From our Th From Washington. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.—1 t having come to the knowledge of the State Department, that articles contraband of, war. were being _shipped 'from' brew York to 11Sagimilia~'s government; peremptory orders haye been despatched to the United',-States -District. Attorney to institute rigid examination,anci seiza all such articles-wherever found. Strong efforts are being made'_ to induce Congress to allow the General ;GOvarittnent to.assume the war debt of the.seSeral States.. The Secretary of the Treasury is opposed to' this measure. He is also opposed to re pealing the tax on incomes. -. The appointment of Hon. L. D. Cainpbell' as minister to Mexico, is riot satisfactory to' the friends of the liberal party here. They want a more positive man. lThe Blot at Alexandria ' Na. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.—The Alexandria ; (Va.) Journal, in giving an account of the riot there on Christmas, says: ' Whiskey flowed in streams from many restaurants, and from some it was dealt out as liberally to the colored people as to the whites. Early in ths morning it was ob served that all the young "reconstructed" gentlemen were well armed. Rioting commenced at an early hour, and by one o'clock P. M. had assumed such , fearful proportions that the Mayor found it, necessary to`call upon the military author ities for assistance to, suppress it. Three companies of Hancock's veterans were forthwith ordered out and proceeded to arrest every one found engaged in rioting and disorderly conduct. Many persons had been seriously and dangerously wounded before they appeared on the scene of action. It was found necessary to arrest between fifty and one'hundred of the ringleaders of the various disturbances then going on throughout the city, who were mostly sent to the slave pen; where they were compelled to remain during the remainder of the day and night. Some of them were yesterday morning . released, while the more guilty are still m confinement. It seems that the first reports were exag gerated, as the Journal says some 50 or 100 colored men were badly beaten; but so far as we have been able to learn but two were so badly injured as to preclude the hope of recovery. During the day a most unpro voked riot was reported to have occurred at Chapel Hall, where a number of colored people were holding a party. A white man by the name of Mitchell who is said to have participated in the riot, was seriously wounded in the head, and, at 1 o'clock this afternoon his death was currently reported. The Freedmen in Mississippi. It appears from documents in possession of the Bureau of Refugees and Freedmen that a recent order issued in Mississippi by Major Thomas for the adoption of the most stringent measures to prevent insurrection among the Freedmen, was merely to quiet the frightened citizens by Indicating the readiness . of the Bureau to take prompt steps for the preservation of order in any event. and not because there were any fears on the part of the Govern ment officers of aninsurrection in that State. Col. Thomas, the Assistant Commis sioner, says the instructions to Major Rey nolds were not of such a character as to warrant this order. The California Overland Mail SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26.—The Overland Mail from New York on the 26th of No vember, arrived here on the 24th inst. Arrival of the Edinburg. NEW YORK, Dec. 27.-1.30 P. M.—The steamship Edinburg, 'from Liverpool on the 13th instant. has been signalled below. Markets NEw YORK, Dec. '27.—Cotton is quiet at 51@52c. for middlings. Flour has advanced 5@10c.; saies of 10,000 barrels at 87 ao@Bo 80 for state, ts 75&'1,10 2.5 for Ohio, 30(458 85 for Western, so@sls 25 for southern and til 25@;11 20 for Canadian. Wheat and Corn are quiet; sales unimportant. Beef steady. Pork firm; sales of. 1.200 barrels at $29 50 for mess. Lard firm. Whisky ! dull. Stocks are lower. Chicago and Rock Island, Cumberland preferred, 43; Illinois Central, 132; Michi gan Southern, 73%; N. Y. Central. 95; Reading. Hudson River, 108; Virginia 6.3.74 Missouri 63, 78; Erie, 95: Tennessee 6s. SO: One Year Certificates, 58; Treasury 73-10 s, 98%; Ten-Forties, 92%; Five-Twenties, 103;.4.; Coupon 69. 107%; Gold, 14514. BALTIMORE. Dee. 27.—Flour is quiet; Howard street superfine, $8 62@$8 75. Wheat receipts limited; Red firm at 61 40®61 50; White, 61 75(1141 80. Corn dull at 88c. for White and Mc. for Yellow. Oats steady. Pro visions dull and nominal. Seeds steady. Sugar inac tive. Whisky very dull at $2 80. Sales at Philadelphia Stock Board. SA LES AFTER FIRST BOARD, WOO Penna War Loan 100;41100 sh Catawissa pf 300 II S Tress 7 3-109 100 sh do s6own 41 Notes June 98 300 sh do cons 1)30 3000 D S 10-40 s 9233 400 sit St Nicholas 0 69-100 50011 S6B 5-203 '62 1033 k 300 sh St Nicholas Coal 7.34 auo sh Phila 6Y. Erie 3034 300 sh Read R 1)30 5331-100 100 sh. do 3034 100 sh do 53. 100 shDalzell Pet 21-16 100 eh Ocean Oil opg .181 300 sh Franklin Oil 2,3'i .• SECOND - - - - - 200 sh Egbert Oil 19 sh Little Sch R 29 The weekly averages of the Associated National and cal Banks of the ci of New York the C Lo learing-House, for the week ending Saturday in last,' Dec. 23, compare as follows with the previous weekly, statement, and also with the corresponding week last, year, and the Sub-Treasury balances at each date: Increase of Loans 757,678' Decrease of Specie 9G J 33 Increase of net Deposits 2,108,1171 Increase in Legal-Tender 5,003,964 Increase in Circulation 904.490 Including the Exchanges between the Banks through. the Clearing-House, and including also, the Sub-Trea sury statement of Saturday afternoon, the previous weekly report, and also wtth the movement of this time last year: Dec. 24, '64. Dec. 23, '65, Dec.l7, '65 Capital 469,186,762 $80,686,200 180,686,200' Loans .203,512,093 228,572,034 2'27, Specie,- 20,600,441 16,056,037 16,981,435 Gross Deposits 153,805,909 182,021,970 780,012,763. In Legal Sub-Treas Tender: nry...... 19,861,4 62 77,416,949 79,059,532: Dec 23, Dec. 16 Increase. PROPOSALS. OFPICE OF PA • ~.“ eTER. U. B. NAVY, 425 CHESTNUT STREE .PiliLADELP.riaa Dec. 25th, „ 1865. ' Proposals gill be received at this Office until 12 o'clock, M., on the 31st Dec., 1865, for supplying the U. S. Navy Department with the following articles, all to be of the best quality, and delivered at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia; free of expense, subject to inspection by, the iniipectiug officer: 10,000 board feet, ash, 2 inch. 5,000 feet 1 in. 2d common White Pine Boards, , • 3,000 feet 2 in: straight-grained, seasoned White ASII. P 1,000 feet lgn. Seasoned White Pine Panel Plank. 1,000 feet 1 in. "'" " Boards. £1,200 lbs. Red Lead—dry. 1,300 lbs. White Lead—in oil, 501b8.131aek Lead. • 70 gmlons Linseed Oil—boiled. l . 30 " , " " —raw. 100 Piles=t3o feet long.- . I,2sofeet &in:single-riveted Leather Leading Hose, . , in 50-feht lengths. • 6.tons Pig Iron, No. 1. l lo 10 sheets S 30 lb. Copper'. ' .. .. s lb. " 350 lbs. Spring Steel, 753-16. 2:50 " :•• . " 5 3-Bx3-81. ' 12.5 " " " 41-2xl-8. 12 " " . " 4xl-2 - - • ; 325 " . " " 3 1 -2x3-8. 325 " " " 3x5.10. „ ) 100 " " 27.2x1-4.. i 100 " " " 2sl-1. i 100 " " " 1 3-4xl-4. 100 " " " 11-2x1 , -1; 2 coils 31.2 la Manilla rope. _ A. E. WATSON, .Paymaster, Ti. IS. N. : 13.4tklEERJEL'S • ORNAMENTAL HAIR AtIANI7FACITO - Rlr. The largest mid best assortment of Wigt, Toupees, _Long Hair _Braids : wad Curio, Watier-fiai, Irietorbies, zettes, Illusive Seems for Ladies, . Pa'ces LOWllat than elsewhere, ra49 '69 OK RYUT STRTIEt ARACIAS 0000A.-Fl_fti 'paw for sa! JO RA CDALLETT es CO,. 122 Wln street: - of Yesterday BOARD. sh Swatara Falls 2 453,861,520 ... 48,887,5.56 ...-$6,00.3.964 N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Office l UD_ MPH:lA.—Office •Northeast corner of THLRD and BUTTONWOOD etreets(late ), Incorporated by the Legislature of - Penneylv °HARM= PERPETUAL. C,apital authorized by law, ; floo,ooo. Make Insaranoe against Loss or D by Fire of Public or Private - Buildinga, Farnltare;l3 • Goode and Merchandise, on favorable Lerma. • • • ' /HRECTORS, • George er M. Maler, Auguat Mier ' Fred ph llck Steak% Sohn F. Easterling, lonas Bowman. Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, •Williant McDaniel, Jacob &handier, . George Buts, Jr., Stephen Smith, n ew eager, • . ,:- Edward Samuelhfoyer •r., • • , . . . • • : ,-. !... ~.., I GEORGE METY_, President. JOHN P. RwraiTERLING, Vice President . PHILIP B, OOLEMAN. Secretary- VAIKE Mr/RANCH COMPANY. F. - Qs cuuramirrr mum% ---pwrr. A r)ELPHI.A. MIRE ai NJ? INLAND INSORANOII. • - razacrom Cha r es Jno. s. W. eventuiu, Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis,. /no. Kessler, Jr., Samuel Wright, - B. D. Woodruff, P. S. Rieke, Cha . Moho% Geo. A. West, .Tha D. 11.111 a. ;FS IVICIT3IV., 01{ President.! MAIL RICHARDSON, "Woe Predator L BLANCIRAZD. 2812031619. • REMOVAL The Office of :Williant W. Allen , A.G-3ENT FOR TBH ORIGINAL TRAVELERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, of HARTFORD, Conn. The Oldest and` Most Reliable Accident Insurance Company in America, AND THE NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Has Been Removed from No. 404 to 400 "WALNUT St., DIRECTLY OPPOSITE. no274u,th,sja FIRE INSURANCE. Liverpool and London . and Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital, $lO Millions. Invested Funds, over 16 Millions. Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millions. Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000. All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania, OFFICE, No, 6 Merchants' Exchange, deles,tu,th-tG PHILADELPHIA. 1829—CHARTER PERPETUAL. FR , A.I`44TH.I4i:N . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January 1, 1865, W 2,5042437 04. CaplIAL---------------- IWlCkee: Accrued Surpirta----_---- 997 ,era Premlauct----- ----. ---- Lia Lin :4; OLAThis 1274 . Losses Paid since 1829 Over $5,000,000. ,t 1 1111.11,...4t,1”1:44 D !ri (friaries N. Banker, Poblaa Wagner, Samnet Grant Jacob B. smit h , George W. Riegardi_j_ ITRA , RT Fl 4 N; EDWARD 0. D Jul® ; MILE E ELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1641. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE, No. 308 WALNUT STRE.RT. CAPITAL, 1300,000, Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Rouses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or per petual, and on Furniture. Goods Wares and merchan dise in - town or country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID, ASSILTSI-10,1,001 79 Invest - ed in the following securities. viz: First Mortgages on City Property, well se- , cured 1124 100 00 United states Government Loans 136,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 51,000 00 Pennsylvania f 3,000,0.0 6 per cent L0an........21,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com panys 6 per cent. Loan Huntingdon and Broad '1 op 7 percent, mort gage bonds 4,550 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock..... 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock... 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock. 3.90 00 Reliance Insurance Ckimpany of Philadel phia's Stock in bank and on hand. DIRECTORS, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Rill Charles Leland, Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Cast tier, Alfred English, Young. 111 TINGLEY, President. •etary. 1, MS. • Clem. Tingley, "Wm..Musser, Samuel Bispham, Carson. Robert Steen, Wm. Stevenson, James T. CLED THOMAS C. HTT.T.,, sem PILLLADELPECIA, DeCeMbE THE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE 0011f.PANYr OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STEER% 338[LOW 011:11:87/011% "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Philadelphia." Incorporated. by the Legislature of Pennsylvania In 1839, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire exclusively CHARTKR Pkeprrue.L. This old and reliable institution, with ample capflal and cnntingent !bad carefully invested continues to In. sure buildings, furnitme; mercimfidise, dm ., either per. manently or for a limited time Agains loos or dam% by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the stool safety of Its customers. Losses adjusted and pad.with all posskble despatCh DM..sWP Charles 3. Sutter. wA am , sEdwin L. Beak% Henry John Horn, Robert 'Mosey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd George Mecke, :Andrew H. killer James N. Stone. J. SUTTER, Presidium linssrAtaN F. Ilosxnuary. Sedy and Treaanger. . FrINSURANCE ENNSYLVANIA F IREENSURANUE COAL• PANY—lncorporated 182s—Charter Perpetnal—No. me WALNUT Street, oppos ite Independence Square , This Company, favorab known to the community for over forty years, con nee to Insure against lose or damage by fire, on Public or Private Scalding', either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on li'nrnitureStocka of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fuld is Invested In the most careful manner, which enable"' them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security the cue of loss. DIRECTOR% Daniel Smith, Jr., John Deverenx, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Haziehurat, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, .7. Glllingh • . 1 . F e u. Diel Haddock_ __, Jr. DAXIEL SM TH, Jr., President Wrra.ux G. ClRovnti.x...S4xtretary THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28,1866 LNOODSR FOR ma sea,ooo. PollainD n Liberal Tarmn, D a Bs. Ed lasac wart r it. Dal% George Pales, Alfred Fltler, Eras. W.Leals, M.D. - • OREM, Prealdent. 1 A L E, Vice Prealdent. Secretary pro tem. ara terli 1408,004 79 de2o-thAtu,tl pita PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST .005 V I_ PANY, OF PELELADELPHIA.— Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, 8d month, 22d, 1865, INSURES LIVES ALLOWS INTEREST ON DE posrrs Alb) (TRAM'SA_Nrarrn ms. CAPITAL 4150,000 Samuel R. Shipley, DIREC Richar R& d Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Wittier Brown, Richard Wood. WmCoffin. C. Longstreth. SHIPLEY, President. A arERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. /NCORPORATILD 1 8 1 0.—OHARTER PREPS! PIELL A • TUAL. $lO WALNUT' Streetra DELßECLA bove THIRD . Street. Raving a paid up CAPITAL SPOOR and SUR; PLUS invested in sound and available Securities, oon.: *Mae to intone on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Ider. chandhie. Yawata in port,and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pr:Warta'. 1111 Lomas liberally and promptly, adjusted. DLEIXOTOIIB. Thomas B. Maris, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campheill Samuel C. Ilorton, Edmund G. Dutills, Patrick Brady, Charles W. Pordtner . Koala. ASR,wt ARIA, President. r, Secretary. myffl ANTIERAOITE nkratutharam, oomrArir.- CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 'WALNUT street, above Third, Phila., insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Build. You, either perpetuity or ibr a limited time, Household Furniture and hterchandiU generally. Also-4farl rie 'lnsurance on Vessels, Carves and . Freight.' Inland Insurance to all parte of the union. DIRECTORS . Wm. Esher, . • ,David Pearson, D. Luth Lewis Aud er, enried, E. ' • Peter BSia eger, um, . J. R. Itlakiaton, Wm. P. Dean Jos'htantield Jain Retched: l U • • i_Prealdent. . Nortf. easnTß .- .Reare Vnl. ta E nr . , DEAN, Viol-Presides . - • .111 REAMING FIIILT.—LOWELL PATENT . FLAB! tto Sheaththr7eitibratitlM lolmoon's Paten FrOolahla Pelt or S stez Arid Pr solo 8601.43rA1trc*RF§trO1r ,Aeatqvareavega ' f ,' ,; .' - •, DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, .LNCORPOHATED BY' 'lr., LEGISLATURE: , OF. - E • PENBEL ANIA, 1835. -• • OFFICEIB. CORNER T HIR D AND WALNUT STREETS ; PHLLADELPHL9.. ON VESSELSMARINE INSURANCE, , • CARGO,_ . To all parts of the = FREIGHT, • • • • LAND INSURANCEG ' • On Goods, by'Rlver, Canal, Lake and Land Cal•rlage, to all parts of the paion, • • FIRE INSURAN ES, On Merchandise generally; .2 • . • On Stores, Dwelling Holmes, &o. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, _ November 1,.1865. , , poo,ooa United States 5 Per cent. loan, '71...... t95,00o • 00 120,01 t United States per cent. loan, 'Bl 128,100 00 200,0.0 United States. 7 8-10 per cent, loan • • ' Treasury Notes 194,87 5-iOO 100,000 State of PennSYlvania 51e I'er Cent. Loan • '90,555 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 53450 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per ant: • Loan, 112, 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Ra lroad 'First Mort , . 812 gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds .. ... - . 20,000 00 25;000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second "Mort , , _gage Six Per Cent Bends 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 11,000 300 Shares Stocg Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadel . phla. 18,537 50 7,150 143 Shares Stock Penna, Railroad Company 8,580 00 5,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania. Railroad Company , • 3,250 00 40,000 Deposit with the United States Go to subject to 10 days call .. . 80,000 State of 'l`ennessee Five Per dent: Loan 170.700 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, first liens on City Property 170,700 00 1,036,830 Par, Market value 096,560 00 Real Estate 38.000 00 Bills recelvanle for insurance made 121,01.3 8/ Balances due atAgencles.—Premiums on Ma rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and other debts due the C0mpany....._40,511 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 85,133. Estimated va1ue...2,910 00 Cash 111 Banks 455,958 8 Cash In Drawer 678 48 858,635 37 Thomas C. Hand; John C. Davis, Edmund A. Solider, Theophlins Spalding, John R. Penrose, James Traguair. HenryC. Hand.Lallett, Jr., James C William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig, Robert Barton, John D. Taylor, _ THOMAS JOHN C. HEKIty Ly-Lsou.s.Secre, TNRITRANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMIIRIOA A—MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. Office, N 0.232 WALNUT street, south side, east of Third street. The Properties of thls Company are well invested and Ruttish an available !budfor the artT p li r li t emnity rs of all peons who desire to be protected Insurance. MARINE WOWS taken on Vesely, is and Cargoes. LNLAND TRANSPORTATION RISES on Mer chandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. FARE Et rsßs on Merchandise ty. , Furniture and Build. l & City e.nd Co boßpoßAlimi• un ritit—OAPlTAL, „aid AND PALO IN AND SECURELY INVESTMIIO • TOTAL PROPERTIRS, _ PEall'Al. CHARTER. Arthur Ci. Coffin, " -- Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Richard D. Wood. William Welah, WIDIAm E. Bowen, T. Marl ARTHUR e effABLZE PLATT. SeCreLa ~.,--... FIRE AB6OOIATION, Incorporated March V, 1620. Pg. i N. , A OFFICE, No. 34 lii. FrFTH street. 1.11. 1 - s.•• sore BULLDLNH, 13 HOUSEHOLD FUR %,...._,,,rai NITIIRE and MERLIA. : .. NDISE genes , .._, ... .. ally, from Lose by Fire. (In the City of -.rt!. , ,•-••:? Philadelphia only.) STAT . /2;0E01T of the January Assent of the AJZOCISMOD Ronde and Mortgagee on Property In the CO of Philadelphia 0e1y..... „ ........._....---..tetn,hn ta Ground Rents- • Mad f 4 Real Estate . (01 - Ir4:lFHliTaiiii Worlii alio - et - 7.j 1 t.z5.0 is U. S. Gov. 8-20, Ron .d.a......-- T . _ ___—_ _ _ 45, Xt9 0-3 Dezalt With 11. 8. Isesiatantressearer_— • ~eub» TRUSTEES GEORGE W. TRYON, President. Wm. H. Hamilton, Jos. R. Lyndall, John Bonder, Levi P. Coats. Peter A. Reyaer,Bamnel Sparhavrk, John Phi Thin, Charles P. Bower. John Carroty, Robert Shoemaker, Geo. L Yo Jesae Lightfoot, mys T. )311T,t: Secret. fiCENEK. rEcinnuaraE . .001EPARY DELPHIA. INCORPORATED Iiki—CHARTKR PEMPETTIJAL, NO. =4 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. In addition to MARTSTE and DtgLAND INSURANCE this Company insures from loss or damage by FIRE. on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture, bc., for periods, and permanently on buildings by d eposit of premium. The Company bas been in active operation for more th an sixTy , during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. • John L. Hodge, Lawrence Lewis, William McKee, David Lewis, M. B. Mahony Benjamin lacing, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powene, William S. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Hobert W. Lemming,. Edmond Castillon, D. Clark WhartonOHN BWB Samuel Wilcox. SaMuE J. OHEalia, Wilcox. Secretary. Preside/IL T" ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Company's Building, .No. 400 Walnut street, Phi ladelphia, Cash Capital..... .M(1,1100 00 Cash Assets, over 3t.1),44)0 CO The Investments of this Company are in First Mort gages on Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia and in other securities curefuliy seigcted by the Directors. Term and Perpetual 1 nsitranct effected by this Com pany at as low rates of premium as safety to the Com pany and to the insured wilt admit. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, John H. Brown, Nalbro' Frazier. J. L. Erringer, John M. Atwood, (leo. W. Fahnestock. Benj. T. Tredick, lama( L. Cla.ghorn, DI ordecal L. Dawson, William G. Boulton. George 11 Stuart., Charles Wheeler. F,_RATCHFORD STARR, President, THOS. H. MONTG I B. LOCKWOOD, Secretary A MERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ACL. —ollice_ _ _graouhar Building, No. 12 WALNUTStreet. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCES.— Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on Inland transportation on rivers, canals, railroads and other ecurvaluglor throughout the - United States. PICTBR • ROBERT J. MEX Bee. p D or ,s WM= Craig, Peter Cullen, John Dallett, Jr., William H. Merrick, Juni. W. 'Richards, Claim Dane% Wm. M. Baird, Pearson Cha. P SAMUEL BowLAND PARRY, Ac OrP/CIE. No. 111 Eloura Fourth Stzeet Israel Zd arHOAL9 Jammu? C. L. 0118.WPOILD, 81,253,00 18 RB. Samuel E. Stokes. r. F. Peniston. Henry Sloan. William G. Boulton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcflvalne, J. B. oemple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.Bio .rgan, Pittsburgh. • C. HAND, President. DAVIS, Vice President. deistnol James N. Dickens, S. Morris Wain, John Mason George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, E. S. Clarice, William Cummings n Hen_ ry: COFFEE , President. Pion= td DT PRY, Vice President, de23-sa to th 6t. 41R410 Ptml s, { Floe Pr iUEm , Henry C. Dalton, _ Wm. Lowber, J. Johnston Brown, Samuel A. Bohm, Mason Hutchins, Henry I. Elder, Boamaaittornan. SerrEL lad floE.—All persons are hereby cautiotNl against barbering and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DLOI MARK, as no debts of their contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK.- MAN & CU.. Consignees. IV Walnut street. SHIP persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. snip S. L. TiLLT, whereof Cann is master, from City Point, Va. - . as no debts or their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. SUUD4 &CO Dock btret t wharf. dais ' T' OR SALE.—s. ELLIc &CO.'S SHIP SHE A.THING _L* FELT. in lots to suit. aopIY to PETER WRIGHT & SONS. ill Walnut street. dettS-• f JAE , . 13. SEUNDLEitonek.viaor co .i 0.4.14 BONS, Bfalzere, No. 244 North %YHA V.VES! below Vine street, Philadelphia 911 work done in the bc,st manner and on 1... e and moat favorable terms, and warranwst to Elva Per 'foot sethifsetion. • Portionlar attention Liven to renalring. TBA : - PALL. linssiON ON bliss elikterre S4IILINARY FOR, YOUNG LADE 3 will corn nehee oh - Wedneaday. September 13th,_ at hat residence, corner :Pool= and Sixteenth 'elorrebsi ~-Darinore:'-'-F.ev. G. Emlen kern' D': D.; Rev. " Themaa Enenerd; D. VT; 11.Exq , .`.late , lll3bielon4 or Girard college. Iyl7-09 SHIPPING. ' RA - wax B pesSAGE OFFICTE. FOR LIVERPOOL AND WILK DIREOT. *lrfk Eno _ claw ftarPoWere4' 044 e 71:loth sinewKoarashipa of this Linatoveremaall7. EVERY WEDNESDAY AND 13ATuRDAY TB~tOUQHOUT ttteYIT~R: First Cabin.lbyBB'Steerage (through from Philadelphia) - PAYABLE IN: PAPER S(ONEY, • • " 2031 LORDOPDHERZ,ABT LPOBLES, GLAMOR B LIVERP ' The elegant Clyde built Aron OOL. • screw steamship huiIERNIA leaves on SATURDAY. Dec. 16, 1865. Cabin (according to Location) .........«.... taro and 470 Steerage.- . ... • . All payable Ye - pi:per .. nlinfri;and free from Philadelphia to any of the above porthnongh ts. Parties about visiting the old country wifi find it to their advantage to mil on the undersigned before en. gaging,elsewhere, as they can secure choice berths and save tkieir railroad expenses to New York. For passage, apply tio W. A. HAMILL, No. 217 Walnut street (up stairs). Drafts issued for any amount, payable in any part. England, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales or on the Con. tinent. le2l tf 4-04 a STEAM TO LIVERPOOL. trill ng at ogrxmErrocrx7the Lucian Lia t ietilin ETN A. g SR A CT-I".Y, carrying the U. S. CITY f•F MAN LHESTER Wedn Saturday% Dec. 30 esday, Jan. 3 EDINBURGH -. 2 .„--Saturday, Jan: 6 At Noon. from Pier 49 North River. HATER OF PASSAGE. PAYAISLE 321 GOLD. )71zst Cabin. I Steerage.. r.•-'43° First to 95 Steerage to London_... 34 First to Paris.. . ... -.165 Steerage to Paris— 40 Pattellfere IZEI; Pari5... ..... .. . to Havre, HaMbMlLTire. Men, &c., dtc., at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday Steamers, First Cabin, tO. Steerage, it3s, payable in United States currency, teerage passage from Liverpool Q, gold, or Its equivalent. Tickets robe bought here by persona sending for their friends. For harther information, apply_at the Company'sßees. JOI a Wit.AL, Agent, 01. de2.9 11l Walnut s Philadelphia. RE , OPEINING OF THE OUTSIDE LINE OF STEII.SE, 4.8 tWeen * PHILADELPHIA. be ANDNEW YORE. r This favorite line will commence their trips on THURSDAY next, loth inst. The following well known and staunch sea-boata will be placed on the route: Steamer ADMIRAL.. Capt. Nichols. " Ems-I%mq CITY •• Mundy, RENNEBEC " Eonds. Days of departure (from each city) will be d TIE. DAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, leaving this city horn first wharf below Spruce street at 11 o'clock, A. hi., and New 'York from pier 4, North River, at 4 o'clock P. 2,1 Freights received daily, and 'taken at reasonable rates. All goods destined beyond New York will be forwarded tree of commissions. For rates of freight, &c., &c., apply at the office, 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. no2stfi P. R. CLARK. Agent. FOB BOSTON. STFA MS LINE DRECT. &at G FROM I-ACH PORT HIP EVERY FIVE I DA PG. FROM PINE Sir. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews,will sell from Boston on Thursday, December 25, at 12 Ai The steamship ARLEEN Captain Crowell, will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday, Dec. 30, at IC A. hi. The line between Philadelphia and Boston Is now eqmposed or the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Baker, 1200 tons burthen. ARIES, Captain Crowell, 900 tons burthea. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their lioocis. For freight or passage, apply to WLNEOB, & 00.. de:is KC South Delaware avenue. • PHILADE.LPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK. STE A Nt . AHIP COMPANY. The tine stearn:hips of this Line Insure at the lowest rates and rail ni.gularly from the First Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY azd SA.TrILDAY, At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and City Point, forming the most direct route for the South mid SouthwesL For freight or passage, with excellent acopmmoda tiona. apply lc WAS. P. CLYDE & CO.. 14 North and.Sout.l.l Wharves.. NEW 'FY:PRE...B LLNE TO ALEX- A_NDELA, Georgetown and Washington. TliFl..eake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alelaudiia Va., form the moot direct route for Lynchburg. Bristol, Knoxville, Dalton and the South% est. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market strew every Wedncvlay and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents , _ W. P. CLYDE t 00., 11 North Wharves. J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge a Co., Agents at Alexandria. FOR NEW YORK.—New Daily Line—VU _ Delaware and F.arltnn Cana L —Prd adelphle an g ewifork Express Steamboat Corni , any will re. calve freight and leave daily at 2 P. IL, deliverinz their =owe In New York the following daya. Frodahl taken at reasonable man. s •P. CLYDE., AgrrA ll 14 South Wharves, Pt JAMES HAND, Agent, Piers 14 and 15 East River, Y, st., NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAWARE and LnniTA PRIER .52 AZ W-BOA T BARGES towed to and from PHILA_DBLPHIS. HAVRE-DE-GRACE, BALTIMORE, WASECIN& TON. and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE & 00.,Agents NO. /4 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Captain JOHN LAOGELD7. Superintendent. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ROBINSON'S CA IJFOR.NIA CLIPPER LOTE. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight tor this Line sent. to New York by Swift. Sure Line at reduced rates. The renowned clipper ship STAR OF THE LNION Is now taking fn the balance of her cargo at pier 11 East River, and will positively be the first clipper ship to &all. All freight should be forwarded immediately, as she will close out in a few days. For freight, apply to ...T. FOR NEW Yor,R.. —Express Line.—The tine , s t schooner F. L. POITER, master, now • loading for the above port at Cattell's wharf . above Market street, will have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to DAVLD CJOPER gt. CO., Is North Wharves. detS FOR BOSTON—F-tpress Line.—The tine schooner FRAIN'S HERBERT, Chase, master, now loading for the above port at Girard's wharf, above Market street, will sail with despatch. For freightAPP4 to DAVID COOPER &C0..18 North Wharves. de_ FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—The dne if* Schooner ELIZABETH MAGEE, Magee, - • master, 450 tons burden, or 4.tx. 7 0 bbts. rapacity; coppered and copper fastened: now In port and ready for aril. voyage. Apply to DAVID COOPER & CO.. ib Not th Wharves. de,l3 4._ FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—Schooner CAROLEstE IiENsA_LL, Captain Woodruff, tibia. capacity. Schooner A. L. PUTMAN, Captain Dnggett, 1,400 bbla, capac:ty; now ready for any voyage. Apply to DAVID COOPER & CO., is N. Wharve% dna 4._ FOR BALTIMORE. ]SD.—The tine schooner ••• g 'MARY UAY, Captain Keen, Is now loading for • toe above port at Girard's wharf,above Market street, and will sail with deapatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER ct CO., 18 N. Wharves. FOR LIVERPOOL. The tine ..ea ship MOUNT ROYAL, Canuninger, master, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will sail with despatch. PETER WRIT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. ta _ FOR BREBIEN.—The Al Bremen ship EILEL, Capt. Henry Onken. For Cabin passage. having fine accommodations, apply to the Captain ou board, or to WORKMAIN & CO., 123 Walnut at. deli FOR SA T.r,—The schooner DA.MON, 199 tons register, is a large carrier, and has Just been _put in repair. For terms, apply to E. A. EWUDER & CO., Dom street ernarf. de2ASt OWNER WANTED tor two lands. STAG WASTE, consigned to HINES C 0.,& e 3 ship Mount Royal. from Liverpool. PETER WRIGHT it SONS, 115 Walnut street. de27-4t, MARREIELC, from Liverpool, is nowdis , charging under general order at Shippen street. wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT et SONS, 115 Wal nut street. delB-tf ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED' against trusting the crew of the Br. ship MOUNT ROYAL, Cumminger master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by the Captain or Consignees. PEZER WEIGHT .1: SONS, 11.5 Wal nut street. ' EDILICATION. SS MARY . E. TILROPP'S English and 'Frenclk Boarding ann Day hehool for Young Ladles, 1841 Clhestnut street tit , PhLladel % de.W3oo` BISHOP, SON & co_ 105 Arch street D GINGER.-300 cases choice Preserved Ginger, each jar guaranteed, in store and for sale at COUsTY'S Laat haul Grocery, N 0.1,18 South Second street. iuriVCE PlES.—ltaisins, Currants, Citron Lemon mid Orange Peel, Pure Spices, Cooking Wtnes and Brandies, new Sweet Cider, all for Pale at COUSTY '6 East End Grocery Store, No. 118 South Second street. MEW YARMOUTH BLOATER,—A small invoice IN of ti ese delightful and choice delicacies, for sale at COUSTY'IIi East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. )RIM' SPANISH OLlVES.—Spantsh Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, East India Hot Pickles . ,s and all kinds of new can edpruit., Bo u ne e l a ess ta. Scups hfllk and Cottee, at t..I3USTY% East End Ora eery. .No. 118 South Second street. . ORANBERRIRS.-20 barrels Jersey cultivated Craw berries in store and for sale by M. F. SPLLLINt N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. LA ORA PES.—,loo kegs of these splendid white grapes in tine order lauding and for sale by J05..13. BIISSIER a 00.. 108 South Delaware avenue: TNDIA RUBBER MACHINE Biaranqd STEAM L PACE ING, ROSE, &c. Engineers and dealess will find a FULL ASSORT] MENT OF GOODY PAR's PATENT VULCAZTIZED Bc.p.SERRELTING, PACKING, ROSE, at the Manufacturer's headquarters. - GOODYEAR'S, • BeB Chestnut street; South alde. N. B.—We have a NEW and Utt.s.AF ARTICLE el GARDEN and PAVIL.VE.NT 110.4 E, veg.!. chea p, wlil ehthe attellLial},ol aka pattHe b sibs c a..— .A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.—VALlJAßLE PROPERTY.—Broad arm Bacektreets..,City..Armory.—Under authority of An ordinancei, approved November 25th. 1865. On WEDNESDAY , January 10th,1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, - will - be•sold at - Public - hale, at the - Philadelphia. Ex change the following described Real Estate, viz: Al! known uale Broadground, and the building formerly ea the; street. Market House, latterly as the City Armory, thereon erected, on the east side of Broad street, 58 feet south of Race street, in the Tenth Ward of the city; containing in front 88, leet; and exj tending in depth 120 feet' to Good Will street, which conne• Is Race and Cherry streets. , ; Ihe building is well known to be a most substantial siructure;with cellars beneath, extra walls, ornamen tal front, and would do for any :business requiring strength, ..)- - "Only one-flfth of the purchase money will be i re quPrad, l andsuye y by p the district Surveyor, at the Auction Store, filllsoo to be bald at the time of sale. ' By order of the Commissioner of city property. JAMES A. FREEMAN Auctioneer, • . de14,21,28ja4 Store, 422 Walnut street. ~ p pg SALE BY ORDER OF HElRS.—Estate of 'l t SARAH ROHRMAN. deceased Frame A 'lt • ET( AN. Auctioneer. Brick an DWEL LINGS and Lot, RACE Street, west of Fifteenth, On WEDNESDAY, January Bd, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale at the Philadelphia Es propertye following described Real Estate, late the f SARAH ROHRMAN, deceased, viz: All that lot of ground, with the two story frame dwelling, and two threeetory brick homes thereon erected. situate on the south side of Race street 17 feet west of Fifteenth street, in the Tenth Ward; 34 feet front and 'IMO. deep, This lot adjoins the Friends' Meeting house on the east, and would, with the corner lot, make a fine improvement. it rents to old tenants, for $270 per annum. /1/ 00. be paid at the time of sale. BY ORDER OF HEIRS, JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, . Store 422 Walnut street. 11- I r3 REAL EIiTATE.—JAILMI A. FREEMAN, Iso,ll Atictioneer.—DWELLlNqS Nos. 114, 116 and 118 LALLOWHILL Street. On WEDNESDAY, January 3rd, 1866, at 12 o'clock,noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following des critic d Real Estate, via 411 those three 8-story brick dwellings and lot of ground thereto, belonging, situate on the south side of Callowhill street, east of Second, numbered 114, 118 and 118; 50 feet front and 23 feet 4.. inches deep Bowies have pas in basements, and let and 24 stories, water in 3d and 3 , 5 stories of each, gas ovens to every room, &c. in complete order. They rent to the same ten ants who have occupied them for 14 years, for $612 a year; would bring ;so° if they were vacant. They front the old market square, which warprobably be handsomety im proved by the public authorities. fire' Vim to be paid at the time of sale. J FREEMAN, Auctioneer. taw= Store 412 Walnut street. itORPHANS' COURT SALE—Estate of WAL 11' TER STONE, a minor —JAMES A. FREEMAN. Anctioneer.—Three-story BRICK ROUSE, Second street. below Dauphin. Under auttiorhy of the Or phans' Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, January 10, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described Real Estate, the property of William Stone a miner, vizi: A three-story brick house and lot on the east side of Second street, 18 feet south of Dauphin street, Nineteenth Ward; 16 feet 4 inches front, and 70 feet deep, to a three-feet alley. .11a - $3O to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, E A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C STEPHEN A. COCHRAN, Guardian. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store. 422 Walnut street. de.l 2Ja4 earn; ORPHANS' J AM SAI , E.—Estate of DAVID La READ. deceased. R — ES A. FREEMA.N. auctioneer.—.TlOUtsE. RICHMOND, above ANN ST. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, On WEDNESDAY, Jan. in, 1566, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described Real Estate, late the property of David .head, deceased. viz.:—All that lot c f ground wit') the trame mersuage thereon erected. on the southeasterly side of Richmond street, au feet ncrtheastwardly from Ann street. in the Twenty fifth Ward: 20 feet front and So feet deep. Subject to j 25 ground rent per annum, lawfu' silver money. ifrai„.. , j,lo to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, E, A. MERRICK, Clerk, O.C. JOHN D. READ, Administrator, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnutstreet. del 25 Ja4 E..., ARCH STREET.—FOR SALE—A handsome _ll four-story brkut Residence (ma ble first story), %at three-story double back buildings, finished throughout in a superior manner, with every modern con \ r nience and improvement expressly for the occu pancy of the present owner, situate on the south side of Arch street, west of Twentieth street. Lot 170 feet deep to a street_ J. H. GUM MFY ‘4. BONS, 508 Wal nut street. r. GE E. RmANT,Ava..—FoR sAL—A handsome 4 2' double stone Residence, with stable and ..Lrriage °us.. and one acre of ground, very desirably located, within Live minutes' walk from the railroad station. Bas every city convenient, stationary basins, water closet. 6c., and in excellent order. Grounds well shed,d and improved. with choice shrubbery.—J. t; UMMEY bONS,Sc.s Walnut sueet. FORSALF--The handsome three-story brick `tr Resident - e,with three-story double back buildings —well-built. furnished whit extra courenienc fin ished throughout in the trist manner, in perfect order and completely drained into the culvert, situate NO, .2;•3 N. 1 WENTLETEI Street, Lots feet front. by si fret deep to a street.--. 1. M. GO.SIMEY .2. SONS, an Walnut street. t_4::' Cr-12 , 61Z, UT STR.EST.—.FOR SALE--A destr able three-story brick Residence, with three story double back buildings, attics and every modern couvenience: situate on the south side of Chestnut street. west of Six teentL. Lot 2o feet front by 150 feet (te..p t., o street. GrIIILEY & SONS, ..508 Wa!- nut street. F e. .„.. FOR _ALE--A bunasoute three-story brick • d os iaeuce, 24 feet frost. with atttos,aoulale back u and every convenience: sitnata on the west s:de of - Ls - lilt] sire, t, above Viae. J. M. GIIMMEY ..t, SONS, 'As Walnut street. SIX - TEEN - 7H STREET—FOR SALEA three story arick Dwelling, with double back buildings, 117 .. - orth Stxteenth street; modern conveniences; 1m• mod ate possession. Apply to J. H. CURT:I3 & SON, Peal Entate Brekers, 43,', Walnut street. CHESTNUT STREET— very ra desirable Business PropertyFOß, 120 SALE—Th e 7 Chestnut street. oat: of the best locations for business in the city. Ap ply to J H. CURTIS fi SON, Real Estate Brokers, 43zi Walnut street. FOR SALE.—PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STATION I,IOUSE, Downingtown, Chester Co.. Pa.. I' acres of und. Terms easy. Apply CO HENRY ez Sons, 1:;,c) and 141 S. Fourth sL, Phila. deti.,%l fin FOR RENT.— the fourstory Store. No, 230 Aiarket street. Also lease and fixtures for sale. Apply on the premises between I and o'cloen P. IL,' on or belore the :=1 inst. The present proprittor is desirous of removing to another store. dl9-tfi qhd FOR SALE.—The large four-story Pictou stone (rout DWELLING, North Broad street; has a e modern improvements. Inumediatepossession. Inquire 910 Arch street. ncrtfii TO RENT—A LARGE STORE IN MARKET ei'•" Street. near Sixth. Possession in Jaanary. Ap ply .1107 ARCH Street. de3s3t• C'772 FOURTH STORY—STORE TO RENT TNMARS ET street. between Fifth and Sixth streets. in rill or whole. Address Box 1015 P.O. de that 9'o RENT.—TWO SUPERIOR ROOMS, for a whole -1 sale Jobbing Rouse, each room 105 feet deep, well lighted and having all necessary conveniences. Im mediate possession. Apply at de2.;-tu,th.s-Sts A GOOD SECOND STORY FRONT OFFICE, to 11 rent, at No. la South Third Street, second door enure Mechanics Bank. de264,t13,51,3c. GRO4VEMILEI". NEW FRlllTS.—Princess and Lisbon Almonds; splendid London Layer Raisins, in whole, half and quarter boxes, choice .Eleme ,In small drums, in store and for sale by Di. F, SP , Tea Dealer and Grocer, N, W.corner Arch and Eighth, FONGTAI TEAK —Ex "Benefactor" and "Ceres in store ar d for sale by _ _ _ E C. ENIGIIT & CO., S. E. cor. Water and Chestnut street RIME NEW JERSEY LEAF LARD in barrels and kegs, in store and for sale by E. C. KNIGHT & CO., S. E. cor, Water and Chestnut streets. GREEN PEAS.—Fresh Imported Green Peas and Mushrooms, Green Corn and Tomatoes for sale by JAMES 8.. WEBB. Walnut and Eighth streets. FRESH PEACHES.—aIone county Peaches, the finest grown, put up in gallon, half gallon and quart cans, for sale low to thmilies by .1,6,1d1Z R. WEBB. Walnut and Eighth streets. 5 000 TES FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, sansfaction. For safe n 4 e .l a t talllti r .t744l,Vv. g g r e , Arch and Eighth streeta. - ETXTRA MACREM L.—Extra choice large Macke. rel in kltts. Also new Spiced and Pickled sal. mon. For sale by M. .F. &PI ET• TN, N. W. ror. Arch and Eighth streets. TAI' PbESERVED GIENTGER.—A small invoice of _LI this delicious confection, in small ti In. boxes, just, received at COUSTI'S East End Grocery,No. tie South second street. DRESERVf. T TEES TESTABLENTARY having been granted Ad to the subscriber upon the Estate of GATHaRLNE FLOWER, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make Pit.vll, en t. and those paying claimsjpresent them to JOHN YARD, Jr., and CHARLES YARD, Executors, SO7 Race street, dW.I.-th-6t LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been JAMrEan t a d o the ec s eaed. i a e ll r pe u r po o n n s i th d e e bEtes d tate or to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to DAVID MILNE, Administrator 1714 Spruce street. de2l.th6t EITE.RS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the rubscriber un Estate of CHARLES G. WIGHTMAN, dece po ased. the ail persons indebted to the same will maize payment, and those having claims present them to SAMUEL DUTTON', A dminis , rator,loB South Fourth street. death et 1-RS OF ADMINISTRATION having been grant ed AßETH GAB to theEL. subsea deceas lbered . u aponll the state or ELIZ persons Indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to JOILN .E.ASTHITRN, Admin istrator. 64k Queen street. de2l. th6t LF:TIEES TESTAMENTARY having been granted t° the subscriber upon the estate of SARAN B. EHOGNATID, deceased. all persons indebted to the same trill make payment, and those having claims present them to AtAuY B. BROGEARD, Executrix, Forty-fifth and Spruce streets dent-th,Stz T ETTERS OF ADISILNLTRATIO • having been I_4granted to the snnscriber upon the estate of DAVID READ, deceased, all persons indebted to presente will make payment and thole having claims them to JOHN 1). READ, Administrator, 1785 Meilville street. der.bth,et pErs - msuss' LAST PM3LICATIONS. OUR MUTUAL FRLEN D. By Charles Dickens, Price $1 00, paper, or $2 50 in cloth. THE EARL'S SECKET. By Miss Pardo. 112. A_LLWORTH ABBEY. By Mrs Southworth. cents. TRAIN'S COURT FARM. By Mrs. Wood. Price 75 cents. TRAIN'S SPEECH TO THE FENIANS. 25 cents. THE LOVER'S TRIALS. By Mrs. Denison. V.. CHARCOAL SKETCHES. By J. C Neal. Price ,s.`.! .50. ROSE DOUGLAS. An Autobiography. Price $2. THE LOST WILL. By Mrs. Wood. Price So cents. MRS. GOODFELLOW'S COCIEERY BOOK. $2. MILDRED ARKELL. By Mrs. Wood. Price HIGH LIFE LN WASHINGTON. Price V. THE BEAUTIFUL WIDOW. Price t 2. irl.s. NIGHTS WITH THE WnSIIINGTO:s.TIA.'N.S. LOVE A T ND T R M U O G NE ES .B l J . B r .J An s S. Pr e ic p e h en s.N. THE MATCH ALS.:IS,E - R. By Beatrice Reynolds. $2. No. 313 RA Send for Petersons' Descriptive Catalogue. Books sent, postage paid, OD resi-ipt of retail price. Address all cash orders, retail or iv..oltzsale. to T. B. PETERSON & BRO'InERS, No. 5U6 Chestnut street, Ptilladtdptaa. A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HOLIDAY BOOKS IS AT PEIERSONS' dels 1866. greit. 1 31 A R a _ E vlt O ty. R . 0; VI . sizes and style of bind ing, for sale at low prices : ILLUSTRATED AND JUVENILE 'ROOKS, In great variety, for pre<entation. at wholesale prices. NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS. Of all kinds, received as soon as published, or procured promPtly to - order. MISS 111cHEEVER'S POPtILAR. BOGIES. TB E WOODCLIFF clzr it DREN. A new Juvenile volume, prettily Illustrated. A I SO. NEW EDITIONS OP WOODCLIFF. By Harriet B. McKeever, EDITH'S MINISTRY. In one volume. SUNSHINE; Or. KAPP 'VINTON. THE FLOUNCED ROBE, AND WHAT IT COSTS. With frontispiece. Miss McE eever's popularity as an authoress, and the elevated haracter of her writings, have given to them a standard character equal to those of any female writer of the present day. . _ EMT BOOK-BY THE AUTHOR OF "COTTA . FAMILY." WINIFRED RFIR.TRAM AND THE WORLD SUE LIVED IN. 12mo. All the works by this popular author constantly on band. Illustrated BooksJßandaol Juvenile and Toy Books in every variety. For sale 0, A yavietvii LLFB OF 141 ILIDOB---Tar4 LIFE 9F PHILIDOR, Musician and Cheer( Player, by Goon% Allen, Greek Professor In the University of Penns 'vivant= with a Supplementary Fasny on Phtlidor, an Chess Author and Chew Player, by Thaselle Vol Hat. debrand and de Lars, Envoy Exunnrni var y and nun. lister Plenipotentiary of the Ring of Prmala,. at th 9 Court ofeaxe-Weimar. /voL, octavo, 3i velltun. top. Prioellit O. lately publfted by E. B. BM .1k CC, nce 187 South Fourth eihvor. ftIiAT,LEN'S CIRCULATINGI,II3Raitt—A.Wipe J most Readable works. and quantities OfNati/Books conslardly on band. :Call and'examin_nts.NeWeata logue at 1308.Cbeatnut street., ". FUlagaltdiT d.ttatlo e r a l . ery, 11 t 05 4 ,JfiVai Bt. Ofd t ic* l )ks bOn E g c l i ftand ex . . MOTEL. PIERREPONT HOUSE,' ` ' BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, L.' I. is open. ,We congratulate our tricada and the public that.the above Hotel concluded upon:a liberal plan. .I.l3tiog new furnished throughout ;nod having the beat table the market afforda, wo recommend oar !Philadelphia inen%patrcgdze dxrold to . synsautu, 11r. Peters, Or then? or § &•tvrisdzli-Prortetare. MEOW HES 21, 1865.- , F . 4e26441 TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR 114.. N., CITY -L.LND WOODRUFF, PHILADELPH4A.—Estate of DANIEL deceased. The_Anditor op pointea by the Comt, to audit, Admirend adjust the account of Edwaf,d S. Lawrence. strator of the Estate of said deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, the 4th day of January, 1866 at 4 o'clock, P. at' his office,No. 629 Vine street in the city of Pbliadelphia. del9-tn,thji,St*] EDW. S. CAMPBELL, Auditor, TN TILE OEPEANer (Dina .I.OR THE CITY" AND COUNTY OP PIIILADELPHIA.—Estateof JOSEPH AUGUsTUS. deceased —The Auditor ap poir tea by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of ADDS B. Augustus.' Adminfstratrix Of the Estate •of Jcseph Augustus, deceased. and to rePOrt. distribution or the balance in the hands of the. ac- COUntant. will meet the par ies intoristed for the pur poses of hisappointment. on WEDNE !DAY. January 3,1885, at eel. 4 o' P. ~ his office, • No. uth Filth bt second floor. In at Ph the city of iladelp VASo hia. WILLIAM R. HANNA. Auditor. de2l-th so tn-stl TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND .L COUNTY ON PHI.LADELPHEL.--Estate of ANN WETHERELL, deceased. The Auditor appointed by' the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account.of Andrew L. Cash and Mary A. Wetherill, Executors of the last willand testament of A nn Wetherill, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY. January 11th, 1866, at 33 i o'ciock P. M.. at his, office, 507 Race street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOS. ABRAMS, Auditor. de2l-th,s,tu-6t* THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY JOHN IN EL L IOTT, COUNTY Deceas OF PH ed.—TP e Auditor lIET.PJELLL—Est a t e ,of appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Israel H.Johnson, surviving Executor of John Elli ott, late of the city of Philadelphia, dru,ggist, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In the lianas of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hie appobstmen ,t office, T GESDAy, Jan uary sth 1866, at 4 o'clock, P. M.. at his Offi, NO. 131 Sonth Fifth street, In the city of Philadelphia. de2.3-sa,tryth.3t3 GEO. M. CoNARROE, Auditor. TN ME ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND ooutrry OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN ELLIOTT, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the account of Edmund J. Yard,surviving Executor of the last will of John Elliott, deceased. and to report distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment ort THUBSD ay, lan '3 , 4, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P. SI. at the Wetherill House, tausom street. above Sixth. in the City of Philadelphia • de2.3-e,tu,thst* TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY A.ND COUNTY PS PIIILADELPHIA-EState of MARTHA THOM PSON,dee'd.Ttie auditor appoint ed by the Court to andit,settle and adjust the account of John Sharp. surviving trustee under the last will of Thomas McMullin. deceased. fbr Martha McLoughlin, now Thompson), as filed by the Executors of the last will of the said John Sharp, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance la the bandit of the ac countant. will meet the parties Interested for the pur poses of his appointment, on FRIDAY, January. /sth, 1836, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at the Wetherlll Howe, No. 605 Sansom street, in the city of Philadel phia. de23 s,tu,th,sto J.N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of THOMAS MCMULLIN, deceased. The Auditor tsp. pointed by the Court, to audit, settle and adjust the account of John Sharp, Executor of the last will of Thomas McMullin, deceased, as filed by Benjamin Sharp and others, Executors of the last will of the said John Sharp, deed, and to report distribution of the ba lance in the hands of the accountants will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. on WEDNESDAY, the sd of January, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P.M., at the Wetherill House, No. 605 Sansom street. in the City of Philadelphia. de-n-s,ta,th,st. ESTATE OF DAVID NICE, Deceased.—Letters of Administration upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto will please make payment, and those having claims against the same present them to CURTIS NICE. or DAVID A. NICE, or their attorney, Whf. HALL WA X LER, No. 1333 S. Fourth st. 1 4 , el Al .E.UF JOHN SCHERER, dec'd.—NuTlCE -I,,—Letters 01 Administration on the Estate of John Echerer, decA, having been g ranted to the under signed. all persons indebted to the said estate, are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to make them known without cielay to JACOB RECH, CAROLINE L. SCHERER, Administrators. 712 Girard avenue. no^_4,th6t• T E. '.71 - EltS• OF ADMINISTRATION having been JU granted to the subscriber upon the estate of JOHN PAhAVICINI, deceased, all persons indebted to the tame will make payment, and those having claims pri-sent them to ROzINA PARAVICINI, the ado m inistrin rix.lolo Sansom street. de2l-thSt T 11 1 lth T.ESTAMENTA &I having been granted 14 to the subscriber upon the Estate of HANNAH SPRATT, deceased, all persons Indrbted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to JOSEPH A. WAR SE and JOHN H. MED LAW. the Executors, Frankford. de2l-th St NEW PIIBLICATIONts. LINDSAY & BLABISPON. Publishers and Booksellers, Nom. 25 bonth Sixth attee • JAMES S. CT•A XTON. (Successor to t. 4.. A. Marna!), 64)6 Chestnut street. OT.laku • s • '~'.
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