-yiUTH COHftBEfIg—FIRST SESSION. .. * —27,-4804.-.*. wattsb —Not morethaa fifty members were pre seat vesterday, it Having been agreed that naming should be done to-day except the making of occupied the, chair, and the Presi dent’s annual messuage was announced as ; the ® foriaer declare sibnof the President, that the Union was unorokea. mad th&tall secession ordinances are null and void, ' Tn this viewlm concurred, and, ttigivfore, .whaft-- >vfL?the rebellion stall be suyprossecfc either by lowe or voluntary sabmissfoa the revolt lug states are thereby restored with all thetr rigtu? aiid privileges m the Union under the Bedera.l and State This vfew was sound, ani was acquiesced in. by conservatives and Demo crats. But the President had changed, a scheme for reconstruction more.de--' ' i fitrdctive th’nii-the old doctrine of.State.Righ.ts. Th‘ iSieme wS mapped out by the master builder *ith anencil dipped in blood. Persons are to voteyust asthe President may direct. : The .effect was, the iroh tread of despotism out the last vestige of constitutional liberty, and leaving nbth ing but desolation. It won f d establish odious abolition oligarchy of a savaje and qraei,- character, ’and it was enough to fire any man’s, veins in which runs a drop of Revolutionary blcod. Fanaticism and sectional hate had plugged the nation into bloody horrors, the joint work of abolition and secession—twin, brethren in guilt and crime. w (Cornu)said'the President’s scheme of recoustrucuon' seeks to liberate .order from anarchy and paralyzing influences, to prevent in nocence from being Compounded with guilt, to separate loyalty from the unhealthy contact of ilis unionists, which Would subject themln the eye of the law to thie piihUhment tor*crimes The task was' ene of great .embarrassment and difficulty, became of the imperfection oiShuman wisdom, aad because the plan was designed by the President to, be transitory in its character, to bridge the chasm’ 'between State anarchy and State restoration, Com mencing the ‘great deliverance. In at empting to .solve this mostdifficult problem*no statesman who looks to the fntore would adopt any.different plan. "While.the President’s plan may be incomplete, a was as comprehensive intricacies of the-sub ject would permit.* But it possessed the rare merit of being just to the Government, just to the insur gent States, and jnstto the slave. Sir. Demiag. in this connection, defended’the'Amnesty Proclami tion as being justifiable from the'fact that, in the legal sense, every citizen in the insurrectionary States Is a public enemy. With the wiping oat of slavery on this continent would succeed a. higher order of civilization, and an indissoluble bond of perfect union and peace. Hr; Francis Blair )Mq,) discussed the~ affairs of that State, and defended himself from attacks which had bten made upon his course. Having sought throughout this rebellion to discharge his whole duty, he might challenge a comparison oi records with his assailants. The rad icalshad en kindled the smouldering fires, and from a spirit of retaliation hiaid undertaken to build np a party: They were in the past pro-slaveryites, but pow; like all renegades, they denounce those who shave always been consistent on the shbject of emancipa tion/ For himself, he was always willing to ac cept gradual emancipation, and when the people o£ .that State ccsirea'immediate emancipation be would be more than-ready ,to accept it. Ue en tered upon an exposition of the subject, charging that these radicals had sough to deceive the Uaion. men by misrepresentations and were not, as the. record shows, in favor of Immediate emancipation, having refused to vote for it in convention \viien they had tbe power to carry it. He repeated tha they wi re false to their proclaimed principles. .Bar. Blair replied" to the'remarks formerly de livered bv Hr. Davis (hid.) saying th* latter was. brought into poinical life* by a~secret Kao# Nothing organization which warred against a par ticular vvhite man, and who was the mostjancor ons and malignant of Us Readers; and this was the man-who has assailed *he colonization scheme, meanwhile pretending to be a friend of the Admin istration; . As to the recent convention in Balti mo e, it was compelled'to nominate Mr. lan.coin, as the people of the State were for him- But dark lantern associations still exist in Maryland, and hence some delegates were elected professedly for" Jnr;.Lincoln, but to betray their trusts—one of Se cretary Chase’s assessors declaring he would vote for whom, he ple?g*d. Hr.- Blair expressed his •surprise that representatives, from Indlaua aad othfr States had been caught in a. trap by signing a ... for the rejection, by the Senate, of SchofieldasHajor.General. i : (Ind.) denied -that the delegation of ,„th&tState w.as caught Jnatran. He whit tI “LP?F l er . was, and.thatTt fold the truth !;.=B3x.f-Grinnell-(Xnd.) said the Missouri militia came from Northern Missouri Into the southern portion of his district, stealing horses and ptun dering hen-roosts. They threatened to blow no the and to unite themselves with Knigh*s of the Golden Circles. , Mr: Blair replied that was uot. sufficient ground against Schofield; while a few such men may have been passed over, the attention < f the commanding officer was directed to another quarter. Mr. -Grihiiell repeated, Schofield was not as true to h:s trust as he ought to have been, and was using lus influence to degrade radical men. ' * Mr. Bl?ir said enemies sought to rely on rais. reprepresentation to injure Cren..fcfeofleld, and tlius make an issue against, th* President. Tke Navr Department courted investiga’ion, but not so with the Treasury Department. A more profligate ad ministration than that of tkjj latter never existed in any coun'ry. The country redolent w.th the fraud and corrnptiou of the agents. Ag tin and again permits to trade were sold to the Highest bid dei;.and recently in Baltimore, a permit was given to a-notorious blockade runner, ' whose vessels had more than once been seized. If Mr *Oii:i3e’s friends had thought these things could not be. proved they would doubtless have voted for an in vestigation. In alluding to Mr Pomeroy’s recent Secret circular, he spoke of its design as an in trigue against the man who had confided to Ohase a portfolio, but the President was doubtless satis-- fled every day Chase remained in the caoiuet male him eink.deeper in the contempt of every honora ble man. . Mr. Blair gave notice of his intentiocbto intro duce a resolution on Monday, to iuquire into the affairs of the Treasury Department in connection with trade regulations in Mississippi. * Mr. Donnelly (Min.) addressed the committee for an hour, on the importance of ehccfflragi'ug" foreign immigration, .aud au advocacy of a bill heretofore introduced by him to establish a bureau of immigration. Mr. Eden (111 ) spoke in condemnation of the acts of the Administration in connection with thl* war, which, with our overwhelming numbers, ought long ago to bare been ended, on the principle of the Crittenden resolutions. The Committee then rose, and at 4.45 the House adjourned, PKOPUBALS. Proposals for bituminous coals.— Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office Gas "Works, No. 20 South &E\EN rH Street, nntilnoon of.FRIDAY, 22d of* t. or applying the whole or any part I'otis rf Bituminous Coals , suit able lor the mauniacture. of illuminating Gas, to be on the Railroad tracks of the lias Works at the First Ward aid the Ninth Ward S.atlons, in tne following monthly quantities ; e'ght thousand tons in each of the months of September, October, November, December, and six thousand tons in. €a chof the'mdntha of Jane, July, August, 1854, 1865 Jauuar » February, March, April and May, «JS? e * c ° a * s must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a SKjjSj* a PP r oved by the Engineer of the Gas tracUs t?asea/ alt 0 tUe Baraple on which the con 4.iS?®?rop^sa } s muBt describe tbe particular va -8 inte,wiea t 0 t,e supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from which they am to be raised. If they are of a kind nit ?^^^ reC t e , Etly .? sed . at lhetß Works, samples for 0^J i °y ess lha n fifty tons, must be delivered Z^ssMVfsssiisas^ potale ta whnfa reterTBtlle rlght to accept any pro- KSmtettoW or to reject all. J they in tie event r | int f ests of the Trust, andf tor to deliver the"i-hnv. tlle pa ‘of any contrac ' both in euantitv «Sl a i l 3 a< 7 orrll ngto his a,r,:emant, , the right'to' whir?’ reserve may be reqnlred to tothe contractor any iol3-or d damlsi y ’ an . ach^ rg s eachlaiinre. y toss or damage arising ftonl . , mont> l, ]y ’ 111 fiedpeiiods of °^uV l^J ,x J noDtils niter the specl beinetave- Tery ’ tbe Jsth of each month, nes or at ihl ave ™ ge of the monthly delive aMefdatesXhi? Irustf1 rust f will be made i~f oai \ 3 with, legal interest offi cont ractors prefor to make deliveries twtheV™ 11 ; e< t ulred ’ . lh “y maybe received to far *7 °an be conveniently, stored, but navments - 0 dateftom apeeffl to tto r 4u C vred’ y f or thefnlftlment of centraci will be amount ~e ach proposal. must name the v.ftVred a «4 character of.security that! will he . - JOHN C. ORESSON, . "Engineer In. Chief. ■. -jQpoeals Io to be endorsed ■* l Pro- , . the-office* br bo:-TedeiVed at' ... §p!'W‘:SET'ENTH &l '?J lel V tli a Gas-Works, No. 2#' P4 Y ' , - I,laT ch lEt. ' anUl noon of TUESi ■ ? u i^ 8d ’nmp Postsf|‘m?ia£'} p P lyin S two or three, : fi ov . nsed for the pphti Shttern »nd weight . proposals should state S,iH ,!tr Cot lamps. The ■ -at thKkiffi Sttg. *£***-»«&. • * j vJP^Aa?JX.EWAJ>A3;w.tinn^H?L^ e «r in Chief..’ J - SOnth Delswareavehnd. “ H5 ’ '"nut speoiae g: FA.THIC--MKDIUA-U teenth Annual Commencement for conferring De grees will be held in the Musical Fund Hall, DO OUST Street, oqiWEDNESDAY, Marched, at 12 M. , t £:■ • ; ; > ' •:, f •• L Valedictory* Address byH. N. Guernsey, M. D. V professor of Obstetrics. The public are invited to attend. ” 4 - ; 'f&27-3t» - s. S; BROQKS v M; D. T Dean. 'Vy* -OFFICE of; THE WARDENS FOR LL § THE PORT OF PHIIiADELPHIA,; 119 WALNUT street—Pililad&lphia, Feb.- 27, 1864. NOTlCE—Messrs. Wm. Cramp & Son having, made application lor h licefise- to iinorove their. Pier adjoining Palmer strett, on the Delaware , action, on, sa a application will betaken by the Board of Wardens.on MONDAY, March?, ISGI. .; S. WATNE, .... - Master Warden, . Ye27r3t6, Port of : Philadelphia. - THE EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY ;U* Ithe*1the* ‘ ‘Church Home for Children’ ’ will be held in St. Luke’s Ohurcb, Thirteenth abOTe P’ on SUNDAY next, the SSthinst., com mencing at?# o’clock; a Sermon will be preached by theßev. Alexander H.. Vinton, D,-D., of Ne w .York} the " annual report , read and a collection: takenup in-aid of the iustitntion. Thepublicare invited to be present.. fe26-2t* • PHILADELPHIA, EEB 26, 1881.—The [LS firsimeeting of theCHEROKEE MINING COMPANY, of Michigan, under its Articles ot Association, will beheld at 320 WALNUT street Philadelphia,' on TUESDAY, the fifteenth dawof • March; 1804. at 4P. M. - ; :' .• ’ fe26,tmhlss ISRAEL MORRIS, ' ♦ W. P. JENKS, < Two .of the Associates of said Corporation. ■E-V ■ -*FEB. 26, 1804.—» XS, The First Meeting of the OSAGE MINING COMPANY' OF MICHIGAN, under its Articles of Association, will be held at 32G ,WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 15th 'day ofMarch, *ISG4, at5P. M. . , CHAS. W. TROTTEBti - GEORGE R. OAT, . fe26tmhls} Two Associates of said Oorporatipn.. EIPTH WARD BOUNTY, TWENTY LL3 FIVE DOLLARS The Treasurer is stiU paying the above Bounty to all . recruits properly accredited to the Ward' quota. One hundred, men wanted at once- Office, 400 WALNUT street. EDWARD C. KNIGHT, Treasurer, fe26-3t* (v» COLLEGE, WEST IkS .PENN.SQ.VARE.—The:Spriug Course of Lectures and Demonsirations will begin MARCH Ist, and continue lour months. Hradnates of respectable Literary Colleges are admitted on their Diplomas, an<f~non-graduates -alter Examination, to the class of ’GS (Engineers). Those who desire to join the class of ’G6 will, if 'prepared, be admitted to,the Scientific School in the order of application as fast as Vacancies occur. Tickets to the lectures. Mineralogy -and Chemistry, and to the practical instruction m Chemistry and Design, may be obtained separately ;if desired.. , •: v AX.FBED L. KENNEDY, M. D., x President of Faculty. fe26-3t*. PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING Uot Railroad Company, Office 217 South Fourth ■Streets . PnihADaLrmjg September 3, 1863. i ;DIYIDEND NOTICE.-?The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the commgn stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and it is therefore necessary that the Certificates 1 of Stock. should be presented on calling for the Dividend.* ' S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. . 6TOCXHOia>BBB’ ZCA2IB3.' • Timothy C. Boyle,- ~ Henry B. Sherer, S. Lancaster, Andrew Turner, John Mclntyre, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich- Benjamin F. Newport. - fe2G-tf§ iy=» CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY. —The Coupons due March 1. 1861, on the EIGHT PER CENT. MORTGAGE BONDS of ‘ *The Continental Hotel Company, ’ * will be paid on and after that date upon presentation of the same at the COMMERCIAL HANK, in the city of Philadelphia. fgS5-imhls J- SERGEANT PRIOR, Treat. OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COM MIISSION, No. 412 PRUNE street; De cember 29, 1563. Warrants for the City Bounty Ytwo huudredand fifty;dollara) will be issued to all new recrulu for old regiments, credited to the qnota of Philadel phia on the coining draft. J - Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi cers, must be sent to tbe office of the Commission one day previous to the issuing of the warrants. Officers must accompany and vouch for their men when the warrants are delivered. - Philadelphia soldiersre-enlisUngia the field will receive their warrants as soon as certlfied copies of the muster-in-Tolls are' furnished 4o the Commis sion by the Adjutant-General of the State. Men enlisted in Col. McLean’s Regiment (!B>d Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty in-companies when duly mustered into the U. S. service, and credited to the quota of the citv. The Commission sits daily from 3 tosr. Mt, during which hours only warrants are delivered. These warrants are cashed on presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the’Commlssion. SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Sec*y. evog=» OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COK -MISSION, No. jHaPBBNKStreet, Phila delphia, December 13, 1563. ■ \ The Commission for the } ayment of the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjnst the claims of all he w recruits In old regiments. Until further-notice, the Commission" will sit daily from 3t05 P. Bl.'. •. - . Bounties will be paid to those only whose names areborne on rolls furnished .to" the Commission by the Assistant Protest Marstal-Greneral, or the United States Mustering Officer- for Philadelphia. Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for by a responsible United States Officer. Officers will bring their men to the office in sounds for the purpose. In a-fewdays notice will be given when and how recruits in hew organizations and veterans re-en listing in the held can receive their bounty. By oi der of the Commission. , jal-if ...... SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD UOM- Jj? PANY. TREASURER’S DEPART MENT, PniLADKLriiiA, February 15, lfifil.—The Boaxd of Dilectors have this day declared an EX TRA DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS upon each Share of the present Capital Stock, as registered on the boo’s of the company this day.' ■ The said Extra Dividend to be payable in Stock of the Company,* atm par value of-Fißy Dollars per share, the shares to be dated May 2, IsM, and to be entitled to dividends payable m Norember next, acd thereafter, -as the "present stock of the company. Stock Ceitificates for the extra dividend will be dellvered'on and after May 2, JS64. ielC.tmhl . . THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. (Y==. DELAWARE MININO CO. OF MICH IUf IGAN.—Notice Is hereby; given, that au Installment of One DollaT per Share of the Capital Stock in the Delaware Mining Company of Mich igan, has this day been called by the Board of Di rt ctors of said Company* due and payable at the office of tbe.Company, No. 32G WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on or before the Ist day or March 18M. Interest will be charged on all Installments alter the same sha’l have become due. By order of. the Board of Directors. _ , S. M. DAY, Secretary. DatedPnix.ADELrniA.Feb. 15,1801. felG-tmblj «S=» OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAlL its • HOAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, Feb ruary 15, 1864. . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. " The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY* the Seventh day of March, lsi>), at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. The polls will be open from ten o’clock A. M.i nntllsix o’clock P. M. No share or shares transferred within Sixtv da; 3 preceding the election will entitle the holder 0.- hblders thereof to vote. .. ' EDMUND SMITH, fe!7-tmh7 Secretary. ne==> PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND ItS CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY, Office • of the Secretary, Pittsburgh; Pa., Febrnarv 12th,1864. ’ 1 u The annhal meeting of the Stock and Handhold ers of this Company, for the Election of Directors, and such other business as may come before it, will' be held at the Office of said Company, in the citv of PITTSBURGH, oiithe THIRD WEDNESDAY of MARCH,, A. D. ISG4, at 10 A. M., The_ Stock and Transfer Books of the'Company," at their Office in the city of Pittsburgh, and at their Transfer Agency in the city, of New York, will be closed on the Ist day of March, at 3 o’clock, P.M., and remain closed until the 17th day. of March ' -W. H. BARNES, ■. _fciatmal7 Sectetsry. OF FACT and fancy. faSiliol -^lAi- fo . r u e r<!hcf of disabled Soldiers’ Affe^^Vl&CH^H^sS^EEU^Hr ' I J J^ SUAy EVENING, s£et £ tbe ’ R Jm 3 s3 B;NorffiEmH?H 8 ;NorffiEmH?H •™—l - I . ■••• - fetiO-Dt* ■MhHHJA, Philadelph”; ; Notice m hereby givenito thrf. holdS of the out stapding Serip the Union Mutual Instance Company or Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip holders, at a meeting: heldvthis date. re. .solved to extend to the holders, of the bufitandme Scrip the privilegepl eonverllhg said Scrip into ' -the Capital Stock of the Comuany, according to ,section 6thof the amendment'to the Charter, on" the saihe terms as previously douß; payment of Instklmeht'to be made February 1,.: lS6i! .Other; ' wise? interest to be charged on payments made” after that date, and the p'rivilege of conyersion toi ceasi; after June 30, 1564. ". . . i J»l3-w,f,m2m§ ; JOHN MOSS, secretary. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY f KBitUAiiY 29, 1864 WINONA MINING- COMPANY OF" “ffjS mIOHIGaw.—Toe flrsjfc meeting orilie Oor^' fSrators of the Winona Minins Oprapany of Michi gan, will be held on the Sth day of MAiIOH, ISB4, r It 11 o’clock A.M.,at the Office, t No. 147.bonth; I OUETH Street, in ; JOS. T. FOKD, , ' SAMUEL ALLEN,' . ■ Tbice of the A?~ociates of said. Corporation. PHILADBLTHIA, Feb. 19. 1861.,' lel9-lStj - ' M==» HIETON’S CEMENT—The Insoluble' [I & Cement of the Messrs HU tort Biothersjs eer-, taEnly the best article of the kind ever invented. Itsiiotild be kept in every mannlaetory, -workshop and house, everywhere. By its.trse many dollars ' can be saved in the rnn of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, asita combi nation is on scientific principles, and underao cir cumstances or change of temperature will It emit any offensive smell. The.various uses to which.lt' , can be successfully applied readers . It. invaluable to all classes, . .For particulars, see advertisemeut ® Y L VAN IA MINING COMPANY' 112. OF MICHHJAN;—Notice Is hereby given, that all Stock m this. Company, oii which the In stallment of TWO DOLLARS per Share.- called December 7th, 18(13, and due December 19th, 1863, IS not paid, Is forfeited for said default:' and that, according to the Charter'and By-Laws of the Com paßy. it will be sold at Public Auction, on MOW DAY, March 21st, 1661, at 12 51.. at the' Office of the Secretary of the Company, No. 326 WALNUT street, Philadelphia;, unless paid on or before that day.. By .ofder of the Board of Directors. . fel9-2t&f,m, : wtma2i(] ' S. M. ’ DAY. Sec’ y. - Pftted'PmtADELPnia. Feb. 19, 1861. * » General mogLellaN’s report.— NOW h EADY—The full Rejort of General McClellan, with Maps and Plans; in. one volume, paper.. Price 50 cents. . Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Agent for the' REBELUION RECORD, 33 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. Afents wanted in every town anti county in the ■State to sell.this popular work, fe27-3t* PROF. HOWS’is KEaDINO-S AND REOITA TIONS—PnbIishtd to-day, THE CADIES' BOOK OF READINGS AND RECITATIONS; a Collection of apnroved Extracts from Authors, intended for the use of higher classes m Schools and Seminaries, and for Family Reading Circles. By John W. S. Hows, Professor of Elocution. ALSO, Lately Published, PROF. HOWS’S LADIES' READER. PROF. HOWS’S JUNIOR LADIES’ READER. PROF. HOWS’S READER. The lour books will complete Prof. Hows’s series, specially prepared for Young Ladies, Schools and Seminaries—the only series of reading books so specially prepared published lh the conn ry. His high reputation and great experience as a.teacher of the art of Elocutlon.and his critical taste ln that art, warrant ns m commending these books in tbe strongest manner to tlio favorable notice of Teachers of Ladies* Seminaries, etc. Poblbbedby E. H. BUTLER tOO, ie2o It 137 South Fourth street. ,■ JUST PUBLISHED. ~~ ~ lIILLCROVE’S BALL-ROOM GUIDE, \ and ’ COMPLETE PRACTICAL DANCING MAS TER, Containing a Plain Treatise on Etiquette and Deportment at Balls and Parties, with Valuable Hints in Dress and the Toilet, together with full explanations and descriptions of the Rudiments, Terms, and steps used in Dancing, including Clear and Precise Instructions how lo dance all kinds of Quadrilles, Redowse, Reels, Round, Platn and Fanev Dances, so that atiy person may learn them without the aid of a Teacher; to which is added Easy Direc tions lor Calling out the Figures of every Dance,- and the amount of Music required lor Bach. The whole illustrated with one hundred and seven!j six descriptive engravings and diagrams. ‘ * By Thouab Hillghovk. Professor of Dancing. 337 Pages, bound in'clo'-h, with gilt fide and back... .....75c. Bound m boards, with cloth hack...; SDc. . Copies of the above book sent by mail, to anv addreiF, free of postage, cn receipt of the price. Published by DICK A FITZGERALD, No. 18 Ann street, N Y. Also for sale by all .Booksellers in thi* place. fed! -w, f, m, 3Q VTALU A ItLB SOI ENTI FIG BOOKS— V RECENTLY" FUBLISHED. URETS BIOiIONARY. An enlarged ©di’ion. A supplemental volume. IRON. Illustrat*#*. : EWBANK'S HYDRAULICS. A new edition. THE manufacture OF V INKtjAR. , ' OVERMAN’S PEISSE’S WHOLE ARToI dana-s MANUAL OF UFOLOGY. .GILLMORE ON LIMES, CEMENTS, MOR TARS, ac. BOURNE'S CATECHISM OF THE STEAM ENGINE. Ar ow revised edition DANA’S TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY. PRESCOTT ON THE ELECTRIC TELE GRAPH. PIGGOTT ON COPPER, COPPER MINING, ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. TYNDALL ON HEAT. Together with.all tie recent issues in every De partment of Science, for sale at low prices ' LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers; • fed! 23 South Sixth street, above Chestnut. TWO jdrJhAKKABi.E st'KMItNS. BY DUDLEY A. TYNG. OUR COUNTRY’S TROUBLES. A Sermon pTeacbcd in. the Church of the Epi phany, June 2S, 1855. Price 15 cents. 11. NATIONAL SINS AND NATIONAL RETRI BUTION. A Sermon preached tn the Church ot the Cove nant, July 5, 1857. .Price 13 cents. Pubiit-hed'bv . WM. S. AALFRED.MARTIEN, . fe9 GO-i Chestnut street. ALLEN’S LIFE OF PiUUDOH.—rHt LIFE OF PHILIDOB, Musician and Chess Player, by George Allen, Greek Professor In Uu University of Pennsylvania; with a Supple TEcr.tary Essay on Phtlldof, as Chess Author anc Chess Player, av Tassile Von. Heldebnund nnd dst Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenl potentinry of the King cf< Prussia, at the Court Saxe-Wetmar. 1 voL, octavo, x vellum, >' top. Trice 8125. Lately published by •• E. H. BUTIER & CO., nos IS7 South Fourth stresL Theological books, pamphlets and "NEWSPAPERS bought, and sold at JA’R BARR’S, 1105 Market street, Philadelphia. iV-I WILH. VON HUMBOLDT’S LECTERS TO A LADY. With' an introduction, by CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, l vol. 16rao. Tinted paper. Cloth price, SI CO. “ The pnr pose of this correspondence is obvious through ont,—to console, guide, and enliven, by advice and reflections at «nce elovating and serious. Thereader will be struck with the original views and forcible remarks that abound in it.”— London Aftitnivum. ' ’ . Just ready. For sale 'by all booksellers. Sent postage free on receipt of price, by F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, No. 1323 Chestnut street, Philadelnhia. FOR SALE. —HOUSE No. 1818 WALLACE ■ Bell street,. jwith Ahree-story double back bnlld iuge, and nil modern improvements. Will be sold- cheap. J Apply on the premises or to P. JANNEY, No. 10N. Delaware Avenue. fe27-6t* »A- CtiUNTRY BEARDING HOUSE OR HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Situate orthern New Jersey, within afew hours' 1 ride by railroad from Philtdelphia and Now York. Hotel newly built, and will accommodate one hundred and’fiPy guests, parlor.■ dining-rooms, ball-room, kitchens, bar-room, dry cellars, vaults,. ice and bath houses, largo stable, and 45 acres of land, on .which is a lino spring, a lake, and a bearing orchard. Possession immediately. Apply to A. P. & J. H. MORRIS, fe27.gtmhsAl2.2t,' . 016 Arch street.. PRIVATE SALE; —The subscriber will ifcsell all or a part of hisl h’ARM, containing about 8u acres of first-rate laud, tn a high state.of cultivation,' eligibly, and beahtltully. situated, In Lower Merlon township, Montgomery county, ra. , near the ninth mile stone on the Philadelphia and Lancaster.turnpike road,-opposite and near to the Whitehall stall in, oh the Pennsylvania Hnilroad; also near the Bosembnt station, abounds with flue building sites, and is well and favorably known as Arthur’s' Boarding House.- Apply to fe27. (it , m SUMMER KESIDENOEItO LET. AFar-m of 40 acrek, Blansion House of twelve . Tenant House, dec., accessible 1 hv two fiSuthN?NTH nowbcingputln -*c—At>ffiv a toT CB 7^ r mlßTTh >n,l)w Q°° d3 storel£ pck^vii^vT^^ Bo^ l f e ir NOTICES. JNEW PUiiLlOAa’lOm NEARLY READY. PRIMARY LADIES’ NEW PUBLICATIONS. ! PUB SALE AND TO LET.' ■ » CHARLES J. ARTH UR, ■ _ 1 Tlh the premises. ” Of A HENDERSON, At ; >y:eBt Hayerford Post? office, 1 .. •: rUQi&ware cQuutv. Pa>- EOg, SALE -AND TO LIST, -'^Utry-alsnigNiiv’" !.'I? ly un- ’■ blTaid housev sta- Wlssinomtng'Station -6r, walk of M' —-~ — ■ re2?i.6t* " and beautifully'; 16ca“d^wlffi Cr Re^o Ac., situate within 12 minutes walk from Abfne'- 1 um Station, on the North ! S&dard and'Garden Fruits in vkrietv j’ ,M. GUMMEY & SONS, 503 ltrlt 7 '' ® WALNUT STREET—for’ SALE -A THREE-STORY: BRICK DWELLING, on West Walnut street, modern conveniences., Au plytoJ.Hi CURTIS A SON, Real Estate Bro ketej 433, Walnut street, . .. fe>7 M' ARCH STREET. -FOR SALE—An ele gant brick Residence, 25 feet front, with double. Dack buildings, built and finished throiigh ‘ontin.tbe yerybestmanner,.furnished with every con veniepience and improvement, and in complete order,,,with lot 137 feet deep,to a.street; situate on tbe oouth side, of ARCH street,; west of Bfold street" • M ' GUMMEY A SONS, 508;Wilaut WEST fhiladelphia:-for sale: J 23L —A handsome modern double Residence, with parlor, library, dimng-room and two kitchens on tfce first flo.br, built In a superior manner, fur nished with every convenience:■ and snrrdanded with-fine shade and choice nvergreen anti fruit trees,'shrubbery, Aci,' with lot of ground, 100 feet front by 215 deep, antUsupplied with excellent spring water, situate-oh Chestnut, between Tldr-' ty-rinth and Fortieth streets. - J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 5U3 Walnut street:' fc27 M GERMANTOWN. —FOR, SAIE-A some double, modern Residence, stable! aiid carnage-houie, and large lot of ground, .100' feet front by 237 feet deep, situate,, on Shoemaker’s Lane, threa minnteseast of railroad stktlbni ‘ls fnntfhed with every city convenience, exceiler t spring water, nicely shaded, and snrrotmded'with l - b . n — S?. 1 ? ce of 4116 choicest shrubbery. :;J. M. GuMIgEV A. SONS, 508 Walnttt street. ’' ; FOR SALE.—Tbe Froperty on Srhool *3. ®onso Inne, fronting eight hundred aod ight (SSO) feet on said Lane,: an( j extending nearly one-third oi a mile to the Wissahickon, with front on mat stream. Containing thirty (3d) acres, wi h nnmerous desirable sites-for Country Seats, five minutes walk from the RailrosffiDepbt, and twenty S U the ou y- Apply to CHARLES H. MUIRHEID. No. 205 South SIXTH st. . f2,i.00t Ti)e FARM knows as *SL.“LINDEN,” containing about 31 acres, in Cheltenham Township, Montgomery .County, west side of Old York Turnpike, at the elghtinile stone, within ren minutes walk ot .either “Chelten Hills” or “York Road” stations, on ihe North Pennsylvania Railroad., . The improvements consist of a large Stone Dwelling House, (hewiy roofed);'containing 11 rooms: piazza front, excellent -water, large Ice ! ouse filled, large stone bsjrn, modern st^le,-with stabling for 8 horses and 6 cows; stone carriage house, corn cribs and granary over,' Ac. . The land is nearly all tillable and in an excellent state of cultivation. The delightful situation of this place, jts proximity to the city; and many of the most beautiful country seats in tbe neighbor hood of Philade’phia, render it Yery at'metive. Communication with the city is had almost hourly by the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to CHAS. H. MUIRHEID, fe36-30t No. 2U3 South SIXTH street. M FOK SALE OR TO RENT A desirable • conntry residence, barn, three acres ground, with abundance fruit thereon. Situated iu the village of Westfield, N. J., eevenmlleslrolu Cam den, and a mile and a quarter from the Riverton R. B. Station. Apply to F. S. HOVEY. 231' CHESTNUT street. . . fe23-3ts 453 FOR SALE.—The handsome three.store BEL DWELLING, Tmx.7C5S nth TENTH street* has three-story back building?, modern improve ments, large yard, with choice frnit, Ac.; lot 13 by aboutJiu feet to back street:. Immediate pos session. Only a small part In cash required. Apply to G- WASHINGTON POWELL Con veyancer, S. W. corner TENTH and SOUTH streets. fe2t-6t» mFuR SALE-GEHMANTOWN PRO PERTY within five minutes walk of Day’s Lane Station. A well bad: Stone Mansion with all the modern improvements, l >r acres of ground, in abundance of shade ahd-'frutt-trees, • Good stable, wells, Ac. Apply to XUbTIOB A B ATE- M AN, Ihf South FBI'NT sireet. teli-lm* MS FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY Mils PROPERTY. A handsome Count y S*at end well-improved Farm ol s«J acres. It is one of the most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will be sold with or wfthont stock and furniture. No money required. Immediate possession given. For full particulars, apply to J. M. GUMMEY A SONS. 5«3 WALNUT street. fe2l lms gg .Elegant country seat fob EkfeitilAE—AbqqteightaiUes from Kailroad depot half a tailtf from'tlie'preicisea: coaremojit, alsOf to cfiarcties And schools. For heallhir.i'**oud «eauty of Bitoatiou* u \»ell a*'*urrooniiiugadTan- tills property U in the sabarbs of Philadelphia. The larjro mansioa commanding fihe Tie\r? of die river Delaware) is of brown stone, bnlltiuufr finished trithont regard to cosi, asd replete viih all the modern coareuieaces for bout sumiueraod-nater. The prouad comprises 23acres, beantifaliy laid ont.aud oraaraeatod with a xreat variety, of fruit tr*e3 and sfcrutw. A garden •with‘abundance of fruit. Oa the premises aie also erected a gard«aor’i - cotjajre, lodge, orchard house, xreeu house, couservatory, and very extensive stabhuj;,uoexpo.use whatever hav ing been spared to make this in all re-»pec?a a first class residence. Apoly to j*S9-3«4 O. H. MUIRHEID, No. 2(-> South Sixth street. a COUNTRY SEAT AND PAEH FOR a» SALE—Oonhuning fifty-five acres, haudsomaly situated in CbeiTcuham tdwxLfktp. Montgomery county, - Pennsylvania, about eight otles.from the city and on* and a-hsl? from Yuri Read Station, on the Norm Pennsylvania Rail road. Tha buildings are nearly new, substantia l and •well calculated tor a winter or summer real -dene*. Apply to O. H. MUIKHEID, No. 2M Sontb SIXTH street, Philadelphia. - .eio-tff MFOR SALE—House on SPKL'OE street, near Thirteenth street, with stable, to. Also, one on SPRUCE street. near Twelfth street. Ap ply to C. H. JIUIBHKID, f*l2 30tS.. : __, ■ ',203 South-Sixth street. M FOR SALE.—A COUNTRY SEAT on the Birmingham road, about three miles south of West Chester, in Chester cortnty ; Pa , beautifnlly located oil Oshsnrn’s Hill,-near the BrsnJy wine. The House is modern built in:cottage style, audof commodious size. Wat t introduced from a hy draulic ram. Ice House, Barn, Ac., attached. The tract contains 40 a ires of land, well supplied with fruit and large shade trees. ; The property is near the summer residences of Isaac Norris, the late Henry Pepper, deceased, Wm Parker Fonlse and Samuel J. Sharpless, Philadelphia. *1 Apply to CHARLES RHOADS, feia-lit® - No. -3(5 5. Seventh street. Phtla, 453 FOR SALE.— A COUNTRY SEAT, with Sat. forty seres of Laud, hear Lin wood Station, on the Baltimore Railroad, eighteen miles from Philadelphia.' The house commands an extensive view of the Delaware river, about a mile distant. . About seven acres of tbe land are admirably suited for a .vineyard. . . Apply to CHAS. H. MUIRHEID, - 203 South Sixth street, or to JONATHAN CHEST, oh the premises. Inquire at Lin wood Station Post Office, Delawa.v county* Penn* a. > which Is ten minutes walic from the place. - :*■ - ; fe6 30t$ fig DESIRABLE STABLE TO LET,! in tit JEaneignborhood of Tenth and Walnutsueeta lr lire .^ 8 c! aUs » every convenience* Apply &» No* 1$ SonthThird street. - den*tf SALE—Modem Dwelling House. JBH. No. 19 Woodland Terraces. West Philadel* phia, Teplete with aver v con veniance. Apply to lo 0 1„, , . L. L. MOSS,: Broker, . 219 Dock street. TO. LET.—Large and small HOOMi, up stairs, (112 and 614 CHESTNUT street. feStf EDUCATION. IN ITALIAN-. Sign or JO -L bEPH MAZZA 1b prepared to' give Jeesons in the Italian Language, at Schools, at private houses. orathis-Rooms, No. 1101 CHESTNUT street,over Mr.iC. Andre's Music Store. ‘ felj, m, th, 31} INFANT 1 S RETREAfr" ~ V ■ ■ MEDIA, DELAWARE CO. , PA. MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal-' This Institution, providing a refined lioms and the ten oereet care and culture, for Children from three •to seven years of age, will he .opened’on Werines day* APRIL 13. Media is, 1.1 miles .from, Phila delphia by; Bailroad. Tor particulars apply to Rev* Jb. Edwards, Media, pa. -References: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis copal Clergy of the city also to' Abraham Martin, Esq*, ; fqir-Oaaf BQEDENTG WN FEMALE COLLEGE, , BORDENTOWN, N. J. ' •This Institution is piensantlv located on tn# Delaware'River, 1* tour's ride 'from PUiladel. phta. Special attention is paid to the common »n* higher branches 1 of ENGLISH, aad superior ad-‘ vantage# ifntnfshed; in Vocal and Instrumental Mnslo.: - FRENCH taught by native, arid spofcon in the family. Far Catalogues. address > . „• Rev. JOHN H: BRAKELEY, A. M-, ’ jalt.»n,<> ; .n ~-i ,'.T. Presidon J r_ jßOUQt4.rfi-4WAI.TK4t BAKBIf A \j Otaoooiatsi O'joos. ami Kronas; HtngiP, douols J.tatKtrlMei Vanina; also, Orid Ooeoa acd Qocaa- ShelUi la-store amd for salahy.tVJLg. QUA NT* tUSOaUt Deaware 'WAarrtls.- DBY GOODS. o™thei?cheapf ess. at 4UaiUities ° fth «* oalocfannt droD P at m |«)- 0 -ht^ v s riet y; Damask and Snow ”wU*l64 vSS£B&R& ° a’t% Ty r’: : ?°n»ewife. tdneni for 111686 and *“ ' !^£! %S&£l2sg&jg* at il'so 3 Bales extra -wide heavy Crash, at* li aWd ia 'Ceatsj also, better .and fimr at 18.an.d20 OKANVIIiLE B. HAINES -fe-irOt,. No. 1013 Market st. 3 ah. Tenth. M L qvlxity!*’ eveky WIDTH AND Us * Williams-vaile, : ■ Bay Mills, Forestdale, Semyer-Idem, Honseke.'per A. - . Slaterrflle, KewTfliMAv «^s^«aa?EarijSf Aleo, /Unbleached, ineveryqnalitv wlae ' 01 1013 Market street, ab. Tenth. T Sl* WJ E to ) BI I sf SKS ' ~ Scotcll Tablß Bamasks, Power-loom Table Linens. 87 to SI is - TJnbleaclied lable Linens. • . Fine Napkins, S 2 50 to S 5 00. Fringed Damask and-Hnck. Towels. Pure Idnen,, Fringed Towels, from 25 c to SI. Bird* eye JUn*ns, SG, 62,75andS$cts. .Diapers, Flannel?, Tickings, &c. Heavy Hngenot Wide Sheetings. Best Irish. Linens, fromsocts. to 61 I*2. Quilts, Blankets, Muslins, Ac. . WHITEOAMBBIQS.—S-4 wide, and very flue, at 56 cents. . . ‘ ’ Finest Cambric, 65 cts.—lower grades. Beal Manchester. Heavy Ginghams. Black Silks, of every grade. Every Style Spring'Delaines and Print 3. - COOPEB & OOHAKD, S. E. comer Ninth.and Market street. Bpring and summer dress gouDs: __ At Low. Prices. we have arranged to close ont rapidly. A let of Mozambiqnes, at cents. A lot of Mozambiqnes, at 16>$ cents. A lot of Mozambiqnes, t;., at 20 cents. A lot of Mozambiqnes, and Bareges, at -A3 cents CTJRWEN STODDART A BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, le2G-3ts r above Willow. QQO THOS. SIMPSON'S SONS, AO I «/<£<*. M 2 and Ml PINE STREET. vAi. GREAT DEPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF SOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDER WEAR, TRIMMINGS, AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. Linen Table Damasks. 6-4. 7-4, S-4 and 10-4. Locm Tabic Linens, three lots—birgaiai. Snow Drop and patnask Napkins, s 5,3.4 and 4.4. Linen Doy lies, white and assortment, 3 lot 3 colored Counterpanes. , 7 lots white Oounterpanes,!o-i. li-4, 12-4 and 13-4. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS, losing out Cheap. Closing oat Cheap, H STEEL A SON. HAVE NOW OPEN . a choice assortment of NEW SILKS. Moire Antiques, S 3 W to So 00. Plain Horded tillis, si ft!« to S 3 50. Figured Corded Silks, SI b iu. Plain Poit Pe Soles, St 35 to S 3 35. FANCY SILKS, Jo CTS. TO So CO Black Gros Grain Silks, SI 03 to S 3 23 Figured Black Sirk*, «1 'o B*3 00. Plain Black Silks, F7>'c to SO oy. PlaiiilrniiaSilks, S7>* cts. , » Light Ground, Kick Figured Foulards, SI 55 to SI 62, , , , Nos. 713 and *l3 N. Tenth street. EDWIN HAL.L. 4c CU., No. 3. SECOMB street, are now ooentngnevr goods in every department. Mew French Chintzes and Brilliants* Percale Rotes, new designs* Crgandies and Jaconets. Splendfd quality and styles of Grenadines. Fine Black Alpaca Mobairs. Fine all wocl I*e JLaines, beautiful shades. New styles of Dress Goods of various Jcinds. Colored Alpseas aud Poplins. New goods opening daily. inn pieces of si fancy silks. lvu Blue. Lilac ami Brown Plaids. Black and Waite, Ifrown and White do. ■ India Plaid Silks, SI per yard. S 5 Rest Brown Silts. S 5 Best Black Silks, aionrs Antitjues Best Goods. Foul arris, newest styles. Friendly Foulards. EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch street*. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. The CHEAPEST SILKS in the Market. I, 5tC yards neatpiaid India Silk* atSl oupcr yard. SCO y arris black and whi at India Silks, at * 1 pr. y d. 0(0 yards brownandwhitelndiaSilivs,aiSlpr.yd. LlCCyardsbtokenplaiiiilndiaSilks, at s 1 per y»L •JOOyarris bine ana white India Silks, at St pr.yd. Tboy make the most serviceable dress a ituiv can wear They are selling very fist. Cal! acd-ex amine them before the assortment is broken. At JOHN H. STOKES’S, TUt Arch street,. CLOTH STOBE—JAMES A LEE INYIT3 the attention of their friend* end other* to thtll large and well assorted stock of goods adapted tr jJ»c and Boys’wear, comprising le" pais Black French Cloths. . Bin* do do Colored do- ! do OVERCOAT CLOTHE. Black Flench Beaver*. Colored do do Piaek Etanimaux do Colored *do do Blue and Black Pilots. PANTALOON SlUni Black French Casstmere*. do uo Doeskins. Fancy CasMmeres. Mixed and Ssrtped do Pleidsand Silk Mixed. Satinets all qualities. Cc.rds, Benverteens, Ac. TESTINGS. Fancy Silk Vestings, * Black Satin Vestings. Fancy SilS VeSvet do Plain and Fancy Cashmere*. Wcol, Velvet and Valencia. Also, a iarce assortment ol Trimmings, adanms o Hen sad Boys' wear, at-wholesale and retell. J AMES A LEE, No, ll North Seccndstrccw *•3B. Sign of tha Golden Lr.tr h. PRESENTS— * LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. ' S. MILLIKEN A CO,, 82a ARCH and :J2 Sontt SECOND street, have now open a very flue assort ment of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Hacdker chiefs, which they are celling at a small advanc OB Old prices. LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders,at 10,12, 11, 15, 13 and 25 cent*. Hemstitched, from 25 cents up to the finest. RcTiere Borders: Tucked Borders. ' Wide Eemstiteh'cd- borders. Colored Embroidered Borders. Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Some'of the above are put up in far.cy fccxrr suitable fox presents. GENTS’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Sorters, from 20 cents up to the Sne*t. Printed Borders, new styles, from SI cents. Hemstitched, new styles, in wide herns. Hemstitched'and printed. . Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of Children’s pialx Bhd printed Handkerchiefs. _ LINEN GOODS GENERALLY—We have Always on band the most extensive stock, of all irinriK cl Linen Goods to he found in the city, we import and deal in Linen Goods, exclusively and can always offer to either. Wholesale-or RetaJ buyers the advantage of purchasing at a very syall advance on & • deiSl 826 Arch street, and 32 S-Sectmdstr^t. DENTISTK DR. FINE* PRACTICAL DENTIST Mftssfror the last twenty years, 213 VlNEStreet, balowThird, insertsahe most beautiful TEETH of the ace;' mounted on fine Gold, Pjatina, Silver, - Vulcanite. Corallte,. Amber, Ao., at prices for neatand substantial work, more reasonable than aav Dentist in this city er State.- Teeth plugged tolastfor life. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit No pain in extracting. All work warranted to flt Rsrfitreuoe. beet families dean-ant TRUSSES, Ti/THS.. JAMES BETTS’S J-ELEBRATED M SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and Supporters under Medical patronage. La „ QJJ j Physicians are respectfully requested £ cn Mrsi-BETTSiarher residence, wAi^l^. Street; PhUadelplua,(tO:Svoid counter* b th l asaassaws^SSsss csaoa!Bas3Bsa£»®hj|, pprtera with Testimonials. - c 1 SHIPPING. rfgggfr, STEAM WEEKLY Ip' LITRn! asJHfISfcPOOL, toddling at Q.TJEENSTOWJI r <2^tL ±la ?'^2r^ —-TberreU-lmown Steamsrsof tn« York andEMladelphJaSteamshls to >«iU Ks .r ? mrl Feb. ,27 ETNA" Hared 5 Andi'ClU;-:* Saturday, March. 12 Pit? 44TTo«iti Bir^— 1 1 M Noon, from PATABI.H ™'^; , ? :e S‘JFpassaqe : PATABIBIK GOLD OE its BCJCnrju.KBT HI CUB- Ha “ Sn je 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 00 erß . “i 3 ? forwarded to-Harrs, Bremen. Ao„ at ea oaiiy DITBBPOOI, OB Q.OkSiBTOTO.-. pool* ® 7s ’ f 85 ’ 8105 - steer age from Hirer, •and for t fiHSSS Bto 7 rn ’ * 3o ‘ Tho “ w! >o wish to rates. 1 ” 1 : tilBlrtrien ds can buy tickets bare at tbs** nrScwSS" Compa. fe24 G. DALE. Agent. 11l Walnut street.- PhiladeipMa. port on each street, PWladelpfiio^anSt^ l ? 5f° TePin * Saturday, MarchsTlSM L ° gwiarf ’ Boston, on sS@2p«sa KiS,S?i” ew and substantial Steamships lorm « * aUln « 110111 •»* port p onotnalfy on saUjeSS? l ona-ltaif theorem! urn charged by Freight taken at fiir rates. hi^??? r^, are J r , e J u93ted “ 58 nd slip,receipts ana biUs qf lading -with their goods. ' * 11 passage, haring'fineaccommodi ■lona, apply to HENHY .WINSOK *007.' - 332 South Delaware arenae. —TiEKk __FOR ALEXa:N DRla, OEORG-E -fiSJgyjZPHP,?nd WASHING-TON-Haad 1 a w^La l^16 * Tl s. U“al—Every Wednesday at 11 and every Saturday at BA. M,. . y * ll Steamer READER, Captain Callahan. SteamerH. J. DEYINNT, Captamßrlstoyr Steamers. SEYMOUR, CappSnßoSm™ Steamer E. CHAMBERuSf, Captadi Stevrsrt. PM?.™inhS rm , a semi-weekly line between dt ) leai3oTe ports, saillngregnlarly tp raSUg ware and Bantan Canal. —The steamers of thea# lines are leaving daily fit 12 o’ clock, M.\ and s 0 £ loc^L?, J M ‘ s fT 9 m tftird Pier above Walnut *t *]p r which will be taken on accouuno dMlngteiros, apply to ELIJAH M. BAIRD ft -CO., 192 South Jjeiaware avenue. ■'££&£R £pß KilW YORK—New Daily Din# gjirltliTli —via Delaware and Raritan Canal— Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat company will receive freight and leave daily at 2 delivering their cargoes in New York tt# following days. Freight taken arroasonable rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, H South Wharves, Fhil&da. JAMES HAND, Agent jy2g-tf Piers 14 and 15 East River, K. Y. FOB SAN FRANCISCO. COLEMAN’,S CALIFORNIA HUB. SAILING- REGULARLY AS ADVEBTISEB, The A 1 Extreme dipper Ship WIZARD KING- Is now rapidly loading at pjer ii.* East Biver. This beautiful clipper comes to her berth 353?? with, a large portion of her cargo oa board, aiia naving large engagements will fill rapidly We commend the WIZARD KING to all ship pers to ban Francisco as the taott desirable vessel no w lo*ding, ano invite inspection. Shippers will confer a tavor by sending their freight immediately alongside. - BISHOP, SON * CO. H 105 Arch street, above Front. FOR BARBADOS—The British scnooner COFFIN* Couzeus, master, .viil comment e loading oa Monday next, Ihe 23d iust., and will meet withqui k dispatch. GEORGE ALKINS ft CO., Nos. 10 and id South Delaware avenue. telT FOR NEW ORLEANS, La.—With (Jaick *ffiE?l?ispatch —The first.class packet ship ST. FEXFB, Sprague, master, having the bulk of her cargo enraged, will sail soon. Tor freight or pas sage, apply to PETER WRIGHT ft SONS. 115 Walnut street. .' fe-iT-tf FOR”NEW ORLEANS. La. —FirsTVeT- IgA» sel to Sail—The fast sailing favurile packet mu ’COMET;-Morrison, master, is now rapidly finishing her. loadng at second wharf above Race street, and can still take some freight on favora ble term®, if applied for at once. Forbilanc* of freight or passage, apply to WORKMAN ft CO., IC3 Walnut eireet. FOB BOSTON— Line—The fine Jg||‘packet schr, SBARSViLLE, Oapt. Sears; js huw receiving freight at Arch street wnarf, and will fail for the above pert with prompt dis patch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 1> Nortf w'haxves. FOR.NLW Y ORK—Express Line—The Seßggne p. cket schooner- f*AMUEL COLT, Uapiain Hib’iard, is now receiving freight at the Jim wharf below Arch street, and will sail for the above porf with promptdispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER. lfc North Wharves. FOB FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—T e Sgggronowing first class vessels: The Br. ha.-j; UU±.hN BAGLB,-290 tons. 3,000 bbls; B*. baric SHERWOOD, 547 tohs 4 S MX) bbls: Br. bark SU LTOTE, 201 tons, 2.000 bbls: brig J. H. KEN NEDY, 3*5 tO'S, 3 SW bblK ‘Br * bnz CYGNET, £6l fens, 2,fii'Obbls: brig MOONLIGHT. a:tf tons, 2,71.0 bb’s: brig ALT AYE LA IPS tons. 2,<w.-bhls; brig HYDRA, 273 ions, 700 .bbls: sebr. NAVI GATOR. 123 tons, 1.3*J0 bbls." For Mms, apply to J. E. BAZLEY.& CO., 122 South Wharves. FOR SALE OR CHARTER—Tne British SrSsbrig JOHN BARN IRD, Jamieson, master. iw tens register, copper fastened audbni: bolted and treenailed iliioiigu, fourteen mouths old, 4,4 i o bolt. draws rj feet of water, and has just been overhauled afcd put. in complete order. For terms, apply to EDMUND A. SJUD&R& CO., street wharf. fe27-4t FOR SALK UR CHARTER—The new S§s* cc PP‘' r ’ :lst * ,nC£i harfc DRESDEN, Reed master, 41*7 tons register; rates At; sails .fast and is jin perfect order. For terms, apply to E. A. SOVDeR & CO.* Dock street wharf. *?■ fe26if JOHN SHINDLER A SONS, S.IIL TOMAXERS. No. 244 North WARYSS, below Vine street, Philadelphia, All work done in tie best manner and on th« lowest-and most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. mhiS-tX Particular attention given to repairing. CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE. SAMUEL COLT, Captain Hilliard, from New York, is now discharging cargo at the first wharf below Arch street. Consignees’will -please send for their goods, and oblige DAVID COOPER, IS North "Wharves. "Vj OTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned ffuinst. trusting or barboring any of the crew of the Br. brig NBVnT'Smltb, master, f'-omHa tar.zfsF, as no debts of their contracting will be pa d by captain or consignees. J. E. BAZLEY <fc 00., 122 South Wharves. r? 29 lGt persons are caiuidoed againtt Xl trustine or harboring any of the crew of the Hr. brig CYGNET, Croscup, master, from Car denas, as no debts oX tbeir contracting will be paid by the caotain or consignees. * J. E. BAZLEy & CO.. 122 South Wharves. - xe 9-mt THE UNDERSIGNED having rental their Ship Y?rd, located between Queen and Christian streets, with the Marine Railway and Sectional £iry Dock v to A. S. SIMPSON & BRO.. take this opportunity of Expressing their thanks to their friends and patrons for their long and con tinued kindness. i * > A. 6. SIMPSON 3s BRO. being practical Ship wrights and Caulkers, we recommend them to onr late customers andvthcse that have vessels to re pair, and are confident .whatever is entrusted to them will he carefully attended to. ja3o-lm* - - J- SIMPSON & NEILL. Peiladsi.peia, Feb. 1, 1564. -STOVES,’ heatb: T H O M-A S S. D 1 XO Ni i Late Andrew's & Dixon, *O. IS2-1 DHSSSTaUTstwrt.JJ“JM»IpkI», Ruvcsite United State* Mint, Tffauufartnrer* of LOWDOVm, J>AKLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, i For AntfirnCi 4 *. Bitumipou* una Wood. Tlrs*. ALSO,’ “ ;V • • WARM AIR FDRHACES/ For wsrimug ptibllo anti private buildiE**., . REGISTERS;" VENTILATOK3, * ' . ■ • ASD CHIMNEY * CAPS, COOKING RAMGES, BATH. BOILERS. WVipT.F.SAT.E AWP RETAIL -mm BRAIDING, EMC j BROIDERY anti Tambourius done at CAMERON’S, 22S Nsrtb EIGHTH a«reet and ‘ -"••■1508 Sooth SIXTH street. . -Lffdiea’ under-clothine- in stock and trade to orders Tncklnr’n'.atlr don* vb order.' fal-Sm* PINE ARPLE OHEESE—S'I cu es laudii sraud for. i ale bjoJOS., B. BOSSIER A CO., 103 aad uc Sontb WnarTee. I, AC. (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers