V Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. C'eutre, fa, Saturday amps. 27 tslvlua aervlce. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH eWrvloea every Sabbath at II A. M. and ii P. M. Sabbath School at U'i 1. M. eat free. A outdlal Invitation extend, td to nil R. T. GrIdik, Pastor. PRESBTfElUAN CnCHCn. Preaching it It o'clock A. M.. and 7 O'clock V.H . hy tbt Pastor, W. C. Bchch A it D SabUtti Scbotol at li directly after forenoon (ervicfti , Prayer Mwtin and Sabbath 6cbo6l Teacher1 Mewling Tuesday etenlngi el aeh week. letroleNH Centre Lodge, US, I. O. of O.K. No. Resiilar meeting nigh la Friday, t 7 'clock. Signed. W. II. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C. II. JUil.it, ASec'y. tVPiao nf meeting, Main St., oppotlte McOllntook II011M. A. O. Of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. or V. W., meet ever Monday craning at 1 o'clock, tnOdd Fellow' liall, Petroleum Centre, Pona'a. Jaum WlUOif, M. W. JkMM 3. WArra, 11. I. O. Ol It. M. Minnekauuee Til be No. 13, I. O. R. M at retroleiim Centre, meets every Tbur J evening in Good Templar'f Hall. tW Council flrell'ibled at 7 o'clock. II. HOWE, Sacbein. C. L Jl'KKS, Cblel ol Uecorde. Gold at 1 p. tn. iU4 It seem to n the Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph (NmipnnT, for the accommodation of their patron' at least, ehunld tttke measure to e loan out thedlr and Dltli from the entrance to their ofPca at the llochester Ilunie. 1 he removal of about five it uit Inada of straw and dirt would mJte It took respectable and no doubt add to lliclr pAtronsno. In thle connection allow ua to whisper gently la the c ir of Mr. Jan. 8. MeCray or his agent, the ne cesiliy of nailing up Ihe back door of that build! lug in order to keep ont tntrndtre and loafers At evessnt the building Is anoecupled, the front and buck dnon are left wide open, and unless closed up tha chance are that some drunken loafer will toku up lousing there, accidentally drop his lighted "du ai-cn," a Are will ensue and tlie low,r end of the towu tie antroyed A word to the wise, Ac. e arc sorry ire learn of the resignation from the employ ortuo OH Creek-and Alloa heuy Ulrcr Kail. wny Company, of our townsman, Mr. Ilea. Wllklns mwv .ma iificu vuiniitciuu wiu uio reua to diuertut capacities for oVe:" seven years, daring which Idhj liunou t nas aiwoys proven a nitufiil and efflcleu ufflcer. Mr. Wllkint (roes Aon here to White Mul. phur Springs, West Vlrulnia, to take the position 01 nam aispeicncr on me Cuesapeeko and Ohio nannisd. iteleg a thorough lallrond maa. ha can not help but (It) tin position acceptably to his new employers. The best wishes of a lust of friends all over tha oil ragloa will accompany him and his amiasio laay tn Ills new field of labor. Tha early train this morning was delayed about an hour by four freight cars being off the track a Kjnd Farm. The early freight did not get through ntll aftc r o'clock We did not learn the occsaioa of the accident. Vim. Mica's Want Yesterday, Mrs. Mack, who takes in washing and labors bard tor her liv ing, was put to anusaal activity by a yeung woman living Willi her accidentally swallowing a quantity or arnica) llnnneat marked for external nse only. t. Ilevford was called In, and administered the proper antidote, rrileved the patient, when Joy asain reigned In the boasa of Mark. From fright Mr. Mack had a real goad "sweat," which she says was very good for her, as she baa not ben well for eom Dine. Tltuavllle and Tldloule hare coae .0 work ann w ill hellghtod with petroleum gas by tha 1st of vuccmour. love matches we often formed by people who pay for a month ol honey with a lire of viaegar. The supply of gas in the Dimmlck, Nesbltt Co well.od'thk Banks farm, near Palrvlrw la decree! ng rapidly. The well la te be drilled deeper . The following officers wore s'ected for the ensuing term, at tha regular meeting 01' I'etrelcnm Centre I'idgo No. 716, 1. U. of O. i'., lsit availing : M. U. Kookor, N. 0. f. II. Daltey, V. G. f. U. B. II art man, Aes'tSec'y. Coastalilo Burgess pi. iled "Dutch Henry" th.s morning upon the charge of vagrancy, lie it a first-class subject lor tha work bouse and the eitl. seas hope he will he placed there "where he will do most good," Kxit Usury, we hope for six inualae at West In'your case. Glass bonnet have appealed. They art formed of lisau woven by fine gin thread, and may be laid lo be tbt glut Of faahion fitted to lb mould of form. Ladle who wear tiient mutt deny themsalva Ibt pleasure ct critloiiing' the neighbors on tbt prioelp e '.bat II i daogartu lor those who live fa glass houses to throw atones. rbilaLulpbia ha fifty hotels, containing 4,889 rooms, (urnltbiuz accommodation lor 10,25 people. "Iloodeu. dooilab'' it ite latest Georgia drink. One gu.le lie equivalent lo two uigbu la jail. IsUr'ii Twain modestly denies tbat bt It tbe man alluded to ia the line, "Mark, Ibe prf.-l. ' Odd Fellow's Keunion. For want ol sufficient information upon the subject we were unable, yesterday, to notice lbs very agreeable aeason enjoyed by Ibe Odd Kellows and their wives in their ball In ihls place on Thursday evening last It It not too late, bowovet, to my tbat that evening was tbe Hum lor the regular month ly meeting ol tbe Kebekeb Degree member! ot tbe Lodge. For this) partloula r meeting lliey bad made a Utile extra preparation, and invited member of tbe Degree from neighboring localities. When the hour (or meeliog arrived, tbe ball was found to be filled with member of tbe order and tbeir wive from jRouteville, Kane City and Denipaeytown, wbo, with Ibelr bolt nod hostesses made an assembly i seldom witnessed. Tbe ceremony of confer ring tbe degree, wbicb l mid to be of a verv attractive and interesting nature, w performed, two ladies reoeivlng tbe de gree. Immediately afterward each lady mem ber of tbe Degree belonging 10 the Lodge was presented with a handsome Rebekab Degree collar, tbe gift 0 tbe Lodge. Tbe Lode-) closed, and the ladle, bidding '.he geotlemen ataud badk, wblsked out JtLo ;e ble and In a eery few minute bad ipread before tbe assembly tucb a collation would bate done ampin oredit to many flnt class hotel. Tbe table were ipread tbe full lecgib ot tbe ball, and war filled three lime before tbe company wa til nerved. Tbe rep! being dispatched, and Ibc down train being about due, lb Rouieville member, wbo, by the way, bad entertained their 1 elroleum Centra friend In a limilar manner on last Saturday evening, departed all expressing themselves a being highly pleated with tbeir reoeption and treatment We underaland that It It Ue intention of the member ol lb Lodge here to invite tbe Odd Fellow of Titusvirle, with their wives to asoolal and Irateroal getberug of like cbaructer, eometim lo tbe near luture l'etrolenin Centre. We find tbe following Petiuiuum Centre ilemt in tbe Titusvillt Courier of Ibii mora ingt Tbe Centre It not dead yet, and a lair bare of business I being carried on here Tbt road belt art) in excellent condi lion. Tbe Coleman Sislert and Sberry'i Mew York Theatre Company are oolb looked fur ooe nlgbt each at Sobei'i Opera House. A minion in bold ia Ibe Catholic Cburob duiiog tbe put week. It was well attended. Servicel were conducted by Rev Father Donahue and Koop, of Getmau town. I The coal yard are being repleolihtd preparatory to tbe cold wbeatber. There are ault a number of oil well Hill pumping In Ibii vicinity.. Tbt refinerle are In lull blast. People are busy baoklng up Ibelr houses tnd making other preparation! lor wiuter, Charley Wicker and Ibt Dailt Ukcohd till live and nourish. Tbt old Racbiitir House It cloud aid unoccupied. Tbt Central Houio 14 Hill running and doing a gaud busloes. Tbe lama I irut ol the HcCiinlock House. Rev. T. Graham ha been assigned lo Ibi, plact by Iht M. E. Coa'ereoct. Tbt Mttb odieti have a good tburch, and a mug 'and cory littla parsonage. Along by tbt railroad on Iht 'Boyd farm there art many fine gardens, wbiob have produced large amount of vegetable du ring tbt present season. Tbt Centre can boast ol a vety fioe lobool bulldl Dg, which i located on Ibt hill near Ibt Catholie cburob. Tbe fall term has commeoced and the school I is in charge of excellent teachers. Tbe attendance it very large. Tbt Catholic society have a very fioe ohool building near tbe cburcb. This build ins wit traded tome time ago, tnd Ibt Catholic owe it to' Iht Indefatigable tnergy and seal of Rev. Jamel Dunn, pastor of Ibt church who ha labored In Ibii field for ibe peat aix years. Tbe cburcb It a flnt build ing, and tbtrt li alto a fint commodious parochial residence near by. Reading has fifty policofncer,xolulvely of tbe chief polioe, wbo ba two captain, two liouUnsnU tnd two surgeanl to iu blm. Htrriaburg hat twelve omctn,a coiei and one lieutenant. And now Oil City baa an attack ol tbt pt troleum gat fever, and ta Ikt of having workt in operation by Ibt fint of January. "Moonlight City" is ibe title given the lattii village In Ibe cil region. II Is Iocs. ted near Turkey Cily. Fourth sand develnpiuetinii art rapidly going on with good tucrei. Millentowo it ibt centre ol til operation! I present. Tbe Butler jail I full, and ibe Commits- irmnte are nyw ouilding locwip, THE OIL, FIELD. The fuitrlb land theory, about whch so much talk bis been bad among oil men, hits been clearly shown to be n bnnx. The wells in the vlciuity ol Karne City which nave been drilled deeper and are now producing oil In greater qiiantltlei baa been demon itratedwsre formerly pumping from tbe tray tand which Is frequently encountered by operators, and nrt now only in tne muu add. Several things go to prove toia ami ,1 It Iht only plausible theory advaucid.) IiRT HOI.KS. A well we recently tuok on Ibe Wick farm, In Washington towuibip, by Tbomai Maohllno and otheri a tleotb ol 1.U0 leel and abnndooid a a dry bole. MTue Chamber well, on laud of Mrs. L Clure, three miles northeast of liutler bo.- ougb, has been abandoned as dry. Tbe McFadden wcll.oo tbe "Squire Camp bell farm, about a mile Northwest of tbe Troutman is dry. It was drilled 10 a depth of fifteen hundred and fifty feel. It it own ed by parties Irora Oil City. Tbe Welter well, on the Iloch tract, in Mlllerstown, it dry. VICISITT OP MILMCnSTOWN. , McKinney Rro. & Galey, Ne. 3, we 1 1, on Ibe Hemphill tract atartad up last week at lb rate of two hundred barrel. Pblllipt Bros, of thli city tlruck a new well 00 Ibe Ford farm, on Monday lad blob I doing about fifty barrel. Brawley Bros, have recently struck a new well on Ibt McDermit .farm, ,wblcb i re ported flow log largely. On Monday last lb Stoughton well, No. 1, on tbe widow Hemphill farm, reported dry, was torpedoed and It now pumping handsomely Geo. V. Foreman bat a well 00 iht Barn, ban farm, itruck on Thursday of last week, which started to (low at tbe rate ol two bun dred and fifty bbls. per day. A well owued by Wyatt Fcrdlck & Bam mood and others, located 00 tbe Rudolph Barobart larm, ooe mile west of Millers- town was struck 00 Saturday last, and 00 tbe following Sunday It flowed 1300 barrels. Tbis Is the Isrgest strike which has ever been made In tbe entire oil district. id Bbiuemaotia well Wat purchased on Tuesday of last week, for $30,000 by Van dergrilt & Foretnao of Oil Cily and II. L. Taylor & Co., of Pelrolia. The well is doiog about three hundred barrels, and is located on tbe Daubenepeck farm. Oil man's Journal. AS WE MAKE IT. We must not hope lo be mowers. And to gather the ripe, gold ear, Until we have Ural been sowers, And watered Ibe luirows with lenr. II I not just a we .'eke it This myatioal world of our'; Lile'i field will yield a we make it, A harveet of thorn or flower. Pittsburgh baa a sensation judgiog from the following dispatob which appeared In to-day' morning paper: PiTTUinuii, Sept. 26, Tbt Pittsburgh pottoflice wa taken pot ession of this afternoon by Major Pelh bridge, chief of Ite special service bureau of the Postoflice Dnperitnen I, and Col.aJobn H, Stewart, postmaster, wa arrested as s defaulter. Numerout complaint! reached ibe Pottoflice Department in Washington, from butinest men of Ibis city, that a large number of letters containing remittances were lost at different times. An iovesliga lion wa ordered torn lime igo by Ibt Postoflice Department. There wai found to be a general disorganization lo Ibt working Itrca of the oflice. Tbe fint evidence 0 f de faloatloa wa when drain on the Pittsburgh postomct amounting it $16,000 in favor 0 tbe Pan Handle Railroad Company, t mail service, were returned lo lb depart men! protested. At tbt llmr,accordingttotbe rostmaiirr' tccouot ba thou Id have bad fundi on band lo pay the dralt Tbii caus ed prompt action In taking poueaiion ol tbe oflice, and impending Ibt Postmaster There art alio believed lo be dafioienoiee in me postage stamp ana money order ac ooonli, and tbe whole amount of Ibe defalca lion will reach about $33,000. Stewart has given osii lor ins amount of ? GO, 000. n--ni. 0 . 1 m. eiruicHiu ivr aiiuma, Tbt Ptttaburgh National OH Journal ys: "W know of a young lady in Ibii ity wbo bit been troubled with attbraa toco childhood, wbo derive great relief irom toe use or petroleum. Iter mode application it lo apply 1 cloth laturaled witb crude petroleum lo tbt throat and cheat, and to (wallow ibeut a teaspoosfui of the time. Used in ibii way tha oil of course diet not effeot oure, but givei tem porary rellel when tbt attaok came on. A mora efficacioui mode of application won Id probably be by lobalation. Thli could be vtry aaaily accomplished by the me of toy or Ibe Inhalers, to be bad at the drug atore and a complete cure w"M probably result in many ci " A I-lttle Plain tbi. The Venango Specmiof Indulgel In HI tlelplaiu talk 00 tbe latl moeling of Ibe Ve narigo County Agricultural Society. Ai near as we can find out Hie Spectator " nothing but the ttulb, which certainly doi1 uot reflect a great deal of credit on Ibe man agers ol thai iustiluliou: lflbere Is any legitimate connection be tween the agricultural interests of Venango county and low-lowu borie-raolng, with lis attendant gambling aud violations of law and order, the soene al tbe ground! of the Venanso Agricultural Association latl week, and in tbe street of tbi oily, mult have giveo a great iinpetui to our firming butiueat. Franklin ha never in bar bit lory bad inch an influx of vllla'ntXM look. ;.:g cbaracer a our last egriculunsl hort 1 nd Lo foot-tunncr brtugbl among . ir Ibe town baa neon ina euoetn location ol a great national dog-figbl the crowd could have been no worse. If a dot en ral-nit had ditcbaried tbeir Usual a emblBge Into our vallty Iht txhibilion could not bav increased tbe disgust of re nestable people. If such display have any connection witn agricultural accent citizen ere unable to perceive it. But there it no connection whatsoever. Last week' exhibition wa a auccenloa of crub racing, gambling, drunktnne, and gtntral britlality, witboot a redeeming feature. Il was a toene, lake it all in all, Ibal tbonld never again have plact In a decent com munity. It , wet let reipeeiablt than a square game of laro and more demoralising than keno, became Ibete gitiuet itaod upon tbeir.own bottom ind do cot entrap the youog and thoughtless by pretending to be io tke intereit of agiiculiure or any olbtl branch ol human Induatry. Such (ham trt demoralizer of toe tublilo sort, and art in liuiately mott daogerou Ibaa open vice. Tbe Venango County Agricultural Ano- cit:on ws not inctrporated lor Iht pur ,;t ol giving us tucb eotertainmenla. 1 1( uaue indicate it proptr purpose. Jo tbt course if lit ieglmate buaiueti do ont would object to a trial of tpd between hor. dining an agricultural fair, wbea ibt farm era ol tbe ceunty were assembled. Such a test could aod would be conducted witb order and decorum. Even then II Bight be impossible to keep tbe blackleg element entirely out; but its presence) would be an unavoidable iucideol nf the day, not tbt wbolt show, as il wan last week. For protecting tbe facing of skirt tbat drag oh the ljtuuod, an iouer faeiog I now used of datk oil cloth or morocco bound witb braid. It I more tuhiiantial than lb plaited wigging, wbicb ia aeon dkscolorsd aod worn out. A fishermen up Ibe Allegheny liver caught a strange fish a ahoit time ago and tent it lo tbe fish culliirlst, Selb Green, wbo pronounced it oue of the twenty five Ibous aod stud be deposited in Ibe head water of tbs Allegheny In June. 1872. A happy couple in Northampton county Pa., recently celebrated the sixtyseventh anniversary of their marriage. ' , Tbe pipe lines aru unable to remove tht prcduoiion from Millerstown and vicinity. Many wells contiatte to pump oa tbe ground for want of sufficient tankage. The Pennsylvania Railroad bat rtdoted ibt number of hour for lit laborer!, and the pay roll accordingly. Tbt rult it tigb bouri per day, but while tbit li lailifaetory to Ibe men, Ibt reduolioo of wages li dscld edly unwelcomt.and strikes tgainit ibis new order of ihlngi art being tar led al evr point. Mr. Laura B. Fair, the murderess o Crittenden at Sao Francisco, bet tloped from Califoroiawitn another woinan'i ;bue band, wbo baa bilberlo moved la tht Ortl elaei San Franciaoo tociety. tTn aezl snoot lug affair will probably bt la New lork or Chicago. Some of I he buildlogi of tbt Enisoonel Academy of Cheshire, Cooneotiout burned yetterdiy. Tbe Indiana State; Expesilios) eoullnue lo be a success. Tbe Spanish army In Cuba will bt foroed next week. rein There wai no yeittrday. regular Cabinet meeting Tbe Cailiati are gulling discouraged. Titutvllle ia hiving In tall raoee. Tbt itrtelt of Emlentoo are to bt lighted Girl Wanleu. To do general housework. Ioquirt al Gor. don't Hardware store. G. Fe KO EST Ell, Flour & Feed Merchant, PETROLEUM CENTBE, PA. PRICK UST. XXX Whltt Wb't Fl, ,00 1 Meal, tl.so Chop, Oils, 1,W 50. Wheat Brsa, l.aft sep!8tf. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS.NEW 600DS NEW UTOt'K DEY GOODS CARPETS, Oil Cloths Actions, CUT RECIIVBD AT XVI. SAR3UELS DRY GOODS STORE. Washington Stn ft, retroieuni tentw. Ta lgrst and Cheapest stock ot CAMCOES telOctsperyard. BLEACH Ell Ml'SLIM frosslltoie els. LArlMALE WW BLEACHES MfJSLlS MM 11 etc EST niNOHAns. frost 19 to IS cts CLABaVS OUT THBEAI 4 ipouet for cts. Dress Goods, Shawls, iery, Corsets Domes li PletifGoeds, Laties Ties, Iiiklnr Boopekiitt tbe very best qaailty Drillings and Lin ens, line ant Needle, ict;pci j'JD'T, lerpcu a the lowest rates. Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOODS, And a complete sttx-k of L'kI'w Hats aud Bonnets, Alio, Complete Stock of BOOTS ft SHOES Which will bt told at AUCTION SALE Cheaper ta lis Cheapest Commencing August 1st, IS73. tyGlve mt a call and examine to)' od pritea. M. SAMUE1A Pel. Centre, iuly 17lb, 187a McKinley & Gross, nSachinists, Blacksmiths AMD Egbert Farm, Centn, Petroleoffl Pa. Boiler Repairing a Special 'ly BEF1NESY STILLS REPAIRED fjf We wai rant all work don by 0 1 be netrly as good at ntw when rtpii'"1 Good material furoiibed tnd price rM Having bad long experience tn lb iMi ess w are enahled to arlve satisfaction. johiph Mckinley. dkuahtiaM 6 rctrolenn Centre, Ta., Jeo !l,-rt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers