.1311713/NEBI3 NOTICES• "srGREATEST 13111EOVEMENT.: OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. DIETER' S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac- Mtowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed by the Musical phblic, to be the finest Pianos in srioa. The attention of - the musical public is called to aim recent great improvements in Piano Fortes. By a new method of construction, the greatest ipasible volume of tone has been obtained, Without any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which Riese Pianos are so celebrated, being lost, and which, with an Improved Touch and Action rea ier them Unequaled. - • These Instruments received the Prize Masi at the World's Fair, held in London, as well as the highest. Awaids over all competitors, from the glist Fads and Institutes in thiS Country. Ware- Zooms, 72 2 Arch street below Eighth, Phliada. DYE!! S celebrated- WI DYE is the but in the World. The only Harmless True and Re/iatde Dye known. This splendid Hail* Dye m pertect—changes lied, Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, 'with out injuring the Hair or Staining, the skin, leaving the hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WMT-raid A. BATOEUCLOR, all others are mere imi 'rations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug ilatitaL&c. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY street, N. Y. Batchelor' a New Toilet Cream for dressing the Hair. ALBRECHT RISES & SubabilDT, beg Leave to announce that their Manufactory of First-Class W P o jor i s is now in full operation. The general satisfaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert , Sonfidently that their Piano Fortes are-not aux pissed by any manufactured in the - United States. They respectfully invite the musical public to call lad examine their instruments, at the Sales Room, Pio. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, Sr.d prices moderate. LEI:EWE( LOgusT MOUNTAIN AND BLACK oaBATH, WHITS Asir. COAL, carefuuy 7:ideated and prepared for family use, tree from *late and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the 10West for a good article. Lumr COAL for found ties, and 1331-138T2MT COAL for steam purposes, at Wholesale _prices. An assortment of HI0)1010r, .OAS and PING WOOD kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of Baaorcesrurn's COAL, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL, Offices, 325 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvania)q-all road and Master street. Pine street wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Offices and Depots as above.. Wagons nmln all the paved limits of the 'Con- Selidated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. SITECH &CO.'S BIASON HAMELIN' S OABINET ORGANS. 'TEAK 00. S J. E. GO I Seventh Op"Etin E I 11115Ai. SQUARE, UPRIGHT PIANOS are now considered the best in Europe, as well as this Country, having received the first Prize Medal at the World's Exhibition in London, 1862. The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos are superior to all others is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father and four sons), who invent all their own improve- Meath, and under whose personal supervision +every part of the instrument is manufactured. for sale only at BLASTUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut saran. PITY I FYO 1R,43 THE MISERABLESS. PITY FOR THE MISERABLES. HOPE IS LEFT FOR THE lIIISERABLES Disease•emen victims of Scrofula, - Fever Sores, Sore Legs, Running Sores, Salt Rheum, Skin Eruptions, Swoolen Glands, .Nodes, &c. These pitiful objects of disease, whose infirmities keep them out of society, and imprison them in solitude, are assured rapid deliverance from disease by the use of Dr. RADW AY' S CLEANSING SYRUP, called RENOVATING RESOLVENT. A few doses will prove its matchless superiority to all sarsaparillas, and from one to six bottles perfect a cure. This remedy will restore the sufferer to health and sooiety, invest him with a sound and healthy body, rich and pure blood. Price one dollar per bottle; sold by druggists everywhere. ' Dr. Radway's Medicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. RADWAY & CO., 67 Midden Lane, New York. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS KELTY, CARRINGrT Oli NO. 723 CTIIESTNET STREET EVENING BULLETIN FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1864. TEE ILLINOIS TROUBLE At the hour at which we write there is no later news of the Copperhead -rebellion in Illi nois than the despatch - published this morning, from Mattoon, stating that everything seems ; quiet, and that the rebels are believed to have dispersed. We hope the measures adopted by the military authorities are such as will forever put an end to such outbreaks in the interest of Jefferson Davis, and that .the "Egyptian Cop perheads, bounty jumpers and other' rascals' , who formed the mass of the murderous rioters, together with their leader, Gus. Davidson, a noted. Tennessee guerilla," will receive such punishment as their fiendish acts deserve. The Government and the loyal people cannot afford to have their gigantic operations against the Southern rebels impeded by such outbreaks, and instantaneous vigor should show all such traitors that the day of imbecile trifling with open public crime 16 gone by, never to return . Of course the Copperhead journals all ove r the land are now engaged in falsifying the facts in this Illinois rebellion, just as they palliated the fiendish anti of the assassins in New York during the draft riots of Xuly, 1863 ; but every honest man knows the animus of such vindica _ lions of treason, and no loyalist, will expect from such journals anything but a blind adhe rence to those, instincts which always impel them to advocate everything which cripples the Government and helps the aristocratic. Southern -slave-lords who now defy all law. A NATIONAL SCHOOL SYSTEM. We have at various times advocated the adoption of a school system which should be National, instead of depending.upon the State governments, and we•see with satisfaction the idea is spreading. At a meeting of the Ger man Union Club, of this city, a few days since, a resolution in favor of this measure was unani mously adopted. The tendency of the present struggle must be in every way to nationalize us, and to cause us to attach less and less im portance to State organizations,and constantly more to that vast Union which must henceforth be our national pride. The diffusion of education amongst the lower classes of the South is a matter of absolute ne cessity. Ignorant populations are always dan_ gerons, and nothing but the dense ignorance of the lower classes of the South made it possible for the slaveholding oligarchy to array them in a death-struggle in which they sacrifice every thing to fight against their own best interests. For the slaveholders, the preservation of slavery was a matter of high interest; for the poor whites: the institution Was-a-curse. -There is, in fact, but a single alternative with respect to the poor whites, to educate them, or to exter minate them. It seems hopeless to expect that the Southern people, - intensely aristocratic as they are, (notwithstanding the absence of every foundation for such a sentiment,) will ever adopt a system for general gratuitous instruction. It is, therefore, the province of the National Government to administer the education of its people, and to give to the nation a . national system of instruction. It would probably be found advisable to have either , a Department of Instruction, with a Secretary at its head, or else—and this would undoubtedly have advan tages—a Board of Instruction, constituted by appointment, like the Supreme Court, each member to have a certain circuit, in which it should be his duty to visit every school, once a year. The position of teachers and professors would rise in importance, education would be detached from questions of local politics and favoritism.with which it is now so disgracefully mingled. The youth of the country would grow up with still more intensely national feelings, and in a few years we should look back to the present system as an absurdity, and as soon think of returning to it, as of estab lishing a State postal system. BIIPPLIES FOR THE GREAT FAIR The work of organizing for the great Sanitary 'Fair is progressing with a vigor, which is no less astonishing than gratifying. The commu nity is thoroughly aroused, and we feel assured that it will be the grandest and most successful fair yet held for the.benefit of thefioldiers. The example of other cities has been such as to stir our citizens to zealous efforts. We can but remember that the profits of the principal fairs. yet held have been large beyond all expecta tion. They were: Albany, $32,000; Buffalo, $40,000; Cleveland,-$60,000; Chicago, $80,000; Boston, $140,000; Cincinnati, $245,000; Brook lyn, about $400,000. With such precedents Philadelphia will certainly do honor to her tra ditions and her loyal •liberality, Some days since we gave, in a kindly spirit, a word of caution to persons who are-indis criminately asking for contributions for the fair; from merchants and others, regardless of the branch of trade with which they are connected. Since writing the article it has been endorsed in many quarters, and we have also receivk d from a merchant of the highest standing, a note from which we extract the following: PIANOS PIANOS. ern, and Chestnut. "I was so forcibly struck with the justne.a of your remarks in Saturday's paper, on the subject of contributions to the Sanitary Fair, that as ode of a committee 1 beg the favor of a few words in your 'valuable journal. I can well understand how trying it is for persons in business to bs im portuned by their custom, re for donations to the fair and for this reason: Business men, as a class, are expected to contribute liberally; and, for this end, f:oin each branch of trade a committee. was appointed to attend to its Interest; so that every profession and trade shall make their donations through their respective committees. To this in tent they should husband all their resources, which will be impossible if they are expected to give also to as many of their customers as may feel atliberty to ask them." The suggestion in the foregoing extract is from one who is doing his whole duty in regard to the fair, and if universal heed is paid to his words it cannot but induce harmonious work ing among all the committees, and the result will be much larger contributions for the great object than can possibly be obtained by indis criminate solicitations without regard to the proper committees. THE UNION RAILROAD SWINDLE The State Senate has now joined hands with the House of Representatives in the great rail road iniquity, and the "ring" is apparently strong enough to carry the bill triumphantly over even the Governor's veto. In the House the vote was 71 to 22; in the Senate the vote stood 23 to 3. A more shamelessly corrupt act has seldom been passed by this or any other State legislature, and never was the public sentiment of a great city more openly deried and defied. But we do not despair of that reckoning which must inevitably follow the commission of such a wrong. The people will. mark those of their - representatives who have betrayed their trust, even if it be out of their power-to stop the successful accomplish ment of this villainous project. WINDOW :FlO 340 SPRING STYLES LAW LIBILARY, this afternoon, at the auction rooms, comprising very 'valuable Reports, &c. Residence and Furniture, 3fonday, on the pre. raises, Germantown. Farnitpre, Chestnut street, Tuesday, at 10 o' clock. - - Real Estate and Stocks, Tuesday, 12 o' clock. ,Furniture, North Fourth street, Wednesday. Eei catalogues and adrertiannentB 0 sates. . • The Elegant Residence, East Walnut lane, to be sold on the premises, on Monday flex . , is one of the handsomest in Germantown, and tue sale WILL BE ABSOLUTE, commencing punctually ht 11 o' clock. PEREMPTORY SALES, COAL LANDS, CHESTNUT STREET STORE, eke.. 12th April See_advertase menu; last page to-day' a BULLETIN. RElba ER' S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, at $1 00 only, places first-class Pictures within the means of all. Go to SECOND street, above Green, and get a good and truthful Likeness. ,All.! YOU APRIL FOOL,'! might perhaps not be app icable to those who have ex amined or purchased from the assortment of Housekeeping and Building Hardware, Cutlery and Tools for sale by CRUELAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-flve) rilarket street, below Ninth. PLENLILi STI LES. —r iotures de:erviug 'to S be styd thus, are 8... " R S unrivaled Portraits, Life-size PH .T GRAPHS, in oil, made at his Gallery. 62,4 ARO ti treet. ITtilzil;l , l, OpOlfilbl , + and HOUSE lib:b.:P -lA. ING- Hardware—Numerous articles- of them may be had tit TRUIYEAN it SHAW' S, No. 835 f Eight Thirty-five) !Iff.arlret street. below Ninth. TVORYTYPES. —Superb Pictures, head fl , ,ely modeled, flesh tint, life-like and natural, light and shade naturally arranged. B F. REIMER' S Gallery, 624 ARCH street. OF 1. ICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHiLELDELPH/ A, Blanca, 30th, 1861. • Sealed Proposals will be received by the Mayor of Philadelphia, until 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday, April 13, for the purchase of the whole or of• any part of the Six per cent. Loan of the City of Philadelphia for One Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Oculars, authorized by an ordinance of the Select and Common Coun cils of the said City, approved March Ist, 1864, and likewise of the Six per cent. Loan of. the said City for Two Millions of Dollars, authorized by an or dinance approved March 28, 1864. Such proposals must be addressed'under seal to the Mayor. marked "Offer for City Loan," and will be opened by him in presence of the City Trea surer and City Contreller atthe time above desig nated, the right being reserved by the Mayor to reject any bid for insufficiency of price. These Loans are redeemable at the expiration of' thirty years from date; their repayment is 'securNi by binking Funds provided cotempdraneously with their issue, for the maintenance whereof the faith of the City is.specialiy pledged; their interest will be paid half-yearly on the first day of January and July; at the office of the City Treasurer without deduction of, or liability for, State or City Taxes. [SEAL.] ALEXANDER HENRY, ap 1-f, mtcw 5t Mayor of Philadelphia; REALO VAL. B. LIEBER, Importer of ' WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, Has removed to mh3l-3t* EXCHANGE BROKER, - No. 18 South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis don. at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, Apesie and Tlncurrent money bought and sold. mb.2-3mrp§ THE - ._.DAILY. EVENING .. .BULLETIN_; - PIIILA,DFrriPITTA:',: - IrTm)ii - v.;, - 1 . , pAT.L... 1, 18 64 THOMAS & SONS' SALES 239 South SECOND street, between Dock and Spruce INSURE YO OR LIFE IN YOUR OWAHO UME COPANY, THE A MER JOAN OF PHILADELPHIA. R. F. corner Fourth and Walnut sts. Insurers in this Company hive the additional guarantee of $250,000 C.API TAT. STOCK all paid no IN fIASH, whloh, to ether with CaSli ASSETS, now on hand, amount to 0 VIR $BOO,OOO INCOME FOR YEAR 1863, OVER $200 ; 000 . LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OVER - $62 - 000. DIVIDENIH M ADE ANNUALLY thus aiding the in. 'ured to pay Vr-miums The last DIA .T.l)lt ND on all Mu ual Policies in force December 31, 1£63, was FIFTY PER CENT.- . Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the ycsr. • Iu• TRUSTEES are well-known c'tizeres in our TD a. it to more con ideratiun than those whose n anagers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whilldin,llls.m J. Howard, J. Leger Th. mEon, Slmuel T. B dtne, Gecrg- Nugent. John .alkman, BOH. Jamks Pollock, Charles F. Heazlitt,. Albert Roberti, Hon. .lost-nh P. B. Mingle,lsaa; Hazlennrst. Samuel Work ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. SAEDEL WORK, Vice President, sp.-1244 COOK & BROTHER, Hosiery and Gloves, Trimmings and Fancy Goods, Wholesale and Retail, No. 53 North Eighth at., Phila. m2l-3m¢ Ith AL LACE BARGES; REAL BLONDE LACE BARBES; Real Point. Gaze Lace arbes: Point application Lace Barbes; Real Valenciennes Lace Barbes; Exquisitely flue Real Meek Lace Barbes, also Real Point Gaze "Dutchesse collars" in entirely new and rich designs, the handsomest you may find.just re. csived by GEO. W. VOGEL, apt-6t* 1016 Obestnut-St. PH. J LELUBER'S WINE-HOUSE, 24 South FIFTH street, above Chestnut. The best brands of Rhine Wines on hand, at reasonable prices, wholesale and retail. apt-3t* lOpEMEtatlsV'WEATrinsEpt. DRIED apl-3trp6 ARCHER REEVES. nIIMBERLAND SAUUE.—The "only good VAmerican Sauce." Sold by the principal grocers. The trade supplied at 45 N. WATER street. apt:Aro AJOTICE.--CHARLES C. KNIGHT I-, AD IN nutted to an interest in our business from this date. C. D. ROBBINS & CO., Iron and Steel Merchants, N. E Cor. Second and Vine sta., and 49 and 44 North Front street. PHILADELPHIA, ATTIII, IS6i. apl-lm* MARKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, Ac. A Lady competent to mark neatly can find employ ment. 111. A. TORREY, mhl9 leo° Filbert street. G. 1564. P.—HOUSEKEEPER WILL FIND a - good assortment of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Waiters. Sauce-pans, Butter-kettles, Tea and 1 offee Pots, Tubs, Buckets. Brooms,Ba.skets, and Brushes, at GRIFFITH. & P&GE.'S, mhs-1y rpo . 600 ARCH Street.. 06P' SKIRT MANUFACTORY.—Hoop H Skirts ready-made and made to order, war ranted of the beat materials. Also, Skirts repaired. MRS. E. BAYLEY, 1N . 12 Vine straat, above VNantia mhl7-1m OAP—PURE, FAMILY SOAP. —4 °STAIN S S no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, butts an entirely PURE SOAP, and .should be used by every family. Put up in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELLINTON & S ON, . 115 Marearattasorwet MESICIAL BOXES, bN SiLLNDS'OIItIEOA.SES, playing from two to twelve choice 'melodies. for sale by FARR 44 BROTHE RS, importers, mhirt No. 3'.2.1 Chestnut street. below Fourth o HARVEY THOMAS. ISTOOR BROKER, - No. 3.1.2 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on ekatunission, at the Board of Brokers. (1 Particular attention given to U. S. tiovemment Loans. ,a9-antroF I[SAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER' and I MONEY BROKER, N. E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, to large or small amounts, at the lowest racks on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry,doth tug, and goods of every descnption. Office hours Vning A. M. till '7P WI BAKER'S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANU FACTORY.—The largest and best assortment of 'Wig% Toupee, Long Hair Braids, Curls, Frizettes,. Illusive Seams, for ladles, at • prices loWer than elsewhere, at 903 CHESTNUT street. xrib3-Imrp* DIME PALM OIL SOAP. —This Soap Is mad. of pure fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a yege table Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes of one dozen cakes for $1 50 per box. Manufactured by C+EO. M. ELKINTON it SON, tle. 116 Margaretta street, between Front ane Second. allure Callnwhili Street ‘lBl7-Ivrni F 1 3: .1. ii .11. ," 'vo N. A V I;.a N k) 4) • Pdturofooturers of MANILLA AND TARRED CORDAGM, CORDS, Twrrta, &0., go. i 1.3 North Water street and No. ZI North DCA ware aTenuo t Philadelphia. EDWIN R. FITLIER. NCioaikiL WIAVBB cotra.ao F. Clurrraitv ITUSBAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA. u fl free from unpleasant taste, and three time: the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia. A World's Fair Medal and four First Premium Silver Medals have been awarded it, as being the best in the malkket. For sale by the druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by the manufacturer, THOMAS J. HUSBAND, cool9-m, wr. lv.rn N_ flor. Third d Sortie IaTO RENT —A. handsomely furnished ROUSE in West WALNUT street, lor six months or a year. rossession immeduttely. 'Rent 5150 per month. For full particulars address with manse, HOUSE, Sub-Post Office, Eighteenth street. • apl..6t* eitir FOR SALE.—A Country Residence, with WI 6 acres of laud, in Moorestown, N. J.,• hand.. some •stabling. ice house, &h.., plenty of shade and fruit trees, and excellent pasture. Ap ply to J. 0.1 FINN, _mh2s-12trp§ 614 Chestnut street. FOR SALE—A COUNTRY RESI- sea DENCE, near TIOGA STATION of Germantown Railroad, situate on south side of Tiogaatreet, 148 feet west of Twenty-first street. The lot is 100 feet front, and 250 feet deep, beauti fully laid out with choice fruits and flowers of every variety. The house has allthe convenience of a city residence and will be sold on accom modating terms. Mrs.' MITCHELL, the cacti pant of the premises., • will answer any inqui ries; or apply to 'HENRY OROSKEY; Lunt. ber Merchant, Delaware avenue, below Green atreet mhlOtf.rp6 eiturE a& KINDT, OR 1 1 1 STEOK' S PIANO, For sale, 25 per cent. less than elsewhere. A. I:IERZER, mh3-3mrpft 424 N. Fourth, ah. Oallowhill. Ti.e North American Review. No: 00III. E — Dri o E R T4 B A T 4 APRIL PROF. JAMES 1,114 L, OHARLES ELToT NORTON, ESQ. CONTIMII3. ART. I.—Theodore Parer. halt.sp.artau Pronunciation. lll,—The Sanitary Cosnuit, , on. Lomb and Joinville. V —The Navy of thw T•ruttad .t,tateo. Vl.-1 he Future Supply of Cotton. - —Ca , l Rater. vu .—Loynt Work in Missouri. - IX.— Webt. Point. X —lieu. Mettiettan's Report. Xl..—Critical Notices. Editorial Note: Letter from the Presi dent. The IVONI-11 AMERICAN REVIEW is pub iisLe'd 'quarterly. on the first days of January, April, July and October, in nurn , )erA of about twee bandied pagee each. containing matter equal to four oroinary octavo volumed. TERMS—Five dollars a year, or one dollar and twei iy-flve cents a Lumber. 44*The first edt , i on of the January "number hav jug 'wen almost enttrely exhausted. the paolishera have stereot,y ped thel Lumber, and are now pre pared to etpply qj tiers. CROSBY & NICHOLS, Publishers, 117 Washington street, Boston. 19 - Map to 1)84 of all Booksellers and News Deal, rs ap § - - AIVDERSUDI CAVALRY, (15th PENNA. CAVALRY.) Snit Able young men will be accepted as recruits for this Regiment now on. nervice in East Ten nessesi. WM. J. PALMER, 001. Com' dg, (Alice in Washington Buliding, mh2S-6t* .No 274 South THIRD Street. "AT RETAIL." JAS, R. C.i.k.RIPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST., Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most extensive and desirable assortments which they have ever offered. COVRVOISEER'S KID GLOVES, BLACK, WHITE AND COLD. --- 8101 - atNING GOODS. 3-4 and 8 4 BAREGE HERNANI. 3-4 and 8-4 CRAPE MARETZ. 3-4 and 8 4 TAMARTIN ES. 3-4 and 6.4I)ELAINES. HI ZANTINES and FLORENTINES. French and English BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS—in mat variety. All widths and best brands. xrdsB-110 WOOL. Pennsylvania and Ohio Fleece. LOTS ARRIVING DAILY FOR =MEDIATE SALE. ALEX.. WHILLDIN a some. in 129.61 20 and 2 Soatb FRONT St. FURNITURE . SELLING OUT. The Subscriber about declining the Cabinet Business at his old stand, 531 North SECOND street.. now offers his Extensive Stock of First- Class Cabinet Ware for Sale. He in vites the public in general to cull and examine his new styles of furniture, which consist of Rosewood, Walnut, and Mahogany, all the best workmanship, at much reduced prices. Store to Rent, 1 l 5 feet long, together with a four story Factory on the two adjoning lots in the rear. Suitable for the manufacturing busini-as. to rah29-6trp* GEORGE MECHE . NEW LOAN. • U. S. 10-10' JAY COOKE &CO. Offer for eale the NEW GOIT3NMENT L6A.N, BEARING FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-20's. The interest on 550's and 5.100's payable yearly; on all other denominations, halt yearly. The 10.40 Bonds are dated March 1, 1.`,51. The hall-yearly interest falling due Septem ber Ist and lYlarch lst of each year; until let Sep tember, the accrued interest from Ist of March is required.to be paid by purchasers in COIN or in LI:GAL CURRENCY, adding filly per cent. for pre. mium until further notice. ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., - mho-tf,rp§ . 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. GREAT SALE OF FRUIT TREES AT .AUCTION. ON MONDAY, April 4, AT THE TORRESDA.LE NURSERY, Consisting of over SO,( 00 Pear and Pear Stocks, Apple and other Fruit Trees of beat quality. Cars leave the Kensington Depot at It o'clock. apt-b<t* JOHN SHERWOOD. ask EVERY VARIETY OF FRUIT AND Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Graperies and E v ergreens, at BUIST'S NURSERY, DARBY ROAD, at the eery lowest rates. Examine the stock or address R. BUIST, Darby Road, Phila. delphla. ' - apl.3t* BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSOM STREETS. A iI,T.T.ON SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, - On SATURDAY MORNING nest at 10 o' - clock Coinprising about SIXTY HORSES. Including a very fine light driving establish ment, consisting of a Black Mare; a light wagon by Wood Brothers, New York, and set of. harness. Full descriptions in catalogues. ' Also, New and second-band Carriages,' Light Wagons, Ace. Single-and Double Harness, Saddles, Bri dles; &c. 250 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. 35TH PHILADELPHIA TRACE SALE. Tb s sale ,will take place .on WEDNESDAY MORNING, April 6th, at •10 o'clock, and will comprise an assortment of at least 250 CARRIAGES. Including nearly one hundred of Mr. Merrick' s celebrated matte. Mr The whole will be open for examination on MONDAY previous to sale. 'PS N o postponement on account of the weather. ALFRED M. HERRNESS. inh3l-2trp¢ Austionetr. THE COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, WILL. CONTINUE TO PAY TWENTY DOLLARS FOR EVERY RECRUIT MUSIERED INTO HANCOCK'S Second Army Corps. ALFRED DAY, WE RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO OUR STOCK OF SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. • WE RAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF French Flowers, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, Co. BERNHEIM, .7A CHESTNUT ST. ANNUAL OPENING OF SPRING BONNETS, THURSDAY,' March 31st, 1864. Wood & Cary l No. 72 . 5 WEININTIT STREET. rab294.4 MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805_ Chestnut Street. Are now recessing their Spring Importation SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, SUCH AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, • Gros de Naples—all shades, Marcellines and Florences, French and English Crapes, Laces and Joined Blondes, Illusions and Maline Nets,lte.,ao. Also, a full assortment of French. and American Flowers. mhl4-mw/cir-21n HOSIERY AT RETAIL. J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. 902 Chestnut street, Begs to inform his customers that he has now store a complete assortment of ENGLISH HOSIERY; swiss Hosiery, In the Best Makes and Suitable for the First-Class Retail Trade. IT h.16.tf4 PAPER HANGINGS. JAMES C. FINN, FORMERLY OF THE FIRM OF HOWELL a BROTHERS. Wall Paper Decorations. B,HOW BOOMS/ STNI:3T STREET. 614 0 144-31ut WIDE INDIA SILKR. JEiL. S. E. 'WILLIAMS, No. 722 AR(3II- Street, l'Onr dvara below Eighth Etceet. :MST RECEIVED. One ease 50 pie( e•. 1500 yards. WIDE INDLS. SILKS. goes- qualiiy, PR: CE $1 CO per yard. apl-WS • Kid Gloves—Kid Gloves. The cheapest and best In the City, at JOHN M.IIRTA'S AUCTION DRY GOODS STORE, 30 Vouth Recond - Street, IR - EVERY FAIR W.ARRANYED.eg ' Tether ear, another pair will be given in place of he tore ones. . J. 111.13. ETA, . •mh3'.tf 5O South SECOND Street. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, NANTILLASs. C. lIURTA, - MANUFACTURER OF 01.13ARS AND 'MAN• TILLAS, 44 South Seectnd Street, has now on hand a large and handsome assortment of SPRING CLOAIL S and SHAWLS Which ha rmers at pr , ces that cannot fail to give satisfaction.- Sir 4 Hy and Country merchants would do well to give him a call. Ii_ESALE ROOM UP STAIRS. mha-tf - C. IYIURTA, 41 South Second street. spring Cloaks--Spring Shawls: s THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, IHE NEWEST STYLES AND THE LOWEST PRICES' AT Jain Blurta's MAMMOTH CLOAK STORE, 444 North Second street, mh3t. tie OPENING - OF ( Patin-Mane M A ,N T ILLAS SPRING CLOAKS, On Tuesday, March 29th. J. W. PROCTOR & C 0.,. The Paris Mantilla Emporium, No 920 CHESTNUT STREET. - val• 24 tro INDIA. i•RAWIA.Q SCARFS, INDIA SILKS; ELEGANT STLIN, v. - UP:GANT ORGANDIES, ELEGANT GRENADINES- Choice Shawls of all kinds. Choice Dress Goods of all kinds. Choice Fancy Goods. GEO FRYER, 916 Chestnut Street, incites the attention of the Ladies to Ins elegant stock of SPRING SR &WI Sand OTHER GOODS selected with great care for best City trade. ml 9 lint.. GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have now been before the public for nearly a year.. They are universally pronounced the neatut aid best fitting ctllars extant. The upper edge presents a.perfe,lt curve, free from the angles noticed in all'other collars. The ci &vat causes to puckers on the inside of , the turn. down collar—they are AS SMOOTH IN SIDE AS 01 1 TS' DE—and therefore perfectly fre and easy to the neck. The tiarotte C(liar has a smooth and evenly 11, isaed eage os sots SIDES. These Collars are not simply fiat pieces of paper cut in the form of a Collar, bat are MOLDED &N EHAFED TO FiT THE NECK. Ti ey are made in ''novelty" (or turn-down style); in every half size from 12 to 17 inches.airl in -Eureka', (or Garotte, ) from 13,t0 17 inches; amt packed in "solid sizes' in neatblue cartons, con. twining ice each; also in smaller ones 01 10 each— the latter a very .ha.rdy package for Travelers,. and Navy Officers. .la-E` ERY CoOLL&B, is stamped Gray's Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all Dealers in Men's Furnishing Good—% The Traae supplied by Van Deusen, Boehmer 81, Co., 627 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ters anl Wholesale Dealers in Men's Far.. niehing Goods mh3o-3mrpi WALL -PAPERS At Retail. We have devoted the first floor of our building to the retailing of PAPER HANGINGS , an ifinvite the attention of purchasers to our rm. equaled assortment. Having the sole agency or se-ve. al of the largest Eastern manufacturers an ablei us to show a variety of NEW DESIGNS not to be found elsewhere in Philadelphia, els 0• DECORATIONS of the finest order and STAMPED GOLD PA PERS with the new color, SOLFERINO, intro. at.red, which for effect and itchiness of appear ance i• an not be surpassed. . Wilt be ,old at tair prices and put up on the- Walla by the best workmen. John H. Longstroth, rak26-6t* No. 12 North THIRD Linen Cambric Dresses. We bare now oven a fresh stock of PRINTED LINEN Ce DI BRIGS FOR DRESSES. The deigns ale very pretty, and the prices quite moo erste. Ladies should make their selections while the mem tment is complete. - • S. MILLIKEN /5 CO:,s 828 ARCH STREET, and 33111 . 29 6t§ 32 out SECOND Street. iopißD CAGES, ECA.RINE STiMr- , 51 AND' .LP AQUARIA, Oonatantlion hand at the - AQUARIA STORE, No. 53 North Sixth street, ran3-!m, beam Azetij
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