-ftTBW RRC0RB VOL IX-NO 74 PETROLEUM CENTRE. FA.. THURSDAY EVENING JULY 31, I73. THE PETROLEUM CENTRE . )MhY RECOttD the! first daily paper in venan lgo county. published every evening, . ' Sunday n exceriUKl. ! CHAS. p. : WICKER, Editor. mums. etyeat, payable in advance, , 18 oo fbice-mst of aovkktising. i , : iTen Hue of nonparell'mako one square.) Oueaey, , Two day". Three days, Hotels and Kcstsimrnnts. QE.NTIIAL. liOIME, fite days. Ute week, Two weeks. 'Three weeks, One month, Two months, Three months, bii mouths, Ninemoutas, One year, l wi! 1 50 1 ou ; a 5 a bo1 4 50 6 00 7 (Kl1 10W 1 OH 21 00 27 00 Sti oo! tl HOI 1 80 a oo '3 50 8 00 5 50 6 00 8 W 10 OO lli 60 15 00 27 00 Sfl OH 48 OOl 1 50 3 U a m 8 00 ' 8 50 4 60 . -7 50i 10 OO1 12 00' 15 00 18 00 80 00, 45 00; 00 00. 4 60 5 50 II 50 1 00 8 IK) 50 14 00 18 00 20 00 80 00 40 00 60 00 M Oil 100 00 FKTKOUSUM CENTHE, PA.. New Oil Creek k Allegheny River Railway ;Dcpol fcbtT-tr. W. It. DAVIS! Prop r. pETUOLIilM HOtNE. Free Omnibus to and from all Trains BILLIARD AND BAT n ROOMS CON NECTED WITH nOTEL. Lord's Boiler Powder ! bccUU notices 20 cunts pur line, each Insertion. . Advertisements payable quarterly In advaac-u 9. M. Pettensill Ac Co. SIT Park Row, New York, and Goo. P. Howell & Co,, ' Advertising Agents, oro the solo agents for oe Pe. roleitm Centre Daily ltucoRD In thnt city. Ad mrtlsers In that city are requested to leave their favors wlt eltker ol tne above bonnes rriv WF.THERILT. Sr. CO. Advor- Uiiut Airents, Philadelphia, are duly authorized Auts for tliu Kkcoku In that city. 11. BISS'EL.li So,. CO., FETKOLGVII CENXttE, PA. 6. U. Biasell, Christopher Meyer We oflcTonr service for tho j-auaactton of QriNEHAL. liANKINli, hXCUAiNUH. auo cui 1 KITION BUOIWCDn. Any business entrusted pri mps attention if UWM 6. M. C. Martin toonrcare will receive JAftiiS 11. SDllIU, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, ixilreln Cnnrt Honso, franklin Pa.. nd on Tiies diw anil t'i iduvs oi etch we 'k over I5i--r.ll Co a. Hulk, ivtroiKiiin Caniro Pa .luiy.W-U novlotf. C. W. 8TAATS, Prop'r' jyjcCLINTOCK HOISK. rHTROLKtJM CENTRE, PA. l':!e popular Hot!, situated Corner of iTIalu & WnBhlnctoii-Nta., Near tho T)ono, has boon refitted and furnished throu'-'hont, and the proprietor will spare no pains to inaae u a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. octS-tf. JNO F UULUEUT, Proprietor. FOB TTIK Jtemoval ana Prevention;! SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS This lowdcr;will Itcmoye o II. t'UKlK tV I.I.P(iUHM HIV. j'lt ic. it. .v nn r.ii.o, iouki A VITTNHIIHUU - It. On and alter Th.irni.lay, July iOlii, 1873, trains will run n follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. cc Hard it m the Iron in a good contli jr. i. iii-'.ivi.'v, Oil. CITY, rliN.N'A. ' RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. Oas ndmlnlsteicd. OUlc opn now. OPFIOS-Ju Schonblom'sncw bnildinit. Oil City, i jnn27-tt. CITY HOTEL AM) Kestauraxt, gyring street. TITUSVILLE, PA, Tlios. Goodwill, Prop'r. Tli's Hotel is dentrally located The best of ac commodations afforded to (meats transient oi per manent. Every delicacy cf tho season constantly on hand SOMETHING NEW The proprietor has tho vrv bp?t facilities :n the country for 8TKAM INO OVSTEHS. Titnsvillo. Il.o 1871 tt PET. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Pet Centre, Pa. t??Ct8 SnowJoa fe Push. tiou for aces. WE CAN SEND YOU A 1'KCOP OP THIS. A. J. IIAWIiEY, COT.DWATEK LEASE, WILD CAT II'T.T.OW Peiroloum Co: tre. i a., ts the only authorl.fd nircnt in nil Kcl'I n for the sale of the Powder, of whorn it can be obxined bv the KeK or pound. t It is also for sale at the Hardware) Store of Geo. W. Vt'lnsor, Petroleum Centre, Pa. duly 12-tl. PROPRIETORS. H. Wilbert 18 now prepared to execute MUCK ANT) MA bON WOKIt IN AM. ITS BilANC'UESJand warrAMs t elvo sniisfartion. ,,,., M'LAHTKUINO done to order. HKICR CI1IM , NIES built, Also, BltlCli and LIMB constant ty art hanirnnd for sale. . Hesldenoe-ron Echert Farm. Post Oilier) Address Peti oleum Centre, Pa. Give me a call. . . . bovO-Um. -PeMeM.Me Mt Market ! Warm Meals at all llonrt. WILD GAME IN ITS SEASON. W O YSTEES ! Uocelvc'd llyand servef up In any style desired. Werespoetf illy invito our oiu irhnid ni i-eiroiiiuii Centre and dhewhero to pay ti? a. call gnarnr.tcclug to treat tliem well. ,vilr.n i ruuii Pet. Centre, Pa., May 14 1878. tl'. . f co. W. Ring, Jr., Kext Door to the rtochester House, dealer in Fresu and Salt MEAT . BMOKBU MEATS, POULT KY, 8UTTKII, Ac. z. Farmers huviuc fat Cattlu will do woll to lve me I'ctll. A anaie of tne public patioiwe .lollrllvd 'li Uv.O. W. KING, Jr. Pntrolenra Centre. Oct. 211. VI Am VERANDAH Ira.IactotaaiBlactaiSliij WlBETTS-sQ: ENGINEER,''-MACHINIST . liLACKSSlilll, And uiaiiuf Actiirtr of Drilling and Fisiliing Tools. SHOP ON CENTRAL PET. FARM. ' i- 1 NEAR R. R. DEPOT, PE'ntOI.KTTM CENTItK, PA. n- All kli.dn of Johblnrjand Maehiuo Bcpair lug done to order. Give ine a eall. aprl5-lf. ' WM. HE 'ITS. ,; , School Books. A complpto ptoek of School Books needed at the Piililio school s can he louhil at the S'OST OFFICE NEWS ROOM ' J MK PAItl 4IU CO.IIPANIOM. 'Every Lady waiils one! Hvery Mau on 'lit to bavr one!! Pout on receipt of T. n Cwils Address L, F. H YOE f v.u.;ino beveutti Avuuuu, iNew lo K , i AJJKIl'I'si every where o selLour new and 'lii-vel EmlirrilUeriDi iOncnlne -111 ,w I Ii Ifena tor lllu.iiauwl Circular u "J !. ,i,,il McKro Miuafwturlai; Oom MO o -b teal ft Cni f"" 1 5 P ' n- es3 i ...'.Tt viRcirWY-a SALOON 1RBUBTIIIIUNT. Reopened. Cunt. W. li. SMITH, Prop'r- WASHINGTON ST.. PET. CE.NTlil' Particular attention psldtotho wants c roy cus tomers, and will keep the llnest sloe. . . . . -. . - mr m Alt 3 I'llI'JMI I.At.l'ilfc All AUf ) CIIIOCi: CiAIS, Arc. CIYKTKKS in Kvery Style wop la and ace. me in my new hihi First Class. STATIONS , . !2 4 6 IS H A ,M I'M A, M A M P M Broclon, " 8,5.r. 3.M 0.4S Prospect, 0,17 H30 7.17 Mavvllla AR !''37 4,08 7'4P Mayvllle yK 4 ,n , 7i(i Stimmcrdole 3.5S 1.2H 8,i(', Shermou 10,08 4.3H R.: i Panuma 10.ZS 5,00 0.d2 Clymer C'nl "10.8.'! "i,03 901; Clytner 10.40 ft, 12 9,2r Corry June 11.05 5.37 !l pd r AR 11,15 ft.4i w lO.i'O 00"y de 11.00 fi.W; G.ir, 1,36 iCorry June 11. 1" C,20 .StewarfeSw "11,14 d il"ti.2fi "1,43 Summit U.2'?li.tl3 ,Mi -l.f-2 Spnrlansb'g 1 1.H0. ti. 17 .4f 2. "2 Glynden Ml.3.1 ll.2iiStj7 ..... $tli Ontrevllle 11.4 11.31 7,07 2.20 Union City L... 10.20 . ... Lakevlllo 10.47 .... Lincolnvillc 10.50 Klceville 10,5'J Noble's 11.07 Jtinotion 'H.52 o.39 "7.12 11.112.26 Tryoovillo '11.5111.41 7.14 U.I4 2,28 Myer's Sw'l. 12.0.1 !! 4s -7 2ft "11.24 2.37 llydetown M2 05 o52 7.2S 11,27 2,40 -v, .. ah 12.15 17.00 7.411 11.38 2.6K lltu8vllei.i: tl2.35 7.20 7.45 11.45 2.55 BouRhtou "12,43 7.307.6 HU55 3.07 Miller Farm "12,50 7 37 1 8, On 12.05 3,18 Shaffer "12.63 7.4ol-8.1ft "12,10 -:j.ai Plouecr 1.00 7.48 8.1S 12,111 3,30 Boyd Farm 1,"2 7.52 -8.22 "12.23 "3.3.1 n,r.. K L"1 7-w 825 12'2" 33r lttLea de 1.0B 7.57 8.27 12.28 3,37 Columbia 1.08 8 05 8.36 12,36 3 45 TurrFarm " 1,12 8,10 8 in 12,3.1 30 Ryod Farm "1,10 8.17 8.4.8 1?, !5 4,00 Roosevllle 1,19 8.2(5 8.81 12.51 4,M MeClintock 1.2! J821I 8,55 12.53 4.1U Oil City am 1.30 8,4U 9.05 1.05 4.30 PM P M A M P M PM A(.Tunt?i FUNNY SiDE OF PHYSIC 800 Pages, 2.r0 ' Engiaviu-s A startltnc' cmpfe of Medlr.il V . ,l,u jrt' i i'iIk raHl a- ( present n v n'ilatns (lurVs, 'm; i, 'ira.ellinir Uoctnm, I'amut Medlclre Venders, N - ted lVealo Clie-Ms, Pnrlnne Tell, nt st"i i 'T'' und t.dv, s inter' ,iMnc, nervents rf ,,:.-i I',. ,i---'.' sr.d iJ.irrailviw of tin-1, liveH Tt. reveals .vr;;'-! Me--ret. -ad iustiucte all now to uv, 'I tho il'.n wbic, 1 an i hcli- tt. We give crtO'i&r r icrilovy hi iHi:tt r..,niiuifflior9 For ci. i:t,l 'rr a- -i. t at. rtre-.-i;v iinl.U.-In-s. .1 . 'iiC'.- t'-'i;. 11.aRTKi.HD. C')N ...Rl I.!' ,.). t.ij . At I'r'TO WANTJCP I'O- Tn? ' UNCIVILIZED 3 north w.vui) trains. OTP ATiN I.lnj;a fJiflppf,l,niipWe at cunt of Iht-r ":;mr.. m: HUit c.r'tnmi', Hnd of their phyirnl. fiorir wt(ii:.i, inoinl, f ml ro"rMonti (hnrorp K.ti' h hy i(rV. ) . W'JOiV M. 1., F tV .MK Kiijrriiwin, ir,,'V Hnpur Huynl ui'.u "dj-.i In two voIiiTtPR, o two vinumrotvif. A.at'tif(t brr.liiBVtDK over uor )h hi sc'.I't .ll wirlr. An L'Jirly npn'iculit.i. i'l t o.::-1 it phnU.tof territory F r ! no ttV' 1U' p.j- lUuciv, J. B. JiDMt n. )rf. n A!!TF HI, 1 ONN., H CHU'AQi', ILL. Seneca WoMs G-AS Wllfc Wvfl I'ael.lv SO fU la L.a 60 Ku,e Exclusive Agents lot the Oil Iictrlons, - STATIONS First Class. Oil City dk MCUIlDtOCk Rotisevllle Ryod Farm Tarr Farm Columbia Pet Ceo ' Boyd Farm Pioneer Shaffer Miller Farm Boughton; 1 P M 3,4ft "3,54 3,57 a A m G,30 11 6,40 6.41 "4,00 6,47 "4,04! J 6.62 '4,07 4,11 4. 4,15 H 0.55 0.5fl 7.01 7.03 5 p t 8,10 8,20 8 2! 8.30 8,35 H 8,311 8.45 11 PI M 3.55 4.07 4.10 4,15 4.21 4.25 1.31 Titusviie Alt PGR CHEAP. DK nvdetowu Myers' Sa'h Tyronvllle Jiinoiinn Noiile's Riceville LlDcolnville Lnkevllle Union City Centrevlile Glyndeo Spartansb'g Summit Stewnrt'fSw Cotry June Corry Corry Juuci Clymer Clvtner Cm Panama ihermsn 61101 uienlnlo Mnvuille AK ' I)K Prospect llrouioo ah 4.10 H 7,00 .t o 11428 1 4. 3d 4,45 4.52 5,02 6,05 7,15 7,18 7.2(1 7.3: 7.41 7.50 7.53 "5,15 li 8,0! ft,17i 8,03 Ft--'- - -r L r - -r jy 6.22 5,3I 11543 5,1 6,00 0,04 (i.08 6.15 6.20 G.43 fi.52 HBSli 7.17 "7,27 7 45 8,10 H830 8.63 P M 8.0S 8.10 8,20 8.8-1 8,43 8,47 i 8,50 O.OS1 9,08 11 934 9,43 11 !M7 10,08' tiois 10.37 10,40: 11,03 11,25 A M 8 -17 4,33 8.60 .1.38 H 8.5S;4.42 u no l.WI 9.07!4 54 9,16ft.fl4 9.2515,16 .301.-.23 9,Ssl6,S3 9,4315 38 fl.525.43 9,al:.V50 5.65 0,07 0.13 li. 17 0,42 1.1 A M 8.65 10,03 10. 1J 10.17 111.24 10,28 10.35 10,3-1 "10.43 10,50 11.00 11.04 11.17 U,3'i 11.38 11.62 12,03 12,12 12.14 N3IITII & tti, Successors to 'F. W. AtofB, ' . .1. i- TITITSVIMjE. pa. FOR' CARRtACS ft U- K:'V,, 10,'O 'lo.os! 10.18 "0.27 'IO.Sj1 10.40 10,45 P M PM 12.18 J 1227 12,36 "12,45 "12.63 12.67 I 1.00 1,05 1.10 1.3t' HUB 1.6U 2.14 1,' 2.19 2,14 2,46 8.(7 3,30 P M r3i'4oiil-II;iiil Oil Well biia plies, 10,00) ft 2 In. T'.'IUNCi, 10, 00 II BV and V. ilrd :i iM'll CASINO, 5,'OU It SMALL I'lfH, li.OOU It srt'KKII KlihH. 0 In, li, inch 7 and a Inen liltIV INC. PIPE, P1TTINC.S at oni lwll price of New OAS md l.'OVAKY I't'M S f,ir alo oi lo Mil. ENlilflES a.,(i IKHLKKS i.r nil an-a, at IIOWI'l A: t:tK'! Box 220. l-eli'otiini Centre, Pa (let .ir '.'.Train 11 does nut etop ai lloyd iario, Sliatl'ei orMvera Switch, and stops only o.i iii.n'il u. Houghton and Lau-evillc. (j I ruin do not Stop. (11) Stop on Signal. (I) Stop lor Meals. Trains : and 4 will run caily. All other, trawis iniliy except Miiianja. Jn simdavs ttain 4 villrun ouo hour late from Mavvtlln to Oil City. Train 1 will stop at Roueiivlllo on Sltnal tor P.v- soiiL'orrt coiiig Norlh of Tinisvil'e, ( 'ITain 2 mav leave on Hoiw-vlllo rnssr:,irr-s tivii were roccivtid Nor'h of 'i mm -. ille. .1. .1 LAWKK.NCr, 'ien. Mifi. C. J. II Ki'nfitN. Ahs'I oi.pt. ITlYViE VAlVliEVX:. Vvr. On and 'uflor MouCay, N v. W ' a'fa will rim as lo iow-t. Nol'.TIIWIll) 4 I 2 I NAMB OF ATION.s 2D GROWTH SPOKES, HUBS CENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, SAWED FELLOFS, POLHa, NKCK.YOKES, WHIFFLi TK S t, HUB BANDS, .'XEI.S, SPRINGS, . ri.F'.iT WIlEKLr-, MALtKABELF,. ' Aft tb i , , 1 - . . ' test Carriage Best Sr, 7hM Succesaors to F. W .'As.'. riT'i'n(JUC 1 Al ii VA "V . Hake Table takes effivt Mnv s, sorjTnwAi.-).' KO,.'l ON li.lltT.lTIIIN SICW I.K, Sent on rei:eipt of-.T els. ruique niniiiKC and publiphiiia Hout-e.uii yrt fy Stieei New orii. m-Fi'Aii. DmiKlrk K-llcoiier.-. '.. iTl-en Irv .i.ti n Oil ( Ity . VO 1. .. 6 IB a m .. 8 45 a ni ..ill i: , a m ..It a m . .'1 SO a m taO'p'ra S itl. l)nrKt:r, VSK p ia jtftf. o. i.O 12 50 n i- X -lii f n 1 , i i f.i -ii 4 1 p i n ;i; i . i 4 -10 :.- . P! ' ... .V ifj : . ,, ll' -. p .1 ,C'l'l ! , i .--. Ar pm I a Sisi 1017 :i tt I lit lis I :i 2H 0 W :i -is 0 M 3 os I li an I p ui j a m i U-EN.-T' WlCKHSM, ,I'1'V,',CIV ri. ve: e jn i.. l ..OI,! I'i .init )e Ok'tols KU'TIIWAt'D 1 I 3 , "'i4li :i r .:'-! 1 ' NOI.TWAAO TVc1!!' ' T. HLA'. . Agent; Pithole, p ,'OIL CITY... I' v nd'.u V. arreii Pa'' .,e,.'. i.uiiK'iik i.. r. No ft. ,...1'-'S ..V S ' P n ,,.11'iW P" ... '.' If. p ro ... t IK p ,ri . . a :i i p :n SiV. f) : lo .al'M'li, e :,ii n- .l itd jv au;v.'L ' Dniik.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers