H.H.f Warner DRALKK I!t SECOND-HAND TUBING. All B Caring, Englnei, Mte'w"'"; Ncntlr OPP. Roc. "?,',?,2i.'. 1 'el. Je nlVe, Fa. " II. 11. WAlUllklW . aprt tf- HuLn fur allllonno- Ik. il purpoea, clonics. the labor et une deaulng. io It trial, ik. nr Wtn. KO removing tut- 1aii. ud carpo'e. s cleiua I'autana noou, - i-ntltn house; tietwr inu "!- Haves labor. You cau l afford lot without IU SAP OLIO ecratcb. SAP OLIO pollaiilmr Tinware. Brightens wlta out scratching. . S AP OLIO better thin Acid or Oil nd Kotlcn htona. S AP 0 L 10 fu? Washing DWhesand Glassware is invaluable. Cheiw than Huiip. Sapolio removes -- Htaira from Marble Mantes, Tallin, and Statnary, from Hard nninhil Walla, and from Chi na and Porcelain. SaDolio remove Wains and areata fmm Carpets and otlier woven fab ric. There leao one article known dial wl II Jdo a many klnda of work and do It as well aa sapolio. Try If hanjj s A P 0 L I Or enewandwonderiolcnVclvo Toll t Htiap, having no equal in this countrv or abroad. HAND a A P 0 I. I 0 aa an article for ibe bath, "roaches the foundation" of all dlr, opena the pewe" and ivee a nt'snn ac tion and brilliant tint to the akin. HAND S A P 0 h 1 0 Cleanses and hmutinustha Skill, in stantly rcuiovint! any "tain or blem ln irons now nanus nu ; HAND s A P 0 I i 0 J J is wiUiout a rival in tno world 1 -M Mirinir or nreTourlUL' rouslilloe" it wiUiout a rival in tno world for Shrine nrnTnurlUL' rOU!2illltiel and nni ooapplDg of either band or ace. HAND SAPOLIO ramovea Tar, Vituh, iron or Ink ptalne and ren lor workora In Machine bhope. Milieu, Ac , 1 In- yalnenle ror uaaniK tno mm Whiteand toft, and Kivlnutn it a bloom of huauty ' It la nnailrpaia ed by any Coametio known HAND S A P 0 li 1 0 coeta 10 to 15 centa per cake, and ever oouy anouia nave it i on win liko DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. Bur It or your'mcrrnant if Ihe ha It ol will procure it for yon. If not. than write lor onr Pnmphlflt, "All about Sapolio," and It wll ho mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, M PARK PLACE, N Y DISSOLUTION. The copartnombip heretofore existing le ( tweeti SobertDflrburn Sc Tea Eyck it diebolV' ed by mutual cotuent. . 8. P. Hl-tlERMKRHOKK. JT. A. Ttv Etck. Pariiog indebted td the above firm must call and settle up and cave trouble. jr". A. Ten ErcK. Dated Petroleum Ojenlre, April 8, 1873. FOIt HA lift. One 15-bornM Tilt Jbo'ler in complete or der, ona 8-boree IVciod & M'inn eni;inn and boiler In complete order. 275 luel 3 inch tubing, extra heavy, 500 feet large tucker mat. i boowt Puaip J. A. Ten hrcs. I'SCream ! Soda Water ! Proclamation to the Citizen? o f I'd, Ventre and Vicinity: R.A.L0Z3ER, Washington-St, For your pure Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn fporn Long's Silver Port able Fountain, No acid or tras to destroy the stornath, and the best and finest of lLVVOIU(i I have alsi fitted np In elegant m vie throughout, a new iiALfica' aimuu i ICE CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVEK BROUGHT TO 1UWW, Two Doom Aeove Xorrel Auer balm' Dry wot? store, GIVE MB A CALL. It. A. IiOZIEK. rt. Centra, May SI, l-.- if. CQ 1 11 0-1 5 a' H B 1 . ; 2 -3 H f 2 4 a u -3 D a, as FOK SAL.E. A ilftfirablS rcaldence oa tbe Egbert farm Good Watfr bandy. Every modern con veD lence. Will beaold cneap. enquire oi OWEN (rFNEY. PutreiMim Ccnlri1, May 7, 1873. tf IlSSuIil TION. Tbe conartnerthip berelolore e.fiBlinc be tweeo Maraball & Kicbards it dissolved by mutual content. Partiet indebted: to the above Orm must oal! and settle ap and save trouble. H II. JHARSIIATX. R. G. BtcHiitnH. Dated PMreh-tlm Centre, June 8, 187.1. BENZINE. Just recetted a fresh supply of lienzine, tne best ever brought to town, at J. A. TEN EYCK'S. Petroleum Centre, May. 15. 1873- tf U hart FVcirll Tbi 3D cunia a year, with a frite. 8pM-iinn,3ccnie Li-eat Jnvenilo TA uiiini ii-nuiu i ("u nromti yon saw tme. Joun u cago. 1 A I Aldcu, rublishur, Ch Y.-OR all whi are wlllinif to wnrK. Anv pcrn: I1 o'n or young, of eitlier em, Ciiu raukc irom til f.fiO nur week, at hnm Oav or oventll'i. t alii bvall. Suitable to ethcjr City t Cuuutry. ami ai aaawa of the year Thi if a ifira opi'n.tutniy lui tho.-e who are not of work, ai.d out , f momiv, t" make an Inilipendent l.v n'. No ctiiial required. Our pamphlet, "itOW TO MARK t LIVING i Ivtnit lull iairiictn.n. wni '.ot. r-x-.y or 10 cert. Addreiw.A BrhTIi' '. niu, Werbeitei 0, 4i WINES. LIQUOR? VTC, WANTED The (Mdcst Established Li quor More on (HI Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, REMOVED To the New Str.nd In Christie's Old Store, orpniite the Jamestown Clothing .Stole, lVtfokuui Centre, Til. New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty of Snnday Com fort left yet. 1 have rcfllted e alori formerly occupied hj J. C hritula, corner of Wa-hlngton and Flrit ru., aud laid in a new stock of the i,urost and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MAUKET ArFOItDS. My stock consists in part o BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, (New England, Medford and Jamaicca Hums, HOLLAND GINS, HENNESY, PINET. CARTTLLKN CO.'S, AND lUnillliUU aiiuim.--y niH'ALtr. KOOIIESTRIt & CAAAAUAIULl AUM tio!c Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WINES, of lhockton, N. Y,- Aln Airontfnr Die Celebrated OKFAT WrST- EKN ltltAMl of American Chainuaimc, made by the H'-aMlit Vallev Wlue Co., bli uhen courty, New York, constantly on nani ike imported cbaiu- liautu, sc. My ;stock of CIGAKS IS l ncxcllocd in this region. I KEEP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines fSranch blorc at the old stand, No. So Wa-hingtc stiei-l. At my new 6Uud aud see i'.ILl.Y TGCII, VVc OA r 'Si.' . 1 IHKOIL.nAKKETN. BV W1. tT. TEL. LINE , 'IPFICR OI I'KTKuLtRrM Ckntuk Daii.t nErortn i July 8, 1873 ' The market' Is qnlcl and dulllo-'lay at $1,7C$1,85. We bear of no lrauui lona. Philadelphia, July 8 Crude, Uellued 1?,'4' Market quiet. PiitM'lirK, July 8 Crude spot, fij-j. B. O. all year. 12 B. O.d I l?a Refined Spot, 22 Market Nominal New Vork, July 3. Crude "l. ReCnen.lS . Market-Quiet, tiill.D l. NEtt Vll.'tlv '. Nkw Viikk. Julv Gold U5? 4-. Pioneer, j?a.j Jlaniifarlnicr of mm OIL LWELI. Machinery & Supplies Encrines and Boil'era of every description 'Repaired v5 Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER GAS PUMP. PATENTE C l HI l.'Vfc'Stf'A TlilC PAt'KUU. HSPAiniNO r.f nil kinds done at short no Ice n.,,1 nil unr!.' unmuitl-.l. Ordi'iB by mil. or teiiurai n promptly attcnoca to P. C. ITJN2. Pioneer, Pa., Dec. 21, 1872 tf. Mew Goods SAVE Y01R MOXE1 ! And buy your; Hoots nnd.Sbccs at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT El SHOE STORE I kopp wry larcrn clock or nil kinds on hand and fell m cbu-tp an any ofhnr houi in ttio OIL KEGION. ComiecU-d with my Blurt i a t'ustoi!! Itepartnicnt ! And I miaranteo a portoi'l fit In all my work rtniwirina ntly dime. Next door to Wolf, .Icw-'lry SK.if. INtroloiini Cnilrc. In. lli 1-4 11 TIIK NKW Ff.AVrHiTlirSS, An Imprr tint invention. I' r.'iah th ir-iptm., :it n'Jli'n i, and fi.div l e !. .-xe-c...- it Hrt mtn I- 0 w n . ' ml I k' . t i.1 'I.' :M i! "?!r wn ? Gr. F. Hoestcr, V. ncccwor to Mi-ase Aruntromr. WliOLKSALE AND RETAIL R AMD erchant 'nnn Sulwnlhrr ImvJnt! bought Ihe old 1pt)t rf utM will Wtop I'twfijr t n I n' it )ht t-t tin tiiHikofc HlfiiMi. I will do WlloLKSALK a- hi'iVaI?. trade in HhS fulicwiiif prxlnrth; Plcrar. Feed, Craitt OK AP.L KINDS. -PUICK IilT. XXX WHITE WIPT FLOUR, per bbl," $10. CtlUN & OATS UUOl', per litititl. 1.60 VY11KAT HKAN " J SO CORN MEAL " ' 1,(12 OIL MEAL .. i. a no SALT, per bbl s.ro OAT MKAL. p-r lb, 07 POTATOES, per bush, CO H AY, per liund. l.WI STRAW " ' 1.2ft OATfi, per bush, f,5 CORN , . 73 C3$These are Cash prices. I Invite a share of r-nhlic nntronno. f inline onlldi'nt I can i;ivc sntirfactlan in nrlee and uual. ty Of HOMli F. T. K0ESTER. Potroloum rcnlro.l'a May 22 1SV) tf McKinley & Gross, achinists. !Blacksmith.sy ANlV toiler lltnliers Egbert Farni, Peirolcuni Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a Speciality.' REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED M7 We watrant nil work dono by un be uearly as iiood as new when repaired. Good rraterial furniebed ond prices roaso able. llavlnir had lone experience In the bust nesa wo are enalilinj to cive sntNfticiion. JOSKI'H McKINLGY. HKHAWTIAN OROSS Tetroleum Centre, Pa., Jan. 2, tf. New Goods. Emel Zedwich. CUTTLE JOE.") . BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Rap just returned irom Buffalo with ft' complete slock ot Fall ami Winter Goods. Has liwn eflahliFhcd fn Pe tirVrm rtic ( r pflHt Ihruo yciirs and the name of Making I lie Hrst Vit nml Flno.)t Boot in tlie Oil ICejsloiis. Iloin constantly rprplvlnir nrdorn from olherrec tUnm ot tim Oil Region. lie conptantly keeps on hand Kcady-madc Boots4& Hmhs LADIFS AND CHILnPEN'S t iiOLS AND GAITERS. CAI.I. AND KIT III ill . ).' " F.Vi i j.khticii. . lli h v 1 I, O'JO I'.-.rtiiMi- t iil y tii .''.'.'c :;fi rrif. 7rrtJ; i t "!' r :1. S., , : ; ,; -;) ; r.l!,t ' d i ,. n;n' : ' . -. '. , ... . V.-V.u..y vim- li A i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers