. _ coNDrnos - . OF "P ENNSYLVAIIna Rai I • ' Annual Repoit to the Legislature. HARRISBURG, Feb. 27, 186(3.—The conda tion of the railroads in Pennsylvania is .se' tforth in an annual report of the Auditor i General, - now ready to be made to the Le- 1 gislature. The following statistics for the' year 1865, are from advance sheets of the I 7 i report : -...•,... Mdles of road in the 5tate,........ .... .. . ............ .. . - 8.483 Cost Of soalle.in the State, • 41.83,735,25- Irtnpber 01 locomotive engines ........... ....... 1,519 Ntrmber of tlrst-class passenger cars, 700 . Vtunber of engine housesand stops 276 •. -4., ~..Number of miles double track, 846 i Capital Stock authorized, , 1 95 . 635 48 .tgp l ip a il stock s n u o b w scr p lie a d in - i n. j 147 6 ,r i ... ;1 Pi:tided debt 80,743,201 • Floating debt 5,256,520 i ,411,1nobez. of depots _Sin 1 _•Nrilltrie real estate held -. '52,286,521 I, "' oras. engers in 1865, 17,407,9061 'Nona frelght;sarried . 22.710,254 The freight carried includes 409,056 tons of petroleum, 2,843,858 tons of bituminous coal,' and 11,391,1.9710ns of anthracite coal; - - also, 876,981 tons of iron ore, 1,194,988 tons of ag- i .ricultural products, ard 791,554 tons of mer-' t. chandise. Expenses for 1865 (142,264,571 Receipts for 1865, 65,909,559 i Fifty passengers and • 143 employes ware! killed in 1865, as well as 192 others not classed ,Its either passengers or employees, making total killed'3Bs 'or more than one;per diem; injured,' 582, of whom' 179 were 'passengers and 276 employes. . . • , " The greatest dividend declared - in 1865 was that of the 'Cleveland; Painesville' and Ash tabula Railroad'(Lake Shore route) which was 35 per cent. Other heavy aivalead., were as follows: ' Delaware and Hudson Railroad 14 per cent Pennsylvania Coal Company 321; per cent . Erie and Northeast Railroad (Lake Shnre).2s per cent. Oil Creek 'Railroad 20 per cent. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad l5 per cent Delaware, Lackawanna and Western tl5 per cent No other road in the State declared a divi dend over 12 per, cent. City Passenger Railroads. - . . [ln this statement only Philadelphia roads are given.] Cost of Road.' Stocl a paid. SecOnd and Third fi72,031 . .. M 3,757 'Fourth and Eighth 385,169 ' 112;1A5 . Green and Coates • 232,953 150.000 Fifth and Sixth 765 569 , •491,620 Tenth and Eleventh 176,048 192,750 Thirteenth and Fifteenth. unknown: uncertain. Seventeenth and Nineteenth._ U 4,368 • r . 120,000 Ridge Avenue.- 179,635 120,000 • - Girard Cellege.., 114,611 160,00 Union..„• • • 527,185 901 47 - Chestnut and Walnut. 240,264 100,000 Spruce and Pine no r.eatrll.. Lombard and South 150 004 90,000 Cars . . Horses. Expenses. Receipts Second and Third 67 431 $278,732 4 , 437,562, Fourth and Eighth 44 253 14,631 - 197,195 Green and Coates 38 195 '116,082 108,803 Fifth and Sixth 40 1:62 195:316 236 861 Tenth and E1eventh.........35 2 , 0 122,333 210,143 Thirteenthand Fifteenth. 23 . 143 104,603 143,030 Seventemith&bliaenth. 9 .- 07 42,496 51.083 Ridge Avenue 10 . 51 34,834 41,737 Girard College • '5 120 86,034 122,866 Union - ' "il 412 200,793 20601 „Chestnut and Walnut 0 7 105 90,206 . 149.973 Lombard and South 16 105 58,453 72,160 Market Street 52 327 227,uz6 309,251 Twenty persons were killed in 1565 on city passenger railways, and thirty-eight were . injured. BOARD OF r_C.N.A.D.e. JOSEPH C. GRUBB,} ISI E. A. SOLIDER. ONTIff•Y 00 • s, amp. L. BUZBY, IMPORTATIONS: Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. mvssnsTA—Bark Aurora, Chivice, 788 canters brim stone 783 bags sumac 710 bxs lemons 2837 do oranges S S Scattergood d Co. &radval, and &Mins of OceanSteamersr. _Liverpool—New York Louisiana. Edlnbu.rg Liverpool.. New Y0rk.._...-..:;Feb. 14 ...ii North American-Liverpool—Portland Feb IS . 4 .Asia , ....... Liverpool-. Boston - .Feb.l7, .1,0-Kangaroo .Liverpool—New York ...:---..Feb.17, •,7' Krin...........- ...--.-LiverpooL- - New York ----Feb. 21 Nova - Scotian LiverpooL_Portland- Feb. 21 Borussia .Southampton... New York ' Feb. 24 Java _LiverpooL-New York Feb. 24 The Queen .LlverpooL-New York Feb. 28 • TO DKPABT. City_of Dublin.... New York... Liverpool " • Feb. 23 Varona .New York—New Orleans ...__..Feb. 28 Arizona ' .New York..:Aspinwall _ March 1 Nouveau Monee-New York...Havre • March 2 Evening Star...... New York_ New Orleans March 3 City of London... New York... Liverpool .y.Larch 3 York... Hamburg ...... --March 3 Moravian ' .Porrland...l,tverpool.......„..Mmch 3 City Misnehester-....N York... Liverpool March 7 '' York... Liverpool ' March' 7 York... London . s York...nspinwall --March 10 • Cdlesionia .New York... Glasgow ... lo - .Asia' 14 Matte.. NewYork...Brernen . .. .. 15 Arago...-. ...... . . York...Havre .. .. Java .New aIABINE Strzatatats; I BUN BETS, 5 351 HIGH , WArxe, I*4 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Bark Aurora (Ital), Chivies. 56 days from /siessina, with fruit. &c. to S S Scattergood & Co. Brig V C Clary, Bryant, 20 days from Nevassa; with NO tons guano to J B Bailey & Co. Seim Margaret Ann (Br). Whelpley, 15 days from Halifax. NS:with fish to J H Atwood. , Behr Rebecca,. Ross, 1 day from LeWes. Del. with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Ida Howard, McDuff:le, from Newport, In ballast to captain. SchrE H Atwood, Rich, from Boston, with linseed haßarelay & Barclay.. Behr Richard 'Faux, Powell, from New York, In ballast to captain. Behr Sarah Cullen, Callen, from New York, with bailey to Fitzpatrick & Heraty. Scbr Jas Allderdice, Howell, from Boston, with pea nuts to order. ' Behr Mary & Margaret, Peterson, from Newport, with mdse to J Means. Sehr,,Oregon, Joslln, from Newport, with tadse to S Gilbert. • - . Schr A.R. Godfrey, SoVey, from Chincoteague:with • eysten3. BchrMartin, Myrick, , 8 days from Boston, with dse d'fll 3 e M rs a jo t „Sloop Seal. Bacon. 2 days from Bridgeton, NJ. with librn to Jos E Palmer. ••- - - . . BELOW. Bsrk Cleo, from Pernambuco. • oir.v. A 111 RT ) YESTERDAY. Steamer Aries. Crowell, Boston. H Winsor & Co. Steamelliennebee, Edmunds, New York. PR. Clark Steamer Norfolk. Vance, New York, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer H L Gaw. her, Baltimore, A (}roves, Jr. Schr John Stroup. Lake, Segue, Geo CVarson & Co. Schr Mary & Margaret. Peterson. Newport, Mt ans Schr pregon; Joslin, Newport, S Gilbert. aI3bIO_BAIQDA , . . Steamer Cumbria, French, hence at Savannah 2.2 d Instant. •• • Steamer Alexandria, Hatrick, cleared at New York yesterday for this port • Steamer City of 1113 nett ester, Halcrow, sailed from Liverpool 11th inst for New York. Ship Blount Royal (Br), Cuminger, hence at Liver ...pool llth , inst, . Ship ,3" SDe Wolf, Haney, for this port, entered out . at Liverpool 12th Inst. Ship Royal Saxon, Randall. sailed. from Manila 9th Dec. tor New York. Ship Golden Hind, Davis, sailed from Liverpool lath inst. for New York. Ship Clodlan;Fhillips salted from Colombolsth Dec. ' ,for New York. Bark Presto. (Br). Scott, - hence at Antwerp 10th inst. Bark Blilliant, Walker, sailed from Yokohama Bth Dec. for New 1 ork.' -• Bark Wavelet , (8r..), Britian, hence at Queenstown 10th inst. ' Bark Wm Van Name, Cook. hence at Marseilles Bth Ntant. - ark Starr Ring. Smith, from Whampoa for New York, at Macao 2lst Dec. Brig Monica, Mitchell, clearedat Savannah 22d lost. for this port. with lumber, dm. Brig Alice Lee. Herring, cleared at New York yes terday for New Orlpans. SChr J -NanCobb, cleared at New York yesterday for this Jesse Williamson, Winsmore, hence at N York yesterday.,' While lying at anchor on. jersey Flats was run; ele,Py schr J Doughty and lust jibboom, •".. bowsprit., &c. .lEtehr Mary Price. Garrison, at New York yesterday from New Castle. Del. f3chra C Shaw, Reeve: , ; Eva Bell, Lee; WmWallacß "Hickman;:W 0 .Bartlett. - ConnellY; Snowflake, Nick ersor;..Tesse L Leach. Endicott; R G Whllden, Neal and P., S Miller, Annison, hence at N York yesterday the latter for Providence. Bchrs Clyde. Gage, and Wm T Garrison, Smith . ,salled from New Bedford 25th inst. for this port. Revenub cutter Kankake , for this port. sailed from Fortress Monroe yesterday. - '•' NOTICE TO MARINERS. Captain Baker. of steamer Norman. at Bostori.stateg that the Nun Buoy on the Stone Horse Shoal. 'M., drifted from its moorings and lies near the Pollock , Bip Light Ship. Also that the Can Buoy on the Stop Horse Shooflies drifted and Iles near Twelve Feet Shoal. The buoy on the broken part, of Pollock Rip has disappearrd. • Tbe Pollock - ItlieLight Ship has drifted to the south•' ward from onebalt to three-quarters of a mile from its station. INDIA-RUBBER . MACITTNE BELTING STEAM 1 PA CHING, BOSE, &c. Engineers and dealers will find a FITLL ASSORV MEET OF GOODYEAR'S PATENT VULCANIZED 3113 BBEHBELTINerRADEING, -- HOSE, - &-c.Tat: the, Manafactarer's Headquart ers, GOODYEß'S 308 Chestnut street, - - ' • South side. N. B.—We have'a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE of ''GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE., very [cheap, to ...which the attention of the public isoled. - • 'up maims AND LEMONS—Bunch, Layer. and Seed lege Raisins and Malaga Lemons. landinglrem bark La Plats; and for Bale by .TOS. B, va,., Jots souttt 'Delaware Avenue. IsrEflUiLTlotiMr(M: ANNUAL* MEETING OF I?theStockholdenkof the'.2ETROLEIIM. STEAM O..M.PANY, will ne held at their canoe, No. As Walnut street, Wednesday. March 7, 1866, at 12 o'clock, M., for the election of Directors, and the trarsaettOn of any other business. feq*PV't c . ) P: - R. MAGAVi.VPPretI 3 . I 7'. T RITHE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL WU MENCEM_ENT of the HOMCEOPATHIC ME COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA will be beLdrar the hi trildoALF FUND - HALLr - Loenet et, abeye Eightlf.`at:Noorn.MAßCH ist, • ON.' Voledic vry fAddresstby. Professor ' , Lippe: The publienre in vited. H. W. GITERNSEY, M. D. fe27-2t* 03 PHILADELPHIA. FEBRUAR Y 23D.1866.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the MECCA OIL COMPANY, will be held at the Office of V.FILLER & CARIEWN, No. 16 North FIFTH street. on 7IIF.SDAY. March 6th, at 12 o'clock. M., for the Election of Directors for the ensuing , year.. GEO. W. GRIFFIN; fe2l-6Q Secretary. lO'PRESTON COAL AND. IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. NO. 2053; , WALNUT:. STRE.KI PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19, 1866. The annual meeting of stockholders aiatelettion for Directors of this Company will be held.at the office of the Company, on WEDN E SDAY,. March .74866, at II o'clock A M. fele TM tin H. P. RUTTER, Secretary. E;7OFFICE OF THE SIVERLY RUN OIL CfluP ANY, NO. 524 WALNUT STREET, ROOM NO. 15: ,lie annual *meeting of the Stockholders of the Company will be held on TUESDAY, March 13, at 12 ~, c lock, noon, for the election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, ; and the transaction of sucn other business as may be brought before the meeting fe27tinttl3a J. It. WILKINS, Secretary. OFTCE PENhariIiVANIA RAILROAD U COI PANY. IsTOTICR ; 1"0 iirOaKHOLMERS. PHILADELPHIA, Feb.2o, 1866. The Annual:: election for-Directors of Mist Company will be held on , MONDAY; the sth'day• of March, 1866, at the Office of the Company, 238 South THIRD street. ,The :polLs-wlll be open from 10 -,o'clock,.A. M. _until 6 o'clech:, I!: No share or shares transferred within sixty clays- preceding the election will entitle' the holder or holders thereof to vote. - ' • felt tmbs EDMUND liOF.THE WATSON PETROLEUM COMPANY, teE, .NO:4I4,,WALNUT STREET, ParLa .P P.ha.l4(.l,4.,Februs:ry 19th. 1866: ' • A payment of TWENTY CENTS PER SHARE on each share of the Capital Steck, out of proceeds of sales of Real Estate, will, be made to the. t3tockholders of tills Company, pn -and after. THUItSDA.Y, the Ist day of March,lBB6. StockhOlders are required to bring their certificates to havethis payment enteredthereon. The Transfer Books will close February 22, :and re open Marco sth.„ M., B. KELLY, fe19,21-23,26,28L. . Secretary. U. OFFICE OF THIS M.c.RA_E AND CHERRY BUN OIL COMPANY, Southeast corner of Third and Chesitnut streets, PIULADELPECIA, February p otice is herebygiven to all delinquent Stockholders that unless the, assessment- of ten cents per share made by this Company, shall- be paid on or before 12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 12th, 1866, so much of the stock of said delinquents as will oe required to pay said assessment and necessary expenses as provided by law, will at that time be sold at the office of the Company at Public Auction. , By order of the Board of Directors, fei6tmhl2l M. BUZBY. Treasurer. [O. DELAWARE MI_NEs.:G COMPANY OF 3IICIIIGAIs.;.—Notice is hereby given, that all Instalment slock in this Company on which the Tenth of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE, called December 4th, 1865, and due December 13th, 1865, is not paid. is .orfelted for said default, and that, according to the Charter and By-Laws of the Company, it will be sold at Public Auction, on '1 EESDAY. March 20th, 1866. at 12 M., at the office of the becretary of the Company, No. 326 WALINTT street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or before that time., By order og the e Boardileo B,lftl7lA R, Secretary. Dated "Phila., - Feb. 17, i 866. fel7-2t&w,f,m,tmtom OFFICE OF PAYMASTER U. t+. A., 425 I . C . CTIESTIsII7I' Street, PHILADELPHIA, February 26, 1666. Proposals will bereceived at thLs Office until 12 M. of the hat of March next, for fUrnishing to the United States Ns vy Department at the U. S. Navy Yard, Pbi'adelpbia, free of expense and of the best quality. subject to inspection by tho Inspecting Officer at the Yard, the following articles, viz • BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION. 12,000 feet 243 Common 1 inch Pine Boards. Three Lathes with Tools complete, as per sample, at the yard. One stern Post. 28 feet long, =39 inches. BUREAU STEAM EICOLNEERINO. 9O lbs. 13eiler Rivets, as per.schVule; at this office. 1,600 lbs. Iron . • A. E. WATSON, fe26-3t Paymaster U, S. N. -.Feb. 14 DIVIDEND NOTICES. aaCONTINE.NTAL HOTEL, COMPANY.—The Hanagers of "The Continental Hotel Com pany" have this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CE . upon the Preferred Stock of said Com pany, clear of all taxes, payable at the office of the Treasurer, 7.N.70. 813 Arch street, on and atter March Ist, 1866. J. SERGEANT PRICE, Treasurer, PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19, 1866. fWA t mh3 mi• pry : • so • •• •3 I `s` VAPOR STOVE AND GAS LIGHT COM FA...-Y have this, =d, day of February, 1366. declared a dividend of 2.5,CES A SHARE, payable at the (Mice of the Company, =Dock street, Oli astd alter Morch -1 he Transfer Books orthe Company will be closed from February 24th until March 3d. _fe24.s,m,w,6t N. H. HA.N.NI:III, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE i ',.. OOEAN OIL COMPANY, No. 411 CHESTNUT Street. The Directors have eta day,,declared ,a- dividend of FIVE P.hR CENT., being Fifty Cents per Share on the capital stock, payable on and after the Ist of March next, clear ofState tax. Transfer Rooks will close on the 24th at 3 P.M ~and open March 2d. IP. DI CARTS Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. M. 1666. fe.4-sti FANCY. GOODS. PAPIER MACHE-GOODS . . PAPIER MACHE GOODS. TARTAN GOODS, • ; SCOTCH PLAID GOODS. A fine assortment of Papier Macho Work Tables. Writing Dodo, Inkstands and Scot= Plaid Goods, just received per the steamer "St. George," too late fo r Christmas sales, suitable for Bridal Gifts, &c., will be sold low. ISAAC TOWNSEND, House Furnishing Store of the late JOHN A. AMR PHY, 922 CHESTNUT STREET, ja2Ottl Below Tenth street, CARPETINGS & FURNITURE C./Ajar). The Cheapest Carpet and Furniture Warehouse in the City. CARPETS. OIL cuyras; MATTINGS, - WINDOW SHADES. And a general assortment of Household Furniture., H. R. LEWIS, 1434 MARKET STREET, fel9-3m/ ' First Furniture Store below IStb:lower aide. TET ANTED—A few active-and experienced men tr, V sell a most valuable patent. For persons compe tent the most liberal inducements are offered. Inquire No. 223 DOCK at., 2tl story, front room. te24,s,m,w,l2ii WANTED TO RENT—By a family of three. persons. a FURNISHED HOUSE, on Chestnut., Walnut, Locust,. or Spruce streets, or between those treets. The -Rooms may be few, but must be spacious and handsomely furnished. Address with terms and I:catlon, A. J., BULLETIY' Office. fe27-3t5 in. A •MEDIUM-SIZED COUNTRY HOUSE— iI For the Sunimer—with stabling, on North Penn sylvatila Railroad. Furnished House preferred. Ad dress "EC," Box 1264 Post Office. fe27 6ts WANTED.—A GENTEEL HOUSE IN OR near Germantown; furnished or unfurnished. A dress Box. 1783 P. O. fe2.34,m,w-3t* WANTED, TO RENT—A good Dwelling south /Elk °Market and west of Twelfth; having the usual conVeniences, with posSesslon on or about May Ist. ,i;Loply to A. CUMBER t e.26 _6tg 28 South Eighth Street. OAT. WANTED FOR RENT—A' CONATODIOII. Ng dwelling, With modern conveniences, in German town—Apply tO ,T. )1. CURTIS dr. SON, Real state - Etrokers. 438 Wahmt street. - siro - V - Es AND THOMAS B. DIXON & SONS, . -Late Andrews &Dixon, No 1124 OICESTNOT street, Philadelohl ' Opposite United States Mint, tourers of • " ' LOW-DOWN • ' • - PARLOR ' . • - And • 11.'i• - - ' . ..4-43FIABIBER, • '' 'FFICE, other GRATES, For Anthracite, BUIIMIIIOUB and Wood Fires ' - . . ; , 41.A ntisT wiutm=ii.ra Aims, For Warming Public and Private Buildings, ".• . XLEGM,STE , BB, 177_,NTgaLT9Its 0001 LING-HANG ,BATHat if...Eili, oio.. - , 1 Oat . :.. , WHOT:Fizi 4"r3P,' and MAIL: =ME IIE DAILY EVENINGBULLETINI :TIitiOLDELPH, III ., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1866. WANTS. INSURANCE: - 1:.-.:.i. ,.., .- - j.ISURE , TQUO:LtElha":: IN . ; TOITA. ,QWW.:l[OOl,',OliWi:OlY! .7 THE AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, $ i; Cor. Fourth and Walnut Streets. lasurers in this Company have the additional gimr antee of the CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, whieh, together with CASH ASSETS, now on hand amount to $1,143,874 14, Invested as follows 100,000 U.R. 5-20 Bonds 150,000 City of Philadelphia Loan, 6'B. new 70,050 11. r 3. Treasury Notes, 7,30 25,000 Allegheny County Benda. ......... 15,000 U. S. Loan of 188 L— . Wyoming Valley Canal 80nd5....... 12.700 Compound Interest Treasury Notes 10,000 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Bonds 10,000 Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chica. go B,ailload Bonds • ' • ' • 16,500 City of Pittsburghnnd other Bonds . 9,080 Reading Railroad 1,000 Shares Yennsylvanla Railroad. 450 Snares Corn Exchange National 107 Shares' Farmera' National Bank of ' 22 Shares ConsolidationNationalitank . 142 Shares Williamsport Water Com pany Mortgages, Ground Rents and Real Estate... 147,309 89 _Loans on collateral AM/ ly. 5ecure5...._..........169,481 95 Premium notes secured by policies 217,504 58 Cash in hands of agents secured by bonds__ 52,40 16 sh on deposit with U.S. Treasurer.. 20,000 00 Cash on band and in banks...», 65,824 14 Accrued interest and rents due ian.l 10,223 Or INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1865 8544,492 92. Losses paid during the year amounting to 887.636 31. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the insured to pay premiums, The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies In force December 31, 1865, WII3 Fifiy Per Cent. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are well known citizens in our midst, entitling It to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander UMW,' William J. Howard, .I.l.dgar Thompson, Samuel T. Bodine, Groege Nugent John Aikman, Ron. James Pollock, Henry S. Bennett, Albert C. Roberts, Bon. Joseph ALlson, P. B. Isaac Harlehurst Samuel NA orb:, ALEX. WEILLDIN, President, SAMUEL WORK, Vice President, JOHN C. SIMS, actuary JOHN B. WHSON, Secretary and Tresstuer JOHN C. TABER, General Agent, No. 3713 Green St. A few first rate canvassers wanted. UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. LNCORPOItiTED 1804. Office N. B. cor. Third and Walnut Sts. EXOBANGE BUELDIICEI This Company' Insures Against 7F-LEtIE. Also, Marine and Inland Risks at lowest rates, Assets, DIR • RICHARD S. SMITH, S. DESTOEET, A. 3tr,. BORLE FRANCIS TETE, JOHN H. IRWIN. NEWBERRY A. SMITH, WILLIAM C. KENT, HENRY LEWIS, Jr., J. ESTEINF.R. EDWARD L. CLARK, GEORGE LEWIS. ELLIS YARNALL, RICHARD S. S JOHN MOSS. Secretary 1829 _0HARTER PERPETUAL. FrIEit.A.MECILIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January 1,1.866. 02,506,851 903., Capital 1400,000 0 Acorns d Surplus. 944,543 1 Premiums 1,102,808 D UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOR 18e1 $11,467 53. V 310,000. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05,000,000;. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS, Chas. N. Bancker, 'Edward C. Dale, Topics Wagner, George Fates, Samuel Grant, Alfred Fitter, Geo. W. Richards, Eras. W. Lewls, M. D. Isaac Lea, , Peter McCall CHARLES N. ANCKER President. RD WARD C. DALE, Vice President. JAS. W. McALLISTER, Secretary_pro tens. feltd3l, GIRARD FIFE AND MARINI INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILA OELPHIA C CAPITAL PAID IN, IN ASH. MAX) This company continues to write en Fire Risks only Its capital, with a geod surplus, Is safely invested. 701 Losses by fire havebeen promptly paid, and more that 8500,000 Disbursed on tbis account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re. main at 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a rew months will remove tolits OWE 817,1/311;;G.. N. E COE. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, Tien; we shall be happy to insure ottr patron at such n ' asow, rates n Itp atron are consistent with safety. DIRECTORS. THOMAS CRAVEN, ALFRED GILLETT, FURMAN SHEPPA,RD; N. S. LAWDENOE, THOS. MACTULT AR, CHARLES L .DIIPONT; JNO. SUPP_LEE, _ HENRY F. RENN.EY, JNO. W. CLAOHOEN, JOSEPH ECLAPP,Ii. D, STILAS YERK PS, JR. THOMAS OF "-- ALFRED S. GILLETT, V. JAMES B. ALVORD. Sect PP. ' INSURA-NOIS EXCLlJaringyilf.l—. TEM' ENNIIIYINANLi P133.E INBURANOE COM. PANT—lncorporated 182S—Ctiarter , Perpettokr,„yro, 610 WALNUT ' street; optite Indepcmdence equare, This company, favoran known to the community for over , flirty years, con nes to insure VA loss or damage by tire, on Public or Private dm i gn, either permanently . or for n' limited time. Also; on : Furnltnrejkocks of Goods and Merchandise generally,' Their Capital, together with a !argilSv a r iinad lc Invested in the most. careful manner, ‘Ny w ow / them to offer to the Waal* , an a wlaubted itFmritz, In She " B e a r i P alk ' - DIMEOTcats • • -I--. • ' ; , . Daniel Smith, Jr., John Derefeer• Alexander BEIIIIIOI2, Thomas Smith', law 1 n Harlekurati , '. RAW Lewis, 1 _ Thomas BobLus, , . J'• fiminghtext i Veil. ; ' Jr • ' ' DANLEL Jr., Predawn, WELI.That G. CR.OWNF , TAI Beeretari. 1 .. I c 6 P. a P'461,061 45 G. Ai 't X 370,000. RS. H. r. RORDiSON. SAMUEL C. COOK. JAMES R. CAMPBELL, G. W. BERNADOU, HENRY SAMUEL, WILLIAM S. BAIRD , CHARLESWraRRIL - KR. S. DELEBERT, - NORRIS S. cumtimos, SOLOMON TOWNSAND. F. LAVERONE, JOHN MOSS,, MUTH, President. tom,-2t4 • AVEN, President. Preddent and Treasurer. eta . i. jalStf _ _~..:_._.s_._ ... IIQBUS~ET~~"_ ~__ D AW ARE . , Mll -7 1 - 7 . A L WRIT Tha 3l3/L P I CC EI lECORPORAIIid-4Y.• TIER -I:RGIRLATURN. tSri - - rArADIL'i b IasVANIA. OE& 01117010:19." ErCORNRR:‘ 'IIIMI3 'ANTI VAXMIT - -1 ; • , -, , STREETS ' , III:II.9.DRLPICEA4 .• i , • ' r ON ir I L •ksidis, . . 4:Plrcgry 1 , 7 . ' .i: ' • VARGO - ' TO all Osirtsbitace world. ' refrEicr IQ _ ~ _ ._ _.: On Geode, by River, Canal, Lake, anct Lena =noire, g a r c aktle s llßA of t ! he trniop.,.. . .On Merchandise generally ' , . -- -•-. • On Stores, Threllingliotuiftot4 ASiiiNTS OF TEMOONEPA.NY, November 1; _1865. goo,oso 'United States 5 lser cent: loan, '7l 198,000 00 320,000 United States , 6 per ' cent,' loan, 'Bl. 126,160 00 200,04 United States 7 8-10 per cent. loan 'FreaamyN-- ,375 00 100,000 State of Pennsylv otes. ania Five Per bent. 191 Loan 00 64,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Ceat. 125,000 City of Yhiladllphia Six Per . Cent. 53,25000 .. 112,812 50 ........... 20,000 - Pennsyl - viniii — Railroad Pirat Morn age,ailx.Por Cent. Bonds.-- 20,000 00 26,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort.. _gageSix Per Cent. Bonds 23,750 00 25,000 Western :Penna. 'Railroad. Mortgage Six Per Cent. 80nd5..........„..._.. : 23,750.00 11,000 goo Shares Stock Company, inincipal and interest guaranteed by the City of Plilladel . . . .. 13,537 60 7,150 143 Sha res - Stock ' :.... :...............»..:.. 8,560 00 6,000 100 Shares Sto Penns Railroad ck Railroad Company.-- 3,250 00 40,000 Deposit, with.the United States Go vernment subject to 10 days ca 11..:...... 40,000 00 80,000 State - of I rennessee Five Per deni: . Loan ...».._....._...._......_..._._......_....... 18,900 00 170.744 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, first liens on City Property • 1 038.850 Paz. • •- Market value-- 996.560'0 0 38,000 O n .... . ... Bills recelva;3l; Eir insurance made 121.018 Balances due atAgencles.—Premiums on Ma. • rine Policies. Accrued •Interest. and other debts - due the Company ...-- 40,511 44 weep and Stock or sundry Insurance and er oth Companies, 0483. Estimated • vale e... 2,910 00 89 Cash in ..... GM 48 a 58,635 77 Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis,. Edmund A. Souder, Theophilus Spalding, Johnß,. Penrose, James Traqualr. Henry C.lallett, Jr., James C Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, George G. Leper, Hugh Craig, Robert Burton, John D. Taylor, THOMAS JOHN C. Hx..srav Lviastra.s., Seore UNSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTE. AMERICA 1-11A.R.INE,FIRE AND INLAND TRANSFOR TATION INSURANCE. Ottiee,No.2= WALNUT street, south aide, esal Third street. The Properdm of this Company are well Investod and tarnish an available fond for the ample Ind m”tty of all INE who desire to be protected by Insaranoe. RISIES taken on Vessels, Freights and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RT.MS on Mer :hand's° e Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. FIRE RISES on Merchandise, Furnitarre and Build- Awe in City and OsattM rNOORPORATED lIC 174!—CAPITAL. Zee 000, AND PAM IN AND SECURELY INVESIII2). TOTAL PROPKRTELS, _11,7T10,01)3. PEEP AL CLELART.II2a. DLEMOTOI3I9. Arthur G. Coffin, - Flamm& W. Jones, John A-;.l3rown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William R. Bowen, T. Charle ARTHUR CHARLTS PLATT, = - FIRE ASSOCIATION, Incorporated March 27, I. OFFICE, \0.34 1 FlFT H sure BC :G4..11011S E. 110173 t. Fta ..*Se NITURE and MERCHAI. 4 :DISEnet • • - --- ally, from Loss by aim ( In the Phileadelph only.) City STATEMENT ofJanua the Asste of the Awl/gallon 1, 1566. Ronda and Mortgagee on property In the City of Phtladelphift _____v26.463 17 Ground Rents-- ... so 31 Real Estate ( Once 14.3 e 13 C. S. Government 3-M Rends .15 00 a. S. Treasury 6,640 oa MIMM 10 GEAR/3E W. TRYuZ.I. Pres Went. Vl. - H. EL HAMILTON. JOSEPH R. LYNDALL, JOHN SOUDKR. LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. KEYSER, SAMUEL SPARELAWK, JOHN PHILBIN, CHARLESP. BOWER, JOHN CARBOW, 'JESSE LIGHTFOOT, GEORGEL YOUNG, IROBERTSHOF,MAKEIR,.• WX. T,BUTLIOI, Secretary. KENIX INSURANCE :00XPANT ELPHIA. .CORPOBATED =Awns niamcnie.i. NO. n 4 WALNUT Street, oe j = i tta r o, , In addition toMAILTNE an bla Company Mural Insures from buildinga, lam or dam Are by FIRE on marchandlas, MMtura k in n. ibr limbed Lerma, perioda, and permanently on buildings I r i , eponit or premlu tten.in salve ors EOZIE e MP ltui during wbich I ° 4sea trim been promptly saluted and John L. Hodge, D DIREOTO avi BS. d Lewis, . .11. B. Mekong' Benjamin ICtalng, john T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, will aua B. Grant, A. B. McHenry Robert Learning. likhnond Cronlion, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. UM - Th=e Lewis, • Louis C. Norris. JOHN B. WDOXICEI.NEI, President flimsy.= Wri.csax. Secretary. THE COUNTY FIRE INSTIBANOE 00111:YANY.- oFFlcar, NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH Errpam BELOW CRESTEBT. "The lire Insurance Company of the County o Philadelphia" Incorporated by the Legislature cd Pennsylvania In 1839, for indemnity against loss 0! damage by lire a nusivel,y. TER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample amps sad c tntingent fhnd carebely invested continues to in lure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either pm manently or for a limited time, against loss or dem•se ay fire , at the lowest rates consistent with the absolutt safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with al/ possible despatch DM,EC7ORE3. ' Edwin L. Beak'''. John Horn, Joseph Moore, George Heck°, James N. Stone. S J. SUTTER, President, Sedv and Treasr rez. 01=1837. Sutter, aeury erlily, Robert V. Massey, Jr. Henry Budd, Andrew H. mule: m' N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY W inEDELY.I3IA.--011ice Northeast corner THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets Hate Incorporated by the .T.gielature of PeaF tt nwTi c = irandszt P - kupirruar.. Capital authorizad by lay Hire ofPublic e or Privat c e e Bufldt n ys Furnit ure Dar Slot b 3oods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DEREOTOMS, .4eorge .Erets,T, Christopher R. Miller, august O. Miler , Frederick Steaks, John F. Belsterlin, Jonas Bowman. Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, il Wliam McDaniel, Jacob Schandler, George Buts, Jr., Stephen Smith, Henry Darker, Samuel Miller, Edward P. Moyer. GEORGE, EBETY President, JOHN F. BELsTEP — rma ,'trice Presider!. PHILIP E. COLKIHAN. A burauct.AN l!AuTug'. INSURANON COMPANI 70111_Otitiar Building . No. 151 WALNI7 Street. N.A.R.kwx. AND INLAND IatTSURANCIEB.- Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to an parte of the world, and on ¢oode on Inland transportatlOn or e vent =Nam, mkt and other conveyance: throughout the United State% Slf.AlG i _President, - ,Vice President. PETER ROBERT .T. MEE, Becre William Orals', - ?eter Callen, John Dallett, Jr., William H. Herrick., Benj. W. Richards, Milieu Hallett Wm. M. Iliad. Peals= A MERMAN PIKE IIIiSMUNDE COMPANY. Di. INCORPORATED 1810.—CHABTREt P.NRP33I ITAL. 110 WALNIIT Street, above THIRD Street, Having a ?sage paid up CAPITAL STOOK and SUB. PLUS invested In sOund and available Securities, con. Untie to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture. Mer abut:dime, Vessels in port and their Darauand other Personal ProPint7. - oases ÜberallY a nd promptly adiwaedi Thomas IL Mar% John Welsh Samuel O. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, James R. CsunpbelT Edmund G. Dutllh, , Charles W. Tonna:mil /arse Morris. iTHONAS It. MARLS, Todden& ALIIEWR G. Citawsonn. Secretary. mysi ; 'WPROVIDENT -RIPE AND TRUST SIOW ANT, OF PHILADELPHIA.— • * t ' InnorPeratea by the !Rate of PeowlyIVILW ad O, mon th ,; atd, 1865, - • - -' . . -, INEITHES LIVES, ALLOWS INTEREST ON , DE*; 'POSITS AND GRANTS, ii.NNI:rIVIN.__._,, , * 2 _ 1 HATITAL*.:„...;. - . • - .....4150,000; (Samuel R. Shipley, .. , Richard Otdbnry. Jeremiah Harer, Henry, 'lntim , - • - Julies H. Morris, . . ~. - T.:Wietar Brown, 'Richard Wood. . - - *- Wm. O. Dongstreth, - - :tibia. E , Collin. - - - _....... .1. ..... - Preahit SAiktin32l ZiONiilairD PARRY, Acttu ttf 170,700 00 ,953.680 I BS. Sainnel E. Stokes, T. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, William G. Bmilton, Edward Darlington, H Jones Brooke, Edward Lafonrcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mall valne, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. 73 T.Moman, Pittsburgh. G. HAND, President. DAVIS, Vice President. delltnol James N. Dickens. B. Morris Wean, John Mason George L. Harison, Franc:ls B. Cope Edward H. Trot ter, conWM= nuntinge, n Henry. cognorl, President. Henry 0. Dallett, Wm. S. Lowber, J. Johnston Brown, Samuel A. Enlon, Mason Hutrhins He_nry L. Elder, 13Berr i , 1 Pravho % n Morgan, cemw, . m souk rourtil awns ---- ICIII6EII/A110E; =RE INSURANCE COMPA N Y HARTFORD, CONN. Philadelphia Branch Office, North Pennsylvania - R. R. Building, 409 Waliut St. 'The followirg statement of the condition of the CoMpany On the 31st day of December, 1865, is pub lished in accordance with an Act of Assembly. Capital. Authorized Paid up in MI.. Assets: Cash on band and in 8ank........ ... Cash in hands of agents in conmeof transmission 20,000 00 $51,930 20 64 2 0 00 Amount . of loans on personal security. Accumulated Interest on 109.114-..... Par Val. Mar. Val United States „stocks and bonds State stocks Railroad C0.80nd5...- Chicago Water Loan .V 40,000 $.3*1.673 5^,000 46,250 . 20,0,10 17,100 2C,000 19.200 71.980 Bank stocks.- Total Assets Income for 1635. Amount cash premiums received $4M,853 43 Interest on 'lnvestments 16,260 36 Income from all other sources__. 25,70 28 Total Losses, Expenses, &o. Amount of losses paid and In course of adjustment 1=073 14 Anicunt claims contested (none) Return premiums and re-insu- rance.-... Taxes paid by Company Expenses, including commissions and fees to agents,otlicers' sala ries. office expenses, advents log and printing, dm Total Expenditures /AMES G. BATTERSON, President. G. F. RODNEY DM:NIS, Secretary WM. W. ALLEN & CON, General Agents for Penn'a. fe..4satm - 66 ATLANTIC FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE CO., OF PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. The following statement of the conditiOn of the Company on the 3ist dap of December, I'M is pub ilahed. in accordance with Pl an .A.ct of Assembly. CATAL. . =OAP Oo A uthinined..— Paid up In .... . heal Bstate held by cl.,e Company Cash on hand and MBank.— —, 2. b94 95 Cash In hands of agents and _in _ transmission Aar barkd _ Vatue. ' Value. 050 00 n , c,000 Oo Slate U.S. p0nd5.._....._ .111,C00 00 ti.oou CO 21,000 Co js eau ,' I nteres t on above Stocks. and Bonda—... INCOME FOR 1%3. Amount of Cs' utb iremiums reeetrecL.....„ 93 , 442 w i Arnotu3t of interest from inveatments of ilite - Company Amount of premium notes Laken- by the CoMPan.Y. 8,790 Co Amount °f tOutstanding Prem....59,..r 4,2 a pr em turns 40 per e.re - Insurance.36,l7s 1.8) 5 ' A ount ot Income of the Company from other sources ....... 150 00 Total inc0me.. .._......_..... Amount of losses paid daring the year 5.9,2 96 Amount paid and owing for reinsurance.— 1319) 00 Amount of dividends paid during the year. 2 .0,641 00 amount of - expenses during the year, in cluding commissions and fees paid to the Agents and Officers of the Company _. 15,770 73 A mount of taxes paid by the Company 5.676 04 Amount of all other expenses and expendi tures of the Company ‘HILITIRS. A mount of losses during the year which have not been settled 5,6% 44 Amount of losses during the year reported to the Company, and not acted upon Arc, oast of dividends declared due and un paid 7M OD J. S. PA RISH,. Sect. SUCHEIT MARTEN, Pres. eita.ADELPECIA. _BRANCH OFFICE. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BUILD ING; 409 WALNUT Street War. W. a T.T.V.N t CO., Agents. fe24-5,w6t pudic INI3I7II&NCE I VO. 406 CHES PRELAD VIBE AND INLA D. 4 Francis N. Ruck, Charles Lewis Richardson. Henry , Samuel Wright, P. B. Justice, Eieo. A. W F RA est, NCIS N. CAB. RI II: • W. L BLAxratrama. STATIONEEY. lIEILLN MANUFACTURING CO. EL L. LIPMAN, Agl. MANUFACTURING AND IMPORTING STATIONER, zl, 51 South Fourth Street, 2.41, Story, 5' ..7.. orml. Ai 1.01-MUI ta• -,' LIPMAN'S IMPROVED EYELET MACHINE, Ei = z.., Lipthan's Tel-Patent Eyelet Machine, . 1. LIPMAN'S PAT. PENCIL & ERASER, E c, ~.. . LIPMAN'S ERASINO PENCILS, m t - ; JACKSON'S LEAD PENCILS, ' . R 1 xr..ins. ETEEPOINT LEADS, R .., _ 3IEARS' PROPELLING LEADS. F .. . 0 LIPMAN'S ANTI-BLOTTING RULER. c :a Lipman Manufacturing Co.'s 9 SUPERIOR LEAD PENCILS. ROBBINS EYELET MACH:I:NES. STATIONERY IMPORTED TO ORDER. LIPMAN lILMFACTURING €O. Emu UATION "DIAN° PORTE AND BUNGING TAUGHT, by 11118 I JANE , LEWFAIS, either'at her pupils residence o at her own, West side of THIRTY-SEVENTH Street. first house above Chestnut Street, West Philadelphia, Terms, $l5 per quarter. Herpupils will.have the use of one of Narvesen% - uperior Pianos- a most excellent instrument. 1111138 L., had, for two years the entire charge of the music class in Pleasant Hill Seminary. West Middle town Pa., and can refer besides to a very large circle of private pupils..:..• Jai .Iml PERSONS DESIRING, thorough instruction in Piano innate are referred to No. 505 VINE Street, where they cart secure the services of a competent to. male Teacher. feM-12t* frHE PALL SESSION OP boss ABiewrii SEKINABY Pau YOUNG LADLECS will com. mence on Wednesday,September nth, at her residence, corner of P o plar and Shrteentn 'streets; Philadelphia. Itarmsransorre :—Bev. G. en Han! D. D., Bey. Thomas Brainerd, D. Do W. All, en.. ___Ecti late President of Girard Oollege. srl7-1-r• rtOTTON AND LINIEN.SA.H.-DIIOII of eeeryteldth from owe to eLx feet wide, all awnborli• 'Tens alai AtndogDuAlt; Papermakers TeltimtglAlLTwinp_L'AM: • . JOHN W. E 'WN•azt uo. _ . . NO. 102.1onee's Auk,. , • _ DIMMED HELBEING.-50o,Darrels Bay of Taland'el • Herring' !adore and cgr , olo brFr.; DOCK . •<, E=IIIMM ''.?.7 - It7 11'?:i ..IC,J EIMEM $500,000 00 NO,OOO 00 493 205 00 $516,869 94 -.. 5524,884 07 EMU] 1373,559 30 a,4,818 33 1713,bU a) MEANT. I • ETREEI', lal 'HU.. ND INBURANC, • • ES. - - - • Sim W. Everman Robert B. Potter Jno. Ressler, Jr. E. D. Woodruff, Ctur . Blokes, Jos. D. Bills. DOR, President. It.. ViOe Presidia?. FINANCIAL .5-20- 07 . 3-10. COMPOUNDINTEREST NOTES - WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street, 13 - 44 4.. Nitoa c • SPECIALTY. la SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO,, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South Third st., r 3 Nassau street, Philadelphia. I New York. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON 002,12dISSION. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSTTR C4e ) STOCK & NOTE BROKERS, 218 1-2 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and LOANS bought and sold on COMM!S alon. Trust Fonds Invested In City, State or Govern mentLoana. W3I iIACON. fn.:L.3o=ll GEO. A. WARDKIt P. S.-I'PETERSON 1, CO. P.S. PETIMSON & CO., 39 South Third Street. Stocks, Bonds, &e , &a , Bought and Sold at Board of Brokers. Liberal Premium paid for COMPOUND DiTEREST NOTES. Int...mat allowed on Deposits. fe-tf 11.1. A. 110131.11:20/1 ROBINSON & DICKSON. I:9 ILIN:. :Vie):•34;L:l No. 319 Walnut Street. STOCKS, BONDS,--&e_, eze..., Bought and Sold at Board of Brokers. W, W. KURTZ. JOlni G. HOWARD KURTZ & HOWARD, STOCK AND ROTE BROKERS, NO. 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (ROOM NO. 53 PHILADELPHIA. sa-Partientar attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Stocks. Bonds, &c., at the Regular Board of Brokers. Efes-imn ALSO. commutarai. PAPER NEGOTIATED. 70 - OVFOR - ETA_LE- - Tw - o - tlfst:class Mortgages _ of 57.u00 each, well secured on City Pro perty, desi;ably located. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS. Hs Walnut street. oil/1 alißri (my A DOZEN NEW BOOES- (JUST PUBLISHED BY.CARLETON) The Prince Sashna. Zs.Tovel edited by H1m5e1f....42 00 Country Love vs. City Flirtation. Illustrated Poems by Gay H. Naramore Lore Life of Dr. Sane and Miss Margaret Fox 1 75 The Humbu;...--" gs of the World. By P. T. Barnum_ Poems by Mrs. Susan T. Bolton_ What Came Afterwards, Arthur's new Novel 150 A Spiro ter's Story. A new Novel by .11. A. F 1 75 Artemns Ward's Travels. Comic illustrations 1 50 Gomery of Montgomery Looking Around. A. S. Roe's new Novel Our Artist In Cuba. Illustrations by Carleton •,* AU handsomely bound In cloth, and sent by mail tree on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher, New York MEM THE DRFOCHSI S GENERAL RECEIPT BOOK AND VETERINARY FORMULARY. THE FIFTH EDITION—Ready this day. Containing a copious Veterinary Formulary. nu• merous Receipts for Patent and Proprietary Medi cities. Druggists' Nostrums. Perfumers', Cosmetics, Dietetic a rticles, Trade Chemicals &c., &c. By HENRY BEASLEY. Fifth American ftom the last London Edition. One vol. Bvo. ALSO. BEASLEY'S BOOK OF PRESCRIPTIONS AND REMEDIES. A New, Revised, and Enlarged-Edition. The Book of Prescriptions, containing 1,000 Prescrip t long, collected from the Practice of the most Eminent Physicians and Surgeons—Enklish.French and Ameri can: comprising also a Compendious History of the Diaterfa Medics. Lists of the Doses of all Officinal and Established Preparations, and an Index of Dis eases and their Remedies. By HENRY BEASLEY. Second American from the last London Edition. One Volume Octavo. LINDSAY & BL A.KISTON. Publishere and Booksellers. No 25 South sixth street. NEW BOOK B.—SNOW BOUND. By. J. G. 11 Whinier. A NOBLE LIFE. By. the author of "John Hall fax." Mmo. cloth. MIND IN NA'l ITEM. By IL J. Clarke. 4. 8., B. S. 1 vol. BVO. MARY BRUCE; Or, THE' TWO PHYSICIANS. 16 mo. Illustrated. LYRA CONSOLATIONIS: Or, HYMNS FOR THE DAY OF SORROW AND WEAR-117E85.. Edited by Horatins Boner, D. D. COUPON BONDS. Paper. For sale by ~ . JAMES S. CLAXTON, • (Successor to W. S. & A:Biartien.) rem . _ 606, Chestnut, street. A CLEWS LIFE OF PIELLIDOIL— THE OF ziIL'PH/LIDOR 'Musician and Mess Player; by Gaunt Greek POneesor ;In _She" llntverffity of Penni olvania; with st Supplementaryßeam, on rhilidor, en Chess Authorand Chess Player, by , aw.Ue Vol PieN debrand end de Lam, Envoy Extraordinary and Min ister PlenipotentisfY Of the Trine of Prussia, 'at On Mort of Baxe-Welniar, l VOL, octavo, 3E vellum, gfit top. Priceol i 6. Lete!if_Puelisbed by t n' Einr , B a 00„ nos • - - _,/e7,Boutb.„Forixttt dreg. :1177111K0 . 11 . :taw ery, F a rri-Ma . : 4 d GES AND :LEICONS.-.431e11i Oranges and Lemons, in primek order, !Or sale by J05.".8. BUBBLER 4-00.;1*BotitttLoolivivareavenne, 1., DICKSON, Is. A new Novel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers