ja r-vi-.i J .. - ft - 'l DAILY VOL 1X-N0 72 PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.. TUESDAY EVENING JULY 29, 1673. CIS WEEKLY ' THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD VHE FIRST DAILY PAPER IN VENAN QCNTRAI. GO COUNTY. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, i 'Huadsys Mp"t ' CHA8. C. WICKER, Esitos, '4 It mow r Br"",G lTIM1i"' ' ' 8 00 10 ( Mo. 1 twooaya, ,.v Inrae OafS, M One month, U To month, fhr monui, ; atz month, t Nina months, iiiu Otero! . Til 1 w i go i s 00 I 50 4 8W tool tow 10 ou MOD sioot ST ou HOOl !S!!l I DU ton I 511 00 (5U 00 800 10 00 U 5U 15 00 17 00 00 SI Slli wool 15 0U WW stow 45 00 48 ml M 001 f 4 CO 0 ou 6 50 1 (XI 800 SO 14 Ml M 00 won 80 00 40 00 AO 00 ra uu loo oo H S. M. Peuenglll V Co. SIT 1 IVkRo" H..r. GP.IUw.il Co., f .' .-J- are Uk aoU uau r oeP ' f 0,""" U In U.1 dt. 1 ST-lU .VuUr oAa. .hove Iwa-e I nt WF.THER1LLACO. Adr- r k AGO. H. BUSEIili 4B W'l authorized CO GSNERAL ?,KiUc Any buslnes. entrusted to ear care will reealv. Hotels und I(estuiiriiHt. HOUSE, PKTKOLEDM CENTRE, PA.. Near (XI Creek Allegheny River Railway Depot fehlTtr. W. B. OA Vis: l'ripr. Lord's Boiler Powder ! pE-moLEura HOISE. Free Omiilbim to mid from all Trains BILLIARD AND BAT II RUOM3 CON NECTED WITH HOTEL, novia-tf. C. W. ST A ATS, l'rop'r cCLINTOCK HOIKS rETHOLEOM CENTRE, PA. popalet Hotel, situated Corner of fflaln ic Waahlnfftoii-Sla., Norths Denot. ha been refitted and furnished thnmeho.it, and the proprietor will spare no pains to make it FIRST-CLASS noUSE. OctS-tf. JN0 P I1DLBKKT, Proprietor. Oil. I KI.I K At F;lir,M' II IV- kh it. it. a- ni mi.ii, coiutv 4c PMTMIl il(.ll H. It. On and alter TlursUiiy, July 10th, 1873, trains will run rr followa: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. JAMES M. diniTHt 1TTORNEY-ATLAW, nmoe In Court Homo, Pranklta. Pi.f Tnej 4rand Krituiv. ot ach wcok over Bljll " to'nt, feuoi.um Centre V Julyiw-n CITY HOTEL Axn Rest um t, bprlnf itreet T1TUSVILLE, PA. Thos. Goodwin, Prop'r. This Hotel la dentrally located The bent or ac commodation! attorned to uuests Uauilent 01 per manent Kvery dollcacy cf the gtmson couaUntly on hand BOMBTIIINO NEW The proprietor line the verr beet fictlltiert in tlte cotmtvy for S'l'KAM IN( uVSTKHS. Tlteefille. Due 80, lifll tl FOR TUB Ilciuoviil ;uia Prcvcniioii.'ot SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS TliU PowdcrJwill ICcinoye Any Scale, no matter how lliick ci Hard it may be, and keep the .Iron in' a good condi tion for ages. WE CAN SEND YOW A P11C0F OP THIS. A. .T. IIAWLEY, OOLDWATEK I.KASK, WILD CAT HCLIOH Petnilenin Centre., i a.. t Ihu oulvatithorixrd niteni In (Ml He.'l'n for the nlo of the Powder, of wlioni It can be olMined by the keg or pound. OT It i al) lor wle nt tho lliidro Store of Geo. W. W Iniior, Petrolenm Ctntro, Pa. J. II. HEIVLY, OIL CITY, PBNN'A. RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST, Guadnunletarod, Office opea now. i OKFlCS-In Bcbonblom'anewbnuoirijri "- HU I H. Wilbert u '. J In .rarnin BRICK AND MA 1 HON WOltK IN ALL ITS WIANCHKB. and . i I afuctiln PLAHTER1NO done to order. BRICE CHIM ? NlrM bniK. Al, BRICK and LIME conetaut -VSJKla?l Farm. Poat Offleo AcUcau Petioloum Centre, ra. ., BOT3-0m PET. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Pet. We,- Fa. Snowdea Sz l'ah. PROrRlETOKS. Warm BIciiIj at all Honrs. WILD (JAMB IN II 8 SEASON. W O YSTERS ! Give me a call. iS f PetralfiM , Centre Meat Hartet Geo. W. RlnR, Jr., Next Door to the Rorheater Homdeali In PtJ" Farmer navlng tat Cattle will do well to'aive. me CctU. thai or th public P" 'Sof j,. daei Bet Uln. epc r. lei. 'and felt MEAT , 8MOKJCU MEATS, la t QU I TBBi C in tl ; KP&. -i- ? ' Petroleo Centre. Oct. . -l tti.-'i :i itica . m- . i crJUif PODLTKI, Uceelve"' rt l!y and nenor np In any ftyli Wcreaucctf tllj deplred. ir Invito our old Maud at Petroleum Centre and jUewhoic to jm w a. cuilguainntewng to treat them well. SJKWD1 fDtlU. Pet. Centre, Pn., May 14 18V3. tC VERANDAH Ee? Mate aMBlacMli Shop WliBETTS HT, noir at isi rPrt f HT, ii oldKI, ! Hi eft. 10, f IV' Oar ENGINEER; MACHINIST BLACKBMITH, ; And manntaoturr of Drilling 1 and Fishing Tool. , SHOP ON CENTRAL PET. FARM, i , . NEAR R R. DEPOT, f PETROLKCM CENTKB. PA. Mf All kii da or JoboinK and Machine Hepauv uir aone to oroer. uit me a raid. aprl5-tr. WH, Ij. BETXSL School Books. A comolate alock of School Book! seeded at the Public Schonl'a can be foubd st the POST OFFICE NEW8 ROOM " 1 HE CA til OH COMPANION. Every ljidy wnni unel . - Hverv Hunan .ht tn hnvf nnef! Vent on reoipt of Tea CenU. Adit real L, f. HYDE uo., 185 seventh Avenne, Hew Yo Ai-fTW everywhere 'oaell onr new and AUEi.l I . embroidering Machine Vk! IKTI1 nend for Illustrated Circular to auaaw McKee Maanlaotariiig Com n, N Broadway. New Ycrk. mummm 0 J!!Lj I s a, P SA P pais. M () S. aia. L-j n 1 " al STATIONS , , 2 14 G J a 14 A M I'M AM AM PI nroclon, 8,f.rl 3 :in 11.45 ProFuvct, 9,17 f 3IG 7.17 .,,., AB H.37 4.(18 7,45 Siimmuriloie 'J.bb 4.2X 8.16 .Slu-rmao 10,(1 4.3.S 8.31 l'auunm 10.2M S.00 .... 0.02 Olyuier Cot '10,33 'fl,(13 H9H8 Clytnor 10.40 6,12 H.20 Corry June ll.lifi 5.:i7 9 56 r Alt 11.1'' 5,42 10,00 ty0rf7 1)K 11,011 5.5(1 6.15 1,35 Corry June 11,I 5..V! r,.2ii 1.38 Stt-warfesw U,l li'l ('(' f..?5 1,4,H Siimmll 11.2?'ii.(i "C,3(i l.62 Sparlanab'g 1 1.311 . I7t (1 4ft 2,02 G.ymleii M1.39-U.2'-.Tri57 11212 Cenlrvllle M1.-1S (i.IMi 7,07 2.20 Uuion City .... 10,20 .... Lakeville 10,47 .... Lincolnvilli- 10 60 .... liiceville 10,50 .... Noble' 11,07 .... Junction "ll.(i2 "d.39 "7.12 11,11 "2,2 Tryonvlllft ll.51(i.41 7. 54 11,14 2,28 Myer'a Sw'b 12.ll.t"li 4- "7 25 '11,24 2.37 Hydetown I2 i5ii.52 7.28 11,27 2 40 . .. ak 12.15! 7.C0 7.411 11. St 2,60 TltuBvl,e.K 12.35! 7.20 7.45 11,45 1.66 Boughton '-12.4.1 "7.30 7.6C. 4J1155 '9,01 Miliar Farm l2.ftil 7 :i7 R.nr, 12,05 S.18 Shaffer '12.5.1 J.4ii'. Ill I2,10 ,21 1'loneer l.td- 7 4s H 18 12,19 9,30 Boyd Form " 1,02 7.62 -8.22 '12.23 3.33 P, Alt 1,04 7.56 8,25 12.2G 3.35 feteo I)E , mi 7 S7 g 27 ,2 28 8,37 Columbia 1.08 8 05 8.35 12,35 3.45 TurrKarm 1,12 8,1(1 8 40 12,38 8,80 Ryud Farm " 1. IC 8,17 8,411 12,46 4,00 Rouxnville 1,19 8,26 8.51 12,5" 4,10 McCllo(ock 1.2! J8ia 8,55 12,53 4.IB Oil City Alt 1.3'J 8,40 9.05 1.05 4.30 r P M AM r M P M FUNNY S(DE OF PHYSIC 800 Pages, 2 50 Engravings. A ("tuTtllnt rntpnftf1 of Mt6it"l I' iimbugi ot ih tl Krmn1 Cbtntft, Ftrtnue 'iblnr- nnl givn IntcirsiiDK afjiuints rf Nntcrl Phytlctnni and AS;itriilv( of tholr llvt. i r cnlt ninrilin; iecrrt nd tngtrin'tB !l buw to avoid ilwllln win-!) fleae U heir to. W'j give rxrMibUw ter-itorv w -lilwrAl commlatto!.. ' For c 'ruiiarn tiui terms at drueitUic piil.;i-:iLVu. J. U. lil'HK A HYPE, HARTFi UD COWN .oirCJljrOAO. XLV. AlBM'rt W AN Till FOKTRX UNCIVILIZED RACES IN Sitrulr HrioFrf iWor ld: Betna comprelitnslvoaionuut of thrir roannen and cttatfw, and of their pliynlcal, social, aientnl, moral, and relbion. charwtenl.tira By REV. J- O. W(K)I, M. A.. F. U . 500 Euftra'liifn, laOOt StiHr Ky:i1 Octuro Pafea la two tolnmen, n Bto oluniet.inonc. Agent. artt.mnktng over $ 100-oer week in Rolling tbla work. An tarly application will acrnre ' chol e or teriitoiy. F- r rr.na i-Jdreaa the pub lUhr.n, J. B. llCxitA IIYDK, MAHTPORD, CONN., o CHIOAOO, ILL. NORTH WAKI) TRAINS SALOON ' Reopened. ' SMITH, Prop'r PET. CENTKF. Cupt. V. ii. WASHINGTON ST., FOR SALL CHEAP. STATIONS Oil Cily ok McUltnlock Konaxville llynd Farm Tarr Kariu Columbia t . AR rot, twu J)K Tioyd Farm Pluoeur Sliairer Miller Farm Uougliion Tiluei!o A" Hydwlowu Myers' tw'n Tyronville J uaoiiou Noble'a liiceville Lincolnvilli' I.akevillo UnioD City Ontreville (Ilyntlen Spartanab'g Suuiniit Stewart'pSw Corry June n A" vu"' 1.K Corry Judci ulymer Clvmnr Col Panama Sheiroao Sumuierdalc Mayvllle Profppot Broctoa ak Firwt Class. 1 P M 3,45: : A M 6,30 "3,64 T 6,40 "3.57 6.4'l 4,00l 6.47 4,0-!a 6.52 "4.07, 6.55 4.11 6.6 4,13 7.01 4.15 " 7.03! 4,I9 H 7,06 Particular attention paid to the wnnta c- ray cui tomera, and will keep the llnoat atoc' FHESIt liAGEK A.I ALE, CHIOCE CHiallK, Ac. OlSTERS in livery Style. Drop Is tad aee me In my new stand. &c:oild-lIiit Oil Weil siip- nltu. io,w rtiln. TVBlNfi. 10. (Hiftr.aiHi i;y. ird 8 Inch CASINO, 6,HH) It SMALL PIPK, 5.000 li HI.'CKKH R()1)H.I Inch, o inch 7 and 6 Indi liltlV INi PIPE, PITTINCH at one-half prioo of New OAS and ROTARY PI'M I S for ?nlo or to r,.uU ENUltlES aud HOILRIIH of all Bif". at IIUIVE Ac COOK'S Box 220, Petroleum Centre, l'a Oe.t-S4tr IION-TON t'l.lltl'AT . SIMNAI.S. Sent on reoniiit ofi ct (Tniiiuc PiiuiiiiK and IViiuliiDt! Uouse ut. vritybtonNtiw Yurt 4.25 1I42S1 4.36 4,45 4,52 5,02 5,05 5,15 '6,17 -5.22 5,3I H543 j,51 "6,00 6,04 fl.OK C.15 6.20 6,43 "6.52 4J656 7,17 7,27 17 45 8,10 J 830 8,63 V M 7.15; 7.18 7,26 7.351 7.40 7,50 7.63 118,01 8,03 a P M s.in 8,20' 8 26 8.30 8,35 11 8.3'.l 8.45 8.47 8.50 11 8.63; 9 03 9,07 0,15 9,25 9.30 9,38 9.43 9.S2 9,64 6.081 8.16 8,26 8.34 8,43 8.47 t 8.50 0,05 9.08 11 9!H 9,43 If 947 10.08 U1018 10.37 10,40 11,03 11.26 A M 10,10 10,08 "10,18 10.27 10.35 10.40 10,45 11 P M 3,55 4,07 4,10 4,16 4,2) 4.25 4.31 4,33 4.38 !4,42 4.50 1.64 5,04 5.16 6:23 5,33 5,38 5,48 5,50 5.55 H,07 6.13 6.17 6,42 P M lit A M 9.55 10,08 10,12 10,17 10,24 10.28 10.35 10,3S 10.43 10,5(1 11.00 11,04 11,17 11,32 11,38 11.62 '12,03 12,12 '12,14 IMPKOVED Seneca Falls OAS IP TJ3VC, With Steel Parkins ftO Hold In Jjnt,t Otf Bnf Fxclnslve Agents for the Oil Reglona, DAUIE, snilll & CO. Sucoeesora to F. W. Ames, TiTirsvir jjE. pa. 12.18 HI227 12,36 12.45 12,63 12.67 I 1,00 1,06 1,10 1,36 51 1 46 1.50 2.14 112.19 2,443 2,46 3,07 3,30 p a Wood Work FOR CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SPOKEO, CENT FELLOES, SAWED, FELLOES, NECK YOKES, HUB BANDS, SPRINGS, SHAFTS, POLES, WHIFFLETREES, AXELS, FIFTH WHEELS, MALLEABELS. And lbs Best Carriage Bolt in Jfarkt DA1IE, SMITH V Co., a Train 11 dcwK not !oi nt Boyd lutm, Hmfl'i-r nr M.ver'a Switcli, and rtoit only o t signal at Bunhtou and Lakcvlllc. (l Trains do not Stou. (T) Ston on Bienal. (t) Stop for Meals. 'i rains o and 4 will run aany. Ail oincr ironu daily except Sunilays. Ou Sundays train 4 wi.l run one hour lata from M:vllle to Oil City. Train 1 will atop at Rnuocvllle on Signal for Pes r.iuuei's KotQK North of Tiiucvjllp. Train i may leave off Rouscril Ic Paeaengera that were ruccived North of TitunviDu. J. J. LAWkEHCF, Gen. Supt C. J. llKfiii'KX, Awi'leupt. nPITIlOLK VA ULeV B. W. 4, 1873, tralos will On and 'lifter Mi r.daj, N run ntfttl lows. NonTil WAHU 1 1, m 4tt n 0 SIX :;n H it-pro ii I NAME OF a m 1 Hill Ar.. JUU51 , 6HI. ...... 11 m U.'l'iLu... a ui 1 ATIONS ,.l)o aontiiwAtm 1 I 3 PitholeCity.... I'ratlicr's .Mill H (too. Ilmni ts Uleojiol s.......Ar J.T. DLA1K, upt. Ilmrr Wickium, Awnt, pitliuir. Pa, Successors ioV. W. Ames. DUNKIRK. WaKHRIV A0 PITTSBlnCUAIIiWAY. Time Table takee cltVt Not. 8, 1618. SOUTHWaHT) Vol. HfPfALO..... 8 0.1am Dunkirk S 4 mm Palconera" Hi inn WniT-n. ...H IW a 111 If viu.ton H NJ s m OiMlty . S "I pin I'lttBlMir. Bupm Xo 9. larVlpm t IS p m U4 pm 4 4 p in 1 10 p in 1 Mi m 5 ai a ra Hit H. 8 4ft p in P Sfl p in 4Hpn 111 :N p 111 IS 40 pro aoitTHWaaa io 2. OIL CITY.... Hull am IrvlrwtoD li .W p 111 Wnrren , 19 m p in Peloo iters U 16 p ra liiinklrl!... 4 HI :n UuU'ulu S at) p ra Aro4. JVoC H)pm e 53 p in (i iSp m 7'a' p m !) 15 p m W 00 p in 4S0aD! f 4 44 pin ' l4nra S2tiam 1015 n m .-tut. n for J.imeiHown, N. T., and ruineiii with A. A Oi W trains east sad wet. Concern) Winn ltUtrl:i' ' and; wesrj on the P. X S r. K. M tUAYEK Cen-1 S,-bJ Pauklrk.New Yk jtOOl i en t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers