SECOND EDITION. LATE FROM WASHINGTON. THE CA, E OF JEFF DAVIS PROSPEC FOR THE VETO LATE FROM MEXICO IMPERIAL REPORTS OF SUCCESS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA 144:00k71406 1 0104N:teil:413,;[0:94: From Washington, ISpmhtl Despatch to the Bn.llet[a.] WASHINGTON, April 5.—A gentleman Ivho arrived here, this morning, from Rich mond, denies the report that an application has been made for a writ of habeas corpus to release Jeff. Davis. He believes that such an application would be made at once if they thought it would be successful. Senator Wright is in his seat. The vote on the veto will not be reached to-day. Both sides are confident of carrying their point. Senator Dixon will be present when ever the vote is reached. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs, to-day authorized their chairman to report a resolution to send a Naval fleet to the fish ing grounds to protect the rights of our peo ple and preserve peace. The Ways and Means Committee have the tax bill nearly ready to report. There are upwards of thirty articles on the free list. It is proposed to reduce the revenue at least saventy-five millions. From Mexico—lmperial News. !: SAN FRANCIScO. April 4.—The Imperial Consul Guilen has received official news from Guerero, Mexico, to March 10th. In an action at Tinelalpla, the Liberal General Corona was defeated by the Imperial Gen. Vivasco, with the loss of 63 killed. Porfirio Diaz, the Liberal General, met a body of Imperial troops under Col. Aceval, at Llano Gaude, and was defeated with loss and 100 of his men were takenprisoners. The news had much elated the Imperial garrison at Acapulco. The Liberal General Alvarez is said to have 2,000 men. From San Fianeisco. Sex FRANCISCO, April 4th.—Arrived brig Lubra, from Shanghae, via Yokohama, - with a fall cargo of Japan tea, of which the stock had become reduced. Mining stocks firm; Ophir. $759; Impe rial, $139; Savage, $1,060; Belcher, $350; Yel low Jacket, $870; Hale and Norcross, $930: Bullion, $115; Choliar Potosi, $380; Legal tenders, 78. Alleged Frauds on the thwerrunent. NASHVILLE, April sth.—David 'Hender son, of this city, is under arrest, charged with being implicated in heavy frauds against the Government, occurring in the management of the horse and mule corrals in this vicinity. Henderson gave bail in $38,000. Mr. Phillips and Green Durling, were also arrested, and the latter held for default of bail. The board of inspection is investigating the matter. It has been re cently discovered that the frauds on the Government will reach 82,000.000. Rumor Contradicted. HARRISBURG, April s.—The Clearfield County Bank, reported closed, has not been implicated in the recent failure. Its notes are secured by State stocks deposited with the Auditor-General at this place, and are redeemed at its counter and at its Eastern agencies on presentation. Arrival of Steamer Scotland. NEW YORK, April sth.—The steamship Scotland has arrived at this port. Her ad vices lave been anticipated. The Cnba Sugar Crop. NEW YORK, April s.—Advices from Hav ana report the sugar crop one-quarter less than was expected. Extradition Case. NEW YORE, April s.—Benjamin Howard Wilkins, the alleged forger, who arrived in the City of Paris, was returned to England on board the Australasian,under the Extra dition treaty. Fire at Sedan:my'.ile, Ohio. CINCINNATI, April 5.—A fire at Sedams ville, Ohio, yesterday, destroyed six dwell ings belonging to the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company; loss, $30,000. Ship News. NEW ORLEANS, April 4.—Sailed, steamer Huntsville, for New York. Arrived—ships Gettysburg, B. Lane and J. Holmes, from Liverpool, and Maria C. Day from Boston. - Arrival of the Bavaria. NEw YomK, April s.—The steamer Bava ria has arrived. Her adyices have been an ticipated. Price of Gold [By the American Nirw Tonic, April quoted to-day as follows: 10.30 A. M., 1271 11.45 1271 -11.00 .1.271 12.00 1271 11.30 15 127.1@127-1 12.30 P. M. 1271@i 11. i . Pennsylvania Legislature. R#03.13113.1317.13.0, April 5. The bill authorizing the School Directors of Early townbehip, Berks county, to levy a Comity tax. Passed. Mr. Connell read In place a supplement to the act incorporating the Chestnut Hill and Cheltenham R.R. Company. Numerous local bills of no interest in Philadelphia And Eastern counties, were read. Housu.—Mr. Kurtz calledup the act, which passed. to provide for the expenses ofselling land scrip donated by the United States to the State, for the endowment C Agricultural t3choobs. • The House refused by a vote of 30 ayes to 37 noes to consider the act authorizing the Cleveland and Mahonir g Railroad to extend its track from Youngs town to Pittsourgh so as to form a throneh line from Baltimore to Cleveland via Cumberland, Conneils- Wipe, Pittsburgh and Youngstown, The act releasing State Banks which have become National Banks, from being liable for payment of old notes unless the same are presented before July Ist, 11368, was passel,: A REAL ESTATE BANK IN NORTH Cello- LINA.—LaL the absence of specie,those finan ciers in North Carolina who desire a sub stantial basis of credit are agitating the question of real estate bank, It is proposed that a charter shall be secured from the State Convention for a "Land Loan Com any," with a stock of from ten to twenty millions of dollars, founded on real estate estimated at gold value. The New tern and Raleigh papers =Rein approving the scheme. New York. Telegraph Co.] s.—Gold has been COURTS. QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Allison.— Prison cases still claim the attention of the Court. None of the cases disposed of this morning were of importance, being con fined to petty larceny and assaults and batteries, • UM*AMAUAAW*OA WEST PHILADELPHIA CONCERT FOR THE INSANE.—Yesterday afternoon the inmates of the Insane Department of the Philadel phia Hospital, Alms House, were indulged with a concert by the well known and popu lar society the Young Maennerchor. This was the second appearance of our German fellow-citizens in this new field of labor, the initiative having been taken some weeks since, by the" Teutonic Saengerbund," whose visit to the insane poor we chronicled at the time. As in the former instance, the concert waswhollyvocal, but so thoroughly are this band of singers trained, that the vocalization amounts to instrumentation. There was quite a large audience—indeed too large a one for comfort. Among the guests, and this was a most unusual occur rence, were, with two or three exceptions, the whole Board of Guardians of the Poor— Mr. President Erety, Mr. Secretary Miller, Mr- Treasurer Server, and others, with the Steward; Mr. Marshal Henszey, and the Store-keeper, Mr. Oliver, besides a fall repre sentation of the leading officers of the House. Among the most prominent of the perform ances—we translate the titles of the pieces —were the "Day of the Lord," Kreutzer, full chorus; the "True German Heart," Otto; "Hymn to Music," Marschner; "Priest's Chorus," from the Magic Flute, given with wonderful power; "The Porter Song," from Martha; solo, Goldbeck and chorus; duet, "I Would that my Love," Mendelssohn, by Messrs. Goldbeck and Abendroth; "May Song," full chorus; the "Forest," by Reeser, chorus; the celebrated "Echo Song," by Kueken, full chorus, the echo being sustained at a distance by Messrs. J. Aicher and Tholey, with de lightful effeet; "Huntsman's Song," Men delssohn, by the whole troupe, the concert concluding with a solo, "Tyrolean," by Mr, Aicher, whom we noticed on the occasion of the visit of the "Teutonia Smngerbund," of which he is likewise a member, as having sung the same piece with such remarkable effect. The performance of this fine effort was requested by the patients themselves, who immediately recognized Mr. Aicher on his entering the room. The principal per formers were Messrs. Abendroth, Frankel, Losch, C. Weisgerber, Aicher, Flock, Dr. and Philip Miller, Grimm& and Messrs. F. Tholey and Goldbeck, who were particu larly noticeable. • The patients, especially the German por tion of them, were exceedingly delighted, while the members of the Board of Guardians present expressed their personal thanks to the performers for the highly cul tivated entertainment they had enjoyed. The "Teutonia" will probably be the next of the Singing Societies who will visit the Insane Department, while the "Young Maennerchor" were so pleased with their reception by the patients and the uncon cealed pleasure which their efforts gave them,that they immediately offered another concert, which they will give at an early day. 'The only drawback in the path of these entertainments is the want of a good con cert piano, which is severely felt on every occasion. The Pennsylvania Hospital has several very splendid instruments, the gifts of charitable individuals, but whenever a performance is projected at the Insane Department a proper piano has either to be brought over from the city, or the musician must content himself with the limited accommodations afforded him. Formerly during the life of the late Rev. Edward C. Jones, who was in defatigable in his efforts, donations in books and magazines for the library were fre quent; but the war supervened, and the in sane poor seem to be forgotten, except by those whose alight means will not enable them to indulge in any expensive charity. Any contributions to that end, addressed to "Dr. S. W. Butler, Chief Resident Physician and Superintendent, Insane Department, Almshouse," will be most thankfully re ceived and gratefully acknowledged. In the other part of the house considera ble business was done in admissions and discharges, the institution receiving seven teen new inmates, nine males and eight fe males, and discharging forty-nine, all of the sterner sex. Only two deaths occurred, one from typhus fever, and the other from old age, a woman in her ninety-second year. FIRE IN THE TWENTY-THIRD WARD.- Last night about half-past eleven o'clock, a fire broke out in the weaving establish ment of Messrs. McMillan & Co., located at Rowandsville, - near Frankford, in the Twenty-third Ward. The flames burned stubbornly, and the whole structure was completely gutted, the contents being en tirely destroyed. The building was stone, and had in it considerable machinery for earring on its operation. The fire companies from Frankford were soon upon the groundand rendered efficient service, but were unable to save the estab lishment from destruction. The loss is estimated at $5,000 and is folly covered by, insurance. The fire is supposed to have originated from the furnace. It created a bright light which was visible in the city, and caused many of the fire companies in the upper Wards to leave their houses. TURNED 'THE TABLES. —Last evening a young man named George Hogan, was at tacked by some roughs at Seventh and Shippen streets. The assailants used a club which Hagan managed to get into his pos session and then knocked down three or four of the others. The police interfered and put an end to the .fight. Hagan who was arrested, was held for a breach of the peace by Alderman Tittermary. REcKtpss Druvirru.—Two men were ran over by a horse and wagon at Fourth and Market streets last night, but were fortu nately not seriously injured. Richard Har rison, the driver of the tedm, was arrested, and after a hearing before Ald. Gkxlbou t was held in :$1,500 to answer the charge of as sault and battery. ASSAULT WITH A CLUE.—Michael Galla gher was committed, this morning, by Ald. Tittermary, for having assaulted a man with a club, at Ninth and South streets, last evening. The man who was assaulted had his head severely cut and was conveyed to his home. Tian, GREAT REMEDY OE' THE AGE, l'Or teething pains, croups, flatulency, sleeplessness, drc., In children. is Bower's Infant Cordial. Laboratory, Sixth and Green. Bottle, 25 cents. "FELT COHN AND BUNION PLASTEES."— Mailed for fifty cents, Bower. Sixth and Vine. HERNIA OR RuprtrßE—Treated with Professional skill. and Trusses of approved construc tion applied by 0. IL NEEDLES, corner of Twelfth and Race streets. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Receiv rs, Jewel Caskets, Cigar Cases Cutlery etc. SNOWDitx thanuca, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES IN E yRRY VA RIETY. EiNOWBEN & BROTHER, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. 7 8-10's wAnnzo, DeHaven & Brother, 40 South Third Street. 5-20's WARTED, Believe]] & Brother, 40 South Third street. CO2EPOtrIID 'interest notes wanted by De Haven dc Bro. A UNIVERSAL REMEDY.—" BROWN'S EnoNutter. TROCHES" for Coughs, Colds, and Bron chial Affections. now stands the first in public favor and confidence; this result has been acquired by a test of many years. Its merits and extensive use have caused the Troches to be counterfeited, and we would caution purchasers to be on their guard against worth less imitations. CEDAR CAMPHOR is CheapeSt, Pleasant est, most Desirable as defence against Ctornits. Morns. Druggists everywhere Bell it. HARRIS dr. CHAl'M_AN,Facturers, Boston. ME DAILY . EVENING BOLLETINitiPRILADELPHIA; TH Bloodshed in Cincinnati. [From tenncinnati Commercial of Monday.] About o'clock Saturday night, a man Earned Edward Purcell had an altercation with two unknown men on the Reading Road, near Fogarty's saloon, in the Seventh Ward. The two men were strangers to Purcell, and it seems that all were under the influence of liquor. Their words of an ger soon led to blows; and in the course- of the affray Purcell was shot in the abdomen, with a pistol in the hands of one of his an tagonists, both of whom ran away,and made good their escape, leaving him ;there mor tally wounded. He was taken into a house near by, where be died in about an hour. Coroner Carey being notified of the case,yes terday commenced the inquest, which will be concluded to-morrow. Between one and two o'clock of yesterday Morning, a party of three or four men, who were lounging in Bushcamp's saloon, on Plum street, near Court, and all of whom were considerably intoxicated, concluded to quarrel over the question of payment for their liquors, and to settle the quarrel by resorting to knives and beer glasses. The affray seems to have been of a very despe rate character. Jacob Leonard was cut in the head, abdomen and chest, his wounds being of a very serious, though not fatal character. Matthew McCune was also slightly wounded, and a third man, who made his escape and is not known, is quite badly wounded. Leonard and McCune were arrested by Lieut. Corey and Sergeant Job, but it was found necessary to convey them to the Commercial Hospital for treat ment. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, there occurred at Hersch's_ saloon, on Water street, between Vine and -- Walnut, a de cidedly vicious encounter between a man named John Bailey and John Walker, a denizen of Rat Row. Walker struck Bailey over the head with a poker,and:Bailey in:re turn stabbed Walker with a dirk knife, Cut ting his throat in two places. Walker was taken to the Commercial Hospital. His wounds are very serious. Bailey escaped STREIT Wei 17 B 5-20's'62 con 10% ICO do cash 1032 4 ' 100 17 B Trews 7 3-10 - • • Notes June 1003; 900 do Aug 100.5,1 2000 Pa War Loan rg 100 WO do 55% SCOO Penna bs con eiswn 900 City Gs RR 870 100 do r ew 91;'.1 3000 o 82 900 d d o 9131, 1000 do raun'l 92 100 do 91 woo r s 6s'Bl eon 104 k 300 sh Phil dz Erie 1130 313 ao sh do 31. ii 10 sh . do 31 100 sh do b3O 313 29 sh Lehigh Nay 53 PRIOR OF STocics IN NEW YORE. (By Telegraph.) • 7IBST CLAD& lEOOND CIMAL.B. American Gobi. __AM. , " sales ...... sal.s Reading Railroa d. 50,k; sales ...... salsa New Yurt Central--. Slg. sales ......, sates 11. B. 8s 'Bl Ist off.—.---104,.( sales —... sales U.S. 6s, 5-203.--...............103,-. , sales .-- s ale s Me. . _............... ' - 2.% sales .-- sales Hadso — a — lti7ii—...-...1 ' m Pales .-- sales Heavy. Finance amid Itautuaeme—April 5, i 5466. There was but a very moderate business effected at the Stock Board this morning, and no violent fluc tuations in prices. There was more inquiry for the better class of Railroad and Canal Bonds, but the speculative ewes were drill. Government Loans were steady, with sales of the Five• Twenties, In small sums, at 103 X, and the Seven• Thirties at 1003‘. State Fives, Coupons, sold at 86, and the War Loan at 99%@ 100. City Loans, of the new issues, advanced 34, closing at 92, and the old limes were firm at 414. PentlaYlva- Ma Railroad sold up to 564—an advance of %, and Reading Railroad to stkii@..so3i—an advance of 35. Philadelphiaand Erie Railroad closed at 8136@d1X. acd Catawina Railroad Preferred at MU ®VAi'. Canal stocks were very firm. Lehigh Navigation sold at 53 —an advance of .fit Schuylkill Navigation Preferred at so, with nu bid for the Common stock; Delaware Divi sion at 4635—an advance of and Susquehanna Canal at 1.335--an advance of X. In Bank - ,shares we notice a sale of Farmers' and Ile. chanica' at 123. gkil stocks were dull, and the an nouncement of tlig failure of a house in Roston and one In New York causes no surprise. Coal stocks were neglected. In Passenger Railway shares the only sale was of liestonville at 445. Smith, Randolph do IX.. Rankers,: /IC South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock as lolloonc. old.-- _ U.S. 1881 Bond& -1043 i 105 U, 8. &oh 1043( 1864.-----. —.-...-.- —lO4 100‘ 1865. 1001 11. D. 10-10 . soi U. B. 3-BIYe-isi 1004 .2(1 61100 s" sd aeries.-. —lOO 100 3 i 11. S. Certificates of Indebtedn - ess- 98Ai 9V' Compounds. Dec.. 1864 6 Jay Lboke quote Oovernmeat decntities, today, aalo/10wa: 80... 11. EL 6's, 1881-* - - .10 71nf Selling. 105% Old 5.20 Bonds.-.„...---.--leci 104% New " 1864.........._......... 103% lot% 6.20 Bonds, 1865... .... --.—..103% 144% 10-40 Bonds--Coupon 0ft............... 91 99 7810 Annelt.—...-..—............-. par 100. June..................................... W;l4 106% " July- .........- `39:-. 1004 Certificates OT Tn - d - easiGia.. 99% 99% Gold-4412 o'clock--- -..,...--..L17, 6 4 129 Messrs. Dellaven of Brother. No. 40 South Third exchange street, make to-day , the ong M 4 quotations of the rates of ib a li t 1 P wi . American Gold. . 127%. 128 Sating. Silver-Quarters and halves...,.. +o , 123 Compound Interest Notes: " June 1864... 8% 8% . J 1311.1854- 83 ' -8% .0 " Ang.1864.... 74 7% .. Oct. 1664..• 6% 6% " " Dec. 1864... 5% 9% " May. 1865- 3 sg 0 Ang.1865... 1% 2% . 6 , 6 , 8001.1655... 1% 1,74' .. Oct. 1865... 1% .1% • THURSDAY, April s.—There is a steady demand for Cloverseed and supplies come forward slowly. Sales of 400 bushels fair and good at $525@5. Timothy is steady at si„ Small sales of Flaxseed at td 55@2 60 bushel. There is no change in Quercitron Bark and Ihrther sales of No. 1 are reported atl.N 'ff ton. There Is no life in the Flour market, but the stock, particularly of the better brands, is very meagre, and holders manifest no disposition to accept lower quo tations. The sales are confined to a few hundred bar rels for the supply of the home consumers at 16 25 to $7 ift barrel for superfine, $7 25©8 for extras, ta 25@ $9 25 for low grade and choice Northwest extra fatally, s9©lo for Penna. and Ohio do. do.,and athigher figures for fancy brands—according to quality. No change in Rye Flour or Corn Meal. The offerings of Wheat are small and good quality is in demand. !Sales of 2,000 bushels at $2 371@)2 40 and 1300 bushels common at 12. White Wheat is very scarce. Sales of Penna. Rye at 90 cents. Corn Is in good repuest and 3,000 bushels yellow, afloat, sold at 74 cents, and some in store at 75 cents. Oats are better: sales of 2,600 bushels at 510152 cents. Whisky La very quiet. Sales of Penna. at $2 2512. 28, and Ohio at $2 27@f2 28. JILILRINE SDLLETILN . Was Marino .I3u&gin on Sixth Pao. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Behr Joseph Waplea, Robinson, 6 days from Wil mington, NC. with mdse to D 5 Stetson & Co. Behr Ci W Rawley, Allen, 4 days from New York, with pulse to Curtis & Knight. Behr Specie, Smith, 5 days from Norfolk, in ballast to A H Lennox Co. Behr Salsbury, Simmons, 4 days from Dorchester, Md. in ballast to J T Justus. Behr Sarah & Mary, Morris, 1 day from Dover. Del. with corn to Jas Barran. Behr Geo W Krebs, Carlisle. from Wilmington, Del. CLEARED THIS DAM Behr Geo W Krebs, Carlisle Washington, R Jones. Washington, Van Dusen, Behr H Warwick, North, Loobman & Co. Bcbr J B Cranmer, Beacham, Washington, do Schr J P Armitage, Edwards, Washington, A H Len nox & CO. Bchr I S & LC AdameHughee,BaleM,HaBB, Tyler&Co: Behr Zealous. Lowe. Baltimore, do Bohr F F Meany, Clark, Norwich , MammOath Vein Coal Co. Behr Raven, Rase, Bangor, MIN MAMBA. Steamer E C Knight, Bentz, hence at Wilmington, EC. hit inst. Steamer Huntsville, Crocker, sailed from New Or- leans yesterday for New York. Steamer Columbia, Barton, cleared at New York yesterday for Havana. Steamer City of Limerick (Br). Jones, from Liver pool 17th ult. via Queenstown 19th, with 859 passengers, at New York.yesterday. March 29, let 48 58. lon 80 98, saw steamer City of h ew York. for Liverpool. Steamer Gen Grant, Holmes, from /iew Orleans, 27th ult. at New York yesterday. UOIMUIsMMILS.L. BALES OF STOOKS. 4500 iii sh do D OO - aatawis Df 2£ m .' 400 eh Bead R 504 100 sh do bs&int 504 100 ah do. 503-16 300 sh do s 5 503; 12 sh Del Div 46 100 sh do blO 46N 9 sh Cam &Amboy 1171 102 sh Penns R b3O 56,?i" 59 sh do 56.1 i 100 sh do b3O 56 - n 200 sh Ocean 011 9 100 sh dol.l 50 sh Snag Canal boo 13.5 i. 100 sh do b3O 13 1 i 6 sh Minehill R .55 100 sh Sch Nov pf 135 m 200 sh Catawl34R 830 30 12 eh Fro & Mec Blz 125 Philadelphia Markets. Steamers Bavaria, from Southampton, and Scot and. from Livertm 01, at New York this morning. blp SL Tilly (Br), Cann, hence at Antwerp about 24th ult. Ship Sea Serpent, Winsor, cleared at New York yes terday for San .Francisco. Ship Ceylon, Woods. 120 days from Honolulu, at New Bedford 3d inst. with 0000 bbls oil and 116,000 lbs bone on freight. chip Golconda Welsh, from Boston, at Calcutta 11th ult. via Rio Janeiro. Bark Winnifred, Finney, from Rio Janeiro, was be low Baltimore yesterday. Brig Viola, Richard, from Buenos Ayres, at Boston yesterday. Brig Albert Adams, Ayres, at Wilmington, NO. Ist inst. from Charleston. Behr Tropic Bird (Br). Fowler, hence at Barbados sth ult. Fehr C W May. Mayfrom Galveston for this port, in Hampton Roads 3d inst. Fehr Caleb Stetson, Somers, for this port; was at Pass Cavallo. Texas, 23d nit. Schr White Squall. Adams, hence for Wilm ngton, NC. in Hampton Roads yesterday. Fehr Jos P Cake, Endicott, hence for Boston: Mary L Van Kirk. Haley, from Fall River for this port; J B Allen, Case, and I' Lancaster, Williams, from Provi dence for do, at N York yesterday. Sam Mary Haley, Haley, and J Stockham, hence at Boston yesterday. Schrs Lavinia Bell, Bayles: Gilbert Green, Westcott, Schr Belle It Hull, Driscoll, Sall and Amelia, Beebe, hence at Pawtucket 3d Inst. 2d inst. for this port. ed from Newport Scbr Abbott Lawrence, Stanley, from Providence for this port. sailed from Newport ist inst. Schr B. H Wilson, Mull, sailed from Providence 3d mat. lorthis port. Schrs Disney,ardner,from Tornton for this Port; Hiawatha from Boston do; FA. SawYer, Reed, from Red Beach , Me. for do , and Thos Borden, Wrightington, from Fall River for do, sailed from Newport 2d inst. Scbr Jonas Sparks, Crowthers, for this port, and A M Edwards. Ellis, for New Castle, Del. sailed from Fall River 3d bast. Bars W F Phelps, Cranmer: Vashti Sharp, and Sherman, Sherman, hence at Boston sd inst. • Sehrs Cobassett.Gibbs. and Geo W Cummings,l3oult, sailed' hem New Bedford SO Inst. for this port. 'THE "EXCELSIOR'' 1 - IA.NIS (Selected from the best Corn-Fed Rom) ARE THE BEST, IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER ST CO. GENERAL PROVISION DvAT.Tuvs And Curers of the Celebrated "iEXCVAiatin[ 4 OiEL" Sugar Cured teams, TONGUES AND BEEF, Nosir_l42 and 144 NORTH FRONT ST, None genuine unless branded ".7. H. M. .4 CO., EXCELSIOR." Tae Inst . iy tviebrated "EXCFT.SIOR" HAMS are cared by M. fo ( PFAl a Lf y r e Sil c ig, r of I ;l 3 el t l h ci e o rl u 2 ; flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are r a v e n . pronounced by epicures superior to anLnzierruoMf)or EC IKE IS ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and.„%est assortment of Wigs. Toupees. Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Victorines, Fri settes, Illusive Beams for Ladies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. Emh24rP 909 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING 0-00.1:06 SPRING STYLES ! EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 012 Chestnut B*. • CHAMPAGNES. The genuine and well known Reldaleck & oo.'s Champagne for sale in large or email quantities,: at the "'ripener's price in New York. Also, .TOLES MUM'S DRY VERZENAY and IMPERLAL ROSE. MOET & CRANDON'S GREEN SEAL. VERZENAT AND SLLLERY, SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, B. W. corner Broad and Walnut. le2Stb. s,tu Spring Fashions For Children. M. SHOEMAKER & DO ., Nos. 4 and 6 North Eighth St. Are now opening a splendid assortment of Lartue DREN'S CLORHING in the Latest Paris Styles, nn ri su al. rpassed fbr elegance of workmanship and mate. The .nblic is invited to call rind examine. int SPRING. int WM. D. ROGERS, Coach and Light Carriage Mader. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street, m.b2.4.2an rp PHILADELPHIA. PERKINS STERN & Co. DEALERS EX.CLITSIVELY IN CALIFORNIA WINES, NO. 180 .131tOADWAY, N. Y., Would reapectlbily Inibrm the public that our goods may be found In Philadelphia at the following houses SIMON COL'rON & CLARKE. ROBERT BLAOK, BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, JAMBE R. WEBB, MITCHELL & FLEMBEIX% FARRAR:O & THOMPSON BLACK & SON. fel4w,f, msm CONSTANTINE KAISER, No. 143 South Front Street, Importer and Dealer in RHENISH AND SPARKLING WINES, ocim,w.ton CLARETS, &c ICE ! ICE ! ICE ! Chao. S. Carpenter.Jno.Glendening. .toa.l.f.Truman,Jr CHAS. S. CARPENTER & CO. Have RE4OVED to their NEW DEPOT, 717 WILLOW, ABOVE FRANKLIN, Where their enlarged facilities will enable them to attend to all who may need A GOOD PIIRE ARTICLE OP which will be furnished either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL at fair rates and In a satisfactory limner* nati23.lin w-12t* RSDAY, APRIL 5,1866. CURTAIN FABRICS. Upper Apartments. Parlor Lace Curtains, WINDOW SHADES CITY AND COUNTRY ROUSES I. E. WALRAVEN, 719 Chestnut Street. MARVIN'S PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER • FIRE AND BURGLAR SAFES NEVER LOSE THEIR FIRE PROOF QUALITIRE NEVER CORRODE Tan; IRON. NEVER MOULD THEIR CONTENTS. Flk i r THREE HOURS In Charleston fire, yet books were perfectly Preserved & 721 Chestnut Street, (Masonic Halt) Philadelphia, And 265 Broadway, New York, Sideboard and Parlor Safes for Silver Ware, Second-hand Safes of all the other makers. Safes received in exchange for new ones. Send for Illustrated natal...e. rota s.rn Minn .. JAY COOKE & CO., Dealers in Government Securities, 11. S. of 1881, 5 20's, Old and New, 10-40Nn Certificates of Indebtedness, 7-30 NOTE% Ist, 2d. and 3d Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INMOMSI' ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Coll on. ections made. Stocks Bought And Sold cn Coin missi 7. Er n it a l buzinews accommodatlone RESIIEBAFXD FOR PHIZAD3CMCEL. Febrcuuy Die& ftrl 802 BANKERS Silk SOUTH THIRD STREET/ 5-20's, 7-80's, • 10-40's, 1881's, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Interest Notes and GOLD AIN D SILVER, Bought and. Sold. Drafts drawn on England Ireland, Prance and Gess Dany. Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on Commission at sothlici e Brokers' Board, here and In New Yor nogl4repk. Orders ted. WE OFFER FOR s Arm, CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD 7 PER CENT. BONDS. INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. U. S. 6's, 1.595, • 'swim TO THE PACIFIC RAILROAD ai COMPANY, Interest payable in currency. The cheapest Govern. meat Bond on the market, received by 11. S. TreasC suer at:80 per cent. ea security ibr National Bank Or. cMation. MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE 7's, DUE 1914, Strictly First-class Bonds; for sale lower than other Bonds of the same class. Government Securities of all kinds bought and sold. Stocks and Gold bought and sold on commission in this and other markets. Interest allowed on deposits,' B, W. CLARK lk CO., Bankers, 11'7.= 5p No. &5 B. THIRD Street. Philada; NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1865 ME DEPOSITS ON INTEREST. INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FOUR PER CENT. PER AN NUM WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE POSITS, FOB WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE • DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL. LOWED UNLESS THE DE• POSIT REMAINS AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS.] 129 EI:MOONS CIABACCAB INDIGO now from Bork WziC WING for sale bylat RALLETT. al 12A W .na alllo MOO% FRENCH CRETON CURTAINS ENGLISH LACES Drawing Itoom Cuitains,l Library Curtains, 7:SIGREA.T VAItIETY4 In drainage styles and colors. MASONIC HALL; NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bankers, .e.ND DREXEL & CO., FIRST C. H. CLARK. President. THIRD EDITION. XXXIXTH CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION, WASHINGTON, April 5. SENATE,--The Senate galleries are again densely crowded. The debate on the veto of the Civil Rights bill being the attraction. The new Senator from Vermont, Mr. Ed-, monde, has appeared and been qualified. Senators Dixon and Wright will come ta the Senate, provided a vote shall be reached to-day. Markets. NEW "YORK, April s.—Cotton Flodull and lower; sales at i3 B O 3 9 c for middling. ur dull; sales of 6,600 bbls., including 500 bbls. of Southern at unchanged prices. Canada heavy; 300 bbls sold. Wheat dull; sales of 1,000 bus. ofNe. 1 Mllwaukie at 11l SS. Corn advanced lc. for mixed; sales of UAW bus. Oatstlrmer; State 58e.@60c. Beet steady. Pork buoyant at 82.6 25. for Mess. Lard firm. Whisky dulL _ Stocks are better. Chicag I o & Bock sland, 109%; Il linois Central. 116; Michigan t outhern, 83X; N. York Central, 9114; Penn. Coal, 34; Beading, 1.00,Y,;_ 6's, 68; Missouri 6'8,723i; Erie, 72%; Western Union Tel. Co., 57; 11. S. Coupons. 1868, 11.5; Do. 1862, 154; Ten forties, 9136; Treat ury 7 3-10's, 100(a)1 , 03i: Gold, 127 X; Michigan Southern sold as high as 101 and as low as 83. Sales at Philadelphia Stock Board. SALES AFTER FIRST BOARD, MOO Pa 68 War Loan 100 sh Read R e3O 50 reg 100 100 eh do 85 50,4 1000 Phil & Erie 6s 89 400 eh do b3O 504 188 46 Penne 58 84 10 sh do 504 2600 do 85.4 100 sh Fulton Coal 64 1000 TI 1315-208 62 104 100 sh Ocean Oil 94 1000 II S Treas 7 3-10 e 100 eh Del Div. b3O 464' Notes Aug 100%' 16 sh Penn Na Bk2ds 53 - 200 sh Phil & Erie b3O 31% 200 sh Cataw pt 630 V 34 200th SchNav pfd blO so 100 ah do 28,4 SECOND BOARD, I 2300 City 68 new 92 100 eh Sch Na y pt b3O 304 5000 13 S 7 3103 Aug 10033 50 sh do corn 224 00 sh Read 2da 50 3-16 200 sh Soso Cul 13,4 00 sh Ocean Oil 135wn 914 300 sh Catawiaa pfd 23Y, 1866. bPRINU. 1866. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. ROCKHILL & WILSON "Brown Stone Clothing Hall," 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gentlemen's Fine Ready-Made Clothing Splendid Stock constantly on hand. Orders Containing Neasurements At tended to Promptly. Rcckhill & Wilson, BROWN-STONE CIAMIMG MILL, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, PRI:LADELPHIA.. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. In our Custom Department orders are received front all parts of the Union for suits made up in Fashion able style from elegant materials. Our Spring stock of materials embraces all the latest novelties in both Foreign and Domestic Fabrics. suits for Army and Navy Officer Made up in best style, at short notice, from choicest materials: our business in this branch being larger than that of any other house in the United States. Boys' Clothing. Our stock of Ready-made Youths' Clothing is large and complete. Orders promptly attended to on receipt of measurements. The Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, 603 and 605 CHESTNUT STREET, Haa long been the Favorite Clothing House of America. Favorite Clothing House of America. Our Clothing is made up in the best manner, by the best workmen, from the best materials: Prices Reasonable. Orders are respeciltdly solicited. ROCKHILL &WILSON Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, 603 & 605 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA. za.hl94 if if AWNIN - , VERANDAHS AND FLAGS= WM. F. SCHIEBLE, 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PRILADILPHIA. IitLANUFACITTRKR. OF ' AWNINGS AND VERANDAHS. Awnings Proofed and Warranted not to Mildew. FLAGS OF ALL SIZES ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. Stencil Cutting and Canvas Printing. Bags, Tents; Wagon Covers, madeto order. aptsvemait NOW OPIEN Paris Made Mantillas, Rich Silk Basquines, Rich Silk Jackets, Rich Silk Circles, Bemi Season Jackets, Demi Season Baspines, Demi Season Rotondo, Fine Lama Lace Goods Dentelle des lades, Black Lace Shawls, White Lace Shawls. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 Chestnut Street. ap2m,w,f-tfrp GROVER sic BAK ER'S IMPROVED slup= OR "Loos , ' sTrroß SE W INC MACHINES. No.l and No. 9 for Tailora, Shoemakers, fiaddlerai 044 730 013:973TN1TT StTeet, Philadelphia. 17 Street, riarriabmrg, jamagi rp 3: 0 0 O'Olook.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers