Democratic State convention. ' HAnntontract, March s.—The delegates elected to the - Democratic State Convention assembled in the hall of the House of Re presentatives at three o'clock this afternoon, and were called to order by. Hon. W. A. Wallace, Chairman of the State Central Committee. Hen. John Latta, of Westmoreland county, 'was appointed temporary Chair man, and F. M. Hutchinson (Allegheny), George B. Kulp (Luzerne), C. W, Carrigan (PlTdadelphia), George W. B. Smith (Cam bria), P. G. Meek(Centre), and S. B. Awttch anutz (Dauphin), teniporary Secretaries of the Convention. Mr. Latta, on taking the chair, thanked 'the Convention for the honor conferred upon - him. The list of delegates having been called, and.corrections made, , a com mittee, equal in numbers to the Senatorial representation, was appointed on 'perma nent organization. During the absence of the above committee, Hon. W. A. Wallace, Chairman of the State Central Committee, being called upon, delivered an eloquent ad dress, congratulating the Democracy on the bright prospects before them. He strongly 'urged union and harmony, and predicted a - brilliant success in the approaching cam aign p . He was followed by Charles W. Carrigan, of Philadelphia; J. K. Kerr,. of Allegheny: H. P. Ross, of Bucks; Geo. W. Brewer, of Franklin, and Gen. Wm. H. Miller, of Dau phin, in speeches, which were enthusiasti cally applauded. ' PERMANENT OFFICERS. The Committee on Permanent Officers re ported the following: President—Hon. W. Hopkins, of Wash ington. es Vice Preside —George W. Nebinger, S. D. Anderson .N. Wolff, Tallow Jackson, e J. H rin on, P. Applebaugh, Herman Rupp, D. . Batdorf, T. N.,V,Falker. John S. Fisher, Ste n Wilber, A. B. Dmining, F. WF:-Knox, H. H. Martin, George D. Jack son, W. H. Miller, S. H. Reynolds, Thomas D. Kerr,George W. Brewer, John Palmer, D.P. Miliken John A. Miller, S. B. San som, E. B. Eldred, John George, Jas. Salis bury, Wm. Stewart, E. B. Stewart, Samuel Marshall, M. C. Trout, W. L. Scott. Secretaries—F. M. Hutchinson, E. N. Helmbold, Jacob Zeigler, G. B. Culp, G. W. Ryan, R. M. Speer and A. H. Dill. Mr. Hopkins, on being conducted to the , chair, said: Gentlemen of the Convention—Perhaps the best assurance I could give you of my high appreciation of the distinguished honor your partiality has so unexpectedly con ferred upon me, would be to announce my readiness to proceed at once to the discharge of the duty for which we have met; but in view of the peculiar circumstances by which we are surrounded, I trust that it *will not be deemed obtrusive if I venture a remark or two in regard to the present po tion of public affairs. This is the first Democratic State Conven tion that has assembled in this Common wealth since the termination of the terrible fratricidal war which has raged with such - fury for the past four years; and first of all, may r not ask that this Convention shall reverently, with an humble and earnest gratitude, return thanks to God for his manifest interposition in staying the farther effusion of blood, and inclining the hearts .of erring brothers to lay down their arms and rettirn to their allegmnde to the Fed eral Union. It is not my - purpose, gentlemen, either to suggest a platform of principles or to indi cate who 'should be our standard bearer. These are matters which belong to the Con vention as a whole, rather than to any in dividual member, and the work will. I doubt not, be performed. In regard to the latter, you will allow me to say that an im proper selection could hardly be made out of the excellent material presented for your -consideration. Whoever the successful gen tleman-may be, let us each and all claim him as our candidate. With harmonious action on our part, and a zealous support of the nominee on the part of those whose representatives we are, the result cannot be doubtful. The signs of the times indicate with unerring certainty that the day of our deliverance is at hand. The Democracy have never been more firmly united than now, and I verily be lieve that there are thousands of conserva tive Republicans who have had such a sur feit of negro equality and negro suffrage—a policy to which that party is so fully com mitted that they will be glad of the oppor tunity to co-operate with us. Let us extend to all such the right hand of fellowship; let us assure them that the paramount consideration with' us in the present struggle is to maintain the su premacy of the Constitution of the United States inviolate, and the ascendancy of the white race against the bold attempts of the Republican party to degrade them to a level with the blacks; let us to assure them that to accomplish these dissimilar ends, we are willing fcr the time being, at least, to ignore all other issues. The noble stand taken by President John son in favor of a speedy restoration of the States whose people were lately in rebellion to their former relations to the Federal Union; and the enlightened and magnani mous policy he has adopted for thel,accom plishment of this truly patriotic purpose, deserves the highest commendation. His action in this respect has demonstrated that he is a statesman of enlarged views, one whose deeds are worthy to be handed down to future generations with those of the im mortal Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Cley ig and their compatriots. Fr - veto of that iniquitous measure, the Freedmen's Bureau bill, should challenge the admiration of all who wish to see law and order restored, and military jurisdiction given way to civil government. That mes sage exhibits in a remarkable degres the rare quality of self-denial in rejecting the allurements of power and patronage so lavishly proffered to the Executiva by the bill in question, which is worth of appraise. Should his hands . not be held up by every man, without distinction of party, and who desires to see the Union restored with all the dignity, equality , and rights of the several States unimpaired? Bat I will not trespass. _1 again thank yon, gentleman, for this re newed expression of generous confidence. On motion of :Sr. Ross,• a committee, •equal in number to the Senatorial represen tation, vas appointed on resolutions. The following committee was selected: Win. V. McGrath, S. D. Anderson, Lewis C. Cassidy, H. M. Dechert, R. P. Long necker, Nimrod Strickland, H. P. Rose, Wm. H. Rutter, J. Hageman, J. M. Weth erill, A. a Brodhead, A. G. Garretson, A. B. Dunning, F. W. Knox, J. C. Bucher, Wm. Elliott, Wm. K. Wilson, S. H. Rey- molds, H. Carpenter, J. H. Criswell, G. W. - Brewer, George A. Smith, R. M. Spear, Dr. R. P. Milliken, J. P. Thompson, S. R. Beal, A. A. Furman, J. B. Sweitzer, F. K. Kern, E. B. Dougherty, Wm. Newell, G. R. Snowen and B. F. Sloan.' The Convention then took a recess till 7 •o'clock P. M. Evening Session.— The Convention reas sembled at 7 o'cldbk. ' The Committee on Resolutions not being _ready to report, the interim was occupied with speeches by Major Zeigler, of Butler, and Mr. Stooge, of Schuylkill county. - Mr. Kerr, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, submitted the following: The Democracy of Penzisylvanilt., in Con -vention met, recognizing a crisis in the affairs of the republic, and esteeming the immediate restoration of the Union para \ mount to all other issues, do resolve : First—That the States whereof the people were lately in rebellion are integral parts of ;the 'Union, and are entitled to representation in Congress, by men duly electedovho bear true faith to the Constitution and laws; and, in order to vindicate the maxim that "taxa- tion 'without representation". is tyranny, such representation should be forthwith -gtdmitteci, Second—The the . faith.of the republie -is pledged to the payment of the National debt, and Congress should pass all laws ne cessarYto that purpose. • .Third—That we.pwe obedience to the Con stitution of the United States, including the amendment prohibitirig slavery, and under itrii provision will accord to ,those emancipated all their rights of person and property. - • Fourth—That each State has the exclusive right to regulate the• qualifications of its own citizens. Fifth—That the white race alone is en titled to the control of the Government of the Republic, and we are unwilling to grant to negroes the right to vote. Sixth—That-the bold enunciation of the principles of the Constitution and the policy of reconstruction, contained in the recent Annual and Freedmen's Bureau Veto Mes sages of President Johnsonoentitle him to the confidence and support of all who re spect the Constitution and love their cowl try. Seventh—That the nation owes to the brave men of our army , and navy a debt of lasting gratitude, for their heroic, services in defence of the Constitution and the Union; and that, while we cherish with a tender affection the memory of the fallen, we pledge to their Widows and orphans the nation' 3 care and protection. Eighth—That we urge upon Congress the duty of equalizing the bounties of oar sol diers and sailors. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. •••• The Convention then proceeded to ballot for a candidate for Governor, with the fol lowing result: Relater Clyrrier... .30 8 FIRST BALLOT. 53 Geo. W. Cass ...... 9 Daniel M. Fox 18 Charles Dennison 3 Asa Packer 2 John D. Styles... Richard Vona-- W, A. Galbraith W. P. Jenks Total Necessary for choice... SECOND Clymer Styles Vaux Packer E=l Clysxkir 721 Cass \ aux . 131 Packer...— .... , . ..... - Relater Clymer having received the ma jority of all the votes cast, he was declared duly nominated. The nomination of Mr. Clymer was then made unanimous. :" - _ A committee of three were appointed to wait upon Mr. Clymer and the rest of the gentlemen who were candidates, and in vite them to appear before the convention. On motion, the functions of tip present Central Committee were continued until the meeting of the next State Convention. Mr. Sanderson submitted the followilkg, which he subsequently withdrew : Resolved, That the recent pledge of the Emperor of France to his troops from the Republic of Mexico assures us of the early restoration to the people of that Republic of their constitutional rights wit '- out the intervention of the United States in their behalf. Mr. Ziegler moved that the thanks of the Democracy of Pennsylvania and all lovers of the Constitution and the country, be ten dered to our Senators in Congress, for their support of the restoration policy of Presi dent Johnson. The motion was agreed to. A motion of a similar tenor, returning thanks to all the members of Congress who supported President Johnson, was also adopted. At this juncture the committee appointed to wait upon Mr. Clymer and the gentle men who were before the convention as candidates, appeared in the hall, escorted by a band of music. Mr. Clymer being con ducted to the Speaker's chair, proceeded to address the assemblage closing as follows : Tell the democracy I'know no higher law than the Constitution of which Jefferson and Madison were the founders. Jackson the defender, Webster the expounder, and of which Johnson is the upholder. Tell them that I know no other standard of political action than equal and exact justice to all, special privileges to none; that I have no other:political creed than that given to us by Washingtoia and Jefferson; that I believe in the social superiority and will ever main tain the political supremacy of the white race; that I worship at no political altar whose foundations are not based upon the sacred Union of these immortal States. Tell them in advance for me of its peril, and conjure them, by the love of past memories, by the blood and carnage of our civil strife, by the dangers of the present, by all the hopes of the future, to rally to the support of nim who, in this crisis of our country's fate, by a mysterious providence of God, has been entrusted with the helm of State. Tell them he has appealed in terms of patriotic devotion to his whole country. Above the wild storm of prejudice, fanati cism and treason now raging in the national capital, clear and loud, are heard the words of the first Andrew, re-echoed by the second: " The Federal Union: it must be preserved." They are the two watchwords of national safety. They embody the holiest aspiration of every true patriot and afford a platform broad and strong enough for good men of all parties, no matter how wide their differ ences of opinion may heretofore have been. Let us dedicate ourselves to this great purpose with unselfish and unshaken faith that its accomplishment will be its greatest reward. Let us 'go forth bearing aloft the banner of our country' . emblazoned with the words: "The Constitution, the Federal Union." Let 'us appeal to the whole people from the northern border to the Maryland line, from our inland sea to the Dela ware, and, if public virtue be not dead, if patriots be not extinct, if devotion to principle stillslives, if treason is still abhorred, then, indeed, in October next will victory, thrice-blessed victory, crown our efforts, bringing with it a Con stitution preseri k ed, a Union restored, a land redeemed from the madness and folly which now threaten to destroy it. That in some measure I may be of assist ance in producing such results, I humbly pray. Upon you, gentlemen, • and those whom you represent, I shall lean for sup port and guidance; and, appealing to the G'od of our fathers to prosper us in all our efforts for the redemption and salvation of our country, .I may not doubt that triumph ant success will. surely crown our labors. Mr. Clymer was followed by Mr. Cass, Richard 'Vans. and Daniel M. Fox, of Phila delphia, and Styles, of Lehigh, all pro mising a hearty support to the nominee of the convention. The convention then adjourned sine die. Zirkcal ..,THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OB „,. I.IOPEAN RANGE, for families, _hotels, or s , public inatibutions TWENTy4 DLETERENTI SIZES. Also Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-all Porn aces, Portable. Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fire board Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., at wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers),CASE, SHARPE a THOMPSON, 026,th,5,tu06m; No. 209 North Second street, 4 0 1. THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS,. - _ Late Andrews & Dixon No. L 421 CHESTNUT street, Pkiladelphia: Manufacturer of d Op United States Clint, . .... . . LOW-DOWN, PARLOR ORADEBAR, FFICE, And O other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firm, ALSO, WARN-AIR FITRNADICS, For. Pub lic and Private Buildings, REGIBWRS, VENTILATORS AND CHIMNEY-OAPS, COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOILEBB, 4c6 oc2l WHOT.V.: AL N, and RETAIL. GIREATHENG BELT.—LOWILLL - peauorr MAE SO tic Sheathing Felt for Ships; also, .iohnzon'a Paten Weolding Halt for Steam l'ineaaaul Bonen, star. and for sale by WILLIAM 8 sfatALMT. N0..111 South ICINGLIBIE PION.L.IB. OA.TBITPB, BAEOME, J. 24 Crosse dr, Blackwell's ifinclisti Pickles,M amuces, Durham Mustard, Olives,- ace, lan ship Yorktown and for sale by 'Jos. B. BIT C 04148 eQatilDelaware venue. . THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 6,1866: BALLOT. Casa. Fox Galbraith— ....- • ALLOT. \ CUtS3 40 Vaux 16 FIN.ANC/kl4._ Crr SPECIALTY. 31 SMITH, RANDOLPH - & CO f . BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South Third st., 3 Nassau street, Philadelphia. I ,New York. STOCKS AND GOLD 30UW1i AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. gal Pi gill'aDIIILVOILI):41i11101,1%.:111111A1 P. •S. PETERSON lb CO. P. S. PETERSON & CO., 39 South Third Street Stocks, Bonds, &c., &c, Bought and Bold at Board of Broken. Liberal Premium paid for COMPOUND INTEKENT NOTES. Interest allowed on Deposits. fesqf C. A. ROBINSON. L, DICKSON, Js ROBINSON & DICKSON: STOCK BROKERS, No. 319 Walnut Street. STOCKS, BONDS, &c., Sr—, Bought and Bold at Board of Brokers. felo-Iml 5-20 7 3-10, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED• 'DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street, $7OOO. —FOR BALK — Two first-class Mortgages of roc, each, well secured on Ow Pro perty, desirably icafiated. .L M. OIIMBLEY 6'ON3 508Walnnt street. :t tr. 11,1 0i...71:21 - we :1 Isp . , FINAL NOTICE. LESSONS IN HORSEMANSHIP. RIDING SCHOOL, No. 1411 ARCH STBEET,I. PHILADELPHIA. ]Larch I, 1868. Madam Minna takes this method of informing the ladies and gentlemen of our city that in consequence of her lease expiring in about two months front this date that she will be happy to Impart instructicu Ln toss elegant accomplishment on very reasonable terms for the above peirod or any part thereof. Particular attention given to persons suffering with debilitated health. Terms made known at the Riding School. mis3-4tl 628 HOOP SIMMS, NEW PALL STYLES NOW BEADY 628 M Hopkins '"own make," at No. 628 ARCH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the smite of first.clasa trade, and embrace every size and style om• Ladies, Hisses and Children, which, fbr finish and affability, have no equal in themarket, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly oa band, a fall assortment of good Eastern roadeSkir.M, from 15 to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. not;-ma / C HNIGHT at CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, EMS. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale 6f the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. Jal-lyr , GEORGE SHARF'. Patentee a"d manufacturer of the BALL PATTRRIISILVKR WARS., N 0.41. Prune street. . ;AIMS A. WRIOHT. THOILNTON Pram CLEICKNTT A. 6R15C021. THEODORE ITRIOHT. FRANS L..I.:EALL. PETER WRIGHT ct 15ONS, Importers of Earthenware, and nipping sad Commission Merchants, No. lis WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. T. VAUGHANDiERRICE WM. H. NMELTLICI JNO. E. obrE. oirmwAsx FOUNDRY, sitirs AND WASEI :pp :, Panaminann• 21018.131011 & 80 • EIV3 ic.22.:4: :. - I .. . II: e; I; .: biltnntsetaxe High and Low Pressnre Steam Ener_ta for Lana, Elver and Marine Service. oders,Gasometers, Tanks Iron Boats, ac; ,Isetino of ell kinds, either Iran or brass. Lron Frame Roof% for eta Works, Workshop* ,aitroadiaations, 'set me and Gas Machinery, of the latest and meet noroved construction. Every description of Plantation svarb vamp: ant 3:leer, Flaw and grist Mills„ Vacuum Pans, Ones •3:. , ,am Trains, Del.cators, 'Filters, Pumping Its an pa, 4to. 51:4e Agents for N. Itilleuxfs Patent Sugar 331311htt Loparatus, Nesnayth's Steam Hammer anf spinwall ik Woolsey'sP atentP atent Centrifbaal 50gm ' , raining Machine. DENB - BYLVANIA WORKS—on the DREAWAILD L River, below PIEMELDELPIIIA, USESTKO., Delaware c one , Ps. , BON 4 00. Etosineers and Iron Boat Builders; Manufactures of All Walla of CONDENSIBIB 4. D NON-CONDENSDIG BM. iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tank' Propellers. T. BEABEY, W. B. BEANEY, S. ABOHIBOLD, Late of Late q.esney Igeafie th Co., Engineer in Chlsi Penn Works, Phi's. [iYla-tfi U. S. Navy.. IiFIE PHILADELPHIA BIDING SCHOOL.- FOURTH street, above Vine, will ro-open the Fall and Winter Season on MONDAY, Sept. Mb Ladles and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorougl cuowledge of this accomplishment will find ever) 'Witty at this school. The horses are safe and wee :Taipei, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle :lenses trained In the beat manner. Saddle horses lorses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages fcr Me. 'xis, to cam, steamboats, etc. THOS. °HAIGH et Salle GB ITICTIIRES.-3113REY, 2fERRILL & TRAMCAR& NO. 718 CBOESTNUT street, 51anuittcturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c„ would call the attention of to r e public to their lage and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, D rackets, dz. 'they also introduce Gas pipes into and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing% altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war laBo LEIF3IA.L X 4 ARIA. LOUISA. BIIELAH. by her next friend, ,kc., vs. CHARLES W. BIJELAH.— Court of Common Pleas of the City and County of Philadel phia In Divorce. December Term, 1865 No. 27. CHARLES W. Iruh,LAH. Respondent in above me—Sra: You willplease take notice that interroga. tortes to be addressed to the witnesses to be produced in this case on the part of the libelant. have been filed„ and that the said witnesses will be produced and ex aminee by I. HOWARD GENDELL, Esq., Examiner appointed by said Court for that purpose, on the 20th day of March. A. D. 1866, at 4 o'clock P. M. of that day; at his office, No. 402 Walnntstreet, Phlladelohia, when and whereyou may attend; or in the meantime file cross interrogatories, as you may think proper. JOHN C. REDMFFER. fe27-15t Attorney for Libelant. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY I AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of PATIENCE SIMONS, deceased. The auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ac ount of William Hughes, Executor of Patience Simons, deceased, as filed by Mary Hughes and Edwin A. Hughes. Administrators of William Hughes. de ceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inter ested for the purposes of nix appointment, on FRIDAY, March: 161 h, A. D. 1666. at 4 o'clock, P. M., at his (Alice. No. 507 Race street in the city of Phil adelphia. mhBts,tu,th-st* co T uNpy rup, OR O P p HA I N EEEE,A S' C D ilt p T EcrA P .- 02 tate TH o E f vy - ILTJA'st• MASON, deceased, The auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and the acteuntof JANE E. MASON, Executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased. and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, Match 13th, 1866, at 5 o'clock, P.M., at his Office, N o. 529 VINE street. in the city of Philadelphia. /raVv. S. CAMPBELL, mh3-s.tu,thst . . Auditor. - 10 STATE -OB sAnAa. BAKER,.DECEASED.-- -I2J Letters testamentary, under the last Will and Tes lament of' the above named decedent, having been duly granted to the undersigned, all Persons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those having claims against the same will..present them, without delay to HANNA-Ii N. BASER. ' itatilfit . / 89 1 e EXOCCit4Ii Np, sal it wcpurcti st. ®~~. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP IBA ISOTECTED SOLUTION' OF THE PROT 4 OP IRON, a new dincovery in medicine Which B'JRIE44- AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, By supplying the Blood with its vixen Pnrsctexx, On LIFE ELEII=CT-IROK. • • This ia the secret of the wonderful success of this re medy 1n curing Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhost Boils, Nervous - Affections, Chill s' and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitu tional Vigor, Diseases of • the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE', OF 'FHB BLOOD r accompanied by DEELLITY or a LOW STATE OF MEM SYST EM. Being free from Alcohol in any form, its energizing enacts are not folloived by corresponding reaction, but ar permanent, tufting STRENGTH, vmon and NEW LIFE. into all parts of the system, and building up an IRON col.; STBI: uTION. ' Pn . :'37ntol A CASE OF 27 'YEARS' STANDING CUBED. From IN SLR'? J.hlwraT, N 0.15 .Avon.Flace, Boston. "I have suffered, and sometimes severely, for 27 years; from dyspepsia. I commenced taking the Pe ruvian Syrup, and found Immediate cenefit from it. In the course of three or four weelo I was entirely re lieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed uninter rupted health ever since. ' One of the most , distinguished Jurists in New England writes to , friend as follows .r 1 have tried the I . .ERIJiIAN SYRIIP, and the re sult fully =stains your prediction. It has made a new man of me; infrsed into my system new vigor and energy; I an; no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger heartier and with larger capacity for labor mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years." A pamphlet 4482 pages, will be sent FREE to any address. - • - vra.See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glasa. FOR SALE BY J. P. DIESSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street, New - York, AND BY ALL'DRUGGISM SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that lODINE. is THE BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases eves discovered. The WM culty has been to obtain a Pura SOLUTION Of It. Dr, H. Anders ' lodine - Water Is a Pure Solution of lodine, WITHOWr A SOL VENT!! Containlag A FULL GRAIN LO each ounce of water. A 110 ST POWERFUL vrrewzrxo AGENT AND ;TORA:T.IVE. It sea cured and wrr..r..cuie SCROFULA In all tts manifold forma. ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM, &c., &c. - Circulars will be sent FREE to any one sendini, their address. • Price $1 CO a bottle, or 6 for 15 00. Prepared by Dr. H.AN DER'S. Phrsicianand Chemist. FOR SALE BY J. P. DESBITTORE.O6 Dey St.. N Y. AND BY ALL DRUGGLSTS. JaV-9 to thaw OPAL - D A i ginth ytitli article fOr cleaning the Teeth, destruyins cube go d l which a inf feelin est of evict tone ic the aneag g and cleanliness In the mouth. It may be used daily, and will be thud to strengthen weak and bleeding g while the aroma and detendveness recomme t n i n to every one. Emig composed with the aashdancs be Dentist, Physician and Ificroscoplat, it Is conr fenny c...lareti laa a BFINT A Eilltraanto fin the elan sYscheo formerly in Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DENTALLDNA. advocate ins uses; it contaMt nothing to prevent Its unrestrained ecmplOyuuml hiade only bi JAICEB by Itruirsbria Fred For mown, Haward & Oa. G. B. Keogy, Isaac H. BAY. 0. H. N T. J. Ho e4 =%l Aan'ttose Gra . Thomas Weaver; wpm **IR. Webb, -Tames L. Marlboro, Memo & Coombe. Henry A. Bower. or 7. e• : : 41:111/. r. A.' t • geese lozenges are a safe H oa k needy core LOT Diphth, Coughs, Sore Throat, rseness and :onehlal affections generally. Try them. THOS. ESTIACE B. Ma r., Druggist. W. her of Eighteenth and rket treets.Philadelabia. . BMWS. 31If - Nor" - parlia _ or A en p ti e re ll r . su l ltitnte g i:or Breast Intik, Prepared by Thomas Barron Brook, London Hos pit al. • Imported and supplied by H. C. nr• 41ft.'n SONB, Apothecarle., Eighth and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. riOD LIVER OlL—Twenty-live barrels, new made, Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality; Carb. ammonia. just received, in Arm also, Just received, twenty - flue barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 55 per cent., in the best of packspss, and for sale by JOHN C BAKE:Et & CO, No. 718 Market street. EA AND FOREIGN DRUGS.—Engtish Vs. EA lerlan, Croton Oil, Taylor's Lint, Wines of-Colchi cum, Composition Mortars,oll Neroli Petit-train, Oil Turkish Geraniumdouble distilled, Oil .Nutmegs. Allen's Extracts, 011 Sweet Almonds,. Cream Tartar pure,Aconite Root,.Whlte Chamomile, French Rose Lesvos, English Castor Oil quarter pints to quart sizes, Rio Tapioca, Fresh Fennel seed, Cardamoms. in store and for sale by WILLI V.T.T.TF4 fi CO., 724 and 721 Market street, Philadelphia, HODOSOIVS BRONCHIAL TABLETS.—The Alle clarion of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarseness. an toiler Complaints, affecting the Organs of the Voice ?üblic Speakers , Singer and Allaatel/11 have hen ;rattly benefited by using tbese Tablets, and their high ..pprectstion of their Intrinsic merit, particularly re A•mmends theta to persons affected with BRON. HOARKL"\ - ENSS, and CATARRH of the HF r) and BREAST. For sale by Druglatsgenerally Prepared only by LANCASTER & aries, northeast cornar Arch and Tenth streets, Phila. och.= WSW STRENGTHENING AND RIMTLSIVII LI PLASTERS, with the pliancy of silk. the s :13d softness of kid. For affections of the Chest= •vealthess. .k.c. They are cleanly and odorless -omfortsble and effective. Sold by HUrftW.LL, Ape .hecary,l4lo Chesthnt street. said ifRUGGIt3TS' EiTYNDRM.-- Graduates Mortars, Pill Tiles„Combs, Brushes. Mirrors, Horn Scoops Surgical Instruments. Trusses :lard sand Soft 'Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Gissa ant fetal Syringes, ac., all at "First Hands" prim. EINOWDMV & BltriTHEB, la South Eight?, Wee& tt OBERT SHOttm A RER dr CO.. N. E. CORNER lA , FOURTH RACE STREETS, Wholesale "iniggists, Manufacturers and Dealers In Window :lam. White Lead, and Paints of every description, , rier to the trade, or consumers, a complete stock o , zoods in their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets,. In ffalidboxes. -4 in bottles. .Teell' 1 8 0 ID. rg o ttn na d te tln c . , .! agnesla. in 2 oz. and 4 oz. apers. _lleavy Caleinel I,lagnesla lyndlng and !Or sale by 4.A.R.LF_S ELLIS EOhil N it CO.,hia Druggists, Market and Seventh strGeldeets P adelp. fAY RUM—Jost received, an invoice of Genuin, ROB SHO CO. mported Bay Rum, for saleDragg by ist, V. E the gallon. r oe, by , ner Fourth and Race streets. :at . . in: • s• : zle.`.•• fit s and portable contrivance far the application of an. guentatotheinternalanrlaceofthe rectum. Bold 137 Anotheaunt. Chestnut street_ pa awn :a I) ni 01104.0M1 ROOKS! BOORS ! BO! MAX WELT Wild Sports of the West, 75 Stories of Waterloo 75, MAITLAND'S WORE& The Watchman 1 50Diary of an Old Doctor_.l 50 The Wanderer.... 1 50 Sartaroe 1 50 TN Lawyer's Story 150 The Three Cousins 150 Al ove are each in rne vol., paper cover. Fah one is also published in one vol., cloth, price iF2 each. LANGUAGES WITHOUT A MASTER. French without Master...2s German without a Mas Spanish without a Mas. ter .25 ter 25 Italian' without a 3las- Latin without a Master...2s ter 25 The above five works on the Prencb, German, Span ish, Latin and Italian Languages, without a Master, whereby any one or all of these Languages can be learned by any one without a Teacher, with the aid of this greet book, by A. H. Monteith, Esq, is also pub lished in finer style. complete. In one large volume, bound. price 12. Ser d for Petersons' Descriptive Catalogue.;, ddrtss all cash orde , s. retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON dr. BROTEIARS, 806 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price, .All NEW BOORS are at PETERSONS'. ruhs-2t, STEW BOOKS—JUST PUBLISHED. ' .L SNOWBOUND. ByJ. G. Whittier. THE ETHICS OF THE DUST • Ten Lectures to Little Housewives. By John Ruskin, M. A. A NOBLE LIFE. By the author of "John Halifax." 12mo, cloth. THE SHEPHERD AND HIS FLOCK. By J. R. Macduff, D. D. 12mo, cloth. UILANT AND HIS CAMPAIGN. A military bio graph. By Prof. Coppee. 1 vol , Bvo. JOURNAL OF EUGENIE DE GUEItIN. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. & A. Martien. 606 Chestnut street, A 3..1%11'19 , 8 LIFE. OF nEOLLTDOII.—THE LIFE ON • WEGLI:DOR, Musician and Chess Player, by Georat .AllennGroek - Professor In the tiniversiq_ of Pena. sylvan's; with a Supplementary Essay on dot rt Chess Author and Ohms Player, by Thassile*Vol Hal •debrand rind de Lam, Envoy Extraordinary and DIM !star Plenipotentiary of the Mug of _prolix, a t t a„. oourt of Saxe•Weimar. 1 yol. octavo, l vellum, In toR Price 07 IL lately pubished by • - H. BvrLEIB a tn. 01 787 South Fourth nmett; -- TAMPS BABRB Blank. Books and Stationery, Boa Xaricet filtt Zlooke doubt and tiactianimd. pc3044 BEENN, Apothecary_ Woad and Spruce Mesa •.. I • and , I L. stackhomrs; Robert O Davial Geo. 0. Bowers, Charles Bblvers, EL J. SasiterTooo. J. O. Tornnenny & Chi Charles EL Eberle, James N. Marla, E. n th Emat &00 I OD., I H. 0. Wyeth & Bra, ORS!!! 'S WORKS !Brian O'Lynn AVOTION SLIMS. Jr A DOB A. FREEMAN. AUCTIONTME, No. WALNUT street- , SALE OF - REA T. - ESTATE' AND - STOOKS, MAROH _ . • - ith, 1266. r Thin sale, at the likubssgs. at 18 O'clock noon, will . include STOCIIS-4,600 shares capital stock Platt OR Co.' seized and to be sold for unpaid taxes, on, account of the United t tates, by order of the Collector of internal niourrnsioßmlr. CEMETERY LOTS—Lots Nos. 25 and 39 in section 45; lot No. 10 section 88; iota Nos. 12, 68.70 and 72, section 51—each 400 square feet. Sale to close a concern. 15TH BELOW BEDFOBD—A three story brick hOnse and lot, west side of 15th street,ls% by 591-6 feet. WO 67 ground rent. Trustees' peremptory sale NO. 123 °ATI:CANUTE sr —A three story brick housewith back buildings, 1934 by 80 feet. lio 1239 VINE ST.—A three story brick store and dwelling, with back buildings, 11% by 87% feet. NO. 12 DANA ST., 11. TH. WARD.—A two story house, withthree atoryhouse in the rear, Dana street, above Buttonwood street,l6% by 99.99 feet. .Peremptory sale by order of heirs—Estate of George Loumsbury, deceased. No. 113 DANA ST.--Tbree story house, 14 by 38 feet 5 inches. Same Estate, NO.lll DANA ST.—Honse adjoining, 1 9 by 55 feet 5 inches. Same Estate. ler The above are near the Second Street Market, and are desirable small dwellings. jEjr.,..Fttli particulars in catalogues. VALUABLE RESIDENCES AT PBIVATB SALE TO REAL ESTATE OPERATORS. ELEGANT WALNUT STREET MANSION—One of the most elegant residences -on Walnut street, feet front; large ground. stable, &c. Also, BROWN STONE MANSION, Walnut new Broad at. Will be sold, at very low rates, to a party who-will take them all in one lot, five desirable dwellings in the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be had desired. This is a very favorable opportunity to par ties who seek good real 'estate invesents to tray al old prices property which will pay well and increses in value. Enr part ”lyrs apply at the auction store. . STABLE—A very desirable property in the' neigh borhood of Twellthand Locust sta. TAVERN STAND and 9 scree of-land, on Ridgt road, 9 miles f rom the State Hearne, known as the "Sorrel - Plans, surveys, &c., at the store. Property No. 402 south Front et, 41 by 100 feet. - do do 1138 and 7140 Lombard at 80 acres, Germantown • 87 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do Barker =do dOde 8 Building Lots, south Twentysecond ' st Property northeast corner Fourth and Spruce sta Dwelling, with side yard. Darby road Brown-stene Store, Second at, near Chestnut Residence and large.lot, Burlington do N 0.281 south Tenth at do do 418 south Elerventhst Dwelling, 930 Pine at do 508 Pond at 5 acres of Land. Federal st.Twentysigth Ward VALUABLE STORE, CHESTNUT vac valuable business property on Chestnut et, having twc fronts—in good order. &c. Occupancy with the deed. JOY JOHN B. 11 - YERS & 00.. AUCTIONRESEW Nos. ca 2 and 244 Market street. corner Of Bank LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITTSIT. FRENCH., GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will bold a Large Sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, by calalogne, on four months' credit and parYfor cash.. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. March 7th, at 10 oclock, embracing about 800 pack ages and lots of slaple and fancy articles, in woolens, worsteds, linens, silks and cottons. N. B.—Goods arranged for examination and eats logs es ready earls , on the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BRITIsH, GEPETAN, FRENCH AND DOwrSTIC DRY GOODS. NOTICE--Included in our sale of WEDNESDAY, March 7, will be faund in part the following, viz— DOMESTICS. bales bleached and brown musling and drills. do a I wool Canton. miners' and_fancy flannels. cases madder prints and printed de laines. do Manchester ginghams and Kentucky Jeans. d o ticks. denims: checks, stripes, do cambric., jacaneta. satinets. croslmeres. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. pieces black and blue cloths, doeskins. meltons. do fancy east Imeres, tricots. diagonals, tweeds. do Italians, Incas, satin de chine, zephyrs. Also, a full line of _ _ _ FR.MCCH DRAP D'EFE. Messrs. L. MAILLARD CO. pfeces 48 Inch orap d'ete, fine to sublime qualities, pure wool. do Sc inch petite drap d'ete, superfine qualities. pure wool. do 48 Inch reps drap d'ete, superfine qualities, pure do 56 Inch:p woo l. etit" dra,p e'cosse, superior qualities, pure wool. LINg GOODS. pieces ducks drills, grass csoths, canvas, erasb. do Barnsley sheeting", damasks, diaper, hacks. do shirting's. Spanish and blouse linens, ,tc, DRESS GO IDS AND SILKS. pieces mona de lathes, mozambiques, poil de therms. do melanges, siik and worsted checks, coburga. do poplins. black and fancy dress silks, fig. We will add to oar rale of WEDNESDAY, March 7, cases very rich new style Madeline. do high cost raps swins do very elided Palma Taconne. do sive b qtially Lady DA 51ASES . d Grants, L HDR - FS m. Full lines gent's and ladles' hemmed, plain and hem stitched linen cambric hdkfts, all grades. 'all lines brown, bleached and W. R. damasks. ) nit lines fronting linens Dien and brown Jencks. stc. Also. hosiery, gloves. balmoral and hoop skirts. tra veling and under shirts and drawers, linen cambric, madras. gingham. and silk bdkfs, sew Inge, ties. &c, IMMENSE PALE OF DRY GOODS. We will sal on Tli.Ult..-DA t and FRIDAY, March Ettkand Stb commencing each day at lo o'clock. by catalogue. Ibr rash. the very lartte,, stock of Dry Goods of Messrs. JAMES. RENT, SANTEE fi CO.. 'partially damaged at the late Hre, a large portion of the stock but little: If any, injured. Tr,• attention of the trade is solicited, as being well worthy their notice. LARGE PEREMPTORY ALT' OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEA.N DRY GOODS. dc. ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, At 10 o'clock. will be sold, by catalogue. ON FOUR MONTHS CREDIT, about 8.30 lots ofFrench, India. Ge r, man and British Dry Goods, embracing a hall assort ment of Aincy and starts articles in silks, worsteds. wools ns, linens and cottons. N. B.—Goods arranged for examination and cats ingces 'sway early on morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BoOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNLNG, MARCH. 13. Will be sold, at- 10 o'clock. by catalogue, on 'lbw months' credit, about 1 0 100 packages Bents. Shoes. Hai morals...he., of City and Eastern manufacture. Open for c,anaination with catalogues early on the morning of sale. iPOsITIVE SIT M Or TINGS, rARPETINGS, CANTON Alct.c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, March 16, at 11 o'c lock, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months' credit, about 200 'pieces superfine and dne it grain. royal damask. Yenitlan, list, hemp, cot ts geand rag carpeting:3. which may be examined early on the morning ofsale. T HOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTIONE/rfif3 COKmigstlON MERCHA-NTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street, <V* (Bear entrance 1107 Hansom street.) Household Furniture ef every description reCelVed c) Consignment. HALES EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Hales of Furniture at dw aso nable ellings attended to on the mos Terms. SALE OF BEAT,F:::TATE, _STOOKS, &C., AT T.EO EXCHGE, Thomas Birch fit Bon respeciPally inform theli riends and the public that they are prepared to attest to the sale of Real Estate by auction and at private sale SALE OF VAI LIABLE COP.', &c. CABD—The catalogues of the Valuable Coins. &c., to be sold THTh A rTERI'OON, are now ready at the auction store, and articles oren for examination. SALE OF A LARGE COLLECTION OF VALUABLE COINS, MINE/ ALB, WELTS, PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATL S• c. ON TUESDAY. March Gth. at 3 o'clock, P. M., at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold, a large collection of ancient and modern foreign and American coins, medals, &co. Also, cabinets of minerals, shells, curi osities, &C. Also, superior electrical apparatus, air pump, micro scope. cbeiniCa , apparatus, &c. Catalogues will be ready on Saturday. SALE OF 40(0 PIECES OF ELEGANT WALL Pa FFR. ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, A t 10 o'clock. at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will he sold— About 40uu pieces of choice banging paper, of the latest styles. SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT THE EXCHANGE. On iiIIRSDAY. _ . DWELLING, N 0.1616 CHERRY ST—Lot of ground and three-story dwelling. No 1616 Cherry street. with three ten , dwelling on the rear lot fronting on Grace street: lot IR feet by 108 feet. Clear of all Lucumbrance. DWELLING, GREHARD ST—Three story Beck Dwe ling. No. 119 Geoharo at: 12 feet 7% inches front by 47 feet in depth, with privilege of a three feet alley over which the house is built, making the upper etc rtes 15 feet 6 itches wide. Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street NEW AND SECOND HA ND HOUSEHOLD FURNI. TUE , ' PIANO FORTES,.MIRRORS. CARPETS, sc., ON FRIDAY XtORNE,7O ---- - - - At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold— A large assortment of superior walnut parlor, cham ber and diking room furniture, &c. THOMAS BERM & SON will sell at auction, at their Gallery. 1110 rbestnut street on the evenings of THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, evening,th and 16th. at half past seven o'clock each a VALUABLE COLLECTION of Foreign and American OM PAINTINGS. embracing many works of rare merit. Among the Paintings ar her the property of a private gentleman aboutleaving for Europe. It is the most interesting and choice CO.l lection which has been offered to the Philadelphia Public this season, and contains a few works by de ceased artists of reputation. Altogether 50 different artiste are represented by about ISO subjects. • FOREIGN ARTISTS. Paul Weber, • Moreland, Didee, Van Severdonk, Bernede. Molliere, 'Vander Wasrden, Mencius, De Vleigaries, Vincent, Doll. De Visconti, Notterman, Erieshoff, Witkamp, - • eh allot,M artinet's, De Simone; Burtel, • . - Leonard. .• - - AMERICAN ARTISTS. i -G. W. Nicholson, G. Hartwick, •G. Harwood. 3",-13:org, > C. A. Sommers, P. Dabour, J. A. W oodaide, Thomas Moran. H. Boese, G. F. Bonsai]; ' I. R. Lambdln, F. Meade. W. A. Bonfield, S. B- Waugh, D3OOlBllB, 14 S. bminard, Greenewald, ' •R. Hemp, F. Moran, - T..H. Smith. • The 'Exhibition will be open to the public On Thure. day morning, March Bth, and continue open evely day end evening until time of sole. . -.• M THOMAS SQEB. AUMONEfflfdi, Nom and 14113atlaBOUJEtTHeitreet6 " ... _ozerockarsAuto REAL Eams.Tß_. at the .azure, every TUESDAY, atlito'rdeek =mai mar Ifantlbllls of l eacl n a i propedy.hgned aelmir s f a t and on the Saturdayprevious tie - each Bale 2000 lOgileg pamphlet form,Stelms full desCriPtloni. BEAL ESIATE AT PRIVATE SALE. ' Printed catalogues, comprising several hundred thousand drillers, includfng every deenriPtion ofet end country ProPertY; from - the smallest dwedlingel_ the most elegant mansions; elegant country excess farms, business properties. aro. Bar pu-niuraßE SALIM AT .THE BTOBE EVERY .THUBSDAY. sir Particalar attention gtven to smog st Dome SECOND SPRING SALE; Nurtc-ff 13, Orphans! Court Sale—lrstate of Stills minorsVA LUABLE THREE STORY BRICK (manic) RE,SI DENCE.with all the modern conveniences and large Lot. N. W. corner. - 16th and Locust ets; 3 fronts. Ira mediate possession. Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 12 to 4 o'clock. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of George K. Smith. dec'd—MODERN THREE STORY BRICE ,D WELL ING, No. 451 north 4th at, south of Noble st, with two., • stableb in the rear. Same Estate—BUILDING LOT, YOrk st. west of Amber st. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Harriet Budd Strap. • - eon, dec'd —THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, • Thompson et, east ofT.eWis at. Same Estate-2 THREE STORY BRICK DWELL. - INGS, Geisse and Gordon sts: 19th Ward. Same Estate—Lot of Ground, Bare at, west of Judson • at. 15th Ward. • -• • ' Orphans' Court Sale—Fstate of Willfam F. Banner, dec'd—THERE STORY BRICK DWELLING, War nock at. north of Poplar st. • Same Estate—LOT. Union and Liberty ate, Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Pass, deed—, Lot, Sixteenth st. r orth of Parrish st. rime Estate—Brick Stable, on a 10 feet wide ells" leading into New lefaxk - etst. Executors' Sale—Estate of Anthony Ruffner, Sr., dec'd—VA LUABLE CLAY LOT, about U acres, on Nicetown lane, between the Germantown ralzoad and' Germantown-turnpike_ LABOR AND VALUABLE RESIDENCE, No. 501 Veinal at, west ofNinth st. Has the modern-convent- - encee. 23 feet front Clear of all incambrance. glop° may remain on mortgage. MODERN FOUR STORY BRICK RESIDMME, No. 142 north Twentieth at, near Arch at 11 as the modern conveniences. Immediate po.sessiOn. OPen daily from 11 to 1 o'clock, - • NEAT 'MODERN THREE STORY BRICK BEST— DMNCE, No. 2010 Mount Vernon st,west of Twentieth, Has the modern conveniences. VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS-2 Four Story Brick Storei, Nos. 129 and 131 south Front st, between Walnut and Chestnut stn 38 feet 8 inches . front. "'" 4 eat! • THREE STORY BRICK DWELLLNG a E. corner of Eleventh and Melon sty. 2 THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 1314 . and 1338 Colombia avenue. Clear of all incambratse. - • Same Estate—THßEE STORY BRICK DWELL-- IND, No. 919 Melon at. Exectorls Peremptory Sale—Estate of John Brown, deed.-TWO4}TORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 517 North Tenth street • south of Spring Garden street. Executor's Sale—Estate of Thomas Uncleson, dec'd. —DESIRABLE LOT, Woodbine avenue, German- at 12 o'clock noon AIMOTION VALUABLE PABM, 13.3 acres, Ashton townshlP, Delaware county, Pa. VALUABLE LOT Ala) BUILDINGS, Nos. 402. and 401 Poplar street. 5 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Ellsworth street. 3 THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Twelfth stre• t. above Ellsworth. LA RGE and VALUABLE LOT. Ellsworth street, east of Twelfth. S AT.F OF A VERY VALUABLE LIBRARY, ON TUSEDAY AFTERNOON. March 6th. at the auction store. the valuable Libraro of the late William C. TIVELLS. Epq Included are a large number of standard works in the French lan guage. Pale No. 679 Nona Twe'fth street. SUPKRICR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLNE BRUSSELS CARPETS &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, 7th Post. at 10 o'clock, at No. 679 North "1 welfth at., below Cosies st., bS catalogue. the superior household turn ure. fire Brussels and other carpets, &c. Also. the kitchen utensils. Nay be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Sale Nos, 139 and 141 South Fourth et. SVPEBIOR FURNITURE. 7 VERY ELEG.IISI 7 P French Plate Mantle and Pier Mirrors, Rqrge Bar, Iron Ches's,.russels and other Carpets. P. , -ds and Beddir e. etc ON TRUP.44DA Y MORNING, At 9 'o'clock. at the auction store, superior house hold furniture. fine French plate mantel and pier mir rors, 7 very elegant walnut bacikeas , s, walnut office tables and desks. large painted bar, iron safes, chiga a r d glassware, beds and betidin ,, ' . fine Brussels and im perial carpets , mac. removed to the store for conveni ent e of sale. VAIXARLF. MACHDTER.Y. FLIDAY MORNING. MARCH 9, At 10 o'clock, at No 447 north Broad street, corner of Buttonwood street, wishout reserve, a qusntitp of vrcnable roaellinerv, consisting of planes, lathes, drill presses, screw macbtne screw cutting marbine, Pow ler press. vlsts. shafting, pull-ys. ►elting, grindstone, bisclomitbs' toolsotc. Full particulars in handbills Low ready. FTTFNSTVE SALE OF HORSES. COWS. WAGONS, CARTS. HARK .S. HAY, IRON TANK, FARM ING niPLEMENTS. ON TL DAY MOHNING, . March 13th. at to o'clock, at the farm of D. B. Re? , show. Esq.. Island Road. 3 wenty.fourth Ward, - about two miles from Blue Bell Tavern, Darby Boad, will be sold, without reserve, the entire stock, comprising 3 horses, 7.5 cows. Ito tons hay, together with an exten sive assortment of farming implements, dairy fixtures, Full particulars in handbills. The sale will commence at 10 o'clock A. 31. pre cisely. EialP NG. 1612 Filt**l street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FEATHER BEDS *- HA N DSOM E VE f CARPETS, &c. * WEDNF IDAY MORNING, MARCH 14. At in o'clok. at No. 1612 Filbert street. by catalogue, the superior furnimre, fine feather beds, bedding, fine glassware and china_ handsome velvet and Brussels carpets. ctn. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale Sale at the United states Hotel, Chestnut street, abava Fourth street. I:Far SUPERIOR PARLOR AND CI:UMBER FURNITURE., Rosewood Piano - Rot te, French Plate Mantle. Pier and Oral Mirrors, Feather Beds. Hair Mattresses, Glassware. China, A - rwiluster, Velvet and Brussels Carpets &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. March lath, at 10 o'clock, at the United States Hotel. Chestr ut street, above Fourth. by catalogue, the very superior parlor, chamber and dining room furniture, resewd piano forte, by lleichenback, a large number of fine French plate mantle, pier and oval mirrors,fine feather bids, hair mattresses. China and glassware, bandseme Axminster, Erussels and velvet carpets, being the entir' furniture of thirty rooms. ear Full particulars in catalogues ready one daypre clone to sale. • .4 0' .1 A:4114. : Jam' B. E. corner of SLY.TH and RACE streets. Bf 013 ey advanced on Merchandise generally; Watches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length-of time agreed on. WATCHES ArND JEN ea,RY AT PRIVATE SALK Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le pine Wetches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Elbe Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Iteptne Watches: Double Case English Quarrier and other Watches; Ladles' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast pins: Finger Rings; Ear Rings, Studs, &c.; Fine Gold Chains: Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breast Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and Jewolry gene. rally. FOR SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Chest; Bailable for a Jeweler, price i&5O. Also several Lots In South Camden, Fifth and Chestnut streets. P SCOTT, J. 8., AUCTIONEER__ L? !940CHMSTNUT stre 4 ..E. JOINT SALE OF MANTEL AND PIER LOOKING GLASSES; PIER TABLES, BRACKETS, From the establishments of— JOSHUA CO WPLAND, 53 South Fourth St. GEO. RENKAUFT, Arc st- E. NEWLAND CO., 604 Arch at 'endn To be sold at Scott's Art Gallery, No. 1053 Chestnut street, On THURSDAY MORNING, March Stb, at 103 s Included will be found— Mantel and pier glasses. of fine gilt. rosewood and walnut frames. of all sizes. in pairs and single; looking. glasses of all sizes and descriptions. Open for esrami. - . nation on Monday afternoon, with catalogues. Sale without reserve. TL. ASH33RIDGE & CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. SOT, MARKET dr.. et, above Fifth. FOSITI vb. SALE OF sco CASES BOOTS, SHOEI3. BROGANS. WOOL HATS. ac. NVEDNI SDAT .MORNING. MARCH 7,7 , A t 10 o'clock, by catalogue men's, boys and youths' crlfandkip bo ts, brogans. balmorals. ladles', misses' and children's calf, goat, morocco, kld and klp boots, ofcitynad eastern mannfilcture. WOOL HATS. Also. S 6 cases men's wool hats, By BA It It IT T & 0 0.. AUCTIONEKEami Cash Auction House, No. 2:30 BLAME= Meet, corner of Bank street. Cash a dvanced on contdirnments without extra charge. Notice to City and Country' Merchants. LARGE SALE OF 600 LOTS, MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, - - - March 7th, at 10 o'clock. Also, 200 pieces or cloths. cassfroeres and satinets: 100 cases boots, shoes and brogans, with a large assortment of notions, sus penders, &c. pHILLV FORD a CO., AUCITIDEOFERS, •Fto. 506 MARKET street SALE OP 1,500 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY_ MORNENO, MARCH 8, Commend:lg at ten o'clock we , will sell,by catalogue. fbr cash, 1,400 cases Boots and Shoes, Brograns.Balmo rals, &c., comprising a prime and desirables ssort ruent of goods, to winch the attention of buyeas is called. .. DAVIS & HARVEY. AIIET/ON l = 3, Mate with H. Thomas a Sons.) 'Store No. 833 Chestnut street. FURNITIIRE Ft A INWS at the Store every Tnezday. SALES AT RESLDEMES will receive Pardeulat attention. _ . _ . ' : dr. CO., A g • ' Auction House, No. 957 CHESTNUT street, adi cent to the Continental, Girard, St. Lawrence, Mark House and other popular Hotela. BEESLEY' NO. 615 033113TNUT P ral and No. 412 - .TANTrie street. • 011 SALE=A copper STILL, for Alcohol; IA corm 1: plate order. Apply to • J08a.4 Q. BAIDER_& • 718 MAWS Ittreeie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers