Petreum Centre Daily Record. jrt Centre, sn., Saturday, I June US. Divine Service. . yrnoDisT EriscoPAU church cervices evnry Sabbath at 11 A. M. and P. M. Suhbath School at 2 P. M. oats Irvei A cordial Invitation extend d to ull. Rev. G. Moorb, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCn. PieachinR at 11 o'clock A'. V.. anrl!7 o'clock l'. M., by tbo Pistor, W. C. BrmcH aki. Sabbatn Sohool at 12j, directly nl'ti.r Inrenonn sprvice. l'rnyer Mrtlng and Sabbath School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings of each week. Fclrulciim Centre Lodge, No. via, I. O. of O. F. KeRiilar meeting nights Kriday, at 7 o'clock. Sinned. V. B. MONTGOMERY, N. G. C. H., A Sec'y. Cfl'loce l' meeting, Main St., onpoeite McClinlock House. A. O. of V. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of IT. W., meets every Monday evening at 7J o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hull, Petroleum Centre, Peuu'a. A, Glinn, M. W. A. M. Kl.KCKXBR, R. I.O. olH. M. Minnekannes Tribe No. 183. I. O. It. M of Petroleum Centre, ajeets every Thursday evHninu in uoou Templar's Uall. Council tires lighted at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Sucuetn, C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records. Gold ut I p. m. 115 CSTThe Post OIHce Newsroom Sod fountain is uow running la (ull blast. C all and try glass of ice coot sod water' An article is going the rouoda of the pi. pus, stating tbnt tbe eating ef tomatoes produces ali manner of ills, and raakes tbe teeth to come out. .And bow we see Ibat German writers deoounct tbe potato. Tbey declare that on a potato diet natrons deter 1 ruto botu physically and mentally. One writer maintain that tbe excessive use of potatoes uinoog Ibe poorer stasses and the uo ol coil'de and tea by the higher olatset Is tue cause of tbe jndolenee of, nations. Id tnis connection wa notice Ibat a prominent Cincinnati physician condetaas the use ot new potatoes that bave been long washed ucUiu cooking. He says Ibe praotioe of washiog' ,ow- potatoes' before i tbey are brought to Tfurkt't 'makes' tbem positively tuUt for raod. We see, do explanation- of opinion, nor any reason given why washing loe dirt off the potatoes makes tbem so in- jului.s for food. "Ji'ke as a plaak of drift wood Taaft'll on the nriliirn m.ln ?( " J Aomhcr l;uli encoualeji, , Meets1 touchesparts again, 1 ' bo, tossed, aod drifting, ever On life's unresting sea, ' Muu meet, and greet, and saver, ' Port Ays ox Cocsrv 1'ai'BHs. The sew ,iosiHKB'lav7 blcl goes into etTect oa tbe tirat dy of July next, requires prepayment of pouaKe oa all regularly ' Issued publics tions soul through tbe nulla. Each sub scriber ol the REtotu by going to tbe post luuitor at tbe oko where bo receives bis pa ptr, oa or bc'ore tbe liral day ol July, eto vlib five cents prepay tbe postage on it ,fnr tl.j "Xt three mouths, for ten cents six mi)n lbs. We would uil vim this paymeoi fer no more than six months by all residents in t.'ie county, as doubtless the law will be jucuided early in the next si'Sjioo of Coo gi" 'sn, so far a tegarda the circulation of aanva in tuejeounty wnere published. Lou. Voucher i not lo be outdone in bis efforts tu please bis customers this waim weather. lie bas invented a new and de licionsly cooling beverage, composed of 'walor front Ibat famous well, lemoo, sugar, ion ar.i a strawberry. Alter being well Bjook tip drink at your leisure. Tbo boys cal it ''Lou's Bi'st," and say it gees down almost as smooth as "velvet." ' Considerable excitement existed on Ibe Cr.uuiuia farm, a day or two siuce, over a lull child belonging to Mr. John Hickman. Tin cbilJ wits llnal y found at some point on C!;crrytree Run, nearly three miles from its ho'aie. ' It sixtns to us of all articles the worst to t. enl would be nitro glycerine, and yet ". -a (but dauuerwis compound Is uneafefum tiio. . iuht Qogi-rt'd gentry. Last nlgbl some unknown puty bioke Into the Roberta Tor t vl .uafiaziua at Sbambtirg, and carried cJ' ovi't sixty pounds of nltro-glycorine. !v io 't . it Is uieilj lo compel exuberant ; i.l.i io ivi.'j. 0,i age !n Missouri It is ;. ! jinn. r it. il with a shot gun. T IV ' .i'kt ir extteuK-ly warm aod sul- Artemne Ward aa em Actor. ' Said Artenius Ward: "I Ilka art, I adm're dramatic art, although I failed as an actor. It was in my scboclsdayi that I tailed aa an actor. Tbe play was tbe 'Ruins of Porape l' I played tbs ruins. It was not a successful performance but was better than the 'Bur ning Mnuntaio. He was not good; be was a bad Vemvlus. Tbe remember ance ot makes me ask : 'Where are the boys ot my youth?' I assure yon tbts is do conundrum Some are among you here, some la America somn are In Jail. Hence arises a most touching question: 'Where are the girls ot my youlbT Some are married, some would like to be- Oh my Maria! Alas! she married another tbey Ire qnently do I hope she Is happy because I am. Some people are Dot very happy: I bave noticed it. ilr orchestra ll small but I am sure it is good so far as it goes. ( give my pianist ten powods a night aod bis washing. . I like m.isic. I can't sing. As a singist I am not a success. I an sad dest when I sing. So are those who bear me tbey are sadder even than I am." Rev Henry Ward Beecber't memory must be very treacherous. Ia bis address to the Press Association on the Hudson a few days since he spoke of bis early connection with tbe Cincinnati newspapers as temporary ed I tor. Be represented that be edited tbe Cincinnati Gazette lor a few months when he was a Tbcologieal student and that tbe publisher "broke" and the paper was sold. Tbe CtnolDnatI Gazette cornea lo tbe de fence of that sbset, ia tbe truth of history aod aaya it is not true tbe Gazette ever met a forced sale, for "while its propiiatois may at times bave been poor, tbey always pild debts." The Gazette tays the Cloclu natuoiiroal, a Presbyterian weekly, was tbe paper Mr. Beecber edited. Gilbert Gordon has eotirely rejuvenated the old Wlneor store, aod it now presents as neat and tasty aa appearance at any hardware store lo Ibe oil region. We would sdvise our oil men aod cltlzeui generally to pay Mr. Gordon a call. Tbey will find any thing and everything in tbe bardwaie aod oil well supply lion. In prices ha oannot and will aot be undersold.' Give bis itore visit Now that frugal housewives are getting tbelr soap grease together and fixing up leaobea, isn't it about time lo start those beautiful lineaot William Cullen't on their annual lour: Tbe melancholy days bave come, Tbe worst ot all the year When women jaw and make soft sosp, Aod the pld man takes bis clear. Seli.inu at Cost. On Monday ntxt tbe well known dry goods dealer, Mr. C. H Suepard, of Rouserille. will commence sell' a- off at ooat bis large and extensive stock of dry goods. The stock coosists of all kinds of dry goods, trlmmiDgs, laees, gent's furnishing goods, &o , wbiob will be sold far below cost Here it a good chance to buy goods cbeap A bill is be lore tbe Legislature of tbe Dia trlct ot Columbia, exempting from taxation for five years all cipltal hereafter invested in manufacturing establishments io tbe Dia trict, provided tbe amount is not less tbs $1,000 It Is thought this bill will pass. A man In Conneo icut bas petitioned tbe Legislature to be divorced from bit wife be, cause she bas become iDSioe. If the depths of meanness could be sounded at the bo'- torn would be found tbe man who attempt 1 1 put away an Insane wile. Tbe Julie tary vommitiee to wnom the petition was referred, reported against its prayer saying "Tbera were only two precedents cf such divorces in tbe State, one about a hundred years ago, aod one la 1870. Tbe committee believed tbey were bad precedents. The woman wat insane, and probably incurable. But ber insanity came from no fault ef here, and the committee thought that It would not be to accordance with tbe taered mar riage compact to cast her sway for this cause, any more than ll wonlri be proper lo put her atide because ibe bad became para lyzed," In the case of young Brigga, arrested at this place, a day or tw j siuce, charged wilb the larceny of a quanli'y of old junk, at Pairview, Butler county, Ibe 'defendant, wa learn, was held in tbe su u of $1,500 for SB appearance at Court lo answer. We did nt learn wbstber be secured ball or not. Tbe Road Commissioners are bard at work repairing tbe roadt throughout tbe lowosbtp. Recently Ibey bave been en gaged on tbe Egbert Farm and McCray Hill Tbe gentleman from Italy, accompanied witb a band organ and monkey, paid tbe town a visit yesterday. Ha wat only wel comed by a few small boys. Specular iron ore baa been louod in Cook county, Tenn. Tbe lotal number of money officrt now lo operation It 3,06G. It Is no ancommoD thing tor a child to show a great deal of jealousy a tbe advent or a younger member of the lanilly.eul nev er bave we beard or such jealously ' taking so sertonsen aspect as lo a esse repotted fmm Vtcksburg, Jfiss. Among the oegio abins on a plantation near Ibat place It one, tbe oceapants of wbioh have a little boy about all years old, noted for bts sprtgbtll nese and intelligence. Recently a baby brother arrived, and at once his resentment was manifested toward it. One day last, week while the children were left alone Ibeir parents being at wort In tbe field, tbe little boy picked up a brlokbat, nearly as ha&w aa he could oarrv. and walking into the cabin, where tbe baby lay in Its cradle, pelted it over Ibe head with tbe brick tin til be actually succeed lo breaking Ibe In fanl's skull, masblng it almost to a jelly- Be then managed to get tbe obild out ot Its cradle, and drafted III lifeless body to Ibe woods, a short distant e from the bouse, where be b'd tbe body la the bushes, and re taming to bis playmates, said lo tbem: "I beeva I till ule baby." He then led them to the spot where he bad left tbe body The little murderer maintains an air of per. sisient Indifference about iba crime he com mitted. A Mr. Nichols in 1819 waot ia a aalling vessel fra New Tork to California. He wat oaught la a gala and supposed tbe sblp would founde r. lie made a note of ibe eon ditlon ol affairs, sealed bit letter la a bottle aod threw It overboard. Mr. Nichols want through all right, bat the bottle floated around three years and anally drirteJ oo tbe shores ef Chill, where it wat picked up opened by an American, and tent to Ibe ad dress wblcb wat ia tbe letter, aod now the letter It in a Irame on the wall of tbe bouse belonging to a daughter of Mr Nichols, who I Ives In Portland. Oregon. That "Ocean Malt wat about aa tlow at our present mails. He Cane hi it Bui He Won't Ran After Aaother Rabbit for Anybody. From Iba Peoria Review. Mr. Tweezer wat on tbe bluff, last even log, ceiliog on a lady friend, aod Ibey were ont ao the porch, discussing tbe 'works o1 the grett authors, when the young lady' pet white rabbit, wbhrh bad escaped from lit cage, came rushing around the bouse with a big yellow dog after it. Tbe youog lady screamed, and Mr Tweezer Ibrew a rocking chair at the-dog, frightening bim away, bat knocking over eight flower pots and telescoping tbe chair. Then Ibe young lady Implored Mr. Tweezer t calcb tbe rabbH and save It from Ibe borrld doge. And Mr Tweezer commenced to oateh the rabbit. H employed stratagem at ttrst following It around lo Ibe back of the beuse and whistling gently, lo true hunter's style, lo arrest Its attention aod eaaae it la step. Then be made a grab for It when ft paused to reflect under tbe gooseberry burbeo. Mr Tweezer grabbed aot wisely but too well. for tbe rabbit took advantage ef his pbwging and snatching aroood among tbe bushes I scurry over Into a neighboring yard. Tweezier didn't like Ibat much, and be took occasion to ssy something derogatory to tbe character of the rabbit as be extricat ed himself from tbe thicket. Bet teeing the yeung lady near, be smiled a dim tort of a tmile and got off a dismal tort of a joke about forty thorns ia the bead being warlh a rabbit lo tbe bush. Then be girded up bis lelnt and returned Iba catching of tbe rab bit. He bad left bit bat among the fruit ful shrubs, aod at be vaulted over tbe fence a portion of bit coat tall remained oo a pro truding nan. nut Mr. Tweeter meant business. And to did tba rabbit Tbey ooursea cross iaa yard, men oat In tbe sliest, Ibea down two blocks, then Into a potato Held, Ibea leto another yard, aod here a man came out and asked Tweezer what lo all sixty-six ha wat Irjloi to do. Tweezer asked bim If be didu't have tenet eeougb to see for himself. And tba man smiled a sad and pitying smile. ivre mil interview took plaoe, It might be tiated that tba rabbit bad gone under ibe cow liable. Tweezer crawled under and abased ll out. Anybody might know that by tba look of bit wblta duck olotbesl Wheo be came out tba chase bsgaa anew. Tbe rabbit wai fair and walled for bim just oatoeotner tide or a picket feoce. That lima the pursuit led down tba middle of tba street, and tpeotatora looked on aod clap ped Ibeir bandi witb enthusiasm. Tweev er't blood wa np, aad be resolved to ealob that rabbit. When Mr Tweezer came up aod reoelved ibe prey from tbe jaws of its captor, no lounq to nit inexpressible sorrow that tba poor little animal bad not been killed. So be bora II back and restored It, aobirav ad, to tbe loving arms which awaited It al borne, and io tba midst of tba caresses wblcb were lavished oo tbe return ef tba beautiful pet. poor Tweeter wat forgot tan. A girl la Tioga eso't Hka to walU; ia aayt 1 1 makes her puke . For the New York Evangelist. BABY'S rBAYEK. "Now I lay me" aod tbe eyea, The rogultb eyes of lauglung blue, bull or mischief, ae enclosed Ere tbo prayer It bahVtray tbroogh. "Down lo steep" an 4 the Uds, Like while ofouttalaa are let down: For the baby eyea Have caught Just a glimpse of alataaf-own. 'I pray tbe LordeiyaeiiHo keep; Tbe rosy Hps sy soWf 0i i Msy the Holy Katbarkarp Always as pure that snwwy brol tin shaiild diebeforaajs Snlnmn words 10 SOftly SIM. f ' f May the Heavenly Father 'fjjjjjj Long our little darling's heii."" T .t- j l il kifrari- "1 pray loe luiu my w ii Ab Father I when that bsur. jsbaH came, May Thou Indeed be very near, And take bim io bit angel bone. "Aud Ibii I ask for Jetui like," it'U - O baby, prayera as pure at thine f t, Truly God will alwayt bear, When offered at Hit holy-shrine ; Amen" sod al Ibe last sweet wotd Laughing ll railed Ibe golden bead, L Abl little doet tbe baby know ' Tbe solemn words that he bat said, NOTUS OF THE DAY. Fencing It being revived. Capl. Jack will hardly baog. Nilfsoo ceuld play tbe flute al ten. Transplanting rarely belpt tbe literary meo. P.i..uJk..h..lih. ,ji'jaiui"uuaiovioeewouiuuo wtu noining will iaaa tmoae ttaios . out marble. Mia. Stonewall Jackson it vititing mend. ti la wvuuBt la attek to ona naltisul hnlljie man . " Beecber thinks God la Ignorant of matbe maiics. St. FanLiMino., hotels arc ovsrHow. witb tourists. (- A Msnager) it known by tba comgwf' be keeps. . Potatoet are tba hardest thing to bar,' witb judgemeot. Sao Fraacisco's paupert cost I cental dsy to board. ,w. Illiooie rfVer t falling; tbe Mississippi f unusually blgb. Y. Tbe effete mnnsrebs of Europe cant lav crease their back oav. T Poultry Is tender wbeo yoor tbumb nall .ill l L. . u.. .1. r. will unn .ii p.iu. The annual return of the 17-year lo casts Is gravely alleged. Heat is killing tbe frb In tba tlought at Marysville, Cal. Dickens among tte Slerrat would bare been a dead failure. A Beloit man bat applied for a patent ont a flying machine. Wabaub, III., beglna to harvest winter wheat In a day or to. It li hinted that itndylng law made young Walworth Insane-. A aecand mortgage bat been laid on. lb' New York Tribune property. A Chinee In Sao 'Fraooltoo claim tba name Guiseppe Garibaldi. Tbe Bulileyi are bnlldiog a balloon 90 feet tall, In Sao Francisco. Kosantllne. wblcb tbey use to redden wines, baa aseole In It. Dr. Hayt never saw any naturally formed lea over 18 feat thick. Ever get your foot wedged la railway iraoi ai a train wai coming! Tbe Atlanta 8un credit! Cate witb tbs remark, "To be or not to be? orange, mat oo one aaa written a ro-i maooe aa tbe sserob For tbe Pole! Four ladies at Brownsville, Texia, have been poisoned by sardines. An Inter-stale oblokea fight between Georgia aod Alabama it recorded. Joe Howard taya "Betty and I"' as a poem, amounts ta ihucks. Tba Board of Health should past a pro blbilory tariff oo all epidemics. SprlngBeld. III., bat bad aaandspouf taller than her opera house. Atl tbs quaekt are relabeling their old linemen! bottles "cholera remedy." One-lenth of tbe produoa of Contra Oosta Cal., ta hooked by squirrels. An Indlaoapolli couple, two yaari divor ced, were re-splloed on tba I7tb. Tobacco juloe sprinkled oa potata- bbgi lodneed the latter to curl np. Tba Cairo Bulletlo mggeiti that tba pos tal aardt be need at blotting pads. Carton, Nevada, It vocal with tba whoop ing cough or Washoe Indian children. Maton, Georgia, hat an editor who 'flfta nom eoeician to julep with versatility, Cruelty to compel a eoeahmaa to.,.., a baavy livery coat lo summer. Ut Hall sayt moikey canars turn won't cure enoitimni inn. Tbe Cholera Is scourging ,ht .,, . , above aod below Memphli. All .." N"1 tiver the plantations are deserted bv ,11 Rnn.ftfii. Anil tha r.ft.ll.- ' l0S . -.i.jr among tbe black. Is tearful. The epidemic has parsing ,i busine, and tbe ditT-rent railway uue, ' Memphis and Nashville bave au.pen.Ud many ol tbelr trains. Sleeping c,1(, fc . knea taken i-ff the route beiwecn Nhvl' sod Memphis, and tbe service Is r.l11Cld to tbe lowest pcsMbln point. One of the jmbrs called in tbe Walworth cue In New York, on being questioned it ia bis koowledgeof Ihecase end iht h mlht have read of the shootitnj but It hurt entirely pawed out or bis mind until reviv ej in Ibe Court j be thought be did remem ber that tbe prisoner bad been accused of killing Ms father. That was a model jarymao. Tba muty iter occured two or three weeks since but ft kid escaped that juror's memory even if he er knew it. It showed the good sense o( fwyers that they said that juror might statu, tjide. Such a memory as that would s. i atidb a livery taree ibat does nol remember Vifafai)ii.R more than Qve minutes i "Baweuiog mexicaa Bunexaiion,'isu't earth llfavone ol our national vices! lc-1bubtrul tP'Bre fiend" is approprialo feneala jatl fugitive held a babe otv Ider eo the guard nniildn't fire. LitM'.lsl iolie:!M. il&Nl'Al NOTICE. i4ntc: concluded lo close out my hurl-. iWia relroleum Centre. I ilenirn ti inr..rm am ret fato list at1oc 'tjeii Std intrens and ..lends that bereatter 1 ooated In Schonlilnm s new buii- City. Fa., and would teepectiully 'in In pay tue a Call. 1 shall be 4iv JO'1"'" ll,r " " wrt-iia nuu mitw ue! i IB; MB out 4 .i'! j, Iintre. June, leula;Uib1,,'','. J. II. I1E1VLY. 23-2w. SALE. oa the Eghert Farm. er Bulars enquire at tbe PoilOfUce. Ll'or Sale Cheap -Horse Boiler. GiMis ell make, One 12-Hor.-e in ffood condition, 800 biasing. 1,000 feet tnlun, it Sucker liods, Valve?, Barrels, efce. llso, nick and Rig complete, ove property will lie sold 'or cash. For particulars of A. G. HARPER, Kane City, vTan County, l'a A. li. ItAlU'bll. I It, June 17 1873 tf Clf A.GE. A. Lozier, who has been -I in the Wholesale Ale trfc It Jt the past year, has this dtl''posed of his entire in tec' " said business to the firm of-Jl :A(fe Williams, who will ccf ' " the business at the old 8t; ' -ilr. Lozier desires ns Tjhis sincere thanks to Jr- patrous for the lib (onage extended to hiin. past yeai. ' V. A .will act as agent for V'nronrietors. and keeps I af j j )ply of that fine Buffalo vkY"iJe on nanu. Mri Lozier desires all par ties indebted to him to settle at one as. he wishes to have is lxk& Waneed. Daud April 24, 18U t Go to WrA. UIZlEBt li Strect,near K. K. track, tor your BENZINE, deliv ered at the wclh for M, per VarreK Fsiroleaw CMtreFeb. 6tb-t. H0TH3E. 6 e Parife Knowing themselves indebted to us will dd well to settle before July 1st next,there by saving unnecessary trouble and expense, as all accounts not settlec! by that date will be col lected by law. .- SQtlEL & AUERHIAM. Pet, Centre, Fa., June 16tb. cure eaniompt ion.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers