Petroleum Centre Daily Record. aet. Centre, Pa., Wednesday, Spt, 10 Ulvlue Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and t P. M. Sabbath School at 12Jtf P. M. at free. A eordlal Invitation extend ed to all. Rsv. G. Moons, Pastor. PRE8BYTEIUAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 o'clock P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. BcRcn ami. Sabbatn Sobool at 12, directly after lore oood wrTloe. Prayer Meeting and1 Babbath School Teacher! Meeting Tuesday evenings of Mb week. Petrolean Centre Lodge, T15, I. O. of O. F. Mo. Regular meeting nlgblt Friday, 'look. Sinned. W. B. MONTGOMBRT. K. 0. H. Baii.iy. A Seo'r. O. ajTPlaoo of moating, Main 81, opposite A. O. Of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W., meet! every Monday evening at 1 o'clook, I a Odd Kellow'e Hull, Petroleum Centre. Penn'a. Jambs Wilbox, M. James 8. Whits, R. W. f. O. Of It. M. Minnekaunee Tribe No. 183, L O. R. M f Petrolenm Centre, meet! every Thuraday vening In Good Templar's Hall, OT Counolt Ore lighted at 7 o'clock. H. HOWE, Saobem. C. L JCKES, Chief ol Record!. Gold at 1 p. m. Ill Tboee Shell Oysters and Uldms received tSnowdeo A Pugh's Petro:eum Restan , ' rant, fills day, are tbe b-st ever brought to town. And what is there nloer tbao a doz en raws on the half shell. Just let Tom. Soowdto open a doto for you, and if you don't agree with us, we will pay for tbe oy- tiers. Try Ibemr - i - W. B. Davis, til tba Cential House, has a plunge trap for pigeon shooting, which is really an. Ingenious contrivance, - It was tnsoulactrrred by himself, John Waddell and Adm Wyman. It can be seen at tbe Ceu Iral House, These goollemi propose to try It St a pigeon sboot at no distant day ' A cow valued at $12,000 is uow on exhi bition at Jefferson oouoty, Kentucky, fair It is not stated bow mncb milk is wortb. A labor reform ooovenllon Is In session t Potlsvllle, Pa. Tbe Army of the Teooessoo will bars banquet at Toledo on the 10th and 17th Qclober. Eighteen dollars is fixed as lbs price for slotting stray horse Is) Cberrytree. Old beroess and army saddles have no prlee. The Mania well, at Pickwick City, Dew trike, Is yielding 60 barrels dally. On Friday evening next, Lyman C. Howe, of Fredonia, N. T., will deliver a Woture oa Spiritualism, at Kane City, He Is said to be an excellent speaker. Tbe Par ker Ota department parade and pic nio today. Nearly all tbe wells at born shut down. , Paguudst have A party of Mormon emigrants wbo have Jint arrived In Paris ou tbeir way to Ameri ca cave been notiued by tbe perfect of po lice that if they attempt lo bold their rellg Sous exercise in public, they will be expellf d from tbe city. Tbe Improved order of Red Men is bold lag its Great Council at Wilmington, Del aware. . The Geneva award, amounting to $15, 000,000, was paid into tbe Treaaury yegtcr dy. Bate ball at New York yesterday Mtltu Is, 13; Bostons, 6. Today is the aonlversary ot tbe bnllre of Lake Etie, fought off Put lo Bay, la 1813, by Commodore Perry sod tbe Amerioan fleet against tbe combined British efleet on . upper lakes. Could tbe brave old Commo dora have lived lo witness tbe fruits of his victory, be would willingly fight tba same ba'tle over again against the lyranuy of Great Britain. Tbe deeda of Petry and tie brave tailors under him will ever occupy bright page lo the history of out country. Wt understand tuat young butley, who wts sent down for complicity with tbe Cberrytree lirceoy cases, baa been balled out by bia lather Yesterday a constable went over to Cberrytreu In search of biin on other counts, but be bad 'lit out" for parts uaknown. It Is said tbe sebool boys in Cberrytree excuse themselves from plsylug ''Hoot" by oriying tljsy fj r.rreet. Oi.Eoroi.tft Items Thinking the follow log items would be of interest te your read era we forward them for your coosiderstlon: THia place, like all other oil towns, lias bad its day, though not by any means dead yet. During tbe exoltement It boasted a bank, several stores, hotels, saloons, Ac. Now one hotel, tbe Allegheny House, pro vides for tba wants of residents and obanoa strangers. Tb railroad facilities are good, being tbe junction of tbe O. C. A A. R. and PI thole Valley railroads. Tbe latter road is graded through to rieassotville but the Iron It not laid as yet. Ws are retlably informed tbal It will be completed to this polot soon. Ths Solar Oil Works, formerly owned by PratberBros., are in full blast, capacity 600 barrels per day, Hlltou A Lang worthy, of Oil City, are tba ownevs. The old Horton well still produce oil In paying quantities. This Is an exceptional case at tbe Hodge A Ewlng well struck at 'be lame time failed years ago. Bradley A Jaokson are pumping three wells on the Walnut Island just below here wblob are produoing about 80(1 barrels per mouth. Our old friend and Instructor J. I. Mollr, still does tbe busioss of the Oil Creek road here. Johol" Is a first class agent and slicks to bis place well having been bare about seven years. The Tltusville Courier is engaged In wri ting up the history of tbe deserted oil towns of toe region. Ilere it what It lays of Tip Top : This is a name tbst old operators will dis Hoot If remember. Tbe place lies about two miles east of Plsostntville, and short distance west ol Pilhole. It was christened at time when operators were lively lo the vicinity, by an energetio young man wbo started a grocery. He took tbe beading of a barrel and carried it In tbe top of a tele graph pole, nailing it there and proclaimed tbe name of the pluoe "Tip Top." There were a hotel several boarding houses.n mil inary establishment, mictilue shop grocery stores, a bakery aid fruit aland. Business was lively. Tbe pines sprang up aft9r tbe PlensantviUe exo Moment began to cool i'owo. In its palmy days Tip Top could boast of quite a large population. But Its days or misr.irtuno came, dry holes were struck, produottno Ml off, and before tbe little town bad got a fair start in tbe world, the sheriff was on the ground doing a larger business than any o else. Tbe people scattered. Tbe bis-' Mng's fist disappeared. and now Tip T p a deserted village de serted by inhabitants and dwellings. There are la tbe vicinity a v small produoing wells, but tbe low price of oil will compel tbe shutting down ot most of these before snow flief,aod then ths owl can boot undis turbed from tbe derricks, and tbe wild fox may search In vain Mr chick en with which to tickle bis palate. Thus psssetb away the glory of our oil towns. Tbe people wbo once lot b. ted them are soattered and gone most i f them to the great Butler oil field, lo build 'up other wooden towns, which in tbeir turn will dis appear and become Ibings of tba past. In 1870 Tip Top wat lu us g ory, everybody bad confidence in lbs growth tnd prosperity of the laos, and tbe richness of the oil ter ritory atouod It. Now alt M changed. Scarcely a person who was here then tin be seen,now. But wblU it lasted there was fun and enjoyment and those wbo spent a lew moatbe at Tip Top will not be apt to soon forget it. A man about lorly years old aod womaa seemingly seventy years ofsge were at the Detroit and Milwaukee depot a few day ago waiting ror a train, when tbe man strolled tit oa ths dook and oaugbt sight of one o f the city life preservers banging to itt book. He ariced what It was and a laborer told him, and then be asked: "How long will it preserve teller's llfet" Tbe man told him hundred years, aod tba Information slaggsred tbe stranger. Walking rouod few minutes as If meditatlog, be stepped to bis Informaot and said: "See here, strang er, I'll lake ooe o'tbem preservers, and If It wouldn't be asking too much ol you I'd like to have you tell tbe .old woman In there that you haven't another one tor ale, aod that tbe machine wblob mid 'em has bust, ed.' Police. Ia the oase of Canfield vs. JIo- Clintook, tba suit was withdrawn by tbe plaintiff Tbis oase also grew out ot tbe Cberrytree iaioeny cases. Some time ago Mr. Caafield lost a valuable saddle, and wbeo the Cberrytree affair came to light, be Immediately set lo work wilb the assistance of officer Bums, lo find out where tba sad dle was, Traoeeof Jit wbereaoouts were discovered In tbat neighborhood, aud Mc Cllotock wis arrested ou tmpioion of taking it. Tbe proof was not tuffijleat to bold bim, consequently tba charge wat will drawn. Rumors era rife ot a marriage in bigb life bare this (til, tVF.KKL.V01L. ItEPOUT. Wo eaunot any that development is lively in any quarter at present. The greater number ot wells under wsy, are along Dur bam creek. McDonald, No. 2, is drilling; Mr. Laocey ll repairing another rig between the Gibson and Murray wells, South of tbe raviae, oear tba old Garthahore well, Meesr, Perkins, Cooley A Gleesoo, haves rig ready for drilling; Western No. 6, will be com menced Monday; Messrs. W. II. A J. Mo Garvev. are nreoarinc a new rig south of last well. Tbe Peotoa well is down with good show aod will be tested Immediately ; lb new wall of Messrs. Rlblgblml A Co., ait of Wilmot property, Is being tested, but troubled with fresh water, aod will have to be seed baggsd. The new well of Messrs Englebart A Co., ooroer of Pitbole swttcb, is being tested ana Improving; It is thought tbe well will pay, at least. Tbe new well ot Mr. Lawson . Is drilling. Mr. Lawyer's No. 3, west end ol blind line, is ready lor tbe driller. Ward well, No. 2, Lambe , territory, drilling in tbe loess) Mr. Lambe's new well Is rated as a day well. Tbe McDougall aod Callioan wells, nor-wett,' drilling, also tba Drader, Park farm; McKittrick, Widdis territory; aod Bennett, Holmes properly, ail of which are drilling in lower rock. Tbe late newest well or Mr. Noble, taped bis flowing welli with an Increase of oil. When ths pump lag well Is shut down lbs flowing one re sumes. Petioile, Ont., Advertiser. An official report of Geo. Custar ol tt Tongue river aod Big flora fights Is pub iisbed In paper of Washington this morn. Ing. Tbe general says: Tbe superiority of our enemies in numbers, tbe long dis tanoe separating from tba mala command, and lb belief afterwards verified that the woods above concealed a portion tbe lavage tones, loduosd me to coofiaa my movements at first strictly lo tbe defensive. Tbe la. dlans outnumbered our troops five to one. Every available officer and man was In skirmiso line, which was in reality our bat tle tine. The Indiana displayed unusual bildnect, frequently charging up to tbe Hue firing with great deliberation and accuracy. Tbe fl4bt began at 11:10 A. M. and was waged without cessation until 8 o'clock. A obarge was ordered, when the Indians, nowllbstaodhg their superiority lo ouma bars, fled and were driven pell mell nine miles. In tbeir tight tbe Indians tbrsw fay tbeir braech-loader, laddie equip meats, clothing, robes, larlela, and olber articles or Indian outfit. Tbe f orest rress, fete conver t paper coalatcs tbe loliowlog local Item: "Some of tbe boys were settiog'r up' In the bar room at West Hickory when a liltU Irish man came la and proposed to 'throw due ror the drinks all round, be jabbers I' John Dice happened to b in the crowd, and mis understood tba proposition, so be squared himself and remarked; 'May be by Jinks you not throw Die so lam quick as you go out yourself purly soon any more!' and was about pliobing bim oat, when others Inter ferred, explained, aod few more drinks soon made, everything (howling lovely again. AVUUflUI UIVB, UBU1VU iaiuauiBij 1 I . VT - . . Havsn, of Kynd farm, tnd George Reed, o' Oil City, bad t serious encounter on Man day night. In wbioh tbe former .was severe ly tlabbed by the latter, wbo, In turn wat knocked senseless by a blow from tba fist of the lormer. Tba wounds of DeHaveo are a cut in tba thigh, several inches In isngtb and quite deep; a second o il near the kuee, and third penetrating tbe groin. This latter may provs serious. Just as this last wat giveo DeUaven struck bit assailsnt a fearful blow lo tbe face, knockiog bim senseless to tbe ground, and requiring some time to restore bim lo consciousness. Reed was artested. A man named Elliott, lull of Oil City wbisky on Monday night, fall from tbe bridge to tba rockt below, a distance ot thirty feet, and, although severely bruised, escaped without breaking a bona. Had be been sober tucb a fall would bava killed bim; but then bad be been sober be would not bava fallen off tbe bridge at all. Tbe average pub lio sentiment of Frank Ho Is very much outraged, according to the Spectator, beoause wbite children are com pelted lo sit beside negro children in tbe public scboools. Tbit it bad; almost is bad, In faot, for at tbe parents of tbe white oblldren, wban they take dinner at a fash ioasbls hotel, to be compelled ;to eat tbeir dinner wilb negro servant standing at tbt back of Ibtir chairs, engsged In (passing tbe various dltbet atoesisry to appeaie tbeir aristocratic appetites. According to tbe Journal a parcel of young giddy girls and boys attended church lo that village and behaved moat disgrace fully; disregarding tbe feelings of members and all rules or propriety tod good bebsv lor. Evidently a "borne mission" should be established, in Tldioute. j Lest Sunday Ibe saw mill, grist mill end sheds attached, owned by a Mr. Speocar, oa Jackson's Run. Warren county, were dev. troyed by fire. The origin of the fire la un . known. Loss, $1,000; insurance, $2,100. A bridge across the creek was ulso burned, which Is a loss to tbe town ol several buu dred dollars. This week will likely be as lively a law week at tbe last. Lower than tub Anobi.s. A female leo turer in Boston said: "Get married, young men, and be quick about It, Don't wait for tbe girls to become angels. You would look well beside angels, wouldn't you, yen brutetf' A correspondent wbo visited Mrs. Lea at Alexandria found her engaged In coloring a bunch of Autumn leaves, w bleb were dee. lined for a fair to be held soon, Ibe proceeds of whicb are to go towards erecting a me mortal cbapel to Genersl Lea. Making fancy works for tbls fair and coloring pic, lures are Mrs. Lee's favorite occupations and so eager is sbe lo ooolribute to its sue cess that the rises at five o'olockjto begin her work. A Detroit woman was consulting the po. lice, tbe other day, lo see if she bad good grounds for a divorce snil. She alleges that bar husband It drunk about twenty-sevab days out of every month; that he cut her hair off while she slept; tbst he wakent ber tt daylight by throwing pall of water over Ibe bed; that be has tried to tores keroseoe 11 down ber throat, and that be putt hot potatoet to ber hands aod then mashes them by squeezing ber fingers. Tba police thought sbe didn't need any better grounds. A fire occurfd lu the lubriualiog oil fac tory of Wm. Sbee A Co., of Louisville, yesterday evening, wblch destroyed proper ty valued at $.u,uuu. loss covered by Insurance. Clement Ritter one ol tbe brokers, In New York wbo sufiesed by tbe recnt bond for geries yesterday attached ' $2,250 deposited bv Jomaa W. fjobnron as trustee gin tbe name of his mother. A WOltD PEOPLE TO WORKING OF BOTH SEX E8. Mechanics, artisans, factory hsnds, and people who labor lor a living, find It verv difficult if not impossible to keep tbe baods free Irora stain. Hand Sapolio will not oolv remove every partlole of stain, and what is called "grained In dirt." but It will also keep tbe skin soil and plhtble, render ing the nwscular eatlon as quick and easy pas is Ibe ease wilb those wbodinot perform nana laoor. ii is ooiy iu ana 10 cents a cake, according to size. Every Mechanic should use it constantly In place of all otb er soaps. DR. BARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR. Is recommended by reenlar Mrdtcnl practitioners and a anetriy cure icnananteed ror CVd4. (Vauna. Catarrn, Aatuina, bronchitis Sptttlog Blood, con- sumutitm. ani an ruimonary uompiaiot. ttcroru: . Krysila, Drapepala, and Goat 1) seiitery, C'hol-era-niorbu. Ctio;ni and all llv. r and bnufl enm. plKliiU. Kidney dlseewaan i all aif-cttona of the llrlcnl Orua i perfectly harmlo free frum Min eral or Alcohnl!c properties pleasant to take and never kuowu to fall Price $1,00 per bottle. Full pnrttcu are with medical taetunony and certifl chIuk grot oa application. Address L. F. BYOK x uj , iu i Btvenie Aronoe, Mew York. JDIPLOMA. a vv aiuitur is s t sa American Institute. TO J. V. 9IcK.EE. FOR Emliroiilermji & Flntinff Machines. "It la ingenious and will meet the wants of every matron In the land' "J Exhibition of 18T2 John E. Oarlt, Hoc Secy. V. A. Barnard, Prei Samuel D. Tillman. CorreetMndjiip H.rv. , , , New York, November SO, 1S79. This simple and lnuenlou Machine la m n.cful a:tbe Sewing Maihlne and ia faa becoming pop ular with latl.M, in the place of expanaivu Needle work, ill work being much Bore hondpome, requir ing leas time and not one tenth port the expenaer No lady's toilet la now complete without it A Machine with illustrated circular and rull 1naM.M tlonaeenton receipt of $2. or finished lu silver plate fur $273. AddrMsrhe RIcKce mannf, Co., 3U Broadway, New York AGENTS WANTED. FAIRY VOICES. t-AIitY VOIOKS. KA1HY VOICES: KA1HY VOICK8- '.1HV VOICES. r'AIHY VOICKS. FAIKY VOHJKB. FAIRY YOICKS. TUK NRW TUB NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR SCHOOLS PKK TKIZKTf tli PKK DOZEN 00 CfS. KAUU. POSTPAID. SONG ECHO, FOR RCIIOOL8. o,tioosol.D. 80,000 SOLD. SS 0011 SOLD. PHICE. 75 CTS. I'uSl'.PAII). $7.50 VRtt DOZ. 1FHKSTPEH SXPUESS. A'ldrci". .T L. PETERS, G''H Urosdwsy, Ni w York Daily Recor: NEWSPAPER, AND D omasa I Office; MAIN TREET, aaarcranaastsr snanaa sv ajaaavasua-'iTji vEtiVjlK CHA cawiCKEKVPraarlsttr, JVEWS DEPARTMENT. We receive ktelegrsphldlnatches antotn. and prexnt them leour readers every nenin.a. h.acingnewa of ereat interesrfrom allfrctituu in ounoiry. rt e nave maae epeciai errangf mm, whereby we receive regular Petroleum, Mock at PtnillliH V r I." O ..Iff, umnlmi ka from New York, Philadelphia, and l'iltbarj,wbh together with Kdltoriala and Local matten, sukti one or rne moat Desirable rewapapers pnbuiblia the 01 Heglon. As an , Adrertlilnr Medial he RECORD has Be tnpsrlor, tt It dmlita whersver an (Ml Operator or Dealer can ba roust JOB DSfAETMI. We nave a lartrs ml Well rselaeteA stock ' i a . i i vh".u vnu.m.iiiH aw laei styles. We ore thereltre eubleeTto eiCffl. Job Work of ev ary variety Ii a satisfactory nun when desired, joba will be uaatljprlnted la Couu Shipping Dllla Pottr, Hand-Bills, Piogramtnei, Bills ml Far. l.abe AMI Business and V lilting Card) LETTKR,nlAD8, BILLHEADS, BILLS OF iADINO, Be'. mo i i am or Faaay Htyies, naatly anAarcniptlysit"' ted, embracing INVITATIONS CIRCULAKS !H0GRAs!MS OAKUH, TICKETS, Etc n bet,, every wletv and style or wot ' l press pnntloK. MeachanK Lawyers. .TnMlecs or the Pear,." ArentH. till Dealers and Aijents, lnl ranee Ai Expreenmen and other partJea la want, are ln'oj that we are proiiared lo eaeentcto iirrall ID"' BLANKS, barineaa or legal, riquired in lata eoa manity. .TohMng .atrrninuf. resnectfntly aoltcitee is nnn m n nno rt ni KRrnND-RAM' TUBING, at Irom 26 toSfi eta. P"'08!, Tbe Tubit. it In Orttclsss order anu ready fltted April S.5, II 11. Of VIAVH'";
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers