ft tt .Warner DEALKK IN SECOND-BIND flHfiG. All CMlnf Engine, ' w.tw MMwtl? DMehased New nd Im E u?ip COri'lW M AOU'SK, 1 m PPr Sw ft "P"d Cn,,B "m U Inch to 14 inch. . -aahlBertoti-IW.. Nearly Opp.ck. w aIL houhi Centre, Fa. eater jj u. wAl(Nn. SA.FOX1IO liibiliintVTor04p6ll llouse- hold lArposoa, except washing ClOUee- SA.PQLIO fleefflnB your B"n, wiV."u. the labor ot one cleaning. Give n a trial, l fWowslt to wrTlutof hS tli or watst. 00 roauiiuK wf. . telfe end earpee. eatlie house; better than foep. Wo I pptng. Haves labor, lull caa't Sunt to be without It SAP OLI Q scratch. ibml bom. and rlandui mllahinir Tinware. Ill Irtgbtens with- oat scratching. SAPOLIQ Polishes Brmnd Copper utensils Pa hatter thea AcMor uu ana jtouen 8 tone, S AP 0 LI 0 furWesblnf Dishes and Olassaare ! Invaluable. Cbeepe. than Hoep. S a polio removes SUIds from Mrbla Mante s, TabUs. ana Statuary, 'B Hard-An'shed Wall, and from Chi na and Porcelain S a p o 1 i o from aernela end other woven: fcb- Tkere laaa aa artleU kMwatkBt W williao aa taaar nUasie won ana M 1 . . 11 aa wall aa ka polio. Try if I HANP SAP 0 L I 0 A a new and wonderful enVe tve " I at Heap, having, no equal la Toll. this 1 HAND SA POLIO aa an article for lb bath, "reaches ' the foundation" of sll dirt, opena the pnrrK and gives a nesunv ec- ' awn aiw.urmia w w uHAND 3 A POLIO I ? , Tesn.es and VautlUe the Skin. im, rn- ataaMy removing any Main nr bla 1 n I ruin uuiv nauu mn ( hand SAP OLIO U .' without a rival In the world for , earing or preventing roughness 1 ... t ,, sad febapplng ot either bunds if HAND SAP Q L I 0 li . , ' re novea Tar, I'lteh, Iron or Ink ' (talni and Urease: lor workers li . Meohiae HhoDS. Mines. 0 , It In valuable For making tbe Bkln Wblteand fott, and giving to it bloom of twenty ' it rsunsurpass. ma oy aav uoameuc anown HAND g APOLI 0 ; . . cotB 10 to lffoenri per cuke. mrtA vrvhodv Hhoiild hAvt It Yon will . JIKC.I I DOnT FA.IL to try these goods 9 ry.-r archaat if ha ... 1 iifiwiiipraMnuiorrea, II Hot, aan writ lor aar Pamphlel, All aaaat 8aaollo aaa It wtl bo mailed t ' -' ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, 0 PABK PLACE, K T ' TvoK all who am wllHntr to wort. Aav nmm. X1 old or yanua, of eilber sex, can make from 9 IV jo f aO per week, at home day or eventug. W anted brail. Soluble to either City or Country, and any aewon of tbe year. Thl lea rare opportunity for taoaa who are out of work, and out . f money, to make an independent living. No eaniial- hiring notdred.' Oar pamphlet, "BOW TO MARK A I-IVUO 1 1 lvlmr'tulf instrnctioni. nont on receipt iu cm Aaaron, a. BUtimn a uu., noma ante, Weiteter Co., N. 1'OR tJAJjK. A diiirabka caaidwoa 04 tba Egbert farm, yoi watar bindj. Evan modern Conven lehed. Jfm b told eheap. Enquire of ' OWENGAFNET. . PatTolaom Centre, Mj 1, UTS. tf 'S Cream! Soda Water ! Piodamation to tfie Citizens of Pet, Centre and Vicinity: R.A.LOZIER, "Washington-St I'or your pure Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn from Leiig's feilver Port able Fountain, No acid or gas to destroy the "stomach, and the best and finest of FLAVOltLXG SYRUPS. I have an fitted up In elegant myt throughout, a new LADIES' undQhNTM' ICE CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT -EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Door Above Mobel 4c Aner kalanaDrr Oooda Store. G1VB IU A CALL. R. A. IiOZIEll. Pet. Centre, Hay 11, WTf tf. For Sale Cheap One 40-Horse Boiler, Gibbs & Russell make, One 12-Horse Lnginem good condition, 800 feet Casing. 1,000 feet tubing, 960 feet Sucker Rods, Valves, Working Barrels, fec. dlso, one Derrick and Rig cemplete. 1 be above property will be sold cheap for cash. For particulars enquire or A. G. HAKrllK, Kane Cily; Venaogo County, Pa A. G. HARPER. Kane Pity, June 17 1873 tf KENWOODoo'lSr'BOYS Freeenta etrone attre'tinn. to pnrerts ar.d piiar diin A DloaMM home; thruugh InKtraetlon: healthful discipline; excellent library, new appar atus. Send for Catalogue Liberal dlicoant to clergymen. i:Yi.Eii.F.e jifioRna. a; nr.. Prin Niw Brighton, reus. DifMolution Notice. Tbe firm of Mease ft Armilroos It thin day direolved by mutual consent. Tbe book! and aroounts of tbe late Arm bave been placed in tbe bead ol Justice Rey nolds for collection, nod all parlies know log themselves Indebted will do well to call on bltn and settle tbe same at once and litre COBtl. U. G. Mkasc ' T. S. Armstrong. , Petrnlenm Centre, July 14, 1873. rS" ? S3 .LJ Si S 1 ' 0 1- a " g I O Si s a-1 9 Um J a 0 SO J-,? r, g 55 s 1 (k .a oh & j 6 I 5 2 "S i l is! S WINES. LIQUORS. ETO $4.00 OIL "WANTED The Oldest EsUbHriicri Li quor More on Oil ( reek. OWEN GAFFNEYFROPR, EEMOVED To the Stew Stand In Chrlrtle't Old Store, opposite the Jamestown Clothing Htors, lVfrolcnm Centre, I'a. New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty of Sunday Com fort left yet I have refitted the "tore formerly occupied hj J. H. I hrletle, corner of Washington and Pint Itts., and laid in a new .lock of the pureat and beat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. My stock consists In'partof BOURBON, AND MOHONGAHE L A RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaica Rums, HOLLAND GINS, HKNNESY, PINKT, CAftTHI.KN CO.'S, AKD MAKTKLk BHANUIKH, DUFFAliO, ROCHESTER aV CAAANDAIOIA ALEtJF Bole Agent foitba , BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Also Agent for the Celebrated GRKAT WEST BKN FIIIAND of Ameriean Chamagne, made hy the Pleasant Valley Wine Co.. btenben county, New York, constantly on hand the imported cham pagnes, Ac. My Cstock or CIOAHS ia t nexelleed in this region. I KEEP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines; OIVE MK A CALL At my new stand OWEN GAFFWEV. ' Pet Ceatte Dec. IT' ' THE OIL HIARKm BY W. U. TEL. LINE Office of j' July 22 1873 S The nil market remain quiet and dnll at $1,80. We bear of oo traoeaclious. f biladelpbia, July 22 Crude, m ReUned 18!. Market quiet. I'lttwhui, .Inly 22. Crude spot, U. O. all year. B. O.d 117, Refined Spot, 22?8'. Market Nominal iS'eiv York, July 22. Crude 6'i l(eflne. 17?4'. 4 MnrUut-Quift. biil,OiNM!n tUKk, Nxw Turk, July 22. Gold tl6's'. P. C. HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa.,. iMitntifartnacr of OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Eninnes and Boilers of every description Repaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATENTEE of HI INZ'S WA TER PACKER. UTTPlTRIKn tt mil hItirlaHftrA af shnrt TtA'Irf) 1JU nil n"IK noimiitni. Oroura by ml. or le:eyrni protDptiyaitcnaca to P. C. HEINZ. Pioneer, Pa., Deo. 21, 1872 tf. THE NEW ELABTIO TR Iiaa. Anlmrer. fant Invention. It retains the rlupture st all times, and under the naruest exercise or severest strain. It townrn with comfort, and If kent on nicht and dey, effrets a permanent cure In a few week, troi eheen. and sonthv Mall when requested, cirrnla s ma, woes mwraiiir iciiw mm hi i iio aierne Truss Co. . No. 688 Broadway, N. Y. City. No. 6K uses Metal Hprlng 'IroHes; too .painful; they slip on too frequently. New Goods. SAVE 101 R M0XEY ! And buy your Boots and Htccs al Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE J BOOT & SHOE STORE I I Keep a very larpe stock of all 'kinds on hand and sell a, cbesp sa any other house in the OIL KUQ10N. Connected with my Store is a Custom Department ! And I irtiarauteo a perfect fit in all my work Repairing ually doue. Next door to Wolf, Jewelry Store. Petroleum Cent r6, Pa. ' daod-tf NEW'GOODS NEW fc J00S,NEW Wm .f(.;i d:v guods CAEPETS, . t4 t-t K- jnsT i:i:cEiveD at M, SAMUELS DRY GOODS STORE, t Washington Street, . reiroieum ucmre. Tlic LurRest and Choapejt etock ot CAIilCOES I to 10 cts per yard. BLEACHED mis JOINS " from 11 to 10 cts. LANSBALE t'MILBACHED iriUKLIN 10 to 15 cts BEST SIKCHAns from ISA.' to 15 cts CLARK'S O N T THREAH i spools for X cts. Dress Goods, Shawls, ; Hos iery, Corsets DomoHtic ricccpOoodfl, Ladfl Ties, Ribbons Houpftkiita the vorv bent ooalltv Prill Ini'tj and Lin- n. Phu and Not die, 6 ctajitr papr, .Carpets at Millinery TrimmingSj LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies Hats and Bonnets, Also, a Complete Stock of Which will be sold at AUCTION toper 'to tk Cheapest Commencing August 1st, IS 73. dTGWe me call and examine goods and prices. , M. SAMUELS. Pet. Centre, July 171b, 1873. McKinley & Gross, Machinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa. ti -i vk : . . uuiiui xkfpuinng a- opeciaiay. REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED ggr Wn wairsnt all work done by us b nearly as pood as new when repaired. Good material furoiobed and prices reasiK . abie. Having bail long experience In tbe budi nesj wo sro enshled to ctve tlt.lscdnn. JOSEPH MeKINtEY. HEiiAbTIAK ORO' Petro!eim Centre, Pa., Jan. 8, tf. oiler Mate
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers