BOABD OF T2ADB. ISBAEL P. MOBKI3, ) JOSEPH O. GKUIiB, > MoKTEiT Ooxiiit-tbh. EHBITJNI) A. SOT3DER, ) aATT.TgfIDAYS.OF STEAMSHIPS TO ABEIVE. PBOM 808 Adriatic Gal way ...Boa* cm Feb. 2 "Virginia . Liverpool-New York Feb. 2 Bohemian...•. .Liverpool. .Portland. Vab. 4 ..Liverpool..New York..'. Feb. 0 City of London. .Liverp’l.. New York Feb. 10 Hammonia.. Southampton— New York ;..Feb. 10 Africa Liverpool.. New York Feb. 13 A5ia.**....... ..Liverpool. .Boston ..Feb. 13 3Penneylvania-.Liverpool-Ne\v York Feb. 16 Bremen Southampton... New York Feb. 17 Canada*. Liverpool... Boston Feb. 20 Bavaria Southampton. .New' Y0rk....... Feb. 24 Australasian Liverpool... New York Feb. 27 . TO DEPART. Adriatic........ New Y ork.. Gal way ...... Feb. 23 ."North Star.... New York..Aspiuwall Feb. 23 China.. ...New York.. Liverpool Feb. 24 Gov. Bayley New York—Nassau, NP Feb. 25 O of Manchester..N.York..Liverpool Feb. 27 Havana New York—Havaca Feb. 28 Corsica -New York... Havana, &c Feb. 29 Africa Boston.. Liverpool March 2 •EveningStar..New York.. Havana, he March 5 City of London... N York.. Liverpool March 6 iHammonia New York.-Hamhuig* March 6 T LETTER BAGS - JLT 7*37SSIBB6HAHTe' TSXOHAKGE, sPJTjL^USLPHIA Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Feb. 25 Bark Sea Eagle, Howes Port Spain, soon Schr Francis Coffin, Couains Barbados, soon Schr Henry Nutt, Baker Port Spain, soon POST OF PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 22. Buat 8i9v5,636 |;Su» Sets, 6 24 | Hion VT atbb, 1 51 ARRIVED YESTERDAY, Ship St. Peter, Sprague, 5 days from New York, in ballast to Peter Wright & Sods. City Ice Boat, Kelly, 1 day from Delaware Breakwater, having towed' thereto the iron-clad -steamer Galena, and brought up ship St Peter, from New York. CLEARED ON SATURDAY. Schr M S Hathaway, Hathaway, N Orleans, Tyler & Co. Schr E & L Cordery, Grace, Port Royal, do Schr J D Buckaloo, Mcllvain, Alexandria, do Schr Joa S Watson, Little, Fort Monroe, do Schr Fauguesett, Waples, do do 1 Schr D H Bills, Rich, do Navy Agent. Schr M P Stevens, Reed, Washington, R Jones. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. „ „ , PORT PENN, Del., Feb. 19. The following vessels are at the Pier at this place: Brigs Nellie Barrett, for Philadelphia; Fannie, for New .Orleans; Anna Edwards, from Philadelphia for Beaufort; N B T'Thompeon, do do; D B Steel •3nan, for Newbern; Mary P Hudson,for Port Royal; Alex Young, for Fort Monroe; Polly Price, for New Y'ork, and sloop Eliza G Brown. The schr J B Austin, from Philadelpha for Boston, is aground -oh Reedy Island Bay. A schooner,name unknown, is on the fiats below Liston’s Tree. ' Yours, &c. SAMUEL B. OLEAYER. MEMORANDA. The brig Sarah. Larsen, Hopkins, hence for Ha 'Yana, went to sea on Saturday evening. Steamship Norman, Baker, cleared at Boston 20th inst. for this port. : v Steamship Vulcan (Br), Bunker, from New York via Bermuda for Snangkae, at Pernambuco—no date. Ship Lady Washington, Sigsbee,from New York, 24th Aug. at San Francisco 19th inst. Ship Enoch Train, Holmes, cleared at San Fran ciceo 20th inst. for Liverpool. Steamship Virginia, Snyder, from Fort Monroe via Newport, BX where she putin to laud troops and horses, at New York 20th inst. The Virginia 'Was bound to Boston, but in consequence of severe weather she was compelled to put into Newport. Several of the horses were frozen to death. Bark Salem, .Powell, cleared at New York 20th inst. for Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. Bark Deßsah, Gilkey, at Havana 13th inst. was • chartered for Mataraoras and Philadelphia per 110 gals gegc. Bark Columbia,. Weaver, Dorn Licata, at Pa lermo 14th ult. and cleared for thin port. Bark Radiant, Flinn, cleared- at Palermo 19th -ult. for this port. Brig Abby Watßon, Allen, at Washington, DO. loth inst. for this port. Brig North Point, Nickerson, at New York yes terday from Key West. • Schrs Wm Arthur, Haskell, from Portland, and Clara Ellen, Gray, from Boston, both for this port, at Newport 17th inst.. Schr Neptune’s Bride, Jarvis, cleared at New Or leans 12th inst. for this port, with 45 hhds sugar, 60 hf and 455 bbls molasses. Schrs Logan, Smith, and Cox, hence at Norfolk 12th inst. Schr Enoch Moore was at Havana 13th instant, chartered for Trinidad and New York or this port, €OO hhds molasses at s4>£. Schr R G Whelden, Neal, clearedat New Orleans 12th inst. for New York. Schr John Dorrance, Rice, sailed from Norfork loth in st. for this port. Schrs Leesburg, May, hence for Portland; D N Richards, hence for Salem, and Adeline, Spragne, hence for Boaton, remained at Holmes’ Hole 8 AM. 19th inst. Schr EL B Wales, Hoffman, hence at Norfolk, 12th met. Schr James Brophy, Thompson, hence at Port Boyal Ith inst. Schrs Ws F Garrison, Smith; Elizabeth English, Somers; J G Babcock, Higbee, and E B Wheaton, hence at Port Boyal 13th inst. Schrs Marietta Steelman, Steelman; Elwood Do ion, Jarvisj ’J W Vannaman, Sharp; J L Leach, Endicott; N E Clark, Clark; A Haley, Bobbins; B "W Dillon, Ludlam, aDd B S Miller, Baker, hence ■ at Port Boyal 14th inst. NAVAI*. The U S gunboat Kearsage, Captain Winslow, at Cadiz, 23d ult. from Brest. GROGEKIES. CHAMPAGNE AND HOOK WINES-Bonohe Fils & Co., Cabinet Champagne, in half pints and quarts. Moet A Chanaon Imperial Green. Seal, piats and quarts. ■ Piper Heidsieck and Charles Heidsieck, pints and quarts. Lauben heimef, Budeshelmer and Marcobruner, for sale fcy THOMPSON BLACK & SON, Broad and Chestnut streets. CHOICE .HAMS—AII the best brands of Cincin nati Sugar Cured Hams for sale by THOMP SON BLACK A SON, Broad and Chestnut sts. ALMEBIA. GRAPES.—Choice Almeria Grapes in large clusters and first order, for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. .jOOFFEE.—Prime old Government Java Coffee; "\j alco, Maracaibo, La Guayra, Bio, Ac., for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. comer Arch and Eighth Btreets. MACOARONI AND VERMICELLI Italian Irlaccaroni and Vermicelli of superior quality just landed and for sale byM. 'jF. SPILLIN, N. w. corner Arch and Eighth streets. HALF PINTS' CHAMPAGNE. Cabinet Champagne in half pints, 48 Bottles to the case. Also Heidsieck k Co.,Gieslor* Go.,Grape Leaf, Pearl of the Ehine, qts and pts ; Widow Clicquot, pints, the genuine afticla, for sale by SISK N COLTON k SON, Broad and Walnut. Bethlehem buckwheat—The genuine Bethlehem Buckwheat Meal and Oat Meal, for sale by SIMON COLTON k SON, Broad and Wal nut streets. Cincinnati hams.—just reoei-vedandfor sale by SIMON COLTON k SON, Broad and "Walnut streets. HEIDRIECK k GO’S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy, "Younger's Scotch Ale and Gniness’s Brown Stout for sale by E.B.OLAKKE, Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining R. R. depot, Germantown. VEBY CHEAP TEAS Finest Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong, English Breakfast! Chulans, k c., for sale in original pack ■•■ages, or in small boxes, for family use, at JAMES E. WEBB’S, Walnnt and Eighth streets. de23 EIDLEY’S BROKEN CANDY, Vanilla Cream Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer infancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. FRENCH PEAS, Champignons, and Boneless Sardines, of a fresh importation; for sale by B. B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Mala street, adjoining Bailroad Depet, Germantown. Fresh GBOCEEIES FOR CHBISTMAS New Baisins, Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almonds. Just reeeiyed fresh, lor sals Toy E. B. CLABKE, dealer In fancy and staples groceries, Main street, adjoining Bailroad Depot, Germantown. BEFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF all grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for sal* Jy U. C. KNIGHT k CO., Southeast cornu Water and Chestnut streets.. E*J e SH OLIVE OIL in whole, half, and quarter bottles: for sale by E. B. CLARKE, grocer, main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German down. L 'i? er Rais lns, the finest imported, ?? ss ’ in fanc y boxes; New 'r> Enelish Walnuts, kc., at JAMES B. WRUB'S. Walnnt.and Eighth sts TDality suitable for. PHT J S WORKS ct ,e d at 1116 PHILADEL ■PHIA GAS WORKS, at the pnce of 12 cents per bushel, or six dollars aton of 2, COO pounds v ■L r iom JOHN O. CRESSON, fel6-12t{ Chief Engineer PINE APPLE CHEESE—SO cases lauding and l° r JOS - B - BUSSIEB k 00., ice aSd ill! South Wharves. *■ BUSINESS OABDS. BECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA DELPHIA. *■£ * - FRANAFORD. * Capital 8100,000, with the privilege of increas. in g to 8500,000. ... NATHAN HILLES, President: WILLIAM H. RHAWN, Cashier, late of the Philadelphia Bank. directohs: ' Nathan Hilles, - Lewis Shallcrqss, George W. Rnawn, Charles E. Kremer, Simon R. Snyder, Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Edward Hayes, Benjamin H.: Deacon, , John Cooper. The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 134 Main street, Frankforci, for the transaction of a General Banking Business upon the usnal terms. * Collections upon all accessible points will, he made upon liberal terms. Respectfully, • W. H. RHAWN, fe3-3ms t Casher. GEO. O. STANDBSrDGB. *. | J.W. BVBRMAH gTANDBEID G- E- j & 00 . > BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 49 South THIRD street, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOU) ON COMMISSION. UncurrentßankNotesandCity "Warrants bought at the lowest rates of discount. ja2-2m CiORN EXCHANGE I Nbvember 23d, 1863, At tee election held Stockholders were duly Com Exchange Bank: Alexander G. Cattell, JohnF. Gross, James Steel, Christian J. Hoffman, Robert Ervien, H, W. Catherwood, William P. Cox, Edmund A. Bonder, Samuel T. Oanby, Charles E. Wilkins, Philip B. Mingle, David Yanderveer, Jonathan Knight. ■ And at the meeting of the Board this day ALEX. G. GATTELL, Esq., was unanimously re-eleeta ed President; and A I,EX. WHILLDIN, Esq., Vice resident, and JOHN W. TORREY. Cash ier. J. W. TORREY, no'24-3mo ■; Cashier. George boldin, michael wartman. •BOBBIN A WAETMAN, TOBACCO and GENERAL OOHISSION Merchants, No. 105 North WATER street and 106 North fe!s DELAWARE aTenne, Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA WORKS—on the DELA WARE River, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER, Delaware couritv, Pa. BEANEY, SON A ARCH BOLD, Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of All hinds. CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron "Vessels of all description, Boilers, Water. Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ac. T. BEANEY, W.BI BEANEY, S.AROHBOLB, Late of . Late Reamy, Neafle A Co., Engineer in Ohlel Penn Works, Phila. rjyl3-tfl U. S. Navy gV ANS A WATSON’S SALAMANDER SAFES, STORE No. 16 South FOURTH street, ; PHILADELPHIA, PA.' A lgrge variety of FIBE PROOF SAFES alwayi on hand, cheap for cash myl9-ly PETER WEIGHT A SONS, IMPORTERS OF EARTHENWARE, AND BHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO. 115 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ] CLEMENT A. 6BIBCJOH, ITHEODOBB WBIBHT. f# JAMBS A WSIBHT, THORNTON PIKE, GAS FIXTURES—WARNER, MISKEY A CO., No. 718 CHESTNUT street, Manufactu rers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ac., Ac., wonld call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Ac. They also introduce Gas pipe's into DweUings and Publie Buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing Gas pipes. AU work warranted. _ jn3o J, VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM.H. MERRICK, JNO. E. COPE. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. : MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure steam En gines for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers,-Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, afe; Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Fraine Roofs for Gas Works, Workshop* at Railroad Stations. Ac. i Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En. gines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. Billeux’s Patent Sugar Boll ing Apparatus, Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Ham mer, and Asplnwall A Woolsey’s Patent Cental. fngal Sugar Draining Machine. ; ja23 CITY OBDINANCE. CLERK’S OFFICE COMMON COUNCIL Philadelphia, February 5, IBM In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY the 4th inst, the annexed bill entitled “An Ordinance to Authorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of Volunteers, ” is hereby published for public information. j WM. F. SMALL, Clerk of Common Council. * N ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE AN AD DITIONAL LOAN TO AID THE ENLIST MENT OF VOLUNTEERS. Section l. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, do ordain: That the May or be and he is hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of the city from time to time, as may be required by the City Treasurer, such! sums of money as may be required to aid the enlistment of Volunteers for the service of the United States, not exceeding in the whole the sum of Two Million, Dollars, for which interest, ; not to exceed at the rate of six per cent, per annum, shall be paid half-yearly, on the first days of July and January, at the offiee of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable andpaid at the expiration ol thirty years from the date of the same, and not before without the consent of holders thereof,' and cer tificates therefor, in the usual form of such certifi cates of City Loans, shall be issued in such amount as the lenders may require, but not for iany frac tional part of one hundred dollars, for Required in amounts of five hundred or [one thousand dol lars, and it shall be expressed in said certificates the said loan therein mentioned, and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. Seo. 2. Whenever any loan shall be : made by virtue hereof, there shall be, by force of !thls ordi nance, annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates, and from the sumlraisedby taxation, asnm sufficient to pay the interest on said certificates; and the further sum:of three tenths of one per eefit. on the par value of such certificates so issued shall be appropriated quar terly, out of tbe income and taxes, to a sinking fund, which fund and its accumulation are hereby specifically pledged for the redemption and pay ment of said certificates. . _ RESOLUTION Authorizing the Clerk to publish the Ordinance. Aesolved, That the Clerk of Common Oonncil be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this City, daily lor four weeks, the Ordinance pre-. sented to Common Council at a stated meeting thereof, held on the 4th day oi February, 1864, en titled “An Ordinance to Authorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of Volunteers, ” and the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Connells, next alter the expiration of fonr weeks from the said publication, shall present to Councils one ol each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have been made. fes-4wj RE AX, ESTATE SALES. EXECUTORS’ PEREMPTORY SALE.— BSa THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers BUSI- N ESS LOCATION, No. 617 PASSYUNK ROAD, below Somh street, on TUESDAY, February 23d, 1884, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that lot of ground with 2 two story frame dwellings thereon erected, situate on the east side of Pass, nuk road, below South street, J*.°- 617 5 containing in front on Passyunk road 20 feet, and extending in depth 75 feet. It is occupied { nrmtnre Store, and a good business stand. Subject to ajearly ground rent of 88. r m J?" TBOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers, fe4,11,22 , 139 and 141 South Fourth st. P°™?n- S ™^£ H . STEAM FACTORY SPOOL COTTON, Best six-cord. Also, of same ma nufaetuie, Amory’s Enameled Thread; each spool warranted to contain 200 yards, iuil mea sure, and equal In every resneetto any Thread of Foreign or American production. All colors and assortments to suit purchasers Also, a brand of the above Thread expressly for Sewing Machines. , CHARLES AMORT, Jb., & CO., ; Sbixthq Aobhts, No 205 Church Alley, Philadelphia. fel2-lm* THE DAILY HfTENIflg BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1864: !ANK, Philadelphia, 16th Inst, the following elected Directors of th» DP.Y GOODS H STEEL * SON, HAVE NOW OPEN , a chouo assortment of NEW SILKS. .Moire Antiques, S 3 00 to 85 00. Pum Corded Silks. SI 62)£ to S 3 50. Figured Corded Silks, Si 02)£. Plain Poit Xe Soies, SI 25 to S 3 25. FANCY SILKS, 75 CTS. TO S 5 00 Black G-ros Grain Silks, SI 25 to $3 25 Figured Black Siiln* £1 25 to §2 (JO. Plain Black Silks, 87>£c to $6 00. Plaid India Silks, 87M cts. liight Orouud, Kick Figured Foulards, SI 25 to SI 62. Nof. 713 and 715 N. Tenth, street. Edwin hall. a 00., No. 26 s. second street, are now opening new goods in every department. New French Chintzes and Brilliants. Percale Rotes, new designs. Organdies and Jaconets. . Splendid quality and styles of Grenadines. Fine Black Alpaca Mobairs. Fine all wool lie Laines, beautiful shades. New styles of Dress Goods of various hinds. Colored Alpacas and Poplins. New goods opening daily. • fe!s 1 A A PIECES OF SI FANCY SILKS. lvU Blue, Lilac and Brown Plaids. Black and White, Brown, and White do. India Plaid Silks, Si per yard. . $5 Best Brown Silks. S 5 Best Black Silks.. Moire Antiques Best Goods,-- Foulards, newest styles. Friendly Foulards. EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch streets. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. The CHEAPEST SILKS in the Market. 1,500 yards neatplaid India Silks.atSl 00 per yard. 500 yards black and whitelndia Silks, atSl pn yd. 6i 0 yards brown andwhite India Silks, atSlpr. yd. 1,100 yards broken plaids India Silks, at SI per yd. 400 yards blue and white India Silks, at SI pr.yd. They make the most serviceable dress a lady can wear They are selling very fast. Call and ex amine them before the assortment is broken. At J( )HN H. STOKES’ S, 70*2 Arch street. Marseilles q,uilts —of flue quality*-at. moderate prices. , Good Blankets in large sizes. Sheeting Muslins, of every width. Several grades of Tickings TABLE DAMASKS.—Power-loom Table Linen, damask pattern. ■ . Power-loom Table Linen, dice pattern. Bleaoheo Table Damasks and Cloths. 8-4 Bleached Damask, $i 00, a bargain. Fine Towels, Napkins, Nursery Diapers. Ballardvale Flannels, 6*2to 81 per yard. New York Mills. Williams villes, Wamsuttas. Richardson’s Shirting and fronting Linens. BLACK SILKS.—Just opensd a large lot, marked low. . Spring Delaines ana Prints. Mode Alpacas, choice shades. Printed Brilliants and 4-4 Fancy Shirtings. ,COOPER, A CONABD, fe4 S. E. corner Ninth and Market T SIMPSON’S SONS, 9*22 AND 9*24 PINB .Street—Would respectfully call the attention of purchasers in general to the Large and Choice Stock of Worked Lace Curtains, purchased last year at Auction in New York. Also, Embroidered Muslin Curtains and Embroidered Muslin fen: Cur tains by yard or piece, which will be disposed of at prices much less thou present value to pur chasers, viz: ... Rich Vestibule Lace Curtains, 84 00 per pair. Rich Vestibule Lace Curtains, So 00 per pair. Pretty styles Window Lace Curtains, $6 50 per pair. Three Different Lots and Styles \ Rich Designs Muslin and Lace combined, 810 00 per pair. Superfine Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, 813 00 per pair. Extra Superfine Very Rich Design, Extra Sine Lace Curtains, only 820 00 per pair. NOTTINGHAM LACE OURTAINS. 1 Lot Quite Pretty, Only St 00 per pair. 1 Lot Better, Omy S 5 00 per pair. 1 Lot Haedsome, Only SO 00 per pair. 1 Lot Richer, Only SS 00 per pair. 1 Lot Very Rich, Only 810 00 per pail TO CLOSE OUT THE INVOICE. ALSO, 5 lots of choice designs Embroidered Mnslin Car. tains, ST, S 3, S 9, sianndSlt. TRULY BARGAINS. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, 4 lots Embroidered Mnslin for Curtains, 75 cents per yard, worth the price five years ago. CLOTH STORE—JAMES A LEE INVITI the attention of their friends and others to that] large and well assorted stock of goods adapted tr Men and Boys’ wear, comprising la part Black French Cloths. Blue do • do Colored do do OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Black. French Beavers. Colored do do Black Esquimaux do Colored do do Bine and Black .Pilots. PANTALOON STUFFS. Blaok French Casslmeres. do do Doeskins. Fancy Casslmeres. Mixed and Striped do Plaids and Silk Mixed. Satinets all qualities. Cords, Beaverteens, Ac. VESTINGS. Fancy Silk Vestings, Black Satin Vestings. Fancy Silk Velvet do Plain and Fancy Cashmeres. Wool, Velvet and Valencia. ■ Also, a large assortment of Trimmings, adapts* o Men and Boys’ wear, at wholesale and retail. JAMES A LEE No. 11 North Second street, s»3B Sign of the Golden Lamb. T SIMPSON’S SONS, 923 AND OH, PINE . STREET, Have now on hand, and offer at very favorable prices, a fnll assortment of Housekeeping Goods, Linen and Cotton, comprising Sheeting, Pillow Case, Shirtings, Blankets, Spreads Towels, Nap. kins, .Doylies, Table Cloths, Table Co vers, Towelß, Tewelings, Nursery Diapers, Table' Damasks, Flannels, Ac. PRESENTS.- LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. S. MILLIKEN & CO., 828 ARCH and 32 South SECOND street, have now open a very fine assort* ment of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’B Handker chiefs, which they are selling at a small advanoi on old prices. LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, at 10,12, 14, 15, 18 and 25 cents. Hemstitched, from as cents up to the finest. Reviere Borders] Tncked Borders. "Wide Hemstitched borders. Colored Embroidered Borders. Herringbone-stitch, in eolors, Ac. Some of the above are pnt np in fancy boxes,' suitable for presents. GENTS’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, from 20 cents np to the finest. Printed Borders, new styles, from 31 cents. Hemstitched, new styles, in wide hem*. Hemstitched and printed. Herringbone-stitcn, in colors, Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of Children’a plain and printed Handkerchiefs. LINEN GOODS GENERALLY.—We hays always on hand the most extensive stock of all kinds of Linen Goaßs to be found in the city. We impqrt and deal in Linen Goods, exclusively, and can always offer to either Wholesale or Retail buyers the advantage of purchasing at a very small advance on manufacturer’s prices. S. MILLIKEN A CO., de2flj £OB Arch street, and 32 S. Second street. EDUCATION- A FRENCH LADY, educatedin Paris, having some leisure hours to dispose of, would like to give private lessons. Best references. Address PARISIENNE, PhiladelphiaP. O. fl7w,f,nf3t* INSTRUCTION IN ITALIAN—.Signor JO SEPH MAZZA is prepared to give lessons in the Italian Language,at Schools, atprivatehouses, or at his Rooms, No. 1104 CHESTNUT street, over Mr. G. Andre’s Music Store. fels,m,th,Bty INFANT’S RETREAT. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS; Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home and the len derest care and culture for Children from three to seven years of age, will he opened on Wednes day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to Rev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis copal Clergy of the city; also to Abraham Martin, Esq. fel7-3m§ Bordentown female college, BORDENTOWN, n. .t. This. Institution is pleasantly located on tbe Delaware River, 1# hour’s ride from Fhiladel- F. Special attention is paid to the common and . higher branches of ENGLISH, and superior ad* yantages funiished in Vocal and Instrumental Music., FRENCH taught by native, and spoken in the jfatnily. For Catalogues* address a 5i T ' JOHN H - brakeley, a. m., ial4*2ra* Presiden A&gfeg' DR. SCOTT’S cv LIVERY STABLES, Jtorlc ayenne, between Buttonwood and Now© . streets, Philadelphia. No Horse that can injure another will be ad mitted. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves or is taken away. Boarders receive medical attend- Carr j a^ee > Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. New customers for these are mostrespect fnlly requested to bring a reference. Terms raod erate, but cash payments. felo-3m6 BAY Bay Rum, imported direct ' in toottte and for sale oy GEORGE ALKIN b, 10 and 12 South Delaware Avenue. . ja3o J ■AUCTION SALKS. Nob. OK t 4?H S £ mjT and W 2 JAYNE street: baLE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY • „ mions. At ?n N JV' E , SDAY MORNING-, FEB. 23, credit- ° Clocl1 ’ by catalogue on four months’ Goo(is aClCaEeS aaii lots of Fa “cy and Staple Dry GOOD S FOR CASH. ON TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. 23, For cash, a large invoice of domestic dry goods, slightly damaged at a late fire, censisting of— Brown and bleached muslins, cottonades, tweeds, jeans, indigo blue checks, prinis, flannels, mous- Printed drills, woolen half hose, Ac. SNOW DROP LINEN DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. ALL LINEN. ° N TUESDAY MORNING, cloths* 1^0106 °* snow tITO P and linen damask table „. - PARIS SIDE NECK TIES. SO lots Paris black and fancy silk neckties 1500 PIECES SAXONY WO VEN DRESS _ GOO PS. n . ~.. Entirely ne 'w styles, just landed. Of me importation of Mr. HENRY SOHMIEDER Irm , ON TUESDAY MORNING, IjOO pieces extra puallty and iae-sr style Saxony woven dress goods. J BRITISH DRESS GOODS. cases London 6-4 poplin alpacas, do col* d check mohairs, do, Mohair checks do lenos, stripes and checks, do blk and col’d alprcas and mohairs, do mozambiques;_check alpacas PARIS DRESS. GOODS. 100 pieces Paris plaid mozambiques. 50 do thirty inch Preiich Va;en9ia checks. 30 do thirty-two inch 6-4 Zerline glace. 50 ko high cord Paris all wool de laines.' Also, 1000 lbs siroer patent thread. SPRING CLOTH CLOAES. 700 new style spring cloth cloaks. BY THOMAjS Blfit'Hft SON Auctioneers and Commission Merchant*. No. 814 CHESTNUT street, above Ninth. .Sale a*Bl2 Race street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STORE FIX TURES, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 10 o’ clock, at 812. Race street, will be sold, a quantity of and. kitchen furniture of a family removing. Also, platform and counter scales, and other store fixtures. Sale at 315 Dean street. HOUSEAOLD FURNITURE, Ac. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, At 10o’clock, at3ls Dean street, below Spruce, will be sold, the parlor, chamber and kitchen fur niture, Brussels, 'ingrain and Venetian carpets, «fcc., the property of a person declining house keeping. Sale at No. 914 Chestnut Street. NEW AND SECONDHAND .HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, MIRRORS, CAR PETS, Ac. - ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, at the auction store, No. 914 Chestnut street, will be sold— A large assortment of superior new and second hand household furniture. Thomos Birch fc,gon will give their personal attention to the sale ofPurniture at the residence* of those about breaking up housekeeping or re monng. Also, hold sales of furniture ever* FRIDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock, at then spacious Warerooms. No, 914 Chestnut street. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AN I COMMISSION MERCHANT, Southeast corner SIXTH and RAGE street*. WATCHES—WATCHES-WATCHES. At private sale, upwards of 2090 gold and silvei watches, at half the usual selling prices. Watch makers, dealers and private purchasers will dc well by calling at the S. E. corner of Sixth and Race street*. AT PBITATE SALE. 50 Peters’s Philadelphia cases English Patent Lever Watches, of the most approved and best makers; some of them have five pairs extra jewels, and very fine and high cost movements. If ap plied for Immediately they be had singly, 07 the let at 825 each. The cases will wear equal tc solid gold cases. AT PRIVATE SALE FOB LESS THAN T? ATYf THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine sold magic case, hunting case and doubli bottom English patent lexer watches, jull jeweled and plain, of the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent lever and leplne watches; ladies* fine gold enameled diamond watches; fine gold American hunting case patent lever watches, of the most approved styles; fine silver hunting case and open face English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers: fine silver hunting case American patent lever watches, of the most approved makers; fine silver hunting case and open faoe Swiss and French patent lever and lepine watches; independent second and double time lever watches; silver quartter English, Swiss and French watches; fine gold-plated watches: peters’s patent watches, fine English movements, and numerous other watches. Very fine English twist double barrel fowling pieces, barr and back action locks; some very costly, MONEY TO LOAN, in large or small amounts, on goods of every description, for any length of time agreed on SAXES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and, when required, two-thirds of the lvalue o( the goods will be advanced In anticipation of tale, CONSIGNMENTS of goods of every description solicited for on public sales. Very fine sewing machines; several superior. Hammocks; fine gold chains; jewelry of ovary description; diamonds, and numerous other arti cles. Very fine double barrel duck guns, breech load ing; carbines; revolving rifles- fine F-xgiish rlfiM: revolvers. Ac. NEW PUBLICATIONS. WILH. VON HUMBOLDT’S LETTERS TO A LADY. With an introduction, by CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, 1 vol. Ifimo. Tinted paper. Cloth priee, $1 00. “The pur pose of this correspondence is obvious through out, —to console, guide, and enliven, by advise and reflections at once elevating |&nd serious. The reader will be struck with the oiiginal views and forcible remarks that abound injfit. ’ ’ —London Athtnaum . ’ just ready. For sale by all booksellers Sent postage-free on receipt of price, by F. LEYFOLDT, Publisher, No. 1323 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ■VI EW ENGLISH BOOKS IN JUST RECEIVED. SPEKE’S JOURNAL OF THE DISCOVERY of the SOURCES of the NILE, with numerous Illustrations and Maps. Ivol., royal octavo. o MAYHEW’S ILLUSTRATED HORSE MAN AGEMENT. Octavo. 3. YOU ATT A BURNS’ COMPLETE GRAZIER, FARMER AND CATTLE BREEDER’S SISTANT. Illustrated. THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW for January. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW and CRITICAL JOURNAL, for January. 5. GAMYEE & LAWS’S GENERAL AND DE SCRIPTIVE ANATOMY OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Illustrated. SYMES’S PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY. sth edition. FOREIGN MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS imported to order. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, fel7 25 South SIXTH Street, ab. Chestnut. TWO REMARKABLE SERMONS. BY REV. DUDLEY A. TYNCF. OUR COUNTRY’S TROUBLES. A Sermon preached in the Church of the Epi phany, June 90, 1856. Price 15 cents. NATIONAL SINS AND NATIONAL RETRI BUTION. A Sermon preached in the Ohnrch of the Cove nant, July 5, 1657. Priee 15 cents. Published by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, fe9 608 Chestnut street. ALLEN’S LIFE OF PHILIDOR. —THE LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician and Chess Player, by George Allen, Greek Professor in the University of Pennsylvania; with a Supple mentary Essay on Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess player, by Tassile Von Heldebrand und dei- Rasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni potentiary of the King of Prussia, at the Court Baxe-Weimar. I vol., oetavo, X vellum, t top. Price »125. Lately published by ■ E- H. BUTLER & CO., BOS 137 South Fourth street. Theological books, pamphlets and NEWSPAPERS bought and sold at JAS. BARR’S, 1105 Market street, Philadelphia. . fe4 THE PHILADELPHIA RIDING SCHOOL, FOURTH Street, above Vine, will re-open foi the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept 2toh. Ladles and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of this accomplishment wil find every facility at this school. The horses art tafe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses tbe best man ner. Saddle horses, horses and vehicles to hire Also carriages for funerals, to care, steamboats, Ac, MlSp , THUS. ORAIGE ft SON. AUCTION SALES. M - THOMAS ■ i SONS, AUCTIONEERS • No*. 139 and 141 South Fourth street ~ STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TUESDAY . NEXT. . Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing fnll descriptions of- all the property to be sold-on Tuesday next, 23d lust., with a list of sales Ist, Bth and 15th March ,' comprising a large amount and great variety of valuable property, by order of Orphans’ Court, Executora and others. _ CARD—The sale of the assets of the Bank of Pennsylvania,Js postponed to the first Tuesday Is SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE at the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’clock noon.. of each property Issued separately, and on the Saturday previous to each sale ltioc catalogues, in pamphlet form, giving full detcrip- •Sf" Particular attention given to sales at privatt residences, &c. - ’ tsr FURNITURE SALES at THE AUCTION STORE, EVERY THURSDAY VALUABLE BANK AND OTHER s TOOKS, LOANS, &c ON TUESDAY, FEB. 23, At 12 o’clock noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change— Executors* Sales. 5 shares Philadelphia Bank. 13 shares Corn Exchange Bank. 15 shares Pennsylvania Railroad. 4 shares Hazleton. Coal Co. $2OO City Sixes, new—clear of taxes. 27 shares Farmers! and Mechanics’ Bank* Phila delphia.: 20 shares Commonwealth Bank. v. For other accounts— -100 shares Girard Bank. 10 shares Com Exchange Bank. 10 shares Western Bank. . 100 shares "Union Mutual Insurance Co. 814( 0 notes Bank of Pennsylvania. 1 share Mercantile Library. 1 share Philadelphia Library . 2 shares Continental Hotel Co., par 8500. 10 shares Delaware Mutual Insurance Co. $330 spnp do do do 1860. 555 do do do do 1361. 8535 do do do do 1562. 5240 do do do do 1863. 81310. Executors* Sa?e,T2slale of John T. Ricketts, dec’d. 200 shares Commonwealth Bank. 100 shares Will Hill Iron Co. 1 share Point Breeze Park Association Assignee’s Sale. 20 shares Huntii gdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Co. 40 shares West Chester and Philadelphia Bail road Co. 8 per cent, preferred stock. 10 shares Northwestern Railroad. 10 shares Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Co. BEAL ESTATE SALE, FEB. 23. Executors’ Sale—Estate of Charles Williams, dec’d— VALUABLE Br BINES9 STAND —MODEBN FOUR-STORY BBICK STORE," No. 239 South Second st, between Spruce and. Dock sts. THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINa.No.S26 north Thirteenth st, corner of Brandy wine st. TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING, No. 106 Federal st. VALUABLE FARM, 235 ACRES. Tunkhan nock township, Monroe county,Pa., 15 miles west of StTOudsburg. Valuaulk Business Stand— FlVE-STORY IKON FRONT BANKING HOUSE, south Third st, above Walnut st. Executor’s Peremptory LO CATION, N 0.617 Passynnk road,below Sonth st. VALUABLE FARM, 172 ACRES, Montgomery county. Pa., 20 miles from Philadelphia,2# miles from Gwynedd station and l# miles from North Wales Station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. A WELL SECURED GROUND RENT OI SI9 a year. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL LING, No. 414 north Front st. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. I(‘6 Margnretta st, west of Front st. BUILDING LOT, Montgomery avenue, 18th Ward. BUILDING LOT, Vienna st, 19th Ward. Assignee* s SaIe—VALUA BLE THREE STORY BRICK WAREHOUSE, Nos. 250, 252, 254 and 256 north BROAD st, 93 feet front. 190 feet deep. Peremptory Sale—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1322 Poplar st, west of 13th st. REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH 1. Trustee’s Sale—Estate of Joseph T. Bailey, dec’d—ELEGANT BRICK RESIDENCE, with all modern conveniences. No. 133 u CHESTNUT st, west of 13th st, opposite the Mint. Same Estate—ELEGANT MODERN FOUR STORY BROWN STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1332 CHESTNUT st, adjoining the above—ha* all the modern conveniences. 4 IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS. Orphans? Court Sale—Estate of W. Patterson, dec* d—2 old IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS SICO each. Sale by order of Heirs—2 old IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS, SUN 50-100 each. THREErSIORY BRICK DWELLING*, No. £47 Eleventh gt, ssuth of Ogden st. VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, 40 by 203 feet, Richmond st, Kensington. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, N 0.524 south Tenth st, between Lombard and South sts. VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 224 north Tenth st, between Race and Vine sts. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nob. 1517 and 1519 Vine st, with 7 three-story brick dwellings in the rear. THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL LING, No. 1525 Vine st, with 3 three-story brick dwellings in the . ear on Pearl it. Peremptory SaIe—THREE STORY BRICK HOTEL and DWELLING, No. 1632 Ridge avenue, between Girard st and Girard avenue, 2uth Ward. « MODERN DOUBLE BRICK RESIDENCE, and about Acres, Wyoming aTenue, east of the North Second street Road. VALUABLE FARM, about 91 Acres, East Brandvwine township, Chester county, Pa. VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT, 10 acres. Bethlchtm turnpike, Chestnut Hill, about one square south of the Chestnut Hill Depot. LARGE and VALUABLE RESIDENCE, No. 267 South 4th street; between Walnut and Spruce sts., with brick stable and coach house in the rear. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1729 Marvine street, west of 17th street. Executors’ Peremptory Sale—Estate of John T. Ricketts, dec’d—HANDSOME MODERN RE SIDENCE, No. 520 Vine st, east oi Sixth Bt, near Franklin Square. Sale absolute. TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 730 Webbst, west ot Sixteenth st, Ist Ward. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL LING, No. 1527 Vine st, with 2 three-story brick dwellings on the rear. 2 THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 1513 and 1515 Vine st. VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION—Large lot, with brick offise, stable and carriage house, Levant st, east of Third st and north of Spruce st, LARGE LOT, N. W. corner of Evelina and Levant sts, adjoining the above. SUPERIOR FOUR STORY BRICK RESI DENCE, No. 1533 Filbert st, finished throughout in a superior manner; has all the modern conve niences. SALE OF VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FROM A LIBRARY. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 23, At the auction store, a collection of valuable miscellaneous books from a library. Sale N o, 1910 Pine street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. MANTEL MIR ROR, GAS FIXTURES, FINE ENGRAV-. INGS, CARPETS, Ac. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 34, At 10 o’clock, at No. 1910 Pine street, by cata logue, the handsome walnut parlor and chamber furniture, oak dining-room furniture, fine mantel miiror, gas fixtures, fine engravings, handsome apestry carpets, china and glassware, Ac. Also, the kitchen utensils. r . . *5“ May be examined at S o’ clock on the morn ing of sale. Sale No. 329 South Eighteenth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, FINE CARPETS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 26, At io o’ clock, at 329 south Eighteenth street, by catalogue, the superior parlor and dining-room furniture, superior rosewood seven octave piano, made by Vogt, fine velvet, Brussels and imperial carpets china and glassware. Also, the kitchen utensils. . May be examinae dt 8 o' clock on the morning ol the sale. Executor’s Sale—Estate of Catharine M. Moore. RESIDENCE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE. ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, At ll o’clock, on the premises, Holmesburg, by order of Executpr, the la.e-residence and furniture of Catharine Moore, dec’d. *9" Full particulars in handbills now ready. SCOTT A STEWART, AUCTIONEERS, 622 CHESTNUT and 6J5 SaNSOM street. SCOTT A^STEWART* Auctioneers, will give their personal attention to sales of MERCHAN DISE and WARES of all descriptions. Fumi ture of parties removing or breaking up House keeping, on the premises of the owners, or lie } r elegant and spacious Saltsrooms, Nos. C 22 Chest nut Street and 615 Sansom street. feis-ti TL/TAKTIN LEANS, NO. 102 CHESTNTTC First Premium awarded toy Franhlin Institute to MAKTIN LEANS, Manufacturer oi MASONIC MAKES, PINS,. *o. New and original designs ot Masonio Marks and Templars’ . Medals, Army Medals and Corps Badges of eyery description ds3-3mo AUCTION SALES. James a. ebeemah, aeotioheeb, WAENUT street. abOT» FoKUI. *S£4 l i.££' rA ' rE SALE, MAEOH 2, 18S4. i i >, &YPT—A neat two- Btory brick, dwel bvfxxert’ ' buildings and lot, 168 feet a J >.® 2 , 4 St"™ l ! rent. Executrix's dole— Estate of Robert P. James, dec'd QLINCE'ST—'Three two-story brick houses, below Walnut st; each 14 feet 5 inches by about 53 fe ivn t T P m T rem T^ ,n on each bouse . . yILDING LOT, on Dauphin 6t. above 35th. in North PennVillagei 36 feet front, 225 feet to Hennas, st. Orphans' . Court Sale—Estate of Lr.tmx C. Bauersach, dec'd. r 11TH and GIRARD AVENUE-Businesa stand and dwelling house,three-story brick house, S. W. corner, 18 by 60 feet. $9O ground rent. Peremp tory sale. MANUFACTORY, &c., MONTGOMERY. COUNTY—A tract of land a* the.corner of Second 1 and Mill sts, Bridgeport Montgomery, county opposite Norristown, on the Schuylkill, with ma chine shop, foundry,, store-house, steam engine and boilers, lathes, saws, pullie3 and machinery; lot 81 feet 9 inches on 2d st 149 feet on mill st, : where it narrows to 40 feet and extends the far ther depth of 91 feet to the railroad. See hand bills. =■ . .. . . 1 ST—A three-story brick house and tot ,1* by 45 feet to a 6 feetalley. $36 ground eent. Sate-Estate of Patrick Grogan , dec'd. /GROUND RENTS—Each $42 per annum,out ©fi I lots of ground with good dwellings thereon* Tasker st, above Bth, each 15 feetB inches by 63 feet deep;. Punctually paid. * COURT, 13TH and LOMBARD-12 smaU houses, “Lane’s Court,’* Lombard,above 13th st 39 by 122 feot. Subject to 153 grouud rent. Yields near $660 a year above the ground rent. Orphan? Court Sale—Estate of Robert S . Potter, dec * d. BRIDGE ST., WHITEHALL—A three-story brick hou«e and lot No. 10 plot of Ja3 D. Pratt, 20 by 120 feet to Scattergood st. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Nicholas Gundfong, dec'd. BRIDGE ST.. WHITEHALL—A lot of ground Bridge st adjoining, 40# by 120 feet to Scattergood st Orphans' Court Sale-Same Estate ALDER ST—A two-story brick shop and lot,' above Poplar st 18 by 40'feet. $24 ground rent. Orphans' Cot>vt Sale—Estate cf Crook minors'". FRAME HOUSES, MANTUA—Two frame dwellings and lot N. E. side of Lancaster turn pike, west of the Mantua road. 24th Ward, 35 teet front extending through to the old Lancaster road. Orphans’ Court ’ Sale—Estate oj Sarah Buck ley, dec'd. 50 ACRES, CARPENTER* S ISLAND—A tract of land in 24th Ward- on Carpenter’s Island and the Delaware river. Orphans' Court - Sale- Estate of Jabes Bunting, dec'd. 1113 WALNUT ST—A genteel residence and lot Walnut st below 12th, double back buildings, &c., 2 L feet front 133 feet deep to a 12 feet alley, of which it has the privilege. $5,600 may remain if desired. Sale peremptory by order of Stirs—Estate of Peter A* Browne, dec'd. 2D ABOVE WHARTON—The third interest in 3 frame houses and lot, 19 by 100 feet to Wheat st. > $24 ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of George J. Brown, dec? d. COTTAGE RESIDENCE, 24TH WARD—A neat two-story brick rough-cast house, (with attic) and lot of ground, S. W. corner Kingsessing avenue and 47th st, 64 by 87# feet. $l7OO may re* main if desired. 72S SWANSON ST—A three-story brick house and lot, below Almond st, IS# feet front, 149 feet 9 inches deep. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Isdaa R. Russell, dec'd. ■ 1104 SPRING GARDEN STREET—Four-story brick residence, with back buildings and lot, 21 by 105 feet, with an outlet into Ridge avenue. First story could be easily altered into a store* onlv requiring a bulk window. Half cash.- TAVERN STAND AND FRAME HOUSES* HADDINGTON.—A valuable property, “Union House,” frame dwellings, smith shop, in the village of Haddington. Sale by order cf Heirs— Estate of Samuel Sanders, dec'd. > VALUABLE LARGE LOT on Conmbia ave nue, 192 feet 10# inches; 56 feet on Howard and. 193 feets inches on Putnam street, 3 fronts, suita ble for a manufactory. Sale positive to close 9 concern. s 1717 SPRUCE ST—Fashionable brown stone residence, with all modem improvements and conveniences, 21 by 105 feet to a 20 feet street. Full descriptions in handbills. SCHNITZEL’S BREWERY, 31ST ST —A valuable lager beer brewery on the Schuylkill, 50 feet part on Thompson street, and 2tio feet deep stone brewery, brick beer vaults, large cellar, two steam boilers, storerooms, dwelling, $6O ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Christian Schnitzel, dec'd. LOT OF GROUND. 7TH AND YORK STS— A lot of ground at the S. E. comer, 60 feet on 7th* street, 184 feet 8# inches.on York street to Tyson street, ato feet street.. $6O ground rent. Orphan? Court Sale—Same Estate. BUILDING LOTS, FILBERT ST—2 building lots, south side, east of 22d street, each 16 hy 102 feet. Executor's Sale—Estats <f Jlary Cuthbcrt* deceased. 14 LOTS ADJOINING—AIso 7 lots on each aide of the above (14 in all), same size. VALUABLE CHESTER CO. FARM—7S acres, partin the borough of West Chester, with fine im provements; two large orchards, Jcc, Half cash. TOR SALE—SIO,OOO MORTGAGE. At Private Sale—A mortgage ofBlo,ooo, well se cured on property in the heart of the city, bearing 5 per cent interest, having several years to run. BY JOHN B. MYERS* GO.' AUCTIONEERS,. Nos. £8 and 234 MARKET street.comer of BanS*- LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, ARMY GOODS, Ac., Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING, FEB: 33, At 10 o’ clock, will be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, about 1100 packages Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Balmroals, Army Boots and Shoes, Ac., . Ac., of City and Eastern manufacture, embracing a fresh and prime assortment of desirable articles, for men, women and children. N. B. —Samples with catalogues early on the morning of sale NOTlCE—lncluded in our large sale, of boots and shoes, Ac., TUESDAY Feb. 23d, will bo found in part the following fresh and desirable assortment; to be sold without reserve: Men’s grain cavalry boots; wax and kip brogaus; men’* balmorals and congress boots; youths’ half welt kip boots; men’s do; fine city made kid welt buskins ladies’ gaiter boots: kidxL R. ties; colored and black lasting buskins; men’s fine city mads call, moroceo and kip boots;, men’s pump solo grain boots; men’s buff leather pump boots; men’s pump sole calf . boots; do. seal pump sols boots; women’s lined and bound boots; youths’ kip brogaus; misses’ grain ties; misses’grain buskins; misses’ spring heel grain lace boots; women’s grain lace boots; misses* grain lace boots: women’s grain buskins; women’s grain ties; boys' kip brogans; misses* glazed mo rocco boots, men’s half welt calf do.; youths* half welt calf do; children’s half brogans; men’s half welt kip boers; men’s super calf brogans; men’s slippers; misses’ super kip ties; super ktd buskins; child’s super colored fox bootees, child’s super colored fox ties; men’s lined and bound brogans; traveling bags, Ac., Ac. LARGE PEREMPTORY RALE OF EURO PEAN. INDIA AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Ac. . We will hold a large sale of British, Gorman, French and American Dry Goods, by catalogue, en FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 25, commencing at precisely 10 o’ clock comprising 700 PACKAGES AND LOTS of British, German, French, India and American Dry Goods, embracing a large, full hnd fresh as sortment Woolen, Worsted, Linen, Cotton and Goods, for city and country sales. N. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early ou the morn ing of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF HOSIERY, GLOVES. SILK TIES, SILK HDKFS., Ae. ON THURSDAY NORNING, FEB. 25, At 10 o’ closk, will be sold on FOUR MONTHS CREDIT, about 625 lots of desirable articles, in cotton hosiery, gloves, traveling shirts, pongee bdkfs, silk ties, mspenders, embroideries, but tons, fancy articles, Ac., which will be found worthy of the attention of dealers, as the sale will be without reserve. FIRST POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETS, Ae., FOR THE SPRINGOF 1664. We will hold our First Sale of Carpets ON FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 26, At 10 o’ clock, by eatalogueffm FOUR MONTHS* CREDIT, comprising in part— • * pieces rich velvet carpets. do. all wool ingrain carpets. » do. wool filling ingrain carpets, do. woolen Venetian carpfts. * do. list, rag and cottage carpets, do. hemp carpets. >-=. , . N. B.—Samples may be examined early on. £IH| morning of sale. ■ TJHILIP FOKD * CO., AUCTIONEERS, i coe Market and 522 Commerce streets. LABGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1500 OASES , IoOTS AND SKOES. , ONWUKSDAY .MOENING, FEB. 25, At 10 otSoclc precisely, -will be said by cata logue, for easb, 1500 cases ' Men’s, Boys.’ and iTonths’ Cajf, Kip, and Grain Boots, Brogans, Balmorals, Cavalry Boots, Ac.: Wo men’s, Misses* and Children’s Boots’and Shoes, Balmorals and Gaiters, of every variety, adapted to spring sales. - J S®" Goods open for examination with catalogue* early on the morning of the sale. _ TT s< *■ • b,"< U-* The Universal Spring Bed, easiest, cheap est and best in use. Hair, Palm and Husk MaW tresses, Feather Beds. Comfort and Spreads, PHUiBBOOK & 00., Ko. 9 South Seventh street. (tac4-3mo MESSINA O* ANGES-2WJ'boxesSweet Frmt landing and for .sale by JOS. B< BUSSIEfi A CO. , ICB and ill) Sontli Wharves _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers