walnut street. ap XrCrllCE.—All persons are hereby notified not to .1.1 trust.the.crew of the Swedish brig' PY LAD, aa no debts el their contraeting will be paid by captainior consignees. WORKMAN & C0.,123 Walnut at. mhaL NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned againg trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark COURG, Gibson, master,. from Liverpool, as no debts of _theft contraction will be paid by the captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT S SORB, U 5 Walnut street. mh1741 NOTICE—AII persona are hereby cautioned award barborinn¢g and treating any of the crew of the D an i s h brig DENM ABH, as ne debts of their coutoractr. VAwill be paid by captain or consignees. wog' s. N & CO., Consignees. 123 Walnut street. SHIP NOTICE.—AII persona are hereby cautioned L TETt trusting any of the crew of the Sr. ship H. A IB Y, whereof Cann la master, ihuri City Point, Va., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. EDXIIHD A.I3OIJD/C11d: Dock street wharf. • - • dale TAS. S.SHENDlZAtraccemor to JOHN SHINPLION tl & BONS, Sall Makers, No. soo North DELA.WAP.73 Avenue, Philadelphia, All work done In the heat manner and on Sate Itmefiti and moat invorable terms, and warranted to Ow psis feet aatiafactlon. Particular attention riven to renairlnr. COMPTROLLER'ft NOTIO N. fir RRASURY DEPARTBLEN ,T OFFICE OF COP. I. TROLLER OF CURRENCY, WasimmerrON, March 80th, ISM. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE, NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OW PHLLADELPHLI," in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the re• quirements of the act of Congress, entitled , An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to mvide for the Circa's. Hon and Redemption thereof," approved Juno 3 d. 1064 1 • and has complied with all the provisions of said act re quired to be complied with before commencing the - business of Banking under said act. .2fcrw, therefore, I. Frieman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "THE NATION. AL BANS. OF THE 'REPUBLIC OF PI:ULM:MI,. PAIR," in the city of Philadelphia, In the county of Philadelphia, and State of - Pennsylvania. is authorized to commence the business of Banking linderflie ac aforesaid. e-A—, In testimony whereof witness my hand and . { 844 ,} seal of office, this 186 kat& MARKS, • [mhattm9Sol] • . Comptrollei. eIOTTON AND LINEN SAIL DV= of every width' from one to six feet wide, all numbers, Tent eat Awning Duck, Papermakere felting, Saw Twine. art. • JOHN W, MAN At CO,. No, 102 .Tanos'e Alley} SMPPIENG FOR NEW .110 RIK, IVInDNEBDAY and SATURDAY, At Noon, WM. M. BAIRD & CO., No. I= South Delaware avenue.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers