SECOND EDIT BY TELEGRAPH LATE NEWS FROM WAS THE FRENCH-MEXICAN Qll RUMORED CABINET CH LATE FROM LOUIS M LINCOLN'S BIRTH THE GUERILLA E Convicted of Eleven Sentenced to be DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN NAS THE . TENNESSEE OIL LATE FROM GALV Federal Officers Assa From Washington. !Special Despatch to the Bullets WASEOSIGTON, Feb. 13.—The Be House Committees on Foreign Aft under consideration the Francci• question. A decided change has ta' in the minds of both Committees, in the minds of members of Congl the news reached here of the Napoleon to the Chamber of announcing his determination to the French troops from Mexico, a express a willingness now to Maximilian's government as the meat de facto of that country. A committee from Philadelphia timore were to-day before the, Means Committee, to protest age discrimination in favor of for domestic coal. The tax coma their first report suggested a tax cents per ton. In their second red recommend a considerable incr that figure, which will probably by the committee. Gentlemen occupying confidential rela tions with the President assert to-day that there will be changes in the Cabinet within two days, though it is said that the differ ences that exist in regard to certain mea sures among the members of the Cabinet are not of a character to producel a rupture at present. We have this from high authority. The House Naval Committee, to-day, re sumed the consideration of the proposition to accept League Island, but adjourned without reaching any I definite conclusion. It is not improbttble that the new members of the committee may - visit Philadelphia with a view of examining the island. From Louisville. LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, February 12th. —Charles Pepley, one of the nit eminent lawyers of - Kentucky, died this }}scorning of erysipelas. Colonel W. H. Coyle, Judge Advocate of the Department, has left for the Dry Tortu gas by, way of New Orleans, with a guard and seven prisoners convicted by military commission and sentenced to be :3onfined at the Tortugas. The health of Colonel Coyle, superinduced by arduous servie, has illren dered this relaxation necessary. Colonel Coyle will resume his duties on his return. General Fisk, of the Freedme 's Bureau, arrived th's morning, on his way to Frank fort, to meet a committee of the egislatture, and while here received a telegram, an nouncing the death of a member of his family, and the dangerous iilless of his wife,' and left for St. Louis. General Palmei• leaves for NE.shville, to morrow, to confer with General Thomas respecting affairs in this department. ------ The National Soldiers' and Saftors' League celebrated President Lincoln's birthday by a procession and speeches, and at Turners' Hall they were addrelised by Gen. Palmer and Mr. Wolf. The military commission in 1 the case of one-armed Berry, the guerilla, have found him guilty of eleven separate murders, and have sentenced him to be hanged. Gen. Palmer has approved the findings of the commission, and has fixed March 3d for Berry's execution. _ From Nashville NASHVILLE, Feb. 12.—The river is rising, with four feet flush on the shoals. There was a heavy rain last night and yesterday. Cotton is dull,the highest price is 34 cents. There were no shipments to-day. A fire occurred on Saturday night at-the o f store Driver Brown, in Public Square. damaging the stock to the amount of $30,000. The great Fenian reception comes off here to-morrow. Gen. Sweeney and President Roberts are expected to address the brother hood. A man named Whitney was probably fa tally injured last night, on the .Northwest em road, while passing from one car to an other, by being struck by a projection of a bridge. The Press and Times sayi that Banks vine, the centre of the oil regions on the Cumberland, is becoming very populotis, and that stores, dwellings and drinking \\ saloons are springing up, and it has all the t fast features of a California gold town. The. Tennessee and Cunaberland oil and Mining Company have struck a fine vein of oil, consisting of. thick 'syrup.' It is used here for the lubrication of machnery. From Galveston. GiumEstox, Feb IZ—the steamer Vir gins has sailed for New York. Cotton is 'and:rged. Freight dull at former rates.: Generatmerehandise dull. There has been some recent shipments to , New York from,. -.our. overstooked-market.„...... ON. It is repo d that three officers of the 9th colored reg ent Were: assassinated-in the beginning ti ebrnary af Brownsville, Besclattlonn in the Maine Leglanture. ArGIISTA, Maine, Feb. la.—The folloWing resolutions were introduced into the House branch of the Maine Legislature, to-day, by General Shepley, of. Portland, in relation to equality of civil and political Resolved, That the grand result of a truly , republican government can never be fully attained until equality of civil and political rights be permanently secured, irrespective of differences of race or color. GTE. STION. -Resolved, That so long as the elective franchise shall be denied or abridged in any State on account of race or color, none therein of such race or color, should be in cluded in the basis of representation of such State in the Congress of the 'United States; and we approve of the efforts of the Senators and Representatives from this State in Congress to secure such an amendment of the Constitution as would effect this result, believing that the tendency and hoping that the ultimate effect of this amendment, if adopted, would be to secure equality of political as well as civil rights for all. The Committee on Federal Relations to Which was referred 'a resolution in relation to the crime of treason and the punishment of traitoiet, have reported, that as in their opinion no expression of the views of this Legislature is required to hasten the ac tion of the Riecutive authorities of the United States on the subject of said resolu tion, it ought not to pass. The report was accepted. - DAY. I;4;x'4 orders. ung. IMP GION. ETON. Nov Yonx. Feb. 13.—The steamer Peru_ Tian has arrived here from Portland. BOSTON, Feb ` l2.—The ship Hamlet, Capt. Stevens, from 'Calcutta, for Boston, with a valuable cargo of Rest India goods, went ashore last night in a thick fog on. Iffertset beach, Cape Cod, and will be a total loss. Her back is broken and she is full of water, The crew were all saved. The Hamlet was a 750 ton ship, built in 1851, and was owned by W. C. Rogers & Co. A large portion of her cargo was consigned to Israel G. Whitney r of Boston. The United States revenue cutter Paw tucket ashore on Cape Cod, got off last night without damage. The schooner Kossuth, of New York, which was ashore on Point Albertson bar, got off last night and anchored in Hull Gut. sinated. :nate and airs have -Mexican ken place and also ress, since speech of Deputies, withdraw i nd many recognize govern- PROVIDENCE, R. 1., Feb. 13.—Last night two schooners were sunk by the ice in our bay. The crew of both vessels were saved. and Bal , ays and lust any •ign over 'salon in lEulogricun on Mir. Lincoln. TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 13.—Hon. R. S. Field, Judge of the United States Court, de livered his eulogy on Abraham Lincoln be fore • both Houses of the Legislature, last night, at the Normal School. The meeting was presided over by Hon. Mr. Scovel, Pre sident of the Senate. of fifty Tort they Vase over adopted Poirsvus.E, Feb. 13.—The anniversary of the birthday of President Lincoln was observed last night, by services in the First Presbyterian Church. An oration was de livered by S. H. Burlingame, to a large audience. PennSylVania Legislature. ECUIRISBURG, Feb. 13th &Elva-E.—Petitions were presented,tavor able to Sunday travel, and four against it. Four remonstrances against giving addi tional privileges to the Lombard and South streets railway were presented. Mr. Nichols presented a petition from bone-boilers,asking to be allowed to operate in the First and Twenty-sixth Wards of Philadelphia. Mr. Nichols read a bill changing the name of Robert McGaw Wood to Robert McGaw; also one exempting from taxation the Children's Hospital on Twenty second street. Mr. Connell, one authorizing Andrew Craig, as administrator, to sell certain real estate; also, one authorizing the Coal Ridge Improvement Company to issue preferred stock. Mr. Ridgeway, one incorporating the Philadelphia Malt Company. HOUSE.—The House engaged in the con sideration of two hundred bills on the private calendar. The following were objected to and postponed, viz.: incorporating Pequa Valley Railroad ; also Slatington and Hamburg Railroad; also Delaware and Susquehanna Railroad. The Committee to prepare a historical painting of the battle of Gettysburg, con sists of Kerns, of Philada., Markley, of Montgomery, and Allen, of Warren. Mr. Davis read a bill requiring cutters of ice to leave one hundred feet near any river bank to protect skaters. The act requiring dams on the Susque hanna to be altered so as to allow shad to pass up was obiected to and postponed. Mr. RuddimWn objected to the act allow ing the city of Philadelphia to sell her loans below par and it was postponed for one week. The acts making printed copies of ordi nances evidence in court,and incorporating the West Philadelphia Market Company were passed. Mr. Freeborn called up an act incorporat ing the National Union Club. Passed. Death of a Boman Catholic Bishop. BOSTON, Feb. 13.—The Right Rev. John B. Fitzpatrick, Catholic Bishop of Boston, died ] = st night,after a lingering illness, aged 53 yea a. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 12th.—Cotton is more active. Sales of 3,000 bales at 45c. Sugar, fully fair, 15i. Molasses, strictly pure, 00c; sterling, 47. New York checks, par. Freights by steam to New York, 10; , to Liverpool, 1 1-16. Gold, 139. Arrived, steamers NeShannock, New York and Cuba, from Baltimore. NEW VnnE, Feb. 12.—Arrived, steamer Leo, Savannah, 9th inst.; Star of the Union, New Orleans, 4th inst. Price of Gold [By the People's Nzw To - Bar, Feb. quoted to-day as foil 10.30 A. M., 1382 10.45 138:#®2' 11.00 1382 11.15 1382 TERRIBLE CALAMITY IN OHIO—TWENTY SEVEN CHILDREN DROWNED.—The Dayton (Ohio) Journal of the 9th reports that twenty-seven children were drowned in the reservoir, at Celina, on Wednesday. They were attending school in the vicinity of the reservoir; and at noon, all the scholars but two, twenty-seven in number, went on the ice to slide, when it broke with them, the whole party drowning before help could reach Wein. t r THE Virginia Senate has passed a bill fixing the Governor's %alary at $5,000 per THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN _ PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1866. Marine Intelligence. Lincoln's Birthday. From New Orleans. Arrival of Steamers. In New Yore. Telegraph Line,' 13th.—Gold has been •ws: 11.30, 138509 11.45 1351 12.00 M., 1388@I 12.15 P.M., 1381 :i ,'; -.. ' . ..'..' i. ;.. - J. - CITE. fIEVIMr4EIIN: 'T THE SeEttryLniLi,.=Tfie watei the Schuylkill continued to rise during yester-, &eV afternoen and evening, and at 10 o'clock last night the water passing over the Fairmount was five feet-six. 'inches in, height. A considerable gnantity of ice. came down and about one hundred feet oc the capping of the 'new crib for the protec tion of . the dam were carried away. The wheel .houses at Fairmount were- overflowed bat ; no in= jury was done. 'Some of the wharves below Market street bridge were also overflowed, 'but all movable property bad been removed previously. The ice piled up'against the Chestnut street bridge, but no damage was done to the trestlework; After midnight the water began to fall rapidly, and although the current was swift; it is not probable that there will be any further rasing at this time. The river thus far• has been free from floating barrels, trees and lumber, showing that the residents of the interior counties have not yet sus tained any loss. MAN STABBED.—James O'Mara was ar rested last night upon the charge of having stabbed a sailor at a tavern on Beach street, above Coates. The knife was plunged into the side of the sailor, inflicting an ugly gash but not a dangerous wound. O'Mara had a hearing this morning before Alderman Toland, and was committed to answer. DISOR.DILLILY HOUSE.—Martin Dodderei and James Bell were before Alderma,n Allen this morning upon the charges of of keep ing a disorderly house, on Market street, near Thirty-ninth, and selling liquor on Sundays. It is alleged that fights frequently occur at the house, on the Sabbath. The accused were held to answer at Court. A COLD BATH.—A man named Francis Gallagher, residing in the neighborhood of Eighth and Shippen streets, fell into the Delaware at Vine street wharf, about two o'clock this morning. He liras rescued from drowning by Officers Grimes and Fillies, of the Harbor Police. SLIGHT FlBS.—This morning, about half past 6 o'clock, a fire occurred at Hoffman's house, at Richmond and Ann streets. The flames were extinguished before any con siderable damage had been done. lIEPROVING.-Mr. John L. Goddard, who had a paralytic stroke in church on Sunday, is rapidly recovering. He was much better this morning. 7 3-10's' WANTED, DeHaven (t Brother 40 South 'Third Street. 5-20's WAISTED, DeHaven (t. Brother, 40 South Third sLreet. BOWER'S INFANT CORDIAL A a certain, safe and speedy cure for cholic, pains and spasms, yielding great relief to children teething, Bower's iiboratory,Slith and Green. "FELT CORN AND BU:C. lON PLASTERS."— Mailed for fifty cents. Bower, Sixth and Vine. NEEDLES' INDELIBLE sitandard and reliable article for marktns handkercblea., garments. itc. :!Jade by C. H. Needles, Droggit..., corner Tvreirth and Rare streets, P LASTESS. —Need les' Medicated m pent d Ileuf ock. for cure and milefor paths and weak nee s. For s ale at hts Drug Stole, Twelfth and Race and ny our best Druggists. . DRUGGISTS' SONDRIEs IN EVERY 17a arwrir. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers, Sonia Eighth street. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Receiv ers, Jewel CaatteM, Cigar Cases, Cut lery, etc. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers. 2 South Eig.hey th etre COURTS. Nisi Pnws.—Henry B. Ashmead vs. the Protestant Episcopal Book Society.—Tnis was an action to recover for work alleged to have been done for defendants. Plaintiff is a printer, and printed a large number of tracts for distribution in the army during /864 and 1865. A portion of the bills were paid, and snit is now brought for a balance of $41,155 76. The defence set up that the tracts were for the Christian Commission; that the defendants are not liable, as the order for the printing came from the agents of the Christian Commission. It was further alleged that the plaintiff exceeded the orders and the charges in his bills were for print ing not authorized. On trial. QUARTER SEssioNs—Judge Ludlow.— Henry Watson pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing money. Jacob Jones was convicted of a charge of entering a dwelling with intent to steal He was found in the closet of the house. Patrick Harrington and Jas.Murphy were charged with larceny. Murphy was con victed and Harrington acquitted. Isaac Purnell, colored, pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny. Sent to the House of Refuge. Jos. D. Tully pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny. John Cahill was convicted of a charge of assault and battery. Michael Cook was convicted of a charge of stealing a boat. Joseph Eberly was committed of a charge of larceny mid Charles Ziroth was convicted as an accesory before the fact. James Donnelly, •• was convicted of a charge of larceny. Sarah Cole, colored, was convicted of a charge of receiving stolen goods. Walter Harvey was charged as principal and Elizabeth Ackley as accessory after the fact of a larceny of $lB7 50. It was alleged that Harvey took a small trunk from the wagon of the Howards Express Company, and that he divided it with Elizabeth Ack ley. On trial. THE Freedmen's Bureau has in charge 800,000 acres of land, and 1,500 pieces of town property. Since its organization it has issued more than 500,000 rations to re fugees, and 3,500,000 to freedmen. It has treated 2,500 refugees in hospitals and de cently buried 227 of them. It has treated 45,000 freedmen, and made tpe graves for 6,000 of the number. Transportation hag been furnished to 1,700 refugees, and 1,900 freedmen. In the schools there are 40,000 people that have been instructed by this Bureau. 1 A PARTY of men ere attacked by In dians on the 20th ul ~ at Wilmer Creek, Kansas, and two of t em were immediately killed and three wo ded by the savages. There were soldiers s ttinned at Fort Ells worth, about 65 mile distant, but they were unable to pursue the udians on account of shortness of provisions. SON OF "UNITED STATES SENATOR TRUM BULL KlLLED.—Senator Trumbull's son was instantly killed on the 10th inst., at the Union Stock Yards, near Chicago, while standing on an engine, which came in con tact with one of the barns. THE proprietor of the Maison Doree, New York, has been fined $3OO for throwing a plate at his cook. COBlLlfilfagtmtAlt. SALES OF STOOKS. MIST saw Tr S6s 'Bl cou 103% 2000 II 8 10-408 94% 100 I 7 S Tress 7 3-10 s Notes 99% 1000 Penna fa con 86 3000 do trf 86% 1891.58 do . b 5 86 4 , 0 City 68 new 91 49 d 91% 10000 do o , cash 91 700 do • 91 3000 Lehigh ea 'B4 86 8000 Pa R Ingt 68 9 2 45 sh Lehigh Nay 523 200 sh Ocean Oil 15% 100 sh do 100 sh Big Mountain % 15 Coal 5% 200 sh ,do 5% 100 sh do 5% 800 sh Oak Shade 100 sh Read It• 630:50% 100 shy do cash 80 56-100 100 eh do 530 50 56-100 100 sh do 810 50% 0 100 00 eh all Fulton C_ Oal 810-37% 7 . .- .PRICES OF. TOCES IN NEW . YORK, - • , American becti.._.. ...... .38SX sales sales ' Reading Railroad. — So% sales . ..... sales New York Centra1........... , SS% bid : 7 ' sales r. - r 3; tar'sl - int off - _...- 104' - sales U.S.. ' Ss, 51a5............. .... .. .. .102% sales ` .sales i...rle • - , , ' ,MI sales' - '..... sales : Hodson River....... ..„....101% bid sales Ellinole Centra1 ..... ... sales sales Northwest...-. sales ---• sales - . .. ... _ Steady. . ........ There was rather more activity at the Stock Board this morning, witnorit much change in prices. except in Catawissa Railroad Preferred, of which several thousand shares sold, commencing at 37% and falling off to .36%, which was the closing_ figure. Reading Railroad was steady at 50%@50%. Pennsylvania Rail road Bold at 5534; Norristown Railroad at 54,and Elmira Railroad Preferred at 89—no change. 118 was bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 54 for Mine Hill Rail road; 86% for North Pennsylvania Railroad, and 29% for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. GOvernment Loans were offered sparingly, the Coupon Sixes, 'Bl. selling at 103%; the Seven-Thirties at 99% and the Ten-Forties at 94%. State Fives sold at 86@86%—an advance of 34. City Leans were weak and fell % per cent. Canal stocks were quiet, and the fears of damage by the freshet have had no effect. Lehigh Navigation sold at 523 i, and Echnylkill Navigation at 29% for the Pre ferred and 23% for the Common stock. In Bank share, the only Bale was of Mechanics' at 25%. Coal Stocks and OH shares tr ere very dull. Passenger Railway shares were inactive, but the only change was In Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets, Which declined it'. The Mcribenny 011 Company has declared a dividend of 2 per cent. Jay Cooke & Co. quote GovernmenkeeCtlrities, &a., to-day, as followto Buying, . Balling. U.S. 6's, 1681. —..--....--.1(13,4 1043 Old 520 Bonds.- ..—. 10934 103 New " 18647.--.....-..-.-102 Y 103 10-40 Bend Bonds, s 1985...-----....--. --10 9434 9g 19HU 99.' '4 " June....................----- ..- 99 991 " July. . . „_... 99 99,4 Certificates - 0i . .17.RelEI - 413 . 193,1 99 139.% Gold-atl2 o'clock' .. ............1.384 Messrs. DeHaven a Brother. No. 40 South Third street, make the following Quotations of the rates of (=change today, at bi t P. 114 Buying. Selling. American ti01d.......„....- 1883‘ 1333 Sliver-Quarters and tusl.ves- ......12.234 185 Compound Wet Notes,Ang.lB9s... 1.4 1.4; " May,1865... 2.,q 2% . Dec. 1884... 43E I , i •' .. Oct. 1864- 5% ang.1864- 6,4; 5. " ' " 7u1y.18:64... 7 ' , P.,,-; I " " Junel964- 734 7**' . Oct. 1865- % 3.4 " " 5ept.1865... pi .1:4 Smith, Bandolph & Co., Bankers. 16 South Third street, quote at 1 o'clock as follow& Gold.-_--. ..„......---..—....-....1881.1§1138% U. S. 1881 80nd5................. ..... ......... ..... ... -104 (14101i4 11 ,S. 5-2 0 , 18e2„..........„..-.--....---.2-1 0 2 4 ialCCX i• Mei .. 1023 y tO. I ~ 1665.....................- .......... -.. ...... -.....1id 4 ,41102X U, b. iO-40........ 1 U. S. 7-30's-Ist series.__.:, —. 99',5 , 99 . . ?A oertes.--!----------- 99`1, 4 99'4 • ..„ „ ed series —. 99, a 59 , , Cr. P. Certificates of Indebtedness-....- .. 8830) 98% The following is the statement of the Little t chuyl k 11l coal trade for 1860, to Saturday. Feb. 10: Co's Mines. Railroad. ARD. 100 ell Catawissa pf 971 , ; 100 all do cash 3713 100 eh do cash 37'4 100 eh do s6own 117% 100 eh do 1)30 3736 110 sh do cash 374 100 eh do cash 3716 /00 sh do 51.0 37% 100 eh do b3O 37% 300 sh , do b 5 37 1 1.1181111 (. do ' - 05 ) 8636 100 sh do s 5 363 400 eh do 1)5 36. 300 sh do b 5 36% 500 sh do 1)5 35%* 200 eh do 510 36 1 % 200 sh do 3636 ' 200 eh lath& 15111 St 1)30 31% 1000 eh Clinton Coal 1% 1200 sh SchNav pfd. fsl'l' 100 eh do corn 2.336 sh Penns B 5536 19 eh Norristown B 54 5 ah Elmira pfd 39 7 511 Afech Bk ZS.% Flannee man train mess---Feb. 13.1866 Tune cwt. To ELS ( 43,R47 01 42.,!35 00 .D. 1,95.9 07 - 41,015 07 From Dec. 1, 1865..._.- 6ame time Last year.. 2,557 li Increase.- East liabazioy Rallroad same time last year__ Increase ....._.._.•-•---..._....___.__..__ 2, \SG 16 Total increase on ri.ilroads ____ 1,117 as The weekly averages of the Associated National and Lori Ranks of the city of 'New York now in the Clearing-House. for the week ending Saturday last, Feb la, compare as follows with the previous weekly statement, and also with the corresponding week last rear, and the Sub-Treasury balances at each date: increase of LORDS _.._....___....__.—•'---.. eIOS 1 - 5 ' - - - Decrease of ..... t.v17,755 Decrease of net Deposits__ —____. 2.310 232 Decrease in Legal Tender 214.740 Increase in Circulation.---_____________. Tts,= Including the Fachanges between the Banks thtv,igh the Clearing.Housr. and Including also, the Sub-Trea sury statement of Saturday afternoon, the previous weekly report, and also wtth the movement of this time last year: Feb. 11. '65. Fsh. 10, '66. Feb. 3. '66 $51,6 1 i6,3va Innn 242,61u.:152 Specie.__________ 20.2J2,456 10,12` ,:.:06 10 937.474 Grms 191.011,611..; In S u b.yrensnry 99,255,vi1l Legal Tender. Fer. ..... -..1158,439.01i Feb Increase. .. 12.14,71.0 PlaladephLs !Markets. Tvzsosv, Feb. I.l.—There Is no essential change to record in the Flour market and no inquiry except for the supply of the immediate wants of the city con suintra. A con dderable portion of the stock here is of the lower grades of Spring Wheat—s quality that is en tirely neglected and can cooly be forced off at very low figures. Small sales to the trade at rar.7 50 14 barrel for superfine, r 75¢ . i 50 for extras, $5(443 for fair and choice Spring Wheat extra family, 18 50( ilCifor Penna. and Ohio do. do., and at higher figures for fancy lets—according to quality. In Rye Flour and Corn 'ltfeal nothing doing and prices are nominsd. There is very little demand for Wheat and only too bushels good Red cold ate_ ls'l bushel. White ranges from 10to f 2 6.0. Rye is steady at SO cents. Corn is in fair request, but at a fraction lower figures. Sales at 00 bushels yellow at 72 cents, In store. Oats are steady at 45 cents. Prices of Barley and Malt are nominally unchanged. In Provisions but little 'doing. Sales of Mess Pork at f 29 SkraSO. b ants in pickle at 18 , ...,0515k; cents and shouldera in salt at 12li1isi 3 cents. Lard sold at 15 , c, cents. Whisky Is qulet. Small sales of Penna. and Ohio barrels at ;n.^`.6' f',2 27. IMQMMAXIDNS. Reported ibr the P rnitseerpnla nvening . Bulletin. C V Williams, Thompson.-1,000 bags Pagero genuine sumac 1.001 do lead seal do oau cantors brimstone 16 casks olive oil Slings walnuts Ise boxes shriled almonds le bags filberts 50 do maple walnuts SOO boxes lemons 2,440 do oranges laaacjesmes B RIO DE JANEIRO—Bark Restless, Sheldon.-3,0C0 bags coffee Thomas Wittman & Sons. rfi. . & RINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—FRnRtiAur Is IfEr 844 Mariths Bunotin on Sixth Pogo, ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Eastern City, .Munday. 45 hours from New York, with mdse to P R Clark. Passed two brigs and six schooners below Brandywine Light. coming up. Brig C V Williams, from Messina, was otT Morris Lis ton n. Delaware. from Liverpool, and the tug America, having a bark la tow, were at New Steamer Delaware (Br), Thompson, from Liverpool via Boston 3 days. with mdse to A R McHenry s. Bark Restless. Sheldon, 47 days from Rio Janeiro, with coffee to Thos Wattson dr, Sons. Jan 2. tat 19 58, Inn 33 52 W, spoke bark Libertad, from Rio Janeiro for New T ork; Jan 3. lat. 19 28, l,n 34 55, passed brig Alpine (Br), steering SW. Had a succession of heavy NE and N W gales since passing Bermuda; was 8 days,:isi or Fattens. Brig C V Williams. Thompson, 48 days from Dies shm, with fruit to Isaac Jeanes & Co. Sctr James Ponder, —,7 days from New York:, with barley to captain. Bair Star King, Bangs, from Proviucetown, with fish to captain. CLEARED THIS DAY. Steamer F Cbamberlin,Parstow,Baltimore..l W Bacon. Brig Wm A Dresser, liatch,Boston, hiershon & Cloud. Behr C Fantanzzi, Wooster, Provident*, E A Souder itc Co. MEMORANDA. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, sailed from Boston on Sunday for this port. Steamer J S Shriver, Dennis, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for this port. Steamer Kensington, Chipman, at New Orleans loth inst. from Boston. Steamer Marmion,Warsaw,sailed from New Orleans 10th inst. for New York. Steamer Peruvian (Br), Ballantine, from Liverpool and Londonderry via Portland. at New York to-day. Steamers Alabama. Limeburner, and Evening Star, Quick. at New Orleans yesterday from New York. Steamer Geo Washington, Gager, for New York, sailed from New Orleans yesterday. Ship Nicholas Biddle, Allen, from New York Aug. 12th for San Francisco, put into Talcahuano 17th Dec. for water, and sailed again next day. Ship Grey Eagle, Chesebrough, from Rio Janeiro, 4th tilt, with coffee, at Baltimore yesterday. Ship Horatio Harris (1070 tons, new, of Boston). Humphrey, cleared at Boston 10th inst. for San Fran cisco, balm Surf, Sweetland, and Maggie Van Dasen, Cor son, were loading at Wilmington, NC. 9th Inst. for this port.. Behr Delaware, Bishop, hence, below Providence, llth Inst. MARINE AiIMELLA.NY. The schooner which was sunk in the harbor of New Haven Bth Inst. by floating ice, was the E F Browning, and was loaded with coal. The captain had been a week endeavoring to get the vessel up the harbor, and bad been frozen in by the ice, which by the change of the wind that evening suddenly broke np and chafed a bole through the schooner's bottom and sunk her in seven minutes. The captain and crew escaped in the boat, losing all their personal effects. The schr Zito be raised soon. Solar Kossuth, of New York with coal, while running into Boston harbor yesterday, in a thick fog,got ashore on Point Alderton bar, but was get last evening and anchored in Hull Gat. W. TREMONT COAL s COMPANY. No. 28, PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, PHIL&DEL raIe, February 12, 1866. At the Annual 'Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company held this day, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected to serve the ensuing year _ : PRESIDENT. GEORGE SANDERsON. DIRECTORS 1 J. EDGAR THOMSON, COFFIN COLRET, MATTHEW BAIRD. CHARLES E. zEIX., THOMAIS 3.' WOOLF, RODER I` W. RYERSS, FAROE H OOLICET,. • fel3-60 - Seeretar,y, CARD. HAVE ROW. OPEN MY OWN IMPORTATION LACE CURTAINS; OONEOBTING OF Tambour Curtains, Application Curtains, Floss Curtains, Nottingham Curtains, • Leno Cartai4, SELECTED IN England, lorr er e s e on all y Switzerland, Expressly for Retail Sales. Many patteens of which are now introduced In this eountry for the first time, all of which I offer, until thither maim, at 20 Per Cent Less than Regular Prioes3 L E. WALRAVEN, MASQNIC BALL, '719 Chestnut Street. JAY COOKS & CO:,a NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bankers, AND Dealers in Government Securities, r. S. 6's of ISSI. 5 20's, Old and New, 10-40's; Certificates of Indebtedness, 7-30 NOTES, Ist, 2d, and 3d Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. rts.T.ExEsT ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collection.% made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Com mission. b'peci alLADlFS business ammamodattons RESERVED FOE fe7 PIEEILA_DELPIELt. February 18s6. fe7 Sin WE OFFER FOR SALE U. S. 43's, 1595 9 ISSUED TO THE PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, • Interest payable in currency. The cheapest Govern ment Bond on the market, received by U. S. Treas urer at SO per cent. as security for National Bank. Or culation. MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE '7's, DUE 1914, Strictly First-class Bonds; for sale lower than other Bonds of the same class. JUNCTION RAILROAD SECOND MORT GAGE-Vs, Endorsed by Penna. B-B Co.; Plallada. and Beading R. It. Co., PralLada., Wits' and Balt. B. R. Company. Bonds due in 1500. Coupons paid in fall tree of al =actor- The limit on these Bonds has recently been reduced. so that we can nOwloiTer them at a very low price. • Government Securities atilt kinds bought and sold. Stocks and Gold bought and said on commisalonin this and other markets. Interest allowed on deposits, B, W. CLARK & CO., Bankers, fel-3m Op No. 35 S. 4133:8D Street, Phllada. W. I. BEtRIME. W. H. INSKEEP WILLIAM I. SHREVE & CO„ BANERRS AND com - missioN BROIiERS, No. 9 BROAD STREET, NEW YORE. Miscellaneous Stocks sad Bonds, State. County and Railroad securities , not quoted at the New York Stock Exchange. Government Securities Bought and Eold. JaM sp-lm THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED, During the Erection of the New Bank Building, to No. 305 Chestnut Street. lal7-tf rp NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1865 vil intolimaomaionvili.4 INTEREST AT THE BATE OF FOUR PER CENT. PER AN NUM WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE POSITS, FOB WEEMS CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT 11 - RATA INS AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS. C. H. CLARK, President. DREXEL - & CO., BANKERS, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 5-20 9 5, '7-30's, 10-40's, I.SSl's,, Certificates of Indeittedness, Compound Interest Notes of 1864, and GOLD AND 51L1711% - Bought and, Sold. n Drafta draam on lkaglandi Ireland, 'Prince and E'er -5.20ii of 188 xchangedfor the old illBlll3 ° f ism and the market e n nri ce allowed. , nozi "NTHW' HOPS—Growl& 011865. Just r ved , in m ore 4.1 and for rale by • WrGilaSH Be • fro.puth Delaware swarms. .; TICKLED BERRI:K(I—am barrels Bay of Island's 1 He in store and for WS! 0, 3 .4 A 84111 : 1- DER Co.) pock t. Wharf. • - . THIRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. ' Wreck of the Ship Mamie'. BOSTON, Feb. 13.—The ship Hamlet and cargo were valued at $200,000, fully covered by insurace. Two-thirds of the cargo Was insured in New York, and the remainder of the cargowith the ship and freightmoney were insured in Boston offices. Arrived, steamer George Appold, from BtAtimore. XXXIXth CONGBESS.—FIRST SESSION• WASEIINGTON, Feb. 13. SENATE.-Mr. Morgan (N. Y.) presented the credentials of Lewis E. Parsons, Sen ator elect from Alabama, which were or dered to lie upon the table. Mr. Sherman (Ohio) presented the peti tion of citizens of Ohio, asking, that, as slavery has been abolished, the Congres sional representation based on slavery be also abolished. Mr. Fessenden, from the Committee on Reconstruction, reported an amendment to the Constitution, giving Congress the power to make laws to secure to the citizens of each State the rights of citizens of the Several States and to protect all citizens in their right to life, liberty and property. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Brown (Mo.) offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Com mittee on Commerce to inquire what legis lation is necessary to protect the lives of from on the 'Western steamboats from perils, caused by the use of tubular boilers. Mr. Morgan (N. Y.), called up the House bill for the withdrawal of goods from the public stores, on which the motion of Mr. Sprague for a reconsideration was made: Mr. Sprague spoke against the bill. HORSE.—Mr. Whaley (W. Va.) offered a resolution re-affirming the Monroe doctrine, and requesting the President to take steps for entering into an alliance with all. the Republics on the continent to resist the French encroachments. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Smith (Ky.) moved that James M. Johnson, claiming a seat from Arkansas, be allowed the privileges of the hall pend ing the consideration of his case. Mr. Stevens (Pa) said it was monstrous to thus admit men as members from defunct States. Mr. Smith repudiated that idea, denying that the Southern States were defunct. Mr. Kasson (Iowa) advocated the admis sion of Mr. Johnson. The resolution was laid on the table by eight majority. Mr. Bingham (Ohio), from the Joint Com mittee on Reconstruction reported an amendment to the Constitution, to be sub mitted to the State Legislatures, proposing that Congress shall have power to make all laws which may be uceessay and proper to secure to the citizens of each State all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States, and to all persons in the several States equal protection to life, liberty and property. The amendment w as recommitted to the Committee to be again reported next Monday. Markets. NSW YORK. Feb. 13.—Cotton is dull at 44®15c. for middlings. Flour firm for the good qualities; but the poorer grades have a declining tendency:Sales 7,000 bbis. at $3"(0 33 for state: 18 504,10 75 tor Ohio, and $6 r•(a.S 56. for Western; Southern. $8 rdgd 5; Calla dlan,tS 0411 65. Wheat and Corn dull; sales small. Beef steady. Pork heavy at M 75@2.8 875; for mess. Whisky dulL Stocks closed weak: Chicago and Rock island 103 N; Dlichigan Southern 61 , 4: N. Y. Central 89.4; Reading, 100% CVlrginia 6's •5; Erie. 78,?,; Western 17nion Telegraph. 156: Carolinas. Tennessee 6'8,59; Treasury 7 3.10. 99 Teo-Forties, 94N; Five-Twenties. 102%; Gold, 11514. OITY f 5 u LLETIN. TRE FIRE AT MERRITT dr, HUNTER'S.—In reporting the fire on the sth inst. at the Drug Store of Merritt & Hunter, No. 41 North Third street, the impression was given that the business of the establishment would be suspended in consequence. This is an error, as the only damage sustained was from water, and was not such as to interfere with the business, which is continued as usual. — gales at Philadelphia Stock Board. SA LF/E4 AFFER FIRST BOARD, 010000-Vermont Central 200 sh Catawia pf 115 30% 2ds 69 25 200 sh do blO 36' 2sh Phil's, VW ilar & 100 sh do es 36S Balt R 5511 MO sh do bswn 361, 100 sh BY & Middle 100 sh do b 5 int 36% Coal Field 6,11 300 sh do 36% 200 sb do 6%1100 sh do 810 36% 4sh Pllll & Erie 29% 200 sh do 1130 SV.i '.300 Eh Bch Nav 1120 29%1100 66 do tom 24.7 i 380 sh do 25 _ HELIVI-BULI)Sz . p:irAlViniagroyz KrO3ILTC;SI7II3II SMELLY CONCENTRATBD COMPOITND COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BROHI3I 7ITLD EXTRACT BUOMIs :APOSITIVE A POSITIVE. AND SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY YOH SOn-retdnuem or Incontinence of Urine, fienunation or ricer:Won of the Hi=ll2lll and Kidneye, Diseases ef the Prostrateeland, Stone In the Bladder, Cala sh= @ravel or Krickdrest Deposit, AND All Diseases or Affections of the Bladder and Kidnap and Dropsical Swellin ••• existing. In Men, Women or ti. I drena Helzabold's Extract Bush= Helrabold's Extract ikachti Pox Werdmese arising from Hanna of DiasipatiOni tended witn the following eraildorna: • Dadispoedtion to Exertion j Loss or Memory =Maui or Breathing, Weals.lServes, Trembling, :of Disease, Dimness of Vision Wake" ritiness, Pain in the ; Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot [Hands, Flushing of thellod Dryness of the marprroN ON THE PALLID COUNTEINAHUE. These symptsms,if allowed to go on, which Ili/ medicine Invariably. remcrvee, soon Itelove Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, In one Of which the patient may exults. Who • Can say that, they axe not frequently followed by those "dirend Wag 1313813:4" "ENSANITY any 00.HBU }OPTION n P Many are aware alike -cause °abets suffering. The records • of the Insane A•a yl ms • and the Helm: choly Death by Cone istunption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The constitution one@ affected with Or Weakness, rail . • . qres the aid of MeMane to ,Stmtn&l a ' ha ul Invigorate the Kwtem, which MOLD'S =MAUD BUDELV Invariably meal HELMBOLLYS EXTRACT ORCHP. pletutant In ins taste and odoraand 1110 Strengthening than any of the P For th r re %I:N B °BABlLna ing ° front r SLR 071Mact DOWN OR DELICATE OONEnTI:MI:M3 MALE ORS masa, either in MLLE WILT. erva von A GOOD.APPETITA, WILL givw TOO _ EriSiiMG,NAMrY rd. will *I 41 7 1 1 ! 4:513 ! :11 41‘irD011.1 oda - vines the Inca A warenatta . . , 3:00 O'Oloolt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers