From our Third Edition of Yesterday From Washington. ) [Special Deapatcn to the Bulletin.] ; WASHINGTON. Aprill9.—The Pittsburgh, nominations will not be acted on .for some days. There will be a strong opposition to their confirmation. Sloanaker has not been • appointed Collector of the First District, and what is more, will not be, all reports to the contrary. notwithstanding. The Senate Commerce Committee are con 7sidering the question as to. what additional legislation is necessary to protect , ports of • entry against the approaches of cholera., Liberal appropriations will be made by •Congress to this end. The, colored celebration is quite an impos • sing affair. The uttermost order and deco rum prevailed throughout. • The Ways and Means Committee have: finally overcome the obstacles which pre themselve against imposing a tax •on cotton of five per cent., and have pre pared a bill to that end, which will•be re ported in a few days. [Correspondence of the Associated Pre3B.] WAsirirdirox, Aprill9.---The celebration -of the Emancipation of Slaveryin the, Dis trict of Columbia, took place, to-day. Five regiments of colored-troops and various -civic associations, with many others, as -e—mbled in front of the Executive Mansion, forming a dense multitude of colored faces, _relieved here and there by white faces. After the tiring of cannon and the playing" -several martial airs, three cheers , were _given for the President of the United States, who, having been escorted to a prominent position by U. S. Marshall Gooding, and "11 - g private Secretary, Col. Wm. G. Moore, -addressed the assembly as follows : I have nothing more to say to you on this 'occasion than to thank ypu for this conapli 7 _went you have paid me in presenting your selves before me on this, your day of cele bration. I come forward for the purpose of indicating my approbation and manifest ing my appreciation of - the respect thus -offered or conferred. I thank you for the compliment and I mean what I say. And I will remark in this connection to this vast concourse that the time will come, and that, too, before a great while, when the colored population of the 'United States will find out who have selected them as a hobby, and a pretence by which they can be successful in obtaining :and maintaining power,and who have been their true friends and want them to partici pate in and enjoy the blessings of freedom. The time will come when it will be made known who contributed as much as any other mui,and who, without being consid •ered egotistic, I may say, contributed more in' procuring the great national guaran tee of the abolition of slavery in .all the States by the ratification. of the amendment to the Constitution of the - United States, giving a national guarantee that slavery shall no longer be permitted to exist or be re-established in any State or jurisdiction of the United States. I know how easy it is to cater to preju dice and how easy it is to excite feelings of prejudice and unkindness. I eare not for that, I have been engaged in this work in which my all has been periled. I was not engaged in it as a hobby, nor ride the colored man for the sake of gaining power, but what I did was to estab lish the great principle of freedom, and, - thank God, I feel and know it to be so, that 12iy efforts have contributed as much, if not more, in accomplishing this great national :guarantee than those of any other living man in the . United States, It is very easy for colored men to have apretended friends ensoonsed in high places .and far removed from, danger, whose eyes have only abstractly gazed on freedom; who .rave never exposed their limbs or property, .and who never contributed a sixpence in furtherance of the great cause, while an -other periled his all and put up-every thing sacred and dear to man, and those - whom he was raised and who lived with him now enjoy his property, with his -consent and receivel his; aid and assist ance. Yet some assume,and others who have -done nothing are conaidered the great de fenders and protectors of the colored man. I repeat, my colored friends here to-day, the time will come, and that not far distant, .when it will be proved who is practically :your best friend. My friendship, as far as has gone, has not been for place or power, for I bad these already. It has been a principle with me, and I thank God the great principle has been es tablished, that wherever any individual, in - the language of a distinguished Orator and statesman, treads American soil, his soul swells within him beyond the power of chains to bind in appreciation of the great truth that he stands forth redeemed, regenerated, and disenthralled, by the genius -of universal emancipation. Then let me mingle with you in celebra tion of the day which commenced your-free d your-free dun. Idoit in sincerity and in truth, and trust in God the blessings which have been -conferred may be enjoyed and appreciated by you, and that you may give them a pro per direction. There is something for all to do. You have high and solemn duties to perform, and you ought to remember that freedom is not a mere idea. It must be reduced to practical reality. Men in being free have - to deny themselves many things which seem to be embraced in the idea of univer :sal freedom. It is with you io give evidence to the - world, and the people of the United States, - whether you are going to appreciate this great boon as it should be and that you are worthy of being freemen. Then let me - thank you with sincerity for the compliment you have paid me by passing through here • to-day and paying your respects to me. I repeat again, the time will come when you will know who has been your best friend, :and who has not been your friend from imercenary considerations. Accept my thanks. The President, after concluding . his re marks,.waited some time outside while the procession passed, and during this time large numbers of the colored people ad vanced to pay their respects to him and take him by the hand. The Preildent was repeatedly and enthu siastically cheered during the delivery of the above address and the passage of the procession, which proceeded to niove as soon as he had closed. Strike Among .. 4 . te Cumberland Coal Miners. BsurinionE, April 19th.—The Cumber land Civilian says the strike among the :miners still continues. The Companies :first proposed reducing the price of mining from seventy-five to fifty cents per ton. "The miners refused the price. Sixty cents - was thenoffered, which was also refused. It was rumored a few days since that a .compromise had been effected and that • work would go On at sixty-five cents. On Tuesday. the miners held a meeting and unanimously agreed to adhere to the old price, seventy-five cents. The result of this state of affairs has been the entire stagna tion of the coal tilde. Hundreds of boats are lying idle at trie wharves and the boat men, getting discouraged, are seeking : other pursuits. The Pentane in Canada. TORONTO, C. n W., April 19.- The volun teers which were sent to the Lower Canada frontier have been recalled, ;Fenian raids being no longer feared. The examination of Fenian prisoners at Cornwall continues with closed doors. It is understood that the examination will be concluded to-day, when the prisoners will be remanded for a few days to await the arrival of important witnesses. It is thought that the prisoners will be commit ted for trial at the Fall Assizes, unless spe cial commissioners are appointed by the Government for their trialst an earlier date. The Canadian Confederation Scheme. Toxtorrro, April 19.—Resolutions In favor of the confederation of the British provinces have passed the Nova Scotian Assembly,by a vote of 31 . to , 19.. The question is still pending in the Parliament of New. Bruns wick, and if rejected, then- the House will probably be dissolved, and a new election, held, involving a delay of some weeks be fore the final result. : S XXIXTIIki CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION WASHINGTON, April 19. Housm—Mr. Morris (N. Y.) from the Judichiry, Committee, reported back a bill to regulate the, ,terms of the United States Courts in the Eastern District of New York, and for other purposes, which was consid ered and passed. - Mr. Boyer (Pa.) offered a resolution to print for the use of members of the House for Aistribittion 50,000 copies of the testi mony of Alexander H. Stephens before the Committee on. Reconstruction. • Mr. Roklis (N. J.) moved to make the number 75;000. The resolution was referred, under the rule, to "the C,Ommittee on Printing. Mr. Washburne (Ill.) desired to object to the introduction of the resolution, but the Speaker stated that the objection came too late. Mr. Lynch (Me.) introduced a joint reso lution, authorizing the appointment of ex aminers to examine a site for a fresh water basin for the iron-clad vessels of the United States Navy. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Also, a bill to provide military instruction in the Agricultural Colleges, established under the act of July 2d, 1862. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Whaley (W. V.) rose to another per sonal explanation in reference to his Latin friend, "Mr.-Et-al,'' and said he had read a sarcastic letter from Mr. Boynton, the cor respondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, deny ing the authorship of the objectionable paragraph. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) from the Committee on Appropriation, reported a bill making ap propriations to supply the deficiency in the appropriation for the public printing, for the year ending June 30th, 1866, which was read twice and referred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and made the especial order for to-morrow. The bill appropriates $115,000 to supply the deficiency in the appropriation for printing; $450,000 for paper, and $115,000 for printing. Mr. ,Washburne (I 11.) inquired of Mr. Stevens how many of the ordinary appro priation bills of the session bad passed. Mr. Stevens replied that,with the exception of a deficiency bill and of the miscellaneous bill necessarily kept back till about the close of the session, and the Indian Appropriation bill kept back in reference to some treaties, all the appropriation bills were passed. Markets. NEw Yens., April 19.—Cotton is quiet at 37 cta Floor is quet but unsettled; State, $7 15(49; Ohio, $8 55@$IZ Western, $7 154f9; Southern unchanged. 450 bbls. sold; Canada unchanged. "2,0 bbls sold, Wheat dull; sales of 27 eeevimslis,at $lB5 for No. I; Milwaukee,l2 70 for prime white Genesee. Corn quiet at 85084 cts. Beef steady. Pork steady at E@s26 3734 for Mess. Lard buoyant at 1634@19 cis, Whisky dull at $2 rbigs2 27. Stocks are lower. Chicago and Rock Island, 118 ii; Michigan Southern, 80; New York Central, 9234; Reading. 183; Hudson River 10374: Canton °omi t:any, 32; Virginia 81, 69; Missouri 6'8,74; Erie. 73ri; Western 'Union Telegraph Company, 543;; U. 8. Coupons, 1881,105 n; ditto, 1564, 104%; ditto 18S, 1042 4:. Ten-Forties, 92X; Treasury 7 3-10's, 101@lCei; One Year Certificates, 993 i; Gold. 1273 . &flea at Phi'Adel 6A ES .A.FrEa Tress Notes J7unes-ICe 101 9100 Phllada 6s num 92% 600 do new 99,1 r, 1000 Camd & An!boy rogt es 100 eh 505,taw pl W 95 0 30X 200 eh do b 5 9934 100 sh do 3011 100 sh do 65 9036" 100 eh do b 5 303 i 21 eh Lehigh Val 61 96 eh do b9O 61.4 100 e h Ocean 011 b3O 9,% BECOND IWO Penna as 3; woo Penna 65,w In 55 100 4000 do • 100 FIRST BOARD lao ah Read R biaint 51% IWO sh do b 551% 100 sh do blO 51% 100 eh neetonv'e R b3o 42N1 80200 sh Busq Ca Caul bs int IS ARD. 100 ah Maple Shade 8 9 eh Cam dc Am 13, U 9 50 ah'Penna BR carp 58Y, ace eh Phil & Erie b 5 32 1100 eh Reading B. b 5 MU SOO City 68 new 92U1 100 sh 61.113 q Can 16 2.00 ski do 163 R( )A.TeD OF TRAD.F.- ANDREW WHEELER, EDW. G. TOWNSEND, }Moirnmy Ciolometxm, THORNTON BROWN'. fiaid cA m ooesiii steamers tome PROM FOR RATS St, David.-- -Liverpool-Portland .- .-..„..April 5 City onlancheater-Liverp'L..New York---... April 6 Persia .LiverpooL-New York. .Aprll 7 Malts -.„...----.Llversool-New York...--.,April 10 Bosphords -Liverpool-Boston &Phila....-April 10 Erin .--I.lverpoo.l.-New York --April 11 Ericsson -...Bremen-NeerY. 0rk....---April II Louislana....--LrverpooL-New Y0rk....---Aprll 11 America. .-Southampton-New York April It Cityofßoston -Liverpool-New York... ..... -.April n Nova Scotian -LiverpooL-Portland-...... ..... .April 12 Africa..- - ... ........-LlverpooL-805t0n......-.- April 14 Kangaroo -Liverpool-New York...-.---April 14 Palmyra. Liverpool... New York April 17 City of London-Liverpool...New York Aprll 18 the Queen.... Liverpool...blew York.,--Aprll 18 TO - DERAB T. Cortdca„...—.....New York-Nassautt Hav'a...April 21 City of NewYork...N York... Liverpool ...-.-.-Aorll 21 Pereire New York-Havre...-...........-.April 21 .New York-Bremen .Aprll2l Belgian __Portland...Liveroool --April 21 iSamonia ' .New York-Hamburg .April. 21 England ' New York... Liverpool ----April 21 New York...--.-New York....Aspinwall April 21 Asia. .. _ .Boston.-Liverpool April 25 Manhattan .NewYOWC.:732Caviritia V c....Xiiii 25 Baltic-- ........ -...NewYork...Brenten • .A.prit 26 Virginia-- .New York...LiverpooL- ...... -.April2B City of 805t0n...-New York... Liverpool .Aprl I Z 3 North America-New York-1110 Janelro,&c....April 28 Delaware Philadelphia... Liverpool April 28 iIiABINE 11 1 :// 1 :11 :/ SI .19191R16136. b (21 1 STIN Brre, 6,39 1 Hl9B WATER, 651 • ABBIYIED YESTERDAY. Steamer Novelty,_Shaw.24 hours from New York, with mdse to W AT. Baird & Co. Steamer W C Pierrepont. Shropshire, 24 hours from New Y ork. with mdse to WM. Baird Co. Steamer Vulcan. Morrison, 24 hours ErOm N. York, with mdse to W M. Baird & Co. Brig Cheviot, Cole, 18 days from St .Tobrus, PR with sugar and molasses to John Mason & Co. 4th Inst. lat 28 17, ion 72 40, spoke brig Palma. from Montevideo for New York. Schr Ann S Brown, Fisk, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr E F Crowell, Stevens 10 days from Province town via Gloucester, with maze to Geo B Kerfoot. Schr E Blchardson, -Thompson, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to J E Barley dc Co. Behr Idaho, Newman, 5 days from Newburyport, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Behr Dan six Garwood, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr Behe, Jackson, 3 days from "PokomOke River, with lumber to Bacon, Collins & Co. ' Schr Avon, Baker, 4 days from New York, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Schr Belle Beaman, ISe-aman, 5 days from Baltimore, with r id iron to captain. - Behr Lancet, Bayard, I day from Christiana, Del. with grain to Christian & Co. Behr S C Fithian, Tu ft , 1 day from Port DepOsit, Md. with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Behr Delaware. Canner, 1 day from Smyrna. Del. withgrain to Jas Barra , t. Sebr Zouave, Cullen, 1 day from Frederica, DeL with grain to Jas Barran. Behr Olivia. Fox, 1 day trans Odessa, Del. with grain to Jaa L Bewley dc Co. Bcbr Clayton & Lowber.Jackson,l day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jan L Bewley & Co. Behr Sallie Teazle, Blexom. 1 day from Magnolia, Del. with corn to Jas Barran CLEARED i'EBTEBDAY. - Steamer E C 'Knight, Dents, N York, W J Taylordtoo. Steamer It Willing. Candiff, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Brig Waredale. Maimed, Baltimore, E A Bonder & Co. Schr Sarah, Benson, Providence, David Cooper. Schr-E W Perry, Risley, Lynn, Day & Huddell. • Schr C W Locke, Huntley. Dorchester. do - sehr G Hires, Fox, Quinton's Bridge, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Seta H O Simmons, Foster. Boston, Bockafellow&CO. Schr A Pharo, Shourds, Providence, New York and Scbuyl Coal Co. Scbr David G Floyd, Kelly, ProvidenCe, Andenried, Norton & Co. Behr Ida L Howard, MoDuffy, Portland, J R White. JICIMLOB &.NDA. Ship Western Continent, Lull, cleared at New York yesterday for San Francisco. Ship Samuel Russell, Lucas, from N York for Hong Kong, was spoken 14th inst. lat 39 49. lon 69. Steamer Alabama, Meaner, from Liverpool 14th tilt. below N. Orleans,l2th Inst. - Steamer Caroline (Br), Willey, cleared at New Or leans lath inst. for. Liverpool. Bark Annetta (Br). Mendelson, sailed front Mayans 4th inst. for Remedios and this port. Bark Clarita Baca, from Buenos Ayres 20th Feb. at Boston yesterday. Bark Orlando, .Baker, was loading at Matanzas 12th inst. tor a port north of Hatteras. Bark Florence Peters, Skinner, at Cardenas 10th inst froroNew Orleans. - - Brig Nellie Alpwe, Leaman, hence at Cienfuegos Bth inst via barbattoat • Brig Marshall Dutch. Coombs, at Cardenas 10th inst. from _Morena and sailed Mb for Portland. Brig Chas M Goodrich, Look, sailed from Cardenas 11th inst. for New York--has been reported bound to this vort. Prig Anna (Aust), Kroger, cleared at New York yesterday Wr Pernambuco and a market. THE DAI•LY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. APRIL Ida Stock Itoard. 100 eh Nor Cenir 4535 50 eh do h3O 463. 100 sh Bull Creek N SOO Y god Middle - - Coal Fields e3ollat 200 eh Big Monist bso ZX) all Phil t Erie bso 200 eh Bch Nay pfll Bchr M H Mifflin, Chaplin, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Behr Willie Dill Gordon, for Lewiston, was loading at Matanzas 12th inst. Behrs Adolf Kugel, Robinson, and C 13 Edwards, Garwood, were loading at bfetanzas 12th inst. for this port. Sch.r Island Queen, Conary, sailed from St Thomas 2d Inst. for Ponce to load for this port. karat C,l:llUsi /CV:WO ' Bark Eliza W bite, Look, from Sagas for Portland, which put into Bermuda in distress, reports on the 25th nil: 110 miles /SSW of Nantucket. while lying to, was struck by a heavy sea, atarting stern, and causing the vessel to leak: kept off, and was dilven within 50 miles of Bermuda. • Schr Juliet. of Barnstable, left Boston evening of March 25 for New klaven,and has not been heard fi orn -- - . Irh; Charles Smith, from Surinam for Boston,which put into Bermuda in distress, repaired and sailed fur destination 9th lost. BILE'DIIDAii. VOX_ .E"(..)3P I.ll_. L. WRIGHT'S TAR aRIIP PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 771 SOUTH THIRD ST • : ••aii:o• The undersigned citizens take pleasure in cheerfully recommending the use of Wright's Tar Syrup, for coughs colds, consumption, whooping cough, spotted fever, liver complaint, pains in the breast, bronchitis, inflammation, and constriction of air vessels In the lungs. The remedy should beim every family; Charles C;Wllson,Forney's Press °Mee. Charles H. Graffen, Sunda y 2ifereury office. James Nolen, Inquirer office. Wm. F. Corblt, .Associated Press. Wm. H. Carpenter, Fire•Wlarto. and POllOB Tele. graph. Fifth and Chestnut streets. • A. Randolph, Front and Dombard streets. James W. - Perrine, 1129 Charles street. H. A. Davis, 32305ut12111 street. • , John Woodside, 1381 - Franklin street. Robert Thompson, 1608 Walter street. ' R. G. March. 626 Franklin street. J. Gebloff, 731 South Second street. John Seymour, 513 South Frog t street. E.W.Howard.l Dock street. H. C. Bartlett, 327 South Second street. L. Bates, 605 Arch street. Albert. ra &ri . m, 411' South Second street. Mary Caldwell 1032 t3ausom street. W. Thomas, Si) North Fourth street. T. M. earthy, 109 Hlfretb's alley. • George Wilson, 236 Race street. W. F. 8r00k5,69 North Second street. M. J. Hassett,ll9 Canal street. S. Seymour Bose, Brdleton. Charles Rogers, 921 South street. R. T. Wellington. Second and Quarry street!. E. E. Thomas, 138 South Sixth street. William Barns, 515 South Front street. S. S. Sanford, Opera Manager. _ John .Maginnis, rear 0f134 North Second street. Mrs. S. B. Choate, Newark. Del. George W. White &Co.. No. 66 Smith Third street, Mr. William B. Wright: Sin: We tate pleasure in recommending your TAR SYRUP (of:which we have already sold con siderable quantities) as a most excellent and efficacious remedy for the complaints set lonh in your printed bill already submitted to the public. As a gratifying act to suffering humanity we will cheerfully recom• mend your preparation to all afflicted st ith diseases which it is designed to cure. Yours, DLLES & SON, Druggists, N. E. corner Pine and Sixth streets. Also to be had at JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN. DYOTT & CO., • and all principal druggists and dealers. The subscrlber would beg leave further to say that he is prepared to fill orders and forward the Syrup to any part of the country. Persons desiring other Information by mail will enclose a postage stamp and answers will be returned as soon as the exigencies of taislness will admit. Address Wrf.T.f AM B. WEIGHT, 771 South Third street, Philadelphia. Pa. (IPA L DENTALL.D.U.—A sul=lorarticle for clean t.J lug the Teeth, destroying animalcule+ which In fest[Lem, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feel ing of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be need daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deter siveness will recommend it to every one. Being com Famed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician and Micro , copist, It is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncertain washes. formerly In vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DMSTALLDLS'A, advocate Its use it contains nothing to prevent Its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown. D..L. Bunkhouse, Hassard & Co., Robert C. Davis. G. B. Keeny, Geo. C. Bower. Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, C. H. T eedlee. 0.. L Q.mtrpegood. T. J. Husband J. G. Turnpenny & Co. Ambrose Smith, Vlusrlee H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb. K. Itringhnrst James L. Bispham, Dyott & Co., Hughes &I:bombe, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth d Bro. EBTLACILI3 DIEWTHIOILL. LOZIENO7I2.—Then are a safb and speedy care for Diphtheria Congiu lci Me Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial sinctiorzerally. Try them. THOI3. ESTLACK. Jr., Drn S. W. - mar of Eighteenth and Harker streets. el • . fbaaag GREEN Pia A.S, Green Corn, Fresh Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes, Plums, Ito. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEAIa33I IN FINE OROCKELLR3, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. JAPANESE POWOHON d TEA, the Least ever imported. OOLONG TEA, DRAGON CHOP. OLD GOVERNIMIT JAVA COFFEE. EVE BALE BY JAMES R. WEBB. WALNUT And MONTH Streets. FISH AND PROVISIONS. 200 bbls. No.l Mackerel. 200 bbls. No.l Portland Markers'. 100 bbls. No. 2 do. do. 100 kilts Mess Mackerel. Also, Hams, Shoulders, Shies, Beet Mesa Pork, in lots to suit, by C. P. KNIGHT & BROS.. 114 South Wharves. NEW QUEEN OLIVES.-500 ga ll ons of the finest Queen Olives ever imported, in store and for sale 4COOSTY'S East End Grocery No. 118 South Second street. BONELESS SAIIDINES, Anchovies, Capers , Nß V ich Herring; all of superior . uality, at 001:113. • Dn. e .• : - OLD FASHION SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES; also, Prime Weet India Honey, always to be had at COU , TY'S Emit End Grocery, O. n 8 South Second Area. WINSLOW'S SIIPJESIOR GREEN CORN, 4Ccts V per Can, Champlon Green Peas, at:4o cents per can; Tomatoes Pb cents; all warranted; at COUSTY'S. East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street.. mta4 W FBlllTS.—Princess Paper-shell and Lisbon LI Abnondin splendid London Layer Itstalna, whole, balfand quarter boxes, choice Eleanefrt n i r s (mall drums, in store and for sale by N. F, t3P Pea Dealer and Grocer, N, W.corner Arch and Eighth, ^- Ann GAM FBEECII REAGEES, TOMATOM SYSJSJ Green Corn, Peas, thc., warranted ta glw to Icon. For sale by M. F. 13FELLIE, N,W. oor. Asa and Eighth streets. VXTRA MACKERZ L.—Extra choice huge Macke Tel in kites. Also new S Seed and Pickled Sal Indmon. For sale ets by M . F. EIP . N. W. ear. Arab Eighth stre. -2o barrels d Oran 1 = 233333. Y7l O l 3 store and for by M. B.6rr.r.rn " d : • • I :f GLUE, CIIRLEDH-ATIC-dit-.7 MOBARRELS OF GLUE, F ie SEVER ALL QUA- Dries, on band, and for sa . by CRAWFORD & CO. No. 706 Market Street.. ,ap2-In4 GLUE, GLUE. GLUE, GLUE, GLUE. GLUE, suted to each. partlemlar manufacturer. Curled Hair, Curled Hair, purled Hair, of various grades and prices. Emery Paper and Band Paper, a large quantity on hand. Nests Foot 011, strictly t uret Twines . , Sausage Ca sings, &c. • . • CRAWFORD & CO s pg.l ro l . NO 706 Market street. IivTOVES AIM lietTElll4. • THOMAS O. DIXON & BONS, Late Andrews & Dixon„ No. 1824 CENNTNUT street_manadelphis aboturers o oppos f ite 'United States M, - LOW-DOWN, i g t PAl cas eA t; , • OFFICE,_ And othereftATES, Per Antnradte. B.itminoPn ana WOOd IMOI. WABN-Alit - straNAass, P ' m warmingt and Private Bnildlngi. BEGIN uMill&. e - VENTILATORS OHMENEY-CAPS. 000EING-BANGEB,HATH-BOILIEWS. ocn WHOLESALE and RETAM 40" FOR SALE. BOTTLE MOULDS.—Bottle Moulds for Mint and Green Glass. [apsm C. BOISTMAN BON. B. W. corner of York avenue and Noble street. ASTABLISHAD IN 1840. • A great variety of Sun Um brellas, Fancy and Mourning Parasols, Sun-shades and Child ren's Parasols, at reduced _prices, at lIINCELETS Old &and, 905 VINE, Ett. LIQVOBS. RICHARD PENISTAN'S Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Established for the Sale of 'Saadi:Liter. ated Liquor. Only. Special Notice to Families! Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale,Porter and Brown Stout, Now so much recomp o e r a ;Led 1 3 . the BsOsiNY $1 25 PER DOZEN. (These Bottles hold one Pint.) The above being of the very bete SLLeibTolt moat be admitted the price Is exceedixtglyLOw. It is delivered to all parts of city elabilete extra chart& Brandies, Wines, Oils' Whbkiesoteota. • Warranted pure, at the lowest possible rates, by the Bottle, Gallon, or Cask. O:IIA3I:PAGN2I3 of the beet brands offered lows han by any Other house. ' On Draaght and In Bottles, PURE GRAPE JUICE. This la an excellent article fez Invalids. It Is a tens cure ter Dyspepsia. HAVANA CEIGABB. OLIVE OIL, BAY EOM, PICEIME, HAMM% EMPIDELTZEI, dko London and Dublin Porter and Brawn Moat—NUM and Scotch Ales. dellkg JUST OPENED, Penistan's 13ranch Ale. Wine and Lignor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 South Third Street, Bear Entrance on Bank street. mta9 PERKINS STERN & CO.g DEALRBB EXCLI.I SI V /11X m C A LTFORNIA WINES, NO. 180 BROADWAY. N. Y., Would reepeethally Inform the public that our goods may be found in Philadelphia at the following hound SIMON COLTON & muur.E. ROBERT BLACK, BULLOCK & CRENSHAW. JAMES R. WPM, MITCHELL & Rixrcirsic, PLASS.A.RD & CO., THOMPSON BLACK & SON. fel4w.l, nitm HER MA JESTY CHAMPAGNE, ryurwritsow,, m souls MKT yr., am ann. Wit—The attenon of the Vale is solicited se inllowinz ti vary choice Wines, sale D• rosma F. BMoli, 151 Sou t h . Front =sea above Walnut MADE-Mee—Old Island, I gem old. dit On. single, donbis t-ple tts= Crum* & Sons, .lindolph. Topaz, /leg and I". Valletta. Vistho Velho Beni. Minims Anil Rebello Valenta dt Co, Vintages Mg to UM. CLAXEII ate Ms 'Freres and BLltsterPhe Ohar eau lam nJ - VERItOI) li-43.3oardanatztvn CO. 311713CAT—ds Fron CHAXPAGIVIE3 1= Irrusg_, _"Goldnet de Vezina, Her Malmo , and Baal EMbluelt and gag, tsvorite brands. FiffWHD3.ll4.—Choloe lobs of old Whest s )ffizoi liotation Wleakzr . . Ibr We by Z. P. 111.D.uiair ' . s! .r• • ',V • . •.- 17111 GLASSWARE. PHILADELPHIA Window GLASS Warehouse. BENJAMIN H. SHOEMAKER, AGENT FOR THE FRENCH PLATE GLASS OOMPANIIMI. IMPORTER OF English, French and German Window and Picture Glass And Looking Glass Plates. MANUFACTURER OF American Window, Picture and Car Masa Ornamental and Colored Glass. 205 and 207 North Fourth Street, ftt2Z-Idm Pmer-uatypinA. MILLINERY GOODS. 726 CECE2 W - e S p T repared . to offer to WHOLvss IH AND RETAIL BUYERS OUR SPLENDID STOCK OF MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, AT A VERY LARGE REDUCTION FROM RECENT PRICES. Onr stock Includrs all the latest shapes of - STRAW HATS, BONNETS AD G BONNET MATERI A I LS OF AND IN EVERY SHADE. RIBBONS, ALL WIDTHS AND COLORS, TO MATH( MATERIALS. FINE LACES. ILLUSION NETS, &c., &c ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, OF THE CHOICEST STYL AND MOST DESIRABLE . ES. We solicit an Inspection of our stock, and do not doubt that for completeness of assortment and mode. ration of prices It cannot be equaled. Give us a call. WEYL & ROSENHEIM, No. 726 Chestnut street. Mrs. XL Dillon I s 323 and 331 South Street, V A bail a handsome assortment of SPRING HIE, LINERY; Mime' and Infanta' Hata and OaPs, Mica, Velveta, Crape, Ribbons, reatnera, /lowers, Vrames.dre. mita-4mi BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS' No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET. • • MANUPACTURER OP VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. lo T v h i lL i egest and finest assortment In the city at th Store Shades made and lettered. apS-tf ~SIIITI9. RANTED—An intelligent and practical ILAN, to take charge of Fire Brick Works, In St. Louis, MissourL •An hnglishman or Scotchman preferred, as the clays used are similar to the Stourbridge. Apply to FITLER, WEAVER & CO., aplB-3t• 23 North Water street, Phtladelpnia. 'WANTED. —An .experienced SALESMAN in a T T wholesale Grocery establishment Se must pro duce the highest testimonials of ability - and character. Address P. O. Box laza. . GMT-3V' PERFUMERY. t fIOTTON AND LINEN BAIL DUCK dreueff width from one to six %et wide, all numbers. Tent and Awning purl, Papermstersfeltlng, SAO Twine. do. JOHN W; EV=MAN CO.; No 108 Jones's Alley) Nir.BADUNEL-500b axes Bunch and Layerßalsio o baton Valencia 'Rat 1 100 mats Heedless - Italians tbr sale bY Jlia. B. /I a 00.) US 801 ab W ter Week 20. 1866 WM:7IION SALES. buns, ALUTIONIskJitAL • Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH. street, - SALES OF lESTOPREI AND BEAL ESTATE At the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clnelt.noon .gar.Bandbills of 'each property issued separately; ana.on the' kr aturdAv previous to each eale , 2ooo cata logues in pamphlet form, givins full descriptions. r ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.' Printed catalogues, comprising several hundred thousand dollara. including every description of city and country property, from the smallest dwellings to the most elegant mansions, elegant country seats, farms, business properties, dim 116 - FURNITURE S AV:PS at the Auction Store EVERY THURSDAY. Xi" Particular attention given to sales at Private Residences, &c. -- STOCKS . , dm. • , _ ON TUESDAY, APRIL 24, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Fixchange, ' For account of whom it may concern. $lO,OOO Bald Eagle Valley Railroad Coupon. Bonds. ORO each.' • For other accounts— . _ 3 sbares Filth and •Sixtk,Streets Passenger Railway Company. 5 slia- es Western Ran'. 12 abases Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania. 2846 •hares Rose Farm 011 Co. 16 sbares West Chester and Phlladersi Railroad Co, $lOO bond do do 1350 shares Fgbert Oil Co. . _ see shares Walnut Island Oil Co, 1 , 00 shares Sugar Valley 011 Co - Pew No. MI Bt. Mark's Church, north aisle. ==lll NINTH SPRING SALE; APRIL 24. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of Daniel "Casey. dec'd —2 BRICK PWELLINGS, S. W. corner of Eighth and Moss eta. Same EstateTHREE-STORY BRICK' Dlev LING, No eiyi Federpl et.- _ _ - T O it ours Sale- Estate o John Magee dec'd- THREE-STORY BRICK DWalr.r.,ING Penn at, be• tweenSonth and Shipoen. Executors' Sale-Estate_of Isaac Lukens, deed- MODERN TRAP. ta-STORY BRICK DWaLING: No. 1126 Wallace st. kerne Estate-THREE-STORY BRICK DWEI.L. LNG, E corner of :Parrish' and Ontario Sts, with a Three Story- Brick Dwelling in the rear ' HANDSOME COHN:TRY RESIDENCE, with about 3 Acres of Land, near Holmesburg-Stone Mansion, with the - 'modern • conveniences, Stable and Coach House-grounds beautifully laid out.. VERY DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE; Acres, _Bristol Turnpike, between Franlaord and Holmesburg. and near Tacony, on the River Dela ware, Stone House and Frame Barn, Beautiful Shade Trees. &c. Peremptory Sale-;To close an Account—VALUA BLE FARM. 80 ACRES, Visisahickon turnpike and Bell road. Montgomery county; FIL;ImIle from Chest nut Hill Depot. Executor's; SaIe—VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCA TION. No' 4031 South Front street, below Pine. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 7112 Pine street. with a Two-story Brick Dwelling In the rear. Executors' Peremptory Sale—Estate of James Hunt, dec'd—VALUABLE LAND, 25th Ward, about 75 Acres N. W. corner Nicetown Lane and Harrowgate Lane. Terms, Half Cmtb. Peremloory Sale—To Close an Estate-2 •rHEEE. STORY BRICE DWRLT,INGS, Nos. 702 and 704 Shir ley street Same Estate-2 LOTS, west side of Eighteenth street tiOrtb ol Coates LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, Cumberland Ftreet, wort of Coral, Aineteenth Ward-92,K feet front THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLtNO, No. lttSs Vineyard street, between 18th and 19th, and Poplar and Brown streets. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLENGS, Nos. 5Cs and sas Federal street. 2 THREE-STORY FRAN:F. DWEI,LDiGS, Red wood streeet. In the rear of the above. . TWO-S'i ORY iIIII.DING, Redwood street, west of Fifth. , TWO-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING. No. 136 North Fifth street, north of Cherry, with a Two-story Frame Dwelling in the rear. NEAT 310DERN THREE STORY BRICE DWELLING, No. 535 North Fifth street south of Cal lowit !IL HANDSOME MODERN FOLTP,STORY BROWN Si ONE RESIDENCE, with three-story haul: build. log, No. 1531 Pine Street, east of Sixteenth—has all the modern conventences, and In very good repair. 3lay be emu:Ulm-1i any day previous to sale. TBREErSTOHY BRICK. DWELLMI, No. 1910 Plymouth street. near RittenhouseSquare. 4 THBRE-STORY BRICK DWELDINGS, N. E. cbrn et' r of Sixth and Clare streets, Arslgnees' Peremptory Sale—An undivided =-95ths terest in the Summit Home, Darby road- Same Estate—An undivided fourth, Land in Min nesota. 'Same Estate-2 LOTS, Tulip street THREE.BIORY BRICK DWELLING. No. BO bran Clo atesee. street, east of t'econd. Clear of all !scum. Executors' Sale—TWO-STORY STONE DW.E.±,L ING, 31ain street, near the Steam Depot. GERMAN TOWN. Late the of Frederick Emhanat, deceased. VALUABLE STONE iIrLDENCE, Stenton ave nue, south of Wingohocking „street. GEBMANTOWN, Twenty-second Ward, within two squares of Wayne and Fisher's Lane Stations, on the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad. VALUABLE BUSINESS STaND—FIVZSTORY IRON and BRICE STORE 3, No. 131 Market street and Nos. tal and El 2 Jones street between Front and Second streets. Immediate possession. MODERN FOPR-STORY BRICK DWELLING, with double back buildings, No. 1717 Pine street—has all the modern conveniences. THREE-bTODY BRICK DWELLING. co. 1616 Earlier street. west of Sixteenth. LA Be E AND QALIIaBLE BUILDING, known as the Friendship Fire Engine Rouse. Third street north of Brown street. Peremptory sale, Otound Rant 50 a year. Sale N 0,1040 Buttonwood street, gousRGAJLI. ITBNITUBE CARPSTS. &c. ON MOINTDAS MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at I.klo. 1040 Bottonwooda, the house hold and kitchen furniture...lngrain carpets. &c. May be examined at 8 o'clock. on the morning clash & Sale No. 1533 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR PURNITPRE, PIANO, VELVICT CARPETS, OIL PAINTINGS ON WEDNESDAY MORNMI, APRIL 25 At 10 o'clock, at !Co. 1533 Chestnut street, by catsr logue. the superior walnut and satin drawing room fimaitnre,euperior rosewood piano by ilabet. Davis da Co; oak dining room and library furniture, velvet and Brussels carpets, fine oil paintings, chamber furniture, fine matresses, &c, Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined at. 8 o'clock on the morning crania Ezale No. 613 north Seventeenth street NEAT CARPE T SLD FURNITURE. VELVET . CLOTHS. .Sc. ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 33, At W o'clock. at N 0.6111 north Eeventeeuth st, belew Wallace St, by catalogue. the neat household furniture. fine velvet and other carpet's, oil cloths, kitchen nten ills. china and glassware, &c. May,pe examined at s o clock on the morning of sale. Executors' Sale—No. 1514 Plne street. SUPERIOR RESIDENCE AND FITJENTTURE, MIRRORS, PIANO, CIIANDALIERS, NANKIN CHINA, CARPETS. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Nay Ist, at 10 o'clock. at NO 1514 Pipe street. by cata logue, the superior Residence, Rosewood Drawing- Room Furniture, Rosewood Piano by Bacon .5k Raven. Rosewood Bookcase. double set fine Nankin Chlna,24s pieces, French China and Glassware, Plateoware. Brussels Carpets, superior dining room and chamber turn!, tire, kitchen utensils. dec. W The Residence will be sold at 10 o'clock; pre cisely, previous to arils of furniture. Sale No. 2MS Walnut street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO. ..I.UERRORS, CURTAINS. CHANDRT,TRNS, OIL PAINTINGS, FINE CABPhTS. &O. UN FRIDAY MORNING. May 4th, at 10 O'clock. at No. WO Walnut street, by catalogue, the superior rosewood drawing-room furni ture, One satin coverings; elegant curtains to match; French plate mantel and pier mirrors: rosewo^d piano; oil paintings and engravings, fine carpets; handsome chandeliers; dining room and library furniture: fine mattresses, du. Also, the kitchen furniture. „Full particulars in catalogues. Homes mamma a BON. AUCTIoNTaKsd AND 00MXIBBION IfERCEITANTS. • - No. MO CHESTNUT street, • ('Bear entrance HOT Sans= street.) Household Furniture of every d en escription received o 3t; 8.A1,103 EVE RY MAY HORNINO. Bales of Furniture at dwellin sonablgs atten a ded to on the Mot Base Tem BALE OB BEAL ESTATE, STOOKS, &0., AT TM EXOHANGB. Thomas Birch & Bon respectfully inform that riends and the public that they are prepared to alien; to the sale of Baal Tatate by auctionand at private sal. PEREMPTORY SALE OF SINE MARBLE STA TUARY, Alabaster Vases and Groups, Bohemian Glassware Silver Plated Ware, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 24. At 10 o'clocX, at the Auction Store, No. /MO Oheatntli, street. will be sold— An invoice just received from Europe— MARBLE STATUARY. A splendid bun of President Lincoln, by Professor Fadi; group of Charity after Bartolini; Diana; group of Innocence; Psyche of Beneme Bost of 3faddonna; Figures of Flora Cupid, Fisher Boy, Cupid and Dog, Pain and Pleasure. _Bacchante, Sorrow, Spring and Summer, Prayer of Pampelonl. Also, 4 marble gar. den figures. VASES, GROUPS. de. Also, a large assortment of splendid alabaster, agate. Bardlglio and Sienna vases of various styles, richly carved; groups oflleums. card vases, dtc. _t o gpa t i ar. A St 4 WARE. Also, an invoice of rich Boheu lan glass vases, toilet sets, wine sets.decantirs, goblets. SILVER PLATED WARE. Also. a large assortment of fine silver plated ware, consisting of tea ..sets. waiters, Ice pitchers, castors, knives and forks, spoons, butter dishes, cake baskets, sugar baskets, berry dishes, fratt stands, kettles, toast rack s, SM. The whole will be arranged for examination with' catalogues on Monday, the gad. . . Sale at No. 809 Arch street. • HOUSEHOLD FIiHtNITURE. ON WEDNESDAY ILORNING NEXT. - At 10 o'clock„, at No. 809 Arch street, will be sold, the furniture of a family removing, comprising Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Furniture, Carpet 9, Beds and Matresses, Hitches Furniture, Ac. _ Can be evnroined early on the moving of Bale. • DRUG STORE Store , ATE HALE. A Well established .Drug handsomely fitted up with lease of the premises. for sale. APPV at the auction store. Jr WOLBERT.— C • OLD WINES, BRANDIES , US-Ald-r4ONEB, CLATIRTd, dtc. In Cases and Demllohns. - ON MY MORNING, NEXT__ • 24 t h inst.. at 11 o'clock, at No. /3 South Milli street, rerrPrisleg 25 different and well known brand or Old Wines, Brandies; Holland Bum, WrilskfChata., pa ines , sparkling Hocks, Clarets, Rhine Wines, ggc, all warranted pure as ImPorted. Hir Catalogues DOW ready. apte sts T. L. ASHESSIDELE & OCL,_ AVOTIONEKES, NO. 605 MAME= street, above 8111 b. AIJCTION SALES. JAMES A, IiTtEEBLs.N. AUC I lONEER. - •No. 422 WALNUT street' ; EIGHTH. SPRING. BALE: OF REAL ESTILTS AND STOUR% APRIL 25. , This sale, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Examine, itin . !Delude thetollowing-- " • . ' STOCES.—Particulars bs-morrow. ; ' COUBTLAND PLACE-4 three story brick house! . Courtland Place,(west from New Market,above will They rent for a month and are . cleat. They will be sold separately. Jkrecutors' Sale—Eitate of •Willtcpit.D. Parrish, dec'd. NO. 2019 POPLAR ST—A., three story brick betnier• and lot, 16 by 81 feet: Has gas, bath, range. &..d. NO. 959 ST. JOHN ST—A three story brick hoar, below Beaver. 15 by 73 feet 10 inches': NO. 1022 FILBERT ST—A lot, DI t ave rn feet to Hun. - ter st. " There is as old-establisned stand on the front, with 3 houses op the rear of the lot. 51.12 ground" rent. „Executors' Sale—Estate or Patrick. 3Rehan.deo'd. BUILDING LOT, GERMANTOWN—Green st, near Jonnson. Germantown. 150 by 200 feet. - 18 ACRES, CHESTNUT 14 17.7.—A. tract of 18 &Meg of land. Willow avenue or Mermaid ane, Chestnut Hilt. N ontgoro ery county If preferred will be divided and sold su tracts of 9or 5 acres. FM= at the store. ROXBOROUGH—A house. Rioge road, near High at. T oxboroug'7. Grp/1271e Court Bale—Estate or Thos. S. dec'd - BUILDING LOT-Lyceum. avenue, Rozborough. Same ..E.rate. HOUSE, ROXBOROUGH—A *erne Imuse. Ridge. toad. below 3110 at. Same Estate. • RIDGE ROAD—A. frame stab e, dtc., Ridge • snail, Roxboroagb. _Same Estate. ' fi& - Ectll descriptions, runs, &c., may be harf al the _ Administratrii's Sale, Barlington. HousknoLD ITU:UN IT.III.ItIC, CARPETS. NUB ROES, etc. ON MONDAY isiosanave. A.PRII, M. At 11% o'cloch, will .be sold at, public sale , by logue, by order of the - liclministratris of William I. Watson, deed., on 'the' premises, Green' Bank. Bur ling' on, N J. the entire household furniture, mirrors r pianos, Brassels and ingrain carpets ttc.- ' • .Also, the kitchen furniture, AdmlniPtrator's Sale No. 1118 Vine street: HOUSEHOLD . FURNITURE, CARPETS: 44, ON _THURSDAY HORNING, APRIL ZS _ Will bd . sold at public sale, at ma Vine atzreet ‘ the entire Household Furniture, Rrussela and Ingrain Cornea, Sofas, Chairs, Tables. cee. - - Also,the Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture. • VALI/AIME — RESIDENCES AT PRIVATE ' KAM TO REAL EFITA.TE OPERATortii: - ELEGANT:WALNUT STREET . I LANS.ION—OruIt of the most edegatit residences on Walnut street, ID feet fronk large grotaid. stable. dtc. Also, FROWN STONE MANSION, WsUmt neat Broad st. _ - Will be gout, at vetvow rani, to' aWhetrili take them all In one lot, dye desirable d the heart of the city Immediate occupancy can be bad IS desired. This is vary favorable opportnnitythpar• ties whci seek good real estate Investaumts to bey at old prices property which will pay well - and Mummy in value. For particulars apply at the auction ;stare. STABLE—A very desirable property In the neighs borhood of Twelfth and Locust eta. . TAVERN STAND and 9 acres of land, on itivs road, 9 mites front the State Howe, kraoen am taa "Sorrel Homer . Plans, surveys, Etc., at the store, Property No. 402 south Front et, 41 by 100 feet. do do MS and 1140 Lombard at 80 acute, Germantown 87 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Mark et do et street, abovedo do Nineteenth do do Bark 8 Building Lots, south Twenty-second at Property northeast corner Fourth and Spruce all Dwelling, with side yard. Darby road Brown-stone Store, Second at, near Obestrud Beelder.ce and large lot, Burlington do do 418 south Eleventh it 5 acres of Land. Federal st. ~T__wenttyy.sizth Ward VALTTA_BLE STORE, CHFBTNIIT err—A very valuable business property on Chestnut st, having two fronts—in good order, etz, Occupancy with the deed. BJOHN B. MYEBS & CO.; AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 223 and =MARKET street. corner of Bank, LARGE PEREMPTORY sa LT , " OF .FEENca AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. dz. ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, - At. le o'clock, will be sold, by catalogne. ON 1 1 01n1, MONTHS CREDIT, abotitO lots ofFrench. Indla.Ger man and British Dry Goods, embracing _a fall assort ment of fancy and staple articles In silks, worsteds • a - colons. linens and cottons. N. 13.--Gooda arranged fbr examination and cola low^ es i eady early on morning of gale- LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FRENCH, SAXONY,. BRITISH AND ITALIAN DRY 0 00008. &,c Nr 'TlCE—lncluded in our Bale on MONDAY, April 23, will be ibund in part the following, viz-- 013338 S GOODS. m) pieces Paris black, colored and printed de laines. 510 do 22 inch Paris melangesand challies; 6-4 fancy" mohairs ' 27 inch fonlard raohairs, and 30 inch check colored do. do Paris nsozambiques. plain, check and raye. do . Rica printed percales. oriandiostbarege. • do Black and white lawns, grenadine, and al do Pure pacas. mohair's. Princess cloth, Eugenie& do Poplins, skirtid,r noll de chevre, checks. STT. , Re, pieces Ijons black and colored taffetas; gee dn Rh In. do Taffeta de Lynn, drap de France. foulard% do Plain and fancy poult de sole, brilliant& do Grog grains cadelles. "terrines. reps. - - Plain and fancy 111.1 r, grenadine and lama shawls. itroche borde , ed Cachemere and mosarobique 40. Blk barege. merino. Cactuaere. and de lain do. Basques. croaks. eent.: and ladles' rancy scariti. HDETS., 'MUTE GOODS, dx., dozen Madras. ails. eineham and linen hdlds. pieces d tred Swiss ISalo.ont - e•Jaconets. lawns. do Marseilles planes brtilants, start fronts. 500 oNs hrwsozis. etc. Poll lines superior quality and desirable colors plain corded edge Partl oonnet ribbons. do Black silk velvet ribbons of a superior fabric. do Fine black and colored silk and worsted braid. . di o, balmy ral and hoop sorts, umbrellas sIId para sols, fans , laces, veils, embroideries, head nets, silk ties, trimmings, dr.e. LARGE FEREISEE'MRY SALE OF BOOTS, EEHOES ONTOB, TRAVELING BAGS, &a. DAY NORNMTG. .A.PEIL 24. Will be sold, • at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on fear months' credit, about 1,300 packages Boots. Shoes, Bat. morals, &c., of City and Eastern manufacture. Opp for examination with catalogues early on the =rams of sale. LARGE SPECIAL BALE OF CLOTHING. co,l witim - asDAy .110ENt1O. APRIL We will sell by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, commencing at 10 o'clock, an extensive line of low, medium and line qualities Ready-made Cloth ing. for country and best city retail trade. Comprising in part— Full snits in cloths and cassimeres. Fancy c.-4 , lntere sacks, sacatees and morning assts. do French sacks and skeleton sacks. do snits in pants and vests. Plain and fancy cassimere spring overcoats. Black cloth fracas and sacks. Black doeskin pants and vests. Washington mills and other makes of blue Brunel snits. Black and colored alpaca and drap d'ete sacks and sacktees. Black and colored alpaca and drip d'ete pants and vests. A large line of linen and duck dusters. eo do sacks. do do pants and vests. Satinet and cottonade sacks aacktees. do do pants and vista. Mack and fancy vestings, &c., &c. The goodslioniprismg tinesale have all been made expressly for this spring and summer trade. The latest et, les; and of very superior manuftictare in French, English and American cloths and. cassimeres of tb e choicest selection. The suits have been care. folly sized Every lot will contain a selected assort n.)ent of sizes. We leei confident that a similar in. voice of clothing has seldom been. if ever. offered through the auction room, and that this sale will pre! sent superior inducements to buyers. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. PB.ENOSE. GERBLeat AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, We will ht id a_V4trge We of Foreign and Don:tattle Dry oonds, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for cash. • On THURSDAY MORNENG, April 26, at 10 oclock, embracing about 900 pack. ages and lots of maple and fancy articles, In woolens. worsteds, linens, silks and cottons. N. B —Goods arranged for examination and GUS. logues ready early on the morning of sale. . • , THE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISEM3= &E. corner of SIX7H and RACE amps. on adv on Merchandise WMatcheyes,Jewelry, anced Diamonds, Geld and Shy% and on all articlee of value, for any length agreed on. W'ATCHCES AND .1X , W317.a1Y AT PRIVATE IatIZIL. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open f ace English, American and Swiss Patent Lever WatchergTine Gold Hunting ease and Open Face Le. pine Watches: Fine Gold Duplex and other Watcher, Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English, American' and Swiss Patent Lever and Le nine watches: Double Case Tb2gilot Quartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast.- mu, 4 ginger Rings; Bar Binm, Studs, acc.; Fine Gold Chains: Medallions ; 'Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breast Pins; Finger Binge;. Pencil Cases, and Jewolhy gene. rally. FOR FiALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Cheat suitable for a Jeweler, price 4650.: Also. several Lots In South Camden, Filth andi aiestnut streets. Nib a ELABVISY. 4010T/O.NEEIce, (Late •with M. Thomas * Bons.) . 332a i rt a tE store ts g u el s tat a til . a u tl i tina street. PA TMA REKEDENCEEE3 will reeVBl7 attention: " receive pardon at • . Sale No.-1844 Cameo sitriset. , - - SUPERIOR FURNITURE, SCROMAIDEEE PIANO. CABLNET ORGAN, FINE ON SATURD.A.T MORNING, . At 10 o'clock, at No: 1844 Cartlac street, 11190VEI Mont gomery avenue, including rosewood piano, superio r cabinet organ, elegant 'sideboard. fine -'tapestry pets. - ' . - 3iay be mumbled' at 8 o'clteleentbe eaoralagorthe . NO. 505 iffikaitir arra §ATAc O P not CASES BOOTS AND SHOJIS. WI 7hION'DAY NORNINO, Amu, Commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell ,by catalove.; for cash, cues Men's, boys' andnibs' Booby' Shoes. Brogans, }Wl:l:torsi* Corlfgew S Y / E m s* tea.also L lN= en*miss es' and children's Moots, oea. Balmorais. . Slippers. Bundtins., Side Lace, Oahe's. IPPertf, &C.; comptiang - a general assortment of Snit; class gikods. fa which the attention of: MMus hr (*LW. &-vO.. Aucrncmcgau2 OAB. - T Niu :: 33 ' 44Tl' 23ovw x &B ac cx4 on rE amsw }n A litreOtn ."TX : tin CO N te r wi ß er ° t P ostertm 2. l. innet.chatio., arrzPlLl4aas No. vs Nord, ruccorm asvWs. B. BOOT% nint AII 111n1116
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers