[For the Foliodelphis Evening Bulletin.l TO-THE GREAT GEN'TRAL FAIR: . One Day's ContriOution H. D. TOIOUff . . r Just one day's contribution, One day of hand and brain, To cheer a living hero's heart, Or soothe some dying pain. /t seems a simple offering, An inali -tat mite, Bntreproduced a thousand times, It swells upon the sight, Till, like coumin,led waters, wide, Blade up of rain and de W, - We see amid the ocean's depth • The drops from which it grew. One One day to our defenders brave, Gone forth to fall, or die, Or lift our Starry .Banner up, - Victorious to the sky. One day to cheer their onward marsh, One day,to make them feel A. Nation' s heart behind their own Is beating true as steel. One day-who would not give it, Its product or its gain, To waft our boys such blessed aid - Upon the battle_plain - Who ould not give a hundred days To lay secession lovv, And help our brothers deal its cause 'She anal, crashing blow 1 Then bid the iron muscles move, Leap forth in wondrous play, And with the mind competing, toil Thro' one brief fleeting day. One passing day to Freedom's sons, Their country, children, wives, Whilst others to secure us these, . rilost freely give their lives ! • see thi3 pride of manhood leap, The patriotic fly, Till loyalty from freemen's hearts Like incense-seeks the sky ; And one day' s,contribution, From every hand and heart, Will leave a blessing e verywhere That never can depart. `•Pottsville, April 9, 1891. • PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL CONFER ENCE OF THE N. E. CHURCH. - FIRST DAY-AFTERNOON SESSION' The body reassembled at 3 0' clock. Religions exercises, consisting of reading the * third chapter of Pant's first epistle to the Corin thians, singing the hymn beginning "Let Zion's watchmen all awake," and prayers, were conducted by the Rev. J. Lana ham. of -Baltimore. Bev. Bishop Janes in the chair. The roll was ^alled by the Secretary. The Conference then proceeded to fill the stand. lug committees which were ordered i daring the morning's session. This was done by each Dale .gation naming one of their number for each com mittee: Most of the afternoon session was occu-' • pied in this business. Much other business not of general interest was transacted, after which the Conference adjourned with the Doxology and Benediction from Rey. W. H. Goode, of Indiana. CALIFORNIA, Sett Fu.Luotaco, May 2.--:a.rrised, ships Tlert. ford, from London, and Giscourg from Bordeaux. Mazatlan advises. to the 23d of April state that the French steamer Diamant was watching that port, but was not interfering with commerce, and was looking out only for supplies contraband of The exportation of silver from Northern Mexico is becoming a notable feature, and many-California companies are working there. A company has been formed here, with a capital of ssoo,ooo r to cultivate coffee, cotton, sugar and tobacco in Central America. Mining stocks are all depressed. The Rev. Dr. Bellows preached his first sermon In the church of the late Rev. Dr. Starr King yes. terday. PHILADELPHIA BANK STATEMENT. The following is the weekly statement of the Philadelphia Banks, made up yesterday afternoon: Capital Stock ' $12,957,6t9 Loans and Discounts 39,770,435 Specie in Bank's 3,97%345 U. S. Demand and Legal Tender Notes... 14,325,511 Due from other Banks 2,730,640 Due to other Banks . 6,374,531 Deposits 37,753,836 ' Circulation ... 2,941,686 The following statement shows the condition of the Banks of Philadelphia, at various times during the last few months: 1863. Loans. Specie. Circulation.Depoalis. Jan. 5.-37,679,675 4,510,750 4,504,115 28,499.189 July 6. —35,936,1311 4,360,745 2,564,558 23,504,544 Dec. 7.... 36,414,704 4,10,939 2,105,174 29,274,165 1864. Jan. 4... .85,698,80 4,158,596 2,055,810 0,673,920 Feb. 1....34,345,126 4,108,109 2,058,539 52,027,147 March 7....35,913,334 4,102,679 2,205,492 31,712,517 44 14....35,966,678 4,099,707 2,308,250 32,511,405 14, 21....36,412,933 4,699,664 2,340,139 32,535,099 14. 28—.36,695,415 4,096,401 2,357,768 33,150,493 April 4....37,262,820 4,095,495 2,30,099 34,401,606 . 4 11. 37,032,119 4,093,461 2,379,897 35,953,444 18....39,535,334.4,095,387 2,329,590 38,174,4:'6 4, 25....39,570,567 4.095,475 2,253,388 37,393,237 May 2... .39,170,436 3,972,349 2,241,885 37,70,834 - - GROCERIII6. Al EW CROP TEAS.—Choice new crop Green .1:111 and Black Tess, of the latest importation, in store and for sale by AL F. SPILLIN, Tea Dealer and Grocer, Northwest corner of Arch and Eighth streets ap2l MIRESR BOSTON AND TRENTON 011.1.0 - J.! ERS, of all varieties, for sale by M.F. SPIL LIN, Northwest cor. Arch and Eighth sta. ap2l AM , DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES.— Very superior Jersey Rams,- choice Dried Beef and large Tongues, for sale by 111. F. SPUR LIN, Northwest con Arch and Eighth sta. ap2l FAMILY FLOUR.—Splendui Family Flour, by the barrel, or in small bags, for sale by M.P. SPILLIN, Northwest corner Arch and Eighth streets. ap2l fTLEA, SUGAR AND COFFEE. —A choice as -11 eortment of line Black and Green Teas, prime old Government Sava, Mccha, Lagnayra, Rio-and Maracatho'Coffee; patent cut Loaf Sugar, Lover ing' s double refined Loaf, Crushed an d Pulverized Sugars. For sale at the lowest prices,by THOMP SON BLACK & SON, Broad and Chestnut sts, EXTRA FINE SALall OIL. —Fresh Bordeaux Olive Oil, of the celebrated brands of ~E . S. Sayres" and Latonr;" also, pure Virgin Oil of ix, in quart and pint bottles. .Por sale by the case or single bottle, by THOMPSON BLACK fc SON, Broad and Chestnut streets. nLITE OIL. —To connoisseurs mud those want- Njing the best Olive Oil, we have last received a lot of the celebrated virgin oil of Aix.; also, Olives Farcies of our importation, and for sale by SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut sts. TUART' S BROKEN OAND,Y.--Just received Stuart' Er Broken Candy, and. for sale by SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut. efALIFOBNIA PORT.—Suitable for invalid: V from its parity, and to the public generally from its being a rich, fruity wine, anti for sale by SIMON COLTON Sc SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut. - app LIVE OIL! FRESH OLIVE OlL—Just quarter lot of fine Table Oil in whole, half and bottles. Imported and for sale by E. B CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street, adjoining R. E. Depot, Germantown. 41 MACARONI. —Burled Italian Macaroni, fresh In - and ver groceries,r sale B. CLA.RZE, dealer in fine Main street, adjoining R. IC Depot Germantown. NVINSLOWBS Green corn, French Peas _Vif and Boneless Sardines, for sale by E. B. CLELEXE, Family Grocer, Main street; adjoining B. E. Depot Germantown. ATEW PRESERVED GINGER—Si 00 per jar, Just received and for sale at ()DUSTY' S, No. DS SontliSecona street NEW MAPLE ST_TGAR.—Very bright, in store and for sale at ()GUSTY'S, No. 113 south 11 ,7 4?c0nd street.. fIIONIATOES I,N GLASS.-100 doz. Fresh" .1 Tomatoes in Glass Jarz—xt very superior article, fox sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets, • 100 - IfirE 0 1 0UoTI7 S. No. and Maraschino,. 'for sale at 118 South Second Street. SMOKED SALIHOIL7 AND H.ER RING-. Smoked Salmon and Yarmouth Herring, just received, and for Bale by. sAars R. WERE, Walnut and Eighth Street 9,.. - t0EF.1.2.N 7- -x.l) SUGARS AtNU/ SYRITI'S 05' ALI, JA, grades manufactured at the Snuttmarlt Sugra tßefinery and the Grocers' Vsugar House, for - sals E. O. KNIGHT. &.. 00.., Southeast corns' : iter and tlbestnat streets . .... 00- PARTNERSH4 , B MILE U NDERSIGNED hare this dark formed a Co..portneranip under the name of HEWES & icABPd. for the traesnetton of a General Banking Business, at No, 52 South TEILEiII street. aplo-6t4 GEO. W. HEWES, GEO. a: RAf3II. 8 • OIAL Nonoy,s. TH GREAT CENTRA.T. FAIR, OF- Mice o. 1323 CHESTNUT Street. Notice is • ereby given that the Secretary ,of the Treasury has kindly ordered that all articles des tined for the Great Central Fair, shall be admitted to entryfree of dal!, and that instructions to this effect have been issued to the Collectors, of the Forts of Philadelphia, New Yorlf, and Boston. JOHN WELSH, Chairman. HORAOE HOWARD FURNESS, Sec' y. Effg. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. COMMITTEE ON ARMS AND. TROPHIES. PECIZADELPHIA, April 25, 1861. - Contributions of any articles of interest for this Committee; for sale or exhibition, as well as of money, may be sent to any member of this Com mittee, and receipts will be returned by the Treasurer- All packages - sent to Colonel G. H. CROSJHAN, United States Army, Chairman of the - Committee, Northeast corner TWELFTH and GI.RARD - streets, by any of the Rail road or Express Companies, will be free of charge. ap26. tfs EDWIN NORTH, Secretary. or. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR THE U.S. SANITARY COMMISSION. OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ONitECEP TIONT OF GOODS. CENTRAL FAIR BUILD ING, on Eighteenth street,' between Race and Vine street, Entrance on Eighteenth street. The Committee on “Reception of Goods" are now prepared to receive any articles designed for the Fair, and 'would ask the co-operation of the various branches of Tride and Industry, as thei r labors must necessarily be very arduous. Every package should be properly marked, and sent-to the Chairman or any member of the Committee, who are authorized to receipt and acknowledge the same. They are happy to inform the public that all of tl railroad and express companies have gene. =ly offered to deliver packages to the Committee Ire. -f charge. A. R. teIcHENRY, Chairmen. F.E.at. ROWLEY, Secretary. Committee meet on Tuesday and Friday After noons, at 5 o' clock. A..R. IffcHENRY, 1 A. S. ROBERTS, Jr.. I EDWARD H. ROWLEY, JAMES N. STONE; DAVID .IffeCAMMON, GEORGE A. McRINSTRY, Committee, S. S. MOUN, J. D. ELLIS, JAMES S. MARTIN, JOSEPH HARRISON, JR. oyPHILADELPHIA, APRIL 23, 1251. At a meeting of the TOBACCO AND CIGAR interest in the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. held this alterncon, at 4 o' clock, the lollowink resolu uon was adopted: Resolved, That the chairman district the city, and appoint Block Committees to solicit contributions, of money, tobacco; cigars, snuff, pipes, mid any salable articles, in atd of the Great Central Bair for the United States Sanitary Commission. D. C. AlcUAb....loli, Chairman. THU°, VETTERVEIN, Treasurer. A. 'J. - Brcxxgn, Jr., tsecre:ary. NAMES OF COMMITTEES AND DISTRICTS. North side_Msrket stree to south side Callowbill, Delaware arenue to east side of Third street—Theo. H. Vetterlein and J. K. Taylor. North side Marketstreet tosonth side Callowhill, west side Third street _to east side Eighth—J. C. Steiner, Solon ou Teller and William Warner. North side Market street to south side Callow. hill, west side of Eighth street to east side Broad— Loins Herbert, G. W. Bremer and George Esler, Jr. North,side Market street to south side Callow hill, west side Broad street to Schuylkill—Levi Beck, George Fite, John Douglass and S. Meekings. North - side Callowhill street to Kensington, Delft ware avenue to east side of Sixth street—U. M. Meyers, J. M. Boyd and H. W. Rank. North side Callovrhill street to Kensington, west side Sixth street to east side Broad—Thomas Hare, W. Soby and A. R. Fonrgeray. Noith side Callowhill street to Girard avenue, west side Broad street to Schuylkill—S. Moore, S. H. Bush, S. F. Smith and 3. W. Wartman. Kensington, East Kensington and Richmond— L. Bamberger, J. W. Crowell and. George L. Woltien. South side Market to north side South street, Delaware avenue to east side Fourth street—John T. Taitt, Augustus Merino, and William H. Fu. gust. South side Market to .uorth side South street, west side Fourth to east side Eighth street—W. M.. Abbey, S. W. Ayres, J. 11. Simmons, and D. L. Tingley. • Soitth side Market to forth aide South street, west side Eighth to east side Broad street—M. E. McDowell, E. A. Woodward, George Boldm,and James Russell. South side Market to not th side South street. west side Broad to Schuylkill—A. Armstrong, W. B. Mann, and Walter Garrett. South side South street to Reed street, Delaware avenue- to . Schnvlkill--George enthrall, W. H. Nassau, Thos. Cockrill. and A. T. Buckner, Jr. Horatio Paine, M. 1)., General Collector on Turkish divans, fancy pipes, kc. app- thstu3t rr. RELIEI FOR TENNESSEE. —A com mittee of the Lathes' Branch of the East Tennessee Relief Association intend visiting Knoxville with supplies in the early part of May, and will be thankful for contributione.iniclothing, particularly for women and children, and articles for hospital use. The following extract from a letter written by Mr. Barris. of Nashville, proves the wide field f_r labor in that unhappy State: "You mac remember some families newly arrived occupyirg the large lecture room on the first floor; one of them numbered eleven, the other thirteen. he former now numbers four, the. latter three. The lament of a mother yesterday, as she wiped the death dews from the brow of liar only sou, a lad of thirteen years, was, 'Oh! oh! I brought my little ones a mighty way to get bread to keep soul and body together; now I have bread, and no children to eat it; all gone, you see! 0, God! take me—take me, a poor, broken hearted mo ther!' By the stove sat her husband with a dead baby in his arms, the last of a family of six." _Since our fair we acknowledge the receipt of $.5 from a friend; 6.9.0 from do., and $lO front New town Square, Delaware county. Donations may be sent to MRS. JOSEPH. CANBY, 611 Arch street, or, MRS. CALEB.W. HALLOWELL, avio-at* 2121 Arch street. OFFICE BOHEMIAN AIINING co at- PANY OE MICHIGAN, No. 132 WAL figstreet, PRILADBLPHIA, April 14th, 1941. Notice is hereby given that an Assessment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per Share on each and every share of the Capital Stock has this day been called by the Board of Directors of the - Bohemian Mining Company, due and payable at the Cffice of the Company, No. 132 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 15th day of alaY , 1561. By order of the Board of Directors. aplltreyls¢ WM. L. MACTIER, Sec'y. IirBANK Of THE NOBTIIERN LIBER TIES, PHILADELPHIA, Maya, 18iI. The Directors have this day declared a. dividend of SEVEN per cent. for the past six months, pay able, clear of State tax and the 3 per cent: United States tax,. on FRIDAY next, the 6th inst. rny2.-6t* W. GUMMERE, Cashier. ELEOTRIOI-Ty. fowl AND LIVE! . A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT!. AU diseased conditions, both acute and chronic, where there is vitality enough left to react, are permanently cured, by warrantee, at ltele Walnut street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure in moat obstinate maladies, no charge is made. Elec trical Institution, established about live years ago by Professor Bota,as. Read the following: A class of maladies prevails to a fearful extent in communities, dooming 100, COO youths, of both sexes. annnallv"to an early grace. - These diseaspz are very impeffectly understood. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous deoiety. relaxation, and great exhaustion, marasmus, or Wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body, shortness of breathing, or too hurried breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs, palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitl3, and a thy, sore throat, trembling and snaking of the arms and lower limbs, aversion to society,. business,and to study: sometimes dimness of the eyesight, loss of memory. - dizziness of the head, neuralgia ' pain in various parts of the body, pains in the back and lower limbs, lum bago, dyspepsia,lconstipation - of the bowels, de. ranged secretions of the kidneys, and many other glands of the body, producing virulent diseases In both males and females, likewise epilepsy, hys teria, and different forms - of- nervous spasms. Now, then, ninety-nine cases out of every hun dred of all the above named diseases, and a host of others not named, as consumption of the lungs or of the spinal nerves,.lia.ve their origin In the pelvic viscera, hence the wan; of success by any of the old medical systems of practice. All the above-warned maladies are treated and cured by Professor Bolles, at 1221 Walnut street. lel STA OF FEMALES. Prolapsns SES Lencorrhina, Amenorrhcee, Dysmenorrhcea. All the aboVe diseases and other Uterine complaints have their origin in a loss of, the vital power of the body, brought on by Injuries, excesses, sedentary habits, personal abuses, abor tions, and the use of powerful medicines. Some of the peculiar symptoms are dragging pains thrbrigh the hips and back, weakness o• the limb=," and extreme languor and debility throughout the entire * system The effects produced from those tronbbsomemaladies are almost ranititnilinons. Oothumption, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Paralyide, Deafness, - Blindness, Fits, Insanity and eves idiocy are not uncommon. • No effectual or, reliable remedy has over been found for these alarming vomplaints till our late discovery in the use of Electricity in strict accor dance with the positive and .negative.polar, actioa of the Uterine brgans. We never failed in curing all of the above diseases, except in ease of or ganic derail gements, or severe injuries of the parts. At WALNUT stro t Philadelphia Con suliatieni tree > apt tae, Tag DAILY EVENINOL BULLETIN : 'PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. MAY 3.1864 TrUNITED ECE ET IN LIS FUR B L y E a continued daily at 50' clock P. NI. ap3o-3f: n omp, OFFICE OF THE 1 8HILaCELPHIA EXCHANHCOMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, April :5. 1864. The Managers have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, clear of all taxes, payable on and after sth proximo. HENRY D. SHERRERD, 21 1) 25- 1 = 5 4 Treasurer. ,D EL A. WARE AND RRITAN OrRAILIIOAD COMPA A. NY, April 13, 1864. The Stockholders of the above Company will meet on TUESDAY, the 111th of May next, pt their Office, in PRINCETON, N.J.. st 12 o'clock, M., to elect nine Directors for the ensninz year. apl6traylo JOHN P,VOCKTON. Sec' y. ry 111IISIOAL FIND SOCILETY. u,3 The Annual Meeting of the' Musie , tl Pand Society will be held at their Hall on TUESDAY, the 3d of May, at 8 o'clock, P. M. The Annual Report will be read and an election for Directors held. WILLIAM L. DUNGLISON, sp27-w, f, m,tu,4o Sec etary. ff..PASSENGER RAILWAY NOTICE.- PHILADELPHIA April 21, 1.64. At a meeting of the Board of. Presidents of the City Passenger Railways it was resolved that on and after May let next, smoking will be prohibited on air parts of the ears. HENRY CROSEEY, See' y. arTHE NORTHERN 'HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILI RE N.—The annua meeting of Contributors and- election for Four Trustees and Six Managers, to serve for four years, will take place on TUESDAY, May 10th ISO, between 4 and 6 P. M., at the office, of T (10519. S EARP, Esq., President. N. E corner of ARCH and SEVENTH sts. M. J. MITCHESON, my 2,3, 9, 10-4.t* Secretary. OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON FIRE 11.3 INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA, May 2d, 1861. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held THIS Day a semi-annual Dividend of FOUR PER. CENT. clear of taxes, was declared,, pa,va , ble man d aft er the 12th inst. my2.3q PHILIP E. O)LEMAN, Sec'y. 9 9 II • : • GAS COMPANY, PaiLADELrine, Apra An election for Two Trustees of the Northern Liberties Gas Company, will be held at the Office of the Company, LAUREL street, below Front, on TUESDAY, May 10th last., between 110' clock A. M. and tl P. M. my2.2t§ W. P: FODELL, Secretary. apEl-lm) NOTloE.—Application will be made for the issue of new certificates in the Ontona gon Mining Company, of :Michigan. the following certificates having been loft or mastoid: No. 259. 50 shs. • No. 358, 10 she. ; No. aSS, 30 shs.; No. 411, 3, CH 0 ells.; No. 413, 1,009 shs. ; and N 0.416,451) shs. All in the came of ap9-s-w-lm* CLEMENT DIA.ROEL - arh. MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of. the Bloomsburg Iron Company, will bs held at the Uompat y' s Office at Irondale, Colum bia Tconnty, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, May' Ibth, Is6l, for the purpose of electing Nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. WM. E. S. BAKER, Tres. ancl„Seey, No, 213 North Water street. PHILADELPHIA, Apri116,1661. ag:20,:17, m 2, 10, 17. ErrOFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY, N 0.121 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, April 19, 1-R34 —The_ Annual meeting of the Stockholders of :the LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY will be held on WEDNESi DAY,, May 4th prox., at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of sewn Director to sere for the en suing year, and for the transaction of other busi ness. _ GORDON moNaEs. apl9-144 n; HILTON'S OF.bfF,NT.-= The Insoluble Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer the best article of the kind ever invented. It should be kept in every manufactory, workshop end house, everywhere. By its use many dollars can be saved is the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. ' The various Uses to which it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable to all CiAR.B9II, Vnr riarticulara ase arlvartlsament (WWEST ItR CH COAL. /HON OttE AND LITBIBER COMPANY.—Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Company, that a meeting for the purpose of permanent or ganization, and an election . of nine directors a clerk and a trralmrer. in conformity to law, will be. held at the office No :.V9. WA.LN UT street, (tip stairs) on MONDAY, May 2.3 d, 1164, at 12 o' clock. noon. The polls will be kept open from 12) to o' clock P. lb. _ JOHN N. HIJTCEMISIN, nal- 5. to, th, taw= Maim.= ByDELAWARE MINING COM t'AN Y 0 F MICH IGAN.—Notice ls hereby siren that ail Stock in this Company, 012 which the instal ment of One Dollar per Share, called Pe.brnary 15+h, 3E61, end due March 1et..1564, is not paid, is forfeited for said default ; and that, according to the Charter and Bye-Laws of the Company, it will be sold at Public Auction on Saturday, June 4th, at 12 M.. at the 081CP of the Secretary of the Company,. No. 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or before that day. By order of the Board of Directors. F. A. FRAZER, rnay2.2tkth-54.-tie4 Secretary. 07YENNSALITANIA COMFAt NY OF MIORIGAN.- - Necho is hereby given, that an Installment of Two Dollars per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stock In the Pennsylvania .M.inlitz Company of 'Michi gan. has this day been called by the Board, of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the 'Ocoee of the Company, No. 325 WALNUT street, Pniladelphia, on or before the sth day of April,l 61. Interest will be charged on all Install. ments after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors. S. M. DAY, Secretary. Parts., March 51. LAI. raht3.2t.s, tu. th. tine arGEtiRGE THO,MPSON— ANOTHER MEETING. —Thirty years ago GEORGE THOMPSON delivered his first Lecture in this city in the Covenantal' s Church, CHERRY street, below Eleventh. He is now invited by members of the same Church to deliver another address la the same building, which he consents to do. The meeting take place next FRIDAY EVEN.. ING, the dth of May, at 8 o'clock. Subject— " The Unionists and Copperhead: of . E3,7l,nei and America." Admittance 50 cents. Tic acts to b. , had at T. B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets: at the Ant-Slavery Office, 108 North Tenth str. , et; and at the door. ap:30.61§ PENNSYLVANIA R1.13..R0AD COM PANY, TREASURER' S DE PARTME —PumsnEtrniA, April 20, k 64 NOTICE TO STOW! HOLDERS. —The Board of Directors have this day declared a seini-anunal dividend of FiVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of national and State taxes, payable on and after May 16, h 64, Blanks powers of Attorney for collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Company, No. 238 South. Third Street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend will bb ready for delivery ou and after May 2d, bnt no stack or script certillcs.tes will b delivered between the 15th May and let June, ap2l.tjel T 130.. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. 0(r PHILADELPHIA AND READING Railroad Company, Office ta7 South Fourth btreet. PHILADIELrEriA, September 3, 1983; DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The following named ;ion:sons are entitled to a Dividend on the common stack of this Company. The residence of severoi of them is unknown, and It is thefelolll necessary that the Certlficittes of Stock should be presented on calling for tho 'Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. erocrsamparLa' 1.74—" - ELS. Timothy 0. Boyle, Henry B. Sharer, S. Lancaster, Andrew Turner, John hlclntyro, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Benjamin F. Newport, fe22.tf§ a.N ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE Incorporated Company, .Firat Troop Philadel • phia City Cavalry, will street at their Ar mory, TWENTY-FIRST above Chest nut, on THURSDAY, May sth, at 8 ri clock, P. M. i . . .W.M. H. HART, President, A. C. CATTELL, Secretary. aptS-,h-s-ttots iATTENTION! —MEM HERS OF BATTERY 1.. (Union Artillery) 7th Regiment, p. M., who have c not signed the Pay Roll for services rendered in September, itifki, will call at No. 116 CHESTNUT- street, prior to May .ith, and sign the same, as no signature will be wee' vedkilter that time." Friends of absentees will report. ISAAC STARR, JR., Captain. S. J. IRWIN, O. S. . 3.00.30 k _ ... . ..„... TONIC ALE.—Jordan's Tomo. Ale, warranted . pnre and free from drege, brewed expressly for mialide and family use. Philadelphia Ales constantly on hand, and bottled only , for family use; delivered free to all parts of the city. English and Suotdh Ales; also, Brown Stout, on hand at reasonable prices. Catawba Wines, from cele. brated Vineyards, by the dozen or gallon. 1. J. JORDAN, 220 PEAR street, below Third an Walnut and Dock streets. • ratl9 T F. DUNTO:N. ¢,P . 149 South Front street, above Walnut. Agency of GRUSOF, and CA.MPBLLSHBUBIBS. IBBOY Lc CO.'S OHAIIr.A.GIII,IS, Gbidan ' Star Brand, , Ay Grand rdo - ataena, ' 1 : 41 -AriBT XS. PORTS and VIA.BEIRAN. " --- • -- - - 10.11.1.V1 wlsia,s,:--OWlkilie OF PRoxeat -1-Zr___ll —. rho orar P/avz , to - get Privy Wells Ozsmazal and disinfected at very low prices. A; PYSoN, liTanataotorer ot Pon s dratts. .. I . l ".^.lttr • " ' VI. T.M.tkrllr Got SPECIAL NOT ICES LIQUORS, &G. FOR SALE AND_ TO LET -de TO LET. - FOR THE SUPLIKER.--= - A 11"4 FURNISHED HOUSE, pleasantly situated 5 miles from the City. •Apply to J. R. CANER DELL, 727 Chestnut Street. nay2.2t* /pp FOR SALE—A small WOOLEN MILL, with all its machinery,. nottr in full operation. ,apply to JOHN COCHRAN, Real Estate Agent, Ohester. Pa. • ap.3o-72t* FOR SaLE OR TO LE r=•-e. Country Rea dence,_ containg five acres of Land, five miles 'Sprit of Market street. Enquire ar_STERNBER- G ER' S, 425 Chestnut street. ap29-12tit All FOR SALE —The PROPERTY 1619 ARCH RA' d meet— double 11011[3e, lot' 12 by 160. Apply toG. H. ROBINETT, 23'4 GREEN 6treet, or J P. OBINETT, 222 North SECOND' St. apll.lm* TO LET NEW= ROLMESBUIttI. —4. A modern-built. House, 'with stable, garden, fruit, etc.", - 'within four minutes' walk of the sta tion. Enquire of. JAS. WEED, Station Master, or J. B. WILLIAMS, 201 Church alley. my2•titt atIN TO BROKERS AND OTHERS.—TO BE jlanil. LE T. —A desirable Property, 218 South Third street, suitable for such purposes. Apply to J. R. CURTIS & SON, Real Estato Brokers, 43:3 Walnut street. ap3O inFOR SALE—•A desirable PROPERTY on TI IRD street, south of Walnut, suitable for the erection of a Dank, Insurance Office, or Bro kers'.office, &c. Apply to J. IL OURTIS & SON", Beal Estate Brokers. 933 Walnut street. gip WALNUT STREET —For sale, a Brink EUDWELLING, 723 %ALNUT rtreet, could be altered into Lawyers' offices, near the Court BOnse. Apply to J. W. CURTIS & SON, Beal Est.% ; Broxers, 433 Walnut street. tap3o mg FOR SALE—NEAT MODERN' DWELL ING, No. 3:sB South FRONT Street, 18 feet by 122; has the modern conveniences. Apply to M. THOMAS & SONS, ap27 139 and 141 S. Fourth Street. TO RENT-21. beautanny situated double OuUNTRY RESIDENCE, three minutes' walk from Wissinoming Station, on Trenton Rail road, with coach-house and garden. Apply No. 717 WALNUT street. _ apB-t0 Eal/WEI . ..LIAO- No 340 South Front street, lately fitted up. Also 4-storied stone dwell mg, 133.5 Spring Garden street, 36 by 150 feet; im mediate possession of both For sale by A. P J. H. 'MORRIS. 916 Arch street. ap3o-3t* EIFOR SALE.—The building and lot No. &'S CHERRY street, south side. Lot 60 feet front, 10.5 feet deep, at 02 feet in depth widens to 76 feet to au S feet alley running to (7h-fry street. Apply at the office of CHRIST CHURCH HOS PITAL, 2::6 WALNUT street. arr2l.-th-s-tu6t* WIFORSA 1 `..1--A SPLENDID RESIDENDE, Double Three story back Buildings, with all et the mooern improvements—underground drainage—Built in a most substantial manner by the occupant. Immediate possession. No. AGI FRANKLIN Street. apagt s,tu;th,4q gptli FuR SALE OR TO LET.—HOUSE No. 96 UNION street, Burlington, New Jersey, wiib all the modern improyenaents. surrounded with shade, fruit, ar.c. Apply to E. P. MID DLETON, 5 North-FRONT street. or to SAML. TAYLOR, BURLINGTON, New Jersey. m 3.30. COUNTRY RESILENOE FOR SALE Good Dwelling, Stabling,, Ice House. and Tenant House, with It acres of land, with Shade and Fruit trees, at Moorestown, N. J., now va cant. Price, $.6,C00. Apply J. O. FINN, Elap ra) - 1'44 61.1 Chestnut S:reet.. alptlil FOR SALE—The handsorne four-story ar k . bro sto u e Residence, with double back buildings, every modern convenience, well built, and in good order, No. 152.1 rum street lot 20 feet front by 130 feet deep. J. M. GULCIALEY &SONS, sce Walnut street. ap.N MaFOR SALE A VALUABLE PROPERTY —Situate on Fourth street, below Walnut-, lot 4.2 feet front by 120 feet deep, on which are erected two laige three-story brick dwellings, with back buildings. and all the modern conveniences. S.M. GUMMET .5: SONS. 502 Walnut street ap3o Secretary 4611 TO Lr. T.—A COTTAGE, dehgtufutiy za situated for a Summer Residence, near Nor ristown, containing four good-sized R - mms on first and second floor each, and two in attic-and creasy access to the city by Railroad, eight times daily. Apply to T. F. WHITAlat h oa premises.-or through Norristown P. O. ap24- tu, th, s, 6t* EaFOR RENT, A FARM-HOUSE. WITH Ten ROOMS al-o a Spring, -room adjoining. heat Two Hundred Dollars until March Ist, Ten miles from Philadelphia; one and a quarter miles from Villa Nova Station, Pennsslvants Railroad. Address or apply to L. MORRIS, near West Haverford P. 0 , Delaware Co., Pa. m2-3t* MI FOR SALF.-- 7 An elegant four•story bricir 111 0-- e Residence. 11 feet trout, bailt in the most sub-. manta' manner, with three-story double bask buildings and everymodern conxenience,' and lot of groun d feet deep, through" o Sansorn street; situate on Cheatnnt'strert, west :.of Nineieenth at. J. M. GUNILEY & SONS, :rid Imrelnut street. dlig WALNUT S BRET. SA.LE--A handsome three-story brick Residence. 2.1 feet front, with three-story double back buildings, built and finis hedin the best inanuer,and furnished 'ith every convenience; situate on Walnut street, near Twelfth 'street; lot 133 feet deep to a back at. Jr: . M. GUM.% EY t SUNS. NS Walnut street. TO BENT FOR. THE SUMYLER SEA.- JM. SON—A furnished House, built in coque style, ins highly cultivated, hea:thy and beautiful tozation, tones from Burlington, New Jersey; with stable ' carriage, lee-house, ..te. For further particulars address Box No. :1,47, Philadelphia Post Office. ap2S-tit* HESTON VILLE COTT FOR, SA.LE: MR —A deli* able 2S-ssory Stzneecr-tago, Staple. ruit and. Flower tiarrien, wiLtk about 3i acro of ground, within one square of Passenger Railroad Depot, at Bel.tonyille. immediate possession ;Iron. ADPIY roA. B.CARVED.& CO., ap3t,..5:* S. W. ccr. Niutn Sr. Filbert street. IMaLLTABLE CHESTNUT STREET FRO PERTY FOR RENT —On an Improving Lease for a term of years: lot es feet front by 6....15 feet deep, through to Sansom street. Building is very large. and can be altered into a store at a com paratively small expense. Situate in a rapidly ina provingpart of Chestnut street. J. M. -GIiMMEY SONS. Zif.a Walnut street. apR) An TO BENT FOR THE SUMMER. —A. de sirable House and Garden, with pleasant yard and good shade trees, in the village oZ WOOI)BURY. N. J. Easy of access to the city by the West Jersey Railroad. - - With or withotil. the furniture. Possession given immediate] v. Apply to apta-Imi bAVID COOPER, 18 North Whaveti. ‘,. A. LOCUST STREET, WEST PHILA. OEL PIiIA—FOR SALE— desirable RE-a- D 'OE on the north sice or Locust street, be. tween Thirty-uinth.and Fortieth" streets, with all the modern convemenc , q; alAo, Stable and Coach home. Lot 116 feet frokt by 165 feet deep to back `tenet. Immediate possessiou given. Apply to A. B. CARVER 4: CO., S. W. corner Ninth and Filbei t streets. ap3o st* MaFOR SALE. —The Property on Sahooi Rouse Lane, fronting eight hundred and right (S.O) feet on said Lane, and extending nearly one• third of h. mile to the Wissahickon, with front on that .stream. Containing thirty (3e) acres, with numerous desirable sites for Country Seats, flys minutes walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the city. Apply to OIIAET,Lii H. IREEID. No. 203 South SlkTil st. f2Ci-66 OR FOR SALE. —A very desirable lot of ground blasitnate on the north side of Spring Garcien stick.t. 60 feet 10 Inches west of IStb. street., 7:2 Coat frot t by about 17t lest deep. This tot is in the immediate Tilitity of the most desirable improve mei.% of Bush hid; aajoiniug new Baptist :Brurni and commands a very extensive view over thh city; would be 'divided to suit purchasers. ,apply to 1. 0 FeilioE, apf26.lii tit , S. W. corner Spring Garden and 13th 4tril COUNTRY SRAT AND PA lit FOR „ilea SALE—Containing fifty-film acres, baandsontely situated in Cheltenham tosiruship, Ilontgomery county, Pennsylvania. about eight miles from tho city and ono and. a-half from York Road Station, on the North Pennsylyania Rail road. The buildings are nearly new, e•abatantlal and well calculated for a winter or. Bummer roil dence. Apply to 0. H. NrUIRHEID,' No. 204 South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. we 19411 AIR VINE STREET RESIDENCE OPPOSITE. FRANKLIN' SQUARE - FOR _handsome three-story Brictr Dwelling, with dou ble three-story back buildings on the north side of VINE street, the second house east of Franklin, street, with a large side-yard frontingon Franklin street, replete with all modern conveniences. Also a deslrable three-story brick . Dwelling and Lot of Ground at the-north-east corner of Vine and Franklin streets. Terms, _accommodating. Apply to It. .-8.. CARVER Ju CO., Southwest corner of Ninth and Filbert streets. ap3o.6t* cIA FOR SALE.—':The superior D WELLING. In N0..1016 VINE street, near Logan Square. Lot 18 feet front by 100 feet deep, to Winter street The house is four stories high, with threa•story ba:ck buildir gs. and finished throughout in the ,best manner, with large parlor, chambers, bath room, conservatory' for flowers, dining room, kitchen, mid all the modern conveniences found in a. first-class house. Possession can be had thecae chately. Frice, SlO, 000, of which 54,100 can remain on the Property. HARVEY SHAW, ISt South FOURTH - street. apn-tO. I'l'lo LE steam Power, turee large Rooms -I_ with goad light, 414 Prune street. WLNSEL ZIG PEATICE. fin PAIR§ .PIVO'r BLINDS' (new) tor sale at. second-band deolt, SEVENTEI above ThoraPKol. • Old doors, each, fixtures„&o., bought,. LaP3 O - 6 t 41 1 NA.THAN W. ELLIS. IRON STAIRS, Irpa -Doors Iron Safes.--For sale at second-band Depot, 'SEVENTH, aboTe -Thompson_ laplo.6t*] NATHAN W. ELLIS, FOR SALE AND TO LET. -DESIRABLE D9ITELLING FOR SALE. WA —The convenient ttansomely located thr-e. story DWELLING, No. 617 North ELEVENTH street, below Mount Vernon Street, east side, built in the very best' manner, with double three-story back buildings, and all the modern' conveniences. Terms accommodating. - .Immediatei possession. Apply next door to the property, or to A. B. CARVER & 00., corner Ninth and Filbert streets: - my2-6t-# TU LET.—Large and small ROOFS up stairs 612 and 614 CHESTNUT atrept. . _ 10341 . _ MM)IOAi.. YSTLAOK'S DIPHTHERIA. LOZENGES.— These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for phtheria,.Doughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial. Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr. , Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market sts. ,Phila. ap2B-3ml AELEUT WEAN IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH.. Kegs= (HMI and ALLEN, - Medical Electricians, formerly associated with Professor Bolles and Galloway, having dissolved partnership, ; the practice will be continued by THOS. ALLEN, ac the old established office, No. TZI North TENTH titreet, between Coates and Brown where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic,,, withou. a shock or any pain,) with the various Modifica tions of Electricity and Galvanism. This teat merit has been found remarkably successful In ail cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A fetcrof the diseases in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. ''Oonsumption,•. first and General Debility. second stages. Diseases of the Liver 01 Paraiyeis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Ague. ProMpsus Uteri (Failmi. Cksngestion. of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapsus Ara (or Plias spepel.a. Nocturnal Emissions, Rheumatism. kc. • Bronchitis. IDeattiesii. Inllnensa and Catarrh. I o etexge far consultai lA. M. to 6 P. X. Testimonials to be seen OPAL DENTALLINA A superior article. for cleaning the Teeth, de- 1 , stroying animalcules which infest them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness -In the mouth. Ii may be used daily, and will be found to strer.gMen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de. tersiveness will recommend it to every one. - Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physieian, and Microscopist, it Is confidently offered as, a By.r.r ATILE substitute for the utuurr• Min Washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, aaccqquainted with the consfits: :nta of the DENT A, advocate Its uses; 11 contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained en. ploymer_t. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Awithscary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streets. , 1 For tale by Druggists generally, and 'red. Brown, D. L. Stackbouse. . Bastard h Co., Robert C. Davis; G. R. Keeny; Geo. C. Bower:, Isaac H. Ray; Charles Shivers, C. H. Needles, Ct. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. C. Turupenny, (Do Ambrose Smith, Charles. H. - Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marls ;• William B. Webb, E. Bringharst /s James L. Bispbara, Dyott h Co., Hughes /c Coombe, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth it Bro. TITMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK. —We often hear it reheated by those who have used JUMELT:Eib COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOGS, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine, so potent as an in vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and . restorative in cases of pnysicsl de. bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor,- F. JUMZELLE, No. L 125 Market street, and by all Druggists. [feli# HOD(}SON'S BRONUHIA.L TABLETS AIM found to be an indispensable requisite In Mt treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrb, Manna's, and similar complaints affecting the organs of the voice; particularly recommended by public speak ars, eager:, and amateurs. prepared, wholesale Ind retail, by LANCASTER th MAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OB EREBROCA. TION. —A reliable article. Positively mire Rheumatism. Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Caillblains, Pains in the Limbs, Chest. Sidi Baal. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, - Tenth and Callowhill streets. Pries 95 emits. fe2,',4.3m* TVST .REUEIVRD BY -LATE LIRPONTA d tlon. Hvinssae7's Ens Old Brandy, rezBl7 or medicinal lase. LANCASTER at ~fiJLLS. e:aarimace casts, R B. carnal' AWE oar TENTH Phila. ass3S DRUGS. WE HAVE JUST . RECEIVED AN IN •oice of the following desirable toilet arti cles, of foreign manufacture, Law, Son &- Hay. den's Honey and Glycerine Soaps, Bennow & Sons' Elder Flower and Brown Windsor Soaps, English Tooth, Nail. and Hair Brushes, French Extracts; of triple strength, in the original pack. ages, from the Flower Farms of De Geniis & Co., Sommieres (Garth). in quantities to suit purcha sers. Morgan & Bros.' Whito Felt Corn Plas ters, &c. For sale by E. YARROW & CO. Druggists, Eighteenth and Vine. atr.lo-Im* A.T:ZZ 013KET SHOEMAKER Zs (30. R OUT. SHORMAKER, BIINJ. H. SHOBX E. M. Suoisou,sms, RICHICILD S. SHOEXAMM. TO DRUGGISTS. —We orer tue follow ng. c recent importation: Agaric, Aniseed, Star Am\so. Caraway and Canary Seed, Aldlcos, Aconite and Calamns Roots, Barbadoes Tar, Poppy Heads Tongue Beaus, Refined Borax, Relined Camphor. Jennings' a Calcined and Carb. Magnesia, Calabria Liquorice, Essential Oils of prime quality, French Chamois, Wedgwood and Porcelain Mortars and Pill Tiles,Evaporating Pk-4 ' 11es Porcelain Fun uels, Flin t -Gin Prescription Vials, Drugristr Furniture Bottles, of Boston manufacture, French Vial Corks, Pallet Knives, kc. ROBERT SHOEMAKER tc CO, Wholesale Druggists, fe3 N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. BUGS ..k.c.—Refined Camphor to barrels, „LI Parr ' Cream of Tartar in barrels, English Magneslas, Caked Carbonate and Henry'''. genitine Soper Carb. Soda, Quinine, Morphia ,Opium. Sarsaparilie, Jamaica Ginger, English: `and French Tooth Brushes, Low's Soaps, Glycerine Honey and Brown Windsor, Drug gist's Earthenware, all sizes ' lllor-ars, &c. For sate by WILLIAM rJ LIS a.-(.10., Druggists, No. 744 MARHET street. apg-tf rIRESH. ENG'LLSH. EXTRACTS, L' Just received direct from GEO. ALLEN CO., Ainpttull, a supply of Est. Aconiti. Bella donna}, • Caunab, and., Gonil, .Digitalis Etym. cyan and Taraxaci. also, OleumAritygd, Dulc, Oleum Croton,Tiglii Elaterium, corium, and a full assortritent of fresh medi cival leaves, kc., ice: BULLOCK OREN. SHAW.., Arch and Sixth streets. FINE" 'VIOLET POIdA.I,I2..—AN IlsiVol.l3 of freshly Imported Marrow Pomade sweetl: teemed with Violets, in' 5o cent jars. HUBBELL. A.potheepry, 1410 Cheit.nnt. street. rpHE DEW "PILE PIPE." —A SIMPLE. cleanly and portable contriyance for the appli eaten of unguents to the Internal surface of the rectum. Sold by HUBBELL, Apothecary' 1411 (Theater' t atrcot. D BTBLEHEM OATMEAL br the pound et JlllO keg—fresh ever -- w eek. HUBBELL, Apothe cary. 1410 ORESTNITT street. STOVES. HEATERS, &O GO'D'S IMPROVED STEA la ' ' • AND - WATER-HEATING APPARATUS, For Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Residences. Manufactured by the UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEATINO COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. . JAMES P. WOOD, . 41 South FOURTH Street. intile-Gm* . B. M. FELTWELL, Sup t T " AS-S. DIXON, Late Andrews & Dixon, No.. TM CHESTNUT street, Pailadelpbis. Opposite United States Dant, .Nanufacturers of LOWDOWN. PARLOR; CHABLUEL..„? OFFICE. AND OTHER GRATES, y or Anthracite, Rimini 'tons and Wood xYrea Also, WARN AIR FURNACES, FOr warming public and prlyate buildings, . REGIS'T RS, VENTILATORS, ' ATM CHIMNEY O.ILPS. • COOKING RANGES. BATH HOMERS, WHOLESA.LF. AND RETAIL. m. • DENTLSTItI -- e -iJENTIST for tits last - twonty years,' 2,19 vran S'.-Teett • ow Thirk Inzerts the most besatifal T.LIETH Cl ' the age) mounted On Aim t Gold, Plains, Silver, Vulcanite, Coralitep Amber, /co., at prices fol neat and substantial work, , more reasonable thasi any Dentist in this city or state. Teeth plugged to Mat for Life. Arhdeial Teeth repaired to Bait, VT+) pain In extracting. All work warranted to tit , saferenoa. beat familiesmitns+3lnti Lion, 011Lca hours ,fron at the °flies. deft-6m4 EXECU TOR' S ' SALE=ESTATE OF Eta. JOSIAIUDAWSON, deceaSed. , THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. VALT'ABLEMUSINES STANDS. Two FOUR; STORY BRIGS' sToRES, IsTes. and '2.5 North TRIED Street; .above Market_ street. On TUESDAY; „May 10th, 1961, atl2 o',clock. noon; NMI be sold at l'ablio Sale, at the .F.'HILADELPHLA EX,OII &NUE, the following described property. viz : No. 1,- 3111 thatfour-storT brick store and zot of g.round, situate on the east eide of Third street, 18 feet 6 niches north of Church Alley,. No. 2.1; containing in front an Third street 16 feet, and extending in depth about 81 feet, more or less. No. that four story brick store,. M. joining No. 1 011 the north, same sin. Clear of all inctunbrance. DRY GOODS. P YRE 45c .LANDPLL, 400 'ARCH STREET, have now aitnanged for sale, a magnificent stock of Spring DRY GOODS. adapted to first class sales. This stock was laid in before the re cent advance in gold, which enables as to offer great inducements to the trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL., • Black Silks, from ;$2O to $1 per yard. Brown Silks, $7 to $l. Moire Antic's/es, from St is St .50. Rich Cheilli and Spring Plaids. Brown Figured Silks, double face. India Plaid Wash Silks, el. 100 pieces Summer Silks. - $1 a yard. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Magnificent Organdy Robes. French Organdies, new styles. 68 pieces Goatti hair Glacinas. Tan Colored °tallies and Detainee. Fine Black ChallieS and Bombazines. SHAW LS AND - MANTLES. London style Shawls, open °entree. Tarrartine Ordered Shawls. Sea-shore Barege Shawls. Black Shawls,full stock. - TOURIST DRESS GOODS. French Crape Pongees. Summer Poplins, for snits. Q .11 E R Tir E. ; it .- 0 Gauze Merino Vesta, For Ladies. - Gauze Merino yew, For Gentlemen. Gauze Merino Ve,sts and Bocti--,..e",," cettildren. Es glish and G-erman AU sizes, full assortment. • -THOMAS SIV.PSON' S SONS, 9'41 and 024 Pine street. nLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VE - cTING-S.— ‘) JAMES tar LEE, invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well &sorted Spring and Summer stock, comprising in. part CO &TING: GOODS.—Saper Black French Clotils;Stiper Colored French Cloths; Black French Habit Moth Colored, do.;- Ca.smaretts, all colors and qualty; Silk-raixedSummer Cloths; Tweeds, all shades and qualities. - PANTALOON STUFFS.—BIacIi French Doe skins;,Black French Cassimeres. Beaverteens, VESTINGS.----Fancy Silk Ves , ings, Fig, ared Marseilles and Cashmeres. Fancy White M.3Xi Plain do.: Black Satin yesings, Lice. JAMES & LEE,No.H N.:Second Street, ap24 Sign of the (}olden Lamb. '" IIiapLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS_ - Al NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still selling our BLACK SIT, - K' at tha same prices as we did early in the season,notwiat standing the recent advances. MANTLE SILICS, ALL. WIDTH Plain Silks, all colors, 91 30 to 55 75. Fancy Silks, $1 tu co $2 uO. - - Rich, Henry, Ilandsomr:, Fancy Silks, $2 37 tO $550. . Bich Chose Silks s 'at 92 E 7, worth $3 50. ' g c at s3sl is 4, at El ,g 55 50 . at 95 $7 NI. 10 Pieces Small PLAID SILICS.. at $1 25; worth $1 50. H. STEEL & SON. 113 and 715, North Tenth street tyno YARDS BLACK SILKS. IMF 702 yards Organdie Lawns. 7cr2. yards Grenadines and Ranges. 70 - 2 yards Fine Dress Goods. 71x2ards Chintz and Calico. 702 yards Cloths and Cassimeres. 7t:2yt.durs Stockings and &hires. _ 702 ARCH Street. JOHN H. STOKES ItKANTLES AND CLOAKS' OF UNUSUAL ELEGANCE. Taffeta Mantles and Sacques: Plain and richly-trimmed Mantles. Chesterfields, in Silk and Cloth. Short Sacqr.es. of handsome Cloths. • French Cloth Cloaks. MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. Spring Shawls, in light colcrs. Summer Shawls, of gcod. quality. One lot de=sirable Stimmr Shawls, Sif 00. • Black Thibet Square Shawls, 53 00 to .t. 7 G*. COO.PER. Ic CONABb, apl3 S. E. cornerNlnth and Market sfreets. L' INEN AD irEarns POW E NT. —6 V T.L t Pn CO.—Stores for Linen Goods excluAvgy s I;zzle ARCH and ll South SECOND street. _ IRISH SHIRTING LINENS. —A good strong Irish Linen, at 44 cents; Hear) , Golden Flax Line from 56 -cents ttp. SHIRT BOSOMS. —We continue to pay par.. hailer attenton to this department. Ladles find' at our Stores the most extensive stos.: cf Bosoms, Wristbands and Collars in the city. TABLE LINENS.-A loitz extsa-heary-power. loom Damask, nail bleached, at7s cents per yard. CRP. A P NAPRINS. —An excellent article at Sl per dozen. S. MILLMEIf (XJ., - - Linen Importers and Dealera, m.h.31 Arch street. and 32 S. Second street _ -I D.OWLN HALL, CO., No. 26 S. SECOND street - , have now open the best stock of DTeSS Goods they over had the plea. 9 are of offering to their customers. Magnificent Grenadines. Magnificent Organdies. • Silk Warp Taffetas. Plain, Stripe and Plaid. Poplins. Blonslin de F-- - solas, anew fabric. Mohair Foulards:, ' Plaids, Sn - tpes and Plain Valencias. Plaid and Stripe Monairs. Beautiful - shades fine alpacas. ' Superior. Black • Stri-neci and Figured Freach Chintz. Firin*Pd Pe:cotes and Ormbric-s. Plain Lawns and Plain Percales. Percales and Pique Robt.s. Dress Goods, is great variety, of all the new Fabrics that have appeared in this country this year, some styles of which , wn have been of our' o mportation. 1 Fe 0 DEVii Kii WV IibUMI II DO ge - 5 - R.F.A.L ESTATE. 'THONAS EaSALE —LARGE and ELEGANT' RESI LENCE, No. 259 SOUTH FOURTH.STREET, between Walnut and Spruce, with Stables and Coach-house on Bingham' , Court, 27 feet front, IF6 feet in depih. tin TUESTfrr; 'May lO, 1804, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXOTIANGE: All that superior three-story brick inessuage, with two story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Fourth street, lriween Walnut and ';pruce streets, No. 209; containing in frimt on Fourth street Z feet 7 inches, and extending in depth at that width on the south line 101 feet 13,S inches-, thence -'widening, south 23 feet 0-inches; thence east 21 feet SS incheg to Bingham's court; then:e t orth 9 feet 1.13 i inches: thence east .10 feet 2' inches; Thence nor h 32 feet :i inches; thence west 4 feet 93i inches; thence netth S feet G!, , .: inches; thence west :17 feet 1 inch; th , ;tice still furtitex weir,- (t ward 154 !set 13i' Inches ..o Fourth street, the place of beginning, tne en ".e depth on the north - Imo being ISt feet 23.-S•, inc. .es, and IS6 feet on the south line. At the depth o 154 - futA the lot widens to 50 feet. she house is finished ins most substantial manner, very elegant Italfitin marble mantels, large and superior charabere, superior wine closets and cellars, and the modern ronvenienres. There is a lame stable and coach' ; house on Bi , lthara's . , court - ' 6, CLEAR OF ALL EIN.Ti7I7MBRANCE TEEMS, ONE-HALF CA,z.H. t4t7 - Some or the ftr.est residences in the city are in this square. A survey of the property. anado April Yti, 1164, by 1). H. Shedaker, surveyor, may be seen at the auction rooms; 'mid the pruperty,will be sold according to said plan. - M THOMAS fr. SONS, Auctioneers, sp3t'my3 7 139 and 111 South Fourth street. . ea t PEREMPTORY SALE—T HOM.AS do SONS. AUCTIONEERS.—HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, Iv.o. *257 South SEVEN TEENTH tstreet--Detween.- Locust and Spruce streets: 19 feet front, 190 feet in depth; on TUBS:. DAY, May-10. lest, at. LI o! Clock noon, will be sold at Public Sale. withont reserve, at the PHIL ADELPHIA EXCHANGE—aII that modern four story brick ir.essusg,e. with three-story back build ings and a lot of ground situate on the east side of Seventeenth street, bet Ween. ,Locnst and Spruce streets, No. t 157, - containing • in front on Seven teenth street, 19 feet, and extOding in depth 190 feet to a court feet wide,, leading into Latimer street, together with the privilege of Said court. The house and garden are in,perfect order, all the modern improvements. marble mantels in every room. The whole hoist) aed hydrants drained. iu to the street culvert.. • Subject 'to a redeemable eound rent of $1)0 year. Immeoiate possession. Can be seen any time previous to sale on appli cation to Mr. h.. D. Cash„ No. :209 South Sixth street, or to the Auctioneers. 11.4 - I.t is a most desirable location. and overlooks in the fear a number of beautiful gardens. . . . N. B. —ln consequence - of the decision of the Court snspendiag for the present., the extinguishment of, ground rents- in national. desiresre authorized r an , if the par- Chat chaser that an atgerpent will to made forthe - exiingnighment (ti the ground ma on this property In 30 days from the time of sale. THOMAS .55,-SOIIIS, Anctioneem aptly-My3,7 130aildllt S. Malaria et. By order of Executor. TI-101VtitS & SONS, Auctioneora, epa. l 3, rut 3.9 139 sod U Sc utb FOllrth St
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