i ;! I-; NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. $3,000 FOR 20 OTS." Stferreyon start on a J.-nrney, buy an Acrldcnt In urtn.-a Ticket of the Kail way I"bmbiit Auaurauce Co, of Hwtfjrd, Conn. TicKc'a for a. la at iHilrwul utiona. Ask for an loturinco.Tiek lOLI.E'llATK A: Co.YiMKKCIAI. 1NSTI PCTK. V.'New Hven. Cotltl. I'r'vatoi-y to col e til tus'n.. Cteu!ars Bent on appl. cation. WM.il JilMhrXL, ITln 'ipll. Columbia Classical Ens'tutc A flnirdlnz School for Tonne; Men end 8:m. K..r Circular., address ltcv. U- a. aluaaulii, ivi mnbia, J a AUKNTS WANTEli KOKTIlKNhW 1HKJK. 4 with the uRwct ! bit tn-ntmciit for nil cnns The only Ihurotv.'h worn oiin nina in uie worm Krabmic HmfiH l'o, elow Fever, Chulern ami M MiftlouoTH dljHawe-. No Family H ft Wfthnnt It Mid nil Mflv it 'z cnntm"Tir. lHiiBiriuiiHir. m. I ... tt.n uunii.lll f,. nisotilft. A tl UOOUSfUlAt iB CO., 37 I'ark How, New lorl:. AIOK1TNK,-How? Hv aporitlatinir in St..,ksand(lild. Capitd, 1UI( 11U; will liiiv In $ 1, OH) a month 'Full explnnalien aem !..- 1L' U II t ItltlM 1. .11. ft lfnl..i.ru nnil lint. kerit, :i W ell St., .New Vork. Ilgx -.MSi. 2 tit ai,ll P'fdsJ I Axnnt wanted! All 0i HF O--" classes nf working people ol either ax, y .una; nr old, make more money nt work for in in th-'ir spurn momenta, or ail tin; linn than at 'itiv'titnj !. Particular Iran. Addreaa (t. STlNauN Jt 0 -.. Portlaud, Maine THE IA CKOIX MEEI3A1 DIS PENSARY. I.atubliahcd in 183T, la lie oldest ami most anccrKfil institution In thin ountr for the treatment ot Chronic ami ecMim lliimcs. Kor terms ol' treatment, fill, or address by mail with statement ol caae, 8. II lll'NSDl'S ill Ahiidcu buie, Aliauy, . S25 Money Made Fast. i,000 lie all lm will work for n. ff npnn wtitinr; Ton do not tlnd it" all Mjnani. we will ulve. you Olio dol lar lor your trouble. Send Htanni for tirnnhir to O. II BiU'KI.KY .t CO., 'iekon-ha. Slleh. i linvinir tnu''lpil twenty ycaM U-r tween Utouiid amin viiHAtnma or I'liilii-ic I experimented mv'it by rnnipf.unolnc rnnin nn'l horhi. txnti In r.-HII'IJ; lllf JHUll"": in tin wijt'.ii.vvi. icirtnunit'ly dlccovcritl a mo-t won dnri'iil riiiii!:lv Hiid fiiru euro t'fr Asth ma and Uh kin-lred fltawpa. iWnrrfn twl to rollcvt the vuvciv-t piroxysm Pimp cftmlor ahly. oNK T IA, pP( KOK . IAN(ikl.L, Apple u'rniU, WnyneCo., O. TEIEGRAPH-INSTITUTE AHKTNH MBN A'1) I.ADIK- qnalllled Tor time 1 tl. ul opernlnra, at the llntlulo Telegmpli ln-li-tiuo and Citv l.inu Tolenriph. Kvery urnduate ceurea a put-itinli. The lariat and nio't oteplite in America. Aildreaa, Tor Circular n .,d Catfllomie, C.'l,. BIIYAN'I, rluporintHlid'lit, HntWo, N. Y GBAminCHEMS EVE? BNfl'JB inn rou the r.KNi:i'rr of tiiu Public Library OF KENTL'CKV. $li,000 I'ASH l'l! 91,SOO,O00. S250,000FOH $50 The Fourth (Irand (lilt Concert anthnrz.'il tiy pei-i-ll net ot the leirHlltltro fir tilt' bi-nrtit ot tin i'llhiic 1 ih.nry of Kentucky, will take place in l'nb licultniirv Hull, at LonUville, Ky., (inly slslv ihr.naand tlcketa Iwlll be sold The tl'rki la are iliviihil Into ten conponi or uirta. Al n,l4 eoi.ecrt. which wilt be the "mildest man- leal dlfp'av crcr witnoacd .n tide e nntry, the nil-' i receconiMi sum 01 SI 500,0 )0, divided into 12000 cash itilla, w II lie diatributjd by lot anions Hie ticket huldera. JLIriT OF GIFTS. Due Crnn.l Ca-ih Cift, J i'n.n'm OneOralid Cu.h Cift, Htl.um line (irand Caan din, Ul.nn One lirand t'ali Hift. " ' 1"('R-lnlnn lo.Ocn each, 1'ii.itu ISH'BshCir:, Will earll, I ',' ilUuhdit'M l,ll.a h, rj'.lim N)Ca'i (.ilia MiOcKcli, -ill Mil 1tl Cash "iitla llilleaili, .;H.IMI l.'U Ca.h (lilla :imi each, U H vi'i ca,i, tiiln mil tIi, iiiKin if.Ti Crall (1 fa Ml inch, '- ll,t:lU Cusii Oil'ta .'ijcocli, r.:il. no Total, 12.00(1 Gifta, all Ca-h, amount- ini; to f l.flll.lKHI '1'he dlalriltnl'oil will ho po-itlve. whethf r all the tic.cia are aolil or not, and the I'J.IWO ejUanll paid in pio)ortion to the tickets no!d. ntlCK OK TICKET?: Whole tickets t'il; llalrea Sii; Teiilha, or each l'eu,,cii, si; Klaveti Whole Tickets for $;o.: -ij1.. Tickets for $1.0''0: ' ole tickets lor $5000"; 'h ile Ticket for 10 1100. Ne d .count ou lean (nan .VsH) worth ol T,ckets. at a rime. Ticket noiv rwidy for aa le, and a I order nc rompanled by the nione.' pt'oniptly filled. Lihenil Icrlna piven to tlitice Who htty to kcII a-.'itt.. TIIO.S. 12. OliAMIiUTTi:, Anent Ptibl I.ihr. Ky.. and Vfanajor ijll't Concert, I'utilic l.lhniry K-til'Jln;, l,'ini1lle, Ky. DON'T HK llirtiiKTiuo With ejnacka and imnostrri. who will not a ene tlccce yon, lint In niuety.inue cas,v nut f a bote uml doe von K Ih halani cop,iv;i cnloincl, Ve. , iii'irfltniyonroaneworao. Him.rt at oneo to tic' oi.lv a..veiin re.nedv that can he w ied I)r Me Calliim'A Hoot lth,od Seari'iier, wh'elr bani-hes Ironi tile ayateni nil lorm of private ,is,.,i.4 nd virua in the liioo,!: also. emin il weakness. In.s , eneivy, loaa of meinorv. and nil narvon di.eas. j iianllmj; fr..m ai'llah-tse, which d, rr.n a li.M, mi,,,! etui body, render'n maninrc hnoossih!,,. Warran ..''r"'" hv ls'"r''l.v ".cl ad,.,,,, exiKisn'ri'l .1.. "I'-rpickuio !:a.-li pwkw H .,, ol l.lood Seatvher Wit lianis Mi dl. ine Co . Turn t nr.h. "a H,.x V.'.'lll. Caniphht Kioe. INSTITUTE FOR GQYS . i ,r' ' A beaii'lfnl and el.v 1 ,?'U- '"h tivmn i-ln-n MnJm i'acum. O'vpar .,,... . . ...m-iiu .-inBiis ,.r inisiness. lr-l"On mafoi veiy lone, Dev. .Man, wmai Mil.lielteic li'lnul1 mm mm mi maimin.nj.imiiL'ils.iwj in T T"7""U'"P'V JU.JL V JJJXi BOARD SALE, Exchari; JmllSM Main Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. 0 Prop'r. f;) (iooil ISoms, , r r 1 i? unit's, 1 1 Ci.rrik.scs. (to., always in l-cadmuss to liire. THE CEIiEISKATEU FUEDONIA ROAD Varori Always on liaiul for iiiro. l Am prepared In liirnish iloardiifj llor?e. tint bcl Aeoornmod-itiona to he found ' in lVtrolinio Centre tunl ibe cbiap est wUlitit. 'Flic very liesst Sad dles and Bridles for K i J t u tj Hoitcp, SUB To tiik Tkavkm nj rrnufi. If desired Iravelciw will lie taken to any town in tlie oil region at reasonal lo cliares. Boilers and Ensinss Moved lo any U 'sirod poiul witli ilna dia paicli. (jive too a cull. r.".. i:i.: i 1 .:i. JL uii '11 - n Jfecb. tHmes! ..... - r-. 'TTT Li. J v-W.ii. i.K ..-"..v,) " C. Ci! ..'... KArt'.V.VAKK off Main-St,- Peroleura Ceafcs, on im Fat. Cogi TiilS, fefe Gas Pips aii fittiiip, New Bedford Bolt Hope CaMes and Sand Fr.inp Jjnes, KL'CDEIt r,Ef,TIXG, l'ACKivn, AND E()?E, Lanterns, Liuitrr:? ALfiKi.'sn.-s cy E;:tra Winter'Stir.inetl 1 an! Gil, Jolir.son i: ilarrett's Li.Inieatincr Oil, Tin .nv:':y :":;r: (' ut'.n-i r i.l-it-". ihe i A in n. . With a full line of TaVo nnd I'ock t CutW-ry. n",.'. S,lvtT Plntcl foor.P and Forks, STOVES, fi, r-',, My slock of COOK AND IIEATT'" K tore Mio 'ivencpi,i Mm., m!,nt .!",',' ih'-f rm,-cf c h.ove v. il Ou v.fll tu c..! Mid cxumh.o t" Vi!li rifcrvo't nml wnrtirngclo'ct, a ;V- , , ' 1 (liir rJlSpir-(:ool(. lor li-r.l or foil cc. a mi.aII ..,i e.veeilcni Stovo and very cbetip rHiauertt;i Cook, n -ood lovi- Mitb ejevtilpil nven. J i. jib p. :MV LINK OF IV. .:..(; l.'i.-ATi-:.S cannot !,o e-cellcd: I A.'r MOT", wilt, tKii nv. ,(.- ,.,, ,., .j.rk ol;;-An,!??:?:r:n:.-7 y r-.m, .,e, ! !(( I! l.f!- A ch-- p.lio,!,.r :-..r-.. with rr -It llOliaf-A .'i. i-l iinn ('Vii,lt r ainvv, very cheap ' ' ,t ity A atn.ill sell r,., ,, r ati.l qniui clieup' l:i:f (I. lvr.n- parlor ,. v. itl, oven, for conl. :t iiii A clieuo tiinme room Smve. I.CIM A Ct ec.p bed r r ;i-, .-love. a-I A ev,,, cj Under St,,v,., fur i,.,rd or'n di cohI. (i t?-IM A InrL'e tli'altlli; St! ve fJi.,t c j jiil.iv, '. 111. I' .leei,.'. V , W,Al1" '","",'rr,,'1,'"!f,';!. ut"(r. M A Ni'l'ViCTlT EEH OK. r-15 '"J a i'tif 1 i 1 jj-.J.j f-'TAOic? co,l,ro.l tho el..-,,,-! and M,e,t lUWf utlw , -tCc,.nLl m'feU. vTlye ' l!c!i;',iriii' of all Liiiil.-j n'lfl. ii.,i i ... . , j 4...iui mauicvj una (iJtspateJl. I ' (ilLCJ-KT !!!!-,-. AND Oil. WKl.Ta PCPfUKS. sfa a f.;ll lino oT Gcods, OIJKING IlVPn.S, TlIUNCt ANI VAl.V!;-. UAflNd valvi: curs, clamps ('crpenfer's TH' i; oooi$, . A .i No. 1 lU iilKMl Oil, STOVES ! '''"S'."I c : tl '10 !le in "o oil recion. Ac l y 7r;.mn r ,01 uret ji. Inm T. il ld n alill in in (i,e w.,y ,f a Co.. or I(.Miin i.iv e'ock. (;1 b-ch lha luKoAinj . a I HV ! S , :!lnn I .! lift; 1 V, ,' i -t c'.m Stovn fi r hnr.l coal rr word. - iu'i' - rnvr for ol"t co.il s c ! liralcl (or i b qimlilU'S up b gor " i-I'.a; Li; i'or bi ilOll'e unci oillci a. r." o J, i .made to okder. THE TORPEDO PATENT St Robfrfe vs. ItickHlasGn The rollowlnf it Uit decision rmdwwL lcKei.an, at Mn; Tom, of the Clrcuitrl' above na.ie: ' u" In tba Citeiiit Conn f Uia I'nliiaJ state, t Ui1 Weatetn Dlatriut of l'er,iylv,oltJ.j ' Hoberta ta. Meholm aeaer.-Ne 1 J, 1 lti7il.-ln tqolty ' , " Noveniborlfl. 1879., lllllfllwl aoj nv-J Mubnifna asd nnliee nf ...11.. - . .rvt-le,,,,, l " W Deeemberl!!, iHTS MoUun fdr n,. Jnoeilen heard, and the Court being ,j i"-iius me nuuiiciios awaraed aa m,, nd decrre Cleu. Jannnry M, U'7.:. InluneMon iauel, nitt iTiii U.IJUI eiuiiiury 01 jl';uni-il anved p. m.iu Mr r,.p.. May S. W.3. Hnle ianied tor delcndMl i cane whyattnclimiiiit ahnnld not i.,,,, iwait :u rioiniint; ininiictton aiia duly served .1 line s, Knlo lor ottachnient in tu. rnnio on to be heard, and after an.iiiiiii,i,f,6 pro atid eon, the Court belnn fun av ia prctuisea, the Hltle Is made ubaoluta, and ik, totice nfthe Cuuit I, that the aald defiiutai, ulna Geyer, hp iiupiiosened in the romaioii ji A lleKoeny County for and duriug the term,; days, and that he pay the. mala i,f tttta (n, ins. .Tuna Id, JSV!. Coinniltent Is.-ucl. The injuiutlon In Has etise was f.r Ixifrir.ef of the lloberla' patent of No. (called tha Bi i ent); for lncr..nsins the prndnctlvenen of m Thencl of InfrliiKement Tor wlrch tha 4,r waa eoimiiitted for eeittempt, coiiaistrd in AlLiandra Haci.'.r in txplcdiiiK lorpwton it wclla beltiK tbo same art of iutripctiient fetic ilamar waa also cnnimlited in '.he cmcNo. veuibrr Term, ae b fore a'atcd. The Cnnrt McKeniian, ,1 . a Iit delivtrls ojiliiion in Hie lliiinar ciipe, prx'cdid to miit, Nic'io a (ieyer for toiitenipi., dei irered t.e owlr.2 oral opinion: L.I11 the ca?a of Ni.tiolna (lever i'hnrgrd wt;h same otletiae, 1 11111 erinely rnllsfiial tlnit tieif II lid ) resent, in the Hi ills well at least, m i inlimirled tutht cnuiisfl in the cier.y r lb cr aim.', Hit prrMM-e ofjlnid in Iht Vttt, ir.r .n'lvif r no', iV an ity'ringemrnt nfthe. natotf ; Itn ttia 0 Ike injunction of the Cmrt. Mr Huberta, by hi patent usia a on of tb, cipal eli menta of his invention fln'd laiapnij, . wherever there la fluid wilficictit in 11 kI1, t : time ortne pxplmlnn of 11 torpedo, to oral, 1 i".'s. u K..,s mere uaiuraiiy er to i 1 hem uitlllriallv, hia patent i Inrrhcrf n,... eiesriy ine ease in n-enrcj to the Heals well. run .nr i.i rer seem to hnva hen rnW lliiinai. wlw told hira that ho tnerdv wiromJ nni'.e mi exoci innait : and 1 do 11, it tlllnt; in. 1 ih,r the lust time, that lie ought to he very nsK-i He nlao is atlllld'Td eniltv nf entile fd to jny thf co-iiri (il n.i- pn-rtf dirp inul ntnHl mi iMiiritiinnicni in 1110 cr.univ fur ten An4 I Ui-c tbM-ii lio Iht; lAit of tin crax(n: Wr'iv n nit- niHi'iT cmnfH 10 our Tuition iiL'iH wnil 'fiixiviuru to itnpiin- Kut'h jjiniirlmii nt an wi.lv to u.rikc lliti Utrive ol tl.e Cuini i il.T'iml. .Iniif llm 8 UT. 1 It. T. IIELMBOLD. MARX. FLUID EXTRACT BHCHU,' Il the only Known Eeanedy for Brkrhw Di eaaa and haa cured a very eaa of Diabetei which it hu been rlmn, Irritatksa of the tfek of the Bladder and inflammation ot the KHom, Ulceration of the Kidneya and Bladder, Betea tlonof Urine, Diaeaaee of tb Prostate GlaM 8 tone in the Bladder, Q ravel. Brick Duet Depoait, andMnconaorMUky Draohargea, and for 1 f eebled and Delicate Oonatltntlona of botk lieiM attended With the fnllnrin avmntntmi: I'd of l'ower, Loaa of Memory, DinTculty of Bnatli fi erTe, Wakefnlnew, tain hi f Hack, Fluahlngof the Bodr,KrupU'nnonrJwFue, fallid Oountenanoe, Lnaei tude oftlie System, etr- Uaed by percone in th deellne) or oheniie ol ufe after confinement or aabot pouiA. M'r tinif in children, eta. In many atTeetioni peentltur to lndtci, (he re tract Buolin ia uneonaled by anyotlier remwl) Aa in CWoroala or BeUntion, Irregularity, foliieia or anppreaaion o( Cuatomary Kraecatiooi, Ulcerated or Hrhirrne atate ol the U tenia, Leu corrhoja or Whites, Bterllity, ana for lU eooi. plalnta incident to the lei. It b nreacrilxd extonaively by the moat eminent Phyaioimu aal Mldwivea for enfeebled and delicat eoot tioni of both asset and all agee. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BlTHti Cf-et JHieium Arising from 1 JJaUtt of Valuation, Etc., in ad th little expense, little or no ebangr in Taumttlemth a their aUfM,"' llttlu or no ehiuiee in diet. 00 in convenience, and t.o expotnre. It eatuea tf Client deaire, and Kivee itrengtb to Urinatt. therebTromnvinvnbafeninna ivmrAntinff ana Curinsr Strioturet of the Urethra, Allaying f " and Jntlaoiroollon.aofreqoentinthiaelaiisofdl eatea, and ezpollins U Voitoaoui matter. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT IICCHl', ! in per bottle or lix bottlea for J.00, del''r5i to any addratt, tecare from obaerratisn. Sold By drugiaU everywhere. Prepared by ., KK ARNKY CO.,104 Dnant St, ff. J. towbom all letter for information xbomid addreBaed. . Avoid Quacks and Imposter. Ko Charge for Adia and Oonauiutlos. Dr. J. B. Diiott, Oraduate oljeffmo (llM CoUtfft, Philadelphia, author of aevural valuable worki, can be eonanrted on all diacaaee of toe bexnal or Urinary Orgnne, (which be hai mad an tapecial ttudy) oither in male or ftmaUi matter from what enuae originating or ol tow Ions; landing. A praotloa of 80 yean ensDiea him to treat dl aeaaa with tnoeeaB. Curat guar anteed. Charge! reasonable. Those at a 0" unoe caul forward letter daaarlbiaff lynpteuis and enclosing stamp to preiiay pottaM. . ' Itend for the (Milt to II'oUK. Price lOoenW' J. B. UVOTT, M.l)., I'hyaioian andtsjrgf ' . ini linaiie esl., Neva York. VOL Mo: Sear 01 r:!P' corn ;:mrii auli 01 Th 11 I" Adveclioo in iho Kk'.orh. "i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers