From our Third Edition of Siturday. rro'm 'Special Despatch to the Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, Feb.lo.—The Cabinet were in session yesteiday for upwards of Ave hours,'• consideing . and disowning the Freedmen's bill; It is understood - that the President expressed • his - deter mination to: the Cabinet to :veto that measure. When the question was sub mitted to them a majority strongly re monstrated with him against such action. Their'remonstrances seem to have had little weight. The-Attorney General has been closeted with the President all the morning. In reference to the coming veto, the friends of - the measure attempt to carry . it over his veto by two-third's vote. The grounds upon which the ; President bases his veto is said to be •as to its consti tutionality. A Clinadian Efiterprise. TORONTO, C. W., Feb. 10112.—A. company is being formed of the fiterchants of Mon treal, Quebec, St. John, N. 8., and Halifax, to establish a line of steamers between Canada and the lower provinces, intended to 'Compete with the routes through the States to Halifax, St. John and Bay of Chalenr. .The time between Quebec and St. John, by the new line, it is expected, will be three and a half days. NadaXth Congress--First Session. .WABHINGTOIC, Feb. 10, 1886. HonsE--The House met to-day for general debate. Mr. Ward (N. Y.) agreed that it was the duty of Congress to bring back the Southern States 'to - their relation with the Govern ment. The people of these States were on their good. behavior; but the-rebel spirit yet prevailed. The leaders of the rebellion ought to be hanged that all such offenders in the future be admonished that treason is a crime which oughtto be punished. Mr. Delano i(Ohio) combated the position of Mr. Stevens that the Southern States are dead. They would, if carried out, lead to the overthrow of the Government. Markets. NEW YORK, Feb. 10.—Cotton is dull at 4.9©46e. for middlings. Flour advanced 10e. for good; sales of 10,000:bbis.liat ,e7©B 38 for btate; f 8 50©10 75 for Ohio, and r 00©8 95, for Western. Southern is firm; 600 bbls. sold at 88 96©15 60. Canada 10c. better; 850 bbls. sold at g 8 00©11. 75. Wheat dull at a decline of lc.; sales of 21,00 u bushels at 78c ©Bl. Beef quiet. Pork dull at $29 12%c©2925 for mess. Lard dull at ..151co ©lB3 . Whisky dull. Stocks lower; Chicago and Rock island 101%.'; Cumberland preferred 44.5 g• Ifictilean South ern 88; N. Y. Central 88;* Beading ROY; Hudson River .100( : ; Missouri e's 78%; Erie 78; Pennsylvania Coal, 58%; Western 'Union, 54; U. S. Coupons, 1862, 10234; ditto 1864, 10•4%• Treasury 7 5.10, 99%©99.4. One Year Certificates, 93%; 'Gold. 199%. BALTIMORE, Feb. 10.—Flour is dull with a downward tendency. Brain unchanged, and the transactions are small; liCloverseed, $7 75; Timothy, el 25. s'aga. 'rat al alio. and higher. coffee steady. Whisky nominal at 82-24©42 24%. Coal statement. Te following 18 the amount of coal transported over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, Feb.B, ISM From St. Clair .. . . ...... Port Carbon Pottaville.. " Schuylkill HUN en Auburn " Port Clinton. " Harrisburg and Dauphin Total Anthracite Coal for week Bituminous coal from Harrisburg and Dau. phin Total of all kinds Previously this year.• Total Same time last year..... Decrease Sales at Pliiladel SALES AFTER 81000 City 68 mon RN 1000 Sch "Nay 68 'B2 75 20(0 Camd & Amboy mtg Ss '75 853.1' 1000 1.1 ts Tress 78-10 Notes June 993 E 1000 Susq Canal Bds 54 200 eh Read B. 85 4955' 170 sh Lehigh Val 603:. 1:0 xiiii).3.l ,tlOOO Nay6s new boat loan c 83 2900 Pa It Ist mgt 69 96 100 Lehigh Nay 6s 'B2 75 1000 Lehigh Val 6s 'B2 75 *sell 1829- CHARTER PERPETUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA: Assets on January 1, 3L866, 62950459561 Capital accr -e d Surplus Premiums UNSETTLED CLAIMS, F 11,467 53. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 6549000,0.00. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DLRFCTORS, Chas. N. Bancker, Edward C. Dale, Topias Wagner, (.4eorge Pales, ;Samuel Grant, Alfred Fitler, Geo. W. Richards, Prat!. W. Lewis, M. D. Isaac Lea, Peter McCall. CHARLES N. RANCHER President, ED WARD C. DAME, Vice President. JA S. W. McALLISTER, Secretary pro tern. fe2td2l. GERARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNTIT STILEEI', PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. PAID IN, IN CASH. s2oo.oae. This company continues to write en Fire Risks only. Its capital, with a good surp 01 lus, is safely invested. 7 , Losses by fire havebeen promptly paid, and more than $500,000 Disbursed on this account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re• main at - 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to Its OWN BiIaDING. -- - . N. E COR. SNve...lYrit AND crrEsTrarr, Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure our patrons at such rates as are consistent with safety. - - - - DIRECTORS. c i THoMAS CEA V.WL4, ALFD FURMAN SHEPPARD, N. SLAWRENCE, TAOS. MACIM r.r. AK. CHARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SOPPLEE HENRY F. KENNEY JED. W. CLAGAORN, JOSEPH. KLAPP, M.l'!. SILAS YERIES, JR., ___ THOMAS ADEN, President. ALFRED S. GLLLETT, V. President and Treasurer JAMES B. , ALVORD. Secretary. atat! ____ FrINSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THII ENNSYLVANIA BIKE - INSURANCE COM PANY-41100 orated lEs—Charter Perpetnal—No.. 510 WAI Street, oppoal te Independence Square, This Company, favorab lyknown to the community for over forty years, con nes to insure iittintst lora or damage by fire,: on. Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on rurniture,fitocks of Beads and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a lane surplus pond ig invested in the meet careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Iniatred en undoubted security in the case orlon. . - - - DIRECTORS. • - Daniel Smith, Sr., John Itevereux, . Alexander Benson, . Thomas Smith, ", Isaac Hazlehunit, Henrr Lewis. Thomas Robins, ' J. Gil inghont rem Daniel Hadder._ ed . _ DAN EL Sbn"TE, Jr., Prdent, WILLIAM G. CROWELL. Secretary A lIKSICAN FIRE lED3IINEINCE COMPANY. ,CI. lICOORPORA.TED 1810.—IFEWITNI1 PERPIN TUAI no WALNUT street above MILIII? Street, t' , Flaying it ~e paid up CAPITAL EM:3OS and SUB. PLUS investW in sound and available Beauties, cond Ulnae to insure con Dwellings, Stores; Furniture. Mer• orients% Vessels in port. and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses libera l l y , and promptly : DlEtiirf Olt & I Thomasg. mai% -- . John T. Lewis, John WeJsb. Jamea B. Campbell) Samuel C. Morton, Edmund Q. Dutilh, Patrick 'Brady, Lorrin. Charles W. Potable') MS R. MA_lllEi t President. ~ Secretary% itir3l MED AzaucaT Cia.twro TonS.Ctwt. . 17,729 19 . 8,186 01 . 682 (lb . 18,781 07 . 1,482 04 . 4,715 01 41 01 - 9 682 17 55,900 16 370,069 08 ... 425,370 04 - 433,147 10 Ma Stock Board. FIRST BOARD, 1200 sh Maple de2da43 2 da 5 sh Preston Coal 20 200 sh Susq Canal b3O 1214 200 sh do - bOO 12kr, 10 sh Penns R 5311 100 sh Catawissa pf b 5 200 shNPaR 850 37 100 sh BOARD, Jou sh Catawis 24 100 sh do 24.1; SOO sh do SOO sh St Nicholas 0 3,1 .$400,000 00 . 944,593 15 ....1,1e.308 81 INCOME FOR 1866 f 310,000. • IN'swi. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY ,INsußANcrx INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PF,VNSYLVANIA“B3S. _ OFEIOE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT -,-- - - - STRE,ETSI PHILADELPHIA.MARINE • ON PESSMILS,} INBURANCF4 CARGO, _ To all parts of the world.. FREIGHT,' INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal Lake, and Land Carriage - 'WILE parts of the Union,• • FIRE INSU.R.AVOES On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, de. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, Noveinber. 1. 1865. • V. 00,000 ;United States 5 per cent. loan, '7l 595,000 00 120,000 United States 6 per cent. loan, 'BL 128,100 CO 200,060 United States. 7 3-10 per cent. loan Treasury Notes 194,375 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. . Loan 90,555 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Six 'Per Cent. Loan 53,250 00 125,000 City Lo of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. an , • 112,812 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Radioed First Mort ' gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds 20,000 00 25.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage six Per Cent Bonds 75,600 'Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 11,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadel phia. 13.537 50 7,150 143 shares Stock Penna. Railroad C0mpany............. 8,580 00 5,000 100 shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company ' 3,250 00 40,000 Deposit with the United States Go vernment, subject to 10 days call 40,000 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 170.700 Loans on Bolds and Mortgage, first liens on City Property 170,700 00 1.036.850 Par. . Market va1ue...... 996.560 00 Real Estate _. avow 00 Bills recelvaele for Insurance made .. . 121.013 3 Balances due a tAgencies.—Premiums O nMa- rine ?elides. Accrued Interest. and other debts due the Company 40,611 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other C,ompanlee, $5.133. Estimated value... ;910 00 Cash in Banks-- ..... ........... 456,958 89 Cashin Drawer 878 41 $51,425 17 "UAW , BS. Samuel E. Stokes, I. F. PerdstOn. Henry Sloan, William G. Bonita, Edward Darlington, EC Jones Brooke, Edward Laconrcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mailvaine, J. B. semple,Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.MornusPittsburgh. a HALSID. i'resident. DAVIS, Vice Preeldent. Mary. dentaol Thomas C. Hand. John C. Davis, • Edmond A. Bonder, Theophilus Spalding, Johnß.. Penrose, James *Molnar. Henry C. I allett, Tr., James C Hand. William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Robert Barton, John D. Taylor, THOMAS JOHN C. EtaNal , LT - Lam:tar. Secre orli , • CsMir • a • •• : MuN: Of —MA _FDELE_ D INLAND 'MAMBA:XS TATION INSURASICE. Office, N 0.223 WALNUT street, smith side, east of Third s tree t. The Properties of CIA Company are well Invested and furnish an available fund for the ample indemnity of all ersons who desire to be rotected Disnranoa RTEMS taken on p Vessels, and Cargoes. INLAND TRA_NRPORTATIOI.7 RISKS on !tier chandise_per Railroads, Canals and Steanalmats. FIRE P-THRIS on M ty. erchandise, Ftrnßare and Enna, lnp In City and Coun ENCORPORATIM IN 1794—CAPITAL .000 A.' "ED rem) IN AND SECURELY TEai. TOTAL I PROPERTIES, $,700 FIEEtPETUAL ,OOO. CHARTER. Arian? G. Coffin, - 13amnel W. Zonal, John A.:Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William B. Bowen, T. Charl . ABTITUB c Camila:a Plarr. Secrete. FIRE ASSOCIATIOG Incorporated March `7, 10. t a,,a ft OFFICE, No. 84 N. street la. Mae BUILDINGS. HOVSBUOLD FDR. xii NITURE and EEEZRCI(ANDIBZ gensr ,,Vr:"-::—. ally, from Loss by Fire, 0.11 the Coy of Philadelphia only.) aTATKpurisT of. the Assets of the Association .fantutu 1, 1865. Bonds and Mortgages on Property In the CRY of Philadelphia n Grotuld Rents.. 26,8e6 ft Real Wale. itsso lb B. Gov. 5-oo Bonds—. 15,003 00 Deposit with tr. B. Assistant vox» Cash On 25,629 82 PIG= 48 TRUSTEES: GEORGE W. TRYON, President. ta iir i wro. H. Hamilton, Joe. It. Lyndon, John Bonder, Levi P. Goat°. Teter A. Keyser, llomnelßparhawk, John Philbln, Charles P. Bower: John Carrow, Robert tithoeresker, Geo. L Yo Jesse Lightfoot. nays , T. iii ..s: Searetsum N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 07 EP I WIELL IM ADELPIELA.-00ce Northeast corner of T3IERD and BUTTONWOOD F‘treetattlate Tarrunanyk Incorporated by the teg•Platare of Pennsylvania 01621,TNEG' PKIIPSTUAL. °tonal authorlsod by law, $lOO,OOO. Make - Insurance aolnat Loss or D isi Fire of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Goods and Ideraftudise, en favorable terms. DIRECTORS, George Christopher H. Millar, August Mier, Frederick Staake, John F. Belsterlim, Jonas Bowman. Henry Trownneri Frederick Doll, William MaDeAle . , lamb Schandier, George Buts, Jr., Stephen Smith, Henry Garker, Samuel Miller, Edward P. Moyer. GEORGE, : , .METY_, President, JOHN F. BEIBTERLarG, Vice President, pEraxe E. 00Tmwr A N. Secretary. COUNTY FIRE ENTSUBANCIE 00ALPAN'ir OFFICE FM 110.8OIITR FOURTH &num, "Thi Fire Insnrance Company of the Comity of Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Leesblare of Pennsylvania in 1839, for indemnity against lose or damage by ii=usively. TER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample cappil and contingent itmd carefaly inverted continues to in• sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per manently or for a limited time again loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted andaid with RS. all possible despatch , Charles J. Sutter, Edwin L. Reath, Henry. Crll.V John Horn, Robert V. aLlasey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, Andrew FL Miller James N. Stone. CHARLES J. Sli t - I%R, President, 8E1N1A.102.4 P. See's , and Treasurer. DHcEivax. INEmparrcrE :MEPA.NY OP PIMA. DFIT,PRIA. INCORPORATED 1804.-ariza PERPETUAL NO. 224 WALNUT Street, o osite the Exchange. In additlontoMATUNßand LAND .121/3IIRANCS this Company Insures from loss or damage by SIRE, on liberal terms, on build .vt, merchandise, Mmiture, &c., for limited periods, and permanently on laulidirze by deposit - ofprernium. The Comp any has_ _bee dur i nge operation for more than t3= which all lossea hags been promptly adjusted and paid. CTOBB. John IL Hodge, DHLE David Lewis H. B. Hahony Benjamin Biting, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, -William S. Grant, . • A.B. llicHem7, 'Robert fW. Learnin. Edmond Castilian, D. Clark Wharton, itarntiel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, -le Lords C. Norris. JOHN B. VTOCHERNEt, President. Semi= WrLoox. Secretary. AMICIIICAN InTUAL IM3ITRANCE COMPANY. —Office Familiar Building, _No. ] 2 WALNUT Street. MAP= AND INLAND INBITItANCEE3.— Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parte of the world, and on goods on island transportation on rivers, I canals, railroads and .other'oonVeYaneet throughout the United States. WILLIAM CRAIG, President, rwriza cIILLEY, Vice Pieta/MA BABHIBT J. MEE, Secretary. DIRECTIOREL - Henry O. Lall.etl, Wm. B. Lowber, J. Johnston Drown; Samuel A. Bulon, Mason Hutchins, Henry L. Elder, S. erri% Magni lag B Wlllitun Craig, Peter Cullen, John Palle% Jr., Wlllitun H.lch Menial W. P.ards, Mlles Pullen W. H. Baird, Pearson PROVIDENT LITE AND TRUST :OOH-WASY, OF PHILADELPHIA.— Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, 8d month, rffEcutED DrvEs ,:_l,3trimmaT ON DD. poSITS AND GRA.NTS ANN - um:Ea GAPITAI, - - —4150,000 DIRECITORs. samuel.R., Shipley, 'Richard Cadbury, JeremiallEHacker, Heriry 'Haines, • Joshua H ; Hollis, T. Wiatar Brown, Richard Wood. W. 0. Longstrebb, Coffin. SHIPLEY, President. Mae. F BANUEL )31.!NPLA.ND PA7l.lllr, Ac an 29-19 FABLE /NIECITRANGE CION_PANY. No. tos WIESTNITT STREET "X BE AND INLAND INSDILANOII 'Errand /IN Buck, .1"no. W. Eyezman, raliorlerizaenordson, Robert B. Foyer, • Henry Lewis,: .1"no. Reesk,r, .Tr.; &must Wilda E. D. Woodruff,._ _ P. B. Justhm, , • • Stokes, Geo. A. West, Toe. D. Ellle YRANOIS N., 01C, prestions„ CHAS. ElCNARTisigi,Nlee Pr tldOßg'• v. CII L ELIT2WZD. &o rotors, ENGLISH prea-rxR. CATBIIPS, BAWLS, 'am— Crosse dr, Blackwell's English Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Darts= Mustard, Olives, &c., landing ni ship Yorktown and for sale by JOB. B, .BUBBIER 04) MS South Delaware avenue. ...I i,":.',:...;llj',E'PA'll.LiT.El7," . ,g'N'sj,s.o-', - ;..":,13 : . V.,1 4 ,,J: 4 !.1 7 ,711\ : James R. Diekena, B. Morris Waft', John Ma.son, George L. Harriacm, Frreada R. Cope,Edward . Trolls, W E. S. Clarke, Ormuatem, .21 }leery. C. 00.1q121, PrV.4tlea3. 17. nr nta Fotuth\treat - TRAVELING -61F1D.111 „atNORTH PENNSYLVANIASt I - • 21/DDLEr. ROUTE.— • Shortest an moat direct line to Bethlehern_,_Allentown Manch Chunk, Hazleton, White Raven Wilkesharre, Mahanoy City, anti all points in the Lehigh and . Wytd' • - Passenger Depots in. Philadeln p hl i t, THIRD street 18 • above Thompson; and corner of . ITIS and A.M.Xin CAN streets. • . = WINTER.ARRANGEMENT., NME DAILY - TRAINS. , On and after Monday,N'ov. 20th;1565,Pasienge.r trains leave the Depot, Thii - d street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: AT 7.20 A. 3.1.-110nang Express for Bethlehem: sae and Principal Stations on , North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh. Valley Railroad for Allentown, Ce.tasaug ua, Si atington, Mauch Chunk, Weatherly, jeaneoville, Hazleton, White Ha. yen, Wilkesbarre, Kingston, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys - also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City, and with Catawlssa Railroad, for Rupert, ,Milton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 1145 A. M.; at Wilkesbarre at 2.45 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at P. M. Passengers by this _train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Ilethlehere at 1200 M. for Esa. ton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8...35 A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all Intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Staire at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation, for Fort Washing- ton, stopp i ll at all intermediate Stations. At 2.30 P Accommodation tor Doylestown. stop ping at 'intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT 3.30 P. IL—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rail road making close connection at Bethlehem with Le high 'Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M. Passengers for Plainfield, Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train at Easton, whicn arrives in New Yerk at 10 P. M. Pea ls:lnge/8 for Stunneytown take stage at North Wales. and Joy Nazareth at Bethlehem and for 6 reenville at Quakertown AT 4.15 .2. M.—Arxximmodatton, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers fox Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at .Abh.g ton : for Lnniberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. 14.— . 1through Accommodation, for Beth lehem and all Stations ou main line of North Pennsyl vania. Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for _points on ;ehigh Valley Railroad and for Danville, Wil I ir-- - naport and Oatawksea Railroa .ls d. AT 6 P. IL—AccommOdation,' fOr Ta male, stop. ping at all intermediate Stations. At 11 P. M. Accommodation for Fart Washington. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.2.5 and 10.02 A. M.. and 6.121 P. Passengers leaving Easton at 9.50 A. M., ooze:lea at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia atP. M. Paasengers . leaving Wilkesbarra at 1 P.; M. connect at Bethlehem at 6./5 P. H., and. arrive in Philadelphia at t. 45 P. M. Leave Doylesviwn at 6.8 e A. M. &la and 5.80 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A. M. Leave Fort D Washington at 10.19) P. M. ON SUNAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 8 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. H. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony y enxe... to and from Berke Street Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line convey passegners to Third Street irepot. Tick eta must be rocnred at the Ticket Dittoes, THIRD " street or street, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. vt.T, • et. A RR, Agent, Hillman's Baggage Exports will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Office. No. 115 South TIMID =vet. nol4-111 FOR NEW YOWL—The t,57? TY&TON RAI D °Y an-Cd) Pant: PAN I"S LlNSS,frnm Philadelphia to New York, and way Placer , from WALNUT STREET WHARF, w ill leave as follows, viz: Fare. At 6 A. M., ViA Camden and Amboy, Accom., V. 25 At BA. via Camden and Jersey ChtyExpress, oe At 2 P. L. vla Camden and Amboy Expresa, 225 At 12 XL (noon) and BP. M., via Camden and Ainta,y, Accommodation, (Freight and ,Pas senger . . . . . . 2 At 6 an d 112 0 M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom. =iodation. (Freight and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 2d Class Ticket, . 250 At 6 and 10A.X..2 and SP.M. For Mount Holly,Ewans vile. Feint'emu and Vincentown. AA 6A. a.. aad 2 P. M. fur Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. 1° M. 3.00, 5. 6 and 11.30 P. 3L for Pal my ra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur lington, Florence. Bordentown, Ce. The 10 A. XL and 5 P. 31 Line runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FROM IiKNSCCGTON DEPOT will leave as tonna s et 11.15 A. M., 4.30 P. M and 6,45 P. M. via Ken sington and Jersey City Express ...... ...... it 3 00 At 12 - P. M. (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City Express .. .. 23 - The 6.45 Line will run . ...... others Sun days excepted. At 7.3 and 11.15 A. M., 3,8.30, 4.30.5 anti 6,43 P. IL. and 12 Ilidolgbt, for Bristol, Trenton. ,tc. At 7A. 31., 10'50, 3,5, and 6 P. 31. fur Cornwells, ror risdnle, Tacony, Wissbaoming, Rrldes• burg and Frankfura and at 8 P. M. for lioiniesburE and intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD, for the Delaware River Valle,y, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State. and the Great Lakes. Two throuxn trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De. pot. as follows: At A. U. and 3.30 P. M, for Niagara Falls, Buf falo, Drinkark, (Xuaandaigna.Elrnira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend. Montrose, Wllkeshsxre Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, EILSLOiI, Lambertville, Elem. ngton, &c. The 3.30 P. tl. Line connects direct wan he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allen town, Bethlehem. d.c. At 5 P. M. tor _Lambertville and Intermediate Stations . - For New York, and Way Lines leaving. ShiglOn Depot, take the Mtn on Mat street, above Walnut, halt an hour before departure. The cars run Into the Depot„ and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundftyr. Qmnibusses wilt leave Wal nut street wharf at 6P. M. to counect with 6.41 P. M lir e. Fitly Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing appareL All baggage over /My pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100. except by special contract. .tWr Tickets soil and baggage checked direct through to .E.Pacm. Graham's ng Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depote. Orders to be left at gio. I Wal nut street. Lill 1113 FROM NEW YORE FOR PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and IP. 31., via Jersey City and thuudea. At 7, IP and GS,' P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken ai/san:L. Fm Pier No.l N. River, at 6A, M. and a P. M. ' via Amboy and Camden. At 12 M., 8 and 6 P. M. (Freight. and Passenger), viaWM- Amboy and Camden. M. GATZMER, Agent. . RA r PEENNSXLVANLi DEXTRAL • .a: ARRANGEMENTS. .14...3 The trains of the Pennsylvania R. B. will leave the New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway run to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour lore • vices to the time of departure of each Train and allow shout 80 minutes for a trip. That Can are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passengers Into the city, and connections are made with allroade art:Me ng Market street. ON SCINILLY/3--Care leave Eleventh and Market streets at 6.45 P. AL, to connect with the Pittsburgh and Erie Mail, and at 10. Z P. AL with Philadelphia Er• dress. Biann's Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. 81 south Eleventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rates UPOR ELPPUMtIO.II to him. Veit its LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT TERM LEAV ERIE EXPRESS - at 7.30 A. M. ar A 1 1 1. TRAIN In &00 A. AL, pAoLT ACCOM., No. 1 • " 10.00 " FAST LINE, - • " 12.00 M. PARICESBURG, - " 1.00 HARRISBURG ACCOM., fl 100 St LANCASTER ACCOM., •' 4.00 0 PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 0 0.80 0 PITTSBURGH &Bete TE MAIL ti 7.00 0 rITTI.,, DELPIrcA EXI'RESS 0 14 .10 ol ABILIVE. CINCINNATI EXPD.R.-43, " 1.30 A. M. P RTr.& UELPHIA TETCPIOII4•S " 7.10 PAOLL ACCOM, N0:1 ,• " 0.20 " FARICESBURO - i• 0 Lao 0 ERIE ENTR.b.Sg _._ I - •0 u . 2.0 0 LANCASTER TRAW ' - "2.30 2.,M FAST LINE .• • " PAOLI ACCOM., No. 2, • II 4.40 g. DAY' EXPRESS - • .11 0.40 If HARRISBURG ACCOM., • " 8.40 " Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Pittsburgh and Erie Mail leaves _daily (except Saturday). All other Trains dully—except Sunday. • The Pennsylvaniaßauroad Co. will not mamma any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing A_pparel, and li. (I their retpcinitibility to One HumirW Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by emelM contract. For further information, as to time and connections, see WU and framed cards' or apply to. THOm A li H. PARER, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Dinslgrint Train runs daily, except Sunday. For tolnfOrmation as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, No. DU Dock street. P/1 . 2.1g..A-ELPIEL2. AND BALT'. MORN CENTRAL RAILROAD. a , Jl , .a• _ GEMENTS.—Onandafter WED NESDAY, October 18th, 1865, thetrains will leave Phil adelphia from the depot of West Chester and Phil atielphkb Railroad, corner of Thirty-first andsarket streets, (West Philadelphia,) at 8.05 A. M., 4.80 P. IL Leave Oxford at 6.50 A. M.. and 3.10 P. M. A mar ket train will leave the „Rising San, 011, Tuesdays and Pridays, for Philadelphia, at 10.45 A. M., aad returning will leave Philadelphia fur Rising Sun,en Wednesdaya and Saturdays, at 2.15 P. M. , The train leaving Philadelphia at &OSA. M., connects at Oxford with a daily line of stages from Peach Bot tom in Lancaster. Rettirning leaves Peach Bette= to connect at Oxfordwith the afternoon train for, Phila delphia. Passengers are allowed to t a k e wearin ap parel only as bggage. and in no casewill the be responsible for an amount exceeding 2100. , 11., WOOD,General Sinoerintendent. . OFFBJE OF THE ADAMS . EX:" pll - FAS COMPANY, 320, CHEST, 2c.:l' • at• . ParcnsmEmexcra, January, 27th, 1862. The Adams Express Company have en arged their racsitt6s at Washington, D. 0„ by building a Ballroad I Depot, land „having ,ilOrtairod additional capacity for transportation; are now ,prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages' and Parcels to 3Washints. - ton4leorgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Mon roeand etner . paces South, Gem/plea by the; annY, PesT 4 Y.redlmea si4e3. Special agreements maae for Merehandise Pirko lots. Sutler's goods and ,arraYsuppltes ntistaislaCtOrY prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted for at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LO CUST Streets. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent, '',.l FEBR R UAR`Yr:I2 TRAVIELLING ITIDE. READMO 1 R• A tail • 't ' - GREAT TRUNK LINE PROM HIA TO THE /NTERIOR OE PENN. iTIVAN.L3.,. THE SCHITYDEML, SIISQUEErA.N. NA, CDHD DKRLAND AND WTOILLNG 1 741,1112.8, .NORTH, NORTHWEST - and the OANADAS, WINTER' ADEA.NGEMZENT PAPHENGEE MAINS leaving the Company's Delot, _TETE. fEENTH and OALLOMI nreeta, Fausdelphis at the following hours: • HORNING. NAM. --- - - 'At 8 A. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Eottsviii ,e Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williams-. pert, ELmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allen town, Wilkeebarre, Pltt,ton, York, Car/Isle,Obartabens burg, Hagerstown, ek.c., This train connects at HEADING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown. Esc.; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, &c.; at PORT CLINTON with CUtawissa Railroad trains for Williamsport, Lock He ren. Elmira. Az.. at BARTtrAttURG with Northern Central, Chumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland,Wilug Aport. York, Clhambersburg, Plnegrove, AFTERNOON. EXPREBS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M. for Beading, Fats villa, Harrisburg, connecting with Reading and Columbia R.R. trains for Solumbia Ar.c., and with Cata what, Railroad train for Milton, Wifdatneport, Renal°. ke. READING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 6.80 A. M., stopping at all wapiti. tions; arrives In Philadelphia at 9.30 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M.: arrives In Reading at 7.80 P. M Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.25 A- M. and Pottsville at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in Philadel phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.15 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaVes Reading at 725 A. hi. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car =ached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Reading and all way stationO, leaves Reading 11.80 A, M., and DowningtOwn 12.80 P. AL for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pothwille at 8.00 A. M.. and Philadelphia at 8.15 P. M. CRIST.E..R VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediatepointit take the 8.00 A. M. and 420 P. M. trains from 0 Philadel phia, returning from Downingtowr at 7.05 A. M. and 2 Non- NEW YORE EX2PIW.§, FOR PiTIEZUEGII AND ,l:~,t WFI~T. Leaves New York at 9.00 A. AL and 8 P. AL, pawing Reading at 1 A. M., and 1.48 P. M. and connecting at Harrlsbu9a i. i Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad zees for Pittsbarsh, Chicago, liamsnort. Baltimora. 4c. Returning, Express Train leaves Harriab t a l c an ut arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pillab at 8 and 9.05 A.M., passing Readifig at 4.49 and MCA. arriving at New York I 0 A. M., and 2.45 P. IL 810041114 Car accompanying these trains throughbetween Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without charge. Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 1.45 P. AL Mail train fbr Harrisburg leaven New York at 18 NOOll. BlannprELL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45.11 A. AL and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. AL, and 1.40 and 4.15 P. M. scnitry T • TT.L AND SIISCIMMIANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. IL for Pir.egrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.00 A. AL and 6.90 P. AL pi:J4307:41 Through 78nivelas3 rickets and emigrant licketa to all the principal points in the North and West and Canadas. The following tickets rze obtained only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. VI South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicol's, General emperintencl ant, Beading. tapIUTATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent„ discount between any points desired for =allies and firms. frr:FAGE TICKETY3. Good for 2,00 U mtlee,between all points, at $&2 50 each, lbr famines and rams. BEASON TICSZETS. ----- - For three, six, nine or twelve months, am holders only, to all points at reduced rein& Cr•Vrtf4YAUM Residing on the line of the Road will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at tudf-fare. EXCURSION TICKETS. _ From Philadelphia/ tpprinalPal stations, Jetand for SattirdaY, Sunda ,. and monday, at reduced tare, to be bat only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Oai'ow hill atreetn. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to aft the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Mood and Willow streets. FR.Pll(l.llfi TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia daily at &au A. M., 12.45 noon and i M., forßes.oing,,Lebanon, Hat lablug. Pottsville, Port Canton, and all pol9t?3,li.eyond. Close at the PhlladelpdaPest °Mee for all plasm an the road and Its branches at 5 A. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. pH ILA DELLPILLA., WI F• MIN (*- TON AND BALTIMORE RAIL u.a T.STABLE.—Commencing MONDAY, January eth, 1666. Trains will leave Depot., corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at -Ltd A...ISL (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stepping at Wilming ton. Perryville, Havre-de Grace. Aberdeen, Perry man's. Magnolia and Stammer's Bun. Delaware R.R. Train, &la A.3l.(Sunday excepted), for Salisbury, 1111 f. rd and intermediate stations. Way-mail Train, at 8 .15. A. hi. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, and all regular stations between illuington and Baltimore. Express Tralu at 1 4.5 1' M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington. Newark, .B.lkiOn, North- .as Perryville, Grace, Aberdeen, Perrys-un's, Magnolia and Stemmer's him. Night Express at 11.15 P.M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow,Linwood, Casymont, Newark,Elk tonNorth-East, Perryville and Ilavre-de-Oram. Passengers by boat from Baltimore fbr Fortress Monroe. Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 9.15 A. M. Train. As an additional accommodation for those bolding through ticsets for Baltimore. Washington and 1-011thern points. a special car will lave the Phhuaelphia Depot at 11.311 A. M., connecting at Gray Ferry with the Morning Express train from A e w York W 1 ACCOMMODATION TB.A_LN s, stepping at all matiOna between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 5.15,11.15 A.M., 820.5 00 and 7.00 P. M. The sou P. M. math count.V2l with We Dela Railroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Leers Wilmington 7.00, asd 9.:11 A. M., 8.110 and 5.10 P. M. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at &IS A. M., &Se and SAO P. hi. THRUM TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE Leave CliiinTnigfon at 12.00 3.,1.30 and 5.55 CHE2sTER FOR MILL.% DELPILLA. Leave Chester at 6.01, 8.33 and 10.14 A. M., 12.36, 3.43. 5.0 t. 5.04 and 10.z9 P. hi. From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 6.20 A. IS., Way Mail. Ida P. 32., Express. 6.35 P. H., Express. 9.25 P. 31., Express. An Accommodation Train for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate stations, will leave Baltimore at. 4./0 P. 31 . Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 9.52 A. M., 3.23 Laid 11.50 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 513 vu:sa A. M., and coo P. SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.00 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Parr) villa, Havre-de race„ Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stam mer's R 912. Night 11,15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Tharlow, Linwood, Clns m n limington,N ewark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville and Havre de Wane. A Special Train will leave Philadelphia for Wilostag. ton and intermediate Stations at 9.00 P. M. 'BALI. I.lluitE FOP. PHILADELPH,LA. Leave Baltimore at 9.115 P. hi., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville mid Wilmington. Also stop at Elk• ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from lashington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washin A special n. train will leave WI mington for Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 6.30 P. M. Freight train with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington ter Perryville and Intermediate stations at 6.04 P..M. H. F. ZENNEY, Superintendent. Vie`_.. •••MS. PHILADELPHIA. AND ERIE B.AILROAD. leas. n • great I .03 verses the Northern and North west counties of Pennaylvanla to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It bas been leased and is operated by the Peamsyl vents Railroad Company, PU7O3 OP PAISSIGIOnta TRAINS AT PIGCLADELPECUIa ansavekserwsito. Erie Mail Train - - - - 100 P.M. Erie Express Train - - - - ll 10A. M. heave WESTWARD. Erie Mall Train • • • - - • 720 P. M. Erie Expresa Train - - - • 720 A. M. Passenger cararun through on Erie Mall and Express Trains without change, both ways. between Philadel• phis. and Erie. NEW YORE coNtrmanow. Leave New York at 6 00 P. IL, arrive at Erie 3 31 A. M. Leave Erie at .1 es P. M., =lye at New York 1.1.5 P. M. No change of cars between Erie and New York. Elegant Sleeping Cars on ell Night Trains. For MWrmation reepestingPassenger business apply litcorner THIECLUiziIa and M.A.B. t4MP•T :streets, And for Freight business, of the Comisuy's Agents: S. B. 'Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, .13lrle. William Brown, Agent, N. Oat—lL Baltimore. •H. H. 31 OLIBTON, General Freight Agent, Pldladelphia. W. GwncrTEß, General Ticket Agent Philadelphia, • , A. L. TVLER, General Suo't .. Williamsport. WEST CHESTER AND PIEM ."14' WINTER' ARRANGEMENTS. On and after WEDNESDAY, ()dotter 18th, 1885, the trains will leave as follows: • WEFT CHESTER 'PRAMS, Leave Philadelphia far West Chester ; B.os, 11.00 A. M., 2.16, 4.80 and 6.00 P. M. Leave West Chester for 'Philadelphia 6.46, 8.16,10.46 •A. ZL 1.40, 4.85 P, • - Trains „ leaving West Chester at 8.15 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at,4.80 P. 111„ will not stop at .Pennelton, and will stop below O. JupetionAt . lfedia Only; PIIINNELTON LatAlNfzi.' _ Leave .Philadelphia ter Pennelton 4.00 and 11.00 P. IL Leave 'Pennelton for Philadelphia 9.02 A. .11f., 610 Tithe Trains strip at all intermediate Stations. OTC BIJNDAYS—LeaVe philadelphia at. LSO' A. and 2.00 PIM. Westeliester 7.r0 lii and 4.00 P lit i — Trains leaving Philadelphia at 805 A. 141. antlXBo pp and leaVing West Chester at 6.15 A. m; dmr4.12.5 P. • COnnect at B:Caunction!with Trains on thelP; and B. C. R. R. for Oxford and Intermediate points. ,WPassengeMaro allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars. unkss a special contract is made for the same. ITRZTRY WOOD, General Superintendent TithORMUNG. , , .PHILADELPICIA, GEERELAN. rap . TOWN AND ' EZORRISTOWN IX ea: I. ;TIME TABLE.—On and after WIED. , NXBDAY, November Ist •1865 untilitathes notice. FOR WN. Leave Philadelobid-6. 7„ 8, It, 10, 11,12. A.' X.; 1,2, 8.10 minutes, 6%, 4,5, 5U,, 6,7, 8,, 9 , 10, 11, 12 , Leave Germantown --6 .7, D 9, 8, 8.20 9, 10, u, 12, A. M.; 1,2, 3,4, 4X, 6, 6.4, 7,6, 9,10, 11 P. The 8.20 down train, and the 8X and 5X up UM= de not stop on BerMantOWD Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.19 minuted, A. 2L; 1, 7 and 10X, P. Ed. Leave Germantown-8 A. AL; I, 6 and 9X, P. EL Cxh KTNITT HILL .DADLROAD. Leave Phll;deipbda-8, 8,19,12, A. M.; 2, 5 1 %. 7, and 11, P. EL Leave Chestnut Hill-710 mfinnes A B,.._9.4o, and 11.40 311.; L4O, 3.40, 5.40, 6.10, 8.40, and 10.40 F. AL. ON 813 - SDKS/S. Leave Ell Ildulelphia-2.10 mlautes, A. M.; ft, and 7 P.M. Leave Chestnut Hlll-7.40 minutes, A. M.; 72.40, 6.40 and 9.25 - minutes P. H. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWIT. Leave Philadelphia-8, 6.35,1105 minutes, A. H.; 133, 6,0.;„, 53 2 , 64, 8.1:15, and 1134, P. H. leave Norrlatow32-831.7, 7.50, 9.11, A. H.; 136, 435, 6 and 8 P. H. The 536 P. H. train will atop at School Lane, Wlsaa hielron, Manaytink, Spring Milts and Onshohceken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia -9 A. M., 234, and 7P. H. Leave Nornatown-7 A. H.. and 5 P. M. FOR IiANAYTINK. Leave Phlladelnhia—e, 8.85, U. 05 A. SL; 1%, 8,43 f„ , 8.05, and 11% P M Leave Mansynna.-8%, 734, 8.20, 9%,11%, A. SL; 2,5, 6% and.B, P. M. • fON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-0 A. M.; 2% and 7P. M. Leave ManayonlE-7% A. M..; 5%, and 8 P. EL N W. T. WD LSO, General Superinteadent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets, PHILADELPHIA AND man- THROUGH 13.9. LLNE. ATA.WIeSA. RAILROAD. Short line to Williamsport, Elnalta,oll Regions,Erle, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and all places in the 'Western, North Western and South Wes tern States and the Canadas. Four through trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Pennaylva. BgR.R. Depot. 7.80 A. M.. R.IL Depot. A. M. 8.30 P. IL. Lit P.'3L One train on Sunday at Sib P. IL. By all these trains direst connection is made at El mira With Erie railway; at Salamanca with Atlantic and Great W esternn rallwar, at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore B. R.: and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western railway. Fare always an low as by any other Ana. Sleeping care on all nighttrairus. Second class cars with cushioned seats accompany each express train. giving parsengens the advantage of high speed with low fare. For through tickets and farther parlikalius concern lag the routes', apply at the. Ticket Office, tat Chestnut street. oc2l N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt. WLST JERSEY RAILROAD TIN E3—Proxn feet &Market stree WINTE t • pper R erry AR . RA Ik.OE MAN oz:nptStincLikya. FA_LL AND T, Cotamenrtng WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1Z h 1865. Far Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and Eiden). Railroads. at 9A. M. sad SAO P. M. For ',Olivine and all Intermediate Stations, at 9A. M.and3P.SL LFor Cap; May and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to Mt lvilie connecting with freight train (Passenger car attach( d) for Cape gay, doe 9.45 P. AL and &A P. M. througu passenger due &00 P. X. For Glassboro' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. AL S and 5.31 P. M. . For o;dbary, Gloucester, ,Sx., at 9A. M., 9, 2 , 33, and 5..,a) Y. M. ....ireight . ciain will leave Pntladelphlatrom Sandfbrtre Wharf at . and Camden, at 12 M. J. VAN RENSSELAER,Superintemdeni, THE WEST JERSEY EX_PRE‘II - 8 0051PANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Rxesass Bus- NT.s. receive, cieLtver, and forward, through other re spoualble li_scpreev. Companies, to all parts of the coun try, any article en trusted to them. A Special Hessen eer at•exampanles each through train. °Dice, No. 5 Walnut atrt,it - '71 7 - - EITON Aldo : TT. V 0: _ I a e iItAJELROA.D. THROUGH FBMGHT D.MPARTMENT, DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ABOVE OILERRY. The undersigned will continue the General 'Freight Agen Ra il ro ad Folthdelphia, Wilmington and Bald ilmor. for Philadelphia, by way of the &boys route to the West. Fialpperi and Vie public generally are =wed that the orsl,claatlon M through trains swarm to Freight regular and prcmpt delivery to all parts para. For this:l-.4,i rum and A. COWTO further Info N rmation, apply to d CO.. General Freight Agent& ,yO.N S. WIIZON. Freight Agent, 10174.1 Once. Sixth street. ahoy e Ctiretnal. FOR NEW YORE—BY THE NEW 74 t • ,--- RA LLROA D ROUTE FROM C vnitiat. LOW FARE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. era, We, the Ex press Train of the Raritan and Delaware Ray ROl Railroad wilt leave Camden, from Vine Street Ferry M Lb P. roogh in five Incurs. Fare $2OO. Exclusion Tickets good for three days, $3 M. Frelat Train leaves at 1210 P.M. and arrives in New Vork Writ rourpLns. FROM NEW YORK. Express line leaves Pier No. 3 at 1:2..3) P. M. and arrived In Camden at 5.30 P. M. MMIIar_MiMMEMI Fretght taken at lcte rates. Apply to L. B. Cole, A gent Cooper's Po t, Camden. W. A' SNEDE.N. Stcperintandent. ETISLISIENS CARDS. HOOP SKIRTS, 628 628 I' , .`EW FALL STYLES NOW BRADY of Rapt ins' own make." at No. Chi ARCH Street. These bktrut are gotten up expreeslyto meet the wants of ti rat -c.ass t - ade, and embrace every size and style for Ladles, !Cases and Children, which, for finish and durability. have no equal in the mark - et, and warranted to give gatisfaction. Also. constantly on hand, a fdll assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from Id to 40 springs, at ver-7 low prices. Skirts made to order, alba-ed and ruptured. Wholeeale and retail nol3-4Smi C. KNIGUT t CO.. WHOLW , ALE GROCERS, I'..S. E. Cor. WATER and CHEIT3.ICT streets, Phil cdelph ts. c.:cts for the sale of the Products of the Soutlmr.rk z , 11g•. , -r finery and the Grocers' Sugar Ecuse, of PliittAttelphia. GURGE HP. Patentee s'd manufacturer of the BALL PATTLItNSILVEB. WERE. No. 41t Prune stiett. jam-amo* JAMI . .S A. W .414:11T. TkIuIVNTON P , KE.. CLEMENT A. G Ele.ce 71-1 ' RE WIZIGLIT. FRASIC.. L.XEALL. PETN W - ItIOHT tg. -OLDS, Importers of Earthenware. and Shipping mad Commission Merchants, Igo.lii. WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. S. VA.UGHAN v il - z r R. E r 0 ... 3 , 732 51. H.. NalEttiaClC 001TT.I. TWA "P.-'S FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WAKES reirwrox STREETS, I‘ . IERBRIF. a SOM mums McGT_NEERS AND MA - frigh and Low PreLan , re Steam 13:nginnt Le^ Myer and Marino Service. .....ntetr,..osuonwtera, vrarik3 Iron Boats, am, ...matlnga,:...'aU kinds, eitlrer iron or brats. Iron lirsmoo Boors for Gas Works, Workshops re `set and Gas machinery, of the latest and inret wproved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; &Iglu*, Saw and Cirist Mills_ Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defacatore, Filters, Pumping sines, fir. Sole Agents for N, Milieux's Patent Sugar Boning ikpparavls, Neer_. - yth's Patent Steam Hammer nag Aspinwr,ll - fi. Weolsoles Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drell:011z Machin. DE:NBSYLVANIA. WORKS—on the DEL&WAI3 River, below PRELADisi.PEELA, CF•tirziTEß, Delawinn , Ps. BEANEY, BON i CO., Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Mantnisclarers of ABS:lnds of CONDENSING AND NON-OONDIENSING GEN3I2, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boners, Vats, Tan= Propellers___, &c. T. REANILT of , W. B. BEANEY, S. ARGEUBOLD, Late Late • Beaney,..Nealie at Co., .Elngineer Navy Penn Works, Pidla. urs-tfi U. B. :4 TRE EMT , A T).E.L.1 3 /114. RIDING Al.lloolw. FOURTH street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. Vith, Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of this, accomplishment will find every facility at this schooL The horses are safe 'and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained In the beat-manner.,Saddle homes, horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages ibr fang rids, to CAM, steamboats, &o. THOS. mental a SON: GAS FIXTURES.— . AfIsICEY, IidERALLL & TRACKADA. NO. 718 i , CHESTNUT street, Bianniacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c„, would;call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, ctn. %hey also introduce Gas pipes Into Dwellings and Public Bulldings,.and attend to extend ing, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war- PRIVY WELLS.--OWNERS Or PROPERTY.—The only place to get Privy W,ells Cleansed and Disin fected, at Very low prices. A. PEYBSON, Manufacturer of Poudrette. Goldsmith's Hall. Lib street racy ICOMu. 8. MASON nrsis. 101127 J. BMS.A.PY • TE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stock of - Buck Mountain Company's Coal. _ Lehigh Navigation Company ' s Coal, and locust Mountain, 'w _ , . • , which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market.; rates, end to deliver in the best condition._ Ord era) eft with S. T‘t sON ..11.ENEk3, - Franklin tute Braiding, s. -e 7 ,street,h_elow,liarket. be promptly ailentieti to, ct SWEA.FP. , ' • • -'Arch Street wliare, scholkot., BEAVER' 2 4MIPOW ' • C.PAlSlTLVhfo'AultaLl2,lllll,ol):reenlied exg ad bes ress t rketui ty_dct fri Mountain t om GUTH And, famiuBe • Jr'South• SECOND street.' WW str - ath. a, ,w.e.racks doom , t) . 21 1 - , n 86 5. ' 3 uscr ed .F.Nv FoP 9-31 '°' ° WIT:LTA Bi e r. arcarcr. - -- Eit4) .1. and for us4e bY Re 128 South Dolawaru avenue. • 122 g E. Of IZr c , CARA WF T A t thI N N G DIgO 7 : T Y la i n o dt rky DALLETT m . &CO, 128 Walnut street. SHIPPING VskiolEt NJEW EXPRESS STEAMSHIP STEAMSHIP LINE Have commenced their re.;alar OUTSIDE trips. eatil The NEW and first class Steamships WASHINGTON, Captain Chichestert PIORFOI.Ii, Captain Vance. ALEXANDRIA. Captain Hattrielt. V156i1.N.1.1, Captain Snider. Leaving from each city on TUESDAYS, ITEI:IPS. DAYS and SAI•IIRDA Y 6, from first wharf below Market street Philadelphia, and Piers 11 and 111 East River, New Dark. These Stesauthipatmure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY at our usual low rates. Wit. P. CLYDE et COAgents, 14 South Wharves, PhiladelphLa. JAS. RAND_ , Agent, 117 Wall street, New York. HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. "ANCHOR LINE OF STEA.MEIts."! **HIBERNIA," "COLUMBIA." "CAL.E.DuNI7.,' "CAMBRIA.," "BRITANNIA," "INDIA." Stesm to LIVERPOOL, LriI. , DONDKRRY, BELFAST DUB. LIN, N EV: RV, CORK. AND GLASGOW. }T-' OF PASSAGE, PAT A LI, ... I PAPER CURRENCY. CABINb .......4.90, $BO and Ipo STEERA GE ..... Steamship -II i 1.1E:6:NIA" leaves SATILBDAV, January 27. THE PAI I, CERTIFICATES • Issued for brit,g:.,g out p.,...,tengers from the above points at LOWER RATE', TliA:s; ANY OTHER. LINE. Also, to and 1t .ru ALL STATIO.N4 ON TI : E IRISH RAILWAYS. SPECIAL NOTICE —F . L.:.s.-ogers will take particular notice that the "..N Darr! . ' is the only line mating through to kets al !hE • rates, from Philadelphia to the points nen,, , ,! t,. 0 and that the undersigned is the only duly auto oAzad Agent in Philadelphia. Apply to .1. W. A. 11.AbLI_LA,L, Sole ~enl for "ANCHOR LUTE " No. 217 WALNUT Street' Bernie L.EVILELPIDUL. • inn QI.I.eSTOW..N, the Inman Line, earn= B N.rli -WEEKLY, =tying the Ti. &Mails. Feb.ETNA— _—.—...fiattaday. ble (wry cE.EsTEß.........—Wednesday, Feb. 14 CITY OF WASULNOTON..—..—Saturday. Feb. 17 CITY OF CORK Wednesday, Feb. 21 At Noon. ft - on]. Pier 44 North River. F.ATE2ES CF PABB,AGE. EN GOLD. Fttst to ..... _WI 1 Ei-426 . 95 Steerage!o London—. as First to Paris__ Steerage to/tags * 48 taenPassengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bra at. moderate rats. Passage by the Wednesday Steamers, Bird Cabin; PO. Steerage, ;55, payable in United States currency. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, gold, or its .mnivalent. Tickets can bebought here 137 persons eenWng for their frienda. Par farther Information, apply at the Oircepanre 0,1. Elam 30104 . iaa a tlen p & a. Walnutul street. P exl‘z. FOR BOSTON. STEAMSHIP LINE DIRECT. .72g4F80M EAcH POBTEVXBYIIVED.A.ya. FROM Plh.E. ST. WHARF. PHILADELPHIA, Al' U LOUN WHARF, BOSTON. • The steamship A RiEs. Utptain Crowell, will salt from Philadelphia on n nesday, Feb 10, at 10 A. IL The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, Wilma! from Boston on I , min)% February 16, at 12 M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston IS new 00m of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captmu Raker, 1200 tons burthen. ARLES, Captain ,'row - ell, 600 tons burthen. These sahstanral and well appointed steam - ships will sail punctually m ..icirertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are rec cmted to send Ril aof Lading with their goods. For freight or pamasii. apply to HEN Hy WINEOR As 00., felt SW. South Delaware avenue. RICHMOND A2th COMPANY. PED-AL EL P HLA ORPOLB ST ' - The fine steenzahlps of this Line insure at the lowed rates and ezil galarly from the Fiat Wharf above Market street, every WEDN'..... - DAY tad SATURDAY, At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Narita% and City Point, forming the most direct route for the South and tiontinve3c. For freight or . pass-4,—e. with excellent aCCOM.modsg tone.. apply to _ _ WM. P. CLYDE di CO., 14 North and South Wharves, #SM:.I,IIIP MATAGORDA FOR, NEW ORL FANS, LA., DLRELT FROM WIL 11..GTON, DE L. The Si Iron side-wheel Steamship MATAGORDA. Ltoo tons register. is LOW loading for the above port, and will sail to about a week. For freight or pa sage, having splendid stateroom accommodations, apply to BISHOP, SON & CO., 105 Arch street. —450 Cabin Pavvage__ St eerate Peasage....._ .... ...... The new Al iron side-Wheel Steamship HAftLAN„ Forbes. master, will sail direct from Philadelphia for the above port about March Ist. agent at New Orleans. Mr. L C. Harris, Esq., who will forward all goods addressed to hie care for the In terior or Texas. fe7-tf NEW EX SS TO ALEX ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington. vta t:•tpeadr..e and Delaware Canal, with connection! at Alexandria, ra., -form the most direct route for Lyncltbmg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market street every Wedncelay and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the ager.ts . CLYDE & 14 North Wharves. J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; H. Eldridge ,e 1 Co., ..A,V-Ilta at IV-Landria. N 1 TOW-BOAT LINE. - - • •DEL 4 WARE and (WZ9A REALER 05.0.a.s Tr-BOA T COMPANY BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA, HAVRE-DE-GRACE, BALTIMORE, WASHING. TOE. and intermediate point:- WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents No. 14 South Wharves , Philadelphia, Captain .TOMI LAUGHLLE. Superintendent. THE ra E OLDESTAPI.I.9RED LkDEPEN - DENT OLTSJ DE LIZZE FOR:STEW YORK is receiving freight daily at low rates, second wharf below Spruce street, and will Insure at low rates. P. R. CLARK, Agent, fet-tfl 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. FOR SAN FRANCISCO ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER MM. SAIL.LNO RE. tILRLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swill- Sure Line at reduced rates. Ihe splendid Al extreme clipper ship CARLYLE, L. Hokin. Commander, Is now rapilly loading at pier u. East River. a& This beau:ittl vessel is one of the sharpest and best vessels now loading. Having a portion of her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch. For freight. amply to BISHOP, SON & CO., WS Arch atreet. aiFOR LA GUAYRA AND PUERTO CA; BELLO.—The bark WHITE WING, Wilkie, master, will sell at en early day for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN DAL LETT & CO., No. 12i , \% atom street. jaN FOR BALTIMORE. Sto.—The tine schooner 2a3. GAY, Captain Keen, is now loading for Lae above port at Girard's wharf,above Market street, and will sail with de:. , puteh. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER di CD., 18 N. Wharves. aFOR PROVIDENCE. R. I.—Express The tine schooner AMERICAN EA OLE,Bhaw, inast,r, is now loading for the above port at. Girard's wharf, above Market street, and will sail with despatch. 'or freight, apply to DAVID COOPER., 18 North Wharves. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—The , tine brig E. I'. STEWART Captain Holland, 4,000 bbls. capacity. Apply to DAVID COOPED, Is N. Wbarv. 11:= FOR BREMEN.—Tne At Bremen ship EXIT; ,rtgl Capt. Henry Oaken. For Cabin passage. having - - tine accommodations, apply to the Captain. on board, or to WORKMAN t CO.. 123 Walnut et. dehl - • . gaFOR SALE LuW.—Tbe schooner DA.IIION, 165 tons resister, 1 , 6 feet twig, 27 2-10 feet beam, and 8 3-10 feet lipid. elan has Just been re paired and bipars are entirely new. May be seen at. first wharf above Race street. For terns, apply to E. A. SODDER tt CO., Dock street wharf. fe9 106 J a z,. FOR LIVERPOOL.—With Quick Despatck.--- WATbe flue American ship ZOIIAVE, L. C. Blair, master, havlrg . the greater portion Of her cargo engaged, and now going on board, will sail soon. For balance of freight, or 'menage' -apply to PETER WRIOFT SONS, lie Walmatalreet. fel%tf CTEAMSHIP ARIES, •. - FROISI BOSTON.—Can- IJ of merchandise, per above steamer, will please send for their goods, now landing at Pine street . . fes-st RENRY VTINHOR & CO CONSMNEES'NOTICP2.--The schooner SAMARA. Be 31140 V B, Paine. master, from Boston, Is now discharging her cargo at first :wharf' below . Callowhill street. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods.- COOPER,IB N. Wharves. SHIP NOTlCE,—AllT)emona are hereby cautioned againstArlasting any of the crew of thel3r. able S, •L. TIL.LY, whereof Ca11111 . ..19 master, from. City Point, Va., aa no debts of ' their, contracting will be paid by, captain or Onsignee. EDMUND A. 130CIDE,1t de CO.. Dock stree twharf. . , del9 AATTOTICE Tenons are hereby cautioned against' :VII. barbering and, trusting, any of the crew of A°. Danish brig - DANMARK; as no debts of tneir COntraar, paid by captain ..or consignees.' WalpZ. . 1 1 AN Cl).; Consignees. KS Walnut street • SHELNIDL.IIII, successor to JOHN tiBINDLER 1? Sail - . Makers, No. Fat North WILABATBS, below Vine street t - Plitlertelphla. •••' All work done la the beat winner end'ert 4 l..,ie . tutyettl . ,eau:La:Loot favorable-W=3,mnd warranted to Ova petty: - feet satisfaction,: • • ••., • •• i !I,: • tr. " • tirttentar httentren :Vet to' ro:drier. - - - - XVR S.A..L.E.—S.'E,I,LIb &CO.'S SHIP SHEATHING uLFELT.ItiIot2I to suit. t, Apply to YET.ER WRIGHT " dtt sONSiIIS Waitut street. •r • , GE%TEE COLTON DENTAL .ASSOUATION 'originated the use of Nitrous Oxide Gsa for extracting teeth without pain. WE DO NO OTHER' D N ZS , AL WORK. Office 737 WALNUT etreet. delphia, fe5 , 120 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers