I etroleun Centre Daily Record. Pet. Ceulre.Psu Wedueedajr, Animl 6 .1 IMvlne ervlee. MKTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at II A. M. and .. , -:.. l.il. K.l,n,,l nt W P. M. ivits free. n! to all. A cordial inviiatlon exieua 1 Kkv. G. Miiokk, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. rVachinir ft U o'clock A.M.. nnrt'7 o'clock P. M., by tha Pastor, W. C. Bt.tmt. Aim. Saubatn School at 1 directly frr lorenoon service.' ' Prayer Meeting; and Sabbath . School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol each week. - Petroleum Centre Lodge, JVo. 713, I. O. of O. F. j '. 'Ro."ilr nfetiog nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Si'.soeil. ' V ' W. II. MONTGOMERY, N. G. ' C. H il vii.ky, A Sec'y. j gTl if:a i.r meeting, Mala St., opposite il'jfjliiilouk House. " A. O. Of V. W. l.iVrty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets evvrv Monday evening at 1 o'clock, ii !! Fellow's Hull, Petroleum Centre, Peun'it. Jamks Wilson, M. W. f Jamks A. Wmitk, U. I. O. of lit 31.. ' MiniiMk ,.i i Tribe No. 183. I.' O. R. M of Pel ml-,! .n Centre, meets VHry Thursday evninit in fjund Templar s Hull. 1ST Couuoil tires lighted at 7 o'clock H. HOWE. Snobem. C. L JUKES, Chief ol Records. Gold at 1 p. m. 115 11. N Tbe Oil Journal savs It la reported 'tie Humboldt refinery, two miles up Cherry Rnn, is now offered for sale, together with large tracts of land owned by tbo company, In the palmy days of the oil excileinenl around Plainer, Tarr Farm and, Rouaevllbj, tbo Humboldt did an immense husttwas, al fording remunerative employment to numer ous men and teams. The entire works were oi the most expensive description, and tbe establishment was fully provided with yil the appliunces then known to tbe refining lntieii. But for years tbe extensive tuiloV legs and costly appurtenances bava-fornain-i'd unwed and desorted, gradually succumb log beneath tbe stress of weather and the destroying band of lime. Tbe place Is now little b liter than a mere wreck, neglected, f jrsaken and dilapidated, well tilted "To point a moral or adorn tale." A Jonathan Watso i, of Titusviile, is ru' tiug down a test well on tbe Sulley larm, in Cherrytree township. It will be completed in a few days, and in th event of Its prov log a success will open up a largo amount ol territory. ) ' " ? , Our townsman, Mr. Oliver Cook and, fam ily, returned home yesterday IrouTa (lying visit to New York State. Reports having a jolly good time, and certafuly bis improved appearance would indicate that. We wel come blm back. f ; f ', j Tbe Howe well, ou tbe MoDermid larm, near Mliieratowo, struck le aeud yester day. It is flowing oil at an Immense rate, estimated as high as 300 barrels per day. The Satteifleld-weii, near tbe Troutman, isexpeoted to b) lluisbed roday. Several mire are uuarly down and a large increase lu the daily production may be ex pic tel. A coi respoud ing deorease in prices uiay also be expected. Down she goes, the lower the lt ter. .. . : . . . ' ,n it is rumoreu on me sueeis luuay mat on , is offered ut the wells in tbe lower region at 05 centa per barrel and no buyers. Rough on tbe small producer if suok should prove a lact. Tbey will all be forced to shut dowu. .their wells. lac Col. rblllipr, President of the Allegheny Valley and Oil Creek Railroads, bas re scinded the passes of tbe Oil City Derrick, lu oonscquenee tbe editor of that-paper pro ceeils to "dress out" that road and tbe man agement thereof. Whether Phillips wilt survive tbe attaok remains to be seen. A row at Mlllerstowa yestarday resulted la the fatal lojury of a man named Vogan, t the bands of one Golden . On Sunday next Quarterly Meeting of thBjM E Society twill be held. Reverend Borland will olliolule. Captain Jack, it Is staled, us d to sign bimtell Ki'int Does; but, though he doe, live In Oregon, he isn't a United States sen ator, nn1 there la no infornntion to the el feot that he left a wile In Pennsylvania. He changed his name merely because he had tind of tbe old one, which, to be sure, was not rapeaially nice or convenient. Bisruarrk. Dakoto, in.rohan's have a. preed to keep their pUcet of business clos ed ou Su.uil.iys herenlter. A cheerful idea of lile to the Rooky mnun. tains Is presented In a Salt Lake City dis patoh to Ihe World. The writer mentions a preclplce'on either side of a stage coach, and robbers In Ihe middle of the road.' Tbe attack was made by tbe robbers "at Black Rock, Idaho, a lew miles from tbe Robbers Rojst and a hundred miles from anywhere else." Tbe robbers were two In number and their facet were masked. They made tbe attack, as usual, at one or tbe worst plnoeson the road. "Two shots,'', we are told, -were lirad at tbe driver, and Wells, Fsrgo & Co 's messenger, who occupied the outside ol'tbf eoach. The lormtr, Charles Pnelps, received ball through hlsjbody just above tbe blpB; but the messenger esoaped uninjured, and, seizing tbe reins from tbe grasp of Ihe dying man, put whip to the team and escaped to the station. 'The treasure-box ot bis coach was empty, as Is always tbe cane going oorib. Upon tbe tbe coach tooling south, which should have (het tbe other at Black Rock, was $200,000 tu gold dust. This was tbe prize sought add missed. Tbe villiaos have not since been beard of, and will undoubledly escape. lijts supposed tbey stopped tha wrong coaob In tbe dark. The passeogers of the other formed themselves into a guard and escort ed it through to civizatiou. This la an In- idont of Rocky mountain stge-coacllng.'i Policeman McCarthy lost bis badge in tbe lava beds, last nigbt. Ha is very anxious for Its recovery, and in tbe event of its re turn do questions will be axked. A two huudreojiarrel well is reported on the Hummel larm, near Petersburg. And still tbey come. O'Briao'a circus and menagerie Is billed for Titusviile no tbe 18tb. On Main street and io Its immediate vl; clnity In Cambridge, Mass., there aro forty two open bars, and Cambridge is not a very large place al that. Bummers, accordingly, have uo dl.Vlciiltv In taking drinks, white tbe temperance people .are equally bappy in taking statistics wbiob is a highly satis- fuetory slate of things. Sue Gates deserves mention for having wonted a day and a ballon tbe public high, way at Westmorland, N. H., beoause she was afraid tbe autboritios would sue Mr. uates lor nis roaa tax. Sbe is but young miss, and it may therefore be concluded thai a well-developed one is as good as two miles at tbe very least. A fire at Lawreoceburg yesterday destroy. ed two or three buildioga. A short distauce up Cherry Run, only a few hundred yards Irom tbe busioess centre of Ronseville, may still be seen all that re mains of an exemplary well, which flowed six days in tbe week and invariably ceased ptoduoiog on Sunday. It need hardly be added that sucb Instances of genuine m spect for the Sabbath were exceedingly rare In tbe tevetish times when flowing wells abounded "on the oreek.' One hundred Cherokee Indians, who now live In North Carolina, ere soon to re move to tbe Indian Territory. .Not an accideot of any kind bas yet oc curred on tbe besob at Long Branch, which is noted for being tbe safest on tbe ooasr. i . General Stanley and tbe Yellowstone ex pedition arrived above Glendine Creek on the I7tb or July. The steamer Key West look supplies abovo from Glendine. i . . George Wood le, pt Monroe, Wisconsin, was welching bis father's barn lor tbieves the other bight. A pistol shot through his hat foom one of them was perfect assuranoe that the barn needed watchlog. William Wilson, ex husband, Ac, says tbat Ida Lewis bas not been divoroed from blm that sbe bar merely gone off and found aooiber aftilolty. . We are afraid tbi is one of William'? Bab stories. The lady Is probably helping some other man to pad dle bis canoe, as sbe was In tbe habit of doing previous to her marriage. William must have attended the recent regatta and gotconlused. We don't believe Professor Wise's balloon' will come down in a corn-field or be wreck ed in the Atlantic ocean. Tbe professor reads the Graphic every day, and there Is every probability that long before tbe time sot for sailing be will be a cooQrmud bal -s lunatic let us say. Thank heaven, we have escaped one oi those melancholy pleas antries. Tbe Brooklyn Union is a semlrellgloa, paper, a sort ol hall-brotber to the Inde pendent; but it mentions the editors of Ihe Evangelist as donkeys, and makes a severe remark about " such ineffable asses as tbe fellow or tbe Evangelist.,' ' Why must these brethren take each other by tbe ear so repeatedly! Why do they oot dwell to gether In unity t The civil iiauiaii, liquor law seems to bo worklni; well in certain portions of New York Stale. GHKAT OIL FIHE. New York, August S. The Standard Oil Works, near the Long Island tailroad depot, near Hunter's Point, are now on Ore, and blazing fiercely. Two Immense tanks of oil ere expected momen tarily to explode. Tbe cars In tbe depot o tbe Flushing railroad ere being hauled out as tbe destruction of the depot Is feared. I.ATKR At two o'clock tbil afternoon Loag Island City was shaken as though by an earth' quake, by tbe explosion ot two taoki boats lying opposite Rockefeller's Long Islaad City Oil Works. Is less than tbree minute tbe flames bad communicated to tbe mater ial In the yards, and tbree square blocks were enveloptd in flames. The Intense heat tbrowo ont by the highly InfUmable material, would Dot admit the firemen to approaob within block and ball of tbe scene, while the thick smoke was Ineup- portably suffocating at greater distance' Captain Myers, of one of tde tank boats and Dumber of others were killed by t be ex plosion. A great number of boatmen near tbe soene wore compelled to jump Into tbe river in order to escape roasting alive. Long Islaod City Oil Works, Standard Oil Works, Lowenatein Varnish Factory and other building were destroyed. Tbe fire Is still burning to-night Tbe loss n not yet ascertained. About 25,000 barrels of oil were burned. OF THE DAY. The cholera has struck Evansville. In disoa. Tbe epizootio has reappeared In West Troy, New York. The total coinsge st tbe San Francisco mint for July was $3,000,000. Canadians are the most numerous class of visitors at Niagara this season. A big lawsuit Is on tbe docket at Troy, New York, over tbe ownership of five locbts of land. T berets said to be a gangof d. si eradoes organised to operate along lb line of tbe Pacini Railroad. A new mammoth cave has reoeolly been discovered near Lebanon Springs, Columbia county, New York. Two or three Cuban ladies have created breeze at Saratoga by smoking cigarettes on the balcony ol one ol the prominent hotel A disease has appeared among cattle a Cameron, Ksssjs, which appear to origin ate Irom some variety of grass eaten, and a invariably fatal. - Thirty deaths from cholera occurred out ol a population of less than 81)0. a Pn ar Ulurr, Butler county, Missouri. The disoa bas now nearly disappeared A Lyon shoemaker can make two pilr of shots io less than an bour, and gets fiuiy- tive cent a pair for making them. Mom profeselonable men are willing to work foi a dollar an bour. . A shower of reptile fell io Minnesota re cently, and some one has described ttieui about six Inches long, witb gills aud fins, and four legs. Tbe same animals ar fouud io a Mexican lake. Tbs Hoboken Bank for Savings has goos the way of other twisted Institutions and closed it doors. Tbe neighborhood of New York seams to be a good plase for bank presidents to get riob on other people's savings. Tbe annual report of the Utioa Iosant Aaiuiu givee iob aeians oi a curious ease of insanity In a woman, from wbose body, aurtog lire and after death, over two bun dred needles of all sizes were taken, tibe Introduced them through the skin herself, while suffering from bysleria. i .- aeiauup woo summer oa tits coast Of name say mat even at this season tbe even logs are so cool tbat Bros are pleasant, and there are but lew la which a blanket can be dispensed witb. But a drawback to the climate is the dense while logs that come op so often from the sea. At a MMll hit min. rt m knl.l I n ... . B , m , , (-Bin, auuoieo, Wisconsin, It Is recorded tbat "several of tbe servant girls leaped from the tnirtl story window Into tbe arms of Cap lain moods." some or tbe male boarders tried to attract Hobbs' attention, but Ibey finally had to crawl dowo tbe lightning roo. Miss Emersoo will read for the public next winter, her main elooulloo being devoted to tbe poem Betsey and I are Out." If, oow, Mr. Carlelon oan be induced to put In an ap peeraooe, that tbe controversy regarding tbat poem may be cootined from tbe plat form, there is likely to be some amusement. We understood tbe title of Miss Kmerson i eoienainmeul will be "IVilllsm and I Out," or words to that tB'ect. are Therefore said t be mure counterfeit ol ?I0 notes tbau of any other denomination. Handy emigranlwomen earn $2 60 a day bj workiorj In the harveet fields OBI West. A Worcester man, an exebaoge Rlells us, "stopped drinking just because bis wife proved to blm that be had beea arrested (or drunkenness 117 limes and bad disbursed $1,1 In fioes.' W trust, however, that tbe lady till not receive the entire praise of tbe reformation. A man who undergoes all tbat experience stop drinking for an even ore suggestive reason because, io point or loot, be Is dead There la nothing so touch inn or so lasting as a mother's love for her child. We read with copious tears of a woman named Capa nort, aged Hfty-aeven years, who bas killed her husband, an old man of seventy years. In Jest, Fraaoe, to become a widow and thus procure the discharge of ;her eon from tbe army. A school lor waiters Is a new Institution shortly to be opened In New York. It is designed, we are glad to be informed, to teach waiters "the elegancies ol their pro fession," including probably tbe art of In vitlng bribes and accepting tbem witb tbe oolnsse, assuranoe and privacy of a meuv bjr of the legislature. Tbe priz1gbteri have recently bem broken up; but it would seem from our dis patches tbat one actually took place on Mooday, io a room on Cherry street, New York. Tbat style of prize-fight mnkes no great disturbance, and there is a fair pros pect tbat it will result io injuries to tbe con testants it ought to be permitted to proceed. Cholera Is reported at Bay City, Mlcul. gan. Illinois farmers are again complaining of drouth. The voting power of the Iowa Granges nearly 68,000 votes. Peaches ar scarce and high In tbe New Yerk market this seasoo. Jobo Hancock, a brakeman on an Iowa railroad, was killed the other day. There Is a pautber scarce among tbe MODI who reside near Geneseee, Illinois. Auction Sale. Will be sold at the Roches ter House, Petroleum Centre, Pa, on Friday, Aug. 8th, 1873, a large lot ot Household rurni ture, consisting of Beds, Bed ding, Chairs, Tables, Parlor aud (booking Stoves, Crockery wai e of all kinds, Bar Room Fixtures and other articles too numerous to meiition Terms cash on day of sale Sale to commence at 10 a, m., of that day. G. EAKIN. I. T. Burgess, Auctioneer. Pet. Centra, Aug. 6, 1873, union SALE OF Boots Ct Shoes POSTPONED FOR 30 DAYS. Selling time. at cost in the mean- M. SAMUELS. To Whom It May Concern. - All persons having elaims against tbe Township or Cornplanter previous to May 1st, 1873. are requested to enclose a copy of tbe same to the Ihe uodersigoed at Rouse ville, fa., wltbio thirty days Iram Ibis date and all persons holding orders on the Tree uerer given previous to May 1st, 1873, ate requested to notify tbe undersigned within tbe same period with. tbe amount. . By order or Ibe I toad Commissioners 6. I McKEE, Town Clerk. Rouaeviile, August 2d, 1873. ,E For Sale 15.000 to 20.000 fMt nl KRnnwn n . un TUBING, at from 25 to35 n ady fiued 'B flr,,cl""a or,l "d all ApriU3.tr. Hi a 'WARNER. Local Notice. rioa lost viuce newsroom So4 IfmintAln ta now runntnff in full i,ui oau auu try a giairaui iue vwi auaa watg. Dlcken'e Iloc" Just issued In paper cover bv tbe Pi anna, rncr to ornie, aou iui aaio at tki rosi union pewsronro. G1UL WANTll to no general nouse worn, inquire at Uu ....... i ll-v fl' t.k.1.1 Ul.tM. 1... l venire, ra. , Go to W. A. LOZlElt 4 tli street,nedr K. K. track a .. . rrm w. i , lift jiraaa . sjai.iaiaiiii iivlll . - S .... k ' ........ UCU (11 ISSC nuis 1IU VI.S per Barrel. -' Petroleum Centre, FUlh tt. SEND FOK CATALOGUES OF & 1 at ovft io s uneanivnisif! Xovello'n Glee. Part Roups, etc "Mil tCtll. Pioveiio'S unnrcn mumo NOVELLO'8 OCl'AVO EDITION IOF Ot'EKAH NOVELLO'S OCTAVO KDITIONIOF OUAToltlU U. In paper, from (0 certs to fl; cloth, aitli edges, (1 to t -l each. NOVELLO'S top EDITIONS W a aa.av v - vmiki vutacui VkJ BiK' 48 Frelndes arm Fngnes. rtoth a Beethovlife w bonalaii. , Uejjautly hound. Bcethovt n a St I'laiio rtccaa. Ilesrsat bound . FtiH Sill- o Chapin's Talrea. Stiff paper covers Chopin's PolonalMH. " , . , ' , Cliopln'a Noctumw. " TIL VDopiD jnnaiiiHaa. 'littn-e Bailadt. " 1 a J.iln's Fretmlce. " " ( .lunln's HfmAtaa 41 11 Folio Kumoi . run am. uo.-nnietein 4 voh.si Tnesame. nva full mit ivmptele in 4vul4tw Ilia eanie. evo. fnner Jompieteln 4 vein 14 MendelwMriM'a Hones Wlirwut Words Folio Edition run !i - v Octnvo Edition Full tilt Octavo Knitlun. Paper eovernr Mozart's 1H 'Konatiu. Elegantly honnd. Rill chuliert's lit bonatai. Eleuanlly bonrd. eilt Sohiitiert.s Dances' lonuilcle Elecantlr Inm run lent Si hub p'a Piano lleces Eleuanlh boned, uiit a Sehniuanirs Forcat rxenrs Nine Kry Plir" Paier coveat. so Sclinmnnu'a Piano Forte Album. Elegantlr bem d Fnllallt s.vi Tlio same. Paper covers 1 w OK NATIONAL M'KsKBr.RHinEil Si-tto MtinlcbrJ W. Elliott, wilh I Ivnutllu IMlKlrntiinia euaraved by llie m tnori llnliiel. Bunrdii. f 1.60. eikudiUly bound m cloth, tilt eoge, a in ask roil noveZi.o's rditioxs Addrew. J. K PHTKK4. fi'.iu Jlruadony. New Vork, ACPnt for NnvehV Hie np Mnlc . New Goods. Emel Zedwich. "KITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Has just re'niLcd Irom Buffalo with complete stock ol Fall and U inter Oooiis. Has 1een eetabllrtied Oiletn'.in (.rtielir past three )rs, and has the name of MahliisTthe Drat Fit nnd FIimsI Hoot In the Oil Keglons. Hals constantly rerelvlng orden ftiirn olhernt tlons ofihu Oil Kegluua. II contUnntl v kei'ps on hand Kciidy-made llootMt Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CALL. AND REF RIIK. Jfltr RMKLZMDWICH. Tli Heckwllh 30 Portable mantir Sewlnsi Mavblne, on no Day Triall many advaniagea ovsr all. Matirhcttou !fitiirsiilid. or i rernndtd. Bent cmriele, witli Ml dlrw-, tlon. 'Herkwltb Urn ing MucliUie Co. ,Wi Broadwr New York. .. A BEAUTIFUL C1I1IOMU $ FREE To All Lover of Art and LIU , eriUiire t Wo will senif Ihe Henullful Cliromo entitle "1'lie L'liwiticomo Vi.llur " voiinje preimid as a preniliuti tn every suhjvrilier to our monthly BuiK'Uiiic called Iho B umble Dee, contiilnfegJM Inrire jmm htitdM Ihtc ntT Witli tliM lutal dnH m.wl al.. . it..- l'rtli ...... ,..v ,IUW iMurs ifaiciOT Millie HUUIslK only SI A IKlll ! Send on vour d.illar. and rot a rinllnr nioiniluo and an i lu'bt do l.ir chrouio in niurn. W want and will liberally pay AGENTS, Send stamp for particulars- Address HT'.'viBIiE BKi:, Albion, IIHBO"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers