•Wrr«Ywnaaa- ~7rS~ latest .ftfg&xem 19pm IMPROVEMENT T§TT» '« • ' 5f the age in pianos. ■ ; WTRYKR's Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac amrwledeed by the leading artists, and endorsed fcy toe Musical public, to be tie finest Pianos In *Xbe*attention of the Musical public Is called* o fitasa recent great Improvements in Rano Forres. By a new method of construction, the g™KJL. possible volume of tone has obtained, anyof the sweetness and brilliancy lor these Pianos ars so celebrated, ’?®^*lcuonren fAioh, with an Improved Touch and A.c lar them tJnequaled. h Priae Medal at These Instruments received t °®- r ” we n as the the World’s Fair, held from the Highest Awards over all mitry. Ware first Fairs and Inßtltntts to ttas Conn Koras, 722 Arch street below ms** 1 "’ * ELAip, DYEi HAIK. gYE!^ DYjfil 1!—-BATCH L Wor is' The only HarmXttSi S£F JUdJUHabie Dye fcnown. This splendid Hair SEfiSmjrfcit-changes Red, Rusty or Grey Ho£r, BKaatfVSfa Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with- Jmt lninriae the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving the h»*r soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies Ike Hi effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed gn.T.uw a. Batchelor, all others are mere imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug gists, Ac. FACTOR'S—BI BARCLAY street, N. Y. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing the Rair. ■ &SESSSI Ef s ( f f that their Manufactory of First-Class Fortes is now tn foil operation. The general wtislaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fortes are not snr aaased by any manufactured in the United States. They respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the Sales Boom, Mo. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, Mid prices moderate. : LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND BiackHeath, White Abh Goal, oarefully ■elected and prepared for family use, free from ■late and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. Luitr Coax for found ries, and Chestnut Ooax for steam purposes, at Wholesale prices. An assortment of Hickory, fi*v and Pine Wood, kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of Baaokbhith’s Coax, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL, Offices, 325 Walnut street. Lombard andTwenty-flfth street. North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street. Pine street wharf, Schuylkill. THE GOLD SPRING lOE COMPANY. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run -in all the paved limits of the Con solidated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward, MASON MTECEAOO.’S HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. aTEOK CO.’S J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. sen ff f I f J SQUARE, UPRIGHT PIANOS are new considered the best in Europe, as 'well as this country, having received the first Prize Medal at Yhe “World’s Exhibition In London, 1662. The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos are superior to all others is, that the firm is com 'PQsed of five pianoforte makers (father ■and four eons;), who invent all their own improve ments, and under whose personal supervision, every part of the instrument is manufactured. Vox sale only at BLASIUS BROS, j 1006 Ohestnut street. R. R. AS THOUGHT. QUICK AS THOUGHT. Radway’s Reaiy Relief, when applied to the part of the body seized with pain, acts with the xapidity of thought. :The Ightning’s flash is not quickerto the eye, than is the action of this mar velous remedy in stopping pain. If afflicted with Pain use the Ready Relief; In an instant -.yon will ■ feel better. Let those who Buffer with Rheumatism Gout, Neuralgia, Lum bago,Spinal Strains, -Sprains, Bruises, Lameness, Swollen Joints, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Burns, Scalds, apply the Ready Relief—ease and comfort will followtln a few moments. If seized Diarrhcea, Dysenterv, Cramps, Snasms, Sore Throat, Influenza, Hoarseness, Diph ffierta, Group, Ac., nse the Ready Relief. Price 25 cts. per bottle. Sold by Druggists every where. Dr. Hadway’s Medicines axe sold by Druggists •Verywhere. RADWAY k CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. BANNVART’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are acknowledged to be superior to any others for the cure of Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Ac. Sold by- ROBERT SHOEMAKER k CO.. N. E Corner Fourth and Race streets, And by Druggists generally. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS. KELTY, CARRINGTON A? CO., No. 723 OHESTNUT STREET. TBE BALD, and those who are troubled with dryness and tailing off of the hair, should use Jayne 5 8 Hair Tonic. It excites the scalp to a new and healthy action, and removes the dandruff, tauses a free circulation of hlood through the scalp, nourishes the existing hair, and causes new hair 10 grow on heads that have been bald for years. It is unsnmassed for giving. a rich glossy arpearance to the hair. Prepared and sold by DR. -D. JAYNE & SON, No. 242 Chestnut street. - EyiSNiNG BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1864. THE HEW CITY RAILROAD MONSTER. In another column we print the bill before the Legislature to incorporate the Union Pas senger Railway Company., This is the hill to which weKlferred on Monday, as one that cer tain parties were determined to have rushed through both Houses before it could he ex amined, and before the wishes of the citizens of Philadelphia concerning it could be ascer tained. The attempt was made in the House last evening. Printed copies of the bill were not laid on the tables of the members till the motion to suspend the rules and put it on its passage was offered. Fortunately one true representative of Philadelphia, Mr. Thomas V^ n> rCBls ‘ e <* outrageous proceeding, and after much difficulty, succeeded, chiefly by the md of honest country members, in having it referred to the proper committee. An effort may. be made to force it through the House to day, hut we trust without success. _ Let our readers examine the bill. It author izes a railroad nearly all over the city of Phil adelphia, and on streets where none are re quired. It gives the widest latitude and the wildest license to the corporators! It exempts them from the usual requirement of giving notice of the opening of subscription books, mid it denies to the city of Philadelphia the right of preventing the construction of the load. These two last provisions show that those interested in the bill know they are Engaged m . a work that wfll not bear public acrutiny. Although the measure occupied two «*-three hours of\last evening’s session,not one word concerning it: appears in the published proceedings in the Harrisburg mornihg papers it being evidently arranged to keep it as much as possible from the public eye. We thank Mr. Cochran and the gentlemen who joined him in resisting this iniquitous scheme, and we trust they will continue to resist it until it is .finally defeated. I . THE WATER PIPETAX. The proposed reform in the charges made for water pipe meets the most strenuous resis tance and the present system is supported by statements which are singularly.conflicting witii other statements, made when the tax question is not under consideration. For example:. Hr. Birkenbine in his various reports has dis tinctly stated the host of laying water pipes, as follows: — In 1869 (See Report Feb. 9, 1860, p. 76), 26 cents. 1n.1860 (See Report Feb. 21, 1861, p, 39), 26 9-10 cents. In 1861 (See Report Jan. 16, 1862, p. 37), 16 cents. . This is clear, plain and satisfactory. Bat when Mr. Birkenbine reports to Councils on the the 16th of March that the coßt of laying water pipe is 66 cents per foot, he necessarily causes no small surprise. The wages of laborers have, it is true, increased fifty per cent., and an in. crease in the price of laying to 22 or 23 cents would be natural and justifiable. But it seems that while the wages to laborers hffve increased 60 per cent., the cost to the city his increased 266 per cent, or nearly fourfold! Some ex planation of this is imperatively demanded, and we hope Mr. Birkenbine will give it. Perhaps, however, Mr. Birkenbine will reply that he has already given the explanation, and point to his report of February 21, 1861, in which, on p. 39, is to be found a passage which is not only exactly to the point, but which re flects great credit on the writer and will at once clear up ail difficulties about the 65 cents now alleged to he the cost. Here it is, verbatim: • •Tha expense of laying pipe was slightly in creased ; last year (I 860) it was 26 9-10 cents per foot. This includes every expense but material; i. t." labor, surveying, recording, making stops, plugs, ferrules, etc. <£c The previous year it co-t but twenty-six cents, showing an increase ia this item of expense of nin°-tenths cent a foot. This is to be Tegretted, especially as the only reason that can be assigned is the immediate and highly undesirable connection of the Department with politics, three exci ting elections having occurred during the past year. Nevertheless, under the circumstances, the surveyors deserve credit for their good management, for under other management, and a different organiza tion of the Department, at such times pipe laying has cost the city as much as sixty-three cents a foot.” PIANOS. Mr. Berkenbine has here skillfully laid bare the nicer which consumes the substance of the "Water Department, and we require no further explanation to know why the cost of water pipe does not depend upon either the price of labor or of materials, but rather upon the political complexion of the times. After all this, it will he a little too much to tell property owners that they are only paying the legitimate cost of the work. Can any one read the above extract and doubt that the need for a reform is imperative 1 PIANOS. A brief hut admirable account of “ The Life and Public Services of Major-General Meade,” has just been published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, and is sold at the low price of twenty five cents. It is one of the best of the series of brief and cheap biographies of distinguished men issued by this enterprising house, and it deserves to be extensively read. Me. Murdoch's Lecture asd Readings.— An audience of about two thousand people as sembled at the Academy of Music, last even ing, to hear Mr. J. E. Murdoch repeat his patriotic lecture and readings, for the benefit of the Christian Commission. By his wonder, fnl elocutionary talent and patriotic energy Hr. Murdoch has realized over seventy-five thousand dollars for the good of the soldiers and the frequent aad hearty applause of his audience, last evening, testified how highly his efforts were appreciated. Every one pre sent, from the veterans of 1812, who listened with radiant countenances to the poem called “Scott and the Veteran,” to the soldiers of 1864, in the galleries, who listened to his allu sions to their own bravery and heroism with modest silence, paid most flatrering attention to the loyal, earnest, pious sentiments that were spoken , and read by Mr. Murdoch. Among the poems read by the gifted orator with thrill ing effect were “Gettysburg,” Boker’s “Cum berland,” Read’s “Song of the Bugle and the Drum,” and-Drake’s “Ode to the American Flag.” The latter was one of the best pieces of elocution we have ever listened to. His reading of Mr. Boker’s description of the sinking of the Cumberland brought tears into many eyes. The readings and lecture were throughout a decided success. WINDOW SHADES. SPRING STYLES. 723. lABGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, &c. Johnß. Myers* Co., Auctioneer*, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street, .will hold the following impor tant sales, by catalogue, on Four Months' Credit and part for cash, viz To-mobrow (Thursday), March 24—About 815 packages of British, French, German, Swiss and American Dry Goods, in Cottons, Linens, Wors teds, Woolens and Silks Including 375 pieces Cloths, Faijcy Cassimeres, Meltons, Coatings, Satinets, Italians, Vestings. Also-Dress Goode, Linen Goods, Hemp Car pets, American Cotton Goods in large varieties, Eloop Skirts, Pungee Haudkerchicfs, Gloves, Hosiery, Beady -made Clothing. Ac. Friday, March 25—Au assortment of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, List and Cottage Carpels, Canton Mattings, &c. Monday, March 28—The choice importation of Messrs. L. Maillard A; Co., comprising a full assortment of their celebrated fabrics. EXTEA LABGE PEREMPTORY SAXE- Tuesday next, 29th inst.— TiiOmas & Sons’ sale next-week-will be one oi the largest this season, comprising several Valuable Olay Lots, estate o f George Esher, 21st Ward (Twfxty-slx aches, opposite part of the same estate sold last Octooer,) tne Estate of A. Rujfner, (also Olay Lots), 17 acres, 2istand 23d Wards, estate of Lydia Hart, comprising first-class Market street and Arch street Stores and Dwellings; a large amount of oiher'valuable city property, and the 45,111 Acres Pennsylvania Lands, to be sold peremp torily. See list unoer auction head. Full de scriptions in handbills at the auction rooms. #5F* Orphans ’ Court Sales 12 ih April. .See fifth page to-day's Bulletin. - In Mr. James A. Freeman's sale for Wednesday next, at the Exchange, are several valuable pro perties -worthy of especial attention. Desirable Residence, Marshall street; improving property. West Philadelphia; Large Lot of ground, Market 22d street ValuaXle Lots at Cal2otcA.il! street teharf; Business Stands and Dwellings, Penn sylvania Lands, &c., most of which are to be sold Without reservation of any kind. auction notice-labge and attbac- £ ITE SALE 0F BOOTS and shoes. ../I® call the attention of buyers to the i es , iraWe saie of 1> (NX) cases Boots, Stioes, Balmorals, &c., to be sold by catalogue, tomorrow morning; commencing at 10 o clock precisely, by Philip Ford & 00., Auc tioneers, at their store, No. 525 Market and 522 Commerce streets. TWJ2£P Tl °N. “NOTICE.—THE PART LRSHIP heretofore existing between E. R. XEE and W. T. REED, has been this day DIS SOLVED by mutual consent,WVT. Reed retiring from the firm. Mabch 22. E. R. LEE respectfully announces that, haying purchased the interest of W. T. Reed, he -will still continue the RETAIL . DRY GOODS BUSI NESS, at the OLD STAND, strictly on the WM. W&RNOOK PRINCIPLE, CASH! SMALL PROFITS and RAPID SALES! ‘ E..R. LEE, it} 49 ffoxth Eighth street, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHIL * * i-'T T» I ti *. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1864. MAJOR-GENERAL MEADE. ' LARGE SALE OF BEAL ESTATE. E. E. LEE. W. T. HEED. CARD. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR APRIL, 1864, The ATLANTIC for April is now ready "WITH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES,' GAIL HAMILTON, O. O. HAZEWELL, JOHN G. WHITTIER, HARRIET BEEOHEB STOWE, FITZ HUGH LUDLOW, F. SHELDON ■ d othtr Popular Writers. LIST OF CONTENTS. Fighting Faets for Fogiee; The Wreck of River month-, The Schoolmaster’s Storr; Plctor Ignotos; The First Visit to Washington; House and Home Papers. IY The Black Pieacher; Fouquet the Magnificent; On Picket Duty; Among the Mor mon b; Our' Progressive Independence; Reviews and Literary Notices^ Terms—The Atlantic is for sals by all Book and Periodical Dealers. Price 25 cents a number. Subscriptions for the year, S 3 00, postage paid, Club Pbicbs: Two copieß for one year, $5 00; and each additional subscription at the same rate, and an Extra Copy gratis for every Club of tea Subscribers; or every Eleven Copies for 825 00. TICKNOR & FIELDS, Publishers. 135 Washington street, Boston, Mass. EX-MIN 4 ' critically B. F. BEIMER’ S LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, in oil colors, and be convinced ol iheir unequaled accuracy and beauty. All styles executed at 624 AROH street. Hand, panel ripping, back, com pass, Web, Key-hole, Hack, Warding and Wood Saws of various qualities,and a general va riety otTools and Hardware, for sale at TRU MAN & SHAW’S, No. 835(Eight Thirty-five) Aim, et street, below Ninth. C" ARTES DE VISITE are irrepressible. They must be made to satisfy the great demand of the public Go early and obtain Splendid Pictures,at B. F. BEIMER’S Gallery, 624 AROH sreet. EGG BEATERS, of both the patent and ordi nary kinds, and other seasonable .Housekeep ing Hardware, for sale at TRUMAN k SHAW’S, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. REIMER’ - ever-popnlarand valuable Pictures, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, for 81 00. are commended to the public for their accuracy and fine artistic merits. sECONDsireet, above Green. Refined goal 0i1— 125 barrels Refined Coal Oil—best brands—free oil. For sale by EDWARD H. ROWLEY, It* No. 16South D-lawate Avenue. Pitch— 100 Barrels city pitch for roofing and ship carpenters. For sale by EDWARD H. ROWLEY, It* No. 16 South Delaware Avenne. Lubricating oil. A superior article of Paraffine Machinery Oil for steam engines and machinery of all kinds; stands the cold and free of unpleasant smell; light in color. For sale by F.DW. H. ROWLEY, It* IC South Delaware avenne. MACHINERY AND CAR GREASE. 500 packages; assorted sizes; orders for ship, ment put up with despa-ch. For sale by EDW. H. ROWLEY, It* 16 Sooth Delaware avenue. 1 N THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY 1 AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of RACHAEL POLK, deceased. —Tbs Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of BENJAMIN CRISPIN, Administrator of the estate of the said RACHAEL POLK, dec’d, and to report distri bution of the balance In the hands of the account ant, will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment, on MONDAY, April 4th, 1664, at3)4 o’clock P.M.,at No. 5# South SIXTH street (second story), In the City ofPhila delphia. JAMES LYND, mb23-w,f,m,5t4 Auditor. OH CENTS’. 20 CENTS! 20 CENTS! 4i\J Harper for April. Continental lor April. Atlantic for April. All New Books at reduced prices. mh22-3t* PITCHER'S, 608 -Ohestnut street. Areally satisfactory cement for mending Glass, China, Wood and Fancy articles. After a year’s trial pronounced the best 6Ter need, and most easily applied. Sold wholesale and retail by JAMES T. SHINN, mhl4-12trr{ Broad and Sprnce.su. AKCH STREET HOUSE FURNISHING STORE Iron Ware, Tin Ware. Wood and Willow Ware, Table Cutlery and Plated Ware. GRIFFITH A PAGE, Sonthwest corner pf Sixth and Arrh. mhs-ly rp} Bird cages, -marine shells and AQUARIA, Constantly on hand at the AQUARIA STORE, No. 53 North Sixth street, mhfi-lm.rp* below. Arch; PURE PALM OIL SOAP This Scap is mads of pure fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vege table Soap; more sol table for Toilet use than those made frem animal fats. In boxes si ons dozen cakes for 81 50 per box. Manufactured by GEO. M. ELKINTON A SON, Ne- 116 Margaretta street, between Front and Second, above CaUowhlll street. ds!7-lyrpt MARKING with indelible ink, Embroidering, .Braiding, Stamping, Ac. A Lady competent to mark neatly can Bud employ ment M. A. TORREY, mhl9 1800 Filbert street. GEORGE J. BOYD. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. IS South THIRD street. Stocks and Roans bongbt and sold on Commls. slon. at tbe Board of Brokers. Government Securities, and tlncnrrent money bought and sold. mha.Bmrp} BAKER’ S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANU FACTORY. —The largest and best assortment of Wigs Toupes, Long Hair Braids, Curls, Frizettes, Illusive Seams, for ladies, at prices lower than elsewhere, at 90S. CHESTNUT street. mhS-lmrp* SOAP— PUKE FAMILY SOAP. —CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or OLAY, but Is an entirely PUBE SOAP, and should b« used by every family. Put up in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEOKGE M. ELKINTON * SON, de!7-lvTpt * lift Marenrettastreet, WORSTED YARN.—Nos. 12 and 38 ot snpe nor quality, for sale by falS-tf VROTHTNrtHAIVr Jfc WET.I.S Gray hair restored _ baldness PREVENTED— • ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” ‘‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’ > 1 ‘London Hair Restorer and Dressing. ’ ’ • ‘London Hair Color. Restorer and Dressing. * >‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.’ ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’ ’ ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’ ’ This discovery for the preservation of the human hair is taking the lead of all hair preparations; be sides restoring the color and making hair grow on bald heads, it is a beautiful dressing, keeps the hair soft, smooth and flexible, removes any erup tive disease, Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, Jco. Many who were bald and gray have had their hair per manently restored. Only one preparation. »-READ THIS CERTIFICATE. »GRAY HAIR RESTORED WITHOUT DTEING. BALDNESS PREVENTED. I am happy to add my testimony to the grea ; value of the ‘‘London Hair Color Restorer,' three bottles of which restored my Hair, which was very gray, to its original dark color, and the hue appears to be permanent. I am satisfied that the preparation is nothing like a dye, but operates upon the secretions. It is also a beautiful Hair dressing- I purchased the first bottle from Mr. Garrigues, Druggist, Tenth and Coates streets, who Can also testify my hair was very gray, when I commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phifa. • ‘LondonHair Color Restorer and Dressing,’ sold by DR. SWAYNE *; SON, 330 North Sixth street, Philada. Pripe. 50 cents. Six bottles, sa 50. jafi-f.m.wly S HARVEY THOMAS, . STOCK BROKER, Ko. 313 WALNUT Btreet, Pbiladelpbla. Stocks and Loans fcong&t and sold on commission, at the Board of Brokers. Particular attention given to U. B.’ Government Xioans. ja9-3mip§ LIFE OF SENEEAL MSADE, THE HERO OF GETTYSBURG. Published this day. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A COPY, THE LIFE, BATTLES, PUBLIC SERVICES MAJOR GENERAL MEADE, The Hero of Gettysburg \ and Commander of the Array of the Potomac. "WITH HIS PORTBATT. It Js published at the Cheapest Book House to tba world to buy or send for a stock of books, wnicn iS at T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa, LIFE OF GENERAL MEADE. THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR GENERAL MEADE, the Hero of Get-ysburg! and Commander of the Army OI the Potomac. With a full History of his Life, and Servi, e* to his country in all the various po sitioi s be has filled, from the time he first entered the United state- Army, in 1635, until the pre seDt day, witn his official reports to the War De partment, speeches, orders, Ac , Ac. .With his Portrait. Price 25 cen-sacopy, or five copies for One Dollar, and sent free of postage every where at these rales. Agents supplied at 8L 75 a dozen, or 812 50 a hundred. WASTED. AGENTS, CANVASSERS and PEDBIRS, in pverv town and viliNge 10 thtf United States, who can easily make TEN DOLLARS A DAY at it, to eneaff*' in eeliini »»THE LIFE OF MAJOR GENERAL MEADE," just published and for sale at v 5 cents a copy, who will be supplied with them at SI ?•*> a doz**n, or 5o a hundred. Apply in person, or address yoar orders with cash en closed. for whatever quantity may^wmn^) start with, toT. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, andyour orders will be filled at once and the books sent you per first express utter receipt of order. We have agent* now making Fifieen Dollars a*day selling them. All in search of work or money Bhould engage in selling these books at once, and give it a trial. JUST PUBLISHED. LIFE OF GENERAL BUTLER. THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR-GENERAL BENJAMIN F. BUT LER, the Hero o: -‘New Orleans,’ ’ Commander of the Military Deparfmentof Virginiaand North Carolina; also Commissioner Tor the Exchange of Prisoners. Wrh his Portrait Price 25 cents a copy. Agents supplied at SI 75 a dozen, or 812 5U a hundred. LIFE OF GENERAL GRANT THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR-GENERAL GRANT, the Hero of • •Fort Doneison,” ••Vicksburg,” and • Chat tanooga.” Commander of the Military Division ol the Mississippi, and captor of 472 cannon, and 90,000 Rebel Pris- uers, WITH HIS POR TRAIT. New Edition, Enlarged. Price 25 cents a copy Agems supplied at Si 75 a dozen, or 812 50 a hand: ed. LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP HUGHES. THE LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP HUGHES, first Archbishop of New Yurlr: with a fall account of his LIFE, DEATH and BURIAL; a, well as his services in all Pursuits and Vocations, from his birth until his death. WITH HIS PORTRAIT. ,/New Edition. Price as cents a copy. Agents Supplied at 81 75 a dozen, or 812 50 a hundred. '■ LIFE OF GENERAL McCLELLAN. THE LIFE, CAMPAIGNS, BATTLES, RE PORTS, AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE B. McULEL LAN. the HERD of WESTERN VIRGINIA, SOUTH MOUNTAIN and ANTIETAM, with a full history of at his CAM PAIGNS and BAT TI.ES. as well as his REPORTS AND COR RESPONDENCE WITH THE WAR DE PARTMENT AND THE PRESIDENT, in relation to them, from the ume be first took the field in this war. until he was finally relieved from comm no, after the Battle of Autieuun: with his various SPEECHES TO SOLDIERS, etc., up to the present Ume New Edition, Enlarged. Complete in one large volume of 200 pages, with a Portrait of General McClellan. Price Fifty Cents in piper, or Seventy-Five Cents in cloth. Agents supplied with the Fifty Cent edition at 83 So a dozen, or 825 00a hundred: or with the doth edition at Six Dollars a dozita, or Forty, five Dollars a hundred. WASTED AGENTS, CANVASSERS, and PEDLARS, are wanted in every town and Tillage in. the United S ates, who can make TEN DOLLARS A DAY at it, to encage in selling -‘THE LIVES OF THE ABOVE DISTINGUISHED GENE RALS, ” jnst publi hod. who will t» supplied with them by tb-dozen, or hundred, at rants ap pended to the advetUsement of each work. Apply in person, or address vonr oroers with cash en closed, for whatever qnautity of them you may wish to start with, to T. B. PETERSON k BROTHERS, Sul Chestnut street, Pniladelphia, and your orders will be filled at once, and the books sent you per first express alter receipt of order. We have agents now making Fifteen and Twenty Dollars a day selling them. All in search of work or money should engage in selltug these books at oace, and give it a trial. Address all orders for them to the Publishers, which is o,so the Cheapest Book House in the 'world to buy or h?uu lor a stock of any kind of books you may wish, which is to T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS, Jf6 Chestnut street, phi’ac.elphia, Pa. Copies of any of the above books, will be seat to any one, tree of postage, on remitting the retail price of the ones wanted, to T. B. Peterson A Brothers, in a letter U MILLLNEKY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805 Chestnut Street, Are now receiving their Spiing Importation of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, SUCH AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, G-ros de Napier—all shades, Harcelliues anci Florences, French and Ei glish Crapes, Laces and Joined Blondes, Illusion* and Maline Nets>&c,,&c. Also, a foil assortment of French and American Flowers, mhH-mwllr-im CABINET WARE. A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LOW PRICES. GEORGE J. HENKELS Nos. 809 and 811 Chestnut street. TEIU7-2m§ HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY.'— Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order; war ranted of tbs best materials. Also, Skirts repaired. MRS. E. BAYLEY, Vine street,' ahnee Eiebtn $lO,OOO, IN OLD GROUND J. HAYS CARSON, 251 North NINTH street. mti23-2t* ISAAC BATHAB&, AUCTIONEER ana MONEY BROKER, N. E/ corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS’B Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, la large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds,'Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth ing, and goods of every description. Office hotura from e A. M. till 7 p. M. aeao-t&p CELEBRATED REEVISDALE COAL. T. W. NEILL & CO,, S. E. comer Broad and CallowhiU Sts. mh23-3mo HANCOCK’S SECOND ARMY CORPS, AH Recruiting Agents or any other Persons vho can procure Becrnits are invited to meet the COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, Daily From 12 M., to 2 P.M., THE COAL EXCHANGE ROOMS. 2051 WALNUT ST. Liberal Inducements Will be Offered for Recruits to Fill Up The Old Philadelphia Regiments. 69th, 71st, 72d, 106tb, HANCOCK’S Gallant Seeond Army Corps. COMMITTEE. ALFRED DAY, JAMES NEILL, JAS. B. BLAKISTON, DAYIS PEARSON, J. G. FELL) WM. HUNTER, JR., R. N. RATHBUN. mh2l-tf INDIA SHAWLS, OiDli SCARFS, INDIA SILKS. ELEGANT SILKS, ELEGA-NT ORGANDIES, ELEGANT GRENADINES. Choice Shawls cf all kinds. Choice Dzess Goods of all kinds. Choice Fancy Goods. GEO FRYEB, 916 Chestnut Street, invites the attention of the Radies to his elegtnt stock of SPRING SHAWLSand OTHER GOODS selected with great care for best City trade. mi 9 lm» J. HENRY EHRLICHSS, MERCHANT TAILOR. A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SE LECTED STOCK OF Entirely Hew and Exclusively Foreign Good* For the approaching seasons, is now ready at my Store, No 321 North Third Street, mhl9»6ts COOPER & GRAFF, Stock Brokers, NO. 11 EXCHANGE. PHILADELPHIA. LEWIS COOPER. OHAS. H. GRAFF. mhi2L-im& _ —- n 0 ~ BARLOW’S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER’S DRUG. STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND.3TREET, PgH.ADBI.PHIA, Will color more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. WThe new Label does not require a stamp. Itis WARRANTED TO GI7B SATISFACTION; it 1b retailed at the same price as the Imitatiens And Inferior Articles. rnhS-lmipj TO THE LADIES!!: I HAVE NOW OPEN A LAKGE ASSOETMENT OF GIMPUER LACE, NOTTINGHAM LACE, BUGLE GIMPS BUGLE BUTTONS. To -which ihe attention of the Ladies is inTited^ JOHN M. FINN, S. E. corner Seventh and Arch Streets. inlv-Ei.w 2*5 Timing Watches. ■i s-'t baTe 011 a D**© assortment of indepen^ Second Watcßes.- k nil Second; 1-4 Second; 1-5 Second and 1-6 Second Watches, WITH PUMP STOP. lionis Ladomus & Co., 'j _ _ _ . 803 CHESTNUT ST. IS E W MOURNING STORE. QuderMgned would respectfully announca tb> y are now receixing their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF • Mourning floods, . SUCH AS Bar'ges, Mozambiqnes, • Crap£ Maretz, Organdies, Knanis. 3 Poplins, Grenadines, Valencias, Talmaunes, Lawns, Chaltie, Mohairs, Florentine, ’* Foulards, &c., Ac* ALSO—-HAWLS, Shetland, Grenadine, Bill?. Barege, Lace, Tissue, Ac., Ac. IVI a NTLES of the newest styles* A splendid assortment of LIGHT SILKS always on hanc. M. & A. MYERS &CO., feSTsiwSm 926 CHESTNUT Street. REMOVAL. A. N. ATWOOD, FOBMEELY OF No. 42 NORTH SEOOND ST. , EATING REMOVED TO THE ELEGANT AND COMMODIOUS STOKE No. 15 South Second Street, Besnectrnlly Jnxitesthe trade and the public to call and examine his extensixe stock of SUPERIOR MATRESSES, BEDDING AND SPRING BEDS. Also, a choice assortment of all hinds of ULH OLSTEBED FURNITURE. mh-9-if BOOKS! BOOKS!! FINE stationery; Since the s first of the year we have been adding constantly to our stock, until we now have one of the largest and best assortments of BOOKS, FihST-CLASS STATIONERY, PHOTO GRAPHS and ALBUMS to be found in any es t&blit-hmect in the United States. We warrant our PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the very brsi material, strong, durable, and as low ih price as any m the market. AU JS'tw Socks rewired as soon as issued. Al HMEAD 4 EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard, No, 724 OHESTJSUT STREET, mh22-*;*m OPENING. J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. 902 Chestnut Street, Will open on Wednesday, March 23d, FABIS AND.AMERICAN STYLES MANTILLAS rnh2l-::U Vo'l U.H- . THE COPARTNER-, 1> SHIP heretofore existing between the under- ' signed, under the firm of COWPERTHWAIT & CO., is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. JOSEPH COWPERTHWAIT, JR., JUSTUS C. STRAWBRIDGE. February 19, 1604. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO 5 Would iniorro their friends, and the public gen erally,that they will continue the’Dry Goods busi ness at their - NEW STORE. S E. CORNER NINTH AND ARCH STREETS* and would call the attention *of buyers to their Urge and extensive fcTOGK OF COTTONS. Comprising all the popular makes, such as New York Mills, WilliamsviUe, Wamsntta, . Forostdale, White Rock, Wauregan, Semper Idem,' Housekeeper, &c.. Together with all the best makes of 3-4, 0-4 aunt 10-4 Sheetings, both BLEA< HED AND UNBLEACHED. Oltß STOCK OF LINENS, comprising SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LlN^S, maSi NAPKINS, &C. Will be offered at prices which will command: the attention ol those in want of suchgooes. DhESS GOODS. Onr assortment is now complete, and in variety*, etvle and price, we eefy competition. SHAWLS of all descriptions, adapted to the 7 urgent season. - BLACK SILKS, all widths and qualities, which will be rold at very LOW PRICES. PLAID INDIA SILKS, in all colors, extra width, very cheap. Great bargains in MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES. Give ns a call, and we will convince yon th&fc we still maintain onr reputation of selling the best goods at the lowest prices. NEW aTORE. SOUTHEAST CORNER NINTH AND ARCH,, PHILADELPHIA. - ‘ J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO. mhl9tfs BJiLDWELXING, No. 222 W*st Logan Sauaxe Apply at 103 Walnut st., np stairs. , mh23-i2t# ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers