-11113SIENESS NOTICES. ;,THOSE $2O - Bark! 'From the 4 .`StaeralOyfitl - sound, Eor twenty, dollars atibe ;band -• , , Coat and Pants; with Vest, complete * • Of choicest cut and style most ne.at. , Oh ! how the prices have declined, When for such moderate sums we find. We canwith garments deck our body • ;With allikrool goode'devoid of shoddy ! ' jitirll: B.—We now der to thepublte .73legant. diywoel Fa mar "ncy assitiii ire Suits, at Twenty Dollars each. air Our stock emltraces every . style of Odrnient'noth STAR marante. HOUSE, • LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 4.9 CHESTNUT STREET, SIGN OF THE .9 `:STAR." STAR. : - • PERRY 4k. CO. - STIBBING TIMES.. There's Max's Goverment rocking, - As if about to break down— kere are crowds or Fenistat flocking To bather. the British Crown; . . • And our own folks hold high debate - • About the way to guide the State. Oar world with excitement's flushing; • And, not least stirring of all, Is to see the customer's rushing EaCh moment, to Tower Hall o ur a nc k of aothing is the largest and most oomptete an mu city, 'surpassed by none in material; style and j u, and scici orprices , guaranteed lower- than the lowest. TOWER HALL, No. 518 Market . Street, , - ioramETT as co. o & REEDTTOFION OF TWENTY PER CENT. ON THE REGITLAit SCHEDULE PRIDES Cadens to reduce our lane stock of sumrio. sad highly finished -seven octave - Rosewood .Pos, =tills to the ,removal to. our new store, No. tics Thiln` street, we 'have soncluftd to offer them r air . below the coat to manufacture. Persons-de. to purchase s Snit-cuss - PIANO, at reduced sates, should avail theenselvEs of this opportunity. • SCHOMACEBF. & CO., ' Warerooms No. 102.10hestnnt street. mi ggi ar ' lIITNENWAY & BONS' Are.ew, acknowledged the best in- Strteventeln, . al3 well as Ai:aerie% They are need In public an. private,_ b y _ the greatest artists Ming in Emrope, by VON BULoW, Da.BIESCHOCK, LEM, WLT., and others; in this countrynYlEFLlß, KARON; W01,1131:931 , 1, etc, For EL AM' sale onIY S BROS .bY • 1008 Chestnut street. ' . . CHICKHRING IMGRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHTM PIANOS. Fifty-six Medals in America and Europe, and 80,000 .Instrnmenta in use. . . , " , Great Collection of ORGANS and MELODEONS. New Ware Rooms, 914 CHESTNUT street. mb3-sa,tu,th . W. H. DUTTON. WADI:NET OB.GANS AND STEC'S am CO.'S PIANO 'MITES. _ The only place where these nun- Tiled instruments can be had In Philade E. lphia, Is at J. , tal.-Stwtfl +Seventh and Chestnut. AVDDSCOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS and upwards, in the price of STEAK & 00., and other makes of AVI .Pianos. J. E. , OOIILD, zahls.tf -. Seventh and Chestnut streets. EVENING`BULLETIN. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1866. DYING FOR MEXICO. To die for . one's countryis considered very glorious; but there can be nothing duke or decorum in dying for another man's country. Nevertheless, there ,have been soldiers of fortuneln all ages, and, in our own times, there have been Hessian and Swiss soldiers ready to fight for pay in any cause, and of course they calculated the chances of dying. At this time there are numbers of French, Austrian and Belgians ready to die for Mexico, but it is not likely that, any of - them regard the prospect Or such a death as very alluring. They cannot, see the glory of it. The loss of life at the first invasion of Mexico by the French was heavy in the various engagements. Since then there have been many deaths from the effects of the climate and from guerilla fighting. Quite recently - there have been several deaths of distinguished foreigners in Mexico. M. Langlais, who was sent out from France to try and establish a financial system, died of dis ease soon eller his arrival at the capital. He was a man- of rare ability and great distinction, and his death is a real loss to France. He was sacrificed to his master's greed of power. Belgium is called on to mourn also a very lamentable loss. A special envoy sent to Maximilian by Leopold 11, to announce his accession, was shot dead on a diligence, just after leaving the city of Mexico, and one of his suite was badly wounded. This cruel act was done by brigands, who infest the main highway even up to the gates of the capital. The Liberal armies may have wasted away, but there are bands of brigands or guerillas all over the country, and they make war upon all foreigners, and upon all natives who be friend the French or favor Maximilian. If the French had known how many valuable lives were to be sacrifioed to fulfil their Emperor's ambitious schemes in Mexico, and if they hadoknown how little benefit to France was to be gained, they would have been likely to have made a good deal more opposition to the expedition than they did. A good many more French, Belgian, and Austrian fives will be lost, before ,Mexico : is pacified. EUROPEAN TROUBLES • • The political troubles in various parts of Europe are remarkable, exceeding the troubles of the United States. Eng land has the Fenians, Jamaica, New Zealand and the Reform bill. France has her Mexican job, the difficulties of which do not diminish. Spain.has new outbreaks similar to that of Prim, and a general uneasy state of feeling among the people. Italy has the Roman ques tion and the brigandage. Belgium is disappointed at the results of the Mexi can expedition, and wants to . get her own troops back. Greece is in great dis order, and her young Danish king sits very uneasily on his throne. The Danubian principalities have not yet gotta sovereign, and before theyget one, thve is danger of a rupture between Russia and Turkey. Austria is very =wry at P9ssia about the Duchies, and the • Prussian people are in a rage 'with their king and his minister, Bismark, for their despotic dealings with the Par liament. Sweden and Portugal are the only considerable powers in Europe that liave not a trouble or two on hand. When we survey all these things, we cannot but rejoice that the Union of these States of ours haS been preserved. If there had been two, three or more confederacies in this country, there, would have been. continual difficulties 2: and frequent-ware between them, and , 1 it would have been necessary to reSOrt , to, thp wretched system of diplomac3k`.. and interference among the different powers M keep .up a peace, which would after all, have been no peace, but only forced and unfriendly . quiet. One great, nation, under one central go*ernmeni, one national constitution and one general system of laws, is essential in a grFait country. It can never be attained in Europe, and 'there will constantly be Se rious difficulties on that continent. 'We have saved ourselves froin the conditio i li. of Europe by re-establishing the Unio on a basis that can never be disturbed. ANOTHER CITY' RAILROAD. An effort is making at Harrisburg to incorporate a company to build a pas senger railway on Twelfth and Sixteenth streets in this city. There is no necei 7 sity for such a road, as the adjacent streets afford ample accommodation for the whole population living on Twelfth and Sixteenth. _.These two streets, how ever, are the only ones running North and South by which carriages can be driven in and out of the city without 'danger of wheels and axles breaking on the rails. If there-were any popular de mand for the new road, the project would have some merit in it But there is really none. On the eontrary, the ,people want those two streets free fro& 'rails.' We trust that they.. will take measures to prove this byremonstrances and by'appeals to the city members: We trust the Legislature will, at least, wait till they ascertain thepopular feeling on thesubject, before passing the bill. • THE GLACIERS OF SWITZEIVIAND.-SWit - . zerland has always possesiseci an interest for the Eurapean tourist, greater, perhaps, than that of almost any other part of the Conti nent, because it satisfies such varied tastes, The student of history finds places at every steii, sacred to, the memory of some martyrs to the cause of political or religions liberty; the military man can trace the paths of the greatest captains of ancient and modern times; the merchant finds roads, paths and passes over which traffic of all kinds from the far east to the west of Europe has passed for centuries, and there is orer all an aroma of patriotism kept floating by the traditions of Tell and Of the heroes of the three can tons, old of faithful devotion to a cause espoused, as typified in the dying lion, cut in the living rock in the pretty garden near Lucerne, a monument to the members of the Swiss guard, who fell victims to their fidelity before the door of Maria Antoi nette's apartments in the early days of the French revolution. To the lover of grand natural scenery, is Switzerland especially interesting, since there is no readily accessible locality in the world where the :rocks of earth tower sb high into the sky,- with the natural accotn paniamenbs of perpetual snow and ice. It: 'will be seen from the advertisements that the last lecture for this season of the, course of the Franklin Institute, at the Academy of Music, win de delivered on the 117th of March, by Prof. Fairman Rogers, on the "Glaciers," which are the most won derful features of the scenery of high moun tain regions, and which are doubly inter esting from their external peculiarities as parts of the landscape, and from the curious phenomenon connected with their motion, which even yet can hardly be considered as having been satisfactorily explained, in all respects. We understand that the lecture will be illustrated by colored views,and by enlarged photographs, thrown with the lantern on a screen,of the glaciers themselves,taken by some of he most eminent phstographers of Switzerland and of Paris. A Prosperous Insurance Company. We direct the attention of the business community to the statement of "The Home Insurance Company" of New Haven, pub lished in our columns to-day. The pro gress and growth of the Company have been regular and rapid. It commenced business in November, 1559, with a cash cap ital of $150,000, which from time to time has been increased, and now amounts, together with the surplus, to over one million two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, in addition to which the Company has a steady stream of premiums flowing in, amounting to about $lOO,OOO monthly, thereby giving the ability to meet promptly any losses that may occur. They are pre pared to issue term or perpetual policies, covering all descriptions of property, and we recommend all who have property to in sure, to secure a, policy in this Company, through the popular and obliging agents, Messrs. Sabine, Duy & Hollinshead,No. 230 Walnut street. Very Large Sale of Real Estate. Meesre. Thomas & Bons' sale on Tuesday next will IL elude the ESTATE O'S WM. W. KNIGHT, deceased, by order of Orphans' Court, embracing four country seats, GERMANTOWN, and several valuable Business Stands theLn city. Also, for other- accounts, a number of Venventat PnorEnTras and bulld;ng lots. See auc tion column and pamphlet catalogues. Way WILY HEIGHTS.—The sale of the ad of April will include a handsome Country Seat, WAVERLY HEIGHTS, together with a number of beautiful building sites. Estate of Samuel Megargee, deceased. Hand. some Country Seat, Old York Road, very convenient of access: elegant Residence, Chestnut avenue. Chest. nut Hill. Estate of William Frantz.—Valuable Country Residence, orty.one :acres, Limekiln Turnt pike; Handsome Res dance, stable and coach horse. Fortieth and Hutton streets. Twenty.fourth Ward, Handsome Residence, fell CHESTNUT street. Important Sale of Horses. Mr. Herkness will hold a very Important sale of Horses on Tuesday next, comprising some of the Most valuable Trotting Homes ever offered to the mitilic The sale will be held at Marble Hall, the residence of Henry S. Hitner, Esq., Whitemarsh, Montgomery county. aria will be well worthy the attention of pur chasers. Included In the catalogue wilt be several pairs of fine Mated Hones. as well as single harness and Saddle Horses, most of which have extraordinary speed: Agy - See advertisement in another column. intim B. Myers de , uctioneers, Nos. 232. and 234 Market street, Co., :PM hold on to-morrow (Friday) morning. March 23, a continuation of their extensive sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods; by catalogue, on four months' credit, commencing at 10 o'clock precise y with 250 'pieces real Eltweaf t e ll e k mixed Fancy Cassimbres and Coatings, 800 pi s Clotho. Doeskins, Meltons . &c. Also. Hosteri,Glo es. Traveling Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Shirt Fronts, Ties, Suspenders, E pool Cotton. White Goods 35 cases Trixt. bream, and Stock of Goods by order of Administra. Very Valuable Chestnut Street Property at Public Sale..,: Messrs. Thomas & Sons will sell at publin sale, on Tuesday, Sd April, the very valuable property-N0.1214 Cincsnarr street, 25 by 235 feet to hansom street. Trn- Mediate possession. Sale of Building Lots, Germantown: ' James.d. Freeman. Auctioneer, wild sell on Satur'day afternoon, on the premises,Tohnson and Main streets, Germantown. a number of desirable building lota. TTHE TIME AND PLACE TO BUY NUBIANS. Yazd-wide Heavy unbleaehed Muslin, We. ir. Yard wide Heavy and Fine Unbleached Muslin, 25 and 28e. Yet d.wide Bleached Muslin, 25, 28'and 81c. I Yard Wide Bleached Muslin, best makes. , l iVamsutta, Williamsville and New York 8.4.94 and 10.4 Bleached Sheeting& , hterrimacks. and all the best makes of Calicoes. I. Calicoes for 1234, 14, 18 and 10.4 cents. I Cigland examine No trouble to show' them, R79EES WOOD, 702 Arch street. 4 : 'LAD LPIT . TT - LE SDAY. MARCH 22, '1866. ?HE DAILY True Is a personal invitation to the reader to examine onr new strles of SPRING CTOTBING. Cassim Suite for $l6. and Black Snits forj2. Finer Snits, all prices tip to S. WANANAB dc BROWN, AIC HALL, SOUTHEAST CORNZS SIXTH and MA ' IV Ste. TORN' CRIMP BLIMDPIEL JOHN 1731 Orly vi` STREET and 218 LOs,GE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for hoiniebuftd ing and fitting promptly furnished: aaam• TO EDUCED PRICES. Splendld styles Portraits. I beautiful specimer sof are. B. P. REIMER'S 011 Colored Photograph , of life-size. most natural and life like Pictures now made.: HE FIRST DELAWARESHAD.—We have T Broilers,. Gridirons, _Fish 'Kettles, Boilers. Fish Scalers,and other Culinary. Hardware, suitable for cookin' it or other articles of foal. TatrateN Eh SHAW No. 835 (Eight Thirty•live) hiarket street, below Ninth. 6Ca R LES DE VItilTE FOR Si, exquisite styles. of the finest execution and finish. Go early, and se cure a beautiful set at BF.Tsf 'FR'S, Second street Above Green. 13011 TABLE CLOTHES RACKS, having the hooka on pivots, so that they can be pushed flat against the wall, and fixed in neat walnut frames, will cost less than a carpenter charges for putting np the ordi nary articles, and are very convenient 10r travelers. Several styles at TRUMAN SHAW'S,No„ 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market strePt. below Ninth. REDUCED PRIORS —Take advantage of the pre. seat prices and have your Photographs taken. all styles, executed in superior manner, at B. F. REL. hiER'S Gallery, 624 Arch street. ASTOVE , CLOTH SUBSTITUTE is the Patent Stove Plate Liner; lids, Skillets pots, plates, cruel bles. &c., &c., may be more readily lined by it the fire or again replaced. For sale by TRUMAN & SHAW. No. SU (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below 'Ninth. T7BITh AID BLACE LLAMA LACE POINTES V T AND .110TO1cD..-6 Et/. W. VOGEL, No. lei.; Chestnut street, has row ready for examination, hti entire importatlon of While and Black Llama Lace Articles for the coming season,"Dentello de Laine." "Dentelle des In d ex" in Pointes, Botondtn and square. Eh awls, in great variety of designs and prices.inc r.ding some very bee utile! fine qualities. mhiel-titrpo ISAAC H. HOBBS, ARCHITECT, L 54 South FOURTHStreet, Great Western Building Room No. 5. tfINE FR....CH MANTEL CLOCE.S.—A f-esa 1c portation of beautinal styles, warranted cones• TI L VFPERS. FARR fi BROTHER. Importers, VA Chestnut street, below Fourth HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY Hoop Skirts ready made and made to order: warranted of the bastroaterials. Also,Bkirts reZaeL E. BAYLEY, 812 Vine street. above Pt LAEL t•iPuT MOHATES, _ _ COLORED GROUND 110 HAIRS. WHITE GROPND MOHAIRS. FROM AUCTION AT REDUCED PRICES. ITRWEN STODDART d BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North becood street-. above Willow LARGE PLAID IfORAIRS, FROM AUCTIuN, AT BE.DUCED PRICES. CURWEN BTODDART 6: BROTHER, Noe. 4.50, 452 and 154 North Second street, above Willow CHINTZ—COLORS—TAWS JACONETS—ONLY 31 CENIS. CUEReN STODDART BROTHER. Nos, gm, 452 and 454 Noah Second street, fusavo 'Ur ELANGES, 111 IN THE MOST DIRABLE MIXTURE- 4 , ONLY 31 CEN IS PER YARD. CURW.r.I4 bTODDART m BRUItEER, Nos. 450, 452 and 464 North Second street, 'wove Willow NEAT PLAIN FOIL ST. MARIE DF.blittLBLE FOR MiSsES AND CHILDREN AT REDUCED PRICES, FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES. CURWEN STODBA_RTs BROTHER. Nos 450. 452 and 424 North Second street. above Willow. IRISITED MOHAIR, IN POLKA, hPOTS A_ND FIGURES, AT1.,0 AND 75 CENTS. CURWEN STODDART S BROTHP-R. Nes. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street. above Willow T,ILTTATJQUE POPLINS—DESIRABLE FOR 111 TRAVELING DRPSSES. AT REDUCED PRICES. CURIVEN STODD&RT & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, above Willow_ BLACK AND WHITS; MOZA 3IBIQUEs, FROin AUCTION, AT REDUCED PIIEC. CVILWEN STODDARF th BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, above Willow 6-1 'PEEI IN E MITUsIi,ALEDIUk COLORS FROM AUCTION, AT REDUCED PRICE:. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER. Nos. 450, 452 and 454- North Second street, above Willow L UPIN'S 0.4 BLACK wors. DE LAINES, PROM THa LATE AUCTION SALE, AT REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART dt BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, mh22-3t4 above Willow COUNTRY BOARDING."—MELS. BROOKE in firt a[lll open her House, at MT. A .RY, on or before Me tof May. For rooms apply at 1402 WALICIIJT street. Mhll2-2t* TORDANS acamtATED TONIC u truly nealtunil invalids utritious beverage, now Ln use by thousands—and others—has established a charact w hi chuality of material and purity of ma nn. facture, - stands unrivaled. It is recommended by pi:inlets.= of this and other places, as a superior tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeplolcal of great merit. To be had, whalesal and stall, of P. L JORDAN. 220 Pear street. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PEAS FOR THE 1 CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— Estate of The Globe Insurance and Trust Company. —The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and r dJust the secona account of H. T. Grout, assignee of the Globe Insurance. Life Insurance, Trust and An nuity Company, and to report distribution of the ba lance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested secondpurposes of his appointment, on MONDAY.the day of Aprli,lB66,at 4 o'clock, P.M at the \Votherull House. No.t,nB sArlsom street, in the Cl l 9 of Philadelphia. mh22.th sa to St* W. J. Itc.E.LROY, Auditor. :St - e :4f re • A :.1 tic Sheathing Felt for Brapa; also, lobrusaifil Paten Weolelng Fait for Stearn Pi and . Bon stor • 111 . . Z C:. ey NO Z... 1 trPa'lLitite24 - ffra v es,, L .i ca mm Gy, PLATE CLOTHING, &c., at JONkSt OLD4STATILISIEKD LOAN OFFICIE, Corner of THIRD and GASKILL Street% Below Lombard. N. B. —DIAMODWEI, WATCHES, JEWEL y, GIINS,dx., TOR BALM AT Y LOWPRICIES. DALE Bo en AND TWINE N.ANDITAVDDRED and Tor ftletA rLEß & 00., Dia North Wider street, and 22 Worth Delaware avenue, 0 NATHAN:3. Auctioneer and . Money Broker, bare Spruce below thezysts,principal Moe, ' established for the last forty . years. Money to loan in large or small amounta, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Tiate, Watchek.....JeWelry, Cloth. Lag and goods of every description. umee hotmi from 8 IL: M. till 7 P. M. da2S-tfrp. Flamm, wawa a 00., ot MANILA AND TARRED OORDASN. Cords, Twines, _ No. El North Water Street. and No. 22 North Dahmer Avenue, Philadelp_hia. EDWIN H. rrnaz.B. NBAD • P. Xxascasku WaLvia; CO ..k.uoymnae„. • frO HOUSEEREPERS, for cleaning silver and al -1 vet-plated ware, s NEW POLISHING POWDER —the beet ever made. FARR dt BROTHER, tels 324 Mesta% street. below Fourth PENNSYLVANIA AOA- DEMI( OP FINE. ARTS. JAMES < S. E ABLE & SONS' Fifth Great Sale of valuable Oil Paintings, on the .venings of Tuesday, March 27th and Wednes- day, March 28th, at 7 1-2 o'clock. The entire col- lection. now on Exhibition, Free. Open Day and Eve- ning with Catalogues. mbl9 7t rp BARN bLEY LINEN GOODS. Now tOpening. Real Barnsley Sheeiingo, Superior Barnsley Table Damasks, Extra Heavy Table Diaper, Heavy Loom Diaper, Fine Marseille. Quilts, Col'd Bordered Waah'd Huck Towel., Extra Size. These goods were made expressly to order for our best family trade, but from their extraordltuiry dura bility are also well suited to first class Howls or Board ing Houses. St eppard,Van Radio gen &A_rrison, Importers of Linens and Housefurnishing Goods, No. 1008 Chestnut Street. mh~'•th ss to 13t rp CHAMPAGNES. The genuine and well known lieldsleck & Co.'s Chau Fugne for sale in large or small quantities, at the Importer's price In New York. Also. JULES NEWS DRY VERZENAY and L~IIPERIAL ROSE. MORT & CIIANDONS GREEN SELL. VEBZE:s.7AY AND SILLERY. SIMON COLTON St CLARKE, B. W. corner Broad and Walnut fea.th s,tu LARD P.H.OTt)G.RAPH6 OF HENRY COPPEE, President Elect' of Lehigh University. WM. Y. MontiSTER I No. 1 7 3S Chestnut St. CARPETINGS! CARPETINGS! AT It .F.rr A T 1.,.. Mer_allumi, Crease & Sloan, 519 Chestnut Street, : OPPOSITE 1 : ,.."1/P_ENDENCE ESLI Beg leave to Inform the public that they 'bsive no Spring Stock CARPETINGS, NEW AND CHOICE DES NS Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, 'Which they offer at prices corresponding with The Decline in Gold. FRENCH AND ENGLISH AXMINSTER. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON, VELVETS, ALL WIDTHS. SUPERIOR ENGLISH BRUSSELS. PAPISTRY " ROYAL WILTON, • VELVET, BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY CARPET. We offer the above in all widths, with borders' fbr Halls and Stairs. Also, nupPRAAL THBEE-PLY CARPET, EXTRA Sll pßuvlisiE INGRAIN. Just Received, WHITE, RED.CHECKED AND FANCY Cant on. Matting"- of all widths. MeCallums, Crease & Sloan, No. 519 Chestnut Street. OFPOSITE MDERENDENCE mb2l-1m tes2-ima abOittit PLU W BUB CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 232 CARTER- STREET,, And 141 DOCK EITD.EET. c armada. Work and Mlllwrinhtion PrOx%Vali ooed to. GROVER 6 BAKER'S IMPROVED SHUTTLE Olt "LOCK" STITCH SEW ING ArAHEIINES. No. land`NO. 9. for Tailors, Shoemaker% Saddlers. &c. no CipptilTNUT Street Philadelphia. - • fel-821 rp .F3ll 13 " 11—To ShilVelo.lGrocere, Botel-keepera and othem—A very superior lot of Chamemne older, by the barrel or dozen. R, 1. JORDAN, ru*rett 220 Peer street, below Tbird and Walnut B. SC3OTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, open their -S TEMENT OF THE CONDITION THE - iac•imom iIiSTTRANCE COMPANY NEWHAVEN, On the 314 day of December, 1865. Published in conformity with the Act of Assembly. Cap!tal Stock authorized 11,000.00 s oo do Paid in CASH-- 500,000 °° rtorz—The Capital pall Ilp in Cash has ~ since been increased to ONE MILLION DOLLARS. SECOND. Value as nearly as May be of the He.al Es tate held by the Company.—:....- 75,000 00 Cash loaned on coll.__- • . 19,564 75 do in First le ational Bank, New Haven . - /6,900 63 do Second do do do 10,454 94 Go in hands ot Agents and in course of transmission ' -- 80,000 CO LOJinti secured by - Fonds and Mortgages,' ' dist lien on ,Real Estate.' upon wnich there is less than ene year's interest due and owing...---- .------- ... .. 24,060 09 United Staten 7-30. . 203,4 C. 50 do Certificates olludebtednesa. 29,7 , 1 • do a 520 bonds ..... 57, • • Missouri Bate Bonds, 6 per cent-- ...... 28,700 00 Tennessee • do. do. ...... . . 15,000 09 Wisconsin' Goe do. 12,000 00 821 shares stock Second National Bank, New Have . 39,804 00 165 shares stock "'Yale Bank, Ne . viriliVen... 18,410 00 159 " " Merchants do. do. -... 8.258 00 - " Nat. TradeamenSa do., d 0.... 7,40 00 587 New Haven County Na tional Bank- 6,016 75 flew Raven Town Bond- . . 5,000 00 Amount loaned on stock. ket value $7,000)- ---.---- -_ 5,150 00 Interest accrued-. ~....-------_ 26,784 71 Bills Receivable for Fremiums on Fire and Inland Transportation Risks...-.... ....... 10,404 60 Office Furniture, Safes, 5,073 65 All other.. . 5,498 12 Premiums due and unpaid on Fire and In land Transportation 64,772 72 Rents =amen but not 673 24 amount of Premium notes due paid. investments.. . and 1,556 09 un -721 50 Losses DUN AND UNPAID - None. " in snit or contested by the Com . 6,500 00 Amount of losses during the sear which have been paid_..... 4435,319 56 Amount of losses reported - to the Com pany and not acted. up0n...__.._.._._... _.. . 5,477 72 Amount of diviCends declared ~Uuu Amount of all other rininas against the Company ... 6,073 47 FOURTH Amount of cash I remlums received.--.__ 772,91 s 27 • Premiums Notts Wien by the ... 12,..0 63 Premiums earnecL--$505,592 25 •• •' Interest money received_, 26,653 61 Rents received by the Com ' FIFTH. Losses paid during the year. 451.22 , 2 66 Re-Insurance paid during the year______ 3./e.zo 21 Return Premiums " Dividends paid . .... 90, 4 0,) tN Expenses paid during the year, including commissions, dc.— 112 CISS 93 Amount of Taxes paid by the Company__ 35,1.55 68 reoara of all other expenses and expendi tures of the Company .___»...._.._._....___.. 3,74"1 17 Policies issued on the most f.scomble terms in the above Reliable Company And claims fbr losses promptly adjusted and settled by SABINE, DUY & HOLLINSHEAD, AGENTS, NO. 230 WBLEUT STREET, mbt turn= PHILADES,PHUL OPENING. HOMER, COLLADAY & CO,, Snecessors to Taos- W. Evans & Co., WILL o r C n rrhtirs clay, Paris Itilantillaft AND Dress Suits. Nos. 81S and 820 Chestnut street. BOYS' W EAR, • ; FINE. ALL WOOL CASSIHERES.fI 00. BLACK AND WHITE CHECK DO., IR • FINE 3fINED TWEEDS. /I 25. FANCY STYLE CASSIXERES,V. 271.4. FINE GOODS FOR SUITS, tkl ZO to el 87. FANCY mINFT) FOR SUITS, gl C. MIENS' WEAR. - NEW STYLE CASRTNIFIIM. LIGHT GOODS FOR SPRING WEAR. STUFFS FOR BUSINESS SUITS. 0 BLACK CLOTHS, CHEAP. - FINE SPRING COATINGS. FANCY C.ASSLBLERES FOR SUITS. • LADIES' SACKINGS, PLAIN MIDDLESEX CLOTH. FANCY 3ILDDLF/Ws CLOT S. NEW DOUBLE WIDTH CLOTHS. SINGLE WIDTH CA.SSIMERES POE SAQUES, DRES S GOODS' • ONE CASE CRiENNIC POPLINS, Meta. LARGE PLAIN SCOTCH GERM:EARS, 45 eta. GOOD BLACK ALPACAS, 50 eta. WRITE GROUND FIGUBED-MOHAIRS, WHITE GROUND ALPACAS, So eta. FRENCH FIGURED JA.CONETS. PINK, BLUE AND PUFF PE:KAT:R:3. J. C.. STRAWBRIDGE CO., N. W. cor. Eighth and Market Sts.. fela-tf rp rip iiricior,o) MINV) rENZVI) Iva :TO WA% cv JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., li7. (II:. de2ltt rPi - EMUIWITS 0 - &wen on 14 our cent assortment of superior. P/ANOS, w we siwaya have on sena, and offer: them at very reasonable prime to =dismal. Zeal of ream:wee and PULL _GvaB6l ants)* THIC - OM /%91110 ilLANlWAOrtainin3 00: - toss Jou wawa emit JOHN' W. THOMAS. Noe. 405 and 40717, Second St., Just Opened, PIM 13ROS. & CO. rpcoroir_4lNsr.. mh2Z-tfrp/ THROUGH TO lEBTONVILLE, The Cars of the RACE-and VINE Street Line Pact Banger liallway Company NOW RUN from the EXCHANGE 70 ESTONVILLE Without Change of Care. 4E11=44 11. STEEL & SON HAVE JUST RECEIVED And opened a choice lot of SMALL PLATT) SILKS, 11 25,11 50.51 75, $2, $450. SMALL PLAID SILK POPLINS, $1 25, sold early' this sessona $2. BLEW STYLES FOULARD ST r. - R - S„Il 25. EXTRA. QUALITY FOULARD SILKS, $1 50. RICH CHINTZ-COLORS, FOULARD SILKS. PLAIN SILKS, GOOD COLORS, $1 75. PLAIN SILKS, CHOICE COL ARS, $2.. PLAIN. SICKS, CHOICE COLORS, $2 25. PLAIN SILKS, ALL COLORS, $2.50. $275, $1 and $350 HEAVY PLAIN CORDED KrI" , RS, $3. WIDE HEAVY PLAIN CORDED BILKS, V„. MOIRE ANTIQUE, CHOICE COLORS. PLAIN BLACK SILKS, fl 31 to 15. 4 HEAVY BLACK GROS GRAINS. $2 to $7. RICH LYONS TAFt $2. 50 to $6. Is-IBUR BLACK ARMITRE S Lr..es, 50 PIECES MORE OF Lute, CHEAP STRIPED' SILKS, $1 25. $775,885 10 Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth Street, mh2l-3tl *3:2,0,31 19 LINEN GOODS, IMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE Ss-25,67v Manufacturers. ROBERT H. $7, - ;.aa tx) SUCCESSOR TO WM. Mcl 'FP & No. 228 CAestn.ut Street, Respectfully invites the attention of buyers to his large and varied assortment of Luctrs GOODS of the =est approved makes, as J. PATRICK ,fispONS', JOHN HIND & SONS'. ANDREW CURELI2S, ROBERT hicRANE'S, and others, which he will sell at the lowest prie,anu on the most liberal terms. His Stock consists in part of 3-4, 7.3 and 4 4 Blay Linens.'4-1 White Linens in 60 yard " " " Spanish do. I pieces for the ahirtTrade. " " " Brown do 7-8 and 4-4 While Linens in Mantle, d woole and demi pieces 3 4 and 4-4 Brown Bollands for tne Jobbing Trade. " • " Black do. to dressed medium and elate do. I soft finish, both Power 3.4 BrowniDrilis, &a, &c. I Loom and hand Make. mhl9-6t r. FOR SALE fa r WITH FURNITURE, The New and Handsome Modern. Resi dence, No. 1912 GREEN Street"! Lot 24 by 90 to a back street, with side yard and all the modern imprc , vernents. Immediate Pctzsession. For Terms &c. apply to S. H. GA_RTLEY, 10s. South FOURTH Street. mhl6-61.; 4p*. PATENT WIRE WORK FOR RAILINGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTTIIONS, &c.• IRON: BEDSTP Ans AND WIRE :WORK in variety, manufactured by WALKERII. S.I S 0 NS, 4pl NO.II NORTH SIXTH ',freer. "New Queen tOlives:'' By the Gallon. THE...LARGEST IN THE WORLD. DAVIS & RICHARDS : ARCH AND TENTH. STS. whi94-t COAL ! COAL E BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET BATIO ct , AT ALTER'S -COAL YARD, Nirirria sTruo Err s ,. • BELOW GIRARD AVENUE. ail - BRANCH OFFICE CORNER OF 6IXTES.' delOtApiAlp U , Wl:l4ol.,;(e.Xei3loo;x6i HE HARRISON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM ~, BOILER.—The attention of Manufacturers ands others using Steam is confidently called to this new' Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages In absolute safety from explosion, In cheapness of hrat , cost and costnof repairs, In economy offing, facility of cleaning and transportation. d[c., not possessed by any other boiler now In use. This boiler informed of a combination of cast-iron hollow spheres; each sphere - 8 inches external diameter, and Xot-an inch thick.. These are held together by wrought•lron bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred. of these Boilers are noW In op oration, some of them in the beat establishments In - For descrippthe circulars or price, apply to JOSEPH RABausarf, Jr., Harrison Boller Works tirsty's lay -Road, adfinning the Hi Aisenal,Ptilladel Mk AIMING WITH INDELIBLE INS, Embroider Ain InB, Braiding, 6timPiDQ, so. . Ma A. WRIUDY. isonebert wires‘ A BULL LUTE OF Plain and 'Plaid HAY S ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers