.BUSINESS yNOTiOES- THE ONLY TRUE PURGATIVES. DR. RADWAY* S REGULATING PILLS. «* I -would rather have one box of i)r. Radway* a Filin than all other pills in the world. Tfcey aTe billß.that cure. When you take a dose of these Sills; you can depend upon the expulsion of the leeased humors from the system: the Liver, Bow*ls, Stomach, Kidneys, System, Skin, and Blood are acted upon and the howels, after an operation induced by Radway’? Pills, are left as •lean and healthy as the stomach would be alter a dose of lobelia. No straining, .weakness, or wrenching pains, or piles or. tenesmns, but a thorough and natural evacuation is the result. This is c the. testimony of one of the moßt distin guished physicians in the world. Neier .wvra - truer 'words uttered. ‘ ‘Radway’s Pills are pills that cure.” The sufferer of Liver Oomplaipt, pys <i pepsia. Constipation, Biiiousnees, Costiveness, J Jaundice, Dropsy, Ac., may rely upon a«> abso lute cure, hy the use of one to six boxes. It is not secessary to take these pills for months or years to accomplish a cure. They should be used in all •ages where a cathartic is require d. Br. Rad way* • Medicines are sold hy Druggists everywhere. RADWAY A CO., 'T%? 87 Maiden Lane, New York. itetm steinway * sons ’ ff§ 11» pianos, rnrrv SQUARE, UPRIGHT AND GRANDS. '"■OST CELEBRATED AND POPULAR, AT.T. OVER THE WORLD, AT~ -gjgg— BLASITJSBReS., oj&3jgm If M ll* 10J8 Chestnut street. I f | , Tfl DR. STEPHEN SWEET. OP CON NECTICUT. The great natural bone setter. AfP|n| GREATEST IMPROVEMENTVfp'WJ v OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. MEYER*S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac knowledged by Ike leading artists, and endorsed by tbe Musical public, to be the finest Pianos in America. 4 Tbe attention of tbe Musical public is called to these recent great improvements in Piano Fortes. Bt a hew method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone has been obtained, without any of the 1 sweetness and [brilliancy for which these Pianos ars' so celebrated, being lost, and which, with an Improved Touch and Action ren der them Unequaled. ; These Instruments received the prizt Medal at the World’s Fair, held in London,' as well as the Highest' Awards over all competitors, from the first Fairs and Institutes in this Country. Ware rooms, 722 “Arch street below Eighth, Pnilada. - - LEHIGH LOCUBT MOUNTAIN AND MLJLCX Hhath, WHITS'ASH Coal, carefully •sleeted'aim prepared for family use, iree from klU* and dust, delivered promptly and warranted M give foil f satisfaction, at prices as’ low as tbe lowest for a good article. Lmp Ccai, for fonnd fiMes, and Crbbtkut Coal for steam purposes, at Wholesale prices. v An assortment of Hickory, 9AX and Pm Wood, kept constantly on hand. Also, an exoellent article of Blacksmith’s Coax, delivered free ofcartfng to any part of tbe city. A Bilal of this coal will secure your custom. Send wool ordersto THOMAS, E. CAHILL, OMces, 32S Walnnt street. 1 ■ Lombard and Twenty-fifth street North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master sirsst. R»tna street wharf, Schuylkill. _THE COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. USces and Depots as above. .Wagons run In all the payed limits of the Oon- BOlldated Olty and in the Tyreiity-fonrth Ward. ofsm s^gg^^v^m 0 I if that their Manufactory of First-Class -Plano Fortes is now in full operation. The general ■atisiaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert •onfidently that their Piano Fertes, are not sur passed by any manufactured in the United States. They respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, atjhe Salesßoom, No. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, and prices moderate. DTE' HAIR DYEII! HAIR »KBIII—BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR SIS it t\t tat in the World. The only Hormlett, inn and BtHailt Dye known. This splendid Hair *J 4 Is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, Xajantly to a Slcxiy 'Black or Natural Proton, wlth - an* injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving Iks hair soft and beautiful; impartsfresh vitality, inguantly restoring its pristine color, and rectifies t*» ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILtTH a. Batskhlok, all others are mere im itations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug gists, *O. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY street, N. X. Batchelor’s New Tollot Cream for dressing MM Hair. STEOK* CO.’S STEOK* CO.’S SIECK&CO.’S STEOK* CO.’S STUCK'* CO.’S STEOK* CO.’S STECK& CO.’S STECK& CO.’S STECK& CO.’S STEOK* CO.’S STECK* CO.’S STEOK & CfO.’ S M AS O N HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. JT ,J. E. GOT Seventh EVENT G BU tuesda , FEBRUARY J&IBS4. REBEL VIEWS OE THE NEXT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. The Richmond Examiner , of the 25th nlt.y pretends to take a calmly philosophi- cal view of the' next election for President . of the United States, and simulates indiffer ence as to the result of that election. Yet, in spite of all the apparent coolness of the writer, his hopes and fears Start plainly forth when he admits that any change in the administration of the 4 Federal. Gov/m -will benefit the rebels. It will help ,h to have a Copperheador. lukewarm tration at Washington, and it will' l*phel prospects if President Lincoln he re-elected! : There can he no question hut that efery ardenir-rebel feels like this Bichmond, journalist; They know per fectly well that the Copperheads are the only Northern people who will submit to an imbecile and degrading compromise with treason, and they are aware,that through the efforts of President Lincoln in the White House, and our Generals in the field, their power Over the deluded and oppressed masses of the South is rapidly fading away. Their late Conscription act, wifh its blood hounds and press-gangs, has been like a last feather on the burdened backs of their ■victims,, who were previously moneyless, suffering from want of food, and who have j yielded up holocausts of their kindred on the bloody battle-field, at the imperious 4e inand of their tyrants at Richmond. No where can the leaders of the rebellion look for aid—for .JEurope is'indifferent to their fate—save from the Northern Copperheads! Will the of the loyal States assist such men among us in propping the sinking cause of sedition and anarchy, or will; they end ; the glorious work of restoring the Union by re-electing Abraham Lincoln ? ANOTHEB BORDER ALARM. - " A report in a New York paper says that Imboden’s rebel cavalry have crossed the / Potomac into Maryland and are threaten mg a raid into Pennsylvania. If true, we are not sure that good may not accrue to the Union cause, though some individuals .' may The people of some of the bor der counties want storing up. They need to be convinced once more of the necessity «f keeping up local military 1: for Belf-defenc9t The people of the yhole State need .arousing, and the spirit of volun teering needs a stimulus. "We are not sure -■that a rebel raid into- Pennsylvania will not do more towards filling np onr quota of troops than anything else. But we caution - our readers against accepting the New York rumor a‘s true until.it is officially confirmed. There have been so many false stories, set afloat lately by stock speculators, that we must not believe "any new ones without" something "to corroborate th,em. - SENATOR HARRY WHITE. The letter of Major Harry W&itQ, re signing his seat in the Senate of Pennsyl vania, which has just been made public, is one to gladden the heart of every loyal man, and make every : Copperhead blush for shame. Though written in a loathsome prison at the rebel capital, amid circum stances to make the stoutest spirit fail, its tone is hearty, loyal," patriotic and brave, and Major White shows that he knows hy instinct who are the enemies of the country in the Senate hall of his native State. The letter was penned some time before the period for the assembling'of the Senate, hut the writer, even then,felt that if loyal, • legislation was embarrassed, it would he by the. Copperheads. He'adds a few words to the generous people of his district, and says : '‘Be kind enough to convey to my brother Senators assurances of respect and esteem. Tell them ‘though cast down -I am not disipayed;’ though" in bonds, I am full of hope. Tell, them my prayer and trust is, no word or deed may go out of the counsels of your Senate ‘to weaken the arm, for mitke faint the heart’ of those brave soldiers, of the Union, who are hearing in the field to a sure and triumphant success the greatest struggle' of history. 1^ ~ The people of/Pennsylvania are now to he congratulated on thp speedy organization of the Senate, Tit accordance with their expressed will. The writ for an election in the Twinty-first District has beefl sent to of. the cbunties included, and a loyal man will he chosen to fill the place Major White would have so ably filled had pot the “friends” of the opposition detained him in Libby Prison. Neither the rebels por the peace Democracy have taken much, even polijacally, hy their proceedings against a loyal and legal organization of the Senate, while they have, brought , upon their heads the indignant scorn of all honest men. The unanimity with which the veterans of the Union service are re-enlisting, must be disheartening in the extreme to the traitors and their sympathizing friends. In the majority of the regiments there is scarcely a dissenting voice, while mothers the heroes have marched in unbroken line to the recruiting officer, and re-affirmed their devotiori to the Union. While in the North the ambition of the soldiers is to re main in the service, in the South their most exalted aspiration appears to be to get out of it. Now and then we hear of some mise rable individual, clothed in the United States uniform, proving recreant to his obli gation and deserting his colors; but we have yet to record the departure of a Union sol dier from his regiment to unite his fortunes ■ with those of ..the hand of half-starved traitors, who form the Southern army. One of the principal-reasons why this dif ference exists is. the fact that our military organizations, almost without exception, are composed of men who enlisted of their own free-will, and who were neither forced into the ranks by military power, nor com pelled to shoulder the musket or wield the sabre,hy the force of surrounding circum stances. pianos. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. 'PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. LD, ind Chestnut. iETIN The men who have re-enlisted are accus tomed to privations and hardships, and do not heed the passing shell, as it ploughs the earth in its onward progress to destruc tion, or the unerring bullet, as it speeds its ivay to the breast of a beloved comrade. They have passed through scenes of san guinary strife unequalled in the history of the country, and they have borne the ex posure and suffering incident to an extended campaign, without complaint. The rebel journals teem with descriptive accounts of the manner in which! their soldiers have endured the : want of clothing and food. Fortunately, our own heroes have not been called upon often thus to evince their devo tion to the cause for which they arofighting; but bare feet and empty-stomachs have oc casionally, before the necessary supplies could- reach them, been the rcsblts of pro longed and protractetfmarchcs. One instance is recorded where the 50th Pennsylvania Regiment, after an __ arduous campaign of hard marching and hard fighting, returned to their post without overcoats, blankets, or tents, and so deficient in covering for their feet that raw hides were iSSHed, to enable them to make moccasins to supply the temporary absence Of shoes. And yet these men, almost without exception, re enlisted for three .years, from the expiration of their present term, or “during the war.” With such an array of facts —facts which will be made more manifest when the .fur loughs have expired, and the recruited're giments return to the field, it is not sur prising that the rebel army should be dis gusted and disheartened, und that they,' should," even as is rumored,’: desire to have the provisions of the Aninesiy Proclamation extended to their leaders. Beownson’s Quarterly Review, for Janu ary, 1864, is a number that will .commend’ that periodical to the support of all loyal men. ; It has ceased to be a merely religious magazine, for most of its articles are of a political ’cha racter. Mr. Brownson has suffered from his devotion to the Union cause, and Union men should strive to make up his losses to him. The loyal leagues everywhere should sustain him. The articles In the January number are written with great ability. Mr, T.' B. Pugh, whose advertisement will bo found In an other column, is the Philadelphia agent for the Review, - i ’.. fHS DAILY 'EY ENIN® BULLETIN. s. - PHILaDELPM !•*, ■ FEBRUARY 2, OUR VETERANS. ") MUSICAL. Me. Wolysohw will give liis second.classical solifee M the Foyer of the Academy of Mnsic to morrow e vening. The programme in el udes a sonata for viojin and piano, by Mendelssohn} a .sonata for piano and clarionet, by Weber; a qmn teti for wind instruments by Beethoven, and a fantasia on Faust , by Mr.' Wolfsohn, which he plays for the first time. Such an attractive bill will be sure to HU the hall,' The German Oeera Company, will re-open our Academy of Music next Wednesday evening. A new basso, Mr. Hermanns, has joined them, and has made a great hit in New York. In addi tion to other operas, they have. Wagner’s Tann fcatfser, which has been played by tnem to crowded houses in New York. It will be produced by them for the first time in Philadelphia. ORPHANS* COURT AND EXECUTORS* PE REMPTORY SALES REAL ESTATE, next week. - • Thomas A Sons’ sale on Tuesday,,9th inst., com* prises' two superior Chester county Farms aud valuable city property, to be sold peremptorily. See advertisements Auction head. YOU HAVE PROMISED YOUR CARTE DE VISITE, and you have always neglected to have it taken. Go s to BEIMER S, SECOND street, aboye Green, and get a beautiful, Life-like style. SARDINE OPENERS AND SHEARS of several patterns, Champagne Openers and a variety of Corkscrews, are for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thiity-flve) Market street, below Ninth. A PICTURE GALLERY !-THE LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, in oil colors, executed bv B. F. REIMER, 624 ARCH street, are attracting the attention of all great connoisseurs in art. DRAWING KNIVES, Broad and Hand Axes, Braces and Hitts, Chisels and Gouges, and a general assortment of Tools, for sale Yet TRUMAN & SHAW’S, No 335 (Eight Thirty-flye) Market street, below Ninth. OF PICTURE FUR LADIES!—Yon cannot think how-charraino yon would look taken in inimitable I V‘"'RY T YP e’ atß. F. REIMER’S Gallery, 624 AR.Ofct street. ’ <£ TAJ >EWARD—LOST. —A Brown Setter Bitch; fiJjLVNnme and address on collar. The above reward will be paid for her return at BID < KST NUT street. ; fe2-lt* TOWELINGS. • 1 bale American Crash, l l cents. 1 bale American Crash, 14 cents. 1 bale American Crash, 15 cents. 2 bales Russian Crash, 16 cents. ; . 1 bale Russia Crash, (8 cents.' fIIURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452. and 454 North Second street, above Willow. Balmoral skirts, 32 00. : Balmoral Skirts, $2 25. Balmoral Skirts, 32 50. /Balmoral Skirts, j*3 00. Skirts, S 3 SO. Balmoral St irts, 34 00; With superior grades at low prices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, _£o2-3t above Willow w uRMS. WORMS. WORaiS. WORMs. WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. fe2*26trp NISKEY’s Worm Powders;- Vegetable: sore cure. RIDGE and GIRARD Avenues Price 25c. Bethlehem buckwheat meal.—a fresh invoice just received and the last for this semon. JORDAN * BRiTHERS, Sole Agents, U* 209 North Third street For SALE—The STOCK AND FIXTURES oi n Licensed Hotel, 5i 6 South FOURTH Street. MARSHAL’ S SALE.—By virtue of-a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, tome directed! 'syill be.sbld’at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, ‘ fbr cash, at MICHENER’S Store, No. Hi: North FRONT Street, on MONDAT, February 15th, ISW, at 12 o’clock M., J 27 bales of Cotton, part of the cargo oftimsteamer Chatham, i „ WILLIAM MILLWARD, , u. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Feb. 1, IS&4. GOfc REWARD—LOST—An Opal ■BttEiST 0W PIN. The above Reward will be paid if remrned to 36 North FRONT street. fcl-3trp* FOR SALE—The Stock of a RETAIL HARD WARE STORE, located m the central part of the city, doing a cash business. For particulars address A. D., Bulletin Office. . fet-3trp* KEAL BLACK lace POINT ES AND Square Shawls—GEORGE W. VOGEL. No. HUG CHESTNUT street, has now open his new importation of Real Black Lace Pointes and Shawls. The assortment i& unusually large and handsome. Parties requiring a Reat Point* or Shawl will find it to their advantage to examine this stock and ascei tain the prices they can be pur (.'based lor by dealing directly with an Importer of Ihe article. *3o.6t* rrHICK FRENCH BREAKFAST' SETS J GEO. W- VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT Etreet, has jnst received from his Agent, m Paris, a case ol Thick French. Breakfast Se’p, Collars and Sleeves, comprising all the latest novelties in new shaped Collars and new shaped Sleeves. jt3i)-6t* LOST. —In aWalnut streetcar, or in Fift*»e:Uh street,between Waluiu and Sprace, about two or three o’clock, on "Wednesday- afternoon, a Pf CKET BOOK, containing a sum of mousy-, in new notes, a sold piece, and some small chines. A reward will be rivt-n for the pocket book and contents, or for the pocket book and gold piece, if left at26o South FIFTEENTH street, or at the Evehixg Bulletin Office. BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANU FACTORY.—The largest and best assortment ot Wigs, Toupes, Long Hair Brands, Curls, Frizettes. JJlxsive Seams, for ladies, at prices lower than elsewhere, 'at 909 CHESTNUT street - jal.l-lmrp* ISAAC NATHANS,’ > AUCTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square b--1 ow the Exchange. , NATHANS’S Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, iH large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate,’ Watches, Jewelrv,Cloth ing, and goods of every description. Office hours from 8 A. M. till 7 P. M deiti-ttrp ICELAND MOSS OR LICHEN PASTE, AND MARSHMALLOW DROPS-Excellent Con fections for Coughs, Colds.and Sore Throat. STE PHEN F. WHITMAN, manufacturer. No. 1210 Market Street. . ' - js23-2Strp PURE PALM-OIL SOAP.-=-Tius .Soap is made ol pure fresh Palm Oil, and Is entirely a vege table Soap; more snitable for Toilet use than those made frem animal fats. In boxes el one dozen cakes for SI 50 per box. ’ Manufactured bv ” ' GEO; M. ELKINTON A §ON, Ne. 116 Margaretta street, between Front and Second, above CaiiowhiH street. . dey7-iyrp(b.- Q HARVEY THOMAS, - I hJ- STOCKBROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street, Stocks and Loans bought and sold oiTcommissiou! • at the Board of Brokers. . Subscriptions received to U. S. 5-20 LOAN,-at >ar> ' ia*)-hurpS H°£p SK ; mT „ Manufactory. -Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order- war ranted of the best materials. Also, Skirts renairod . ■ - MRS. E. BAYLEy! jal6-lmQ street above Eighth. George j. bGyd. STOOE-S EXCHANGE BROKER. „ > No. 18’South Third street Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commie lion, at the Board of Brokers. . commia- Government Securities, -Specie and Unonrrent Bair* aold - Musical boxes, in handsome oases playing from two to twelve choice melodies' ror sale by FARR A BROTHER; Importlra ‘ 05 No 344 Chestnut Street, below ’ - "DAPER AND ENVELOPES— — ~—: For ISfS by The be ? t . and '®^ ea P e#t ' in City. ' . - DUXBURY A GLENN, ./Merchants, Bankers, LaWyws^MfAta.^^ffl - - cers, and aU ethers, should call before purchnskm elsewhere. .. ’ jaay.fiffg*" 6 FI T L EB, WEAVER A n n ' Manufacturers of 0., • MANILLA AND TARRED COKDAGB _ . Oobdb, TWiMB, Ao., . No. S 3 North Water street and No. 22 North Dais ’ ■ ware-avenue, Philadelphia. - 1 EDWIh.H. Fitlek. Mioham W»i.v . • R Couead F. ChOTHisn. r SOAP-FUEE FAMILY SOAP. no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND Or OLAY entirely PURE SOAP, and shduld hi nsed by every family. v® Pet bp in BOXES OF FIFTY’POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty PoundY not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by * PcancL del, fit®? 110 * 1 M - ELKINTON a son, del7-Iy rpQ 116 Margarettastreet. Jg&SSgg*. ALKINS, CO-PARTNERSHIP^ MR. BENJAMIN THACKARi IS THIS DAY ADMITTED A PARTNER IN OUR FIRM, AND WILL CONTINUE THE' MANUFAC TURE AND SALE / Gas Fixtures and Lamps, UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF WARNER, MISKEY- & MERRILL. MANUFACTORY, No. 402 RACE STREET. SALEROOMS, No. 718 CHESTNUT STREET, and No. 579 BROADWAY, New York. Philadelphia, February 1,18 G-1 A CARD. The undersigned,after twenty years’ experience with the house of Cornelius & Baker, respectfully; the confidence and patronage of hisjriends and the public. / Th* firm with which he is this dayjassociated, is too we.l known, to need any testimonial from him; Gu; he is warranted in statinsr, that they have perfrcted such their manu factory and salerooms, as will enable tuem to fur nish goods of the best styles and quality and.on the most favorable teims. BENJAMIN *THACKARA. * PHU-sisELriHA, Feb. 1, IS&t. le2 tuths-12t} RARE CHANCES FOR INVEST MENTS. FOR SALE, Store 26 SoulliEighth St. ab. Chestnut, ; AND Farm 21 Acies, West Philad’a, The STORE-26 South EIGHTH Street, with lot 24 b> 54 lu ibc rear, is otfered for sale. TbU property is on ihe best bnAnesVside of Eighth street, near Chestnut, contains about £«*) square feet, with a convenient .outlet bnlfayne street, is the largest eingtajot in tue Square and well adapted to economical and profitable im provement. !i ALSU, 21 ACHES LAND, Uu Forty-ninth, FifUetlO«iitket, Arch, Ram and Hnvcrford streets, West Ph-jadelphia, having a large body of BRICK CLAY with Passenger Kailroad on Market and Haverford s.reets, is of lered FOR SALE m sections or together. APPLY TO J. OGDEN OUTHBERT, . ' BaddonfleldPost Office, N.J.,orto ALLEN CUTHBEBTv fe-2-3t» £8 South Eiehth Street. e COUPONS—COUPONS WANTED. A HIGH PREMIUM PAID FOR ANY COU PONS DATED FEB. 19th, APRIL Ist, MAY Ist SMITH & RANDOLPH, 16 SOUTH THIRD STREET. feO-lmft BLACK SILKS BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 Chestnut Street, Have opened a New Stock of the. best Makes of GLOSSY and DOLL SILKS, from $1 25 to $4 371-2 a yard. j H.P. & C. K.TAYLOR, Importers and Manufacturers of TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY, jaS-lm* 641 Nortil Ninth Street.^ donee, 1 acre of land, Beverly, New Jersey •api'ly io 2H THOMAS * SONS, lHO'and 14 1 Smith Fourth street. FRuni -I7SW CHESTNUT SiJLTX street, a small BLACK and T.\N DOG. It returned, the finder will be liberally re warded. ir» tfJHt VALUABLE WEST- PHILADELPHIA EiIiPKOPEKTY FOB SALE —The large tliree stury double dwelling, sitna e on the north side of Spruce street, too feet east of Fortieth or Till street, eontaiug large parlor, reception and dining rooms, connected by folding doors, seven chambers library and hall rooms', .store room, b.ith rorm’ nursery, two kitchens, with stationary wa-h tubs’ gas and water in every story, replete with every modern convenience. The building is heated bv ( hiben's cone-shaped furnace, ventilating renster in all the rooms. The ground is 100 feet bv ITS to a .back street, is beautifully laid out, and con tains a great variety of ornamental shade and' fruit trees. For terms, apply at 127 South THIRD gtreet - ja3o-3t-rps - ----- W A T-O HK S ! WAT O H F i WATCHES!—goo fine GOLD, and A A SILVER WATCHES, by the most ap. W v? proved makers, for sale at one-half the usual prices at the Broker’s, corner of THIRD GASKII.L streets,.below 1 Lombard ja2S-imrp W watvhV-s F^tohes, JrVWAIL.HEb.—New and Second-hand w ATi iHES for sale at the Broker’s Office, corner of THIKD and QASKILT, streets, i ~ jaas.°mrp ytfW. MONEY!—To any amount LOANET> /Vl JE- W-9 9 JONES k CO. 'S old esteMUffiec?T ’ at Office, _ corner THIRD andGASKlLDstelefa 1 Office home from 7A. M. to7P. M. jaas-lmrp nets made over. 815«21Q* ££&,' . GOL O AND SILVKK WATOHES, OF gjk™*, 0 ™! 1 importation, reliable ln onkutv ®BSR and at low prices. K nt,? O t? R PT HEB ’ importersyr t«4 CheBtnnt street, below Fonrqi. Supporters under Medical p£tronale ifadies £ld tSmßand^irfviil'irf^K (t ? avoid counterfeits), thirty iSSIB on^thr? 5 T 7 llited States OopywrigM JLAoeis on tnejjox and signatures also on the Sup porters with Tffsttraonials. rtnth BilEI) APPLES AND PEACHES SQO bags Apples and Peaches, thfc\formur very hand some. Just’received and«tm sale by JOS. -B. BVSSIEK & C<?., 103 (ffld frOSWb Wharves. FANCY DRESS SILKS, 56. FANCY DRESS SILKS, 62 1-2. FANCY' DRESS SILKS, 75. FANCY DRESS SILKS, 87 1-2. ■We have lots as above -which are arranged to close out rapidly. v CUBWEN STODDABT & BROTHER, 450, 452 and 45i NORTH SECOND STREET f *= a -«5 Above Willow. Brownson’s Qaarteily Review, FOE JANUARY, 1864. Devoted to PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE _ POT.T. TICS, LITERATURE-, and .die general interests of Civilization. This is the Firat ofthl. National Series. Price 83 00 per annum: Sub scriptions received by - f T.B.PUGH. E- W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Sts., fe2-lt6 Agent for Philadelphia. THE LAST DAYS OF THE l EXHIBITION OF WEBER’S PAINTING, Monastery Madonna dell’ Saiso, AT THE X ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE IOT H. jaso-atfl ' . 1864. SPRING .1864. GLIN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M’CALLUM &CO, Manufacturer*. Importers and Whole - sale Dealers IN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut st,. Opposite Independence Hall. j»3O-tf SPECIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M’CALLUM &, 00. Beg leave to inform the phblic that they hav leased the old established Carpet Store,' No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Independence Hall, FOK A RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Where they are now opening A NEW STOCK, OF IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CARPETS, Embracing the choicest pattornsof ’ ■ AXMINSTER, ITAPESTRY CAR- RiilaL WlLTOff; | PETS, VELVET, I BRUSSELS CARPETS OOVENETIANS. Together with a full assortment of everything" pertain! to Car pet Bnsinegs, _ ja3o-tfs IMPOIiTEKB OP WINES AND LIQUORS, LAIJMAN, BALLADE t C 0„ KO. 12f SOUTH NINTH STBKST, EBTWHSS CHBETKUT AlfD ’WAiatn, PHir.ADKT/PTTTf, &■ M. iAtiaL&N, A. M. SAXJLADB, J. I). BITTING-. —aoll-3taory. C* A - \ WEIGHT & SIDHATJ. No. 119 Market Street. * v. -j, c .gui i>tSC«UU *UoetS. W. WKIWUT. ?. E. BIDDALL. DHT physicians, and CENTER AX. STOREKEEPERS Cud flud at our establishment a foil as sortment of Imported and Domestic. Drugs, popular Patent Hedicmes, Paints, Coal Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vials, etc. , at as low prices as genuine ilr*t class goods can be sold. FIN E ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, and of the best quality. t Cqehineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pet. Asb, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil oi Yitriql, Annatto. ; Copperas, Extract of logwood, Ac., FOS DYERS' use, always on band at lowial aetcash prices. o. y SULPHITE OF T.TTVni!, for keeping cider sweet; a perfectly barn lesaUtreparation; put up, with full direc aonsior nse v Ln packages, com&iulna: suf ficient for one barrel. . * Orders by. mail, or 1 city post, - will meat with prompt artwttlon, or special quota tions will be funrnAied when requested. __WRIGHT A SIDDALL, _ , , .Wholesale Drug Warehouse, No. U 9 Market street aboye Ftou P OO.H LITER OIL—THE ST.h«t? TA sH?- E . I> OF EXCELLENCE—The onaersigni'd, having an experience of fifteen years in the facture of Cod Liver Oil, has recently, at a large cost, greatly improved the process of pro ?i nru Jv *?’ ? nd nowoffers to the public a prepara tion that for undeviating purity, uniform fresh ness and superiority of preparation is unmatched. These resiiltsiire maintained by the personal snperyision'of the proprietor, whose efforts have at once.made thisOll the standard of excellence. Physicians and others looking to the attainment of the, greatest medicinal efficacy in the shortest time, apdthereby obviating indigestion and naasea c in the patient, can'secure their purpose by the ad minlstlation of my Oil. J - ■ ; / CHARLES W. NOLEN, _ . J No. 154 North Third street. Soldi also by Messrs. JOHN WYETH & BROTHER, Apothecaries; at their store, No. 1413 Walnut street, above Broad, and by Druggists . The Co-partnership existing between. JOHN O. BAKER and OHARLESW. NOLEN, under the Arm name of JOHN O. BAKER & 00., was dissolved on the 6th of July, 1863, the business being continned bv ther .undersigned at the old stand, No. 134 North THIRD street. del7.th,sa,tn,3mft CHARLES W. NOLEN. Markingwith indelible ink, em« BROIDERINa, Braiding, Stamping, Aa. HI. A. TORREY, * , lewxuiwrtitrMt 1- & " Fourth and Arch lr ARE OPENING FOR SPRING-’SALES 18M^ Magnificent Organdies, De Percales and. iChintzes, 68 Pieces Feney Silks, 100 do Good Black Silks, Fire Plaid Silks, j Ordered . Poult do Soies, Shawls New Styles, ’ ' Standard Sheetings. ’ Best Gloves Only, ENTERPRISE MILLS, ATWOOD, RAJ.STON 4 CO,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - CAKFHTING-g, ' Oil Cloths, ' ] i Mattings, Arc., Ate. \ ' f ] WarfliOHse, 619 Chestnut Street,/ AND , 616 ,layne Street. fahl-3xfi^4 WIDE SHEETINGS, s < SHERTDJGSj &c„ By'.he Yard or piece/"kt Lo-®eat Market Prices- UNBLEACHED MUSLIN'S. 11*4 Wide Feperell Sheetings. . ( 10-4' Wide. Peperell Sheetings. \_ 9-4 W:de Peperell Sheetings. )' 5-4 v jrtc Heavy Brown Muslins. / ' 9-8 TJnbie>iciieG of every make. ' \ 4-4 . co do do. 7-8 and % do do do. BLEAGE ED MUSLINS. IQ-4 and 9-4 Peperell Sheetings. „ i 6-4 and 5-4 in ail the good makes. / ; 42 and 4n inch Pillow Muslins. /. 4-'4 WilliamsTiUes, New York Mills, &c., &cJ TICKINGS. ■/ F&npels lor "Winter and Spring Wear. J Bed, White, Grey Twilled Flannel Drills and Linings for Ladies* and TMIot/b * Towels and Toweiings—low priced and me Dinner Napkins, Damasks, Diapers, &x 7 ' J. N. .Richardson’s Sons Erontinc Linens from 62 cts. to SI BLANKETS. Prices 84 50, 85, #6;50, 87,50, 88, 89, 811, 81 815 ana 819, inclutfing_eYery desirable kind by % single pair or quantity. G£EY bLaN&ETS from 84 00 to $6 00. WOOLENS. Fine Fancy Caseimeres for best custom. Black L’oesains and Coseimeres. Goods adaptedespecially to Boys’ Wear. Black broad Cioths of superior makes. Ladies’ Cloakings o^BVßßYdesc^ v loasingß or* c.* Our Mock of tb e above, in variety, extent and. cheapness, is pi obably unsurpassed by any, UP STAIRS DEPARTMENT, Second-Story Front Boom devoted! to Cloaks and' Shawls;—We are closirg out Winter Garments to make room for spring Stoek. We still have a fair assortment and buyers will De repaid by a visit. We continue to take orders for Uloaks. Boys’ Clothing Rooms IN SECOND STORY BACK BUILDING 'Jackets an.t Pants-dt Fancy Cassimeres. Jack* ts and Pants ‘sW-'st Point Cadet.” Jackets and Pants mide to order. Overcoats ot every size at reduced prices. "We call attention to the quality and style of this stock, believing it to be Stkictly FIRST-CLASS^ e- ’ ’ i Ken’s Clothing made to order. CI'OPER & CGNARDj S, E. rnri e Ninth and Majket^Sts, ja22-fr sjuttn rp 6t,\ M.H MiUINEItV HUMS. i*. a. uaudT.no & CU, Respectfully inform the mercantile community tuat they will open, 1864, AT ■■ No. 413 Arch streel, A COMPLETE STOCiE OF STKAW T AND millinery goods. Suited to tte trade,and trust tha’prqmpt and care— ful attention, moderation in prices, good assort ment, together witn their long experience in bu shes*, (having been lor, the last seven years with* the home of Lincoln, Wood A Nichols, and their late successors. Wood Cary,) they may merit*, stare of the public patronage.; «r Orders solicited by mail and promptly: exe - jSO-lm} COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION. OOLDS, CONSUMPTION. tit, C^h. S i, OOL1)S ’ ( CONSUMPTION. , DR. SWAYNE S COMPOUND SYRUP WILDt? CHERRY, - . DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD* CHERRY, s * ' DR. SWAYNE’S.COMPOUND SYRUP WILD* „ • - CHERRY, DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD' CHERRY, ’ DR. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD* CHERRY, CUBES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS CURES ALL COMPLAINTS , CURES ALL COMPLAINTS " CUKES ALL COMPLAINTS • OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS* OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS? OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND LUNGS OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND-LUNGS.. OF THE THROAT, BREAST AND UUNGs! A trial of many years has proved to the world. 1 that itnis remedy is more efflcacions v than any hitherto known te, mankind. jYr Bronchitis,Sor<*-' Throat, Asthma, it is-a sovereign remedy. .For ' the weak and debilitated, it acts as a strengthening • alterative. Prepared only bv „ DR- SWAYNE & SON, . _ ... 330 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, cold by dealers everywhere. ja36-tu,th, sa-ly-- le goods*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers