GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XIX..---NO. 231. EVENING BULLETIN. EVERY ENEMAO (Except Sunday) at !Yo. 329 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, BY THE Ly :Iv :4 ej I (tp.aej Dtg flkio (0 1/4: PROPIMAITOBB. inESON PEACOCK, CAAPIER EIIJUDIIit, Ja..; W. L. MUTTEEORST ON M.Ad J EItNIIET CL N WALLA.= TH. . r The Burzarrur Ls served to sabscribeces of the city et 11 cents per week. payable to the carriers. of $ I 00 per ROM= DIED. ALRICKS—In Harrisburg. Jan. 10. Martha, young est daughter of Hamilton Alricks, Esq. CLARK—In hi'Veytown, Mifflin county. Pa., Dee. 40th, Rev. D. D. Clark, D.D., for many years Paster of the Presbyterian church in that place. DINGEE—On the 10th instant, Ida Moore daughter of Catharine and the late PArruind Dingee, in tine 6th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect inlly invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her mother, No. 934 North Seventh street, on Satur day afternoon, 18th instant, at 2 o'clock., GARTSIDE—On the 12th instant, Georgians, daugh ter of Amos and Emma Gartside, aged 2 years. The relatives and friends of the fatally are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral from - the resi dence of her parents, cheater, Delaware county, on Monday afternoon, to meet at the house at one Funeral to proceed to Chester Rural Ceme tery. LOWRY—On the morning of the 12th instant, Mrs. Henrietta Lowry, widow of the late Robert K. Lowry, of Baltimore. Her relatives and friends are Invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, No. 1805 Plne street, on Monday morning, the 15th instant, at 10 o'clock. without further notice. [Baltimore papers will please -dopy.] PRATT—On the 11th instant, in his 19th year, Row land Parry, only son of Erasmus C. and the late So phia P. Pratt. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from No. 160 North Fifteenth street, on Mon day morning, 15th inVant, at 10 o'clock. To proceed' to Woodlands CEmetery. I IPIIICE—At New York, on Friday, Jan. 12th, after a - shortillness, Harriet wife of Merrick Price. Funeral services will take place at the residence of her father, S.Levine, No. 1214 Coates street,on Sunday, the 14th instant, at IP. M. Relatives and friends are./ invited to attend wthout farther notice. - V CU - NG—This morning. Samuel Young, aged 69 years. Due notice will be given of the funeral. * IxTBITN .1410REENS - FOR - SKERTS. Green Watered lforeens. 6-4 and 5-4 Green liaise, White Cloth for Sacks. White Evening Silks. EYRE & LANDELL, Foarth and Arch RELIGIOUS NOTICES. CHRD,TIANITI versus "THE CHURCH." Lecture to-morrow evening, Universalist Church, Locust street, above Thirteenth. It* THE REV. KINGSTON GODDARD. D. D., will preach in St. Philip's Ohara', VINE street, below Eighth, on SUNDAY MORNING. It* SECOB D PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Seventh street, below Arch. The pastor, Rey. E.? Beadle will preach to-morrow morning and -evening, Services at 103.; A. M. and 75i P. M. it* SATURDAY—REV. J. M. CROWELL. D. D., will preach this evening. January 13th, In Tr pity M. E. Church, Eighth street above Race—s!; o'clock. Its lUs FIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH.— Seventh and Spring Garden streets, Rev. J. H. Suydam, Pastor, Services at 10i. o'clock, A.M., and 7i,, o'clock, P.M. Itr [u. GRACE CHURCH, TWELFTH and CHERRY —Rev. Dr. Goddard, Rector of Christ Church, New Brighton, N. T., is expected to nreach 1n Grace Church. :.kinday evening at lii o'clock. 10. HIGHLY APPROPRIATE CLOSE OF WEEK OF PRAYER.—Sermon on Blessings of Manifested Union of Believers, by T. H. Stockton, Eleventh and Wood, Sabbath afternoon. 31.; o'clock, All invited. tuz THIRD REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, corner Tenth and Filbert streets. Rev. E. W. Hitchcock, ofibrew York, will preach in this Church to-morrow. Service at o clock A. M. and 7 P.M. lUe REV. CHARLES CAMPBELL will preach in Green Hill Ball, southeast corner of Seven• cteenth and Poplar streets, To-morrow Afternoon, at 234 o'clock. Seats free. All cordially invited. Sun day School at 2 P. M. 11* lUtt A SERMON TO YOUNG MEN WILL BE preached to-morrow evening at 7;,1 o'clock in the Central Presbyterian Church, corner of Eighth and Cherry streets, by the pastor Rev. Alexander Reed, D. D. Medical stadente are particularly invited to .attend. EZi*, NORTH BROAD STREET PRESBYTERIAN Church. corner Broad and Green sweets. Preaching by the Pastor, Rev. E. E. Adams to-morrow morning at itli; evening at 7%. sermon in the even ing on the Third Commandment. Young men are es• peolally invited. it* lirZa CALVARY"CHURCH, GERM A_\ TOWN.— The Rev. D. 0. Kellogg is expected to preach To-morrow (Sunday) 3lcrulag. The Rev. Henry J. Morton, D. D., to repeat his Sermon in behalf of Seamen in the Even ing. Its IqTHE SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF the "Union School and Children's Home" will be eld in St. Andrew's Church. Eighth street above Spruce, on Monday Evening, January 15th. at half past seven o'clock. The annual reports will be read, and addresses de livered by Rev. Drs. Beadle and Butler, Rev. Mr. Boardman and others. jal:3-2t rp SPECIAL NOTICES. lie AN ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING of the BERRY PAPAS OIL COMPANY will he he'd at their othce, 258 South Third street, on MON DAY, 15th inst., at 3 o'clock. I jal2-2trp* W. HACKER, Secretary. 1:12 NOTICE.—A Stated Meeting of the Board of Managers of the Philadelphia Suuaav slhoo I Borlety of the M. E. Church, will be held en MONDAY .EVENING, 15th inst., at o'clock in the Trinity M. B. Church. A full attendance of delegates is desired, as business of importance will be brought before the Board. WM. H. THAW, It* secretary. 10. TO GAB CONSUatERS. great saving In the amount of gas bills can be effected by procuring one of the CRESSON GAS REGULATORS, invented by Dr. CHAR LASS M. CRESSON, (Late Managing Engineer Philadelphia 'Gas Woras). This Regulator is the most delicate and reliable of all forms ever produced, always insuring a see say light, with a saving of from twenty to thirty percent. in the amount of gas consumed. INIThe following is an extract from ihe "Journal of ..Prarticlin Institute," dated Ochnber 18th, 1866, in refer .ance to a trial made of the Cresson Gas Regulator. .."An experimental trial R'4ll{' then made as to the quantity of gas consumed by the burners when under regulation to their maximum economy, and also the .amount consumed by the same burners wnen subjected to the ordinary variations of street pressure. "The result showed that with the Regulator, there 'was uniformly 78 cubic feet of gas per hour, consumed, .belngan average of S and 7.10 cubic feet per burner. 'Whilst without the Regulator the same burners can .numed from 106 to 140 cubic feet, per hour, the average being 12,6 cubic feet or 6 feet per hoar toeach burner." The test apparatus which was set up in the Franklin "institute, can be seen at our scale warehouse, where the xubliciare invited to call and examine for themselVas, - FAIRBANKS is EWING, It/ Masonic Hall, 715 Chestnut street. SOLDIERS' PAW - LT - Es. The immediate Relief of the Soldier, the Widow, the Orphan, in their own homes, is the only object we have In appealing to you for pecuniary co-operation. Such families are numerous, and their terrible destitu tion is known only to those who visit their humble homes, their damp dark cellars and cold, cheerless : garrets. Rev, WM. 111cELWEES, Pastor of the Fifteenth Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia, and extensively known by the name of "City Pastor." has been devot ing much of his time, by his pen and personal labors, , during the last two years, for the benefit of this needy and deserving dare. Convinced that our citizens have a heart in such a work, and stand ready to aid it When -appealed to, and finding that the calls for aid are daily increasing, and that funds are needed to meet them, .you are earnestly solicited to contribute liberally to aid this noble and Christ-like work. 'I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; thirsty, and ye gave me drink; naked, and ye clothed me " • All contributions will be acknowledged in the public :rapers, send contributions to Rev. WM. McELWEE, Pastor." Superintendenttf immediate Aid tor Soldiers' Families, Residence, 1341 Lombard Street, Philadelphia. Mrs. CITY PASTOR, Superintendent of Clothing )epartment and of Visitation and Distribution. Miss H. MOONEY, Agent and Assistant Superin tendent of Supplies and Distribution. "We know CITY PASTOR, are acquainted with 'work, and cordially recommend his cane and lii Self as worthy or the aid and confidence of ourcitizen JAMES POLLOCK, "ALEXANDER HENRY, "JAMES ORNE, "HENRY I), MOORE." Jal2l:r&sa-Btrpi >2. -1- . , ...,.. A .t-.. ~.„4. 1110 :10: .., .. ~ , . ~.1- .. , • , , ... ._ • .., ...,, • , „ ,:!.. .... ... -.,.. ~. . , 1 i . . .: ..... ... . ~..., . .. . . . ... . .. . ..,- . , s HOWARD HOSPITAL. Nos. 1518 and 1520 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Med. totthiVtr gratuitously and medicines finnished gratuitously e poor. s 10. ON MOTION OF SAMUEL HOOD ESQ., J. AGNEW DUFF was this day admitted to practice as an Attorney-at-Law in the District Cotirt and Court of Common Pleas of the city and county of Philadelphia. its THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockhold ers of the GREAT AMERICAN OIL COM PA- N will held at the office of the Company, No. 6 St. Clair street. Pittsburgh, on THURSDAY, January 18th, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M. By order of the President. jall-2t* U'OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH CuAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, PRlZADirsritu, Daoember 21st, 1865. LOAN FOR SALE. IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. The Loan of this Company, due April let, MI, inte rest payable quarterly, at the rate of six per cent. per annum., This Loan is secured by a mortgage on all the Com pany's Coal Lands, Canals, and Slackwater Navigation in the Lehigh river,and all their Rallroads,constructed and to be constructed, between Mauch Chunk and Wilkesbarre, and branch roads connected therewith, and the franchise of the Company relating thereto. Apply to SOLOMON SHEPHERD, Treasurer, de 2l- rptf 121 South Second street. 11 , - . 9. THE AMERICAN UNION COMMISSION acknowledge the following contributions to its Treasury, for the Poor of the Southern States : Samuel V . Merrick 000 00 J. Jewell $l2 30 Merrick & 50n5.....500 00 E. D. Sturdevant 12 50 1 Wrens of Readi ... ns_s2o 60 Rev. James 5au1....... 10 10 Dr. (1, B. Wood .200 110 A. D 10 00 Dutch Ref. Church Pres. Church, N. L... 90 52 7th ,Sc S Garden. .... ll! 44 H. Parker 16 00 David Milne ne ,100 tO L. Young =, 00 B. D. Stewart 100 00 St. Stepnen's, Bever- Samuel Work 100 00 ly A Lady 100 00 J. S. Stewart John 'Welsh 100 00 Joe. Prothengham Union Meeting, Be- Rev. Mr. Wild verly, N.J.__ _ ..... 54 55 W. S. Harris Epiphany Church 52 57 G. W. Taylor N. W. Everett 76 3'2 Rodney Xing James,Bent d : santee 50 00 Rev. G. A. Latimer, Adam Torrance.. e 3 80 Pottstown 620 A. Ricketts__ Preab. Church, N. L... A. V. Murphy Rev. 11. T. Beatty Pine street Church__ Andrew Manderson_ Mrs. C. Schrack John Sparhawk Rt. Rev. P, %Voile K. P. Ketcham G. ay. Muslin Cocheto.. N. Y Rev. B. Delworth A Lady J. Campbeli The Commission is also indebted to a number of Churches, auxiliary societies and private individuals, both in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, for a large quantity of valuable clothing. The great need of Schools in the South, as reported to our agent In Georgia, now here, has called forth the active sympathy of this Commission, and It has re• solved to do more in this direction. The Educational Committee at ita last meeting agreed to appoint several additional teachers, and they will soon be at work. So far as we can secure aid from the benevolent. we shall endeavor to convince the people of the South of the great value of our public school system of educa tion, and hope to lead them to Its adoption. Money can be sent to SAMUEL WORK. Treasurer, 3r., south THIRD Street. Stores to JOS. PARKER, Secretary, 1210 CHEST NUT Street. it Philadelphia and the Sanitary Commis As the labors of the Grated States Sani tary Comission are now drawing rapidly to a close,it will doubtless interest our readers to know what amount has been contributed by Philadelphia and its vicinity to the sup port of that great national work, and also the amount of relief afforded by it in our city. The following extracts from the report just presented to the Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Associates gives a brief summary of its operations: Supply Department, hospital supplies, delicacies, clothing, Ltc., amounting in value to three hundred and six thousand and eighty-eight dollars and one cent, collected, unpacked, assorted, stamped, repacked,and shipped. Committee for the Relief of Soldiers' fam ilies—eight hundred and thirty women, the wives and widows of soldiers,provided with work at a fair remuneration. Fifty-nine thousand, seven hundred and twenty-three articles made; four hundred tons of coal dis tributed to needy families. Special Relief Office, eleven thousand and fifty- five issues of hospital supplies,clothing, kc. made to camps, barracks, general hos pitals, and individual soldiers, amounting in value to one hundred and two thousand, five hundred and fifty-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. Transportation and sub sistence given in fourteen hundred and forty-nine cases, at a cost of thirty-three hundred and fifty-seven dollars and thirty three cents. Nineteen hundred and sixty one miscellaneous cases of relief attended to. Total number of cases, fourteen thou sand, four hundred and sixty-five: Sanitary Commission Lodge, fifty-eight hundred and forty-three persons admitted. Forty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine meals, and sixteen thousand three hundred and eighty-three nights lodgings furnished. Hospital Directory, information obtained .for relatives and friends of missing soldiers in thirty-one thousand seventy-one cases. Advice and assistance given in seventy-two hundred and fifty cases. Protective War Claiin and Pension Agency, ten thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight claims for pensions; bounty, back pay, &c., received and placed on file. Of these fifty-four hundred and eighty-eight have been granted, eleven hundred and sixty-nine have been rejected or abandoned, and forty-one hundred and forty-one await adjustment. The cash value of settled claims, collected up to December 31st, 1865, is nine hundred and three thousand five hundred and seventy-eight dollars and thirty-nine cents. Amount saved to claimants in fees to attorneys on cases filed, one hundred and thirty-fivethousand seven hundred and eleven dollars and sixty-five cents. The total amount in cash contri- buted to the Treasury of the Philadelphia Agency, includ ing the proceeds of the Great Central Fair, . . . $1,186,545 14 The total amount in cash con- tributed to the Relief Corn mittee of the Women's Penn- sylvania 'Branch, . . . Total amount of cash received by the Philadelphia Agency, 1,216,289 14 Cash value of Hospital Supplies, Clothing, dm, received by the Philadelphia Agency, . . Cash value of 400 tons of coal received by the Relief Com mittee of the Women's Penn sylvania Branch, . . . Estimated value of volunteer labor, and railroad and other facilities rendered free of charge, Total contributions of all kinds to the Philadelphia agency, $1,565,377 15 This amount has been distributed as fol lows : For the ,support of the work of the Sanitary Commission in Philadelphia and its vicinity, including cash remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of the Philadelphia agency, . 303,554 63 For the general work of the Sanitary Commission, . 1,261,822 52 SPECIAL NOTICES. 50 60 R. E. Thomas 800 25 00 J. H. Heck 6 61 25 001 W. P. Lewis. 5 00 34 40].1. D. Moore, M. D 200 s 5 64 S. (3. Flare 300 25 00 J. C. Leader 200 20 00 C i. Ayres 7 60 25 Oo Methodist Church, 10 00 Beverly 382 10 75 W. Cancan ...... 400 17 00 T. Montgomery 3 50 12 00 T. Brittain 3 00 10 ti) Medford Bap. Ch 2 25 10 00 Rev. A. J. Snyder 4 CI 9 001 EIAISITEL WORK, Treasurer, 36 South Third street SIII1="liVIIIECIKS. Disasters to Foreign Vessels---The Ship Casilda Burned at Sea--- Loss of a French Indian Mail Steamer and Thirty Lives Accident to the Steam ship Pennsylvania. Loui of One of the French Indian Mail otesuners with 1 'Thirty Lives, [From the London Post, Dec. V. Letters from Oran, dated Dec. i 7, give the following : A serious event [occurred here. The Borysthene steamer of the Mes sageries Imperiales Company, coming from Marseilles to this place, struck on the rocks to the north of the Ile Plane, at 'ten o'clock on the evening of Friday, the 15th. The night was very dark, and the wind and sea high. The captain thought that he was in the neighborhood of Mers-el-Kebir, butpiot seeing the hghthonse he was uneasy. He Sent the mate up aloft to look out for the light; but the latter saw nothing. Just as he had descended to announce this fact, the steamer struck on a sharp rock. The captain ordered the masts to be cut away in order to enable the passengers to reach a rock which was above the water, but the ship capsized on the opposite side to that on which the masts were to fall, and the waves breaking over her, a number of persons were washed into the sea. Some time after,how ever, the disembarkation of the passengers on die rock commenced; they were followed by the crew, and, last of all, by the captain. The operation lasted six hours. Just after it was completed a balancelle approached the rock, and seeing what had happened re turned to Oran for assistance. The military and other authorities immediately sent ves sels to carry the shipwrecked people to land. There were about three hundred passengers on board the ship, and from thirty to forty of them perished. The ship is broken up,and all it had on board,including the mails, is lost. The precise number of persons drowned is not known, as the list of the passengers has disappeared. Among them is a captain of engineers, named La fond. The mate and six of the crew have perished. The Ship Casilda Burned at Sea. [From the European Times. Dec.:9l.j The ship Caravan, from Mobile to Liver pool, has put into Greenock from stress of weather and short of provisions. She re ports a disaster to another ship, the Casilda, belonging to Messrs. George Warren ds Co., of Liverpool, which sailed on the Bth of November from Liverpoolfor Boston, under the charge of Captain Sedgley. When the Caravan met with her both vessel and cargo were on fire; but all hands were saved by Captain Marshall and his men, and con veyed to Greenock, where they were landed. Capt. Sedgely, of the Casilda, gives the following account of the burning of his ship while on the voyage from Liverpool to Bos ton: At 4 o'clock, P. M. on the 6th of Decem ber, and when in longitude about 41° west, and latitude 43 30 north, we found the ship to be on fire, smoke coming up the after scuttle and through the rails, filling the cabin with smoke and gas, so a man could not live in the cabin or hardly on deck. The mate took a lantern and undertook to go below, but ne found he could not breathe three feet from the hatch, and the light in the lantern at once went out, showing that it would be impossible for a man to breathe in the poop deck three feet from the scuttle. 1 think the ship could not have been on fire but a few minutes when it was discovered, and in one hour after or less, there was a very hot fire, and the ventilators in the cov ering boards got quite hot, and the paint about the covering boards and water ways became much blistered. We put the after scuttle on and caulked it down, and papered all the cracks up we could where we saw smoke coming out, to keep the fire under as much as possible; but still a great deal of smoke came out from different parts of the ship, almost enough to stifle us on neck. This was a veryfanzious night for a. l on board, as it blew a gale from the nt.rthwest with heavy squalls and much rain, and the heat and smoke increasing all the time; and we knew that it would be a very difficult job to get our boats out in a gale of wind, with a very large sea, in a dark night, and long we waited for daylight to appear. At last it came, the morning of the 7th of December. Sent a man aloft to look for a sail. No sooner was he to the masthead than he gave the welcome sound of ''Sail,oh,"xvhich gladdened every heart on board. The sail bore W.N.W.from us. We at mince hove our ship to head to northward,and hoisted a flag of distress. He at once kept away, and rundown and hove to under our lee. She proved to be the ship Caravan, Captain Robert Marshall, from Mobile, bound to Liverpool. We launched one boat, with second mate and four men in her; but after she (the first boat) was in the water, we found that she had been stove in launch ing ; but their only chance was to try to get alongside of the Caravan, as it was impos sible for them to get back on board the Casilda. They got alongside of the Cara van with the stove boat, but could not re turn in her. We got a second boat out with a great deal of danger. The chief officer, with four men, went alongside of the Cara van, and put some few things on board, which we had put into the boat before launching, and returned with Captain Mar shall's advice, to leave with all hands as soon as possible, as the wind and sea were increasing, and he saw smoke issuing from different parts of the ship. The boat returned from the ship (Casilda) about half-past eleven A. M., and with much trouble and danger, succeeded in getting some few things into the boat by heaving them overboard and the boat picking them up. And then the great trouble was to save our lives; and the oly chance we saw was to jump overboard and let the boat pick us up, The boat got as near the ship as she could, and then myself and the rest of the men, except two, jumped overboard and were picked up by the boat; and after we were m we found it would not do to take any more in the boat at that time. Went alongside of the Caravan; put what few things we had saved and part of the men on board; then the mate with five men re turned to save the two men remaining on board. The got back to the ship (Casilda) by great exertions, or as near as they could get to her, and then the two men jumped overboard and werepicked up by the boat, as we had done before. We suc ceeded in getting all hands on board of the Caravan about half past two P. M. When the mate left the ship the last time he says the smoke was coming from all parts of her. I don't think the fire could have been kept confined more than a few hours longer. After all our crew were on board the Cara van, safe, Captain Marshall said to me, "I can do no more for you or your ship, and as -.. f 25 ... 17 08 7 04) 29,744 00 306,088 01 1,000 00 40,000 00 $1,565,377 15 u!LjuLiaabliiiJk 9 v z-vA PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY JANUARY 13, 1866. the wind is increasing I must proceed on my v4,:oyage;"l and through the next twenty four hours the Caravan was scudding under two close reefed topsails and foresail,itb Low ing a Strong gale and heavy squalls, large sea and much rain. Alrrilrakof a Porldon of the Crew of the Harry of the West in LiverpooL—The Brig Himalaya abandoned at Sea. [prom the Malachester Guardian, Dec. 30.] The ship Annie Kimball arrived in the Mersey yesterday, from New Orleans. She brought home part of the crew of the ship Harry of the West, from New Orleans to Liverpool, burned at sea, and also the crew of the, foreign brig Himalaya, abandoned at sea. The crews of both vessels were most kindly treated by the captain and officers of the Annie Kimball. Accident to the Steamship Pennsylvania near Queenstown: The steamship Pennsylvania, which left New York on the 16th ult., struck a rock at Mizen Head, near Queenstown, on the 21st, and arrived at Liverpool on the following day, with thirteen feet of water in her fore hold. 'l l .l - 17E VIENIA.NS. The Dispute at an End---Letter from James Stephens--o'Mahony En dorsed and Appointed the American Representa tive and Financial Agent of the Irish Republic. It will be seen from the following docu ments that the Irish leadhr of the Fenian movement is not only safe, but in a position to exercise the executive powers of his office:— James Stephens to John O'linhony. IRISH REPUBLIC, Dec. 2.?, 1863.—T0 John 0' Afahony, Esq., Representative and Finan cial Agent of the Irish Republic in the United States:—BROTHER AND FRIEND—The only misundersianding ever possible between you and me has been occasioned by what I deemed your drag-chain policy. Knowing the absolute necessity for action within a given time, and aware that you did not agree with me in this, it has been a constant fear with me, that, so far as the F. B. was concerned, the time would come and find us unprepared. This apprehension has kept me in a state of pain and irritation also, and so I have often said and written things which must have hurt you most keenly. For all this I now sincerely ask your forgiveness. Let me add, however, that I would not do so, though you were on your dying bed and I on mine, if you had not entered, albeit very late, on the only Tnth of salvation for our land and race. reason and baseness in every shape have been at work around you, and to such effect as to have put the cause of Ireland in seri ous peril. Before my escape from Rich mond Bridewell I should have looked on the actual state of things as all but certain ruin. That event—for it is nothing less— has given such marvelous strength to our work, and to me such influence, that I can now undertake to hold our forces together for some time longer. Still, it is of the ut most urgency to make the delay as short as possible. For delay in oar case is of more than proverbial danger, and I could not long hope to hold against the strain of time. But as you are on the riget path at last, I rely on your bringing affairs to a speedy issue. To break with treason and base ness of all kinds—to brt nd it, smash it—was the policy, and I rejoice at your baying made it yours. The man hood of Ireland rejoices at it with me, for it indicates the justice of their judgment re garding a wretch whose advent to this country was an insult to our reason, man hood and patriotism. Wishing to work harmoniously with the F. 8., .1 put a curb on my temper in presence of this shallow knave, and even risked my reputation in order to set him fairly with my friends. his professions and letter to you J were they sent?l, together with my representations, did away with much of the distrust and in dignation stirred up by his presence. But even before he left the cloven foot was again visible to all. He sneaked out of the country. Well, I saved his life, as I so often saved that of his kindred carrion. Brand him now with pity. It grieves me to hear that Michael Scanlan is in the ranks of cowardice and treason. But what ever I may have once thought of him, or anybody else, the instant they prove false to Ireland, I would lash them from me like so many. dogs. Away with all such fools or rogues at once. If our ranks be somewhat thinned by this summary riddance of traitors, our reliable strength is but increased. By the way, some good men were sent over here by Scanlan. We know how to appreciate them. But he sent others of so vile a kind that, at their first interview with me, they in con fidence accused each of robbery and I know not what. It may be that such scoundrels would fight, but, till we are actually in the field, fellows of this stamp would be a standing shame and danger to us. Thank God they have sneaked away—some of them at the merest shadow of danger. May they never pollute our shores. Cut and hack the rotten branches around you without pity. This can be done sufely at your side, be cause the stag is harmless there. 1 am pressea for time. This is of little consequence,l hope, as almost all you could need to know will be found in the letter of the M. C., brought out by Gen. —; and anything that letter may lack the General is the very man to make good. The accom panying document confers on you in Ame rica, Canada, kc., the absolute and unques tionable authority of Representative and Financial Agent of the Irish Republic. With the old friendly feeling, I am Yours, fraternally, JAMES STEPHENS, C. E. I. R. 0 9 .1inhony's Commission, IRISH REPUBLIC, , Dec. 23d, 1865. To the Members of the Fenian Brotherhood and the Friends of Ireland Generally in the United' Mates of America, Canada, COUNTRYMEN AND FRIENDS : Aware that certain members of the Fenian Brotherhood, and notoriously the "Senate" of that asso ciation; have madly and traitorously, moved to a mad and traitorous end, raised the cry of " to Canada," instead of the cry "to Ire land;" land aware that John O'Mahony, known las Head Centre and President of the Fenian Brotherhood, has wisely and firmly, as in duty bound, opposed this mad and traitorous diversion from the front path—the only path that could possibly save our coun try and our race—l in consequence hereby a ppoint the said John O'Mahony Represen tative and Financial Agent of the Irish Re public in the United States of America, Canada, &c., with ample and unquestiona bleanthorityto e x 0 0 0- 0 - 0 and in all other ways in which, to the best of his judgment, he can serve Ireland—that land to which he has devoted life and •honor—l hereby authorize and call on him to do so. JAMES STEPHENS. C. E. I. R. [From the N. Y. Tribune. The whereabouts of Stephens are still not to be made public. We are at liberty to state, however, that the reports of his being in France, or in any other country than Ireland, are entirely without foundation. President Stephens is, and has been, ever since his escape from British shackles, within less than one mile from the place at which his arrest was effected. This we learn from good authority. Whether his place of concealment is in the house of a friend, in the caverns of the earth, or among the green mountains of his land, we will not state for the best of reasons; but it appears to be pretty certain that he will remain concealed effectually till Ireland "becomes a volcano to send him forth again"—as Lord Byron prophetically remarked of the great Napoleon, while the latter was at Elba. The last hours of the Fenian Congress which closed its labors on Friday evening, were distinguished by several important features. Col. O'Mahony took the oath of office as Head Centre of the Fenian,-Brotherhood in America. The ceremony of inauguration is described by delegates who were present, as being very impressive. Speeches were made by Mr. Corbett, Speaker of the Con vention, and Mr. Killian, Secretary of the Treasury. They both congratulated the Congress on the efficiency of its protracted session,and expressed the utmost confidence that the iron hand of England would soon be torn from its clutch on the throat of Ire land, and that the glorious banner of the Emerald Island would soon be recognized among the emblems of the nations of the earth. Mr. Rogers also addressed the Assembly in eloquent and forcible terms: THE ADAMS EXPRESS ROBBERY. Recovery of $5,900 in Gold—Additional Particulars, The only additional particulars in relation to the late robbery are contained in the New Haven papers. The New Haven Journal, of Friday, says: Yesterday the man who tends the railroad draw at Coscob bridge, found, a short distance west of the bridge, a canvas bag containing five thousand dollars in gold. The bag had fastened to it one of the express company's tags marked $5,000. He also found the padlock that the thieves bad wrenched off from the outside door of the car. It was broken. It would appear, almost conclusively, from this that the thieves left the train with the treasure at Coscob. The New Haven Palladium of yesterday contains the following detstils : "In our account in yesterday's paper we stated that Assistant Superintendent Spooner had ac companied the old man Tristham to recover if possible, the contents of the bag. This errand was perfectly successful, resulting in finding the bag at the residence of a sister of one of the robbers—whose name it is now ascertained is Tristham, and_ who is nephew of the old man Tristham. All the contents were as safely reposing in the bag as as when first put there. The amount of gold contained in the bag is variously estimated between $28,009 and M,OOO---the latter figure is probably nearest correct. The money 'being thus obtained, Mr. Spooner and the old man returned to Norwalk. The two men found in Tristham's house are thus proven to have been prominent agents in the robbery. Yesterday, a preliminary hearing in their cases was had at the Town Hall, Norwalk, which resulted in Tristham and his asso ciate clerk being ordered, to furnish bonds in the sum of $25,000 each for their appear ance at the same hall one week from Satur aay night. Not being able to furnish bonds they will be quartered in the Bridgeport jail. Sheriff Barnum and Mr. Webb, agent of thecompany in this city, visited the resi dence of Mr. Tristham, to ascertain some thing in relation to the rest of the stolen property. They made inquiries of Mrs. Tristham whether the robbers had been seen to carry anything away or conduct them selves suspiciously. She said they had not. Search was then made by Messrs. Barnum and Webb in every conceivable place for the lost treasure, but without avail. At last one of the daughters said that "she had heard a roaring up stairs which appeared to be in the room occupied by the robbers. Search was immediately instituted, and in the stove two pans full of paper ashes were found. The tire-place was neat visited and another quantity of paper ashes was brought to light, and among them pieces of paper upon which were discovered the Adams Express Company marks. TEE LATEST. —From Mr. Webb we learn that the whole amount robbed from the safes will not exceed in value $200,000, and that the greater part of this sum is in the hands of the company. From another excel lent source we learn that the amount of gold contained in the bag was between $23,000 and 824,000, and that there were $78,000 in unsigned bills stolen. Superintendent San ford left the St. Nicholas Hotel yesterday with the bag and about $90,000 of the money and deposited the same in the office of the company in New York. Concerning the honesty of the old shoemaker, Tristham, there seems to be no doubt. In his taking the bag to New York he is thought to have acted from strictly' honest motives. So much confidence is reposed in his integrity that he has been released from custody. His removal of the bag of gold to the Norfolk depot was effected upon a hand sled, and so open was he in the business, that in getting into Norfolk he asked aid of a young bank teller to enable him to get the bag to the station. The manner of the sister of the robber Tristham was not so frank, nor her words either, as upon being asked by Superintendent Spooner for the carpet bag, she replied very saucily that there was no such bag on the premises, nor never had been. In conclusion we add that Mr. Conroy, one of the messengers of the company in this city, who returned from New York last night, reports the rumor of a pot-house brawler, charged with attempting to nego tiate the sale of the stolen gold; also that parties who believed the robbers had secreted some of their spoils near Coscob, walked over acres and acres of ground look ing for fresh dirt. In four days after the com mission of the crime the swift hand of justice has found two of the depraved men con cerned in it, the third one being still at large. By persons who have investigated this affair, he is believed to be the principal scoundrel. Concerning him the arrested robbers maintain a marked reticence. SAMSUNG WlNE.—This article,Upon trial we find quite palatable. It is, recom mended for weakly females and invalids, generally.—Portland Argus. Mr. .has just received a large invoice of this wine, four years old, of which he is selling large quantities. F. L. FETHERSTON. Publister DOUBLE SHEET, THREE CENTS. Facts and Fancies. Why is the first man at a party Ilk's a dis— taff? Because he's twirly ! Smith and Jones both declared that they could'nt find it in their hearts to cat any body. Jonas asked them "did you ever stick a hot poker into water and make it sizz?" They admitted that they had. "Then," said Jonas "you are a pair of sizzers, and ought to be able to cut any thing. Communicated. We know a man, who is timid abodt balloons, who will not travel to North western Pennsylvania, because it will bring him to Erie-station! Miss Moloch has just published a new novel entitled "A Noble Life." Did it ever occur to anybody that the life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, for instance, was a nig-noble one? A Chicago clergyman missed hie stockings on Christmas morning, and after a long search found one on each horn of a new milch cow, which had been presented to him by his parishioners, and ornamented in this way to indicate that it was a Christmas gift. He not only found his cow, but his socks. Max Maretzek has volunteered to pro duce Mr. George F. Bristows's opera 'Rip Van Winkle." Mr. Bristow has written recitatives instead of the dialogue, and the work is now translated into Italian. It is not true that one entire act is passed in profound silence, while the whole troupe and orchestra indulge in a sound nap. "The Lost Tales of Miletus" is to be the title of a new book by Sir Edward Buiwer Lytton. It is shortly to be published in London. The motto of the book is: "Little 80-peep has lost his sheep, And don't know where to find them; Let them alone and they'll come home And bring their tales behind them." Offenbach's new opera, "Les Bergers," which has been brought out in Paris, was not very enthusiastically received by the audience. Among the characters is a live cow, which descends from a pasteboard hill, tempted by a piece of bread. At the first rehearsal the composer forgot to bring his score with him and exclaimed, "Ah ! wait a moment! I will be Off an' back in stantly!" An exchange calls snow-balling the voice of winter. We prefer pronouncing it the v'ice of winter. The Boston Post says: A circus man died in Philadelphia from mental excitement caused by driving forty horses. Just think how many traces that man has left behind him. We knows respectable brewers' firm who are so prejudiced against spirits, that when the partners say " We concoct ales," they wish it also understood that their motto is "Weaken cock-tails!" From St. Louis.— The Great lee Field Iloviag—More Steamers Destroyed. St. Lotus, Jan. L&—The warm weather of the past few days, combined with the rise in the Missouri river, started the ice in our harbor about 4 o'clock to-day. It separated nearly opposite the foot of Carroll street.the lower portion moving down about 100 feet, opening a channel to the Illinois shore. through which vessels passed for several hours, and sinking the steamer Belle Mem phis, ice-bound in the middle of the river„ the steamer Warsaw, at thelower end of the levee, and the Praire Rose at the upper end of the city, and doing much damage to the boats. The Belle Memphis was valued at $120,000 and was insured for $40,000. The Warsaw was valued at $75,000. The Prairie Rose was worth $150,000, and is probably insured. A ferry boat which was sunk was valued at $30,000. About noon the steamer Nebraska and the ferry boat Mulligan began butting the ice toward the lower end of the landing and broke a channel 100 yards wide on the Dt issouri shore, near the upper levee, when the whoie field of ice gave way and moved slowly down, carrying with it the wrecks of the previous disasters still afloat, to the ex treme lower part of the city, where it gorged again. The harbor opposite the city is now open, and the ferry boats are running. It is ex pected that the ice, both below and above the city, will disappear to-night, as the Mis souri broke up to-day at St. Joseph, Kansas City, Lexington and St. Charles, the effects of which will reach here before morning. At the latter place the North Missouri Rail road ferry boat used for transporting trains aoross the river, sunk, and the landing was badly injured. No other disaster is yet reported. There is no news from the tipper Mississippi. ST. Louis, Jan. 12.—The value of the steamers sunk at St. Louis to-day, was as follows—Belle Memphis, $5,000; Warsaw, $.35,000. The entire loss is about $22.5,000, and the total loss by this disaster and the one three weeks since is WO,OOO, which may possibly be increased to-night to- double that amount. For Mrs. Drew's benefit at the Arch last evening the new play of "The Needful" was brought out in very handsome style, with new scenery by Hawthorneand a cast comprising the strength of the company. The play is original and dashing and will be popular, particularly when such able artists as Mrs. Drew, Mr. Mackay, Mrs. Henri, Mr. Marlowe, Mr. Robson and Mr. Rankin are in the cast. It will be repeated this evening, with a favorite afterpiece, and on Monday "Fortunio" will be brought out, with Mrs. Drew in the principal part. At the Chestnut to-night "The Sleeping Beauty" and "The Phantom" will be given. "Red Rover" is in preparation, and it will be played together with "The Sleeping Beauty." At the Walnut Mrs. John Wood repeats last night's bill, which 'drew as large, brilliant and fashionable an audience as we have ever seen at this theatre. At Concert Hall Heller, and at Assembly Building Blitz are charming large houses with their feats of magic. Heller also adds fine piano playing and burlesque acting to his other feats. Friday's Baltimore Su:zt says—A large number of ladies and gentlemen left this city on Wednesday evening, by the Northern Central Railway, for Lancaster, Pa., in order to be present at the wedding of Miss Harriet Lane, niece of ex-President Buchanan, who was yesterday united in wedlock to Mr. Henry E. Johnston, of this city. The ceremony took place at Wheat land the residence of Mr. Buchanan, and the 'bridal party at once started on a northern tour. COTTON GROWING IN TENNESSEE.--It is stated that Tennessee now takes rank'as one of the heaviest cotton growing; States in the Union. The native .inclustzry of that State, white and colored, is in better condition than that of most other States • for the re sumption of activity, and there has already' been, a larger Northern emigration, to Ten nessee than to any other. Southern State. • AHUSEILENICS. Personals.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers