TEE WAR FOR THE (-MAN., THE PE! NSYLVANIA RESERVES. 11 "Altnsuuaa, April 29, Evening.—ln the "House of Representatives this. evening, Mr. Barger made an important statement relative to the fifteen regiments of Perinsylvinia Reserves. These men,.he stated; entered the service of Pennsylvania in May three years ago, but. ere not mustered into.the national service until two months afterward.. They were now greatly, dissatisfied; so much so that a numbar* were' under arrest, the men claiming that, their term expired in May, and the National. Government contending that it extended until July. Mr. Barger read an extract from a letter from, Colonel McCandless, commanding the division, relative to . thie dissatisfaction, expressing fears that the men will refuse to serf ) after May. Mr. Barger and Mr. Smith (Chester) called upon, Governor Curtin this morning and the Governor, urged, some action on the part of the Legislature to ,Induce the National Govern merit to comply With the demands of ,the ReServes. In accordance with this suggestion Nr.Barger offered a resolution urgently' solicitipg ,the President to discharge the Reserves: To, add to the dissatisfaction of the men, it is stated that some of their former comrades,, who had left and joined the regulars, had already been distliallged under an order of the War Depart ment, which allowed soldiers leaving, the volun teers and joining the regulars to count' thpir three years from the date of their original, en rollinent, and not from the date of their, actual mister into the national service: The 'resolution .Of Mr. Barges' was maid raotuly adopted. • '• 'FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Wisumorox, April 29.—Advices frbm the Army of the Potomac state that t a brigade of cavalry. under;General Devin, wen t out yester day to Madison Court House, on a reconnois sance, and found a pa - lay - Of about thirty rebels in the place, most of whoin they'captured. No folic. of the enemy was discovered anywhere in thart.vicinity, although it was currently reported they had crossed the Rapidan, and were moving towards our right. The expedition 'returned witheut any loss. John. Minor Botts gave a dinner yesterday,at which Generals Grant, Sedgwick, Hancock, Birney, Humphrey' ' Robinson Williams, In galls, Rawlings, 141ott,- Carr, Webb, Gibbon, Eustis and Morris, were preient. The aff a ir was of the most sumptuous charactei. MIALYLAND STATE CONSTITUTIONALCON VENTION. BALTIMORE, April 29, 188-1.--9. cothinittee t state Constitutional Convention appeared be-. fore the Baltimore City Council this evening, expres:•ing the desire of the Convention to re move to Baltimore and hold its - future ses sions. It is alleged that the accommodations .at Annapolis are insufficient; living too ex travagant and bad. The Council passed reso lutions inviting the Convention to assemble here. • The Odd Fellows Hall or New Assem bly Rooms probably will be selected, and it is believed that the Convention will remove here: A DRAFT IN NEW JERSEY. TRENTON, N. J., April 29.—A draft for about eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-one men, being the deficiencies on the two last calls' of live hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, will begin in:this Statel"on the third day,,of May .nest. ..It will continence in the First District and cohtinue in regular or . der to the Filth' District. The Board of Enrollment invite citizens to be present and see that every thing is done fairly. They invite the appoint-' ment of a committee. of citizens to assist.on the occasion. Any toWnship, city or .ward can ascertain its quota by , applying- to the' Proi , ost _Marshal of the District. The Board of Enroll-• went are to make arranger ents with the civil autForities to have a suitable place at which to make the drawing, so that the whole maybe: open to the public view. The figures are not yet accurately stated,,hurthe following will be about the quota for each district: First District, 0 ,330; Second District, 1,394; Third District, 1,639; Fourth District, 1,442; Fifth. District, 1',045. Credits will be allowed up to the day of ,drawing. FitOM WASHINE}TON. ' Asnuferorr, ,April 29, 1864.—The House Military Committee to-day resumed the ques tion of increasing the pay of soldiers. They decided some time ago to increase the pay of white soldiers to 'sixteen dollars Per month, and black' "Soldiers to fltirteen - dollars per month, but recent affairs at Fort Pillow and Plymouth have wrought a great change in the minds of the committee, and they at once de termined to put both white and black 'soldiers on the same footing, giving the latter only one hundred dollars bounty instead of four hun dred-dollars. The Committee also adopted an amendthent, giving clerks of Paymasters fitelve hundred dollars per annum, instead of eight hundred, as now provided. The Tax bill will not be'engrossed and ready for Senatorial action before Monday or Tuesday next. The Senate will adhere to their fbrmer position, not to tax spirits on hand. • .John H. Thompson, of the Ist Ohio Cavalry, was shot according to sentence this morning, at Alexandria ' forsdesertion and robbery. He met his fate bravely, and-seemed repentant of his crime. Nothing has been received at the War De partment up to a late hour this evening con tinuing the capture 19i - Shreveport by General {Steele. It is not believed. The subscriptions to the 10-40 loan reported -at the Treasury Deparfment to-day amounted to $853,000. - The steamer Harvest Moon has left the Washington Navy Yard for the Charleston blockading fleet, with Admiral Dahlgren. . Commander William Smith is ordered to the command of the Lancaster, and Commander Glemly is ordered to the command of the Pen sacola Naval Station. It is reported - that the Attorney-General has decided That colored chaplains are entitled to the same pay as white. The Department of Agriculture has received from our Consul,at Vienna, P. Canisius, Esq., very interesting statements relative to the in vention of Dr. Auer, who has patented his pro cess in this country .as well as in Europe, and of which we have written previously. We have seen, in the office of the Commissioner, sam ples of this maize linen, very strong, compact and heavy,.a great improvement upon the spe- . cimeLs received last year. The corn fibre is not intended for fine linens, but answers an, excellent purpose for common.. It is-now made at a profit, the statement of the imperial mills showing a profit of 105,260 &rine in a gross receipt of 372,000 florins, a profit of nearly thirty per cent. This does not include the cost of factory, however. From maize husks are now made yarn,paper stuffs, "flour dough," linen, drilling, oil cloth, lire buckets, &c. ; also, letter envelopes, flower paper, cigaretto papers, photographic and parchment . papers. Common paper from husks is already as cheap • in Vienna as that from rags. Specimehs of tracing and drawing papers are claimed to be superior to any other kind. Fine fancy and colored papers are made with an admixture of husk fibre and rags. • The fo TR owMIDDLE DEPARTMENT. llg importaq military order. has been issued by Major-General Wallace: 4cllza.neuAarzas MIDDLE DEPARTMENT, 8111 ARMY CORPS, BALTIMORE, Mn. ,April 26th,- 1864:—General Orders No. 30. Many citizens of this Department having gone voluntarily into the States in rebellion against the United States, some to join the rebel army, others to aid and encourage the rebellion by their pre zence and otherwise, who have left property in real estate, slaves, stocks of -various descrip lions, and other securities for money, i n thi s department; and many citizens of the States in rehelli^n, who have lirti?ipated in 9.'1(1 FA courageci that movement ) similarhaving pro- ME DAILY EVEibIINO3 perty within this department; it is deemed im portant that such .pro-orty should not be under the con.iol of such •pe:sons, and liable to be used in whole r• in part the support: ; of Itih rebellion - and-I-B.tittst the-interests:of-the-United States. it is ther,efore hereby ordered that the pro ceeds of all real estate, the hire of all slayes, the interest-on all debts due ftem persons in this 'department . ; the current.interest••on all , .Stocks and bonds'of railroad 7 companies, banks, turn-, road' companies, hiantilactUring eninpan tes and public - corporations, howsoever declared `and 'payable, which are the property of the persons above described and are within this 'department, shall be withheld, by ;the,_ persons authorizedond whose duty it is to. pay, the i same, faint SUch'persens, theii• representatives, agents and attorneys,' liowsoevei Cc:instituted ; and that the same shall lie paid over to Liei Colonel Alexander Bliss, Quartermaster of ,Ws ;department, or such other 4 , ,igent as the Gene ral commanding may authorize and appoint froM time to time: . "All persons having authority over such pro pertY be held responsible, for such sums as may be paid in violatipla of this oider, and be other% ise punished by- niilitary commission. "The hire and proceeds of the labor of such slaVes as arc, in the counties of Maryland in this department, and belo'nging to the persons above described, vill in dne proportion be set apart and reserved-for the use of such slaves when they shall have been treed by the con stitutional,law ,of Maryland, as it is hoped they soon Will he. . "By command of - Major-General WALLicE. • ' - "SAmtrE B. LAWRENCE, Asst. Adjt.- General! Gsolhcial—James R. Ross, A. D. C." , - A ORAND CAVALRY DEPOT. By Order ,of the Government, St. Louis is :made the` - headquarters of the West Division of ther Cavalry Bureau, with Brigadier-General John W. , Davidson _in command, and Captain Ingram Coryell,-ChietQuartermaster. The'division is designated as lying west of a north and south line Chrough Pittsburgh and Wheeling, and its officers are charged with the management of all that relates to the pur chase, inspection, care and transportation of the cavalry horses needed by the armies in the „Ilis,sissippi ; Valley. The enormous pecuniary interests; involved will be evident when it is remenlbered that there are some two hundred and sixty-five cavalry regiments in the division, requiring about $30,000,000 worth of- horses alone.: • • • In the execution of this work, three „general cavalry depots and sixteen subordinate ones are designated. The former are St. Louis, ; Cincinnati, Indianapolis; the latter are Chicago, Springfield and Mattoon, in Illinois; Detroit and Kalamazoo, Michigan ; Milwaukie and Madison, Wisconsin; Foansville, Indiana; Col umbns, Ohio; `Louisville apd Covington, Ken tucky; Dubuque,' Des Moines, Davenport and Keokuk, Iowa; and Fort LeaVenwortb, Kansas. At each depot purchasesare made, but from the Sub-depotsthe animals are sent to the prin cipal or, reception depots,,thence to be assigned and shipped as the 'service requires. "BOARD OF TELD.I.. SAMUEL E STOKES, - GEO. N. TATHAM u NORTRLY oolgurrram BENT. MARSHALL, • • IMPORTATIONS. Beported ler the Philadelphia Evening-Bulletin. SAGUA LA GRANDE---Brig. Mary C darriner, Marriner-T-59 IW's-sugar .125 hhds 9 tee 96 bbla mo lasses E 0 Elnight & Co, SAIL/NO DAYS OF BTRAMBHUII. • TO ARRIVE. - • , PROW NOB DATA PennsylvAnia...Lirerpool.-NeW York...---April 12 Damascus Liverpool. ' . Portland April 14 'Edinburg :#....Liverpool:.New York April 16 Arabia Liverpool-Boston 16 Bavaria.. - Southampton. :New York 'April 19 Olympus - ...Liverpool-New York April 19 C of Washingtort.Liverp'l-New York April 20 Scotia Liverpool... New York. ' April Alla Liverpool.. New Y0rk......Apri1.27 Africa " Liverpool-805t0n..........April 30 Germarde“Southanipton-Near York - May 3 Teutonia.....Southampton...New.Yorir........lgay 17 • I • TO DBPART. Evening Star-New York.. Havana, ice April 30 Sasonia New York... Hamburg April 30 Kangaroo.. ..New York ..Liverpool • April 30 NOva Scotian.. - Portland.. Liverpool April 30 Champion New York...Aspinwall Kay 3 Saladln.... New York... - fringaton, Jo May 3 AuatraLssian...New York ..Liverpool...-. .. . . May 4 St. Andrew ....New York.. Glasgow . May 4 Columbia New York. ;Havana AN 0... May 7 Penn ay/ verde.. New. ork.. Liverpool May 7 Bremen " New York.. Bremen Mav 7 Damascus. Portland.. Liverpool. ... . . :May 7 0 of Baltimore.....N York....l3lverpool.- May 7 • LETTER BAGS TER 71:22,01EAN't8' =CELLI( (414 PIiILADELPHIL Ship Oswingo, third ....Liverpool, soon PORT 07 PHILARELPRIA.APREG 30 framl- qulligiaDb_ll[ll2lP:nl - mwav7 l7 ,3ml ARRIVED. YESTERDAY. S supply steamer Massachusetts, Lieut. Win West, Com'g, from Charleston,72 hours, via Nor folk Hospital, with over 160 passengers, prisoners and invalids. No news from Charleston or Florida. The ai passed at sea, two monitor batteries; steam ers Western. Metropolis, Havana, City of Rich mond, Baltimore. and TJ S steamer Wamasuita, bound south. Spoke off Frying Pan Shoals, II S. steamer Keystone State; also to southward of Hat teras, II S steamer Mount _Vernon, all well. Re ports good weather on the coast. Pasted in the bay. barks A.pn Elizabeth, from Matanzas; Thomas Hallett, from Porto Cabello; Andaman, from Rag. gred Island, in tow of a steamtug; Annie ai Lizzie, trom New York; Sullote. from Cardenas; brigs Matilda, from West Indies; San Antonio, from New Orleans, and several others, names not ascer tained. Brig Mary C Marline; Marriner, 9 days from Sagua, with sugar and molasses to E Knight&Uo. Schr Sarah, Benson, 6 day6from New Bedford; with boards to J B Brooks. Steamer Toirence, Philbrick, 24 hours from New .York; with mdse to W P-Clyde. - Steamer, Hope, Warren, 24 hours - fro - in New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. CLEARED YESTERDAY. - Bark Garibaldi, Hoyt, New Orleans, Tyler & Co. Brig E P Stewart; Cain, do' Brig Alfred, Rufnagle, Port Royal, Navy Agent. Brig Vincennes, Hodgdon,Newburip9rt, Blakisto.l, Graff & Co. Schr Wm H Rowe, Harris, Gloucester, do Schr Maggie Louiaa (Br), Smith, Rio Janeiro,Thoa Watteon & Sons. Schr J G Collyer,Crosby.Boston, L Audenried&Co. Schr Minnesota, Smith, Providence, do Schr L & R Smith, Smith, Boston, Reading RR. Schr H A Weeks, Ketchum, Charlestown, do Schr Nightingale, Beebe, Dighton, do Schr J B Allen Case, Nantucket, Pearson & Co. Schr D G Floyd, Rackett, Newport, do - Schr Panthea, Clark, Danversport, Mines & Co. Schr J B Johnson, Smith, Providence, do Schr J cadwalader, Williams, East Cambridge, C A Beckscher,& Co. Schr J Crandall, Gage, Port Royal, H A Adams. Schr L H Corbitt,Simpkins,Fort Monroe, Tyler&Co Schr Thames ' Benjamin, do do St'r Buffalo, Jones, New York, W p Clyde. St'r R Willing, Dade, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. •. MEMORANDA. Ship Lizzie Moses, Delano,. from gan Franisco, at New York yesterday. Ship Isaac Jeanes, eed, at San Preach= 29th ult. from Seabee. Ship Eliza & Diary, Ingraham, S 9 days from Bue. nos Ayres, at New York yesterday,. with wool and hides. Ship Harrisburg, Wiswell,from New Orleans,was below Bostel yesterday. Ship Sir John . Franklin, Despeaux, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for Rio Janeiro and a market. Steamship City of Baltimore (Br), Mirehouse, for Liverpool, cleared at New . York yesterday. Steamship Saxonia (Hamb), Trautman, oleare I at New Yorlryesterday for Hamburg. . Bark Alinnesota.Watson, for thin port, was towed to sea from New Orleans 12th inst. - - -.- Brig Jeannette (Dan) . , Plink, 58 dayi from Rio Janeiro, with coffee, at New York yesterday. . Brig - Redwood, Lennon, from Rio Janeiro, at Ball imore yesterday. ' Schr Percy liellner, Grace, hence at Fall River 28th inst. . Schrs P O Smith, Bowen; D Townsent, Town send; S Applegate, Huntley. and D Stuart, Dugan, cleared ST New York yesterday for this port. Sofa Oriana, Higgins, cleared at Bangor 27th inst. for this port. Sofas W et-llyer,.Rayner, and Z Stratton, Black man. hence at Providence 28th inst. Schr Onus. Rose, sailed from Newport 27th inst. for this port, . Schrs Lookout, Wall, and Nepture, 'Kelley, from Providenpe for this port, sailed from Newport 47th instant. - Solira George •Falea, Nickereor4 M M Freeman; Howes; 11. Willett& Persona; Mary Sc. Elizabeth COI dory, 'and Mountain Avenue; Baiter, sailed item Providence 28th that for thia port • - 'tia a rTyr 7TTSort 7c7. Cargo of Br clap Empire Queen, cleared by Peter _ LETIN PHILADELPHIA. ETATITRDAY, APRIL 30 18 4 14 -7TRIPLE SHEET. Wri g ht & Sons, for Liverpool : 352 hhde_lal 9987 hide flour, 143 Mule quercitron hark. 22,915 wheat.in bulk 60 tons nlckle Matte. 1103 tea 1.90 bago oil cake, 1'44 baleir roge. 49-tea Ppgi, ' bier We, 274 gulp - hubs, 50 bble lard. - bee l -o • I .wea ifreetao...Young,-previcural ported agrout d oft dandy Point, hde been - g( off E nfely and arrive 4 at "tialtifirore. • NOTICE MlTDlTKlytannati--.-.Sorrim - 13oa.aT 'emr SPAS FIXED - LIGHT IT M4.ll.ltta,A.:'—Ttre Minister of rine at Madrid has given , notice: thit.- on and the 16 th day of Maren4B64,a_light.seill he eicht ~. from a ligLthouEe recently erected nt alArt,(llla. in the proVincenf Malaga,on the Southeimst of Span. The light will be-a•fixed white itht, pineed,at elefation of 55 feet above the mean levet of the sea, amt-ehould be seen inelear weather from a distance of 12 miler. . • The illuminating apptratus is (hop . a, or by lenkes of the fifth order. _ The tower is slightly conical 36 feet high, colored light - gray, end siiinounted by a green lantern. It is attached to the keeper's dwelling, and ,stands about a cable westward of the town, at 65 .yards from the sea,-inlat 36 deg. 31 min. N, lom.rdeg. 51 min 16 deg. west of Greenwich. FIXED LIGIITT VELEZ- MALAGA..--/Aan, that on and after the.l h day of March, 1664. a light will be exhibited from a lighthouse recently erected at :Velez-r al.ga. on the south coast elf Simla: The light will be a fixed white light, at an eleva tion of 41 feet above the mean level of the sea, and should:be seen in clear weather from a distance of • . The illuminating apparatus is dioptrio,orhy lenses of the fifth order. The tower is Slightly coninal, 36 feet high, colored light gray, with a green lantern. It is attached to ..the keeper's 'dwelling,- stands on the east side of entrance to the Rio Velez-Malaga, et 48 yards from • the sea, and said to be in Ist 36 deg. 41 sec. N, 100 4 deg. 9 mill. 19sec. West of Greenwich, or about'half a mile South of that of the Admiralty Charts. BALEARES ISLANDS—FIXED AND FLASHING LIGHT ON l'rnricos Isr.r.r.—Also,. that on and after the 16th day of March, 1861, a light will, be 'exhibited from a lighthouse recently erected oh Puercos Islet, at the north end of Espalmader, south ofiviza: The light is a fixed white light,. varied by a red flash .every three minutes. It is placed at an eleva tion of 94 feet above the.levei otthe Bes t and should be seen in clear weather from a distance of 16 miles. • The illuminating apparatus is dloptric,or by lenses of the fourth order. , • - • The tower is slightly conical, 84 feet high, of a dark-gray color, and rises from the middle of the keeper's dwelling. It stands on the northwest pert of the Islet, at 40'yards from the sea, and said to be in lat 38 48 Njon 1 29 31 east of Greenwich, or about 3 east of, that of the Admiralty. Charts.. • • This light, and of Ahercadaa - northward of it, marks the principal channel between the islands of lviza and Formentera. - By order: = W. B. SnrunicK, Chairman. Treasury Department, Office; Light-house Board, Washington City, Feb. 23, 1863. NORTH ATLANTIC—ROUTH COAST. OF SPAIN— FLTED LIGHT .AT Vittavicrosa.--The Minister of Marine at Madrid has given notice that, on and after the, sth day of March, 1554, a light will be ex bibited from a lighthouse recently erected on Ta zones Point, westward of the entrance to the ria lalaviclosa, on the north coast of. Spain. The light will be a fixed white light, placed at an elevation of 220 feet above the mean level of the sea, and should be visible in clear weather from a distance of 7 =ilea. - The illuminating apparatus is dloptric,or by lenses of the sixth order. The 'tower is rectaneular, 36 feet high, colored yellow, with a white lantern. It stands north of the keeper's dw ehing, about 90 yards from the sea, in lat 43 35 10. N. 10n.5 n 56 west of Greenwich. FIXED LIGHT AT TINA filavon.-Also, that on and after the I.sth day of. Match, 1834, a light till be exhibited from a' lighthouse 'recently erected on San Emeterio Point, at l 3 miles westward of the entrance to the ria Tina Mayor, on the north coast of Spain.:.. • The light will be a fixed white light, at an eleva tion of = feet above the mean level of the sea, and should be semi in clear weather from a distance of 15 miles. The illuminating apparatus is dloptric,ox by leases of the third order. " ' The tower sur m ou n tedal, 33 feet high, colored light blue, and by a white lantern. It stands north of the keerer's dwelling, about 4 yards from the sea; in lat 43 26 15 N, lon. 4 3116, west of Greenwich. - By order, W. 13. - SpiTnnuis, Chtirroan. Treasury Department, Office Lighthouse Board, Vashisigton City; 11364. AUCTION SALES IOpY JOHN J 3. lATERS tr. 00., J) Auctioneers, • _Nos. 232 and .134 Market street. corner of Bank. LARGE PEREDIPTORY SALE' OF FRENCH, • /NDIlk, GEEMAN AND BIIITISB DRY GOODS. Ac. FOR SPRING SALES. 04f DIONbAY MORNING, DIAY 2,. • At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogng, on POUR .BIONTI' CREDIT, about *550 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French,' India, German and British Dry 'Goods, embracing a large and 'choice assortutent ci fancy and staple artidles, in silk, worsted, woolen, ' linen and cotton fabrics. N. B.—Samples of Me same will be arranged for examination, with - catalogues, early on the morn ing of the sa le,i when dealers will find it to that" 'lnterest to attend. LARGE SALE__ OF_ PARS GLOVES AN]) • GAUNTLETS. Will be included in our sale of MONDAY May 2d, a large and choice assortment Lf gent's and ladies' gants de Suede, kid linieb, black, and colored silk, Union, lisle, and kid gloves and gauntlets, of a favorite and recent importation. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FRENCH, GERMAN, SWISS AND BRITISH DRY GOODS,STE AW , GG 0 Ds, NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale on. MONDAY. MORNING, May 2d: - at le o'clock, will be found in Tart the following articles, yi2 : DRESS GOODS. In pieces black and colors, plain and fancy Parts mons_ de laines, plaid and striped mozamblques, plain at d fanny poplins, amities, black.and white mohairs, fancy bareges. printed jaconets and lawns, ginghants, grenadines, _ SILVIS. In black gros de rhine, infest logs, solid colors aLd plain poult de sole, plaid ponit de sole, mare silks,higb colors gros de Naples, marcenes, kc., &c. SHAWLS. Ip itibE t, cashmere, lama, mozambiques, her nani, barege shawls, mantles, cloaks, &c. RIBBONS. Plain and fancy poll de sole ribbons, and neck and trimming ribbons. black and colors silk vel vet do. 'UMBRELLAS. 33 packages silk and gingham sun umbrellas, parusols, &c. Also, black crapes, white tarlatans, grenadine an dbarege veils, linen handkerchiefs. embroideries, balmoral and hoop skirts, gloves, fans, silk cra vats and ties, fancy articles, &c., &c. -Also, a stock of fancy and staple dry goods, to be sold withontreserve, to graat variety. . 41 cases Shaker hoods; also, hats, &c. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP 1100 PACRAGZR BOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS, ARMY GOODS, STRAW GOODS, Ace., etc. ON TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 1, At 10 o' clock, will be sold, by catalog-no, without reserve, on FOUR. MONTHS' CREDIT, about 1100 packages Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Ballaroals, Army Boots and Shoes, Ica., &c., of pity and Eastern manufacture, embraclng a ,fresh and prime assortment of desirable articles, lot men, women and children. Also, straw goods, in men's hats, shaker hcods, Jcc. N. —earapies with catalogues early on the morning of sate NOTIOE—Our sale of boots, shoes, straw goods, &c.. on TUESDAY MOHNISO, Maya, will comprise, in part, the following fresh goods, to be sold without reserve, viz : cases men's 21-inch leg grain cavalry boots. cases men' s and boys' nailed boots. cases men's and boys' thick boots. cases men's. boys' and youths' calf, kip and grain boots. cases men's, boys' and youth,' calf and kip brogans: cases men's, boys' and youths' calf and P: L. gaiters. cases men's. boys' and youths' calf and kip balmorals. cases women's, misses' and children's calf and kip heeled boots. cases won en's, mis ses' and children's _goat and kip heeled boots. . cases womens, misses and children's mo rocco at d'enameled boots.' • eases women's, misses' and children's gaiters, baltuorals, &c. —cases men's and boys' Oxford tied. cases women's and misses' railed boots. ' N. B.—The above will embrace it prime 'and general assortment, well worthy the attention of buyers. Open for examination early on the morn ing of sale. Also, straw goods, palm h6.te, shaker hoode• LARGE PEREMIITORY SALE OF E'URO FEAN, INDIA AND. AMERICAN DRIT GOODS. .STRAW' STRAW GOODS, CARPETS, MATTING, . We will hold a large sale of British, G e rman, French and American Dry Goods, by catalogue", en FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, M A.Y 5; commencing at'precisely 10 0' clock comprising 775 PACKAGES AND LOTS . of British, German, French, India and America]: Dry Goods embracing a. leage c lull hnd freph as sortment Woolen, Worsted, Linen, Cotton and Silk Goods. for city and country sales: • N. B. —qantriles of the same wllLbe Arranged fol examination, 'with catalogues, early on the morn ing of the sale, .when dealers will 'dud to Utah interest to atter.d . IfEATILIEG, FELT. —LOW"ELL PATENT 0 Elastic Stteatning Felt for ships. ' also, Joan soro's Patent Wool ding Felt for Stearn Pipes and art 1 nr - LT Tff lanalt o rp Pe. *Ma Viumari ammo AUCTION SALES iTT ;-WART,.ritrriONE-E/6 sle i•;i: and •• _615 SA-NSOM. street: ;Ay I Italtan stalnes; du -1,,,...4.44-on-Werinesdarrisetlag,- y 4th. tog , i.er wi'h a fine assortment. of vanes ornimts d brun29:l; now )anding in New lc, dir otl3 ir - rn Earope. •artictilars ereafter; STIELLS OF. OCEAN. .the last nnd closing gale.of this elegant colleo ion or snris. enm-s off 0 , 1 TUESDAY, the 3d prozr. , at 10 and 8 V. atilt• 'I he rareet and. most beautiful of the Shells are still to be Fold.'-. • • ' lbere villi be SETS and CABINE.TS offered at these sees. This will positively .be the last sale J/1 018 . • - air.49.3t* SCOTT Or S'PEWART. Auctioneers will giVA weir personal .attention to .sales, of, dEROELeaf• -ITIFE and' W Sof all 'des:motions. twirl. turd of parties removing or. breaking ap Hausa keeping, on the' premises of the owners, or at thell :elegant and spaciOuti Saleiroozits, Nos '622 Chest jig Tllol2dAs nut Street and 6 15 . S.ansotn street. -, SUNS,. IiOTIONEESs,' jyr.. Nos. 139 and 141 South' Fourth .street. • . DEAL ESTATE SALE, MAY 17. Orphans' Court;ale Estate of Henry B. Mark lan d.ya minor—THREE-STORY BRICE:DWEL LING, NO-. 2.11 Race el, _west , of Etb. st. Sale VERY, -HANDSOME OCUNTRY,LSEAT Mr. Jahn H. Andrews 20.% Arias, Springfield Road and Darby Creek," DARBY—a number-lot ejegant building sites - - • pet emptory sale-45-VALUABLE BUILDING *LOTS an d 11 - ACRES MEADOW - LAND, Atlantic City, N. J. Orphads' Court Sale:—Estate of Mrs. , Mary Peril er, dec'el—THßEE STORY BRICK STORE; MARE Etat, N. W corner of Eighth. Same Estate---TEREE-STORYBRIOKSTORE No 4 north Eighth et. ine'Rtate- THREE -STORY BRICK STORE and D WELLING, No 6 north 6th st. • Same Estate- THREE. STORY BRICK STORE and TiV? ELLING, No. 16 north Eth. st. Same Estate-2 _THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, rear of Sth st, 'below Filbert. Saine Estate—FOUß-STORY BRICE STORE, and DWELLING, N. W. corner of Fifteenth and .1.,0 oust sta. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John C.Pechin n dee d— 2 YEARLY GROUND RENTT, of Stitt a year each. Setae Estate7-LOT OF GROUND, Pine st, east of 2.2 d st. • - • . Same Estate --LOT OF ompuND, N. W. cozier of PacKean and 12th sts. liame Estate—LOT, Gr. en Lane. 22d Ward. 5 'I WO. STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, New kirk et, extending through to Thom Pion Onilial.s' Court Sale—Estate of Thomas Ash monaL deed—THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL LING No 126-I Race st. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of las.A.lcKenney, dee' d— DWELLING, Beaten et. Eieentor's Sale—Estate of Susannah Fricke, c' d • •Bus NEF 13' ' sTaan—THR ERB TORY: BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 716 north Second EL S: roe Estate-2 ,IWO-STORY BRICK DWEL LINGS Si Jol n st, adjoining. Executors' Sale—Estate of Townsend Sliarpleze,- c'ee o—VALUABLE STORk.S, Nos. 32 sad SOUTH SECOND STREET, extending through to Strawberry st. Earns Estate—VALUABLE STORE, - No. 251 MARKET st, near Third it. Same Estate—VALUABLE DWELLINGS, CHESTNUT et, corner of Se relit een th. ame-Estate—DWELLING, N W. corner . of 2.th and Filbert sts Same Estate—DWELLING, Filbert st,, east of Thirteenth • Sante Estate—LAßGE LOT—Vine st and Dilkes , court, with i 3 BRICK. DWELLINGS and 2 1 rames. ecator' s SaIe—IiANDSOX E COUNTRY RESIDENCE and 1 ACRE. -Beverly, N. J hacioga grave front on the Ricer Delaware. Executor's St' de— Esateof _Gen Sheaf!: deed -2 1 11.11.IE.STt.RY BRICK DWELLINGS, No. 244 e beater st, and No. 231 Shell et. • - Executor's Perenvory Sala—Estate of. Powell Stec) bocce, deed—VALUABLY BUSINESS LOdA= TION-11 Bill uK. DWELLINGS, Front st, be tweEn Race and Tine sts, 61 feet front by 132.1 i feet J. ep Sate absolute. FOUR STORY. BRICK STORE add D WEL LIN O. N. W. corner 16th and Stimmer sts. Orphans' Court Sale--Estate of Robert O. Er' der, dec' d—LARGE and VALUABLE Lor, over 24 acres, I-tuck Road, First Ward. TITRE E-STORY -BRICK. It WELLING,- Rich mond st, northeast of hlarjhorough Et, lEth Ward. HOTEL, knotira as the 4 , stprBy /louse." Pacific avenue. Atlantic City, New Jerse3, 2 TWO. STORY - FRAME DWELLINGS. Someset st and Belgrade avenue,,With Ward. As-Agree' s Sale-COUNTRY RESIDENCE, Blaiu st, Norristown; handsome garden, situation nes: thy. Public Tale on the'Premises. ELEGANT VOUNTRY SEAT, ACRES DARBY , E OALi AND 3ualliT ST., DABSY. WT.DNESDAY, I'day 4, Ufa, at 3 o'clock P. M. wallbe sold At Puhllo sale. °wilts premises, an EVECiANT COUNTRY SEAT, 8 acres, cor ner of Darby Road and Summit street, DARBY. Stone Mansion, 2 carriage houses, wagon house, tenant house, ics , vegetable garden, fruit and slime trees, hydraulic ram, good spring water, fish pond, &c. It is a valuable and. hand some country place. • NW Will be shown by the owner and occupant, Joseph B. Conover, &c. Sale NCL 1324 Brown street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, BOOKCASES, ' VELVET CARPETS, .c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 3. At 10'o' clock; by catalogne,•at No. 1.5:11 Brown st, the elegant furniture, including.sult of drawing room furniture, fine crimson brocstelle covering; superior rosewood'bookcase; walnut, bookcase with minor doors; . handsome sideboard; suit ele gant chamber furniture; fine velvet carpets, c. May be examined at a o'clock on the morning Of tale. Sale No. IST Green Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT ROSE- N% 001) ..v.e .... tI9._I3RITSSEL ! S O&R,PETS, ON FRIDAY MORNING, M&Y 6, At 10 o'clock, by cataloghe,.at No. InS Green street, the supertor plush parlor furniture, elegant rosewood seven octave piano torte, secretary and bookcase, walnut chamber furniture, - Brussels srpsts, &c. Also, the kitchen farm:tire and utensils. IQ" May be examined on the morning c the sale st S o'clock. UTTRNESS. BRINLEY & 00.. Nos. 61.5. I. 4THESTRITT ?Lad 612 .TAYNE straw. m USES ucT IATII Arir AIICTIONE, AN o eas t corner SIXTH and RACE s e treets. WATCHES —WATCHES—WATCHES. At. private sale, upwards of 2000 gold and 511 V* gate-bee, at With') usual selling prices. Watch. makers, dealers and prlTate purchasers will dc well by calling at the ! S. E. corner of Sixth and Race streets. AT PRWATE SALE. Le Peters'. Philadelphia oases English Patin L9Ter Watches, of the most approved and bow makers; some of them have live pairs extra jewels, and very line and high cost moTements. If ap. piled for immediately they can be had singly, or the let at WS eaca, The cases will wear. equal solid gold cases. Very fine double barrel duck pins, breech dad. log; carbines; revolving rifles: line English rill's revolvers. k.e. AT PRIVATE SALE FOR T.'ams THAN HAW THE USUAL SELLING- PRIORS. i t Fine gold magic case, hunting•case and do blt bottom Englishpatent lever watches, jell jew and plain, of the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent lever and lepine watches; ladies' line gold enameled diamond watches; line gold Americas hunting case patent layer watches, of the most . approved styles; fine silver hunting case and °per face English patent lever' watches, of the most approved and. best makers: line silver hunting , case American patent' lever watches, of the most approved makers fine silver hunting case and open face Swiss and French patent lever and lephle watches; independent second and doublt tiwe lever watches; silver quarsier English, SWIB,I and French watches; fine gold-plated watches; Peters's patent watches, fine English movements and numerous other watches. Very fine. English twist double barrel lowlinl p co ie sta ce y s . , ban and back action.. lo cks, some very MONEY TO LOAN, In large or, small amounts, on goods of over: description, for any length' of time agreed on • SALES ATTENDED TO, • sneer at private dwellings,. stores, or elsewhere, and, when required, two-thirds of the value of the goods will be advanced in anticipation of sale CONSIGNMENTS of goods Of every description solicited "for ms) public sales. Very line sewing nmchines; several superior. Hammocks-, fine gold chains; Jewelry of ovary description; diamonds, and numerous other arti. hies. - YEGIADELPRIA RIDING SOEOOLI X FODRTIS. Street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season. on MONDAY, Sept, =h. Ladies and gentlemen &miring to aegairlit a thorough knowledge of this ttccomialishment . Wilt find every facility at this Eahool. 'hems are safe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained in the best .maiol rer. Saddle horses, 'horses and vehicles to hirr . 1 5.1t0 carriages fortnnerals, to oars, steamboats, & ' "I" "e rem A 113. - 8 Ifs RIVY WELLS. —o • • E.S' OF PROPFLE-'• I TL—,Tho , only place to get .rravy . Oletuized and disinfected at yery low prices. • A. PEISSOFf, 1 - ar.z. 4 '21.:": Pargirotte inyl-ly onlnsita' riChtiVeit7 AUCTION cilt Licta. 35 _THOMA.S: & SONS, AUOTIOICS -- r-:3;: 14.1 . 6003:Mar2 gtres. .TOCITS - AND REAL 'ESTATE - Ty ENDAI Pamphlet catalogues, pow- ready,„ containi: g fall descriptions of alitbe property to ti‘i, sold' cn Tuesday next, 3cl 'ins; with a list of 'sales May Bib, ~ 7th and 34th. comprising .a large ellimult and.great,variety 'of valuable prop, rty, by, order - 01 Pi - pi:kilns' Court, Executors and others 117- PURNITIMF.: SALES A.Tir..4j" AVOTIO:h bTI'tRE, EVERY THURSDAY Sir particular, attention given to sales at ‘ privals restdenceei ' z 01 SALES OF- STOCKS -AND REAL EbTATI, at the Exchange eftry'rflESßAY, at 'I2W clocl falliandbillebf KWh propertYlesned separately and- an. the Saturday pretiionx. to -each stle , re catalog-nes, in parephletform, gI euig #9.ll64crip ST.OOES„.&c. ,' ' . ,•; ON TUESDAY, MAY .1, ~ . . At .12 o , clock noon,. at the Ex ng e Without reserve for account or whom itmay-, concern, 100 shaxes Few York and hlidc la 'Coal" Fielr. 7o- SSW) Union 'Ca' al Bonds; with coupons from 1E61: • . = 08 'Woes Ille,chanies' Back . . • 3 shares Schuylkill Navigati:n preferred. WEAL' ESTAVE, SALE, MAY a Exeenters', - Pereinptory Sale- Estate of Same:: Hunt, deo' 4,—A BOUT 75 ACRES, NIC ET OWN LANE; eorher of - RROWGATE LANE, 25TH WArtr, with Stone .Dwellingrand Frame Barn, ineairsustiole Stone Quarry, Ice. Er/won't. arum Pleat and full description at the Anctipn Rothns de d. Orphans' Court, Sale-,Estateof Josepli —^2 -Lars OF &ROC ND, Farmayunk at, ' - • ' Sandi EslateL4 GROUND RENTS, of s6i St 9, 13 6 and s46loyear. Executor's Sale—Estate of John W. korner dec'd —VALUABLE LOT, 45 ACRES, anctlro provfments, near the 5 mile. Stone, Second tree Turnpike, about t mile above . 6 0LNEY,': 233 Ward • Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Azarlah H mons., dee' d.—VALUAT3LR I..{:T, over VO serer, Chevy Chase and Lug -Lanes, NEAR- EIGH TEENTH STREET, crossing several p ubl i c streets; 2Gth "Ward. 2 -Plan at the Auction Rooms. THREE-STORY, BRICK t•TORE and DWEL LING,- N. W.- doriter 4th and r areen*lch sta. :ale by Order of Heirs—Estate Of' Dr -Peter Howell, stee'd.--HANDSOVE LARGE REt.q. DIE..NCE; Office, Stable,' tract House, attd - Lota of Gronnd,lsid SP- rear! at, THRN TO N. N. Jersey. Same Estate—LOT and FREI.IkIE DWELLING, adjoining. the sheve • 7 I - LREE-STORY TAVERN and DWELLING, 41st t, north of Logan st, 2.Ph Ward Peremplory Ss Ie—VALUABLE RESIDENCE, No. lUI4 WALNUT st 20 feet front. Executor's SaIe—BUILDING LOT, Agnes St; below Christian st, between 10th, and 11th sts-60 feet front • GENTEEL DWELI4NG, No.' 315 Spruce st. A dmil.istrators' Sale-iEs ate of John-L Smith. dee' d. -VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND, No. :30 north Sixth s*, above Marketst. • TE REM-STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL- L3NG, 3 , Richmond6t, I.Blti Ward. - Execittor's Peremptory sale- Estate of Rennet Parke. dee' IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS, $3O, 527, $156,.5.36, 5,..2.•*73 56- .x'l2-25, FIE, 535 75, $7O, $57, ,55.) 59, $59, $57, $79, •$57,5.57, 32.5 t. a.year. - • Same Estate-VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND-Three-story Bricl Store and Dwelling, north Eth st,abo ve Arch st. Sale alisolitte, er err ro or 3 Sale-VERY VALUABLE LOT, lf AGRES, Wbentabeif Lane, 25th Ward-clear of all En cumbrance. . Sale, absolute. Eiecntor'S Peremptory Sale Estate late of Sarah Rohrman, deo' d -T WO-STORY FRAME DWELLING, Race it, west of 15th .st, - with th.re-str Ty brick dwellings in - the Tear. Sale aheolute. TB REE-STORY B -IKERY and LW JaNG: No. 16 - 15 tionth st, west of Tenth st. Bnsir.ess Stan d--STORE and It WEL4ANG-Isio. 117 Arch st,- west of Front st.. Busibes,s St and—STORE an d DWELLING. No. 119 Arch st. West of Front st, adjoining the above. 3 ThREE.STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 25e.G, 2:le and 2510 Pine st, west of Willow at. Pfremptory Sale—Tß REE-STORY BRICE ,WELLING' No. 815Bace at, west of Eighth st. Sale absolute. NEAT . mODERN DWELLTNEI- 1 No. 1.109 Brown st, west of Eleventh zt. 7 DREE. STORY BR ICE STORE and D WEL LINO, S. W. corner of Mb and Fitzwater et., LARGY and VALUABLE RESIDENCE No 208 spoilt - Fourth Et. below Walnut. Peremptory SaIe—VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT and FARM, known as “Lrsoux," Old kfload, at the 8 milestone, Cheltenham iown slain, Montgomery county. Pa —Large Stone Mansloti, Barri, Stable, &c. Sale absolute. REAL SALE. MAY 10. _ Orphans'. Court Sale—Estate of James Brown. dee cI—VALVABLEBterSMES PHOFZUTY—BRICK BUILDINGS, known as the EXCII3NGE BATHS, No. 22.5 south Second et, below, Dock st, 23 feet front. 276 feet...in depth to Laurel st. Same Estate—TWO-STORY BRICE DWELL ING. S L. corner of L./mire's alley and Laurel st. Same Estate-3 FOUR-STORY BRICE STOBES and DWELLINGS, Nos. 213. 215 and 217 south second st, with TAVERNand DWELL ING and COACH MANUFACTORY, Nos. 1.50 az d 152 Dock st-45;1feet front. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 61S south .Ninth st, below South st, (lionaldson's Bow. ) Peremptory ,ale—LOT, No:th Penn Villtge, 21st Ward, near Girard College. and Lands in Missouri and New Jersey. Sate absolute 3 I OUR STORY BRICE DWELLINGS,N.E. corner of Coombs's alley and Chancery lane, be tween Front and Second an 1 Market and arch sts. Peremptory SaIe—ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, Bristol Turnpike, (formerly Mr. Bowen's, and latterly Mr. liesdver's)—l,AßGE and SPLENDID STONE MANSION„STABLE and L OACH HOUSE and 23 ACRES. The mansion is elegantly finished, with all modern conveni ences, at d the grounds handsomely hod out and highly improved. Commands beautiful views, • convenient to churches and schools ' and accessible to cat e. steamboats, stages. &c. Sale absolute, THREE-STORY BRICE STORE and DWEL LING, No. IE2I Market s', west of Trustee's Peremptory Sale--THREE-STORT BRICE DWELLING, No 710 Buttonwood st west of Franklin st„ Sale absolute., DESIRABLE COTTAGE avenue. Boxboromilt, •2lst Ward. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, known as .Blootrlitld Marlton Turnpike, 3 miles from Camdeu,N T. Execntcr's Sale—Estate of George Ludtrletc, decd—VALUABLE TAVERN PROPERTY, N. W. corner of Haverford road and 40th st, and LARGE LOT, Lancaster avenue. 24th Ward. VERY VALUABLE COUNTRY bEA.T of the Bev. Jarnes Neill. 12 ACRES, Bunting st,_appo site the Grove of X. Baird, Esq., DARBY—Man sion, ;Stable Carriage House, Ice Rouse, and otter out-buildin gs. Trustee's Sale—YeLt-Anr.s. Ittsmr....ss STANDS-- 3 FOUR-STORY BRItiK STORES, Nos. 130,112 and 181 SOUTELFRONT st between CHESTNUT and WALNUT. V' Will he sold giving the choice of either, with privilege of the three. Same Estate-2 VALUABLE FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, S.W. - corner of Front and New ste, between Race and Vine sts—Lorge LOT. SG by about 155 feet. HANDSOME COUNTRY PLACE, f 6 AC11339, Delaware county, about flx miles from Chester and about I% miles from Vest Dale Station, on the Media and Philadelphia Railroad. Orphans' Court Peremptory-Sale—Estate of Charles Harlan, deed-4 BRICK. DWELLINGS S. E. corner of Myrtle and Preston sts,tllth Ward. Same revue—MOLDING LOT, Pemberton et, between lEth and 19th and Shippen and Fitzwater ste. Sale absolute. Same Estate—LAßGE and VALUABLE LOT, Spruce st, north sir e s west of Till st, L'ith Ward -45 feet front-9. fronts. Same Estate—GßOUNE RENT of E 6: a year. NEAT MODERN - B.E.SIDEN OE, No. 1916 Coates st—has the modern conveniences. Executor's Sale—Estate of George Peterman, dec' d—GEN TEEL THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1006 Wistar st Executor's Sale—Estate of Josiah raw. , 7on, dPc'd-2 VALUABLE BUSINESS 'STANDS, Nos 23 and t 5 north THlRDst,above MARKET. .Exe utor's Peremptory Sale—Estate of Daniel S. Davis, decd—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 717 Sansom st, west of Seventh st. Sale, absolute. LARGE and MODERN RESIDENCE and Conch House, No. 259 south Fourth at, near 'Walnut st. • Peremptosy Sate—VALUABLE RESIDENOE, With side yard, No. 1180 Beach at, south of Ehapltamazon st, 11th Ward.. Sale absolute. Peremptory SaIe—BDSINESS STAND—Four story brick store and dwelling,-N. E. corner Bread and Spruce sts. Sale absolute. b COTTAGE LOTS, Tames avenue, Box: borot gb. 21st Ward. Terms one:half cash. DESIRABLE :BUILDING LOT, Foulkrod st, Leiper et and Penn Et, Frankford, 21d Ward. IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT, 828 a year, well secured and punctually paid. Peremptory Sale--II A.NDSOME MODERN RESIDEN,CE, 'No. 237 .south 17th st, between Locust arid Spruce 'Sig, 19 by 190 feet. Sale absolute. THE ne,es' S4e. ASSETS' OF THE BARK -OF PENNSYL. • VANIA. ON TIAORSDAY, - MAX 5, At 1.-O' clocl noon. will be sold at public sale, at - the Philadelphia Exchange, by order of the Assignees of the Pank'ot Pennsylvania. in puma. ance of the authority of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, the remaining assets of said Bank. Toms cash Payable on or before Mon day, May 9, at 12 o' clock. Full pal umilars in rntforgres : which may be had at the attetton y !'l Es • k I.II.LMAN, AUUTIONEEB, u ?..o. 4%12 V. A LNTS r street, abort Fourth. RE.ij, LFTATE SAt.,f3 18t34. UroLabs -00Urt. sale—Estate ol- IN. Hepburn,..- d . ,ceaerd. VALU A BLE PER TY "A. 7 BRISTOL, *. BUCRS AFTER N OON; " • We will-seti-on-tns- r.ronalszs,. on ;TUESIIAY May 3; 18E4. at" 2 o etoot;the valuqble. property at Eris - tot; known a Cbalybeate Springs, "- of—lund, part Pns - 01. 'with rextersixe improyeuetvs, risrtin'ailars in 71:e sl;e:',o to be"piici - . when.thu"property•U Etrnq,k. off'. J : MEAL ESTATE' SALE, '1.6..4.1.Y -- 1 'This sale,willincinde— VAL U. 4 i3LE'F(IXIARE O CIRQUND, sontli side.of,Chestrrot st, 500 feet from -17th to 48thst ; ti.r-nee 48th '2ISM fret t york st, the no.tto; siciiiofTorit t 4:3 - Tetii4-1 - ;-inettes; thence :Northeast 80 feet. 3X,lnates to 47th st,,ttad. 175% feet 47th - Triattes' .:4 , 4otute 'S . /ill—Estate of ihor Bpinna (Klef.Z. •• • V ALU.iVELES,_QUARE OF ROUNDat the N. _ E. corner 48th . arte Uhestnii•,_streets; 400' feet front on Ltlv.otr at au d_Oak streets, and 214M,teetolf.ksth . Etl Pc , i. 'Sante eetate: VALUABLE (4,,TJAREI OF, GAOUND - ht the S. Oorne - r 4 , -th and Chestnut tree 410 fret ou. 4 bestnut and York stret•ts, 218% - feet' on 48thatreer. IS:71114 eaate. • .- • , .•.. • - VALUAI3LE SQUARE OF GROUND at this likt :corner. 48th arid Chestnut STreftu42l) fee t ,134 . 7 in:. Pr. Clhes : lntit street . , thence N. .W. 1814 feet, to Oak rstzett, 48.0!frel'on . Oak street and t:.)1.4}1 feet ..'oh 45th street. ..6ettne estate VALUABLESQUARE OF GROUND S. 1;4,:. eorner of 48th and 'Market. s reels 420 feet along" . : - Market And Oak stre.te, and' 21436. feet _on - 48t.h. and 4.o.llttrerts Sane estate. .• • - • VALU..A BLE SQ,OAREOF GROUND at S LR corLer 47th iind Chi stnnt' street.=, 181 feet on Chest. nut st• ; thence $. E. 45. feet. litg inches: thence' S. W' 2188 - teet 11 inches tp 47th 1. t.,.a along .47.1 k• 144 feetsg inches. • Same Rstat, - •• • •'" • ' VALUABLE , LO'I' - OF -GROUND north side. o • Yolk, 440 feet - Vest of 48th st , 6co feet oa Yor4 st. thence kit E. to (lhestnnt i (reef, along the sion-e - 7 feet 2 in c h es, - thenceSonth_2ls feet 2 inches. Bciritte. Eszole . . 815 S. iTik ST. Tbree-story brick howe rind ISt Seicetlront, 10 feet d4ep, 17 grifinal it rent. Orphane Court - Sale--.Estate ;Bernard, 'Olin% "KLIIBERTON COAL CO." —This' viltirible. estate, tomprisiLg 3trti acres of,Cloal lands ra Lu zerne county; Pa., 'near Wilkesbarre. Salo Ab- GERMANTOWN COTTAGE, at the corner of Knox Ind Lindsrf streets; with every , on vetiien ce. Frill descriptions .in handbills. Fo.....sest , ion mediate. BROWN STONE STORE,' NO . 210 CREST- N L'T STREET, 154 feet front, 102 feet.-ceep. No incumbranCes. Full descriptions in handbrlls. - .E.ECCi4.O7:O Soler Estate of Joseph : Fisher, dece4sed, GEBDIANTOWN.=AVaInatIe property of 7 acres, on .11.1.ein avenue, Arm...t and--Hancock' street., viith excellent improvements; stream of v. :tier !b.) ough 'lie land: - stone 'lnitnsionr -. stable' and peach: house . , and all' out-buildings. :Fine fruit at .d very accessible. . 1‘,27 STREET—Three.stoiy, brick bonze, 15, by feet to alO feet alley, Sir.: 25. ground rent. .Ezeautor a Sale--Eqate cf Z. son, dee' .. • - • S E. CORNER - EIGHTH AND SPRUCE STREETS—Large mansion house and thole lot :11 feet 9 inches by 2.5 n feet to a 40 feet street. 512,0110 ratty remain' P._ ssession immediate. May be ex am i noir. at tinylime. Sante estate. GRQUND RENTS. 825. 521, 519 50 and 5.30 per annuin, out of lots of ground and frame houses, :9th Watd. hey are all old renter, are welt se- Aired. the land being Worth more than the princi ul of thesen.s. lizecator' a Sale. :333, 311 AND 313 - .S. TWELFTH NTREET— Tin - re...story b• Irk horties and lots 'b-low Spruce eaeh 16X by 31 feet; ,Sle 50 ground- rent on each 440 POPLAR STREET--Three s'ory brick store' and lot,IS by 04 feet, an incumbrance. Orphans'. Coat ale—Egfeat of Letterie Sr., dec'd ' • 11:1 POPLAR ST. —Prop , rty adjoining store and dwelling,lS by - near 50 feet; no ineumbraece .l4 me,este. - Sid OTIS ST--Two-story brick house, and lot It by 9114 feet clehr; Sin gr,:und rent. Same estate; 1.11 . 00 RE ST.—A lot of ground. adjoining the anove on the rear. 20 by 6,5 feet Same r state. • .5.31. r GROUND BENT—Oat of a lot ort . Moore st. , it by n 5 feet.. Same estate. VALUABLE BROAD Sr.- LOTS' W. coiner cf Ontario st.; 53 feet on Broad, 357 feet lO Inches on On tano st. : thence S. - W. 37 feet 9) inches to FlltePlith st ,on wh_ch it is 36 fret front Site rerenTfory. . - - SOUTH FIFTEENTH St.—Three-story brick Louie N. W. corner of Molloy st., :It) by .73 feet: er.hject to £.3.0(.0 mortgage, and to a dower. of $350 a year. Execti ore absolute Sae, erfate of - B. Ester; 121:3 POPLAR St-Three-story brick hoase and lot of 18 feet, part over .75 feet deep to a 3 feet alley. 1•?. a POPLAR ST.—Three-story , brick -Sdjoin ir g. _ 1117 POPLAR B.T.—ThrO:story: brick adjoin ing. _ _ ''lib WARD—Desirable property, N..E. corner of t3t - -111 and York sts... 75 by 100 feet. 1517 ,UADWALAMER ST.—Three-story- brick Douse and Jot; It , by near :if) feet. 1516 80t..-INE ST. —Three..-story brick house and lot on the rear of the abore, 13,t1 . feet by near,..i feet deep. - 1510 BODINE ST. —Three( story, bri ansennd . lot, 19 feet 374 in. front and near 40 fee p -415 - SOUTH MTH ST.—With 2. bonsei on Salem - Alley andlot 15 by 56 feet, Sitt - rround r.tnt. 0. Court :ate. /state of Robert d•!c' d. . SALEM A-Li.ET—Three housee, - , Nos. 1214-', 1581 and 121 and lot 30 feet square. $l5 ground rent, Sc ate-Estate. , SOUTH Tai ELPTII STREET—Pour-story brick sure and dwel inn, and back buildings, 191:: by 63 feet. No incumbrance. Same estate. GERALANTOU'N—The valuable propert known as the Germantown Market House ;Plane builcing, built .Cif the best materials at a cost of 813, 42 by WO feet, with walls di inches thick strong enough for any purpose 'whatever ; welt lighted from sides and roof The lot is 55.4 by 350 feet, in the most thriving part of the place. SISD ground rent. • . SUMMIT STREET—A desirable nearly new house, built by tho owner for his own use, now occupied by Dr. Budd. who will show it. Lot. ..E2l by 157 feet. Possession with the deed, House Ite Z.,3 feet front, well built and finished. No incumbrance. 219 N.TWELFTII ST.—Three-story brick house end lot, 1.13 by 95 feet. LOTS, James RACE St.—Four genteel. dwellings, near broad Street, each 16 by 91 feet. No incumbra.nces. 1604 N. FIFTEENTH ST.—Genteel dwellir , ', above Oxford Street. side yard. LottHs by 100 fr. NORTH ST.—Two genteel dwellings, Nos. 1669 and 1511; each 15 by 57 feet ESHER ST—a. lot of ground, near Washington Street, 20th Wara; .0! ; : by 109 lest. . 'Eh THOMAS B R 0 H SOAK Auctioneers and Commission Darchanta, Nc. gl4 CHESTNUT Street above Ninth. Sale at No-- South Sixteenth Street. ROSEWOOD FIJRNITURE, PLANO FORTE. CARPETS, PAINTINGS, ,tc. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 4; -At loo' clock, at No. 608 . south Sist - enth street, - will be sold the furniture of a family removing from the city, comprising rosewood parlor furnl. lure, rosewood piano for, made by Van Riper, cost 57511; velvet carpets, oil paintings mirror, mantel clock, Q suits of elegant rosewood chamber ' fur iture, one richly ornamented cottage chamber suit, hers, matresses, dining-room and kitchen furniture, &c. • [;The furniture can be examined at o'clock on the morning or the sale. TIMBER LAND * AT PRIVATE SALE. Fcrsstle., 437 acres of Land, heavily timbered; also, hen ore on the same, situated in Sullivan coal tye o adjoiiing Laporte, the county town; a. stream of water passeathrough the property, and logs can be floated to a market. A plan of-the same can be seen at the auction store. Thomos Birch lc Son will .gtve their pe:t caul attention to the sale of Furniture at the reeddenr-es of those about breaking up housekeeping or re moving. Also, bold sales of furniture Oyer, FRIDAY MORNING, at 9 o'clock, at their spacious Warerooms. N. 914 (Ine•atriya qtrimit UHXLIP FORD do CO., AUCTIONEERS, - 525 Market and 522 Commerce streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.,000 OASE S BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, to. ON MON DAY. MORNING. MAY 2, At 10 o' clocif precisely, will be sold by catalogue. for cash, 1.000 cases Men's, Boys' and Youths' Calf, Hip and Grain Boots, Bro - gans, Balmorals, Oxford Ties - . cavalry Boots, ,to.: 'women's, Misses' and Children's Calf, E.ip, Goat. Kid and • Morocco Heeled Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters, BnelOns, .itc. Also, city made Foods. .. Open for examination, with catalogues early on the morning of sale. RO; B E O P O O T .9 s I T sH I V O B ES SAL . BlOG ° A.lst 1 .4, °34. &c ILIASEB ON THURSDAY MORNING, Mel..y 5, ' At le o'clock prectsolY, will be sold, by cata. login, lox. cash, 1,000 Cases Men's, Boys , are Youths' Calf, Hip and Grain Boots, gi v ogitzt, Balmoral.% Cavalry Boots, &c. jig- women's. Misses' and Children's Calf, gip, Goat, Hid aud. Morocco Heeled Boots and Shoes, Sltppers, Gaiters, Buskins, &o.,frorricity and Eastern manufacturers. comprising a general assortment of goods. -' ICHLES.-600 cases half 4 d. allen, qn its an Ppints, prepared at. the Pennsylvania Pickling 'Works. and put up in the best manner in white wine vinegar, and for sale bS , JOS. 13. BUSSIER & CO., 118 and 110 South Wharves. - OR SALE. —.12 Barrels best SOUTHEIMTAR For terms apply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, AUCTION.S 6I;!'"8
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