Petroleum Centre Daily RecorcT. !. Centre, fa. Wednesday, Jnly 8. Divine Hervlee. MKTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Kernel's every Sabbath at 11 A. M. nd l. M. Babbath School at 12)4 P.M. euta fn-ej. A eordlal invltatiou extend o l to aU. Ket. G. Hooks, Potior. FRFSBYTEIUAN CHURCH. Vri-Bohira at 11 o'clock A. M.. nd7 o'clock M , by the Pastor, Vt. C. Bitrcb i id. r-'abbito School at 12! directly alter lori'sonn rervice. l'raycr Meetine and Sabbath School Teaclinr's Moelirg each wevk. Tuesday evenings of 2'Urolenm Cuiitre Lodge, JVo Tl, I. .Of O. p. Regular meeting nlgbti Friday, at ' o'cleok. Sinned. W. B'. MOKTGOMEHT, N. G. C. H. IUilbv, a See r. str Plsoe of meeting, Mala St., opposite i jviinwca nonse. A. O. of V. V. Liberty lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meats every Monday evening at 7jk o'clook, i J Old Fellow' HaH, Petroleum Centre, rtiuy a. A. Glbnk, H. W. A. M. Klkckbb, R. I. O. Of R SI. M innekeaoee Tribe No. 183. 1. O. R. of l'etroloutn Centre, meet every Thursday vening in Good Templar's Hall. Eiay uouuoii uree iiKhtert at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Sachem, C. L JUKES, Chiul ol Records. OM at I p. m. H5j4' C5TTho Poet Oflice Newsroom Soda Fountain ie now running lo full blast. Call and try glass of ica cool loda water 11k MeaebaaV whose experience with the Indians has bean very, great, says "the beat policy for the future it that all tribal Jtoaa be abojjined," and that treaties with Indiana should contemplate IBs ownership Ey (ho Indians of land la severalty. That is sound policy. When Indians are made amenable to the laws as are white-men, then there will be tbe beginning el .the end" to IoJian troubles. . That polioy is tbs policy. s we uudestaod lt,recosstnended by Bishop Whipple-and others-who have devoted lh- t lives te the solution of the ludlao nroblem There ootild not b a more wretehea mistake than the dealings with chiefs ot tribes There Is no chief who holds bis title by any civilized raw. The "big loiun" Is tbe chief; the greatest IWef ; the bloodiest inur. uerer; me greatest liar, is the chief. There i. .rBimuq or misplaced Iftdlao- confi dence ilowo South In the person ol Rose, the Cherokee chief. He Is a great nuisance and keeps thousauds and thousand ol acres ;ur i Va unaer toe sun out of market. lr - ""voeuoer let no Indian nor a wnite ' . tnan fiof'tjijack man have a farm He keeps it alt lying useless so that he may re lain bis power as chief. And It is just as oatl among tbe wild Indians as with thois naif civilised. Let each Indian understand be is as good as any other red man, and let teb on know thai hir well being depends upon bis own personal deportment and In ; wastry and lb lodlau question t will settlo lutein Seme half-witted would be 'suTart alrck not $iite ee smart as be thinks be is, ndertook to perpetrate a sell on us by ending a bogus account of en alleged rail xoad acoident. Tbe soil was too thin. G apply to your head (.we know your aame) a soiolioo ofeoleratns and B. S. oil. rt may II the vacswej where tbe brains aro sup posed" to be, - John Hnlbert, tbe well koown and popu lar landlord of' tbe McCllnlock House. nro poses to furnish supper to such as desire it, who attend tbe ball oo 4th of July night His old lima reputation on that soore is al( that is heeded to gusraatee what tbe sup, per will be. Ol course all who attend' tire dsnoe will take supper with John. Look out for the grand programme lor tbe Fourth of July oelebration at Petrole urn Centre, to-morrow. It will be tbo big best celebration in the region . Uncle Jehn HulUert, ohalrman of the Fourth ol July celebration committee, r ports baving raised the mm of $2,200 al ready. Guess we won't oelubrste, or. not Tbo rain Mil forenoon seriously Interfax ed with the ffethoil 1st Sunday School p0 nlc, oo (he Steveosoo Farm. This after neon the weather is somswbat pleasanter, nod we understand tba affair is passing off in good shape. Tomorrow, our Freshjtariao friends should bear iu mind tbe pie nic lo be given tbe Sunday School connected with that Qiioruh, at liover's Leap, nnar l'loueer. StiouM the weather prove favorable a nice tiiui.wiil be badi The Products of I'ctro'eiim. While we were writing an item about sending a derrick witb It foroitnre to the Vienna exposition, we began to tbiuk what a wonder It woold ba to nee a collection of samples petroleum and all Its products. There will be nothing exhibited in that world's exhibition whioh would compare witb it. Tbe collection of specimens of crude oils even would be a wooder. Mecca oil, specific gravity, tweoty-fuur degrees, "black, but comely," mHd in odor, suft to tbe touch, tbe beat lubricator in the world West Virginia, "pure White Oak, ".brown er than Mt-cci with a tinge of green, of musty odor, gravity, strictly twenty-eigb degrees." Another sample of the same greener, more p.ingent odor, gravity, tweu t y-uigbt degrees, "Parkersburg ClassiGca- lion." Sand Hill oil, neither green nor amber, but both, gravity too high tor a good lubricator, too low for a g tod Illuminator, well named "bastard oil." Smith's Ferry purest of tbe crudes, straw-colored, gravity fifty degrees, thin, volatile, quick, and peue. Iratiog as gteasud lightning. Dunkard, amber Colorod, with a Qlmy eedimeot at the bottom risiug and falling like tbe mercury with cold or Seat, gravity thirty-tour lo forty degrees. Mabooing, just a shade ligblar la color, odor like a pineapple, gravity tbirty-two degrees, tbe finest amber oil ever discovered. And then tbe Venan go oils, from Brady's Bend, Parker's Frank. lin, Sugar Creek, Pleasantvllie, Hickory, and ell other localities, each witb Its own color and it peculiar odor. And last ot all, appropriately placed at the 'Hail end" oftha list, that indeacrlable, unnamabla sample of "genuine B 8." Pittsburgh Oil Journal. Several "prominent eilizeus" ,of Indian apolls vouch for Ibis story: A Mr. James Shepherd lost bis r Igbt foot at tbe ankle jiint some months ago by a railroad' Vol' dent. While amputation was being per formed a pet dog watched the operation olosely, and seemed in great distress tbat ber master should suBerso. Afterwards tbe dog gave birth to a litter of puppies, every one ol wbicb was bora witb tbe right fore fool, just st the ankle, missing. Says the New York Tribuoe: "la order to secure the admission of the sbooking let lers oftha late MaosAeld T. Walworth were obliged, yesterday, to discover their plea lo the court Tbe theory of tbe delense, It now appears, Is tbat tbe senior Walworth was demented when be penned - tbe letters put in eviaencer it tollows tbat a strain or hereditary Insaaity will be pleaded la extea uation ol the crime of the son. This line of argument is not wholly unexpected, and it bas opened a most painful chapter of do1 KIARRIEDk Een-ninoiioki' McCmntoc.. In Cher rytree, at tbe residence of Mr. Jackson Mc Cllnlock, tbe bride's father, on tbe 2d lost.. I, 1 lir n . . . ... "v u,fv. u. n Mr. Lew i n. EenDioehofT. of Petroleum Huntm. nH Miia uary n. U'cuiiotock, ot Uherrytree. At last our friend Lew. bas left tberanks or tbe Benedicts und entered tbe stale of matrimony. Well, encb things have lo be, and in common witb many other frieods we wish the newly wedded oair a loon and happy life. Slay tbeir path up tbe hill el life be plentifully strewn with tbe "bright, bright flowers," and 00 tbe "downward side" may tbe shadows never come to Inter fere witb tbeir mutual haDolness. Mav they live, In the language of the poet, through a long and prosperous existence 4 Then come tbe wild weather come sleet or come snow, We will stand by eaeb otber. however it blow; . Oppression and sickness, and sorrow and pain, Shall be to our true love as links to the ehfilo." note's our tff, Lew. An auction sale ol sorau individuals goods nipped up for debt, created considerable a musement, on Main street, about noon. We would again remind our oitiasns Of the Tact tbat a ball is to be given on tbe evening ol July th, at Sobel's Opera House tor the benefit of our townsman, Mr. , Geo. W. WiUon, who as is well known bas ueeu afflicted tor a loni; time past with paralysis. Uy the memory of the past, .wbuu Mr. Wil son was one among its, there waff no more liberal nuu thao he, and' tbe fact is nei' kooivn that he hai a heart as big as an ox, consequently now that bo has been afQicied It should be the duty of all to load a help ing band. We bopu to soe a large crowd in attendance, aud tbat a aoodly roll of green backs may bo returned tor bis beouftt. A Kentucky farmer keeps a well discip linad standing army of toads, witb wbicb be has turued back sevoral Invasions of grasshoppers and potato bugs. There aiu't no tru.'tiog ao i:jiin; llc's a citawampotis curs-, 4nd when he's a duing of sunlbin bad, He's a-widUiog 'twas suutbia- wuss. Oir, Newh The old Barber wl'i ot which W. 3. Siile, Jr., Is proprietor, was recently cleaned out and is doing five bar rils of S2 oil. This well has not been in operation for something near tbtee years. No. 34, owned by the same gentietnsa, was also cleaned out, but without tbe above favorable results. Tbe Killott Run Oil Company, are put tiog down another well upon their territory, with every prospect of success. Tbe Pine Grove Company, of which An drew Fltzsimmons, Is a leading spirit, art making preparations to put down a new well upon their lease. The Messrs. IUvenacraFt, are well under way with a new well, on tbe Glanii tract. C C Conger & Co are putting down a Dew well 00 tbe koobtbe same lease in wbicb C F l'onlious was formerly interet- ed, baviug put down a bole there with III tie success tbe well ooly producing about a barrel per day. Mr. Conger, however, bas faith enough in the lease to try uoolber bole. Success attend you gentlemen. Tbe Smut-Nose Oil Company, are trying their fortune in putting down a new well on tbe Glaoz tract. Volcano Lnbricator. We glean the following oil news Irom the Butler Herald : Several new wells have been struck since our lost They are located on tbe McClell and and Woods properties. Tbe Timblia well above tbe old mill is said to be dry. Aswe already said, tbis shows that tbe belt does not go farther west than tbe creek north ol the city. On tbe eastern side 'be Stougbtoa well is also dry and shows that the belt must be oarrow at.least at tbat point. The great question now agitating tbe publio mind is "in what direction does tbe belt lead." Some say tbat it goes south Irom Greece, but tbe failure in tbe Martin well seems lo Ignore Ibis positioo. If it goes west then it certainly must go stlil further west than the Dunn well. Tbe Say well ou the Campbell larm south of Greece miy give tbe out-lot. The damage done to the Ziegler wall on tbe Hueltoa property, has been repaired sod operations were resumed on Tuesday last. Operations at tbe Winfield well have been restarted. The rope broke leaving tbe tools la tbe well. All last week was spent in en deavoring to get Ibem out. On Monday we beard they were taken out We hope 80. The well on the Sullivan's ruu baa reach' ed a depth of five hundred feet. A vein of what appeared to he an excellent quality ;o caooel coal was passed through at a depth of four hundred feet. We saw a sample of sand from the Uotich- erty well 00 the.Henry larm, and to ns, it aouea not ooly oily but smelt so. It oii should be obtained in that locality look ou I lor an 'influx of population to Iluiler. Cobra poison bas been discovered by an English chemist to be identical in its parts witb tbe composition of beer yeast, which upporta the idea that tbe poison ie of the nature of an animal lerment. Rhode Island proposes to euclose Roger Williams Park with a bigb picket fence, to prevent near-'ighted travelers from stepping on it wbile crossing tbe State. The women of a Wisconsin town have or ganized a society to prosecute men who leave Ibeir teams standing ou 'street cross logs. The Penobscot lodiuns aio to be among the compettters In a boat race at Bangor, Me., on tbe Fourth of July. People who are at a loss as to bow many to invite when they want to give -'a party'' msybe gnlded by tbe foil'owing: 'For thinking, one; for converse, two, no more; Three lor an argument; for walking, four; For social pleasure, Ave; for fun, a score." The laborers employed at some mining works in Missouri are debating tbe question as to wbeteer when tbe whistles blow for dinner tbey should empty their shovels or throw Ibem back 00' the heap. An Indiana reporter tells of a poisonins by corrosive supplement." The census ol Davenport. Iowa foots ud 20,450. There are 3,500 libraries in Iowa, who 073 000 volumes. It's the little cuss in tbe cradle tbat makes borne bowl. An enterprising itinerant is offering stuff ed cats for sale in tbe streets. Coleridge. said that toletatlou was limpos- ibla till indifT-'rence made it worthless.. A New lork rostaurateur announces ready-mado dinners for miscellaneous sp potiles. Jones, who has lately been married, says tbat courtship Is bliss, but matrimony is blister. SL'U UOS.l. OKBAI.U X ASSET. The flower you placed within my buttoo hole Has faded; bul there lives wlthio my soul Aaothei'rose, uofoldiog hour by hour-"-Your beauty's ajir iu its immortal flower. That maltea rae rich, with an uofatboaied wealth, And happy In tbe heaven of its healrh. So living warm Ibis dainty Howet glows, A if a snntvsm blushed into a res With fragrance like a waft from beaven afar, And look as lustrous as the morning star. I do not come to crown your besaty, Sweet! Nor thank you for It, kneeling at your feet; But pray that on Love's bsoo it may test, A! as its I i lioness In hit breast? And ask Ilim wbo such promise here bath given, To let me see the Flower fulfilled in Heaven It is said tbat tbe world owes every man a living but a great many men ar too lazy lo collect it. A female student at Colby Uoivetsl!y,Me, took tbe second prize for excellence in de clamation. Of course. A Pella man Has nursed to vigorous growth 150 mullen plants, under tbe halls oloation tbat they were tobaeoo. A book entitled "Lectures to Married Men" bas appeared in England. Have they not bad tbeir share already.; This backward and disagreeable spring bas been ol benefit in one direction. The poets had no opportunity to efllio! us with spring poetry. The Ohio Constitutional Convention has adjourned until July 9. Several deaths from cholera were report ed in Cincinnati yesterday. :' When rt man attempts suicide in Chicago, says tbe Rochester Democrat, be is arrest- d and fined five dollars, though the lodooe- menls lo suicide are probably greater than those of any otber town. What the penal ty Is when tbe attempt 1 successfnl. we are not informed; but it must be thirty day at the very least. A Catholic priest in Chicago, . in conse crating a church full of young women to tbe service of tbe Holy Virgin last week, told them not to paint their cheeks, as it was an evidence ot a lack of brains, and not read weekly story papers, as tbey would fill what braios tbey bad with nonsonsa. A correspondent of tbe New York Jonrnal of Commerce Bays twenty-one National banks, witb a oapilal of over $4,000,000, bad, up to the letot January last, failed, and all but half a million dollars of their circulation bas been redeemed. California poiises9e!r two wooderlul gold mines tbo Belcher an J tbe Crown Point which in the last eighteen months have paid their stockholders the goodly sum of $11, 000,000. The June dividend ol Crown I'oint was paid recently and amounted to $100,000 Since January last this mine and the Belcher mine have paid five month ly dividends, the totals of the former amounting to $3,100,000. ' Belcher lias 140,000 shares and Crown Point 100,000 shares, and since January 1 of tbe present year tne former Has paid stockholders ? Jo pe r share on tbeir investments. A young man at Bloominetoo. III., bas shot bis father, but to his everlasting credil be it said, he finished the work in Ibe oolv decent way possible by shooting himself too. A little child, baving got its fingers caught in some gearing wirile playing in the wheel bouse of the Americus, plying in New York harbor, tbe other day, the pilot bad tbe en gine reversed and tbe boat ran over a small craft and drowned three young men. We can stand the cholera, or anything else not too bard on us, but it requires so inconsiderable fortitude to put up witb sen sation bead linos like these, from one of the moruiog papers: "Slow March of tbe Dread Destroyer." "Forward Movnmentsof tbe Dread King and Roster of tbe Dread of Disease." A Kentucky correspondent tells that a boy was brouglit near unto death by drink ing a cup of whisky. Tbero must be seme mistake in the location, as 00-Kentucky boy, of however tender years, would buc cumb under saeb.a small portion of native beverage. C Whisky taken in large quantities is a sovereignanlidote for tbo venom of rattle snakes, and is used freely ns such in the South and West, Massachusetts poople think of importing a large stoek of rattle snakes for home use. Q'licksilvur bas been discovered near Rochester, Iowa, 00 the Cedar river. One of 1 the, "patents" calls a Boston magazine "Tbe Old End New." Only, a tpyogrsphlcal error. And pious souls there are wbo view Tbe world tbrotigb goggles oolored blue ) And others who have never Been, Except through iigales colored green.- There are fourteen thousand drug stores the Uulted States, aud Ibe number of pi Ions employed la tbe various branches of tbe drug business Is estimated al one huu- drcd and thirty-five thousand. There ere 228,101 names in tbe new di rectory of New York city, aa increase of about 17.000 over Inet year. - lo;al Aotif.ea. llfchVFAIi AOTICE. Ha ving concluded to close out my busi ness in Pe olt 11m Centre, I desire to Inform my nld patrons aad friends that hereafter I shall be located in Scbonblom's new bull, ding, Oil City. Pa., and would respectfully Invite them lo pay me a call. I shall be 10 Ibis pUee for Iwo weeks and those desi ring my profeo. .onal services Would do well to call. 3. H. HE1VIY. Pel. Ceatre, June, 23 iw. For Sale Cheap One 40-Horse Boiler, Gibb Si Kussell make, One 12-Hort' Engine in good condition; 800 feet Casing. 1,000 feet tubing, :J60 feet Sucker Rods, Valves, Working Barrels, $rc. Iso, one Derrick and Rig ccmpkte. The above propcMy will be sold! cheap for cash. For particulars enquire of A. G. HARrER, Kane City, Venango County, Fa A. G. HARDER. Kane C I ty, June 17 1873 tf MtDTTIICIB t Go tv H7X LOZIElt, 4th Street,near u. It. track, tor your BEMItfE, deliv ered at thewelh for 11,7V per Barrel Petroleum Centre, Feb. fib I'll Greatest Show on Earth f P T BARIMUKI'S Great Traveling; s . mir s a u imc A'ND World's Fair, Tea 150108 Larger than Ever".- WILL BKHJBIT IN TITUSVILLE Saturday,- July 5th, ISIS The a Clot-sat Pavilions Covsrlhg several acres of from d.: Three Grand; Full' and Complete l'erfor-" niances of the entire 20 GREAT SHOWS f DAn.t-VOH!IINO,ABTERlrON and HVlj. NINO, Doors om M 10 A. M., end J and t P. M. Ose Slnnte Ticket (50 cents,) A"drhils tn All Oltll.DREN under !) vnsrs HAt.F PKICB Kr-rved AiufliUhvuire Kfu, tjc Will also Exhibit in .Dunkirk, July 8d, Corry, 4th,and Pittsburgh 7,-S, 0, & 1(Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers