CITY BULLETIN. LECTITRF. Ri REV. HENRY WARD REECHER.--Ever since the.close of the re bellion our citizens have been anxious to bear from the Rev. Mr. Beecher face to face. That desire can be gratified at Concert Hall on Wednesday evening, the 21st instant, where and when thig popular orator and eloquent champion of human rights will deliver a lecture entitled "Work and Work men." In order to fill the house to over flowing it 'will only be necessary for us to add that the sale of tickets commences at Claxton'e (late Martien's) at 12 o'clock to day. The price of tickets has been placed at fifty cents, and a limited number of re served seats will be sold at twenty-five cents extra. The expressed eagerness on the part of the public to hear Mr. Beecher discuss this subject at this particular junc ture is intense, and those who desire tic kets will consequently be obliged to apply immediately. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND Dunts.—During 1865 there were received into this 'institution 68 males-35 boys and 23 girls. The discharges com prised 59-22 girls and 37 boys. There re mained on the Ist of January, 1866, 175, of 'whom 94 were boys and 81 girls. Of the whole number 136 are supported by the State of Pennsylvania; 12 by New Jersey; 3 byiDelaware; 1 by the. Crozier Scholarship, No. 1; 1 by the Crozier Scholarship, No. 2; 1 by the John Wright Scholarship; 2 by the City of Philadelphia;al9 by their friends, or the institution. Total, 175. Those sup ported by the Institution or their friends are from Pennsylvania, 12; Maryland, 2; Delaware, 1; Virginia, 1; Tennessee, 2; New Jersey, 1. Total, 19. DONESTic MAREETs.—Prices in market, this morning, were as follows. Apples, 35 to 40 cents per half peck; butter, 5.5 to 60 cents per pound; celery, 6 to S cents per bunch ; cranberries, 12 to 18 cents per quart; eggs, 37 to 40 cents per dozen ; roast beef, 18 to 22 cents per pound; sirloin steaks. 25 to 30 cents per pound ; mutton, 10 to 20 cents per pounci, onions, 20 to 25 cts. per half-peck; pork, 16 to 20 cents per pound; potatoes, 20 to 25 cents per half peek; poultry, 25 to 28 cents per pound ; turnips, 14 to 16 cents per half peck; and veal, 13 to 25 cents per pounoi. VISITING Till. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS.— The Committee on Ways and Means of the Pennsylvania • House of Representatives was on a visit, yesterday, to various insti tutions which have applied for State aid. The Governor, in his last annual message, recommended that the charitable appropria tions be confined to such institutions as are for the benefit of the blind, the infirm or helpless. The Committee accordingly visited the Deaf and Dumb Asylnni, Blind Asy lum, House of Refuge and Eastern Peni tentiary. LEAGUE IsLAND.—Messrs, Darling, Le Blimd, Eldridge, Phelps. Brandegee, and 'Kelley, of the House Naval Committe. and Capt. G. V. Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, arrived at the Continental Hotel, last night, from Washington. They went this morning to League Island for the purpose of examining it with reference to the estab lishment of a naval station for constructing and repairing iron-clad vessels. LARGE SALE OF PuRNITUBE.—We Can attention to the advertisement of Mr. et • . J. Henkels, 809 and 811 Chestnut s• =et. He will sell the greater part of his splena-• stock of admirably made furniture a public sale next Friday, preparatory to re moving to the building at Thirteenth and Chestnut streets, which will soon be his headquarters. There will be some great bargains procurable at the sale on Fnday. CHARACTERISTIC LECTURE BY GEORGE Fruakicts TRzax.—That eccentric orator, George Francis Train, will lecture at the Academy of Music next Tuesday night. He will'combine a defence of Protection with a denunciation of England and a eulogy of Fenianism. The discourse will be a regu lar series of pyrotechnics. See the adver tisement. STORE ROBBERY.—The store of i Atkinson Jr, Co., No. 401 Appletree alley, Sixth Ward, Was entered a few nights ago and was robbed of shirts, muffins and linens, atleast two wagon loads, and worth about. $3,000. The thieves gained an entrance by forcing the front door. MIRRORS, OIL PAINTINGS, dtc.—G. Pell man announces his first great sale of mantel, pier and looking glasses , to take place at Scott's Art Gallery, on Tuesday morning next, at 10; o'clock, comprising the largest assortment ever offered at public sale in this city. FACTORY ACCIDENT.—Frank Doman, 12 years old, had his right hand cut off yes terday, at Yost's carriage manufactory, Girard avenue and Third streets, while playing with a circular saw, during the slip sence of the workman. He was removed to St. Joseph's Hospital, Poisorrsn.—Five members of a family residing in the southern section of the city were poisoned a few days since by eating pork. They were taken suddenly ill imme diately after dinner, but, by the prompt adoption of appropriate remedies, all szeedi ly,reeovered. NAVAL.—The U. S. S. Shenandoah, Clapt. J. N. Goldsborough, from this port, and U. S. S. Canandaigua, Commander Stembel, from Boston, arrived at Madeira, 29th nit., all well. Captain Goldsborough reports a succession of violent gales from the time of leaving the United States. MAN STABBED.—Robert McGonigle, aged twenty-four' years, residing in the rear of 426 Queen street, was stabbed in the right cheek and behind the left ear yesterday, during the progress of a fight in Christian street, below Front. He was admitted into the Pennsylvania Hospital. SERIOUS BIIEN/NG,—Ann Flaherty, aged 24 years, residing at 820 Carpenter street, was badly burned about the arms and body by her dress taking fire from the explosion of a fluid lamp, yesterday. • She was con veyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. THE REV. R. HEBER NEWTON, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal. Church, will preach to-morrow morning and evening, for the first time since he has assumed the pastorate of the church. BOWERS, Sixth and Green streets, has redeived a lot of superior Havanas. Smokers should avail themselves of the chance. AOTEEMIES AND OPERA SIITGRES.—VI39 and endorse only exquisite "Email de Paris" for im parting to the -roughest skin the color, texture and , complexion of polished ivory. Vitriol! de Paris is awed asa delicate beautifier for theatre saloon andball room. Vestvali h Mrs. D. D.P.P. Bowers, Lucille Western, and other ladies recommend it to e profes- Pion and public for Its efficiency and harmlessness. gold by druggists and dealers in toilette articles. SHEETING AND SHIRTING . I.2IIJSLINS hENO advanced. We are selling ours at the lowest bolat° f the decline. COOPER, & CON.6I„D S. E. corner Ninth and Market streets. • — TWO' HIINDEED DOZEN. HEAVY LINEN lirAPlC.rers, at $2 75 per dozen, a great bargain; also, a few more peices 8-4 Bleached Table Damask, at el 00, together with a fresh lot of wide Hand Loom Dice Pat tern Table Linen, at el 00 p er yard; just received and _ . for sale by 'J. C. STRAWBRIDGE dr. CO" • N. W. corner Eighth and Market streets. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LzA.D.7Tryit,and you will have none other. ' • FOR MALLOW PASTE, Moss Paste, Soft Gam Drops, and other eilleacions Confections for Coughs and Colds, go to E, G. 'Mama & Co.'s, 818 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. • THOSE WHO LOVE fair dealing an good ;:try 000 ft go,to COOPER & CONAED, • IS. E t corner Ninth and Market streets. Pulls LtEITERTY WRITE ThEAD.—Preferred sty 'Dealers, a 9 U always gives satisfaction to their ctus- - , _ To GmirkrantEN . • - _ To Gentlemen, • '" I DON'T - BEAD ADVER.. To Gentlemen, tisements." ' • • rfo Gentlemen, ' • some people think it a waste To Gentlemen, of timeto look over the adver- To Gentlemen, • Using columns. but those who To Gentlemen, ~ driread our adveratentents,and To Gentlemen, profit by them,ane themselves To Gentlemen,, , %well repaid by lower - prices, To Gentlemen, . and really Vetter Clothing than To Gentlemen, that for which they have paid To Gentlemen, the old fashioned high prices. To Gentlemen. Those who understand oar fa- To Gentlemen, ditties for getting goods at first To Gentlemen, hands, and who know by ex.- To Gentlemen, ye. lence that our 'style and To Gentlemen, workmanship is not stir- To Gentlemen, passed, have the advantage of To Gentlemen, their neighbors. who have not To Gentlemen, been to our house, and who To Gentlemen, persist in paying big prices tor To Gentlemen, only medium goods. Let it be To Gentlemen, fairly understood. We buy - To Gentlemen cheap and sett cheap. We ern. To Gentlemen,' ploy the best cutters, and best To Gentlemen, workmen, and always give To Gentlemen, satisfaction to our customers. To GeOlemen, anti realty give them a better To Gentlemen, value for their money than To Gentlemen.' !they can get elsewhere. Cum To Gentlemen, and test it for yourself. An Im- To Gentlemen, mense stock of fine Ready- To Gentlemen, made Clothing for Gentlemen To Gentlemen. and Youth. Custom Depart 'l o Gentlemen, ment with a splendid stock of To Gentlemen. Piece Goods. WANAMAXIiB dr BROWN, P., pular Clothing House, S. E. cor. SIXTH and AT a l'ttlET Streets. CHOCOLATE CREAMS and Cream Cara mels, flavored with orange, vanilla, rasperry. &A, the best confectionery in the world at A. W. Holts Cara mel Depot, NO. 1009 Walnut street. GAYLEY'S ALMADINE, the great prepara tion for chafed and rough skin. Sold by THOLEAS, Druggist, Nineteenth and Pine, and all Druggists. A MERRY WINTER.—We do not recollect a winter during which there was as much gayety as the present. Balls, masquerades and private parties are the rage; but we have not yet heard of any even ing or disinter party where the host or hostess failed to supply himself or herself with the elegant confections gotten up for lock occasions by E. G. Whitman & Co., No. 3n3 Chestnut street, below Fourth. This famous dim has made a specialty of this style of confections. and to keep up with the age it is necess to avail oneself of the resources and the skill of E. E. G. W. di Co., when one gives an entertainment, and when one would like to keep pace with the times. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CIATAP.BH.— .T. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases apperlaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 519 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their ppatients, as he has bad no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examiti, tion. CHART:FR STOKES& Co's first-class ready made Clothing Howe Is No. 824 Chestnut street, under tbe"CentinentaL" A MODERN MIRACLE ! From old and young, from rich and poor, from high born and lowly, cornea the Universal Voice of praise for HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. It is a perfect and miraculous article. Cures baldness. Makes hair grow. A better dressing than any " oil "or "pomaturia." Softens brash, dry an wiry hair into . r.p, utiful Silken Tresses, But, above all, the great wonder is the rapidity with which it restores GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGnIiAL COLOR. Use is a few times PRES, an TO CHANGE! the whitest and worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty. It fills it dye the hair, but strikes at the root and fins it with new life and color ing matter. It will not take a long disagreeable trial to prove the truth of this matter. The first application will do good; you will see the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, and BEFORE YOU EN W rr, the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair will be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beauti ful locks. Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer no other article la at all like it in effect. You will find It uIAPTO BUT and - AIRE To DO YOU GOOD. Tbere are many imitations. Be sure you procure the genuine, manufbctured only by IL P. rr LIJg CO., Nashua, 21. H. T or sale by all druggist& 35-c.e..nas FOR GOOD YARD- WIDE BLEACHED Muslin. COOPER & OONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market streets. FUSS AT COST ! BUY Now !! We continue to sell at the very lowest prices. We must soon put away our remaining stock. We will sell at a heavy discount rather Ulan let the Furs remain over. Get a Set now ; Get them at the Great Fur Emporium of CHAS. OARFORD & SONS', under the Continental Hotel t3trimatATl v k,.Y FENT. CONFECTIONS.— Choice and rare varieties for select presents. Manu factured by STEPHEN F.WHITMAN, No. lido Market street. SUPEBEMINENTLY EXCELLENT CONFKO TIONS.—It is invariably true that when a manulac• turer in any brawn of trade does not make any infe rior goods, he becomes a household name, and his manufactures are preferred to all others. This Is true with respect to the Confections made by Mr. Stephen F. Whitman, No. 1210 Market street. It seems as If the public were indifferent to every kind of Confectionery not bearing his name. They are supereminently ex cellent. COOPER & Corr Aim have, as usual, an im mense and select assortment of Caaalmeres, Cloaking Cloths, fine Coatings, &c. 8, E. corner Ninth and Market street. INIMITABLY FINE CHOCOLATE CONFEC smoss.—A variety of choice kinds. STEPHWF. WHITMAN, Manufacturer, No. MO Market street. WINE OF TAR EYru For Coughs, Colds and Affectionsu of the Lungs. This excellent preparation affords speedy relief in all cases of a pulmonary character. Put up in bottles at 50 cents. Harris & Oliver, Druggists, S. E. corner Chestnut and Tenth streets. The trade supplied at reasonable rates. 23-CENT FAST-COLORS SPRING PRINTS. About the wholesale price, COOPER tt CONARD, B. E. corner Ninth and Market street. LIGHTS THAT NEVER FADE.—Every body complains of the gas-lights, and to make the matter worse, our scant supply of gas was suddenly . cut off by the freezing np of our meters, daring the re cent cold snap. But there is a light that never tad es (so long as It is properly kept going) and that is the light which shines refulgent from a gentleman or youth who has the good taste to array himself in a full suit from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rmktilll & Wilson, Nos tea and 6(t a Chestnut street above Sixth. This celebrated estab hment is now in full blast and ready to supply all the , eats oflts friends In the way f cheap and elegant clothing. PURE L EB.TY WHITE LEAD.—Orders daily THE EST CARAMELS and Roasted Al monds are ose maanfactured by E. G. Whitman & Co., 318 taut str t, Dealers supplied. MESSRS. J. C. STRAWBRLDGE & CO., Northwest corner of Eighth and Market street, an nounce that they have Just opened two cases of the celebrated Hugenot Sheetings, ten and eleven quarters wide; also Waltham, Pepped! and Utica Sheetings In all their different wiuths. Their stock of wide Sheet- Inge is the most complete in the city, and the extremely moderate prices at which they are selling them cannot fail to recommended them to prudent purchasers. COOPER (3t. CONAP.D HAVE OPENED severe cases new Calicoes. which they propose to sell by the dress pattern at about the wholesale price S. corner Ninth and Market streets, , INCOMPARABLE GUM 3/Bora—Ever sol uble, and deliciously flavored. Manufactured only by STEPHEN F. W RIEMAN; No. IMO Market street. THE COLD QuramoN.—The prevalence of colds has again Induced the query so often agitated as to the immediate cause of the " cold in the head," "the cold in the back," and "the cold in the throat." A gentleman who endeavored. to trace the cause of his cold came to the conclusion that he caught it going to i bed n his bare feet. The real cause of many colds may be attributed to the long talks which people In dulge in on the corners of streets. One of Boston's most celebrated physicians, now an octogenarian, when stopped in the streets, invariably remarks. "I will talk if you will walk." This should be a hint to button-holding friends, all of whom are a nuisance, unless they have sense enough to speak well of the coal sold by W. W. Alter, 957 N. Ninth street. Dlr. Alter also has a branch office at Sixth and Spring (Auden streets. Hi:rpm:NW Hoor SE:tems lire the beat made, and his aasortment Is complete. No. 628 Arch 1 4 10IIRED AND PLAIN-COLORED French Percales, a Large lot, select styles: under price. COOPER & CONARD, S.E. corner Ninth and Market streets. ROAETED Armorros.—The finest Roasted Almonds manufactured Axe those prepared by • t - STEPHEN F. WILITICAN, Ne. 1210 Market street. New Jersey Matters. THE NOTORIOUS Courrr.EnrarrEn Lang don W. Moore, who was arrested' a few days since at Paulsboro,Gloucester county, appears to have been pretty deeply engaged in the business. Besides the $lOO,OOO in United States bends a tin 'box at the time of his arrest', another box has been dug up near the shore of the Delaware, con taining $79,000 more, all of which are of the $300,000 which were stolen from the Na tional Bank, at Concord, Massachusetts. It is supposed that more of the money is con cealed in the vicinity, and the utmost exer tions will be made to find it. - • • DELEGATE MMETIONGIL—The Democratic PartY inthe several wards have called their THE'DA L ' NI G - % (ILL if`HILAPELPHIA; SATURDAY, _FEBRUARY • primary meetings, for the purposoiff elect ine delegatei to the 'city 'convention and also - for making ward tickets. The Eannb licans'are likewise preparing for their-pre liminary meetings, but as they have a, ma jority of about three hundred on the city ticket, the contest will be on nominations. The election comes off on the second Tues day of March, which will be the j 13th of that month. PLEASANT TO TRY BEAR CAPTURED.—A largesized bear made his oppearance near the steamboat landing, on the Delaware Bay beach, Cape Island, a few days ago. It is thoUght he was driven from his lair by hunger and cold and after be hardepredated conside rably on chickens, dtc., he was captured. During the past fall and the present winter, an unusual number of bears have been:seen in South Jersey, and it is said the swamps are full of th'em. A GAY TlME.—There will be a gay time on the Camden Park to-night. The carnival which had to be postponed on account of the thaw, will take place, and as the proceeds are to be appropriated towards finishing the new Presbyterian Church, the citizens will have the satisfaction of knowing that whatever they contribute for their own amusement on the occasion, will be appro../ priated towards a noble object. A fine band of music will be in attendance. Sours .A.MBOY. Measures are being taken by the citizens of South Amboy to have that place separated from the town ship and incorporated into a city. The in habitants of the township are opposed to the measure. The matter Is before the Leg islature. EXCET.TORNT SKATING.—The parks it Camden are now in a most excellent con dition, and skaters are enjoying it as if in were their last chance this season. ADIESEREF-NTS. THE CuEsrxErr.—"Henry Dunbar" will be given this afternoon and this evening. On Monday "The Ice Witch" will be pro duced with a. degree of splendor which is rarely paralleled. It has been in prepara tion for some four months, and the scenery and appointments are all of the most superb description. The cast will comprise the fall strength of the company. THE WALNUT.—"The Young Scamp," "Robert Macaire," "Comedy of Errors" and "Lonely Man of the Ocean" will be given at the Walnut to-night, Clarke ap pearing in three of bis best charaeters, sup ported by the full strength of the company. THE ARCH.—Dirs. Waller takes her fare well this evening, appearing as lago, in "Othello." Mr. Waller will support her as the Moor, this being one of his best and most discriminating personations. The afterpiece will be "Robert Macaire," with Robson and Rankin in the cast. On Mon day we have Chanfrau,De Walden and Miss Olive Logan in "Sam." GREMAN OPERA.—The season of German Opera which is to commence on Monday, the 26th instant, at the Academy, promises to be a brilliant success, judging from the flattering reception it has met under Mr. Grover's admirable management in the cities of Boston, Washington and Balti more, where it rivalled the great Italian Opera in popularity. The great strength of the repertory and the pleasant and satisfac tory method of giving the operas, together with the low prices at which the season sale is fixed, (ten dollars for the ten nights), are points which cannot fail to make the coming season of German Opera signally triumphant. TEE AMERICAN.—WaIIett the Shakspear ean clown and other attractions combine to till the American nightly. This evening's bill is varied and striking. MR. 8. S. Mounomrs patriotic readings will be given at Assembly Baildings on the 22d inst. THB SKAKsppARVAH CAluvrva.L'ltakes place at Concert Hall, on the 2ith inst. All the arrangements are progressing bravely. THE PEAK Rear= are still at Assembly Buildings. The success of this company has been so great that we hope they will be induced to prolong their stay beyond the present week. BLrrz gives "The Sphynx" and other marvels every evening, and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN lectures on Free Trade, Protection, England and The Fe nians, at the Academy of Music, on Tuesday evening. GENERAL SWEENEY and Colonel William Roberts arrived at Nashville, Wednesday night, from Louisville. They were serenaded during the evening by a band of music. Last night they addressed the Fe nian Brotherhood at the Old Theatre. The proceeds of the sale of tickets to be applied to the purchase of arms. 0,) 0+ I 1.1 DI=D 11IIMPILBEYS' HONCEOPATHIC ISPECITIOR 11" e proved, from the moat ample__experienm,an entire an • Simple-Prompt-Eincient, and Re liable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use-so simple that mistakes cannot be made ln using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. No. Car Centa. 1, es FIMITUB, Corugestion, 23 2, " WORMS, Worm-Fever. Worm-Colic..--.--% • " CRT ING-COLIC, or Teething of Infanta....-Zi t, " DIARREICSA of children or adults 5, " DYRRNTEBX, Griping, Bilious 8, " CHOLERA lIIORBUS, Nausea, Vomiting..-25 7, " COUGHS, (Olds, Bronchitis_....:..._ 8, " NEURALGIA, Toothache, Faceache.--....25 as, HEADACHE, Sick Headache, Vertig0........95 10, " DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach .25 11, " SUPPRMSE'D, or painful Periods- .25 " WHITII3, too profuse Periods...—.- " CROUP, Cough, difficult Breathing _ .......25 14, " SALT RHEUM, Erysipelas, Erup n. tions. — .....-22 15, " RHEUMATISM., Rheumatic Pal —.....25 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues- . -...50 17, " P.Tr.P2S, blind or bleeding.- .....„" , 18, " OPHTH.A.L.MY, and sore or weakNifes--..50 la," CATARRH, acute or chronic, Influenza. .50 • " WHOOPING COUGH, violent Coughs..—.so 21; " ASTHMA., oppressed Breathing. ... ...50 B, " EAR DISCHARGES, impaired Re -- aring.......50 " SCROFULA- enlarged Glands, Swellings---50 " GENERAL DEBILITY, Physical Weak ness 15, " DROPSY and scanty 5ecreti0n5......,....,,5e:0, " SEA-SICENESS. sickness from ritiag..-...50 " SIDNEY DISEASE. Gravel ...5,„ 8, " NERVOUS DEBILITY. involuntary *- chasms .... • " SORB .. - -..5„ 0 URINARY Incontinence, bed..—. 5.. 81, " PAINFUL Period's, even with Spasma...-.5v. 12, " SUFFERINGS at change of Life . 41 Ou 33, " EPILEP S Y !prisms, St. Vitus' Dance.... 100 4. " DIPHTHERIA. ulcerated Sore Throat. -50 FAMILY CARES. ib vials. morocco case, and books .. . . ...... 00 20 large vials, In morocco, and book -, 600 20 large vials, plain amid b00k..............-......... 800 15 hose(' (Nos. 1 to 10 ok. 800 ART SPECIFICS, Slahogany cases, 10 vials Single vials , with directions.. , Afir These Iteinedies, by, the case or single box, are lent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of charge on receipt of the price. •Address - - tEYS' SPEOIFIO HOMCEOPATICIO MEDICINE COMPANY, Office and Depot, No. 562 Broadway , New York. Dr. Hum:Pm:ram dallyconsulted-at his OMB personally or by letter, as above, for all of die. DYOTP & CO., JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COW. DEN, T. It CA_LIENDER and AMECIOSE SMITH. Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. 1y27-th,s.talyrp BEA". ESTATE. ff, SUPERIOR RESIDENCIE—Corner of , RAGE irel and SEVENTEENTH streets-82 feet front aide yar_ ,n as feet. Immediate possession. For sale by A. P. MORRIS, 916 Arch street. ltd EI6BOH STBEET—New fonr-story- STORE, ty Just finished,. above Ninth street. Immediate Possession. For sale by A. P. MORRIS, Ks Arch EIFOR SALE.;-A SMALL SUBURBAN R BENCE, with third of an acre, two i squares from logo btation,_ Germantown Itattroal. APPLY' to JOHN G. JORNbON. 708 WALNUT et. rel7.3ks WA.IQT. WANTED TO PHROHABE.—A genteel mod ern House, west of Broad Street; and south of street. Box 605, Ballads. J .0. fel74trps lee tTEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT. PAIN. Nitrous Oxide Chus adridniatered. !mated to look.perAxtl.9. =tura. Dr. G. L. NAGDH . Dentist. idprooe 41100. 7 Aos•trat ..: - .11.'0.T.1CE-TOITHE.PW3I4c; • In the year 1846, the writer embarked in the Drug Business in the city of Philadelphia, and while thus engaged, made several experiments in regard to the must desirable mode of preparing Fluid Extracts. My efibrts being successful—the articl es being approved and used by the Medical faculcy—ii.l. was desirous of placing them before the pudic, but hesitated for some time before concluding to'resort to newspaper adver tising, knowing of the preindices that existed in the minas of many egainst using advertised Medicines; but through the advice of friends and those who had used my preparations this objection was overcome. Commencing in a small way, after 18 years' exer• tions, the popularity of my articles has extended to all parts of the United States and widely throughout fo reign countries—and this in the face of much opposi tion. Every means has been resorted to by unprince pled dealers since their merit and success have been known—such as advertising Larger bottles at less price, censuring all other preparations, and even copying my advertisements—but I am happy to state that out of the many who have resorted to this, none have been successful. The Science of Medicine, like the Doric column, should stand simple, pure and majestic. having/acct for its basis, induction for its pillar, and truth atone for its capital. I contend there is no business requiring these quali fications more. as medicines are brought in contact with Druggists everywhere. I am also well aware that persons reason in this manner: that which may benefit one may be of no advantage to another! How mis. taken the idea! A Blood Purifier for one is a Blood Purifier for all. A Diuri tic for one, a Diuretic for all. A Narcotic for one, a lea:colic for all. A Purgative for one, a Purgative for all. Just as much soas wholesome food for one is whole some food for all, with no more difference than that some constitutions require more than other., and that persons in disease are given to despondency—expect leg in a few clays or weeks, and perhaps with a single battle of medicine, to be restored to health, if not to youth and beauty. These personerarely recover,lack mg patience. They give nothing a fair trial, consid ering a rew dollars expended for the benefit of their health a waste of money. The same individuals may have been years in breaking down their constitutions, and have probably expended thousands of dollars in dress and clissipation. and thought nothing of it. Such. forget that GOOD HEALTH IS TRUE WEALTH. With upwards of 30,000 recommendatory letters and unsolicited certificates, I have never resorted to their publication. I do not do this, from the fact that they are "Standard Preparaliona" (not Patent Medicines), but open to the inspection of all. The ingredienisare not kept secret., and are recommended only for those diseases and accompanying symptoms for which their ingredients are everywhere. recognised es Standard Speciftes. ADVERTISEMENT The Kidneys, The kidneys are two in number, situated at the up per part of the loin, surrounded by fat and consisting of three parts, viz: 'I be Anterior, the Interior and the L.'x erior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve as a deptait for the urine and con vey it to the exterior. The exterior is a conductor also, terminating in &single tube and called the Ure ter. The ureters are connected with the °Milder. The bladder is composes of varinua coverings or tii,oes. divided Into parts, viz.: The Upper, the Lower. the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the loner retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, others urinate without the ability to re tain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these affections we must bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various func tion., if they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware, that however slight may be the attack, It is stare to affect his bodily hi eath and mental powers as our flesh and blood are supported from these SOUZOBS. Gout or Rheumatism. Pain occurring in the loins Is Indicative of the above die. saes. and occur In persona disposed to acid stomach chalky altar-rations. The Gravel. The Gravel ensues from neglect or improper treat ment of the kiriums. These organs being weak. the water is not expelled from the bladder. but allowed to remain; It becomes nwerish and sediment forms. it is from this deposit that the stone Is formed and gravel ensues. lls a collection of water In some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to the parts affected., viz - : , •hen generally diffused over the body, it is called A nue ca; when of the abdomen, Asclies; wnen of the i i , llydrothoraz. TREATMENT. Heimbold'a highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for dis eases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swel lings; rheumatism and gouty affections. Under this head we have arranged Rysuria, or difficulty and pain to passing water, scanty secretion or small and fre quent discharges of water, teltrangury or stopping of ,cater,Heruaturia or bloody urine, Gout and Rheuma tism of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase of color or dark water. It was always sigbly recommended by the late Dr. Physic, in these affections. IMa medicine increases the power of digestion and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise, by which tue watery or calcareOus depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflammation are rearmed, and is taken by MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Directions for use and diet accompany ..,....$lO 00 HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 594 Broadway, New York 104 South Tenth St Philadelphia, Pa,, And by all . Drops) BOLD AT SKATING PARKS. SKATING ! SKATING ! Central Skating- E'orrk . . - Fifteenth and Wallace Streets. The Park was flooded Mat night, and the Ice this morning will be perfect and smooth. SKATING ALL DAY AND EVENIA. SKATERS, TP,KE NOTICE! NEW CLEAR WATER ICE ON THE WEST UN ON PARK. NEW CLEAR WATER ICE ON THE WEST UNION PARR, FOURTH AND DIAMOND, FOTATH AND DIAMOND. The East Park was used yesterday afternoon and evenicg, the West Park beingreserved for to-day. Ct me and.see you rself in the CT MIRROR. - - - By earnest solicitation of many friends and sub scribers, there will be a repetition of the GRAND MASQIIER CARMANE FANCY AND CITIZENS On Monday afte.rnoon and evening, Feb. 19, weather favorable. it* SIKAI INC; ! ! Sit &TING TO-DAY. NATIONAL SKATING PARK, TWENTY-FIRST 82'. AND COLUMBIA ATIRNITB. PARK FLOODED LAST NIGHT. A perfect sheet of new ice. Mute and illumination this evening. Take Itidge Avenue Cars. lta WILEY'S CIONTEXEMMILL NEWS CCHOWE 8:15A49 E=M rtHOICE SEATS ARD ADIII6BIO3C TWEETS V Call be had at TED pßocrwannennicar„ 4.11 C3I:II23TNIIT street, opposite the Post Office, fee the ARCH, cum!. vivssrmaiin and ACRD OF IMMO.= to 6 o'clock every evening. semi AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. By the unanhnous . .request of the Press and the Public, the HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY will repeat the Grand Oratorio of I OF A. ET On Friday Evening, Feb. 23, 1866. The sale of Reserved Seats will commence at C. W. R. 'ißr M - PLER'S, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Academy, on MONDAY MORNING. Price. 11; Family Circle (without reserved seats), 50 cents: Amphitheatre, 25 cents, te15411 NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE, CHESTNUT Street, above 'MEL PTEL LEONARD GROVER and W.M. E. SINN. Lessees and Managers. WIL E. SENII----Bealdent manager THIS EVENING, THIS EVENING, POSITIVE i.Y LAST NIGHT POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT OF HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HENRY DUNBAR HEL , RY DUNBAR OR. THE otrruans, THE OUTCASTS. THE OUTCASTS. THE OU CASTS, THE OUTCASTS. THE OUTCASTS. THE OUTCASTS. THE OUTCASTS. THE OUTCASTS. THE OUTCASTS. MONDAY E. V taMiG. Feb. La Will be produced the Gorgeous T t3pectacaLar Drama, ICH. THE ICE WITCH. Admission to evening performance, 25 cents, 50 ceni and $l. Doors open at 6.95. Curtain rises at. 7.45. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Streets. SATURDAY NIGHT GALA GREATEST BILL OF THE SEASON. COMEDY! DRAMA.: FARCE! MR. JOB NS. CT. A TrR-17 will appear in great Comic Characters. CLA.RRE sa.s__---...—..---JACQUES STROP DROMIO- Mr . J . J S. CLARKS CLARKE as __- __. —BERTRAND Last night of Shartsp‘ - are's Great Creation, COM PDT OF ERRORS. Dromio of Srraense.—_.------ Mr. J. B. CLARKE a fter which th e _ great . Comic Drama of ROBERT MACAIRE. Jacques Strop- .M.r. J. S. CT. 4 RR - 1M 10 commence with the Comedietta of THE YOUNG tiCAMP. To conclude with the thrilling Drama of THE LONELY RAN OF THE OCEAN. 111 - 14.8. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET /XL TEMA TIM. Begins at'O.: o'clock. LAST NIGHT OF rATMA WALLFIR •ND A WALL THIS (Saturday) EVENING ER. . February 17, ISISS, OTHELLO. Dago __:-...EMMA WALLER Othello ....... WAI.,LEd. Detdemena______- —Miss E. Price To conclude with the Comic Drama of ROBERT MACAU/E. Robert Macalre..._ McKee Rankin Jacques 5tr0p.......__....—...--...--.'Stuart Robson MONDAY—MA. CHAN FILAII AS "SAM." Also, OLIVE LOGAN, C. J. PARS/OE, and the author of the Comedy, Mr. DE WALDEN. Seats secured al days In advance. ADI - RRICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SOLDIERS' AND GA TT ORS' HOME. PROF. R. E. ROGERS, M. D., of the University of Pennsylvania, win deliver a Second Lecture for the benefit of THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' HOME, ON MONDAY EVENLNG, Feb. 19th, 1866. The design of this Lecture will be to illustrate by EXPERIAIENTS and otherwise, the wonderful trans mutations of those FEW agencies and materials which make up the great operations of Nature. Among the Experiments will be a variety In Exgorsacrry, Ei.gcrao-MAGNErisst and on the Ammosetrgax. Admission to all parts of the House, 50 cents. Se cured Seats without extra charge Tickets for sale at PUGH'S Book Store, Sixth and Chestnut streets, (els, 16, l7:10-it4 Boors open at 7. Lecture to commence at s o'clock. A S S. BUILD iNGS, AS. W. corner of TERTH and and CHEMTNIIT Streets, 'FOUEK Or TEE PEAK FAMILY SWISS BELL RINGERS. MONDAY, Feb. 12 AND EVERY EVENING THROUGH THE WREH ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME! ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM:WEI Saturday Last Grand Matinee. Admission, 85 cents. Secured Seats, 50 neat& Children, 25 cents. No belft_priCe to secured seats. Doors open at 7 o'clock. u:o commence at 8. Matinee admittance, 85 cents. Children, 15 Cents. Matinee—Doors open at 2 o'clock. Commence at 8. fel2-6ti C. C. CHASE, Business Agent. LW AMERICAN THEATRE N GRAND NATIONAL CDROUB, WALNUT street, above Eight& EVERY EVENING - - - AND ON WEDNESDAYAND SATURDAY AFTBID NOONS, POWERFUL ATTRACTION. THE CELEBRATED W. P. WA LLETT. THE illFrIT:0 WONDER, MASTER SEIGRD3T, only six and a half years of age. THE SOUTH AMERICAN BROTHERS. MOMS. SFIGRIST AND Ins TRAINED DOGS. • SPLENDID STUD OF HORSES. ::+::150. :1 • : U in, a , C: • BP : • : THE SPHYNX. SIGNOR BLITZ • Will introduce every evening this weekthe marvelous Illusion of THE SPHYNX, which bas created an im. mense sensation in Europe and in this country. Commence, evenings at 7% o'clock. and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 3 o'clock. _ admission, 25 Ms.; Children, 15 cts.; Reservedeeats. 500. A CADEMY OF FINE ARTS, O.IIESTNITP, above Tenth street, Open from 9A. 2,L till 6P. M. - Ben,J. West's at Picture 0 CHRIST SEJEOTED, Still on exhibition, ORAMEIMM—YabIio Rehearsele A every Saturday afternoon at the linable' Band Hall, et half.paet three o'clock. Engagements made by addroning GEORGE RASTER% agent, 1281 Non erey street. between Race and Vine. oclit: 45 11 % MONEY TO ANY AMOIINT _ TTPON DIAMONDS. WATCHISS, JEWEL. BY, PLATE CUYPHING,&r.... at JONES & CO.'S. _ • - . OLD•ESTABLISITED LOAN 'OFFICE, Corner of THOM and GA RV IT,T, street% Below Lombard.' N. E.—DIA/110AM, WATCHES, .TIMIEMY R SUNS, &c., AE BEZEARKABLY ILINV I YMOIA lazzaza A =RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LEDNARD GRO e..13.14ra EAsOIc OF GROVER'S GRAND GERMAN OPERA COMPANY. SKATING 1 inr LIMITED- VOSITLVE LY TO TEN NIGHTS. Aar ShI;URE.D SEAT_ FOR THE bEASUN: TEN lifIrLARS: The DIRECTOR has the pleasure to announce a brief season of GRAND GERMAN OPERA, Commtmcing as above. embracing the production Of the strength of the repertoire of the Grand German Opera Compaoy, ircludicg several Operas, which are now presented here for the first time by this Company. The uniform good favor which the Artists. Chorus and Ensemble of this Company has here as well a= else where enjoyed produces tbe necessity of elaborate an nouncenatart. The Company now embraces the favor. Ors of former seasons, together with several ftsw art iste of the first ti'lent. The thoroughlY genial and spirited method of ter dering Orera which hal chiefly chrr.cterized the wonderful popularity of this Com pany intensifies with continued performance, and foremost among its successes are ranked its most re cent productions. The famous jewels,- trophies and costumes of the "Esmaralda' war robes,the constame- Cot of which cost so enormously, have been added to the material for costuming the O eras. The absence of long entre-act waits is noticeable. and an unusually gay nod enjoyable season may be confidently ex pected. The Company embraces several Ty - ENV ARTISTS, togetrer with the establisbed Favorites of former seasons. PRIMA DONNAS:. MILE. ELVIBA NADPI, Prima Donna Assoluta, from the ~p era Combine, rar!e, and the Opera House, Hambnrg. Mlle NADDI made her denut in merles but re cently with the greatest success at the Academy of Mmic, New York. Her first appearance In Philadelphia. MADAIni , JOHANNA RYMER, Her first appearance this season. MADAME BERTHA JORANNSEN, Her second appearance this season. MLLE. SOPHIE DZIIIII Her second appearance this season. TENORo: FRANZ HEMMER, SKATLNG!!! His first appearance since his return from Europe. JOHANN A RMAN D. His fins appearance In Philadelphia. i HEODORE HARM-MAN, His second appearance this season. BASSOS: JOSEPH Tr FR.DIANS, His seceno appearance this season. JOSEPH Mrl• His second appearance in Philadelphia. HE INRI CH. ISTEINECRE, His second appearance this season. OTTO T.R.R Tr A N. rani MI hid UP le ll* ulibrl-ti The Secondary Rcieswill be austained in the usual strong and satisfactory manner I', r which this Grand Opera Company Is so justly eel. brated. THE REPEItTOthE EMBRACES: WI LI I A Di TELL, ..... ROSSINI The first periormsnce of this grand and popular d a-urre of RCESIIII which has taken place la Amebae for several years. The announcement of its revival is received with the greatest delight by the di/Monti. The Cast of characters embraces the entire strength of the Grand Germs n Opera Company. Not a single artist is omitted—many appearing in idles of in considerable importance In order to make it the strongest Cast which the Opera has yet received in this country, The rehearsals are progressing in a highly sat sfactory manner, and its compleieproduction may be confidently expected at an early day of the Phila- Ipbia season. Preented with new and magnificent crs tomes.. No other Opera, save Tell, wil be repeated during the season. fiIIREILLE, by. . —GORNOD This derghtful Opera, which was the great success of the London and Paris seasons, has never been pre duccd in Amer - ca except by the Grand German Opera. Company. Its first production In the city of Washing ton gained the warmest encomiums and If has since t. ken rank with the most *pot ular of the repertoire. The critics of the principal musical Journals or London and Paris give NilßFi 1 LF a musical rank before that of Faust. FhALIAVOLO,. The first production here by this Company of this wencierfuily popular opera. The able critic of the Washington Chronicle pri nom.ced the recrnt produc tion of -Fre Diavolo" the most genuine success of the season, and the most enjoyable operatic performance. es er s,iven In that c.iy. It is not presumption to say that no other American Cast equals that of the German Opera Company in vivacity and esprit de Copes. Rsbelman and Madame Rotter are esteemed as in their most effrctive rf,les: Herm ans,slightly trespassing on that good nature which the minlic everywhere so cores him in order to please Milor, the anglishnaan, with something national, introduces. as one of the Robbers, Russell's popular ballad—`l'm afloat. I'm afloat '—whichproduces the most tumultuous enthu siasm, and presents this popular basso in an entirely new feature LES HUGUM10T5...—....—..._...-MEYERREER This great opera, alter the most careful study and rehearsal during the seasomachieved lastspring at the New York Academy, the most gratifying success. It was given duriN; the entire season, hod attracted the largest attendance known to the Academy, eclipsing even that of its first production wader Ullman. The Cast is a strong one, and the careful study and re hearsals render the performance eminently satis factory. FAL - ST_ GOUNOD This ever popular opera will receive one representa tion during the season only. Bitomer and Hermans will appear in their original r &es. The appearance of these anis , . a as Faust and Mephistopheles at the close of the enormously saccessful season of Grand Italian and Great German Opera In Boston. was the signal for round alter round of vigorous cheers The Boston Port says: - We cheerfully ascrioe to this the position of the most satisfactory performance of the whole season." Palpable improvement is discernible In. Herman. who makes the j!ephistopheles more than ever his own. Indeed several of the best critics in Bos ton. Washington and Baitimore, claim a decided im provement in the quality of Hermans• magnificent voice. The opera is presented with new and magni ficent costumes andoperties. On one vening SUPERLATIVE given the following PROGRAMME e OF STRENGTH: TON FLOTOW'S GRAND opaRA PRESENTED ENTIRE. Fourth Act Restored, as Presented only by this COM- PaDY, ILLETHA, and in addition the celebrated Robin Adair act of ILA DAMS BLANCHE. This wonderful strong ;programme Arew in Roston the largest attendance of its entire recent seasons of Grand Julian and Grand German Opera, famous as exceeding by an average of ONE 'rHOCSaND DOL LARS PRE DAY any former operatic season on the erkan Continent. The Boston Journal says; -The matinee on Saturday was crowded to excess. The German Company is highly esteemed here, and with food reason, too, for their performances evolve such quantities of good humor that It is Impossible to theist their fascination. Individuality 'is rarely apparent, or at least objectionally so. We cite their presentation of -Martha as an illustration. How spark ling and enlivening was the overture, played by the German orchestra. and directed by the skillful Necten dcrft. This led us agreeably into the play. Fel towing It. from beginning to end, the charming music of A total, was united wi h the hearty co-operative action of the sins ere, keeping the senses in a constant spell of delight All of the principal songs were encored,while the cuncerted pieces were much applaudeth" Illeyerbeer's celebrated and world-renowned master work, ROBERT LE DIABLE, presented wi h the most perfect Cast, study and re hearsal n Mel this Grand Opera has ever yet received with this Company, and everywhere taking rank greatly before its production last season. By the critira and operatic dilettanti "Robert" is be lieved incontestably superior to any otaer work of the immortathieyerbeer taking rank even before L'A_FE. • MAGIC FLUTE RI CAIN Mozart. This sublime Opera of the greet , Maestro is presented aft, r the most careful study and rehearsal. and now atti acts the largest audiences uniformly of the entire repertoire. The opera is at present given M a most gratifying manner, and as clearty exce'ling all its toner presentations in this country is wortby of. the large attendance which it receives. DON GIOVANNI-- Mozart, with the famous cast which opened and again closed the wonderfully successful season of the Grand Ger man Opera in the New York Academy, under their attention. The Operas are mounted and costumed with the ZLAGSNLFICENT DRE&SES, JEW.hIS, TROPHI M S, and PARAPERRNA.LIA of the CELEBRATED ESILARALDA WARDROBE. SCALP OF PRICES: - - SECURED SEAT FOR TEN NIGHTS TEST DOLLARS. SECURED SEAT FOR FIVE NIGHTS, alternating with either First or Second Opera, -IX DOLLARS. It will be observed that the prices selected are THE LOWEST AT WHICH THE GRAND OPERA HAS BEEN PRESEN3 ED at any time since the • HILAD t.. • HIA AND NEW TORE ORNAt P MENTAL IRON WORKS. The subscribers. founders and manufacturers Of OAST, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squares, Mae' teries. Sc, PATENT WIRE RAILING. WINDOW AND DOOR GUARDS, for offices, store Proms bulwark nettings for ships, &a., &c., made under the JENKINS PATENT. being the only authorized manufacturers of Wire Work under said patent in the City. u IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT. LEON FURNITURE, STABLE FITTINGS, of every,varlety of new and improved designs. SPECIAL CARE BESTOWED ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY EMBELLISH- Ie EN TS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Yeses, Statuary, usfruperior facilities. A 11 orders shall receive careful and promptattentiOn. ja2frtb,s ni.amrr4 RoBERT WOOD & Office and Warerooms, 1136 RIDGE Avenue. AMUSEBIENTS. {Composer of Faust.) - - - _ altered condition of the currency. The season sale commences at TRITMPLER'S (late Gould's Music Store), corner of SEVENTH and ESTNUT streets, On MONDAY MORNING NEXT, Feb 19;1568, At nine o'clock precisely. IRON RAILING. ALILICTIOI SALEtI. . 2_, TIAVis it HARVEY, AIDTIo. 833 Chestnut street Sale No 2045 Green street, SPLENDID pußririu_____RE. ELEGANT Rum). PAINTINGS, LARGE MIR ROR, VELVET OA-11. PETS, do. • • • • • ON WEDNIRDAY MORNING. _At 10 o'clock, at No. 2045 Oren street, by catalogue, :the entire furniture; including snit of aplendld drawing room furniture, CON ered With tineplush; elegant seven octave piano forte , made by Steinway; fine French plate mantel mirror, '28x58 inches; tine oil paintings, vain and lace curtains ; handsome chamber fitrulture, finished in elegant velvet and Bros/mit, carpets; eteaerk sideboard: French china dinner set. may be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the age or previously, Dy obtaining an order from the AUGER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers