NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Oncn'tlieltuvit Hnardirftt Sr-hooH f ir biilh rxes in the U'dtr,l states. Mx imirses or etudv. Ml I tary ..ictice, .'.Hiiinn-i;u ('oll'te Course arid Tele Cti'l.hini; To-us low. i-'ull torni o)wtn Heiilem rwrU; Send 1 T r. U.t 1 'MB to . U. . I'Ol'B-l..-.j.A. i;., url. L. si'UAUCI'.KliiKJton, Pa. Co!!".u'J!a (JUssk'al Iiis'tnte A Hoar-lin.-S'-'tool for Young Men and Btvyfl. For 'ir :i! ,.,r-. address Key. II. 8. ALEXANDER, Col- AOHXTri tVANTEL) FUK 'I'll B NEW BOOK. Spite k Contagions . Bissasss u-i'li the newest and bint treatment for al' cin s i nit on iv moron li -v.-M; ni ii"" Kinu in llie world Ktiit.ia'.-iis i.rtili 1'ni:, id ir.v Fever, Cholera mid ' ' an -lot'osi. r".-.t No "amlly S fi Without It. rvi-rl all irivil I'ti - 1 e.!inmriiio HhHtrnlions. Til" 1, '.V ( I' .i.U' I 11' i-t'llMOll I'm- uitrnls. Ad- liw.- ii ' nO''hM) (JiJ., 37 i'iu k ltow, Ivjw Yin .. " "V ""V - ' 1 r KP! "V Willi Hlnncil & V..' . 1 i.J i. li 'V l l'C. 'lltlit.'. C:it:iltiaih l.l p :. M. inii''.'r, ill' IIjiiiovui b; ., i'.oUn. iWotey -.Iade Fast. $1,000 . It iji lk ftt ih. J i ti;ion writiri; run ' 'i !! :,U : Iji! ifi?, W" will I.'iVC y.Jll Ollf) Utll- tli CO., Tolu'uinhn, Mkh. i rl v T A(,nt.' w;in?)-d! All 'it'"' ' CltHtJi lf Wlll'killi! M il .it ill' irr 'is. y um : m nlil. m ik,! nur m uw ut W'M-ij: T ir f i i 'i -ii' a., tr -: uitimciH or u.l tti'! Mini '..m, :ti. mv HMti Ok- Fjrficiilnrft froe. Addruas ti. MMNrtii:. U I'ortlniid, Alaino 2S3 LA ,8MX DIS- e.ffUibiUIictl in 1S3T, H lt. r.ldcr .'uid inort ?ir:c f ftil hwtUunnn in thin ;iwr.v l.a- tl' tr.'tv;.im'iit ol' Ohiuuio mid Hcximl DintTi-. ' in-1. im-' of krntmiit.. nil, nr nddres I-; w..U .tjt(' rti J t of nM, JI MLNhLKN ii .v.viUfiii Limn, i. Y. DF. IiEE3r ECH5MCEYBP KNO'N Bsitii Granl Qift Concan . P Ut TIM! lilSNEl'lT OF THE "5J u b lie L i b r a r y 912,UiHl fAMJI f4f'IS ?1;00,MI)0. ICVery Fifth Ticket Draws a Prize SSO.OOOFO'H. $50 'i i.o Vo .i-ili fir.ncl (ilit (Joni-crt nutliorzcil liy Pl-lni uc ol Hip I vsMntilre for thn bniii-IU ol (liu J'uiil c i m.nrv of K.Mituokv, will takonlmv in 1'uli )tn .llii.i. , ;inil, nt Loiiwvlllo, Ky., XV E UM H i f) .4 Y, ii tJC. .1, 7 . rnly fix ilionsniid tlnkcM will he gold and one li i l o th m In'emloil for tin. Kntupmn markflt. Hill.-, l.'uvll: u;ly :l l,(..'(l i,r Wlli! In llin Uullfd M.i!i .wtlrif Ii li in II w re liUprini.,! ff.,r tlm Third o: ..rt. Tin. t'.ckiiH nro dtvld.'.l Into Ion conooilR ; iwru nvd m . on t'urii- Iviok lli ivnh a lull i'X(ii:u...!i ;i ol' mod., tii'drnviii). A: tiiiM ii -I..01TI, which will In. ilio u'ii.iidct nn: iral dr iny twir wiines.-td .11 thlaemmnr, tlm uu-jircc-doritnl Hiiin of ' SI 5000' O, li vuV,! int.i l'J.OJi-i'-li ..-ills, v II 1 diHlriliiitw liy l. ai.iu., t. tiiltul-bolili-M. 'I bo niuiibi'i'd of the lu ki lnh iJri.w". fr m oiii. ivh'h-1 hy cliil ": x llic i. from tii.iuluT. l.HT OK CIFTS. flno drilnJ I'n J; rtIl ,' . '0,onft i o (lili'lll Ciifl, ( ,'t, ji0 cki i." i; i'ii-i, i;nt, fii.Kin till.' .r uid i!.'i-li 1 li. l lO'. a-ligifM f 1'i.woi.ncli, lidjui "0 ;il b ft Uln omdi; l.Ml.f.lKI .( Dtf.M M.iin ph. h, rm.uHl W1 -il Cil'H lOllivu'll, 411 KM 1IH C:.!. 4IKI wu'h, . .111.0, II j;m im- 'i mio i-i-cii, .n.n.o ' w-ii c Hi -hi M;i.i, rii.onii i.-rt f'rnlni tot. lul) eaoli, ..MKl K.IIIHI u-iii t,il!H 51 WII'll,,illl Toial, i3,rno nifi.-i, all Canh, ninount. M,:; ' . $l,wi.i,(Hi) . Tin' l -trihnllii'i will h noi-Itlvi'. wln-tli n' Hi.. 11 ' i"s u.l- ,.! .), nut, and mo l-ymu .-ifn nil ouid 1 P"1!' J!' " m 1 . thu ik'lioi-i si ild -all'lil lic'o u ".".il,,-;. wiil, ami tlm ,',i-t. mill 'V..Mi,d Con Ci'ltK.M'U , 1 ,-,-..,.. , jt, 1. i':;ir:i; ok 'nck'Ki: U'liolitliv I,, n-i). ,,,,, ...i. .r,h . u-v,.., . . Tirt, -i-. tr j;ii,i; (...., '. '" ; ."1 'V ol,"l',-,'U lor JtMMk i.'in,,,' in ' :'""'. .i?11?"- K" 'i w.iiit on iV , ,, , 1 "' ' "-i"l- a' a riliii). J' ' J'n" 1 "I llio Tiiivd Otft Cob- ,'1 i'i .!,';; J,";! ' ali' citVvoi-yTicIc A I".' . : . ..i!..' . ii- In' L, li.ii1 Jin,;, Uiuiavtllt., Ky.' - 'OO V1"l,,r -l ' iT!',''0';r!'''t'l!Vl:"i,,' s ini . it rA " I'l'omu, 1. , ......... u 1: not .i.'ly vllii'i. A.VCU. I'uliluui-i-. tu-,- ' I I Hl il ,hm. (y ' '"!' Mm;: i. s..;l tor He ," '" ' 1 "' . '''Kue Vaini - 3 !; 5 S s S Id W S- f-mi " .2 o -s ?,'M - ir M Z H J i ' " . - s g k e s 5 s o s -Sf s -3 sis "fiXa 1' 1 - & j tfe-s e F A 5 - r E - B ! r It S 2 . eh s fs si? A 'PaS Jr rl - o Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job PR.iyTiaic Office; MAIN TREET, iETIM)LElM CENTRE. gims c. victn, (roprlcior. SEWS UEPAKTMEXT. WP rPPI'ivn lAlnnmnhln At .n tnl,, . liiiuaiiKiiowi ol p-Pftt nil Poclinim of I l) I'DUii'rv. Uit li no 1. :.,i whereby w recoivu remtliir lVtroU-uin, Mork nrd I H 1(1 til M Mni'L'Mt l-.,.,...! u ,.-, ,.!. . t' . , . fnim NiwV k I 'Z ' I tiKjuther with Kditorluls nnd l.oi'.il matlcrH, liinke it 0110 of ilut 1,1, ,t dwiitiijic uewspaucia iiub'.ui,d iu the Ul Kegiou. Au un AUvei tlsIiis MedSui i, ho IU5COKD has no aupeilor, na It clrenlatcs wburcror an Oil Operator or Dealer ran bo found JOBBIE DEPARTMENT. Wo hayo n larje and Well rsclrcn'o Flock nl 1 ,J5,,',?,,tMH'l-la, ttnil.indne tho very latitnl jlyliM We aro llii'rolorii ouahlod to execute Joo oi k of evory variety in a ntislnctnry manner When duiirod, jobs will be usatlj printed in t'OLOEC Slcippins RilU Hitml-Rillg, Piogruinmes, Uillsuf Fare. liiibo BiulneM and Visliing cards, l jjttehiuead8, uh.l;iieads, lilXLS W lAUINU. Etc", Eic . ILtJO . am or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly oiecn tod, eiiUiruciui; INVITATION'S ( tm ri.AKS ."IMGHAMMU'S n few, every varlotv ttt j stylo of war in i.tter pl'LIIH )I1.UI1UX- Morr'.miiti. T.-i'vyera. .Instli'os nr tltrt IVarn 'tanri A'-"''"". eaii-r mid Aucnn, liwn mine '."-'.'i t" Kxprossmeii and otlu r parilua In want, ni' im, ?mvA m. ,'.'-11 e.,,ri'"r'U ""X1'',1"1 'o order a !1 kinda ol uiunlty. "1""u inini.coiu-n-M,i Mim,,...a.ii.. wjiirt, lii.l 1 1 1.-1 on oim .... . . .,,,.. .. 'I'n . t",Li - " k"'"J Vr '""I 1 -J- 11. 11 varnt:i;. G. GORDON HARDWARE I3EALEH I3ST k7 ltiaiia-St,? Petroleum, Centre, Kiti-;w on hand House FurnisSim broods, Boston Fat. Conpli TiiliEiL Cain, Css Pipe asl Fitfea New Bedford Bolt Hope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER BELTING, WORKING BARRELS, TUBING AND I ACM NO. VALVES. CAflXO AND HOSE, Lanterns, Lantern tiloJirs,' liupcsjtir's Tools, ALLKIiVI) OP BRASS tlOOUS, Estra Winter Strained Lard Oil, Johnson & Barrett's Lid ,ricatiu? Oil, No. 1 Refined Oil, The Koveity and Eureka Clothes Wringers, tho brntin use, With a full lino of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and Silver Plater! Spoons and Forks, STOVES, .STOVES ! 3? CO) "P M v fltnnlr f Pnn ir a wn ttd i.ti cm 7., ! boKht b;fr he laVaun r h America Cook tove ! H itb re6ir and warming clo.ct, a Ot.t class Slow for hard coal or wood THBHl? c,o8,t, for hard co... ' ' with nr without renervoir and w;,ni,w.Vi..'.lT".ok' a """P Br1 Stovo Wheat S iii f rn 7L i 1 :my line op parlor heaters cannot i TOllw. TI,U w::r;,,f rf-;--.f "?.TV!h " a h-tifi" r inaieil base 8 ''f ,eei,ir 1 all"r il,lte'' w'tu mill grate and Ilium KC'!,?I';in';,!;-fM' rrar;')r .r,UnS B patent .U ""y s:?i;;!r wsr, .B:,w' 0 v,,ry )ci,;;iifui a ll.tUKU Lisll(-A cboap cyllmlor S.ovo win, n.n, ...., Uohno-A Hheet Iron cylimler stove, v.-ry cl ou B -,n.y-A small sell feed,., ,,U ,,,, t, (, ' c"0, IClilCK Sl'ittl A pnr.'i.r c.i.k ,; Vl. wtf, . . , I; aine A chnup dining room Stuvo. "'' J!Mi A cheap bod room Mm,, I'carl A cboap cylindor riimo. 1.1- hnl ,. t i, , Vol-iitl-A lure healing St ,v a" 'oal' BALAMANDJSR-A derrick stove. G''()H P iT'.'n'm",'1 f;',r ,!"; ""d hotels. H L1.-1. or 8toi-K a olUce!, MAU'-i'vRo5. KM 0 ICE Rp.u,rg,rrJI kinds dono wii!: :,,d ,.i,Jiatd, AND OIL WELL SUPPLIES. a f;ill Unojof J VALVE CUPS, cLAiirs .nr'l"0lS? "''W Jn the oil region, i At- """"esmvn lor soft ooal THE TORPEDO PATENT SUITS Roberts vs. Nicholas Geyer, The following is the decision rendererh-y Jnj McKcnnan, at May Term of the Circuit Poiirtu lit Abnv. enaot . , In the Circuit Court of the Cniled Htates, in an ft, the Wontern District of Pennsylvania. R. ,x j. jioueris t. nicnoias ueyor. Ko. 1. May Tern 1873.-In Kqnlly ... ' November SI, 18TS. Sill filed and nlipcen, , mif.l1. Hubpoona nr.d notice of application for prcim, iry nguneiion BtJTVea. . , , Drawn W 19 1H?a 1ffAtn JU. . u.. , I'lcrniiimv In-. junction heard, and the Court being duly ndvifed g the premises; tho Injunction awarded as prayed lor, January 14, 1873. In)unctloa issnod, nnd on th aiili dayof January iudlctment served personally and liv rmiv. May 2, 1ST3. Kule Isinod lor dolcndont to Miow canewhyatinclimcnt should not lHno for contenmt in vlolutliig Inliii.ctloo and duly served Juni'Sd, IH78. Mult-for attachment In this cne came on to be heard, and nfler argument of cunrnrl pro and cou, tho Court being full advised in tho premises, the liulo lsiniulo absolute, nnd Die acn- tenCti Of tho Con.t la. thai the anirl Hr.f-...,.ln t... - . - ..u..u, men- olas Oeycr, be Impiiosenod In the common jail nt niHBitenyijonniy tor ana during tho term often uy, uuumutue nay.tne costs or t hi nin-,.j Ins-J June 3d, 1878. Commltent iBsuud. The Injunction In this cue was for Inu-inn-oest of the Kobcrti' patent of No (called the Bij; ot ent), for incrnslng the productiveness of oil wells, The act of Infringement toe which the defendout wai comniltlfid lor ronl., mill rv.natdi.. aiexunora nanjiir in mplorjinir toriiedoej In 0 wells being tho fame net oflntrLici-ment for wliich iiuniur -iib nihil oinmiitou in -.lie case No. 8, x0 vembcr Term, ltflill, n hi-forn utau d., i nc L'onrt JicKcuitau, J., a.tir dillverlni! liis otilnion in tho llaniar cuso, procid'iled to buntenre Nlc io tu Ceyer for cuiiti-iupl, and delivered tl.o fil owii.sorai oiiiuion: LI" tliociieof NlcBnlss Geyer chained with th ynnie ouense, l am ortlroly sntlsllid Hull tin-re was rl ild present, in the DeiiiK well at least. As j iun, intimated tntht counsel in (he count nf the . sicNt, rA oreieiice of lluitl in th, mil. ,. sirtd or not, is an infringement of Hit patent, um( a urearnoj tht uijunrtinn the. Court. Mr Huberts, by his patent uses as one of Hie pris uipai i-iemenis oi in invention tlaid tampini:, and wncrevorincrets fluid suflicloiit in a well, at IL. time of the explosion of a tnrpedo, to op-rate as vnT I, Kvis mere narnrany or Is tint i".T". ""V"0,'1111-lt'' is Inl'i ilit-ed. This us . , 1 11 io me neaiii well, iiut Mr Ocyer si euis to have lievn milled hy ",w ii uu merely wnnleo lo mala- nn uxpertment ; and 1 do not think, this In- piniw'cS' t'"iU' Ul Usht ' Very w:"-'ry Ho also !s adjiidL'ed guilty of contempt nnd order ed o pay the costs of this proceeding and midemo an imprisonment iut ho conntv jail Tor ten davs -Ihiuie this will be the last ol thise cases: lieeiinse. ir Hie matler comes to our notice aeian wewill he ontstrslned to InipoM. such punishment as will tend to Ulliko the deereo of the Court cn'eCUllll. June T7-lm. KBASMCVa FLUID CXTRAOT BUOHU; Is the only Known Kerned far Bright. Dis ease and has eared every ease sf Diabetes in which it bu hem givsn, Irritation of the Neck or the Bladder and inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulesratioaof the Kidneys and Bladder, Iteten Monof Urtne, Diseases) of the Prostate Gland, Btone in the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, aid Mucous ipr .Milky Discharges, aad for Kn. feetued jud D.UoateOonsUtutlonii of both Bat, attended with the following symptoms : Los of Power, Lose of Memory, Diffloulty of Breath t?guT.NrT Wakefulness, Pain in the 'luM e'he Body,Bruption on the Face, '""Countenance, Lauilud. of the System, etc. MVT P""" 1" e decline or change 0 ' . v., , vt muok uauis. oeu-wev- Uog in children, etc. i El- rumes. or Soppreeaion ot Customary Evaluations, corrhosaor Whltee,Btorillty,and for all com plaint incident to the aez. It is r (escribed extensively by the moet eminent Physicians and Mldwives for enfeebled end delicato eansUtw taou of both sexes and all ages. KEAttNET'S EXTRACT BtTCBT f7fTe JHseatet Arising from ImprudencM, BaMU Qf DMitoHon, Mtc, In all their stsges. at uttle espouse, little or ne change in diet, no in convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fee juont desire, end gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and """ir "trictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pia and Inflammation, so frequent in this clua of dis eases, and eipellins; all Poisonous matter, KEAKIVEY'S EXTRACT BVCBTI, 1.00perbottloorsixhottlesfor$5.00, dslivered to any address, sccuro from observation, told by arugguitj everywhere. Prepared br , . KEf KNEY CO., 104 Duine Bt., K. 7. to whom all letter tec information should tie addressed. Avoid Quacks and Impostors. Ho Charge for Advloe and Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dyntl, Graduate otjeffmoa Mtdint College, Philadelphia, author of BevBral val"l ' works, can be consulted on all diseases ef the osrual or U rinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) either im male or female, so patter from what cause originating or of b" long standing, A practice of 80 years enables nun to treat disease with snocess. Cures guar anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a d' tanoe can forward letter describing symptoms nnd enclosing stamp to tirepay tmstuge. tend tor tne Hiile U Ihnltk. l'rica 10 cents. J. J. D'AIT, M.D., IMiysii ian and rJrgcO -" 104 Dnaae si . Now Vori. Pomerly wllh V, II. T. HELMBOU1 , AlVt-iuso (ii tua
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers