1i0,71,05t of alio• GilatAlleapters--Byi• g istoodroor Watoosakporiwila: "Agate" gives the following highly touching aecount of the,' list_hdurs of Benater=Corwin The- social' party at Mr. Wetiatore's,the - Other evening;w4ieh itis - destined to end 'se' tragically, - was' one ef the ;pleasantest and most brilliant assemblages-of distinguished -Ohioans over gathered under one roof at the Capital. The supreme Court; •Cabinet; Senate, Houae, Bar and Army combined to grate the occasion: , ~ 'The ' great' head of one of the three to-ordinate divisions of our;lkTational Government mingled in the crowd..: Three ex-Governors of Ohio' were for a time.in 'a „little group to gether-I-a group (never, alas! .be gathered again) t)iat palled up how muck of the State's greatness and _his , : toric renown! ' ' , • But a few days liefore Mr:;Corwin had returned, from his Ohio honie, where he had gone to attend the wedding of - his youngest daughter. His faculties seemed all- attuned. and stimulated by the pleasant incident, as well. ashy the warm and affectionate greetings with which he WELS 'received. Making his way through the crowd of men:Who had grown into prominence under' his eye, . he was , seated at the side of the rooni t and at once drawn - into animated talk: His old and' favorite law:- student, General ;Schenck; came to talk of theehome wed ding:- Chief Justice Chase hastened to greet him; Senate'. Ben. Wade installed himself by his side, and begged him to tell a, favorite story, ."I have; not seen him'for ten years past so much like the old Tom CorWin of 'lnry boYhood," said Gen. Durbin. Ward,-his law student and Subsequently his Partner.' "There's but one Tom Corwin in the worldi"-enthu siastically:l'exclairded: another; ;as he moved back a little, out of the group where he had been swallowing every syllable. Thus,surreund, ed by the , brilliant,. and distinguished irrthe State,Old rivals arid antagonists,meeting .11411 with admiring warmth, seeing an about Win the men who had i grown up underhini,every one attentive to his: lowest tone and slightest gesture, Governor Corwin must have regarded. it as :one- of -the ,smaniest epi sodes ii"..lilailoWnward way of:life. By and by supper was announced. Ben. Wade took his arm, helped him to the staircase, found a• seat for him on the sofa. He would eat nothing—only taking a couple of oysters and a glass of water: But, his flow of genial anecdote and sparklin g wit and-then by of those touches of pathos, or one of those suggestive and far reaching political reflections he knew so well how to apply, continued with unabated brilliancy. Some of the Ohio belles who grace the capital wire On'..the other side of the room; but even from them he drew away listeners, tillhe and Wade, who sat beside him on the sofa, were fairly hemmed in. by a circle that embraced half the people in the room His tones, however, grew - unustially'lb*; and' men were bending down,trying to catch every syllable. He has been talking of Brazil; and, replying to a remark of our Consul at Rio Janeiro, who had just been speaking to him of Don Pedro, the Emperor, he said: "Yes,a:sciii Pedro; linit-snre, is a fine man—what, in fact, we would call, sir (with the indescribable epitome of all possible jokes in the sudden play of his features), in our country a popular man. Why, sir, so highly do I rate his popular qualities. that if we had him , in. Warren. county We'd electhita Sheriff—no Ineitu test of popularity, sir." Then he began to speak of Mexico, first in the same jocose vein, telling how, when they began shooting and -cutting throats all around and within sight of the capital, he came to the conclusion that the country didn't suit ageritlemanof steady habits, arid: so. , het came- home. "A Frenchman came to me—smart fellow whom Maximilian sent. He would be so distressed if, because the French flag came. the American flag should leave— confound his politeness! But, if I .had to govern Mexico under the Empire, I'd make that Frenchman Emperor:'' From this he diverged into more serious talk of Mexican affairs. ' speaking with all his old fervor, and gesticulating freely. For a few senteneeslais tones gradually grew lower, so that even Wade, sitting at his side, could not hear; then his head dropped on his breast—a common motion with him when he had finished a train of thought. , • , _ The strained attention of the circle was broken, and the men began to notice that the room was oppressively warm. Wade rose to get a breath of fresh air, and there' was "a general movement. Suddenly Governor Corwin was ob served to extend his hands as if groping in the dark, and to say, "Room, a little room; it is very warm." Some one took him by the arm and helped him to rise; and hurried whisper ran •around, "Make room for Governor Corwin—he is fainting with the heat." One and an other aiding him he tottered to the door. Durbin Ward was now trying , to hold him up, hilt his wounded arm was too weak, and he called to Garfield; another` took him on the other side, and still an other sprang down the staircase in front and helped to support his weight. The feet of the stricken old statesman dragged helplessly behind him, He was, carried and laid down on a bed in :- an adjacent +chamber. His right hand was lifted up and laid over his breast—it fell. helplessly back upon the bed. The case was plain —his whole tight 'Side Was. paralyzed. He had not spoken , since he asked in the supper room for freshair; Mites he notek the shocked ,expressio n with which those about-him ;'saw the ' -right hand' fall,' he lifted up the other, opened and shut the fingers, as if to say, op ened know what-has happened,. but this you see all riglit.'l,• Some threw up-the - windows, - piled wet on his foreheod and tore open his qtliere hurried out for doctors;.: and others carefully piled blankets on the lower part, of his person. - -:- Observing hi's wiStful lotik,rbdi# over: and 'Liked. him if the pillows were prop perl?' adjusted, or if we could do any thing more for.him tillthe doctorsame.: The response was in a whisper, Mit qiiite audible,-"No,, it will- do , very, well." Beyond a simPle "Yep' dr iz No," once or twice repeated in answer to questieri,s - within, the • next hour; they were his last words.'- He lay, gasping• sometimes as if in suffocation, } then again fora few monaentabreathing almost easily.- Presently . Colonel Bliss,, an army Bur n , geon,:theMrst medical man who could: be found, hurried in._: He asked.scarcely a qUestion, lifted'the lifeless hand,-felt the pulse at wrist and temple, and we read hishopeless . irerdiet in his face as he turned away to order. mustard plasters, and whatever other poor dev • ices medical skill could bring to bear ag ainst the in evitable; v.iitiew.l3lo.lllentslater.Dit Lin coln entered; then soon afterward SUr-1 , .1 TUE DAILY • EVEVENO 131filigriltr; PilitiDdePitiA,' SAT - Wit/3AT, DECkitEIIF2.II, =-4)liPtir' MEET. .geos °enemaßarnes. They, agreed on. what had been done,' and ' on - the lattw Euieleasness of all their well-mea.nt effofts. So the evening .ended—one shocked I face after another bending in farewell grief over the prostrate form and looking. Unto the bright eyes -that Still took in the scene, and read in every pitying lOok !the love these foremost men of his State fall bore him. Postmaster-General Den ! nison, ,Gen. Durbin Ward, and a dozen younger friends;remainid to watch;.:the phYsicians stood together and hoplesslY . talked of "lesion of the brain;" the dy ing Governor and Senator and Secretary and Minister lay breathing painfully !through half' paralyzed lungs; two' or, !three stood constantly watching his faintest movement; and ready to aid his slightest exertion. • 'Thus hour after hour wore away : .: The outer rooms have been filled till Mid night with anxious' guests, unwilling to leave, but at •last they slowly .scattered. About ; half-past one n carriage 'came • dashing up to the door.. General Schenck, (who had left the party before' kipper, to keep-another, engagement) had hurried back; soon •as the news reached him, to take the' first , place' as watcher by the dying bed of his' old' teacher and life-long friend. For 'some hourslhere was nausea and, vomiting—a common effort of nature to relieve itself in, cases of ; apoplexy. But the dying man soon grew too weak for }these efforts, and by three o'elodk itwas' ;painfully manifest that consciousness ; had entirely ceased. Throughout Saturday he lay without stirring 'his,positioth save that Altovi -and then the left"hand "would 'be moved a little. The breathing grew more labored, and, the whole chest heaved , onvulsively with each inspiration. The eyes were closed,and save. that the complexion.as a little darker than in health,tne features were entirely natural. It was Manifest that he was already beyond the , reach. of It was graceful and fitting that one of ;the earliest tohasten to his bedside,When the sad neWs - spreadthroughciut theelty, was the Minister of the struggling Re public the dying man had -befriended. To catalogue the rest that came and , waited to seethe end, would' be to name half the distinguished men ,gathered the Capital. •Tb-day there bas been no ichange, save for the worse. The countenance has grown more livid; The pulse is up to a hundred and fifty, the breathing is quicker and more convulsive, every feW moments there comes a strangulation, when the dread ful rattle sounds in the Threat, and then for an instant respiration' fairly ceases. It is nearly' addnightnone dare hope that hecan last till morning. All through:the city Men are talking of the great Irian who is dying, recalling triunaphsYtelling of his eloquence, and dwelling admirably on his matchless pewers as a Conversationalist—without doubt equaled by those ofno man now in life•on. this continent. For myself, writing almost within sound' of that distressful 'breathing, and calling tcrmind the varied-round of bril liant performances -thus„ipaititnelyAnd ing, one passage Of an oh speech,. ,appa rently forgotten by the 'country, comes again and again into my_ mind: Men 'sometimes accused, this old man .Of con gessions to slavery. While helies there ?dying, let us honor his memory by recalling the grand words in which he opposed the Compromise bill of I$18: "If it were merely a comparison of strength or contest for relative power,' could yield without a struggle. But I am called upon to laythe foundations of 'society over a vast extent of Cotiritty. If This work be done wisely now, ages un born shall bless us, and. we shall have done in our day what , experience ap proved and duty demanded. , If this work shall be carelessly or badly done, countless millions that shall inherit-the vast region will hereafter remember our folly'.as their curse; our names and deeds shall qnly call forth execration and re proach. ' ' ' "In the conflict of present opinions I have listened patiently to all. Finding Myself opposed to some with; whom I jiave rarely ever differed before, I have cionbted myself, re-examined my con clusions, reconsidered all the arguments on either side, and I still am obliged to I adhere to my first impressions. I may say my, long cherished. opinions. Ifl hart company with sortie hisrewliorril abitually respect, I still find with me the men of the past; whom the nation venerated. I stand upon the ordinance of 1757. There the path is marked by the blood of the Revolution. I stand in Company with the 'men of, !87,' their locks wet with the mists of the Jordan over which they passed; their garments purple with the waters of the Red Sea through which they led us of old to the land of promise. With 'them"-to Point the way, however dark the present,hope shines upon the future; and, discerning their footprints in my path, I shall tread with unfaltering trust." Alas! the tongue that se eloquently de. fended the right is hilidiedlorever; the labored breath is failing fast. Let us- Heave him—his own words our aspira tion. Let him pass through the purple wate.s of the Red Sea and theinists of the Jordan to the Land of krornise. However dark the present, hope shines upon the future, and (doubt it not) he treads his path with unfaltering trust. NAMES.-A review of , Draper's "Civil Policy of America," lathe opening arti cle in the January number of "Hours at Home." Prof. .A. J. Upson gossips :pleasantly upon ".Names." After allu ding to the claisical titles given many of our American towns,. he adds:. , "But, not only are classacarreputations cryEitatlized in ancient names turned to modern ones; - but famous +men'ofnaod- I kern times - are sure to live if 'names will 'immortalize them; - and if popularity is proved by the freiitient`. passage of a name from mouth-to; mouth, then is ITacksOn the most popular of departed American 'heroes and statesmen: - • Fifty eight townships honor themselvesin his -,name. Jefferson is. .reinembered 4n fOrty-tfiree; -' Washington • and Madison (have each given .names, , to thirty-seven. .Motircieols'' not forgotten In twenty-eight; While F' n? Buren and Adams.are- each daily hiought-to mind- In thirteen. Through- the popular at tacinrient, to-President - Lincolh, name has already beeralgiven to moreef , ~the- brnes of the people than that of-ani" _President:-.since llifonroe; excent sbn., Should we try the popularity of our public men by thig standard, Cal hbun falls far below Hamilton; while Clintbn is honored in twenty-six repe titions". Donglas 'aud IFillmorez'equat) each other in popularity; while Clay,_ with ,a name in not altokeithetat - - tractive; farsiiiriaaSes erary.'4#o*-has been recognized, if 81bakespiure haa' been. forgotteet,.llilllo) ladMirers of Milton in twenty-six town !ships. The Byynniti feVer, slititts Veal in ten, While - Bur.ne and his loves move the hearts of only four." A Don ..ISTORY.-4k; .New Orleans paper gives this story of "a name leetle filawg," and how he frightened a firm of furniture :auctioneers: •"It was a sale day, and , the array!oftpor ,ters'and Warehouse men were in the fill! 'hurry of preparation, when up drives a fm - - niture car, filled with as dilapidated an as sortment of household goods aa•the poverty of man was ever reduced to possessing. High on the top, of all >was mounted a gigan tic bull terrier, , whose size, ugliness and fe rocious appearance was most appropriate to !the articles surrounding, him., ,The:car had scarcely backed rip to' the banquette' when !half a dozen men rushed uo to unload it. 'Strange to relate-no bawl:touched an article of its dingy contents, for a growl that , sounded more like the howl of a fiend than anything, animal, started all' back is horror and amazement. The dog, taught in times ;gone by to protect his master's property, or shocked at the reniorseless idea of disposing' !of his household goods for' filthy lucre, /planted himself firmly in the roar of the car, land managed ~by a ,system 'of contortions, gyrations, and' other outbursts of emotion, ito so bewilder the , assailants akto utterly lfrustrate their design: - The' hopeful canine lhad almost succeeded in delaying the sale , of his master's furniture until another day, wleen the gentleman arrived and 'quieted ;his amiable follower." " ROCK ME TO- 'SLEEP, - MOTIEEK." I --ThiS 'exquisite poem, which has been repeatedly !set to music, and has become household. !words in millions Of homes ' mas written by Lizzy Algers, of New York city. She ;wrote it in Europe while overwhelmed with igrief for the loss of the mother so touchingly called. She sent a copy to her guardian, Dr innitetif surgeon( of New York Icily who had one hundred copies printed on white satin, and distributed to the personal !friends of the writer. We are well ac quainted with - a - lady in Washington, a near (relative of the lamented Major-General Sedgwick., to'whom one of these copies was sent, and who cherished it years - before the :poem first - appeared under the - signature of ,Florence Percy. We have the. Cants from :this lady; and know - -trona her that Miss Algers steadily refuses to permit any of her friends to assert the guthorship.--,liss.Mcl6B - h • STATIONERY. W4l:)p . G CARDS. New Styles, Exquisite Workmanship Prompt - Delivery. Alrarticies of Wedding Stationery of SUPERIOR QtALITY. MA. SIN & C . ENGRAVERS AlO9 STATIONERS, 907 • 9 Chestnut. Street. nols-=f ,ctriltlbTbLsS PRIVNENTs.—Morocco Writing 43ases and. Portfolios. MASON CO.; del4.lot/ 907 Chestnut street. OIisLSTMAS P.R.ESENTS.7-English Pocket Cat lern. Bel nines., MASON & C 0.,. - del-knaf - - ' Sfr Chestnut street. tHRISTMIt. PILIENTS.--Rasewood- Writing IV, Desks,' at lowest prices. - mksoN 907 Chestnut street. PRESENTS—Painted Pocket Books, AJ French Card and Letter Cases. del4-10ti 'CHRISTMAS Prt.NITS.--Stvtas Penholders Paper finlvert and Boek Markers. MASON & CO., deu-nd/ 907 Ch u t street. ; CHRISTMAS PRX3ENTS.—AII orders for Mono , grams, Card Plates and other engraved work must given one week before delivery. • • MASON & CO., del4.lotf sik Chestnut street. .. . 0 1 -Wt : I ay Economy in Fuel. THE OMiTUSE STEWART COOK STOVE, The .13est,Ooplz._Stove in America • It peribrms more, With less Fuel, Than any other Stove in use. - iiroole Agent for Philadelphia, J. S. CLARK, 1008 Bilarlret street.. tiTHOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for bundles hoteLs, or public Institutions In TWENTY D INTRiIizND Bt 7 l , Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-alt F urnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fire. board Stoves,' Batb Boilers, Stewhole Plates Broilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., at who:esale and retail, by the manufacturers ausx, SfLfiRPETHOMPSON, u2e,th,s,tn,emp No.' akeltortit Second street, THOMAS P. DIXON et, SONS, Late „Andrews & Dixon, No. 1844 C ZT street, Philadelphia Opposite United States ' !Ilan nfitemrers of LOW-DOWN. PARLOR, CHAbiRwR, OFFICE, And otheSRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firm, I WARM-AIR FURNACES, For Warming Public and Private Buildings, REGISTERS, VENTILATOBS am) CHIMNEY-CAPS cooKING-RANGERBATE-Ebriam. oe_a witar.vs&LE and. RETAIL. PROPOSALS. DROPOSALS FOR PAPER Aril), TWINE. OT'ITEPE'ESENTATIvES. • UNITED STATES, CLERK'S OFFICE, Dhcember.l6lB6s. • Set - led Proposals'will he received at this office until WEDNESDAY. the 3d day-of JANUARY, Is6B, at 12 t4clock M., for furnishing reach bf 'the following de scriptions of Paper and Twine, fogthe use of the Rome of Representatives of the United States, viz.:— see-reams Manilla Paper, =l9 inches, very tough and smooth. to weigh eleven pounds per ream . • gee reams ManillaPaper,l9X24 [DO:WS very tough and I smooth; to weigh twenty-two pounds per ream. 2CO reams Manilla Paper 27.x37 inches, very tough and smooth, tp weigliforty-two pounds per ream. -- seo pounds MCGIUM sized soft twine. IProposalsmust be accompanied by the names of the spreheii intended to be offered. i . The articles' are to be delivered, free of charge for carriage, at the office of the Clerk of the. House of Repreeentativr.s, two -.hundred reams of each of the twofirtit items„of.Paper above mentioned,on or before the 15th day of January. Piss ntalthe remainder of each and all tif , tbe.ahmentioneti articled to be de livered op or before the first day nfrebruary, 188 a ,Proposala win be received for Ipaper an/ Twine. sepanitely, and each proposal must be indorsed "Pro posals for Foper_antl'ilmlbe,ibr the Rouse of 4epre sentatives of the United States." and addressed to the undersigned, enfficient specimens of each class'nf articleS proposed ni ust accompany the propesal,„marked with the name or the bidder. • -. Parties subniitting Proposals will be required to tile •a bond therewith, in, the slot* one thousand dollars, with. two sufficient , securides aa &guarantee that they will fulfil the contract If awe ed The person offering to Airidah any class of articles at the lowestprice,,,quality con,sideredi shall receive a contract for theisarne on executing a bond, with two or utore sureties satisfactory to the Clerk of the House of Representatives for the performance of the same, under a forfeitureof twice;thecontract.,price in case of fedlure, stlich bond must be filed inAthe office of said clerk 'vvithilf+Bl2. days....tiftevtbn proposals have:been' opened andlhetresnit.deelared. - -- - - •EgWARD.3icRHERSON, Clerk of the Houf,%tifiJiepreSentatives orthe United States. de22-it. WANTtii& :01.5004'Eget,Vtelf,t=i. wrt agents every -9 Sewing whines. - Three new kinds. under and upper feed. \ Warranted five years. „Above salary er.large commis!, stone paid. The ormt machines sold in Urged 'States for less than 110, which. are. fully Lic(lAsti qe Wheeler .1: Wilson, Grolier;&-Baker, Singer-. 14 , Bachelder. 411 other cheap machiaes W are infringe. ow? Circularefree.-.Address, or call upon SHAW &CLANK, Biddeford; Ifaineiur at-No 82a Broadway, New, York; No. 236 - Carter Street,..Philadelphiga.i, No.,l4.l,ogibarct's Blook o , Chicag0,,11,14,N0,170. West Fourthatreet, Qldcinnat4 0.;.0r No.-a EsPauldlnes change,Ruffalo,N..Y.l.. • , t,, ~t ; AeS-Sitomn, FFATHING , FELT.-•LOWELL .P • tleahearbing Felt ibr Shim also; Ohnsoara Rau*. Wedding Felt ~!_3elArrr_Flpes. Foit bal_ and for sale by WULLIAIE 13- GFILINT E MN itl2. Dftwarelorpnia;,- , r 'rel f e DepoN.- 0 2abottestetiatiicon.foratIeby,WA: tiop . AADESAVQ., Boa greet 4Wharf. ItADEIRAR—OId Inland, 8 yenta_ old. SHERREIRS.—CaropbeII & Co.,ingle, double and triple Grape, R. Canoe Sena, Rudolph, Topaz, Rieg. Spanish, rovrtt and F. Vallette. PORTS—Vallette. Vinbo Velbo Real, Denton and Rebell° Valente &Co., Vintages IEO6 to .188.8. CLARETS—Crose Ells 'Freres and St..,Estephe Chat. can Luminy. VF-RHODITH—G. Jourdan, Mire & Co., SitSCAT—de From CIEi.AUPAGNEs —.Ernest Irrony, "Golden Star; de Venoge, Her Malady and Ecyal Cabinet and other favorite brands.. WBlSK.Y.—Choice lota of old Wheat, Bya _V and. Bourbon Whisky. Ibr sale by B. P. BIDDLE,. TON. 5 North FRONT Street. Furs ! Furs Furs HENRY RASKE & CO., Importers and Manufacturers, 4517 017 ARCH STREET, ARCH STREET, FANCY Fturt. .11ABON et CO., 907 Chestnut street. OP ALL DESCIEEPTIONB FOB LADIES AND CHILDREN. We have now open fix inspection to oar =stomas and the public tn general, a moat complete assortment of Ladies and Chita ren's Furs of all descriptions fbr variety of quality and superiority of fluid'. cannot be excelled In the United &atm, rlease call and examine our stock and priCes beton purchasing elsewhere. JOHN A. STAMBACH, No. 826 Arch Street, 111TORTKEt AND 21.&37171 ACIFIIREft OF Ladies' Fancy Furs, • Of every descrlption—laten style Allyres warranted as represented. :0e27 . -too REMOVA...L.-3OHN E. HORSCH:EI., ibrmerly No. 29 South Second street, has removed to - No. KU ARCH street, a-here he is prepared to offer a superb assortment at FANCY PCBS, of every description, wmpsirsq A LE AND RETAIL. e9-Em GOOD COAL CHEAP! 8 PER FOR TONLARGE NUT COAL; $9 LER TON FOR STOVE and HEATER GOAL, ALTER'S Coal Yard, NINTH St. 9.5, Below Girard avenue. RETAIL COAL DEPOT OF L. & w. C. Shinn, Eleventh and Willow Sts. irst qualities of Family and Foundry Coal at Reduced Prices, CIOAL. MACTIER A iSTrAEL, having been ap ppluted Sole .Agenta for the sale of the celebrated coal nabied. by the DUNCAN COAL COMPANY, ifre now Prepared to receive orders for the same by the single ton or car.. • For stoves or grates this coal is un rivaled. Apply to MACTIER & STEEL. ,del2-Ints 255 South Broad street. At. ILASO.ti smuts. JOHN I. BECECAMIT THE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION. TO their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation 'ompany's Coal, and Locust lintustain, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with 5.,51.A.50 Z. , 1 SINES, Vranirlltt tote IMIIding,BEVENTH Street, below Market. will he promptly attended to. BINE% st SHEAF'S', see t tf Arch Stteet Wharf, Schuylkill, . (VAL.—SUGARLOAF. BEAVER ..IERADOVr AND Spring Mountain , Lehigh Coal. and best Loctu3l Ifonntaln from schuylklll, prepttred expressly for EhnlAY hae. Depot N. W. corner.EIGHTH arul LOW streets; 'Office, N 0.112 South SECOND street.... roh27 -J.-WALTON-a CO. - D pIANOROF'I. HOUSE, CORNEB_OF BROALDWAt 4ND _TWENTIETH STEETS ( NBW YORK,. The undersigned begs leave to call the attention OE his old patrons while connected,with the EBBITT H,0178E, Washington, E. E.; and of the public gene. td the fact that, be has leased the above coronso• diouS and admirably located house fora term of yearsl that he has thoroughly renovated the entire establish• meat, and now , ' solicits atrial of his accommodations, with the perfect confidence of giving satisfaction to By a glance at the citY mnP, it will_be perceived that the central loceilty secures ready communication by, railroad and stage with all of the most desirable pant of the', clty—from the Battery to the Central„ -Park— from the Hudson to the East Riyem. • TO thew; vlte shall honor him with their pp.tronam ;he pledges b.laeit to span no efforts In making Akita? , taw , lups,*dl4:greesbi e. , _ _ _ T (TlLerriarr, Je2ifonl Proprietor. I. p:PERTAz, ,PIIITNE.S.SO asses immil canister§ andianmr boxes , imported and. lbr *side. by . 1 . 0 . 9 ? .. .) 3 . BIIESSICURi , co., ,Sotith 'Delaware &vend% • $ TWaukr.:oA.ll 13Lia) .pps,losl' L , utuoh td 6 ilicli ,,, Bor vale' by E. - 4141,1pgra /VW 1- 1)0Ck Btreetwigtrt. xiferolomm. 'RICHARD TENIISTAIVS"'' ; 7 1 i. • Ale, Wine and . Liquor Vaults, Obteet , Established' U for the Bale' of nadulter •-i, ' • 'ated Liquors Only: Special Notice to Families! Richard Penist,ari i s Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown • ,Moat. . Now so touch recotnisended ..by the Mehinel FaetlitY for Invallus. $l. 25 PER DOZEN, • The above bestod one ;til .L ty, it must be ail lTis tt t. lll 4 ' get i M i tal e =f, grol v t v i without extzia' charge. Brandieg,3Vinee.,Gillfia,Whisicies,4o.,&x. f ßg e ti v es ery hold Warranted pure. at the lowest possible rates, by the' Bottle, Gallon, or Cesk.. CHAIIiPAGICES of' th€Pbest brands ooffered' . than . by any other house. , • On Draught and in Bottles, PURD GRAPE! JUICE. This Is an excellent article for Invalids.• It is 'a guru curs for D7spepsia. • HAVANA CIGARS: OLIVE oa t . ' • - • ' prinrllo3 ?MINIM? BAY RI, ; , BARDINESoko Lonon alld Dublin Porter and 'Brown Stout--Eitglish and Scotch Ales. • • • det2tft CpNMINTINE N 0.143 South Front Street. Importer and Dealer in RHENISH AND SPARKLING . CLAA.JR,H.PS. c. HER MAJESTY'' CHAMPAGNE , D NT' 0 - N, I Isl 8017111 FRONT ST., 801. E . j T T attention of the trade ts soted • TT the Ibllowing very choloe Wines, &a., for sale 4 . JOSEPH F. DIINTON, Ho. 151 South Front tn•e.3.. abotre Walnut: ~ 3 ~ HENRY RASKE & CO., 04:11-8m Po. 517 ARCH STREET IUOA.L. BOWEL& VEAL 'ESTAIPB. '/LITOH STREET,-,FAR43ALB—A handsome four-loory,bricit Jtesldence (inseble, apt. story), w Three-4;om' double back- , bttildings, finished throughout inn . superior manner, with every modern cignirenienee andimproverrient expressly for the occu pancY of the Present owner, situate en the honth.nide of Arch iirreet. west of Twentieth street. Lot IVO feet deeirto astreet: ,GT.T.UICIZY `SONIS,S*I Wat. nut street; . gmFOR SA.LI4—.O. Handsome 3.otory Brick deuce, with doubleibsok buildings, built and. tin ned throughout in a. superior manner, with extra eon. venieneeS. ooinpletely drained into the culvert and• is perfect order; situate on Twentieth , ems- t, near. Race. Lot 20 feet front b.y-s2teetoeep. , to , a -24 feet , street: GUMMEY WINS, 508 Walnut street. E.l ELEGANT MOD.biIiNFOUR-STOST DWELL :: INS, with three.story , back buildings. very COM pleit, with every.. convenience. 142 North Tweatietb street. near St. Ciement'stehurch Immediate posses= /AM. For salelby C. H. MUTR S 2os.South Sixth street. • '01e21.-sti eE• WM% GE SITES- , FOR. SALE-L•Several hand=han d= some Cottage sites, contatnLng from to 125 acres • , situate convenient hi Haverford Station on tbe Pen La. Central liailroatl. 8 miles from the city,' GtIId.MEY dz SONS, 508 Waillut Street. GERMANTOWN.- FOR SA_LN —A niodern' pointed stone , Residetu.v.zwith every city con ven ence; well built and. desirably located within nye minbtea walk - from the RailrOad station. - Lot 50 feet front by 250 feet I deep. J. AL GUM Ar F T & SONS, 508 Ira TENTH STREET.—FOR SALE CENAP—A .I,Wo three-story brick ,iwelling, - wlth book, las North Tenth street.' Al! modern 'improvement:a. Apply to:J. E. CURTIS A SON, Real Estate Brokers, , . , FOR , SA INF--Three contiguous • -STORE,' 11 - FORTI7E.FIVE FEET. FRONT, npoa ..FOURTII, btreet; near' 311ARRET.. Flrst-elass business , stands. Early possession if desired.. Apply. between do andAl' daily, except Thursday, at SOS 311arlzet street. , .1.40.1-0( MA FOR ItEbiT.—Tbe four-story Store. iNo, irra Narket street. 'Also lease and fixtures for sale: Apply on the' premise§ between 1 and 4 o'clous P. IL,' on orbefore the 23c1, inst. The pre-sent proprietor is desirous in removing to another stor% 'dl§-111 - - 1114 TECREE-6TORY.. BRICK _FaCSORY • FOR BALE, southeast corner Ridge avenue and Robb street. Will be :told'cheao and on accortimodatlng te2 APPLY' .to. CURTIS & SON; Real. Estate. Brokers. 4 ;. 43 Walnnt street., aFOR SALE-FA three-story brick dwellimg, with , back buildings MS North Bleventßstreet. replete modern Improvements. At lily to S. 11. CURTIS & SON; Beal Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. FOR'SADE.—The' modern Dwelling No. 1502 Spnice street. Sideyard and ail Alm modern con veniences. Immediate possession. Daquire In second story, No,..2o9Chesinnt street. ' d.12-tfg EFOR BALE,-The large four Story Picton stone front DWPrif ING.l6=iorth Broad street: has e modern improvennenta. : Imniediatepoisessien. Inquire 910 Arch street. VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY—FOR SALEr- - With pier 48 feet In width, and docks on eliber side of 38 and S: feet, situate on the •Delaceare. at' .Lb - mbard street.. J. 3±.1. GUMSSFY & kiONB soil Walnus streets BIIIIAD "VG LOT FOR - SILE.-- - ,iiiVaittable Minding Lot, having three fronts, situateron so_uthesat +Dor ner of Christian and sixteenth streets, conialningin fruit on Christian street 204 feet by 130 feet on sixteenth street, ibTongh tolfloritrose street, Which is 40 feet in width. J. M. tiONS. 508 Walnut street. . . llNlttfk" C OD LIVER OLL:=-Turextty-OvebarrelS, ned made, Cod Liver Ahl t of very . superior, -quality; Carla. Ammaniajustreeepred, h r late; also, Just received, tu en ty-Ilve barrels very, superior Alcoholj, warranted es per cent., to the - best Of packages, and for sale by , , • JOHN C. BAR . ERA CO-. bc.tio. 7is Market street. II °BOSON'S BRONCHIAL TABLETS.—The Alle 11 ciation of Bronchitis, Catarrh,, Hoarseness no it-hi:Mar Complaints, affecting 'the Organs of the Vice Public Speakers, binger and Amateurs have beer,- greatly benenteti by using these Tablets, and their higl appreciation of their Intrinticirderit, particularly re commends them to persons affectea with BRON HOA.PaS, and CATARRH of the illy A D and BR RA ST. For sale by DrnevAsts generally. Prepared only by LANCASTER & WILL Apothe caries, noriliettat corner Arch and Tenth streets ? Phila. delphla. ' ' , '• 711 'f' :I s'e PLASTERS, with the pliancy of Silk. the sr.rengtl. And softness of ed. Per affections of the Chest,' pains 'weakness, ac., etc. They_are cleanly and odorless. 'comfortable and effective. Sold by,.Ht - RBELL, Apo' thecary,l.llo Chestnut street. • aunt ; TIHIIGGLVT'S' STRYRIEtEILes. ,-- Gradtuttes-r.Hcatirt Al Pill Tiles,Cordbe, Brathes, Mirrors, Tweesers,Pat ;Bozo, Horn Scoops , Suraleal , instrrunents, Trusses Hard and Soft bber Goods, Vlsl Cases, Ghat ant Metal BYtinaae, ite.., all at "First Hands" rices.! SNOWD aid ' • South Eighth street. ROBERT SHOEMAKER di CO.. N. B. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, Wholesale Druggists; Mantu!Samara and Dealers in Window Glass. White Lead, and Paints of every description, offer to the trade, or constimens, &complete stock or goods In their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOEMAKER 3, CO., Northeast corner Fourth and Eace streets. AGurPsi A—Jennings •-- .111 and hos.. A A.Gthrg'sr entdnea Calcined, WU). rotate tbat, ...nand Wien, alio In bottles. ',leaning's Carbonate cd 2,lagnesta.ill 2 oz. and 4 nz., papers._ Heavy Calcnned Idagnesta lynding and fbrmle by EON & CO., Drugglata, Market and Eeventh Meet& Philadelphia. Be/6 'MIME:TULL 0328.—PURE OILS OF ALMONDS, AU Lumen Bergamot„ Anise, earraway, Cloves. Orange, Wintergreen,annamon, .Lavender, Juniper, Peppermint, ISmasfraa, Rose, Rose Geranium. Citron Verbena,Ac., all of warranted axiality. Ail sale by JJAM KLLDE, Druindais, Nos. 721 aid Millarketirtreet, 1 e 278 4 313.—A. F t &ND GENERAL STOOK 03 Ch and Pharmaceuttcal. Preps:* glom, fictr Bale by ELLIS & 00., trznyclals, No& 724 and 722 Market BAY RIIM.--Inet received, an involee of Genuine Imported Bidr Rum. for sale by the Won, by 808 SHO tti CO., Drnidat. - U. caf• ries Fourth and Pace streets. :s: •: •• • lA. • r zte:.•• A: otOi:4/1• v istainalor B tormtili •• • NEEDICALIft OPAL DENTaLulte, A rapetior article ter cleaning the Weft, deI:CMS:St iirtrralrmhe which MIMI thert . a l f a in i tone to dm gums and leaving a feeling of used leen* In the roputh. It: may used IF ant will befband to strengthen Weak and bleeding, buns while the WV= and w hen will recommend 11 to every one. Being composed-with the assistance c the Dentist, Physician and Mammonist, It is oonfl = altered m a RICT.TAVTar Blibtftl=o for she on .ffgahes formerly in . Eminent Den tists acquainted accesainZ ail with the considlnexin of the DENTALL.I2IA, advocate lie tow. it contains nothing to prevent i tuirestralned employmasi 151.ade only by- Jd2el:63 Fred Bro For sale b wn y Irmsgista [et HHansard & C , e., G G. B. Reen lasso H. R ay, C. H. Needles T. J. Bonbon Ambrose Sal Thomas Weavoi, sylinnmiß. Webb, James L. Bispbstm, Hughes fi Coombe. , Henry A. Bower. Visamecic , s DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.—These lozenges are a safe and speedy cure tor Diphtheria,- Coughs. bore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial affections generall_ yi Try them. THOS. ESTLAOH., Jr.; Druggist. S. W. ter of Eighteenth and Biarkef streets,PhiladelpMa. • • . noSNlmfa L EDVONTIOIN. . . ING SCHOOL.—The SECOND QUARTER. Lt of the Franklin Institute Drawing School. under the Superintendence of Mr. JOHN HERN. will com mence on MONDAY. December 18th lust., and be con tinueti on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings,. from ^ to 9 o'clock. TirLas—Frvc .1-3qtaans FEB QUARTER. .Pupils der twenty-one years of age will be entitled to attend the Lectures of the instltutel without additional charge. Persons entering before January stb, will be able to obtain a full quarter. For Tickets of Admission. apply at the Hall of the Institute, No. 15 South Seventh street. VITT.T,T n is HAMILTON, del9-6t3 • Actuary. MILE FALL SESSION 02 MISS ARROTTI IL SEMINARY POR YOVNG LAMS will con:i meAce „on. Wednesday, September EU, at , hei reemenee,'-corner of Poplat and Slateenua etreeta Philadelphia. t IlmmuraTire :—Rev, a, en Hare D. D. - , Rev. Themes Brainerd, D. D., 'vt'. B. Allen. FAT late Rrizeident s of Girard college. .13'17-I.vo Illtf14:10/*,1411.14P25. & HARVEY_ , • (Late with Rhom.as - & Suns.) Store No. SW Chebtaint street: FURNITURE SATES at the Store•every Vneeqay. BALM AT .134EL1/ENtIES ,receive Panic:We _attention. , Second Sale at the International Motel.. SEPERIOR PUBM/TUEE FEATr-r RR. BEDS, . - , CA.B.PETg,_,Icgt-___ • , ON WEDNESDAY ALLID.LiDDiIi, DEC. 21, At 15 o'clock; at beintethational Hotel, Second at, below Spruce at. the. superior furniture. ,• fine beds, caniets,J,Scc, of 20 chambers . Also; the kitcpen' d.nd laundry fprniture. , . . • May be examined at teceelbck bathe morning of sale, IDHIIaP FORD di-130. , , ALICITIONEEM, Elcal.'&2s Jl.• MARKET Audi= 00rtGE streets. , '`• On account of Mondaylbein 'Christma.s. - our regular postponed until tIESEAXithe :26ttr lush L.A.ILOE ADD ATTRACTIVE SALE-3 510.C&RIMi. ` DOOTE 4 . ECEIQELN, BROGANs. ON TUESDAY 311011.N3E(b DIXL2S: •comiaencing at ten o'clock...PreCieelY. will be catalogue, 1500 cases men's, -boYst' and , 'youths' , kip, grain and thicir.. boots, shees,brogans, balmoralsr Congress_ gaiters; dm.;. also, woinen , al-zolases•and chil dren's kid kip. goat , and . morocco , heeled Nagai • shoesibelmOras gaitas. slippers ; &C.; fedixt first-clusS • city a n d Easte r n, manixfachirem. <I;;; Vr , . - ••I •• T. 2 1, . _ irt4. " - ditPeklextVezrUpLp t: a 17 , pt I.lt . • • . 1( 297A a - t N Z 4% 0 I N t9t.: sy . BBINN, Apothem'''. Broad and Spruce arena • and D. L. Btackhonso, Robert CL Gao. a Bowers, Charles Shivers, G. J. .T. G. Ton Sa t= Oa r Charles James N. Bringhttrst ' Ry., on, drCo CL Wyeth & Bro. T FITZPATRICK CO., AUCTIONEERS, NEW . Auction House, No. 9t7 CHESTNUT street, adja cent to the Continental, Girard, St. Lawrence, Diarkoe House and other poptdar Hotels. .., ;SEAT AUCTION SALE OF HOLIDAY GOODS, Fine Illustrated Annbals and Gilv Books, Bibles, Poets, Juveniles de. . Photograph - Albums in great varleti. Fine Stationery an4pancy , Goods. t Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery. Clocks, Gold and Silver•Watehes, Gold and Diamond Jewelry, Gold and Sliver Pencil Craes and Gold Pens, Hosiery, Dry, - Goods, ;Notions, Gloves: Shirts and 'Drawers. Fancy Soaps, Pertlnnern Fancy. China Wareo Toys, . Foreign Sea'Shells, and an immense varietyof Useful, ; and Fancy Goods. THIS (Friday)~ OON andEVENING: 'aletTO-BIORROW' • .(Saturgan_ROßNlNG at o'clocli Ito) be eppc , up:asek.. day and evening, - without interm , n.' & SON ArOTIONNERS AND' COIVNISKO C N-rdinalni.A.Nm • •'" • No: 'l.llO HES TNUT • stree k (Rearentrtinoello7 Sans= street.) IHOtglehOld Farniturteevery descriptiOn real:dire!' BALES EVERY AY HOBNAIL Aalas'af Furniture at dvrellinge Mendell° On the nwart BassonabletTerma , - • EXAV 7 2 I3 TM3TOCLECII. ; AT Tan ' Birds - Son;"'resMtilly'‘lnßaria" 'auk ' riends and this ixftlin that, tho are pram .ft _So 40 meanie or BeekEstata bkanetioniunrada AM ..BAarETTTr g „t iz imisavaagoanaltgastelaswitkoatezkactunc 4trftionr efAumi: JAS' Without reserve; fireacoonot of what it nunilitistaint. _Zee abate; *4 l / a tton G Riv e ro Co. lOW de Alleghenyecil Oa bib. 500 • -do ' • Danson's Elm Oil Co._ '. • Kee' do - Empire and OW (Sty Oil 00. ' 2800 do Harries's - OH CC 18e0 80 Miller.oll CO, 1.509 do Karr Oil Co. - worenravra. PALL BALE; DBC: &UM This sale, at .t4e Bicl . d inge. at 12 o'cloOk noon. Tr!. - LOTS. 24TH wA.I3 4 D-4 Lots,. York at, between lan milton and 'Moore ats, Hamilton Tillage, together 65 by Ito fget orpha/Wl' ( burg. &ie . :B. ll *s &; q l•t a ge ' 1408R15.15T.. AND TH),EVTON Houses and Lot, N. W. corner Norris et and the Tren ton 1:01.,49% brit* %et. - Orydfans' Court - Sate--Attiore of George C COldinr, deed. VI 1: N ST—Dwellingg , SioB 2203, :105 and 2207 Tine at. with the lot. 48 by 69,?„1 feet. , SameZatate. • 4TH AND SPRIICE,..-The three story- brick Ittrusei and lots N. p l . corner of Spruce ate, go- by Atre. 2h is is wyaltlabletinsiriess location, . EARL ST—A frame house and lot, Earl et; obey. Thumpson.lBth Ward- 1,5 by 17434 leet. Orphans' arurt Sale—Estate of Henay,lifeCormick, dec'd, 'EARL ST--A'friune. bongo between Thompson sad Belgrade ate, 173.4 by 1823 i feet, 617 50 ground rent , per te , own, Saint Estate,. • ' : 1 lot, o. aboveT liT—A three story brick 'house antl 2.st Sarnee. 16 by 67Y feet. 487 ground rest per annurn- , gar Sale peremptory. 608 N. THIRD ST-One brick and two franie6l houses. with the lot, 18 by'69 feet, 8d at, above Greest. Orphans' Court Sale—Estaie of James Smart, dec'd. AMERICA ST, 19TIE WARD—A. IcA America. late Wealungton st below Dauphin, lath Ward, 90 by .191 X feet to. Phillb st. , Same Estate, . . MOUNT PLEASANT ST, aPTH WARD—Dwelling. 18% by 100 feet.' Same Estate. ' ' • MOUNT PLEASANT ST.-Two lots yl enund.. an the - abtdb sfde of Mount Pleasant at, one west of Minor' the other ;of Esher st, each 104 by 100 feet. .Estate. VINE SV-Three story brick dwelling, at,. below sth, 15 ,‘ by 89,44 feet. Orphans' Court /dom.- Estate idGeorgn coop; deed. I i fa" Handbills uiith full descriptions may be bad az the,ltictfon Store. - V"A.T.,I7ABBE 13.EStDEN7E7S ATPRIVATE SAL* _ TO IiEAL .ESTATE OPERAVIES. _ , Will be sold. •a{ very 'low - rates; LP' 'party'WhO war takethem all intone lot, five derdrabledwelhalm In the heart of the city.. Immediate bernpancy can be had tf desired. Massa a vary.D.Vorabla opportimillmkrpar., tiee who seek good, real. estate investments to bur mg' old.prices property whicEwill pay:Well %raid ;Wl:tease, in value, For particulars apply at the auction store. MARE:MST.' STORES—At private sale, the void able four-story brick store S. corner of Mark.etand. Bank sta: In first rate condition: Terms saraa.' 'dating. ALSO—The substan4al proper a eB, M corner 'of Market rani ,Strawoocry sta., In ramellent -order .-These properties will' ; be sold so as to pay a . 'good In terest on thelnvestmrtt. : , STABLE—A Very desirable property In the neigh borhood of Twebldi and Mecnst sta. - • .. . TAVERN.ST m AND and 9 acres pf land, on ! Ridge. road, - 9 miles 'fro the 'Elate Raise, known-as the "Sotrel.Etorae, Plans, orators, dr , cl 2 _at the store..• PropertyNO., 40t south "Front - st, 41 oy - 100 feet. - do ~ 4o Dal and 1 / 4 s Lombard at 80 acres, Germantown - Ai do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street; above Nineteenth do de...Marker do do - do- Building Lots, souta Twenty-second st Property northeavt corner Fourth and Spruce d/1 Dwelling, with side yard. Darby road Brown-steneStOre, Sec end st.mear Ohestnnt R.— Menne and large , ot,Burlington • do No. ail south Tenth st do d,) 'QS south Elevezithot Dwelling, VD Pine st doStoTond at . 2 _ 5 Seri , of Land. „ Federal. at. Twenty-elm - tit Ward - VALUABLE STOP-E.( CHESTNUT ST—A. very valuable busins property on Chestnut st, having two, fronts—in good order, dtc, Occupancy with the deed.. . :03EAS a SONE, AUCTIONEERS, NO.. 1111 and 14.1Sortth FOURTH nneeL SALES OF STOOKS AND R:PA.r, zErrATE, at the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock noes. Z Handbills of each properly lantBd separately;' and on the Saturday previous to each sale 4 .X 30 ttsts" riognes fr pamphlet form, giving fell destriptiOns. • • REAL ESTATE AT .PRIVATE, SALE. Printed catalogues; comprising several hundred thousand. dollars, including every description of city : :and country property, from the smallest dwellings to ;he most elegant, mansions; elegant country seats : , farms, b usiness . __ properties. ac. Sa'" SALES AT THE AUCTION :STORE EVERY ,THUBSDAY. Air Particular attention given to sales at privstg residences. ac. REAL ESTATE' SALE, JAE. 2. molivßi‘t RESIDENCE; 2rtt ST—The neat mo dern residence No 225 south . TWentieth st near Viral nut. It is very conveniently arranged i . mmediate. pos_aessiOn. Modern Thiee-storse BRICR DWELLING.. No. 292 south 'Thipist.nortli•oft:Apruce: has SBA. bath, • TbreostOry BRICR DWELLING, No V. 09 hard avenue. . . Three story BRIM BWELLING, No tno College avenue. ' CAMDEN PROPERTY. Three/dory BRICE STORE and DWELLINV, S.. B. ' Con er of Fourth and Pine ma, Camden, N. J. 2 Three-story BRICK DWELLINGS. Noe 401 and 40 Pine at, Camden, N. J. , Three-story BRICE DWELLIN 81 G, No • 0 - .swathe Fourth at, Camden. N. J. Three-story BRICK DWELLING and Two-a/dry BRICK STORE, Nos 812. and SDI south Eourtit streak_ Camden, N. J. 2 Three-story BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos 905 and WI Locust st , Three-story BRICK DWIELLING, Holly st., south et Fitzwater. svo PA ATLFS . I. I E . 18.12.110VAILENT I.I3IIPANY . ON TU/Q3DAY, JAN, 2, At 12 o'clock noon. at the Exc.eange-- For account of whom% may concern -800 shares Black Creek Improvement Co. I'H.M.O SALE AT PIERRE HOUSE. CHAMBER - FURNITURE. LA BLANKETS: BED ANIS TABLE LINER. BARROOM AND OFFICE FUR NITURE. FIREPROOF, eke - „ ON TUESD.A.Y HORNING, DEC. 26, At 10 o'clock; at the La Pierre House. Broad street, below' Chestnut, will include a quantity of chamber furniture, carpets, fine matressea, a large quantity of Centfortables, blunkets,linen and cotton ab eets. table linen, barroom, kitchen and laundry furniture, copper cooking utensils clothes mangle, steam table, dtc. Also, the office iurniture, fireproof by Farrel dt Her ring, large Office clock, mirrors, chandeliers, dtc. Full particulars In catalogues. AT PRIVATE 5.t 7 . - el--Modern RESIDENCE, with acres. Blanheim et. Germantown. VALUABLE LOT. Warren at, w , mst, of 17th. MORTGAGE, $2.5,000.—A nut- claqs NiTu qemeg Mert,gage 0t825,C00, )3Y JOHN B. MYERS & CO., *AI7OTIONEEBEI Nos. MY and 234 Xarket street. corner of Bank LABeic PEREMPTORY wax. OF BOOTS, EIRCHMI, I , t_,_TBAVELENG BADS, IC. • ON TUERD...4.Y MORNENG. DEO. Z 6, ' 'WM be sold. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, ON FOUR BIONTHJ3' (IRXDIT, about 1200 packages boots, shoes. balmorals, cavalry , boota, dto, of city and manaiactom Open for examination with =aim= early on the morning of sale. • CLOSM BALE OP BRITISH, PREMIX, GER DOMMITIO DRY GOODS. We will hold a large ,sale of Foreign and Domestic IdamGoods, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS' PT and 'part for cash. ON TR.S.DAY HORNING, DEC. 28. At 10 o'clock, embracing about SOO Packagesand Lc= of Staple and Panty articles, In Woolens, Worsteds. Linens, allot . and Cottons. . • N.B.—Catalogues ready and goods arranged for =- Whitton early on morning of w i l lalhen buyers are es pecially invited to attend, as it be oar Masi sale of dry goods foil:his season. NOTIC.E.TO DEALERS IN CARPRTINGS. At 'the oYmmencemeat of our sale on THURS DAY Dec. 28, at ten ce.clock precisely, we will .sell a full line of Ingrain, venetian, hemp. list, cottage and rag caxpetings. 111 'ORES NATI:CANS AUCTIONEER AND OOM.. MISSION MERCHANT, , Southeast Carnet Sixth and Ram streets. The sale will continue untli every article is dis posed of. _ AT PRIVATE RALE, FOB HALF THE USUAL EIVGLYNG PRIORS. Fine gold hunting case, open face, English patent, lever watchesosf the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting case and open face detached laver and lepine watches; ladies' fine gold watches; fine gold American lever watches; duplex and other watches. Fine silver hunting cane and open face Amerlean. English, (Swiss and' other leVer watches: fine saver lepine watches: English, Swiss and French watches, in huntingassea,. double cases and open face; fine gold vest neck. chatelaine, fbb and guard chains ; fine gold Jewelry of . every description; fowling pieces; re volvers, &c. BTT.T.T A RT) TABLE, pyst Class billiard table_, complete.. AT PRIVATE S 4 tar, Several building lots, In Camden. N. J., Fifth sad Chestnut streets. FIREPROOFCHEST. Large size firepros f chest, 6 feet high by 334 feet width made by Silas C. - Herring. Also, a small Swlamander fireproof chest. MONEY TO LOAN, In large or_ email amounts, On goods Of ,every description.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers