CITY MILLETFIC WEST PITILADELPHIA.—The only public excitement, if excitement it can be called, is the continued success of the Fair for tne benefit of the Church of St. Agatha, now being held at the Commissioner's Hall. It is nightly crowded with visitors, and the proceeds of the sales will go far toward liquidating the debts of the new edifice, "a consummation," among members of the Catholic permission, "most devoutly to be wished." •We noticed, Tuesday morning, in our walk westward, that a very fine block of buildings, five in number, intended for pri vate residences,is being erected at the.south 'west corner of Fortieth and Chestnut streets. The•material is Trenton free stone. The en- . terprising owner is a Mr. Harriaon, of West Philadelphia, who owns considerable pro. perty in that section of the city. We made a partial inspection of Mr. Ro bert Kilvington's green and hot-house, on Locust street, and foluid,his 'collection in a fine state of forwarllness. Among his plants we notice, just coming in bloom, the very rare Dionce 9nusct:pultc, or "Venus's Flytrap," which we have not seen before for several years. The condition , of Locust street is absolutely deplorable. In one square, from Thirty-sixth to Thirty-seventh street, not a single whole plank exists, every separate timber being rotten. The whole square will have to be relaid. On the Almshouse grounds, in the vege table garden, under charge of Mr. William Graham, who has occupied the position of gardener since 1842, considerable activity prevails. Here we saw and culled the first hyacinths of the season, but they were very few and far between, although on a south ern exposure.. His Tegetables, in frames, . especially lettuce, were doing well. We strolled in-doors again and revisited the bakery, one of the most important ad juncts of the institution, probably the most important, as it would be difficult to walk this weary world unless supported by the ,;"staff of life." The whole affair, which in ' eludes a corn mill, in the second story of the building, which, when in use, requires the labor of no less than forty men, yielding . • only nine barrels of meal per diem. Were steam employed it is capable of producing forty barrels. The bakery, which is located on the first floor, contains four ovens, heated by means of three furnaces. The quantity of bread consumed in such a building as the Alms House, is necessarily very large. The usual allowance per capita, is one loaf to every two inmates, who severally consume from 18 to 19 ounces. In some portions of the house, however,two loaves are appor tioned to every three, but the average re , mains the same. The whole affair is un- der the charge of a chief :baker, who is elected annually by the Board of Guardians of the Poor. The present incumbent is Mr. William Ludericz, who has held the posi tion for upwards of eight years. He is as sisted, ordinarily, by twelve hands, al though the number rose, last winter, as high as fifteen. Oil inquiry we learned that he was consuming at present 78 barrels of flour per week, turning out no less than 1,850 loaves of bread a day, on six days of the week. Of course their is no baking on the Sabbath. This makes an aggregate of 11,150 loaves per week, and of 579,800 per annum. During the months of January and February last, when the House was crowded to its fullest capacity, Mr. Lndericz informed us, that he worked up no less than 105 barrels of flour per week, producing therefrom the enormous amount of 15,000 loaves in that space of time. This is the highest number ever baked in the House. We should judge the occupation of a baker must be a very healthy one, for Mr. Lade ricz is certainly the largest man in the Howe, and certainly one of the most ami able and obliging. On inquiry at the front office, we found that there werel4 admissions, 1 death, 5 dis charges and 12 elopements. No less than three foundlings were brought in during the last 24 hours. The census of the House, same date last year, was 3,198; 1866, 3,638; increase, 560. CHARGED WITH ROBBERY.—Thomas C. Warts had a hearing before Alderman Beit ler yesterday afternoon, charged with the larceny of a - United States Five-twenty bond to the amount of $350, a promissory note and receipt for $l,OOO, the property of Mrs. Jane Snyder. The accused was arrested by Detectives Levy and Tryon in Springfield, Chester county. He acknowledged the theft, and said that from circumstances he was compelled to take the money. He had lost $l5O, and the remainder he ex pended in buying furniture. The; pocket book, note and receipt he destroyed. The prisoner was committed to answer. THE LATE SHOOTING AFFAIR.— vt , unaM B. Fries was arraigned before Ald. Beitler yesterday afternoon, charged with shooting and severely wounding Frederick Robinson, bartender in Mr. Stewart's saloon, Fifth and Walnut streets, on Tuesday evening. Mr. James Stewart, Alderman Dougherty and Sergeant Crout were examined as witnesses but no new facts other than those published in yesterday's BULLETIN were brought to light. The accused was committed to await the result of the injuries inflicted. DARING BURGLARY.— The dwelling of Mr. C. B. Barrett, No. 1704 Wallace street, was entered last night through a back win ..dow over a shed. A lot of spoons, forks and ,clothing were stolen. The burglars got into the sleeping apartment of Mr. Barrett and took his watch and pocket-book from under the pillow upon which he was sleeping. Previous to their departure the thieves pro- ' ceeded to the kitchen and set out and dis posed of quite a repast. RIOT, &c.—Before Alderman Hutchin son this morning, John McAleer, aged 17 years, was charged with riot and assault and Vattery. It seems that on Easter Sun day a disturbance occurred in the neigh borhood of Seventeenth and Wood streets. Bricks were thrown and Officer Bartles was struck on the head and seriously injured. McAleer is alleged to have been•one of the rioters. He was held in $1,200 bail to answer at Court. ST. AUGUSTINE'S FAIR.—The voting for the Base Ball implements at St. Augustine's Fair last night stood as follows: Central Club, 912; Vigilant Club, 834; Neptune, 700; Flommerfelt, Ii; Scattering, 16. The voting for a Hose Carriage as it stood last Evening was as follows : Vigilant, 677; Columbia Hose, 283; Fairmount, 30; Hi bernia, 18; Assistance, 30; South Penn, 1; Northern Liberty, No. 1,2; Moyamensing, 2; Humane, 4; Diligent, 1; Robert Morris, 1. STABBED BY rrYs WIFE. Last night Michael Doolan had a quarrel with his wife at their residence in Spafford street. Mrs. Doolan is alleged to have seized a - knife and stabbed her husband. The wound is severe, thonghnot considered dan gerous. Doolan was taken to the Hospital. His wife was arrested and this morning was committed by Alderman Tittermary. SALE OF MANTLE ORNAMENTS, &0.--B. Soott, Jr., will sell to-morrow morning at the Art Gallery, No. 1020 Chestnut street, .acollection of elegant vases, card receivers, bouquet figures, bardiglio'columns, dec.,, Ac., all of recent importation from Europe. The assortment can be examined any time during the day. WE OBSERVE that Hon. J. W. ForneYy, Secretary of the 11. S. Senate, has consented to address our citizens on the 19th of this month, lon the subject, "Has the War for Human reedom been fought in vain?" :Every one should hear him. See the adver tisenzent in special notices. Craw RUN OVER.—Yesterday, Emma "Sullivan, five years eld, residing in the rear of 500 Brooks street, was ran over by an ex press wagon, in Buttonwood street, below ['bird, and was seriously injured. ATTEMPTED ROBBERY. -- A dwelling house on Thirteenth street below Christian, was broken into last night by three boys. The juveniles were frightened off before Ihey had secured any plunder. THE NEWS OF THE DAY.—Between the venian exCitement,the political complications and the latest tragedies of the time, the public cannot com plain that they cannot "sup full" ofspicy matter in the columns of the daily press. The most interesting part of the paper to us is, however, that department which the excellence of the coal sold by W. W. Alter is eu logized. is offices are at No. 957 North Ninth street and at Sixth and Spring Garden streets. LACE CURTAINS.—A great variety of new and elegant patterns. selling at reduced prices. Also Nottingham lace, slightly damaged by water, at half Price. Also Window Shades, in new designs, at prices o bolt the decline in cotton. IKELTY, CARRINGTON do CO., i 23 Chestnut street. WHY HAVE GRAY OR DISCOLORED .11.A.1R? When Helmatreets inimitable Hair Coloring will restore it perfectly. It is not a destructive dye, tut a coloring. As a preservative of the hair it has no equal in the world. Sold by dealers, in twe sizes, at 50 cta. and VERY CHOICE BLACK TEAS, MITCHELL .4, FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street. IT BEING the season of the year when pianos generally require tuning, Mr Sargent would respectfull remind those about having their pianos put in order, that his orders are received at Mason dr Co's store 907 Chestnut St. Repairing thoroughly done, and generally without removing. THE WOMEN ON THE BORDER are Emuggling whisky over from Canada into the United States by having the frame-work of their crinolines made of tin tubes and tilled wfth the liquors; so say the papers. We have seen men with their clothes full f Whisky, or, in other words, lull of man and the man full of whisky. The clothing was not from Charles Stokes & Co.'s One Price, under the Continental, as their clothing Is never too tight for comfort. Spring sults now on hand of a great variety and at reduced prices. Call and see them. PARLOR PYROTECHNICB.—A new and wonderful toy. Magnesium Spirals. Sold by Stack house, Eighth and Green streets. VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE- has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public. It is a vcgetable compound, and contains no Injurious properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TOJTS:ORIGI NAL COLOR. It the hair from falling Out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lug roue and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young, should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. la- Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H, Proprid4rs. For sale by all druggists. SCHOOLEY'S PATENT AMERICAN RE rRIGIZHATOR, the only thorough ventilating refrig erator in the country. The public are respectfully invited to call, examine and get a descriptive cata logue. E. S. PARSON di CO., Manufacturers, N 0.220 Dock street. DEALERS in House-furnishing Goods, also country merchants, can now be supplied with the live• dollar Washing• Machine at a liberal discount. Also. the best Clothes• Wringer in the market. Wholesale and retail. J. Lash d Co., 727 Market street. R. ct W. Rocxnthi.. cf.: WILSON B. S C. H. H. &W. The best and most elegant suits B. S. CH. B. &W. for Gentlemen and Youth's, con. B. S. C. H. R. th W. stantly on hand and made to order. B. N. C. H. R. dt W. BROWN STONE CLOTHING B. S. C. H. ek W. HALL, Nos. G 63& SOS Chestnut st. B. S. C. H. :MISSES' HATS of our own manufacture offered at:this season's opening are superior to anything of the kind ever seen in this city. CAS. OARFORD & SONS, under the Continental Hotel. • HOUSEKEEPERS should not fail to call at No. 727 Market street, and see our live-dollar Washing. Machine in operation. The best washer in the world. J. S. Lash & Co., 72.7 3Larhet street. CHILDREN'S HATS—New Styles—Spring Opentaenlog. C Zot HAS. OAKIIORD SONS, under theCon tinl eL PACKERS' PATENT ICE CRP AST FREEZERS —Sole manufacturers, E. S. Faison & Co., No. SID Dock street. Descriptive catalogue sent by mall when Cesired. THE ErN - Es.r CARAMELS and Roasted Al monds are those manufactured by E. G. Whitman & Co., an Chestnut street. Dealers =pulled. MOTH-PROOF CLOTHES CHESTS.—Of all sizes at E. S. Faison & Co.'s Refrigerator manufactory, 220 Dock street. VERANDAH AWNINGS.— Order them at Patten's, 1408 Chestnut street. UPHOLSTERY.—Matting and Carpets laid, town or country, positively. when ordered, at Patten's Upholstery Store, 1408 Chestnut Street. SEE PATTEres Dollar Shades,:l4oB Chest- But street PARLOR PYBOTECHNICS.—Make your own fireworks, and snn-shine after dark with the Magne sium Spirals. A new and wonderful toy made of the new metal magnesium. For sale by McAllister & Bro. 728 Chestnut street; Parrish, Eighth and Arch; Queen di Co., 324 Chestnut street; Blair. Eighth and Walnut; Davis, Seventeenth and Vine; Bower. Sixth and Vine; Geo. Doll do Co., Sixth street above Market, by all druggists and tancy goods dealers, and by the general agents Wilson & Hood, 626 Arch street. PURE LIBERTY WEITIE LEAD.—Preferred by Dealers, as It always gives satinfaction to their cus tomers. Puss, LIBRE= Wmarz LBAD.—Try it,and you will have none other. Wntß of Tar Syrup for Coughs, Colds and Affections of the Lungs. This', mixture is entirely vegetable, and affords speedy Relief in all Pulmonary Diseases, such as Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Bron chitis, dm. Prepared only by IT A ARTS & OLIVER, Druggists, S. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut streeta.Phila., NEW NAVY Car can be had only of OARFORD, under the Continental Hotel. INIMITABLY Firm CONFECTIONS. Choice and rare varieties for select preaents, manufactured by STEPHEN F. 'WHITMAN, / , :o. 1210 Market Street. CHOICE NEW Gn.tkpF. VINES.—Dr. Grant's b ce y l c b ompe d t e n n o t w judg e neqgu lonabnsd f l o a r r e a i e g ll n a v p r o i n e o i u e n a d re perfectly hardy, and have received more premiums than any other grape. The lona, Israella, Delaware, Allen's Hybrid, Adirondac, Herbemont, Crevellng, .alvey, and all other valuable hardy' varieties can be procured from D. C. Hough, Aent, at Holt's Watch Store, Chestnut o. 243 Chesut Street. Descriptive pamphlet free on application. Also. Choice Fruit and Ornamental Trees of every variety. NEW DRESS-MAKING ESTABLISHMENT.— At the urgent solicitation of umeroas valued patrons, we have opened a departmentfor Ladies' Dress-mak ing, with suitable reception rooms for the fitting, &c., where we are now prepared to execute all orders in the best and latest If.uropean style, with the utmost P Laes need fear no disappointment in regard to their orders being delivered punctually at the time promised. J. W - PROCTOR & CO., N . o. 920 Chestnut street. 11366.—WALL PAPERS, 12/45 and 20 cents; a superior variety of Glazed Paper Hangings, neatly hung; Window Shades, rich colors, cheap, at JOHN• STOWS Depot, N Spring Garden street, (Union Square.) SPRING FASHIONS FOR CHILDREN. —M. Shoemaker & Co., Nos. 4 and 6 North Eighth street, are now opening a splendid assortment of Children's Clothing, in the latest Paris styles, unsurpassed for elegance of workmanship and material. The public is invited to call and examine. PURE LIBERTY WRITE LEAD.—Orders daily increasing. FOR MALLOW PASTE, Moss Paste, Soft Gum Drops, and other efficacious Confections for Coughs and Colds, go to E, G. Whitman & Co.'s, 818 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— „7, Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re. liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 619 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to ao• company their patients, as he has had no secrets hags practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No .charge made for examination. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF Musio.—The Ravel Troupe. Three Flying Trapeze, "The Star of the Rhine" and "The Golden Egg." TYrE ARCH.—Mr. T. E. Murdoch appears in "Money" this evening. THE WALNUT.—Mrs. D. P. Bowers and Mr. McCollum appear in "Leah the For saken" to-night. THE Cakmarr.--This evening "The Ri vals." Afterpiece--"Betsey Baker." AT THE AMMEICAN varied and diversified bills are presented each evening. ASSEMBLY . BUILDING.--Sigllo2 Blitz. Tax newsboys of Chicago are said to have numbered six hundred during the war, though at present there They not more than two hundred and fifty. They _pay a license of seventy-five cents a year, bay a "warm lunch" for ten cents, and sleep where they can. As to nationality, they are all either American or Irish. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 12 , 1866. JUST RhOEIVED, YABD-AND-A•CALF-WIDE - Velvet Carpets, PEW DESIONE. J. F. & E. 11 ORNE, 004- Chestnut, Street. 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 ENGLISH BRUSSELS, FOB STAIRS AND -"I7A "LT WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, • No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. 500 PIECES NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 004 Chestnut St• nah2o-3mrp CARPETINGSI CARPETINGS! ffeCALLIIRS,CREASE&SLOAN, Beg leave to inform the public that they havenow CARPETINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH AXMINSTER. ENGLISH ROYAL 'WILTON, VELVETS, ALL WIDTHS. SUPERIOR ENGLISH BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY " ROYAL WILTON, VELVET. BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY CARPET. We offer the above in all widths, with borders' for Halls and Stairs. Also, • Etdpwriu AT,TBRKg-P AR PET, CARPET, EXTRA BC PERYLNE iiM. No. . 519 Chestnut Street, CARPETEVGIS. WHITE, BED AND 'FANCY CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. &E. B ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET. AT RETAIL. 519 Chestnut Street, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HAIL, open their Spring Stock NEW AND CHOICE DESIGN'S Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, Which they offer at prices corresponding with The Decline in Gold. Just Received, RED.CII3RD AND FANCY Canton Mattings. of all widths. McCallums, Crease & Sloan, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL, mh7l-Ito. rpt CARPETING. LEEDOM. & SHAW Invite attention to their aaeortmeat of Foreign and Domestic CARPE I N. CiL NOW OPENING AT No. 910 Arch Street, mhls4m rp; ABOVE NINTH. "GLEN ECHO MILLS," GERNIANTOWN, PA. McCALLUMS,CREASE & SLOAN NANDFACTIIREEB, IMPORTERS AND WHOLE. BALE DTP A TxrPB llj CAEPETINGS OIL CLOTHS, _ MATTING& &c. WAREHOUSE, NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the State House, PHILADELPHIA, Retail Department, No. 1519 Chestnut ISt. =helm rp lop MILMIPAND LIIIKONB—Banen, Layer and Seed AA , lees Raisins and Malaga among, fro_ bark La Plataar!d for sale by JOB . 71,„ Co 108 South MI/MN eVeane. ArEDICrIIVES. ELUDIPILREYS" lIOIII4IEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Have proved, from the most ample experienw,an entire success; Simple-Prompt-Efficient, and Re liable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use-so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. No. Cents. 1, Cures FEVERs. Cbngestlon, 2, WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic... 3, " CIIIING-COLIC, or Teething of in TAAL-25 4 , " DIARRHOEA of children or adults ..............25 6, " DYSENTERY Griping, Bilious 6. " CHOLERA M d RBUS, Nausea, Vomiting.....2s 7, " COUGHs, Colds, Bronchitis.. --.--...25 8, " NEURALGIA, Toothache, Faceacke.----25 9, `: HEADACHE, Sick Headache, vertigo .25 le,"D YSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach.- . .2:5 11, " SUPPRESs ED, or painful 12, " BITES, too profuse Periods... _.._._._.. 13,' " CROUP, Cough, difficult Breathing .25 14, " Ed LT IMEIIDZI, Erysipelas, Eruptions. -2.5 15, " RHEUMATISM, 11,1eumaSic .....28 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agnes- .50 17, " PT wS,_blind or bleeding • .....50 18, " OPETve A tAty, and sore or weak Eyea„.....50 19, " CATARRH, acute or chronic, .1nfinenza.......50 20, " WHOOPING COUGH, violent Coughs..-.... 50 21, " ASTHMA, oppre s sed Breathing.. 24, " EAB DLSCHARG.I3H, impaired ilearlng.....-50 23, '• SCROFULA - enlarged Glands, Swellings .50 24. " GENERAL DEBMITY, Physical Weak- nes.s 20, " DROPSY and scanty Secretions 28, " SEA-SICIINFsS, sickness from 27, " KIDNEY DIST' , A FE. Gravel......— -.50 28, " NERVOUS DEBILITY. Involuntary Dia sparser.— —"la 00 29, " SORE I.IODTH. Canker.. _ —.50 30, " URINARY Incontinence," wetting bed...—. 50 al, " PAINFUL Periods, even withSpasme._« 57 32, " SUFFERINGS at change of life.-- 41 00 38, " EPILEPSY Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance.... 100 34 . , DEPHTITrAT A. ulcerated Sore Throat..---50 FAMILY CASKS. 85 vials. morocco case, and nook ..s.. 20 large vials, in morocco, and book. _ 0 0:1 20 large vials, plain case and 500 15 bozea (Nos. 1 to 15) - aiid - book.. ..... 308 VETEIIIN &Ea 8AZ.P1 1 54 Mahogany cases, 10 vial Blnßle vials. with dtrec r These litemediee 'Dy the case or single box, Si sent to any part of the country, by mail or express free of charge, on recel l ofthe price. Address u.r:.~,Lny.4 • HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE COMPANY, Mice and Depot, No. 562 Broad New York.- - Dr. Husren:asys dted at conin la office personally or by letter, sa above, for forma of dia. ease. DYOTT & CO. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COW.. DEN, T.. 11 C.AI.I...M.TDEP. and AM:I3IXISH Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia. 13,27-th.atulyrp rirrrr'mrrn TEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS. Principal paid in Gold within Five Years. t2SO 000 OF EOND.6 FOR SALE: Secured by First Mortgage on the Property, Machine ry and Franchises of the MONTANA GOLD AND SILVER MINING COM• PANY, Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. The Montana Gold and Silver Mining Company has been organized as follows: PRESIDENT, WILLIAM MeLFIA AN , Chambersburg, Pa DIRECTORS, Hon, L. P. Willisto Gen. H. G. Bickel, Chambers Mcßibbon. Wm. McLellan, J. M. Kimmel). J ster, John Stewart, TREASURER A N D SECRETARY, JSREMIAII COOK. SOLICITOR.. THEODORE The Company oa ns 15,116?4 feet of superior Gold property, a portion of which has been tested for two years, and the yield has been larger than any similar property that has been worked ln that rich territory, using an arastra to crush ore, which does not save more, than one-fifth of the gold; it has yielded an average of $l2O per Urn. - The Company have purehased,and are about to ship, two first-class mills: with all necessary machinery, which wilLbe started over the plains in May or early In June. TILE GOLD BONDS. ---- - - . The Bonds for sale are payable In gold in one or five years, and In go coupons are attached for the interest at ten per cent. The entire pr ld. oceeds of the Company will be devoted to the redemption of the bonds until they are paid, principal and Interest. The _Bones are for sale at par, and an amount of stock equal to the amount ofthe Bond will be given to the purchaser without cost: Ala" Business men are invited to call at the office of the tbmpany and see the various specimens of Its ore, Ith certificates of its value, ana get any information desired. It I.contldently expected that the Company' will be able to redeem all the Bonds in one year from thetime the mills are put in operation, which will be during the coming fall. Call and get a prospectus and examinethespeclmens and certificates. Tbese Bondi will be on the market but a few weeks. Ofbce of the Company, 2.14 S. FOURTH street, first floor, front. ap6-6t.rps • IRON RAILING. TIVELLADELPHIA AND NEW TORE ORNA -L MENTAL IRON WORKS. The subscribers. founders and manufbentrers of CART, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squaree, °ems. ten , &c. PATENT WIRE HAILING, WINDOW AND DOOR GUARDS, for offices, store fronts, bulwark innings fore:dm. au., dtc., made under the JENKINS PATENT, being the only authorized manufacturers of Wire Work under sai d patent in IRON WAYS,STAIR SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT, IRON FURNITURE. STABLE Frrl: o _o 74 2lB, evernvarlety of new and improved d SPECIAL CARE BESTOWED— ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY fiM R07.1i TRH. MENTS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Vases, Statuary, Ac., giving us superior All - orders shall receive carefal and prompt attention. jaM4ll,B tu,emrpt ROBERT WOOD 00., office and Warerooms. LIS6 RIDGE Avenue. BLINDS AND SIIA_DES. B. J. WILLIAMS; No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET. MANtIPACTIMER OP VENI.TIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. prF eet and finest assortment In the city at the lowestS Shades made and lettered. apa-tf I' Is Ds *Ai wii:o VIM DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, THROAT, LUNG CHEST DISEA.SES, CATARRH, ASTHMA,BERVOUS AFFECTIONS AND DISEASE:s OF THE DIGESTIVE OR GANS.—DR. VON MOSCHZISKER'S new and unrivaled systems of treating the above MALA DIES with his "ATOMISER,' has received the very highest approbation from the best medical men of all SCHOOLS, and the INDORSEMENT of the entire medical PRESS. These, with TESTIMONIALS from and REFERENCE to responsible CITIZENS, can be examined by all who require his professional services, at hid OFFICE and RESIDENCE,No. 1031 WALNUT street. mh2l-ImoBp EDUCATION. DRIELOMATHEAN INSTITIJTE.—The Summer I. term or this institution will commence on MON. DAY, April 23. A limited number of city pupils desired. Location forty-five miles from the city by railroad, and is entirely rural and healthful. For par ticulars address PRILOMATILEAN INSTITUTE, Birdeborough, Pa. Reliable city references given. apl2 at* WANTS. WANTED TO BENT.—SIX BILLIARD TABLES V Address Box 1,2= P. 0. lt* WANTED—A Situsdion in a Wholesale Importing Commission, or Banking House, by a young Gentleman. Can speak French and German. Good references. Address D. H. at this Office. apl2-3t* BOARDING. VACANT NEXT WEEK—A Large Front Room, with Board. 917 SPRUCE at. ap1.7.-thAra,St* JAY COOKE & CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bank!rs, AND Dealers in Government Securities, v. EL Ws Of 11011, 5 20'e, Old and New, 10-40's; Certificates of Indebtedness, 7-30 NOTES, Ist, 2d, and Sd Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collectlone made. Stooks Bought and Sold on Oont. misaton. L tAecial !mine= accommodations BEBBBITBD 7 ,7 18 PEarangr.Para. February lets. ref am SPRING. ifflig wm. D. ROG-ERS. Coach and Light Carriage Builder. , 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street, 121211 / 3 1 r P PAIXADEGrum. NEW PUBLIVATIOND. BUY TIM "Evening Telegraph!" TICE GREAT AFTERNOON NEWSPAPKR THREE CENTS. Contains the latest News:from all parts of the World. The Best Editorials from the T ing New York Papers... Full and reliable Einancial, Commercial, Local and Legal Reports, Best Stories and Sketches from the ablest authors of Americo and Europe. ' The "EVENING TELEGRAPH" has already the largest circulation of any of the afternoon Journals of this country, roh24-Ina rp N Ew EDITION I NOW BEADY! I IiLAJOR HARIL73'S SPORTS AND AD vENTURFS IN AFRICA. With the travels of the British Embassy from the shores of India to Cape Aden, with a description of the Bo7alSlave Depot, Nuptials in High Life, the Peo ples bode' and Moral Condition, Festivities of Easter, dic, Price ..... .......... Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. .address all cash orders retail or•.wholesale. to T. B. PETERSON BROTHERS, 7506 Chestnut at . Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent Postage paid, on receipt of retail Price, e 11 N.E.W BOOKS are at PETERSONB'. apl2-21 SNOW BOUND. By John G. Whittler. GEOLOGIC.LL STUDIES. By Louis Agassiz. _ _ _ HONOR MAY. LEIGHTON COURT. ST. MARTINS SllMM.El enry IClngale7. LUCY ABLICIC, By Annie 'W. 3E. Brewster. By Trowbridge. WALTER GORING. - By Annie Thomas., TOILERS OF THE SEA. By Victor Hugo. DICTIONARY OF NOTED NAMES OF FICTION. By Wm. A. Wheeler. Books, Magazines, Stationery, Photographs and Frames of every description, sold at reduced prices by G. W. PITCHER. apl2-2t eke Chestnut street. ltrE,S_Lm kaIVEATICia SEA SHORE. NEWPORT COTTAGE TO RENT_ 02 COTTAGE, IN COMPLETE ORDER, well the furnished In every department: convenient to churches, hotels, markets, stabling for four or more horses, withcommodlous coach h lase, and.above all other recommendations. TWO NEVER-FAMING "S.PhINO Wyr.T.S• - of delicious and healthful water, bath room and water closets. FT3 1 41T4 J. LEWIS, 126 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. . Or ALFRED SMITH, • Newport. Rhode Island. ap7stnth6t* FOR RENT. The New Bulletin Building, No. 607 Chestnut Street, WILL BE COMPLETED tN A. FEW.WEEKE, The proprietors are prepared to receive proposals for renting such rooms as they will not use themselves. These will be THE SECOND STORY 'FRONT BOOM, 60 by 14. f het THE WHOLE OF ' THE BUILDING, ' Four Stories High. with Entrance by a wide ball on Chestnut street, And a Front of 5 feet on Jayne street Suitable tbr a Jobbing or Oommisaion HOMO, a Bank. or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the EVENING BULLETIN OFFICE. rr l tsu No. 329 Chestnut Street. ORPHANS' COURT SA r.Fl—Estate of Mo ot.' Gaughey.liiirmirs.—JAarnS A. FRERMAN. Auc tioneer. HOUSE. WHARTON street, below Seventh. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the i.„lty and County of Philadelphia. on WEDNESDAY, May 2; 1866, at 12 o'clock noon , will be sold at Public Sale, AT THE PHILADELPHLA. EXCHANGE. thelbilowing described Real Estate, the property of McGaughey, Is Laws, viz : AU that certain three-story brict Ines. snags and lot of grotind thereto beloneng, situate on the south aide of Wharton street, 26 Peet eastward from &Tenth street, in the First Ward - ' containing In front on Wharton street L 3 tbet, and in depth 33 feet 6 inches to a 2 tbet 6 inches wide alley, with the privilege thereto. sir two to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court...lS. A. MERRK, clerk O. C, GEORGE NO IC NNEMAKER, ELIZABETH ANDREWS. Guardians. - JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. apt:. II N. Store 4= Walnut street. Oh EXECUTOR'S 1: ALE.— Estate of WILLIAM D. PARRISH, deceased. JAMES A. FREE MAN, Auctioneer. DWELLINGS, Courtland Place, west from Newmarket above Vine; under authcrity contained in the will of the late William D. Parrish, deed, on,WEDSII — .' UV', A rit 2ith 1866. at 12 o'clock, noon. at the PHULADELP. I EXCHANGE, the following described Real estate, viz: Three three ivory brick houses and lot of ground, 14 by sc feet, more or kw. and one three story brick house and lot of ground; 16 feet sU Inches. by 84 feet, deer), more or less, situate on the south side of Conrtland Place,being the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh houses in the row. fa" They are all three-story bricks, containing six rooms besides bath room, have hot and cold water. ranges .to. 1M.:41.11 readily rent for $l6 a month, each. Jai - Clear of every incumbrance. Are Will be sold separately. Nap $lOO to be paid on each at the time of sale, order of the Executor. JAMES A. FR.Elry AN, Auctioneer, ap1r.1,19 Store. 4211 Walnut street. (g 1 REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. STORE and DWELLING, No. 1239 \ E street, On WEDNESDAY, May 2d, ]SS6, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHI LADELPHIA EXCWAIIGE. the following described real estate, viz.: Three-story brick store and dwelling, with two-story brick back braidings and lot of ground thereon erected, situated on the north side of Vine street, No. 1229, containing in front on Vine street 17 feet 6 inches, and in depth 87 feet 6 inches. The rear 1;35 feet thereof being formerly part of a lot of ground fronting on Thirteenth street, which is subject to a small ground rent. The owner of the Thirteenth street lot convey ed this 1735 !set, releasing it from the pay meat of any portion of said ground rent and charging the same on the remaining portion of the Thirteenth street let xerlis 50 may remain, if dealred. ,Immediate possession. odreloo to be paid at the time of tale. JAM A. FRRFVAN. Auctioneer, ap12,19,26 Store 41- , . 0 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of JOHN ler McMANUS, deceased.—JAMES A. FREE ' , Auctioneer. DWELLING, TENTH street, below Jefferson. Under authority of the Orphans' Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, May 2d,1866, at 12 o'clock.noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA =- CHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of John McManus, deceased, viz: All that certain 3-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east aide . of Tenth street , 81 feet 2.% inches southward from Jefferson street, In the Twen tieth Ward; containing in front 17 feet, and in depth 74 feet to twenty feet wide street. - Subject to $5O 25 ground rent, per annum. Alfir $lOO to be paid at the time of sale, By the Court E. A. MERRICK, Clerk. 0. C. CA.THARTNE BUMMERS. Administratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. ap12,19 0 % Store, 42^ Walnut street. 651 REAL ESTATE.-SAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—RAlLßOAD HOTEL AND REcl• TAIIRANT; 13, W. corner FRONT, and MONTGO MERY avenue Nineteenth Ward. OnWEDNESDAY April IS, 1866, at 12 o'clock, Noon will be sold at; Public bale, at the PITTLA IIELPHLS. EXCHANGE, the ibl• lowing described Real .liietate, viz.: All that lot of ground wi three-story brick house, with three-story brick. back buildings thereon erected, situate at the S. W . corner of Front and Montgomery , avenue, in the Nineteenth Ward; 19)4 feet front, and 110 feet deep to Hope Street, The house is well known as the "Railroad Hotel," is opposite the Trenton railroad• depot: is large, le rooms. well built. bar room SO feet long. Has gas fixtures. range, bath, dEc, It commands a first class custom : on the rear of the lot Is a stable and good yard. May be examined at any time. Occupancy with the deep. ,tom $2,800 may remain. gar $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. JABICEB A. FREEMAN, Auct'r. Store, 432 Walnut street. REAL ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREEBTAW. RACE and FACTORY, No. 217 a. street.' On WEDNESDAY, May Id. 1866 at 12 o'clock, noon, EXCHANGE, b Public Sale, atthel" 'HIL ADELPHIA. the following described Real Estate,:viz: All that lot of ground, with the im provements thereon erected, situate on the north aide of Race street, No. 217, containing in front 23 feet, and in depth 114 feet to Randolph's Court. On the let are erected a frame hotel, NO. 217 Race street, and in the rear a substantial four story brink factory building. pi- pi- Part of the purchase money may remain. Air 1100 to:be pad when the properW4 EEMA struck (OE A. 'FRN x 012.19,262.19,26 Auctio JAS. neer, 428 Walnut street, REAL ESTATE. ORPHANS' COURT BALE,—Estate Of HAT. THEW THOMPSON, dedd—linder authority t e Orphans' Court for the city and county of Phila delphia, on WEDNESDAI d May 2.1,11366,at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA PXCHANOE, the following described real estate, the property of Matthew Thompson. deceased, viz: No. 1. PROPERTY, N. E. corner of Tenth and Catharine street; all these four two-story and one thres story brick messuages and lot of ground, situate oo tne nortioutst corner or Tenth and Catharine street; con taining in front on Tenth street 64 fet t. and In depth 70 feet. 4r/r On partof the above lot is erecte twore story brick store at d dwelling at the corner,two story' brick stores on Catharine street, also two two story brick houses on Steward street. Subject to Xlll ground rent per annum. No. 2. GENTEEL DWELLING. No. 1123 Fitzwater street: All that certain lot of ground with the three story brick dwelling and three story back buildings, situate on the north side of Fitzwater street. above Eleventh street. at the distance of 16 feet westward from Florida street, containirg in front 18 feet, and in depth 72 wideg and including the rear end of an alley 3 feet and 18 feet deep, leading into Temple street. Subject to $63 ground rent'per annum. Aar Has all the modern conveniences, hot and cold water, bath, gas, range, wash pave, &c No. 8.-61.1•1TEEIL DWELLING 1121 F.ITZWATFIR Ftreet All that certain lot of ground with the three story brick d*elltre , and three-story back buildings thereon erected, situate on the north side of Fitzwater street, 18 feet westward from Florida street, contain ing in front 18 feet, and in depth 72 feet Subject to $63 ground rent per annum. ,Has ail the modern conveniences, hot and cold water, bath, gas range, wash.pave front iitc. o. 4 . - BUILDINte LOT, S. W. corner T lotto and CATHARINE streets. All that certain ground, situate on the southwest comer of Catharine streets, containing in front on Twelfth street 32 feet, and in depth 85 feet... , street, with 624 and 162 CHANCELLOR s.treet. with houses on-he rear. all that certain lot of ground, with the 4 three story brick houses thereon erected, on the south aide M. Chancellor street, 134 feet eastward from Seventeeth Street, containing in front •:Sleet, and in depth 60 feet to a le feet .wide street. Subject to $452 ground rent per annum. No. 6.-GROUND RENT of Via 58. $1,675.-All that certain ground rent of $B2 54 issuing, and pay a bl e yearly out of all that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of Thirteenth lereet, Ward Con and Prime street In the Second Ward, Cowell:line in iron t 6t; lest, and to depth 32 feet. - No. 7.-LOT, REED STREET.-Ail that lot of ground, situate on the north side of Reed street, at the distance of 141 feet westward from Ninth street, con taining in front 16 feet, and in depth 57 feet. con to be paid on each, at the time of sale, By the Cum% .E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C, JOHN BELL. Adtainist'r, D. B. N. /Alit A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ap12,19,26 Store 422 Walnut street. el PEREMPTORY SALE-On account of whom ma it may concern.—) A BITS A. FREENIA_N A ne tioneer.-011. -LAND, VENANG O:COU.CtX , a"EisTN SY LIVAIsa...A.On WEDIsESDAX. easy Id, ism at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve. on account of whom it may concern, at the PHILADFLPHLA. EXCHANGE, the following des cribed real estate, via- No. 1. All that certain tract of land situate In Allegheny township, Venango county, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post, a corner of this and land belonging to the ter rise Petroleum Company." thence extending by said land S. 88 0 , W. 350 perches to a post in the land of Daniel Gregg; thence by said Gregg's land 2 0 , E. 19 9-10 perches to a post in the north lire of the whole tract; thence along said line N. 880, E. 180 perches to a post in the line of tract numbered 76 on the plan of the lands late of the "Holland Land Company," and thence by said lot numbered 76 S. 2°, W. 19 9-1 t perches to the place of be ginning; containing twenty two acres, one rood and lour perches, more or less. Subject to ajudgmenan favor of Rebecca A. Simp son , cated May 20. 1865, for 515,872. Subject to a judgment in favor of Thos. Kennedy, dated May 19, 1865, for $ 2 4,030. No. 2.—Land Wet Virginia, all the following de scribed piece or parcel of land. being part of the Kiger Tract, in the Valley Furnace Estate, in Monongahela County, West Virginia, and bounded and described as towit : Beginning at the northwest corner of said Eiger tract, thence by the northeastern line of said tract, S. 50 0 E. 363 perches to the northeast corner of said tract, thence by the soutwestern line of said tract 6.40 0 W. to a point in said line that will include rco acres of said Riser tract, thence by a line parallel with the raid first mentioned line N. 5.0 W. 368 perches to a point in the northwestern line of said Eiger tract, therce by said last mentioned line along the east aide and near to Tuhlia ran, to the place of beginning. Said described piece to contain 300 acres of the Eiger tract and to be laid off cd the north side thereof by a line equi-distant from the northern line of said' tract, and mentioned above as running S. 500, E. 368 pe:rches, and so noted on •the draft of survey made by L R. Drubell, dated January 19, 1865. - ear Sale peremptory, 850 to be paid on each at the time ofsale. JAhtliZ A. FlitEMAN,l.Anctioneer. ap12.19.28 No. em Walnut street. PLORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF ISAAC JENIIIING-A, deceased —(GOFORTH NORS)—J•vvirS A. F.lll 7 :l'm &N, Auctioneer.- I.—Property No KS and 82S NEW atARKET Street.—L.. d,.- authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and Caunty of Philadelphia, en WEDNESDAY, May 2, ISSe, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at Pablic 'Sale, at the PIT IT.ADELPHIA. EXCHANGE, the fol. lowing described real estate, the property of Isaac Jennings, deed, (Goforth minors,)ll )lessnage and lot on the west side of New Market street. and on the east side of Rachel stre et, Eleventh Ward—being about M. feat front on Rachel street, ands; feet deep to New Market street, on which it fronts N feet more or less,' subject to a ground rent of twenty-four Spanish milled silver dollars. ItirOn the above are erected two two-story frame houses, fronting on New Market street, the old Frame Stable on Rachel street being re3erv.d. NO, I —DWEI.v.ING, No. 803 S. Front street. A Lot of molutd, with the two-story dwelling thereon erected situated on the east side of Front street, below Catha rine Street, Third Ward, being 17 feet front by 60 feet deep. IWO to be paid on each when the properties are struck oft. By tte Court. E. A. MERRICK, Clerk Orphans' Court. WM. GOFORTR. Guarelan. JAS. A. FREEMAN'. Auctioneer, ap1249.% No, 421: Walnut street. PUBLIC SALII—JAMAS A. PREEMAX.Anc. tioneer.--IMO ACRES of VALUABLE TIMBER 'DS WITH COAL. Clearfield county. Pa. On WEDNESDAY, May 2d, IM6. at 12 o'clock noon, wilt be sold at pnblic sale, at the PEILLADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, the following described Real Nstate, viz: Three valuable tracts, e• , 11 containing 427 acres 30 perches of land (warrantees. George BArres, William Treutwine and Rain Ream Huntingdon cu.). situate on the waters of Clearfield creek, near Clearfield bridge, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania. These lands are heavily timbered with pine, oak and hemlock, and are accessible by the creek and the Sus quehanna to market, they are 25 miles from Lock Haven. one of the best lumber markets, a new opening will be aff , rded by the extension of the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, already opened to Philipsburg. The lands are valuable for the great depbslis of b!tu minous coal with which they abound. they are „In the heart of the coal region, and the veins crop out. A sample of the coal taken from the surface, can be seen at the store girFull descriptions. plan, survey, certificates of miners andgeolo o , ••ists, may be examined at the store. iorrso to be paid at the time of sale. jaar'x'S.:A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 4 Walnut street. ap12,190 REAL %STATE.—JAAfiy A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. VALUABLE LOP OF GROUND, - GAD STREET, BELI , W TIOGA, On WEDNW:,- D A V, May 28,1868, at 12 o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz All that valuable lot ofgground, situate on the west side of Broad street, below Tioga street OteJointng the resi dence of Wm. N. Stevens, Isq., on the northl. ito feet front,and extending about 400 feet in depth to FlLeenth street. pa - Terms cash. 'jso to be paid wben the property Is struck oft J 4VFR. A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 422 Walnut street. e-1 TO LET -A FOUR-STORY DWELLING. with 113 double Three-story back buildings, 1938 SPRUCE street. Apply to apl2-it' ap12,19,26 Sel TO ItENT.—Por four months, a furnished Kg HOUSE In West Walnut street. - Address box 1741 Philadelphia Post Office. apLt-tlt* QFFICE.S.—Two handsome communicating offices on second floor, WALNUT sireet above Eighth. to r.nt b• J. B. BARRY, 429 WALNUT greet. it* Itt 'two War' n 751 THOMAS BIRCH & SON AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, No, 1110 CIIITNUT eareet, - (Roar entrance 1107 SAIISOLII street.) LARGE SALE OF FURNITURE CARD,—our sale of Foxailura to,uorrow (Friday) motntrg, at the Auction Store,stutwrises -IVO lots a superior 'goods, Including; a large &asks/I=OlG of V w LVET, BRUSSELS, VENETIAN and INORA 1 N CARPETS, FOUR PIANO FORTES, WALNUT PARLOR atui CU AMBER SUITS, L ARON IMEN PLATE MANTEL .A Ni) PIER OLASSES.,_ weft CIIIVA DINNER SET. RICH CUT LASS; rN CHINA -VASES, SILVER. PLATED WARE. SPRING AND HAIR MATRESSES, WARD. ROBES, EXTENSION DINI NO T A RLES, WRONAN MANTEL CLOCKS. WALNUT AND OAK. :GDR , BOARDS, SEWING ESACD INES. ARM CRAMS, LOUNGES, BIDE' CASES, ETI4XIE." 11‘1,1.TD,8.E. BEDS EITCREN rUIINITURPt, &o. BY B. scow, alt., AUOIONE No. lirAw CHESTNOT street. A. S. ROBINSOOIN'S L rA SECOND ( O R N AT &ALIO O. INTI. R ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVEN.IN(,I4, April le and 19, at 74 ceolock, AT HIS GALLERY, 910 CHESTNUT STREW, Open day and evening, free WWI agate ofsale. JOHN 0. ARRISON Nor. 1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH STREW, Would invite the attention of Geolemen to b,t4 IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, mad .A tvaapt n trahoAcear v ar e t T lZ A ort. vr4aaj.'4 a. ALSO. TO A COMPLETE STOOK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Fe itable fertile FP••••• • .2-8 . 3 GROVE 6 BAKER'S IMPROVED BRUITLE OR "TA" STITCH lOW. • , ENO MACHINES. No.l and No. 9 ltor Tidlors, Shoemakers, Saddlers, 730 CdrarlNST Street, Ptilladelphla. 17 StIkalLNT Street, Harrisburg. rel.gx rit GUMMEY & SON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers