HET T.RB, - THE CON.TURER.7-011 - the - Ist - of Zanttary Robert Miler; the ma !wan, will begin a brief series of ebteitai menu at Concert Hall. He has been immensely successful in New York. Suwon BLrrz.=—During the holidays there will be no livelier place of amusement than the temple aver which Signor Blitz presides, at Tenth and Chestnut streets, in the Assembly Building. His arrangements for Christmas:week are superior to_ttiose of any previous year, and merriment will reign supreme at his entertainments. He • has also 'fanned out" in the advertising line, as be seen by every reader to-day. RAYNOR'S OPERA Houss.—This evening, at' Tenth and Chestnut streets, Raynor's, late Christy's minstrels, will open for a short season.: The troupe is a superb one, and the programme offered for the opening is really magnificent. "gbEEPIN(I BEAUTY" AT TILE CHESTNUT. .--:011141.011day RikIHATELbe produced, after seVeral months' preparation, the grandspec tacular bnilesque above named. It will un doubtedly equal,-if not surpass, anything ever seen in this city. Every scene is new, and the costumes have been made expressly for the piece. The cost is said to have amounted to the sum of $6,100; and we have no doubt that this statement is perfectly free from exaggeration, as the present writer, upon the kind invitation of Mr. Simi, visited the theatre and was shown the, scenery and wardrobe prepared for this piece, and both proved, upon inspection, to be of the most gorgeous description. The grand transfor mation scene, which - is to conclude the play, is a utaryel of beauty and elaboration, and ...i. - jtiostfittric.ate and startling inits conception. It is•oply iipon the stage of the Chestnut that this s*ne could be effectively-produced, as its stage alone will admit of its production in this city. "The Sleeping Beauty" will be one of the most appropriate and seasonable pieces produced in Philadelphia this Christ mm, ,and Mr: SinadeserveS the thanks of our citizens for hid energy and liberality in catering for their amusement in such splen did style. The piefie has been rewritten and localized for the New-Chestnut Street Thea tre, by Mr. B. E. Woolf, the successful adaptor of "A Nation's Destiny," which has made' "s so . great a hit, during the past . week, and-this gentleman- has selected and arranged the music as well. Miss Orton appears in the principal character, and as burlesque acting,is said to be one 'ofit)her specialties, we greet with pleasure the first ' opportunity this popular yo. s actress ha% had this season Rf-ilisting a herself. M. Walter Lennox, Mr. a. ; i . Chapman, Mrs. E. F. Reach, Cappello and Miss Cooper are . the cast; and M'ile. Therese Wood h: - been expressly engaged to appear. Such a cast, in addition to the gorgeous scenery, music, costumes and ef tects, is a certain guarantee of success, and we prophecy an unprecedented run of crowded houses - for weeks to come. The piece was performed last season at Mrs. Wood's Theatre, in New York, and kept the stage for several months, and upon its re vival this season it did not fail to prove equally attractive. As great an attraction as the "Sleeping Beauty" will prove, it will not be the only one that Manager Slim will offer the public, but each night "The Bull in a China ShOp" will ba'performed with it,' and Mr. G..H. Clarke will appear zi.rt a part admirably . adapted to his dashing style. "The Sleeping Beauty" will be performed on Monday afternoon and every night" during the week. THE WALNDT.—Mr. John Brougham bids us farewell this evening, appearing in the "'Serious''Family" and in 'Pocahontas:" Weywilliitirt with him with deep regret, but as he will probably. appear Awai t at, tba Walnut, -we rejoice iirthe hope of oneer-inorsi-- enjoying His delightful personation& His engagement' hasbeen a wonderful one, and when he returns he.ill again be greeted by enthusiastic crowds. Next week the Walnut will be devoted to holiday _ Tar Ancli.—This evening "Macbeth" will be repeated, with a favorite afterpiece. On Monday, "Lost in London" will be pro dueed gorgeously. "PARADISE LOST" . is and will continuTs ro be the attraction at Concert gall, during next week. TZLE CIRCUSEs, at National Hall and the Aixtericati Theatre; will offer bills of extra magnificense all next week._ - - thriAttinsitv-11565. • 1 • Close of a most glorious year, See the gladdening day appear, Hailed in Rhyme. Misers might not grudge to buy Turkey plump, and dulcet pie; For this time! When the soldier, worn and brown, To the Christmas board alts down, • And when all Who are to his heart most dear Are around him gathered near, At his call,— Children, wife'and parents gray, With-full hearts will hear him say, " / thought not 'When my Christmas dawned, last year, 'pc, have sat, now with you here, 111 tills spot "I saw, Men, When morning rose, The encampment Of our foes Just in sight, As 7, upon picket-guard, Walked the trampled snow, sq.kard, Chill, and white. ."Not far distant Were the graves Where our lately-slaughtered braves Coldly lay; And the snowy fields before, Might, I know, grow reawith gore On that day; thought, then, if Peace should come, And I should unto my home Be restored, 'With what gratitude I'd say, On.this blessed Christmas day— Praisethe Lordi"" sow, fur all our patrons dear, Christmas blitne, and glad New Year, We would ask ; And. as in each by-gone hour, To - please all who seek the Tower Be our task I : • - DIED. RELNBO . LD—Suddenly, on the 20th instant, Vin cent 8., son of George W. Helmbold, aged 26 years. The relatives and his male friends of. the family are respectfully Invited M attend the funeral - on Sabbath, the 24th instanti'at one o'clock, from the re .sidenceof his parents, No, 010 Penn street, Camden, -N. J. HOPPEL--On the 21st instant, while on his return from Oil City, Albert F. Hoppel, in the 37th year of his age. Hisrelativesand friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his' late residence, No. 606 Columbia avenue, on Sunday, the 24th instant, at one IIieLLITAIN—At Chester, Pa on Thursday, the 21st .instant, Saran. wife of Spencer liicllvain,` in Oe csd year of• her age. The relativesand friends.of the family, are respect fully. invites ,(without fdrther notice,) to attend her funeral from the relidence of her husband. in the bo rough of Chester, on - Tuesday next,- the 26th instant, to leave the house at 11 O'clock. Interment in Ches ter Rural Cemetery. -• WALTON—On the evening of the 21st instant, of pneumonia Abl Walton, in the 79th year of : her age, Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her .funeralewithont further notice, on Second day, the 25th instant, at 10 o'clock,, from the residence of her ,son-in-law, Benjamin H. Lightfoot, Lancaster avenue .and Thirty-111th street, West rhiltidelphi& Interinent at Friends' Western Ground, Sixteenth and Race. * WOOD—On Sixth day, ad inst., Richard D. Wood, .Jr. only child of George and Mary H. Wood, aged 4 - IifELODEON, Plano and Table Cloths, richly eta ..lll._broidered, a new lot must received for Christmas - . Presents. BYRE & LANDELL,Boarth and 'Arch. eta ITtrnltarritrAo FAST COLORED PRINTS.--FaR as. sortraent of these justly celebrated .Prints tit :lagging all the new .at . 4.41: _ . TN 'lll..ei .URPHANS' COURT FOR •THF, CITY _l_ AND COUNTS OF PHHADELPHIA.—Estate of -JOHN ELLIOTT; Deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit;settle and adjust the account of Israel H. Johnson, surviving Executor of John Elli •ott, late of the city of Philadelphia, druggist ' deceased, and to repert distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointzmen_ J t on TUESDAY Jan nary 9th 1816 , at 4 o clock, P. f.i.„ at his office, N 0.131 -South Fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia_ GEO.l.f. CONARROI9, Auditor;_ -J E. OAPEN. PHRENOLOGIST. 4 ^ tainccessor to Fowler Wells & - Co., 14gives Written and verbal descriptions of the. ratter with. Ohartar,,Saily, at 1/4. de23-s,tn,th-12trpi , No. 25 - S. TANTS Street. Up REV. GEORGE J. .12dINGENS, OF NEW YORK, will preach. In Green , Hl.ll Hall, S. E. corner Seventeenth and Poplar streets, to-morrow afternoon, at past 3 o'clock. Beate tree. All welcome. Son day School 2 o'clock, P.M.,• fl TABERNACLE M. E. CHURCH, ELEVENTH Lire street, above Jefferson.—Preaching tomorrow, at /OW, A. M., by Rev. P. Coombe. Sunday School ad dress, by Rene Gulllou,lsq.. at s o'clock, P. M. Preach !i6 at 7 o'clock, P. M. ' e REVIEW OF REV, MR. ROFFMAN'S sermon on the Infinity of Sin. tomorrow even ing. 'Universalist Church Eighth- street, near Noble, by J. T. Goodrich, pastor. Morning, Rev. Bacon. Uz ST. MICHAEL'S FREE . CHIDICH, Ger mantown.—There will be (D. V.) a thli choral service at this church on Christmas morn mg (Monday Dec. 25) at 11 o'clock. Seimon by the rector; the Re • . Ed. H. True. it na.NOBTH BROAD STREET PRMHYTERIAN Church, corner Broad and Green streets.— Preaching to-morrow morning, 114 1034 o'clock., by Rev. Dr. Fisher, President of Hamilton College, and evening at 7% o'clock, an address to Parents and Children, by the Pastor, Rev. E E. Adams. Centre of the House re. served forchildren. • THE 'SKETCH CLUB, " PRIZE EXHIBITION. OPEN DAILY At the Apatiemy of Fine Arts, with= new Works by all the great American Artists. SCIIIPTIIRE, PAINTING & DESIGN Admission, 25 cents. dels rptf HOWARD HOSPITAL, Nos. 1618 and I=o Lombard street, Dispensary DeparDnent. Med- Mai treatment and medicinee Punished gratultonsly tofthe poor. mMi Cab CABINET ORGANS AND STACK & CO.'S PIANOS, FOR CHBISTILAB PrtrAENTS. dEfirp tfl J. E. GOULD, Seventla and Chestnut. NOTIOK—The Annual Meeting of the Stock PA 'Y, of the CEDAR MO LLSW LIME COM PA be held on MONDAY. January Stit. 1856 at ll o'clock, A. AL, at the office Ninth and Jefferson streets, to elect five Directors, a Secre.ary and Treas urer to serve for the year. • de23-sit• [Ut. OFFICE OF THE OIL BUN IMPROVE, 3111 SIT COM_PAS.Y, 2t83.; Walnut street. 'A he first Annual Meeting of the StockholdPrs of this COmnany will beheld at their office on THURSDAY, 4th January next, at 12 o'clock M. 410:3 st* - lialdllEL D. DAWLEY. Secretary. r4°PENN NATIONAL BANE, Pnxr..trausnis, December 13th, 1865. . T Directors have this day declared 'an extra Div'. ' dead ofBEFTEENDOI 1 . ..1 - 6114 per Share. by increasing the value of the block from TM:STY-EWE to tBOBVABA-zZI.• derlAS,M,thSti Cashier. fl - NoTioz—UNION VOLUNTEBB.R.EFEMSH MENT SALOON—This Saloon was closed on December Ist, 1136 A. All persons having claims against - the Saloon are requested to present them to B. S. BROWN, Treasiner. No. 1006 South Third street, on or before the 30th bustant. DIVIDEND NOTICE—OFFICE OP THE MAPLE BHAD.E OIL COMPANY, 524 Walnut street—Pattr., Dec. 23d, 1'65. The Board of Directors have This Day declared a Dividend of FOII.R PER CENT., on the Capital Mock of the Company, payable on and after the 30th instant, -clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Booka will close on the 26th at 8 P. M. and open Jan. 51 de.w.at THOS. R. SEA_RLE, secretary. OFFIOE OF THE WARDENS FOR THE PORT OF MILAD.ELFELIA.No.US WALNUT street, PHTLAMILPRIA, Dec. 20.1865. NOTlVE.—Application nos been made to this Board by WILLIAM WETHERILL to erect a WHASF on the west side of the river Schuylkill, below Chestnut street, as per plan in this Office. Final action will be had by the Board at the stated meeting, Jan. 1, 1866. dell - eta GIDEON CLARK, Master Warden. 10.1SIBILCANTLLE LIBRARY.—For Christmas what better present can be given thin a share of liercantile Library stock. the price of which is $lO 00. Annual dues only is 00. This affords the ettockhaidec the use of Thirty-eight thousand volumes, Three hundred foreign and domestic newspapers and periodicals ve . Twel chess tables, dic. The rooms are open day and evening. del94trpf 11:4;MAHANOY AND BROAD MOUNTAIN t RAILROAD CONTA_NT, Office, No. =MOUTH TH STREET. Ponarom.paiA, December 1885. haTnhey A a n n n dßroad Meeting o n f t a h in e Ra o il kh a o d l Company Ma will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 227 south Fourth street, on MONDAY, January Bth, MS, at one o'clock, P M., when an Election will be held for a Pre sident and Six Directors to serve for the ensuing year. de23-ita,ux,that• CHAS. C. BROCK. OFFICE THE ISIcRAE AND CHERRY RUN OIL COMPANY, RIMADELPHIA, Dec. Zi; 1865, special meeting of the Stockholders of the Mcßae and Cherry Run Oil Company, held yesterday, 22d inst., (called for the purpose) a resolution was. naaialmonsly passed reducing the Capital Stock from two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to one hundred theusand drillers, and also assessing thestock ten cents each share, payment of said assessment to be made at once, and no stock can be transferred until the assess ment shall be first paid. By order of the Stockholders' meeting. de/s-4tl Di. BIETZBY, Treasurer upFicE OF THE LEHIGH O eL Athl t5.,D 7 NAVIGATION COMPANY, PLELL.I.Dir.LREGA, December 21sk, 1866. • • LOAN FOR BALE. IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. The Loan of this Company, due April ist, 1884, -kite. rest payable quarterly, at the rate of six per cent, per annum. • - This Loan Is secured by a mortgage on all the Com pany's Coal Lands, Canals, and Smckwater Navigation in the Lehigh river,and all their Rallroads,constructed and to be „constructed, between Mauch Chunk and Wilkesbarrei and branch roads connected that ewltla, and the franchise ofthe Company.relating thereto. Apply to SOLOMON SHEPMERD, Treasurer,' de2l-rptfi .122 South Second street. Tower Hall, Clothing Bazaar, 518 Market street, BENNETT dt CO IWSUGAR CREEK AND WOLF RUN LU BRICATING. OIL COMPANY.—NOTICE TO CRHOLDERS. • Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the E tOckholders of the Sugar Creek and Wolf Run Lu bricating 01I.Company, will be held at the Office of the Com pany No, 224 South Fourth street,Phladelphia, on SATURDAY,' the lath day of January. 1886, at 8 o'clock P . M., to consider the propriety of reducing the capital stock of the Company from One Million Dollars to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. ELISHA W. DAVIS, . JAMES M. SELLERS JAMES a. MAGINLAY, A. M. McOLURE, majority of the Directors, the S. 6. and W. It. 011'CompanY, No. 224 arth street, Philadelphia, December_ kld, de23-13,8tii Office of South Ft 1865. fCHRISTMAS AND NEW TEAR'S PRE BENTS.—A'-useful, valuable, .and delightfully acceptable present fort Christmas would be a bottle of 'that fragrant. Hair Tonic and Beautifier, Betrouvey's Turki.M.Bandoienian. Whit can be Morelacceptable than anything that will ? that will restore na ure's decay by stopping the hair from_falling out, re storing itanatural color, making irgrow in luxuriance" and beaut . 4 , assist in putting up according to the pre . " sent style CI d fashion, and keep it in 'place? This, Be_ 2 trinmey's rhislf Bcindorentan Hair Tonic will do, and for proof we refer you to any person who has tried it. It is acknowledged to be the beautifier of the age,' the only Hair, rOnic and Restorer worthy of the name. In TurkEy. inilorance, Jn Nlanti,in America, everywhere where the'Randolenian Is known, it is picinounoed the '' nepho Mira" of Hair Preparittions.'-Reinenaber, it is free from all metallic poisons, that are contained in most Hair Colors and dressings. _ It is the extract of ninny flowers and herbs, beautifully pat up, an orna ment to the Toilet. For sale by all Druggists and Perfumers Wholesale. • joH2.ISTOZT, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN.% FN ' , VYOTT air principal Depot for tralted States and Canadas• JAMES PALE XO: 439 Market Street, • " kle29-9,tu;th3t 'THE, DiIiFT_EVENING BULLETLN': PHILADELP.II4 . , SA : TgtDAY ? DECEMBER, 1 23 4 1865TRIPLE,SHEET., lUMIGIOIIB -NOTICES. TEE IVONDERIME ONE.—By T. H. Btock: 1.1 , ,y, ton, Eleventh. And Wood, Sablytth,o 3) P. M. eihort servlce. ell Iri4lted s> • Ittr: 101' lOSIVERSLBST CHIIIIOH, Locust street; IL above Thirteenth, - Rev. L. L. Briggs, Pastor.— Vesper Service to-morrow evening.. , . • ltS ÜbSECOND PREf3BYTERIAN CHURCH, 13e. venth street, below Arch. - -Tbe Pastor, Rev. E. R. Beadle, will preach Tomorrow, at 10% A. M. Christmas Services at 7% P. M. [W REV. G. D. CA.EDOW wilt preiteli, in Union M. E. Chnrch,tamorrowinornlog,at lOk o'clock, an Bev. Bishop J. P. Campbell.of tlio African M. E. Chinch, 73- 2 ' P, M. •,••:44:: se r: s:s: Seventh and Spring Garden streets, Rev. .7.11. Suydam, Pastor. Services at 10% o'clock, A.M. and 1% o'clock, P.M. OT HE BEV. W. W. NEW.C.LL. Unitarian, will preach at Langstroth's Hall, Germantown, to morrow. at leYi o'clock, morning,. anti 7-14 , o'clock, evening. it* --- THIRD . REFORts RD DUTCH CHURCH -1.-corner Tenth and Filbert streecs.—Rev. Dr. Par lie. of New York, will preach to the morning, at 104 o'clock. The Sunday School will hold their Cnristmas celebration/it So'clock, P. Id. Evening service omitted. BT. CLEMENT'S CHURCH.—To-morrow be- Lity the fourth Nunday of the month, the After noon service will be omitted. The usual services for Christmas Ave will be held In the gvetting,commenc ing at 9,4 c o'clock. its A CHRIBTAIAB CHORAL SERVICE,with an ut7' appropriate sermon by Arm pastor, Rev. Dr. March, will be held in the Clinton Rtreet Presbyterian Church, Tenth street, below Spruce, on • Siinday eve ning, at 73 o'clock. • • • its SPECIAL NOTICES. S. B. WADE, Secretary. Pa LA., Dec. t 2, 1865, ' d822-3t rp T:47. ,/:. ti ._.__..SPECIAL NOTICES. _ ._. , . O:F6'.,OPPICIE. OP. THE ...GREENWOOD. , COAD COMPANY . , No. 328 Walnut etreet. ' he Directors or the Greenwood Coal Company have declared a Idvidend: of FOUR PER CENT.. on the Capitalla S tock,tOols payable 'on until i6 the id of January. • , • W M" id-DA.VMSON, Treesurer. PHILADSLPHIA, Dec. 22 liei. dell-jag DEDICATION. -7-Christ .EVarigelioa-1 Reformed Church, on Green street, near Sixteenth,' will be dedicated on Sunday Morning next, 24th inst., at le% A. M. The dedicatory service will be performed by the Rev. B. H. Ghssy,Pastor.' The Dedication Sermon will be preached by the Rev. J. H. A. BOUREB.GER, D.D. Divine Servicawill be held in the afternoon at in the evening at 7%, and on Christmas' morning at 11 o'clock. The public are cor hilly invited. 10 fl—. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, PEILADEIXBIA, llu cember 23d /555. An Eleetion for Thirteen Directors of the Company, will be held at the Company's Office, Nos. 4 and 5 Ex• change Building, on MONDAY, January 8th,,1866, be tween the hours of tan o'clock A. M. and one o'clock P. M. WILLIAM HARPER. , de2Btoia7 Secretary. 4, TILE THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY eier cises of tbe'''HuME MISSIONARY SOCIETY e CPy of Pbiladelphia," will be held, on Sabbath (to-morrow) evening at 7}; o'clock, in the First Re „formed Presbyterihn Church. Broad street above Pine. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. J. W. J. Wylie, D. 0., and Rev:Andrew Caber. . The Annual Report will be read and collection taken to aid the worthy poor of our city. • - THOMAS TIILLASON, Its Chairman committee on pubic meetings. OFFICE OF Tki..e. ENTERPRISE ENSUE- E.A.NCE COMPANY, 400 Walnut Street—Pima- Dec. 2.34,1865. NOTICE--The annual meeting of the Stockholders of "The Enterprise Insurance Company'- will be held on MONDAY, the eighth day of January next, at 10 o'plock, A. M.. at the office of the Company. An election for TwelYe Directors to serve the ensu ing year will be 'held on the "same day, at the game place, between the . hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'- clock, P.M. ' B. LOCKWOOD, NAM lla 81 Secretary. AItEtrISM:IMCS. re[ • _ __- ~ .. ~ it !I mil• ../ IDAYNOR'S OPERA HOUSE. 8. W. corner Tenth and Chestnut, The Original and only J. W. RAYNOR'S Minstrels and ECM; Band, late OttRISTY'S. J. W. RAYNO R GRAND OPE Proprietor and Manager. NING SATURDAY EVENING, , Dec. U. This popular Company was formerly known as the Christy le. - under wbich title they pertbrmed FOR TWENTY YEARS, appearing in New. York city for upwards of seven years without a cessation, since which time they ap peared with distinguished success in all of the princi pal cities of America, England and Scotland, to re fined and intelligent audiences. 20 OLD ESTABLDGLED ARTISTES constitute this Mammoth Mins.rei Organization, com prising talent of the highest order, whose artistic per formances nightly elicit thunders of applause and ap probation. The wonderful ity, , JA cu PA rios NEBETOMMY, will apy. ear each evening, in connection with the Com pany, in his most popular acts, that never tail to call forth screams of laughter. He is 85 years of age, and but 36 inches in height. Ezli Programme will be repletein ?" CHOICE OPERATIC GEM. art ged by the great Leader and Composer, FRED. HOFFMAN. whose musical skill has attained for him a reputation which time cannot efface • ' LARGE AND FASHIONABLF: AUDIEYCES nightly attest the superiority of this Troupe. For further particulars, see further advertisements. The vale of tickets will commence oa Friday morn ing, at s o'clock. al the Opera House: A Performance on Christmas Afternoon at 5 o'clock. 11. A. RANC.K.E.R, , 14 Busines.s Agent CONCERT HALL. ROBERT HELLER, THE GREAT CONJURER, PIANIST, • COMPOSER and WIT (From the famon3 Salle Diabolique, .5.45 Broadway New York,) , • t • POE, &SHORT SEASON t . Y co.ultE.N . mNo . MONDlit Jantumlst. Further particulars will be duly published. de23.2t Skating 1, 81cating Skating 1 1 B Y lallD O_NLIGHT. ON UNION PARKS, ON UNION PARES, Fourth and Diamond strode. 'Fourth and Diamond streets, TO-DAY. TODAY, Illuminated This Evening. Illuminated This Evening, - 141 Band of litusiollh attendance afternoon and evening. k.;118 W I ()K PARK. TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF THE PARK. ErSITING TO-DAY ON BOTH BASHI'S. ta scree of Ice. The largest Skating Park In the world-234 tnileeln clerence. Buildings 4 4 5) feet long. Platforms and colonnade 650 feet /Ong. - • Beck's Brass Band performs this afternoon. its SKATING TO-DAT. SEATING TO-DAY. NATIONAL BEATING PARK. TWENTY-FIRST ST. AND COL UItEBLI. d VENUE This Park again leads the van. Do lass's Brass Band In attendance In the evening. Take the Ridge stenne and Seventeenth and Nineteenth Streets Care, LcC. 8: 2tIOULDEIt, Superintendent. KEILL JOSIAIOE. aPINE ,STREET—TOIL handsotne four-story brown stone residenm, with three-very le bath buildings; built in the best meatier, with every modern convenience and In perfect order, situate on Pine street west of Fifteenth street. Lot 133feetdeep to a street. J. M. GLIMILEY dt BONS, We Walnut street. FOR SALE.—The handsome three-story brick Residence, furnished with every modern - corp. v i eßnence and improvement, and ln good order, situate No. Kit South Twenty-drat green lot2l met front by 90 feet deep. Immediate possession given. J. H. 'MPhi- I:MY & SONS, 309 Walnut street. FOR SALE7—PENNSYLVANLA. RAILROAD STATION HOUSE Downingtown, Chester• Co., acres of ground.. . Terms easy. Apply to IVENRY EICB OLTZ, on the premises, or M. Thomas pons, 119 and 1419. Fourth st., PhUa. dot-st 2 faFOR SALE—Private handsome RESIDENCE, sLuated No. 667 North ELEVENTH street. This Property is substantially -ball;. and replete with InOnern conveniences. Apply On the Pre mises. . dWza,tu,th3trp* MI WALNUT STREET.—FOR 5A LIP A MOST 10'4 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Walnut street, west of 'Twentieth; replete with every possible convenience. Apply to S. H. CURID3 An 'SON. Real .Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. cficnov. HOLIDAY GOODS Large and handsome, assortment of Old and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry,,Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, Bronzes, ho, ` Clark Biddle Successors to THOMAS 0. GARRETT', oc26.th sa tiMEtrpi 712 OHESTNUT ST. HOLIDAYS BRADBURY'S ' 1 SUPERIOR PIANOS: , A full assortment at low prices. Mei! New York Pianos, i'First Preniinia Parlor Organs: *criorlyz.E . , d_ alm 110 1 -:3 T ;Chetnut, Stregt.-; . ,t - iprAvANA cioAßs AND LYNOILBuRaH !PO- I BACCOS—Ben in the , city—at a fair 19 price, At pLAIIRETY , S, 837 Oheatniig- 3 etreet, opposite the Con tinental. de•s4rPs.! PRE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COUPANYI - Company's Building, Nt). - 400. Walnut street, • -) , . ladelphia, ')' Cash Capital - —0 -hi -20°,000 OD , •Cash Assets, over ,sso,ooo 00' The infestments of thla Company are iii t Hort. gages on Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia and ntather securities cureftdly Selected by the Directors. Term and Perpetual Igsnrances eilecW(Lby this Com pany at as low rates of premium as safety to the Com pany and to the insured wild admit. ~ • , _ P. Ratchford Starr, JOhu H. BrOWa, Nalbro' Frazier J L. EiTinger. John X. Atwood, Geo W. Fanneetock, Benj. T. Tredick, James - L, Cle.ghorn, Mordecai L.' Dawson, r Wllliam Boulton, George Stuart. ;-,, Charles Wheeler. F. BATC - FIFORD . STADR, President, THOS.,II.24CONTGOILEDY, Vice President. • B. LOCKWOOD, SeCret&Ty. 1 f deE - as tit th et} itiruarcAl, Bo :e •••••: ; ! plan • otne casco/it lasingfribu 4.1 two to twelve choice t4olodlea. for sa te by RABB , * BBATEER, rniPorteZ9.. • : lqo..Vat Uhestzuat atreet. below Routh. • ..__.pitisetifitiiiiiiiirottli. HOLIDAY BOOKS. THE LA AGE ST ASSORTNE'NT, English and American, AT THE LOWEST PRICES,- WILL BE FOUND ASHMFAD trANS, 724 CHESTNUT STREET. dela-tb a m to th sa-6tl :BST BOO' 'OR. A. PRESENT Is Mackenzie's Great Family Receipt Book, As it Contains Over 10,000 Useful and- Reliable Receipts On all conceivable subJects. Formic: by Agents only and the publisher. T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Noe. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, de3l 8t rp• SECOND FLOOR. HOL AY BOORS. 1,1? „,..7\ Illustrated, Juvenile And Miscellaneous BOOKS Selling Off at Wholesale Prices, AT LINDSAY & BLA ii 'SRN'S, 25 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. del]-8t rpt alf"-P INGLIHEr BOOKS FOR THE ROLL. BAT& Just Imported by J. O. !MICE, Importer of English and French Books, Engravings. dm., PICKINGS No. 21 bonth bL.XTH street, above Chestnut. FROM THE PORTFOLIO OP HR. PUNCH. By John Leech. 2 vols., oblong fell% COMIC HISTOR... F ENGLAND AND ROHE. Ellustrated with colored plates. By Leech. 3 vols. Bvo. cloth. • BIItD i SEYENTEWS OF SOCIETY. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. Oblong wo. half morocco. PIC7TIIRBe. OF SOCIETY. With illustrations by the most eminent English artists. ,Royal svo, cloth, gilt and morocco. XNGOLDSBY LEGEND. By ThOmas Barham. New anti elegant edition, with beautiful illustrations. by Croikahaik, Doyle, Fenni,l, Sc. Square Svo, cloth, gilt ( Ic e & I YEAR: - ITS LEAVES AND BLOSSOMS. El instrated by Henning Stithe. Thirteen elegantly colored 7 plres Small folio, cloth gilt. RECP TIONS OF A COUNTRY PARSON. Beall tin:illy Illustrated with wood engravings. Small 4toi cloth. LAYS OF, THE SCOTTISH CAVALIERS. Illus trated by R. and Walter Baton. Squat e Bvo, cloth, gllt extra. . SCOTLAND Lar.v.rNEATED. Illustrated by the best artists. 72 beantifulplaces in tints, with descriptions. byj. P. Lawson. , Proofs, 2 vols., atlas folio, half rte: morocco, extra. THE VFIRIVON GALLERY OF BRITISH ART. The four series complete. Illustrated with 150 plates, superbly engraved on steel, TOLL, 4to, half morocco, t. FINDEN'S ROYAL GALT FRY OP BRITISH ART. Illustrated with 4s superb engravings oristeel, after the best modern masters. Proolb before letters. Folio, half morocco. MRS. JAMESON'S WORKS, SACRED AND LE GENDARY ART, 2 vols,; LEGENDS OF MONASTIC ORDERS, 1 vol.f LEGENDS OF MADONNA, I vol.; HISTORY OF OIIR LORD, 2 vols., together six vole: 8vo: cloth and halfcall, SHAW'S ' ILLUSTRATED NEW TESTAMENT; embellished with heautlibllrdeslgned engraved bor ders to each page, and vignettes, after designs by the Old Masters. Square svo.. cloth and calf extra. DON QUICHOTTE. Mastree par Gustave Dote. S vols., folio. cloth. DANTE'S INFERNO. Illustrated by.GustaveDord. 1 vol.: folio, cloth. THE HOLY BIBLE. Splendidly Illustreted by Dort-. 2.v015„ folio, cloth. A magnificent collection of choice English and French illustrated and Standard Woras, elegantly bound, Just landed per "Bosphorus." 71lViiINILE BOOKS . In great variety. New English Toy Books of every description. ELEGANTLY COLORED FRENCH PHOTO GRAPHS, from, Modern Masters. New Chromo lithographs and Steel Engravings, tko., all the best Issue°. A priced Catalogue of a select portion of the stock Is now readyl and may be had gratis on application. it w~v ass. :QTTUATION WV I ED—BY A YOUNG ISIAN; 17 whci has beelise years In a Canadian Barris.: ter's office of the tag est standing, and Is a good Book keep& and Accountant. The very highest testimo nials and recommendations given. Address L., Box 702 Post Odic% Its EIWANTED TO PURCHASE—A Store Property t on Chestnut street, from Sixth to Tepth streets., Aptri T. H. CURTIS & SON, RearEstete Brokers,, 433 Walnut'street.'; - ea WANT/ID, TO PIIISOrrs. K's—A' Property. on. Third' street from Market to Chestnut streete , wss Apply to ,H. CrltT/13 SON,..Rea Estate Brokers, 438;Waltint street. . - IgOA.RDIN4 . , T•CILABS BQA-RottnCG` ' • , APAY • - ; e2.3-2t* -" • , 1530 ruse street. $20.000, 7 1: the s ' ira ' ougi named secured upon improved •• city proPer_t_Y. • • centrally molded, Grig a mhyy aciiioNs;.•3BB.walimS stress , ~.....,,Dw pg,..... ...,,,..: .,,v ,,,,,,w4...Q......,......,: i .• ... ,h 4 , a wn ' b rir o a tl on ,- reltaitur In gunny *MA . ...... . , 7 , ' o a k • e., i.::....ill2'..villatl*Mniell,46 7 4 ,' J' , ' i.. 0 ,e, , ,,, , 0...>1. t:r.,... 0. YIW.: + j . .. r , ', , - ' ~,: t .%,.., ,'',l' . 3`7,' I'. ;7. ibirtirve Firimisinjora aooins. Holiday rresents for Geotlemen. Just receivid, an dogma casoitaient of new atyles of Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Suspender", Handkerchiefs, Wrappers. brooking Jackets, Cardigan Jackets. Carriage Rugs. And a great variety of Zdailiers, Men's Furnishing Goods. ' Jo W. spor?" , Sr, CO., No, 814 Chestnut Street. 1865. HOLIDAYS ' 1866. WINCHESTER & 706 CHESTNUT STREET. SCAMS. FMB SEMTE, SIISPENDEBB, HAND-- SKATING JACKETS, GLOVES, CA.KRIAGE BUGS. hiIIFFTMRS, 31EAWL8, With a choice varletYor Wrappers and Breakfast Jackets, Comprising useful and attractive wd .FREISNTS FOR GENTLEMEN. 825. ARCH STREET. 825 Holiday Presents FOR GENTLEMEN. Wrappers, Mufflers, Gloves, Ties, Pine Shirts, Silk, Merino and Lamb's Wool Under ClOthing, In great variety. at CIJEUFIVIA.N 9 EiI Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. 825. ARCH STEM. 825. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. The largest assortment in the City. J. C. ARRISON, N g . I . and 3 North Sixth Street. r.cocoic. CHRISTM A S PRESENTS ! Gentlemen's :FurnTh'shi"ng Goods, • . LINFORD LUKENS At the N. W. corner of Sixth and Chest , nut streets, Offers the annexed list of Goods suitable for Preset'. Cation to Gentlemen Rich Cashmere Scares, Figured Satin Scares, Silk and Satin Neck Ties. Courvoisier's Double Stitched Rid Gloves, Fine Buck and Fawn Gloves, Cloth, Beaver and Silk Gloves, Embroidered Suspenders, Fancy Silk Suspenders, _Hemstitched Pocket Handkerchiefs. • Silk and Zephyr Wrist Comforts. Buck Gauntlets and Driving Gloves. Porte Monnalea and Purses, and a variety of other ar [Mies suitable fur Gifts. • LINFORD LURID, delt4t; N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut. GREAT REDUCTION IN /SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL. .1. • go Per Ton fbr Splendid Large Nut Coal. a • ti ',9 50 Per Ton for Splendid Stove and Egg Coal. Also the Genuine Eagle Vein, (equal to Lehigh) at $9 and ale per ton, and setts fhetlen guaranteed to all, at CONTINENTAL COAL DEPOT OF SAMUEL .W HESS _del. lir L BROAD STREET above Race, East side. Our Photo-Miniatures, At moderate Prices. For delicacy of detail, softness and warmth of tone, artistic merit, truthfulness of likeness, plain and ea bored. are unsnipassed in this city. del9-6tHENSZEYck CO., Photographers, /1 3 * 812 ARCH STREET. welly Sr- Neel. New Fluid "F'aragon 011,". And Safety Lamps, beautiful light ' 3 ho . t ‘ irs,iC k .t. -011" No Chimney. - No Chimney:— Agexits wanted. sold bylnventore, aeiNt rp„ , t , • ttc .%___ _MONEY TO ANY aniourrr LQft ill I .p uFON DIAMONDS WATCHES JBWELri HY, PLAITLDLOVHING, &0., ai • ,_ .. _ JONES &00:9 ____ . . cam. :.1.17141 , 1T TRTIRT) LOAN OmUsi Corner of THERD and sib SITCI7:I, streets, . 1 ' 1 . • Below Lombard. . . a. B. - =pimps, wAvaam, XENPELETI; GIME, &n., . . , 8.14081CA.13:LX LOW PRIORS. WICSTCHESTER AND MILLI, -DELI , 3ILe .11,41:480AIK • • CURSION TIMMS Will belMid'a the Ofdoe of the 'Company, corndri of Thirty fkst andilgarket, td.Westchesta, and return„ good srom Dv:amber:24, .1866; to,Jannary2, 7886. iucta-- wive. - rarefor round trPt P , 25 . 4 A1e22 , 43tJ. - • . 1 1 • -sQteueralettperuiten gut nt : - • ..;! , 1; , :!: 11 0., Dressing Cases, CUTLERY Christmp,s Presents.: Ladies' Walking Hats, "The Derby." Ladies' Skating Hata. Ladles' 'Far TriMmed Hoods. Mai% and Tippets for Misses. Children'a Scotch Caps. • Ladles' BIIk Umbrellas. Gents' Far Collars and Gloves. ' • TO BEI HAD OF KELLY at HEEL; 911 Market stretit. THEO. M'CALLA I ' At Rio Old Established Stand, 804 Chestnut,spreei.; de2l-Imotepi A• fall assortment, suitable for presents t 4). filled with boot tools, At , • lirillq93 St LANDIS'S, 401.6 0 /triPs - 211 hikrkot, 6kit 4 1:30PMMVIOMMY. ;STEPHEN F. .WHITMAN. HOLIDAY GIFTS! IN , FINE, CONFECTIONS. The hirgost and most varied Stock of Choice and Bare Confections Of the finest quality, Now Ready for the Holiday Season. strrepaari PREPARATIONS In Chocolate, Cream Bon Bons, Pistache Paste, Whiter Nouget Crystalized and Olace'd Fruits, Double Vantlie, Crystalized and Cream Almonds. SPECIALTIES IN Fancy Bon Bons, CRYSTALIZED ARTICLES Filled with rich and pleasant Snaps, Cordials, IMO!. etc. And an immense variety of INCOMPARABLY FINE CONFECTIONS. PECULIAR TO THIS HOUSE, Together with a brilliant importation of Rich Fancy Boxes. STEPHEN F. WHIT= Na la o. rpfl2lo Market Street:, tf BONBONS DE PARIS C. JPIENA.s, Confectioner from Far% 830 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. A FINE ASSOBTISI:MT OF PAINS FANCY BOICE3 AND Christmas Tree Ornaments. &a .m. PARTRIDGE'S Ice Cream Confectionery, AND Dining Rooms, For Ladies and Gentlemen, No. 15 North Eighth Street. PHILADELPHIA 3e20-4txpi FANCY GOODS. RICH FANCY GOODS JUST OPENED AT lowzozipiglintgi FANCY 13 ALZA.A.FL AND DEPOT FOE PARIS NOVELTIES SPECIALTIES No. 20 North Eighth Street, WEST SIDE, ABOVE MARICET. HOLIDAY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Toys. D A..ytn9s, d lop Chestnut Street: HOLIDAY GIFTS. Card Receivers, ( FANCY LEATHER GOODS, Rich Work Boxes, Bronze Ink Stands. SNOWDEN & BRO., ThIPORTF,II9, nos-zm 23 South.Eightb: Street: Y017T1113 OR, EElf, MIRROR®.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers