Fetroleun Centre Daily Record. Pel. Ce litre, Pt Friday, Anmint sltviue Service. HBTOODUT EPISCOPAL CfirjrWH Services everv Sabbath t 11 A. M. anil P. M. Bnbhurn School at 11! P.M. nntiftvR. A cordial Invitation extend ed tu all. Rev. 6. Mooftc, Paator. rRK3BTTRRIAN CHURCH. Proivhinrr. at 11 o'clock A. M.. ttnd'7 o'clusk P. M , by tb Pastor, W. C. Bitbcb aril Sabbath Softool at 12, directly after loreooon service. I'rnyer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher's Aleellng Tuesday eveniogs ol cucb wk. Petroleum Centre Lodge, No. T1S, I. O. of O. F. 'Resrulir iii'uting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Klvtieri. W. H. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C H. Hvi.ky, A Sec'y. Tl ich ol' uientirg, Mala tit., opposite ileGliiiidck lloue. A. O. of V. V. Liberty I.mlj No. 7, A. O. ofU. W., meets every Monday evening at 1i o'clock, n U'M Fellow's llnll, Petroleum Centre, 1'enn'a. Jamks Wilson, M. W. FJamls 3. WittTr. K. i. o. of it. n. MlnnekuriMn Trine N. 183, I. O. R. M of l'etruli'iim Centre, meets every Thursday evening iu Good Templar's Hill. 23rTC'juucil llrcs linhterl at 7 o'clock. 11. HOWE, Sacbem. C. L JUKES, Cbiul ol R-coroe. Gold at , The Oil ( p. iu. 115)6 beeTv I City Derrick of Ibis morning btt another column devoted expressly to Col. William Pb'lhps and tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad. A ptragrapb Is copied from tbe . Hevauo in regard to tbe affair, and lo con mentiug theieou, while no refliollooa are openly made, curtain Insinuations are made Which are not correot. Tbe Derrick lays "Whether our cotemporsry seea fit to ray anything for an iintranitnelt'd press, or pre- . fere. to be politic end elde with tbe ebpprev tics corporation, it should at least state tbe real lesuo between us and the Valley Road.' We hardly understand wbat that issue It, unless it be that the Derrick baa In timet past devoted column after eoluma towards abusing the Valley Road and Its officers and management, at the same lime being tbe recipient of almost innumerable lavort at the hands of both that and Ibe Oil Creel Road. Tbe favors, la our bumble oplulon, more tbau balaooed all the advertising does by tbat sheet for tbe railroad. If it wat not a favor lo have aa edition of papers eot free gratis almost tbe entire length and breadth of the oil region hours in advance ol other journals, then lavoit cannot bechoe at all. With regard lo ao "uotramtneM press" we utterly tail lo see tbe point of tbe Derrick' argufeeots or whereia It bat been trammeled In tbe least by Col. Phillips or any other mao for that matter, at it hat lrv variably made a point lo ty wbat it bad a a mind lo; many timet la language mc forcible I'.iau elegant, and in many cie j where tbe criticism wat unmerited. Ot course there may have been wrongt done ,.i the mauagemeut ol this road, but they can and we presume hive been righted in more tbm oue lim ine, lint tbat should be do jmieoo why Col. Phillips should be made I ho Bole object of personal abuse on the part t'f that paper. In the Derrick's case "the last hair Is w hat probably broke tbe camel's buik," aud that paper bas no out to blame but iisolf, and now that "lit chicken's have come home lo roost" it should net find . any lauit whatever. The Derrick seeks to oarry the impression thit Col. Puillips 13 working in tbe interest ol the TittiBville papers. That argument Is decided y thin considering that Oil City has ulways had tti.i aJvaulage on both roads. l'or our part we never considered that the prea il tula region bad been trammeled In the IcuBl by either tbe VaUey Road or Hie OH Creek liud. We do not speak lor entire pres.", but lor ourselves we have al ta8 been trea'.ed with the utmost courtesy by tbe Allegheny and Oil Creek Railroad ulUkials, and presume the majority of tbe pre along Ibe line will bear us uut la tbis uBserllon. Our townsman, Mr. Ambrose Weaver, ri celved a telerm from Millerstowo, this morning, aLiiourAing the death ot bis brotU ei-tulaw, Aluoz B. Goodrich. Mr. G. it will be rtmoiliered, was one of tbe par ties who w.a u liarfullv burned br an axi ilnsion of lias at tbe John Pteston well in Ihe lower dietrlot. He formerly resided In tn's place, anjtjrfuv.s a wife and three child i en to nftiuro his untimely end. His remains passed through here this af ternoon en route to Ctttaraugus county, N. 1'-.,' where they will he bn.led. TleTitn lio ltntrcat euded this morning Tbe following poem is supposed to have bflca written by ao operator ,wbo formerly rslded on Oil Greek, but ' uofortuoately moved to Butler : Tbe sbadfi of olgbt are falling fast, When on tbruugb MiPerstown tbere pass ed A youib, wbo shouted as he went And seemed to show just what be meant Butler or bust. Ob, stay, a maiden said, and rest Tbat weary bead upon my breast; A tear fell down upon bis nose, But from bit lips tbe cry arose Butler or bust. At early dawn the youlb atilt pressed His toilsome way towards the orest; Ilis feet were sore, bis "wind" played out, But still be mustered strength to about Butler or bust. Then, in tbe light of the new day Chill, comfortless and sore be lay Upon tbe rocks, and feebly gasped At with bit bandt bit brow be clasped I'm baited. United States Attorney Swoope bat re ceived, lor bit examination and approval a deed from the Marine Hospital of Pennsyl vania, at Erie, to the United States of America, for tbe peninsula which formt tbe harbor of Erie, known at Presque Island, whiob contains two thousand and twenty. lour acres. In 1869 Morrow B. JLowry ob. tained a patent for this peninsula from tbe Commonwerllb to tbe Marine Hospital, and a squabble ensued between tbe Directors o the hospital and tbe eitizsns cf Erie in re gard lo it, Measures were taken to have tbe property vested in tbe United States, and thit deed bas bees executed and tendered pursuance of tbe arrangement. John Graham, a colored citizea and brother, it alt right when sober . But John will drink gin and tugar lo tuck Inordinate quantities as to set biro almost crazy, and he Immediately siertt for bis vine clad shanty on tbe bank of Oil Creek, and proceeds to upset tblogt la general, and log by giving bit spouse a beating. Last night John got oq a "jamboree" and proceeded to enae the same programme. Tbe fun, how ever, bad hardly commeooed before offioer Burgess arrived and arretted Jobo. He wat taken before Justice Reynolds who fintd blm $1 and costs. Thus ended John Gra ham's last drunk. Our reporter bat some rich, rare and racy Item Irom tbe lata beds. Look ont lor tbe "red light" to-morrow. Fred. Grant Is believed to bava engaged himself tome lime during Ihe ptttfew weekt id an Iodlan maiden, la utter forgetfulness ol tbe Ohio lady whose name hat been to frequently coupled with his. Tbat, at least, It oue of the reliable atoriti of the corres pondents. Tbe New York Timet remarks tbat three men were lo aa oil well when the oil wts slruok, whloh eeubt Are and tbey burned to aeatn. we would isre to are three men that could get In a bole Ave Inches In diem eler. Tbey must look wane than tome of our operator! wbo have been long drawn out by repealed poor strikes. Agricultural laborers are to scarce In some parts of Franoenbat the Ministers ol War baa decided that for the approaching bar- vest all tbe soldiers wbo ean be spared Irom tbelr regiments shall be placed at the dis posal of the agriculturalists. The total abseooe of bootjacks, pomatum pois, ana oiner household mlsillt In tbe re mains of Swiss laoustrine villages leads Dr. Uartmao, the distinguished .ethnologist, to tne conclusion tbat tbe domestio cat wat uu known to prehistoric men. PKate Stoddard continues to writs; and we basteo lo add tbe consoling fact tbat It Is not so m" oh a lecture it a book. It it pot tible, however, tbat one of Ibe bureaus will bring ber out shortly after that little trial Is over. Dr. Mary Walker speaks of tbe style ol dress at tbe ooly ttyle appropriate for a lady la ascending a ladder. We take it from thit that tbe doctor bat fouad employ ment at last, and the boddity ol her apparel is fatly explained. Tlchborna wante money from bis Ameri Can admirres; but as be will tborllybe ob llged lo give bas time and talents altogetb er to bit beloved country tbere It a vague suspioioo tbat tbe security be offen . isn't very valuable. Q An Infant child of our townsmen, Mr. M. Sweeney, died at bit residence on Washing ton street, last nlghr, of Cholera Infantum. The remains will be taken to Elmlra, N, Y., ior burial. Mr. 8., and family have tbe beartfeltsympathyofallia tbelr tad affile lion. Difficulties have arissn In the execution of Ibe law for tbe reorganization of Ihe Italian army. Noted When we see a young man dressed In tbe height ol fashion, every now and then twisting bis barely' visible mus taobe with a view ol showing bli diamond rrog and sleeve buttons, in the othor band Indifferently twirling aa ebony cane, who puff bis cigar lo stranger's faoes; wbo gaze1 Impudently at young ladies and trlet to im prest every one with effeminate mightiness, we conclude at once that he Is a ninny, a veritable titmouse wbo shows olmsoif lo sen sible people whenever be opens bis mouth to speak. All such tre found wanting when balanced upon tbe scale. They lack tbe true ring acd like Judas tbey are two laced. When we see a young girl wearing a bus tie large enough to carry a Saratoga 'trunk, wbo assumes tbe Long Branch wriggle in walking, puffs ber balr Into an unrecognizi ble mass upon the lop of her bead, wbo wean an Immense while collar suggesting the fringe around our grandmother's cap. This young lady possesses a smattering o tbe higher braoeoes, knowiog absolutely nothing of housework or cares Sho prac tices uutil she is aa accomplished murderer of music, laces until she can wear a No. 15 corset, always baa a languid air about ber and chews gum, she dances the Bottoa dip with Augustas until tbe wee small hours, sleeps until ten nexfday, dowoa a wrapper aod.pores over Ihe latest novel until it Is lime to dress for dinner. Her mission I to obtain a desirable husband. Such a girl. is not fulQIIIiug ber lot. Ambitious re formers here it a Held to exert your ioflur enoe in reclaiming these otherwise uselu! neoDle to oaths of well doioe. Crude and Itefined vils. pricks of 1872 nd 1873 coxprcd. Tbe excitement among crude oil dealers still continued yesterday, but prices were a little siiffer without obange of quotations. Tbelargely looreased production bas grad ually sent price down until tbey have touched Ibe lowest point reached since 1866, By reference to our filet we find that on tbe 80th of July, 1872, orude oil told at Par ker's at $3,60 per barrel, while on tbe tame date tblt year Ibe price wat $1,70 per bar. rel a deolloe of $1,90. On the same data of 1872, refined oil wat quoted la tblt mar ket at 19 and 1 cents per gallon. Yes terday tbe prions were UJ and H cents Estimated at 42 gallons, a barrel of refined oil, one year ago, sold at $7,98 to $8.19. Now II is worth from $5,D8J, lo $6,09 -a decline of $2,00 per barrel. The empty barrel (new) it worth $2,25, to that forty two gallons of refined oil are sold lor $2,75 or about nine cents per gallon, without ibe cask. These, of course, are wholesale rater, butt bey are low enough lo all coasolenc.; and even after tbe retailer bat taken out bi. profit wblob it probably juat now Ibe Hlo. . share,1 consumers will have no occasion lo complain. Pittsburgh Commercial, icifriJ Tbe Providence Journal tayt tbat a out effect of lightning may be seen in s oouple of family Bibles, Vbioh were in a bouse tlruok during Ihe tbower last Sunday, at Kingston. These Bibles were tigetber lo a wooden bos. The gliding wat almost entirely removed, while Ibe covers remain ed quite sound. Tbe wooden bos waa de stroyed. Tbe Biblet were brought to Ibe bindery of Messrs. Browne!!, Barrow A Rider to be refioisbed. Is not Ibis a pretty severe question for Ibe dootrine of Special Providences T If a Bible ia oof tale Irom lighiniog in a house on Sunday, wbat book ia? Jimmy Hamill, trainer of the Yale Fresh man, crew, is now training Sobarff for his tug with Coulter at Pittsburgh, August 2nd. 83msbodyatked.Jimmy, Ibe other dsy, II he thought that tbls man would win, and be replied: "Hit grandmother tbinkt bs will." Ia New Jersey the wateameloDS are Ibriv ing, peach trees are loaded down with fruit oorn never looked better, applejiok Is plenty, and families are daily increasing; but Ibe beat crop of murderers, and these are a product tbat Jorsevmen never Derm it 40 run to seed. And now come loseott to destroy tbe evergreen tree. Tbey have 'appeared at Applelon, Wisconsin, are tbe sizs of an or dinary beetle, bave piuobers an looh long, and seize on a branch of tbe tree and girdle it In short order. 'TheBraloerd Tribuoe says over forty Cbippewa women eame Into town oo Wed nesday, all bearing beavy loads or black berries. "As blueberry jerkors,'' it adds, in tbe melifluoua language of tbe frontier , "these Cbippewa Indiant are red hot." A duel was fought In Paris yesterday be tween M. Her vie, editor of tbe Journal de Paris, and Edmood About, tbe well known author and journalist. Tbe latter wat slightly wounded in the right band. Tbe fourth Kentucky lunatic asylum, sit uated near Louisville, will be formally op snded today for the reception of patients. Weekly Oil lleport. Once more the tidal wave is rolling to ward Durham Creek, lot 13 in tbe 101b, south of race course and Cresoent property. Tbe Murray wells prove tbe supply and dui abllly of wells In Ibat neighborhood, while Western company wells bave maintained their reputation for years, and now Ibe new rivde well unon the same property, has greatly added lo the Interest in that local tty. The yield Is some 60 barrels a day, which is certainly a good luvestmenl, tbe company is about preparing for another rig. Tbo Gathrbore 5 acres, purchased some years since by Messrs. McDonald & Gibson, bus dow been divided, tbe former getting the north half, and is getting a rig ready for a new venture. The old Dundat well It upon ihe Gibson half, which ruus west side of the new Hyde well, and Mr. G. bas brok en ground a short distaooe from tbe Dow celebrated Hyde, well, and purposes pushing ahead wilh a new well. Tbe Lancaster well iadown 440 fuel, with show, and will be completed and tested forthwith. Tbe olat Perkins A Cooley well is pumping Irom 450. but yleldiog tresb water, witb a small quantity of oil. Not having com up to expectation, tbe loilt will be put io agato and tbe well put deeper. Mr. Lancy bat a rig up a abort distance to tbe north west Of tbe celebrated Murray well, ani is prepar ing a rig a little to Ibe nor-east, evidently determined to know the "prospecf'sloog tbe south line ol the Cresent property; do doubl bis perseverance will toon be reward ed. Pelrolia, Ont., Adverticer., L It it believed by a World correspondent wno senas a oispaioo io toai paper irom Salt Lake City, July 26(h, tbat Katie Ben' der, one of the Kansas murderers, bas been arrested. 'The sheriff ot Utab county," he says, "has just discovered a bag near Provb wbo fully answer to Ihe detorlption of Katie Bender. She hit to appearance of a coarse person wbo bat associated rather with wild animals tbao human being, and for year instead of month. Her sufferings mud bave been such as none but tbe touch eel kind ol eoottitulloo could endure. She is utterly unknown to the people of Provo, to which Iowa (be came from tbe moan tain in search ol food. The sheriff arretted ber at Katie Beoder. She claimed, In reply to questions, to be from Montana, and tbat she it a Roman Catbolio wbo bat adopted tbe privations of savage life as tbe best means of expiating ber sins.'' We don'l believe this is ibe woman at all. The de teotlves. bave located Kitle in Paris; and It is more than likely ibat Katie is so lbor ougbly conscience:?!: tbat sbe believes Ibe n no bios to expiate. Tbe State Fair Ibis year will be held io Erie, on tbe same grounds a last year, oo September 30tb, and October . 1st, 2d, and 3d. M. Barrot, Vice President of tbe Council of State, died at Peril yesterday, aged eigoty.iwo yean. non. U. C. Campbell, warden Of the State penitentiary, died at Lincoln,, Ne braska, Tuecdey night. Anbscriptlon lor tbe Portland, Oregon, tufferert by lb recent fire wai Dumeroully signed In HI. Louis yesterday. Jobo Lalhrop Motley, tbe American bis toriao, has been stricken with Paralysis, de priving bin of Ibe use ol one tide. 'ZL Newport Initial. Just received at the Post Office News room 200 boxes ol Newport Initial Tinted Paper. It It by far tbe ntoett loltisl pspe( mr uiuukui iu iuii pisoe, i oe isaies irs respecfully Invited to call in and examine it. it is seal ana nobby. ADCTTON SALE , OF Boots & Shoes POSTPONED FOR 30 DAYS. Selling at cost in the mean time. ' M. SAMUELS. Local Motlr.ee. fTTbe Post Office NewsrooiiJl Fountain Is now running In full ku Call and try a glass of ice cool soda ! Dlckeu'e Boi" Just Issued In paper cover by the . nuun. nvr sv wine, lull lui sail u Post Office Newsroom. G to We As LOZlli 4th Strectsnear II. lUraJj tor your IIEMINE, deli eral at the welh for per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. Cth tl. SEND FOK CATALOGUE op NoveJlo'sCheapMusii iuveuo'. mew. run CMinpa, ,,. Stnlttrl nuvvi'v vuiinrn Jnuiic v to Is ax NOVEM.O'S OCTAVO EDITION OP OriHi J'rice, (1 ;or J, bound In cloth, tilt NOVEIXOH OCTAVO KDITIO.NJOlf ORATuh 8. In paper, from 60 cer Is to tl; clolh, Uh tigm, SI to fS each. NOVELLO'StojEplTION Back's 48 Prelodn and Fagnea. Cloth is .. . . .0.u.,7 BeeUumn'a 34 Piano Pieces. Ilrcaat bonnd (rtlt Chopjm Valraa. Stiff paper enters Chopin. PoloualFett. " f'lu.nin'. Nwliirau. .1 u Ckopla'. M-i-Mii kaa. " '. . mnlti PmlnilM. tl II roiiln'a HfmataM H n Venddwolm's t'omptrtc Piano Work. Elfnttfl rujiu namur . mil Kill, vu'upiefeln 4 Yob, Tbe Mine. 8 to. Full gilt I'nmplel. hi4voH Tbe same. Svo. rar.er CMaptaahMviOfiiw MeDdriMoha'aSivim W IiIum U'..k V..lln gll IS uciavi) eoiiiob rail put 34 Octavo Bullion. Paper covers m Moaait'a la .Moaata. KUI kmj . BcunDeni iu sonatas. fKsaLIIy boaM. h econnert,. Dances Coaaplete. X.'eganllT ImU Full gilt $a 8chub r's Piano Piece Eteeantlj bound; Vt milt Bcaumaaivs rorest Beenea. Kiaw Xoqr Plr" Paer coTeaa, a Hcliumann's Piano Jerte Albaro. Elnantlv feomi rn gilt n ToeDame. raper eorers MOTIIEK GOOSE. O't AVION A I. Nt;S)8Kta,-r,RHV,WEl c iio mnsicDjt j w. bvmott, with 6 hmmllil Kumiw, i.ui opiincuoiy nouad clwli. .Ill edgca, titl ASK FOR NOVIii.l.O' KDITIONM . b ' ' ' hu ri . : tun imi.ir Addrf... J. L. PsTTXItB. Bte Bniad.tf.l amw aura AReal for Moretln'ii fTwi.i Vn.v New Goods, Emel Zedwich f'UTTLB JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKFUI Has just reiuiced Irom Buffalo wltkil complete stock ol Fall anil Winter Goods.1 Has been rvtabllrlirl UTl e ti 1,1 p. . t lie h I m urae rears, ana ana the name or Making the Bi at Fll and Flneill J 001 in the oil Regions. Bsls eonstantlr iwlrlrg mlm from ether Kt I uuu. bi inn uii iwiuna, B eoastaMly keeps on hand Readj-niade Boots(& Shue LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S AND GA1TEK& CALLaNDIEr Rim, KM EL iBDWIl'H jntr , " Beekwlih ao Portable resBlIf RfllVlllV UBiijiSiIma. n ..A a. - i. .1 a). many advanuxiH ovw tuL 8alt-lacllou gnannirl ,Bre?" " eomplet., with fi ll dine. Auction Sale- Will be sold at the Rocht ter House, Petrolenm OerM Pa, on Friday, Ang. 8th, 1873, a large lot of Household Fnrni ture, c6nsi8tincr of Beds. Bed ding, Chairs, Tables, Parlor and Cooking Stoves, Crockervwaie of all kinds, Bar Room Fixtoits and other articles tbo numerous to mention- i Terms cash on, day' of sale, t'ale to commence at 10 a. m-. of that day. u. EAKIN. I. L, . Burgess, Auetioneer. Pet Centra Ausr. 6, 1673.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers