ANCISMINNTS. For Additional Artustmeras, see - Second rage MESSILS:AMOSS and JLUIVIS Will give their THIRD SOIREE OF OLASSIO&L XIIS.T.O, FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF PiIUSIO, ON FRIDAY EVENING, April 8, at 8 o'clock, Assisted by. Messrs. GAERTN'EB, .119aufal- BERGER, 81111 END and BIJOBNES: . PROGRAMA - B. 1. Duo —Two Pianos. . .. ... .. Salbrenner 2. Quartette—Piano and Instruments . .. Mozart 3. Solo-2 Piano S .Bennett ............ ' - R. JAJSI,VIS. 1 hal berm, 4. .Coneerto—Violin; ......... De Beriot MB. 5. Ooncerto--Piano, op. 89, (quartette Ac -Oompaniment). . .. Ennattlen .. MR. TailVIS. [ap7.2c] 6. rial:10. olin and Violoncello, op. 97. Beethoven Tickets, s t each; to be had at the Music Stores. OBAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION by the MEMBERS of the WILKINGTON (.1-YrdIVASIUIII, by Prole. HILLEBELIND & LEWIS, on TUESDAY, April 19, 1964, at the large INSTITUTE HALL, corner of Elvith and market, Wilmington, FOR THE BENEFI r OF THE GRAND FAIR OF THE SANITARY CODIMISSION. A rich programme of general Gymnastics by Wdmisgten members, of both sexes, assisted-by some cf the best Philadelphia Gymnasts of their Institute, corner of Ninth and Arch sts. ap7-4ti j aLY ISA.J3EL O - 0 • • EAST LYNNE, EAST LYNNE, dISID• I[I7ALNUT STREET TILEATRE. NV Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON THIS (Th ursday) EVENING-, April 7, 1/384, Last Night but two of the engagement of MISS LAURA KEENE and Comedy Company, from - New. York Revival, by particular request, of 'the grand spectacular drama of THE SEA. OF ICE, Produced with the same magnificent effects as performed at Laura Kiene' a Theatre, New York, upwards of 100 nights, introducing the entire Doa ble Company, as also the principal members of the 'Walnut Street Theatre Cempany. The performance will conclude with the 31431 T farce or SHALL I MARRY 3 Tomorrow night, Laura Keene in East Lynne. lAURA. KEENE. LAURA HE EA NE. ST LYNNE. ____ EAST LYNNE wilts -Kam DREW' 6 NEW AROHSTRBET THEATRE. AROH street, above Sixth REAPPEARANCE OF MRS. JOHN DREW. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, April 7, 1861, ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE', ROSEDA.LE; OR, THE RIFLE BALL. Rosa Leigh. Mrs. John Drew Elliot dray. • ' Barton Hill Col. Cavendish May Owen Marlow Runberry Kobb, Esq Stuart Robson Miles McKenna - Mr. Griffiths Lady Florence May Miss E. Price Sarah Miss Josephine Henry Friday, Benefit of Ars. JOHN DREW. Prices as usual. Doors open at 7o' clock. Cur tain rises at 7% o'clock. ri ROVER'S taiEsTraiT ST. THEATRE. lI,XLEONARD GROVER Manager (Also of Grover' a Theatre. Washington. ) THIS (Thursday) EVENING. April 7, 1661, IMMENSE SUCCESS Of Bon cicaalt' s great American Drama, THE OCTOROON, Which, during the past week, was received with every demonstration of delight by AUDIkIVOES TEAT FILLED THE THEATRE In every part. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY, SUPERB ACTING, and THRILLING EFFECTS Have been the theme of generous praiseirom both the Press and the Public. REGULAR. FAMILY MATINEE ENTER TAINMENT. On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, April 9. Admission—Dress Circle and Parquet, 5U teats; Family Circle, 25 cents; or aliestra Seats, 75 cents. Five of the front benches only are recerved as Or chestra Seats.. No extra charge for securing seats. Doors open at 7 o' clock curtain rises at 8. col, &NI) LITERARY_ MUSIOAL A,Jr • . SOIREE BY THE ALUMNI OF THE GIRLS' HIGH AND NOR MAL SOHOOL, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAY EVENING, April 11, 1861, At eight o'clock. Tidkete 50 cents. Reserved • Seats can be cbtained at Gould's Mu.; sic Store, corner of Seventh and °hear nt, with out extra charge. Proceeds for the Sanitary Commission. m3ltapll§ A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SOIREE GYMNASTIQUE fqr the BENE FIT of the &GREAT CENTRAL FAIR" of the SANITARY. COMMISSION. Ey request of the Committee on Exhibitions, 'Pandits and Entertainments, A SOIREE OTXNASTIQUE AND LAST GRAND RE-UNION Of alt the Classes connected with the PHILEI DELPIsIA NATATORIUM AND PRYSICA.L INSTITUTE will be held at the ACADEMY OF music, TUESDAY EVENING, April 12th The classes of Masters and Young Gentlemen under the direction of Dr. WM JANSEN. The classes of Young Ladies led by Miss S. F. HOP KINS. The classes of Gentlemen conducted by Iff.essrs. HAI:MESON and GIHON. The whole performance being a full and practi cal illustration of all the branches of modern Gym 'tastes and Physical Culture, and executed en tirely by amateurs, members of the Institution. The Grand Orchestra of thirty-six first-class performers will, in itself, prove a great attraction. Director of the General Music.... Mr. HASSLE K. Director of Music for the. ''Light Gymnas tics" . . Mr. LOSSE. P. LEYPOLDT, corner of CHESTNUT and JUNIPER Streets, has been appointed Treasurer and Agent for the sale of tickets. PRIOR OF ADMISSION Parquet and Balcony $1 Family Circle and Amphitheatre 50 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. Sale of seats to continence on Tuesday March 22. Doors open at 7ig flock. The performance to commence pulictuany at Bo' clock. mh2l-taril3l, P. S. —T he sale of Tickets at Mr. Leypold's Book Store, will close at 4 o' clock on Tuesday, the 32th. • T ADY LADRA. _ILA LADY LADE& LADY ISKEEL. LADY ISABEL, nlO HARNESS MARERS.—Wantedimmedi ately, at Newark, N. J., 50 good HAND:4 to _work AA Infantry; also, 100 good HANDS for Cavalry work. Good wages and steady employ xcent given. GEORGE PETERS, 371 Broad, corner of Green street, Newark, N. J. ap7-6t* TITANTED-By a New York Commission VV - House; a SALESMAN, to sell Domestic dry Goods by sample in Philadelphia. One ac quainted with the buyers, and having some know ledge of Cotton and Woolen Goobs. Address with reference, B. J. M., office of this paper. ap7.3t* AR WANTED TO RENT—A. 1101,75 E, with the modem conveniences, situate on AROIL Or SPRUCE streeti,between Broad and Twlatietn. streets. Rent not to exceed 81,000. Address, stating terms and location, F., at office of this paper. ap7-2t* AUCTION 48ALE6 Mir THOMAS SONS, AUOTIONEE.BS, Jai. Nos. 139 and 191 South Fourth street. SALE OF VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOORS, from a LIBRARY. ON ;FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 8, At the aubtiem store, va , uable Miscellaneous 334 •ks on 'various interesting subjects. REAL ESTATE SALES REAL EST.saSONS' BALE.—Modern RESIDENCE, No. 1729 I' l l 4 E streets on TUESDAY, April 19th, 1861, at 12 o'cicck, noon, will be sold at public sale at the .PHIT ADELPIIIA MICH AMIE, all that an -33.1ri0r modern four-story brick messnage, With double three-story back buildings , and lot of eround,' situate on the aorta side of Pine street, NU 1729, between Seventeenth and Vighteenth titeeets; containing in front on Pine street i 8 feet, and -extending in depth 130 feet to a2O feet wide 'street. The house is well built and finished with the modern conveniences, and is in good order throughout. 1* - Clear of all incumbrance. • TERMS.—A mortgage of $5,000, at five per cent. , may remain, balance cash, - or in one year, With satisfa,:tory •security. Possession in four weeks from sale It may be examined any day previous to sale, after 10 o'clock, A. X. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 5p7;11,l 8 120 andl4l Soutli Fourth street. LADY LAURA AN TS RE AL ESTATE SALES EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY , S &LE. IF/Estate of ELIZABETH 0' OONNOR, dec' d._ —.THOMAS lc SONS, Auctioneers. en TUES DAY, April 19th, 1864, at 12 o'clock: noon, will be said at public sale, without reserve, at the PHI LADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following de .cribed property, clear of all incumbrance, viz`:. o THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS,' ICO.I4TH NINETEENTH STREET, Nos. 1212 and 1214, above Girard avenue. 01E - 111 No. that three-story brick messnage Inland lot of ground, situate on the west side of ltala street, No. 1212 north of Girard avenue, 21)tb. Ward, containing in front 15 feet, and extending in depth 53 feet 2 inches. Together with the full and free right, liberty and privilege to the use of a certain alley two feet in width, and thirty feet in length, on the - northernmo -t side of said lot for ever. 65 No. 2. —All that three-story brick messuaga and lot of ground, adjoining No 1; contain ing in front 15 feet, and extending- in depth 53 feet 2 inches. Together with the full and free right, liberty and privilege to the use of a certain alley two feet in width and thirty feet in length, on the southenimost side of said lot forever. - No. 3.—TAVERN A.ND DWELLINO,No. k "A 1854 RIDGE AVENUE.—AII that three-story brick messnage and tavern_and triangular lot of ground, beginning at a poin formed by the inter section of Ridge avenue and 19th street, thence extending along the east side of 19th street 45 feet 11, 3 4 ; inches to a point, thence northeast 30 feet :17,1 inches to a point, thence northwesterly along the southwesterly side of Ridge avenue 96 feet 5,4 S inches to the place of beginning. On which is ected a three-story brick dwelling honse and tavern. It is a good business stand. OR Nos. 4 aria 5.-2 DWELLINGS, Nos. 1818 and 1832 RIDGE AVENUE.—No. 4—All that two-story frame messuage and lot of ground, situate tit the southwesterly side of Ridge avenue, 48 feet 5% inches southeasterly from 19th street; containing in front on Ridge avenue 18 feet, and extending in depth on the north line thereof 30 feet 2% inches, and on the south line thereof 41 feet 11% isches to said 19th street,'having a front thereon of 17 feet 9% inches. re No. 5.—A1l that two-story frame mossnage Martini lot of ground, adjoining No. 4; 'contain his in Ironton Ridge avenue 32 feet, and in depth on the north line 41 feet 11M inches, and on the south line 62 feet 9S inches to said 19th - tnreet, having a front thereon of 31 feet 8,4' inches. Mir Sale abeolute. ROBERT MERCELS.NT, Executor M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,14, IS 139 and 141 South Fourth street tal} REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS ,k SONS la SALE. —LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, T WENTIETH,TWENTY-SECONDand MONT GOMERY streets. Twentieth Ward, Clear of all incumbiance. Lithographic plans at the auction rooms. On. TUESDAY, April 19th, 1164, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the 'PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that large and valuable lot of ground, situate at the south west corner of Twenty-second and Montgomery streets: containing in _front on Twenty-second street t'.)76 feet, and extending of that wioth along the south line of Montgomery street 110 feet, to a certain 40 feet wide street called Croskey street, having three fronts. Near the Ridge ayenne Pas senger Depot. No. 2. All that valuable lot of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Twentieth and Montgo mery streets; containing in irout ore , Twentieth street 141 feet, and extending in depth of :that width 179 feet 7,t‘ inches to other ground—the front on Montgomery street 179 feet 7% inches. No. 3. ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND, Twentieth Ward. All that valuable square of ground, situate on the south side of Columbia ave nue, between 'Twenty-first and Twenty-Second streets, Twentieth Ward; containing in front on Columbia avenue 400 feet. and extending in depth sonthwardly of that width 140 feet to a 40 feet wide street, called Nicholas street. Bounded by Colum bia avenue, Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Nicholas streets—four fronts. Near the Ridge acenue Railway Depot. MT Lithographic plans of the three sales may be seen at the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS tc SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,11,18 139 and 141 South Fourth street. die REAL ESTATE—v/10XAS & SONS' 115:Z S AVE.—VALUABLE P ItOPERTY,NORT FRONT Street and NEW MARKET Street, be tween Vine and Callowhill Streets; Large Lot and: four-story Brick Dwellings, with 12 three story Brick Dwellings in the rear. On TUESDAY, April 19th, 1&$, at 12 o' clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE: All that ground, with . the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west side of Front street, between Vine and Cal lowhill streets, 11th Ward; containing in front 17 lest 9 inches, and in depth IE) feet, more or less. Bounded southward by the lot of ground and premises next hereinafter described. Also, all that lotof ground, adjoining the above, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected; containing in front 34 feet, and in depth 270 feet. or thereabout to New Market street. The improvements consist 0f.,9 four-storybrick houses, with double back buildings, on Front street, Nos. 320, 3‘2 and 321, 2 three-story brick houses, with single back buildings on New Market Street, and 10 three-story brick houses on the intermediate ground called "Copperthwaite Place ' • /Q' The whble will be sold together as one prop erty-5t feet 9 inches front. • ' Mir Clear of all incumbranee. Terras-518,000 may remain on mortgage. M. THOMAS & SONS, ap7-14,18 Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. 4th st. fa TRUSTEES' SALE —Estates of JESSE SHARPLESS, deceased. —THOM AS tc SONS. Auctioneers.—VALUA.BLE BUSINESS STAND. Four.story BRICK STORE, No: 506 MARKET street, with 8 Brick Dwellings in the Rear,- on Grape street. Lot 25 feet front, 283 feet in depth through to Grupe street; 2 trouts. On TUESDAY, April 10th, 1E64, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, by order of Trustees, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that valuable lot of ground and the improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of Market street, 'west of Eighth street, No. 806, containing in front on Market street 25 feet, and extending in depth 2433 feet to Grape street. • The improvements are a four-story brick Store. No.' 806 Market street, 25 feet by 125 feet in depth, built about 5 years since; cellar the entire depth of the building, occu pied as a Restaurant; the upper stories are very lofty, built expressly for a Gymnasium. On the rear of the lot are 8 four-story brick dwellings. CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANOE. Tr.nras—There is a Mortgage of e 1.5,000 now on the property, having 434 years to run, at five per cent. The rear end of the lot is very valuable for deepening the Eighth street lots, which are shal low. $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. M. THOMAS- k. SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,11,18 132 and 141 South Fourth street. IREAL ES LATE.—THOSIAS it SONS' SALE—LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO PERTY, DELAWARE AVENUE and SWAN SON STREET, 49 feet on Delaware avenue, 483( feat on Swanson street—two fronts. On TUES DAY, April 19th, 1861, at 12 o' clock Noon. will be sold at Public hale, AT THE PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE—AII that large and valuable lot of ground and the improvements thereon erected. si nate on the westwardly side of Dela ware avenue, south of Almond street, 4th Ward; containing in front on Delaware avenue 49 feet 4 inches, more or less, and extending in depth on the north line 194 feet 7 inches, more or less, and on the south line 189 feet 21 inches, more or leer, to Swanson street, on which the front is 48 feet 6 inches, more or less—two fronts. The improve ments are a large four-story brick warehouse, frontirg on Delaware avenue. No. 712. and a three story brick dwelling and a two story brick build ing in the rear, fronting on Swanson street. ga - CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCE. A portion of the pnrchaee money may re .nain on mortgage. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, ap7,14,18 139 and 141 South Fourth st PEREMPTORY SaLE—THOMAS dt 11:4,1 SONS. AUCTIONEERS —9 GENTEEL THREE.STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 219 and 221 South SEVENTEENTH street, near Walnut, opposite the elegant garden of Joseph Harrison,Esq. On TUESDAY, April 19th, 1864, at 12 o'cock noon, will be sold at public sale, 'without reserve, AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described property, viz : No. 1. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Seven tt street, No. 219, (at the corner of Chancellor street, between Walnut and Locust streets;) con taining in front on Seventeenth street 15 feet, and extending in depth, fronting on Chancellor street, 110 feet. CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANOE. TERMS—OnIy $l,OOO required in cash. $lOO to be paid at - the time of sale. Possession lst May. RD^ It and the following will be sold, giving the purchaser the choice of either, with the privilege of taking both. Na. 2. A house and lot adjoining on the ri south,same size and description, No. 221. CLEAR OF ALL INCUAIBRA.NOE. Only $l,OOO required In cash. Kr SALE ABSOLUTE. $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. Possession let May They are tti ate in a most desirable neighbor hood. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap7,14,18 ' 139 and 141 South Fourth street. BOARDING 624 SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE.— Large Second-story Front ROOM with first, class Board. Also single rooms. ap7-3t* •- ITIHE PHILADELPHIA RIDING SCHOOL, I_ FOURTH Street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and winter season on MONDAY, Sept 2tOh. Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a -thorough knowledge of this accomplisbment will Ind every facility at this school. The horses are safe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained in the best man. ner. Saddle homes, horses and vehicles to bin also carriages for Itmerais c to cars, steamboat% Is se6p THOS. OILBX4E As SOX THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.; PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1864. Postponement of Auction Sale of Boots and Shoos. On FRIDAY MORNING, pril Bth, will be sold by Catalogue for Cash, coxtuteueing, at 1U o' 7 clock, precisely, 1000 cases Prime BOOT'S, SHOES, BROGANS, BALNEOR ALS, &c., by PHILIP FOED & 00,, Anetioneera, at their Store, No: 525 312,101:Er and 522 0011151E110E Streete, to which we invite the early attention of .bnyers. aptl.24 Rear White Shetland Pointes. GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, opened THIS MORNING an invoice of REAL WHITE SHETLAND POINTES, knit by band from natural Wool, very white and ex quisitely fine, to which he invites the early atten tion of his customers, as it comprises all he will be able to offer.this season. - ap2-6t* GREAT CENTRAL FAIR SANITARY COMMISSION, PHILADELPHIA, 1307 CHESTNUT STREET, The Committee on Finance and Donations of the Great Central Fair, appeal for contributions In money, to those of their fellow-citizens who do not propose sending to the Fair the products of their skill and industry. By far the larger portion of the money received 'on 'the occasion, of the Fairs held for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission in Cincinnati, Boston, and . Brooklyn, was derived from direct donations in cash, and not from the proceeds of the sale of articles exposed. What the Sanitary . Commission needs to afford relief to the sick and wounded soldiers is money, in large amounts and from all sources. We call, then, upon all bank ers, corporations, capitalists, persons living upon incomes, professional or otherwise; in short, upon all who will not be represented in he Fair by their productions, to imitate the example of those who will, and to contribute liberally in 'MONEY for this great object. In New York. although their Fair is not to be held for two weeks, contri butions of more than $200,000 in cash have been already received, a single department of trade, that of dry goods, having made up more than half that sum. Brooklyn and Cincinnati have each contributed as much in money, and certainly the wealth. liberality and patriotism of Philadelphia 'can hardly be considered as less conspicuous than that of these communities.. Contributions will be thankfully received j) y any of the members of the Committee. OFFICE OF THE BUTLER CIOAL 0031' Y, No 108 South FC En:frit Street, PiLmannk.rnia., March 31, ton. 117'NOTWE- , -A MEETING OF TEIE STOOK holders of the BUTLER COAL COMPANY, will be held on THURSDAY, April 2lst. at S o'clock, P.M., at their Office, No. 109 South FOURTH Street, to consider the propriety of Increasing the Capital Stock of the Company to the sum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. H. N. BURROUGHS, Prealden.t. Z. 0. HOWELL, JOHN DERBYSHIRE, CHARLES W. TROTTER. apl4t.kapstnths 6t* SPRING DRESS GOODS. At the Store of J. F. YOUNG, (Socceseor to T. Flamm) No. 70 North FOURTH Street. JOHN P. YOUNG is now opening one of the most completeselections of LADIES' lARESS STUFFS that can be found in this market. Special attention is directed to the styles and prices. re27s, t -th26 so' BOOKS BOOKS !! AND FINE STATIONERY. Since the first of the year we have been adding constantly to our stock, until we now have one ot the largest and best ',assortments of BOOKS FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY, PHOTO GRAPHS and ALBUMS to be found in any es tablishment in the United States. .We warrant our PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the very beat material, strong, durable, and AS LOW ID paten as any in the market. dii New Rooks received as soon asisstsed. ASHMEAD & EVANS,. Successors to Willis P. Hazard, No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET. tff" •te 4 4 , 4 c r No. 16 SOUTH THIRD IST., A ll BANKERS &BROKERS, I 1 ; SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters' Vouchers and Checks, AND ALL GOVERNMENT BECIJRITIEI3 BOUGHT AND SOLD. ii. - 9 -Ettrc. - _ ftf .-1 WRIGHT ez SIDDALL 4. ' 0, OFFICE OF THE FOR TILE MAnort, 186 A. E. BORIE, Chairman, S. A. MERCER, SAMUEL WELSH, THOM AS SPARKS, A. J. ANTELO, CALEB COPE. JOHN T. LEWIS. THOMAS RIMBER, T. A. BIDDLE, E. W. - WILLIAM C. KENT, E. O. KNIGHT. mh29-tu.111.56t SPRING GOODS. TIRST °PIQUING OP No. 119 Market Street. ?Between Front and Second streets. 0. w..WRIOUT. P. U. GIDD4LI4. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERA'. STOREKEEPFR-s1 Oan find at our establishment a full as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drums, popular Patent Medicines, pants, o ota 011, Window Glass, Prescription vials, etc. at as low prices as-genuine first clam goods can be sold. • FINE ESSENTIAL OILS • for Confectioners, in fall variety; imam the best quality. • Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot. ash, Cudtrear, Soda Lisa, Alum ; on of Vitriol, Ann atto, Copperas, Extract of Dogwood, am., FOR DYERS' use, always on hand, at lowest net cash prices PURE SPICES FOR FAMILY USE, Ground exprestily for our sake, and -to Which we invite attention of those in want of reliable articles . .Alen. INDIGO, STARCH, MUSTARD, of extra quality. Orders by mall, or city post, Inn mon with prompt attention, or special quota tons will be ftdmished when requested. WEIGHT & SIDDALL,, Wholesale Drug 'Warehoune I,4yrpf no. nelyarliet street above Pion AND. .. gISON . CAVALRY, ~..., I (15th PENNA. CAVALRY.) 1 Sui!able young men will be accepted •as recruits for this Regiment now on service. in East Tennessee. - Witt . J. PALMER, 001. Ooni dg, Office in Washington Building, lilt . No. 274 South T EILIAD Street. TIE COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, WILL CONTINUE TO PAY TWENTY DOLLARS I'OR EVERY RECRUIT MUSTERED INTO - HANCOCK'S Second Army Corps. ALFRED DAY. 17.9"AritiviNL CLOTH ENG. SPRING OF 1864. EXTENSIVE CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 303 & 305 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA re The facilities of this house for doing co 4 = l business axe such that they_ can conft- C.) dently claim for it the leading position G ra Cv) among the TallcMing Establishments of •=i 4 Philadelphia. They, therefore, invite Cf) CI" C) the attention of gentlemen of taste to CM co their superb stock of BEADY-DIELDE c A' CLOTHING, coat by the best artists, as trimmed and made equsl to Customer =1 Work —AND AT Popular Prices. _, l = They have also lately added a C 17- 1 - 4 es c. -''' TOM DEPARTMENT where the latest = 6 „ C= , novelties may be found embracing A eo _, some fresh from London and Paris • PERRY & CO., 003 and 305 Chestnut st. Custom Depa' tment, 303 Chestnut s mh26-tf rpi) - Lyon's Hathairon. Eathairon is from the Greek word GrathrO," or "Kathatro," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore. This ar.icle is what Its name signi fies. - For preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is the most remarkable prepare, tion in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the saute care. skill and attention which gave it sale of over one minim , bottles per annum. It is a most delightful hair dressing. It el ad icates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the bead cool and clean. It makes the hair rich. soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman who valnas a beautiful head of hair should nee Lyon's Kathairon. It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. DE AS 13. BARNES & CO., New York HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary ar , tide ever discovered. It changes the sun ournt lace and Lands to a pearly satin texture of ra vishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distiopus appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It remo yes tan, fi eckles, pimples and roughness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Pa tronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It what every lady should have. Sold everywhere Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N.Y. Address all orders to Demas S. Barnes & Co., New York HEIMSTREET' s Inimitable Hair Restorative. NOT A DYE But restores gray hair to its original color, by sup plying the capillary tubes with nasural suste nance, impaired by age or disease. All instanta neous dyes are composed of tartar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no lielmstreer:s Inimitable Colot lug not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Luxuriant Beauty, piemotee its growth, prevents its felting off, eradl cates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasant ness to the head. It has stood the testof time, being the or gmal leair Coloring, and is constantly in creasing in favor. Used by b,th gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all respectable deal.'rs. orcan be procured by them of the commercial agents, 1). S. BARNES & CO., 202 Broadway, New York. Two sizes. 50 cents and St. Mexican Mustang Liniment. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been Conatertehing the ['duetting Liniment under pretence of proprietorship, have been tho roughly estopped by the Courts. To guard again further imposition, I have procured from the S Treasury, a private steel plate revenge stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears ttie fee simile of my .- ignature, and without which the artiwe is a Counterfeit, dan gerous and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment bas been in use and grow ing in favor for many years. There hardly exists a hamlet on tne habitable Globe that does not con tain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present im proved ingredients, Its effects upon man anti beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made use ful, and untold ills assuaged. For cute, bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings,bites ' cnts,caked breasts, strained horses, /cc, it is a Sovereign Re medy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by ail.Driaggiets. fele-tuth s (MO D. S. BARNES, New York. ldi.f , TER AND LATHS.-55 tons plaster. P 000 laths for sale by E. A. SOUDER & 00 DOCK street wharf. toirM-3t Vey Elegant Real Black Lace Mutes. GEO.. -W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, opened THIS MORNING anew invoice of Rich and Fine REAL BLACK LAC E POINTES, comprising some entirely new and beautiful de signs, purchased by his Agent ,this -season- in the Lace countries, and are the careful selections from Prnaelle ,, , -Flanders, Grammont and Chantilly factories. The,Goods are purchased direct from .the parties who make the Goods, and are offered at but me advance to buyers at retail. The assort meet is the largest and handsomest in the country —the,prices are the lowest. apt-6tit - - - - - - - - - NEW LOAN. U. S. 1040' JAY COOKE iSv CO. Offer for Sale the _ NEW GOVE NMENT • LOAN, BEARING FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. BOTH. COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-20's. The interest on sso's and sloo' a payable yearly; on all other denommations, half yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1, 11364. The halt-yearly interest falling due Septem ber Ist and - March lst of each year; Until lst Sep. tember, the accrued interest from let of Marsh is required to be paid by purchasers in COIN or in Lauer. CUltilltaVY, adding ility per cent: for pre mium until further notice. ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., uth29.l.l,rp* 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. The subscriber has just received a well-selected stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, FOR SPRING TRADE. JOS. BLACKWOOD, mhlB-2m. 83 A.ll.OEi Street, below Ninth. ENTERPRISE MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON & COI, MANIITACTIIRERS AND WHO - DEALERS IN CARPETING-S s Oil Cloths, lklattlngs, &c., &o. Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street AND 616 Jaya* Street. bbl-Mca 111 1864. SPRING 1864. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M'CALLUM & CO., Manufacturers. Importers and Whols , sale Dealers rN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut :L I Opposite Independence Hall. J 830-tt - SPECIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M'CALLUM & CO: Beg leave to inform the public that they toy leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET. Opposite Independence Hall, FOR A RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Where they are now opening A NEW STOCK, op IMPORTED AND AMERICAN OARPETS. 11mb:fining the choicest patterns of AXIYLINSTEB„ ITAPESTRY OAI ROYAL WILTON, PETS. VELVET, 'BRUSSELS OARPBT6 VENETIANS. Together with a full assortment of everythms pertaining to the Carpet Business. ja3o-f+ VAL 4 8 7 BANKERS. Exchange on England, Frames tad 1840---5-20 Loan and Optic 011'4 CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS,. QUARTERMASTER% CHECKS AND "TOUCHIER% American and Foreign Gold, STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD MrOrders by Mall attended . So. 0-17 Germany, INSURE YOUR LIFE YOlin OWNHOME CONITANT, THE AMERICAN OF PHILADELPHIA, S. F. corner Fourth. and Walnut sts. Insurers in this Company have the additional guarantee of $250,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid lITI IN CASH, which. to; ether with c ASSETS, now on hunt; amonl4 to OVER' $BOO,OOO INCOME FOR.. YEAR. 186?, OYES $200,000. - LOSSES PAID DUILING THE Ygdl.ll AMOUNTING TO OVER. $62,000. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY thus aiding the inknred to pay l'r , mlume. The last DID I DEND on all Nu-nal Policies in force December 31, 1863, was FIFTY PERCENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are well-known etizens in oar midst, entitling it to more con-ideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander W billdin, J. Edgar Thomson, Gecrg. - Nugent, Boa. James Pollock, Albert IL Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary and Treastrer. apt,l2t4 Have You Provided for Your Family an Insurance on Your Life ? . • . HOME - Life Inigurance Company, MUTUAL, _ • WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL. • WALTER S. GRIFFITH, President. G. C. Brelair, Sec. I. H. rnoTtaz.smear,Treas. WriTT•Y J. Corrrs, Actuary. • , Philadelphia References. Hon. Wit lam Strong; Rev. Matthew Simpson, D. I. , Bishop' of M. Church; Rey. Albert Bartes, D.D.; - Rev. James M. Crowell; Thcmag Robins, Esq.; Lewis B. •Astihur,t, Esq.., Samuel Welsh, Esq.; James Dunlap. Esq •, R.Lejee, Esq.-, John Rice,Esq.; Quarles Ituraptireys, Es% John B. Austin. Esq.; S. 0 Palmer, Esq •, Mount. 'Esq.; Samuel C. Perkins, Esq hit R. Penrose, lesq.; Samuel Field. Esq.; hisissas. B. W. Clark & Co.; Bnclthor, McOammoa ec Co.; -ohn B. Myers is Co.; Benjamin Bullock ic Sons; Wm. S. lc Alfred. Marilee; George B. Reese. Son is Co.; J. B McGreary Co ; George (Jookman is Co.; D. B. Bershow & Co.; Kay ik Brother. JOHN H. PAC:SARA EL D. MEDICAL EXAMINER. No. 1225 SPRUCE STREET,. In attendance at Agent's Office daily from 1 to 2 P. M. • PHILADFLPEELL OFFICE, Corner Fonxth and Library streets, aps-t - ntbs36t B KrESEER, Anent: WHEELER &WILSON'S HIGHEI,iT PREMIUM: ~...._)*_______,_,....._,..._=.,___.,4„...._ LOO:IC'S TITC„- - Hl. -1..,-- -;---a-,,a-, SEWING-MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Srgarroonas, 704 Chestnut Street. above 7th. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KE'LLY TAILORS,. 612 CHESTNUT ST. LATE THIRD STREET AB. WALNUT, Have now a. complete assortment of SPRING GOODS. Including BLACK, COLORED and MIXED, PLAIN and. FIGURED CLOTHS and OA.SSI MERE& CHEVIOT and :HI PHERD PLAID LAESIIYIPRES of all fashionable styles and shades. Terms Cash. Prie°s Moderate. GERMANTOWN PHARMACY.. CHARLES L. EBERLE, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST AND DEAD. ER IN , SPECIALTIES tohls-tn.tth 24tit NEW 31.01TENING COOPS —BESSON tc SON have opened their Spring and bummer stock of Stack Bombazines - , English and French: bummer Bombazines; Cualys; Tammatans; Mousseline De Laines;Tamises; Orenadines; Grenadine Bareges, Barege Her name; Byzat tines; Bareges; Florentines, Foulards; ()rape Maretz; ramartines; Dull and Glossy Silks; shawls of every descr p iton; Veils, Crapes, rollars, &c.; Second Mourning Law, a, Organdies, Chintzes, eirghams, Foulards, Poplins, Mohairs, Mousseline De Laines• Mozambiques, Silks, &o DlOUNNthe STORE, No. 9/8 Chestnut Street. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT wILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADRLPIII.6 I Will color more water than four times the cam. quantity of ordinary Indigo. illiii"ThelleW Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFAOMN; it is retailed at the ,same price as the inntatlens and inferior. articles. latia- NITORSTED YABN.—Noe. 12 and SO of atipio. If nor quality for sale by 5515-if vuoTatsasera ?a 'WELLS- William S . Howard, Samuel T. 135 dine, - John Allman, Charles F. Hear M rs Hon. Joseph Isaa3 Harlenurst.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers