A Speech by General Ilancock. At the anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims celebrated in New -.York, Major General W. S. HancOck made a speech. The toast was: • • The Army and Navy of the United qtates —From whatever quarter the blow may come, they will be swift to vindicate, against foreign enemies, the honor which their arms have wrested from domestic foes. General Hancock said: It is a matter of sincere gratification to me that I am enabled to be present at this celebration of the anniversary., of the Landing of the Pilgrims. , No events in. our history have a stronger interest to me than those which inspired that band of colonists to seek an asylum on our shores, and those - which resulted from their movements after they landed on Plymouth Rock and thus established the birthday of New England, on the 22d day of December, 1620. Miles Standish and his men soon impressed upon the page of history that character for the soldiers of New England, which to the pre sent day, as we have lately had abundant evidence to confirm, has proven character istic of that people. Loving the pursuits of peace rather than the turmoil of war, they nevertheless are' ver ready to engage in a cause which they deem just, for the honor of the country, and for the great interests of civilization. During the great rebellion, which now appears to be practically ended, no soldiers fought with mere constancy, courage, or earnestness of purpose, than those of New , England. And since the war has closed, none have been more ready than they to put aside their arms, and resume the pursuits of civil life. With that people war is not a passion, but is resorted to by them as a final arbitrament, only when reasonand all other honorable means have failed, ' In view of the recent reduction- of oar armies, the present indications r are that our country „will soon not be in a state of pre paration for hostilities of magnitude, so far as the organizatiolt of troops on a war foot ing is concerned; but it must not be forgotten that we have armies among the people, whose members are ready at their country's call to put on the armor they have just laid aside, and that we have officers and soldiers who have had more experience in modern warfare than those of any other nation. So long as New England has such men as Terry,Earlow, Miles, Potter, Stanntrd, Mower and Ames, and many other young Generals of like great merit and renown, she need not fear that during their genera tion her troops may not be ably led. The• presence of such men in battle will be a power which cannot fail to inspire their troops with ambition and to insure victory to their arms; As this characteristic was, for the most part, lost to us in the last great contest, particularly in its earliest days, I desire to impress upon you the importance of cherishing such men for the future honor and glory of the country. Much credit has been given the army, and praises without stint have been accorded by a grateful people to its Generals. We have had many Generals, among whom the honor has been divided, and whose fame will live in more enduring forms than in wreaths of laurel; but during the period of our greatest perils we have had but one Minister of War, and during his administration substantial victories crowned our arms; one who has been unequaled in furnishing the means of war and placing them in the hands of our Generals; one who rivaled Carnot in all that is accorded to him for preparation, and one who never faltered, however dark the hour. And shall we not also honor him? I know him to be generous and Mindful of faithful services. Among the people I predict an increasing tide of popularity in his favor, and - that he will be one of those.whom the country will must delight to honor. I offer the following sentiment: Edwin /if. 'Stanton, Secretary Of War—A model for a War Minister in momentous times; wise, firm, fruitful of resources, patri otic and incorruptible. To him a nation's gratitude is due. HOME MI:SSIONARY SOCIETY.—The 30th anniversary of this Society was celebrated on Sunday evening, in Rev. Dr. Wylie's church, Broad street, below Spruce. The annual report was read. It states that the year of the Society ends with and in eludes Dec. 15, 1865, during Which time the missionaries made to the abodes of those needing assistance 2,423 visits. affording re lief and instruction to 1,249 families, dis tributing among them, 1,045 orders for coal (above 400 tons), 44S orders for groceries, 43 pair of shoes, and 200 articles of clothing, new and old. Of those who applied for aid, 41 proved unworthy of it, and 13 could not be found. Eighty-eight religious meetings were held at various places, and were more or less in teresting in their character. Forty:tiye temperance Meetings were also held, and thirty persons were persuaded to sign the pledge. Twenty-four copies of the Holy Scriptures were furnished to as many persons desiring to obtain them. Thirty-five hundred page - s of religious tracts were distributed, and 20 children were placed in Sabbath Schools. Employment, temporary and permanent, v, as secured for two hundred adults, and gcod and permanent homes in the country were obtainetl - for 9 children, and a home in the city for 3. The Treaurer of the Society had in his hands,.December 15th, 1864, a balance of, . Be has received since, Making, up to Dec. 15th, 1565, $5,719 45 The total amount disbursed by the Society for all purposes, from December 16th, 1864, to Decem ber 15th, 1865, inclusive, was Leaving a balance of in the Treasury, Dec. 15th, 1865. When compared with the work done, how small an amount is this to be contributed in a whole year, and in So large a city as this, to an association having such. important and noble objects in view. In conclusion, the Managers submit the cause of the Society to the.r fellow-citizens, earnestly bespeaking for it a favorable don sideration, and in the hope that it will meet with that ready and liberal support to which they think it entitled; and reminding all that we are in the depth of winter and that the poor are suffering. Contributions in money, fuel, food and clothing will be gratefully received. Mr. Thomas T. Mason, No. 428 Market street, is the Treasurer. And the office of the Society is at No. 507 North street, which runs from Fifth to Sixth street, below Arch. MEXICAN ADVICES via Brownsville report that the Liberals have surrendered Mon terey_ in consequence of the. return of the French troops from Saltillo. The Li beral army was encamped near Camargo on the Ist inst. Many of the troops were deserting, on account of the lack of clothing, 4c. General Weitzel had addressed a sharp note to I.lejia in regard to the imprisonment of the innocent A.merican citizens, saying that such outrages will not be allowed. Mejia replied that the persons imprisoned " were found in armsNlgainst the Imperial forces. Forced loans have been taken from thmitizens of Saledlo by the Imperialists. Miss FRANCIS M. DAYTON, of Litchfield, Conn., was shot and probably fatally wounded on Saturday, in Brooklyn; by William IL Russ ' who shot himself and jumped overboard, Cold water cared his desire for death, and he got out- in. season to be arrested. Russ says the young lady had deceiVed him in love affairs. • 0 1 MARoxY, the Fenian, is reported to have received from- Stephens despatches •nrsing prompt and. energetic action, as the erisis is near at hand. - RENTS' FURNISEETNG GOODS. 1865. HOLIVAIS. ! 1866. WINCHESTER 80' C 0., 706 CHESTNUT STRip,T. SCARFS, SICA.TING JACKETS FINE SHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, CARRIAGE EUGS. HANDIIKROPTEPS MUFFLERS, 13HAWLs, With a choice variety of Wrappers and Breakfast Jackets, Comprising useful and attractive d .P . R , UNTS FOR GENTLEMEN. 825. 'ARCH - STREET. 825 Holiday Presents FOB GENTLE MEN. Wrappers, Mufflers, Gloves, Ties, Fine Shirts, Silk, Merino and Lamb's Wool - Under Clothing, In great variety, at H 4 OTVIV.AN'S Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. 825. ARCH STREET. _825. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. The largest assortment in the City. J. C. ARRISON, N E . 3. 1. and 3 North Sixth Street, Holiday Presents for Gentlemen Just received, an elegant assortment of new styles of Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Wrappers. brooking Jackets, Cardigan Jackets, Carriage Rugs. Mufflers And a great variety of Men's Furnishing Goods. or. NV. SCOTT & CO., No, 814 Chestnut Street EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE Spencer's Patent Flour Sifter, For Sifting Flour, Meal, Enckwheat, Sauce and all other articles requiring a sieve. , STATE AND COUNTY Rights for Sale. It is one of the most useful inventions for domestic use ever offered to the public. The flour is silted in one-quarter the time (and much better than by any other process) by putting the flour, in the top of the Sifter, then, by turning the crank', the flour passes through the sieve with great rapidity. Clean, very floe and 11;Itt. This Sitter has no India rubber rollets to grind up the dirt, such as bugs, worms, flies, etc.. but slits all articles and leaves the dirt remaining in the sieve; the Sifter is made of tin, is very neat and easy to keep clean. It is the only Sifter now in use that gives SATISFACTION. Every Sifter is warrant ed to give satisfaction. Be sure and ask for Spencer's Patent Tin Sifter. Ar'Wholesale trade supplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any address on receipt of ill 00. Factory 346 North SECOND Street. nol3-insd I.f. E. SPENCER. . $941 55 . 4,777 89 PATENT WIRE WORK ! The subscribers are the only and exclusive manufac turers of Uncle: the WIRE WORK Jenkins Patent In this cit 7, and would call the attention of the public to their varied and extensive assortment of patterns and Styles of Railings, Store Fronts, Door and Window Guards, BulWark Net ting for Ships, &c , &c. All e ladl i rLf t rc e er t n e p a t i l l y d executed. eiee. Liberal discounts ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1136 Ridge avenue. de.2l-th ea to 5,476 56 $242 89 HAMPAGNE WINES. WIDOW CLICQUOT MOET AND CD ANDON'S GREEN SEAT, SILLERY .AND VERZEr NAY, REIDSEICR, GE[sr. - FR AND 'TM ROYAL. Also Sparkling RHINE WINES, all of Fresh im portations, for sale by SIMON COLTON & CLARKE , B. W. corner Broad and Walnut, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. French and English Silk For Presents. For Sale by, WILLIAM A, DROWN ik 00. 1 246 Market Street. den-9q rtOPPE'R AND YELLOW METAL sHEATICIVEI 33 razler's Copper, Nails, Bolts and InkroLQopp . cr. constantly on hand and for sale by LEENRY dt V0.,332 Mouth Wharves. - THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1865. FOR USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. HV EVARY VARIETY OF Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, Sets, Veils, Barbes, &c., &c., In Lace, Linen, and Embroideries, 00 10 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. Ladles' All-Ilnen HandkerchlefS, Zsc. np. Children's " 12c. up, Vents' 2Sc. up. Embroidered and Fancy " 750. up to $lO. Lace and Fancy r- to $2O. Hemstitch sOteb ßo l e a r ll linen 25c. to $3. Colored tO $2. E. M. NEEDLES, " dei 1.4:134 1024 Chestnut Street. E. 11. N I..EOLEU. EVERY VARIETY AN ALL NOVgL 14W Laces and Lace Goods, Embroideries and White Goods, " Handkerchiefs, &c,, &c, z • 'MITA ALF FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, 0? Purchase Early and Avoid the r 4 Crowd. IP ' No. 7 North Eighth street. Having Just completed the extensive repairs and al terations to my store, I have opened with a magnifi cent stock of new and beautiful goods, In which will be found Fine Black and Colored Alpacas. Bibbed Silk and Wool - Poplins, $l. Plaid French Poplins only gi. Plain Silk and Figuredlins Striped an Poplins. • lain All-wool Poplins. Bright Plaid Poplins. Palka Dot Pm , ' _ _. ..v_ . A splendid assortment Of Frencn merinoes,all shades. A large variety of Dress Goods, from 87 to 75c. BALMORAL SICER.TS. Square and Long Shawls. Opera Flannels, all shades. Shaker Flannels, yard wide, '75 87Y 111. For Bargains, call at One Price Dry Goods Store, No. 7 North Eighth treet. 0c24-tu,tla,sa 3n4 EYEE LANDELL, ' Fourth and ,Areh,"have the Mann and Largeop Blankoto for town Trade. RETAIL DRY GOODS. G0EL1T...01..2" JELUISII FOR CHEAP GOODS. Bargains in Every Department. NO OLD STOCK TO PUSH OFF On ,Customers at High Rates But New Goods at New Prices. A brisk trade and cheap goods, the motto. GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES, - DRY GOODS AT PANIC RATES. COTTON GOODS "WAY DOWN Chintzes nearly yard wide at 25 cents per pard. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE dz CO N. W eor. Eighth and Market. GREAT REDUCTION DRESS GOODS. J. 11. EI.A.FILJEIGrI-1, 902, CHESTNUT ST.. IS NOW - OFFERING 1:stzlial;i1V104=v0I.J:1110:4 FANCY WOOL AND WORSTED DRESS GOODS. GREAT REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES A LABOR QUANTITY OP GOODS Purchased recently.from the Importers' at a great as. ,tfj INII IA CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS AND C -Art F 1 S For Christmas Presents, at GEORGE FRYER'S, No. 916 Chestnut Street. del-ISt; 3.024 OHESTN tv tt ritit t relireAsl4 ~ORG.E D. WISHA.Ii. EREINACR PRINTb. Newest styles, bright coloring, 31 cents. Best American'Prints, 20 cents. Fast colors, good Prints, 20 and 23 cents, Dress Goods, very much reduced in price. Christmas Delaines and CasSL lN%hmeres. MU All at the new low prices. Good yard•wide unbleached, 81 cents. Yard-wide bleached, 33 cents. Best yard-wide bleached, 37 and 40 cents, New York Mills, Wamsuttas Wide Sheetings, Pillow Muslims, dtc, Canton Flannels, all at the new low prices, Fine stock Domestic Goods, lowest current rates. COOPER a COWARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market. DWIN HALL & CO.. 28 South Second street,.have now open their Fall and Winter Stock of ShiaWis. Long and Square Broche Shawls. Open Centre Brodie Shaw/s. Striped Broche Shawls. Berlin Blanket Shawls. Bich styles of Blanket Shawls. - Black and White Plaid Shawls, . Long and Square Black Shawls. Children's and Missea r _Sh.awls. Shawls.' wholesale and retail RETAIL DRY GOODS lUNDSOME DRESS GOODS. . - . Closing out our entire Stock of rich and handname Dress Goods, at very low prices. A good chance to make suitable and acceptablei, . . HPLIDAT •PRESENTS Rich Silks, Irish Poplins. Rich Silk Poplins. • All-Wool Poplins.: ~, Plain French Herinifies, Rich Printed French Merinoes, Choice Dress Goode, every variety. HandsomeDroche Shawls, New style Blanket Shawls: - Handsome Balmoral Skirts, • Suitable for the Street and for Skating. Ajob lot of 6-1 Black Queen's Cloth. At $l, $l. 25, $1 50. A rare chance for bargains - as we are determined to close out our entire Winter Stock, WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. H. Sa EEL & b• ON, Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS AND FANCY CASSI. DiERES.—Just received, a large and choice assort. meat of Goods, adapted for T• viies' wear, consisting In part of Colored Chinchilla Beavers. Velvet Beavers, all colors and prices. Frosted and Esquimau Beavers. New styles of' Velours, very cheap. FANCY CASSImF.RFst. Check and Striped Cassimeres, new design.] French Fancy Cassimeres, elegant styles. New styles of Light Fancy Cassimeres, Cassimeres . New styles (Mixed pess Snits Mssimerea. bilk Mixtures, of every grade. For sale, very low, by the piece or retail, by JAISCES dc No.:11 North Second Street. Sign of the Golden Lam ED WIN HALL & W., 2.6 South Second street, have now open, .t.Lupin's" French Merinoes, SiM•face Poplins, Plain Silk and Wool Poplins. Ribbed all-wool Poplins, Plain all-wool Poplins, Bright Plaid Poplins, Polka Dot Pot lies, Stripe and Poplizus. Rich Style ed Wool Detainee, Figured Cas ere_ , all-wool, Double width Delaines, Black double width DeLaines, Fine White Alpacas, Fine White 'Poplins, Fine Black Al A large variety of DRESS GOODS or s oTx " . own Im portation, NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE!— ATTRACTION FOR LADIES. Goods for the Holidays. Ladies' and Ilisres' Hdkit. Gents' hemmed and stitched Hdkis. Dress Goods, all reduced. Call and examine the stock. 2.l.ust be closed out in lime to make alterations. JOHN H. STOKES. 702 Arch street. FOR HANDSOME DRESS SILKS. hitl 1 It 2.5 for Moire Antique Silks,wortth f 2 SI. envy colored Black Sass. The store to ivy cheap Silks. 3. C. STRAWI3RIDGE & 00.. Northwest corner Eighth and Market streets PILLOW MUSLLNS. 'Wide Sheeting lduslins, Wamsutts and Williams. Tulle, New• York Mills and Kemper Idem. The place to buy Muslir stby the piece at wholesale rides. STRAWBULDOE & CO., Northwest corn. , .f Eighth and Market streets. 35 CY NTS FOR HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS Very cheap all-wool Flannels. Very cheap Shaker Flannels. Extra fine and wide Flannels. - J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO.. Northwest corner of Eighth and Market. Q , din Y ARDS CALICO. Ran" k RFS, at 25 eJ CENTS. Good Callcees, fast colors, at 25 cents, Yard wide Calicoes, at2s cents. Fine yard-wide Chintzes. 3i cents, J. C. bTRAWBRIDGE & 00., Northwest corner of Eighth and Market, c 2 Q FOR A GOOD PAIR OF BLANKETS. 4..0 Fine large Blankets. fj. Very fine Blankets for $lO and ellt We bare marked our Blankets very low, to close ou balance of stock. S. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwelt corner Eighth and Market. YE :-E 4t LANDELL open to-day new style ALE FRI MAC CA LIODES, SPLEZNDID DELAIN Very suitable presents for helps of the house. LITRE & LAN nELL aro offering for Christmas Pre- Ls &MIS, Lyons Velvets, !sphlidid Silks, (Jay Plaids, Pine Poplins. kit. - ILfELODEON COVERS., PL-IXO COVERS and Table IT" Covers, splendldly embroidered, Just opened for CbrLstruna. ETRE t LANDELL. YRE LAN - DELL keep the Finest Red Borders Linen Towels, Napkins, etc. VYRE .k LA DELL are offering their Expensive Lo •g Shawls low, for Christmas Presents. TS AE S LANDELL keep the best Blnek bilks X 4 known in the Dry Goods Trade. 11214 1111 A" MS ; (PA i] pQrem.tiffictill Blinds and Shades. B. J. W ILLIA MS, NO. 18 NORTH SEEM ST., ILANUFACTURvrtS OF Venitian Blinds and Window Shades, The est Cash largest Yard and f i nest emcrtment In the city, the lowc Store Shades made and lettered. Cheap lot SOILED Bands and Shades. OFFICE OF WELLS, FARGO & CO., New York and Califoipia Express anO Exchange Company, 607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. SHIPPERS OP FEEIGHT TO THE PACIFIC 004sT will please take Notice that having been an pointed .FRldti...llT,eit?.&til OF THE PACIFIC , wA 8. 6._ ,CO. we are now prepared to receive freights for CALIF° RNIA , OBE& ON. NEVADA,WASHING TON TEBBITOEY, SANDWICH ISLANDS, CENTRAL AMERICA and Wiii3.2.E81 4 7 COAST OF SOUTE For rates apply at our office, 607 Chestnut street. Steamers will sail from New Yiirk Ist, 11th and 21st of each month, those dates felling on Sunday, on the preceding Saturday. liO'SLOW FEEMET BECE.ITED ON DAY PEIOE TO BATE OF SAILING. Bills of Lading will be issued at 607 Chestnnt street, Our usual package Express and letter hag will be sent by each steamer and will close ➢at 5 H., day be fore sailing. Our FRANKED ENVELOPES will be on Sale at our office, 607 Chestnut street. All letters sent through us mutt beta Government en. Veto es. Sight Exchange en San Francisco for sale. Telegraphic transfers of money made to all points reached by the wires on West Coast. California Coupons bought at best rates. WELLS, FARGO & CO., J. H. COOK, Agent. 111 E. S. EARLEY, u - riroMEUTA.ICEI?" S. E. Corner of Tenth and Green. 13A.IS.MEL's ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANIJFACITORIE. The /Anent and beet assortment of Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curb, Pater i ili, Ifictorines, Seth's, Illusive Beams for Ladies, AtPriees LOWER than elsewhere, OM/ 909 OKESTNIIT SMUT._ MINIMISE PICKLES, CA113171 2 5, SAUCES, :&C.— Crosse dr Blackwell's English Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Durham Mustard, Olives, dre.t.:lettdin ex ship Yorktown and for sale by . JOS. D. ZIT di CID., /08 9outh Deihl me pvexitie• HOLIEDAY GOODS bKATESI SMEAL7EIESII PHILIP WILSON 1 0 001, 409... CHESTNUT SZIREEIT, Havejust received a large and de.sirable I steak of LA DIES', G.E.bas' and BOYS' SKATES, ;consisting of Shirlea's Pateut, without straps; Phlladelphia,, New York and Boston Club Skates. I , Williams, Morse & Co.'s superior Skates, of evert variety and style. Blondin Skateagßrass and Silver Plated; and all de. scriptions, to be fdundat EgZilVa lazyna :4 ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The best and most substantial present tb a friend (or Soldier's Widow) is a barrel of our • SUperior Family Flour, And a bag or bait barrel "MOUNTAIN" BUCK. WHEAT WITIA T., warranted whiter than Bethlehem Meal. ALLMAN & ZEHNDER, dell-18tf FOURTH AND v 'Cheap First-Class A complete assortment of Rosewood Chamber and Parlor Furniture. A general assortment of Walnut Chamber, Parlor, Dining Room and Library, at very reduced prices. Izlenkels, delB-Im, 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET ITCIOI,I_33A.N" GrriF9E'S, AT .I.7±k, New House Furnishing Store, No. 49 NORTH NINTH STREET, NEAR ARCH, • Embracin g Silver Plated, Japanned, Planished, Tin, WOod and Willow Ware, Table Cutlery, Baskets, ete. ALSO, FOR CHILDRrIsr, Spring and Rocking Horses, Sleighs, Velotiedes,Toy Gigs, Tables &c., dle-nn& S. 1(00S9r. Christmas Presents. PAINT BOXES. New 13 0 ecalcomania. Wax Flower Materials. Fine Writing Portfolios. Chrom.o-lithographs Call at ' SCHOLZ & JANENTZKY, 112 south JEig, lath st" delf,qt BELOW CHESTNUT. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Musical Boxes, Violins, Guitars. Banjos, Accortleons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, &c.. at Pr.r A RANTS' Sew Musical Instrument Store (nine twenty-nine), CIEUSTZ:I73' Street. deL5-1.2t? STATIONERY. WEDDING CARDS. New Styles, Exquisite Wprkmanship Prompt Delivery. All articles of Wedding Stationery of SUPERIOR QUALITY MALSOtorti & cc-' ENGRAVERS ES STATIONERS, 907 Chestnut Street. nets-2mt PREsENTS.2 —Morocco Writing C ill Cases end Portfolios. MASON & deli- 907 Chestnut street. ftEL:h.LSTM AS PRESE—NTS.—EngIish Pocket Cat lery. Best makes. MASON & CO., deti-:Ott 9t? Chestnut street. CHR I STM AS PRESENTS.—Rose wood Writing Desks, at lowest prices. MASON k CO., dei4-Ie S‘r7 Cl.m4tnut street. RISTMAS PRESENTS.—Painted Pocket Books 1.-/ French Card and Letter Cages. del4 Icti) O.I3II.ISTM.AS PRESENTS.--Swiss Penholders V Paper Knives and Book Markers. MA. ON & CO., 907 Chestnut street. den let: rtHRISTAIAS PRE -, ENTS.—.A.II orders for - Atono- V, grams, card Plates and other engraved work must be given one week before delivery. del4-10t4 BROWN & MAGEE, NANUFAC7UR,ERB OF i fk * T^ - ! (---„.„ , • I co I B. &° ui Q t r RET\% And all styles of goods suitable for Travelers and Excirsionists, A large stock of MOROCCO TRAVELING .RAGS AND. RETICULES, FOR GENTS AND LADIM, Of our own Manufacture, suitable for Holiday Prethents.' 708 QHESTNYTT STREET. GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUiLDER, 232 CARTER STREET load 141 DOOR 132"11111:E% end Work and Milkorlarding kr/7-r PrordPgr ri 1/I*. ed to. '`SK TES I No. Cents, 1, Cures FEVERS, Congestion, In tl Fon 2. " WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic. " CR2 LNG-COLIC, or Teething of infancs.-25 4, " DI ARRIICEA of children or adults 5, " DYSENTERY, Griping, Bthous Colic___-_ 25 6, " CBOLERA SIORBUS, Nausea, Vomiting...-25 7, " COUGHS, Colds, Bronchitis__ ...... .25 s, " NEURALGIA. Toothache, Faziche_-__._2s 9, ': HEADACHE. Sick Headache, Vertigo .25 10, " DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach .35 SUpPREi%ED, or painful Periods- - 25 12, " WRITES, too profuse Periods....._.._ ......_.:,,•L1 13, " CROUP, Cough, difticult Breatkixg, .... 14, " 1.. e, LT RHEUM Erysipelas, Eruptions 15, " RRHEUM , B.!ieumatio. .....23 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues: .50 17, " PILF-s. blind or bleeding........ .. —.. _ .50 10, " OPIITHA_LIIY, and sore or weak Eye5......50 19, " CATA_REH, acute or chronic, Influenza. .50 20, " WHOOPING COUGH, violent Coughs 60 " ASTHIe, oppressed Breathing se 22, " EAR D 'CHARGES, impaired Hearing.---50 " SCROFULA enlarged Glands, Swellings 50 24, " GENERAL DEBILITY, Physical Weak ness..._ 25, " DROPTISair scanty Secretions 26, " SEA-SICKNESS. sickness from riding .50 27, " SIDNEY DISEASE. Gravel 50 2S, " NERVOUS DEBILITY, involuntary Dis coargm,- Al 00 29, " SORE MOD tt, Canker-- ... so so, " URINARY Incontinence, wetting bed .50 51, • " PAINFUL Periods, even with Spasms... ..5G a2, " SUFFERINGS at change of life 71 1 0 0 53," EPILEPSY, Spacing, St, Vitus' Dance.... 1 013- " DIPHTHERIA. ulcerated Sore Throat, -50 _ _ MASON & CO., tlo7 Chestnut street. MASON cE CO., 907 Chestnut street. _ _ FAMILY C a SRS., 35 vials, morocco case, and books 20 large vials. In morocco, and book 20 large vials, plain case and book 15 boxes (Nos. 1 to 15) and book. VETERThr. , ...RY SPECIFICS Mahogany cases, to vials Single vials, with directions-- .f4F - These Remedies, country,se osingle box, are Bent to any part of the by mail or express, free oYcharge $ II on receipt of the price. Address EYE,' 'SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE COMPANY, Office and Depot. No. sM.Broad d 7 l. aNew York. Dr. RIIMPIEBEYS 18 consulted at his office personally or by letter, as above, for for-ns of dia. ease. DYOTT & CO.,,TOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COW DEN, T. R Cia - ,I.RNDER . and AMBROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia. iy27-th,s.tnlyTp CAUTION! • 8500 REWAR.D, - All persons are hereby forbidden to purchase or ne gotiate any of the following UNITED STATES BONDS, they havingbeen stolen on the merning of the , 22d of December, / 855 . payment 01 the same having been stopped. The following FIVE•TWENTY 80nd.% No, 23,960 1 . 01" $5OO, 35.058 do, do. 35,059 do. do. ,• 35.060 do. do. 35,061 do, do. " 35,062 do. do. 35,063 do. do. 35,064 do. do. 6,914 do; $l6O 32.771 do. do. " 56.818 do. do. 56 . 819 do. do. " • 8.369 do. $5O - Also. the following SEVENTY-THIRTY Bonds: N 0.35,903 for $5OO. ° " 33,9(6 do. do- . " 135433 do. do. 127,476 do. do. The attention of all Bankers is called to the above notice, and any information which will lead to the re. covery of the stolen bohds will be liberally rewarded. - JOHN Itr. WILSON.. de23-6t 617 North Tenth streer, PhiladeillaslB4 IWATMES - JEWE J -•• 4.STABLISBED IN 18124' HOLIDAY PRESENTS WILLIAM WILSON do SON, Httive on hand a large and general assortment of • • SILVER WARE, Of our own manufacture and highest standard of silver ALSO, PLATED WARE. A very large and - general assortment of superior PLATED WARE. )$ Old SILVER BOUGHT and TAKEN In EX CHANGE. Highestprices given. deb-19t4 t CASSIDY & BALL. Aj.: No: 12 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Have now on bana:a large stock of Goods suitable for Holiday Presents. Fine Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry. Silver and Silver Plated Ware. A Large assortment of Fancy Silver Ware, SUITARLE FOR BRIDAL • : 3 , : , Particular attention paid to making MASONIC MARKS. ELECTRO-SILVER'PLATED WARE Campbell & Thavidlieiser, No. 1317 Chestnut Stieete Present for sale, a fine stock of EXTRA FIRE PLA TED WARES, consisting of TEA. SETS, ICE PlT calms, CASTORS (with Fine Flint Cut Bottles,)- WAITERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, CA RR and FRUIT BASKETS, &a., with Extra Fine quality of TEA, TABLE AND DFcSERT SPOONS, FORKS AND KNI VES, Of lb Sir own workmanship and warranted full weight of Silver and to give satisfaction, they being practica workmen. Sold wholesale and retail at manufacturing_ prices. de7-ti [WI :In OEMMO 111 3 MS'. *1:411 PRESENTS. Persons wishing to purchase Presents for the Holt days, will consult their own Interest by calling an (DIAMOND DEALER & JEWELER, WATCHS. JETI ELLT L. SILVER. WARE, aid JEWELRY EEPAERED. 802 'Chestnut St.. Phila. And examine pis large and beautiful assortmert of Duinoonds, Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated Ware. French Timepieces, Gold Chains, Sleve But tons, aid sets of Jewelry of all kinds, Irom the most expensive to others of comparatively small value. Always on hand, a large assortment of Rugagement and Wcdry.ng Rings, Plain Rings, of all sizes. weights and qualities. My assortment is complete In all its branches. A. CA LL IS SOLICITED. P. S.—Diamonds and all Precious Stones, as also Ole. Gold and Silver, bought for cash or taken in exchange. dehltialld HOLIDAY GOODS. Just received, a large and elegant assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Coin Silver Ware, And the very best Plated Ware, suitable for Christina° and Wedding Presents. N. - 1,,..1.311.41351 1 V 9 deStf 102 S Cif:EST:NTT Street, _ . 0170 (-11:1a *Ol 111311:PELIEUMP JECOACCEOYATEiIIe SPECtrICS Aare proved, from the most ample experience, am entire success; Simple—Prompt—Piricient, and Re liable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—so simple that mistakes cannot be made m using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efllcieot as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all; and will always render satisfaction.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers