CIOSE OF THE BALTIMORE PAIR. Says the Baltimore BIM of the 2d: Saturday a.f ternoon and Saturday night the Maryland Insti tute was literally crowdedwith lathes and gentle men, all eagerto have a, last sight of the Fair. The ladies at the various' tables, and those in charge of "Tile New England Kitchen" 'appeared to be in high glee at the wonderful rapidity with which they were accumulating greenbacks. At seven o' clock in the evening the sales, by auc tion, of the various articles left unsold on the tables, commenced. Messrs. Soper, Cannon, Andreon, Thomas and Bennet, regular auc tioneers, together with a number of .ams.- teur auctioneers, were busily engaged in va -1101.18 parts of the ball, disposing of the articles, and the:cries of “going, gone," and the spirited bidding by the audience, all combined to make tile time pass, pleasantly away. A large amount of ar ticles were disposed of, but there still remains a number on hand unsold, which will be disposed of according to futuremotice, lobe given by the coin =Wee of arrangements. The amount of money realized by the Fair cannot be ascertained for seve ral days. - Speeches by Governor Bradford. and several other gentlemen, and the "Star Spangled toßanner" by . the band, were the closing - features of first Christian and Sanitary Fair held in Balti • more. The NeW Assembly Rooms were crowded.' on Saturday night, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, and the audience, by their loud applause, expressed much delight in their admi ration of the beautiful living pictures which were presented for the last time. In addition to the programme two tableaux were given by special requett. Every costume and scene was of the most faithful and appropriate character. These pleasing entertainments have been attended with great success, and will contribn:e largely. to the proceeds of tke Fair. ABRAHAM . LINCOLN—WHAT THE REBELS THINK OF HIS BE-ELECTION. [Prom the Chattimo oge. Daily Gazette Mu. Enrron: A few days ago I fell in company with a prominent rebel citizen of Chattanooga county, Ga. The conversation turned upon the probabilities of Lincoln's re-election to the Presidency of the United States; whereupon he remarked with con siderable warmth: “If Lincoln is re-elected we may just as well give up the game, for we can in that States wou'd be able to control the country. OUR ALL IS STARED trrow THE ISSUE; for it is an absolute impossibility for us to hold out another four years. Gad grant that our fears be not realized. For my own part, I would sooner see the sun plucked from his orbit than to see old Abe re-elected. If we heore to re turn to the hated Union, I would_rather submit to anyiother man than Lincoln." Thus it appears that the rebs are awaiting the "issue" with - a faint hope that the good people of the United States will be foolish enough to elect a Copperhead to the Presidency. FUNDS AND SHADES B. J. WILLIAMS N. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTITIVER OF VENETIAN BLINDS ANA WINDOW SHADES. lair The Largest and Finest assortment in that:FM at the Lowest Prices. liErEepairing promptly attended tO. arStore Shades Lettered._, asle FOB MAUL AND TO LET. ma FOR. SALE—One of those fine cottages, N o . UR 2303 Green street; large front and back yard; ten rooms, including bath in good order. Imme diate possession given. my3-3t* dis FOE SALE—A handsome stone dwelling, 118 - 1. West:Philadelphia, SPRUCE street, above Forty-fourth. Possession immediately. Apply at 2033 WALNUT street. my3.6t* dal FOR SA L E—A very superior Saddle Ina HORSE; will work also In single or double harness. Apply at No. 17 South SIXTH Street, Second floor. it* McFOR SALE. —A delightful Country RESI BENCE and valnableand productive FAR of over 51 dues, on the Delaware River, one mile below Beverly and half mile above Delanco. Large Mansion, Farm-house, and all necessary outbuildings. The Mansion is surrounded by a handsome lawn, handsomely shaded with ornamental trees and shrubbery. River front of about a mile, with beach of tine gravel, fine bathing, boating, fishing and shooting facilities. Convenient to Churches, Schools, &c. The Farm is eiceedingly productive, and is thoronghly stocked with choice fruit and excel lent water. - Mansion heated by a furnace, hot and cold water and all other conveniences. A Portico on three sides of the House. CHAS. H. MUIRHEID, No. 9.05 South Sixth street. Rp27.lotrPs erg - EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SAL E. El Estate of POWELL STACKHOUSF,, dee' d. —THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers.— Valuable Business Location. 11 BRICK DWELLINGS, FRONT street between RACE and VINE streets, 61 feet front, 1323 y feet in depth. On TUESDAY, May 17th, 186 i, at 12 o' clock, Noon, will be sold at pubiic sale, without reserve, ' for account of former purchaser, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, ad that large and salnable_ lot of ground, with the 11 BRICK MESSUAGES thereon erected, situate on the west side of Front sheet, between Racerand Vine streets; containing in front on Front street 61 feet, (in-:hiding the half part of a 3 feet wide alley ; ) thence extending westward of that width on the south line thereof 132 feet 6 inches, and' on the north line about 133 feet. A small portion of the premises subject to a yearly ground rent of 22-100. AM-WM be sold clear of all incumbrance, except the small ground rent. KG' SALE ABSOLUTE. Half the purchase money may remain on mortgage, The property is now rented for $1325. M. TI:1015IAS & SONS, Auctioneers, my% 9,16 ;139 and 141 South Fourth streets WANT 'WADITED—A white man as COACIIMAN, to keep Garden and Grounds in order. Small place in West Philadelphia. Reference re quired. Apply at 206 CHESTNUT street, be' , weep L a and 1 o' clock. m 3, tu,_th,a-3t* lea WANTED. —A Furnished HOUSE,or part Win of a House, for two ladies (no children) near 43ermantown or Chestnut Bill. Apply to 1001 WALNUT street. my 3 -tu, w tcf. 3t* :0114, ' l•4 WRIGHT & SIDDE4L • No. 119 Market Street. Between. Front and Second streets. E. w. WRIGHT. P. H. EVIDDATA. DRUGGLSTS2 PHYSICIANS, JUND __, - GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can find at our establishment a full sortment of Imported and Domestic Drags, popular Patent Medicines, Paints, Coal Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vials, ate., at es low prices as genuine first class goods can be sold. .FINE E SSENTIAL OILS tor Confectioners, in full variety, and of the best quality, Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot. ash, Cndboar, Soda Asa, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, Annatto, Copperas, Extract of Logwood,Ztc., FOR DYERS' use, aiways an hand, at lowest net cash prices. PURE SPICES FOR FAMILY USE, Ground expressly for our sales, and to which we invite attention of those in want -of reliable articles. . HYDI4O, STARCH, MUSTARD, cec. j extra quality,' 'Orders by mail, or city put, Will me': with prompt;Mention, or special quota it:cotton:l bo furnished when requestea. WRIGHT is iii'DDALE, Wholesale Drag Warehouse, I.lyrpj Wo. 1191ffarket . t aboyo Pros. t bit GOLD AND SILT WATCHES, 011 onr own importation, reliable in qoality mast low prices. FARR. lo BROTHER, Imporiers, 244 anatant street tealmer Voartili RUPE tr. on • STECK' S PIANO, For sale, 25 per cent. lees than elsewhere. A. SCIWERZRE, tah34roxpi 424 N. 'Fourth. ab- 00.1U3EOT ~141.110 20.01.110„ Ydr. O. E. SARGENT'S orders to' _ Tuning and Repairing Pianos aro rz. ca ve d at mason it Co.'s Store, Ne ORISSTNII, street, porti. mr, - mrgetutt has had Moven 'roars factory experience in Bmton, and rive Ysare amploymentin Philadelphia. SPEOl6l47lanot re-katasred to sound as soft and avhst-tazad ps nsw, without resiceimr. Terms Ifyr txmlnr. ST ZLLOW biZETAL SHEATHING. —MOON. Y er Brothers dc Co.'s Taunton. Yellow Metal Something, Bolts, Wails and Spikes of all sizes, in Erne and for sale by WILLI= 8.• GRANT, 39 pith Delaware avenge. AMERIO4N AOAD OF lIIISIO. G.R.AND /1117..510AL FESTIVAL ISTAI7GHBATING THB GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. * the Committee having charge of the Musical entertainments of the Great Central Fair have the honor to announce that they will commence in the - ACADEMY OF 'MUSIC, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 4TH OF MAY, A GRAND MUSIOAL FESTIVAL The entertainments of the FESTIVAL will con sist of .Operas in the English language, Oratorios and Miseellaneons Vocal end instr ameMal Con certs. For the produetion of the Operas and other works, the Commictee have made a contract with Mr. L. F. Harrison (now of New York, and for merly of this city), Manager of the American Opera Company. The artists and auxiliaries en gaged by Mr. Harrison, far exceed in number and aggregate merit any force,ever employed upon the Lyrical stage of this continent. The following are the names—the principal vocalists of the list S,aving performed of late With great success in New York _ Musical Director—Mr. Theodore Thomas;. of New York. .Conductors-of Oratorios—Dr. Leo pold Meignen and Carl Bentz, of Philadelphia. Leaders in Miscellaneous Concerts—Dr. W. P. Cur viington and. Messrs. C. C. Koppi a tz and Chu. es Dodworth, of Philadelphia. Leader of : y Band—Mr. Adolph Birgfeld, of Philadel phia: Pianist—Mr. J. 'N. Pattison, of New York. r Organist—Mr. Arthur H. Messiter, of Philadelphia. Harpist—Mr. Alfred F. Tonlman, of New York. Operatio Stage Manager—Mr. B. A. Baker, of New York. Operatic Prompter— Mr. Leopold Engelke, of Philadelphia. First Soprano—Mrs. Comte Borchard. First Contralto —Mrs. Jenny Kempton. Second Contralto—Miss Louisa Myers. First Tenor—Mr..William Castle. Second Tenor—Mr. Walter Birch. First'Bur.ytone —Mr. S. C. Campbell. Second Barytone—Mr. Wm. Skaats. Bass—Mr. Edward Seguin. The Opera Chorus consists of one hundred se lected singers, with a corps of accomplished ama teur volunteers. The orchestra and military band are composed of ninety-fire of the most distinguished instru mentalists of Philadelphia and New York. In the dramatic department of the operas are a Corps-de Ballet and other assistants, numbering one hundred and fifty. The Operas ready for representation are: THE BOHEMIAN GIRL, by N. W. Muni. BIARITANA, by W. V. WALL/xis. NOTRE DAME OF PARIS by W. H. FAT The first Oratorio, THE CREATION, by HAYDN. A subscription sheet - for SIX OPERA NIGHTS —the performances to be on Mondays, Wednes days and 'Fridays of two weeks—is now 'open at the Academy. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE SERIES OF SIX OPERAS, EIGHT DOLT-A RS, which will secure a reserved seat is the Parquet, Parquet Circle and Balcony. SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SERIES, WITH RESERVED SEATS IN FAMILY. CIRCLE, FOUR DOLLARS AND A HALF. THE SALE OF TICKETS FOR SINGLE PERFORMANCES WILL COMMENCE ON TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 3d. Tickets for the lint oratorio, on THURSDAY, the Sal of May, at one dollar, with twenty-five cents for reeerved seats, will be for sale on Monday the 2d of May. Doors will open at 7o' clock. Operas, Oratorios and Concerts will commence at S o' clack punctu lly. ON WELNESDAY 'EVENING, the 4th of MAY, 'WILL BE P.RESILIITED A GRAND OPERA IN, FOUR ACTS, BY WILLIAM HENRY FRY, ENTITLED NOTRE DAME OF PARIS en/macre= IN THE OTEHA. Emeralda (Soprano), Mad. Comte Borchard Gudnle (Contralto), Mrs. Jenny ReolPtom Le Chateaupers (Tenor), Mr. Wm. Castle. Dom Frollo (Barylone),Mr. S. U. Campbell. QuasimOdo (Bass), Mr. Edward Seguin. Florian _ (Barytone), Mr. Wm. Skaate. Chorus of Nobles, Soldiers, People of Paris and its vicinity. Other persons in the dramatic specta cle—the King and his Court, Margaret of Flanders and Flemish Ambassadors, Ecclesiastics, Gipsies, Mountebanks and others, represented by auxilia ries and a large Corps de Ballet. SCENERY, lc c. ACT FlPBT.—The.square in front at the Cathe dral of Noire Damp: Which forms the rear of the scene, screened in the 'upper portion by a trium phal floral *arch. The Cathedral accurately painted, in proportions and details, from an im perial photograph, by Mr. Hawthorne, assisted by Mesas. liehrwieder. The mansion on the left of the etage, designed and painted by Alt% Richard Smith. The Flora Arch by Mr. Otto Rehrwieder. The .bannera by Messrs. - William and Charles Kehrwieder. Act SECOND.—lnterior of the Belfry of Notre Dame, painted by Mr. George }lenge. Aox TitinD.--Ezmaralds' s Cottage on the bank of the Seine. ACT Foul TlL.—The Subternmean Prison of the Palace of Justice, painted by Mr. Grain. Perspective view of Notre Dame and part of Paris, by Russell Smith. • ap30.2,t OPERA. SINGLE ADMISSIONS. Tickets for single admission to the Opera, with reserved seat, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. To be had TO-DAY at the Box Orrtest of the 14 tadsmy and at Mr J.E. GOrLD s Must° Store, Seventh and Chestnut. ORATORIO . SPECIAL NOTICE. ' In compliance with the request of many of the leading patrons of religious music, the price of admission to the Oratorios has been reduced to FIFTY CENTS to all parts of the house except the Amphitheatre, where it will be 25 cents. •to • • : • - •, •• AR° k • - THEATRE, AROH street, above Sixth. THE LAST OF ROSEDALE. LAST FOUR NIGHTS OF Mrs. JOHN DREW Last Four Nights Positively of ROSEDALE. Already witnessed by over 45, COO Persons. TUESDAY —Last night but three, ROSEDALE WEDNESD AY—Last night but two, ROSEDALE THURSDAY—Last night but one, ROSEDALE FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF Mrs. JOHN DREW LAST NIGHT OF ROSEDALE. SATURDAY—Benefit of Mr. GRIFFITHS. MONDAY—FRANK DREW. Prices as usual. Doors open at 71,‘ o'clock. Cur tain rises at 7% 0' Clock. rl ROVER'S CHESTNUT ST. T.ELEATRE.— UfLEONAIin GROVER Manager (Also of Grover's Theatre, Washington, D. V. ) THIS (Tuesday) EVENING-, May 3d, ,Second appearance or MR. J. K. mouiNER, "Endorsed. by the New York press u the first 'Wit Comedian of the English Stage. Reappearance of 311ISS EFFIE GERAION, The accomplished Comedienne. Second Night of the New and Original Buries tine ExtraTaganza, DIISS LILY 0' CONNER, TRE -• BURLESQUE - COLLEEN SAWN. With new Scener, and Costumes and a Cast of moat powerful strength. ---- Previous to vhich will be produced for the second time in this city, the great success of the New York Olympic, the new comedy, entitled , THE BULL IN B. OHIN.A. SHOP. K I ki'.l) Engaged and will shortly appear, MISS JENNIE PARRER, • The talented and beantihal leadingjnyentle actress Dress Circle and Parquet. 50 cents Family Circle 25 cents Orcheslra Chairs 75 cents Five of the front benches only are reserved as Orchestra Seats. No extra charge for securing seats. nalS.lMemit PARELAN/8 OR.OHESTELI..—PabIie Rehear sals *eery Saturday at 33( 0' clock,. P. NI„ at the KIISIVELIA FUND '0 A T.r. Slagle tickets, 2S Cants; fludri's p, nal Oheatnut ackages of six tic streetkets, Sl. To be Wald, ; E. (Weld, lieeentla and Chestnut. and at the hairdo.) cog IgE,DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1864:- AKUSWOVS. , PRICES OF ADMISSION SMUBE`dENTB. R": 1 1 '• • '• US: CHELIgGE. Choice Seats to all places of amusement maybe. had tip to .6% otclock any evening. mb17:131 HILADLLPHIA NATATORIUM and BHT -1),SIOAL" INSTITUTE. _, NO. 219 SOUTH BROAD STREET. In order lo complete all preparations for the summer season, Dr. JANSEN regrets being cota y elled to delay the opening of the Swimming School till W.EDNI SLAY. May 4, on which day he invites his friends and the patrons of the estab lishment to a general inspection from 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. The Swimming Department has been again much improved, and in its May. dress will be worth teeing. ON THURSDAY, MAY sth, The Institution will be open; again for regular business in both departments. For particubirs, see circulars. iny3.2t§ SS EVANS, - _al Ihe distingaished Welch Ors.tress, in CON CERT HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, March. 6, ac 7. Tint els, 25 centss for sale at the Music Stores and at the door. WALNUT S'S BELT_HEATRE. A NEW SENSATION—Second week of the un paralleled ancceBsful engagement of Kr. and him W. J. FLORENOE. PRODUCTION OF _ A NEW LEGENDARY IRISH DRAM A.. On TUESDAY, May 3 - , will be presented a new and thrilling drama, written expressly for Mr. Florence, entitled KATHLEEN lIIA.YOURNEEN Or, St. Patrick's 'Eve Terrence 0' Moore, a S onng peasant, Mr. Florence. tkil Prot Previous to the drama, the prot 9.n play of THRICE MARRIED, in wbic k i Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Florence appear in six .c ra ters, intro ducing Bongs and Dances. 4Y - BITILDIN4+s. corner TENTH. and 011ESTNUT. WOOLhOF'FE'S ORIGINAL EGREMI AN TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, With their celebrated Glass Steam Engine, - ilBONITOR;" Will open as abofe on W.LENESDAY EVENING, May 4, 1811, And exhibit every evening durlnz the week. Admission, 25 cents: No half-price. Matinee. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Admission Saturday a.iternoon, 15 cents. my3.2t GREENFIEV.D. TtiE 13 L. &OK , Cr a.?l, Itt singe next TUESDAY NIGHT, at the San- Loin street Hail. That is a treat.* INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.—Exiil. BITION every WEDNESDAY at 33 P. AL Admission ICc. Store. No. H ..EIGHTH st. NOW OELN—The Forty-tilt Annual Extubi (lon of Paintings and Sculpture at the PENNSYLVANIA ACIA.DEIWY OF THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT street, above Tenth. Open from TA. X. till; P. DI , and from 8 till loin the ev— mg. ap:26-tja24 SRS. CROSS Will gi ,I T ARVIS e a MATINEE OF CLASSICAL . MUSIC, • At me FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ON FRIDAY, May GUI, at 9 o'clock, F. M.l In place of their Fourth and Last Soiree. The Foyer is engaged every eve Ling for enter tainments pertaining to the Sanitary Fair.• mytl-tf ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. "THE FAMILY RESORT." OARNOROSS AND DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Burlesques. Plantation Scenes, &c., &c., by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, ..."4 cents. Doors open at 70' clock. fen: arm; J. L. OARNCROSS, HusiIIPSS Manager. Lyon's liathairon. Inthairon is Vora the Greek word .ICath , ro." or ..Eatliarro," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore. This article is what its name signi fies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hnir it is the most remarkable prepara tion in the world. It is again owned and put rip by the originsd proprietor, and is now mace with the same care, skill and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful hair dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich. loft and glossy. It prevents the hear from Plith , g off wad turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful bead of hair should MO Lyon' s Katttalrom. jt is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by an respectable dealers. , DEXAS S. BARNES & CO.. New York. HAGAN'S MAGNOLiA BALM. This is the most eelightfnl and extraordinary sr. title ever discovered. It changes the sun Ournt face slid hande to a pearly =tin texture of ra.• sighing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distangus appearance so inviting is the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Pa tronized by Actreeses and Opera , Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere Prepared by W. E. HAGAN. Troy, N.Y. Address all orders to . • Demos S. Borneo & Co., New York, HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative.. .NOT A DYE But restores gray hair to its original color, by sup plying the capillary tubes with natural suste nance, impaired by site or disease. All instanta neous dyes are composed of Pinar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of r the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. aelmstreet' s Inimitable Calming not only' restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the, hair a Luxuriant Beauty, promotes its growth, prevents its fatting or,eradt. elates dandruff,' and imparts health and pleasant. ness lathe head. It has stood the testof time, being the orginni &air Coloring, and is constantly in creasing im• favor. theil by bath gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers. or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, I). S. BARNES & CO. ' 20'2 Broadway, New York. Two sizes, 50 cents and 91. Mexican Mustang Liniment. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati who have been Counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment under pretence of proprietorshiP, have been tho roughly estopped by the Courts. To guard saltine further imposition, I have procured from the 11. S Treasury, a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears 'the fee simile of my ignatnre, and without which the article is a Counterfeit, dan gerous and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and grow ing in favor for many years. There hardly exists t.l-ntelet on tne habitable Globti that does not con- MY , evidence ..of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present tin. proved mgredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made use full, and untold ills assuaged. For cuts, bruises, sprains, rheummiSrn,gs, bites ' oats, caked breasts, strained horses, c, it is a Sovereign Re medy that should never bedispensed with. It Should be in every family. Sold by ail Druggists. fehi-tuth s dint, D. S. B &ENE'S. New York. The Sunbeam Storiev, Contairung the charming, bright Stories 01 TRAP TO OATOII A SUNDEADI, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCli ONLY, OLD SOLLIEFE, MERRY OxuxiSTNAB; DREAM CHINTZ, STAR IN THE DESERT, am Sii beautiful volumes, Illustrated, 82 50. W. P. HAZANZ 10214 iyl 31 SouTH streost. PAPER _HANGINGS. JAMES C. FINN, FORISIEBLY OF THE FIB. OF BOWEL do BROTHBRS. Wall Paper Decorations. BROW BOOM% 6 1 . 2 4 C I BLESTNUT STREET, CITIZENS" Fire Insurance Company, No. 67 WALT 4 STREET, New York INCORPORATED 1836. JAMES M. NeLEAN I EDWARD A WALTON, enr se eriltary. DIRECTORS. Hemp Stokes, Augustus Schell, - - Jacob Miller, IJas. IVI. Waterbury, ID. Henry Haight, Abram Butipia, James M. McLean, Daniel Burnett, Bobert Barkley, Edward Schell, John S. Harris, Jr s. 0. Baldwin, W. J. Valentine, Capital and Surplus, $527,289 91. The following statement of the condition of this Cpmpany is published in accordancewith the law's of Pennsylvq r in. : " . The Capita Stook of the 4:3 mpriny . is..S3oo,oos 00 Number of shares subsci.bed f0r........ 15, CCO shs {count of installments' paid in cash on " stock Assets. Value of Real Estate held by the Coney 17,661 70 Amount of cash on hand 3,611 89 Amount of cash depcsited in Citizens' Bank ' 20,206 83' Do do dividend 7 per et. 300 00 Amount of loans secured by bonds and mortgages,being the first liens on Real. Estate 165,200 00 Stocks owned by the. Company, viz_: 880 shares Broadway Bank Stock, mar ket value 35,000 00 600 shares Citizens' Bank Stock, market value 16,5'00 00 Amount of stocks held by the Company 'as collateral security for loans, viz: Par value '16271,310 00 ' 'Market value 307,41712 Amount loaned on same 213,710 00. Amount of interest due and unpaid.... 82 73 Accrued but not due . ..... 3,300 00 Premiums due and unpaid 9,163 70 Liabilities. Amount of losses reported tuttl not acted upon Dividends due rind unpaid Amount of losses paid which occurred during the year 79 Ainountof losses paid which occurred prior to the year 677 E 3 Amountof dividends declared during the year 41,250 GO Amount of dividends yid during the year 41,545 00 Amount of cash premiums received.... 125 E 667 A amount of interest received .24,195 21 Amount paid for reinsurance ' 767 18, ; Amount paid for return premiums...-.,. 4,909 Li Expenses paid dimly: the y, ear, inciud itg commissions and saltine. 23,659 97 Truces paid during the yesr :,180 76 41.1 other expenditures 5,126 SG H. E. ROOD, AGENT AND ATTORNEY, - No 411 WALNUT St, Philadelphia. rtitiril3AK - 1. - 3ft.-101 • rElastic Stitch Sewing Machines, No. 730 Chestnut Street. CLOTHING. SPRING OF 1864. EXTENEIV E CLONING HOUSE, Nos. 303 & 305 Chestnut street, PHIL .SDLLPITIA V..: The fug:Jiffies of this house for doing ,s, ... 4... 4=l bnnine - q are cnch that they can coati c:l ICZ dently claim for it the leading position among the Tailoring Establishments of c i aits Philadelphia. They, therefore, invite tit the attention of gentlemen of taste to C) . their superb stock of-READY-MADE CIZ CLOTHING, cut by the best artiste, a " trimmed and made equal to Castomer tz• ::21 Work—AND AT Popular Prices. 14 They have also lately added a GUS- r, c , TOM DEPARTMENT where the latest. Va 4 C- ) novelties may be found embracing ;;''' some fresh from London and Paris. !PERRY & CO., 808 and 806 Chestnut st. Custom Depaltment, 303 Chestnut St. ra1126-tf rp§ WiiEELER &WILsON's HIGHES ' T.PREMTIMI THE CHEAPEST; SIMPLEST, AND BEST; Salesrooms, 701 Chestaut.Street, above 7th. ' GERMANTOWN • PHARMACY: , CHARLES L. EBERLE, PHARMACEUTICAL CIHEXIST AND DEAL ER IN SPEOIALTIES %Mt THEODORE E 4 APPLE, GAUGER AND COOPER. Boa. 102 and TOL GATZALBE !STREET, (Between Front and Fedora and Walnut Chestnut Streetss PHILADELPIIM Imitation Brandy oaks always on band. Casks,. Barrels and Kegs, always or. hand', mad to order rell-7y GOLD MINING COMPANY, BLACK HAWK POINT, NB/UL CB3- TEAL CITY, GILPIN CO. COLORADO TERRITORY. INCORPORATED RY THE STATE OF PENN - " SYLVANIA, 186.-1.• Capital, 51.,000.000. 100,000 Shares---$lO per Shale; Subscflption $i per Share to Original Subscribers. T?e= Books for Subscription to the Stock of this f Consphy are now oven at the office of the under signed, and an apportunity is offered to the public to subscribe for a limited number of Shares. soo,coo 00 The property is in the richest developed part of the Gold Regions of Colorado, and consists of right hifee on the following DEVELOPED LorrEs: FISK. GUNSELL, BUGGER, CIe_LHOUN, GREGORY and Sammie. These Lodes are knovirn to be rich in (3 old Quartz, and are now ready for - machinery, which will be placed at the earliest possible date— and of the most improved kind—sinder tne charge of a competent Superintendent, aided by the ser vices of J9RIT ARMOR, Esq whose interest is identified Ntith the Company, and who is well known in Nevi York Philadelphia, and through out the West,' as a man of high character and ability, and a resident of Colorado. . I ALSO/ claims on the following Undeveloped Lodes : Portland; Novembago, Gilead, Vermont, Hoosier, Homiletic, Keystone. Kettle-Drum and Warsaw ; these aTe all valuable locations. Be. ference is made to Reports, that can be found in our Office, of General Fitz John Porter, and. Pro- fessor B. N. Rent, New York Assay Office, who were sent t 3 Colorado to examine and report upon this property, and also letters from Dr ludd, the firm of Lee, Judd& Lee, and Others, $537,089 91 89,500 00 :306 00 The Company have also a valuable Mill Site, with an abundance of water. They reserve the sum of $1.17,040 for Working Capital, which is an ample fund for the most approved machinery, and the best character of superintet deuce and labor. The prospects of profit in Gold, based upon the calculation of intelligent citizens of Colorado, is set forth in the prospectus at our Office, where the Public are invited to Fall and examine the evi deLces °lilts value. 59,5C0 00 WITHERS & PETERSON NO. 39 SOUTH THIRD STREET Tbe Company is organized as follows` DAVID STUART, President, ETATI 3i - Orril , , Philad. W. P. Hacker, Philad.. A W. Adolph, • t lohn G. Walks, «, Richard Peterson, .. Lewis O. Cassidy, .. Vim. R. Rustell, N.Y.. John Armor, , Central 1 City, Colorado. COUNSEL—PIatt, Gerard & Thiel.ley, N.York; Wanely & Reed. Central City, Colorado. • SEC RETA PX A D Tist-tstrEmn, ap2.5-malsa tnth ARCH STRFET • CARPET WAREHOUSE The subscriber has just received a well-selectall staa of • ENGLISH AND AMERICAN • OARPETINGS, FOR SPRANG TRADE. JOE. BLACKWOOD, mhlS-°m 82'. ARCH Street, below Ninth. C 11.) o,> 1.4 as SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE 10-40 - LOAN Received by the SECOND NAItIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, AT FRANKFORD This Bank has been designated by the SEORB TARY OF TRH TREASURY sa a DEPOSITORY OF THE PUBLIC MONEYS, ' AND A FINANCIAL AGENT Or THIS UEITRD STATES, - And 'authorized to receive subscriptions to the NEW UNITED STATES LOAN, ben.: ing Interest at the rate of FIVE PER GENI I. : . per annum IN COIN. Bonds from 5.50 to SAO, 000. Interest to commence either with the date of the bonds. March ist, isa, or at the date of subsciip lion, at the option Of the subscribers. WILLIAM -H. RHAWN, S. W. corner Market sad Oak street. apls-Imo CASHIER. 10-40 LOAN. THIRD NATIONAL BANK . OF PHILADELPHIA., Having been designated a Depository of Public Moneys and Fiscal Agent of the United States, will receive subscriptions to the new Government 10-40 LOAN Issued under the Act of Congress approved March ad, tSti4. Redeemable atter ten years at the option of the Government. Payable in forty years in C.)l/%1, BEARING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. COIN:IN Registered and Coupon Bonds of different deno minations. Interest commencing from date of sub scription, or from the first o! March last. ap2 i• lra4 DAVIB B. PAUL, President. WE BEB.E WITH call attention to our megnilicent assortment' of sane : rior PIANOS, - which. we .always have on hAnd, and offer them at vet y reasonable prices to purobaeers. Best of references and 81/Lli 611A11.6.2iTEE invariably given by _ THE UNION PIANO DIANUE" a. CO., ap•2o • 10.7 Walnut SWeiat. PENNAYLVANIA BANKERS, DIRECT OS-S WM. P. HACKS, FRACTIONAL PARTS OF ! SHARES, Pennsylvania Rai i froad Stock, BOUGHT AN) SOLD.. p'.- .. .- . 1T . A.v1;x1 . .&13-4.0.;-, No. 20 SOUTH. THIRD ST. my2-10q, A 1, 4 \-IF tl BA.NKERS. Exchange on Englaud, -Frana Germany, 7 840---5-20 Loan . and Coupons. CERrivICATES. listbEßTF.DNalit, fatrARII2 I IIIER'S CHECKS AND VOUCHER American and Foreign : Gold s STOCKS AND 'LOANS, BOITGIIT AND SOLD *Orders by Mall atteadegi to. dt-itt 5-20 COUPONS DUB ifaT 13011IGIIT. ORDERS BY &LAIL OR Exrszsa ATTENDED TO. aP I4 - I n4 DregXEL & 00; - NEW LOAM • • • U. S.lO-40' . . JAY COOKE eir Ca Offer for Sale the NEW GOVERNMENT ,LOAN, BEAMING F 3. Vt.. PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payaL..l FORTY YEARS atter date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-20's. The interest on Sso's and. 51W 's payable yearly; on all other denominations, hall yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1, LEGA. The half-yearly interest fq fling due Septem ber Ist and March Ist of each: year; until Ist Sep-: tember, the accrued interest •ont Ist of Mardi is required to be paid by purchasers in cots or m LZGAI. CURRENCY, adding fitly per cent. for pre mium until ftuther nbtice. ALL OT Ell GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD.. - JAY COOKE & CO.. cab29-tt,rP§ 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. t‘f , 4 4) , No. le SOUTH TWERD spy BANKERS& BROKERS, Z SPECJE, BTOCKE, Quartermasters' Vouchers ad - Chicke; AND ALL GOVERNICEBT SEOURITM BOUGHT AND SOLD. EIRT NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF TICE UNITED STATES: 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been anthorized and is now pre pared to receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERMENT LOAN, This Loan, issued under authority of an act of Congress approved. lida:rch ft, 1861, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollar (8-2oo,000,000) United States bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, nr coin, dated .March 1, 1801, bearing interesta the rate of ' 5 PER CENT. per annum IN COIN, payable semi-sannally on a bonds over sum and on Bonds of SlOO and less, annually. Subscribers will receive; either llegistered Or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. • - RuclisTitrutu Bonne will be isqued of the denomi nations of fifty dollars, ($5O ff one hundred dollons, ($100,) five hundred dollars,•(ssoo,) one thousand dollars, ($1,000,) five thousand dollars, ($5,000,) and ten thousand dollars,i ($lO, 000). couro, BONDS of the denominations of fifty dollars, ($50,1 one hundred dollars, ($lOO, )itive hundred dollars, (85000 and one thousand dollars, ($1,000.) INTERnS T win commence from date of subscription, or tha accrued interest from the ifirst of March caul* paid in coin, or, until furiher notice, in U. S. notes or notes of National Ranks, adding (SO) fitti per cent. to the amount for p i remium. COUPON BONDS NOW. READY FOR DE LIVERY. -1 C. IH. CLARK, PE:f.ESIDENT.
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