f 'israsw , .: . ... 77 j u . ,-,tn iTA t W A H K ASP ('II. WELL BUrPUhS. if. .J"f;: 1 ; 1 fta.OOO1 FC& ; 20 0TS Before ym atarlon jnta.-y, buy an AccMmt Jn urnn?e Tlck'v.uf lav Hullwity Paaaeiiiier Aeiurunco ;o, of Hartford, Conn. T.r'Kem fur Ml. at ral Irani luilioiii. Ai for an Innrin-.c Tick i"10M.K!IATE CuM.MKItCIAL lNSI II'l TK, V Ni-w llHv.n. Couu. i'renatury to tollet-e or bn-dnee,.. Ci'culary a.nt on iip;ilieatlon, WM.il. Ill' rfcilfl.L. Principal. Columbia Classical Wtu i e A Bopllntchoot for Vmnf Men and Roy.". For t irruimv, ddea !(. u- a. -aLKXanaiku. Col- nmbiii, Pa. I. ' QQ ," ' ' . ; aENTs"wAN'l'JiU I'OII TUB NttW BOOK. Epiiiic & CoatagirBim with thani-we-.! nivt bt treatment for nil ca,. The only tliurun.-h w..rk of the kind iu tbe wornl Kmbre.e Sinali-IVr, .iel u'';'p 'L,ulSr-,!.i,Mn! nil HiialoffiFun. dl-eeee ' No family H fn Without II. hiiiI nil Uuv 11 Ha. 84 r.hroni'.tic. Illustration. The hiLVl'i"! ellaneanf till! KMlson Tor mienls. Ad drew II. S. UIHIUM'KKU CO., 37 Park How, li'ew York. i f. , . Af-OIITI NI-:. How Bv simulating in ,V.f and (iolll. filpllil, flUto 1MI; Will lay lliniro fi.iHOn month Pull eitr.intt.iiiin 'Ut tree. W V IIUIlnlibL CJ.. Hanker and Bro ken), : fllVll New Tork. Bnx'.-m Sr. J'n (M-Vla i -r 3 iy f Ae"iin wanted! All HI IfJ.tF clHMi of working people of either ex. yunir, or olil, make more money lit work for iw In He-lr 4uam moment, or ail the ton than .lnUiinfyr. 'ri4iMlar frae..-AdiUuaa U. S I'l.VejH : 'i, fcqriUud, Maihe , . I ' THE LA CROIX MEDICAL DIS PENSARY. iK l:alallihil III 1937, In ho nldotrarnlriiO't mi:isif.il limtfintion In till? conmrj br Ui ttrKtu-cnt dft'hrontc ami rVxinl HUnnfo. hor t.rni or tr rttoioliUnH. "r ail-hw ky uiall wllh i-tatfi m-i.t of !... S. 11. HI N!)i' 81 MaiuVu Lane, Allui.y, .- . 25 Money Mad,Fst, $ 1 ,000 llvall ho will work fur in. Ifupim writlns vnn ifo nol nnil t all Miunn-, w will f Ive y mi dol lur lor your lr.'Uili:. N iid rtninu for ciwulaM tu O H HirKl.kr 4li., .'fakonha. Mich. illavlnir -trnislcd twenty yM Ur 1 ii.. ... .1 .1 u.lh A.Kin.l ,ir iirrii ino.ii'ii u.ini.1 i.i. rti.niilhlB! I ; turnwiitMl myi.tf.f "ty AJi COinMinm:oiu 'ip,m.ii.i ih-i t. tK !"' K 'hl! .Mtdlclot IhiHoblaimd. I M fortllllltl'lv illfCOTrnu a Hi"-i " ' i &iHHilM' Aufli. JlieiiniTmnuy iwirm raa nnil It kimlrwl iili--i . i A orr. n Irtl to lollnve the nnvviti't pnnayi.ni inatant y, ho tlia wllil. c"wu tu ' SlM'S lr,.p c.,.nfonahWT OMi T!IAI.,rArrtAHR l"NT HV MIL K'lF.iC Oi' I'UAHOB. AeAmr 1. I.ANtlKI.I., Apple Crc.k, Wayne 0o.,O. TELEGRAPH' INSTITUTE ronSCI MKS AND-I-ADIlvu'ialinnd iir pmi: tl.al ..imniloM, nt HiBiirl TelfKrnJi tut'i! ami t'llv l.tne Tlur.iph. Kvy urinliwt.. nwurm il position. The lui'i!. t i ."l'Hie In mori. A.l lri. for Cirrulnr a d Catal.iguu, C. 1.. BltVAN T, g.iyrin:iiduiit, llnlf )o, N Y- GRANDEST SCHEME EVEFKNO'W OK TUB BENEFIT OPTllB Public: .Library (jF KKNTL'CKY. ? 12,000 FAHII f 1,500,000. $S56000POK $50 'h Kiini'ih :r iti-1 lliit ConiiTt niuhoi "i.'H hy Hi M-ial ac! ot Ihi' I il-lulliri. for tin" ln io III ol the j'a'.lli-. I llmiry of Kantlirky. lll take plnoa ill 1'uU lln .Ihmry Hall, at U.uiavillo. Ky., , AVEOXKsiUAV, lEC. (i, onlv aluy iit.ita.n,d tii-k.'l twill 1 aoM Tlw tijkfia are lli.l into ton t..hiii "r jairla. At tola .TOiBitt, wl.icli will Jailwj;rniiilit BUMr iivil display ''"'r wliuwiTtd u thin c .null y, the uu-jirept'dVliN-d' iilin of SI 500,000, dividi'd iuU llOUil en-h lri, w II he ilhlribnt id by lot aiuuutj lllici't.lwl'l"a. ... .... . ' TLIST UK GIfTS. - '-- Onn Uran.H'aali ( in, Oor liiaud fanh Oitt, Oop C.ninU fa-Mi Oitl, ' . Out- nnd i;'li (lifi.. , . I in I'lihrttlt, J HkM ikohj .111 t'aall ;if' r..i II I i"irh, MMa.IH.iln l.lloll HI II. f 3,-n.iyiii IHI.KKI fu.iuu,; tr'.iu J. 11,1 m Mi.nm t,') t'llll lilf4 (.IHlMI'll, 411 1 II urn huh iilit IIH1 rsu h, :am.iii., ' 'JOO a il, IH) . iii-h, .' i rnrli. 411 IV o .I.-..H 0 I.jiGl Ii (111m !.VH Vll ii H . i Van ; ft It.utrj Caa" li.tit MI.IHKI ra,.Tnn 3"4i. ml i: Toml, VJ.WII C.llli., all C:li, amount- ine i.i ., ,. ... - ,. ( 1 .Mkl.'n1! Tho dljtributiotl will Ha, pnilllv. wbc.bf r nil the lie I'M nr.. .Id 01 not: ami iin 'lviHW vt: null p.iid 1U p.uH.rrh.ll to tha tu-kot ai.lil PRICK tK TICKET.-?: Whole M-'tvf'0: lll'" -.'lrrnii. ..r.w-h '..i!u. ; KU'.Jt Wliol.'rtokVMf.a ! !.l) ,.! 'n. . t-lor f 1.0 41; lis iv oi,. 1K.'c..h lor u.0iM: H u .la i h'fcan for flft 030. o d-ioiint on tluin fh4XLirth ul 'IK-keta al n rinu. . I'M k'.i4jio m,uiv f .r wt i.h iid ii loM.fa '... .-oirip'iwaay.TFta maniw..rt.inpiif ulnar' t.iijtn-ai kuiio. ulveo lu lllo'a wno.'Uy to aril il'Mii.. riMs. id. II li A ! 1 . to T T IP, . Ak. oi I'nUlrtinr.KA-r iil 4 tnI.- ljf. tcmt, i-.i'.or ijiw iry ni.iiiin.r, louiviii -, ivy. iiwm'T hi; iirtiiitiiiKi-.u iMihiliia k and lm.,..t.r, wi , II. yon. but in rtimty n ni-'ia. (it r 1 drrO ,l..-.4aii f I, (.,,, J.a i,im.-lM-1 loin n on y lr.vreyii. iknf eim b r;l,doB. I S'loimlf.. I Hlood hoara... ,whien l.mj ir..ii, th 'T.m .11 r.riii..f nW;,- .,.,a,. ih. -bo- illir! "ni.ni ivfl,i,n..... I,,,,. , !'."' .W loll al Awhl.- V vlnr a tvihlT .1 au. l l.ej,, . n.l..r4Jj iuani uia Hi.p...H.(,; Warran - r.. .1, in .I, ifntn r a afl. .... i o-i n , ., ' r IIHi-itr.') o n.ova -nr.'hr M.li.ini Vli dl-lno lo., bur -h. Iiinti.39. I'.imi.hb.t Kie.:. qit;lll INSTITUTE. FAR .BOYS At '.V..., c i -i' r. I'.i. t i,,..,,ri .., .1 ..!..-.,.. 4.i,..ii(.;..iuiiMi.,.j t,,:i,(M spsei...I:. ; tli .. . .:niiji,,,- an,;, ii,i., M.,.,,M p,-,,,,,,,.. 'lM !iil, r.in .i 1 . ... . 1 " H ,.a ' t ' l' j. 1 t'l T. 'H j"l '1 r uai.r .u . atva unHia.r mtj il la. LIV-EEY ! BOARD SALE, AND li Main Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. i Prop or. ;!0l Horses, I5urgies, " " i'trriaes. i fee., tilwnys in readiness to hire. THE CEfiEIIKATEU rRFJIONLV ROM) "VVagon Always on hiind for hire.. 1 m premrci 10 lurnisli l!oiril!nv Ilnr'i'F Itie lu'Hl Aro.iiniiin(Utl.)i(i frt ba, fuimd in IVlruli iiin'Ci'iilr.' niul l La chinp ,1 '. i-Hl witbnl. -Hi . .'. : I ho very nest lle and Iindles lor liiillll II 01 sea. " To tiihTi!avi:i.ini! rrui.ic. If desii-fd travelers will lie taken to any town in the oil region at reaujm.ble oharers. Boilers and Engines M .ivo.l I j uny rl.-.n-tl pciirit with due) Jis pa'ti'. Give 4ja -4 oil). ' " . (JAN FIELD. Exchange JeA tables! 5 r dtHm '. 1 L 2 ? .... ' r - , , r ; Main-St., Petroleum Centre, Keeps on band I ). HoosG1 Purnishins Goods, Easton Pat. Coiiplii W&i Cask, Gas Pipe, ancl Fittiniis, ; :-. 1 i ... .. - New Redfonl l?olt Ilojie Cables: nd -8and Fuirap Lines, RUIICEU BELTING, PACKING. : ' ' AND TJOSR, Lanterns, Laaiitin (.lobes, (arncnter's Tools ALL KI.I)$ OF BIU$!l Kxtra WinterJStrained ! aw. Oil, I t - ; i Johnson A; I'niTntt's Lulnicattricj Oil, : ' i ,,, .,Nt. IJlefined Oil, Hie Nnvolty vA Plurt-k:! Clottios Wriicor. th bst In U'd. ' . With a full Hue of TablenJ Pocket Cutlery. tn1 Silver Pitted Spoons ami Forks. STOVES, - oh STO-VES I CKS!? ;!'! My slock of COOK AND IIK.V'I ING STOVES cannot I ooollel In itio oil retrion. At 1 boimht hetoro the lat n.lrnr.ce of Stovaa l.y maiiiifacliueia, I am enabled to tat ill eell at.old prices. Tbofo desiiiuji anything in tho way of a Cook or' Healing Stove will do well to call and examine my ,tock, ol which tbft lollowiug is a luinial list; : . ' ... AsBieHca Cook Stove I ' -' - Y.'ith reservoir and warming clopct, a litst clan Stove tor haul coal or vrood. A SI EUJCA V Cook, tyiib Iu Walerresorvdir and ;TIIE lli:Mi:iC mul tilt EAT wiui or without iHervolr umi warminii cjoeoi. for hatr ot,dil Coirf. I'll'O lHHt'!l Cook. i. clienp lirat clasa Siovo, for hard or aift coal. Iron tiut n Cook, a larn heavy and durable Ktnve for soft coal ' W llfilt !SlU!i,i-C..oii. ior hard or aol'l coal, e ce ebraloU lor il ooalltien aa a cooii Move nn.1 i'lii-ni.nat in price. . ,f . . .. .,' ' lil.W i;(..k. lor h,,rd or aolt coal. nl la,t e'xeellenl Wove and'verv cheap. - -'.ImnesOlliCook, a wood Slovo wiHi elevadtl oven. , t.MY -LISE'OP PArkoH II KATpRS cannot' nflwoll...!: ' ;' The ;8;jX.It HM of 1 KTU-Thii. if, hea.U!f mi( foedw ". rnilwl hlove. Willi aef roaiilai no i,(r ..,..1 nJ... ..i... . . j. T,a, ,?j''"",Bif il"e"t". B,,ir ,,edor ''"f'or H-'iW with ml grte and illnn Kr,,p ltfih7! ''"rlor P..t -.n, llimso l.iylil-A clmap nylindor Siovh with mHI arulo .0 1 3 taiNO A slioet iron cylinder etove. vorv cIiood iiv 1 ar..ll a..ll ....,1. . . .... i, in r ami ijnut pnenp 1 1.,, , ,. B;tf k jinjH-A parlor, cook d'ov.-wilh.ovon. for coal l amo A ch.'nii dininu room S:ov... lat'Tii A cbH:ip bed room Store. ! 1 ,' ' JN'lir.-A cheap c. Wilder Stove, for harder st eoul. ' Su XSTsny'Tlr"??"'' . ted f.rr derrick, and i's( 5 :M , tT) VJtT- iGiV!!,K'JKATKI-Po .loreti ana office,.; "" SKNUFACTUHKB OP " w' ' v -' m, shhe? um AcotfE ..yim SJIOKK STACKS M. life' To C!(i)ihl. " " ' ' MnUo. frt Of..-rj.U-..YSKJOrt f!o.V .A1 r-H 'ti-Meb V.1' o.b.,...r.-U U,, cheu,..,, ami M,o6, ,,, ,,,. .a tl'.waumLf ,!r 'enl yV l ntfrntirini.of all kindj done vifb neutness and 'dispatch.' a full line of ViOKKI.VGUARRF.L8, TUBING AND . . , VALVKS. - 7,-.. x 4 f CASING - VA1L.VE GUI'S, , ' CLAMP3 1 Xty aantaaS) PaW M HEi;il - :itaf:nr,k. ei,M.. Me.t ,.i.... w'i..." I" t,:..; Itobr.VYlctiJeyer, Th followln? la tkaloo rendvati,y q,) Mi-KenilMi, at May Tin Wlbf Clltmtfoarl , bmracMef. V . hi ti: arifcli Court oft UnNed Btnle, dota , ' the WMtKTi Dialrlrt iir Pwmajlvinla. B, , Koberti tt.Jiicholia ( layer. --.Xo. 1 May T(m lff7:l-fBnal- , NoveaaNr lS7,MUnWd and aobpmt k ued. A' ii"! Vvv j . r ,,. ubjirtnl 8d noticndHtfaknoktkii tut. bwii.i. '- alaunlJpaairvdftJjj' Dicouib.T 13, 187-i. AoiionW1. fnHnliar JnncUon brai-il, and the Amrt beiiif dflj a.'vij , , the pmnla.: the tnjnnyaawald aa ptiyait bt and dwrra Cm. , ! "? ' .. ' January It, 1H7.1. Injitnctliifi ilienad, and oi jho Slh dayuf .lanaary ludiounoiit acn-ed ' pwauuiliy and by nnpy. ' ' ' May , 18W. r Biflp liwierl I. uendnt to .how-, (!iawhyatta!hD'itliild udl iaujror ttcquutiv, :n rlolathiL' IninuiUou anddulv seivia June id, 1B73. Knle'lur atfnAmenf In' tV,jj, I caiue on 10 ne naard, Ji(i :iiirt rifpiifi it v'uaav. 1 pro alio m, tna i cun oaitig lull adviad u j I prcmiaet, tbe litile'lH'infttla abaolnte, and the uu. tenia uf the ('emit la, that UieaiUd dcfeinlin', Nicn. olna Ceyw, to iinj.iloa mod in the common Jail ot , Allegotiiy County fur iibd duriUiS the fi rbi ii'f tea " daye, and thnt bo pay .lb cukla t)f tLia piucvy lag. -!- .. . . . ,t(. ,t . .i, June 2U, 117S. Ciimmlbat laane H, 't -.ta ; -u , The liijuitclion in thl. cae waa f..r lnrrinp.rr.eh of the Kuhcrla' patent of No. (talh d Hit' Hi; I'm mt), for it.u-. aKitiK the piodactivauea of oil well,! Th M of lulHufeairat fvj wh'l'kuke. d.rJnitiLt wa, Committed for cvntDiit, coiial!.ted In aiclnir Abximdra Hamr In ixplodint; torperlnes in ol well Winn iba aania ai-t of inirittrmui.t for wlik-li Tlaniar waa alao coiiiiulUi'd In :kr oj-iu io. 3. ?-o renib.-r Term, lBBrl, a rafuraaint.d v . The t'onrt MrKeni an, , J., a l. r dulivarlrs bU opiiilon In the Htimar o tae. prut-.-.iad to aeiiieiti-L' Nie'io tm Coyer fur confeini t, and drliA-red II s ft I owiiifr oral opinion: 1 , i ', ) ' , ' , ' .III the t-a-e of Nil hulaa tlpyer rhrtrised tvllb V tnme olTene, I nm ertlrefy eittli'd rbnt tbero a:i, fl ild .ruuit. iu tlie lbais well at lrns.t. At (.in hitimrf'i t"!4 tuttint in tr aar-.'a . Hhi tprpv lienf. the irttm'vt ar,'(4 it, Ae rlj, -j,. jr,' Vf or a"'- ' a ivjringnnt nf tht patent, tnd j brtath tht iiijuuclim uthc Twirl. Mr liobi-ii!., by hi piit.-nt uaeit aa one of Uitprin clpn (.Iruirati of bl invention iin'd tnaipinc, mid wherever Hi. -rdii Hiiid.fUrTicleJ.tlti n well, alalia time ofti.o erplclHn of n torpedo, to onneii. inrupliiK. tvbi ih. rlt art tliore nninrally or i put th. re artitl.-lnlly, 1,1a p.-il. 111 i Ii fuiieil. 'Ibis tu CU-itlv the uiao iu ri uaiU 10 the lU.i.ln well. I I'm Mr liiyi ...nnn teli.iv, l e-fl Jai.l. j h7 Ilanjnr. who u. d litis tjni be nierr-ly wanted to inula- .111 evperinu nt : mid I do mil ll.lnk. ll.u 1,,.. I111! tin- Hi st liiue, Hull ba ollabt to lie very rmitir niiiMiid. t , He alto ! udjiidcl nullty of contempt nu.l erdcr- I'll 10 p n tl ... iwli. ul leU pr... e. .lien, end lll.ilerKO an inipri-o. meul in iln c. un)v,jiill li.r u-n .lava -1 h j e tb a w ijl bo tbo feet of lb. eo cu. : .e.-.ii(fe, if ila- n.ai'er uiinia to our ut:e.i nv'ini. vi.'hi 1. iw .y.i atriiiin d to iuipoM n. b pui.i.bin. nt a,, will lend toiimke Ibvd. ciepol'llie t,VmJ illVe'n il. 1 , .lutio I'-Jm. 8 EXT. V raraurla with . 'V II. T. HEI.MBf)LJ. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU,' la tlie only Known Remedy for Briebta Dia eaae and lias cured every eae of lriubaten in whiob It haa been riven. Irritation of the Nwk of the Bladder and lorlrvroraation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidney and Bladder, Keten Hon of Urine, Disease of the Proahite (Jlan.1, Stone in the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dnet DcpoMt, and Uiicooa or Milky DiHchargea, and tor Kn- ,' feebled and Delicate OonMinatien of both rjeit atlonaea wltn the Tollowinv eymptome : Loa .of l'ower, Loa of Memory, Diirioojty of Breatli' ing, Weak Nervea, Wakelineaat lain in tbo liaek, Kiuahingof tho Hody.KrupUon nn the Rice, yallid Conntenaneo, Lamitnrle nf tbo Syatcm, etf. Uaud by pedkmain the deellne or ctwn( 0 i 1 Hie; ntte oouliuairient or luiajr poto bwi-wet-tinj in children, ete. " ' In many attectlona peenllar to larliea, flie Ex tract Bnchn la uneqnaled by any other remedy Aa in Cbloreaia or UetunUou, Irregularity, ram- ' JnlBaaa or 811 ppreasion ol Cnaton at y Kvaot-ationi, Utaerated or Hchirrue state ot the Uterus, Lcu eorrhcea or Whites, Sterility, and foe all com plainie incident to the aax. It is prtsnribri eitensively by the moat eminent rhyaVjinn and iMldwivae for enfeebled and deiicaU eonatitu lions bf both sexes and all baas. KJEAIINEVS EXTBACT tWCITf, Dieaf Arising from Imprudenta, BaUU qf-JJuuxUion, iUc, tu a tbeir etayet, at r littkaeapeaau, little or no change in diet, no In- ',, convenience, and ueeapaeore. Itcaiiees a n-c '" , onent dmire, und irlvea ataenerti to I'rinate.1 ' thereby removing Oaalnietiona, lewentinir and ' ' ; Curinir Strictures e( she-IJraUira, AUaynff Paldf"', and Inflammation, so f reqnent in this elasa of dis-.'1 1 ' eaeea, and expelliug all I'eisonone matter, KEAnEr'S EXTIIACT BlYHt, 1.00peRboUleervixrKleerrt3.0raeJivered. " oany ad4raa,scuJtttromobarvaiiBboidbjf . - towrrff 'tw Avoid Quacks and Impostors. Ho Charge for Advioond Oonsuinttion. . . Dr.'J.B. Ityott, Oradtnte of Jetton JtVJbuK'' lotugt, Philadelphia, aatbor of tev.ital vsluabla norka, can be cooinlted on all diaeaaes of tba , , t t Durual or Urinary Orgaaa, (-which be has tnad . ' . ' an especial study) either in male or female, no natter from what oanae originating or of hew . Jong atand ln. A prantloe of to, years' aseblca ,11. turn to treat disoaae mth siioeeaa. Cuiel guar4 ADtcerf. fhlMH Munittl. T,.. a n die tarweoan forward letter deaayibiaif vmptofa'! and eocioalrujr atamfi 16 prepo noetaoe. ' - oena for the rmtt to lltoUh. l'rlre 10 cents. J. U. DVU'l l, M il., l'byaielanand !3u,'tr ! ' i - 104 liuaua iif. Niw,torlu.. tS2K - . Anvt-rti'e in fie Urcunu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers