Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet.Cenlre, Pn., Thursday, Aug 14 niTlne service. METHODIST KPISCOI'AL CHtTKCIl tiervlcee every Sahbath at 11 A. M. and ,j$ P. M. Sbb.tth School at Vl)i P. M. eatsfr'e. A cordial Invltatioa extend ed to all. i Rkv. O. M00B8, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock P. M., uy tbn Pslor, W. C. Jiirck xixo. Sabbmin School at directly alter forenoon service. PrayM Meeting and Sabbath School Tender's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol MCh week. Petroleum Centre Lodge, JVo. VI 5, I. O. of O. P. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Siitned. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C. H B.viI.ET, A Sec'v. PI ice of meeting, Mala St., opposite liuCiMitoek House. .. A. O. Of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets every Mgnday evening at D o'clock, n O.W Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, I'euo'i.. J.MKS WlLSOM, M. W. ' Jambs 3. Wihtb, K. I. O. Of H. M. Mlnneki'inee Trine No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening In Good Templar's He 'I. ISfOuunoil Hres liiibled at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Sucbem. C. L JUKES, Chief of R-corda. l,uld at 1 p. m. 1I5J4 The BiiH'iiIi) ciu'l Jamestown lUtlroad will be eompletcd to Gowand, 28 miles Iroin .'Biitfilo, by the 1st ol September. This toad in A No. 1 in all ronpecm. The bridges all iron, no trestles, and excellent rolling stock The belie! is uow Reocral tbut tbe Titusvllle end of tbe road will not oe built, efforts are being- made to Induce tbe O. C. fc A. R. R to extend tbeir trnoic to Kanaoipn, tntr'y miles from Jamestown, at which point the Buffalo Jfc Jamestown will connect. Tbe grades'trom Irvinelon to Randolph are eesY so tbe expense will be light. . This will give tbe Oil Creek & A. R. Uy., through connro tions with New York. Wo learn tbe above on good autboiity. . Should tne above expectations be leal'Z ed the iulcrestj of tne oil legion ma. terially advanced, as tbe real center of the oil business Oil City Vlll be connected by a cheap line with Uiiffilo and New Yorki and tbe oiuaide oity of Tliusvllle deservedly loft out In the cold. This Is just, after tbe effusive zeatg displayed by tiie TltU'villiau8 as the "On 10 Buff.lo" rxcilement , of 1872, and tlKlr snUs-qiieut fizzle respecting tbe cntetprite. Tue Bufliloolant were badjy duped. They can Bee it now, and are going to K"t themselves out of Ibe scrape into which tb-y have been led. Those acquaint el with the u.yu uVuie of Tituxville en tarprlses never exp"ced to beitr of a rail be. log laid on the Vioducers' Road. Police. Two getine feutitei minel re spectively Ada Uosbler ami Loug Em, one being chumpioo of tbe Goiionwood squaws and the other 01' tbe Modoc rquaws. met In tbe lav, bed, lust tilghi, ana engaged in a sanguinary conflict, as the Arkansas poet lias it "An, A la she pitched into she, And Em pitched iulo she; Ye vv u' fit it was a siu, An'mrlblo tc fee." SuCice it to say there jwas a fea fill do. moii'iiing of waterfalls, bustles, tc, In endless variety nod no serious damage to either wis done. In tbe meantime deputy Burns appealed 00 tne battle field and ur resied bo'b rquaws and took them to bead quarleis at Justice Reynolds' office, wbo lined Ibt'iu C2 each and costs. Like a Utile man they paid their flno and departed sliil on tbe tiirf'bu'. a tiltln demoralized. A correantiadent of tbe 'i'iliisvllle Courier 'writing Irom Oil City, says: Notwitb Handing tbe immense production ol tbe lower district money is as bald to get there as In tbe tipper country. A number of gentleman engaged In business there claim that tbev.aie only working for the Sheriff, end many nt ths.n express the intention of back to Oil City and Tliusvllle. Thinking and observing men are convinced that qil develoymsnt can be generally profit, a'ble only In shallow territory. It Is about na difficult to drive needle through a oatn el's eve as to make money out of a 1,600 foot well. On Sunday mornluir last train tf seven teen loadud oars of oil were destroyed by 'fire at Garland, on Ibe Philadelphia & Erie Railroad. Tbe same morling three loaded Cits weie burned at Irvlneton. Refrepliibi; ehowerstoday. Local items ace suatoe this day. MlLLERSfcwN. This place seems to b6 the centre of tbe most producttvo portion Of the great Dutler oil Held. Tbe wells Which Have been struok there during tbe past week have proved tb be very large, but we presume that their production is greatly ex aggerated. As is tbe case In all parts of tbe lower oil region, the wells have to be put down to a very great depth. There are three stage lints running to Mlllerslown dally one from Brady's Bend, another from Parker City, and a third from Butler. Tho place is rapidly building up. Four large hotels have started, which are crowded with guests. Many of the old pioneers ol tbe oil region, some who were at Oil City as early as '61, at Pithole and Plumer In '05, and subsequently along the creek, are to be met with in Mlllerstown. BubIocss Is, of oourse, at present very lively, notwithstanding tbe low price of oil. Those wbo nave visiiea this oil new oil town, say that in activity, excitement and recklessneas of speculation, Mlllerstown equals Pltbole In tbe palmy days of 1865. We met yesterday a gen tli raei from tba Tidtoute dislriot, who bad tnat returned from the Butler oil field, and wbo in bis travels had vtettea sm.ers.owp andjlnspected tbe big wells tbere. While be Is willing to admit that their production It immense, ba says that greatly exaggerat ed reports have been sent out lo regard to them At present, however, tbe excite ment It very great and Immense numbers of people are flocking 10 the place. We would call tue attention ol our oltl zeos to tbe advertisement of Ibe Snnville Seminary, of whloh Prof. 8. H . Prather, of Cberry'.ree, is tbe prlnolpal. Tbe Seminary is In a retired location and entirely rreu Irom Influences of an evil tendency. The main building is 55x32 In size and has an addition 10:x31. Tbere is a large portico In front where pupils cm sit and enjoy he beautiful scenery which abounds In that lo cality. The rooms are fourteen feet high and all lathed and plastered. The lower floor is divided by a parmanent partition and the upper room by a portable partition. The upper room is used for a lecture roonv Three oompetent teachers are employed In the school, and the inducements offered are as good as can be fouod in any school lo tbe Slate. Tbe Petersburg Progress gives the fo'. lowing version of the recent row between Binge s Derousse and Vensel of that place: St. Peleisburg has been thrown Into a fe ver of excitement for tbe last few days, by a sliulit misuderstnndinu "between two of bur most prominent citizens, the Ex and pi'PEent Buigessr Ow'ng to the different versions of the affair we are unable lo stale the origin of tbe difficulty, nor who made the diet attack upon this occasion. Suffice It to suv that It appears to be an old grudge whloh the parties attempted to settle last Saturday night. In the melee'' Mr. Der lost a largo part of bis ear, wblcb wat apparently bltled off. We are extremely sorry 10 see our officials and esppciallytbosn wbo bave held and now hold th3 highest office in the gilt of tbe bor ough, setting such an example to onr citi zens. And we though that the days of bit log and gouging were over, and a fair etand up flight wat all that even the lowest public opinion would loleiale. Those who en deavor to maim or disfigure another, utiles pnrelv lo tJlf-defence, are tnexouslble and dernrve tbe severest censure. A alight explosion occurred at Fairfield, Piesion & Co s Refinery, last night. It was occasioned by the blowing off of one of tbe manbeads of the tar still. Damage small. The business of our next door neighbors, Messrs. Howe & Cook, dealers in recond band oil well supplies, has increased to that extent that tbey bave been compelled lo purchase a large sized casing and tubing en iter which it is tbeir Intention to run by steam. Goad for them. Tbe new well put down by Jonathan Watson, of Tilnsvillo, turns out to ba a dry hole. The well it located near Cher ryttee village. It is to be hoped Ibe Citizen's Corps en campment at Chautauqua Lake will break up soon. For the last tew days tbe Titus-ville-pnperi bave been devoted entirely to said encampment. Give us a little rest 00 that, gentlemen. Mrs. 11 111 wig has not recovered that lost obeck at yet. As sbe standi teriously In need of this check iq order lo enable ber lo move to l'etrolla, tbe party having laid check should by all means return It, and save the county unnecessary costs. A collision of two lugs with an excursion bark last night, on the Hudson river, near Albany, resulted in one boy being fatally Injured and four.otbers badly wounded. George N. Sanders, so ooosplcnout on tbe Confederate side during the rebellion, died very suddenly of heart d isetse yesterday morning at bis reeldenoe la Now York city. In Deep, Cold Water. We believe It a well established fsct, say Ibe Gold Hill News, that tbe bodies of per sons drowned in Lake Tail's have never been recovered, the clear, cold waters of Ibe lake absolutely refusing lo give up tbeir dead. Tbit oircumslaoce, which al first thought, appears straoge, it accounted for upon the hypothesis that the waters at tbe bottom of the lake are so icy cold as aolually to arrest decomposition and conse quent expansion of a deud body, one of tbe conditions uuder which It would be expect ed to return lo tbe turl'aoe. Wuetber the victims wbo repose at tho bottom of the pellucid waters of this far-tamnd lake un dergo petrifaction, or are transformed luto mermen and mermaids, is a secret whlci will never be known until tbey come to tbe surface at tbe summons ol Gabriel's trumpet. When the Sea Bird was lost lo Lake Michi gan lo three hundred feet of water two boO. iss out of one huudred lost only were res cued. When the Lady Elgin was lost lu eighty-six feet of water only a tun mile. fiom tbe first disaster, every body out of four hundred and over wn finally rescued- A local politician tu our neighboring county of Crawlord was discovered at one o'clock lo tbe morning, dressed in home spuoand plowman's shoes, jwlth bayseed in bit hair and a pitchfork In bit band making a let speech lo an imaginary Farmer's Grange He bad the doors barricaded and tbe window partially blinded. After an oratorical effort of surpass! ng eloquence be stepped forward and began baod-sbsking with tbe chairs, when he beard a voice Irom tbe oti'side congratulating bit) boroey-band ed effort, and alt at once tbe light went out and silence resigned supreme. An eye wuuess relates a thrilling inci dent that occurred at bis boarding bouse tbe other moruiug In Lanoaster. Two gen llemeu boarders, at the breakfast table en gaged 1.1 a diEcusilon of "Ctc-arlsm," and soou began to punctuate tbeir remarks by flinging crockery ware at each other's head and brandishing knives and lorks, and threatening to oause life-blood lo flow. A panic eusued. The landlady ran out o! the bouse screaming minder, a young thing pur porting to be nineteen years of sge faioled dead away and had all tbe paint and enutr el washed off ber face, a timid youth bid in the caller, tbey eyes of the potatoes bulged out with affright, and tbe bair In the but ter Hood on eud. The Mew Dollar. Tbe new silver dollarjust Itsued fiom the United Stales mint, lo be used lor trade pur poses, and known as tbe "trade dmior, " Is making lis appearance. It weighs veii aod a half grains more than that of 1871, and tbirty-ix grains more than two h ill dollars of that date. On the oliverne of the new cola It a representation of Coinmrce sealed upon a bale of cotton and nriyliig an olive braoob of peace lu her exienil-'i right band. Upon a scroll, grs(ied liv her left and ttailing gracefully to the ginund. is tbe word "Liberty," while beiieaih Ibe wbold and Immediately above the tla'e "1873," it tbe motto, "In God we trust." A tbeaf uf ripened wbeat and a view, In tbe distance, of the sea. oomplete tbe picture and tbe emblemelioal eignifioonoe of Ibe whole, Tbe sealed figure It somewhat smaller than the ooe on tbe original dollar. Tolrteen ttars, alto tomewhat smaller, tur round tbe whole. Tbe general charaoteris tiot uf tbe reverse are the tame as on the ordinary dollar, an eagle grasping In iti lit talons tbe emblematical arrows and olive braoob oocupylng Ibe centre. Oil Shipment During Ibe month ot July, as we gather from the gnager'e books (W. O. Goldiick,) tbere was shipped Irom Fairvlew rack East Brady, 1637 cart and from Biady't Beod 20 cars, making a total of 1667 cars. Tbe heaviest day's tbipmeott were on ibe 21st and 25tb, wben 101 and !8 cars respectively were loaded. This wat heavy wnik, aod tbori what it being done at this point. East Biady Independent. The I'gbtning struck the pipe of the AnU weip Hoe on Toikey Run, near Keailog't fu'nace, and set fire to the oil In an adja cent lank containing at tbe time about lour hundred barrels of oil. The tank and oil were destioyed but the strenuous exertions of tbe employes resulted in saving tbe pumps and other property. Tbe loss will be in Ibe neighborhood of a thousand dot lars. Tbe Danville Times it getting quite ex alted about tbe Farmer's movement. It says lo a wild warwbooping way: "Stand aside politcians you little goafs and worms or tbe farmers will tlep 00 you and kill you I The farmer will crush lbs very life out of any party or politician wbo bin ders tbe oar of reform I With corn at a quarter a bushel, you may as well play with an elephant as a farmer. " Tbe sentiments are good, but what puzzles us It to know wby tbe (aimer is like a elephant and. what com u of . playing, wilo an elephant.. Old Iove The broadsword loset Hi glitter As it bangs la tbe ancient ball: Rusted and blunt grown tbe keen-edged blade That onoe to gallant champion made, As It gleamed from tbe oastle wall. "Tbe jewel loses its lustre As It Ifet in Hi velvet nest Till dull and dim as tbe good red gold That showed such a royal light ol old, As it flashed Irom the beauty't brest. The blue eyes loset in power As age cumei creeping op; The fair rmm dtops irom Hi stalely grace, Tbe roses fly from Ibe caresaoro face, The ob arm Irom tbe trembling lone, Tbe color fades from Ibe canvas, Tbe magic from tinging rhyme. Nor is there a joy in this world of ours Riches, 01 glories, or hopes, or flowert But dies at the loucb of timet Ay, love in Its pure serenity, Can Ibe pltlleo spell defy; For lean cannot drowo, nor absence dim, And death Ittelf may not cooQiier him, AnJ true love oever oan die. Mwport Initial. Just received at tbe Post Office News room 201) boxes of Newport Initial Tinted Papen. II is by far tbe nieesl initial pape ever brought lo tblt place. Toe taoies ar. respectfully Invited to call In and examine it. It is neat and nobby. Sunv ills Seminary will open Sept. 11. gunvllle It at free at possible from bad in fluences. The oew building speaks of tbe enterprise aod good taste of tbe oommunity Young ladies may go to Sunvtlle and pre pare for college or for teaching In tbe pub. He schools. Tbe school will contain a nor. mal department. Good board and low prl ces. Instruction given on piano and organ. For furtbnr particulars address S. H. Piutukb, Principal, Snnville. Pa. On Monday last .wenty miles of the East. ern Extention of tbe Allegheny Valley Rail, toad, known as the Greet Low Grade road ws opened for business from Barns Station to Drif.woO'l. on the Pbiladelnhi and Erie Railroad. A'ditpateb from Pittsburgh says that trains will ruo regularly from this time, C iionel J. J. Lawrenoe was presoot al Ibe opening. A Paris dispatch stales that tbe member! of the Right propose presenting a consitlu linn to the Count Chambord, which If he accepts tbev will proclaim blm King. If tie roluses, a republio will be definite estab lished. Bn Osboioe near Youngslown, Ohio, Mmrioy night, shot dead Ion Ibe bigbwuy. without pioTocation, an Inoffensive negro named Jerry Barnes. AliCTI SALE OF Boots & Shoes POSTPONED FOR 30 DAYS. Selling at cost in the mean time. M. SAMUELS. A BEAUTIFUIi OHflOMO rji8 FEEE To All Iioveri of Art and lilt eratnre t We will send the Beautiful Chromo entitled "Th. Uuwclcorno Visitor " Pustaue prepaid a. a premlnm to every subscriber to our monthly magaaine caueu toe gumble Dee, eontainfngSS large pages besides th. cover, filled wivu un mtowi uiueb uiieneung naduig. Prlc $1 A YEAR I Rend Mi vnnr itnlUr. .nH . 1 wjimt m.gaaine and an eight dollar chromo In retora. W waat and wUl liberally pay AGENTS, 8eu4 stamp or particulars- iddreet. If Local Notices. WThe Post Office NewsreomBf !?......,.; I. an. inimlni In f..i, T. ""H Call and try glass of ioe cool soda J Dlckeu'a tta Just Issued la paper cover by the PJ sons, frloe zo oents, and lor salt U 111 Post Office Newsroom. 1 do to W. A. LOZIErI 4th $treet,near It. tor your BENZINE, delivl erert at the vrelh for $i,5l 1 - far per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6th tf. SEND FOR CATALOGUE! or NoveJlo's Cheap Music Nov.llo'i Glees, Part Sonpt, etc S In n nr rvowi'o'fl vnnrrn aiiimc 10 11 NOVELLO'8 OCI'AVO EDITION OF OPKHa, Price, fl ; ft, bound in cloth, tlltwi NOVELLO'8 OCTAVO JCMTIONtOPOKATuklJ A Im t) a. ' ... ID uapvrf irvni "V UCI ID IU ay t CIUIU. T1U) r dge f 1 to t etcD. I NOVELLO'S tap EDITION! Bitch's 48 Trrlndns and Fugue. Cloth Bettbovtu's 8 bonatie. ,leullj rnand. ti gut Beet ihivi n m riano nccca. :ie);ani twnid nopiD a vMM-i. mm paper covers H i nnplD roimMitwt. ' Chopin's Norlernw. Choutu'KMntnikas. Chopin's B Itada. C iptn's Hretii . " " iJ o.tln a PmietM " J Meud.l?Miha's t 'ompl e Piano Work. Kin, S0II11 kuiuo' . mil alii. I'O'npiuiu In 4 vnk.j Trepan.. 9 vit. Fnil cllt. Coninlittin4vi The Mine. H vn. raner. Cf ilut'(ln4vi.uui MendeiKoha'sLonga Without Word, folio tidlii.fl run ill Ocuivo Edition Fnil silt ' Octnvo Enttioii. Paper ctvci Mozart's It) 'Houatas. Elegantly 81 bODti. h J board, fi inn Schubert'. 10 Donatae. Blegantly Kilt Schtibori,s Dane!- Com' eta. E!e, Bllj I J Fill Kilt Hcbfb r"s Piuo Fleets. XlagasAly brand. cm BcBunjnnn'e Forest Scenes. Nine Buij Fltn Paper covef s, 3 Hclmpanu'. Piano Forte Albino. Ftnrsiitl houl Fall gilt h Ttiu Borne. Paper covers li OR NATIONAL Krtlo Mnalchy J W. Elliott, with fit bmiitir llluxtratiuns engraved by ih brothers M. lkwiii", 1.60. bplendldly bouud lu ouges, f:l ASK. FOBS' NOTkT.I.O'S KDITIOM Aiiilr.-.. J. L. PITBH8. S!)9 Bruadti) New York, AccBtrc.i Novnllo'. rtwae Vwi New Goods Em el Zedwich f'UTTLB JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKfl Has just re.nrr.ed from Buffalo wilt complete slock oi Fall and Winter CinhIs Has hern eetshllehrd rn Pe IiiIiti, l.inrli past three jeara, and bat tbe uaneof Maklnc the fire Flf irnal Fine Moot In the Oil Regions. II. Is enutantly reeelvlag nedera frnai etfeem1 tious efibe Oil Jtrgiooa. II. constantly keeps on hand Iteady-maile Diwts.&ShMi LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITEES OAtiSj AND 8Er HIISJ . Th Hrekwlih itO forte ble ramlll Wilis; Maeblue, 011 0 Bays Trlsli many sdvaiiugm over all. Hutlrftv llnn i;imrnrm or.fti refnndid. Dent eomplel., -with Ml dir !lon. 'Berkwllb Hewing Jlachine Co. ,W1 BroedW New York. Uissolution Notice. The copartnership heretofore existing b" tween Pond, Frasler A Co , In tbe riuiioJ of oil prodiiciog, It thit day dissolved sf mutual consent. All debts against tbilti' firm will be Settled by Frailer 4 Co., M will berealter conduct the business ts btvfbr, on tbe Hasson farm, sear Oil City. Ps. I. W. Pond. A. L. FbasiM. Mrs. Wm. J. Bollman. Administratrix. Sated August 9, 1873. " m .oriiien, All pereonn woo e"." filale makinir eontracui with newepapers for It' dmtUoo of Advertisements euonld tend to A - ... . ..y. Geo. P. Rowell & Oh for a Clivnltv. n, maIm k m.m aw thrtt rsS Hundred' Page fanpaJet, contaU I.isu of a.JIflO Net .-paper, and eelimate. 'ta,iZ tbe coat of advertielnir, also many useful hlrJt.i advertlsera, and pome account of tne exuerteiwei mm. k 1 u a.. 1 .Jv.r Users. This Sim are proprietor of lbs Isw oan N.wspapcr Advertiauig Ageasy, 41 PARK BOW, N.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers