She Captors of the Assassins and of Jed; Davis. The Secretary of War yesterday sent to the House of B , epresentatives the report of the Commission appointed to examine and report upon the claims of parties to the re wards heretofore offered by the Govern ment for the apprehension of the assassin of President Lincoln and of his accomplices, and for the capture of Jefferson Davis. It appears that all these offers were put forth by the same authority, that of the Sec xetary of • War, and that the last, so far as regards the sum to be paid fer the .appre hension of Booth, should, as it is conceived, be construed as a substitute for the two former. ,This most important arrest not having been effected at the end of nearly a week after the commission of the crime, a new in ducement for securing it was resorted to by the Government, by the offer of a greatly increased sum; not, as it is understood, in addition to those announced in the first in. : stance, but as mispending the earns' and, as representing the full and final reward de -termined to be properly payable for the pier 'vice in question. - But, so far as concerns the arrest of Payne; the two former publi-: cations must, it is thought, be deemed sub stmtive and operative offers -of reward; -otherwise, indeed, as his arrest was effected prior to the date of the - last publication, and no offer of remuneration, therefore, ; was ac cordingly made therein, his captors' would be left without any compensation whatever. Moreover,as both these offers were equally .authoritative,-and- there is nothing to show that the one issued on the 16th was intended as a substitute for that of the day before, it is concluded, in' vie* of the :importance of :the apprehension of this ounspirator, and of the fact that abundant provision was ether -wise subsequently made forthe - captors of his associates, that half of _the sums sped.- ifted in the two Offers, to wit,the full amount of $10,000, i should be awarded to those en gaged n the capture of this prisoner. It is Ilext, to be observed, - that before the date of the offer of April 20th, there had already `been arrested, and were in custody of the -Government, of the conspirators and ac complices of Booth• besides Payne—Mrs. Surratt, Mudd, O'Laughlin, Arnold and ;Spangler. - The cases of the arrests of these criminals therefore, noneof whom, indeed,are alluded do in the publication, are clearly not within the terms of that offer and it has been per ceived that none of them are indicated or .apparently contemplated in the offer of the 15th and 16th, where are promised specific .rewards for Booth and Payne alone. It, his been concluded, therefore, that neither the - party nor parties who effected the appre hension of any of these five, "arrested at the time upon suspicion merely, though snbse .quently ascertained to be conspirators;" nor .such party nor parties as may have fur nished information conducting thereto, are -entitled to any portion of the reward. But in the case of Atzeroth a specific re ward for his arrest is offered in the publica tion of April 20th, and the fact that he was taken on the same day should not, it is conceived, exclude his captors from re ceiving such reward, and they are, there fore, concluded to be entitled to the same. 'The conclusion is arrived at that the re wards in question are payable generally as !follows- To the parties effecting the arrest of Booth, the sum of $50,000; to the parties effecting - the arrest of Harold, V 5,000; or to the parties —for they were fife same—who arrested _Booth and Harold, $75,000; to the parties ef fecting the apprehension of Atzeroth, $25,000 to the parties effecting the arrest of Payne, - 410,000; to the party or parties furnishing, on or subsequent to April 20th, and prior to,the arrest of the prisoner, in each case, any in forination which conduced to the arrest of -either.; Booth, Harold, Atzeroth, or , their accomplices a liberal reward. The commission in the case of the reward for the arrest of Booth and Harold award as follows: Brigadier' General - L. C. Baker, $3,750; Captain E. P. Doherty, Sixteenth New York Cavalry, $7,500; E. J. Codger, detective, $4,000; Luther B. Baker, detective, $4,000; . Sergeant Boston Corbett, Sixteenth New 'York Cavalry, $2,546; Andrew Wendell, 42,545; Corporals Charles Beimner, Michael IJriac, John Winter, Herman New Garten, John ..Walz, Oliver Lorpay, and Michael Bormaley, Sixteenth New York Cavalry, .42,291 each. The remainder of the reward, namely, 425,000, is distributed among seventeen pri vates of the same regiment, $2,360 each. - In the case of the arrest of Atzeroth, the rewards were to Major Artman,2l3th Penn sylvania volunteers, $1,250, and to Sergeant •Gernmill, hit Delaware cavalry, $3,598. The _ remainder of the $75,000 is divided :among seventeen privates. ' lathe case of the arrest of Payne, the re 'ward is thus distributed: Brigadier-General H.E. Welles, Provost Marshal, $625; Colonel H. S. Olcott, Special Commissioner, $625; Brevet Major H. W. Smith, A. A. G., $2,500; Richard C. Morgan, Chief Assistant to Colonel Oloott, $1,796, William M. Werwerskirch,Assistant to Col. Olcott, $1,436; Ely Devoe, Detective, Chas. H. Basch, Detective,and Thomas Sampson. Detective, each $1,005 75, making $lO,OOO. • As to the rewards for the arrest of Jeff. Mavis, the Commissioner remarks, they were offered by the President, in his procla mation of May 2d, last, in which it is set forth that the sum of $lOO,OOO would be paid for the arrest,within the limits of the United States, so that hp could be brought to trial. The Commissioners say the arrest of this -chief traitor was effected on May 10th last, near. Irwinsville, Georgia, by the 4th Michi gan Cavalry Regiment,under the command of Lieut.-Col. B. D. Pritchard, who started upon the pursuit with his command from .Macon, Georgia, on May 7th. The reward in this case, however, is also ••elaiined- by-, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Hamden, whb, With his regiment, the Ist Wisconsin Cavalry, also engaged in the pur suit, and arrived upon the ground but a few minutes after the command of Colonel Pritchard had taken possession of the camp .of Davis. • Without discussing at length the charges - which have been made by Colonel Hamden in regard to the course adopted by Colonel Pritchard upon this pursuit, it will be suell .cient to observe that,upon a careful conside ,ration of all the evidence, these charges are ,not deemed to be sustained in any particu lar; and it is concluded by the Commission -that the latter officer, both in the pursuit -and the capture, acted in entire good faith toward the former, and cannot be held ie aponsible for the momentary unfortunate collision which took place between the two commands. It was recommended by Colonel Pritch ard that all the officers and men, whether present at the seizure or absent on services, f Should be included in the distribution of the award. The award is to Lieutenant-Colonel Pritch zard, $10,000; Captains John C. Hathaway .and Charles T. Hudson, $729 60 each; First lieutenants Ripley, Palmer, Boutell, Bach- Stanber, Fisk and Hazleton, Second lieutenants Treat, Bennett,Rickford,Sonth worth, Pnrimton, Remington and Murphey,' -$555 88 each. , Three others receive' $860; one, $555; one, .4271; one $239;10ne $229, ten $250 each. Fifty -one receive $250 each, and about four hurt- Aired $66 to $lB7. The Commissionerawere Assistant Adju tant General Townsend and Judge Advo sate-General Holt. The Secretary of War, in his communica tion transmitting the papers, says: "The result of the examination and the concha -.sions reached by the Cominissioners will no. • ants doubt be excepted to by many of the claim ." , An appropriation will be required., for the payment, and the action of Congress is - vited to the subject The number of olaituants adjudged to be not entitled to rewards under the terms of the publshed offers is about eighty. - From Fortress Monroe. FawnEss MONROE, April 17.—The body of a man was found floating in the harbor to-day, supposed to be that of a sailor at tached to the schooner Freeman, of Boston, who was drowned near Sewall's Point abonnt a month since. The steamer Fnschia, in tow, of another steamer painted White,' arrived in the har bor tb-day, and proceeded to Norfolk. The action of the Medical Board •of offi cers appointed some months ago to exam ine into buildings'on the Point with a view to their •removal, has at length beeen ap proved at Washington and the work will soon commence. Among the number which it is in 'contemplation to destroy are several ordnance buildings used as work shops during. the war. The object of these designs, while being co-operative with the recently established quarantine regulations is also viewed in the light of a military ne cessity, as they have since their erection proved a serious obstacle to the range of the guns on the fortress. Instructions were to-day. given by Major- General Miles to quarantine all vessels ar riving from Key West, thus placing them in the same :category with those • arriving from the West Indies. The riotous demonstrations attending the negro procession yesterday, in Norfolk; cele brating the passage of the Civil Rights bill, proved to be a more serious affair than was at first reported... The disturbance occurred in a field on upper Union street, in the su burbs of the city, and originated with the rowdy.element jeering the.procession as it passed by, and a few negroesinflamed with liquor. Fire-arms were discharged, and, as usual. in, such cases, innocent. spectators were the greatest sufferers. The following persons were killed and wounded :Robert, Whitehurst, ' killed, and his stepmother mortally wounded; John Whitehnrst, dan gerously tvolizided; William'Masely; a city watchman, badly beaten, and son so dan gerously injured that his life is despaired of; Lawrence Hampton, colored, seriously wounded with a bayonet. The blame of the whole affair is divided between the munici pal and military authorities for allowing the negroes to carry firearms and other deadly weapons with - them in the proces sion. Major Stanhope, commanding a company of the 12th U. S. Infantry, appeared upon the scene in the height of the melee and suc ceeded, wiih the aid of his forces, in subdu ing the excited passions of the negroes. Da ring last night fears were entertained of an other disturbance, and a despatch was sent to General Miles for additional troops, but these were not needed as the events of the night proved, and everything passed on in quietness. Considerable uneasiness was felt in Norfolk to-day by many citizens over the events of yesterday, and a general outbreak was deemed not impossible. In the meantime, as a precautionary measure, Major Gen. Miles sent over to the city to day a detachment of the sth U. S. Artillery and 12th Infantry, garrisoning the fort,pro perly equipped and armed. FORTRESS MONROB, April 18.—C. C. Clay, was released this morning on parole. Clement C. Clay at Liberty. WASHINGTON, April 18.—The following is the memoranda in the case of C. C. Clay, Jr., of Alabaina:—Lient.-Gen. Grant recom mends the release of Clay,because he tbinka be may safely be left at large on parole or by amnesty. The manner of Clay's Bur. render is sufficient guarantee forhis observ ance of any parole that might be taken by him to appear when called for, and recom mends his release on parole not to leave the limits of the State without permission, and to surrender himself to the civil authorities for trial when called upon. The Hon. Henry Wilson, United States Senator, has no hesitation in recommending the release of Clay upon parole, and has no doubt that he will be forthcoming when his presence is re aired by the Government. The Hon. Thaddeus Stevens says that he would treat Clay as a belligerent, unless he was in the conspiracy to assassinate Mr. Lincoln, which he does not believe. R. J. Walker has known Clay many years, and pronounces him incapable of the crime of Mr. Lincoln's death, and when his escape was certain he surrendered him self in hope of receiving a trial. Among hundreds of loyal men who have conversed with him, none believed Clay guilty of complicity with the assassination. Thera is a general desire that, if not pardoned he may be paroled. WAR DEPARTMENT ' ADJ'T.-GENERAL'S OFFICE,IWASHINGTON,ApriI 17,1866.—Maj. , Gen. N. A. Miles Commanding, &e., Fortress Monroe: Ordered, that C.C.Clay,Jr.,is hereby released from confinement, and permitted to return to and remain in the'State of A.laba m a, and to visit such other places in the United States as his personal business may render necessary, upon the following conditions, viz: That he take the oath of allegiance to the United States, and give his parole of honor to conduct himself - as a loyal citizen of the same, and to report himself in person, at any time and place, to answer any charges that may hereafter be preferred againt him by the States. Please report receipt and execution of this order. By order of the President of the United States. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjntant-CktneraL From New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, April I.B.—The mules lieve the rinderpest in the upper part of the State. Thirty-eight died on one plantation in one night, twenty-five on another, and twenty on another. There are continued reports of damage to cotton and seed by frost and rain. The inclosures on the levee of the New York Mail steamship Company and of the Atlantic and Mississippi Steamboat Com pany were torn down to-day amid great ex citement. It was done by the City Surveyor, by order of the Council. The inclosure was illegal. The first race to-day : , mile heath, three in five, was won by Gilroy; time-2.021 and Second race, two mile dash, won by Charley Armstrong; time-4.0G. General Canby has issued an order ex planatory of the President's proclamation, and bays it does not suspend martial law. A. number of snits are already before the military courts. WART. WANTED--An Intelligent and practical MAN; to T V take charge of Fire Brick Works, in St. LOUIS. Missouri. An hnglishman or ficotchmanieferred, as the clays used are similar to the Stourbri e. Apply to FITLER. WEAN Et es CO., aph3-3t* 23 North Water street, Thiladel nia. TXTANTFID. —An experienced SALESMAN in a VS wholesale Grocery establishment. He must pro duce the highest testimonials of ability and character. Address P. 0. Sex 1,259. aplB-3t* .lIAEGAL NOMILVES. EISTATE OF GEORGE EILEERICE, DECEASED. 114 —letters testamentary upon the estate of GEORGE EMERICE. deceased, have been granted to the under signed. all persons Indebted to said estate will make pa) ments to, and those baying claims upon It, will present them to-ALBERT 0;•ElitERIOR: Executor, an North Eleventh street,, or to his Attorney. J. D. - RODNEY, 6Z3 Wahrut street. -mh2S-thsti PERFUMERY. EYICICI.BEL datEITTPELIMATFCM9,Idoori .C 1 Crosse & Blackwell'a :Mnalfah Pickles, Oatanpa, =Wee. fifoldard, .01Iveet, ship Yorktown and for eels by JOEL B. 00 1 / 1 11 Moth Dalawara *Wain& COPrzat ASH TZGLOW METAL NATILONG BrazierirtbDner:llB. Bata fwd.Mper.l constantly on hand arid for side by mem wmadlol 0_9968821 3 9ath Witanos, - THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 19,1866 1101111•111111111111111.1111111111MMIMENI& TEA Bind Benders EA Now attend. A All you Who love good Tea. VEIL We'll tell you where EA T i o n gt t i t t h p e ure, A Best Quality. TEA Messrs. West & Brown, EA. At 809, A Have opened A spacious store, Well stocked with all TEA The choicest brands E.A. That ever left A China's shore.. TEA. Imperial, Hyson, EA. And 'Oolong, A Fouchong, And Japanese, May all, be bad TEA Of West Brown, EA They cannot tall A To. please. TEA. Their prices too FA Are very A They buy and sell For Cash, Then don't delay, ...Burgo at, once And leave off Drinking Trash I Messrs. WEST & BROWN, Proprietors of the Pala- ttal Tea Warehouse, No. BE9 Chestnut Street, are now - - offering extraordklary Inducements to purchasers For Instance they are aelllng Superb Oolongs, - 65 to $1 00 Fine Imperial Tea. $l 00 to 1 25 Fine English Breakfast dol 00 to 120 Fine Young_ llyson.Tea, 1 20 to, 1.50 Fine` Japanese Tea, , 1.20 to 1 30' A Sample will be drawn.of any particular brand do. sired, to prove tiastrength and flavor before making a purchase..' WEST & BROWN, 809 Chestnut St. apri-sti GREEN IREI.A.S, Ckreen Corn, Fresh Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes, Plums, &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. JAPANESE PO WOHON 4 TEA, the finest ever Imported. OOLONG_,TEA DRAGON CHOP. OLD GOvEHNH..wr JAVA COFFEE. YOB BALE BY JAMES R. WEBB. Santa WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets. FISH AND PROVISIONS. bbLs. No. 1 Mackerel. bbls. No. 1 Portland MackeraL 100 bbls. No. 2 do. do. 100 king Mess Mackerel. -. Alsoto, Hamby s, Shoulders, Sldes, Beef, Mess Pork, In Lots ault, C. P. KNIGHT & 114 South Wharres. NEW QUEEN 0.1.117E8.-103 gallons of the finest ./.1 Queen Olives ever imported, In store and for sale .t COUSTY'S East End Grocery No. 118 South Second street. NEW BONELESS SARDINES, Anchovies, ca pers Dutch Herring all of superior quality, at DO DS: TY'S East End Grocery, No: 1111 South Second street. OLD FASHION SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES: also, Prime West India, Honey, sdwaya to be bad at COUTY'S Beat End Grecery, No. US South Second Street. W.MTSLOW'S SrPERIOR GBEKNI CORN, 40:la Can, Champion Green Pena, at:4o centa r can; Tomatoes 25 °eaten all warranted; at 0013STY , S. Fret End Grocery, No. lie South Second street. mita! NEV . PEUrra — Prlmzenn •Pnleraliell and .Llsban imonden splendid Landon Layer Bahian, th %Thal half and quarter boxes, tholes Meths ... it .re lullaby • '. *Ana' nnn CIAREI3 PREER PEACE:ES. TOMATCUM L',=..Por G reen C .IT,Ii. P eaL a "' "'mall*" g!" Arch and 'Eighth streeta,7 Y. thwr. N,W. ortr. LIXTILd KAMER) L.—Extra choke large %lacks rel kitta. Abto new feed and Prettied Sal mon. For sale b 7 X . t N. W. ear. Anil and Zighth streets. • I -20 barrels Jerseymlitivated Cm G berzia l in e and for tile by X. Y. WILL ER 11 U WV:101143 Di 0 0 latg FU - ItINIITUELE. Celebrated Furniture Establishment is removed from Second and Race streets to the splendid NEW "DEPOT, No. 37 and 39 N. Second street, Where they purpose selling for one year, at abonl coat qlegant Furniture _at Fabulously Low Also at their Ninth and Market Streets Branch, where they are selling equally low, being about to en large the premises. GOULD & CO.'S PURNITIME DEPOTS, N 06., 87 and 89 N. SECOND Street, and Corner NINTH and MARKET. mb8.13/ HOUBEKEEPERB, I have a Large stock of every variety of Furniture which. I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN AND MARBLE-TOP COTTAGE SUB'S. WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. PARLOR SUITS IN VELVET PLUSH. PARLOR SUITS IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR SUITS IN BETS. Sideboards, Mxtension Tables, Wardrobes, Book. Las% Matthews, Lounges, Cane and Woodseat Chairs, Bedsteads and Tabifs of every description. P. P. GUBTINE, nibsi N. E. Corner Second and Race streets. BEDDING AND FEATHER WAREHOUSE, TENTH STREET, BELOW ARCH, Feather Beds, Bolsters, Pil lows, Matresses , of all kinds; Blankets, Comfortable', Coun terpanes, white and colored; Sprleg Beds: Spring Oote: Iron Bedsteads; Cushions, and all other articles in the line otbusl. ness. £MOS HILLEORN, No. 44 North TENTH Street 1100-ta tit ea 2m ßelow' .A.9IPWCO COD, WHOLEPA.LEIdANOPACTPUBER OP MATTRESSES AND BEDDING, And Dealer In all kinds of FURNITURE ; No. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, aprrth sa to 2m Philadelphia. SPRING MATIE . ; BEST QUALITY AND STYLE, AND BEDD4NG pm , EVERY J. 7:am . 9 thi?..ll.vlawnilFitrWrlt"atreet. TN - DIA RUBBER MACE =mum EPEAH. A PACKING, HOSE, dre. _ _ l_l_logineers and dealers will find a ASSORT. ImNT OF GOODYEAR'S PATENT v orAio.efsionG : RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, HOBE, dt.o., at the. hitannhaturer'slleadquirtruk. .ERIODYEAR'S, 808 cniestruxt street, - • , We have NEW and CM:KAP AR ani TIVE IIB. f GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE,Zry leheap,:to. Which the attention of the public la oadi AM N S/N.,...k Ole) GEaogerOggi Banwrielngt; LB. AMON* 4k , 00•1 11:RezmY149Avegtos GBOIDEREM GOULD & CO.'S (Opposite Christ Charc.h.) Prices. MMUS. RICHARD PENIEITPT'S Ale, - Wine and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut Sireet, PB:I:U3)ELieKU. Established for the sae of Unadulter ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! Richard Penistaaes Celebrated, Ale, 'Porter :and Brown Stant, Now ito much recomtagrit n e:l i aLthe Medical PacultY 81 1e 1 54 1 1: 1 :Oh DPI e z p 121 1 7 The above be ingof the very best wality, It Etna be chlt th delivered, to all parts ofge oft) without extra arge. Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,o*o.;iko. Warranted pure, at the lowest possible - rates , by silt Bottle. Gallon, or peak. • IIZAIIrAGNES of the beet brandy °Eared toms ban by any other house. On Dratight and In Bottles, PURE GRAPE ZUICB. i re Is entirticle for Invalids.lnvalids. It is 'C earl care HA V AN A olGATite,. OLIVE 032.. BAY BUM, PICEIKLES, SAUCES, 13.A.8D1N Landon and Dublin P ort er and Brown illtaat—li 103. bialia and Baeteh Alea'. • JUST OPENED, Penistan-'s 33ranch Ale. Wine and Liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 South Third Street, PlAladelphla. Bear Bat - ranee on Bank street. mine 'HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, T. DUIV2 I OIq, 151 aotrra FRONT IT., COLE Ann. —The attention of the trade whetted k WT Is following very choice Whies, dat_i Elm sale by JOBLPH F. 13TON, No. llouth /front street above Walnut SLILDETHAS-01.1Island, S years old. Abell & Co., single, doable and sriple Grape. E. Crowe & Bons, Rudolph. Topaz, Meg PO Span_ Qrown and F. Valletta. RTS—Valletta, Vlnho Velho Real, Denton and itebello Valente & CO. Vtntaees Ms to um. CLABXls—Craie Film Freres and BLEsteirbe Mat , caw VERMOUTH—G. Jourdan, $1399 at CO. • Mt:MCAT—de lrron CHAJMZPAGNIO3 Irrony, .."Golden SAW de Venoge, Her Majesty and Baal manes and Antos favorite brands. wanury.-Cholce lota of oLtl Wheat x F 3 537 1 280arb0n Whh=br sale by IL P. KIDDJAN ?ON. 5 North FRONT Lyn FINLINCL9.L.. I 1 1,1! :a DV DI tiZIOZ Worel P. a PETERSON & CO., 89 South Third Street. Stocks, Bonds, in., &a, Bought and Bold at Board of Broken. OTEberal Premium paid 001ILPOLIND Interest allowed on Deposit.. ..- A C311:744 4 NO" t hi;• SPECIALTY. II SMITH, RANDOLPH As CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South phllad Irldird evaisk at., I I 8 N z aassa tini To rtresek ist.- STOOKS AND GOLD BOICIGHT AND BOLD ON •...• ar THTIIDUCDI' ALLOWXD OX EXPOSM. al 5-20 COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTEt. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street, n —The suracifß.lX HENDR.3ED DOLLARS ted osi_t_ingxctpAlonable_flrst mjyttage. 4tl Y elnii T t stem Tis SON, .ureß; Well 8 M° r i ed t upon city pro d verty. For sale by J. M. GUMMY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. Di:Sono: 1 DiailLlO KO $ 1000. 1002. BOYS' CLOTHING. A larie assortment of. BOY'S SINE READY MADE OLOTILING ON HAND. Gentlemen's Clothing Made to Order. As fine a stock to select from as any in the country. ,Att • Hoyt Sic 13r0., S. W. cm Tenth and Chou% sts toft3l-sa to th lml ASSBILBLY BUILDING.— `- BIIMIIIER : ; BOAADIIIT(.~ IT SIIMMER BOARDING IN CEIBSTER CIOIINTY.— She subscrber would accommodate a few Boarders tor the Bummer at his Farm on' the Brandywine, about three miles .west from West Cheater.. The house is roomy and comfortable, the, neighborhood attractive, and horses and vehicles will be furnished on reasonable team • splB-6t* Post 0111_ce West Chester. Ps. mps , Refers to J. B. TOWN6sEND, 813 Arch street. Q.ERIK, LARD AND MIA LEOIL.—A fail assort mesa on hand, suitable for manufacturers, miners and railroads. For sa/e by • apis-St* Isale ='' - ' = • .-1 m. barrels/O.X and Pale For by iseap Boa*. Belbl mu• • -- 4 --ND W. E 0 L ROWLEY-, - 1.10,11, 73-10 m3w. aowzry, ionouth-wharTeek PErga'ATEFTC %.AVIMONICEBEit 110 4 116 NogibWOZiDIJORtuatoctv_acalawkill,.. . AUCTION SALES. JAMES A., FREEMAN,ADOTIONERB. No. 4E WALNUT street. EIGHTH SPRING SALE - OF REAL .E43TA.TR AND STOL;RS, APRIL 25. Thin sale. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchanlo3/ will Includelbe followdoW— • • , •• . • - STOCEt4.--Particulars to-morrow. • - , , COURTLAIRD PLACE-4 three ."-storybrick bootee,* Conrtlatid Place,(weSt from New Market,above Vine) : They rent for $lB a moat's-arid are " - gear. They will be sold separately. - .Executors! Sale—Estate of Wlltiam • Parrish, dee'St. " NO. 4019 POPLAR ST—A three story brick .honse and lot, is by sr feet. Has gas, bath, range, dm. NO, 959 ST. JOHN , ST—A three. Story brick house, below Beaver,ls by 73 feet 10 inches. . NO..IO22.FILBERT ST—A lot, 18 by 78 feet to :Run.' ter st, There Is ao old-established tavern stand, on the trent, with a houses en the rear of the lot.- sll2ground rent. Executors' Sale,-Estate of Patrick ./fiehan.dee'd. BUILDING LOT, GERMANTOWN—Cireen et; near - Johnison ; German Me feet. :•• • • t • I 8 'ACRES, CHESTNU 7 / 1-7, T.--A. tract of 18 acres of land. Willow -avenue or Mermaid tane, Chestnut Rill, llontgornery eounty If preferred will be divided and sold in,tracts of 4 cfc 5 acres... Plans at Use store. ROXBOROUGH—A house Raenoad, near High . at, R oxborougn. Orphans' Court Bt—Estate of 2hos. S. Darling etee'd • • BUILDING LOT—Lyceum avenue; Roxborough. Same Estate. - . . • , HOUSE, ROX.IIOROUGHA flame honsti Ridge road, below High at. "Sam.eErtate.. ; RIDGE ROAD—A frame stab e,' de., Ridge road. Roxberongh. 'Same Estate. , _ ._• • Ja" Fdtl descriptions, p/ttns, Be, may be had at the ---- • • ", 4 AilMinistratibt's Bale, Burlington. N. J. ROGSEMOLD PORN /TAIRTC, CARPPTS, MIR; ON MONDAY MORNING. APRIL 23. , o'cloch; will be sold at public sale by cata logue; by order of the admt Rtratrbc. of Wllllarn Watson, dc c'd., on the premises. Green Bank, Bur— lington, N. J.,,lhe enfirelbonsehold fbrnitore, mirrors, plan 06, „Brussels and ingrain' carpets,t3tc., , . . Also, the 'kitchen furnitttre, • VALUABLE :101131DEagaMi AT PAIVATE BALI TO ..11F—AL ESTATE ORFRA.TOBS. - ELEGANT WALNUT arßarr MANSION4Ins ,of the moat elegant 'reardencei on Walnut Actreet,sB feet 'Br front large g ro und. citable, &c. zaqw TLF. STONE . MANsiciN, Walnut near oa. - Will be sold, at very low rates, to a' alio will take them all in cmelot, Ave deadrable dw the heart of the city, Immediate occupancy can be had 11 dealreeL This era vary favorable .opportunity to par_ ties who creek good real estate inv ta 1,0 bitY old prices Rawer* which will pay well and Increast in value. , For panicalars apply at the auction store. STABLE—A very desirable property in the neigh , borlsood ofTwelith and Locust sta. . TAVERN STAND and Learnt rot land. en thr road, 9 tale, from the Stale Hume„ known as tht "Sorrel Hone." , Plans, aurvers, are-, at the stunt. Property No. 402 south Front et, 41 by ISO feet. do, do 1138 and ll4o , Losakatrd at - 80 acres, Germantown 87 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do Barker do do do 8 Building Leta. south Twenty-second at Property northeaat corner Fourth and Sprat:sine ' Dwelling. with aide yard, Darby road Brown-atone Store, Second st, - near chestnut Itsaldence and large lot,Barllngton . • • do do 418 south Eleventh at 8 acres of Land. Federal at. Twen -sixth Ward VALUABLE STOREproperty, at ST—A van 'valuable business on eerbaut ,ha WI fronta—in good order, & c, O_ with the ving deed. :OMAR BIRCH do BON. AIICTIONENREAND COMMISSION HER • Na 1110 CHESTNUT (Rear entrance 1107 , Sanaora street.) Household Furniture ofns °eery lA description received co Corament. BARB EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Fundtare at dwellings attended to on the =or , ReasonabTerzas._ SALE OF HELL INTATE Ie . GX. STOOES, dr, AT TB) • EX W. Thom= Birth a Son respectihlly taro= that riende and the public that they are prepared to atten , to the sale of Baal Estate byariction and at private Lair ELEGANT ROSEWOnD PARLOR AND CRAMMER PIIILNITURE, FINE CARPETS, PLATED WARE. ON FRIDAY 310113E1N°, At the auction store. No. 1110. Chestnut treet. will be sold— An Invoice of drst.class furniture, only In use a few months, comprising—bond rosewood parlor suit, cov ered with brocatene, cost 5800; rosewood chamber suit, large carved walnut sideboard, dining room chain, elegant velvet earpets. Also, a quantity (lane silver Plated ware. PEREMPTORY SALE OP FL NE MARBLE STA.. TUARY, Alabaster Vases and Groups, Bohemian Glatentare: Silver Plated Warm dc. OR TUESDAY . MORNING. APRIL rt. At 10 o'clock, at the dartion.' Store. NO.IIIO Cittestalst street. will be sold— An invoice Just received from Europe— ARB SATUARY A splendid bust' at P y re i dent Lincoln. by Professor Fedi; group of Charity after Bartalinl; Vase; group of Innocence; Psyche of Beneme- Bust of Maddonns; insures of Flora, Cupid, Fisher Boy, Cupid and Dog, Pain and Pleasure. Bacchante, Borrow, Spring and Summerres.. Prayer of Pampeloni. Also, 4 marble gar- den tigu VASES, GROUPS...Sc. Also, a large assortment ofsplendia alabaster, agate, Ilardiglio and Sienna vases of various styles, nobly carved; grortgarA it ures. card TIMM , ARE. &C. AN Lusa Also, an invoice of rich Bo ° hemian W glass vases, toilet sets, wine sete.decanb ra goblets. SILVER PLATED WARE. Ala a large assortment or fine silver plated ware, consisting of tea sets. wallets. Ice Pitchers, cantors, knives and forks, spoons. butter dishes, cake baskets, sugar baskets, berry dishes, frill stands, kettles, toast realm, dc. • The whole will be arranged for ilrr ' , fustian with catalogues on Monday, the 24. Sale at No. 809 Arch street. ' .130IISEHOLD FIIRNITITfiIt ON WEDNESDAY IifORNESTO WENT, t 10 o'clock, at No. 809 Arch street, will be sold, the fbroitnre of s removing. comprising Parlor, Clutm ber and Dining Furniture, Carpets, Beds . and Matzvcies, Kitchen Furniture, du. Can be examined early en the morning of sale. DRUG STORE AT PRIVATE BALE. - A well established Drag Store, handsomely fitted trill with leaae at the preses, for sale. Apply at the auction store. 101 Y JOHN B. MYERS & CO., 81JOTIONETIT03, Al Nos. 2112 and 334 MARKET street, corner of Bank. POSITIVE SALE OF - CARPETING% CAlsiToti MA'PrINGS. atc. • ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 20, at 11 o'cleck, will be sold, by catalogue, on finir months' credit, about 250 pieces of superior and fine ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage and fag carpeting.. which may be examined early on the morning of sale. DRUGGETS AND .CRUSER CLOTIO3. To be sold for account of Underwriters. 10 Pieces 8-4. 10.4 and 124 crimson drnggets, 20 do cremb cloths, 7.3; yards wide. 8 do do do 12 do do LARGE PEREMPTORY' SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. &c, ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, At 10 o'elorrr. will be sold, by catalogue. ON FOUR MONTHS CREDIT, about= lots ofFrench. India,Ger man and British Dry Goods, embracing a fbil assort. meat of Outcry and staple articles in silks, worsteds. woolens, linens and cottons. N. B.—Oooda arranged for exation and Cat*. 'agues readY early on morning of d LABOR PEREMPTORY BALE OF BOOTS, SHOES BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, &a ON TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, Wlll be sold, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on /boa months' credit, about 1,300 packages Boots, Shoes, Sal. morals. &c., of City and Eastern manufacture. ri C= for examination with catalogues early on the .mo Of sale. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF CLOTHING, ON WEDNESDAY BIORNING, APRIL 25, We will sell by catalogue, on FOUR moirriar CREDIT, commencing at 10 o'clock, an eztenatve line of low, medium and fine qualities Ready-made Cloth_ to for country and best city retail trade. Pa g. rticulars hereafter. 1D SOOTP, is., AUCTIDNIME. ,- AD. Imo canceilsnyr stress A.S. ROBINSON'S SECOND GREAT SALE OF " OIL PAINTINGS. ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, April 18 and 19. at 73‘ o'clock, AT HIS GALLERY, 910 CHRSTA tir STREET. Open day and evening. free, until nights (Issue. SALE OF rrALIAx MARBLE PARLOR. GARDEN AND MONUMENTAL STATUARY. Comprisingeroups, [Film and. Busts, the Importa tion of Messrs. Vial OS.: (formerly Veto Viii & Edna.) - I QN FRIDAY MONIN,..APRIL 20. At U o'clock, will be sold ß withou G at t reserve , the Art Gallery, No. 1020 Chestnut street, the whole collection of over SO pieces of Carrara marble Statuary, imported by the above named firm, and will consist of valuable statuary marble groups and figures, inclumng a cop Powers' Greek Slave; Bacchus and. Adrianm y Boat of Eve, Madonna.- &c.; garden statues, Spring: Summer, Autumn overinter Boman Gladlatortn - large figure Arnitldes, 6 fet; Pietra Arenana di Zambra sta tues; marble garden vases and urns, &c,. Also, some 25 Alabaster statuettes and groups. Can be examined on Wednesday.. fVHE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT S. R. corner of SIXTH ad CE Meets. Money advanced .on M n erch ßA andtse v watches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Slier and.= all articles of value, fbr any length r ureed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watchetu Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le. pine Wetches_i Fine Geld Duplex and other watches; Fine Silver Hunting Caseand Open Face English, American Watehee: Dou b l e Vse: Englis h L g O na W rt ie an d n Lpn z Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast. ping ; _Finger Mies; Ear Rings, Studs, An.; Fine Gold edalliona; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breast Pint; Finger :Rings; Pencil • CUES, and ICIWOIrY gai?e . , . 1131 t. &Ur...V.—A large and splendid Fireproof Cheat, suitable for a Jeweler, price 3650," " A.lBO, " several Leta in South .camden, Fifth anti, Chestnut streets. p3n4,p, PURR , a 00., s • • aITurioNXIMEI, • , 1504•XARRIM Mad . • OF 130 e OASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON'MONDAY MORNING, APRIL es. Ounitunicing at 10, o'clock, we will sell by catalogue„ for cash, IWO cases men's,.- boyd'' an 4 yonthe 'Boots, Snobs, Brogan a, Italmorals,-Congnsa unities, Slippers, dc., a/so, Wotnen's,misses' and-children's Boots, Shot.. V p oila& Slifiliers...Bnakins , Side' , Lace Sallow, er% ite.; comprising a general ainiortment of first .claaa,goodo,.toiwhith the attention of buyer Is celled. AVIDTION SALES• TEIONAB 4 EONS, AUCTIONEER.% Nos. 189 'and 141 South FOURTH street. --.13.4..Tat&05-STOFSE. AN/r - BEAIr - ESTATIS - At the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock noel; agiEl r.andbulazoU each property issued separately, and on the Saturday previous, to each sale Weds:afar logues in pamphletrorm,givine thll descriptione.. - REAL - Ea-TATE AT PRIVATE-SALE.' Printed catalogues:. 'comprising - several hundred thousand dollars , including „every description of 'OW and country property; from ,the emalleetriwellings 10 the most elegant mansions, elegant' country Beate, farms, business pronert) „es &c. - - .110 r FURNITURE btazEs at the Auction, Stare EVERY THURSDAY. Air Particmlar attention ,gives to sales at 'Private Residences, dce. ' ' " • ' ~ . . , . STOCKS, he. ' ON TUESDAY: a.PRII, 24. - At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia l',Scol:/ For account of whom It may concern. ' $lO,OOO Bald Eagle Valley Railroad COUPOII Band% {lOO each. For other accounts— -3 shares Filth and Sixth Streets Passenger ItalltVar company. . 5 she , es Western . sank: - • 12 shares Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania. ;2846 shares Rose Farm On Co. , • • .e 4 Leer.u.SPRING BALK A-PRIM 24. Onthans'.Court Sale-t.F.etate of Daniel. Casey. deed eta BRIM DWELLING§, El. W. corner of Ati,glAlt and cps - • • Same Estate - THREE-STORY BRICK DWEIe . LING, No 704 Ferleralst. • Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of John DI ageo dee._ • THREE-STORY BRICK DwFtr.relo, Penn St, pir ' tween South and Stipnen. ' Executors'. Sale--tate of Isaac ens deed- MODERN TECRERBTORY BRICK D " ELLrNG.- N 0.1126 Wallace st. Emile -Estate-/TCRIMSTORY BRICK DWELL :LNG, N. E corner of Parrish and Ontario sts, with's • Three Story Brick Dwelling In the rear HA NDSOId7, COITNTRY RESIDENCE, with about 3 Acres of Land, near Holtnesburg-Stone .Idansionr— with the modern conveniences, 'Stable and Coach •.-Houseonnds beautifully laid out ,VERY- DESLRABL.E: COUNTRY PLACE, `IX 'Acres,' Bristol' Turnpike, between. Frankford and . - : Holmesburg. and- near Tacony_, on the River Dell ware, Stone House and Frame Barn, Beautiftd - Shade Trees. de- Peremptory Sale=To close en Acconnt--VAz-trA= BLE FARM, 130 ACRES, Wissahickon 'turnpike and -L Bell road. Montgomery county; Pa.,l mile from Oust. - • not Hill Depot. xecutorli4 saie=vALtriltraz ituerrrEss - 14q14,- TION. sOldSonth Front street, r. below Pine. - • • - THREE-STORY BRICK DWRT ' , 1)), No. 2112Pme street. with a Two-story Brick Dwelling in the rear. Executors' Peremptoryßale-Fstate of ladles Hunt; deed-VA LTIABLE, , 25th Ward, about 75 Acres N. W. corner Nicetown - Lane and Harrowgate Terms. Half Cash. Peremptory SaleTo Close an Estate-2 THREE. STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 702 and 70.1 Stir- _ ley street. - , Sam Estate-2 LOTS. west sideof n ighteenth street - north of Coates.' • LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, Cumberland , street, wait of Coral, Nineteenth .Ward-MY. 4 feet-_ front 17701- A.BOIV THREE-STOIIY 'BRICK DWirt.r. . Vineyard street, between isth and 19th, and Poplar and Brown streets. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, NM _ 5(4 and 508 Federal street. . 2 THREE-STORY FRAME D WELLI NGS,: Red; ' wood streeet in the rear of the above. , _ TWO-St ORY BRICK BU I LD I NG, Redwood stmt, west of riftb. TWO-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING. No. 136 North Fifth street, north of Cherry, with is - Two-story Frame Dwelling in the rear. NEAT MODERN THREE-STORY BRIM DWELLING, No. MS North Fifth street south of Cal- ' lowhill. HANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY BROWN . SIONE RESIDENCE, with , three-story back log, No. 1534 Pine street, east of Sixteenth-has all the modern conveniences, and in very good repair. May be examined any day previous to sale. • TR ItEE.STORY BRICK DWFIJANG, No. 12E/ Plymouth street. near RittenhonstHquare. 4 THREE-STORY BRICK D.J.,DLNGS, N. E. corn rof Sixth and Clare streets. Assignees' Peremntol7 Sale-An undivided 23 . 95 the interest in the Summit House, - Darby road. Same Estate-An undivided fourth, Laud in Min nesota. • Same Estate-2 LOTS, Train street. THItEE-810.13,y ERICK. DWELLIG, No. 11/0 Coates street, east of Second.. Clear of all !nouns brance. Executors' SaIe—TWOnSTORY STONE DWELL MO Main street, near the Steam Depot, GERMAN TOWN. Late the of Frederick Embardt. decessecL VALUABLE STONE RrSLD.KNME, Stenton sire nue, south of Wingobocking. street. • GERMANTOWN, Twenty-second Wiest, within two squares of Wayne and Fisher's Lane Stations on the Ph list& Iphla, Germantown and Norristown Rallroad. VA LUABLE BUSINESS STaIID—FIVE-STOBY IRON and BRICK STORES, No. 131 Market street, and Nos. 120 and 122 Jones street between Front arke Second streets. Immediate possession. MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICK DWELLING. with double back buildings, No. 1717 Pine street—has all the modern conveniences. '1 33.138E43T0RY BRICK DWELL I NG, NO. MN Barker street. west of Sixteenth. LARGE AND VALUABLE BUILDMO, knoWn aa tbe Friendship Fire Engine House. Third street north of Brown street. Peremptory sale, Ground:Bant. $lB 10 a year. Sale at No. 603 Marshan street. - - ISTIPERICat EInitNITORE, HANDSOME CA.81 3 .1M, dtc. dr- ON FRIDAY' AtoßarrNro. At 10 o'clock, at so an Marshall street. above Great street, suit superior Walnut parlor furniture, elegan t Emmas and lugrain t rrpe s ts, etc. Also, the kitchen n May be examined at 8 o clock on the morning of gala. SALE OF A VA.LITABLE LAW LIBRARY. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 2s. At the suction store, the valtutbleLaw Library of tha late James Fulton, Esq., including the Pennsy/vania Reporta. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ON FDAY AFTERON. SOth inst. at the au ction store. atN O 5 o'clock, a cluster Diamond Finger Ring, seven brill imits. • Sale No. 1533 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR Sale PIANO, VELVET CARPETS, OIL PAUTTINGS, ON WEDN'ESDAY MORNI N G, APRIL 25 At 10 o'clock. at No. 1533 Chestnut street. by cats* logos. the superior walnut and satin drawing room furniture.superior rosewood piano by Delon. Davis & Co ; oak dining room and library furniture, velvet £54 Brul!' carpets, fine oil paintings, chamber Blimpuis, fine matc. Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning sisals BY BABB= & 00._ AUCTIONEERS, • CASH AUCTION HOME. No 238:1MAREET street, corner of Bank street. Cash advanoed on consignments without extra charge. NOTICE TO CITY ANTI COUr. TRY MERCHANTS. LARGE AND PEREMPTORY SALE' 1000 LOTS SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. ON 'FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL M. At 10 o'clock, Cloths Casslmeres, Satinets, Cloakings, Domestics; Checks, dz. Also, 150 dozen Shirts. Clothing &c, 500 dozen Hose and Half Hose. Also. Invoices or Boots. Shoes. Umbrellas; Fancy Goods, &a. STOCK OF SPRING DRESS GOODS, &c. Viz—Alpacss. Prints, Plaids, Checks, Mozambiques. &c. Also, the Stock ore Retail Dry Goods Store, DA.VIS & HARVICY. Aucrnometiit, (use with M. Thomas & Scum) Store No. MS Chestnut street. ITTIOTTLINE &SIM at the Store evaryTUNIS.). BALES AT RitEmDENaels will receive particular attntion. • Sale No. 1844 Cameo street. SUPERIOR PURNITURE,smord,torEE Puito. CABINET ORGAN. FINE CARPETS, &c. ON SATURDAY - MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 1.84.1 Can= Street. above Mont go rn ery avenue, including rosewood piano, impeller cabinet organ, elegant sideboard, Sne tapestry car pets. .kc May be examined at 8 ceoleck oaths mornidgotthe saje. rjr . L. ASILI3.I3.IDEM & cu., *pots . .t. . rill I DIANE Ii ti e HOWARD'S All: FIRST-CLASS Wig AMERICAN WATCHES, HAVE THE IMPROVED Mershon's Pafent Regulator. SOLD BY. THE. EMM:PAL WA With Certiflitates. Jig ) LEWIS LA_DOIIITTs, DIAMOND l a tE w ALEß imsty 4,1 WARE,PEB 31 gWiit ) WATOSES and JEWELRY REPAIRRD. 802 Chestant Bt..Pbila' Owing to the decline of Gold, has made a great reduction in price of his large and well assorted Stock of Diarnonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silverwim3, 4!tul.• . The Pl?We •e!speepttuyr, invited to' &Mari& eir,r amide opr stook bellare purobitslni*erheriM sAtar. ROP74 AM) WWZNX-21CANIILICEMEMIN . t ; • 9 1 11 - I, 'L l i ‘r '. l4lll %tillatiNtlLVZit t, ; ';'• . ••• wthailrer"ds.!,,e,reek,=6l - = . - 43ftoicegs iet !these - blifinel order . '4lO9Ra VC A . • 'ftitt
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