vl. l -j V 1 It "V, Petroleum Centre Daily Record, Pel. Centre, ;Pa ,trldar. 8ept.10J Divine Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Serviette every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and x V. M. Sabbath School at U P. M. eute free. A cordial invitation extend ed to all. Key. T. Graham, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M. and T o'clock P. M., ly the Pasior, W. C. Bouch ard. Sabbatu Sobooi at 12, directly al'ler lorenoon lervice. Prayer Meeting and Sabbatb School Teacher's Meetiog Tuesday evenioga of aob week. Petroleum Centre IiOdge, No. T15, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. G. C. H. Baii.kt, A Sec'y. tSfPluce of meetiog, Main St., opposite irieClintock House. A. O. of IT. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of V. W., meets every Monday evening at ' o'clock, 1 n Odd Fellow's Uall, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. Jamks Wilson, Ja. W. Jamks 3. WniTH. R. i. o. of it. n. Minnekaunee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening in Good Templar's Hall. jy Counoil fires Hzbted at 7 o'slock. II. HOWE, Sur-aom. C. h JUKES, Cbiel ol Beoordi. Gold at 1 p. m. JlZJj, . JAY COOKE Sc CO. - - The failure of this eminent firm, whose repnta tatlon was national, has sent, a shiver through Bnan clal circle! here anil In Europe. It is said the-. London house stands flfnVT So much the Oetter. It Is understood In banking cir cle that tlir lalli ro Involves a hundred millions more or leas. Wo fear it Is but the forerunner ;0t a flnaneial Hurry that will Carry rnia to every com mercial centre! and depression to every marketable commodity In the country. It Is not so mnoh the collapao of hanks and bank. Ing houses, aa well aa of leading firms In every branch of trade caused hy leises incarred through mis house, that will bring lh Is about as tho loss of confidence by the maaaea In moneyed Institutions all over the land, and the withdrawal of surplus and deposited captUI, which, If left intact, always In a crisis like the present, preserves the equilibrium. All firms of In vestment will suffer heavily for some time to come Hallway enterprises that are unfinished will romatn so for years, and even necessary repairs on finished and running made bo deferred and thus Jeopardize the safety of tho trav elling pnblio. The Inevitable depression in stocks of all kinds, the high price of gold, the exorbitant ratea of Inter est. Will without a drmht diminish priviHv th nT. ume bustnees transacted and leave hevy stccka of mercnaBdlae unsold to be carried' over tojanotlw caaoD. Crude, our product already lying preetrnte, wt'.l suffer yet more from the present pressure, and what with lourth aand aud money tight, will have a hard run to live the oomlna tali and winter. Let us live la hopes that the flnaneial horrors o ' '67 ale not to be repeated. ' as.Frch New Tork oysters received dally a: (tnnwdenA Push's Petroleum Exoha'iga Hotel. Btewa, Slots j raw, 5Uets.j fried, 75 eta. families supplied. Professor Donaldson, or Dally Graphic balloon a itorloty, used to give exhibitions on the Hilit rope in the streets of Petroleum t'er.tro and o'.hc;' tov.na In this region during the early days of the oil ex citemont. On Sunday next a Catholic Mission commenoes at the Catholio Church, vrbltb lasts Monday, Tuesday and ends on Wednesday night. The members aro re quested to make a note ol tbis, and the publio generally are invited to attend. Mr. J. S. Flsber aod family Ifft town for Michigan, on tbe noon train. May sue. cess attend tbem. tlTTry a dish of Iboso nice Saddle Rock Oysters, at tbe Petroleum Exchange Hotel. Mr. Lou. Vouoher returned to town yes terday alter an extended trip east, dining wblob be visited New York, Philadelphia and tbe various watering places. Looks well and hearty, and reports having bad c fine time. Also, brings a good report of tbe "Now Jersey applejack crop" The remains ol a oblef of the Ottawa tribe of Indiana have been found lu tbe road bed, on the hanks of tbe Maumso Itlvar, in Ohio. Several arrowheads, and a tonia' bawk of stone, a mimotb brocoh, a pair o' silver bracelets, aod Innumerable little trinkets were found about tbe remains; and In tbe vloluity a stone batonet and a copper bucketjwere exhumed. f Tidioute is to be lighted wilh Petroleum gas. Tbe river bridge at Tloneeta will be fln Ished anil opened to travel in about ten days.. The wells at Greece City aod neighbor hood have fallen ofl'fifty per cent la tbe last lima months. The Great Failure Yesterday. Jay Cooke has gone down. Tbe news ol tbe suspension of bis tbree great banking bouses located respectively at New York, Philadelphia and Washington was carried J to tbe country over tbe wires yesterday of terooon, and tbe excitement consequent therefrom lo beyond description. Tbe fail- are of Jay Cooke fc Co., causes of course others to suspend. Reports of tbe fsuspen- sion of the First National Bank ol Washing ton, also of 2. W. Clark & Co., Pbiladel pble, and Itlcbard Schell and Robinson & Snydell come to band. Wbat will be Ibe extent of the effects of tbls terrible disaster uo one oaa ut tbls ties estimate. Previous to yesterday Jay Cooke almoct might have been called tbe nation's backer. Tbe con. slernation all over tbe country caused by Ibe failure can be imagined. While we are not an alarmist, tbe statement of Jay Cooke tbat tbe company is ab!o to take cara of all its liabilities, Is precissly wbat is dona whea tbe great falluro Is drat onnounoed. It is pleaiant to nopo tbr.t Jay Ccoke ?iil come out all right. Cut wo .'car the worst bas not yet been dlc3i03ed. Tbs North Puclf 3 Railway Stock and bis speculations In good, we have no doubt, have brought him to bis presernt condition. Tbo worst misfortune named In our dis patches tbis morning iu coceequence of tbe failure, is tbe probable suspension of tbe Lile Insurance Companies wHb v.'bicS CocUo is connected. Tbe National .'nsurano Company, ot which be was tbo founder, lb probably tbe most severely hurt. But the failure of Jay CooLe&Co., we believe, ubould bo attributed to specula tlon. An extraordinary thing happened to a gentleman in Dubuque tbe other day. He was walking on tbe plattorra behind tbe eating house at tbe I. C. R depot enjoy. Ing tbe gentle evening twilight. Before blm was a green, scum-covered slough, which tbe gentleman mistook for a verdant meadow. Be stepped on it for the purpose ol taking a little Broil, and found himsoif in eight foe', of water He was fisbeil out the wettast and ellailoat of man, andlt'ij sup posed will boreatter bold ''fresh fields atH pastures new'' In natural abhorrence. JSyOyotera served up In every style at tbe Pe trsluiim Exchange Hotel. The failure of Ja7 Cooks & Co. will be likely to influence tbe oil market to some exleot, aa well as every other branch ol trade. Aa an Illustration ot tbe widespread use of a certain popular title, It is related that a gentleman recently steppad lalo a saloon In Denver, and cried out in a loud, cheery tone, "Hello! come, Professor, take a drink." Sis men sitting in tbo saloon at once arosa and oame forward, while a boot block, vboee stand was just outside tbe door and a passing corn doctor smilingly accept ed tbe Invitation, and stepped in. Tbat -'honesty lo tho best policy" may be exemplified by tbo following little Inci dent: A man at Bolmor.t, Mo., sold to b mill owner a saw log, which proved to bo hollow. Aj be sold it tot a eoyod log bo voluntarily went and gavo baok tbe price, and houlirg It to bij cwo yard chopped It up for flrcv.'ood. In this operation bo found ten Cvo dollar gold places which somebody bad te oro ted It. A religious contemporary tells bow sys tematic penny-giving recently saved a church In Wisconsin which was embarrass ed with n dent of $10,000 tbat it would have been Impossible to pay in tlie ordinary way. Tho psalor divided tbo debt 'into the penny shares to be paid daily for five hundred days and it was liflsd forthwith. Tbe Pbilad9lpbia Ledger gives (a whole volume in tba following terse langtieje: "Corner lounging banging about taverni on Suuday afternoon ruffianly treatment of persona walking alcng tbe Btreela appeal to police intolerance by other loungers and hangars on bystanders shot and killed This b tbe order in wbich last Sunday's homicide came about. Tba losson Is a short oae, but foarfuly severe." A prlsb in Anglesoa, Wales, bas tbe fol. lowing peetio name, "Llauf&lrpwilgwyng yllgerobwimbrolltrohwligogarbwllantyslliig ogagocb." By tbo less vulgar U is called Ueoai Bridge. On tbe 6th of October the Connecticut capital question is Is be decided by popular vote. The newspapers of the State are greatly agitated over.. tba Issue. Lurjy Larcom, tbe poetess, gteachei Eo, glisb literature aod composition at the acad emy of Bradford, Mass. Tlie Glance of liove. Goat Islsod, says a Niagara Falls corres pondent, abounds in romantic walks, sbady retreats, eool resting places, aod pictures qne scenes, which afford every opportunity for low converse, ewset whispered nothing or serious talks, as the case may be; and from 10 A.M., until early twilight tbe woods are full of lovers, married and single, who iilrt, build air caslles. read Tennyson, Joaquin Miller and Swinburne to each oth er. stopping at frrqueut Intervals to take long, llngmiog gluoces Into each oiber's eyes, glances which convoy more . afleotlon lu a minute than tho lips could utter In a week. Most of man and womankind havo beeu there at some period of their lives, end right thero let me propound a question: Wb7, In tho tamo of all tho fond hopes never realized, and tbe under emotioos of lb hua&o heart, does tfcero come but one period in life juct preceding or immediate ly after marriaga in which v.e indulge lo these peculiar, soul inspiring glances? I put the same question to poet and philoso pher once, and while be Ireely udiniticd that the loro be bore 'bis wife nfier twenty years of morrieS lilo vau so mora lo ube ojrupared to h!aoarl7 lovo than a glowing anthracite flume to a f y 3 -jark, yet he bad never been r.bla to rcu.i:-a tbat peculiar bilns and entacy of mind experienced during bis courting dayc, acC. tbe onl tima his wll'j had ever given him cna of those soul- snacbing ;lauce3 was leu y.iars after mar rlags, and was occasioned byadeitliil on his part that lis bnd derosrsS tba last ball of a custard pie, and a tieci.e on her pari lo look iu his eyes to sea if ho was provuricat Ing. Aud now, wboc I scj ttou ycung people aronuti co en;o;irs tlie sptiDtins of life, 1 menta'.ly ruo.e tbo old couplet ''liOVe's young dream fjS7Fatiilliea are s-.ipplle with freah Oy slers by tbs ru&rt or gullon or In '.ha shell, at I'm Petrolettm Encbiou Hotel. Parker C;tv, Sept. IS. A well owned by 3. Jeukhis, on tbe Jen kins farm, about two miles west of ICarns City and oce mile west of Bueaa Vista, struck ltttt night, end is doing Ave hundred barrels nor day. FoxBURO, Septembe r 18. Lease No. 4, on tbe Mciyermot farm struck to-day, la Howlog i00 barrels. Tba Chapin & Easterly well, on Brown, near McClelland firm, struck yesterday, is (lowing oUO barrels. The Jenkins well is flowing fully COO bar i els. Tbe Jack Morehead wellfc doiDg 600 bar re Is. ' Notwithstanding the heavy failures and Ibe panio in lbs New York money market, and tba large strikes ot the past forty-eight. hours, oil bas ouly declined five cxnts, clos ing here dull at $1,15. The balloon vo.vage truin Uullalo was a perfeot success. It pissed over Africa, Wars w, Penn iYan, Elinira, and tiutlly landed at Ox lord, Chenango county, New York. Nobody hurt. Tbe game law ot this State provides that n'ny person found ahootlug or hunting on Sunday is liable tu a fine of $23. Tbe ''hoodlums" ol Sao Francisco are in finite in resources. They have devised a new way cf making monvy, whioh is bril liant. Two cf thorn entav into partnership. Cna of tbo Grta insults a rich ;cusj lady iu a pnblio place; tbe other, with grout opi.'it, knoc'a bin dowi, cud gallantly protects tba young lad, and teez he! homo, where, of course, te graatful father gives blm fifty dollars or so. Burglars continue to ply their vocation In Frio. Ons cl tbe knights of the dark lantern tod jitnmv entered the b ilroom ol widow, ilia other night, carried off $80 in cash, ccd nculd have dispoiled her of a watch, but the book ol the chain caught In the drawer, causing a rattling noise which awoke bar, vhen the villian decamped, Tho American Colonisation Society pro poses to send number expedition to Liberia on tha l3t of November tbls year. The colcolsts will &ai themselves about as much at heme in Africa as the descendants of tbe Pilgrims would if tboy should go back to Yorkshire. Geo, Josiab T. Miller of Seneca Falls thinks the Democratlo party stiould change I'L name and consent to become the Opposi tion party, and to be known as such. There ere 29,000 drunkards lo Connecti cut, and fifteen out of every forly one men ,vho have attained their majority and died during tba last five years were drunkards. Squirrel hunting is tha prinotpal amuse ment of our sporting men In thosa delight ul autumn days. ! Tba officeholders of Milfutsoiii are ossobv ed fivtpsr seat, to tight (hi Farmer' ticket. Tidioute leruonsde Is so strong ethat tbe boys up there have stopped growiiug about local option- The Jewish Nov Year begins on Monday nevt, when our city merchants of the Jew lab persuasion will keep their stores closed. nashuqua is the name ot a town Id Noxwbeo county, Missis-ilM1'- to Tins crmusa up Pennsylvania. Your attention la Spec'iaiiy Invited to the fact that tli3 Xation il Banks am now prepared to receive mlMcrlptionn to Iho Capital Stock of the Contend al It.inrd or Finance. Tlie fund roallaed from this seurca aro to bo omplojed in tho erection of lic biuldtiig fir tho International Exhibition, and tho exuensiD connected wilh the same. It; is con fl.toully lioliovtd tliat the Kovstone Btto wilt be represonti'd by tho name of every citizen alive to Ditrlotlc conimeruortitlon of tbo one hutidretti birtn day ol' lite notion. The shares of stock aro offered for $10 ench, and sub-eribera will receive a hand Bomely steel engraved Corttllcate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation na a national "aomorl al. Interest at the rato of.'aix per cent per annum will be :ild on all payments of Ceutennial Stock from date of pa.wuenl to January 1, lyTti. Subscribers who nro not near n National Bank can remit a check or post-oflice order to the under signed. TKEDK. FRAI.EY, Treasnrer, 'Mi Walnut St., Ph iladclphia DIPLOMA, AwaiiDsn ur ;thu American Institute. TO J. W. McKEE. i n it "It Is ingenious aril will meet the wants of every matron lu tbe tuna ' KrSilb.tton ot 1872 Joh.. H. Oavit, lieo. Secy. F. A. Barnnrd, PresJ e-amuui .iimuun. v. w.-e. l.-'iuuis i .'.:. Yorlr, November Ho. 1872. Tit's s'.nnle anJ Ingenious Machine Is na useful :3.tL3 Ita'.vftif ?lai!i!u ant', io f:i beTOming pop- LlJ.r v.... luciss, L'.o i.i.xt- o. expeiiifivo neeiue work, li.' wo.'k bein'i : Mtu rr.ee "londsome. reanlr itl:- k-ss '.line a.lC not oue tenth peri tho expeuser No ineya lo.ier u itif rcmie.e w.inout it. a Ilachine wiLii iile.-'ratt J circelar a: J lull intrue- tin ud Bent o.i i.,f-:ipt .ja. o" fuidha- In silver plalsfur Z .t'i Addrjss, 'f je McIIco Maim :, Co., Bronilv a;-, Ne-.v York. AGENTS Y7 ANTFD. . O. F. 3COSOT ?"TOLE'uiI C2NTH3, PA. rriicn xxx wh:: x.'t n o,; 3 : n&ii, $i,n Unop, l,:.tl Wheat Bren, 1.25 Cats, '0. seplStf. TZ-E INEV: HUP- 1TR13 A most Important lu'er.tlon. Hold hy tho Elastic Trus. Co , litf Hronclivay, li. Y. Cicy. It retains Hupturc absolutely in oa:.e and omfr.rt liibt and day, at all time ai nnuer nli siri.rjQtauees, with out any exeei.tio.i wliAievcf in Rl'y ca-e, and nlinuld l ever be taken oti'd.n'ing '.ho j'.irv; tima retjuidit to fillet a peminne.tf. cv.ru. H:nt 'y l.inu. t!.i-eulars Iree. Any liruy'iifl. or P'r.ysician will order this new rriins lor jou v. itiiou chaise. SR. GARYZiJ'5 ?.im OF TAB. Ia rccommnidt'd by verjulnr "iiidlcil practitioners and a speitfy ciue ,::..ninte'-d lor Cold, i'ouyhs, Cttlariii, Atthr.ip., .M-'mcliiU., t'.pit':In liluod, t'on sitinptluo, an'l .ill Pi'.la.oiifiry Comp'ninti'. hcrofuli hrye'iprttftf, Dvupcpslit, and Gar.i i) Bonte.y, Cbol-ora-umtbiH, . Ctio:ra ixni. all liv r.ind bowel com pi i.i.ti. Kidney (.liatmscft an i r.ll cC .Ion ol the Urinal Onmis -jt'rieotly barmlo"3 ir ef-sm Min eral or Alcoholic pro'Tti- ylwisant to W:q an? nwvei known to 1'iit- Price $1,; 0 pw bottle. Full particu.ura itii racdiciil testimony Ld portifi citfi H"tit on HT):)lic-ition. i.Udr. li. F. HYX)Hi Hi CO , lift KiVdUio Avuuuo, Kew York. roiiRiiliip:lo3i has lt3 oriRin In a acrofnleoui and corrupt Htiito ol the blend, hmv.n the lulliry of trcatii-g lung diBaatij with couuh nymp, hnleama, tV-c , tc. Tu citre consnmption we mtist purify and oiulch tho bio. d, ana whan the blood i puie con fliimptluu cr,;.nou i-xlst. Ur. McCullum's Jloo Blood oifcrchw ponatrutt-H the mcret cmbueh of tlti t dread diasa'O nU exteriiilnatM it roo', aud nib Try ony ib2.9 pc!tafj;e by return mall.Hfprice !S I 00) iind you -iIlilwavB X-aX niaukful. W UliamB MediciuaCu., hox VAX, Ucl al persons cured pent free. FAIRY VOICES. FATltY V.MKY FA'llY VOICES. VOICES' VOICKS. ViiK:es. VOIOKS. VOICKS. V')H'KS. FAIKY FAIHY FAIRY TIIR NKW THE NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR SCHOOLS $11 PKK DOZRN. if II l'EK DOZEN 0 CfH. rOAC'U, 1'OSTPAID. SONG ECHO, FOIt SCHOOLS. 80,010 Si il.l). 80,0110 SO 1,1). 80.000 HOLD. I'll ICR, 15CT3. PoHll'AID. I7.B J l'Kit DOZ. IK HKNTPEB h Xl'KESS. Aadre. .T L PETERS, Mili Hroadway. Mew-Yo rk ''pUB ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF TH Penn. State AirirflSocie'y for 73 GITV t JT "P! RTTi Coillliimi4iiK Tuoday, Mcpi. 30tl, to Ionk u( l.iitry il se Ni pt. 23a. Competit on Is co-tixtennive wilh the United Htfttert ili.ll Priw nit. n .1 ,l,a U ! ..." eial States and the Doniinio-i are midially Invited to cumpete for onr iiriz.. There la no Entry Fee chargej Forl nmiura 1 1st, ond other informa. tiou apply to either of tho imdersh;ned, at Erie IV W. 8EII.BR, Heenrdlnu. -Sec mtry i ELBKIUOK MoCONIiEY, Cor. Secretary, Erie, or Harriaburgn, fenu. Daily Rocord 1 NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; MAIN TREBT) FETKOLE151 Ci:TllL CHAtt O. WICKEH. Proprietor. NEWS DEPAIITMEXT. We reedve tele(rraphlrdtapatclies up to 4 1 a and present thein to our readers every evetilng, tin. bracing news oi' jrrcat interest from all aestiuniaT tlie country. We have made apeclal arrangement, whereby we receive reirular Petroleum, rtock sua Pioduce Market ltepona every evenlnrh7 tclararh r.ox New York, Philadelphia, and Pltt.huri;. winch touher witb Editorials and Local niatten, make it Gnu of the most desirable newspapers pubualua it theOt Region. As an Advertising Kedlnm, he RECORD has no superior, as It drtoltta wherever an Oil Operator of Dealer can be found JOBBDffi DEPAETMENT. W have a lares an Well selectee stock Jobbing Materia, enibrmin? the "J Latest atviea. We are therelore enabled to ejteCDW job Work of every variety In a aatlefactory maor when desired, jobs vrlit fce oeatlyprinted ta Cou Shipping Bill Poitm, Hand-Bills, Fiogrnmmes. Bills uf Fare, liabe AND Buftlnets and Visiting Cardi, letter.beads,! biu;hkao8, BILL9 OF LADING, Etc!, BALI. fRINTINOs ain or Fanoy Btyles, neatly and promptlJ te1 ted, embracing INV1TATJON8 CIRCULAKS ?K0OKAMMB CAKDB, TICKETS, Etc n fact, every variety and style or wor In avcae priHviua,. Merchants, Lawyers, Jhtstloca of the tVacav Wjj Aeents. Oil Dealera and Amenta, loan ranee Exnreaamen and other Dartleain want, are informs that we are proiMred to execme to order a II . BLANKS, ourlnees or legal, nqnlred In this cod uiunity. . JoihlinatroruiyTje For Sale .Mn 18,000 to 20,000 feot ol 6ECOND-BAI,J' TUBING, at ironj 25 to 35 cts. V" r'u Tbo Tubin Is lo first class order aod s ready fitted vtro April 23. ti H. H. WAENEB. ft K V ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers