TUG OIL n AKKGTM DY W. U. TEL. LINK CS-. F. ILoester, ..Successor toMKuct ArniMronR. Vi'IlOLKSALK AND RETAIL $4 00 OIL. Offick of rtTRni.KBrM Ckntuk Daily Rrcnrnt July 17 l7a The marknl'ia quiet nnd dull lo. lay oi Soda Water ! $1,05. We hour of no iinnsac'.iors, WANTED i'Mlauiipbiu, July 17 Cr-tnle, 12? J Relined 18 . Market quiet. Proclamation to the Citv$a$ Pet, Ventre am Vicinity: t'ltt-uiui,;, July 17 Crude "pot, !,'', !. O. nil year. U It. O. d U Jj RefinedSpot, 22J. Market Nominal LOUR Tlic Oldest Established Li quor Store on oilCreeU. WINES. LKJUOItS. ETC 1- DRALBK IN SECOND-HAND TUBING All Sixes Casing, Engines, ,fBirSLPPLIE8. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID KOR OLD A.nrf PIPE JU i HU - K to oit .,d t .11 sires of Hp. d C'mIbs from Siler Homc. Centre. Pa. " aprttf. " 5jXCH MiHtOAN'S HONS lobSfor oP ft alUIouse. bold purposes, except willing clonics. the labor ol one cleaning. OWe It . trial, lvnuws is better than Whito til i R or Wnte. . No remm lng cur-. tala and enrpo'a, cleans l'a.ntau woua, in mm fcw eetlie house; better than oep. Bo al itm. Saves labor. YuU cau t .(ford to be without It SAP OLIO fur Peoiirinic KnlVM la lienor na and cleaner than Bath Brick. Will not scratch- SAP 0 LI 0 in better than Soap and band for lollntilnq Tiuwaro. out scratching. tightens with- SAP OLIO INiiiaheVbraaesnd (topper Manilla hetter than Acid or Oil and Kotua Stone. SAP 0 LIO f..r Washing Dishes and Glaeswera ia invaluable. Cheapo than Hoap. Sapolio removes -Mains from Marble M ante.. Tables, and Statnery, from Hard I iiish-d Walla, aud (rom Chi na aud Porcelain. S a x o 1 1 o remorca - mama- ana urw. froru Carpets andoluer woren tab- rica. Hi I- There la bo on article known that wlllldo so bum klaaa at work ana da it well fcapollo. Try If HAND SAPOLI! a ti.w nrt vnndarfbl fft!C ive Toll at Hoas, havtns ' no equal in thla coontr or abroad. HAND S A POLIO aa an aitlcie far the bath, "reachea thafoendtloa"oraii dirt, opens tha poraa and siee health lo tion and.brilltant tint to tha akin. HAND S A P 0 t I 0 (leanaaaand heanttleathe 8km, In erantl renovind any aula or blem lsh from both handa aad face HAND s A POL I 0 la wltliont a rival I. the world for cnrlnc or prarentlttft rooohnean and aad tahapflng of either handa or Hand s A P O L! 0Ik runoveaTavPTteb,' Iron or Ink 8taina and aroaae; lor workers In Mar.Mne'Hhopa, Mlnea, Ac, i tin TahmHIe Fir- uaklni the 8kln White and Salt, and tfivlnir to it a . '-bloom of beauty It la unmrpaaa ed hy aay CoaMHe keoon HAND & A P 0 LI eoeta in to 15 eeuta per cake, and everybody sboold have It Von will HON'Y FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS ..Bay It or roar Merchant If he he. It of will proeare It for you. If not, lhau Wrlfe forsa raaapblet, Ajj ?naat Hanaila," as U wll bo mallei ree. ENOCH M0RQAN6 SONS, 29 PABK' PLAC. ft T DISgOliUTION. The copartnerehla heretofore existing be tween beberaieraata A Ten Eyek is diseolV' ! by mutual consent. 8. P. SCBEIMBBHORK. J. A. Ten yck. racties indebted to the a bore firm must can ana sotlle up aud save trouble. J. A. Tttsr Even. Dated Petroleum Centre, April 8, 1873. Kit II MlliFi. One 15-borae Tift botlor ia complete or der, oat 8-borse Wood & Mann engine and boiler ia CoiBDlaie order. 27& feet 3 inch tubing, extra heavy, 600 feet large tucker uus, i cnows rump. J." A. Ten Etck R.A.L0Z1ER, Washington-St, For your pure Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn from Long's feilver Poit- able Fountain. No acid or tras to destroy the stomach, and the best and finest of Vs. fiayohim; S1IUPS. t have his) flttwl up In clegnnr iylo throughout, a I ...... 1 a rT UU1 .....iniiuTuI Win 14 n as aim uuuuciiiii ICE CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Door. AbOTO Nobel at Aucr halm'. Dry Goods Store. GIVE ME A CALL. R. A, L.OZ1E11. Tat. Centre, Mny 81, lKW--tf. & 2 la 'Ml 9 a 'it a ir. M H a a 9 h t2 I a O "J s SI O 4 rT t-. 2 6 e C3 U Q 5 S " a :5 For Sale Cheap One 40-Horse Boiler, Gibbs fc Kussell make, Une 12-Horse Engine in crood condition, 800 teet basing. 1,000 leet tubing, 960 ieetbucker Kods, Valves, womnff mrreis, bc. yijso, -T 1 a -m- 1 1) J 1 one Derrick and Rig complete. The allOVe property Will be SOld enqaire or a. u. nAtvi'tK, nana uny, Venango uousty, ra A. G. HARPER. Ran City, June IT 1873 tf WAGES TH all who are wlllioe to worn. Any nenon. X old or yonng, of either sex. enn make from 10 to f SO per week, at home day or evening. Wanted by all. Snttalileto cither lily or Country, and any season Ol me yonr. till' IB m iur ,iiuui,uuiij mr thoa wha are out of work, and out , f money, to make an Independent liviug. No capital being required. Uur pampniei, "uv to nAivai a LlVlalO ivinl!;tull inatrretiona, aent on receipt oriu cecia Andreas, A. uuiri'im uu-, Moms anta, weBoauatur co-, n. BENZINE. Just received a fresh supply ot lienzme, tne oest ever brought to town, at , J. A. TEN EYCK'S, , PeUoleum Centre, Hay, 15. 1873-' tf OWEN GAFFNEY.IPRDP'R, REMOVED To tha Now Wand In Christie's Old Store, opposite the Jamestown Clothing More, l'etroleuin Centro, New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty ot bunday Loui- tort lett yet. I have refitted the toro furmorly occupied )y J. II. thrift U corner of Wathiiitori And First Sts., I and bid iu a new ttorkofthc purest and Lent of i Willi's, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AKFOHDS. My stock consists lu'part or BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaica Hums, HOLLAND GIFS, IIKNNESV, PTNBT. CARTILLEN & CO.'S, AND Bl'FFAIiO, llOCHESTEIl cV i'i viivniiijlll ai,i.! soio Agent ror.uio BROTHERHOOD WINES, cf Brockton. N. Y, I ' Also Acent for the Celebrated GHKAT WEST Rf-N BRAAD of American t'kamptine, mad,! by I tho rirunnt Valley Wine Co.. Btenlxm enmity, My Mock ot CIGAH8 la nnexcllced In this region. I KELP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, GIVE MK A- CALL, At my new stand OAVE.CAIF.KEl. Ft Centre Doc. 37 New York, July 17. OtiHle Refined, 18 . Market Quiet. GULP lis l;u ;iOKK.'. New 1'oitK, July 1' Oold I !&?,'. P. C. WEIN&, Pioneer, Pa.,' Maniifartnrcr of OIL WELL. Machinery & Supplies Engines ahd Boileis of every description Repaired at Nioi Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEJfTFfl of Iff IXZ'SWA TEIt 1AHKH. HEP ATR1NO of nil kinds done at short no Ice end nil work warranted. Orders by mai. or tctegrarjb promptly attended to P. B. HEINZ. Deo. 21, 1872 tf. Pioneer, Pa. THE NEW ELASTIC Till .VS. An Impor fnnt Invention. It retains the Kupture at alltiniee, and under the hirdest exorcise" or severe strain. It liWorn wtinconiiiiri, ana 11 sent on wait am diy, eft-ctn a F?rmancntcure inn-few waeka t-'o' rli,!iui. and sont hv Mail when reuntnted. cirrulm free, when iirdored by letter sent to Tho Klertic Tni?e ("o. , No. f8 llroadwny, N. V. City. No. lis.; uses Metal Spring liusacs; too .painful; they slip oil too ircqueuiij. New Goods SAVE 101'R M0AE1 ! AnJ'btiy your Boats and Jbces at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT 8b SHOE STORE I keep a very larco stock of nil klmls on hand atulsellHS clieitpMany oilier lmue in lliu OIL HiiGlOH. Coouected with my bwro ia a , Custom Department And I guarantee a perfect tit In all my work HeiMlrini: iK-ally douv. Next door to Wolf, Jcwe'ry Hiore. . Peti-irU'itm Centre, i'a, ' deotf . AMD Merchant MIK Subscriber liavln" hnnrht theolit X Moise Js Anrixlroiip, Iras mitlin the hn'ilies tlid will keen elwnvs on hm rt Hi,. -tt Ua t....ri.a afor.1.. I will do n IWHOI.HbALE kk i'AIl. trade in tint following prodwtn; Peed-. Hay & OK ALL KINDS. 1 rniCE JiisT. XXX WHITE WII'T Vi.oXTR. oet hhl. fttl (JOHN & OATS ClIOI', per bund. ,t0(l Wlir.AT HUAiM " 1,50 CORN MEAL. " 1.62 01I MEAL " " 3 (to SALT, per bbl . : ja'ctt OAT M KAL, pr lb. ot POTATOES, per btieb, S3 HAV, per bund. l ,yi STRAW ' i 05 OAT.0, per bush., V.r.' CORN . ' m C35"Thcse,n"rtfCnBh pricc3. . . . I Invite a share of. nnMio nAtrnnnTA. rnniim. Rimldeiii I ca,i,glve aa'.'iefactlan in price and (itiaP tyofuoods , . O. F. K0KSTBR. retro!eum Centre, Pa May as 13T3 if McKinley & Grossi 1 Machinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum la. . Centre, Boiler Repairing a Specially, REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED 3J We wairant nil work done by us be nearly as good as new when repaired. Good material furnished and prices reasor able, Having bad lonjr experience lo the busa nea we aro enabled to ejve eatistaetlon. .iosKi'ii Mckinley. skhaitiai oross - Petroleum Centre, Pa., Jau. S, tf. New, Goods. Emel Zed-wich ("LsJ'LE JOE. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER; Has just returned complete slock ol , from rtiiffiilo vith a Fall and Winter Hoods. lias been established ' In Pe tirlr vm Ortre (tr past three jeura, aud boa tliu name of Making (he Hen Fll :uh1 Finest llout in the Oil Region!. Ui) ia constantly receiving orclers from other sec tlona of the Oil liegioiu. Ha constantly keeps on hand Keady-uiade Bootst& Sliocs LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CALL ANnSFP II 111 . KM HI. .KQWU'tf, jfltf 'I'll.- HcekwUli'iOI'ortnh',,, 1 nuilly SowliiK itlaeliiiie. oii ;(() vuK Wrint.i many advanUKes over all. Satisfae n,,,, mmr-un u(i 1 $2.1 n-fn wliil. Sent complete with (nil direc tions. BiK'kwitUSewiugMachlr.a'co.,stialiruuwjy NswiYork. ' .ring Machine, -at. J L.-rtla iretilar, t i'h? MeKec Xaeu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers