AMITSEXENTS. "A N.Mort's DESTINY" has be 3 1 running during the week at the Chestn r• to admi rable houses, with the following cast: An gela, Miss Josephine Orton; Duebei4 d'Ossania, Miss°. Cappelle; Queen Isabella, Miss L. Cooper; Don d'Avila, F. Mordaunt; Don Carlo, G. H. Clarke; Marquis San Bris, A. Fisher; Don Fernandez, W. N. More land, The play is an adaptation of a work by Scribe, the French dramatist, written by Benjamin Woolf, Esq., of this city. It is full of sprightly incidents and interesting situa tions, and will bring the author lame and cash. We do not wish to spoil the pleasure of play-goers by detailing the plot, but would simply say that we, in common with the public generally, have been greatly delighted with the acting of Miss Orton, Mr. Mordant, Mr. Clarke and Miss Cooper. They have all exerted themselves to the utmost, and have made the drama a genuine success. It will be given thisevening; to-morrow evening and at the mAtinee on Saturday. THE "PROGRAMME."—It gives us pleasure to print the subjoined letter in reference to that sprightly sheet which figures at our places of amusement: "PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 9, 1865.—T0 H. B. Hellier—DEAß SIR: We, the managers of the Philadelphia Theatres, take this opportunity to express our perfect satisfaction with the perfect and punctual manner in which the Evening Pro gramme has been delivered to us, and in view of your arrangements requiring it, we agree to take the Evening Programme, as the Bill of the performance in use in our theatres for the coming year. Respectfully yours, Louisa Drew, Jos. D. Murphy, New Arch Street Theatre; Grover dz. - Sinn, New Chestnut Theatre: Thos. J. Hemphill, Wal nut Street Theatre." THE WALNITT.—During the week "Dom bey & Son" has been running at the Walnut. Mr. John Brougham's persona tion of Captain Cuttle, in this play, was conclusive evidence that his theatrical fame is based upon a strong foundation. To play characters which are decorated with the choicest language, sugar-coated phrases, .glittering figures and poetical ideas, is an easy task; but to seize an uncouth "character part" like Captain Cuttle, and to galvanize it into life and beauty, is an attainment of the highest dramatic power. The Prome thean fire of genius alone can accomplish it. Captain Cuttle's simple-minded admiration of his oracular friend, "Jack Buns by," his noble though peculiarassistance to Walter's uncle, his grief for the supposed loss, and his joy at the safe return of Walter, as well as the gentle kindness of his treatment 'to Florence, were naturally and touchingly portrayed. The more we laughed at him for his peculiarities, the more we loved him for his kindness of heart. Mr. Brougham's "get up" was perfect, even to a certain amount of carelessness, betrayed in his dress, resulting from his loss of a hand. Mr. Brougham was well supported. Miss Graham comes first by right of circum stances and talent. As Edith Dombey she had a very unsatisfactory part, but fre quently managed to strike fire from its dull surface. Miss Germon looked and acted to the life Dickens's curt, snappish, vixenish, but good-hearted Susan Nipper. Though perhaps the original was not half so pretty. Mr. Griffith and Mr. Chester played very well. Mr. Taylor had a very good concep tion of the character of Mr. Dombey, but was slightly too pokerish. Mr. Fawcett was, as he always is, painstaking, amusing, thorough and successful. Mr. Barron was very good as Walter.. This evening "Dom bey & Son" will be repeated, together with "The Good For Nothing." To-morrow, for his farewell benefit, Mr. Brougham appears in his great burlesque of "Pocahontas," and also in "The Serious Family," a play which is more than half his own. THAT GRACEFUL AND FINISHED actress, Madame Ponisi, has been delighting the patrons of Mrs. Drew's theatre during the week, with a series of really superb perso nations, and she has had the most capable support possible from the company. This evening she will enact the heroine of "The Lady of Lyons," being supported by Messrs. Mackay, Rankin, Marlowe, James, Wallis and Mrs. Thayer. The afterpiece will be "Turning the Tables," with Robson, Marlowe, Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Creese in the cast. To-morrow Madame Ponisi has her benefit. "Lost in London" is in reher sal for the holidays, and will be brought out at the Arch superbly. It has had an nnpar ailed success in New York, and will doubtless be equally popular in this city. "THE SLEEPING BEAUTY" Will be the great holiday attraction at the Chestnut. The preparations for its production are about complete, and when it is brought out we predict for it an enthusiastic reception from the public generally. THE CIRCUSES at National Hall and at the American Theatre are crowded nightly, and very dashing bills are given. SIGNOR BLITZ, at Assembly Buildings, introduces fresh and lively tricks, etc., each evening and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. "PAB.A_DISE LOST," at Concert Hall,seems to have a perennial attraction. The very overflow of people who cannot get seats will fill almost any hall in the city. Its success is really a marvel. Facts and Fancies Parepa goes to Portland and Springfield, much to the dissatisfaction of other cities. - who want to hear her, but can't. Neverthe less, the troupe may be called, Parepa-tetic. So says the Boston Advertiser. We hear that Parepa-rations are being made to bring her to Philadelphia. The disposition that has been made of some of the rebel generals is curious and significant. General C. F. Anderson turned butcher at Atlanta and then auctioneer at Augusta. He began by cutting things np and then took to knocking them down. General Forrest acquired a considerable reputation for running, during the war, and now runs a saw-mill in Tennessee. en. Gardner, who surrendered his columns to Banks, at Port .Hudson, now heads a column in a ,country newspaper, as local _reporter. .A Southern Congressman who can take the oath is called a pro-test, and others are supposed to be bon-tests. The Diets say they won't stand much more -of the. Emperor Francis Joseph's nonsense. Sensible people change their diets, when they don't agree with them. A sailor almost died in New Orleans' rom swallowing a piece of glass in his pie. He had most unusual panes in his stomach. It cost Hecker $lOO,OOO to be a defeated candidate for Mayor of New York. Money doesn't always make the mayor go. King Leopold was called the richest and meanest man in Europe. To call such an 'one mean is two extreme. A bold rogue of Bangor snatched a pair of gold spectacles from the nose of a citizen, and made off with them. But the citizen was out of sight first. The Madeira wine crop will be double that of last year—about four thou Sand pipes. It is nearly as large as the Great Organ, in Boston. There is a French Episcopal Church in. New York, where the contributions are col lected by young ladies, and ill-natured peo ple call it the "pretty, waiter girl church.". This denunciation of a younglady for leaving her seat in church is based upon a distinction which we regard as simply pew-or-aisle: This is the shortest day in the year, which reminds us of a little conundrum. Why is a man whose horses are all out of the stable always in a great hurry? Because he has'nt z got ?am in it. THE DAILY EVENING BWILETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1865.---TI{IPLE SHEET. DIET. • Davis.DAfrlß—On Wednesday, 2n instant. Mary i and friends a respectfully tnvited to attend the funeral trom the residence of her aunt, Mira H. A. Davie, Southwest corner of Fortieth and Ludlow streets, on Friday. the 22d instant, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Interment at Blockley Cemetery. WASHINGTON—In Westmoreland county Va.„ in the soth year of ber age, Julie wu7nbeth, relict of the Hon. Wee Augustin Washington. of that county and daughter of the laze Hon. Samuel Bayard, of 'Sloe. town; N J. MELODEON, Plano and Table Clo th s, richly em broidered, a new lot Just received ibr Christmas Presents. TYRE & .LANDELL, Fourth and Arch eta ItirRRRIMAC FAST COLORED PRINTS.—FuII as sortment of these justly' celebrated Prints, com p . • . •w • I SPECIAL NOTICEft. U° THE S] ETCH CLUB, PRIZE EXHIBITION. OPEN DAILY At the Academy of Fine Arts, With 350 new Works by all the great American Artists. SCULPTURE, PAINTING & DESIGN. Admission, 25 cents. dels rptf HOWARD HOSPITAL. Nos. 1518 and 1524 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Med ibg:eatment and medicines tarnished gratuitously toithe poor. sedB CABINET ORGANS AND - • snecic. PIANOS. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. de6rn tf J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. 10= THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCEI THE of the TRITON OIL CO4LPANY, of Ohio, will be held at their °Moe, No. 210 Die, RKET street.. on MONDAY MORNING, Januar' , Ist, 1866, a' 10 o'clock. R. G. °ELLER', de2.l-3t* Secretary. . LOLDIERS' AND bALLOWP HO AE.—The tl t y Finance Committee; srstefully acknowledge the following additional contribution: Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylva nia. $250 OJ 1 4 PINEY D. MOOSE. ltil Chairman. EU, CONCERT AT TRINITY P. E. CHURCH Catharine street. above Second, on the opening 01 the New Organ. Tickets 50 cents; to be had at the Protestant Episcopal Rica Society, 1224 Chestnu street; F. Foster, Second street, opposite German; James Creagmlle, southwest corner Second and Cathe rine street. No tickets sold at the door. dele-ltrp* A MEETING OF THE BIG SANDY OIL U- COMPANY will be held on I , IIIDAY EVEN- December 22d, at 75r u'clock,at 409 Walnut street: to hear the report of the Committee, and to transact business of importance to every Stockholder, Punctual attendance earnestly requested by the Commit tee. .12.L-2t4 OFFICE OF THE D.RLAWARFC MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE CCMPANY. Ram', h-t. 1 .8 IA , Decembf r 18th, ISa5. The Annual Election for twenty-eight Directors will be held at this office on MONDAY. the first dar of January - next, between the him re of la A. M. and 2 P. M. HENRY LYLBURN, de2l-at/ Secretary. . _ fi- OFFICE. OF THE TICGA REPRO V M NT cumpANy. • 71VIDEND NOTICE.—The Managers of the Toga Improvement ( ompany have this day declared a Inviderd orSl X PER CENT., clear of Taxes, payable on and alter ast inst.. WILLI A X/ ELLIS Treasurer, Nos. 724 and 722 Market R:reet l v,. ". l l ;a l t U b ' e A tte -T r I p L re., " ent L ca l VbUte C a n_r i ls a t r i l e t as o f N ercant.le Library stock. the price or which ,•ite C). Annual dues only g 3 W. This stfords the Stockholder the use of 'l hilly -eight thousand volumes, Three hundred foreign and domestic newspapers and periodicals. Twelve chess tables, atc. The rooms are open a ay and evening. !U. OFFICE OF THE ST A LDICR FARM. PE ThOLEDNI ,MININL4 AND NIANUFAC ru a LNG COMPANY, No sat North bIX PH street. Pat LAPEL PHIA , Dec 2123 t. 1865. '1 be tirst aunual Meetin of the Stockholders of ad , ' Company will be held at their Otbce,ou MONDAY. the Ist of January, 1866, at 4 o'clock. P. M , for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year and trausaa. iirrany other business that may come betbre them. W. M. LEVICK., Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH C AL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, Pm LADELPITIA, Let:ember 218 E, Mit.. LOAN FOR SALE. IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. The Loan of this Company, due April Ist. 155., Inte rest payable quarterly, at the rate of six per cent, per annum. • Thia loan is secured by a mortgage on ail the Com pany's Coal Lands, Canals, and Siackwater Navigation in the Lehigh river,and all their Railroads,coristructed and to be constructed, between Mauch Chunk - and Wllkesbarre, and branch roads convected therewith, and the franchise of the Company relating thereto. Apply to SOLOMON SHEPHERD, Treasurer. de•2l-rptl 122 Sow h Second street. g-e.' EXHIBITION OF isEau riro L. PHOTO' GRaPHS AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. ach Picture ten to twenty leet in diameter. THIS THURSDAY El. ENING De.:. 21st, 1865. Commencing at seven o'clock, at Reformed Presby ter-an Church, Seventeenth street, between Race and Cherry. The Views will consist of Old and New Testament Scenes, Historical Scenes Portraits, Statuary, Ctu-o motypes, Microscopic Views. Also, Stereoscopic Views in Egypt, Holy Land, Maly, France, Germany, England Scotland, Switzerland and America; forming a highly instructive and pleasing Entertainment. '1 he Light wl,l be the Oxy-Hydrogen or Drummond Light _ _ - Explanation by Rev. G. A. SHYROCR, 1213 Green street,Philneelpnla. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. It U. OFFICE OF ''THE RELIANCE INorLE ANCE( OMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,'"No 8. WALNUT Street.— PHILADELPFLIA, December 20 1.865. -.a t the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Reliance Insurance Company of PPhLtadelphla. held on the Ilth Inst., the following gentlemen were elected Directors to serve for the ensuing year, viz.: ilem Tingley, ;Benj. W. Tingley, William to usser, Marshall Hill. Sami. Bispham, ' Charles Leland, H. L. Carson, Thos. H. Moore, Robert h teen Sarni. Costner, William Stevenson,, Alfred English, Jas. T. Young. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held this dry, CLEM TINGLES', Esq., was unanimously re elected President. THOS. C HILL, de2.1.3t Seeretary. fl— ORGAN OPRN ING.— The large and beautiful ORGAN just Completed in CHRIST (EVAN. REF.) CHURCH, GREEN STREET, BELOW SIXTEENTH, By Mr. JOHN C. B. STANBRIDGE, of this city will be opened with a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, THURSDAY EVENINti, December,7.lst, at 8 o'clock: The following artists will assist: ORGANISTS. Mr. J. C. B. Stanbrldge (ponder of the Organ), Mr. M. H. Cross. Mr. F. T. S. Harley, Mr. J. A. Getze. Mr. M. Warner VOCAL. Miss L. Solliday, soprano: Miss Hettie Alexander, soprano; Mrs. Annie Simpson, contralto: Mr. Jno. G. Umstead. tenor; Mr. E. 011. s, bass, Mr. 011 e Miller, bass Admission— One Dollar. Tickets to be had at the door [0,,, MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON, ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THURSDAY EVENING, Dec. 21, 1865, SunJEcr—"ELOOD TIDE." This is her most brilliant and able discourse, and will be the last opportunity her friends will have to hear her this winter, as her engagements In the West ex tend to a late period In ~he spring. She relates some most thrilling and affecting inci dents of her visit last summer, to the Richmond pri sons and battle-fields of Virginia. Tickets for sale at T. B. PUGH'S Bookstore, corner of hixth and Chestnut streets. Admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture to commence at , B o'clock. QTEADD3HIP NORMAN, FROM BOSTON.—Con signees of merchandise, per above steamer, will please send for their goods, now landing at Pine street Wharf. de2l-at HENRY WINSOR & CO. • - RERIINESS'S BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSOM STREETS. A CTION SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, On SATURDAY MORNING next, at 10 o'clock, comprising about SIXTY HORSES, suited to Harness and the Saddle, Full description at Sale. ALSO, A large collection of desirable new and second-hand Carriages, light Wagons, etc., with which the sale will commence. Single and double Harness, Saddles, Covers, etc. ALSO, A number of new and second-hand Sleighs, Sleigh Bells, Robes, Blankets, etc. _ _ ALFRED M. HERE.NE6S. Auctioneer WE HEREWITH CALL attention to our magnificent assortment of superior ;ETANOS, which we always have on I ' hand, and offer them at very reaso nable prices to tuchasers. Beet of references and mum. EE invariably_ gl , mitty THE lINTOIii PIANO MAZTACITURTEEI no Wit Walnut street. ail ma STEPHEN F. WHITM. HOLIDAY GIFTS! FINE CONFECTIONS. The largest and moat varied stock of Choice and Rare Confections of the finest quality, Now Ready for the Holiday Season. SUPERLATIVE PREPARATIONS In Chocolate, Cream Bon Bons, Pletache Paste, White Z i4 y m s g:LC t r d ys a nir and Glac am c ? r d i Fruits, Double Vaanle, SPECIALTIES IN Fancy Bon Bons, CRYSTALIZED ARTICLES Filled with rich and pleasant Syrups, Cordial, Jellies , ttc. And an immense variety of INCOMPARABLY FINE CONFECTIONS, PECULIAR TO THIS HOUSE, Together with a brilliant Importation of Rich Fancy Boxes. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. rt./ 1210 Market Street. delstf PARTRIDGE'S Ice Cream Confectionery, AND Dining. Rooms, For Ladies and Gentlemen, No. 13 North Eighth Street..., PHILADELPHIA cW.2O-4t.rpf BONBONS Jill PARIS. C. JP.F.INTA.S, Con fectior Pr from Parts, 830 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. A FINE ASSORTN_ENT OF PARIS FAIYCY BOX AND Christmas Tree Ornaments. _del9-strpl E, SALE ON TIIE PREMISES, SOUTH TWEN '::' TIETR STREET —T110)I As & SONS, Auction- Neat modern RESIDENcE and FERN FLTRF 223 South Twentieth st. bel Walnut sL —On FRIDAY NORNING, I ecenther :2‘l. at 10 o'clock, will be sold public sale, ou the premisesall that modern three "ton• brick meSSI.34;P, %I till three-story double hack building• end llt of c round. situate no tue east side of Twentieth street, N south of Walnut street: con taining In trout ov Twentieth street 16 feet, and extend ing lu depth S- feet. The house neatly finished In modern style, and I, replete with Modern conve niences. It bus recently been put Incomplete order. its" Clear of all incum ance, WTerms—half cash. . _ . Handsome Porniture, superior piano Immediately atter the sate of the premiseß, will be sold the handsome Hensehold Furniture, Superior Piano. &c. SEAL ESTATE.—JAMV , 4 A. FREED{ AN, A uctioneer.—DW ELL LN 4S, Nos. 114. 116 and Its I.ALLOWHILL Street. On WEDNESDAY, January srd, 1166, at 12 o'clock,noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following dee cribtd Real Estate, viz: All those three S-story brick dwellings and lot of ground thereto belonging, situate on the south side of street, east of Second, numbered 114, lie and IIN 50 feet front and 23 feet 4 Inches deep. Rouses hare gICIA in basements, and, Is! and 2d stories, ow/Erin !d and 3d stories of each, has cien, in eery mom. &a, in complete' order. Pt/Trent to the same ten ants who have occupied than for 11 years, for $612 a year: would bringt9oo if they were vacant. They front the old market square, which lc Urprobably be handsomely im proved by the public authorities, • Moe to be paid at the time of sale. JA_IIM A. FREEMAN, Anclloneer. de2l,2S Store 422 Walnut street. AktSALE ET ORDER or HElRS.—Estate of SARAH ROHRMAN. deceased. JAME?. A EWAN, Auctioneer. Brick and Frame Di/VEL LINGS,_and Lot, RACE Street, west of Fifteenth. On WEDNDAY, January 3d, less, at Li o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described Real Estate, late the property of SARAH ROHRMAN, deceased. cis All that lot of ground, with the two story frame dwelling, and two three-story brick houses thereon erected situate on the south side of Rate street 17 feet west o' Fineenth street, In the Tenth Ward; 31 feet front and 7, , feet deep. This lot adjoins the Friends' ;feeling how. on the east, and would , iitith the corner tot make a Inv iMpTOl . ll7l,Ili. ' IL rents to old tenants, for f 276 per annum. ga3 - *WO to be paid at the time of sale. BY ) RDER OF HEIRS. JAMES A. FREE3I3I.I, Auctioneer, n021.2S Store, Walnut street. irrir ORPHANS' COURT SA L —Estate of DAVID k tt ij RF—AD, deceased. JAMES A. FREEMAN. auctioneer.—ROUSE, RICHMOND, above ANN ST. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. Ou WEDNESDAY, Jan. 10, 1866, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described Real Estate, late the property of David Read, deceased. viz.:—Ail that lot c,f ground with the frame massuage thereon erected, on the southeasterly side of Richmond street, 80 feet nertheastwardly from Ann street, in the Twenty. fifth Ward: 20 feet front and 90 feet deep. Subject to 428 ground rent per annum, lawful sliver money. 8,00 to be paid at the time of sale. Ity the Court, E, A. MERRICK, clerk, O.C. JOAN D. READ Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, , Auctluneer. de2.1,28,ja4 Store,422 Walnut street. EORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of WAL TER S f ONK, a minor —JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.—Three-story BRICK HOUSE, Second street. below Dauphin. Under anti:Lori. y of the Or phans' Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WED.N LoDA. 'V, January 10, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described Real Estate, the property of William Stone a miner, vizi: A three-story brick house and lot on the east slue of Second street, 18 feet south of Dauphin street, Nineteenth Ward; le feet 4 inches front, and 70 feet deep, to a three-feet alley. Sif.oo to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. STEPHEN A. COCHRAN, Guardian. JAMES A. FREEMAN Auctioneer, de21,2014 Store, 422 Walnut street. de20.2 rp! linEL E.GANT MODERN FOUR-STORY DWELL ING, with three•story back buildings, very com p ete, with every convenience. 142 North Twentieth street. near St. ciement'agChurch. Immediate posses sion. For sale by C. H. iiiIIIRLLEID, 205 South Sixth street. de2l-sti _ . . . ,V 50.000. withAigeTaEbove a n m e o o u r n , tr tff orn ar tn n the MACHINERY AND IRON-SHIP BUILDING brisi- Bess. The advertiser has a large mechanical estab lishment, with ship wharf, In Pidlaaelphia, and can cummand the first-class patronage. One partner,with a set of good tools instead of capital,would be preferred. Address SHIPBUILDER, Bti LL HT' rroll3ce.[del9 Strpa THE HARRISON BONNE, A SAFE STEAM BOILER.—The attention of manufacturers and others using at' am is confidently called to this patent Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in absolute safety from explosion, in cheapness of first cost and cost of repairs, in economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation oiltc., not possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler is formed of a combination of cast iron hollow spheres, each sphere 8 inches external diameter, and 3-8 of an inch thick These:are held together by wrought iron bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred of these boilers are now in operation, some of them In the best estab lishments in this city. For descriptive circulars or price, apply to JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr., Harrison Boiler 'Works, Gray's Ferry read, adjoining the U. d. Arsenal, Philadelphia. deB•lmrp2 MISS E. CALDWELL, No. 924 ARCH street, Has just received a large assortment of DRESS OAPS and Itr. A DRESSES. For the HOLIDAY'S. debs-Ctrp* IUr.ABEING ding WI ampingTH INDELIBLE INK, Embroider ALL ing, Brai, St, ,Stn, N. AL TORREY, 1800 Filbert street. 1111BICIAL BOX, in handsome CEMEO,plsyingfrom two to twelve choice melodies, for sale by EARS BROTHER, Importers, No. 824 Cheetnnt street, below Fourth. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES OB OIIS i f • own Importation, reliable In Quality low prime. BARR & BROTKER, Dm* Saki • 12401nztnntoireet,lbelow H=t; T M M. THOMAS ch SONS. Anctlonee-s. ifft and 141 South Fourth street. WANT m. NEW PIIBLICATIONS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, English and American, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, WILL BE FOUND ASHMEAD & EVANS', 724 CHESTNUT STREET. del4-the m to th sa-itt4 rn "Has the heart of Woman ever sung its own Joy and bitterness more perfectly than In the 'SONGS or SU \ KS WM. CURTIS. THE CHOICEST OF HOLIDAY GIFTS This Season Will Be Jean Ingelow's SONGS OF SEVEN. ILLUSTRATED, This Justly celebrated and beautiful poem Ls descrip Live of Seven Periods in the Life of Woman, naineLY: EXULTATION__ TEARS, ........ ............. YEARS. LOVE.- TWENTY-ONE YEARS. MATERNITY TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS. WIDOWHOOD THIRTY-FIVE YEARS. GIVLNU IN MARRIAGE. FORTY‘TWO YEARS. LONGING'FOR HOME .FORTY-NINE YFA RS The rhythms vary with the chimes of the different ages, always hi tune with the joys and sorrows sung. The illustrations. from designsby the best artists in England and America, are exquisite specimens of art, and the printing Is In the best style of Welch, Bigelow & CO., of the University Press, Cambridge. "A likeness on steel, with the auto., , raph of the au thor, is also given. The face of bliss lngelow is one to attract, even In Its repose. There is no tine frenzy in it. Itis calm and gentle, and womanly—a little pen sive, if not sad. You feel, however, that it can be light ed up with Hashing emotion, quiver with sympathy, or glow with aspiration, as the moved soul bids It speak out. Its expression, as tired by the painter, Is that of serena,slightly abstracted medication."—Boston Transcript. In one small quarto volume superbly bound in Tur key Cloth, Gilt Sides and Edges, PRICE 00, Tur key Morocco, Elegant, PRICE .$s 00. Sold by all Booksellers, and mailed, post-paid, by he Publl‘hers, Roberts- ]Brother, del4-th 2t rp/ The most Appropriate and Elegant HOLIDAY GIFT. SONGS OF PRAISE AND Poems of Eloevotion, IN THE CHRISTIAN CENTURIES, WITH AN INTRODUCTION, • By Prof: Ooppee, Of the University of Pennsylvania ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED BY SIXTY STEEL ENGRAVINGS, Printed on the samepage with the letter-press, and bound in Turkey Morocco, richly gilt, by Rawson & Nicholson. PriCe 415, or in green muslin, beveled and gilt, price Vt. For saleby all Booksellers and by the Publishers, E. H. BUTLER & CO., deto-3t 137 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. NEW PrrBLICATIO,NS. MUSIC BOOKS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Beethoven's Sonatas. Printed from the latest German edition, in two volumes, with a Por trait. Price gls 00 Mozart's Sonatas, in one volume.. 750 Merallessohn's songs. without words- 4 00 SI s • 4 hand 5........ 6 00 Tbalbarg's L'Art du Chant 2 00 Bach's karty-eight Fugues; 2 vols. each ... . 400 complete in one vol 700 Chopin's Mazurkas and Waltzes, with portrait__ 5 00 The above are bound in cloth, aid with the excep tion of the last, printed from engraved plates on pa per of the same size and quality as sheet Music. Ora morepopular style, the iollowilig are the best collections of Music for the piano -forte published: HOME CIRCLE: Marches, Waltzes, Polkas, Schot tisches, Redowas. Quadrilles, Contra-Dances, Four- Rand Pieces and Piano Gems. 2 vols. GEMS OF GERMAN SONG: Beautiful Vocal Compo sitions of the best German Composers. Piano an cempaniments. SIIOWsR OF PEARLS: Vocal Duets with Piano ac companiments SILVER CHORD: Songs. Ballads, Quartettes, Duets, dee . with piano accompaniments. OPERATIC PEARLS: Vocal Beanties of the best Operas, with piano accompaniments. all sent, post paid. forsls, or singly at the following, prices: Plain, 50: cloth, ea; full gut, CHAS. W. A. TRUMPLEIR, . It 4p S. E. Oor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sta HOLIDAY BOOKS, Illustrated, Juvenile And Ni cellaneous 13(3 0 'KS Selling Off at Wholesale Prices, AT LINDSAY & BLAKISTON'S, 25 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. de2l-3t. rp JUVENILE BEADQUatiIt.R.V. DAVIS, PORTER & CO., 21 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, have on hand a large assortment of bc•autiful colored and plain JUVENILE and TOY BOOKs, suitable for Holiday Presents. among them we would mention Übilaren's Picture Gallery, containing :so Colored Pic. tures; The Laughter Book: Comical Pages fur Little Folk s: Litth Fist Steps, and a Large variety of 0010 RED TOY BOOKS, dezu-3i rp• Pilo 1 LIGP.A PEI ALBUM S. ctc...&c, 110LIDAY BOOKS. A Choice Assortment of GIFT Et 4 0 4 0.1R:5. int eniles for Boys and Girls, Poetical Books, Photograph Albums, Bibles, Prayer Books, and Ilynin Books In Endless Variety. OXFORD BIBLES, The most superb assortment in the City. Colored Toy Books In magnificent profusion. To all of which we inc - ite special attention. Will be sold at the lowest rates. JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to Wm. S. & A. Mullen, • 606 CHESTNUT STREET. ZW - CALt. or send and get the new HOLIDAY CATA LOGUE for free distribution. dego-21 rp Holiday Presents. HARDING'S EDITIONS 0F Family, Pulpit and Photograph BIBLES, Prayers, Hymns, Family and Pocket Bibles, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, New and beautiful styles. Rich Turkey Morocco, An tique Relief and Gold. W. W. 13A_FtlE)111 4 i4Gr, Manufacturer, No. 326 CHESTNUT STREET, rpf Below Fourth. south side. E '" A For HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Of EDITH'S DI INISTR Y, And WOODCLIFF. By Miss Harriet B. McKeever, ALSO, THE WOODCLIFF 1714111DREN. A new Jure nil.- volume, prettily illustrated and bound In fancy colored cloth. for presentation. SITNSHT'SE: or Rate Vinton. 1 vol. . _ BOSTON, IHE FLOUNCED ROBE and What it Oast. Miss McKeever's popularity as an authoress, and the elevated character of her writings have given to them s standard character equal to that of any female writer of the present day. HOLIDAY BOOKS. _ _ JOSEPITCS. An elegant edition in 4 cols. Demy octavo. AFRAJA: or Life and Love in Norway. A new and beantitni edition. All NEW. ILLUSTRATED sad JUVENILE BOOKS for the 11.011(lilFS. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers. No. 25 South Sixth street. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JOSEPH AUGUSTUS, deceased —The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Anna R. Augustus, Administrate" of the Estate of Jcseph Augustus, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the an. countant. will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment. on WEDNE DAY, January 3, 1866, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 206 South street, second floor. in the cat' of Philadelphia. WILLIAM B. HANNA. th sa to-st@ Auditor. - - TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE crry AND 1 COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of ANN WETHERlLL,.deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of Andrew D. Cash and Mary A. Wetherill, Executors of the last 7 Oland testament of Ann Wetherill, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, January llth, 186 s, at 3; 1 .." o'clock P. M. at his office, No. SW Race street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOS. A_BRAMS, de2l-th,s,tu-St s Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— MARY MOORE, by her next friend, vs. DAVID .„Y. MOORE. To David Y. lltoore, Respondent—Sir: The Court has granted a rule to show cause why a divorco in the above case should not be decreed, returnable SATURDAY, December 23. 1863, at 10 o'clock, A. M.; personal serv'ce having failed, on account of your absence from the county. A. V. PARsONS; del2-tu,5,40:1 Attorner for Libelant. JORDAN'S KIELEBRATED TONIC ALE.—The truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invalids and others—has, established a character for quality of material and purity of ananu4 facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended. by physicians of this and other places. as a superior tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had, wholesale and; etall, of P. I. JORDAN, 220 Pear. street. SUITABLE FOR PIANO-FORUC 3M131C BY THE BEST COMPOSERS FANCY GOODS. Christmas Presents. Ladles' Walking Hata, "The Derby." Ladies' Skating Hats. Ladles' For Trimmed Hoods. Moab and Tippets for Misses. Children's Scotch Caps. Ladles' Silk Umbrellas. Gents' Fur Collars and Gloves, TO BB HAD OF THEO. H. M'CALLA, At His Old Established Stand, €i4o4 Chestnut street. de4 lm ?pi RICH FANCY GOODS JUST OPENED AT BENNETT'S F I A.N CI( 13 A_Z A.A.EL AND DEPOT FOR PARIS NOVELTIES S PIE CIA.IL7PLE S No. 20 North Eighth Street, WEST SIDE, HOLIDAY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Toys. lD A. JR E 5 S 9 1406 Chestnut Street. del2 16t .• HOLIDAY GIFTS. Dressing Cases, Card Receivers, FANCY LEATHER GOODS, CUTLERY. MIRRORS. Rich Work Boxes, Bronze Ink Stands. SNOWDEN as BRO., IMPORTERS, 23 South Eighth Street. 1108-=1 11) CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. French and English Silk Umbrellas. For Presents. For Sale by WILLIAM A. DROWN, & CO., 246 Market Street. del9-6tl Spring Beds, Mattresses, Comforters and Bedding. 1. G. Fuller, No. 9 South SEVENTH Street OOL CHESTS.— A full assortment, suitable for presents to YOUTHS OR MEN, filled with best tools, at VANCE & LA_NDra's, 211 Market street. .del6 -t,rp* SILVER MINING. mL.Am 3EX. r rF4N - SION" SILVER MINING COMPANY OF NEVADA. Subscription Price, $lO Per Share, FuHaid. Pamphlets giving full particulars of the great la dueepnents offered by this enterprise to be had at the Office of the Company, 55 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Where Subscriptions are received. SAMPLES OF ORE FROM THE MINE OAR BB SEEN AT TEE OFFICE. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS.; Excursion Tickets wiLl be tamed'at Reduced Raze& between-all Stations on, Biala Rowl_and Braticlei. Good from SA.TGRD.A.'f, 23d Wet.; until IirRODTES-.. DILY, January ad. 1866'. r st. A. racem, eleal Supt.' ABOVE MARKET. del-lm rp
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