1 . 51UN12111 4 .*Ei COUPLE OF mt,w coNUNDRUMS•. • 1. 'Why do semghle people seem to dislike being landlords? Because, though by purchasing damaged clothing they will have plenty of rents to take in, they prefer buying Bermett's goods, in which "rents' , do not snake their oppearance. V/ by is a suit from the Tower like Forrest 's per *nuance of Othello? Because ft Is an excellent specimen of seaming. -We have the largest and beet stock of Cilothz big in Philadelphia, all Emma, ts. asirrorraurne and soon)), Which we are selling at prices guaranteed to be lower than the lowest elsewhere, for either SOUND or otarAean goods. TOWER HALL, No. 518 Market Street, BYINNETT & 00. SOUN D 'Tis said but little , good is 'found In boasttne,s, which are only sound; But many clothing stores we've heard Place great reliance on the word. But in the points which form the "Star," Cheapness, "style" and fashion are, hick, with the other points are bound To far eclipse goods, merely "sound." N. B.— ALlWahrtandittg OUT . IMMENSE SALES hpre greatly reduced our stock, we Nave still a fair assort' ment left, which, OWING to arrangments with the In surance ampanies, we are setting off REGARDLESS% og COST. gir A lot of Vests, one dollar each. STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM-, LOW PRICES AND :FASHIONABLE GOODS, CIELEHMTUT .STREET, SIGN OP THE STAR. - PERRY & CO. P. B.—ExtentMpreparationsfor Spring trade. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Save forty percent. in gas bills. CRE&3OI4I'S GAS REGULATORS WM prevent blocs ing or waste of gas. CRES3ON'S GAB REGULATORS WM give a better llirbt than with street pressure. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Are attached only at the meter. C:RESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Use no Memory orDiaphrag at. • CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Do not get-out of order. CRESSON'S GAB REGULATORS Divented by Dr. Charles IL Cresson, formerly - Ma naging EniNueer Philadelphia Gss Works. For sea byFAIRBANKS & WIN% Masonic Hall, 716 Otteestnut street. STEINWAY dc SONS' • PIANOS IMAre acknowledged the best instru ments In Europe as well as America. The fblluvring letter from the great Artist and Composer, Alen Drey schock (Pianist of the Emperor of Russia), speaks for itself: [Translation.] "ST. PMMTEISIUTItn, Sept. 29, 11‘65.—/kiettrs. Steinway& Sons: I cannot refrain from expressing to you my un disguised admiration of your, In every respect, match less grand Pianos (which I used at my last concert in Brunswick) and desire nothing in the world so much as to be able to perform upon one of those master. eces Send me, therefore, care of Jonann ur -Houle hme. Co , in St. Petersburg, one of y o ur Otmeer Davidt Grand Pianos. of course at the moderate artist's price, and inform me, without delay, in which manner I can best remit the purchase money to you. Respectfully yours, AL.EXAN DER DREYSOiiOOE." • Under European news. from the New York Weekly • Review, we read:."l4. VOLI BULOW (thc onc e gr.ate in st performer now living), gave a series of erts _Berlin (Prussia), and played on a Steinway Plasm, one of the moat magnificent instrumems ever heard In Geany " F rm rom Miss FANNY REED, in Boston, we learn that FRANZ LISZT (the king of pianists), frequently accompanied her on a Steinway Plano in Rome (Italy), and was in ecstasies about its superiority over all Others. ALFRED lAELL, S. BATTER, and others use them also whenever they can be procured. The demand for these Pianos, so popular here bas increased so much in Europe that.Steuswav &Sons are not able to supply one-half of the home demand. En Philadelphia for sale only, at dell BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut st. IfigGEO. STECK & CO.'S P1A2..T05.- 1 01 These beautiful instruments are as strongly recommended by the follow ing among sue leading artists in amerloa as any Pianos made in this country or in Europe, Wm. Mason, S. B. Mills, Theo. Thomas, C. Timm. Max Maretzek, Geo. W. Morgan, Carl Bergman. Carl Wollisolin, Chas. H. Jarvis, M.Cross, Carl Gaert tier, H. G.; Thunder, J. IL Beck. Joseph Blew, ;B. C. Cross. Cractinass of certificates as to their durcßetitte. and the references of one bee purchasers in Phila. delphia and vicinity, to had on application. Yor sale in rhiladelphie aniy. by J. E. GOULD, ja7.satf3 Seventh and Ctesuaut. GRA.ci PIA/Ma SEMDGRA Ii ND PIANOS! SQUARE GRAND PIANOS!Are known to be the most perfect and permanent In struments in America and Europe. In Grand and Musical Tone and in all respects of delicate and enduring mechanism, it la entirely con- Ceded by the GREAT ARTISTS OF THE PIANO, And ALL DIBURIMINATING SIIISHIAL AMA TEURS, that THE LIEEICICERING PIANOS ARE FIRST On both aides of tbeAtlantic. NEW WARERAOMS, alt CtLICSTNIOT street. W. H. DIITININ. ,s9-tn,th.s.tfl / Kt MEI' hat's NEWLY DAPJAIVIfai CBES CS= SCALE OVERSTETING PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the beet. London Prize Medal and Highest Awards in America received. 'Kisco- DEDICb AND SECOND-HAND PI ,NOS r 3834 w,B.in am - Wareroome,72l Arch et., below Bth. If EN IN (5 , B(1 LLETIN 11; THE MISSISSIPPI Governor Humphreys, of Mississippi, has been greatly exercised in mind about the presence of Federal troops on the sacred soil of his State. He considers them a nuisance and offence, and a most disturbing element. He is perfectly able to preserve the public peace, with the State Militia, and we believe his gubernatorial anxiety has already been Soothed by a withdrawal of the dis 'agreeable blue coats. As an evidence of how well-founded this loyal Gover nor's confidence in his militia is, a Vicksburg correspondent supplies the following synopsis of the by-laws adopted by a company of Mississippi State Militia recently organized at the capital of that State : "The Company votes to adopt the regula tions and tactics of the Confederate Army. "No one admitted as a member or the Company who was not in fie Confederate Army, or who was not frrendly to the Con federate cause. Motto--" Pry us." "The uniform to •be gray, but the button and insignia of rank to be the same as in the United States army." These are pleasant people to whom to commit thefortunes of a State which is supposed to have returned to its alle giance to the Federal Government. This is a substantial encouragement for us to restore to them the civil rights and privileges of citizenship. This is the evidence of returning loyalty which we are told is the tendency of the masses of he :-outh. These militia-men of J ick son are fair specimens of a very large • portion of the Southern people, and we think that it would .be very strange if it were otherwise. Poison taken into the human system lingers and lurks for years, despite the sharpest and most skilful treatment; and the virus of slavery and the heresy of secession, in stilled into the body politic of the South, have been too thoroughly di*.eminated, • to permit a reasonable hope of any such miraculously sudden cure as many good • people have fondly hoped for. The case cited above is a specimen of the way these people glory in their shame, and cling to the empty symbols of their •,* treason and rebellion, even now when they have ' become the symbols _ also of defeat and subjugation. . Of all the wrongs done by the South ernileaders to their own people, none is so bitter as this deinoralization of the public mind in all its political relations The losses which came from devastated fields, sacked cities, destroyed railroads, burned bridges, emancipated slaves and ruined fortunes, can all be replaced by the industry and enterprise of the people; but only by slower processes and with the growth of another generation can the prejudices and sophistries, the bit terness and hate, implanted by unscru pulous demagogues and false teachers, be done away. We ought not to wonder at the state-of feeling that we see mani fested at the South. It is the most ordi nary exhibition of human nature sub jected to the influences which have been at work.upon it for fifty years past. The training of two or three generations is not to be done away by the surrender of an army or the crushing of an armed rebellion. The roots lie deeper, and time, patience and a wise discipline are needed, before the deep-seated mischief can possibly be thoroughly extirpated, and a people, whose natural atmosphere has been so long one of Slavery with all the pestilent miasmas that are insepa rable from it, can be taught to breathe and move and have their being com fortably and healthfully in the pure at mosphere of Freedom. TEM STATE WAR DEBTS. A report has been made in the House of Representatives, at Washington, re commending a partial re-iMbursement to the several States of the expenditures for carrying on the war against the Southern rebels. These expenses, as far as can be ascertained, amount to about $475,000,000, though we think the accounts of some the States might be reduced by a little overhauling and a demand for vouchers. New York, for instance, presents a bill of $111,005,953; Massachusetts one of $47,800,827, and Ohio one of $64,867,813, while the bill of Pennsylvania is but $53,527,395. The Committee; however, propose to reim burse the States in proportion to the number of men furnished by each for the Government service, allowing $55 per man, the whole number being re duced to a uniform standard of three years' service. The payment is to be made in registered 5 per cent. bond,, redeemable after twenty years from date. The plan of the Committee seems to be a fair and reasonable one. We do not suppose that any of the States have ever thought of claiming full payment of all their war expenses. But some partial return was needed, and under the plan proposed, the burden of its payment will be shared by the dis loyal States, whose wicked conduct brought on the war and compelled the loyal States to give to the Government, hundreds of thousands of soldiers. The share of Pennsylvania will be $14,715,- 690. If we get this, or any other con siderable sum, we presume the State Government will distribute it equitably among the various cities and counties, according to the bounties paid and the number of men furnished byeach. In this way part of our heavy municipal debt, contracted during the war, may be extinguished,and our local taxation mv be reduced. The bill as reported has been re-committed, and as each State represented in Congress is interested in its passage, we presume there will be no serious opposition to it. AMATEUR OPERA.-001104rt Hall wag filled with a fashionable audience, last evening, for the third performance of Italian opera by amateurs, under the direction of Mr. Perelli. The opera was Lucrezia Borgia, with Mrs. Davis (n 2 e Jarvis) as "Lucrezia," Miss Deni,gre as "Orsini," Mr. Waterman as "Gennaro," Mr. A. Taylor as the Duke, and Mr. Nathans as "Gubetta." Mrs. Davis has a lovely, delicate sympa thetic voice, of great flexibility, and her method is excellent. She sang the whole of the music of her part like a true artist, acting, also, with intelligence. Miss Denegre was very good also, and received an encore in the drinking song. Mr. Water man made an extremely good "Gennaro," his voice being a high tenor of good quality, and under excellent control. Mr. Taylor'. personation of the Duke was really fine, both in sinning and acting. Mr. Nathans performed his not very interesting part vary satisfactorily and the subordinate parts were well filled. The applausu throughout the performance was most enthu , ia.iti,: an, I there were several Balls before the curtain. The orchestra WAS: very vond and the ah , rn-. though small, was efficient and correct. Lucrezia Borgia will ne repeated at the same place on Tuesday evening next. AN INTERESTING LECTURE.—On Monday evening Professor R. E. Rogers, of the University of Pen nsylvania, will deliver his second lecture on the phenomena of Natu ral Philosophy, including experiments in Chemistry, Electricity, and Electro-Magnet ism. We rejoice to see the increasing efforts which our scientific men are making to pop tOerize sdit nce, and to afford to the intelli gent masses of our community an insight into the mysteries ofNature which surround them. Dr. Rogers has devoted the proceeds of these most interesting lectures to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, a fact which forms a strong additional attraction to them. The first lecture was so largely attended and so keenly enjoyed that there can be lit tle doubt about a crowded.: utilise on Mon day night. Those who, hive not yet pro cured their tickets, which are reserved without extra charge, can do so by applica tion to T. B. Pugh, Sixth and Chestnut streets. TEE GERMAN OPERA.-Mr. Leonard Gro ver's advertisement or the German Opera season to begin on Monday, the 26th inst., will attract attention. William Tell, Mi r eille, Pra Diavolo, The Hugueizots, Faust, Martha, La Dame Blaneke,.Robert le Diable, The Magic Flute and Don Giovanni are in the repertoire, and as the utmost care will be taken to bring them oat in the beat style, a great success may be expected. William Tell has been rehearsed in Baltimore with fine effect. Auction Notteettle of Boots and Shoes. The early attention of buyers is called to the large and attractive sale of 1,400 cases Boots and Shoes, to be sold uy catalogue, for Casa,' on Monday morning, February lA, commencing at lo 'o'clock by Philip Ford & Co., Auctioneers. at.tb.e r store, No. 006 Market street, THE DAILY EVIAING BULLETIN : PgiLADELPHIA,, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1866. PROF. SCHAEFFER'S GERMAN COURSE. An interesting course of, lectures upon the German language will commence at the University of Pennsylvania, on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock. Prof. Schaeffer has devoted' much time and study to the elaboration of an original system of instruc tion in the German language, and wid doubtless present a series of very interesting and valuable lectures. An advertisement in another column gives the particulars of the terms and hours of the Course. John B. Myers ett. Co., Auctioneers, Noe, 232 and 234 Market street, will bold during next week the following important sales, viz: ON MoNnay,February 19,at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, On lour months' credit. 600 lots of French and tia:couY Dry Goodso c., embraciug 1,000 pieces uew style Dress Goods, SO pieces Hach Dress Silks, 50 pieces Swi a Mulls, White Carat rice, Bishops Lawns, Cambri.: dgings and Insertoigs, &c., 500 dozen Madras, Man. Silk and Cambric Hokts. Also. full linen Bat moral and Hoop Skirts. Silk Ties and Cravats Cloth and slik Circu ars, Sacques, Basques, &c. /our c,ses Damao, d Bair Fins and Hooka and Eyes. Also. Kb bons, Braids. Cores, Trimmings, Notions. &c. ON TuksoAy, Feb. 29, at ta o'clock. oy catalogue, on lour mouths' credit, about 1,200 packages Boot., Shoes, Balmorals, &c„ of city and Eastern manufao ture. ON THURSDAY, February 22, at 10 o'clock, by cat a logne, on lour months credit and part for cash, about 609. packages and lots of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. including Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets. Mattoon, Doeskins. Italians. Vesttngs, &c. Also, Dress Goods, Silks. Linens, Shirts and Drawers. Boop and Balmoral skirts, hosiery, Glove,, SeWings, dc., &c, Also. 125 packages Cotton and Woolen Domestics. ON Fa.r.D.Y, February 23, at 11 o'clock, by catty logne, on four months' credit, about 240 pieces Super fine and Fine Ingrain, Roy al Damask, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and Rag Carpeting', Canton Mat tiuga, &c. Large (ales of Extra Valuable Real Es- tale. Stocks, dm. Messrs. Thomas & Bons' sale an Tuesday next will Anon On the star Hotel, Dock street; several stores, South Eecond street; valuable lots. Twenty-fourth Ward, silo a number of othervaluable estates. Also, a lar, e IP t at valuable Insurance, railroad, coal and levee stocks. some o f catalogues also contain a llst et some ot' the most valuable estates offers/ th a sear on, to heart() on the 24th and 27th mad., 6th, 12th. 20th and 27th Merck. by order of the Orphans' Caurt, lisecutore and others. Peremptory Sales of Real Estate. (P.. • James 4. Freeman's sale, on Wednesday next , O&M -prbes a large number of oaluab'e store properties and atrelimgclu be peremptorily sold., gar IeTALOSIDEBI . ..:OH BIL&DY JOHN CHUMP BUILDER. 1781 uctEHI N i STREAT and 218 LOI/GE STEW Mechanics of every orancn required fon hottsennild Ins and tilting promptly Mahe& jab 6m' PRiChb REDUCE-D.—Finely executed, natural and Me-like „Photographs, of all styles.. Now is the time. Secure them CU B. F. F TM ER'S G& 11 0 1 7. Arch street. Go early. ASTE Or OIL by caralessly putting down an TT 011er, Is prevented In the palest articles, as fnms LI eir pen, ul lax shape they Immediately Dace them e elves upright. etre , sultab.a for machinists or (or eclat' g arta..es awl those of the usual &enaction, se im sale e t Tht. ItaN m •HAWS O. 885 (B.lgas Thh ty -r, ve) sake: street, below S lntL. RI t.a...S It hlit.:CEL).— A rare opoortunlty. Can't fn v Ket y.,ur Cartes de Vis,te taken In B. F. I ICS unNurpas.sed rpecimens, 6:4 StTra-t. Go early. UI ! LOX ! OX!—Rims. Mortise Cupan‘r.l I 1 ill. Borteu. Chest Pod. Box, all other Lo of rarleue qua Mee. for sale at the Hardware Store of I rani .Al`: r 1.1.4 NV, No. US (h:lx,ht Tbirtj-tire,i b.lne , Ninth. ttt L,L Uri'.— Eli:s.C; lured I'an , - J. foal ha, jt:At the thtug to guatity, rtrYle and prate. •ult ad. ere spertrueus &Reg engage an Invaldiv.le LikFntaa rezo..t.intreet. above Green. tunl;:sza tZe r al close out balance 13 Our •took we Gov'c ref , ure4 oar pnces 01 titate. l,w abole, . ale prices. 'Heel Plates, takute Pocket (tmlete,htrnps, etc. :States curt, et ahnr • et) T1412,,ki AN &SH A.W, No. saS (Eight, Thirty-five Y ark•t fore t. below J ul, LL,,..: •,. 0., NEWS.PAPYR A I)V.ErtTP=ING Al 1) SUBSCltlelluti AGE-NCI" For the Norvespopere of the whole country. Nort.Leaet corner of FIFTH end fel••••wjet4 CliEoTr: UT etree‘e. _ _.. ijo kit OVAL.—JAILES LYN' I) bite remeradhls LA. , " 11, r it.:ll to NO. 411 ellEgi us Err St. I m rrae oIFILNGS.—Etine Black Tea St! Uric' td• es e lac the PaAware Store. No. t.nt Market street. 1,, s.srlteg•• •t ea cents per pound. Also, Flt.e Black and Green Teas. V{)f< No. • AI - CH" BYTEi Rink: CHURCH., aboye Tenth inquire of J.l 2.P.V n.Y. 319 Walnut. street.. up antra. AL. HOUSICILEE:PhIbS, for rbkantog Over any pil -1 Ter-plated ware, a NEW P )1.1811.1N0 POWDIsit —the beat ewer made. FARR tic BROTHER kli WA Chestnut street below Fourth. tiTi INGHAM LACE s'Olt CURTAINS. by ts. .11 yard. An additional cue of this very dealrab.e Lace, ranging In price from 4 cents to 41 ^3 a yard, very much better than.uitial for the price. NoTTINGIIiAIIi LACE FOR BAD VALANCES,,te. An entire case, measuring 7 to 16 inches wide. from 11 cents I°ls oente a yard. Yon can porchau3 a 16-toes wide Lace for 16 cent. a yard only, at WORSE'S. $6 North Elehtti street. ISTITCIIRD SHEER LINEN Handkerchiefs, embroidered. Will ulna, one entire ease. some of which are hemmed and scolloped. wing ing In price from V 10 to 43, and very mach under the usual price fur similarl SS Handkerchief. SW MUOLIN. One case, entire, of 4-4 Swim lanolin. a fall line, from 53 to s 0 cte. a yard, the beet In the market for the price. WHITE FLOURED SILK NET For Vella, at ita a yard, 23 lochta wide, good style and quality, a low price. NY HITE SILK ILLUSION, Superfine. at 3.5 and 40 cents a yard; a discount to Particular attention Is invited to this item, as one of the many points of attraction, at Wthit NES Lace and Embroidery Store, No. 38 North Eigbtb street. it• 'OIL A CR' LLA biA LACE POLNTES NEW ill. PORTAIIO24 FOE SPItIN( 1666.—GE0. W. Vu- GEL, No. 1016 Cheetnut street, bas now open his new importation of Black Liman Lace Pointes. The assort mt LA. is vets complete, comprising OVER ONE TBOURAND SEA\%LNvarying in price from ;16 10 upwards to very tine qualities. t-articular at elution Is requested to a new make of tine Llama Pointes ktown as "Dentelle dee Indes," the designs of which are &vet to highest cost Chantilly Pointes, and warrantcsi to wear well. fel3-6arpv HAY GLO V.E—' 3 .-0160. W. VOGEL,No.IOI6 Chest lJ street, is doling out a lot of Omuta de Suede, a. 75 cents a p.air, a hood article, of the following sizes: 6,6 p, 632,734, 74. black and colors, at 75 cents a pair. fala-Strp. GOY SKIRT MAnr FA.CI ORY Hoop Skirts r ray made and made to order: warranted of the best materials. Also, tistrts repaired. 1112.8. E. BAYLEY, 812 Vine street, above Eighth. Jutti,Als 'b 1 4 I. lir ititAT ED TONIC A_LE.—The truly u.atthrul and nutritious beverage, now In use uy thousands—invalids and others—has established a character for quality of material and purity of mann rattnre, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended uy physicians of this and other places. as a superior tot.ic. and requires but a trial to convince the mast site pitcal of its great merit. To be had, wh. koala anti 4.44‘ti. p T. JoRDA.N. SA Pear street. I MPLIES, WEAVER & CO.. Diann&Mum of NANELA. CoAND TA 'Vt. n CORDAGE. rds, &c., No. 23 North Water Street, and No. 2it North Delawar Avenue, Philadelphia. Enwis H. Pirmea. Minna= Wzavans Carman P. Mamma. German Opera. ICA_L BOXES, In handsome cues, playMirtrom linv 3 o to twelve choice melOdies. for sale by FAItIt 44 BROTHER, Importers, No. two Chestnut street, below Fourth. L IFE GROWTH AND BEAUTY.- _ "London" Grey Hair Color The Only Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Hair Hair Color Infallible Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Changed Hair Color Hair Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" without Hair Color Restore- Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Dyeing. Hair Color tive. Restorer" It Is the only known restorer of color and perfect hair dressing i combined.i Delicately perfumed. "London' , Does Hair Color Removes Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" not Hair Color all Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Stain Hair Color Dandruff Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" or Soil Hair Color and Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Anything. Hair Color Itching. Restorer" iiiASES THE HAM SOPT, GLOSSY AND thitII.ELLET. KEEPS TEE SCALP CLEAN, COOL AND HEALTHY. "London Hair Color Restorer." . London Cures all Hair Color It will Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Diseases Hair Color prevent Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London of the Hair Color the hair Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Scalp. Hair Color from Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Falling. Restorer." No washing or preparation before or after the use; applied by the hand or soft brush. - Only 75 cents a bottle, six bottles $4. Sold at Dr. WAYNE'S, .bio. 880 North Sixth street, above Vine, and all the leading Druggists and Fancy goods dealers. deSOmma,tf S Q UIR E'S OLD GERMANTOWN DRUG STORE, Opposite Town HalL This long and favorably known Pharmaceutical Establishment; is now under sole control of the un dersigned, who for more than live years past has been in active management of the business. Having first• class Drug connections in London, New York, and our ,is equaled by but few similar own city, we present a stocirof goods which for purity, novelty and, varietY establishments in the city. The constant personal attention of the proprietor, is given to the details of the business, insuring accuracy,prOmptness and reli ability. JOSEPH P. BOLTON, ja28.24t4p Graduate in Pharmacy, SOItGIaD3L--Chlneae Sugar Dane Byre; handsome nstiele, for sale by JOS. B. 11 ¢0.,108 South Delaware avenue. • 1 H E r.A.VORIT'I3 CLOTHING HOUSE of this City, IES WANKMARBR it BROWN'S Popular .Establishment. at S. E.'cortter. SIXTH and MARKET STRIcETd._ • They have the best stock of Ready-Made Clothing, and a fine assertment of Piece Ponds, for 01,9401:0 Work. and are satisfied with moderate prices. Pay them a visit for your next Suit. fept•ty A New Poem by Whittier! TICKNOR & FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY, SNOW BOUND: A WINTER IDYL, John. Gr. Whittier, Author of "Maud Muller," &c., ,tc. In one beautifolly prooted Volume, with a tine por trait i f t. author, and an illustration of his birth. place, the scene of the poem. Price, Et 25. lilothing that has ever appeared from our favorite New Englind poet will; haue a closer home•lnterest than this admirable production. It tells the story of his own boy-life snit° the herdahips and pleasures of that stormy se son of the year, so full of vicissitudes and danger to the dwellers on our rocky coast. Thou sands of Benders will thank anew the poet who can make them feel "The winter joys their boyhood knew " With Whittler's own beautiful lines at the close of the poem, all those who peruse Snow Bound cannot ill to sympathize. "And dear and early friends—the few Who yet remain—sball pause to view These Flemish plateres of old days: bit with me by the homestead hearth, And stretch the hands of memory forth To warm them at the wood fire's blaze! And thanks emtraoed to Ups unknown shall greet me like the odors blown Frcm unseen meadows newly mown, Or lilies floating in some pond, Wood-fringed, the wayside gaze beyond; • - . The traveler owns the gratefhl sense Of sweetnms near, he knows not whence, And, panning, takes with forehead bare he benediction of the air." COUPON BONDe. By J. T. TROWBRIDGE. Reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly. Paper, M cents. BOORS RECENTLY PUBLISHED THE FREEDMAN'S BOOS. By L. SLL32IA CEII.I.D. 1 vol. limo. $1 26. LITTLE FOXES..' By HARRIET BKIXIEett. STOWA. voL limo. IR 72 A SUMMER IN bIIYE. By ALExANDieIt. SILITEL 1 vol. 16200. el 75. • WAR LYRICS. By Baucuy HOWARD 8110 1 vol. 1111220. $1 10. PATRIOT BUYS AND PRISON PICTURES. By EDIICXD B VIRE. Illustrated. 1 vol. /Ciao. 21 2.5. 1NN11 , ..10 HIS WAY. By "CeaLu - roti.'' Illusratsd. 1 voL timo. $1 2i. 112RN.W.A.12.0; OH, THE LAST OF THE ENG LISB. By CBAni.zs EISOSIsY. I voL 121210. $1 ;3; DICTIuN.ItY OF NOTED NAMES OF ILUT.101: • It.m.lading nil:0111ar Peeudouyms, Sura2mes be taut, ed 00 EMLnent Mee. I voL 1222t0. r. 50. 35.155 0022 A McQUAItRIX. A Sequel to "Allied Bagart'e Househotit." By •i_tx•tirdiCe. Sli Mil. 1 ♦ol. 1620 e. .1 00. LIFE AND LIITEIIS OF &EV. Y. W. ROBEItT. SON. 2 viola IIMO. is 00. NEW EDITIONS NOW READY SERMONS. By Rev. F. W. Roartwreort. 5 vole• to each. HISTORY, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. By Guos.GA 13 Pam, CYST. With 190 Engravings. ra O. WILHELM 11.8.1hThat. Translated by 'I nost.s CaIiLTLY. With fine Portrait of Goethe. 2 vOl3- /21)20. SI 10. Any of the above hooks sent postpaid to way address on receipt of advertised price. Ticknor & Fields, PTBLIE HE rat. 124 Tremont Street, Boston, IT WILL. JP.A.IC TO ADVERTISE IN COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS! The undersigned Is Agent for the best country pa pers in all parts of the United Stat s, and contracts for anvertfsing at the Publi _• her's lowest rates, ills sys tem of adv. rtlsing is sum. that one who design.; t • make his business known In many different seellot,s of the country shomd fall to avail the useless ot It. Re represents and recommends only wail establishe I papers and GUAIt.A.a TEES careful insertions .1 al verti_•ements In all tomes. WILMER AT XI N SON, No, 611 Chestnut strut, lens,m,w,f,tus • SE °and floor. OAK biIIDE Offi COMFANI OF PHILADELPHIA. AL, - : • $300.000. . ~,RE5,120,000. PAR VALUE, 65 00. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM BAILEY, TREASURER, BECIRETART, ELYOII ualSil3LE. J. DALLAS HALL. DIRECTORS, JOHN F. GROB 4 , DAVIS SlTtißt E. E HUGH GAMBL JOAN H. JONES, WILLIAM BAILEY. OFFICE, 329 WA I,N U V ST REE PHILADELPHIA.Ina/rp COAL ! COAL ! BUT QUALITIES OF COLL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT A LTER'S COAL YARD , NIN7E9EI STREET, BELOW GIRARD AVENUE. Sigli-BRANC3 OFFICE CORNER OF sErrs AND SPRING GARDEN. delOtapl-ip GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES, With latest improvements, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 17 MARKET Street, Harrisburg. jel•Em rp EDWARD P. KELLY. TAILOR. 012 Chestnut Ste COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP Choice Gt-oods At Reduced Prices for Cash. Pattern Coat and Clothes Not Paid for at Cost j for Cash. Published This ijUi THE QUEEN'S. REVENGE. • THE QUEEN'S REVENGE . THE QUEEN'S REVENGE. BY WILKIE COLLINS. Author of "'rheDead Secret," "A ft r Dark," "Hide and Seek," "Basil; or, The Crossed Path," etc. Printed from Advance Proof-Sheets. One Volume, Octavo Price 75 Cents. Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Acdress all cash orders, retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERE I 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Books sent postage paid on receipt of retail price. An NEW BOORS are at P! TBBSONS'. ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, &c. 1,000 BOXES 111.W..SINA ORANGES AND LEMONS. 1,000 BOXES LAYER AND BUNCH RAISIN'S. 500 BOXES VALENCIA do. LIM MATS SEEDLESS do. 25 CASES IMPERIAL PRUNES IN TIN CANS. 100 KEGS FRENCH eRUNE.S. 10 CASES TIIREDIR do. 1,000 BAGS VIRGINIA AND AFRICAN PEA NUTS. 100 CASES PATRAS CURRANTS. 100 BOXES ITALIAN CITALED MACCAR.ONL 5,000 POUNDS BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. 25 BARRELS SHAKER SW - .k..k.:T CORN. 260 CASES WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN'. 200 CASES WINSLOW'S GRIEN PEAS. 5,000 DOZEN CANNED PEACHES IN SYRUP. CASES PRESERVED QUINCES & PEACHES BARRELS CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S ESIU LISH PICKLES, QUARTS AND PINTS, FOR SALE BY JOSEPH B Bussin & CO., 108 South Eelaw are Avenue. fel6-U rig 50u,0u0 FEET sPItU6E JOIST. 5.4 Yellow Pine Flooring, Panel Plank, And a general assortment nj RETILDLISG LUMBER on band and tor sale by WILLIAMS & BTOKBS, TWENTY-FIRST AND RACE. SrILE.EIA AGENCY. An old established Sheffield Steel Roan requires an AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THEIR, STEEL in Philadelphia. To an Agent with a connection and a good knowledge of the business this would be an excellent. opening. A liberal commission is offered. Barkers' references required. Address Box M, Post Office, Sheffield. England. fei.l2o GOFFERING MAOHINES. . VisnaniAPterllo:lll4 A large assortment of Geffering Mead= 1= re, celved per @ewer -St. George." . FOB, BALE BY Isaac Townsend, Homo Finnishhag etore of theists JOIE& A. HUB. PHY, 922 Chestnut Street, jamtr4p2 Below Tool& street. JAMES W. QUEEN dr, CO., de2itf rpf GROVER di BAKER'S IMPROVED SHUTTLE OR "LOCK" STITCH SEW ING MACHINES. No. I and No. 9 for Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers dn. CHL.'sTNET Street, Philadelphia, 17 HARR ET Street, Harrisburg. fel-tun rp PATENT WIRE WORK The subscribers would call the attention of the public to their varied and extensive assortment of patterns and Styles of Railings, Store Fronts, Door and Window Guards, Bulwark Net tirg for Ships, &a., &c. 11 orders promptly executed. Liberal discounti made to A rot:Meets and Builders. ROBERT WOOD & CO , 1136. Ridge avenue. fel stha,tulm 11 A. ANA a /I_CTA.Rti. AND Ll NCILBLIBG TOBACCOS. Bona tide prices rt (Weed 40 per cent. FLAHERTY, 337 Chestnut st., opposite the Continental. Store closed on Sunday. Customers phase purchase on Saturday. fel3-5i rpa Lape islttuolo Boom Cottage for Sale, ADJOLNING CONGRESS HALL, Will be sold with or without Stable for four bores. ddri ELS, J. F. CAKE, core.w4t p 7 Cape Islam -7 gt.i..L.A 7 EL4 WARE. G. RUSSELL & CO., 2.2 N. SIXTH STREET, Invite attention to their very full stook of FANCY AND PLAIN SILVER WARE Of the newest designs, suitable for Bridal Presents and Table.use. All Silver warranted equal to Coin. foB3 to th7l rpf JAY COOKE & CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bankers, AND Dealers in Government Securities, F. S. 6's of 1881, 6 20's, Old and New, 10-40's; Certificates of Indebtedness, 7.30 NOTES, Ist„ 2d, and 3d Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Com mission. Special btudness accommodations RESERVED FOR LADIES. fe7 Pamamizsmrs. February 1888. fez IMITS CALL attention to oar cent assortment of anterior PIANOS, which we always have on band, and ordar them at very reasonable prices to purchasers.. Beet of references and FULL fifILS-RELNTBEEC invariably even by ___ THB UNION PLANO BLABiIWACTURINGOO. OM bilr Walnut .trash SPEMLNOTIM Will Sell the . Greater Part of My Fine ished Stock of CABINET WARE, AT PUBLIC SALE, ON FRIDAY, 2,3 d instant, PRETARA.TGRY TO BEMOVLNG TO THE BUILD'. IICG, Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. FEE M. THOMAS-.t EONS ADVERTISE MEST. GEO. J. HFSE ELS, 809 and 811 Chestnut St. fel7-5t kflawal INSURANCE COMPANY OF MLA- DELPHIA INCOB.PORATED 1804, Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance, Office N E. cor. Third and Walnut St. EXOHANGE BtILDING This Company Insures Against 3FIRJE. Also, Marine and Inland Risks at lowest rates. Assets, $370,000. DIRECTORS. RICHARD S. SMITH, I H. r. ROBLIN - srm S. DESTOtET, I samurt, C 000 k. A. P. BORi E. iJ A MES R. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS TETE, G. W. BERNADOD, JOHN 11. IRWIN. i HENRY SAMUEL. NEWBEP.RI A. SMITH,' WI LLIAM S BAIRD. WILLIAM C. KENT, CHARLES WHEELER, Ei ENRv LEWIS, Jr.' S. DELEBERT, . J P. b•TEINER NORRIS S. CM Itaf MSS, EDWARD L CLARE, sOLOM ON TOWNSEND; GEORGE LEWD+. iF. LAVERGNE, ELLIS Y A_BNA IL, 'JOHN MOSS, RICHARD R. smirTH, President. JCHN MOSS, Secretary. fell-Zt SPIt IN G. Stun received, a very desirable lot of White Goods, CAISIBRICB, SACONETS, PUFFED MUSLTICS, NAINSOORS, DMITEB, PIQUE. MARSEILLES, 4kr.., Which are offered at low prices. A large and carefully selected assortment of Black Goods, BLEUEUSAIitIiCI3, IfLORIECTINIZA, " TAMISE. PARISSIBNNE, CHALLERS, 1333..ENADLNICS, KLEE (Plain Black and Black and :Maki) The particular attention of Roasekeefevi I divided" to the stock of LIBEISS, DAMASKS, POWELL:EEGS, QUTLTB. FiEl2.lEC:ll 4 id Ss 9 South Ninth Street fel&Mtb.att rpf WHITE GOODS. TACONET MITSLINS. PLAID SWISS... CA M:BRIC MIISLINS. SOFT FINISH ('A IkURRIC. FRENCH ORGANDY VICTORIA. LAWN WHt•lt, DIMITY SWISS 31tTeLM'B WHITE BRIT T.T ANTS. PLAID MUSLIN'S AIIERICAN CA' RTC STRIPED SWIS ICAINSOOK MUSLIN STRIPED NALNSOOS. PLAID NAINSOOK WHITE PIQUE NATIcSOOK CHECKS. WHITE TAELETAN FIGURED SWISS HUSLINS. Lll`..;kl . LAWN TUCKED MIIMEN'S PUFFED MUBLINS MARSEIL L PINK TA.ELETAN, At Extremely Low Rates. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE la CO., N. W. cor. Eighth and Market Ste. fe1541 rp J. T. GALLAGHER, 411IRL Late of BAILEY & CO., FOMIERLY BAILEY & KiTCHZEN, Offers for sale at his NEW ESTABIARRIKENT, S, W, cor, Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts. (No. 1.300,) A SUPERIOR STOCK OP English. Swiss and American WATCHES. MANUFACTURER. .OF FINE JEWEI;RY And Sterling. Silverware• DEALER IN Pearls, Diamonds and Other Precious Stones. Watches. and Clocks carefully Repaired and . War;- rante.a. feleqsa ra th 4p.L. 1 R BALE.—To Shippers. lerocera, Hotel-keepers A: and others—A. very superior lot of Champa gne Older, by the barrel or dozen. P. I. JORD AN, nos-rpti 220 Pear street, below Third and Walnut ARKING idingWlTH END ing, do. TPT.rwrai um, ztabrome unu ing, Bra, Stamp 21. mr, 1800 Filbert street. 'ISAAC NATHAN% Auctioneer and Money Broker, N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streetsonly one square below the Exchange. NATBAIqB43 'p r i n d ri a office, established for the last forty years. Money to loan in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on mamonde, Silver Plate,. Watches. Jewelry, Cloth -182, 88 8 goods of every. description. Officehours from 8 A. Itt. till 7 P. M. • de23-tfrp,
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