G. URDON-HAItDWARE AND OIL WELL SUPPLIES. Daily Record NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.""'" - C3-. GrOIRIDOHSr, TORPEBO; PATENT S1J llnhorK vs. lirlinlos n.. $3,000 FOR 20 'OTS. Before von start on a J -nrnoy, buy uu Accident In NEWSPAPER, surance Ticket of tho Hallway Faaaeuger AeHiirnuce Co, of Hartford, Conn. Tickets for sale at railroad station. Ask for an InsuranceTick s....a vvm DEALER 1 1ST The following la the decision rtndertd ,, j J McKennnn, at May Term of tho Circuit Cml 3 '3 v "1 I P AND Job Printing Office; MAIN T1BEET, lLIUOLLltt CE.XTHE. : CIIAS J. WlCJtliUProprletor. MEWS DEPAHTMEXT. ' We receive leleKrapliloJdIapatchos up to 4 p. M aml present them to our readers every evening, em bracing news of great interest from all sections of the eoiiutry. We have oiade special arrangements, whereby we receive nnmlar Petroleum, Mock and ninliiru WnrliHl Honoris everv eveninff hv teliurnnh from New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg, which together with Ktlltnnaia ana lament mailers, maae ii one of the most desirable newspapers published in the 01 Kenton. As an .v. ... Advertising Medium, Tne HRCURn has no superior, as It circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found JOBBING DEPARTMENT. We have a laree and Well selected stock of Jobbing Materials), enihrai.inc the very latest styles. Wn are therefore enabled to execute Job Work of every variety In a satisfactory manner when duired, jobs will bo neatlypriutcd in Couibd Shipping Dill Poatrn. Hand-Bills. -i Piogramnics, Bills l Fare. A.N BiuincM and Vlnitlng Cards, L ETTKK.HEADS, , B1UCUEAD3, v ' lill.LSOP UAU1NU, Etc', JCic Ain or Fancy Ktyles, neatly and promptly oxocu led, uuibntciui INVITATIONS ClRt'Pl.AKS t'HOOKAMMKS CAKUh, 'llchKTf, Kic. In f.ict, cvety varli tv and atylo of wor tn letter pviMS piaittu. Merrhaut. Lawyers. .liHtlttea of the Pea.-e, Land Aui'ills. Oil liien and Auenls. lnu ramu Aeents Kipresnniell and other purlieu In want, are inmrutiKl ilwt wears preimred to eiornlo lo onlerall kinds ol ltl.ANKa, burilicss or leil, iirptlred in th.s toui nutnitv .In'itiins ..ltrr.i.li;e rianiiCtlillly eolit lied. 'i liKiimpitl4.il has jls otutin in ti ;ni-rfifiili'oun nod eO'T'ipt sfi'e ol Hie blood, iii'liee the lallne y of '. " . i I ' f"l!.;!. .-VIV; I'nl'.'HH v . . A - r i . . I... .uii.pl ion n(-' sin.-1 pnri io tl lin I el i'i. -IOLI.EOIATE COMMUKCIAL 1NSTITOTK, I New Haven, Coun. I'rupatory to college or business. L'l cnlars sent on application. W M. 11. ltl'SSELL, Principal. Columbia Classical Ins'tute A Bmnllnz School for Young Men and Boys. For Circulars, address Uov. 11 d. ALKXASDEK, Col umbta, Pa AGENTS WANTED KJll TUB NtW BOOK. Epifaic & Contaps Diseases with thenawest Burthen treatment for all cass The only thnrouuh work of tho kind In Hie world all analogous diseases. No Family S fi Y llbout it. ana an any it- u"' The biiKcat chance of the si-iison for agenia. Aa dress 11. S. OUOUSl'EKD JS CO., M Park Kbw, New York. 1 , At'OIITI NF.. How" liv speculating in Slocks and (bud. Cupittl, 10 to U0; Will iwv $lllto fcUKlta month Full cxpluuailyn scut ini. W. P. llt'llBKLl. A W..Uaukiaund Bro kers, ill) W all ., New York. Box rcs'i CI fit ! P"rdl I A Rent wanted! All JJ' l ipssir classes "f working people ol either sex, yuing or old. make more money, at work for us In their spare moment or nil the turn than at anyttmi else. Particular free. Address U. SI'INsON O'l.. Portland, Maine THE LA CROIX MEBI3AL DIS PENSARY. I.Htiibllshed in 1837, Is he oldest and most sttcccskfiil institution in this conntrj for the treatment of Chronic anil Prxiial Discuses. For terms of treatment, fill, "r nd'hc" by mall with statement of case, 8. 11. IU'Ns-IX'N ai Maiden Laue, Albany. - V $2.7 Money Made Fast. 1,000 lly all who will work for us. Ifnpon writing von . a J .11 .....am w. ...111 t.L.t Willi fltlH llltl- Ull HOI. UllU uo ail riun.i, w ..... - lar lor ynnr trouble. Send stamp for circulars to i O. II. BUCKLEY CO., Tokonsha. Mich. lllrt viiii; t-tniiiu'lei twenty ycuw l"r eweeu mo aim u.ui vmi m-in.s... i.L.l I.I. I a.i.iamiiHlial IllWOIf ItV IrDIIIICli: t i:AAim" j- - j compounoina rooti and UiTtw, noa in tWlPff til"! iMCUlClllO HHia Uinmitr". . . " .. . -.-,A . ws-t). dsrfiil remedy nd iur cuw tnt Aith. mannditf ktndraddiwtUM. iWarrCTi td to rolicvc tb evort.t pftroxysn. Instant y, tb. paUent can lledown to , rj-t and SSTt BY MAfLBB OH' CU AlUJE.- Addres, D. LAltUKl'lJ. Apple CTeta, hi"""!" TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE YOI1NU MEN AND LADIES qualltied for prnc tit al operators, nt the ButViilo Tclitrrapli Insti tute aud Citv Line Telenrapb. Every Kritdiwte secures a position. The lurutst and mutt complete . .j ' M...l -A Pntnlnrnin. n America. uon-n. ;t " T , v O. L. BUY ANT, Supenlitelident, Uillttlo. ' 1. GRANDEST SCHEME EVEP KNO'N Fort Grani Gift Com POK THE DENEFIT OF THE Public Library OF KENTUCKY. 12,000 CASH OUT l,S00,OOO. $St50,000 FOR $50 1 A H. fl.inm.ft itlitinir Well 1V ipcrlai MX of tho l.cj:iliure tor th- ln-iu-lli l tin- . I . .. .... r-ir - .I...I... will l ulit. ll'.lli-M III I 111, rtllM'C l.loiary ' ivii,i.j. i lie uthrary Hall, at Louisville. Ky., wi3i.fisiAY, iuc. :t, 'r:$. Onlv sixty thousand ticaeta iwlll bo sold Tho tickets aro divided Into ten coupons or parts. AI this col.oert, which " ill b the L'rsr.llei-I mus. ieil displuv ever wlinossid .u this ciuntry, the tm- tireceuonitu Mioii in SI 500.00 0, divided Into 12 00(1 cash sins, w it no uisinnuiuu oy lot aniouK the licuei-tioiuets. - ;list ok gifts. One Oraod Cash Ollt, . :.! One Hmiid (.Man miii, ' " OnaOrandCashOift, V" One Orand Cash tuft Sf - . int-asiti,its Jliineftearlt, liii.in." SOOshtlifis 6.HIO i-iich, J.'ll.ltHl MUashUirta l,lKlea.li, ft'-"'! HO Cash Oil'ts Ml it'll, -10 'Ol 10.1 ('null (lilts 400 eat h, "III K 0 LMI C11..I1 (lilts SOU each, 4.".,0 U '.'.VI Cash (I Hi 200 0 n il, 'O 'l"1 Ot!i frail I! Its J00 each, H'J.MHI 11,000 Cash Gilts Wtach, S O, OU Total, 12.CMI Gifts, all Cauli, nraonnt iliKto l,f00,(00 The distribution will ha positive whothrr all the tic. eta are sold or hot. and the I'J.IKKI gilts all paid in proportion to (he tickets sold. PRICE OK TICKET?: Whole tickets Jot); Halves ?'ii; Tinlhs. or each f unpen, it; Kleveu Whole Tickrls for $.Mdt; o-.11, Tickets fur $1.0'0i US W tile 1'ickols lor If.VOOll; J'J" Whole 1 li-ki.ta for (HOMO. No d teount oil , ....... r.-.Oll ......,t. .it 'l-ii.l.ifa .1 n vl.... ies iiiiiii i."i " ... ' id - Tickets now rtvtdy fir sale, end a I orders ac companied by the niomv promptly lllleil. Llhertll terms Riven to those who bny to sell aj; it.. Til OS. K. BUAMIiliTTi;, Asent I'ubt l.lhr. K. and Mamuer (lift Concert, Puiilic LH'i-ary lluildinir, Louisville, Ky. IH).T llli llbiUIU I,i;i,ll Wiih (luaelis and inio'ist. rt, who will not a"i ileei-e yon. but In niiiety-inno i-a.ea out of a linn- dri ll doae yntt w ITI r:ll.:ilii rtp:uvrt calomel, A e iiialiiti" vonr etlHO worse, lii -orl at oncn in tin onlv KiiverL'ti rumeilv that can tie relied on. llr. 'Me- Crtllum's Itiiot Ili'Mtil ht'iirener, wletii Imni-h from Hie srttiaiiaH lonn ol priviiit'i iliseasps nnd virus in the biuodt ai-'. seminal weakim-. lu.s nf eiierev. Iii--s of meiiioi v, anil all nervous iii-eas...t ie.iiUilu; I'n in sell aliase. s lii.-li d. slrot s lili ini,l and boilv. teiHlerui luainiL'e ilopusitilvii. arr.u led. I'neo by mill (si i-lin ly i-ealad, no ejtpnsuie) t 1.0: p. rpiu-k.iue Ein-li jiu-kne makes a uuarl of Hlood Seari'lier i .Hairs Medicine Co., J'l.ta biiruli. Mi Boa ra.uphlet 1'iee. mTdARVIK'S iM XIR CF TAB. !s rtTumiiKiiilrtl tiy Hi n'- ' li"J.r:ti ir.n tititiit-r iitui n spt-tdy envv pn.iri.. i 1.r (.'nM. 'i uli. t'aiiirrli, AMlmui, i'.nM:. . !'.- Spinii.jj liltn.ii, ( tu- , mi ! I'm m ' ! i rmid itii-', i,rotr . 1 1 ... I H IJIlR 2VEain-St.9 Petroleum Centre, Kei-ps on hand a full line of Hons Fnrnishins Goods, Boston Fal. Gonplfna: TiicL Casing, Gas Pipe aiiOitliiis, New Bedford Bolt Kope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER nELTIXG, PACKING, AND HOSE, Lanterns. Lantm. Globes, Carpenter's Tools, ALIi KIM OF GOODS, Extra Winter jStraiiied I.ai-d Oil, . ... Jolinson it Barrett's Luhricatincr Oil, Tho Novelty mid Eureka Clothes W'rngcw, the best In use. With a full line of Table and rocket Cutlery, and Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, STOVES,- I 2 ay stock oi uooiv AND lll'.ATINCi STOVES cannot be excelled In he oil renlon. An i uouirni oetore tun tate Rtivar.ce ot otoven by manuracturerB, lam eniibll to still soli at old prices. Tbosn desiring anything Id the way of a Cook or Heating Stove will do well to Call and examine my stock, ol wblob the loilowiug la a partial Hat; America, CJook Stove ! Witb reservoir and warming cloet, AM F la I PA Cook, with low waier i iii.iiii.il "iKHiiUiVi wiin or wiinoiu leservnir nun warming closet, for bard or soft Coal, l-'lre (ll(p f'ooU. a cheap first class Siove, for hard or sofl coal. Iron (itli Conk, a laijro heavy unci durable Stove for sofl coal v iicac fsiietii t.ooK. lor imr.i or aoli (TlipiMT Cook, lor hard or sott coal, a 31illlteOta Cook, a v. oo.l bluvu with !MY LINE OF PARLOR The niyli.fi I'liio I.iclif Urn:.. rarnir ntove. wun seir regit, atlnp . hall and patent clinker grate. Tlie Kiuliiiilt Httiiae-A new self Iceder Parlor Httater witb mill grate and Ilium ioaleii base . Kci pSi.l' 'a ltiiinei -- If feeder Parlor Heater with abating Gra patent and dumping c inker cr t". r intartN 1'iii-lor I2fiit. vm ,tui-.g new, a very beautiful and powerful beater t IIM'J' liiClll A neai auil t he ii Uose Uutner llnt lighl A choap cylinder fjiuve with mill gtate. I Ion sua A six at Iron cylinder at'ive.'very cheap. Joy situill tell feeder and quite cheap Itlntt'k Swim V parlor cook s'ove witb oven, for coal. I 'Slllli! A cheap dining room Stove. " dJeatii A cheap bed roi in i-'tovo. t'cafl .V cheap cylinder St, vt, for hartl nr soil coal. u'if V vi7tM.''"f th,''l"!,!: hl "Vl"- . '"t-Adlsd for derrick, and hotel. aAI.iAMA.MJLk A derrick Etcvo. GLlBE HUATEB For suiree and offlcee. MAM 1'ACI L'REB OP m, SiIhet urn a:d copper JlOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. . i' i;) ;"( " u m. WW MJT U Jm WORKING BARRELS. TUBING AND VALVES. CASING VALVE CUP6, CLAMPS No. 1 Refined Oil, STOVES ! a Gist clam Stove for hard coal or wood. reservoir and warmlnR closet, for bard coal. JlKlifKH Cook, a cheap first class Stove coal, in celebrated lor il rjualllies as a good smi-ll but excellent Stove and very cheap. elevated oves, HEATERS cannot be excelled : f 1 8 Ta-Thl is a beautiful lf feeder WARE ;-';0. AIV1 P IMI's. which are . - r. lite, witb common or patent vulve. m'.i'i neatness tnd dispatch. laatdM the Western District of Pennsyltanla.-i. Hoberta va. Mcholaa Gcyer No. l.v. Movemuer zi, 10, urn niea and . nbnan. sited. 1 Bubpa'im nr.d nolloe of application tor mi.J ..... I-I .i.. a r-mm ,j i,ijiiiiv.,iuu rnu.ni. December 13, 1CK. -Motion for nrellm!i.. Junction beard, alul the Court being duly atrrtni , me nviuis: me uguuciion awarded as imittlfi J aud decree fllesi.' t-' 1 January 11, 1H73. -Tnhmctlon IsgBtd, MJon a-.iiu ony ot January muicimcnt Served Denw.u and by copy. May 3X lti'A i!ule Usual fur delcndi nt to .. caasuwhy attachment should not issue forottt in vioianng niiutiction and duly setrtd ' ' June ltd, 1H7& Hula for attachment la tl.li L.tinu ..u ,w hi. u...iu,aiiu niltf MruUBItllll (If CliB'.i pro and con, tno lonrl lielnu full aavinO in preniiaea, the linlo i made absolute,, m.tl tic tenee cuue i.ontt is, that the said defcudnD S: olas Gcyer, bo tuipilosentd In the conimoa Jail , Aiiegecuy ;ounty tor anu during tho tuui of days, and that ho pay the cents of tnli piKtt lag. , June 2d, 1873. p'mnilit nt Issued. -The injunction lit this case was for Inftiofii,.. of tlie KohiTls' patent of No. (called tin bis I,, cut), for Increasing the prvductlvetiess of oil t The act of Infringement, for w hich the dufend was committed for contempt, consisted In ikii Alcxaudra llacrir lu txplodlng lorpedoei In wells being the same act of fnlriiit;emeiit forsbi Ilnmar was also cominftted In the cuacNo. 3 veniber Term, 1SU6, as before slated. The Court McKeutiati, J , alter delivering '. opinion in the Hamar ease, proceeded to ..nr.. Nicholas Geyer for coutenipt, and delivered tie ',, owing oral opinion : . Ui the case of Nlsnolaa Geyer charted i!h r. same otfense, I am ertlrely satlsfitd diat Here r fluid present. In the Hems well at least. li (!:, inlimuttd to Vie couniri in the count rf Me erj., aienf, Vtrpretimt cJliutl tn tlu mil, vl,u , sfrcrf or not, U an infrinpemtnt of !hi faint, n. orcach of the injwiccioa of tho (art. Mr ltoberts, by his patent uses as ens of tit jr.; clpal elements of his invention fluid tenpins, n wherever there Is fluid suflkient la a well, i time oftne explosion of a torpeda, tot optnte tamping, whether It Kits there nalarally or In ; tin re artificially, his patent is tufrlnued. Tbiet clearlv the case In n-eardlo the HouIm wu Hut Mr (ieyer seenia to have been nlilrd t; Hainar, who told Mm that bo merely wsnia) u inuKo an L-AperilBoni ; nuu l oa liol tlilns. Ml Ing the llret time, that he ought to be very ecim utinfshid. lie also la adludecd irnlltv nfmnlmnl ami mil. ed to pay the coots of this privet-ding and iindei,-) an Imprisonment in the cotiatv lull for ttn d.tii. I hnic tins will he the h-t ol tin se casrsi li. ii me manor comes ui our notice atria n. west I ennui mined to Impose such punishment as will it: to niake Ihe decree of the Court ellecHull. June IMm. om.r1 trllh ' ' JJ V II. T. HKLMBOLa FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, la the only Known Remedy for IWehti V ease and baa cured every eaao of Diabetei which it baa been aiven, Irritation of tls) H of the Bladder and iullammation ot the Kltlneya, 1 Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Uetetj tlonof Urine, Diseases of the frosUte HI Stone in the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust Depom and Mucous or Milky Diacbargea, and for faakla mnA n.li 1... I!..... nf t SXWl attended with the following araptoms: k f tower. Loss of Memory, Difflculty of Breatti- Back, Flnshingof the Body.KruptiononthsFtWi Jallid Countenance, Lassitude of the System, ew- useo oy pertiona in tne decline or a" Kfe; atter confinement or labor paina, tiiig'ineaildren.ete. . In many affections pecntlar to ladles, we p tract Bucliu is unequal rd by any otlierremeti!;--Aa in Chlorosis or fietsntion. Irregularity, r' fnlness or Suppression of Customai y Hvact atioM. Ulcerated or Hchirrua state of the Uterus, L" eorrhcea or Whltea, Bterllity, and for all o pUinU rncident to the eex. It is prtscnWJ ratansrraly by the most eminent Physician! i Midwivea for enfeebled and delicate touuv tiona of both sexes and all ages. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT IWCIWi C&f Meat ArMng from ImpnidmM, BMlt of HUAikilioii, Etc., In all their stages, little expense, UtUo or no change in diet, s convenience, and no exposure. It causes a ir1 OBent desire, and el ma streogtli to Un"5 thereby romoTiug Obstruetlona. Preventls? i coring nvieturea or tne urotuva, i. iiny" ; v, and Inflammation, ao f reqaent in this class a asea, and expelling all Poisonous mattor, KEARNEY'S EXTRACT Bl'CtTCi 11.00 per bottle or six bottles for S.0O, delivered to any address, aecura from obserration. txo druggiaU everywhere, l're pared by KB ARNEY & CO., 104 Duana Bt., ! to whom all lattera fox information sheiua e addressed. Avoid Quacks and lmpot"' Mo Charge for Advloe and Oonaultetlon. Br. J. B. Ityott, Graduate at.hfferim Jft Catleot, Philadelphia, author ot several valuso" works, can be consulted on ail diseases ol t Btxnal or Urinary Organs, (wlUch he has nisu an especial study) either in male or feml",ow. natter from wbat cause originating or of n longaUnding. A practloa of SO years sna? bun to treat diaaaaa with aaceeaa. Ouras R" aoteed. Cbargea reasonable. Those at i1' tanos oan forward letter deaeribing symptoa" and enclosing stamp to prepay postage- Bend tor the aiL to BiaUk. Price 10 " J. B. DYOTT, U.D., Physician and StCgMW 104 Duana St . New York. In the Clicult Court of the TJnlled Htntes vo: I? Kb' Si ,Cor is iMIl :iiia il the iNt T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers